[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [CLOSED]

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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [CLOSED]

Postby 76heart » Wed Sep 02, 2020 1:55 am

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As you amble rather aimlessly through the Arkade looking for some new games to play now that most have come to a close, you notice that a room that's been under construction for awhile has finally been completed, and that there's now a sign above the door. Escape Room, huh? Why not? Seems fun, and it's not like you've got anything to do other than play more Arkade games.

Slowly, you pass through the door, eyeing the ceiling that's been painted with clouds and flying birds to mimic a tropical, coastal sky as you step inside. The walls seem to have received the same treatment as the ceiling; they're painted like a sprawling ocean with sea stacks packing through the serene waves, and you can almost feel an echo of it surrounding you. It feels so real, like it's actually moving, how can it only be paint? How can it only be paint that seems to have gotten on some fake tree fronds, at that? How can you smell the salt on the sea breeze? Shaking your head, you chalk it up to just being one of the many oddities of this Arkade that you by now have almost grown completely used to. A lot of things here really don't make sense, and it's run by a small child too short to even play his own game, so it's probably best to just accept it as reality and not ask any questions. You aren't sure if you'd like the answers, or if there's even any to begin with.

Sighing, you shift your gaze to the rest of the room, letting your eyes trail along it slowly to take it all in, until they land on a figure standing in the far back, putting some final careful details into place. Hey, isn't that the guy you've seen playing the DDR machine late at night with that employee with really long hair? After another moment of watching, you come to the conclusion that yes, it is him. Interesting. So this is what he's been doing this whole time? He seems busy though, and like he doesn't want to be bothered, so you continue looking around the room. It's set up to look like some tropical island in the middle of a vast ocean, complete with sand and a great many trees and plants, and even.. Wait, is that a mountain? How in the- How are they able to fit all this in here? It looked like such a small room from the outside. Best not to question it. Best not to question it.
You turn your gaze and your thoughts from that mountain, and then finally, you spot her. Or, well actually, you spotted her hair first, which is trailing several feet behind her, but still. She's sitting quietly on a patch of sand nestled within a dip in the grass, carefully arranging some seashells to hide something you can't quite catch a glimpse of. She adjusts them tenderly, her touch lingering a moment before she finally pulls away. Seeing your chance, you awkwardly clear your throat and she turns to you, her expression startled for the briefest of moments before it melts into a warm, welcoming smile.

"Oh, darling you have my deepest apologies. I didn't notice you, have you been standing there long?" Her voice is soft and melodious; it reminds you of birdsong in the morning as the sun is just beginning to rise. Before you can answer however, a figure suddenly pops up in front of you, their face right in front of yours. It's the kalon you saw working in the back, his gaze burning into your own. Your eyes widen.
He studies you closely for a moment, before he seems to relent and back off a little, though he's still quite close. "You'd be smart to keep your eyes and paws to yourself... we don't need anyone snooping around and ruining the puzzle for others." His words vastly contrast the other's genuine pleasantries, as does the way he tersely grumbled them in comparison to her sweet voice, but it seems he's rather protective of the game they've set up together, and has no true hostility behind his words. He gives you one last hard look, before slinking back to sit beside his companion, who is still offering you a kind smile. Well, that was intense.
"Forgive us, we did not expect someone to come so soon. You are the first one to find us open since we have completed the room." She gestures to all they've set up, before continuing, her voice soothing. "I am Nemonaera, but please, call me Naera if you wish," As she talks, you notice that her companion is staring icy daggers into you, his gaze and expression clearly saying, "I'm watching you, don't mess up." You swallow nervously. "and this is Major. He is very dear to me and one of few words, so it is usually I who speaks for us both." Naera's voice snaps your attention back to her, and you notice her gazing fondly at Major for a moment as he grumbles out something inaudible in reply, before she turns back to you and again, continues. "Now darling, now that we have given introductions, it is with great joy that we welcome you to the Escape Room!" She flings her arms open in greeting, before clasping her paws in front of her, and widening her smile.
Major's attention had been drawn away from you when Naera began to speak, and he was now focused intently on her kind words and sunny theatrics. Her movements seemed to be a gentle reminder for him that they were to be putting on a good front while introducing one of their biggest projects together, and it seemed that at the drop of a hat, his previously cold stare had now morphed into something, dare you say it... Approachable? As his eyes refocus on you, Major mumbles, "You're in for a treat, kid." before propping his elbow on the arm of the chair you failed to notice that he had brought with him; his head following suit and falling into his hand not long after. That wasn't a threat, was it? It couldn't be. For a moment, Naera's expression is filled with surprise at his words, seemingly startled that he had left his usually chilly demeanor, but as before, it was quickly covered up with a smile, and she continued, beaming a little more than she had been before. If you had to guess though, judging by the look in her eyes, that had to be the nicest thing he said all day, at least to someone that wasn't her. The way he softened when he looked at her had you doubting that he could ever be that way with her.
"More must arrive before we can begin, but we do hope that you will stay and enjoy your time. I promise that you will have quite the adventure if you choose to remain, and I do hope that you will take it with us."

