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Postby -Isabella- » Sun Dec 01, 2019 10:06 am

S Prompts -- Khalida

S13: Khalida - Does your lion work well with others? Can they cooperate or are they bossy/conflicting towards others? Are they a lone wolf? What sort of personalities can they work the best with? Or clash the most with theirs? - 1 point

Well, Khalida can take instruction if absolutely necessary. But only if she respects or at the very least doesn't hate the lion in charge. If it's someone she can't stand, forget it. She tends to be prickly so that doesn't help her get along well with others in general, but to be fair her pride haven't tried overly hard to get along well with her either.
But if you ask her she'd most likely tell you she would rather work alone than with another lion or a group.

If she does have to work with another lion she tends to work best with lions who are quiet, no nonsense, and willing to just go about the task with no excess chatter or trying to be social. When she is working Khalida is there to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible and doesn't appreciate anyone not taking it seriously or goofing off and prolonging the time it takes to finish.

But even with someone who she can get along with well enough, most times she'd still rather work alone if possible. And she definitely does not work too well with young lions or cubs. She simply has no patience for their immaturity or constant need to be told exactly what to do and how to do it, sometimes several times over. It will drive her insane and she is bound to lose her temper with them before long. Of course, older lions who act as if they know everything just because of their age is no better and she has an equally short amount of patience for that.


S17: Khalida - Explain your lion’s biggest insecurity and how they try to cope with it. - 1 Point

As a cub/adolescent, Khalida's biggest insecurity was always her appearance, more specifically her wings. As a cub they were odd growths that everyone thought were some ill omen or curse, then as she got older an attendant was instructed to bind the growths as the got bigger and Khalida wasn't allowed to take off the binding no matter what. For her own good, they said.
the fact that her father refused to acknowledge her and even encouraged the pride to treat her badly didn't help matters, leaving her nothing to protect herself with except her own wit and strength.
She did try not to let it bother her, but the taunting and jeers of other cubs, and even some adults, got under her skin as a cub and as she got older angered her.

As she became an adult and discovered what her wings were her insecurity faded, but as a cub it made her stick to the shadows sometimes and hide away, unwilling to face the cruelty of other cubs and be made to feel as if she were less than them because of the lumps by her shoulders.
Distancing herself from everyone and feigning indifference were her best coping methods, even if they weren't always the best thing for her. A prickly attitude and harsh tongue also helped, or at least she thought it helped.
In the end it's hard to say if her coping methods really did help, or only made things worse. Either way she did get over the insecurity, developing a new confidence. She never lost the sharp side of her personality but no longer felt it necessary to use it to hide insecurity or fear.


S21: Khalida - What is your lion’s opinion on destiny? Do they believe fate always has a plan or do they write it off as silly? Do they think themselves in control of everything or accept things that are out of their paws? - 1 point

Khalida isn't one to believe in fantasy, but she can't say she completely dismisses the idea of destiny. But unlike some lions she doesn't believe destiny leads to an inevitable happy end, instead believing it can be both a giving and a harsh thing.
She believes destiny and fate are a possibility, but also believes that the strong willed can change such things if they truly want to.
A long time ago she learned she had to take control of her own life and since then has refused to let others determine what she can and cannot do.
The idea of things being completely out of her control is unacceptable to her. She finds it hard enough to accept that the lives of those she loves aren't something she can always protect and keep safe. But whether she realizes it or not she feels that she makes up for that in some small way by taking charge of her own life as thoroughly as she can.
When things that are important to her seem to be out of her control it frustrates her, in the case of her siblings and mother even scares her at times. But like with anything else, she doesn't let it show. She believes that showing fear and worrying over what fate might have in store only increase the likelihood that things will become out of paw and go in a direction other than the one you prefer.
Sometimes she thinks lions who believe in destiny and fate just don't have enough courage to try to change things, believing nothing they do will make a difference, or perhaps using that as an excuse. And that is something she doesn't want for herself and dislikes seeing in others.


S22: Khalida -
What was your lion’s biggest educator growing up? Other pride members, trial and error, their own failures? What motivated them to change and grow? Were they driven by their own ego or by what others thought of them, or their own desire to learn and get better?- 1 point

As far as other lions, Khalida's mother and the old guard, Bucephalas, were her biggest educators. Her mother saw to it she knew everything a princess needed to know, and some of the things that others didn't believe a princess did need to know.
Meanwhile the retired guard Bucephalas taught her how to fight as well as any member of the king's Guard and how to be disciplined. She appreciates all the lessons the old guard taught her, both physical and mental.
And she will always be grateful her mother saw to it that she understood the finer points of being royalty, even if she doesn't necessarily appreciate having to execute them.

What drove her to better herself began with anger and determination. Her father's unfairness toward her early on angered her and made her want to prove to him that she was everything he never believed she was. It wasn't a matter of pleasing him or making him proud, but rather proving herself better than what he had always told her she was. And maybe a small part of her wanted to prove herself better than him too.
As she became an adult she just wanted everyone to see that she was more than what they had made her to be and she is determined to make them all see it, even if they don't want to.
Her failures or hardships have only made her all the more determined and at this point it seems like nothing can tear her down or dissuade her. In their attempts to make her weak, her father and the pride members who follow his example in their treatment of her only made certain she would rise to become more. And they don't even fully realize it yet.


