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➵ Quillon Jacobs

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:05 am

Quillon Jacobs
the brutal mentor
Victor of the 1st Hunger Games

Full name: "I'm Quillon Jacobs, but you've probably heard of me already."
Gender: "What's wrong with you? I'm a man."
Sexuality: "Ladies only." Quillon is heterosexual.
District: "I mentor for District Three. Most of the tributes are wastes of my time." Quill hates his tributes, unless they have the potential to become violent murderers. Otherwise he will dismiss them as weak and stupid.
Age: "I'm the oldest - and strongest - mentor." He won at the age of seventeen.

Voice type: Bass
Appearance: Quillon takes pride in his towering height of 6'3", made even more imposing by broad shoulders and a lean, muscular frame. He always wears an arrogant smirk as he looks down at everybody else. His brown hair is short and spiky, and his electric blue eyes blaze with ruthless determination. He speaks in a deep and booming voice, often talking over others.
Personality: "I'm a real charmer. Women love me." Quillon is arrogant and uncompromising. The world is black-and-white in his eyes. He thinks he is always right, so everyone who opposes him must be wrong. His enemies are nothing but monsters to be slain. While Quill can be loyal to his friends, he will turn against them if he suspects betrayal - or if he never saw them as a friend in the first place. He looks out for himself first and foremost.
Partner: "Khali McKellen. She and I think alike." They are married.

Alliance: "None. That District Two brat betrayed me. I hope her death was long and painful." Quill originally teamed up with Moxie of District Two. Halfway through the games, she became disgusted with his sinister plots and they fought.
Reaped or volunteered: "I was reaped. Never let that stop me."
Parade outfit: The 1st Hunger Games barely had a proper parade. Quillon and his district partner wore silver uniforms marked with District Three's number, and together they held up a banner with their district emblem.
Interview angle: "I'm not here to pretend." Quill was his arrogant, brutal self. Most people hated him.

Alignment: Neutral evil
Weapon of choice: "A sword. Just like the one I used to cut down Gabriel." Quill isn't even that good at it, he just put a ridiculous amount of brute strength behind his blows. Most of the time he relied on bullying weakened opponents or sabotaging them first.
Skills: "I have plenty. Enough to win the Hunger Games, at least." He received top-rate grades in District Three's school system, even graduating early. Almost all universities in Three fought to recruit the prodigious victor despite his attitude. Quillon, of course, attended the most prestigious one. They gave him a free scholarship for life. To no one's surprise, Quill is currently cheating the system to rack up as many degrees as possible and screw with the job market in his district. Why? He thinks others have it too easy, and they need to 'pull themselves up by their bootstraps' like him.
Fatal flaw: "I have none. Even if I did, I would never tell you." Exploit his ego or black-and-white thinking.

Mentor: "I had none." It was the 1st Hunger Games, so no other victors came before him.
Training score: "Ten." Gamemakers were impressed by his swordsmanship.
Victory: "They had it coming." The gong rang out, signalling the 1st Hunger Games' opening. Most tributes froze on their pedestals in horror, but not Quill; he dashed for the weapons without hesitation. As helpless sobs and screams of terror echoed all around him, his cruel lips twisted into a triumphant smile like he'd already won. These pathetic tributes didn't have it in them to kill or even fight back. But he could.
By the time his fingers closed around the sword's hilt, tributes had already begun to run. Many fled in blind panic while others scrambled around the Cornucopia out of desperation. To Quill's utter disgust, his district partner Pixelle wasn't one of them. This snivelling twelve-year-old brat hadn't even left her pedestal. Tears streamed down her cherublike face, as if they'd save her. Useless.
So he'd start by eliminating the weakest links. Sword in hand, Quill approached the pathetic child. Her eyes, glistening with tears, widened with hope at the sight of her fellow District Three tribute. What a fool. Did she think district loyalty meant anything to the future victor? She opened her mouth, maybe about to plead for help - but it turned into a horrified shriek. Quillon brought his weapon down on his own district partner without mercy nor restraint. Pixelle's dying pleas turned the heads of every tribute as her own district partner, her last hope, attacked her in cold blood. Then silence replaced the cries, and Quill dropped Pixelle's body unceremoniously on the cold earth.
The first cannon of the Hunger Games fired, breaking the spell. The twenty-three children left alive were no longer fellow human beings bound by a shared fate, able to be empathized with. Pixelle's spilt blood spoke volumes against such false pretenses. Now they were tributes, enemies, obstacles that stood in the way of each other's own survival. Tributes all across the plain dropped their hesitant masks and attacked one another as if their lives depended on it, which it did. The Hunger Games had truly begun.

Quillon regrouped with his ally, Moxie, near the Cornucopia's mouth. No one dared attack him after his ruthless betrayal of Pixelle, which almost felt disappointing. His blood sang in his veins for another victory. Thankfully, his eyes fell upon the pair of dainty District Ones prancing about. Both Letitia and Gabriel outscored him in training, an unacceptable slight against what would otherwise be a flawless victory, and they needed to die for it. He and Moxie attacked them at once.
To his surprise, the scrawny Ones drove them back with elegant coordination. Quill's lips curled in disgust as he and Moxie fled the Cornucopia like beaten coyotes. The only reason those runts won was their loyal teamwork, something that shouldn't exist in the Hunger Games in Quill's eyes, and he vowed to destroy their partnership no matter what it took. He glanced over his shoulder just before disappearing into the woods. A cannon fired, and Quill's eyes narrowed at the Ones standing over another girl's body. Just as he expected. They could pretend to be morally superior all they wanted, in the end they were ruthless killers just like himself. This was the Hunger Games after all.
That evening, Quill and Moxie continued to hunt tributes until darkness fell over the forest. Their ruthless search resumed the next morning. And the next. And the next. Every time, Moxie stole the kill from right under Quill's nose, and his anger built with each passing cannon. The Capitol said they'd sponsor him for giving them a show - but how could he, when his disobedient dog of an ally kept finishing off his quarry? Quillon decided that Moxie had to go.

Soon, the numbers in the arena began to dwindle. Quill finally scouted out the District Ones' camp, but he dared not attack while Moxie remained by his side. She'd certainly steal his glory just when the enemy lay helpless at his feet. So, then, it was time to get rid of the liability. Still stewing in rage, Quill sabotaged Moxie's spear by cutting the blade loose from the tip. She wouldn't notice until the next time she tried to use it. And by then, it would be too late.
After making Moxie take watch for two shifts in a row, he finally allowed her to sleep. Quill debated on whether he should just stab his helpless ally and be done with it. No, he decided, Moxie deserved to suffer the knowledge that her own teammate hated her. It was her fault for stealing Quill's glory again and again. In fact... he could humiliate her, make her initiate this doomed fight.
Boiling with hatred, he shook Moxie awake and launched into a rant he knew would set her off. He listed every gruesome, torturous atrocity he'd commit against District One, smirking at the fury that sparked in the girl's eyes. It was working. Finally, Moxie spoke up - and Quill wasted no time snapping at this 'kid' that she'd better take his orders seriously. She pointed her spear at him in a threat -
"You will not give me orders, least of all these orders. Back off, District Three. Consider yourself warned."
Quill had exactly what he wanted. With a knowing smirk, he smacked her harmless weapon and the sabotaged blade fell right off. The look on Moxie's face was a work of art to his eyes. If only she wasn't so damn ugly. He attacked her then, spitting hypocritical accusations of treason in her face - surely the Capitol audience would side with their favorite rather than this useless show-wrecker girl. The dying Moxie dragged herself away to bleed out in the bushes, and Quill just laughed and laughed. His pathetic ex-ally would die alone.

The cannon fired hours later. With Moxie gone, Quill prepared to carry out his plan on his own. He hunted down the enemy alliance and stalked their camp until nightfall, when only a single ally stood watch. Quill narrowed his eyes at the sight. It was Conrad of District Four - he'd apparently joined those dreadful blondes. No matter. He would die just the same.
Quill rushed into the clearing, only for Conrad to shout some battle cry and charge. The counterattack caught the District Three tribute off guard. Quill was on the defensive now, backing up into the undergrowth as Conrad hacked away at him. He caught a glimpse of movement inside the alliance's tent. Not much time before Gabriel and Letitia joined the fight.
Gritting his teeth, Quill put all his hatred and rage behind his blade. He soon gained the upper hand and cut his foe down. As he turned to flee, he heard the dying Conrad shout after him.
"You filthy coward! Moxie was right about you!"
That determined little rat, she'd made it to the enemy camp with a warning. This failure was all her fault. Of course, it didn't even occur to Quill that maybe he was in the wrong for betraying his ally and leaving her to bleed out.

Quillon returned to his old camp to recuperate. Facing both District One tributes at once would be foolish, so he hid and waited. One of the deadly duo was bound to die at some point, and that would level the playing field for Quill to strike. He just needed to wait it out. In the meantime, he took out his anger in the usual way: Hunting weaker tributes. He first stumbled upon a stick-thin boy from District Six, but the kid managed to escape. No worries. Quill would just find an easier target, especially since the Gamemakers sent mutts at him whenever he wandered too far into seclusion. The creatures never hurt him, just drove him in the right direction - naturally, the Gamemakers were aiding his victory.
When he finally discovered the twelve-year-old girl from District Nine, she'd strapped herself into a tree to sleep. She awoke to the snap of twigs as Quill began to climb up after her. A shriek escaped her throat, but she fought back, kicking him in the face with all her might. Quill fell from the tree and landed below with a dull thud. Vulgar curses seethed from his lips; not only had she humiliated him, now she was climbing higher. Further from his reach. Just as he thought he'd snap from frustration, a chime dinged behind him. Quillon's face showed bewilderment as a silver parachute floated down to land at his feet... then vengeance, as he opened the sponsor package to reveal a lighter.
Screams echoed through the woods as cruel flames climbed up the tree trunk. Quill just walked away, leaving the District Nine girl behind. Eventually a cannon fired, then torrential rain doused the woods, further proving Quill's hubris. The Gamemakers didn't want him to go up in flames too. No, Quill already understood he was meant to win these games.

A few nights later, the distant sound of mutts howling was music to his ears. A cannon fired soon after. Now, only two tributes remained in the arena - Quill and his final enemy. With a smile, he set off to claim his victory against District One.
He found Gabriel huddled in the ruins of the Careers' camp, wounded and bleeding from the mutt attack. Quill smiled in triumph and advanced with slow, deliberate steps. The District One tribute raised his daggers in a feeble attempt to fight back. With a laugh, Quill kicked the little blades away. He planted a boot on Gabriel's chest and drew his blade. Quillon swung at his foe again and again, unrestrained in his thirst for revenge. The helpless tribute from District One could do nothing.

"Going to cry for your mother?" Quill spat in contempt. Those were the last words Gabriel ever heard. As District One's cannon fired at last, Quillon Jacobs became the first victor of the Hunger Games. Not through merit or honor, but through sheer brutality. He'd carved a bloody path through his fellow tributes just as the Capitol intended, and his cruelty would be rewarded by the very system that built him.

Quillon's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 1st Hunger Games

【 D1 ◇ ✘ 】 Gabriel: Ever since he scored 12 in training, Quill wanted to kill him brutally. He succeeded.
【 D1 ◇ ✘ 】 Letitia: She scored 11, which Quill is also bitter about. He hates her almost as much as he hates Gabriel.
【 D2 ❖ ✘ 】 Moxie: Quill hates her. They used to be allies, but she wouldn't listen so he stabbed her.
【 D4 ◇ ✘ 】 Conrad: How dare this idiot team up with District One? Quill hates him too.
【 D4 ◈ ▣ 】 Diana: Quill doesn't care about some random tribute Moxie killed in the bloodbath. It's like she doesn't exist.

Other Mentors

【 D1 ✘ 】 Licaria: She isn't as bad as the other Career mentors, but she still annoys him.
【 D2 ✘ 】 Icarus: Quillon has an incredibly intense hatred for Icarus. They fight all the time.
【 D4 ✘ 】 Edmund: How dare this Career pretend to be nice. All of them are just born rotten.
【 D5 ♡ 】 Khali: Quill's wife. She is the only person this arrogant jerk will ever listen to.
【 D6 ✿ 】 Gleam: Gleam is cruel, not afraid to show her true colors. Quill respects her for that.
【 D7 ✘ 】 Garry: Bleeding heart weakling who sucks up to Careers, disgusting.
【 D8 ✘ 】 Jasper: Quillon considers Jasper the most cowardly, weak mentor and wants to pick on him.
【 D9 ✓ 】 Ronny: He brutally killed Careers, so Quillon has fond opinions of him.
【 D10 ✘ 】 Jillian: Quill considers her an annoying brat and loves to look down on her.
【 D11 ▣ 】 Himaya: She seems to be the silent strong type. Quill has no problems with her.
【 D12 ✘ 】 Maverick: Quillon sees him as pathetic and weak, not even worth his time.

Named Tributes Mentored

【 4th ✿ 】 Bane: The perfect tribute, this ruthless murderer put on a great show.
【 7th ▣ 】 Theodore: Mediocre. At least he killed that Career girl who had a crush on him.
【 18th ▣ 】 Lucius: He was strong, but Quill got disappointed when he fell for that Career.
【 20th ✘ 】 Aleksander: Stupid smart-alec moron got himself killed in the bloodbath.
【 20th ✓ 】 Demitra: After she killed a tribute and ranted about Careers, Quill began to like her.


【 ✘ 】 Cordelia: Quillon's ex-wife. He treated her like garbage until she kicked him out.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Sat Jul 02, 2022 5:24 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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➵ Edmund Grant

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:37 am

Edmund Grant
the socialite mentor
Career & Victor of the 6th Hunger Games

Full name: "I'm Edmund Grant, nice to meet you."
Gender: "Thank you for asking. I'm a gentleman - he/him pronouns are appreciated."
Sexuality: "Everyone is beautiful." Edmund is pansexual.
District: "I'm the mentor for District Four. All my tributes were wonderful, don't you agree? So honorable and hardworking." Edmund loves and respects his students so much. Even the scariest ones have a place in his heart.
Age: "I'm in my thirties now, can you believe it? I was seventeen when I won the 6th Games."

Voice type: Countertenor
Appearance: At 5'10", Edmund is tall for a man of District Four. He is built slender and athletic from a lifetime of training by the beach. You would be right to judge this book by its cover - his golden-blonde hair and tan complexion paint the image of a sunny, outdoorsy gentleman. Although he has icy blue eyes, Ed is by no means cold. He has a soft face to match his soft heart.
Personality: "I'm always here to lend an ear. Oh, I didn't mean to make it rhyme. Am I making dad jokes now?" Edmund loves people in general. Although he is an extrovert, he prefers to listen rather than talk about himself. His high level of empathy helps him counsel others about their problems. As for his own emotions, he is open about them around his friends and family. He would never passive-aggressively wait for them to "figure out something is wrong". If he has an issue, he will tell them directly.
Partner: "Happily married to the love of my life, Naomi." Growing up, Edmund had a huge crush on his classmate Naomi. She entered the Hunger Games the year after his victory, and he sent her notes and chocolates with her sponsor presents, despite it being a little unprofessional. He was overjoyed when she won the 7th Hunger Games and joined him in the Victor's Village. After a few years of dating, they both proposed to each other at the same time, then laughed at how perfectly in-sync they were. Edmund and Naomi were soon married and moved in together. Once both are ready, they might start a family together.

