Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby jazz. » Tue May 12, 2020 3:03 pm

archive | Mod: amethyst | TwsitedClan uses: 11 servings | Next Moonpool visit: later
Cats: 066 | 029 females | 037 males | 002 rogues | Pebbles: 165

─ ℓαsт мσση
    xxxxxxxCarrotpatch was at the head of the evening patrol. Mountaintop wondered how he and Covergrass were coping while staying in TwistedClan. The brothers usually kept to themselves only joining in conversations that were small and casual. They had mentioned they had discovered their other sister, Warblercry, safe and happy in a clan called High Garden but still travelled for many moons looking for their last sister: Galalight. They were only a few moons late, but she had already been slain by the rogue group. He could almost feel the hopelessness of the two, but they seemed like solid warriors.
    xxxxxxxMountaintop was still thinking of the early demise of Galalight when two shadows caught his eye out of the corner of his vision. Thinking of a big juicy hare, he turned but was confronted with two young adult cats that looked vaguely familiar. The taller of the two was a calico, her face, legs, and back riddled with scars and an indifferent expression. The other was a ginger tabby bicolor with small chunks of fur missing and an empty eye socket. Mountaintop was the only cat to notice the strangers at first and all three of them stood completely still. “…Sweetpaw?” His whisper could barely be heard over the gentle breeze.
    xxxxxxxThe calico gave the tom a side look but decided to respond. “I’m not Sweetpaw anymore.”
    xxxxxxxMountaintop couldn’t comprehend what he was seeing. “Sandkit?”
    xxxxxxx“I’m Scorch now.” The one-eyed tom said.
    xxxxxxx“We thought you were dead,” Mountaintop continued. “I’ll grab the patrol and we can all go back to camp!” He exclaimed. “Everyone will be thrilled to see you’re back.”
    xxxxxxxThe two took a few steps back. “We won’t be coming back, right Jinx?” Scorch muttered.
    xxxxxxx“TwistedClan isn’t our home anymore,” Jinx said. “We haven’t lived there in 14 moons.” Her ears pricked up as Carrotpatch’s patrol was making its way back to them. “Listen, Mountaintop,” She said quickly, “We’re not returning to TwistedClan. Do you really want the others to know or let them be blissfully ignorant?” The two were gone by the time Carrotpatch had caught up.
    xxxxxxx“We lost you,” He huffed.
    xxxxxxx“Sorry,” Mountaintop muttered, “I got distracted.”

    ─ ρяεsεηт
      xxxxxxxAshshroud had been lectured by Starlingsky once more for wandering further than necessary into unclaimed territory for hunting, so the first thing she did when she got reassigned to a hunting patrol was to wander even further away. It wasn’t like she didn’t respect Starlingsky as she was very patient as her old mentor, but she really found the daily grind of Clan life boring. She needed something to shake up the routine. It turned out another tom needed to mix up his life as well: Archtalon of BearClan. The tom’s snappy and sarcastic attitude was finally one to match with Ashshroud’s and she listened as he told the old beginning tales of BearClan with corrupt leaders and an overbearing threat of a bear. Ashshroud swapped stories as well telling tales of mysterious illnesses and deaths along with the harsh rogue group now called the Great War by the clan. They departed promising to meet on another patrol and was worth the scolding Ashshroud received from coming back to camp so late.
      xxxxxxxMountaintop came to his final decision of telling Sunstar who he had discovered while patrolling. The leader was understandably shocked yet excited about the possibility of Sandkit and Sweetpaw still alive. While Mountaintop did say the two weren’t keen on coming around a large group of cats, he left out the part where they denounced the forest as their home. “I’ll announce it at the apprentice ceremony today, along with welcoming our three new clan members,” Sunstar said excitedly, “That way every patrol can keep an eye out.” Mountaintop wasn’t sure this is what Scorch and Jinx would have wanted but there was no going back now.
      xxxxxxx“We have a busy ceremony ahead of us,” Sunstar prefaced, “Today we welcome Hopkit, Brindleblizzard, and Dustpaw into TwistedClan along with Morningkit getting apprenticed. First, Dustpaw, your mentor will be Featherflurry.” He allowed time for them to touch noses. “Now, Morningkit, it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, you will be known as Morningpaw, and your mentor will be Deergaze.” Sunstar paused again, allowing for Deergaze and Morningpaw to touch noses. “Another area of business is a short sighting of two cats by Mountaintop.” Mountaintop sank lower as the entire clan shot him confused looks. “He reported that Sweetpaw and Sandkit were spotted on a patrol. Hopefully if we keep our eyes peeled, we can give them a warm welcome back into the clan.” Excited murmurs filled the clearing. Oakbreeze ran over to Mountaintop to begin questioning him about his sister. Mountaintop had forgotten that Oakbreeze was originally the sole survivor from his family and felt guiltier about not explaining how reluctant the two were coming back. Sunstar pulled Patchnose and Tornadosong closer to discuss Sandkit in more detail. TwistedClan obviously wanted their two clanmates back that were taken from them, and Mountaintop was the only one who knew how that would go down.

