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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:06 am

/ a fire inside it

294 words

The first one was a joke.

"So you don't get lonely," Shyshie said with a laugh and a twinkle in her eye.

Practice, she was trying to tell him.

He did his best.

At first it was an overwhelming effort just to summon a spark with the wick pinched between his fingers.

But with time and practice, hours and hours of mind numbing practice, Coe could light the candle from across the room by just thinking about it.

Of course that wasn't were it ended. After demonstrating his newly honed skill, Shyshie applauded him and immediately presented him with another candle.

She'd been carrying it around with her.

It didn't take as long to learn to light two candles.

This time Coe doesn't wait for Shyshie to give him another candle. He purchases a small forest of wax and plants them on his windowsills.

He sets the table and himself alight a few times, but he gets the hang of it.

The fireplace comes next and it's far easier than he expected. Maybe it's because he doesn't worry as much, unlike with the candle where he needed to only set the wick alight, the wood can spark in any place and it'll be fine.

The teakettle he considers leaving alone. Boiling water is vastly different then setting a flame.
But, he finds, it comes naturally.

The real trick is doing it all at once.

It takes time, which he is in ever short supply of, but he manages it finally. There's something incredibly satisfying about walking into his house, the fire crackling, candles lit, and water boiling.

Perhaps, its because, it lessens the sense of loneliness that entering an empty house gives him.

Perhaps, it makes him feel as though he's returned home.

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Sat Aug 08, 2020 6:39 am

/ wash

168 words

There was something carved into the tracks. Moss eaten and rain worn, what was left of the words was packed with dirt.

Willow tried to scrape away the earth by digging her fingernails into the carvings, but it was too dry and hard for her to get any out.

After deciding it wasn't worth chipping all her nail polish off over, Willow tugged out the wash cloth she'd stuck in her pocket after dusting down the living room.

She made her way back to the stream, trudging through the rushes and kicking up water with her sandals before she could get close enough to dip the cloth into clear water.

Dripping her way back to the disused tracks, Willow found the carved words again and began to wipe away the dirt.

The water softened the dirt and slowly the words started to become clearer. Until finally the metal gleams dully in the yellow light and Willow could read the letters.

Crane Yonderly - 13 yrs
Hawk Yonderly - 8 yrs

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Sat Aug 08, 2020 8:27 am

/ it will come

298 words

"Its not working," Kwet spat the words out as he wrestled with the camera "Its broken."

"What's not working?"

"It won't focus!"

"Did you read the manual?"

"Yes of course, three times!"

Aveth plucked up the commtab and began to scroll down with a quiet hum.

After a moment he set the commtab down and held his hand out for the camera.

Kwet frowned but relinquished it.

Aveth turned one dial a notch up, then gave it back.

"You can't be serious," Kwet helfted the camera up to his face and squinted "That couldn't have fixed it."

"You set the focus from automatic to manual."

Kwet tapped at the button and sure enough, the lenses focused.

"I'm such an idiot."

"The evidence for the contrary is overwhelming."

"I don't even know what to take photographs of! I can't see the point to this."

"The point is that you enjoy yourself."

Kwet set the camera down and folded his arms over his chest "How can I when I'm awful at it?"

"It takes practice."

"What's the point of practicing if I'll never be good?"

Aveth huffed and sat on the lounge facing the window "There's a learning period, Kwet. It will come."

"And what if I do all that work and I'm still not good? What if I waste my time and yours?"

"Then that's okay, you'll still have learned something."

Kwet shook his head, not satisfied with the reasoning "But still, it's time and effort wasted."

"But if it goes well then its time and effort well spent."

"But if it doesn't-"

"Kwet, please."

Kwet shrank inwards on himself "Sorry."

"No, no, don't be. You're tired-"

"No I'm not-"

"You've worked yourself up and worn yourself out over this. Please, just try to rest."

"Fine...I'll try."

"Thank you."

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Sun Aug 09, 2020 10:05 am

/ beg

416 words

Vozip chittered in concern over Nickiya's state as she reboarded, his algorithms picking up a difference in her physicality and dictating his response.

Though his reaction was robotic, it was comforting nonetheless.

"I'm fine," she murmured to him as she sank into the pilot's chair and began the takeoff prep "I had to do it."

Vozip regarded the lump of crystal that had replaced Nickiya's eye.

"I'll get it back, just right after we find Ray. I promise."

Vozip let put a synthetic huff, but settled down in the co-pilot chair and curled up.