Alliance: "I was a Career. You can ask me about my time in the arena, I'd be happy to tell you."
Reaped or volunteered: "I volunteered, just like the Careers before me."
Parade outfit: As a tall District Four boy, Edmund was shoved in a lighthouse outfit complete with glowing lights.
Interview angle: "I was happy to have someone to talk to. I admit I was shy at first, but I enjoyed the interview overall." He put on his sweetest smile to hide his nervousness. Although his extroverted personality helped a lot, he did stutter at key points.

Alignment: Lawful neutral
Weapon of choice: "I use a bow, but a fishing spear also works." Well, it only works on literal fish. Edmund could never fathom throwing a spear at another person.
Skills: "I'm what the kids call an 'emotional support Career'." Edmund educated himself about all types of communication, from District Five alleyway slang to Panem Sign Language and everything in between. Now he can translate, a task harder than others might expect. It takes tremendous skill to resolve communication breakdowns between a blunt, literal Career from District Two and a southern belle from District Ten who hints at meanings rather than risking rudeness.
Fatal flaw: "I'm a bit of a scaredy-catfish." He panics in close combat scenarios. Also, despite being a trained Career, he can't bring himself to kill others. The only time he ever killed was when he had her permission and she was dying anyway.

Mentor: "District Four had one victor before me, but he was a traitor and paid the price. So I had no mentor." In Edmund's year, he was the only Career Tribute without a mentor. But he fixed that for District Four with his own victory.
Training score: "I scored a nice eight." Edmund's score landed in the Career range.
Victory: "My allies and I fought with honor. We were interrupted by mutts, but... I finished the fight once we dealt with them." Mountains and plateaus featured heavily in this year's arena. However, the Careers chose to head south to a wide-open grassland. They pitched their tent overseeing a small lake, positioned strategically so they could defend their water source. The only trouble came in the form of persistent lion mutts. They'd prowl around the water hole, and the Careers had to drive them off every time.
The constant mutt attacks seemed to grate on the alliance leader's nerves. Willow, already angry over the horrific fate her friend Rowan endured last year, now seemed more monstrous than the mutts threatening their lives. Every time a tribute crossed her path, she'd kill them with terrifying brutality. Edmund didn't even know how to calm her down.

Ignoring Willow's unpredictable temper, the alliance was off to a decent start... until the Cobalt incident. This District Five idiot ambushed and murdered Ed's district partner, Angelica, in the middle of the night. He then had the audacity to drag her body back to camp, declaring himself the newest member of the Careers. Ed had no idea how to react to this horrendous atrocity. He noticed Cobalt was staring at him, probably planning to murder him next - and close combat was not Edmund's forte. His only option was to distract the murderer long enough for his allies to wake up.

"Well, hello there lovely." Swishing his luscious golden hair, Edmund approached the murderer with a flirtatious smile and a batter of his long eyelashes. He detested this disgusting tribute, but his plan was working. Cobalt looked completely stunned.
The murderer opened his mouth, voice dripping with venom.
"What the hell. How about I kill you n-"
Cobalt's words were cut short by the alliance leader, Willow, striking him down with her spear. A look of absolute horror and revulsion contorted her face as she kicked the dying tribute away.

After the Cobalt Incident was 'dealt with', the alliance mourned Angelica's death in peace. Things returned to normal after that, well as normal as could be without her. The number of tributes in the arena continued to dwindle, though something had changed in Willow. Once brutal and full of hatred, she now faced her opponents with respect and honor. She even shook hands with Desmond of District Eleven before fighting him to the death. It seemed Angelica's loss had reminded Willow how a Career should act.
At last, only the six Careers remained. They shook hands, exchanged some amicable last words, and prepared for their final fight. Ivana and Aldrich were first to fall, defeated by the leader of the alliance - Willow. Edmund was not looking forward to facing her.
As the District One tributes' cannons fired, Edmund turned to his best friends Lewis and Cole. Tears flooded his eyes as he drew his weapons. After everything they'd been through together, how could he fight to the death against them?
He didn't have to. A lion's roar in the distance told him the mutts were back for revenge.

Purring with hungry glee, the pride of mutant lions surrounded the four remaining allies. The Careers slashed and shot into the crowd, but there were too many. They'd have to break out of the circle to survive. Willow called for an arrow formation, volunteering herself as the point-woman, and the boys fell in line at her flanks.
Slowly but surely, the Careers fought their way through the swarm. Until Cole broke formation. Grabbing one of the dead mutts, he used it as a 'disguise' and charged into the heart of the pride. His diversion worked, allowing the others to escape, but the lions descended upon him. Willow, Lewis, and Edmund looked at each other and nodded. All three of them leaped back into the fray, hacking away at the lions - but Cole was beyond help by the time they reached him. Lewis ended his suffering with a blade to the heart.
Now the three remaining Careers had to fight their way out again. Willow shouted for them to return to formation, which they did - but their point-woman was starting to weaken. She didn't notice the lion pouncing for her throat. But Lewis did - and leaped in front to save her. Deadly jaws closed around the boy's neck, and a cannon fired a moment later, followed by Willow's scream of grief and rage.

At that moment, Willow lost what restraint she had. Edmund's eyes widened as his alliance leader struck back with inhuman fury, more ruthless and wild than the mutts she fought. It didn't take long for the lions to concede. They fled to the mountains, yowling in terror.
Willow fell to her knees once they'd gone. As the murderous determination died from her eyes, Edmund watched his trusted ally return to her senses. After taking a moment to catch her breath, she looked up at him.
"Let's finish what we started."
Willow raised her spear. Despite everything the mutts had done to her, she still wanted a final fight. How could Edmund deny his ally's last wish? With a solemn nod, he decided to humor her. One last 'battle'.

The fight was terribly one-sided, but Edmund made it look otherwise. Even let his dying friend gain the upper hand at key moments. Only when all her brilliant determination burned itself out, only when she fell to her hands and knees in an exhaustion she'd never recover from, only then did Edmund declare the fight finished. He set the spears aside and nocked an arrow.

"You fought so well," He reassured her. "Do you have any last words before I..."
A weak chuckle escaped the defeated leader. With the last of her strength, she smiled up at him. "Thank you, Edmund."
The tribute of District Two closed her eyes before the arrow struck. As the cannon fired, Edmund lowered his bow in a moment of silence for his fallen allies. He'd become the victor of the 6th Hunger Games - at the cost of bading his friends farewell.

Edmund's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 6th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ✓ 】 Aldrich: Ed was scared of his vocabulary but soon realized he was nice.
【 D1 ◆ ✿ 】 Ivana: All the conversations they had were incredibly interesting! Ed will never forget her.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Lewis: Like Cole, Lewis was one of the best friends Edmund ever had.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Willow: Ed was a intimidated by the alliance leader at first, but grew to love her.
【 D3 ◆ ✿ 】 Cole: Edmund loves this prankster! He always put a smile on everyone's face.
【 D4 ◆ ✿ 】 Angelica: Edmund's beloved mom friend from back in District Four.
【 D5 ◇ ✘ 】 Cobalt: Edmund hates him, but flirting with him was hilarious.
【 D11 ◇ ✓ 】 Desmond: Although they were technically enemies, Edmund respected him.

Other Mentors

【 D1 ✿ 】 Licaria: Edmund sees this young Career mentor as his daughter. He loves her so much.
【 D2 ✿ 】 Icarus: Icarus is a fellow Career mentor and great friend. They're usually near each other.
【 D3 ✘ 】 Quillon: A traitorous, arrogant brute. Edmund is disappointed people like him exist.
【 D5 ✘ 】 Khali: She is bigoted towards all Careers just for their district number. It's so uncalled for.
【 D6 ✘ 】 Gleam: She is everything Edmund dislikes: cynical, cruel, cowardly, dishonorable. Oh and she's a bigot.
【 D7 ✓ 】 Garry: They are on good terms and have much in common. Edmund hopes to become closer.
【 D8 ✿ 】 Jasper: Edmund's best friend out of the non-Careers. Jasper is baby.
【 D9 ▣ 】 Ronny: He is apathetic and immature, so interacting with him slips Ed's mind.
【 D10 ▣ 】 Jillian: She treats Careers oddly, but Edmund hopes she will come around.
【 D11 ✓ 】 Himaya: Edmund would love to get to know the quiet mentor better. She seems nice.
【 D12 ✓ 】 Maverick: Ed and Mav communicate well. They act as translators for Careers and non-Careers.

Tributes Mentored

【 7th ✿ 】 Clair: Sweet and tiny baby. Edmund misses them so much.
【 7th ♡ 】 Naomi: Edmund's love, the first lass he ever mentored. He's so proud of her for winning.
【 8th ✿ 】 Noah: Naomi's twin brother, a sweet lad. Edmund was fond of him.
【 8th ✿ 】 Kindle: She was a little harsh and abrasive, but Edmund loved her all the same.
【 9th ✿】 Haden: A lovely, optimistic gentleman who Edmund easily got along with.
【 9th ✿ 】 Sophie: Edmund sees her as a daughter. Brave lass died to save a child.
【 10th ✿ 】 Drew: This laid-back, cheerful tribute has a special place in Edmund's heart.
【 10th ✿ 】 Ashanta: A pacifist who refused to hurt anyone, no matter what. Edmund is proud of them.
【 11th ✿ 】 Dana: A bright, spirited kid who Edmund considers one of his own children.
【 11th ✿ 】 Mimosa: Edmund loved this young gentlewoman. She didn't deserve to be mauled by mutts.
【 12th ✿ 】 Aletriss: One of the tributes Edmund felt he could truly understand.
【 12th ✿ 】 Riedo: Edmund loves and respects Riedo. He's a little offended that others are scared of her.
【 13th ✿ 】 Adaro: Edmund is proud of him and will never forget his smile.
【 13th ✿ 】 Candela: Strong, honorable, and a little hot tempered, Candela was one of Ed's favorite tributes.
【 14th ✿ 】 Torrent: A calm, reasonable tribute. Edmund is furious at the coward that killed them.
【 14th ✿ 】 Megan: Kind and gentle young lady. Like Torrent, she deserved better.
【 15th ✿ 】 Mircea: Edmund loves this sweet tribute like his own child.
【 15th ✿ 】 Solstyss: Ed will always be proud of this determined lass.
【 16th ✿ 】 Lilias: This friendly tribute's smile always brightened Edmund's day.
【 16th ✿ 】 Carys: Edmund has absolutely shed tears over how proud he was of them.
【 17th ✿ 】 Kai: Edmund adores this sweet, optimistic tribute who won everyone's hearts.
【 17th ✿ 】 Jody: A sweet young lady, calm and grounded. Ed loves her like a daughter.
【 18th ✿ 】 Coral: A little withdrawn, but Edmund was fond of them all the same.
【 18th ✿ 】 Ripley: Another tribute Edmund loved, who deserved to live longer.
【 19th ✿ 】 Mason: A well-rounded tribute with a bright spirit. Edmund loves him!
【 19th ✿ 】 Justine: They tried to protect everyone dramatically, even Ed. He appreciated it though.
【 20th ✿ 】 Killick: Edmund has a soft spot for Killick and adores him.
【 20th ✿ 】 Caspia: Words cannot properly express how proud Edmund is of Caspia.


【 ✿ 】 Caroline: Edmund is close friends with Caroline, who teaches in District Four's Career Club.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Tue Jun 21, 2022 7:14 pm, edited 38 times in total.
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➵ Khali McKellen

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:49 am

Khali McKellen
the megalomaniac mentor
Victor of the 2nd Hunger Games

Full name: "Khali McKellen." Originally played in 2014 by gimme_the_pie, who left the site. The character was taken over by TheFae. She has altered the character since then, so I received permission to use the 2014 version of her.
Gender: "Do I look male to you?"
Sexuality: "Ask again and you won't leave this room in one piece." Khali is heterosexual.
District: "I'm District Five's mentor. If you underestimate my tributes, you'll face the consequences." Khali is harsh towards her tributes. She only cares about the strong, ruthless ones, or those capable of trickery and treason. Bleeding heart weaklings get ignored.
Age: "Thirties." Khali won the games at seventeen.

Voice type: Soprano
Appearance: Khali stands at 5'8" with beautiful hair, thick and dark, flowing down to her waist in silky curls. She has lovely blue eyes and a flawless complexion. In terms of stature, she's athletic and slender with a hourglass figure.
Personality: "I'd suggest you don't mess with me." All her beauty is a deceptive exterior that hides inner evil. Khali is rotten inside, full of hatred and megalomania. Her wealthy private-school upbringing in District Five has twisted her mindset into one of entitlement. She considers herself a genius, able to commit the most heinous crimes and get away. Winning the Hunger Games only confirmed this.
Partner: "I'm married to Quillon Jacobs, sorry guys."

Alliance: "I teamed up with Ashley, but those disgusting Careers killed him." Khali didn't know what compelled her to ally with her twelve-year-old district partner, Ashley. Maybe some shred of decency remained in her heart.
Reaped or volunteered: "I volunteered to save a little girl." That's a lie. She just wanted to kill.
Parade outfit: Khali and her district partner were covered in solar panels to symbolize renewable energy. Totally not her style.
Interview angle: "Angry and vengeful. Can you believe they fell for it?" Khali expressed outrage about the reaping. She told the interviewer she couldn't stand to watch a twelve-year-old girl die, so she volunteered at once.

Alignment: Chaotic evil
Weapon of choice: "A sword. What else would I use?"
Skills: "I knew a hundred ways to kill someone before the Hunger Games even existed. Do you know how I felt when I wasn't reaped? Furious." She's been studying killing methods since childhood. When she volunteered, she couldn't help but smile with the knowledge that her odds of winning far trumped others' chances. The newly-founded 'Careers' were in their infancy, and she tore through them with ease. It's been twenty years since then, and Khali is still convinced she'd effortlessly defeat even the modern Career packs. She keeps advising her tributes on how to exploit them so she can live vicariously through their deeds.
Fatal flaw: "Nothing." Khali's district partner was her weakness. She got attached to the little boy, Ashley, and began to view him as a younger brother. His death genuinely enraged the ruthless tribute from Five. Doesn't give her an excuse for torture though.

Mentor: "I needed no one." District Five had no victors at the time.
Training score: "Eleven, just what I deserved." The Gamemakers loved her.
Victory: "It was hilarious." During the bloodbath, Khali considered abandoning her scrawny district partner to his fate. She'd come here to kill, not to babysit, and Ashley would be nothing but a liability. Still, she'd presented a false image of big-sisterly protection to the cameras. Maybe it was worth exploiting that angle to gain sponsors early on. Then, once the Capitol provided her with the necessary food and weapons, she could get rid of the dead weight.
The gong chimed through the arena, and Khali had made up her mind. She ignored the weapons and charged straight for Ashley, plastering an expression of fake concern on her face. Her heart pounded with excitement as the District Six tributes approached to attack him. If only she could slaughter them all, but their time would come eventually. Pushing aside her bloodlust, Khali shoved past the Sixes and tackled her district partner off his pedestal. She tucked the kid under her arm and ran away with this burden in tow.

