Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

HazelClan [22] [every day is a little harder]

Postby sharklord » Mon May 18, 2020 6:15 pm


❖❖ font cred ❖❖

▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅

mod; amythest14
population; 61
next moonpool visit; may 18th
due dates; rosestar (now), daisypetal (2 moons)
pebbles; 25
servings; 10

[milo asks for a warrior]

[hazelclan consumes x4 squirrels & x2 lizards]

[cloudsilk, cowkit & glasskit join hazelclan! cloud & glass are deaf]

[riverdancer sneaks out in the night to take her son, finkit, to QuickClan, where his half-siblings live]

[cypresskit sneaks out to follow her mother and ends up lost. she's taken in by a CinderClan warrior]

[draco has completed his trainig, taking on the name draconisflight]

[patchedpaw takes their assessment (will become patchedpelt, poor baby)]

[runningkit is old enough to become a roughpaw! his name is now runningpaw, and his mentor is dapplesong]

[newtkit is old enough to become a roughpaw! her name is now newtpaw, and her mentor is iolantha]

[tawnyfeather & draconisflight look for cobwebs and kitting herbs]

[tawnyfeather gives skyleaf and eclipseheart x1 marigold]

[skyleaf & eclipseheart are resting as their wounds still need treatment]

[rosestar is kitting! milo is the father. tawnyfeather & draconisflight are on standby with x1 raspberry leaves & x1 borage]

[orvomask takes aprésfoot, iolantha, whitefox & marblerush to patrol]

[gingerface takes mintwave, ashenclaw, pinenose & wolfpaw to patrol]

[sootcloud takes slatesun, daisypetal, sootstream & cloverpaw to hunt]

[tigerhallow takes stormcloud, shadedstag, custarddrop & lavenderpaw to hunt]

[dapplesong takes okapisun, creamfall & rainpaw to hunt]

[mintwave attempts to teach rainpaw about swimming]

[sootstream attempts to teach wolfpaw about swimming]

[sootcloud attempts to teach cloverpaw about swimming]

[shadedstag attempts to teach lavenderpaw about climbing]

[there are 4 moons before the prophecy begins]

[notes - mallowkit still needs a kit image, kits don't have to be given an apprentice image if the artists don't want to make it, take it easy y'all]


words words words words words words words words words words words words
Riverdancer looked around nervously, moving quickly out of the HazelClan nursery. Her son, Finkit, followed behind her, eyes wide with excitement and a small bit of fear. The duo made their way out of camp, Riverdancer hauling her son onto her back for the trip down the cliff. The brown tabby blinked away the growing moisture in her eyes, knowing she was doing this for her son's own good. He'd thrive in his father's clan.

"Mama?" Finkit mewed quietly. "Where are we going?"

"We're going on an adventure, Finkit. To your father's clan," She said, keeping her head facing forward. "There are some cats who want to meet you." Her voice wavered slightly, and for a moment she considered turning back, tucking her son back in with his siblings and keeping her children close, but she shook the thought from her head. Finkit wouldn't thrive in HazelClan, he'd be shunned. The small tom had ideas the clan would hate, and if her son stayed with her, she feared the ideas and treatment would fester, and he would become someone evil. She couldn't let that happen.

Finkit paused for a moment before catching up to Riverdancer. "Why aren't the others coming with us?" He asked, the innocence in his tone making her heart break.

"They want to meet you, dear. Only you. You are a strong little tom, and you'll become an amazing warrior, and the clan we're going to likes strong warriors." The lie spilled from her lips easily, her soft tone making the small brown kit believe her immediately.

For the rest of the trip it was quiet, Finkit distracted by the night sky, and Riverdancer by the thing she was about to do.

Riverdancer halted her son at QuickClan's border, where the pair waited for a few moments before being greeted by a brown tom.

"Cardinalheart." Riverdancer greeted, taking in a shaky breath. "I'd like you to meet my son, Finkit. Finkit," She said, turning to look at her son for the first time that night, "This is Cardinalheart. He's your half-brother."

Finkit shuffled his paws nervously. "Hi." He mumbled.

Cardinalheart glanced at Riverdancer before crouching down to meet Finkit's eye level. "Your mother tells me you are a pretty good warrior. We have a load of warriors in my clan who would love to train you. Would you like that?" He asked. "You'd be living with us for a while."

Finkit stilled. "Living with you? What about- What about mama? And Kestrelkit? And Cypresskit and Ripplekit and Lightkit and Russetkit? What about my f-family?" He asked, voice wavering.

Riverdancer sighed and nuzzled the top of her son's head. "We want what's best for you, Finkit. You could be the best warrior if you trained here, and you'd be able to see us at the gathering."

Finkit studied his mother's face, then his half-brother's. "I... Okay," He whispered. "O-Okay. I'll stay with you. But only if I get to see you and my siblings again, mom. Promise me." He said more confidently, searching his mother's eyes for honesty.

"I promise." And with that, Riverdancer touched her nose to her son's forehead, and walked away, her heart cracked and urgency in her step. She sent one final look at her son before disappearing into the shadows, leaving Finkit to his new clan and family.

Riverdancer hurried back to camp, arriving at camp just as the sun started to rise. As she slipped into her nest, she noticed something was wrong. Cypresskit wasn't in the nest. Frantically looking around the nursery, Riverdancer started to panic. What if Cypresskit has followed her last night?

After minutes of searching camp, Riverdancer burst into the warrior's den, waking the few cats who hadn't felt the sun's light yet.

"Cypresskit and Finkit are missing."
The day Cloudsilk walked into HazelClan camp was crazy enough. It was late afternoon, and the clan was frantic with all the missing cats. Riverdancer's kits, Cypresskit and Finkit, were missing, and Adelaide had disappeared earlier in the week after her patrol had stumbled into a cloud of bees. Then, Draconisflight walked into camp, a white kit on his back and a white queen padding beside him, a black and white kit bouncing along beside Draonicflight's hind paws. Halting in the middle of the camp, Rosestar stood in front of the group, her stomach swaying slightly.

"Rosestar, this is Cloud, her daughter Glass, and her son Cow. Cloud's mate just passed, and I found them wandering. Cloud and Glass are both deaf, so Cow has been helping me communicate with them." He explained, waving or nodding towards each cat he spoke of. Cloud looked excited but worn out, her bright blue eyes wide but her tail and head drooping.

Cow stepped forward, bowing his head to the leader. "I'm Cow," He squeaked. "My sister and I are 3 moons old. My papa protected us from foxes, and we ended up here after running away. We'd like to stay here if you'll have us. My mom can fight, but she's not that great at hunting, so she can be useful, and my sister can learn! Please let us stay!" The bi-color begged.

Rosestar smiled and let out a soft laugh. "Of course you three may stay. We wouldn't turn anyone away. Since you and your sister are still young, your family can move into the nursery. In about 3 moons, we'll make you and your sister into roughpaws, and your mother can become a warrior or become an elder if she doesn't want to go out." She purred and watched in fascination as Cow made a series of movements and gestures to his mother and sister, watching them gesture back.

Cow noticed the tortie watching and started to explain. "This is how we communicate! Mama and papa taught us when we were younger so we would talk. Mama says she's grateful that you'll have us and says she's heard of groups like you all before. She says you can change our names if you wish." He mewed.

Rosestar nodded. "In our clan, we have different names that show our rank. Cats your mother's age have names like Slatesun or Sootcloud, and cats your age have names like Cowkit instead of just Cow." Rosestar explained. The tiny tom nodded and signed to his mother and sister again before turning back to Rosestar.

"Mama said that's okay!" Cow chirped.

Rosestar nodded and told Cow to tell his family to follow her. Hoping into the raised rock, Rosestar called HazelClan for a meeting. "We have three new cats joining us today. Cloud and her kits will be staying in the nursery until her kits are old enough to become roughpaws. This family is definitely a unique one, as Cloud and her daughter Glass are both deaf. Please try to make them welcome." Rosestar then hopped off the rock and approached the family. "Cow, will you tell your mother and sister what I am saying?" She asked, and at the kit's nod, she continued. "Cloud, from this day on you will be named Cloudsilk. Whatever path in our clan you choose, you are welcome. Cow, Glass, as is tradition, you will receive kit names. Cow, from this day on you will be called Cowkit until you reach your 6th moon and become Cowpaw. Glass, from this day forward you will be Glasskit until you reach your 6th moon and become Glasspaw. You are now welcomed as full members of HazelClan."

(cowkit's translations are rough and pretty basic since he is just a kit. his skill and other cats skill will increase with age)
words words words words words words words words words words words words

cats need rest -- cats need herbs -- cats are preffered for death rolls -- cats are needed for plot


rosestar | ♀ | 40 | [url=link]x[/url]
lives: ★★★★★★★


milo | ♂ | 42 | [url=link]x[/url]


tawnyfeather | ♂ | 25 | [url=link]x[/url]
↳ ☤☤☤☤☤
healer roughpaw;
draconisflight | ♂ | 18 | [url=link]x[/url]



orvomask | ♂ | 47 | [url=link]x[/url]
sootcloud | ♀ | 47 | [url=link]x[/url]
aprésfoot | ♂ | 44 | [url=link]x[/url]
slatesun | ♂ | 44 | [url=link]x[/url]
iolantha | ♀ | 42 | x
featherdusk | ♂ | 41 | x
res daisypetal's slot
gingerface | ♂ | 37 | [url=link]x[/url]
tigerhallow | ♂ | 36 | [url=link]x[/url]


mintwave | ♂ | 36 | [url=link]x[/url]
skyleaf | ♀ | 36 | [url=link]x[/url]
stormcloud | ♂ | 33 | x
amberdrop | ♀ | 32 | x
ashenclaw | ♀ | 32 | [url=link]x[/url]
shadedstag | ♂ | 30 | [url=link]x[/url]
whitefox | ♂ | 29 | [url=link]x[/url]
laceleaf | ♀ (amab) | 29 | [url=link]x[/url]
sootstream | ♀ | 25 | [url=link]x[/url]
eclipseheart | ♂ | 25 | [url=link]x[/url]