      The clan consumes eleven mice (11 servings).
      Snowstorm, Crowtalon, Thistlefur, Mallardwing, Phoenixfire, and Shadow hunt.
      Starlingsky, Lightningflash, Thundercry, Willowbranch, Stormheart, and Crowtalon hunt.
      Robinripple, Tigerstrike, Deergaze, Squirreltuft, Mousespeck, and Shrewfeather hunt.
      Chipmunknuzzle, Mambasnap, Wishbone, Hollyshade, Featherflurry, and Eaglescreech hunt.
      Patchnose, Sunstar, Moosebellow, Mountaintop, Oakbreeze and Tornadosong patrol, keeping an eye out for their lost family members.
      Frostthorn and Volépaw hunt for herbs.
      Beetlebuzz and Rabbitear are both treated with one dandelion for their bee stings.
      All eligible apprentices train in a skill.
      Frostthorn teaches Volépaw about advanced posions.
      Morningkit becomes Morningpaw and is apprenticed to Deergaze.
      Dustpaw is apprenticed to Featherflurry.
      Dawnpaw and Quakepaw attempt their warrior assessments.
      Ashshroud and Archthorn of BearClan try for kits.
      Phoenixfire and Spiderfang of The Kin of the Wildflower try for kits.
      Dustpaw is welcomed into the clan.
      Hopkit (rabbit-kit) and Brindleblizzard (ram-cat) join!
    ─ OTHER
      rimefrost of islandclan is surrogating for sunstar and windchill. (trying again)
      the craze will make a reappearance soon but after kit boom (sorry)
    ─ LEADER
      Sunstar | 67 m | ♂ |
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★★ [9]
    ─ DEPUTY
      Starlingsky | 51 m | ♀ |
      Frostthorn | 29 m | ♂ |
      selectively mute
      Skills: ✿✿✿✿✿ [5]
      Volépaw | 19 m | ♂ |
      Snowstorm | 82 m | ♂ |
      Windchill | 62 m | ♂ |
      Thistlefur | 60 m | ♂ (AFAB) |
      Eaglescreech | 59 m | ♂ |
      Crowtalon | 57 m | ♂ |
      Covergrass | 53 m | ♂ |
      Carrotpatch | 53 m | ♂ |
      Mallardwing | 51 m | ♀ |
      Shadow | 51 m | ♀ |
      Lightningflash | 47 m | ♂ |
      Moosebellow | 45 m | ♂ |
      Thundercry | 44 m | ♂ |
      Willowbranch | 44 m | ♀ |
      Stormheart | 44 m | ♂ |
      Wojtek | 43 m | ♂ |
      Elkwhisper | 40 m | ♀ |
      Patchnose | 39 m | ♂ |
      Softdapple | 37 m | ♀ |
      Brindleblizzard | 34 m | ♀ |
      Tigerstrike | 33 m | ♂ |
      Deergaze | 32 m | ♀ |
      Squirreltuft | 32 m | ♂ |
      Mousespeck | 32 m | ♂ |
      Shrewfeather | 32 m | ♀ |
      Rabbitear | 32 m | ♂ |
      Mountaintop | 30 m | ♂ |
      Wishbone | 29 m | ♂ |
      Mambasnap | 27 m | ♂ |
      powersº unactivated
      Ashshroud | 24 m | ♀ |
      Hollyshade | 24 m | ♂ |
      Featherflurry | 24 m | ♂ |
      Phoenixfire | 22 m | ♀ |
      Oakbreeze | 21 m | ♂ |
      Fogfield | 21 m | ♀ |
      Beetlebuzz | 21 m | ♂ |
      Pheasantscar | 19 m | ♂ |
      Quailcall | 19 m | ♀ |
      missing right eye
      Somni | 18 m | ♀ |
      Nitor | 18 m | ♂ |
      Tornadosong | 16 m | ♀ |
      Lostpath | 14 m | ♂ |
      Ghostshiver | 14 m | ♂ |
      Quakepaw | 12 m | ♂ |
      †powers unactivated
      Dawnpaw | 12 m | ♀ |
      Cariboupaw | 8 m | ♀ |
      Stagpaw | 8 m | ♂ |
      Dustpaw | 8 m | ♀ |
      .Chunkypaw | 7 m | ♀ |
      Morningpaw | 6 m | ♀ |
