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S1 - The Great Games - Treasure Hunt

Postby snapshot » Sat Apr 11, 2020 6:56 am

One of the challenges of the Great Games is the Treasure Hunt. Unlike the other games, this is not a test of athleticism, nor intelligence. It is an appreciation of the diversity of the world and of the pride. For the Treasure Hunt, each member of the pride has six weeks to find something unique to bring back to the pride. It could be a feather, a stone, a peculiar object, anything. Treasure Hunters can travel as near or as far as they want to find their treasure. That is why they have six weeks- it takes a week for a lion to travel from the Lion's Head to the mainland, and thus two weeks are lost simply leaving the territory. At the end of the six weeks, everyone gathers back on the beach, and shares their treasure and the story of where their hunt took them.


Mar's Hunt


Avu's Hunt
Avu had been eagerly awaiting the Treasure Hunt for a while now. Ever since he had first heard of the Treasure Hunt, he had known what he wanted to do. He knew where he wanted to go.

The sea.

It was risky, but his heart and paws ached with the desire to go as far as they could, to swim farther than any lion had ever gone before. What was out there, beyond the horizon? The dolphins he had grown up playing and hunting with told him tales of other seas, of other creatures. Of vast coral reefs and deep dark trenches. Of shipwrecks full of mysterious objects. Avu longed to see them, and the ocean encouraged him, singing and calling and beckoning him to come play, to come see. It whispered warnings too, telling him he must be careful. But he needed to go, to explore, to swim.

In preparation for the Treasure Hunt, Avu trained daily. He swam out as far as he felt able, then swam back. He started working on swimming laps around the island without returning to shore to rest. He practiced treading water for hours at a time. Once a week, he would test his limits, swimming out as far as he could and saving nothing for the swim back. The dolphins helped him, carrying him back to shore if he was truly too exhausted to make it.

"We will help you," they promised, "When the time comes for your Treasure Hunt, we will swim alongside as far as you go. You will need to rest, you can't swim forever."

They were right, and Avu wasn't foolish enough to think he could make the journey alone. He thanked the Great Lion to have friends like these dolphins, who would help and encourage him. They had for his whole life, playing with him even before he was allowed to swim in the deep. The calves were like siblings and cousins to him, the older members of the pod like aunts and uncles. It was a bit ironic that Topi had been the cub they rescued, but Avu was the one that had really made the dolphins his family. But that was ok, everyone has their own calling.

The day came. Mar spoke to the pride, and then sent them out with his blessing. Avu noted how most of the pride headed west, towards the mainland. But he headed east, toward the Lion's Nose, the farthest reaching point of the island. There, he camped overnight, and at sunrise approached the water. He stopped for a moment, standing in the shallows, looking out at the sea. It was perfectly calm, as if just for him, to make the beginning of his journey easy. Avu said a prayer, took a deep breath, and waded out into the water.

The sea giggled and sang as Avu took his first strokes. It lapped gently at his sides, and the current tugged him along, giving him a little boost. He found himself caught in a riptide where there shouldn't have been one, something that would have terrified a normal lion but which Avu counted as a gift and a blessing. It swept him out to sea far faster than he would have been able to swim, and all he had to do was ride it out. When it released him out in the depths, the dolphins greeted him, clicking and whistling and bopping him playfully. "Let's go!" they exclaimed, "Let's swim!"


And swim they did. Ears back and head low, Avu powered along through the water. His splayed paws scooped it perfectly, propelling him faster than any normal paw would have. The sun was in his face for now, but it would soon enough be at his back. Besides, he didn't need to see to know where he was going. He could feel the direction in the water and in the wind, could smell the land that was growing farther and farther away. The horizon ahead always looked the same, nothing but water as far as the eye could see. It was thrilling, inviting, it promised adventure. Who knew what could be found as far as Avu could swim? Perhaps there was only ocean forever until he found the far side of the mainland. Or perhaps there were more islands out there, or other mainlands. Perhaps, as someone had joked, the world was flat and Avu would find the edge. Who could say?

Whatever was out there, Avu felt at home even just here, in the wide open blue. The warm water soaking his fur, the salt on the air, the cool breeze. The softness of the water flowing over his paws and around his sides. There was nothing quite like the feel of the water, the feeling of swimming in it. The feel of your own strength and power as you pushed against the water's resistance, and the feel of the power of the water itself. The ocean had a funny way of making Avu feel both strong and weak. Strong because he had mastered the currents and the waves, able to free himself from a riptide or dive below a monster wave. Strong because he could swim farther and faster than any other lion in the pride, even than Mar. Strong because this thing that was so scary to most lions was so welcoming to Avu. But it also reminded him of his limitations. He could not hold his breath forever. He was no match for the strength of the waves in a storm. There were some currents too swift even for Avu, which would pull him down and drown him if he wasn't careful. At the end of the day, if the sea wishes to kill you, it will, and there is nothing you can do about it. The ocean was something that could never truly be conquered, and for that he had a great respect.

After swimming for a while, Avu paused to look back towards the Lion's Head. From here, it looked like a smudge on the horizon. A dark green smudge. He could still make out some details, but on the whole it just looked like a blob. It was kind of odd, seeing it from this side. Avu realized that he was the only member of the pride to have ever seen their home from this angle. All of them had seen it from the other side, had seen it in the distance while standing on the Crescent as they prepared to make the Long Swim. But no one had made a long swim this way. It looked different from this side, had different dips and rises. Had different shading depending on the density of the jungle. It was an entirely different view, and one that perhaps no other lion would ever see.


Avu looked at it for a little while, treading water and appreciating the moment. Then, he turned back around and pushed onward.

Out here the water was a bit choppier, the swells larger. Avu rose and fell with the flow of the ocean, up towering swells and down into dips. The dolphins played in them, leaping out of one and into another, sometimes jumping over Avu as they did so and leaving water droplets to rain down on him. He laughed at their antics. A part of him wished he were a dolphin, able to leap so freely in the water, but he knew that was not his place in the world. He was a lion. An odd one, a water loving one, but a lion nonetheless.

The dolphins left him every now and then to hunt, and always returned with fish for him to eat as well. This was something they had promised him in the planning before he began the journey. While Avu was a skilled fisherman, the dolphins were more skilled than he was and had more energy for swimming and hunting. He was grateful for their care and friendship. Honestly, he didn't know how he would make this trip without them. He probably still would have tried, but he might not have been nearly so ambitious as to simply swim with no direction for as long as possible.

Avu alternated swimming and napping throughout both day and night. Another important aspect of this journey was the fact that though the water was warm, it was still below the body temperature of a lion. That meant if he were to stay in it constantly, he would eventually become hypothermic and die. So, he took some breaks, drying and warming himself and napping under the sun on the backs of dolphins. On the opposite side of things, being out in direct sunlight was another health hazard, so he sometimes swam with pieces of seaweed draped over his body to protect him. At night he functioned similarly, swimming for some time and napping for some time, only he didn't need the seaweed's protection then. His muscles grew sore and his body grew tired, but it was worth it to be on this adventure, and he grew stronger as time passed.