S Prompts - Chikondi

S5- Chikondi: 250/250 words - 1 point
Were there to be any whispers of intent to harm or assassinate him Chikondi would not be at all afraid most likely, but he'd probably be outraged. He'd instantly begin planning how to thwart the plan and cause his enemy the most pain or trouble in the process. But with everything he's managed he'd be confident enough that he could take care of the issue. It would be his preference to keep it quiet if possible so the pride might never know.
He has dealt with plenty of problems and threats in his time so is not easily shaken anymore.

But if the pride did find out they'd probably not be surprised that someone was out to get him. But they might be afraid, not for his life but that he would accuse any one of them of being the one intending the harm or somehow an accomplice to the plot. And open threat would likely cause a lot of worry and make the pride feel like they had to be extra careful of how they acted.
Of course some of them might almost hope the plot against the king was successful as not everyone in the pride is a supporter of the king. But even if anyone did think as much they'd likely not voice it. And a shift in power is always difficult so no matter how much they might want to be rid of the king the trouble might not be worth it to some of them.
Last edited by -Isabella- on Tue Feb 04, 2020 12:43 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Postby -Isabella- » Fri Jan 10, 2020 12:08 pm

S4 - Chikondi - Write about one lion’s feelings towards parenthood. What do they want for their cubs? What are their fears and worries? How do they discipline their little ones when they misbehave? What would make them proud of them? Or disappointed? - 507/ 500 word minimum - 2 point

Chikondi never really cared about parenthood as far as the family aspect of it. In his mind cubs were always just a way to secure the future of the pride. A way to make sure there were heirs from his bloodline who would be raised and trained correctly.
He was never nervous at the prospect of becoming a parent because he didn't really intend to build a relationship with his cubs on any deep level. Until they were old enough to train he had no intention of even seeing them all that often.
Because of this he never really worried the way most parents do. His worries were all centered around whether the cubs would be healthy, because unhealthy heirs were no use and might be perceived by the pride as a bad sign or omen.

As far as disciplined, his cubs would be disciplined just like any other pride member. Perhaps even more harshly because Chikondi wouldn't want them thinking that because he was their father they could get away with anything. As princes and princesses he wanted to make sure they were always aware that despite being royal themselves and of high rank, with the ability to rule in the pride, he would still be the ultimate authority over them and everyone else.
He believes making sure cubs know their place is very important.

He'd be proud if his cubs grew to be physically strong and capable, cunning, strategic, and as much as possible like him. If they reflected well on him and the pride he'd be pleased, wanting other prides to see and acknowledge his and the pride's strength. So if his cubs could in any way help promote that he would be glad of it.
Even better if they grow up to understand and share his views on leadership and life. He believes this would make them the best possible heirs.
Other than that he'd have little to no pride in things like their first steps, academic achievements or hobbies. Those things don't matter much to him unless they interfere with his plans in some way.

Cubs who were born weak or odd looking in any way are always a disappointment and the king will downright refuse to see and sometimes refuse to acknowledge such cubs as his own. He doesn't want anyone to perceive him or his bloodline as weak, and such cubs are an unfortunate disgrace that he'd rather disregard. In addition cubs that are overly merciful or not shrewd enough are displeasing to him as he seems them as being little good to the pride or royal family. Such weak views can only bring the pride down.

So King Chikondi views cubs as a potential strength and asset, but also a potential risk or weakness. He has little to do with them when they are young but carefully chooses which of his cubs he wants to put his time and effort into. Those that he deems not worth it are mostly forgotten, maybe sent away or raised as common subjects.

S4 - Airi - Write about one lion’s feelings towards parenthood. What do they want for their cubs? What are their fears and worries? How do they discipline their little ones when they misbehave? What would make them proud of them? Or disappointed? - 519/ 500 word minimum - 2 point

Airi was never one of those lionesses who yearned to be a mother and felt she wouldn't be complete without it. She thought if it happened one day it might be nice, but other than that she had no actual goals to become a mother one day.
But when she discovered she was expecting cubs for the first time, she tried to learn all she could to become a good mother and became excited about it.
Sure it was scary. She worried she'd not be a good parent, too lenient or too harsh. And what if she couldn't balance life as a royal with being a mother? More than anything she wanted her cubs to have as much attention from her as any other cub born to common-born parents.
She worried she wouldn't be able to find the balance between preparing them for their lives as princes or princesses but also shielding them for as long as she could from the intrigues and politics involved in being royalty. Once they were born she wasn't any less worried about these things, but she did learn to just take it one day at a time.

More than anything she just wanted them to grow up to be decent lions with a sense of justice and an understanding of how life worked beyond the royal circle. She also wanted them to all be well trained so they would be prepared to take their places in the pride and not be overwhelmed or taken advantage of.
Aire strove to raise them all to be well rounded with good heads on their shoulders and lacking the superiority or arrogance that seemed to plague some of the other noble lions and their cubs.
She thought that shaping their character and morals was more important than their being fancy and just looking good on the outside. It was important to her that they know their was more to life than appearances and just making things look good.

As far as discipline her cubs were pretty good for the most part and a warning or a 'you better not' kind of look usually did the tricky in stopping the before they got into too much trouble. If they did get in trouble she'd usually sit them down and talk about it with them, explaining why what they did was wrong.

Since her cubs were royalty, and by the standards of her pride nice looking, that was enough to make most lions assume she'd be proud of them.
But really, Airi was never more proud than when she would see them showing a good spirit and sense of justice. She worried at times that their father and other pride members might train that out of them, but seeing them embrace what she taught them and stand up for themselves and what they believed in always made her proud, even if also a little fearful of what the consequences might be for them.

It always disappointed her if she saw aspects of their father's teaching coming through in any of them, but luckily that was not often the case.