After running for a while, Khali set Ashley down near some riverside boulders. She made a show of fussing over his wounds until a familiar metallic ding rang out. It took everything within her to suppress a smile as the silver parachute drifted into her lap, carrying with it an entire first-aid kit - her plan to gouge sponsors was working. Khali spent the whole day caring for the brat, treating his wounds, even putting up with the incessant blabber that flew unrestrained from his lips. Ever the patient actress, she even made a point to position herself upwind so the chilling breeze wouldn't bother poor, innocent Ashley.
Once Ashley fell asleep, the real sponsor presents began to flood in. Khali once again swallowed her laughter before it could erupt. Hot meals, bread, bottles of fresh water, the Capitol showered her with all of it; so her big-sister act really was a novelty to them then. How trite and pathetic. When a gleaming sword finally appeared at her feet, Khali considered dropping the act right then and there, but something stopped her. No, not yet. Maybe she'd hunt some tributes and clear her head first.

Khali stalked through the undergrowth, every sense on high-alert for potential prey. Hours of hunting later, her eyes lit up with triumph at the sight of Dashielle and Ford from District Six. The audience would love this. Not only was Khali about to slaughter two birds in hunt, bringing herself closer to her inevitable victory... but narrative-wise she'd be taking revenge for her sweet little Ashley. How poetic.
As the Sixes drew near, Khali crouched low in the bushes, every muscle in her body tight with anticipation. Three... two... one... pounce. She lunged with a brutal swing of her sword that cut down the massive boy from Six. His partner reacted on instinct and ran, living up to her name. "Dashielle, huh? Dash away all you want, but you hurt Ashley and you can't run from the consequences."
Khali chased after the District Six girl with a malicious grin on her face. As long as she kept taunting, Dashielle would break eventually. Soon she cornered her quarry against a cliff, and as expected, the wild-eyed tribute lashed out at Khali with her axe. Laughing, Khali punished the reckless strike with a merciless slash to Dashielle's shoulder that sent her to her knees. Defiance blazed in the Six girl's eyes, only to extinguish as Khali swung again, and again, and again.

As morning shone on the horizon, Khali returned to camp with her trophies in tow. She'd thoroughly looted the Sixes, stealing even the personal trinkets they brought from home as a final victory token for herself. With her bloodthirsty viciousness quenched for now, she decided to wake Ashley; playing as his valiant protector felt good. Khali had to admit part of her was beginning to like this dynamic.

"Don't worry, District Six won't be bothering you anymore. How's your leg?"
"Fine, you... you beat both of them?" Ashley's eyes widened in shock. Khali just smiled and showed him the Sixes' tribute tokens, two pairs of matching golden chains. Yet, despite the blood on her hands, Ashley simply reacted with gratitude that she'd eliminated his attackers. As he wrapped his little arms around Khali's legs, she realized she'd made the right choice to keep him around after all.

The Canadian-themed arena soon dropped in temperature. Just as Acacia and Sam of District Two encroached on their riverside camp, a blinding blizzard struck. Nobody could see a thing in the raging snowstorm. Khali searched for her normally-talkative district partner, but heard nothing but cannon fire. When the snow died down, she was left alone with Ashley's dead body.
She swore revenge on the Careers, especially the tributes from District Two. Even though the snowstorm made it impossible for Sam and Acacia to see who they were fighting, Khali still managed to convince herself they'd targeted Ashley on purpose.
When huge cougar mutts attacked the Careers' camp a while later, Khali smiled with glee. Prince of District One was in the sky that night, and his allies would soon join him. The next morning was just as frosty and cold as Khali's heart. She found the injured Genesis, heartbroken and despairing after the loss of her precious boyfriend. How sweet... not.
Khali brutally murdered the District Four girl and carved a threatening message in the stained earth, then set up Genesis' body in the most visible place. She wanted Sam and Acacia to see the grisly scene. Now the hunters - the Careers - would become the hunted.
Acacia was obsessed with protecting her district partner, but unlike Khali, Acacia's intentions were genuine from the start. A sinister smile spread across the District Five tribute's face. A plan was brewing, and it involved giving District Two a taste of her own medicine...

When the feast arrived, Khali knew exactly what she'd do. She lay in wait for the District Two tributes to separate. When Acacia ran off to kill a tribute who'd threatened Sam, Khali leapt into action, grabbing the smaller boy from District Two. She held a poisoned dart to his neck and demanded he scream for his district partner. Sam refused, so Khali smiled a wicked smile - she would scream for him.
"Acacia! I have your precious little prodigy. You have a minute to get here before I stab him!"
Acacia arrived with a desperate, crazed look. Dropping her spear, she fell to her knees and pleaded: "Let him go. Kill me instead."
"Too late." Khali plunged the poison dart into Sam's neck. Her smile widened at the horrified shout from the District Two girl, and then the real fight began. Khali would never be able to defeat District Two under normal circumstances, but Acacia let her emotions get to her. She was rash, reckless with the anger that consumed her. It was exactly what Khali wanted.
Soon, Acacia made another misstep. Khali took advantage and wrenched the spear out of her grasp.
"I'll see you in hell, murderer," she hissed before impaling the District Two girl on her own weapon.

Turning around at the sound of a scream, Khali raised an eyebrow in curiosity. Sam was still alive somehow. The precious little prodigy of District Two rose to his feet through pure determination - how cute. Khali decided to mess with the kid a little.
"Oh, how touching. Are you going to avenge your love? I would never allow anyone to forget about the dishonor she brought to your district. Yours too."
"I will avenge her." Despite the poison coursing through Sam's veins, his voice was full of conviction. "When I go home to my district, I'll make sure no one ever forgets her bravery. The only person who brought dishonour to their district is you!"
An inhuman snarl escaped the District Five girl. "You'll die for what you did to Ashley!" She cried out, anger fuelling her wild attacks. Each swing of her sword was backed by hateful vengeance. Through a crimson haze of fury, she saw the boy fall to the ground in a helpless heap. A murderous smile distorted Khali's face as she stood over the defeated Career.
"You have shamed your district, your family, and above all, Acacia. Go to hell. This is for you, Ashley!" Khali shouted to the skies as she plunged her sword into Sam's heart. As the cannon fired, she smiled to the cameras to savor her victory.

Khali's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 2nd Hunger Games

【 D1 ◇ ▣ 】 Prince: Khali mostly ignored this Career. She doesn't care about him.
【 D2 ◇ ✘ 】 Sam: Responsible for Ashley's death. Khali hopes he burns in hell.
【 D2 ◇ ✘ 】 Acacia: Also responsible for Ashley's death. She deserved what she got.
【 D4 ◇ ▣ 】 Genesis: Another worthless Career. Khali killed her to scare her District Two allies.
【 D5 ◆ ✓ 】 Ashley: Khali had a soft spot for her district partner and wanted to protect him.

Other Mentors

【 D1 ▣ 】 Licaria: She's a Career, but her personality is too fun to hate.
【 D2 ✘ 】 Icarus: Disgusting District Two citizen. Khali hates them all.
【 D3 ♡ 】 Quillon: Khali's partner. They are both brutal, with a hatred for Careers.
【 D4 ✘ 】 Edmund: He is a Career and deserves to die just like the others. Khali despises him.
【 D6 ✿ 】 Gleam: The only mentor Khali considers a friend. She is vicious enough to qualify.
【 D7 ▣ 】 Garry: Khali often overlooks this boring mentor. At least he killed a District Two tribute.
【 D8 ✘ 】 Jasper: Pathetic, weak bleeding-heart. He should've let the District Two girl bleed out.
【 D9 ✓ 】 Ronny: He killed District Two horrifically, so he is on Khali's good side.
【 D10 ✓ 】 Jillian: She is brutal enough for Khali's liking, plus she seems to dislike Careers. Good.
【 D11 ✘ 】 Himaya: Khali can't believe Himaya cooperated with Careers. Pathetic, she should've killed them.
【 D12 ▣ 】 Maverick: Khali hated him until he killed the District Two boy. Now she tolerates Maverick.

Named Tributes Mentored

【 5th ✓ 】 Todd: A great ruthless tribute. Khali loved mentoring him.
【 5th ✘ 】 Oriana: Fell in love with a Career, ugh. At least that Career, Blake, turned traitor.
【 6th ▣ 】 Cobalt: Khali liked him, but her opinions fell when he tried - and failed - to join the Careers.
【 8th ✿ 】 Garish: Violent and murderous, he soon became one of Khali's favorites. He even almost won.
【 9th ✓ 】 Turner: Another fun tribute. Could've acted smarter, though.
【 13th ✿ 】 Kalare: One of Khali's favorites, she was bloodthirsty and owned it. Deserved to win.
【 20th ✘ 】 Greg: Khali considers him a worthless tribute. He died in the bloodbath anyway.
【 20th ✿ 】 Sharnaz: Khali loves her and all her schemes. She's a new favorite.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Sat Aug 27, 2022 3:38 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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➵ Gleam Winston

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:58 am

Gleam Winston
the traitorous mentor
Victor of the 13th Hunger Games

Full name: "My name is Gleam Winston." Originally played in 2016 by hilde, who gave me permission to use the character.
Gender: "Are you insulting me? I'm female."
Sexuality: "You disgust me." Gleam is heterosexual.
District: "Six." Gleam is District Six's mentor. Everyone pities the tributes she torments...
Age: "That's rude of you." She's in her twenties now. When she won the games, she was sixteen.

Voice type: Mezzo-soprano
Appearance: Gleam stands at 5'6" with a slim hourglass figure. Her light blonde hair is naturally straight, flowing past her waist in a delicate cascade. Icy blue eyes glare out at the world, no compassion nor sympathy in their cold depths. She is pale to the point where others are concerned about her health. To be honest, she resembles a haunted caricature of a Barbie doll come to life.
Personality: "Unlike you sort, I don't pretend to be a moral person. Human nature is naturally selfish and depraved. Stop lying to yourself that you fight for some greater good." Gleam only cares about herself. This cold woman has incredibly negative views about others, hardly even seeing them as people. They are just tools to be used so she can advance further. She's also sexist, using gender roles to her advantage (useless against Careers since they have no gender roles). Concepts like "compassion" or "equality" make her laugh.
Crush: "Waste of my time." Gleam flirts with Ronny, even though she hates him. It's fun for her to mess with him.

Alliance: "Everyone is the enemy. Remember that and maybe you'll stand a chance." Gleam teamed up with her district partner Barron, as well as Posie of District Seven. She betrayed and murdered both once they'd outlived their usefulness.
Reaped or volunteered: "I was reaped. I'm not a stupid Career, you know."
Parade outfit: Gleam and her district partner were train compartments. Since she was shorter, they made her be the caboose. The giant box costume was so humiliating, and she still wants revenge on the stylist.
Interview angle: "Haha. It was interesting." Gleam explained, in detail, the horrific and gruesome ways she planned to murder the entire Career Alliance. Both the interviewers and the audience were creeped out by this...

Alignment: Neutral evil
Weapon of choice: "Throwing knives." She prefers to remain at a distance unless her victim is incapacitated.
Skills: "Interesting. Are you jealous by any chance?" Back in District Six, Gleam lived a much richer life than other citizens. Rather than being grateful for her fortunate circumstances, she developed a superiority complex, eventually coming to believe others were just beneath her. This led her to learn about traps, dirty knife-fighting, and psychological manipulation tactics all to 'protect' herself from the 'filthy masses'.
Fatal flaw: "I'm not physically strong like those Careers. Do you really think I'd stand a chance against them in hand-to-hand combat? I would be an idiot to even try." Gleam is physically weak, made even worse by her sexist beliefs against her own gender. She doesn't think getting stronger is even an option because of said beliefs.

Mentor: "I was alone, just like you will be if you keep this up."
Training score: "Seven." Gamemakers begrudgingly awarded her the score for her knife-throwing skills.
Victory: "Haha. It was almost too easy." The bloodbath placed Gleam in the middle of a palmtree grove. She knew she'd have to run northwest to the jungle to be safe. After grabbing a set of throwing knives, she disappeared into the dense undergrowth with her allies. She, Barron, and Posie set up camp in the densest part of the jungle. They rigged up traps all around camp to capture prey and tributes alike. When Gleam found an unfortunate soul dangling from the snares, she'd laugh at their helplessness before murdering them brutally.
Soon, the Careers learned of the alliance's nefarious deeds and came after them. Gleam ordered her alliance to hide and use the thick brush as cover. She went after the District One tributes herself. After taunting them, she led them both on a wild chase around the jungle. Once she'd isolated them from the rest of their alliance, the scheming tribute made her move.
Gleam pretended to twist her ankle. Sensing weakness, Veritas of District One moved in to finish her off, but Gleam grabbed his district partner and swivelled around. Veritas couldn't react in time. His glaive, meant for Gleam, cut down his own ally.
As the cannon fired, Veritas fell to his knees in utter despair. Gleam smirked at him and snapped her fingers. Her allies emerged from the undergrowth with equally sinister smiles. After some good old gloating, Barron stabbed the mourning Career to death.

Their boasting was short-lived. The rest of the Careers sprung out from four different directions - so they weren't as stupid as Gleam thought. She decided to ditch her allies to save her own skin. Without so much as a goodbye, she turned and fled into the jungle. Adaro of District Four threw a spear at her as she ran. Although it missed, Gleam screamed at the top of her lungs and stumbled away. She was the smallest and scrawniest of her alliance, and now she was "injured". Hopefully the Careers would overlook her.
Gleam crept around the bushes so she could watch the fight. Barron and Posie were still alive, which made her raise an eyebrow. Even after Barron was struck down, Posie managed to land a fatal blow on Adaro. Gleam couldn't help smiling. That was the archer who'd "shot" her. To her surprise, the other Careers took their wounded friend and left - without finishing off Gleam's allies.
Returning to the clearing, Gleam realized Barron was still alive.
"Please help me," he begged his district partner.
A cold and cruel laugh escaped her. Help him? This man must be delusional. Gleam took her time getting rid of her weakened allies; they were helpless against her cold, merciless blades. Barron and Posie both met a slow demise that evening.

A half hour or so passed before another cannon sounded. Gleam smiled - the Careers hadn't been able to save their precious friend, Adaro. How cute of them to try anyway. "Caring about others" - a lie crafted by the weak human heart to make itself feel noble. From her knowledge of past Careers, Adaro's beloved district partner must have killed him in some delusion of mercy. But Gleam believed the true reason lay elsewhere. He'd outlived his usefulness to the alliance; Candela just didn't want to admit it. Not even to herself.
Gleam set off to take down her final opponents. When she reached their temporary camp, her eyes glittered in delight - they were about to fight each other. Cassia and Jason shook hands like duelists preparing a formal match. But before the two could fight, Candela interjected with a concern: Gleam's whereabouts. The District Six tribute's heart began to pound - but her worries were unfounded. Cassia, the leader, made a fatal mistake.
"She's alone and dying - any one of us can finish her off. Let's get this over with first."
Gleam couldn't believe her ears. She watched the hilarious scene unfold as Cassia defeated her district partner, then turned to Candela. Of course, Gleam wasn't about to let them die "honorably". She took aim and threw a knife directly into the District Two girl's temple.

Furious, Candela came after her to seek revenge. Gleam took one look at the towering District Four girl and ran. Even if Gleam had honor - which she absolutely did not - a fair fight would still be out of the question. Candela was easily twice her size and had scored a twelve in training. Of course, Gleam would just resort to what she did best: dirty tricks.
Gleam used every ruse of deception she knew to keep Candela off her tail. It was a distraction to buy herself time. She led Candela back through the jungle, back to the camp she'd made with her former allies. Gleam knew where each trap and snare was. Candela didn't.
Soon, Gleam heard a sickening snap behind her. With a smile, she turned around and retraced her steps back to Candela. The once-formidable District Four girl was caught in a bear trap, oh poor thing! Gleam couldn't stop laughing at the fallen Career. Of course, she dared not approach - wounded wolves were still dangerous. She just tossed a few knives with casual abandon. No need to rush; Candela couldn't chase her anymore. When the cannon finally fired, Gleam beamed in pride at her victory over the Careers.