dapplesong | ♀ | 22 | [url=link]x[/url]
okapisun | ♀ | 21 | [url=link]x[/url]
creamfall | ♀ | 17 | [url=link]x[/url]
pinenose | ♂ | 17 | [url=link]x[/url]
custarddrop | ♂ | 17 | [url=link]x[/url]
marblepaw | ♀ | 14 | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]



name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]


name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]


name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]



rainpaw | ♂ | 18 | x
patchedpaw | ⚧ | 17 | [url=link]x[/url]
wolfpaw | ♀ | 12 | [url=link]x[/url]
cloverpaw | ♀ | 11 | x
lavenderpaw | ♀ | 9 | [url=link]x[/url]
runningpaw | ♂ | 6 | x
newtpaw | ♀ | 6 | x
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]


name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]


name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]



adiran | ♂ | 40 | x
daisypetal | ♀ | 39 | [url=link]x[/url]
riverdancer | ♀ | 38 | [url=link]x[/url]
oliveblossom | ♀ | 38 | [url=link]x[/url]
cloudsilk | ♀ | 34 | x
softwing | ♀ | 28 | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]


reedkit | ♂ | 4 | x
kestrelkit | ♂ | 4 | x
ripplekit | ♀ | 4 | x
russetkit | ♀ | 4 | x
lightkit | ♀ | 4 | x
alekos | ♂ | 3 | x
hesperos | ♂ | 3 | x
zachaios | ♂ | 3 | x
ioannes | ♂ | 3 | x
filia | ♀ | 3 | x


pelagia | ♀ | 3 | x
cowkit | ♂ | 3 | x
glasskit | ♀ | 3 | x
maplekit | ♀ | 2 | x
mallowkit | ♂ | 2 | [url=wip]x[/url]
blazekit | ♂ | 2 | x
blastkit | ♂ | 2 | x
chestnutkit | ♂ | 2 | x
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]


rudi | ♂ | 133 | [url=link]x[/url]
firesong | ♀ | 126 | [url=link]x[/url]
name | ♀/♂ | age | [url=link]x[/url]
x1 poppy seeds | x1 honey
x0 marigold | x1 alder
x2 beech leaves | x1 bindweed
x1 blackberry leaves | x1 catchweed
x1 borage | x1 raspberry leaves
x 1 dandelion | x1 heather nectar
x1 golden rod | x1 burnet | x1 broom


mice | x4| 1 servings
vole | x2 | 1 servings
lizards | x1 | 1 servings
squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
hare | x1 | 3 servings
birds | x1 | 3 servings
total | x11 | 17 servings
orvomask | patchedpaw | 5 completed
mintwave | rainpaw | 3
stalking, climbing,
swimming, fighting, hiding

sootstream | wolfpaw | 3
stalking, climbing,
swimming, fighting, hiding


sootcloud | cloverpaw | 3
stalking, climbing,
swimming, fighting, hiding

shadedstag | lavenderpaw | 1
stalking, climbing,
swimming, fighting, hiding

dapplesong | runningpaw | 0
stalking, climbing,
swimming, fighting, hiding

iolantha | newtpaw | 0
stalking, climbing,
swimming, fighting, hiding


clan info;
north | clan | user
east | clan | user
south | clan | user
west | clan | user

hexclan | vampiress_fox
clan | user


rosestar | (2/9) exhaustion/kitting
stagwind | infection
wildpaw | fox
lola | green-cough
mudpaw | cliff
hopekit, rabbitkit & thrushkit | stillborn
name | death
name | death
name | death
name | death


rosestar + otter = dapplesong
rosestar + milo = kits
slatesun + mintwave + oliveblossom = reedkit
peter + riverdancer = pinenose & creamfall
redstar + riverdancer = ripplekit, kestrelkit,
cupressus (cinderclan), lightkit, russetkit,
finkit (quickclan)
orvomask + lola = tawnyfeather
orvomask + skyleaf = wolfpaw
aprésfoot + daisypetal = lavenderpaw &
adelaide (?)
featherdusk + adiran + iolantha = filia,
hesperos, alekos, zachaios, pelagia, ioannes
softwing + ??? = maplekit, mallowkit, blastkit
blazekit & chesnutkit
avril + cloudsilk = glasskit &

Last edited by sharklord on Wed May 20, 2020 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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risingclan chapter 11.

Postby lameloserlexi » Tue May 19, 2020 2:24 am

Cats: 21 M: 11 F: 10 Servings: 5 *Archive
Next Request: 5/25/20 Pebbles: 58

"I'll make a man out of you."
*archive holds all extra post info
    ───── This Moon ─────

    Daleel gathered the many feathers he had been keeping in his nest, he pretty much slept in a nest of feathers. It felt nice on his bare skin, Arthur even helped gather a few for him when he realized it was cause it felt nice without any fur.
    "It sucks that you had to leave the group." Arthur commented, sitting at the outside of Clouded Guard's den.
    Daleel nodded, smiling to him. "At least I'm not joining Envenomed Mob, Viper really scares me." He admitted, shivering a little at the thought of the tough she-cat. "And most of the cats in Night Cluster are new, so it will be nice to actually get to know them!"
    Arthur shrugged. "I'll make sure to get you more feathers, Hiccup seems to like to take the night patrols. Can get really cold." He reminded, sighing. However, Arthur's sadness almost vanished when Gamma came into the den.
    "Daleel! Make sure to leave time to hang out with us sometimes!" She smiled, gave the smaller tom a small nuzzle. "Gonna miss you bud." She told him.
    Daleel couldn't help smiling. "Well, I better get my nest moved now." He finally had all the feathers gathered in his moss ball, picking up the large ball he headed over to the Night Cluster den. As he padded into the den, he was met with a pounce from the new apprentice, Robin.
    "There's a rat in the den!" She yowled, biting at Daleel's legs.
    He yelped a bit, backing away from the young she-cat. He backed up, eyes wide. "I'm not a rat! You've met me before!" He mumbled through his nest. He gulped, dropping his nest down.
    Aaron rolled his eyes at the apprentice. "Robin, go scamper off with Apollo or something." He urged to the annoying apprentice. Daleel sighed in relief. "Yo, wrinkles. How did that little kit scare you?" He questioned rudely.
    "Uhh, she just startled me, I guess." The young tom was already nervous, he wished Gamma and Arthur were here to help.
    "You're kinda a wimp, huh?" He questioned. Daleel nodded slowly, disappointed. Aaron stood up quickly, growling. "C'mon, you don't need that she-cat over here babying you too?"
    Daleel furrowed his brow. "Gamma does not baby me! She's just a nice friend!"
    Aaron rolled his eyes. "Oh really? You had her help you even talk to Viper just the other day! All you were asking for was a minnow and you need Gamma to help you to ask!" The tom chuckled, laying down in his nest.
    Daleel frowned, understanding what Aaron meant. "I'm not a baby though! I can hunt and fight all on my own! I passed my warrior assessment!"
    Aaron had to laugh. "They let anyone around here be a warrior, have you seen Pickles?" He teased. "Real warriors are tough, they have guts to say or do anything!"
    Daleel sighed, looking to the tom. "You're right..." He sat down. "Could you help me then? Make me more... Brave?" He pleaded, eyes wide.
    Aaron narrowed his eyes, shrugging. "I guess I can help you, wrinkles."


    Viper sighed, watching Maxine's kits play out in the camp. She remembered her first litter, for the few moons she had them. As a housecat, her owners had taken her kits and given them away to other two-legs. After that, she never saw her kits again. She couldn't help remembering what River had told her. 'If I ever need anything... He'll help me.' She took a breath, going over to where River was eating a sparrow by himself. "Hey, get up." She ordered. River looked at her, then at his bird again. "I'm not going to repeat myself." She growled, narrowing her eyes.
    River nodded, getting up and following her. "Yes, ma'am." He mumbled.
    Viper lead him outside of camp, down by the creek close by. "River, even if you don't agree, I need this conversation completely confidential." River nodded. "I want my own kits. However, no tom here interests me at all in that way." She started, pausing.
    "Okay...?" River answered. "How do you want me to help?"
    Viper took a breath. "I want you to father my kits, but that is all. No raising them, no contact with them. You will only be their biological father, nothing past that." She told him. Viper was realizing how awkward this was to ask, but still stood by her offer.
    River stayed silent for a moment, giving the idea a thought. He looked down, sighing. "Viper, that is a lot to ask... But for you, I can do that." He told her.
    Viper flicked her tail. "Thank you. And no one will ever know that you're even their father, not even my kits."