Nickiya steered the Dinvaai through the silvery upper atmosphere and pointed the nose into the dark of the infinite.

"Now. We can go straight to Vastreach, which makes the most sense, because that's where Ray disappeared and where we'll find him again. But, we risk getting lost ourselves, and to avoid that we'll need a temporal anchor. And to get that we'll need to travel to the Gray belt markets," it took Nickiya longer that it should have to realize she was, effectively, talking to herself.

As Raygaard had reminded her many times, Vozip didn't count.

Okay, Gray belt it was. It would take a little longer, but it was no use going to find Ray if she only lost herself.


Whatever hole he'd fallen into seemed endless.

Close, but, timeless would be a better description.


Because, this little hole is just a degree shy of the main timeline that the universe follows.

So, time passes outside, but stays still within?

Not exactly. The amount of time that has passed depends on where you exit. The closer your exit is to the place you entered, the less time will have passed. The further away, the more time had passed.

Concerning. I can't go back in time can I?

Maybe. I've never tried it though.

I see. Do you know how I can get out? Close to the time I entered?


Will you show me? Please?


The silence stretches on, even as time stays stagnant.

Are you still there?

Yes. I'm thinking about what's in it for me?

What do you want?

Another pause that wasn't a pause at all, considering time didn't work here.

Will you beg?


Y'know. Grovel, plead, fall to your knees and appeal to my fickle mercies.

For how long?

Not that time really mattered, but still, in some sluggish, sideways manner, it applied.

Until... there was a stifled snigger... Until I am sufficiently amused.
Last edited by TheSongOfTheStars on Mon Aug 10, 2020 7:37 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Mon Aug 10, 2020 7:34 am

/ petals over their eyes

121 words

Cassiopeia was heavy in Serpens' arms and her hair tangled over his hands as he cradled her head. Spiderweb cracks ran across her helmet's visor making it appear as though she was comprised of shattered porcelain.

"Cass," he broke over her name and curled his hands into fists full of her starlight colored hair "Cassiopeia, please."

His mind blanked as he grasped at every stray fluttering thought, he had to fix this, he had to fix this.

But he could see the negative stats on his scanner and he could feel the stillness of her as she slumped against him, sense the wrongness of the way her spine curved, even through the spacesuit.

He couldn't fix this.

He couldn't fix her.

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Sat Aug 15, 2020 7:16 am

/listen close

664 words

Visiting Darkmoon’s hometown was never really fun for anyone involved. Darkmoon, because she associated the entire place too keenly with the painful arguments and ensuing estrangement with her family.

Shyshie because whenever she thought of it, all she could really think of was long days trying to cope with the supposed death of her mother and Ossi Pri slowly convincing her that she was going insane.

So even though warm sunlight bathed the town as the cool ocean breezes meandered up and down the streets, neither mother nor daughter was feeling in particularly high spirits.

They were currently sitting on a bench. Well, Darkmoon was, one leg crossed over the other as she glared at anyone who dared walk too close.

Shyshie was sprawled out over the rest of the bench on her back, eyes closed and fists clenched.

“Are you awake?” Darkmoon glanced down at her, one eyebrow quirked.


“Lets go get something to eat, I’m hungry.”



“Fine,” Shyshie relaxed, opened her eyes, and uncurled her face “But I don’t want anything.”

“Fine, you don’t have to get anything, but I’m hungry.”

Darkmoon stood and helped Shyshie up “Alright, come on," she said, "There's a bakery on the corner."

"Too far."

"It's like, two minutes. And after that we can do down past the wall to the beach."

Shyshie sighed and shrugged, which Darkmoon took as answer enough.


"You said you weren't hungry," Darkmoon accused as they walked out of the little bakery, Shyshie ripping into a croissant.

"It smelled good," Shyshie shrugged "Can we go now?"

"Oh, alright, fine."

They made their way past the city walls and down to the restless water.

Shyshie had finished her snack long before they even reached the beach and as soon as her toes touched the sand she took off flying, coat streaming out behind her.

Darkmoon laughed as Shyshie's head disappeared beneath a wave. She settled herself down to finish her own croissant, eye still on the water.

She didn't catch more than a few glimpses of a brown nose poking through the surface and a couple stray ripples, but by the time she finished her snack, Shyshie had rejoined her on dry land.

The younger cat didn't say anything, just watched intently as her mother finished up the last few bites.

"Will you swim with me now?"

Darkmoom tipped her hat down, feigning exhaustion "What, right now? But darling I just finished my lunch."