Gleam's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 13th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◇ ✘ 】 Veritas: Gleam fooled this idiot into stabbing his own district partner. How pathetic!
【 D1 ◇ ✓ 】 Yeva: She was useful. Gleam used her as a human shield against Veritas.
【 D2 ◇ ▣ 】 Jason: Worthless annoying Career just like all the others.
【 D2 ◇ ✓ 】 Cassia: Gleam appreciates her for making the stupid choice that sealed the Careers' fate.
【 D4 ◇ ✘ 】 Adaro: Little idiot tried to kill Gleam. She's glad he died, it's what he deserved.
【 D4 ◇ ✘ 】 Candela: Gleam was terrified of her. Thankfully, dirty tricks took her down.
【 D5 ◆ ✿ 】 Kalare: The only person Gleam ever respected, an equal in bloodthirstiness.
【 D6 ❖ ▣ 】 Barron: He was fairly useful, but Gleam didn't really care about him.
【 D7 ❖ ✘ 】 Posie: Gleam always hated this one. How did she even put up with this poser?

Other Mentors

【 D1 ✘ 】 Licaria: She is an optimist, and for that reason alone Gleam despises her. Oh and she's a Career too. Ew.
【 D2 ✘ 】 Icarus: This idiot believes 'honor' is something that exists, how foolish. Gleam wishes he'd died horrifically.
【 D3 ✿ 】 Quillon: Gleam's only 'friend'. She doesn't care about his well-being though, just uses him.
【 D4 ✘ 】 Edmund: He is everything Gleam hates: positive, empathetic, kind, honorable. Oh and he's a Career.
【 D5 ✓ 】 Khali: Gleam secretly doesn't return Khali's friendship. She uses Khali though.
【 D7 ✘ 】 Garry: Some emotional, sentimental idiot. Gleam has lots of sexist opinions against him.
【 D8 ▣ 】 Jasper: Gleam forgets he exists because he usually stays out of her way. Good riddance.
【 D9 ♡ 】 Ronny: She flirts with this guy just for publicity. In reality, she finds him annoying and worthless.
【 D10 ✘ 】 Jillian: A strong woman, yuck. Gleam's sexist views makes her automatically hate Jill.
【 D11 ✘ 】 Himaya: She teamed up with Careers and didn't betray any of her allies. What a loser.
【 D12 ✘ 】 Maverick: Another optimist, Gleam hates optimists. Can't they see humanity is inherently bad and evil?

Named Tributes Mentored

【 17th ✓ 】 Titus: Now this one was interesting. Gleam wished he'd won, but he did come close.
【 20th ✘ 】 Colby: He was loyal and kind, which Gleam hated. She wanted a ruthless traitor.
【 20th ▣ 】 Winona: Completely worthless. She doesn't even exist in Gleam's eyes.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:09 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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➵ Garry Woods

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:20 am

Garry Woods
the sentimental mentor
Victor of the 9th Hunger Games

Full name: "Hello, my name is Garry Woods. It's nice to meet you."
Gender: "I'm male. You don't see too many ladies with facial hair as scruffy as mine!"
Sexuality: "I prefer ladies."
District: "I'm the mentor for District Seven."
Age: "I'm in my twenties now, but I won the games when I was just fifteen."

Voice type: Baritone
Appearance: Garry stands at 5'9", short compared to many men of District Seven who are built like oak trees. When he entered the Hunger Games, he was just a scrawny lad, lanky and awkward. Now he's grown into a more broad-shouldered, muscular figure like his lumberjack relatives. His facial hair is relatively thick, but he keeps it trimmed and manageable. He has dark brown hair and soft green eyes. Although he looks stern and a little intimidating, he's really just a huggable teddy bear.
Personality: "I'm about as scary as a pillow!" Garry is friendly and supportive, always available to lend an ear. He can listen to people talk about their problems for hours on end. Garry and Edmund are similar in that regard - and both of them would rather listen than talk!
Compared to Edmund, Garry cares less about "honor" and more about his tributes' wellbeing. He becomes so attached to the District Seven tributes every year. Although Edmund is satisfied if his tributes die with honor, Garry isn't - he still becomes emotional over it. A death is a death. He's willing to go to great lengths to keep his dear tributes alive, as long as there's no betrayal or sabotage.

Crush: "I have a wife back home named Janice. I'm trying to get clearance so we can move to the Capitol permanently - then we can start a family without worrying about our children being reaped."

Alliance: "I was alone in the arena. I know what it's like... so I always recommend my tributes find a teammate." Even worse, the arena was a dark and creepy series of underground tunnels. He was traumatized!
Reaped or volunteered: "I was reaped. It was... a terrifying day."
Parade outfit: Garry was a creature of the woods, complete with leafy attire and a realistic rack of antlers.
Interview angle: "My mentor told me to be myself, so I did." He was so awkward. The audience felt disengaged during his interview, and he kept stumbling over the simplest of questions. Also, he didn't have an offical mentor, so a Capitol volunteer served as one.

Alignment: Neutral good
Weapon of choice: "An axe. I never thought I'd have to use it, but..."
Skills: "The only reason I even survived was luck. If the Careers hadn't taken pity on me and saved my life, I wouldn't be here right now." As a woodcutter's apprentice, Garry had basic axe skills by the age of fifteen. It didn't help him much in the arena since he lacked the mindset to fight. Like many tributes, he resorted to running and hiding - thankfully he was athletic for a young boy and could pull it off. Still, it took tremendous luck and three Careers' sacrifice to keep him alive. It took him a while to understand why the Careers would do such a thing. They might be trained killers, but they chose to die for him, as if making a statement that his innocence deserved to live on.
Fatal flaw: "I'm not a killer. Or, I should say, I didn't want to be. It's hard to look into another human being's eyes and take their life." He appears to be uncomfortable about something that happened in the arena.

Mentor: "That's me, I'm the first and so far only victor from District Seven."
Training score: "My training score was one. I don't think I impressed them very much, hahaha!"
Victory: "I have tapes of the 9th Games if you'd like to watch. I don't enjoy talking about it." The caverns of the arena were dark and damp, illuminated by the occasional lantern lining the walls. Garry considered taking an axe from the bloodbath, but Turner of District Five found it first. That terrifying tribute scored an eight in training. Garry, with his measly score of one, didn't stand a chance.
So Garry fled. If he had one advantage, it was his ability to run for hours and hours without stopping. Finally, he made it to a small cavern tucked away from the main tunnels. He crawled in, still shaking, and curled up to take a break.

His eyes shot open at the sound of voices. Not one, but several. It was the Careers! Terrified, Garry retreated further into the tiny cavern - maybe his small size would save him. He trembled in fright as several pairs of boots walked past his tunnel's entrance.
Much to his relief, all six Careers passed by without noticing his hiding spot. But Garry was still too afraid to sleep. He'd bitten his nails down to little stubs, and every noise set him on edge. That's when an agonized scream from one of the Careers pierced the air. Garry's eyes widened in horror at the chaos that ensued - more screams, angry shouts, and the sound of two cannons.

"I should have expected this of Turner," Anise of District Two said. "He had the same look in his eyes as his mentor. Khali."
The other Careers murmured in disgruntled agreement, and Garry heard them leave. He waited an hour or two before crawling out of his hole. The lamps lining the tunnel walls were starting to dim, but Garry could see two motionless bodies. One was Turner... the other was Kipling from One. Garry approached, biting back a whimper, and pried the bloodstained axe out of Turner's cold hands.

Now armed and feeling safer, Garry retreated to his personal little cave. He made himself comfortable and settled down for the night. But a crumbling sound sent chills down his spine. Garry opened his eyes - and saw nothing. All the lanterns were extinguished, plunging the arena into pitch darkness. Beginning to panic, Garry felt around the cavern in search for the exit tunnel.
As his searching hands touched rubble, a horrible realization dawned on him. The tunnel had collapsed. He was stuck here, stuck in this tiny cave, and he might never escape.
"Someone, help!" He called into the darkness. "Anyone!"
No one responded, not even a murderous Career Tribute. Garry lashed out at the pile of rubble with a desperate sob. Much to his horror, the ground beneath him began to rumble - then gave way, plunging him into the deeper caverns below.

When he opened his eyes, the sky above him shone with beautiful blue stars. It took him a few minutes to come to his senses - the "stars" were really glowworms. Garry wiped a tear from his eye at the realization. He'd do anything to see the real stars again.
He froze at a horrible sound behind him. Like hundreds of legs scurrying at once. It was getting closer and closer... and then it stopped. With a sinking feeling of horror, Garry turned around - and came face to face with the monster. It was a glowworm, or at least it used to be. The Gamemakers had mutated it beyond recognition. Ten feet tall, countless limbs, giant pincers ready to snap and tear. As the axe slipped from his hands, Garry fell to his knees in helpless terror. All he could do was hope for a quick death.
A familiar battle cry interrupted the mutt's awful clicking. Garry looked up in shock, only to see Anise of District Two thrust a spear through the mutant insect's body. Her allies were right behind her, brandishing their weapons against other mutts awakened by the noise. Anise finished off the giant glowworm and turned around. A deer in headlights, Garry could only stare - would she kill him next?

"Leave this place at once," Anise murmured, turning her back on him. "This is not your fight."

Garry didn't need to be told twice. He grabbed his axe and raced out of the glowworm caverns, running blindly through the tunnels. His disjointed mind formed just one coherent thought: The Careers just spared my life.
Soon, he found a suitable cavern with a trickle of fresh water. Bioluminescent mushrooms lit up the cave with an eerie green glow, but compared to the suffocating darkness and murderous glowworms, Garry found it incredibly comforting. He curled up in a patch of beloved glowing mushrooms and fell asleep at once. The rest of the games was uneventful for him. At times the sound of a cannon pierced the silence, but Garry just kept a low profile and stayed in the mushroom cavern. Waiting it out was his strategy now.
When the finale was at hand, Garry said his goodbyes to the mushroom cavern and set out into the dark tunnels. He heard a familiar rumbling behind him.
No! Not again, He thought in horror, breaking into a run. The tunnel started to collapse behind him.
Garry made it to the glowworm cavern just in time. The entrance of the tunnel caved in as soon as he'd leaped into the cave, sealing him off from the return path. No mutts approached him, but he saw the tall silhouette of a Career drawing closer...

"I knew you would come." Anise smiled. Her hands were empty of weapons, but a silver necklace dangled from her wrist. The moon and six stars... It was the District One girl's token. As Anise approached, Garry also noticed the telltale redness of her eyes.
Had the stoic Career of District Two been crying? Garry felt a pang of sympathy - whatever happened here must have been horrible. Still, he backed away from the tribute drawing near to him. Unarmed Careers were still dangerous.

"I have no intentions of fighting you," Anise reassured him. "I just wanted to see the stars before you reunite me with L- my allies."
Garry's eyes widened in horror as it dawned on him what this meant. "Oh no, I can't do that to you. You spared me!"
"I did you a favor," The Career lowered herself to her knees. "I am only asking you to return it."
He swallowed a sob. Anise of District Two had saved his life, and now he was tasked with ending hers. As Garry reluctantly raised his axe, the Career tilted her head up to smile at the ceiling. There were fewer glowworms now, so it resembled a starry night more.
"Beautiful, is it not?" Anise murmured. "If I had one wish, then... Laelia and I would see the real stars again. Together."
"You will, I promise," Garry whispered in an attempt to comfort the heartbroken Career. His efforts were not in vain - a contented smile spread across her face as she closed her eyes. With a heavy heart, he brought the axe down.

The first night after Garry returned to District Seven, he climbed his favorite tree and looked up at the stars. The real stars. As they shone down with their comforting light, he smiled - he knew Anise and Laelia were safe among them.

Garry's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 9th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◈ ▣ 】 Kipling: Poor guy was ambushed in the tunnels near Garry. He feels bad for him.
【 D1 ◈ ✓ 】 Laelia: Anise spoke about her with fondness, so Garry is fond of her too.
【 D2 ◈ ✓ 】 James: Garry never met Anise's district partner in person, but respects him anyway.
【 D2 ◈ ✿ 】 Anise: Garry will forever be grateful to the Career who saved his life.
【 D4 ◈ ✓ 】 Haden: He deserved better, but Garry is grateful he protected him from the mutts.
【 D4 ◈ ✓ 】 Sophie: Garry can never repay her for her sacrifice, saving him from mutts.
【 D5 ◈ ✘ 】 Turner: Garry was scared of Turner's brutality, but now he's just irritated.
【 D12 ◈ ✘ 】 Violet: After watching the victory recap, Garry grew to despise this vicious tribute.

Other Mentors

【 D1 ✓ 】 Licaria: Garry finds Licaria a refreshing presence, so energetic and unafraid to be herself.
【 D2 ✿ 】 Icarus: A close friend to Garry. He has the kindest intentions, even if he shows it in weird ways.
【 D3 ✘ 】 Quillon: Garry is irritated by this guy who thinks he owns the place. He is just annoying.
【 D4 ✓ 】 Edmund: Garry is quite fond of the friendly mentor. They talk whenever they have a chance.
【 D5 ▣ 】 Khali: Despite her brutality in her games, Garry doesn't hate her. She wasn't fully in control.
【 D6 ✘ 】 Gleam: Even Garry has a strong dislike for this cold and cruel woman.
【 D8 ✿ 】 Jasper: One of Garry's good friends, they can have conversations about any topic.
【 D9 ▣ 】 Ronny: He is apathetic and acts like a stereotypical flippant teenager, so Garry ignores him.
【 D10 ▣ 】 Jillian: Jill and Garry are so different. They don't cross paths that often.
【 D11 ✓ 】 Himaya: They haven't interacted much, but Garry is pretty fond of her.
【 D12 ✿ 】 Maverick: Maverick is one of Garry's best friends. He loves this guy.

Named Tributes Mentored

【 10th ✘ 】 Verdant: Garry wasn't a fan of her brutal, cowardly murders.
【 13th ▣ 】 Posie: She was betrayed by Barron and Gleam. Garry wished she'd left earlier than she'd planned.
【 18th ▣ 】 Beth: Garry feels bad for her more than anything, considering she was more mutt than human.
【 20th ✿ 】 Moses: Garry is so proud of Moses and how he always protected his alliance.
【 20th ✿ 】 Sienna: Garry loves her like family and would do anything for her.


【 ✿ 】 Adria: A close friend of his back in District Seven. Unfortunately, she died in the games.
【 ♡ 】 Janice: Garry's beloved wife back in Seven. A bit rough around the edges, but has a kind heart.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Thu Jun 23, 2022 8:33 am, edited 15 times in total.
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➵ Jasper Tiberius

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:32 am

Jasper Tiberius
the timid mentor
Victor of the 11th Hunger Games

Full name: "Hello, I'm Jasper Tiberius." Originally played in 2016 by hilde, who gave me permission to use the character.
Gender: "I'm male."
Sexuality: "I don't know... I've never really considered it." Jasper is bisexual.
District: "District Eight. I hope I'm doing okay as their mentor..." He tries his best.
Age: "I'm in my twenties right now." When he won the games, he was sixteen.