      Border Patrols ── Rex, Viper, River, Nina, and Bjorn
      Hunting Patrols ── Nimbus, Pickles, Gamma, and Arthur
      Hunting Patrols ── Hiccup, Frost, Robin, and Aaron
      Training: Hunting ── Apollo trains Robin
      Herb Gathering ── Aliah
      Herb Gathering ── Odette practices her skills
      Consumption ── Risingclan eats 4 servings of sparrow and bluegill
      ── Aaron joins the clan
      ── Otto takes his warrior assessment
      ── Viper and River mate
      ── Rex asks Starclan for an apprentice

      ── Mod Note: I don't know how it works, but Maxine, Daleel, Arthur, Odette, and Robin all need new linearts from aging and I don't have the warrior one for Maxine because I got her as pregnant.
      Previous Next
    Higher Ups:
    xxLeader Rex | 29m | ♂ | [9/9 Lives]
    xxDeputy Apollo | 52m | ♂ |
    Medicine Cats:
    xxMedicine Cat Aliah | 44m | ♀ | [5/5 SP]
    xxApprentice Odette | 7m | ♀ | [1/5 SP]
    Clouded Guard:
    xxElite Nimbus | 35m | ♂ |
    xxPickles | 72m | ♂ |
    xxGamma | 17m | ♀ |
    xxArthur | 14m | ♂ |
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]

    Night Cluster:
    xxElite Hiccup | 21m | ♀ |
    xxFrost | 18m | ♀ |
    xxRobin | 7m | ♀ |
    xxxx↳ Mentored by Apollo [0/4]
    xxAaron | 20m | Age | ♂ |
    xxDaleel | 12m | ♂ |
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    Envenomed Mob:
    xxElite Viper | 40m | ♀ |
    xxRiver | 46 | ♂ |
    xxNina | 35m | ♀ |
    xxBjorn | 23m | ♂ |
    xxOtto | 16m | ♂ |
    xxxx↳ Mentored by Viper [4/4] [Testing]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxQueen Maxine | 28m | ♀ |
    xxxxHeaven | 3 | ♀ |
    xxxxLabyrinth | 3 | ♂ |
    xxQueen Name | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxxxKit | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxxxKit | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]

    Prey Pile:
    xxTrout/Largemouth Bass (x3) | 1
    xxSparrow/Cardinal/Blue Jay (x3) | 3
    xxHare (x3) | 1
    xxBluegill/Smallmouth Bass/Perch (x2) | 1
    xxSquirrel (x2) | 3
    xxMinnow (x1) | 2

    Training: Here
    Herbs: Here

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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Ariento » Tue May 19, 2020 3:15 am

Number of Cats: 19 | Next MoonCave Visit: Now | Pebbles: 62
Mod notes: No deaths yet please! And longhairs only please.

skelly 'cause I'm busy with CaPr and Terraria 1.4

Actions Taken:
The Clan eats 1 pika and 1 big fish (4 servings)
Mothstar, Eagleclaw, Sablepaw, and Owlpaw go hunting
Goldenfeather, Bergeniaspots, Palebrindle, Vipergleam, and Pikepaw go hunting
Alpinestrpe, Yarrowseed, Nightsong, Sunpaw, and Pikapaw patrol the borders
Canarypaw takes her assessment
Mothstar trains Sablepaw
Eagleclaw trains Owlpaw
Yarrowseed trains Sunpaw
Goldenfeather trains Pikepaw
Berrypelt and Wolfpaw gather herbs
Berrypelt trains Wolfpaw
Bluetbuzz tries for kits with Alpinestripe
Cloudtuft will give birth in two moons


Mothstar | 34 moons | NB | X
Lives: ★★★★★★★★

Alpinestripe | 33 | Male | X

Medicine Cat:
Berrypelt | 22 | Female | X
Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

Yarrowseed | 25 | Female | X
Eagleclaw | 22 | Male | X
Goldenfeather | 36 | Male | X
Nightsong | 44 | Female | X
Bergeniaspots | 13 | Male | X
Palebrindle | 15 | Female | X
Vipergleam | 27 | Female | X
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Sablepaw | 11 | Female | X
Wolfpaw | 10 | NB | X
Owlpaw | 10 | Female | X
Canarypaw | 12 | Female | X
Sunpaw | 9 | Female | X
Pikepaw | 9 | Male | X
Pikapaw | 6 | Male | X
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Bluetbuzz | 31 | Female | X
Cloudtuft | 36 | Female | X
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Ally Clans:
SpruceClan | Ponz
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | LavenderClan | sharpshooter.
East | Clan Name | Username
South | SpruceClan | Ponz
West | HazeClan | Blue

Medicine Store
Usage guide
Yarrow leaves | x1
Fir needles | x0
Mugwort | x1
Hare's Ear | x2
Labrador Tea | x1
Bird Cherry | x1
Raspberry Leaves | x2
Cobweb | x1
Stick | x1
Prickly rose | x1
Honey | x1
Lingonberry Leaves | x1
Thyme | x3
Willow Bark | x1

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Chipmunk | x0 | 1 serving
Pika | x1 | 1 serving
Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
Medium fish | x1 | 2 servings
Big fish | x1 | 3 servings
Pheasant | x0 | 3 servings

Mothstar | Sablepaw | 4 | Hunt, Battle, Climb
Berrypelt | Wolfpaw | 4 | Herb Recognition, Mend, Herb
Administration, Poison Identification
Eagleclaw | Owlpaw | 2 | Hunt, Track
Alpinestripe | Canarypaw | 4 | Hunt, Climb, Battle, Track
Yarrowseed | Sunpaw | 1 | Battle
Goldenfeather | Pikepaw | 1 | Battle
Nightsong | Pikapaw | 0 | Moves
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death


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aspenclan ✽ thirty-four

Postby røsebud » Tue May 19, 2020 4:36 am



Number of Cats: 24
15 | 9
Next Moonpool Visit: now
Pebbles: 70
Prey Eaten: 5 servings – 1 bluebird, 1 fish
Mod Notes: Lineart with written descriptions is preferred for the images!

For plot purposes, please do not kill or fatally wound any cats with a star ✯ beside their name. The leader may lose lives, but no more than three at a time. Please target those with a white star ✩ in the case of death rolls. Injuries are fine for any cat.


Rosepaw's viridescent eyes swept over the camp, searching for the cream tabby pelt of her mentor. Her tail lashed in frustration. The young calico scowled and began stalking back to her den when she heard hushed voices drifting from the warriors' den. Her curiosity piqued, Rosepaw approached the den and peered inside to see Tanglestep sitting before a group of other warriors. The deputy spotted his niece and fell silent as all heads turned to her. "Oh, sorry," she stammered, backing away despite the intrigue.

"Rosepaw, stay," Tanglestep said in a commanding tone that was impossible to ignore.

Rosepaw paused. "Really?" she mewed hesitantly, though excitement danced in her eyes at the thought of being included in something grown-up and confidential.

The deputy nodded and gave the apprentice a comforting smile, motioning for her to sit between him and Ashbark. Without having to be told, the spotted tabby moved over to make room for Rosepaw. As she sat down, she was greeted by a chorus of "Hello, Rosepaw" and "It's nice to have you here, Rosepaw." The calico looked around at her clanmates. Where at first their faces were guarded and wary, now they were kind and welcoming. It was clear that this—whatever this was—was not an open meeting, and she couldn't help but wonder why some of the warriors were present.

"Goosewing, please continue," Tanglestep encouraged. Rosepaw looked toward the young warrior, who was staring at the ground.

"Well, my mom—Rippleberry—she died during kitting," Goosewing recalled in a choked whisper, overwhelmed by the guilt he had carried with him all his life. "After I came here from Birchclan, Pebblepaw was the only family I had left. I mean, there was Sootpelt, too, but no one could know that he was my dad." The warrior took a shaky breath. "And then he killed him," he muttered, grief turning to anger as he spoke. The other cats murmured gentle words of sympathy.

"Who did?" Tanglestep pressed. He knew the answer, of course. He just had to make sure that Goosewing didn't.

"Brambletooth. Brambletooth killed my brother," Goosewing whispered, and Tanglestep had to suppress a grin of satisfaction.

"That's right. Brambletooth killed Pebblepaw," the deputy repeated. Rosepaw's eyes widened. She had heard that name before, but only in quiet whispers and quick snatches of conversation. Now she knew why. "Goosewing, it's natural to think of all death as tragedy," Tanglestep continued, "but your parents were both traitors. Not only did they betray their own clans, they also betrayed the promise they made when they became medicine cats." Goosewing nodded, his head hanging low. "But just because they were traitors, that doesn't mean you have to be. You could be great—or you could end up in the same spot as Rippleberry or Pebblepaw." The young warrior shuddered slightly.

Tanglestep approached him, confidence and regality in his gait. Goosewing looked up and tried not to appear fearful. The deputy was a strong and fair leader, the younger tom knew, but it was impossible to not feel intimidated by those amber eyes. He sat tall, trying to meet the dark tabby's eyeline.

"We are your family, Goosewing," Tanglestep said, his voice surprisingly gentle. Goosewing let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding and even mustered a small smile. The deputy flicked the tip of his tail and the other warriors gathered around Goosewing, surrounding him with compliments and affection.

As warriors began to filter out of the den, Rosepaw approached her uncle. "So what was that?"

Tanglestep gave her a thin smile. "Some members of Aspenclan aren't too fond of me," he explained. "A few of them have spread lies about me. The world is a very dangerous place, Rosepaw. You don't know of all the frightening things beyond Aspenclan's grounds." The tom felt a flurry of pride at the fear in the apprentice's eyes. "That's why I started this family."

"But you already have a family, don't you? With my mom's sister? And Poppypaw, and the kits?"

"That's true. But just because I'm not related to Ashbark and Brackenfang, or Komaru, or Goosewing, that doesn't mean we can't be a family. The most important thing about family is looking out for each other. And I am looking out for all of you, to keep you safe from the lies and dangers outside of the family."

Rosepaw nodded gravely. "Thank you," she mewed.

Tanglestep smirked. "Anytime." He turned to leave, but stopped suddenly. "And Rosepaw, don't talk about this to anyone else. It's dangerous, remember?"

The young calico grinned. She had a secret! "Just the family, right?"

"Right." Tanglestep nodded hesitantly, trying not to grimace at the she-cat's enthusiasm. "Just the family."