S4 - Charna - Write about one lion’s feelings towards parenthood. What do they want for their cubs? What are their fears and worries? How do they discipline their little ones when they misbehave? What would make them proud of them? Or disappointed? - 522/ 500 word minimum - 2 point

Well, Charna never really wanted cubs. That is, having a family was never exactly important to her. She didn't plan on it so when she did find out she was having cubs she wasn't exactly excited but not upset either.
She was worried that she might not be able to manage caring for her cubs properly, but that was as much because she wasn't technically supposed to be having any, in the eyes of the pride and her leader, as anything else.

Of course she was never really the nurturing, caring type, so she did worry she'd not be good at being a mother. She tends to be disconnected in an emotional sense and not one to ever show much emotion. Because of this she thought she might come across as uncaring, and honestly wasn't sure she would genuinely care anyway. Feelings of love and caring were not common for her.

She did know that she wanted her cub(s) to grow up to be strong and capable, fitting into the pride but not being too dependent on it, able to take care of themselves. Though she might not exactly say it, she'd like to see them happy and satisfied with whatever life they choose for themselves. And if she can help them reach that point in any way, she would like to.
Like most parents she also desired to see them be healthy and physically capable, for purposes of survival rather than vanity.
She knew that because of the circumstances of their birth growing up in the pride would likely not be easy for them, so she wanted to do her best to prepare them and make them strong, able to handle whatever might come their way in the future as they grew up.

However when it came to discipline her lack of emotion always made sure her cubs knew she was serious and not just bluffing. Their protests and tears didn't ever sway her. If they had done something wrong she would find the appropriate punishment (Usually being confined to their cave or sitting by themselves to consider their actions) and she would carry it out without batting an eyelash.

Though she never really openly showed when she was pleased or proud, Charna was always glad to see her cub(s) being clever and innovative. She wanted them to have minds of their own and learn to think for themselves and not just follow the crowd. She was also proud to see them not letting the hurtful words of their pridemates get to them, and glad to see them not measuring their worth through the eyes of the king or their pride.

It always disappointed her to see them letting themselves being led by others too easily and letting themselves just go along with everything without question. from experience she knows that blindly following the advice or ideas of others can be disastrous. She views being too dependent on others, or even a pride, as a weakness and never wanted her cubs to grow up like some, not knowing how to function without the pride or someone telling them what to do.

S4 - Nadir - Write about one lion’s feelings towards parenthood. What do they want for their cubs? What are their fears and worries? How do they discipline their little ones when they misbehave? What would make them proud of them? Or disappointed? - 502/ 500 word minimum - 2 point

Nadir has no plans to become a father really, or any desire to, but as Crown Prince it's pretty much inevitable he will eventually. And honestly he isn't sure how he feels. It might not be bad, but he doesn't want to turn into a parent like his father. And even though his mother was a good parent he doesn't know that he's enough like her to be a good one himself. Aside of all that he just isn't sure the idea is appealing to him. He doesn't dislike cubs, but has never felt too comfortable around them with the exception of his sisters' cubs.

He worries that, not being overly affectionate by nature he'd not be able to be a caring or loving father. Or that with his lack of showing emotion most times he'd come across as cold or mean.
Or worse yet he'd come across as overbearing and domineering like his own father. He definitely fears being the king of father his father was more than just being a father in general.

He would want them to grow up with a chance to enjoy their cubhood, at least a better chance than he had. And he'd want them to be considerate of others and wise in how they carried out their duties as royalty. Most of all, he'd like to see them be the ones to change the pride for the better and set it on a better course for the future.

In some ways he also worries about discipline because he worries that he doesn't have enough of a gentle side or kind nature to balance out the harsher side of him so he might just come across as cruel or mean when disciplining them in any way. And his own parents had very different ways of handling things. While he prefers his mother's way of handling things, he isn't confident he could pull it off like she could so that his cubs weren't scared or hurt.

If he did have cubs he'd be proud of them if they grew up to be good lions, possessing good character and a sense of fairness. He'd be proud to see the better parts of himself in them, and proud to see them trying to work on or curb the not so good things.
Since his family doesn't have the best record as far as being 'good' lions, he'd be proud if any of his cubs turned out to be better than the kings and queens of the past.

He'd be disappointed and likely blame himself if they shared some of the less than admirable traits that run in his family, specifically on his father's side. The streak of hardness and cruelty is something he'd be very disappointed and saddened to see in any of his cubs.
If he did he would see it as failure on his part to raise them right, especially knowing that this kind of thing seems to run in the family like some sort of disease.

S14 - Khalida: 338/250 words - 1 ppint

"You are confined to the den." The king's harsh words echoed in Khalida's head as she ran back to her mother's den, bumping into a few attendants along the way but not stopping to hear their chiding.
When he finally reached her mother's chamber she was caught somewhere between hurt and angry. How dare her not let her join her siblings while they listened to the pride history! Why shouldn't she know it too?
With a growl she threw herself onto some of her mother's cushions, burying her face in them. He was so mean. He never had liked her. But why did he have to bother her for no reason?
She lifted her head, swiping a paw over her face. Her anger now overwhelming her she swiped up a cushion and tossed it as hard as she could. The young cub hadn't been aiming at all and the cushion hit a small box on her mother's dresser, knocking it to the chamber floor with a clinking sound.
Instantly feeling regret the cub stood and walked over, pushing the box a little with a paw. The lid had cracked and the contents spilled out.