The first few days were honestly as perfect as they could have been. The sun shown for about half the time, and the rest of the time it ducked behind clouds. There was a day that was entirely overcast, which was a nice change. The group had a few interactions with whales, which was pretty cool, and they didn't run into anything dangerous, which was also awesome. They just swam and laughed and enjoyed the adventure and the sea. It wasn't easy by any means, the sea always presents a challenge to anyone who wishes to spend time in it, but it was a welcome challenge and one Avu met with enthusiasm. This was his dream and his journey, and the fact that it was hard made it even more worthwhile.


The trouble came on the seventh day. The sky grew progressively darker, the wind picked up, and the waves started to thrash in the ocean. They rose up as if to meet the sky, showing it their restlessness and anger. The swells were no longer easy to glide over and ride out. Now, Avu found himself fighting to make it over them, and sometimes took to diving through them. But even when he did that he found the water angry and churning.

The rain began. Not gently and then growing harder. It started all at once, like the dark clouds had decided to just open up and pour out their contents. The rain pounded against Avu's back and head, the wind driving raindrops and sea spray into his eyes and nose. The sea didn't sing gently, it roared, and the towering waves sucked Avu up and threw him down again like a cub with a mouse. The dolphins squealed, but they couldn't help Avu against the storm. He found he had no control anymore, that no amount of his skill or training was able to help him in navigating the raging sea. Lightning flashed and thunder rolled, but the sound of the water was louder.

A particularly gigantic wave picked him up, and then sent him plunging down, down beneath the surface, down into the dark depths of the sea. He couldn't sea anything in the dark, couldn't feel the pull of the current to tell him which way was up. He thrashed about, desperately trying to find his bearings in swirling water. He could feel the seconds ticking by, each one counting down to the moment he would be completely out of breath. His lungs started to burn, begging him to breathe, but he couldn't find the air. The currents pushed and shoved and tumbled and tossed him, and the timed ticked down, and then the darkness outside became the darkness inside as his time ran out. His body fell limp, paws no longer swimming, and he sunk deeper into the heart of the sea.

"What are you doing here, child?"

Avu's eyes fluttered open. He found himself still at sea, but he was no longer in it. He was sitting on the surface of the water. It was now calm, lapping gently at his feet. The sky above was clear, millions of stars twinkling, and the moon was full, casting a path on the water. Avu was sitting on that moonlit path. Farther down that path sat the Great Lion.

Avu bowed low, completely in awe of the deity in front of him. The Great Lion was more spectacular than he had ever imagined, and yet he had the feeling that the god had dimmed his radiance so that Avu could look upon him without being blinded. He opened his mouth to say something, to speak to the King's greatness, but he found his mouth empty. What words were there to describe the Great Lion? What could be said?


"Sit up child," the Great Lion said gently.

Avu did as he was told, looking up again in awe.

"I ask again, what are you doing here?"

"I, I died," was all the young lion could say. He knew what the moonlit path meant. He knew that the souls of lions who died walked along the path of the moon on the water, which guided them home to the land of the Great Lion.

"Perhaps," the Great Lion said, "Why do you come so far out into the sea, when I created Lion for the land?"

Avu didn't know what to say to that. "I wanted to explore. To see what was out here."

"You could have explored the land," the Great Lion pointed out.

"I'm not curious about the land," Avu admitted, hoping such a statement wouldn't offend the Great Lion.

"Why not?"

"Everyone explores the land. Anyone can walk the plains. But no lion has explored the depths of the sea. We don't know what's out here. There are lots of strange and beautiful creatures in the sea. I want to see them. I want to talk to them, if I can. I want to learn about this other world. Dolphins are so neat, the way they can dive and leap and glide through the water almost effortlessly. They're so different than lions, yet so perfect in what they are. And corals are so pretty, and anemones, weird and unique and like nothing that is found on the land. And whales, whales are huge, bigger than any land creature, and they sing such beautiful songs."

The Great Lion chuckled. "You have a bright, curious spirit, child. Maintain that, it will serve you well."

Avu wrinkled his brow in a puzzled look. "But, I died. How can I be curious about the sea if I am not on the earth anymore?"

"My child, I have many plans for you still. Your time to join me in my land has not yet come. It is I who gave you breath, and it is I who decides when you will breathe your last."

"Oh," was all the young lion could say in response, barely able to process the fact that he had died and was apparently going to be brought back to life. "So then, what happens?"

"I have a gift for you, Avu. Your curiosity and love for my creation is earnest and child-like. I will grant you the ability to explore it further, to listen to the whale songs and see all the strange and colorful beings that swim in the depths. I give you the gift of breath in the water."

Avu felt a tingling sensation on his neck. He tilted his head, trying to see, but couldn't, so he reached up with a paw to feel. His toes brushed over flaps of sorts. "What are these?"

"Gills," the Great Lion replied. "Your first breath upon your return will be through these, not through your nose. They will enable you to explore where you desire. And you will still be able to breath on the land as well, so that you can still be among your family."


"Wow," Avu said, stunned. "Thank you."

The Great Lion smiled kindly. "You are welcome, child. There is another gift, a blessing you have had your entire life, which you shall soon discover. Use it well. I am also sending you a guide, to help you in exploring the sea. You will find her in the Deep City."

"The Deep City? Where is that?"

"You will find it soon enough, and you will know when you are there."

Avu supposed that answer would have to be good enough. If the Great Lion said he would find it, then he would. The Great Lion was never wrong.

"It is time for you to go back now Avu."

Avu bowed again. "Thank you, Ada."

The Great Lion leaned down and pressed his nose gently to the top of Avu's head. "I am always with you, child. When you are in need, call out to me. When you are alone or afraid, seek my comfort. When you are confused, ask of my wisdom. When you are happy, let me hear your laughter. When you are well fed, remember who makes the fish plentiful and the young deer leap. Follow me wherever I go, for I will never lead you astray. Now, close your eyes."

Avu did as told, shutting his eyes. He felt his fur become wet again, felt currents swirling around his body.

"Now breathe."

Avu inhaled, opening his mouth. Water rushed in, and for a moment he was afraid, but then he felt it flow over his new gills. He opened his eyes and found himself back in the sea, deep below the surface of the water. But he wasn't drowning anymore. His gills expanded and flattened as they pumped water, drawing the oxygen out of it. It was certainly an odd sensation. His neck felt almost itchy, but he figured he would probably get used to it with time.

Seeing as he no longer had to fear staying under water, Avu began to swim. The storm above could not harm him anymore, and while it was dark in the water he could see just well enough to pick a direction and keep moving. He didn't know where the Deep City was, but he would find it. And he would find the guide that the Great Lion had spoken of.

After a few hours, Avu felt the sea begin to calm down, and sunlight once again filtered through the water. It was a unique experience to be able to swim below the water instead of above, and he had to keep reminding himself that he could breathe underwater now. The dolphins found him once the storm had ended, and they squealed with wonder and delight upon seeing that Avu was alive, and upon seeing Avu's new gills. In a way, the gills gave him a unique advantage, because while the dolphins needed to surface for air he could stay submerged.

"Do you know of the Deep City?" Avu asked them, after they had all played together for some time.