        Tanglestep, Ashbark and Rosepaw patrol the borders
        Asterflame, Minkear and Sweetpaw patrol the borders
        Turtlecreek, Komaru, Kiiro and Nanamipaw hunt
        Swiftfern, Birdbrook and Goosewing hunt

        Nanamipaw, Rosepaw and Sweetpaw train with their respective mentors

        Cloverwish practices medicine
        Cloverwish and Poppypaw search for kitting herbs

        Asterflame tries for kits with Laceleaf of Hazelclan

        Robinstar requests an apprentice


          Robinstar | 76 moons | female |
          Lives: ✯✯✯✯✯✯✩✩✩

          Tanglestep | 46 moons | male |

          Medicine Cat:
          Cloverwish | 30 moons | male |
          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Poppypaw | 15 moons | female |

          Swiftfern | 55 moons | female |
          Ashbark | 42 moons | female |
          Brackenfang | 41 moons | male |
          Asterflame | 38 moons | female |
          Turtlecreek | 33 moons | female |
          Komaru | 31 moons | female |
          Kiiro | 31 moons | female |
          Minkear | 24 moons | male |
          Birdbrook | 22 moons | female |
          Goosewing | 19 moons | male |

          Nanamipaw | 15 moons | female |
          Rosepaw | 9 moons | female |
          Sweetpaw | 9 moons | female |

          Jasperlight | 45 moons | female |
            kitting in 1 moon
          Cloudmask | 38 moons | female |
          Pinetail | 32 moons | female |
            kitting in 1 moon
          Pipitkit | 3 moons | male |
          Sparrowkit | 2 moons | male |
          Finchkit | 2 moons | male |

          Walnutbranch | 122 moons | male |
          Name | Age | Gender | ✽

    Ally Clans
    Lionclan | noctenne
    Clan | Owner

    Enemy Clans
    Clan | Owner
    Clan | Owner

    Medicine Store
    Alder bark [x2] | toothaches
    Blackberry leaves [x1] | bee stings
    Broom [x1] | wounds and broken legs
    Catmint [x1] | greencough
    Celandine [x1] | damaged eyes
    Coltsfoot [x1] | breathing or kitten-cough; cracked
    or sore pads
    Comfrey root [x0] | broken bones, wounds, burns,
    wrenched claws, stiff joints, stiffness on wrenched
    Dandelion [x0] | bee stings, painkiller
    Dock [x1] | scratches and sore paws
    Foxglove seeds [x1] | used to treat the heart; can
    cause paralysis and heart failure
    Goatweed [x1] | anxiety and grief
    Goldenrod [x2] | heals wounds
    Hawkweed [x1] | like catmint
    Honey [x1] | infections or coughing, smoke-damaged
    or sore throats, gives energy
    Horsetail [x1] | treats infections; stops bleeding
    Lavender [x1] | fever & chills; hides scent of death
    Marigold [x1] | infection; bleeding; inflammation of
    Poppy seeds [x0] | help with sleep or shock, distress,
    or pain; not for nursing queens
    Ragweed [x1] | extra strength and energy
    Snakeroot [x1] | used to counter poison
    Stick [x2] | distracts cats from pain; used to heal
    broken bones
    Stinging nettle [x0] | can induce vomiting, bring
    down swelling, help with wounds, fight infection, heal
    broken bones when mixed with comfrey
    Watermint [x1] | bellyaches
    Willow bark [x1] | eases pain
    Willow leaves [x1] | stops vomiting
    Wintergreen [x1] | wounds and some poisons
    Yarrow [x1] | extracts toxins from wounds; makes a cat
    vomit up poison; used to heal cracked pads

    Fresh-Kill Pile
    22 Total Servings
    Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
    Vole | x2 | 1 serving
    Fish | x1 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    Bluebird | x2 | 3 servings
    Robin | x2 | 3 servings

    Skills: fighting, swimming, climbing, hunting
    Robinstar | Nanamipaw | 2 lessons
    1. fighting
    2. hunting
    Birdbrook | Rosepaw | 1 lesson
    1. fighting
    Turtlecreek | Sweetpaw | 1 lesson
    1. fighting
    Skills: minor injuries, major injuries, kitting, illness
    Cloverwish | Poppypaw
    1. major injuries
    2. minor injuries
    3. kitting
    Deceased Cats
    Cricketleap | throat clawed by Tanglestep
    Speckledpaw | fed deathberries by Tanglestep
    Shrikepaw | killed in battle
    Brambletooth | drowned by Tanglestep
    Pebblepaw | throat clawed by Tanglestep

    Brambletooth Swiftfern
      Sparkfur (Groveclan)
    Tanglestep Cloudmask
      Ivypaw (Clayclan)
    Sootpelt (Hazeclan) Rippleberry (Birchclan)
      Fennelshade (Birchclan)
      Ripplepaw (Birchclan)
      Crowpool (Birchclan)
    Asterflame Unknown
      Leaffall (Briarclan)
      Mutesoft (Briarclan)
    Turtlecreek Pinetail
    Komaru Kiiro (bio father unknown)
    Ashbark Brackenfang
Last edited by røsebud on Thu May 21, 2020 11:49 am, edited 3 times in total.
    rose • she/her • student • passions include writing and oreos
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Streamclan - [post 03]

Postby Yodel » Tue May 19, 2020 11:12 am

Number of Cats: 5 | Toms: 2 | Mollies: 3 | Next Request: April 30 | Pebbles: 30
Previous Post: X | Next Post: X | Founding Post: X

*will include writing later*
[Streamclan Consumes:]
Nothing (0/2 servings) (0/3 fasting posts left)
[Border Patrols:]
Dapplepelt, Sheepsong and Froststorm go on a border patrol
[Hunting Patrols:]
Dapplepelt, Sheepsong and Froststorm go on a hunting patrol
Shadesong due in 1 moon
Dapplepelt teaches Minnowpaw offensive combat
[Rank/Name Changes:]
[New Arrivals:]
Sheepsong and Froststorm joined the clan
[Notes to Mod:]

          Dapplepelt | 28 | Molly | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          Sheepsong | 32 | Molly | X
          Froststorm | 32 | Tom | X

          Minnowpaw | 7 | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Shadesong | Age | 27 | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Vole | x0 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Hare | x3 | 3 servings

    Dapplepelt | Minnowpaw | 1/4 |
    Swimming, Off. Combat, Def. Combat, Hunting
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

Per Post wrote:
    -add 5 pebbles
    -do mod reply changes
    -do actions
    -age up
    -link previous post
    -link this post to last post

Notes to Self wrote:
    -richterscreech slot available
    -2/5 posts after this until lineart
    -make archive
Last edited by Yodel on Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby frankie (dup) » Tue May 19, 2020 4:18 pm

Number of Cats: 001 | Next Starclan Visit: Now | Pebbles: 20
font credit

mushroomstar could still remember the scent of ash.
they could still remember waking to the cloying scent, to the embers drifting through the breeze like macabre flowers, they could still remember.
the huffed and pressed their face to the dirt beneath them, squeezing their eyes shut against the grains and letting out a low hum to banish the thoughts of their old home burning, their friends burning...the blackened bones and skeletal trees of charcoal as they made their way out of the burned woods, alone.


the dirt in their eyes was doing nothing to banish the memories.

and so, mushroomstar began to pray. pray to the divine grounds for salvation. the old breezeclan had worshipped the dead grounds with religious fervour, and as they had raced from their old camp those moons ago, the voices of the damned called out to camdell for aid that would not, would never come.

they fell asleep after some time, still curled up with their face pressed close to the dirt, like the pressure would stop the nightmares.

breezeclan had burned, but it would rise anew. and it would rise better.

[breezeclan's equivalent of starclan is "the divine grounds" and their equivalent of the dark forest is "the dead grounds."]
[mushroomstar requests a deputy]
[mushroomstar goes hunting]
[mushroomstar goes on a border patrol]

          mushroomstar | twenty-one moons | demigirl (afab) x
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          medicine cat
          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]
          skill points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          name | age | gender| [url=link]x[/url]
          name | age | gender| [url=link]x[/url]

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]
          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]
          name | age | gender| [url=link]x[/url]

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]
          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]
          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]
    ally clans
    clan name | username
    clan name | username

    enemy clans
    clan name | username
    clan name | username

    north | breezeclan (site) | inky
    northeast | the golden kingdom (site i think) | ponz
    northwest | clan name | username
    east | clan name | username
    south | clan name| username
    southeast | clan name | username
    southwest | clan name | username
    west | clan name | username

    medicine store
    herb | usage
    herb | usage

    fresh-kill pile
    mouse | x0 | one serving
    teeny fishies | x0 | one serving
    possum | x0 | two servings
    slightly bigger fishies | x0 | two servings
    birds!!! | x0 | three servings
    big fishies | x0 | three servings

    mentor | apprentice | no. of training sessions | moves
    mentor | apprentice | no. of training sessions | moves

    deceased cats
    cat name | cause of death
    cat name | cause of death

    name and name | kits
    name and name| kits
my dms are open,
but im a spoonie
and i may not
respond promptly.
it's not personal.
especially hmu if
you want to talk
about atla,
im autistic and its
been my special
interest for like.
a bajillion years.
➤ they/it lesbian
➤ canadian eh
➤ gay zuko
truther /lh
➤ please use
➤ feel free to ask for
my discord if we've
talked before
➤ help idk how to
make this pretty
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BeetleClan post 008

Postby Nosifer » Tue May 19, 2020 9:26 pm

Number of Cats: 13| Next Starclan Visit: Now | Pebbles: 130
Servings: 3
(next at 14) | Archive: Here

Samuel was getting much better at navigating the marshy ground of BeetleClan. He was still a bit slow, and he occasionally stumbled, but it was nothing like when he first arrived. The patrol-girl- Mousepetal, he learned she was called- decided to place him on a hunting patrol, now that he wouldn’t be a detriment. He wasn’t gonna lie, he was happy to have an excuse to not talk to that sadistic healer.

Speaking of Mousepetal, she had decided to accompany him on his first hunting trip. So far, he much preferred her to anyone he had previously patrolled with. She walked slower than the others, pausing whenever he stumbled, and she never mentioned it.

After a while, the two cats had reached their destination. Samuel stepped up onto the firmer ground of the hill, shaking his paws in an attempt to free them of the clinging mud. He followed Mousepetal into the small clump of forest, shivering from the cold of an area that saw very little sunlight.

Samuel scented the air, focusing on finding the smell of prey. He wasn’t searching for long, before the wind brought a whiff of mouse to his nose. He looked at Mousepetal, who gave him an encouraging nod. Slowly, he brought himself to the position he had been shown.