Just as she was about to see if any of it was broken her mother walked into the chamber and Khalida spun around. "I..I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," she said, her voice coming out half sob.

"Shh, come here." Her mother held out a paw and Khalida ran over and pressed her face into her mother's chest.

"I was so mad," she said into her mother's fur.

"I know love. I know you didn't mean to do it."

Khalida felt twinge of guilt. "I know it was your favorite."

"It was special. But you didn't do it on purpose. And right now I'm worried about you, not that box. Are you okay?"

Khalida was so relieved that her mother wasn't angry she just shook her head. "I'm okay. I'll help you fix it."

"Thank you dear." Her mother hugged her gently. "Love you."

S23: Khalida
- 329/250 words - 1 point

"Aren't they beautiful?" Nthanda breathed.

"What?" Khalida asked.

"The stars of course silly."

"Uh, stars? What's so nice about those?"

"Well, they're so...bright. And pretty. No matter where you are you can see them and they light up even the darkest night. It's just...I don't know. Nice."

"I mean, I guess." Khalida shrugged, looking up at the starry sky.

"What do you think of them? " Her sister asked.

"I guess they're...nice. I mean they make it hard to sneak when they glow so bright."

"Hard to sneak?"

"Yes. They're alright. If you like them. I don't think they're too special though."

"Mother says some lions believe they are the dead watching over us. Or night spirits."

"Sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me," Khalida said.

"Don't you think it's even nice to imagine them being something special?"

Khaida shrugged. "They're just there. I don't need them to be special. But if you like them go ahead and do that. If it makes you happy."

"It does make me happy. I just wondered what you thought."

"I don't see the use in wondering. It's not as if it changes anything anyway. And there are no ancestors I want to know are watching me so I won't take comfort in it if that's what they are. If they are nothing more than lights it's fine by me. Sometimes I prefer cloudy nights when they are hidden anyway. Seeing them brings me no comfort like it does to some. There best use is telling what direction you are going in, I think."

"Well, that is practical."

"Yes I suppose so. Only romantics and dreamers see things in the stars."

"Is that what you think I am? A romantic or a dreamer?"

Khalida was quiet a moment then said, "I think you're an optimist sometimes. I just hope that won't end up being bad."

"Well, we'll see."

"I'm sure we will," her sister said softly, looking up at the stars again.

S24 - Khalida - What kind of sleeper is your lion? What position do they sleep in? How do they usually wake up? Are they a heavy or light sleeper? When do they usually sleep? - 264/250 word minimum - 1 point

Khalida is definitely a light sleeper. She is always trying to be as alert as possible when awake and that doesn't easily go away when she goes to sleep. The slightest unusual noise or disturbance can usually wake her, but she sleeps fine through the usual night sounds of birds or her pridemates moving about in their sleep.
Most times she sleeps curled up, almost as if protecting herself from some unseen threat. She also sleeps facing the entrance to her den, never with her back to it.
It isn't uncommon for her to be tense or rigid as she sleeps, but of course usually no lion gets to see her sleeping so very few actually know this. The reason for it might be her always being so aware of her surroundings. Or it might be the dreams, or even nightmares, that interrupt her sleep.
Khalida tends to wake up early and not waste time lounging about before beginning her day. She has plenty to do and thinks oversleeping is a waste of time. When she wakes she is calm and quiet about it, liking to slip out silently without disturbing anyone so she can go about her day without being pestered or followed.
She goes to sleep at night, often later than the majority of her pridemates, and gets up as early as she can manage, usually before sunrise. She's never been one to take naps and tends to stick to her usual sleeping schedule with little to no variation day by day.
To her sleep is a necessity and not a luxury.
Last edited by -Isabella- on Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:44 am, edited 5 times in total.
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E5: 729/700 words

Postby -Isabella- » Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:35 am

Zipporah looked around at the different trees and brush, keeping an eye out for any places a bird might hide. As she usually did she was trying to keep track of where the birds in the area were nesting or feeding. She liked to keep an eye out for any injured birds, or babies who'd fallen from the nest as well. Due to her work with her own birds back at the pride she couldn't help wanting to help the wild birds too and she had finally gotten approval to go out into the woods at times and check on things if it didn't interfere with her work.

Behind Zipporah her pridemate Pangari sulked along, her reluctant guardian for the day. "Are we done yet?" She muttered crossly.

"Not quite," Zipporah said. "i still have more spots to check."

"Good grief how many are there, they're just birds, why all the effort?" Pangari seemed to be half talking to herself, shuffling her paws as she followed Zipporah through the trees.

Zipporah withheld a sigh and ignored her, looking under some branches for any sign of a certain type of bird.

In the meantime Pangari walked around aimlessly, letting her boredom show plainly.

"Alright, just one more stop," Zipporah finally announced as she straightened.

"At last," Pangari said, loudly enough Zipporah was sure to hear her.

The birdkeeper just kept walking, heading to the outskirts of the territory where she had seen signs of some birds nesting not long ago. Pangari dragged her paws behind her, looking around for anything that might be a distraction.

Zipporah was so focused on her task she almost didn't notice the faint rustling of some bushes as she reached her destination and began her search. Pangari was lingering far enough away she didn't notice either. But as Zipporah bent over a bush to check the branches for any nests something made a soft squeaking sound, causing her to pause.

"Well, done yet?" Pangari called.

"Hang on," Zipporah called back, parting the leaves some with her paw. Nestled beneath the branches, shaking with fear, as a lion cub who didn't look old enough to be on its own.

"Well, hello little one," she said softly. The cub just shrank back, seeming no less frightened.