Topanga's Hunt
Topi set out towards the mainland as soon as the opening ceremony ended and the pride was sent off. Three weeks seemed like a long time for a game, but considering the fact that the journey to the mainland took a whole week in itself, she was glad for the amount of time. It seemed that she wasn't alone in her decision either- several of her pridemates walked alongside her as she headed for the long stretch of ocean that separated the Lion's Head from the Crescent. She was a bit surprised that Avu didn't seem to be coming to the mainland. He was the best swimmer in the whole pride, better even than Mar, and was therefore the one for whom the journey would be easiest. Oh well, his hunt was his own, and if he wanted to stay on the Lion's Head that was his choice. She would see him in a month, and then could hear of his hunt.


Nuria's Hunt


Katara's Hunt


Ausra's Hunt


Amita's Hunt


Mamba's Hunt

The concept of a Treasure Hunt was rather odd to Mamba. Six weeks in which the entire pride was spread out, journeying through other lands, with no one but Mar to defend the territory? It sounded like a recipe for disaster. When he first caught wind of the upcoming game, he spoke with Mar privately to share his concerns. There would be no one to protect the land, no one to protect the king, no one to protect the prince and princess. What if something happened? Mar explained that he had full faith in every member of the pride, that all had come to this land on their own and thus all were perfectly capable of exploring the world alone, as they once had. He trusted his children, too. They were strong and bright, and seeing the world would be good for them, if they chose to leave the Lion's Head to go on their hunts. The Treasure Hunt was more than just a game. It was a time for each lion to go on whatever journey their souls needed. For some, going out into the world would prove to themselves that they were strong and whole and capable. For others, the six weeks might be the solitude needed to commune with the Great Lion and strengthen their faith or resolve the aches in their hearts. For still others, this could be a chance to tie up any loose ends that had been left behind.

"What if some don't return?" Mamba asked.

"Then I will send out parrots as scouts, to see if they can be found. If they are found injured, we will go to their aid. If they are found held hostage, we will go and negotiate for their release. If they are found happy, in another pride, the birds will deliver my blessing. And if the sad news comes that they have died, we will mourn them as family."

Mamba was silent for a few moments, pondering this. "At least let me stay here, to defend you and our land. It is my job, as a Child of Qilin, to defend my king and my kingdom, no matter the cost."

"I thank you for that, and for your service to the pride. But this is a time for you too. Go, explore this land that you are a newcomer in. Learn its ways and its secrets, and you will be better equipped to deal with its trials. I will be fine on my own. I have the Great Lion watching over me, and over this land."

"But Your Majesty-"

"I will make that an order if I must, Mamba," Mar said, though his voice was kind. "Go. Explore. Find what life has to offer beyond duty."

Reluctantly, Mamba agreed, and when the time came for the Treasure Hunt to begin he found himself among many other pride members, making the long journey to the Mainland. From there, he simply chose a direction, and he began to wander.

[500/500] - 2 points (claimed)

It was uncomfortable, to say the least. His paws were not made for wandering. He was built to stand guard, to sit for long periods of time as still as a statue, always ready to leap into action if needed. He was built for sparring, and for running across harsh terrain with only a flask of water and a loaf of bread. He was built for duty. Not for leisure. Not for aimless walking, with no clear purpose and no clear endpoint. The last time he had wandered like this had been when he first came to this peculiar realm, when he had searched for a place to stay and for remnants of his homeworld. Though he had been wandering, he had had a goal. This wasn't like that. He found his paws itching to return to the Lion's Head, and his mind buzzed with energy, always telling him that he was wasting his time and that he needed a task to do.

Mamba huffed. "Perhaps this is why King Mar wanted me to go on this treasure hunt," he mused. Maybe he did need to learn how to relax and enjoy himself.

A couple of days into his wandering he came to a stream and sat beside it. "Hello," he greeted it, just to hear his own voice. He was surprised to find how lonely he felt, only a few days in. Surely, he had more stamina than this. But he supposed that even when he sat at his post for hours on end, he was never truly alone. Morrow sat just a couple meters away, offering silent companionship. And here among the Lions of the Waves, he was always surrounded by pride mates. Rarely an hour went by when he didn't see or hear someone, even if he didn't make conversation with them.

The stream swept over the rocks in its bed, bubbling softly. It didn't respond to his 'hello', not that he had expected it to. Mamba idly wondered if Mar would be able to hear what the stream said. Did all water have a voice, or was it just the ocean? Mamba himself couldn't hear its words, but Mar was able to, and so was the young Prince Avu.

Thinking of the Prince brought a modicum of anxiety to Mamba's mind. Was the Prince ok? The Princess? The King himself? What if something happened to one of them during this Treasure Hunt? Avu hadn't come with the rest of the Pride, he had gone off another way. That meant he had been completely on his own for a week and a half, compared to Mamba's three days of lone wandering after the week of group travel to the mainland. Anything could have happened in that time. And Avu was hardly much of a fighter.

Mamba took a breath. He'd have to be content with the knowledge that Avu was a bright young lion, and that, according to Mar, the Great Lion was looking out for him.

[500/500] - 2 points (claimed)

That was another thing. King Mar and the majority of the pride seemed to have a deep understanding of and connection to a deity they called the Great Lion. Was this Great Lion the same deity that presided over Mamba's home realm? Or was he a different deity? How should Mamba interact with him? King Mar spoke with the Great Lion daily, going out on the rocks just before sunrise and returning once the last colors had melted into the classic bright blue of day. Some days he returned with a smile on his face and a lightness about him that lasted through the rest of the day. Other times, he came back thoughtful or pensive. Occasionally, he would return with a message for the entire pride to hear. That didn't happen very often -- "I'm not a prophet, just a lion" the King had once said -- but it always intrigued Mamba. He had no doubt that the Great Lion was real, but he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do about that. He had admittedly never given much thought to the deities worshipped in his own realm. They had seemed impersonal and inconsequential. They didn't meddle in his life, and he didn't bother with them. Truthfully, he hadn't been entirely convinced that they were even real. But seeing how King Mar interacted with the Great Lion, Mamba wondered if anything would have been different if he paid attention to the deities of his realm. Would they have protected it at the end, when the entire realm had been destroyed? Did they even have the power to do so? King Mar always said that the Great Lion was a protector, that he looked out for the Lions of the Waves, so clearly Mar believed that the Great Lion had the power to influence events in the mortal realm.

And Amita, the kind and gentle lioness, she said that she had seen the Great Lion. That he was a friend who comforted her in her sorrow, and led her to a new land. She also took time alone to speak with the Great Lion. She didn't seem to have quite the same dialogue with him that King Mar did, and when Mamba had inquired she said that some days, she goes for a walk and hears no words in response to what she says, but that she is confident that the Great Lion listens to every word she speaks to him.

Amore had a bit of a different story. She said that the Great Bird had blessed her with wings. Well, those wings were plain to see and real to touch, so clearly she'd gotten them from somewhere. Were the Great Bird and the Great Lion two different deities, or were they one and the same? Was there just one deity who took on different forms? If so, was he the deity of just this realm, or was he a deity of all realms? What were the limits to his power?

[500/500] - 2 points (claimed)

"Who are you?" Mamba wondered aloud.

Last edited by snapshot on Mon Dec 21, 2020 4:00 pm, edited 26 times in total.