Samuel triple-checked his stance. Low to the ground. Legs tucked in. Tail stiff. He looked to where the mouse was. Slowly he started to creep forwards. One paw step. Closer. Two paw steps. Closer. Three paw steps. A loud crack rang out. He had stepped on a twig. Quickly, Samuel tried to save it by leaping for the mouse, but it was too fast. He could only watch as it disappeared into the undergrowth.

Samuel rose from his crouch, head hung low. Mousepetal made his way over to him. “Don’t feel bad,” she mewed, soothingly. “It’s very rare that someone catches their first piece of prey.”

Of course, Samuel had been told this extensively by the warriors that had instructed him. But knowing that failure is common does nothing to remove the sting. Mousepetal looked at him with sympathetic eyes. “Come now. The best thing to do is to look for the next catch.”

Swallowing his disappointment, Samuel raised his head to look for something else to try and catch. He was just about to smell the air, when he caught a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye. He quickly whipped around, trying to see what the mysterious blur was, but by the time his eyes focussed, it was already gone. He sniffed the air, but whatever it was, it was downwind of him.

Mousepetal looked at him with concern. “What’s wrong?”

“I… I thought I saw something in the trees…” Samuel shook his head to try and snap himself out of it. He was being ridiculous. “Probably just a bird. Come on, let’s go.” He turned and headed further into the forest pocket, sniffing the air as he went. He didn’t notice anything off about the scents, and he didn’t see that mystery blur again. Like he said, it was probably just a bird.

[BeetleClan consumes 1 bird]
[Hailstar requests a queen]
[Cloudbreeze and Whitepetal gather herbs]
[Cranefoot trains Minkpaw]
[Leafgaze and Snowstone go hunting]
[Wildstorm and Barkfang go hunting]
[Mousepetal and Samuel go hunting]
[Foudre and Nightmask patrol the borders]

          Hailstar | 37m | Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Mousepetal | 34m | She-cat | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Cloudbreeze | 80m | Tom | X
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          Leafgaze | 25m | She-cat | X
          Snowstone | 53m | Tom | X
          Barkfang | 41m | She-cat | X
          Cranefoot | 49m | Tom | X
          Wildstorm | 49m | Tom | X
          Samuel | 16m | Tom | X
          Foudre | 23m | Tom | X
          Whitepetal | 33m | She-cat | X |
          Nightmask | 47m | Tom | X

          Minkpaw | 10m | She-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    Northeast | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    Southeast | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    Southwest | Clan Name | Username
    West | MistyClan | Talonpawthewarrior
    Northwest | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Cobweb | 1 | Stops bleeding
    Marigold | 1 | Prevents/fights infection
    Catmint | 1 | Cures greencough
    Dock | 2 | Heals cuts and scratches
    Poppy Seed | 1 | Eases pain and helps sleep
    Burnet | 1 | Gives strength, helps expecting queens (TH)
    Daisy Leaf | 1 | Eases aching joints (TH)
    Bright Eyes | 1 | Cures coughs
    Ragwort | 2 | Gives strength
    Elder Leaf | 1 | Soothes sprains
    Raspberry Leaf | 1 | Helps with kitting
    Broom | 1 | Helps broken bones
    Fennel | 1 | Helps hip pain
    Lamb’s Ear | 1 | Gives strength
    Willow Leaf | 1 | Stops vomiting
    Foxglove Seed | 1 | Treats the heart

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x1 | 1 serving
    Frog | x1 | 1 serving
    Minnow | x0 | 1 serving
    Small Fish | x2 | 2 servings
    Mink | x1 | 2 servings
    Bird | x0 | 3 servings

    Cranefoot | Minkpaw | 1 | Hunt, Fight, Fish, Climb, Track
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    ??? and ??? | Wildstorm, Cranefoot
    Name and Name | Kits
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I have no idea what I'm doing.

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Postby Euthymios » Wed May 20, 2020 8:30 am


        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxfelids: 11
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♀ : 04
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♂ : 07
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx☉ : 00
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnext mother visit: later
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmoderator: katrione
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmoons until macbeth chaos: 006
        boreal and frost; frostshade’s spirit haunting the throne area

        meeting with northern kingdom spirits;

        shadowcrown is indignant that duchess is allowed to give her kits in camp

border patrols
↠ aquilega, boreal, cardinal, seraph, dusk

hunting patrols
↠ seraph, peregrine, cardinal, shadow
↠ aquilega, dusk, boreal, smoke

↠ sagewhisper
xxxx↳ injury / kitting herbs

↠ cardinalgaze is given 1x chervil and 1x cobweb

general events
↠ albendawn is due! • father
xxxx↳ 1x fennel and 1x raspberry leaf is used

↠ duchess (stud) is due!
xxxx↳ 1x chervil is used

↠ none this moon

mod notes

cats in action queue have powers.
↠ ✧ cats are important for plot; do not kill
↠ thank you to all CaC mods for color-ins
↠ lowkey hoping to get more adult cats

        `` high lord
        borealstar | 31m | ♂
        ↳ 9/9 ★★★★★★★★★

        `` high consort
        name | age | name ♂♀

        `` royal children
        name | age | name ♂♀

        `` royal advisor
        cardinalgaze | 34m | ♂

        `` high priest
        sagewhisper | 34m | ♂

        `` priestesses / priests
        name | age | name ♂♀

        `` celestial understudies
        name | age | name ♂♀

        `` sable shrike
        smokehaze | 35m | ♂
`` battalion
aquilegapool | 31m | ♀
duskcloud | 33m | ♂
shadowcrown | 33m | ♀
seraphwind | 28m | ♂

`` initiates
peregrinepaw | 12m | ♀

`` dames
albendawn | 28m | ♀
↳ due [now]
↳ due [now]

`` kits:
name | age | name ♂♀

`` veterans:
name | age | name ♂♀

        `` herbs
        [0] cobweb wounds xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        [2] horsetail wounds
        [0] chervil infection/kitting/bellyache xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        [1] blackberry leaf bee stings
        [1] oak leaf wounds
        [0] raspberry leaf bleeding, kitting
        [1] fennel hip pain
        [1] goldenrod wounds
        [#] herb use
        `` training
        aquilegapool - peregrinepaw [1]
        xxxxi. combat

        `` fresh kill pile
        x8 total
        ♛ [0] chipmunk - 1s
        ♛ [0] shrew - 1s
        ♛ [0] trout - 2s
        ♛ [1] ibex calf - 2s
        ♛ [1] hawk - 3s
        ♛ [1] salmon - 3s

        `` deceased
        frostshade ♂ killed by nerinda
        name ♂♀
        name ♂♀

        `` family ties
        albendawn + xxx

        duchess + frostshade

        name + name

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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby inky. » Wed May 20, 2020 11:15 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 092 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth hawksnow (1) ; tulipclaw (2) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find vulturecrest

Silverdrop curled her tail around her newborn litter. No matter how exhausted she was, how much she craved sleep, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the three beautiful kits that nestled against her belly. “I’ll be honest I never thought this day would happen.” Shrewclaw murmured in her ear, licking her forehead lovingly “I never thought I would find someone who I loved more than anything, and someone who returned those feelings. I love you so much, and I love our kits.” Silverdrop let out a purr. “You know, when I was a kitty pet, I never would have pictured myself out here living with the wildcats. But I still dreamt of a family. I even picked out names for kits if I had them.” Shrewclaw raised an eyebrow and repositioned himself so he could look at his mate. “Well,” she giggled “my twoleg was a man in love with the natural beauty of the earth. He had jars of spectacular colored rocks and gases in his special room. He would talk to me some days, tell me all about the different ‘elements’ as he called them. They were all so pretty, but my favorites were cobalt, pewter, and arsenic. Cobalt is such a spectacular shade of blue, just like this little one’s eyes. Pewter is a strong, well built material, almost as sturdy as our son there. And arsenic, though the most pretty of all, was extremely dangerous. It’s a poison, capable of killing anything. It lured me in with its beauty, but my twoleg was quick to keep me away from it. Our daughter is so pretty, but I know that she hides a strong warrior capable of anything within her.” Shrewclaw smiled broadly as he heard his mate describe her old life. Her eyes were sparkling and her voice carried true joy. “Cobaltkit, Pewterkit, and Arsenickit.” The tom meowed “Have a nice ring to ‘em if you ask me.” The pair smiled affectionately at each other and met in a nuzzle, looking fondly over their newly named kits.


Thistlepaw ran her tongue over Fallenpaw’s fur, cleaning behind her brother’s ear. The tom, the only true cat she could trust, was having a very tense few moons, and she wanted to help him relax. So, she dragged him to the sunny part of camp and forced him to stay still while she worked the knots out of his fur, which he had been neglecting. She nudged his shoulder. “Your wound is healing nicely.” She observed, eyes running over the teeth marks Dunepaw had put into his pelt “Should leave a snazzy scar.” She purred with amusement, but Fallenpaw just flicked an ear and moved his eyes to look across camp. Thistlepaw wracked her brain for topics to talk about. “Oh!” She gasped “Are you excited for Hawksnow’s litter? We should have younger siblings any moon now!” Fallenpaw shrugged. “I’m indifferent.” He said evenly “You’re my littermate. You’re my real sibling, and to be honest the only one I’ll truly trust.” Thistlepaw’s ear tips burned with affection. “I’m flattered.” She purred “I know it’s not always easy, and I can’t even begin to understand what goes through that head of yours, but I’m always here for you, okay? If you ever need to talk, my ears are open.” Fallenpaw cracked a small smirk. “I know.” He murmured, genuine appreciation in his voice “I think you missed a spot.” He tilted his head to the side with a chuckle. Thistlepaw cuffed him playfully over the ear. “I’ve gotten so much of your fur worked out, I deserve a break. It’s hard work.” She pouted, and rolled on her back, snuggling up next to her brother, who chuckled lightly at the she-cat. He took a deep breath. He had meant what he said. Thistlepaw was the only one he trusted, the only one he trusted that he could trust. They’d always had each other’s back, and he hoped that it would remain that way. He rested his chin on his paws and watched the camp lazily as he and his closest friend basked in the sun together.