Shyshie giggled and tugged on Darkmoon's arm "Come on, that was barely a mouthful and its lonely by myself."

"Well I suppose I can suffer through a few minutes for you," Darkmoon sighed.

"Oh what a pain it will be for you," Shyshie laughed as she bounced back to the water.

Darkmoon shed hat, gloves, vest, and shoes onto the sand and then waded out into the water.

She paused when the waves began to lap at her shoulders.
"I think this is deep enough," she informed the ocean.

Something nudged into her back but before she could turn the little seal had slid past her in the water, rolling slowly.

"Don't try to knock me over, silly," Darkmoon warned, reaching out to brush her hand over the seal's back "If I get water up my ears I'm getting out."

Shyshie poked her head out of the water to chuff at her mother.

"I'm serious."

With a snort the seal dove back under, swimming in circles around Darkmoon.

A swell lifted Darkmoon from her feet, holding her effortlessly in its grip before setting her back down gently. The wind ruffled across the surface, kicking up spray with a whistle and a sigh.

Darkmoon kicked her feet up and let herself float along the surface, eyes half closed as she listened.

Shyshie sidled up alongside her, puffing as she surfaced.

"How you doing, baby?"

Shyshie squeaked an affirmative, wiggling a little bit.

Darkmoon smiled. The sound of the wind and the quiet waves filled the air.

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Sat Aug 15, 2020 3:33 pm

/ throw down your aces

350 words

There was a scuffle and a thump. Martin spun, fingers already wrapped around the hilt of his sword, to find Lily staring curiously at a fistful of playing cards.

He let a breath of relief hiss through his teeth as he relaxed.

"Hey, give."

She relinquished the cards without a word but her gaze was pinned to him as he pulled a chair to the table and sat. The chair glided silently across the floor as if it had just been waxed.

Not normal for a ship that was supposedly four hundred years old, but if the ship wanted to act like it had just set out five minutes ago on its first journey, then so be it, Martin was going to play cards.

Or, at least, he'd try.

"What are you doing?" Lily asked as she pulled another chair up. She didn't sit but instead hopped up and crouched on it.

"I'm shuffling them," he wasn't really, more just pushing them randomly across the table, he'd never learned how to properly shuffle a deck.

Always ended up dropping cards everywhere. But he figured they were getting shuffled up enough the way he was doing it.

"Know any games?" He asked as he scooped up the cards into a haphazard stack.

"What kind of games?"

"Uh, card games," as he tried to get all the edges to line up perfectly Martin began to realize he couldn't actually remember the rules for any of the games he'd once played.

"What's a card game?"

Martin looked up to see that Lily had migrated from the edge of her seat to the edge of the table and was staring down at him while she chewed on the corner of one of the cards.

"Its a game you play with cards." He reached out and tugged the card away from her. The edge tore away still caught in her teeth leaving a ragged soggy patch on one end of the card.

Martin wrinkled his nose but tucked the now defective card into the stack anyway.

"Alright I guess we can just make something up."

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Sun Aug 16, 2020 4:52 am

/ cliff edge

2,126 words

Shyshie should have been sleeping. But the Princess was calling her name and she would not be denied again.

So out from between her sheets the little cat slipped and down the hall she went, selkie coat pulled close around her and bare feet whispering against the wood of the floor.

She paused by her mother’s door for a heartbeat, just long enough to peek in and check to see the slumbering form with the blankets twisted around it.

Darkmoon slept, perhaps not entirely peacefully, but she slept and hopefully she would never be aware that her daughter had even ever left the safety of her own bed.

Sighing, she turned away from the door and slipped down the stairs to the kitchen door. Out the window was nothing but a blankness and as Shyshie turned the knob and opened the door, the mist rolled through to envelope her in its clammy arms.

Shyshie stepped out, closing the door behind her, onto the dew damp grass and the night and the water strung air erased her home behind her.
Several steps in the direction of the sea she was stopped by a disturbance in the thick swirling air. The immaterial took a form and a tall shape rose before her, coat thick and heavy and non existent all at once.

Blue light trailed off from blank eyes as they looked down on the girl.

“You’re here to take me to her, aren’t you?”
The wolf bowed its head and nuged Shyshie’s shoulder.

“I was coming,” She said quietly “You can see that, can’t you? You don’t need to bother my mother.”

It huffed and nudged her shoulder again.

“Alright, I’m coming. Show me where to go.”

It guided her on some invisible path that even had it been daylight Shyshie doubted she would have known to follow it. Slowly the world began to melt. The distant shapes of the trees, the houses, and all the other outlines that made up the white washed world first all faded into nothing.