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S7 || Just Be Held - Amita

Postby snapshot » Sat Apr 18, 2020 12:07 pm

Amita's Theme Song

4 points

Just Be Held
By: Casting Crowns

Hold it all together
Everybody needs you strong

"Chin up, Amita," her aunt told her, when her eyes brimmed with tears over a cut she had gained while playing with the other cubs. "Your Ama needs you to be a big girl. She has your little brothers to look after. You can handle a little cut, can't you? You're a strong cub."
"Yes, auntie." She swallowed back her tears. Her aunt was right, it was just a little cut. And she could see her Ama with her young brothers, only a couple weeks old. She looked tired. Amita didn't want to bother her.

It was the first of many times that Amita was strong, so someone else could be weak. As she grew older, Amita would forget that time when her aunt told her not to bother her mother about a cut. But it was a lesson she would carry for the rest of her life. She was more observant than other cubs, other teens, other lions. She saw the tiredness in the face of her mother and father, who had their hands full with seven cubs- Amita, three brothers, and two sisters and a brother. As the oldest, Amita had to grow up the fastest. She had to help mend the wounds of her younger siblings when they hurt themselves in play, she had to watch after them when her parents took their turns hunting.

"Amita, sweetie, you'll be ok working over here for a while, won't you? You're so smart, I'm sure you'll finish your work before anyone else. I'm going to go help the others, ok?"
"Yes, teacher."

In school, Amita was the smart one, the well-behaved one. The teachers liked her. She noticed the way they too looked tired after a day of dealing with rowdy cubs, and Amita didn't want to bother them. So, she stayed quiet, stayed the easy to manage cub. She didn't ask for anything- she was the cub that could handle herself, that could figure it out on her own. This became her identity. She was the Good Cub, the Strong Cub, the Smart Cub. The cub that no one had to worry about. Eventually, she became afraid of asking questions. She was the strong one, strong lions didn't need help. She could figure things out on her own, like she always did.

"Be strong, Amita," her Ama told her, "We will all need to be strong now. We have to work together."
"Yes, Ama."

A wildfire ravaged the plains when Amita was a teen. It left the land scarred and barren, and many in the pride were injured. The pride had to find a new land, and the journey was taxing. Everyone was tired and hungry and thirsty. But Amita didn't complain. She walked with her head up, leading her siblings. They looked to her, as the oldest, to set the tone and be their rock. If Amita was still walking, they could too. So Amita was strong for them, even though her muscles ached and her throat burned.

Be strong, Amita, she told herself. Everyone needs you to be strong. You're the one who always is. They won't know what to do if you break down.

Amita was the strong one. That was the identity she had formed since her earliest memories. She was the one the the younger lions looked to for support. When someone was hurting, they came to Amita, who sat with them and dried their tears and eased their worries. When the world was in turmoil, Amita stood firm, speaking words of encouragement to those around her. When there was drought, or famine, or fighting within the pride, Amita never shred a tear. She muscled through it, and helped those around her.

Amita the Calm. Amita the Steady. Amita the Kind. Amita the Encourager. Amita the Compassionate. Amita the Trustworthy.

Amita the Strong.

But life hits you out of nowhere
And barely leaves you holding on

But they didn't know how her heart ached. They didn't know how she carried the weight of the world. Behind her smiles and gentle words were nights spent crying herself to sleep. Being the strong one took its toll. She never let anyone see her cry. She never asked for help when she was struggling. And she couldn't because she was Strong, and that was her identity, and if she fell apart she would be Weak, and then she would be Nothing.

But she couldn't be strong anymore. She felt as though she lived in a grey cloud. She felt tired and sad all the time. She went through the motions, but she didn't find joy in much of anything anymore. The world was so cruel, so unjust. There were lions suffering everywhere.

She felt as though any minute, she would break, and people would see what a fake she was, and then there would be no place for her.

And when you're tired of fighting
Chained by your control

But she was tired. The grey cloud was stronger than she felt. And trying to be strong all the time meant never letting people see how she really felt, and so she was lonely, having no close friends. No one knew this, of course. They thought she was sweet, gentle, strong Amita. Everyone liked her. But no one ever asked how she was doing. They thought she was fine, because she always said that she was, and who would have expected her to lie? And she didn't want to disappoint them. But holding so tight to this mask was tiring.

There's freedom in surrender
Lay it down and let it go

So when you're on your knees and answers seem so far away
You're not alone, stop holding on and just be held
Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place
I'm on the throne, stop holding on and just be held
Just be held, just be held

If your eyes are on the storm
You'll wonder if I love you still
But if your eyes are on the cross
You'll know I always have and I always will

And not a tear is wasted
In time, you'll understand
I'm painting beauty with the ashes
Your life is in My hands

So when you're on your knees and answers seem so far away
You're not alone, stop holding on and just be held
Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place
I'm on the throne, stop holding on and just be held
Just be held, just be held

Lift your hands, lift your eyes
In the storm is where you'll find Me
And where you are, I'll hold your heart
I'll hold your heart
Come to Me, find your rest
In the arms of the God who won't let go

So when you're on your knees and answers seem so far away
You're not alone, stop holding on and just be held
Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place
I'm on the throne, stop holding on and just be held
(Stop holding on and just be held)
Just be held, just be held
Just be held, just be held

It was at this point, this point of being too tired, of wanting to give up, that the Great Lion came to her and sat by her side. For the first time in her life, Amita let herself cry in front of someone else. She let herself be held. She let herself be comforted. It was the first of many times she would cry held by the strong paws of the Great Lion.

"Chin up, child," he said, "Not because you are strong, but because you are loved. You hold your head up on the outside, but on the inside, it droops low under the weight of the world on your shoulders. You do not need to carry such burdens. You were not meant to. Put them down here, at my feet. Let me carry the weight of the troubles of this world. Let me carry the weight of the troubles of your pride. Let me carry the weight of the troubles in your own heart. Look at me, Amita."

Amita lifted her head to look at him.

"You are loved. You are crafted by my paws. Your heart is beautiful, and I know it seems to feel everything too intensely, but it can feel more than just sadness. You have a heart for helping others, and that is a beautiful thing. It is good to want to help. But do not try to take it all upon yourself, child. Remember that I am always with you. I hold every tear you have ever shed in secret. I know the troubles of your heart, and I know its joys too. Crying is not a weakness. Did you know that I cry, too? When I see one lion harm another, when I see selfishness and deceit, when I see my children cry. But weakness is also not a bad thing. You do not have to be strong all the time. That does not define your worth. It is ok to cry, it is ok to ask for help. That is part of being a lion. I love you, child, and nothing will ever make me love you any less. Be confident in my love, draw from my strength, and let me guide your steps. You don't have to walk this life alone."

(1281 words)
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S7 || Broken Vessels - Amita

Postby snapshot » Sat Apr 18, 2020 12:08 pm

Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)
By: Hillsong Worship

All these pieces
Broken and scattered
In mercy gathered
Mended and whole
But not forsaken
I've been set free
I've been set free

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me, oh
I once was lost
But now I'm found
Was blind but now I see

Oh, I can see it now
Oh, I can see the love in Your eyes
Laying yourself down
Raising up the broken to life

You take our failure
You take our weakness
You set Your treasure
In jars of clay
So take this heart, Lord
I'll be Your vessel
The world to see
Your life in me, oh

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me, oh
I once was lost
But now I'm found
Was blind but now I see

Oh, I can see it now
Oh, I can see the love in Your eyes
Laying yourself down
Raising up the broken to life
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Nuria and Mamba scenes

Postby snapshot » Sun Apr 19, 2020 3:26 pm

Mamba wasn't quite sure when he started to fall for the calm, observant lioness. He really couldn't. It was something so gradual, not like the burning crushes he had heard young lions talk about. No, it was nothing like that turbulent, emotional fire. It was something serene. Mamba felt comfortable around Nuria in a way he hadn't felt around anyone before. As a guard, he was a pillar of strength. But with Nuria, he could be soft, could be relaxed. They were both more of the quiet, stoic types, and they seemed to understand each other without words. One of Mamba's favorite things was to simply lie beside her, their heads pressed against each other, listening to the sound of each other's breathing. It felt, in those moments, like they were one being.