Crowpaw bounced up and down. “I can’t believe we’re apprentices now!” He purred. Falconpaw gave his brother a smile and leaned up against a sturdy tree. “I know,” He sighed “Now we can finally be with our friends. We can actually help the clan now.” Even though Falconpaw and Crowpaw had only just become apprentices, the two handsome young toms already had the outlines of strong, lithe, muscled cats. The two looked down at the river that lazily rushed by. They had been granted a walk by their mentors, and the toms were enjoying the warm day sitting in the shade of a reaching oak tree. Crowpaw looked up slyly at a branch that stretched over the rushing water. “I bet it’s a great view up there.” The black apprentice mewed. Falconpaw hummed, but didn’t follow his gaze. “You were telling me how much you were looking forward to learning how to climb trees.” Crowpaw reminded his brother “Why don’t you try it out.” Falconpaw huffed and raised an eyebrow. “You’re forgetting I haven’t done any training so far. I have zero skill.” He said gruffly. Crowpaw rolled his eyes. “You’re just scared.” Falconpaw’s fur rose. “Am not!” He hissed gently. Crowpaw stifled a chuckle. He knew how much the phrase got under his skin. “Then why don’t you prove it.” He pressed. Falconpaw leapt to his paws. “Fine!” He grumbled, turning around and placing a hesitant paw on the sturdy trunk. He swallowed nervously, but took a deep breath and sunk his claws into the bark. Pushing off with his back paws, he scaled the first portion of the tree. Luckily, the branch Crowpaw was referring to was one of the lower ones. Falconpaw shifted his weight and swung to the branch. He slowly crept forward and crouched on the edge. He lifted his head and his eyes widened. “I can see the big lake from here!” He gasped “Isn’t that where the old camp used to be?” Crowpaw chuckled. “I can’t believe you can see it!” He purred “How does it look?” Falconpaw blinked. “I-It’s great. The island doesn’t look as burnt as I thought it would be.” He was about to say something else when he felt the branch shudder beneath him. “Crowpaw-” He yowled, trying to scramble back to the trunk, but it was too late. The branch splintered under his paws and snapped in two. Falconpaw shrieked as he tumbled through the air. He tried to twist in the air, trying to land safely in the water. The apprentice’s eyes widened as his gaze caught a large boulder that was directly under him. He cried out and tried to flop around in the air, but it was in vain. He crashed down, head and throat thudding against the hard rock. He weakly opened his eyes and saw a fuzzy-looking Crowpaw howling for help, before slipping into darkness.

When Falconpaw reopened his eyes, he was surrounded by stone walls. He groaned as he shifted in a nest, muscles stiff. His head split with pain and he let out a little whimper. He heard a faint voice calling for another cat, and soon a shadow was standing gently over him. “Shh,” The shadow cooed “Don’t move too much, you’re still hurt pretty badly.” He murmured something to the cat, who Falconpaw now realized was pressed gently against him, and ebbed away. His vision was still fuzzy, but his sense of smell was now kicking in, and he recognized the cat next to him as Elmstar. He whimpered again to his mother, and she gave him a gentle lick on his bleeding forehead. “What happened?” He asked dryly. Elmstar sighed. “You hit your head, darling. You’re going to be okay, but Bumbleflight said there’s going to be some...permanent damage.” She blinked back tears, and gave her son a reassuring smile. “What kind of damage? Am I going to b-b-b-...b-b-be able to train s-s-still?” Frustration rose in Falconpaw as he tried to push the words out. He let out a quiet choke. “What was that?” He cried “What’s wrong with my s-s-speech? Why can’t I talk?” The leader’s lip quivered, but she was determined to stay strong for her kit. She wrapped her tail softly around him. “You hit your head and your throat. Sometimes when a certain area is impacted, the way a cat talks changes. Bumbleflight has seen it before. He says you’ll have a stutter, but other than that you’ll be okay.” Falconpaw looked down at his paws. “How long will it b-b-be like this?” Elmstar shrugged. “He’s not sure. It could be temporary, or permanent.” Falconpaw clenched his jaw and nodded. Ashtail poked his head into the medicine den. He cleared his throat and nodded to the leader. She sighed and gave another smile to her son before gently nuzzling him and rising to her paws, following her deputy out of the den. Falconpaw was left alone. A quiet voice said some semblance of a greeting. The apprentice looked up, slowly as not to bring on his head ache, and he saw a familiar, though blurry, grey pelt. “Thistlepaw is that you?” He asked, squinting. “I, uh, came to check up on you.” She said happily. Falconpaw couldn’t make out everything, but he could see a splotch of yellow hanging from her mouth. “They said your vision is still recovering, but that you could scent things.” She explained, settling beside him “I brought you a flower I found earlier. I know this place can get a bit stuffy and I thought I would bring you something to brighten up the place. It smells good, too.” The she-cat pushed the yellow blossom closer to Falconpaw’s muzzle. Already, his vision was starting to clear, and he could see the soft petals. He leaned over and inhaled deeply. A fresh, floral scent wafted through his nostrils, and made him smile. “Thank you.” He said. It was simple, yet genuinely filled with gratitude. Thistlepaw reciprocated his smile, but rose to her paws. “Sorry I can’t stay longer.” She sighed “Nightfur wants to take me to the open hills to see how fast I can run. Between you and me, though, I’d much rather stick around.” Falconpaw huffed in amusement and nuzzled her shoulder briefly. “Thank you.” He purred “I really apprec-c-iate it.” Thistlepaw nodded and hurried out of the den, grateful that Falconpaw couldn’t see the blush forming on her cheeks.


Bumbleflight nosed through the leaves. He had found a nice patch of herbs in a moist hollow beneath a tree. They weren’t nearly large enough to pick yet, but they were growing fairly well. Suddenly, a thud behind him made him spin around, wacking his forehead on a low hanging branch. Hissing, he saw a pretty she-cat standing in front of him. “Are you alright?” She giggled. The medicine cat just flicked an ear with a grumble. “Who are you?” He demanded, walking closer. He scented the air and narrowed his eyes. “You smell like Nimbuscurl’s kits. You from ChessClan?” The she-cat raised her head proudly. “Yes I am.” She stated with a smile “My name is Tachesplotch. What’s yours.” The BearClan tom sniffed and looked away. “Bumbleflight.” He said hesitantly “I’ve heard you ChessClan cats like to get around. Is that why you’re here?” Tachesplotch tilted her head. “I don’t know what you mean, but I’m actually kinda lost.” She said sheepishly “Do you know where the border is?” Bumbleflight sighed and rolled his eyes, murmuring. “Yea, I’ll bring you to it.” He grumbled, walking alongside the ChessClan cat. They walked together into the forest, Tachesplotch chatting non-stop, and Bumbleflight slightly regretting his offer.


Sparkstorm yawned as he walked along the border. It was only noon, but he was already exhausted. He promised he would teach Spiderkit how to crouch, and he took Fallenpaw on his training session. He just wanted to sleep, but his brother convinced him to join him on a patrol. Looking up, he gazed beyond the BearClan border, to where Highgarden’s land restd. He hadn’t personally met a Highgarden cat, but Nightfur was awfully fond of one Ferretfur, so he gave them a pass. Suddenly, he saw a familiar flash of brown catch his eye. He blinked firmly, but the figure still remained. He held his tail out in front of Burrwhisker and called for the rest of the patrol to continue on without them. They didn’t protest, but warned them to make sure to return to camp soon, before continuing on. Sparkstorm didn’t say a word until the rest of the group was out of sight. “Come with me.” He murmured, and slunk through the low bushes to the open space the border passed through. “What are we doing?” Burrwhisker whined, shifting uncomfortably on his bad leg. Sparkstorm hushed him and waited for the breeze to change directions. The gust carried the scent of the brown cat, and his theory was confirmed. “I-Is that…?” Burrwhisker whispered, eyes wide. His brother nodded. The scent was muddled, but beneath it all was the earthy scent of their own Clan. It was Otterfur. Burrwhisker was about to say something, but Sparkstorm pushed his way through the shrubs onto the slope where Otterfur was walking. “Well, well, well!” The young tom called “Look who it is!”. Otterfur’s large ears swiveled up. He didn’t recognize the pair at first, but upon closer investigation, recognition flashed over his gaze. Sparkstorm’s father stumbled back slightly. Burrwhisker limped out from the bushes as well, and soon the two toms were waiting on the border. Otterfur furrowed his brow and slid down the slope. He tripped gently over a root, but his gaze was trained on his two sons in front of him. Soon, the three toms were looking silently at each other. Sparkstorm cleared his throat to break the tension. “I see you made it off the island.” He said simply. Otterfur nodded, disbelief still in his eyes. “What happened to you?” The old warrior asked “How did you get here? And Burrpaw, your leg!” Burrwhisker shifted nervously. “Burrwhisker, now.” He corrected “And Sparkstorm.” Otterfur nodded with a small smile and looked expectantly at his older son. “The bear attacked us.” He meowed evenly “We were able to put it down, but a lot of cats were lost. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the forest got really dry and lightning struck the tree at the top of the cliff and it caught the island on fire. More great cats weren’t able to escape. Batfur, though, was the one that hurt most I think. Elmstar still hasn’t gotten over it.” Otterfur’s eyes widened. “Elmstar?” He gasped “Elmstream is leader?” Burrwhisker nodded. “And Ashtail is deputy.” Otterfur let out an incredulous laugh. But suddenly, his face fell. “Listen,” He sighed “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking ever since I was exiled. I realize my faults. I know I should have done something, anything to help overthrow Viperstar. I was blinded by loyalty, and I know that’s no excuse but...I just want to tell you how sorry I am. I was a terrible father. I treated you and your mother so horribly, I don’t know how you could ever forgive me.” He dipped his head in sorrow. Sparkstorm took a breath. “I forgive you.” He said quietly. Burrwhisker looked at his brother with surprise. “Don’t just say it to make me feel better.” Otterfur grumbled. Sparkstorm took a step forward, and Otterfur looked up. He was expecting to find judgement in his eyes, as he always did. Sparkstorm had always despised Otterfur the most, ever since he learned about Wasppaw. “I mean it.” Sparkstorm assured, voice gentle and calm “I spent way too long hating you over something I never understood. I didn’t know why you were loyal to Viperstar after all the things he did, I suppose I never will, but I know he was your friend. I would do anything for Ashtail, and I was too young to comprehend that relationships can be stronger than they sometimes should be. You know, I’m a father now. I can’t imagine how horrible it would be for your son to say they hated you. I thought I was in the right, and maybe in some ways I was. But I should never have hated you as much as I did. So I want to apologize to you. You’re my father, Otterfur, there’s no changing that. I’m glad you’re still alive, I hope we can use the rest of the time we both have to rebuild a relationship.” Otterfur sniffled, blinking small tears from his eyes. He nodded, and all three were in silent agreement that their feud was over. “So,” Otterfur chuckled “A father, eh?” Sparkstorm smiled and nodded. “Shellpond and I had our litter a few moons ago. Spiderkit and Moorkit.” Otterfur grinned broadly, and the three stayed there, talking about how their lives had changed as if they were never angry with each other at all.