Voice type: Tenor
Appearance: Jasper stands at 6'2", but he isn't too intimidating. He has a soft face and overall resembles a big huggable teddy bear. His silk-soft hair is a beautiful golden blonde, trimmed just above his ears. Deep ocean-blue eyes gaze out from a tan, freckled face.
Personality: "Is something wrong? Please let me know." The most faint-hearted of the twelve mentors, Jasper hates all violence and blood. His job gives him considerable stress since he's surrounded by his worst fears 24/7. He is a loving, soft-hearted pacifist at heart and hates senseless suffering. Despite his anxieties, Jasper does his best to remain calm for his tributes. He will try to comfort them even when he's on the verge of tears himself. Over the years, the calm facade has become easier... he doesn't know if this is a good thing.
Crush: "I admire Maverick of District Twelve. He's so brave... I want to be more like him."

Alliance: "I tried to keep to myself. It was a terrible idea... "
Reaped or volunteered: "I was reaped. At the time, I was terrified... but now I'm thankful it was me and not someone else."
Parade outfit: Jasper was a living quilt. Every inch of his body had some different type of fabric stuck to it, and his clothes were sewn-together amalgamations of different style blankets. It was a little too colorful for his liking.
Interview angle: "I kind of had stage fright." Jasper answered the questions calmly, even though his heart was pounding.

Alignment: Lawful good
Weapon of choice: "One of the Capitol trainers taught me archery in the Training Center. I think he saved my life..."
Skills: "Maybe my stitching skills would've helped in first aid?" All Jasper did was hide and evade. As a sheltered fabric-district boy from the wealthier part of town, he knew he'd probably die upon encountering anyone or anything else. He would've lost his mind in panic if not for the archery skills he'd picked up during training. In the end, those same skills allowed him to bring the 11th Games to its conclusion. Also, his sewing skills would not help with first aid; he'd just pass out at the first sight of blood.
Fatal flaw: "I don't like to fight at all." He is terrified of blood, even a paper cut.

Mentor: "I didn't have one." Jasper was the first District Eight victor.
Training score: "I scored a six, which surprised me." They were impressed by his knife-throwing.
Victory: "The 11th Games was filled with mutts. I couldn't do anything to stop them. Not even the Careers could..." This year, the entire arena was wide-open and hot. The sun beat down with its relentless heat as soon as the tributes ascended on their pedestals. Jasper could see a water-hole in the distant eastern savannahs, but he knew the Careers would set up camp there. He decided to take a chance in the western prairies. The heat seemed less horrific in that direction, judging by the healthier color of the grass.
When the gong sounded, Jasper scrambled to find a set of throwing-knives. Much to his horror, Owen of District Two got to them first. Jasper ended up grabbing a bow before he fled the central desert. As the ground beneath his feet transitioned from sand to solid dirt, he took off at a distance runner's pace. His long legs would carry him fast and far beyond the reach of angry Careers.
He made his camp by a bubbling brook nestled close to a hill. Minnows swam through the clear, fresh waters. Jasper attempted to spear-fish with an arrow, but it took him forever to catch a single fish. Their tiny size made them not even worthwhile...

That night, Jasper settled down under the hill's shelter. He had no tent, but the grass loomed tall enough to hide him from unwanted guests. Even a legion of hunting Careers might just pass him by. Reassuring himself it was safe, Jasper drifted off to sleep.
Midnight brought a piercing howl through the arena. From his vantage point in the grass, Jasper watched several horrifying silhouettes bound by. Direwolf mutts, at least twice the size of normal wolves, with eerie green eyes that pierced the darkness.
As the wolf mutts padded away, Jasper realized with sinking horror where they were headed. The Careers' camp to the east. Memories of bygone Hunger Games came to mind, with them images of all the tributes mauled by mutts. Jasper couldn't sit back and wait for it to happen. It was a horrific way to die, and he'd never wish that on his worst enemies. He had to warn the Careers.

Gathering all the courage he didn't know he had, Jasper set off on a chase across the plains. He circled back to the central desert, now a cold and bloodstained wasteland with several sets of wolf tracks leading east. Jasper shivered at the sight; the pawprints were larger than his own feet. The bow in his hands felt light and flimsy all of a sudden. How could he deal with huge wolf mutts?
Still, he forced himself forward. As he approached the water-hole, he froze in his tracks - battle cries rang through the air. Several Careers stood around a campfire, brandishing torches to keep the snarling pack at bay. But they only tightened their circle and advanced on the helpless tributes. Jasper tried to nock an arrow, but his hands were trembling so much he dropped it. He was reaching for another one when a piercing scream turned his blood to ice. A cannon fired soon after; one of the Careers had fallen. A second soon followed, then a third and fourth, and the mutts descended upon the rest.

Traumatized and full of regret, Jasper returned to his place by the river. Not only had he failed to save a single tribute from the mutts' vicious fangs, now he'd never forget their screams. He spent the rest of the games evading smaller mutts, disasters, and the occasional tribute. Part of him was surprised he'd made it this far. Cannon after cannon, he came closer to the finale. Soon only two tributes remained.
Armed with his trusty bow, Jasper set off for the Cornucopia. Most final fights took place there, so he better get going before the Gamemakers sent mutts to harass him. Returning to the sandy wasteland made his heart pound with rekindled horror.
When he arrived, no tribute was in sight. Was someone waiting to ambush him? As anxiety gnawed a hole in his gut, Jasper nocked an arrow and started circling the Cornucopia. He noticed a blood trail coming from the savannah... oh no... and it led right into the golden horn's interior. Jasper gulped and approached the mouth of the Cornucopia, dreading what he'd find inside.

A body. No, not a body... it was still breathing. Through a haze of panic, Jasper recognized the sleek black hair of Hazel from Two. She'd once run free as the pointwoman of the Career Tributes. Now she was alone, dying, curled up in a corner of the horn.

"Hazel?" Jasper called out to her, his voice barely a whisper. "Hazel, can you hear me?"
He heard only a whimper in reply. As the fallen Career craned her head up to look at him, tears welled in Jasper's eyes. Hazel's hands clutched at her broken spear. She opened her mouth and tried to say something, something like... "Fight me."

Horrified, Jasper shook his head. What happened to this poor girl? Who hurt her and left her like this? A part of him didn't want to know. He approached her, speaking in the softest voice he could muster through tears. "I won't fight you. Hazel, please."
She loosened her grip on what remained of the spear. Again she tried to speak, this time with tears in her own eyes. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry." Jasper reassured her. "Hazel, it's okay. Just close your eyes and count to three, alright?"
Hazel seemed to understand him. As her eyes drifted shut, he raised the bow and uttered a silent prayer to whomever might be listening. Please, take this poor soul to a peaceful rest. Forgive me for this...
"One," Hazel counted, silent lips forming the word. Jasper released the arrow before she could count to two.

Jasper's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 11th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◈ ▣ 】 Cayden: Poor guy was killed by mutts despite Jasper's attempt to warn the Careers.
【 D1 ◈ ▣ 】 Samira: The first to die by the mutts. Jasper feels awful about it.
【 D2 ◈ ▣ 】 Owen: He was so kind and sweet. Jasper felt awful after learning how he'd died.
【 D2 ◈ ▣ 】 Hazel: Jasper tears up just thinking about poor Hazel. He hopes she is at peace.
【 D4 ◈ ▣ 】 Dana: Jasper wishes he'd saved her and her friends from the mutts' jaws.
【 D4 ◈ ▣ 】 Mimosa: This sweet, motherly Career didn't deserve to be mauled by mutts.
【 D9 ◈ ✘ 】 Indigo: After watching the victory recap, he hated her more than the mutts.

Other Mentors

【 D1 ✓ 】 Licaria: Jasper has a soft spot for the enthusiastic scientist from District One.
【 D2 ✓ 】 Icarus: Despite his intimidating looks, Icarus is a good man. Jasper is grateful to him for helping Kliment.
【 D3 ✘ 】 Quillon: Quill's arrogance and brutality scares Jasper. He stays far away from this guy.
【 D4 ✿ 】 Edmund: A good friend. Edmund does, however, have the Career instinct of over-enthusiastic helping.
【 D5 ✘ 】 Khali: Khali scares Jasper with her violent, megalomaniac tendencies.
【 D6 ✘ 】 Gleam: This is the creepiest person Jasper has ever encountered, if she's even human.
【 D7 ✿ 】 Garry: Another close friend of Jasper's. The two can talk comfortably about anything.
【 D9 ▣ 】 Ronny: Ronny is so apathetic that Jasper has no reason to interact with him.
【 D10 ✿ 】 Jillian: Despite their many differences, Jasper is good friends with Jill.
【 D11 ✿ 】 Himaya: Jasper's best friend. They are both quiet and enjoy each other's company.
【 D12 ♡ 】 Maverick: Jasper has a crush on the optimistic mentor but he isn't sure how to confess.

Named Tributes Mentored

【 17th ✿ 】 Kliment: A kind, compassionate tribute who deserved much better than he got.
【 19th ✘ 】 Riley: Ruthless and violent, he did not get on Jasper's good side.
【 20th ✘ 】 Darius: Another vicious murderer. Why? Why does Jasper have to deal with these jerks.
【 20th ✿ 】 Penny: Jasper has a special place in his heart for this kind, sweet girl. He will always believe in her.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Thu Jun 23, 2022 8:37 am, edited 21 times in total.
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➵ Ronny Bracken

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:57 am

Ronny Bracken
the lazy mentor
Victor of the 10th Hunger Games

Full name: "Ronny Bracken." Originally played in 2016 by hilde, who gave me permission to use the character.
Gender: "Dude."
Sexuality: "I don't care." Ronny is heterosexual.
District: "Nine." He's the mentor for District Nine.
Age: "A number." Surprisingly, he's in his twenties. He won the games at seventeen.

Voice type: Baritone
Appearance: Ronny towers at 6'0" with a broad-shouldered frame. For someone who slacks off all day, he's surprisingly tough. He dyed his straw-blonde hair a violent red but never cares to style it. His bored hazel eyes are always glued to his phone.
Personality: "I don't care." That just about sums up Ronny's entire personality. He doesn't care about anything. This lazy, apathetic deadbeat has never worked an honest day in his life; he ignores his tributes and just slacks off. All he ever does is scroll through PanemBook while waiting for time to pass. He has no goals, hobbies, or dreams whatsoever.
Crush: "Ok." He pretends to have a crush on Gleam, but he really doesn't care. He's just going along with what's expected of him.

Alliance: "Whatever." Ronny teamed up with Slate of District Eight, but they parted ways on unfriendly terms.
Reaped or volunteered: "I don't care." When Ronny was reaped, all he did was shrug.
Parade outfit: A literal pile of hay. Ronny just stared boredly at the audience, not caring how stupid he looked.
Interview angle: "Ok." He'd respond to every question with the same flippant responses.

Alignment: True neutral, the same way a mosquito is true neutral. His brain is too underdeveloped for morality.
Weapon of choice: "Sword, I guess."
Skills: "I don't care." After a lifetime working in the fields, he is ridiculously strong. Using a scythe on wheat has also prepared his muscle memory to swing around any bladed weapon. Most people underestimate him as an idiot who can't fight, but he is so horrifying in battle that he wiped the Career alliance off the map while feeling bored about it.
Fatal flaw: "I don't care." Ronny is so stupid, you have to oversimplify anything while talking to him. He has trouble following basic instructions. If you told him to wash the dishes, he'd spray them with a hose and leave them outside.

Mentor: "That's me." He is the only District Nine victor.
Training score: "Five." The average score for non-Careers.
Victory: "Ok." The 10th Games arena featured a beautiful forest shrouded in eternal twilight. Ronny didn't appreciate the aesthetics, though. He was too busy picking at a hangnail as the countdown fell to zero. After casually picking up a sword, he strolled off before any Career Tributes even noticed him. He eventually found a river and decided to take a nap.
He woke up to a noise. Another tribute was nearby, but Ronny just shrugged. He didn't care. In fact, he was about to go back to bed when the other guy came into the clearing. With a yawn, Ronny looked at the dude, then waved hello with his sword.

"Are you going to kill me?" Asked the tribute, horrified.
Ronny just shrugged. Why would he do that? It sounded like a waste of time. "Nah. Too much work."
That's how an uneasy alliance began. The tribute introduced himself as Slate of District Eight, oldest child of his family. Ronny didn't really care. He just said his name and ignored the dude - why would he waste his time getting to know him? It would be boring.

When only six tributes remained, Slate asked him about his plans. Ronny just shrugged.
"I don't care."
"We'll have to face the Careers eventually," Slate sighed. "It's just us and them now."
"Ok." Ronny wasn't paying attention. The bug that landed on his shoe was much more interesting.
"The question is, how?" Slate wondered aloud. "In other games, tributes would take them down with dirty tricks. Like when Richard Banks betrayed his own ally to distract them, then tore that District Two boy to pieces. But would you do something like that?"
Ronny still wasn't listening. He couldn't care less; this Slate dude was going on and on. "Sure."
Slate gasped in horror, drawing his weapon. "You'd betray me, then maul the Careers like a mutt would?"
"Whatever." With a yawn, Ronny grabbed his own sword so he could leave. This conversation was boring.
To his surprise, Slate swung at him. What was that for? Ronny rolled his eyes and fought back, soon striking down his former ally. Slate dragged his injured self away. Too lazy to chase after the dude and finish him off, Ronny decided to take a nap instead.

He woke up to the death recap. Slate's face was in the sky, but Ronny just shrugged it off. He didn't really care. Still, it was kind of lonely without anyone around. Ronny decided to find those "Careers" his ex-ally was talking about.
After a bit of journeying, he stumbled across the Careers' camp. Ronny considered approaching them, but he didn't feel like it right now. So he waited for Drew and Anna to separate from the District Two pair. As the two of them set off, Ronny moved into place.
He thought back to Slate's words. Something about dirty tricks. Of course, Ronny could do that. Feigning injury, he stumbled into the path of Anna and Drew.
"Ow, help me," He said in the most unconvincing voice.
Drew of District Four still fell for it. As the sympathetic Career knelt down, Ronny remembered what Slate said.
Guess this is when I'm supposed to attack, He thought. So, of course, he casually stabbed the dude. His ally let out an enraged scream and charged. Raising an eyebrow, Ronny stabbed her too, then left the two tributes to die on the forest floor.

Ronny wandered the woods for a while. He was so stupid, he ended up walking in a circle. Turns out the hovercrafts hadn't collected the two Careers' bodies yet, and there was a smaller tribute crouched over them. Hemlock of District Two. He looked like he was crying, but Ronny couldn't fathom why anyone would get all emotional over an ally's death.
Who cares?
"I'm out of dirty tricks,"
Ronny said, approaching the boy. "So, hi, I guess."
"Jess, help!" Hemlock cried out for his district partner. He looked horrified, scurrying back as he brandished a small knife.
Ronny shrugged.
"Ok. Guess this is the part where I stab you."
He stabbed the small boy several times, then strolled away. As usual, Ronny was too lazy to finish off the other tribute. He wasn't some professional murderer like the Careers, he didn't care. No use wasting his time and energy when they'd just die anyway.

The cannon fired a while later, then Hemlock's district partner came after him. Her name was Jessica or something. Ronny didn't care - why would he remember individual Careers' names? Even their faces blended together, they were all the same. This one seemed intensely upset for some reason, shouting about revenge or whatever. Maybe it had something to do with the fresh blood on her hands.
It took a moment, but Ronny figured it out. Before the last cannon fired, there were only three tributes left in the arena. Now there were two. Since the blood didn't belong to Ronny or Jess, it must have come from her district partner. Hemlock.