There were no secrets between them. Not that secrets could be well kept anyway- both of them had the supernatural ability to know when someone was hiding something, so there was no point in trying. But Mamba found that he didn't want to keep any secrets from Nuria. Over time, he told her his whole life story in bits in pieces. And she shared hers as well. They knew everything about each other now. It was so easy for them to read each other, to have whole conversations without uttering a sound. Their souls danced together.

It had been so natural, getting to know Nuria. They gravitated towards each other. At meal times, they happened to stand near each other, following some subconscious pull. The more they spoke, the more they interacted, the more they felt drawn together. They started going on walks through the jungle or along the beach. They would spend hours under the stars, sitting at the waters edge and talking about life. Often, one would speak for a while, and the other would sit quietly, taking in every word. Then, they would lapse into silence, sometimes for a whole hour. And then the other would speak, and the cycle continue, the gentle sharing and learning and knowing.

As they grew more comfortable, the playful sides of each of them began to come out. The first time Nuria scooped up sand and tossed it all over him, Mamba was shocked. There was a mischievous glint in her eye he hadn't seen before. Whatcha gonna do about it? her smirk seemed to say. A smirk of his own crossed his face, and he lobbed sand back at her, and she ducked out of the way, and before they knew it they were down in the water, splashing about like cubs, laughing harder than either of them had laughed in a long time. When they were both thoroughly exhausted and had called a truce, they sat up in the grassy dunes, grooming themselves and drying in the cool night breeze.

A sound caught Mamba's attention. A gentle melody. He lifted his head, ears twitching, trying to locate the source of the song.

"What do you hear?" Nuria asked. But from her tone, Mamba could tell she already had an idea.

"That song," he said, "where is it coming from?"

"So you finally hear it too, hm?"

Mamba gave her a puzzled look. She, on the other hand, looked overjoyed. Though her features were calm as always, her eyes sparkled in that way they always did when she was happy about something. "What do you mean?"

"That's our song, Mamba," she said. "This land is special. The Song of Life flows through it so strongly that, with time, every lion in the pride learns how to hear it. But the song has many melodies. There is the Song of the Sea, which Mar and Avu and Topi and I have learned to head more closely than anyone else. There is the Song of the Trees, something Topi has a special ear for. But there are also special songs, for the ears of only a few, that no one else can hear or learn. This song is ours. No one else will ever know it."

Mamba was silent for a while, listening to it, absorbing it. It was the most beautiful song he had ever heard. "How long have you heard it for?"

"Since the moment I met you, standing there on the jetty. I could not even see you yet when I heard another instrument start to play in the great symphony of the Song of Life. A low instrument, deep and steady, yet somehow playful too, with many long notes and rich chords. I knew that whoever was walking along that jetty was the one the Great Lion had set aside just for me. It was a strange thing, usually the song doesn't start until after you have known someone for a while. Usually you feel the tug in your soul, and then you realize that you have been hearing the song for a while and it was just so soft you barely noticed. Or at least, that is how I have heard it described. Maybe I was so in tune with the song after navigating and listening to the sea that I picked it up right away. Or maybe it just started louder and stronger than what other people have experienced. Whatever the reason, I heard the song before I had even seen you." Nuria smiled, that gentle, beautiful smile that Mamba adored. "I couldn't greet you with 'hey, we're soulmates' though," she laughed, "so I carried on as I would anyone else. There was no pressure for me to do or be or say anything special. The Song is never wrong, because the Great Lion is never wrong, and so I was confident that our relationship would develop naturally overtime. And it did, so beautifully, and I wouldn't change a thing."

Mamba was stunned, in awe of both the story and this lioness beside him, who had so much patience and trust and confidence. She was something amazing, a fact Mamba saw again and again every day. How lucky he was, that the Great Lion had set them aside for each other.

He chuckled. "So you let me flounder over my words when asking you on our first date, nervous that I would scare you away, and you had full confidence the whole time."

Nuria laughed too. "Yes, that was something. It was cute though. And just because I heard the song doesn't mean I was never nervous. We are lions, after all, and I worried that there would be something about me you didn't quite like, or that I would make a fool of myself. The Song doesn't erase our nerves and insecurities. It just reminds us that we are meant to be."

Mamba hummed in short response, then returned his attention to listening to the song. At some point, Nuria yawned and stretched out into a lying position, leaning against him and resting her head against his front paws. Within moments, deep steady breaths indicated that she had fallen asleep.

As a Child of Qilin, Mamba didn't need as much sleep as a normal lion. When he was a guard, it was common for him to some nights without sleep, and it didn't bother him in the slightest. So, he sat awake, listening to the song and the crashing of the waves on the shore and the breathing of the sleeping lioness beside him.

How truly blessed he was.
Scene 2

Nuria and Mamba sat together on the top of a sand dune, watching their five children play below. Lua and her sister were full grown now, but still young and full of energy, and they adored the younger cubs. The little ones loved playing with the twins too, unbothered by the fact that the lionesses looked nothing like them or their parents. They made quite the squad. Mar liked to joke that the pride was half Truth Children, a nickname he had given to the family. It was somewhat true, seeing as the family of seven was the largest family and a good portion of the pride's numbers. That would surely change soon, seeing as Amita had found a fiancé in the newcomer Izak, and Avu and Katara seemed to be getting quite close. But for now, the Truth Children were the largest clan.

"We have quite the family," Mamba commented, watching Taipan and Naja pounce on Lua.

"We do," Nuria agreed. "I never imagined I would have this. I had hoped, yes, but I thought my path was to build this pride with Mar, my legacy one of leading new lions here. I didn't think the pride would grow so fast, and I doubted whether I would find a mate among those seeking a home here."

"Neither did I," Mamba said. "The Children of Qilin do not often take mates. We live so long and fall so rarely that it matters not whether we have children of our own. Even just a couple cubs a year is more than enough. We have little time to seek a mate anyway, spending our days training and guarding. I was content to stay at my post until my dying breath. That is what I was born for, what the Children were designed to do." He paused for a moment. Down below, Morrow was stalking crabs. "But the Great Lion had a different path for me. And now that I am on it, I cannot imagine being anywhere else." He looked at the lioness beside him. "I cannot imagine living a life without you. Without them. Without all of this. I miss my duty at times, but I have never felt more alive."

Nuria smiled. "People always say having a family of your own changes you. That you don't really understand until you have cubs of your own."

"I think they are probably right."

They fell into a comfortable silence, leaning against one another as they watched their cubs play.

"They are so beautiful," Mamba murmured.

Nuria hummed in agreement. "What if we had some more?"

"Then we would really be half the pride, as King Mar says."