Then the sense of walking outside began to fade. The mist began to fold in on them, stifling the sound of Shyshie’s footsteps, the breaths she took, the beat of her heart. It had the feel of pacing down a long hallway in a strange house, the doors all closed so if something came sprinting out of the unknown dark there would be nowhere to hide.

Without really thinking about it Shyshie reached out to touch the Princess’s messenger wolf. Logically she should not have felt anything other than cold air under her fingers but instead she felt long thick fur curling over her hand.

Coarse and heavy and cold, but somehow solid, somehow comforting as Shyshie walked down to an unknown destination.

She didn’t know how long they walked, it could have been minutes or it could have been hours, Shyshie had been lost the moment she’d stepped out of her room so it didn’t matter much anyway.
Finally though, her senses began to sharpen or the world began to come back into focus, either way Shyshie could feel the ground beneath her feet again.

It was rough stone. The sea was roaring nearby and the sky opened up above them, stars glittering through the fog.

The wolf stopped and the air began to clear and Shyshie felt like she could breathe for the first time since she’d woken up.

“Good,” The Ocean’s Princess said the word quietly but it still set an anxious ringing deep in Starwalk’s bones “You came.”

Shyshie crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her chin up “I said I would, didn’t I?”

“Yes,’ The Princess melted out of the last bits of mist to stand in front of the girl “You did. Very convenient for me. I would have been forced to resort to more desperate measures if you had not.”

“You can’t touch my mother.”

“No, true,” The Princess’s mouth lifted in a touch of a smirk “But you have a soft heart little girl, you care about others.”

Shyshie fought the chill that ran down her spine and settled like a heavy set of stones around her ankles “They’re out of your reach.”

“For now,” The Princess chuckled “But they won’t be forever and there is no deal that protects them from me.”

Shyshie felt her heart begin to beat quicker and her mind began to race, trying to construe some sort of angle that would shield all the others from The Ocean Princess’s meddling. Stepstone, Aunt Beth, Aunt Cress, Martin, Lily… No, there were too many! She couldn’t protect all of them.

“Come now,” The Princess’s voice was falsely sympathetic “You won’t have to worry about them if you just do as you’re told.”

“Well, what do you want me to do?”

The Princess nodded “That’s a much better attitude.”

She turned, her dress trailing over the ground behind her and Shyshie saw the rugged wide steps that led upwards towards the high edge of a cliff spreading out.

She followed after the Princess and the wolf moved to follow alongside her.

“Singer!” The Princess snapped over her shoulder “You may go now.”

Shyshie felt the wolf flinch, sending wisps of misty air dancing over her. Then with a gait that seemed too heavy for a creature made up of nothing more than vapor Singer bounded away, dissipating back into the night.

Shyshie watched them fade off for a moment, then followed the Princess up the stairs.

They were on a dais cut out from the old stone of the cliff, there were things, signs and symbols, carved into the face of the dais, but it was too dark for Shyshie to make them out properly and the Princess was gesturing impatiently for her to stand in the center of the circular platform.

Shyshie obeyed, earning herself a self satisfied smile from the fae being.

“I do realize it has been a while in mortal terms since your predecessor passed on so this may be a bit rough,” The Princess stood directly in front of her, eyes narrowing down to glittering slits “And you are made up of a quite different compostition than he was.”

Shyshie felt a flash of panic run through her “What if I can’t do it? What if I’m too mortal?”

The look on the Princess’s face did nothing to assuage her fear “Well, perhaps under different circumstances I would have been content to simply let our deal be considered resolved, you would have given me what I had asked for, but I think under these circumstances and all the trouble you’ve caused for me I will require some sort of recompense.”

Shyshie felt her throat tighten.

“I think your mother will do nicely, since it really was over her all this fuss and muss was about. Yes, fail me Shyshie Starwalk, I’ll take her. Succeed and serve me and she is safe.”

Shyshie nodded, she didn’t want this, didn’t want any of this.

But here was the hole she had dug for herself, time to deal with what she had unburied.
“What do you want me to do?” she asked, hoping her voice sounded steadier to the Princess than it did in her own ears.

“Well Stormkeeper what do you think I want you to do?”

Shyshie crossed her arms over her chest and leveled her best glare at the Princess “Its been two thousand years, according to you, since the last Stormkeeper lived. I hadn’t even heard the word until I had the pleasure of meeting you.”

The Ocean Princess met Shyshie glare with an unimpressed roll of her eyes “I suppose you’re correct.”