What have you gotten yourself into?


Welcome to the Escape Room!
This game will be running everyday from September 13th 2020, to September 19th 2020, for a total of seven days.
To participate in this booth and escape the room, you must correctly fill out the form for each day.

Unlike other games, this one is a little different. The form will be different each day, as will what you have to do to escape the room. Some days will have choices with a randomized result, and others will include no RNG and instead something closer to a prompt. As a new type of day comes around, you will find a more detailed explanation of it and how it works below, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Be sure to read everything carefully so you don't miss anything, especially the rules, and the explanation text and day requirements before each day's form.

Aspen and I truly hope that you have fun and enjoy our game, and thank you for coming along this journey with us!
Last edited by 76heart on Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:33 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [index]

Postby 76heart » Mon Sep 14, 2020 3:19 pm

escape room things wrote:rules

days and results


how it works wrote:choice and rng days

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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [rules]

Postby 76heart » Mon Sep 14, 2020 3:36 pm


► Do not post until we open the booth for the day, and do not post again after a closing post until the next day has been opened again. There is going to be a different form each day, and what you'll have to fill out each time will be different. This isn't like other games where you can quote forms or post again automatically at rollover. We wanted to mix things up a little and that means things will work a bit differently, so please be sure to read everything and be careful!

► You may only post your form once per opening

► Please do not edit your forms. There will be a day with a prompt, so please make sure everything is correct before posting!

► Please be patient when it comes to logging. We will do our best to get everything logged promptly, but life may happen and it may take us a moment.

► Have fun! Don't stress, we're here to have fun and play games and no matter what you will always get tickets <3
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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [days and results]

Postby 76heart » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:01 pm

Last edited by 76heart on Sun Sep 20, 2020 7:37 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [choice based RNG days]

Postby 76heart » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:24 pm


Days of this Room Type: One, Two, Five, Seven

How It Works
► Choice based RNG days are days where you will be given choices, but you have absolutely no idea what those choices will result in, and neither do we until we spin a wheel at some point before or during closing.
► You will be given four choices, and can only choose one. It really doesn't matter what you choose, so just go with your gut, with whichever answer you feel your character would do, or what would most give you a smile.
► When it comes time to randomize for the results, we will be spinning a wheel with four options, a win, a partial win, and two fails. When a result is landed on, it will be removed from the wheel. This means that everyone who chose Choice 1, will all get the same result, and number of tickets.
► From there, Aspen and I will find a fun way to make your result come to life with some story located below your choice, and the tickets you've won.

Be sure to always copy the choice into your form exactly as it is listed! If you don't, you risk not being counted, as we will log by searching the thread with each choice exactly as it is written.

Rough Example

Choices: Punch a wall, scream into a pillow, Read a book, actually search the room
Chosen Choice: Punch a wall
Randomized Result: Win

Punch A Wall -5 Tickets
In your frustration at not being able to find anything, you find that you simply cannot take it and have to somehow release the anger building up inside you. So, you decide punching a wall is a fantastic course of action. You wind up, thwap it, and then something comes falling down on your head. Oh hey, it's the thing you needed to find! But dang, that really hurt. Why'd you do that? That wasn't smart, but hey, at least you got the tickets!
Last edited by 76heart on Sun Sep 20, 2020 7:12 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [riddles and the alternate path]

Postby 76heart » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:28 pm


Days of this Room Type: Three

You may only choose one path, you cannot do both riddles, and the alternate path.