Nuria laughed. "Yes, we would. We would have to get our own island. The island of Truth."

Mamba chuckled as well. "Indeed. An island full of cubs with scale-like markings running around. That would be quite the sight."

"Yes, it would. We might run out of snakes to name them after."

"Then we will have to start naming them after something else. What else has scales?"

"Fish do."

Mamba snorted. "I am not naming my children after fish."

"Hah, me neither. Leave that to Avu, he loves the ocean so much I won't be surprised if he becomes a fish himself."

Mamba gave along laugh at that. "He probably will."

"We will have to find something else to name our cubs after."

"I can't wait."


Scene 3

7 kids is quite a few, and looking after them meant Nuria and Mamba didn't have as much time alone together as they used to. They did have some time, since the older kids looked after the younger and the whole pride worked together to raise all of the cubs in the pride, but Nuria and Mamba were still quite busy. Nuria had been the "auntie" of the pride before anyone had cubs, so she often found herself watching over all of the many kiddos that ran around the pride nowadays.

When they weren't taking care of the kids, Nuria and Mamba both had time-consuming jobs. Nuria was a Distance Patrol Leader, which meant she was gone for weeks at a time when her rotation came around. Mamba was a Local Patrol Leader, so he had a similarly demanding role in the pride. Mar was gracious enough to have coordinated their shifts so that they were gone at the same time and home at the same time, at least for the most part.

"What are you and Mamba planning for your anniversary?" Mar asked one evening, as he, Nebula, Nuria, Mamba, Izak, and Amita lay on the dunes, watching all of their cubs young and old playing on the sand beach below. The dunes had become a favorite spot of all the parents in the pride, as it gave them a comfortable place to lounge and have private conversations while also giving them a perfect vantage point from which to watch the kids play.

"We haven't thought much about it," Nuria admitted, "we've been so busy lately."

"Haven't we all," agreed Nebula, "still, you should do something. You two give so much to the pride, you should do something for yourselves."

"What if you went out to the Eye, and spent a few days there, just the two of you?" Amita suggested.

"The Eye is quite nice," Mamba agreed. It was one of the places he scouted on his patrols, and he always enjoyed it.

Nuria pondered this for a moment. "It would be nice, to see something different. I have never spent much time by the lake. And it's only a short distance to the cliffs and the shore below if we want to spend time on the beach."

"We could swim in the lake in the morning, catch of its freshwater fish for a meal, and spend the evening on the beach to watch the sunset," Mamba suggested.

"That sounds lovely."

"It's settled then," Mar said, "The two of you will take a few days to yourselves to celebrate your anniversary. Take as long as you like, but no less than two days." The king gave a knowing smile. "No rushing back here to work. You deserve some time."

"As you wish, your Majesty," Mamba said, but he was smiling. He dipped his head to press it against Nuria's. "I can't wait to spend time with you, my love," he murmered.

"And I with you, my dearest Qilin son."

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Mar and Nebula scenes

Postby snapshot » Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:52 am

She first saw him from a distance. He was on the beach, bowed in the sand, while two cubs frolicked around him. The older cub pounced on him, trying to knock him over, while the younger leapt up and tried to catch his tail.

Beside her, the brown lioness who had led her here chuckled. "My king," she called, "we have a visitor."

The two cubs paused at her voice, turning to look at the pair standing at the edge of the woods. The older cub quickly backed up, shaking his fur and then standing to the side, ears pricked forward curiously. The younger cub scampered to her brother's side, looking a bit shy.

The lion stood, shaking his fur as well. He said murmured something to the cubs.

"Yes, Ada!" They sang in unison, then turned and dashed off down the beach, playfully kicking sand at each other.

The lion padded over to the pair of lionesses, dipping his head in greeting. "Nuria," he greeted. Then, to the newcomer, "Welcome to the Lion's Head, home of the Pride of the Lions of the Waves. I am Mar, founder and king. Who might you be, and what brings you here?"

"I am Nebula," she introduced herself. She couldn't help thinking that he was even more handsome up close. Even half covered in sand, playing with his children, he had looked both regal and kind, and quite attractive. "I am here seeking a new home. I followed the path of the Great Lion, and the call of the sea at his instruction. I have been led here."

Mar shared a glance with Nuria, one that Nebula could not read. It was brief, and then Mar turned his gaze back to Nebula, and smiled. "Then welcome to the Pride, Nebula. I would not deny the will of the Great Lion, nor a traveler earnestly seeking a home. Nuria will show you to a den you may use until a more permanent one can be built for you."

Nebula dipped her head in thanks. "Thank you. I appreciate the hospitality."

"It is my pleasure," Mar said. Nebula picked up on a warm undertone to his voice. "If you ladies will excuse me, I must go retrieve my children. I will see you later."

There was a hint of a promise in that last phrase. Nebula's heart fluttered. Was he drawn to her the way she was to him? She had never been one for love at first sight, but this... it felt different.

As she walked beside Nuria back towards the camp, she found herself very much looking forward to seeing that handsome white and brown lion again.

For her part, Nuria said nothing, but there was a knowing sparkle in her eye. She was gifted with the ability to read other people, and it was plain to her that Mar and Nebula were both taken with each other. Mar would likely let things progress slowly, being the gentleman that he was, and he would also first seek guidance from the Great Lion. But Nuria suspected that he had already heard the change in the song of the universe, had heard the whispers of a new duet.

This would be interesting to watch.



Scene 2

Mar could not stop thinking of the new lioness Nuria had brought to meet him that morning. Nebula, she had said her name was. Her pelt was vibrant with swirls of purple, blue, and teal, colors Mar had never seen on a lion before. It was speckled with white flecks, like the stars that dotted the night sky. And the stripes on her shoulder were fierce, adding a strong air to her almost mystical appearance.

She was, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful lionesses he had ever seen.

Nuria had caught the way he looked at Nebula. That lioness, one of his best friends and most trusted advisors, never missed anything. There was a reason he had created a special rank for her, the rank of Truth Keeper, and made her second in command. She had a gift for reading the intentions of others, knowing exactly what their motive was behind every word they spoke. She was a walking lie detector, but she could sense more than just lies. She could sense sincerity, she could sense pain, she could sense excitement. It was why she was so good with his children, always sensing a meltdown before it happened and knowing how to prevent it, and the reason she was so good with every member of the pride. Nuria was everyone's aunt, it seemed, and she was good at it. It was why Mar trusted her judgement when bringing new members into the pride. She could tell if they would be kind and uphold the pride's morals, or if they were cruel and selfish, hoping for a new territory to conquer. Though his heart had seemed to skip a beat when he saw Nebula, he had glanced at Nuria, to check that this was a lioness she approved of. Of course, she wouldn't have even brought her this far if Nuria thought she was dangerous, but he liked to check with her anyway, as a sign of respect for her role in the pride.

Beyond the lioness' beauty, Mar had noticed something else. He was very in tune with the Song of the universe. He knew that it was composed of many voices, many songs, many instruments. It rose and fell and moved like the shifting of the wind and waves, yet it was always the Song. If a being was in tune with the Song, they could learn to understand the meanings behind its many melodies. New voices were added with every birth, and with every death those voices faded away, playing their last notes, and moving on to be with the Great Lion. But the Song also changed when two lions who were meant to be came together. And as Mar looked at Nebula, he heard the Song strike up a new chord, and he knew that the Great Lion had foreseen and predestined this meeting. Mar would consult the Great Lion anyway, out of respect for the great being and to learn more about his plans, but Mar was elated to know that Nebula was the one for him. That their song now joined the thousands of other songs in the Great Song.