"Hurry up, daylight is fading," Pangari called sharply as she came over to see what was taking so long. "What are you doing?"

"Shh, you'll scare them," Zipporah chided softly.

"Who's them?" Pangari asked insistently.

"A cub. They must be lost, or perhaps abandoned."

'Well let's go, obviously it's not our problem."

"We can't leave this cub to fend for itself," Zipporah said stubbornly.

"Well then figure something out and come on," Pangari said, turning and walking back to the edge of the path.

Zipporah sighed in exasperation then turned back to the cub. "Hey little one. Let's get you warm and fed." She carefully pulled the cub toward her with a paw, feeling it fight her weakly. Once it was out in the light she noticed that the cub didn't have any other lion scent on them and that only made her more sure the cub was lost or abandoned with no parent coming back for them any time soon.

"We'll get you taken care of and everything will be alright," she soothed. Her gentle touch and soft words seemed to calm the cub some and they huddled quietly by her leg. Zipporah carefully picked the cub up and turned to head back to the pride.

"It's not big enough to be any use," Pangari commented, casting a critical eye over the cub.

"They'll grow," Zipporah said calmly.

"Yeah, great, anther mouth to feed."

"We aren't struggling, a small cub won't make much difference."

"We don't need more lost lions floating into our midst like fleas," Pangari said sharply.

"This is just a cub," Zipporah insisted forcefully. "We will find someone to care for them and you won't have to do anything."

"Well we better because I'm sure not taking the little flea-pelt."

"Let's just go," Zipporah said.

Pangari shook her head and kept walking, purposely staying ahead of Zipporah and the cub.

"Not everyone is quite that bad," Zipporah whispered to the cub. "I'll make sure someone kind looks after you."

Almost as if they heard the cub made a grunting sound that Zipporah chose to take as approval.
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E5: Politics 1017/700 words

Postby -Isabella- » Wed May 20, 2020 8:14 am

King Chikondi, as well as several members of his pride and his Guard rested in the shade as tents were set up nearby. They had traveled quite a distance for this festival as they checked the borders of their own pride and met with some visitors from another in hopes of forming a profitable alliance with a distant but prosperous pride. Crown Prince Nadir had come along with them at the king’s request to learn more about such negotiations as well as all of the ins and outs and politics of dealing with other prides.
Right now the young prince found himself quietly watching the working lions as they set up the tents and refreshments that were key elements of the festival. He’d been told the queen of this pride had several eligible heirs that his father might wish for him to become promised to if it would aid the alliance and prove beneficial in other ways. The idea wasn’t too appealing but he knew better than to argue about it right now. Perhaps he would get lucky and it wouldn’t seem necessary anyway.

As it turned out the festival lasted a whole fortnight. During that time Nadir observed that his father often spoke with the queen and her court, not participating in the festivities. The other pride had brought along young lions and even cubs, which would’ve been a poor move were it not for the fact that armed sentries kept watch over everything so that not a single thing escaped their notice.
During the festival Nadir mingled with the other members of the court as well as the visitors, trying to be cordial and make a good impression as he had been told.

Luckily the festival passed by uneventfully with no troubles arising and when it came time to leave the king and Nadir oversaw the preparations as their lions got their belongings together as well as gifts from the visiting pride.
They were just about ready to leave when a young lioness, barely half his age and common born Nadir surmised, approached them.
“We, that is, my sister Cora, wondered if you might honor us with a visit?” she asked, her eyes darting to the king’s face and away again in a way that betrayed her nerves as much as her shaky legs.
Nadir was surprised that a common lion, and a young one at that, would make such an absurd request of their king but he held his tongue.
“She asked me to...to remind you of your last visit to her and how you admired the rugs she makes so much,” the lioness added as if remembering she was supposed to say it.
“We will make only a brief stop on our way back, it is a long journey,” the king said, his tone curt but calmer than Nadir would have expected. His father had little patience for such things usually.
But true to his word the king stopped their party somewhere along the way and took only Nadir and a few of his guard down a path through the trees. At the end of the path was a structure that surprised Nadir by being well built and something like he had seen only among the nobility.
The guards along the path admitted them without question. The king had his own guard wait outside while he and Nadir went inside. Once there a common lion escorted them to where their hostess waited.
She sat in a well-lit space, working quietly on some rugs that were half done. Around her paws a couple cubs tumbled while another lion, presumably the babysitter, kept an eye on them.
As they came in she lifted her head and smiled. “Well, it’s good to see you.”
“And you,” the king said gruffly. “Now, may I ask what was so important that I was brought here and forced to delay my journey?”
“Oh yes, of course, well…you see it is a sad story. But you are such a good king, well I knew you would help me.” The lioness smiled, seeming to be all sincerity and charm.
“Well?” The king prompted, showing his first signs of impatience.
“Well, you see, it’s a sad tale. A lioness came to me some short time ago with a cub. She said her mistress had died in birth, leaving the poor cub an orphan. I took the poor dear in, but of course I cannot be expected to care for it for long. I just knew you would see some solution.” Her tone remained much the same, charming and almost innocent the whole time she spoke. But while it could have been his imagination Nadir thought he picked up on something else in her tone, something almost knowing or expectant.
“Why should this concern me?” The king asked calmly. “Some…unknown lioness’s tragedy.”
“Well, by her claims you knew her well, I am only trusting her word and what she wrote to me,” Cora replied. “Elsbeth, was her name. Perhaps now you will remember her?”
The king was quiet a moment before saying, “I may recall this lioness. But her fate matters little to me. But of course, I am a fair king. I will take her offspring and give them to someone in the pride who would be glad to raise them.”
Nadir had to hide his surprise, having fully expected his father to dismiss the idea and move on.
“Of course my king.” Cora smiled. “Here’s the little one.” She gesture to the babysitter who pushed one of the cubs forward.
The king barely glanced at the cub before saying, “One of my servants will be here directly to collect the cub.”
He turned and left the space, gesturing for Nadir to follow.
Once outside he sent in a servant to collect the cub. As they waited Nadir dared to pose a question. “May I ask, why you bothered with the cub?”
The king was quiet at first and Nadir was sure he was in for a reprimand, but after a moment the king simply said, “Politics. It’s a matter of politics.”
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Dark Queen Rising - 671 words