How It Works - Riddles
► There are 6 riddles you have to answer, each with 4 possible answers. Only one is correct
► To minimize the copy and pasting you have to do, all riddles, and their possible answers, will be within your form. Erase all the answers besides the one you think is correct.
► Read them carefully and take a moment to think, several answers have purposeful fake outs.
► It is okay to use google! All these riddles are written by me with the help of Aspen, no answers will be expressly there. You will still have to do some searching, and you will hopefully learn something along the way.

How It Works - Alternate Path
► There can only be one winner. Everyone who goes this path but is not chosen will still receive tickets, but it is the winner who will receive the prize.
► This is not like the other answers and choices, what you write will be judged. Hints have been places throughout here and the NPC Ask Blog (Within Naera's staff page and her answers) to help show what will get her talking, you need only to look.
► Minimum of 100 words, there is no maximum, go wild!
► You may do art to go along with this, however please note that this will be judged on writing, and not art, and the art would be merely a fun bonus, a tie breaker, or something to enhance your words.
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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [placing the idols]

Postby 76heart » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:29 pm


Days of this Room Type: Four


How It Works
► You knocked them over, now you have to place them back on their platforms. To do this, read the clues beneath each duck and figure out what order they go in.
► If a duck says they have to go on an end, they go on an end, but you have to read the clues the others provide to figure out which end. I.E, Magenta says: "I go on the end.", and Turquoise says: "My place is on the end, the side that rhymes with might." Magenta is on the left side, and Turquoise is on the right
► It is okay to take some time to think about this one and try a couple orders before posting, however you may not edit your form, and you may only list one possible order
► You may order in words, (purple, cyan, macaroni and cheese), or with the images, whichever you'd prefer!
► The clues lead to two ways this could possibly be done, but one duck holds the key to which one is correct, think very carefully.
Last edited by 76heart on Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [whoddunnit]

Postby 76heart » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:31 pm


Days of this Room Type: Six


How it Works
► Naera and Sorcha are missing, but several Arkade staff still remain. You must pick two who gave testimonies to figure out the culprit
► Read all the witness testimonies/statements, and choose the two you think will lead you to whodunnit
► Don't put the testimony, only put the names of the two you choose
► Unlike the riddles and duck placement, the ones who hold the key to unraveling the mystery have not been decided beforehand. The two who hold it will be randomized. Their statements could lead to nothing but dustbunnies and candy wrappers, or hold the weight of everything and lead to the truth
► If you have any questions, please ask!
Last edited by 76heart on Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [mobile version]

Postby 76heart » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:40 pm


As you amble rather aimlessly through the Arkade looking for some new games to play now that most have come to a close, you notice that a room that's been under construction for awhile has finally been completed, and that there's now a sign above the door. Escape Room, huh? Why not? Seems fun, and it's not like you've got anything to do other than play more Arkade games.

Slowly, you pass through the door, eyeing the ceiling that's been painted with clouds and flying birds to mimic a tropical, coastal sky as you step inside. The walls seem to have received the same treatment as the ceiling; they're painted like a sprawling ocean with sea stacks packing through the serene waves, and you can almost feel an echo of it surrounding you. It feels so real, like it's actually moving, how can it only be paint? How can it only be paint that seems to have gotten on some fake tree fronds, at that? How can you smell the salt on the sea breeze? Shaking your head, you chalk it up to just being one of the many oddities of this Arkade that you by now have almost grown completely used to. A lot of things here really don't make sense, and it's run by a small child too short to even play his own game, so it's probably best to just accept it as reality and not ask any questions. You aren't sure if you'd like the answers, or if there's even any to begin with.

Sighing, you shift your gaze to the rest of the room, letting your eyes trail along it slowly to take it all in, until they land on a figure standing in the far back, putting some final careful details into place. Hey, isn't that the guy you've seen playing the DDR machine late at night with that employee with really long hair? After another moment of watching, you come to the conclusion that yes, it is him. Interesting. So this is what he's been doing this whole time? He seems busy though, and like he doesn't want to be bothered, so you continue looking around the room. It's set up to look like some tropical island in the middle of a vast ocean, complete with sand and a great many trees and plants, and even.. Wait, is that a mountain? How in the- How are they able to fit all this in here? It looked like such a small room from the outside. Best not to question it. Best not to question it.
You turn your gaze and your thoughts from that mountain, and then finally, you spot [url=.]her[/url]. Or, well actually, you spotted her hair first, which is trailing several feet behind her, but still. She's sitting quietly on a patch of sand nestled within a dip in the grass, carefully arranging some seashells to hide something you can't quite catch a glimpse of. She adjusts them tenderly, her touch lingering a moment before she finally pulls away. Seeing your chance, you awkwardly clear your throat and she turns to you, her expression startled for the briefest of moments before it melts into a warm, welcoming smile.