"Dude. You’re coming after me, even though you’re the one who killed that kid," He chuckled. "Funny, huh?"
"Funny?" Fury blazed in her eyes. "You think I found it funny? To not kill him would be cruel, after what you did to him!"
"Ok, murderer." Ronny had no idea what this weirdo was going on about, but whatever. He just focused on the fight at hand. Jess was strong, yes, but Ronny didn't feel like dying today. He kind of wanted to win so he could leave. So he did what any tribute would do - he struck down the Career trying to kill him. She fell to the forest floor with a gasp.
"Hypocrite," Jess snarled through gritted teeth. She made a last-ditch effort to stab him, which failed of course.
Ronny didn't understand that word, but he assumed it was an insult.
"No, you."

The Career was on death's door already, so Ronny decided to take a walk while he waited for the cannon to fire. He strolled away from the crime scene, whistling an annoying tune. Jess shouted something after him but he just ignored it. He didn't care.
When the cannon fired, Ronny just yawned. This whole arena ordeal was such a drag. Now he could go home and nap.

Ronny's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 10th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◈ ▣ 】 Kian: Some random Career. All their faces blend together, honestly.
【 D1 ◇ ✘ 】 Anna: Oh that one. She screamed in rage before Ronny stabbed her.
【 D2 ◇ ✘ 】 Hemlock: He apparently took so long to die, his ally had to kill him. Wow lazy.
【 D2 ◇ ✘ 】 Jess: Killed her own ally but still called out Ronny. What? Weird.
【 D4 ◇ ▣ 】 Drew: Oh, the guy who fell for his dirty trick. Cool.
【 D4 ◈ ▣ 】 Ashanta: Another faceless Career. They're all the same.
【 D7 ◈ ▣ 】 Verdant: Who was she? Ronny never met her or cared.
【 D8 ❖ ✘ 】 Slate: That overreacting dude. What a weirdo. Oh well, Ronny doesn't care that much.

Other Mentors

【 D1 ▣ 】 Licaria: Weird Career. Whatever, Ronny doesn't care.
【 D2 ▣ 】 Icarus: He is just like all the other Careers. Ronny yawns at the sight.
【 D3 ▣ 】 Quillon: Who cares about this guy? The only thing special about him is his height.
【 D4 ▣ 】 Edmund: Another Career. He's quiet and boring.
【 D5 ▣ 】 Khali: Ronny can't even remember her name and doesn't bother.
【 D6 ♡ 】 Gleam: Ronny supposedly has a crush on her. He honestly doesn't care much, though.
【 D7 ▣ 】 Garry: Some tree guy, boring. Why would Ronny care?
【 D8 ▣ 】 Jasper: Ronny never notices when this shy dude is in the room.
【 D10 ▣ 】 Jillian: Since she has a J name, Ronny often gets her mixed up with Jasper.
【 D11 ▣ 】 Himaya: Quiet and nondescript, she is just like the masses.
【 D12 ▣ 】 Maverick: Ronny fails to see how people can remember this guy's existence.

Named Tributes Mentored

【 11th ▣ 】 Indigo: She almost won, cool. Ronny doesn't care.
【 12th ▣ 】 Glen: Wow, second place. Whatever dude.
【 14th ▣ 】 Ragnall: Another random tribute. Why do they bother?
【 20th ▣ 】 Payne: Tall guy. Whatever. Ronny doesn't even remember his name.
【 20th ▣ 】 Bridgette: Who was she again? Ronny doesn't care.

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➵ Jillian Tybalt

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:06 am

Jillian Tybalt
the passionate mentor
Victor of the 12th Hunger Games

Full name: "Hi, I'm Jillian Tybalt. You can call me Jill!" Originally played in 2016 by hilde, who gave me permission to use her.
Gender: "Um, I'm female."
Sexuality: "I like girls!"
District: "District Ten. I've been their mentor for a while."
Age: "I'm in my twenties." She was sixteen when she won the games.

Voice type: Mezzo-soprano
Appearance: Jill stands at 5'5" with a stout, rounded build. She has "baby cheeks" that others find so cute. Although she feigns anger when her friends squish her face, she secretly loves it. Overall she seems to have a healthy glow. She might not look like a District Four swimmer, but she's athletic and powerful from years spent wrangling cattle in the pastures. Her strawberry-blonde hair is usually in a tight braid, and her eyes are a vivid blue like the sky. She's also got adorable little dimples when she cracks a smile.
Personality: "I love my friends!" Jillian loves passionately and unconditionally. She becomes attached easily, and once she latches on, she will never let go. Her temper is horrific and so is her thirst for revenge. If someone even looks at her loved ones wrong, she'd be prepared to kill them with her bare hands. Basically, Jill is fire. Can be warm or can burn everything down.
Partner: "I'm dating Himaya. We're thinking of getting married - do you think I should be the one to propose?"

Alliance: "Umm, this is awkward." She was adopted into the Career alliance by the scariest of all, Aletriss of District Four. Jill was too freaked out to even leave. Maybe they wanted her help against Glen Winnow? So confusing. She doesn't understand Careers.
Reaped or volunteered: "I volunteered for my friend, Atalante. How dare the reaping bowl spit out her name! I'll smash it."
Parade outfit: Jillian and her district partner were two parts of the same horse. It looked horrible, especially since they were in a chariot carried by real horses. As the shorter of the tributes, Jill had to be the horse's butt. Embarrassing...
Interview angle: "I thought I would hate it, but it went well!" Jill was friendly and confident, not stuttering even once. All her stage fright seemed to melt away the moment she sat in that chair. Honestly, she's impressed with herself.

Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Weapon of choice: "I'm best with a sword, unless I'm angry. Then I just use my bare hands."
Skills: "I used to wrangle unruly pigs to the slaughterhouse! Wanted to do the butchering, too, but pa kicked me out after the first time I tried." She's incredibly strong and fearless, whether it's attacking tributes or mutts, whether she has a sharp weapon or is unarmed with bare hands. After all, Jill is used to the pigs always dying in the end. None of them ever killed her so why would a tribute get to?
Fatal flaw: "I'm kind of sloppy? I had a Career scold me in the arena, so there's that... I don't understand what she was saying, though." Like most tributes, Jillian has no idea how to kill - but it really shows in her case. She gets carried away with anger to the point where most of her victims look like they'd been attacked by mutts.

Mentor: "Wait, you mean me?" Jill is the only District Ten tribute to win the games.
Training score: "Oooh, an eight. I was so surprised!" Jill screamed when her Career-level score appeared onscreen.
Victory: "Okay, there were some awkward moments. But I came out in one piece! Can't say the same for that jerk Glen, though." The 12th Games took place in a cold northern forest, but the arena was set to a springtime temperature. Jill noticed the snow melting as soon as her pedestal rose into the sunlight. She scowled in annoyance; soggy arenas were just the worst.
When the gong rang out, Jillian took a sword and started running. A larger tribute blocked her way. What, did this moron see her as an easy target or something? Annoyed by the very thought, Jill cut him down without mercy. She then booked it as far from the Cornucopia as possible. Those Careers creeped her out - they weren't normal death-fearing people. She'd be safer the further she got.
Of course she had to jinx it. The moment she set up camp between some sturdy pines, the idiot Glen from District Nine came to ruin it. Seeing red, Jill clenched her jaw and attacked him with her sword. Glen didn't fight back, just turned tail and ran. Coward.
Still fuming from the random, immature attack, Jill cursed up a storm as she put the wrecked shelter back together. She'd only rebuilt half of it by the time the storm kicked up. Great, now the weather was against her too. Jill crawled inside after uttering a few more expletives. She fell asleep, determined to finish the shelter tomorrow. And she did! However... the moment she was done, a pack of snarling mutts descended upon her. Once Jill fought them off, her eyes widened at the remains of her shelter.
"Are you serious?"

Annoyed, Jill ditched the cursed shelter that night. Trying to rebuild that shabby thing was a lost cause. She'd rather risk her life against other tributes - dying in a fight would be quicker than dying of frustration.
Of course, her bad luck continued even now. The first tributes she stumbled upon were Careers. Even worse, she entered the clearing just in time to watch Aletriss of District Four kill their injured district partner. Jill's face contorted in horror as the cannon fired.

"I'm sorry?" Aletriss asked all politely, but Jill knew what was up.
"Traitor! You're disgusting!" Horror and revulsion dripped from Jill's tone as she backed away, clutching her sword. Out of all the creepy-voice murderers, of course she had to meet the scariest of them all. Her luck was just awful!
The Career then said something about a temporary alliance, but it was all a blur - Jill was too horrified to think or move. She'd even lost her will to fight. The sword fell from her shaking hands, landing with a useless thud on the forest floor. This was it. Aletriss advanced with slow, deliberate steps, and Jill braced herself to meet her fate. But the Career didn't kill her. Instead, they addressed her like an ally, guiding her towards the centre of camp. Jill could do nothing but helplessly follow.

Thus began the most awkward alliance in Hunger Games history, an alliance Jill neither wanted nor asked for. She sat in uncomfortable silence as the Careers discussed matters around her. They may as well have been conversing in a different language; Jill didn't understand Careers at all. None of them seemed to be attacking her. That was a good sign, but still, she dared not try to escape.
The Careers' numbers continued to steadily dwindle as the days went by. Jill learned it was Glen of District Nine who mortally wounded Aletriss's district partner, which just made her more annoyed. That cowardly boy! If only she'd taken him down when he ruined her shelter, all of this could be avoided. Now she was stuck with creepy Careers.
During a hunting mission, Jill broke away from the group and got her hands on a random tribute who looked like Glen. She beat and stabbed the kid but didn't kill them just yet. Only when the Careers caught up did they demand she finish off the tribute, but Jill was too furious to listen. Hickory shook his head at her and stabbed the sobbing kid in the heart, much to Jill's annoyance.
Back at camp, the District Two pair tried to talk to her, but Jill just stared at them in horror. Their words blended together into a cacophony of evil monologue. Why, why did the Careers have to adopt her... they were so evil and horrible.
As the games wore on, that evil overlord Hickory was injured and asked his allies to kill him. Ugh creepy. Why were Careers like this? Jill decided to volunteer herself, and she stabbed him brutally in front of the others. Hopefully this evil atrocity would help her fit in with the other villains. To her surprise, the other Careers looked horrified.

Finally, only three tributes remained. Jill, Aletriss, and Glen. At this point, Jill was determined to win. She refused to die by either the cowardly Glen or the horrifying Aletriss. But choosing the lesser of two evils, she stuck with her "Career friend" and went hunting for that District Nine jerk. Of course, just her luck... Jill and Aletriss walked right into an ambush.
Jill's eyes widened as her "ally" collapsed to the forest floor, felled by several throwing knives. A cackle rang out from the bushes as the cannon fired. That dirty coward! Cursing like a disgruntled pig farmer, Jill barrelled forward through the undergrowth to get that jerk.

"You coward!" She shrieked into the darkness. "I'm going to kill you with my bare hands!"
Oh, no. She hoped the Careers' mannerisms weren't rubbing off on her. Shaking it off, she crashed through the thickets until she finally got her hands on that horrid, laughing murderer. Glen stopped laughing once Jill slammed his puny head into a tree.
"Wake up, you lazy coward!" Jill screeched at him. She'd knocked him out by accident, but his silence only fuelled her rage. She ended up stabbing him with one of his own knives. When the cannon fired, Jill just rolled her eyes at him.

During the Victory Interview, she gave a review of her experience:
"Zero out of ten. Would not recommend being adopted by murderous Careers. Between their creepy-voice thing and the cowardly ambushing tribute, I'll take the cowardly ambushing tribute."

Jillian's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 12th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◈ ▣ 】 Duke: Jill never actually met him, so he's okay.
【 D1 ◆ ✘ 】 Azuline: No. She was too obsessive. Creepy.
【 D2 ◆ ✘ 】 Hickory: Creepy leader of the creepy Careers. No. Get away.
【 D2 ◆ ✘ 】 Katy: Evil District Two Career. What was she trying to say? Jill doesn't speak Career.
【 D4 ◆ ✘ 】 Aletriss: No. No. A thousand times no. They're the scariest of the creepy-voice thing Careers.
【 D4 ◆ ✘ 】 Riedo: Jill has no idea why she'd be okay with her ally killing her, but whatever. She's weird.
【 D9 ◇ ✘ 】 Glen: Jill hated him with a passion and wished she could beat him up even more.

Other Mentors

【 D1 ▣ 】 Licaria: Jillian finds her weird, but then again she thinks all Careers are weird.
【 D2 ▣ 】 Icarus: Jill is both unable and unwilling to communicate with him, so she just ignores him.
【 D3 ✘ 】 Quillon: Arrogant jerks tick her off. She'd love to wipe the smirk off his face.
【 D4 ▣ 】 Edmund: Another Career. At this point, Jill pretends like they don't even exist.
【 D5 ✓ 】 Khali: Khali might be brutal, but Jill respects her strength.
【 D6 ✘ 】 Gleam: This idiot is sexist against herself and Jill would love to punt her.
【 D7 ▣ 】 Garry: They have little in common, so Jill doesn't interact with him much.
【 D8 ✿ 】 Jasper: Despite their differences, Jill and Jasper are close. It's opposites attract but platonic!
【 D9 ✘ 】 Ronny: Jillian hates this guy. He is so annoying and flippant.
【 D11 ♡ 】 Himaya: Jill's sweet, beautiful girlfriend. Himaya's baking always puts a smile on her face.
【 D12 ✿ 】 Maverick: Jillian considers him a good friend and enjoys his fun company.

Named Tributes Mentored

【 14th ✿ 】 Mekwi: This guy's sunny personality won Jill over. She loves him!
【 14th ✿ 】 Mitena: Deep down, Jill feels like she and fiesty little Mitena were meant to be sisters.
【 17th ✘ 】 Tora: Umm what is this traitorous jerk? Jill hates her.
【 18th ✓ 】 Vincent: This guy had no brain, but honestly Jill had a soft spot for him.
【 20th ▣ 】 Cooper: Jill literally didn't even care when this guy died.
【 20th ✿ 】 Rieka: Jill's precious baby. She wants to destroy the entire Capitol for Rieka's death.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Thu Jun 23, 2022 8:44 am, edited 14 times in total.
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➵ Himaya Hannock

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:18 am

Himaya Hannock
the quiet mentor
Victor of the 18th Hunger Games

Full name: "Himaya Hannock."
Gender: "I'm a woman."
Sexuality: "..." Himaya is pansexual.
District: "District Eleven. I'm the mentor."
Age: "In my twenties." She won the games at eighteen.

Voice type: Contralto
Appearance: Himaya stands at 5'11" with a toned, athletic build from working long hours outdoors. She has a beautiful dark complexion envied by many Capitol citizens. Delicate curls of black hair fall just past her shoulders, and her eyes are a warm golden brown.
Personality: "..." Himaya often comes off as grumpy and unapproachable, but she doesn't mean to. She just has a hard time talking to others. Sometimes words simply fail her, and she just sits there in uncomfortable silence as the tension in the room grows. However, when she opens up, she will reveal a heart of gold. All she really wants is to bake sweets and hug cute things.
Partner: "I'm dating Jill." She wants to propose, but she's too afraid. Both partners are waiting for the other to make a move!