Scene 3

Mar couldn't believe how time had flown by. He had started this pride with just himself and little Avu, found abandoned on rocks at the sea shore. Then Nuria and Katara had joined, and from there a flurry of growth and activity over the years. Now, Mar found himself standing and watching as his beautiful mate, Nebula, taught their youngest kids how to hunt rodents.

He was always in awe of how much his family had grown. The family of two, father and son, had quickly become three, and now they were a family of eleven in total. Him, Nebula, their four adopted kids, and their five biological children. At this point, the only family that had him beat in sheer numbers was Nuria - with ten kids, her family totaled twelve.

"Will you have any more?" Mar had teasingly asked one time, just after her last litter was born.

Nuria gave him a look. "Absolutely not."

They had both laughed. Most lions stopped after three litters, and Nuria and Mamba seemed to be content to do so too.

Coming back to the present, Mar saw Nebula release the kids from their lesson, and they bounded off towards the beach. Mar walked over to her, and they greeted one another by rubbing their heads together.

"How are you, my love?" He asked.

"Good," she replied, "It was a good lesson, they did well. But they've had enough for now, so it's time for a break on the beach."

"You're a wonderful teacher. And how are the littlest ones?" He dipped his head slightly, towards her stomach.

Nebula laughed. "As energetic as the twins are. They've been sticking paws in my ribs all morning."

Mar chuckled. "Well, soon enough they'll be sticking their paws in both of our ribs, but from the outside."

"That they will."

The two of them decided to go for a walk. It was a nice day, and they knew that there were other lions on the beach at this time who would keep an eye on the kids.

"One of the things I love about this pride is how much everyone looks out for one another," Nebula commented, "Our kids just ran off, and we don't have to worry about them. We could leave for a couple of days and know that when we came back, everyone would be safe and healthy. The kids probably wouldn't even notice we were gone."

Mar laughed at that. "You're probably right. They seem to prefer hanging out with the other cubs anyway."

They found a nice private spot where they could sit and chat. The sounds of other pride members chatting had faded away, leaving just the parrots and seagulls calling in the trees.

"Most lions stop after three litters," Nebula commented, "Do you think we will too?"

Mar thought about this, a comfortable silence falling for a moment. "I think we have been greatly blessed with the family that we have. If the Great Lion wishes us to have more cubs, then so be it. But if this is our last litter, I will be content. Truthfully, I think I would be content if we had only one cub too. It doesn't matter to me how many kids we have, as long as we have a happy family."

Nebula hummed in agreement.

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S4 - Amita x4 (8 points)

Postby snapshot » Tue Jun 30, 2020 11:28 am

Write about one lion’s feelings towards parenthood. What do they want for their cubs? What are their fears and worries? How do they discipline their little ones when they misbehave? What would make them proud of them? Or disappointed?
500 word minimum


The lioness in question turned her head to the side in order to look at the lion who had said her name. She was lying on her back on the beach, not caring that the sand was getting into her fur. It was a cloudy day, but still warm, perfect for lazing about on the beach Beside her lay her boyfriend, Izak. He had turned his head towards her as well. "Mmm?"

"Have you ever thought about cubs?"

Amita was slightly surprised by the question. Her and Izak had never talked about cubs before. But then again, they were getting serious about their relationship. It would be important for them to be on the same page about such important things if they were going to get married.

"A bit," Amita said.

"What do you think?" Izak asked, "Do you want cubs, someday?"

"I'm not sure," the lioness admitted. "I'd like them, but..." she trailed off. Izak was patient, waiting for her to gather her thoughts. "I'm not sure I would be a good Ama."

Izak blinked at her in surprise. "You'd be a wonderful Ama," he stated confidently. "You're loving, and kind, and patient. All of the traits an Ama needs."

Amita blushed at Izak's praise. "Thank you. But what about when the Grey Cloud is around? I'm sluggish, and sad, and don't have much energy for anything. How can I be a good Ama when I barely have the energy to look after myself sometimes?"

It was a fear the lioness had carried with her for a while. She wanted to be able to be the kind of Ama that is always there for her cubs with a smile on her face, the kind of Ama who plays with them and takes them exploring and tells them stories. The kind of Ama who goes swimming with them, and then builds a sandcastle with them. The kind of Ama who teaches them how to build a den and how to hunt. But how could she do those things on the days when she didn't want to leave her bed? Cubs take a lot of energy, and she didn't always have enough of that for one lion, let alone a litter of excitable cubs.

"Amita," Izak said gently, "Being an Ama doesn't mean you have to be perfect. I know I certainly won't be a perfect Ada either. We have our own strengths and weaknesses. But we also have each other. You don't have to raise cubs all on your own. On the days that you need to nap or have some quiet space, I can take the cubs to the tide pools or into the forest. Or, someone else can watch them while the two of us go on a date. You've seen how the pride works together to help Mar with his cubs. It is a team effort. Nuria watches them some days, we watch them other days, so on and so forth."

"That is true," Amita said.


"And hasn't Mar said that you are wonderful with the kids? That you have more patience with them even than he does?"

"He has said that."

"Well, there you go."

Amita thought about what Izak had said. She did love watching Mar's kids. It was fun to show the older ones the basics of healing, to guide them while they wrapped each other's paws and tails in bandages. To show them which plants in the forest were best for calming an upset stomach or an aching head. It was also fun to take them on field trips around the Lion's Head. Sometimes they squabbled, but she had never had much difficulty solving their disputes. To be fair, they solved many on their own. Mar and Nebula had taught them a lot about diplomacy, and the older cubs had sometimes been permitted to watch as the king and queen solved disputes within the pride. They were, overall, very well-behaved children. Topi was a little adventurous and sassy at times, and sometimes sulked after being scolded, but she bounced back pretty quickly.

"What about this," Izak said, "If there was no Grey Cloud, what would you say about cubs?"

"I would say absolutely," Amita said without hesitation.

"There you go. You do want cubs."

"I do," Amita agreed, "I just worry."

"I know you do," Izak said, "that's why I'm here. To help when you're worrying too much."

The lioness smiled. He was right. She did want cubs, it was just a matter of her doubting her own abilities. But what Izak said was true. She would not be alone, nor would she have to be perfect. Izak would be by her side, (assuming they got married, and she was fairly certain that they would). And the whole pride would be there to support the two in their parenting adventure too. There were days when Mar looked half dead on his feet after a night of sleepless kids keeping him awake, and on those days another pride member was quick to scoop up the little rascals and whisk them away, giving the king some much needed peace and quiet. Amita had no doubt that the pride would do the same for her and Izak, if they had cubs. Even Mar would likely babysit the cubs on some days, teaching them about diplomacy and swimming and other such skills that the king would be the best to teach.

Amita's mind wandered to what each pride member could teach her future cubs. She would teach them healing, of course. Izak would teach the cubs how to always find the bright side in every and any situation. Mar or perhaps even Avu would teach them how to read the tides and subtle currents in the water. Swimming was not her strong suite, and it wasn't Izak's either. The two lions were perfectly content to remain on dry land, only venturing into the water to cool off on a hot day or splash around like children.