"Oh, darling you have my deepest apologies. I didn't notice you, have you been standing there long?" Her voice is soft and melodious; it reminds you of birdsong in the morning as the sun is just beginning to rise. Before you can answer however, a figure suddenly pops up in front of you, their face right in front of yours. It's the kalon you saw working in the back, his gaze burning into your own. Your eyes widen.
He studies you closely for a moment, before he seems to relent and back off a little, though he's still quite close. "You'd be smart to keep your eyes and paws to yourself... we don't need anyone snooping around and ruining the puzzle for others." His words vastly contrast the other's genuine pleasantries, as does the way he tersely grumbled them in comparison to her sweet voice, but it seems he's rather protective of the game they've set up together, and has no true hostility behind his words. He gives you one last hard look, before slinking back to sit beside his companion, who is still offering you a kind smile. Well, that was intense.
"Forgive us, we did not expect someone to come so soon. You are the first one to find us open since we have completed the room." She gestures to all they've set up, before continuing, her voice soothing. "I am Nemonaera, but please, call me Naera if you wish," As she talks, you notice that her companion is staring icy daggers into you, his gaze and expression clearly saying, "I'm watching you, don't mess up." You swallow nervously. "and this is Major. He is very dear to me and one of few words, so it is usually I who speaks for us both." Naera's voice snaps your attention back to her, and you notice her gazing fondly at Major for a moment as he grumbles out something inaudible in reply, before she turns back to you and again, continues. "Now darling, now that we have given introductions, it is with great joy that we welcome you to the Escape Room!" She flings her arms open in greeting, before clasping her paws in front of her, and widening her smile.
Major's attention had been drawn away from you when Naera began to speak, and he was now focused intently on her kind words and sunny theatrics. Her movements seemed to be a gentle reminder for him that they were to be putting on a good front while introducing one of their biggest projects together, and it seemed that at the drop of a hat, his previously cold stare had now morphed into something, dare you say it... Approachable? As his eyes refocus on you, Major mumbles, "You're in for a treat, kid." before propping his elbow on the arm of the chair you failed to notice that he had brought with him; his head following suit and falling into his hand not long after. That wasn't a threat, was it? It couldn't be. For a moment, Naera's expression is filled with surprise at his words, seemingly startled that he had left his usually chilly demeanor, but as before, it was quickly covered up with a smile, and she continued, beaming a little more than she had been before. If you had to guess though, judging by the look in her eyes, that had to be the nicest thing he said all day, at least to someone that wasn't her. The way he softened when he looked at her had you doubting that he could ever be that way with her.
"More must arrive before we can begin, but we do hope that you will stay and enjoy your time. I promise that you will have quite the adventure if you choose to remain, and I do hope that you will take it with us."

What have you gotten yourself into?


Welcome to the Escape Room!
This game will be running everyday from September 13th 2020, to September 19th 2020, for a total of seven days.
To participate in this booth and escape the room, you must correctly fill out the form for each day.

Unlike other games, this one is a little different. The form will be different each day, as will what you have to do to escape the room. Some days will have choices with a randomized result, and others will include no RNG and instead something closer to a prompt. As a new type of day comes around, you will find a more detailed explanation of it and how it works below, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Be sure to read everything carefully so you don't miss anything, especially the rules, and the explanation text and day requirements before each day's form.

Aspen and I truly hope that you have fun and enjoy our game, and thank you for coming along this journey with us!


► Do not post until we open the booth for the day, and do not post again after a closing post until the next day has been opened again. There is going to be a different form each day, and what you'll have to fill out each time will be different. This isn't like other games where you can quote forms or post again automatically at rollover. We wanted to mix things up a little and that means things will work a bit differently, so please be sure to read everything and be careful!

► You may only post your form once per opening

► Please do not edit your forms. There will be a day with a prompt, so please make sure everything is correct before posting!