Alliance: "Lucius from District Three." Both of them had bad social skills but somehow managed to become friends.
Reaped or volunteered: "Reaped. Could've been worse."
Parade outfit: Himaya was some kind of demonic, twisted agricultural pest. She was basically made to resemble a giant amalgamate mutt of beetles, worms, aphids, and other creepy insects. The audience did not like this and neither did Himaya.
Interview angle: "..." Himaya had awful stage fright and hardly answered a single question. The interviewer helped her, though, talking her up as a "strong silent type". The audience loved it! Himaya is grateful for the help, she'd have died of embarrassment otherwise.

Alignment: True neutral
Weapon of choice: "A sword?" She has no skill or training, so at first Himaya was a terrible swordswoman. It only occurred to her months after the 18th Games that sparring against the Careers actually remedied that. If Reinhold and Eltaira hadn't challenged her to an oddly non-lethal match in the bloodbath, it's likely Himaya would've died later on, defenseless against mutts thanks to her terrible swordsmanship.
Skills: "..." Her greatest talents are all related to art: painting, singing, and playing instruments. None of this helped in the Games, or so she thought. Sometimes Himaya wonders if the Careers saved her on purpose because of her pacifist nature and peaceful skills.
Fatal flaw: "Um... talking to people." She's working on that. Her biggest weakness in the Hunger Games was a different kind of awkwardness, though. Himaya is clumsy and ungraceful with weapons, almost all weapons. Fighting isn't really her thing.

Mentor: "Me?" She is the only District Eleven mentor.
Training score: "Eight. Uh... I don't know why, either." The Gamemakers gave her a Career-level score for her strength.
Victory: "..." The 18th Games took place in a beautifully trimmed garden outside a mansion. Himaya had no intentions of going anywhere near those doors at first - she assumed the Careers wanted a comfortable indoor base. She and Lucius weren't the swiftest runners so they just hid behind a giant hedge, waiting to pick off what remained after the other tributes plundered the Cornucopia.
Eventually most of the competition had dispersed. Four Careers headed towards the mansion as expected, but the twins from District Two remained behind at the deserted bloodbath. Eltaira stood guard as Reinhold examined the fallen tributes. Himaya assumed he was checking for supplies at first, but soon noticed he took nothing from the bodies. She realized what the twins' true mission was when Reinhold knelt by the final tribute - fatally wounded but still breathing - and quietly extinguished what little life still lingered in his broken body.
A chill ran down Himaya's spine, but she froze when Reinhold's piercing eyes shifted in the direction of her hedge. Had he somehow sensed the horror that gripped her? As the twins made their way over, Himaya and Lucius stood up and prepared to run.

Eltaira called out for them to wait. She wore an oddly warm smile as she tossed two swords at their feet, one for each of them.
Himaya and Lucius made brief eye contact. Careers were trained killers, but they had a code of honor that often seemed incomprehensible to normal people. It would be safest for them to cooperate right now so they picked up the swords. Lucius had an eye on Reinhold, so Himaya faced Eltaira instead, trying not to shudder at the friendly smile the elegant swordswoman wore.
Eltaira and Reinhold bowed in that chillingly reverent Career fashion, and then the fight began. Himaya was overwhelmed at once by her opponent's sheer agility and nimbleness. Her eyes could hardly follow Eltaira's moves; all she could do was defend herself from the countless jabs and slices coming her way. Soon she fell to her knees, exhausted and unable to fight on. She braced herself, waiting for the final blow, but it never arrived. Eltaira and Reinhold simply left once their opponents had surrendered.
Shaken up from the odd encounter, Himaya checked herself and Lucius for injuries. Nothing but a few shallow cuts. Neither of them could fathom why Eltaira and Reinhold spared their lives, maybe it was a test of some sort? Deciding to move on, they noticed the Careers had left them a decent share of supplies in the Cornucopia, and thankfully a first-aid kit was among the spoils.

That night, they made camp in the Cornucopia. Dinner consisted of canned food and worn rations, a little unthematic for such an idyllic arena but Himaya didn't complain. Lucius did though. The normally-respectful tribute was on edge for some reason, complaining about the stale food, the cold weather, the rags they wore. He did have a point. Why would the Gamemakers put them in tattered leather and jeans for a luxurious mansion arena? It was all very strange, and Himaya asked Lucius if he had a weird feeling about all this. He said yes.
Neither of them could sleep that first night. It was a good thing they didn't - the ground began to tremble at the stroke of midnight. Himaya and Lucius took up the swords they'd received from the Careers and checked outside.

"You're kidding." Lucius muttered at the sight. Himaya was too horrified to even respond. The entire arena teemed with undead mutts, hordes of them, clawing and crawling out of the soil itself. Lucius' bad premonition had been correct in the worst possible way. This was no peaceful arena of luxury, this was the breeding ground for a zombie apocalypse straight out of the horror movies.

Himaya and Lucius took what they could salvage in time and fled the Cornucopia. The night continued to descend into a nightmare, with zombified mutts lurking around each garden corner, behind each once-pristine hedge. Both tributes were exhausted by the time they found the abandoned shed. Once they'd barricaded themselves in, they fell asleep at once.
Morning brought a horrific scream. Himaya leaped to her feet at once, sword at the ready. But she had the sense to crack open one of the shed's dirt-encrusted windows to peek outside first. What she saw confused her: two girls, no older than fifteen, stood over a mutt's now-motionless body. The smaller girl was panicking about a bite on her arm, that was what caused the scream. Her friend blew it off and they left, but Himaya felt a sinking horror. She told Lucius what she'd seen and they agreed to run from any girls matching their descriptions.
The two of them decided to hide in the shed until the mutts' numbers dwindled a bit. Cannons continued to fire throughout the day, and nightfall brought several new faces to the death toll. Much to Himaya's surprise, three of them were Careers. She felt a little relieved when it wasn't Eltaira and Reinhold though. As intimidating as they were, Himaya had developed some form of respect for them.

They slept uneasily that night. The next morning, Himaya woke up with an aching stomach but found their food stores were almost empty. Lucius suggested maybe they could ask the Careers for food. Horrified, Himaya shook her head, but Lucius kept explaining.

"They hate fighting the weak. In past games, they've nursed tributes back to health, then sent them away once they'd recovered." He muttered. "I hate this idea too. But it's better than risking it out there, risking getting bitten by those things."
Reluctantly, Himaya agreed to this outlandish plot. Gathering their swords and backpacks, the two of them left the safety of their run-down shed and set off towards the mansion. The return journey took longer than expected, thanks to the rampant mutts and freshly destroyed terrain. All the beautiful hedges and gardens were now ruined and overgrown. Everything had changed almost overnight.

Several more cannons had fired by the time they reached the mansion. Now, only six tributes remained, and this place looked like a wreck. Were they too late? As Himaya approached the front doors, she noticed something on the floor. A sheet of paper ripped in half. Placing the two pieces together revealed a chilling message in a Career's handwriting:
"If you're bitten or need help, don't hesitate to knock."
"That's not creepy at all," Lucius grumbled. "I wonder what made them rip it up. Guess we'll find out, huh?"
Clutching her sword for dear life, Himaya stepped back as her ally knocked. Her heart pounded with anticipation. She didn't know what would be scarier: if a Career answered, or if no one was there to hear the knock.
Finally, the door creaked open to reveal the smallest Career she'd ever seen.
"Hurry, before she hears you."

As the Career ushered them inside, Himaya couldn't help but wonder who - or what - they were referring to. Thankfully she had the wits to keep her mouth shut. Tiptoeing to avoid making noise, the tiny tribute led them through the dark, dilapidated hallways of a once-beautiful mansion. The slightest creak seemed to set them on edge. What happened here?
All of a sudden, the Career froze. They grabbed Himaya and Lucius, pulling them into the nearest room, then closed and locked the door behind them. Their eyes were wide in horror as they strugged to breathe.

"You okay?" Lucius asked. Himaya was thinking the same thing.
The Career looked up at them.
"We made a terrible mistake. Why didn't I speak up about that sign? I knew it was a bad idea."
"You mean the sign ripped in half outside." Lucius stated rather than questioned. "What happened?"
"It was Wilmina's idea. She just wanted to help, but... we were tricked." Their voice began to tremble. "Two girls came to us, about fourteen or fifteen. One was around my height and the other was taller. When we let them in, they attacked and took us by surprise. They were faster and stronger than any normal person. Almost like they were becoming the mutts that bit them."
Himaya shuddered at the thought, but what truly chilled her blood was the Career's description of those two girls. It matched what she'd seen outside the shed window just yesterday. Those foolish girls, dismissing a bite like that...

"Did you take them down?" Lucius asked, seeming about as uncomfortable as Himaya felt.
The Career shook their head. "We got the taller one, but not before she took down three of us. Including Wilmina. The other is- AAH!"
A terrible splintering noise came from the door. With a chill of horror, Himaya realized it must be whoever - or whatever - the Career had tried to warn them about. The abomination continued to throw itself at the door, each slam harder than the previous. It wouldn't hold long.
"I can hold her off." A strange determination had appeared in the Career's eyes. "Run. Go upstairs."
"We're not leaving you behind," Lucius told them, and Himaya nodded in agreement.
"You have to!" They looked desperate. "You have to or we'll all die. Just, please - when you find Reinhold, can you tell him I need him?"
Heart sinking, Himaya realized it was the truth; they stood no chance. These things could shatter doors and tear apart an entire Career Alliance. They were cornered, out of time, and the Career had already made up their mind. No convincing them otherwise. Himaya and Lucius exchanged a look, then nodded solemnly. The Career smiled up at them with tears glistening in their eyes.
A moment later, the door flew open with a sickening crack. As the abomination barrelled towards the little Career standing their ground, Himaya and Lucius fled through the now-empty doorway. A scream sounded behind them as they ran. Himaya wanted to convince herself it was just a battle cry, as no cannon had fired, but she knew better.
I'm sorry.

They found the District Two twins descending the grand spiral stairs. Eltaira led the way, flashlight in hand illuminating the worry on her face. "Oh my! Coral must have let you in. I'm so worried for them, they ran off without waiting for us..."
Coral. The name of the little Career who'd sacrificed themselves in the dead-end room. Himaya looked down at the scuffed floor as her throat tightened with tears. "We were attacked. Coral told us... find Reinhold and..."
"Say no more. We have to hurry," Eltaira said. She and Reinhold led the way through the decrepit halls.

The abomination was gone by the time they reached the room. Only the lonely figure of Coral remained, curled up by a shattered chandlier as they gasped their last breaths. Weakly, they lifted their head as Reinhold knelt by their side. Himaya had missed it in the bloodbath, but now she saw the look in his eyes, so soft and compassionate it almost brought tears to her own.

"Give them a moment." Eltaira gently pushed Himaya and Lucius out of the room. "It's okay, Reinhold will take care of them."
As calm as the Career tried to be, there was no hiding the tears in her eyes. Himaya placed a reassuring hand on Eltaira's shoulder. Nothing she could say would make it better, so all she could do was offer silent support. The Career thanked her in a faint whisper.
Soon the cannon fired, and a solemn-looking Reinhold emerged alone from the lifeless room. Eltaira threw her arms around him at once. Himaya's heart ached for the poor Careers; they were never the ruthless villains her district dismissed them as.

After the twins' moment of silence, they led Himaya and Lucius upstairs to the room they'd established as a safe place. All four tributes worked together to rebuild the barricade in case that abomination came knocking. District Two and District Eleven were never friends, but tonight they'd unite against a common enemy. First, they needed a plan - but the Careers had something in mind.
Reinhold, the wiser of the twins, worked out the details while Eltaira acted as spokesperson. She was the physically strongest and would draw the monster into a fight. Himaya and Lucius' role was to support Eltaira, disadvantaging the enemy by any means possible: light, obstacles, thrown objects. The mission was to lure it towards Reinhold, who'd lie in wait until he spotted an opening to finish it off.
After the debriefing, Eltaira broke out the canned peaches she'd been saving. The four of them shared one last meal together. The next morning, gathering all their courage, they removed the barricade and set off to face their foe.

It didn't take long to find the abomination. Rather, the abomination found them. Eltaira whirled around to attack it, both swords at the ready, while Lucius pelted it with whatever he could throw. Himaya managed to catch the monster in the eyes with her flashlight beam, but it did nothing. So she resorted to throwing the flashlight instead. It struck the thing in the forehead, buying Eltaira enough time to strike and run. The three of them lured it down the hall to where Reinhold watched and waited.
Too swift to follow with the untrained eye, Reinhold's blade pierced the monster through the heart. As the last sparks of life left the twisted creature, her humanity seemed to return for just one moment. Brown eyes, no longer bloodshot nor clouded, gazed up at Reinhold with an expression that could only be described as grateful. He gathered her in his arms and lowered her to the floor gently.
A cannon fired. That... that had once been a tribute. Himaya recalled seeing those same eyes from the shed window. Coral was right; after the mutt bit this poor soul, it had somehow corrupted her into one of them.
But the nightmare wasn't over. Horror in her eyes, Eltaira rolled up her sleeve to reveal a fresh bite.

"You should go," Eltaira told them in an eerily familiar tone. With an ache in her chest, Himaya recalled it as the voice she'd used to reassure them of Coral's wellbeing. The terrible promise in her calm words - Reinhold will take care of it.
As Reinhold pulled his sister in for one final hug, Lucius put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Himaya had no words. She could only gaze at the trio with silent sympathy until Lucius broke away, and together they left the Careers in peace. The cannon fired soon after. Himaya's heart stung for poor Reinhold, the stoic Career who carried the burden of so many lives in his hands. It couldn't have been easy.
Reinhold didn't rejoin them. Himaya began to express concern, but Lucius reassured her that he needed time.

Himaya and Lucius wandered the now-empty halls of the mansion all day, until a piercing howl stopped them cold. That was no human voice. It was the howl of a mutt, too crisp and close to have come from outside. Neither of them hesitated. Just broke into a run, blindly sprinting through the halls with neither plan nor destination. Until they were exhausted, cornered, with nowhere to run. All they could do was brandish their swords uselessly as the drooling, dead-eyed mutts shambled closer and closer. This was it.
No. A swift flash of a silver blade told them it wasn't over yet. Reinhold had returned with a vengeance, carving a path through the undead mutts so he could join Himaya and Lucius in their corner. His eyes still glistened with fresh tears as he took a stand by their side.

"You came back," Lucius murmured, a strange emotion in his voice. Himaya would understand that emotion years later when she met her girlfriend Jill. At the time, she registered it as some sort of friendly admiration.

Now reunited, the trio faced the mutts together. It was a long and grueling fight, but it ended with the three of them victorious. Himaya had somehow sustained the least wounds in the ordeal. Lucius and Reinhold, on the other hand, collapsed to the floor once the job was done. One look at their injuries told Himaya they were beyond saving.

"Himaya, could you give us a moment?" Lucius asked. "There's something I need to say to Reinhold."
Himaya nodded solemnly, not wanting to disrupt whatever was going on between the two. She just turned to leave. Before she could take a step, however, Lucius called out to her once more. "Thank you, Himaya. You were a great ally... and friend. I'll miss you."
Tears shone in Himaya's eyes as she looked back for the last time. "I'll miss you too. Thanks for everything, Luke."
At this unexpected moment of camaderie between herself and her ally, Himaya finally broke. Quiet sobs escaped her as she walked away from Lucius and Reinhold - the teammate who'd become a friend, the Career who'd become a savior.
The cannons fired as Himaya walked out the front door. As morning light washed over her, it dawned on her that so many tributes had fought to the death to save her life. And she wasn't about to waste her second chance. From now on, she would live life to the fullest for all those who couldn't. Lucius, Reinhold, Eltaira, Coral... it was the least she could do for them.