Avocetdance laughed. He and Poppysplash had immediately hit it off when he was brought to camp. “Okay, okay, I have one.” He meowed, adjusting himself to tell his story “Once, when I was moons or so, I was wandering around and a fox surprised me! A she-cat around my age heard us struggling and came to help. Together we chased it off. Without her, I would be dead. Anyways, we were instant friends. We both had a splash of color on our faces, so we thought we were destined to be together. We spent a few moons together but, one morning she was gone. I’ve never been able to shake her from my mind.” He trailed off and looked at his paws. Poppysplash’s eyes were wide. “Did this happen to take place outside of a twoleg town?” She asked quietly, voice barely above a whisper. Avocetdance furrowed his brow and looked up at her. His eyes widened. Recognition filled his brain. The same pretty face. The same black splash of color beneath her eye. “I-It’s you? How can this be? What happened?” Poppysplash gave a weak smile. “That morning I wanted to surprise you with breakfast. A twoleg found me and captured me. I was able to escape, but by the time I got back you were gone. I’m so sorry.” Avocetdance placed a paw on hers. “I’m sorry for now waiting for you.” Poppysplash shook her head and looked him in the eyes. “Do you remember our promise?” She asked. The tom flattened his ears. “What, that if we ever met again we would be mates? Of course.” He chuckled “We were young, though, so I obviously don’t expect you to keep it.” Poppysplash moved closer to him. “I want to.” She assured “Growing up, you were the kindest tom I ever met. I can see that hasn’t changed. You’re still you. I would like to keep the pact, if it’s okay with you.” Avocetdance smiled softly, resting his forehead against hers. “I would love to, Poppysplash. After all, a promise is a promise, and I'm a tom of my word.”

[while falconpaw and crowpaw are out having fun, crowpaw dares his brother to climb a tree. the branch snaps and falconpaw falls into the river below. he hits his head and throat on a rock, causing a concussion and stutter. bumbleflight says he will live, but will need a few moons of lighter training, and he may have trouble learning new skills]
[avocetdance and poppysplash realize who each other are and become mates, trying for kits im so sorry]
[sparkstorm, burrwhisker, avocetdance, mossbounce patrol]
[nightfur, stormfang, pipersnap, fognose hunt]
[tickstripe, lightrunner, bisonclaw, ricecub hunt]
[brambleglow, ryetail, owlshade, sunstomp hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainleaf collect herbs]
[sunstomp teaches mintpaw stealth]
[chestnutstripe teaches toadpaw stealth]
[beanpaw trains in swimming]
[burrwhisker teaches snailpaw stealth; x1 comfrey root is used]
[mudpaw trains in swimming]
[nimbuscurl teaches shadowpaw battle]
[owlshade teaches serpentpaw agility]
[shrewclaw teaches saskatoonpaw agility]
[sparkstorm teaches fallenpaw climbing]
[nightfur teaches thistlepaw battle]
[owlshade teaches dunepaw climbing]
[burrwhisker teaches cardinalpaw climbing]
[hickorywind teaches hazepaw battle]
[brambleglow teaches splashpaw battle]
[ryetail teaches beepaw hunting]
[blackbriar teaches minkpaw battle]
[archthorn teaches jacobinpaw battle]
[grassheart mentors crowpaw]
[stormfang mentors falconpaw]
[the clan consumes x15 minnows]

elmstar, 54 m, ♀
ashtail, 40 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 56 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainleaf, 23 m, ♂

stormfang, 66 m, ♂
swiftwind, 57 m, ♂
nightfur, 54 m, ♂
hickorywind, 47, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 62 m, ♀
windfeather, 62 m, ♂
hollypounce, 47 m, ♀
redfin, 61 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 38 m, ♂
badgergaze, 36 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 30 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 31 m, ♂
grousecall, 73 m, ♀
blackbriar, 60 m, ♀
grassheart, 75 m, ♀
sunstomp, 30 m, ♂
owlshade, 25 m, ♂
brambleglow, 34 m, ♀
ricecub, 43 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 32 m, ♀
darkfang, 25 m, ♀
ryetail, 23 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 30 m, ♂
mossbounce, 21 m, ♂
twigsnap, 22 m, ♀
applebee, 21 m, ♀
poppysplash, 30 m, ♀
heronstep, 21 m, ♂
archthorn, 21 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 19 m, ♀
fognose, 60 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 42 m, ♀
pipersnap, 21 m, ♀
tickstripe, 19 m, ♂
lightrunner, 24 m, ♀
gorsewind, 32 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 22 m, ♂
avocetdance, 30 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

mudpaw, 13 m, ♀
mintpaw, 12 m, ♀
toadpaw, 12 m, ♂
beanpaw, 12 m, ♀
snailpaw, 12 m, ♀
shadowpaw, 10 m, ♀
saskatoonpaw, 10 m, ♀
serpentpaw, 10 m, ♀
fallenpaw, 9 m, ♂
thistlepaw, 9 m, ♀
cardinalpaw, 9 m, ♂
dunepaw, 9 m, ♀
hazepaw, 9 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
splashpaw, 9 m, ♀
beepaw, 8 m, ♂
minkpaw, 8 m, ♀
jacobinpaw, 8 m, ♂
crowpaw, 6 m, ♂
falconpaw, 6 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 60 m, ♀
nettlemist, 29 m, ♀
shellpond, 28 m, ♀
deerleap, 74 m, ♀
silverdrop, 33 m, ♀
hawksnow, 37 m, ♀
hollypounce, 47 m, ♀
tulipclaw, 42 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

barleyit, 5 m, ♂
cougarkit, 5 m, ♂
spiderkit, 5 m, ♂
moorkit, 5 m, ♀
goatkit, 4 m, ♂
ripplekit, 4 m, ♀
cowkit, 4 m, ♀
torrentkit, 2 m, ♂
mistkit, 2 m, ♀
icekit, 2 m, ♀
birchkit, 2 m, ♂
poplarkit, 2 m, ♀
maplekit, 2 m, ♂
↪ blind
aspenkit, 2 m, ♀
cobaltkit, 1 m, ♂
pewterkit, 1 m, ♂
arsenickit, 1 m, ♀
sleetkit, 1 m, ♀
sprucekit, 1 m, ♂
sycamorekit, 1 m, ♂
swoopkit, 1 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

prairiedust, 103 m, ♀
ravencloud, 77 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 019
minnow, one serving╶ 004
small fish, two servings╶ 004
squirrel, two servings╶ 006
hare, three servings╶ 003
big fish, three servings╶ 002

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Bluey, » Wed May 20, 2020 11:51 am

Number of Cats: 90 (58 battle ready cats) | 47 female, 40 male, 2 nb | Next Starclan Visit: now | Pebbles: 158 | most cats pelts colours are a form of grey, black, and tabby


Nightstep and Cloudbelly practice medicine
Nightstep and Cloudbelly look for herbs
Cloudbelly treats wounds
x2 rats, x2 stoats and x4 bird eggs and x2 shrew are consumed
Pigeonpaw, Ploverpaw, Flarepaw, Sunrisepaw, Shrewpaw, Foxpaw, Sunsetpaw, Shadepaw train with there mentors. Flarepaw and Sunrisepaw train in hunting. Shrewpaw, Foxpaw, Sunsetpaw and Shadepaw train in combat.
Pondkit, Rainkit, Dropkit, Marigoldkit, Bluebellkit and Pollenkit become apps, their mentors are Stormlight,
Daisystorm, Nettlestar, Wolftail, Larkpatch and Earthstomp
[b] Tigerwillow, Tumblereed, Fawnspeckle, Speckledfur, Azaleafall and Brightwhistle Go hunting

Silentwind, Stormlight, Tawnyfall, Fawnspeckle, Leopardtuft and Falconheart go hunting
Nettlestar, Breezestorm, Ravenshadow, Primrose, Ferretfur and Emberspark Go on a border patrol
Hemlockwind, Crowtail, Aspenheart, Stormpatch and Starlingswoop Go on a border patrol
Cypressglow, Tadpoletail, Hemlockwind, Ripplewish and Speckblaze go on a border patrol
Fluttersplash, Ploverpaw, Bluesplash, Wolftail and Pebblefeather go hunting
Dawnstride is kitting, (Ritcherscreech of ChessClan is the father) Cloudbelly stands to assist with x1 fennel and x1 raspberry leaf
Nettlestar requests a warrior from starclan

Notes to mod:
-this post might be bad rn because I rushed it but I will try and fix it after I get back from school.

Cats with names in blue are to be targeted in the event of a death roll. Though if it is a leader not all of the lives preferably a maximum of three. For all queens whose kits are 2 moons or younger and there is no other nursing queens, the blue doesn’t matter.
Cats with names in Green either have planned deaths or I don’t want dead.