► Please be patient when it comes to logging. We will do our best to get everything logged promptly, but life may happen and it may take us a moment.

► Have fun! Don't stress, we're here to have fun and play games and no matter what you will always get tickets <3










Days of this Room Type: One, Two, Five

How It Works
► Choice based RNG days are days where you will be given choices, but you have absolutely no idea what those choices will result in, and neither do we until we spin a wheel at some point before or during closing.
► You will be given four choices, and can only choose one. It really doesn't matter what you choose, so just go with your gut, with whichever answer you feel your character would do, or what would most give you a smile.
► When it comes time to randomize for the results, we will be spinning a wheel with four options, a win, a partial win, and two fails. When a result is landed on, it will be removed from the wheel. This means that everyone who chose Choice 1, will all get the same result, and number of tickets.
► From there, Aspen and I will find a fun way to make your result come to life with some story located below your choice, and the tickets you've won.

Rough Example

Choices: Punch a wall, scream into a pillow, Read a book, actually search the room
Chosen Choice: Punch a wall
Randomized Result: Win

Punch A Wall -5 Tickets
In your frustration at not being able to find anything, you find that you simply cannot take it and have to somehow release the anger building up inside you. So, you decide punching a wall is a fantastic course of action. You wind up, thwap it, and then something comes falling down on your head. Oh hey, it's the thing you needed to find! But dang, that really hurt. Why'd you do that? That wasn't smart, but hey, at least you got the tickets!


Days of this Room Type: Three

You may only choose one path, you cannot do both riddles, and the alternate path.


How It Works - Riddles
► There are 6 riddles you have to answer, each with 4 possible answers. Only one is correct
► To minimize the copy and pasting you have to do, all riddles, and their possible answers, will be within your form. Erase all the answers besides the one you think is correct.
► Read them carefully and take a moment to think, several answers have purposeful fake outs.
► It is okay to use google! All these riddles are written by me with the help of Aspen, no answers will be expressly there. You will still have to do some searching, and you will hopefully learn something along the way.

How It Works - Alternate Path
► There can only be one winner. Everyone who goes this path but is not chosen will still receive tickets, but it is the winner who will receive the prize.
► This is not like the other answers and choices, what you write will be judged. Hints have been places throughout here and the NPC Ask Blog (Within Naera's staff page and her answers) to help show what will get her talking, you need only to look.
► Minimum of 100 words, there is no maximum, go wild!
► You may do art to go along with this, however please note that this will be judged on writing, and not art, and the art would be merely a fun bonus, a tie breaker, or something to enhance your words.


Days of this Room Type: Four


How It Works
► You knocked them over, now you have to place them back on their platforms. To do this, read the clues beneath each duck and figure out what order they go in.
► If a duck says they have to go on an end, they go on an end, but you have to read the clues the others provide to figure out which end. I.E, Magenta says: "I go on the end.", and Turquoise says: "My place is on the end, the side that rhymes with might." Magenta is on the left side, and Turquoise is on the right
► It is okay to take some time to think about this one and try a couple orders before posting, however you may not edit your form, and you may only list one possible order
► You may order in words, (purple, cyan, macaroni and cheese), or with the images, whichever you'd prefer!
► The clues lead to two ways this could possibly be done, but one duck holds the key to which one is correct, think very carefully.

Days of this Room Type: Six


How it Works
► Naera and Sorcha are missing, but several Arkade staff still remain. You must pick two who gave testimonies to figure out the culprit
► Read all the witness testimonies/statements, and choose the two you think will lead you to whodunnit
► Don't put the testimony, only put the names of the two you choose
► Unlike the riddles and duck placement, the ones who hold the key to unraveling the mystery have not been decided beforehand. The two who hold it will be randomized. Their statements could lead to nothing but dustbunnies and candy wrappers, or hold the weight of everything and lead to the truth
► If you have any questions, please ask!
Last edited by 76heart on Sun Sep 20, 2020 7:37 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [credits]

Postby 76heart » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:47 pm


all art - the lovely Schnuffel Bunny
coding - 76heart
story and writing - AboveAspen and 76heart

font ● spaced text - http://www.linkstrasse.de/en/fullwidth-converter

will pretty this up more later, right now I just want to get this open for you guys <3
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