With a sweep of her sea blue cloak she pointed towards the ground at Shyshie’s feet “Pick it up.”
Relying on her sense of touch, Shyshie knelt, and her fingers wrapped around something smooth and wooden.

She lifted the staff eyes on the gem set in the tip as it glittered and caught the wayward beams of starlight sending fractured reflections across her face.

“Now child, call awake the storm birds and send them up. Bring up a ravaging wind, bring up a stinging lashing rain, bring up lightning to tear asunder the sky. Send it down upon the straights and scourge it clean.” The Princess’s voice rose in volume and intensity sending shudders down through Shyshie’s very veins.

The strength and strangeness of the words seemed to inject a seed of energy directly into her chest and that seed began to loosen its tiny tendril roots, spreading throughout her.

Shyshie didn’t even realize she had lifted the staff upwards until she saw the stone up before her like a too near star.

A rush of energy swarmed through her, her heart began to roar louder than the waves at the base of the cliff.

There was a rumble, not from the sky or from the sea but the piles of stones behind her.

They groaned and crackled and crumbled, Shyshie was rooted to the spot and could not turn her head, but from the corner of her eye she watched the rocks shape themselves into great awkward forms, then smooth down into sleek bodies, moving gracefully with massive wings folding and unfolding.

"Send them out," The Princess urged "They are at your command."

Her arms moving as if they were not her own, Shyshie extended the staff, the jewel, seaward and with a jolt of power the three great birds lifted upwards, the air seeming to fold and bend around their edges as if they were not fully grounded within reality.

Out, up, and away they swept, feathers cutting through the night and starlight, and a part of Shyshie fly out with them. An extension of her senses or a severance of them, she wasn’t sure, but she was no longer solely standing upon that stone dais.

She was storm and fury down on the dark waters, her voice thunder and the beating of her heart the rain that fell. At her command the winds drove up the waves to great heights and her gaze was lightening.

For a moment she was screaming in laughter and delight as the heady sensation swept through her.

Then it overwhelmed her and suddenly it left her and she sank to the ground, weak and drained. The staff fell from her grasp as she collapsed and hit the ground with a hollow ringing.

The last thing Shyshie was aware of before total
exhaustion swallowed up her consciousness was the rain pouring down all around her.


She awoke, in her room, soaking wet.

Sitting up, Shyshie found she’d been bundled awkwardly up onto her bed, the blanket tugged halfway up her legs while she was still wearing her wet coat and rain drenched clothes.

There was rain beating down on the roof and if it had not been for the cold cling of her wet garments Shyshie would have been tempted to believe that the nights events had been a dream.
But no, the storm was of her own doing, she was sure of it.

With a shudder she pulled the blanket over her head, unwilling to face the reality of trying to explain her state to her mother.

It was hours later, it had to be, for she’d dried out, when Shyshie felt a weight sink onto her bed and arms wrap around her, tightening the blankets into a cocoon around her.

“Good morning.”


Shyshie heard her mother laugh softly and felt the blankets being tugged down from her face “I said good morning.”

"No thanks," Shyshie grumbled, blinking blearily at the too bright world outside the safety of the sheets.

She tried to wriggle back down into the blankets but Darkmoon was relentless and stripped away the covers "When I say morning darling, what I mean is noon."

"Oh," Shyshie sat up, trying to shake off the heavy shrouds of sleep that still clung thickly to her.
"You feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," and she was, barring the headache and the anxiety seeping into her stomach.

Darkmoon sighed "You hungry, baby?"

"Yeah," Shyshie held her arms out.

"Oh you're too big for that," Darkmoon said, even as she scooped Shyshie up and carried her down to the kitchen.

Darkmoon tried to set her down on a chair, instead Shyshie wrapped her arms around her mother and refused to let go.

"Oh baby girl," Darkmoon laughed softly and sank down on the chair herself, settling Shyshie into her lap “Sweetheart.”

Shyshie buried her face against her mother’s chest, breathing in the familiar comfort of Darkmoon.

“Love you.”

She heard her mother gently catch her breath, then her arms tighten as Darkmoon leaned closer “Love you too.”

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Mon Aug 17, 2020 3:00 am

/ approaching

477 words

"You're not there, you're not real," Serpens dully informed the shadow hovering behind the starcraft's engine.

"Yes I am."

"No. You aren't."

"Then, dear boy, explain this lovely conversation we're having."