Nettlestar | 57 moons | Female | X
Lives: ★★★★★(5)

Ferretfur | 59 moons |Female | X

Medicine Cat:
Nightstep| 54 moons | Male| X
Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿
Cloudbelly | 19 moons | Male | X
Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

Medicine Cat Apprentice:
Name | Age | Gender |[url=link]X[/url]
Skill Points:

Leopardtuft | 65 moons| Male| X
Twighaze | 58 moons| Male | X limping on front right paw
Breezestorm| 65 moons| Male| X
Pebblefeather | 52 moons | Male | X
| Powers: Mockingbird cat, able to catch x3 prey every patrol x1 moons of rest
Ravenshadow | 60 moons | Male | X
Stormpatch | 59 moons | Male | X
Aspenheart| 34 moons | Female | X
Tigerwillow | 53 moons | Female |X
Hemlockwind | 87 moons | Female | X
Bluesplash | 40 moons | Male | X
Ripplewish | 27 moons | Female | X | Deaf
Silvertail | 27 moons | Male | X
Juniperpelt | 27 moons | Male | X
Peakcloud| 56 moons | Female | X
Lilacdapple | 33 moons | Female | X
Finchflight| 24 moons | Male | X
Tumblereed| 89 moons | Male | X
Speckledfur | 42 moons | Male | X
Pricklepelt | 24 moons | Female | X
Clovereye |24 moons | Female | X
Lilywater | 24 moons | Female | X
Goldenmuzzle | 24 moons | Male | X
Iceriver | 33 moons | Male | X
Fawnspeckle | 53 moons | Female | X
Tawnyfall | 67 moons | Female |X
Darkrose | 36 moons | Female | X x1 moon of rest
Daisystorm | 35 moons | Female | X
Cypressglow | 20 moons | Male | X
Mothstripe | 19 moons | Female | X
Fluttersplash | 19 moons | Female | X
Doeleap | 28 moons | Female | X
Silentwind | 40 moons | Female | XDeaf
Primrose | 25 moons | Female | X
| Powers: reduces chance of predators and injuries when sent on a patrol
Speckblaze | 16 moons | Female | X
Starlingswoop | 16 moons | Male | X
Hollyfoot | 16 moons | Female | X
Tadpoletail | 16 moons | Female | X
Wolftail | 51 moons | Female | X
Brightwhistle | 31 moons | Male | X
Falconheart | 29 moons | Female | X blind in one eye
Earthstomp | 24 moons | Male | X
Snowfern | 15 moons | Female | X
Stormlight | 15 moons | Female | X
Emberspark | 14 moons | Female | X
Honeystripe | 14 moons | Non-binary (m) | X
Azaleafall | 14 moons | Male | X
Gravelspark | 20 moons | Male | X
Larkpatch | 28 moons | Male | X
Crowtail | 20 moons | Female | X
Rosepetal | 14 moons | Female |X

Pigeonpaw | 10 moons | Female |X
Ploverpaw | 10 moons | Male | X
| powers: catches 2 extra pieces of prey on hunting patrols, he can only activate his powers every other moon or he has a 90% chance of dying
Flarepaw | 9 moons | Male | X
Sunrisepaw | 9 moons | Male | X
Shrewpaw | 9 moons | Female | X
Foxpaw | 9 moons | Female | X
Sunsetpaw | 9 moons | Male | X
Shadepaw| 8 moons | Male | X
Pondkit | 6 moons | Female | X
Rainpaw | 6 moons | Male | X
Droppaw | 6 moons | Male | X
Marigoldpaw | 6 moons | Male |X
Bluebellpaw| 6 moons | Female | X
Pollenpaw| 6 moons | Female | X

Palewing | 42 moons | Female | X
Dewfrost | 52 moons | Female | X
Sprinklerain | 50 moons | Female | X
Butterflysilk | 31 moons | Female | X
Kestrelsong | 35 moons | Female | X
Dawnstride | 44 moons | Non-binary (f) | X Due this moon
Fernclaw | 27 moons | Female | X slight limp Due in x1 moons

Pondkit | 6 moons | Female | X
Rainkit | 6 moons | Male | X
Dropkit | 6 moons | Male | X
Marigoldkit | 6 moons | Male |X
Bluebellkit | 6 moons | Female | X
Pollenkit | 6 moons | Female | X
Mudkit | 5 moons | Male | X
Darkkit | 5 moons | Female | X
Otterkit | 5 moons | Female | X Blind in one eye
Dustkit | 5 moons | Male | X
Frogkit | 4 moon | Male | X
Lilypadkit | 4 moon | Female | X
Mistkit | 4 moon | Male | X
Cinderkit | 4 moon | Female | X

Nursery assistants:
Flamepatch| 52 moons | Male | X Eyeless
Squirrelnose | 34 moons | Female | X

Grousecurl | 128 moons| Male | X
Earlyfield | 98 moons | Female | X
Frostsnap | 118 moons | Male | X

Ally Clans:
Celectial Beings | Broken*
BirchClan | Brightheart_Warrior3

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
Northeast |Celectial Beings | Broken*
East | Clan Name | Username
Southeast | ChessClan | sharpiesandhamilton
South | ShiningClan | Kazin
Southwest | Clan Name | Usernane
West | BirchClan| Brightheart_Warrior3

Medicine Store
Honey | Soothes throat | x2
Yarrow | Causes cats to throw up | x1
Poppy seeds | calms cats | x2
Raspberry leaf | helps queens during kitting |x2
Burdock | cures infections | x1
Catmint | cures Greencough and whitecough | x1
Cobwebs | used as a bandage | x0
Lavender | cures fevers and chills, hides the scent of death |x2
Marigold | cures infectious wounds | x1
Stick | can be used as a splint or help distract queens while kitting| x0
Burnet | a traveling herb | x1
Parsley | stops milk flow | x1
Goldenrod | heals most wounds | x1
Fennel | a kitting herb | x1
Tansy | cures coughs and prevents Greencough | x2
Wild garlic | prevents infection | x1
Horsetail | helps infections | x1
Chervil | a kitting herb | x1
Dandelion | treats bee stings and acts as a pain killer | x2
Winter-green | treats poisons | x1
Bindweed | used to bind a stick to an injured limb | x0
Borage | helps queens produce milk, a kitting herb | x3
Coltsfoot | | x3
Broom | | x0
Ragwort leaf | | x1
Waterhemlock | | x1
Oak leaf | | x1
Rush | | x1
Sweetsedge | | | x1

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Bird egg | x8 | 1 servings
Hare | x16 | 3 servings
Mouse | x2 | 1 serving
Rabbit | x10 | 2 servings
Shrew | x6| 1 serving
Small bird | x1| 2 servings
Rat | x2 | 2 servings
Stoat | x3 | 2 servings

Mothstripe | Pigeonpaw | No. of training sessions: 3| hunting, combat, stealth
Fluttersplash | Ploverpaw | No. of training sessions: 3 | hunting, combat, stealth
Juniperpelt | Flarepaw | No. of training sessions: 2 | combat, hunting
Peakcloud | Sunrisepaw | No. of training sessions: 2 | combat, hunting
Aspenheart | Shrewpaw | No. of training sessions: 2 | hunting, combat
Finchflight | Foxpaw | No. of training sessions: 2 |
Pricklepelt | Sunsetpaw | No. of training sessions: 2 | hunting
Clovereye | Shadepaw | No. of training sessions: 2 | hunting, combat

Deceased Cats:
Nettlestar’s 9th life | pushed an apprentice out of the way of a fox | age at death: 39 moons
Nettlestar’s 8th life | Killed by Whitefang | age at death: 41 moons
Nettlestar’s 7th life | kitting | age at death: 41 moons
Pinemask | killed by Whitefang | age at death: 40 moons | X
Scorpionclaw | drowned | age at death: 29 moons | X
Duststripe | drowned | age at death: 82 moons | X
Oceangaze | killed by a badger | age at death: 37 moons | X
Nettlestar’s 6th life | fell out of a tree | age at death: 54 moons

Ferretfur and Twighaze | Juniperpelt, Fernclaw , Silvertail, Ripplewish
Hemlockwind and Tumblereed | Breezestorm, Aspenheart
Tawnyfall and Duststripe |Pricklepelt, Clovereye, Finchflight, Rosepaw, Emberpaw, Honeypaw
Unknown and Unknown| Ferretfur, Stormpatch
Dewfrost and Birchglow | Cypressglow, Dewpaw, Floodkit, Pondkit, Rainkit, Dropkit, Hailkit
Peakcloud and Haypelt | Cloudbelly, Mothstripe, Fluttersplash
Nettlestar and Ravenshadow | Speckblaze, Starlingswoop, Hollyfoot, Tadpoletail
Fawnspeckle and Aspenheart (Breezestorm) | Azaleapaw
Wolftail and Pebblefeather | Pigeonpaw, Ploverpaw
Squirrelnose and Iceriver | Flarekit, Sunrisekit, Shrewkit, Foxkit, Sunsetkit, Shadekit
Silentwind and Unknown | Snowpaw, Stormpaw
Palewing and Scorpionclaw | Marigoldkit
Palewing and Bluesplash | Bluebellkit, Pollenkit
Kestrelsong and unknown | Mudkit, Darkkit, Otterkit, Dustkit

Mates and crushes:
Ferretfur and Twighaze
Tawnyfall and Duststripe
Nettlestar and Ravenshadow
Fawnspeckle and Aspenheart
Wolftail and Pebblefeather
Squirrelnose and Iceriver
Bluesplash and Scorpionclaw
Fernclaw and Finchflight
Lilywater and Juniperpelt
Snowpaw likes Azaleapaw
Ploverpaw likes Rosepaw
Pricklepelt likes Juniperpelt
Juniperpelt likes Pricklepelt
Sunrisepaw likes Pigeonpaw[/b]
Last edited by Bluey, on Wed May 20, 2020 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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