Postby -Isabella- » Thu May 21, 2020 9:53 am

Khalida strode quietly along the familiar path to the place she had been born. She could remember how many times she had come down this way, usually to escape the cruelty of her father or her pridemates. But this time she wouldn't be the one running away.

Behind her a group of lions, all too loyal or too afraid to disobey watched her back and kept aware for any of her father's Guard. Some of them had joined her as a political movement, while some had come from recent alliances. Others revered her almost as a goddess, and she was happy to let them so long as they didn't make fools of themselves when she needed them.

Today her brother and most of his family, along with some of the guard were away on a diplomatic mission while her sister was at least moderately safe miles away in her own home with her cubs. It was the perfect time to execute her plan. All along the trip she had gone over it again and again in her mind, what she would say, what she would do. She had every right to make them all pay for their cruelties. But doing that would harm too many who'd had no paw in the events that had led her to this. No, she would be selective. Those who needed to pay would, and the innocent would be spared.

Finally she reached the main encampment. In his arrogance and her brother's absence the king had not assured it was as well guarded as it could have been and many surprised guards had to rouse themselves and hurry to block the group's way.

"Hold them back," she commanded the lions behind her. Without question the moved to obey, pushing back the king's guards who seemed too stunned to immediately react.

Without hesitation the winged lioness strode down the main path until she reached her father, who stood on his perch above them all looking outraged. She climbed the stone steps until she stood face to face with him, her gaze cold and unyielding.

"What is the meaning of this?" He demanded angrily, his eyes brimming with barely contained fury.

"I'm home, father,' she said, her tone dripping with disdain. "And I'm here to stay." Before he could respond she flicked her tail and some especially large lions came at her call. "Take him to his chamber and keep him there." They moved to do as she said while she turned to go inside with two guards, ignoring the sounds of the king's outrage. She would deal with him later.

It took her some time to find the right chamber, but find it she did. Inside her father's new wife cowered in her presence, not even trying to protect the helpless cubs laying among their blankets just pawsteps away.

The lioness began to whimper and beg, but Khalida pushed her aside, not wanting to hear the lioness's selfish pleas for her own life. Instead she stopped by the cubs, her gaze lingering on each of them. "So these are the cubs," she murmured. For a moment she just stared at them, wanting to hate them for having the approval her father had so cruelly denied her and her own siblings. But they were no less innocent than she had been at their age, and his actions were not their fault.

Khalida turned away from the cubs, spotting their mother still hovering anxiously in the corner. "Bring her outside and send someone in to watch the cubs," Khalida commanded the guards who still waited outside the chambers.

The lioness wailed and whimpered but Khalida paid her no mind as she went back outside, satisfied to find that her followers had successfully suppressed any resistance the pride might have offered. Today was a new day, a new beginning for all of them. She had a plan for the future that would assure her and her siblings of happiness, now she just had to eliminate anything standing in her way.
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A New Game - 421 words

Postby -Isabella- » Fri May 22, 2020 2:18 am

Khalida studied the two pieces of parchment laid out before her carefully. One was a report on the recent activities of her brother, Prince Nadir, and the other a report on her father. Each was short and to the point, just highlighting the main points since an oral report had been given earlier when the messenger delivered the reports.

They reported that her brother was going away on some mission or another. And her father had not taken the usual precautions to ensure his pride was safe in the absence of his son and half of the Guard. Both reports had been correct and now the king awaited her judgement.

In a way the victory had almost been too easy, she mused. After all he had done, suppressing and fighting her from the time she began to defy him, and now she simply walked in and took over things as casually as one might stop and pluck some fruit off of a tree. These thoughts had barely sat with her for long when a guard announced himself at the chamber entrance.

"Yes, what is it?" She asked.

"My Lady, I regret to report the king has escaped the guard who were watching him. They believe he used some secret means to leave the chamber in which they had him secured."

"Have them begin the search," she said calmly. "I will join you shortly. Oh, and if anyone finds him I want him brought to me alive. Is that understood?"

"Of course My Lady." The guard bowed his head then left to do her bidding, his pawsteps echoing in the now empty hall.

Khalida put away the parchments and stood, walking down the winding halls to go outside. In the clearing some of her father's guard and advisors were trying to put up a fight against her own guards, but they didn't have the numbers or unity to make much of their rebellion.

Unconcerned with their efforts Khalida surveyed the land and the structures before her, all of which were now hers, or as good as hers when she found the king.