Himaya's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 18th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◈ ▣ 】 Sorin: Himaya didn't meet him so never formed an impression.
【 D1 ◈ ▣ 】 Wilmina: Another Career Himaya never met, though she heard her name mentioned.
【 D2 ◆ ✓ 】 Reinhold: Himaya feared Reinhold at first, but developed great respect for him.
【 D2 ◆ ✓ 】 Eltaira: Reinhold's more talkative sister. A little creepy, but Himaya ended up liking her.
【 D3 ◆ ✿ 】 Lucius: Himaya's trusted ally and friend. She could always depend on him.
【 D4 ◈ ✓ 】 Coral: Himaya is so grateful to the brave little Career who saved her life.
【 D4 ◈ ▣ 】 Ripley: Another Career who Himaya, unfortunately, never got to meet.
【 D7 ◇ ✘ 】 Beth: This idiot blew off her friend's bite wound and it led to the infection spreading.
【 D10 ◈ ▣ 】 Vincent: Himaya saw him get killed but doesn't know anything else about him.
【 D12 ◇ ✘ 】 Melanie: Himaya was horrified by this monster, but it turned out to be a poor trapped tribute.

Other Mentors

【 D1 ▣ 】 Licaria: Himaya doesn't mind her, but it's a little difficult for the two to communicate.
【 D2 ✿ 】 Icarus: He comforted her after the 18th Games. Himaya considers him a good friend.
【 D3 ✘ 】 Quillon: Himaya dislikes and avoids this guy. He's too arrogant and rude.
【 D4 ✓ 】 Edmund: His presence is comforting and he's a good listener. Himaya likes him.
【 D5 ✘ 】 Khali: She's kind of scary, so Himaya avoids her as much as possible.
【 D6 ✘ 】 Gleam: The worst person Himaya has ever seen. Is this even a human being?
【 D7 ✓ 】 Garry: Himaya doesn't talk to him often, but he seems nice and understanding.
【 D8 ✿ 】 Jasper: One of Himaya's best friends. They're both shy, so they enjoy silent companionship.
【 D9 ▣ 】 Ronny: Himaya never talks to him. He seems unapproachable and like he doesn't care about anything.
【 D10 ♡ 】 Jillian: Himaya's beloved girlfriend who she adores with all her heart.
【 D12 ✿ 】 Maverick: His friendly, optimistic nature helped Himaya open up and become friends with him.

Named Tributes Mentored

【 19th ✘ 】 Leonas: His demeanor was intimidating, and Himaya's not a fan of how he tormented others.
【 20th ✿ 】 Jay: A baby! Himaya can't resist the cute charms of a huggable baby.
【 20th ✓ 】 Zoe: Himaya believes in her and hopes she does well.


【 ✿ 】 Rieka: Himaya's precious child. You can fight her for custody, but you will lose.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Thu Jun 23, 2022 8:51 am, edited 18 times in total.
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➵ Maverick Wolfe

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:27 am

Maverick Wolfe
the optimistic mentor
Victor of the 14th Hunger Games

Full name: "Hello! I'm Maverick Wolfe."
Gender: "Hahaha! I'm a guy."
Sexuality: "No idea, to be honest." Maverick is questioning.
District: "I'm District Twelve's mentor. You can ask me anything, as long as it's not related to coal."
Age: "Can you believe I'm in my twenties? I still feel like a teenager." He won the games at sixteen.

Voice type: Tenor
Appearance: Maverick stands at 5'8" with an athletic, leanly muscular figure from all the running he does. His dark blonde hair is messy and lopsided, falling in an uneven mop that sometimes covers his eyes. Whoever cuts his hair needs to find a new job. The unkempt look doesn't bother Maverick, though, as he wears a perpetual smile and his brown doe-eyes always glitter with optimism.
Personality: "I think I'm the comic relief of the mentors." Maverick has an upbeat attitude and tons of confidence, enough to make a fool of himself without actually feeling embarrassed. He loves to make friends and is incredibly loyal once attached. Thanks to his playful attitude, he doesn't take much personally, so you can insult him all you want and he'll laugh along with you. Maverick is just a ray of sunshine who tries to see the best in every situation. His optimism got him through the games, and he hopes it'll help you too.
Partner: "I'm single!" Maverick doesn't have his eye on anyone.

Alliance: "I teamed up with Mekwi, Mitena and Nadia. They were the best friends I ever had. We had another teammate - Ragnall - but he betrayed and used us. He is dead to me. As for the others, I miss them so much." Maverick often visits the memorial he built for them.
Reaped or volunteered: "I was reaped. To be honest, I cried saying goodbye to my family."
Parade outfit: Maverick hated the ridiculous miner's outfit he had to wear. Even worse, they smeared him in coal dust that made him sneeze. At least it had no helmet so everyone could see his "fabulous" hair, that was the one good thing.
Interview angle: "Fun! It's what I do best." Maverick went with some self-deprecating humor and wholesome remarks. Overall he was a little forgettable, but the audience liked him while he was there.

Alignment: Chaotic good
Weapon of choice: "Bows and hunting knives! Uh... please don't ask why. I definitely didn't do any illegal hunting back in Twelve."
Skills: "Oooh, I'll skip this one. My answer might be a little incriminating." Maverick has a great skillset related to illegal hunting. He's stealthy, with a decent understanding of animal behavior and plant life. Anything wilderness survival related is easy for him, especially trap-making.
Fatal flaw: "My allergies. I hate coal dust, or any dust for that matter!" His real fatal flaw is his naive personality. Maverick can't lie to save his life - it's a wonder he survived this long as an illegal hunter. He's also gullible and falls for others' schemes easily.

Mentor: "Oh, that's me!" As District Twelve's only victor, he never had a mentor before him.
Training score: "I was so happy when I got my five." He was expecting worse, so an average score made his day.
Victory: "Whenever I feel lonely, I rewatch the tapes of the 14th Games just to see Mekwi, Mitena and Nadia again. You can join me if you'd like." Maverick started off the games with a team of five: himself, Nadia, Mitena, Mekwi, and their leader Ragnall. Emboldened by the size of their alliance, Ragnall planned to take over the Cornucopia. He ordered his allies to occupy the Careers' attention as he picked off stragglers. Both District Four tributes fell as a result, and the other Careers were too surprised and injured to hold the Cornucopia. Yet Maverick felt no triumph as he watched them leave. A shiver ran down his spine, seeing the empty eyes of Torrent and Megan from District Four.
Ragnall, on the other hand, stood tall and proud over the Careers he'd slaughtered. Unbothered by the deaths, he muttered something about revenge. Maverick clenched his jaw in annoyance but said nothing. Little did he know, the war had only begun.

A few days later, Ragnall decided winning the bloodbath wasn't enough. He wanted to strike another blow to the Careers, using their worst fear: mutts. Maverick cringed at the memory of the 11th Games, won by Jasper just three years ago. So many Careers died at the brutal, merciless claws of mutts that year. It seemed mutts were attracted to Careers' blood most.
Still, it was a smart strategy to eliminate the competition. Careers were stronger than the average tribute, so the mutts' particular appetites helped even the playing field. The alliance wandered the bamboo forest until they found a family of panda-like abominations with teeth as large as spearheads. Ragnall ordered Maverick and Nadia to act as bait, and together they led the panda mutts to the Careers' camp. Maverick and his allies fled as screams erupted behind them. A cannon fired later, but Ragnall wanted more war.
The next day, Ragnall sent Nadia out on a 'scouting mission'. He then led the others in a patrol following behind her. Maverick didn't question it, but he wished he had. A spear flew across the clearing and straight into Nadia's heart. Maverick's widened in horror as his district partner's cannon fired, but shock turned to anger as he spotted the spear's owner. Malcolm of District One. It didn't take long for Maverick and his allies to take down the lone Career, and Malcolm didn't even try to flee. Just stood his ground and fought to the end.

Ragnall went to bed early that night, ordering his allies to take watch while he took a 'well-deserved' break. The others agreed, but an uneasy feeling had settled over them after Nadia's death. Mitena, Mekwi and Maverick mulled over it in hushed whispers, and it dawned on them that Nadia's murder was part of Ragnall's plan. He'd set her up as bait for the District One tribute. It was Malcolm's district partner who'd been mauled in the mutt scheme, so of course he'd want revenge. They'd defeated him only thanks to Ragnall's evil manipulation.
The trio decided to sneak away in the dead of night. They took their things and left, but Ragnall ambushed them. He hadn't been sleeping at all. After taking down Mitena with a cowardly attack from behind, the traitor fled, leaving his former allies to mourn their backstabbed friend and sister. An announcement from hidden loudspeakers broke the silence. The feast was tomorrow morning at the Cornucopia.

The next morning, the duo arrived at the Cornucopia. Mekwi waited in the bushes as backup while Maverick made a beeline for the backpacks marked 10 and 12. Just as he grabbed them, something slammed into his back, knocking him into the grass. Maverick managed to flip over, only to stare into the soft brown eyes of Clotilde of District Two. She mumbled a quick apology and raised her knife.
But Maverick saw something even worse than the knife drawing closer. Ragnall.
"Behind you!"
"I've heard that one before- AAH!" Clotilde's voice rose in a scream as Ragnall's machete slashed down.
Maverick felt someone pull him to his feet. It was Mekwi, here to save him before the situation got worse. The two of them attacked Ragnall, but the slippery traitor managed to escape once again. He'd even snatched District Two's backpack to add insult to injury.
Regret in his eyes, Maverick looked down at the fallen Career. They couldn't save her.
"I'm sorry. We have to go," He murmured before he and Mekwi fled the scene, 10 and 12 marked backpacks in hand. Maverick heard an awful shout behind him - Charles of District Two had arrived. The cannon soon fired, followed by the surviving Career's cry of anguish.

Later, Mekwi and Maverick had a brief reprieve to rest and recover. Outside their tent, a thunderstorm raged on, most certainly to match the fight between Ragnall and Charles. Maverick expressed his worries about who they'd face in the finale. Their former tyrannical leader, or the strongest Career? Either would be horrifying to fight. Mekwi comforted him, reminding Maverick that whatever or whoever they faced in the final fight, they wouldn't face it alone. The two of them would fight side by side.
The storm ended the next evening. Mekwi and Maverick returned to the Cornucopia for the final battle, waiting for their opponent to show up. Wounded and limping from the previous battle, out came their opponent from the bushes... Charles.

Maverick and Mekwi braced themselves for the final Career's wrath, but there was none. Charles only offered them a kind smile and shook their hands.
"It's time for the final fight of the games. On my Career's honor, I want it to be a fair one."
Maverick and Mekwi agreed to this, promising no dirty tricks. They weren't anything like Ragnall.
The Career chuckled.
"Good to hear. If I lose this fight... best regards for your future. Now, let's begin."
Charles was already injured and exhausted, but the fight was no cakewalk. Overwhelmed, Maverick didn't notice the blade aimed straight at his heart - until Mekwi leaped in front to intercept the blow. Maverick gasped in horror, but Mekwi laughed it off. He claimed the blade had missed him entirely. Working together with rekindled determination, the two of them managed to defeat the Career.
"So that's it, then." Charles smiled up at them. "Best fight I've had in ages. Thank you."

After the cannon fired, a solemn silence fell over the arena. Maverick tried to cheer Mekwi up by sharing congratulations on winning the fight together, but his friend just slumped to the ground in exhaustion. Worried, Maverick caught Mekwi in his arms and asked what was wrong. As the words left his mouth, he saw it, the dark stain spreading across his ally's shirt. Only then did he realize what Mekwi did for him. The blade hadn't missed - that was a lie Mekwi made up to spare his friend the awful truth.
"No," Maverick whispered. "No, I can- I can help. I won't let you go. You're my brother, Mekwi, please don't leave me."
His efforts to save his friend proved futile. Mekwi's last moments crept by, slipping as sand between his fingers would, and soon the last cannon fired. Silent tears streamed down Maverick's cheeks as he set his motionless ally down in the grass. He'd never forget his allies - optimistic Nadia, brave Mitena, and most of all Mekwi, his savior and brother-in-arms. The best friend Maverick ever had.

Maverick's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 14th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◇ ✘ 】 Malcolm: He killed Nadia, so Maverick can't forgive him even if it was mainly Ragnall's fault.
【 D1 ◇ ▣ 】 Gemma: Mauled by mutts thanks to Ragnall. Maverick feels bad for her.
【 D2 ◇ ✓ 】 Charles: A respectful enemy. Maverick is fond of his honor and good sportsmanship.
【 D2 ◇ ▣ 】 Clotilde: Scary, but Mav doesn't hate her at all. She was just doing her job.
【 D4 ◇ ▣ 】 Torrent: Ragnall killed them in the bloodbath. Mav never hated Torrent, though.
【 D4 ◇ ▣ 】 Megan: Another Career killed by Ragnall in the bloodbath. Mav has no reason to hate her.
【 D9 ❖ ✘ 】 Ragnall: This lowlife betrayed and used all of them. Maverick hates him with a passion.
【 D10 ◆ ✿ 】 Mekwi: Even though they were only together for a short time, Maverick loves him like a brother.
【 D10 ◆ ✓ 】 Mitena: Maverick has tremendous respect for his fierce little ally.
【 D12 ◆ ✓ 】 Nadia: Maverick loved her company and wishes Ragnall hadn't stolen their time together.

Other Mentors

【 D1 ✿ 】 Licaria: Maverick quickly formed a friendship with the eccentric mad scientist Career.
【 D2 ✓ 】 Icarus: An honorable victor from District Two who Maverick is fond of.
【 D3 ✘ 】 Quillon: This brutal traitor has no excuse for the horrible ways he killed people.
【 D4 ✓ 】 Edmund: Maverick respects him. Together, they act as translators for Careers and Non-Careers.
【 D5 ▣ 】 Khali: Maverick can't hate Khali. It seemed her district partner's death broke her.
【 D6 ✘ 】 Gleam: Now this cold, cruel traitor is one Maverick hates with a passion. What is wrong with her?
【 D7 ✿ 】 Garry: Maverick's best friend in the mentors' social circle. They often hang out.
【 D8 ✓ 】 Jasper: A little timid, but he's a nice guy overall. Maverick likes him.
【 D9 ▣ 】 Ronny: This guy doesn't care about anything, so Maverick doesn't notice him either.
【 D10 ✿ 】 Jillian: Maverick is close friends with the brave, passionate mentor from Ten.
【 D11 ✿ 】 Himaya: She was shy at first, but Maverick broke her out of her shell. Now they are friends.

Named Tributes Mentored

【 16th ✿ 】 Aegeus: Aegeus died a hero, cementing his place as one of Maverick's favorite tributes.
【 16th ✘ 】 Caitlin: Maverick is horrified by her! She won by mauling everyone like a mutt.
【 18th ✘ 】 Melanie: This spoiled, rude brat was a nightmare, especially when she kinda turned into a mutt.
【 20th ✿ 】 Felix: A kindhearted fellow. Maverick will always be proud of him.
【 20th ✘ 】 Reyna: Who raised this snarling mutt of a tribute?

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Thu Jun 23, 2022 8:55 am, edited 11 times in total.
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