"I'm sick," his legs weren't strong enough to keep themselves from buckling and his shoulders ached too much to stay straight "I've contracted a virus and I am out of supplies. This "conversation" is a combination of the illness and lack of water."

He was clutching at a railing, sweat running down the back of his neck and streaming down his face. His feet beneath him were a blur and the room was a haze of darkness and metal.

But he could see the eyes of the shadow clearly, brighter than a pair of stars beneath a microscope.

No...a telescope. Stars couldn't fit beneath a microscope what was he thinking?

"Serpens believe it or not, I do have your best interests in mind."

Breath...breathing was a horrible chore, the effort to force his lungs to do their job almost wasn't worth it and the dry air sliding up and down his itching throat was going to drive him to desperation.

"Believe it or not I do have your best interests in mind, Roys."

He could taste the blood from his chapped lips.

Iron, iron, bitter iron.

"....turn around."

The specter was still talking. Talking, talking, it spoke far more than he ever thought a figment of his own imagining could.

"Are you listening? Serpens, you need to turn around. You just passed a hospitable system. If you turn around now you might be able to make it."

"No, no," the words rasped like gravel against his tender throat "I know what you're doing."

The painfully bright eyes flared, burrowing into the dark of Serpens mind "I am trying to aid you, young fool!"

"No," Serpens realized he had sunk to his knees "You're trying to kill me."

"Be sensible! You're supposed to be the sensible one! The scientist! The logical mind!" The specter knelt before him, accusation in its voice "If you don't alter course you will die!"

"You'll have me turn...into a star or...black hole..." Why was he even arguing? None of this was real, he was only wasting energy talking to himself in an empty room.

"No I won't, I'm trying to save your life!"

"Or I'll drift so far off course...they'll never find me," Serpens curled in on himself, pressing his forehead against the ground, sweat smearing across the floor "No one...will ever... find me..."

"They're out there, looking for you right now, but they can't catch up to your little Solar Hawk, she's far too fast. But she's not fast enough to save you, if you'd just turn around..." the specter continued to rail and beg as the starcraft sped onwards through the empty infinite, but Serpens could no longer hear him.

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or FiveSecondsToFly on deviantart for anywhere else
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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:58 am

/ the last of us

547 words
"Please, please, let us in, we just...need water...please..." the voice cracked as it pleaded from the other side of the barricaded door.
Serpens stared at the locks, gripping his rifle against his chest.

It could be a trap.

Or it could not be.

But the chances of Serpens being killed by desperate refugees or violent vagabonds seemed much, much higher than giving out some water to poor passersby and surviving the encounter.

But if he ignored them and they were harmless...

Could he live with that?

Fingers trembling around the trigger, Serpens reached out and slid back the locks and tipped away the board that was braced against the hinges.

With one deep breath he pulled back the door and jammed the gun forwards.

There was an exclamation of shock from the outside and the sound of feet shuffling backwards.

Tentatively Serpens poked his too long, too thin, nose out through the door to see a dusty, grimy trio of hollow eyed people staring back at him.

"Water," rasped the nearest one, a young man, so young he was still mostly a boy "Please."

Serpens gaze traveled to the other two, both older, both women. One of them was holding the other up, as she sagged towards the ground and seemed to be trying to curl over the bloodied bandages wrapped around her stomach.

Serpens let the gun lower and stepped back, pulling the door open in a silent gesture.

The trio dragged themselves inside the old aircraft. The two women sank down, the injured one rolling limply off the other's shoulders.

Serpens twisted the cap off of an old dusty jug and sloshed discolored water into a cracked cup.

The young boy's eyes locked onto the liquid, but he didn't reach for it or say anything as Serpens handed it to the unhurt woman.

She held it up to the hurt woman, who managed to stay awake long enough to gulp down the water before passing out.

"I have bandages," Serpens offered as he refilled the cup and returned it to the first woman.

"Do you have...anything to clean a wound?"

"Yes," Serpens scuttled off for the supplies and returned a few minutes later, items clutched in his hands "Here."


The young man gulped down his cup of water and Serpens regarded his guests critically.

"You're from the Southester settlement," he realized after a few minutes.

"No," the boy coughed "We are the Southester settlement."

The information settled slowly over Serpens "It's gone?"

The boy nodded and Serpens felt faintly ill.

"There were three hundred-"

"All gone. Well, mostly gone. We're the last," the boy shuffled his feet "Can I have another cup of water?"

If crediting me for art/character design then please use TheSongOfTheStars on Toyhou.se
or FiveSecondsToFly on deviantart for anywhere else
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