Taking a deep breath she strode out into the clearing, her gaze raking over her father's loyal followers as she passed them. With the king on the loose now the real fun began. All of her life he had tried to make her a pawn, to use her in his game of power and gain. But this time the game was hers, and her victory would be the final play.
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Wards of the Crown - 475 words

Postby -Isabella- » Fri May 22, 2020 2:42 am

The search for King Chikondi went on for a couple days. Some of his followers were rumored to be with him but nothing had been confirmed. He had left his mate and Khalida did her best to be cordial to the lioness. While she had initially thought she was simply a vain, selfish, lioness like many of the spoiled nobility she had met, once she spoke to her she found that the lioness was simply young. And a little lost it seemed on how to be a ruler's mate, as well as a mother to some young cubs.

Feeling sorry for the lioness Khalida gave her some things she might need and sent her away to go where she wished. She had bargained with the lioness, so that she could keep half of the late king's most recent litter with the noble lady. But to her surprise the lioness had told her to keep them all, saying they would have a better life here than with her.

Once the lioness was on her way Khalida made sure the cubs were being looked after and guarded. If anyone asked she would tell them she wished to keep the young cubs close out of political motivation. They were her half siblings after all, and the king had promised they would receive a large portion of the inheritance meant to go to Khalida and her sister. But if she were honest, there was more to it than that.

The young cubs had already been somewhat neglected. And while the king had seemed to care for them more than he ever had for his other children, his love could be almost as dangerous as his hate. Khalida wanted to assure these cubs grew up right and weren't tainted by the hate and cruelty of a father who didn't deserve them, or the legacy of a king who had cared little for his family or his pride in the grand scheme of his plan. She would take them on as wards of a sort, and though she wasn't over motherly she would do her best to do right by them.

At the very least she could save them the fate of being outcasts, princes or princesses without a kingdom or even a family to turn to. And of course she would see to it that they were well educated, and try to shield them from the disorder that might follow their father's fall. She knew he'd had enemies, and some just might stoop low enough to take their vengeance on the helpless cubs once the king was gone.

It would take time to restore what he had broken, and try to sort out the tangled webs of politics and justice surrounding the pride and her family. But Khalida fully intended to figure out a way, no matter what it took.
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The Fall of a King - 917 words

Postby -Isabella- » Fri May 22, 2020 3:17 am

"Highness, we've found the king."

Those words echoed in Khalida's head as she flew over the trees to the place where her guards had reported seeing the king. They had offered to come with her, but she refused. She had to do this alone. Her decision hadn't pleased them but they knew better than to question their superiors so stayed behind to guard the pride while she flew to the destination they had named.

It wasn't long before she caught a flash of white between the trees below her and saw the shapes moving behind it. Her father did indeed have some followers with him. But Khalida was unconcerned with them for the moment.

Slowing her flight she planned it perfectly so that just as they came out onto a more open place on their path she landed before them, the force of her wings sending a cloud of dust billowing toward them and making them all gag as they tried to get it out of their faces.

Only the king seemed unconcerned with her appearance. "So, the traitor has come to finish the job," he said, his tone the same sickeningly smooth and knowing one she had heard so many times before.

"I am not traitor. You never had my loyalty nor did you do anything to deserve it." Despite wanting to lash out at him she forced her tone to be even.

"I am your king, that is reason enough for you to be loyal."

"You are no one's king any more. From this day on you have no land, no pride, no family. Everything you had is mine."

"It takes more than big words to take a kingdom," the king retorted. Without giving her a chance to respond he signaled two of the lions with him, both members of his personal guard, to attack her.

She had anticipated that and flapped her wings, lifting off the ground just slightly and meeting them as they came to her. All the time she had spent perfecting her abilities were paying off. A few artful strikes with her claws and some skillful maneuvering with her wings left both guards laying on the ground at her feet.

Even her father looked mildly surprised, unable to entirely hide it. "You think you're so much better than I am, and yet here you are, doing exactly what I would do."

Khalida knew he only said as much to get under her skin, and to her frustration it wasn't an entirely unsuccessful strategy on his part. "I am nothing like you," she snarled. "I have not hurt anyone who didn't first try to hurt me."

"Not yet. But you just wait. A taste of power and you will do anything, I mean anything to hold onto what you have. And before you know it, you won't even think twice about it."

"I will not be you. I will lead with true justice and fairness. The deserving will be punished yes, but not those who have done nothing to earn it. I will not lead while being blinded by ambition and hate." Her voice rose as she spoke, and the two noble lions with her father wasted no time in slinking away, not eager to face the wrath of either ruler. But he still stood calm and collected as he stared her down alone.

"You say this, and yet it is hate that brings you here. Hate that leads you to take a pride you never wanted, all for the sake of getting back at me and acting on the hate you feel." His expression was almost a sneer as he kept speaking. "You only hate me because you know you are just like me. Everything you are and will be I am and have been. And now you intend to kill me out of the hate you claim doesn't blind you."

"No, I intend to see that justice might be served. For me and for everyone you have ever hurt or used to get what you wanted. I'm not going to let you play your games any longer."

"You can make claims of acting out of justice or fairness all you want, but you can't escape your fate, daughter. It will find you. It will eat you alive until you succumb to it and see yourself for what you really are. And you forget, this is a game I always win."

"Only the weak accept things blindly as fate without trying to change things for the better. And today, that is what I intend to do. I already have you on the run. You who said he could not be defeated, and yet here you are, running from the daughter you cast aside as too weak and imperfect to ever make a path for herself. You have grown soft, and arrogant, too used to getting your way for too long. But now, you have met a challenge you cannot overcome, one of your own making."