Mamba would teach them how to spar, and how to do so with honor. He would probably also teach them patience, how to sit in one place for absurdly long amounts of time. Amita smiled, imagining her cubs sitting still like statues on the beach for an hour. Would they be restless, always fidgeting and getting distracted? Would they whine about the long period of stillness? Or would they remain frozen and silent, doing their best to complete the activity without complaint? Both Avu and Topi struggled with the exercise, though Topi more than Avu. That girl was a bit lacking in the patience department, but she made up for it in other ways.

Katara could teach the little ones to paint, and to appreciate beauty anywhere in the world. She could teach them other crafts too, like carving and weaving. Katara herself was practically a cub still, but already the girl was amazingly gifted in the arts. Amita could easily see one of her children becoming an artist like Katara was. In fact, the lioness decided that she would like that very much. She imagined a cub racing home with a scrap of bark in their mouth, covered in colorful splotches that were supposed to be birds or flowers or pride members. Amita would treasure that art, no matter how unrecognizable the figures in it were. And as time went on and the child grew better at painting, Amita would amass a small collection of arts from throughout time, and would be able to look at how the child had progressed in their skills.

Or maybe the cubs would be skilled in fishing. Amita pictured a cub prancing home, a fish proudly held in its teeth. Amita herself wasn't overly fond of fish, preferring small game found on the land, but she would eat a fish caught by her child, and she would proclaim it to be the best fish she had ever tasted in her whole life.

"Your whole entire life?" The cub would ask.

"My whole entire life," Amita would confirm, and the cub would smile proudly and tell the tale of how exactly they had managed to catch the fish. There would be some exaggeration in the story no doubt, but Amita would listen carefully, ooing and ahhing at the right times.

And what if one of her children took a liking to healing? That would be wonderful. Amita would love to have a child take an interest in her craft, to carry it on. She imagined that child sitting with rapt attention as Amita explained the properties of different herbs and barks. She pictured them staying long after the official lesson was over, and the other cubs had gone off to play. This cub would stay, asking questions, watching carefully as Amita showed them how to splint a broken limb or stitch a particularly bad gash. The cub would follow her lead, carefully grinding plants into a paste or powder. They would love the smell of healing herbs.


Or maybe the cub would be gifted in swimming and patrolling, in taking whatever life throws at them and in dealing with difficult people. It would be hard for Amita to go weeks at a time without seeing her child, even if said child was practically an adult. She would worry about their safety, about what they might encounter on the Long Distance Patrols. What of they came across a lion with ill-intent, or if they got caught in a storm or swept away in a current? But Amita also knew that the other patrol members would be there to look out for them, and Izak would be by her side as she lay awake with worry, and he would assure her that their cub was strong and smart and capable, and that the child could look after themself, and that the other patrol members would look out for them too, and besides all of that the child had the Great Lion watching over them, and the Great Lion had always been good to their family. And Amita would agree with him, and she would murmur a prayer of thanks to the Great Lion, and then she would sleep much better. When they child came back from patrol she would fuss over them, dabbing salves on the minor cuts they had picked up, and then she would smile as she listened to the child tell of their adventures on patrol. The lions they had met, the things they had seen, the goofy antics of their fellow Long Distance Patrol members. And she would think of how lucky she was to have such a strong, brave child.

No matter who her child or children ended up being, Amita had no doubt that she would love and be proud of them, and so would Izak. She wondered what they would look like. Would they have her grey pelt, or Izak's yellow? Would they have her patches, or his stripes? Or would they have a combination of their colors and markings? Would they have Izak's bright disposition, or her calmer one? Or would the child be completely different from either of them?

"You're smiling," Izak commented, "what are you thinking about, my love?"

"I am imagining our cubs," Amita said, "what they would be like. What they would love to do, what they would be skilled at. What they would look like. What their personalities would be like. What skills each member of this pride would teach them."

Izak smiled. "They would be wonderful, no matter what. I'm sure of that,"

"Yes," Amita agreed, "they would be."

"Does that mean you have decided that you do want cubs, some day?"

"I think it does," Amita said.

"I'm glad. I do too. I would love a few little beans, running around, perhaps playing on the beach while we lie here."

"That would be lovely."

"Yes. It would be lovely. I wonder how many we would have. How many do you want?"

"Hmm, I don't know. It's hard to predict how many will be born in a litter. Maybe a couple of litters. I think I'd like a few cubs."

Izak smiled. "That sounds wonderful."

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Amita & Izak scenes

Postby snapshot » Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:22 am

Scene 1

Lying on a dune, watching her son play in the sand with the other cubs, Amita thought back to a conversation she had had with Izak a year ago. He had asked if she wanted children, and asked what she was afraid of, and she had pondered both those questions and talked them out with Izak. Now, watching her beautiful little boy, she couldn't imagine not wanting a child. He was perfect in so many ways, and she was so lucky to have him. He had his father's joy, lighting up at every little thing, always smiling and laughing and looking around at the world with those bright eyes of his. And he also had his mother's sensitivity, always instinctively knowing when someone around him was hurt or upset. He was gentle with the other cubs even in play, and he was gentle with things like flowers and insects. He didn't hunt them like the other children, who would eagerly chase down a grasshopper as a crunchy snack. Instead, he would sit and stare at the bug, following it quietly as it went about its business.

"They're wonderful, aren't they?" Nuria lay about a foot away, paws crossed, watching her own children who played below.

Amita smiled. "They are. I was worried about being a mother, and I still worry that I will mess him up somehow, but times like this I feel content."

Nuria laughed. "Everyone worries that they'll mess up their kids," she said. "But I think they will all turn out just fine."

"The twins are great with the cubs," Amita commented.

Nuria nodded. "They are. I worry sometimes that Lua will get too rough, but she seems to tone down her usual energy just a bit around them. She's never hurt the snakelets, even accidentally. Although, they do fight sometimes, but that's what siblings do."

"I think I'd like for [name] to have some siblings," Amita commented, "and I'm sure Izak would agree."

"I'd agree to what?" The lion in question padded up the dune, along with Nuria's mate Mamba.

"Nuria and I were talking about the cubs. It would be nice for [name] to have a brother or sister to play with."

Izak stretched out on the dune beside Amita, rubbing his head against hers affectionately. "It would be," Izak agreed. "And it would be nice to have a few more little ones running around."

Amita hummed in agreement. "What do you think they would look like?"

"Maybe grey, like your fur, or perhaps gold, like mine. Or, they might be some other color, like [name] is." Izak flopped his head on Amita's front paws, and she rested her head on top of his. "They'll be beautiful, whatever they look like."

"Yes, they will," Amita agreed, "I guess we will just have to wait and see."

"Does that mean you're sure?" Izak asked, joy in his tone. "You're sure about having more cubs?"

"I am. I'd like a few more. I have loved watching [name] learn and grow, and I feel as though I have love in my heart to pour onto more cubs too."

"I feel the same way," Izak agreed.

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Store prompts S25 x8 (16 points) --claimed

Postby snapshot » Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:17 am








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Points for Amore OOC breeding S25x2 = 8 points

Postby snapshot » Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:56 am


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