As she spoke Khalida could see her father's anger growing, and his control fading. She had barely finished when he launched himself at her with a hate filled growl rumbling in his throat. In his anger he was too swift, not calculated enough. Khalida avoided contact almost too easily and spun around, delivering a blow and a bite that ended the life and the reign of King Chikondi, ushering in a new day with her as the new Queen of a vast empire.
Last edited by -Isabella- on Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Nthanda X Airi 1170 words

Postby -Isabella- » Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:02 pm

Nthanda paced in her chambers, tail flicking slightly. Nearby her mother sat quietly, having been unable to soothe her frustrated daughter.

"It isn't so bad," the lioness said gently in another attempt to comfort her.

"I'm not...I don't feel ready for this." Nthanda paused a moment to look at her mother, her gaze frustrated and tired.

"You're a wonderful mother, you'll be fine with these new cubs. Your other three cubs are all growing into fine young lions and they love you."

"I know I just, I guess I'm more tired than usual. The cubs and all the politics and gossip. I'm sick of it all. And that..what I told you about. It's getting harder."

"You may just have to give in to it sometimes and get it out of your system," Airi told her. Recently her daughter had been struggling more with the dormant magic she had possessed since birth, inherited from her mother's side of the family. It wanted to be used and plagued her at times when she was already stressed or tired.

"It's not easy to do that here." Nthanda had concealed the magic from everyone so far, not comfortable really letting it show. At least not until she had a better handle on it. Her sister on the other hand seemed to relish the ability, having discovered it for herself as well.

"Perhaps if you can walk in the gardens? And just take Ravi instead of the other guards."

"It's worth a try I suppose." Nthanda sighed softly. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to complain, I've just had a hard time lately."

"I understand." Airi walked over and hugged her daughter gently. "Cubs and pregnancy can be a rough thing sometimes. And I know all too well what pride politics are like."

"How are things back home?"

"Difficult. Your siblings and your father clash quite a bit lately."

"What about for you?" Nthanda couldn't help worrying for her mother. Her father had never officially made Airi his queen, leaving her virtually no protection, and had betrayed her at least once with another lioness before distancing himself from her.

"He ignores me most times now. But, you know, rumors go about and I think he is becoming less tolerant of my presence."

"I wish you'd come here and stay with me."

"I know. I would like it, but I have to keep an eye on your siblings. Right now I think they need me."

Nthanda nodded at that, thinking to herself that she needed her mother too. At times she felt lonely with her mother and siblings so far away and only able to visit so often. She had Ravi but had to be careful how she was with him, at least in public with others watching.

"But I'm glad I could be here for you now," Airi said after a moment. "And I'm glad for the chance to see my grandcubs. How are they doing?"

"Alright I think. Alexander is managing alright. Dumi is very focused on studying and Tendai is doing well in his pursuits. And Celestia, well, she's still having a bit of a hard time with her father."

"She hasn't quite forgiven him?" Airi questioned.

"You know how she is. She feels deeply and she reacts strongly."

"Do you think she'll get over it?"

"Perhaps. She just takes some time. She's better than she was at first."

"I suppose you can't blame her."

"No. I'm just going to try to be there to talk to her or listen when she needs it."

"That seems like the most sensible thing to do. She reminds me of you in some ways you know."


"She's a bit of an optimist, and I always thought you felt deeply too."

"I suppose I did. But I learned the hard away how hurtful that can be."

Airi felt a twinge of pain, or even guilt, at that. She knew that her daughter's father had hurt her many times over and made her trust a fragile thing. In some way she blamed herself for being blinded to his faults at first, whether she deserved that blame or not.

As if reading her thoughts Nthanda said, "But there's nothing you could have done about that. He is what he is." Though he had hurt her, she had learned to accept a long time ago what kind of lion her father was. She had been more disappointed when her brother hurt the princess he had married by seeing someone else. Though she had understood all too well his desire to be with someone he was in love with, and not just a political arrangement, she couldn't justify what he had done even still.

"Just try not to worry about anything, I don't doubt you'll do a fine job with these cubs. And if you can ignore the things others say. I know it can get hard, but they don't know you or have any right to speak of things they don't understand."

"You know, sometimes I wish I was a simple shop worker with a small home where I could raise my cubs and enjoy the peace." While that wasn't entirely untrue her tone was somewhat light as she tried to bring some humor to the conversation.

"I often wish I'd had such a simple life," her mother said with a slight smile. "Some lionesses like me have been worshiped like goddesses for our powers, and obviously I was almost a queen. But I liked the simplicity of my old life far better than notions of greatness or wealth. Wealth is no substitute for happiness or true love."

"Do you ever think about whether you might find love still?" Nthanda had never outright asked her mother as much, not wanting to bring up a painful subject.

"Not really. Truth be told after my time with your father's pride I'm not sure I could open my heart that way to anyone. I had always hoped maybe you three could pick for yourselves but..." She sighed softly. "I suppose it wasn't meant to be."

"Don't worry too much about me," Nthanda said, hugging her mother gently. "I know you can't help it sometimes but I don't want you to any more than you have to."

"I'll do my best, but as I'm sure you know now, mothers worry and they can't help it."

"Oh I know. I worry about my three plenty."

"But they are worth it aren't they? Even if your father wasn't good to me you three always made me happy, made my days a little brighter."

"They are. I can't imagine loving them any less."

"And now you'll have even more cubs to love." Airi offered a slight smile, in part trying to reassure her a little.

"You're right. I'm sure it'll all be fine." Nthanda smiled a little too, feeling a little better. "Thanks for coming and listening."

"What else are mother's for?" Airi hugged her daughter a little tighter, finding she didn't really want to let go.
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