    ─ QUEENS
      Silverstem | 77 m | ♀ |
      permanent queen
      Lynxshine | 64 m | ♀ |
      Pavilla | 47 m | ♀ |
      Robinripple | 37 m | ♀ | | 2m
      missing right eye
      Chipmunknuzzle | 35 m | ♀ | | 2m
      Mistgale | 21 m | ♀ | | 2m
    ─ KITS
      Vicus | 5 m | ♂ |
      Minkkit | 4 m | ♂ |
      Hopkit | 3 m | ♀ |
    ─ ELDERS
      Marsh | 140 m | ♂ |
      Fritillarystreak | 134 m | ♀ |
      Neritefang | 127 m | ♀ |
      scars all over pelt
    ─ ROGUES
      Sweetpaw | 21 m | ♀ |
      Sandkit | 16 m | ♂ |
    Name | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link][/url]
    ─ FAMILY
      Unknown ♥︎ Silverstem | Bluekit and Pebblepaw
      Wolfclaw ♥︎ Silverstem | Rabbitear, Deergaze, Squirreltuft,
      Mousespeck, and Shrewfeather
      Stormstrike ♥︎ Birchwhisker| Thundercry, Cloudpaw,
      Willowbranch, Goosedawn, Maplebreeze, and Stormheart
      Unknown ♥︎ Maizeflower= Galalight, Warblercry (Highgarden), Covergrass, and Carrotpatch
      Patchedmask of DewClan + Rainsong | Patchnose, Dovestrike,
      and Petalfall
      Sunstar ♥︎ Rainsong | Sandkit, Tornadosong,
      and unnamed
      Toadsplash ♥︎ Claystream (HurricaneClan)| Goosekit and Mallardwing
      Ruststripe ♥︎ Twistedstar | Tigerstrike, Riverstone,
      and Cinderdust
      Unknown ♥︎ Sagefeather | Rushingflame (PrairieClan)
      Valleyrunner (ChessClan) ♥︎ Crowtalon (Mallardwing) | Raventalon (ChessClan),
      Twilightpounce (ChessClan), and Mountaintop
      Stonefrost (Celestial Beings) ♥︎ Briarwhisper | no kits
      Minnowflash + Graybelly | unnamed, Ashshroud, Hollyshade, and Featherflurry
      Unknown ♥︎ Unknown | Frigidthorn and Frostthorn
      Honeytail ♥︎ Maplebreeze | Pinepaw, Oakbreeze, Goldpaw, and Sweetpaw
      Dexter + Shadow | Aspenpaw, Fogfield, Mistgale, Vixen, and Beetlebuzz
      Thistlefur ♥︎ Mallardwing | no kits
      Richterscreech of ChessClan + Nightpelt (Softdapple) | Quakepaw, Orangekit, Nightpaw (ChessClan), Dawnpaw, and Dapplepaw (ChessClan)
      Unknown ♥︎ Pavilla | Somni, Nitor, and Sopor
      Kash of the Neighborhood + Pavilla | Vicus and Kavilla (the Neighborhood)
      Willowbranch ♥︎ Petalfall | no kits
      Unknown ♥︎ Unknown | Quailcall and Pheasantscar
      Moosebellow ♥︎ Elkwhisper | Cariboupaw and Stagpaw
      Unknown ♥︎ Unknown | Snowdrift (RavenClan) and Windchill
      Crowtalon ♥︎ Eaglescreech | no kits
      Tigerstrike + Gloryrise of ScarabClan | Shinekit, Umbrakit, Riverkit, Cinderkit, Rustkit, and Morningkit
      Shrewfeather (Mousespeck) ♥︎ Robinripple | due in 2 moons
      Unknown ♥︎ Unknown | Lostpath and Ghostshiver
      Weaselstar (RavenClan) ♥︎ Lynxshine | Swankit and Minkkit
      Sunstar ♥︎ Windchill (Rimefrost of IslandClan) | due in 2 moons
      Patchnose ♥︎ Dawndapple (IslandClan) | due in 1 moons
      Squirreltuft ♥︎ Chipmunknuzzle | due in 2 moons
      Oakbreeze surrogate for Pinetail (AspenClan) ♥︎ Turtlecreek (AspenClan) | due in 1 moons
      Cypresstail of RavenClan + Mistgale | due in 2 moons
      Archtalon of BearClan + Ashshroud | trying

    - known by Spottednose,
    Galalight, Twistedstar, Sunstar,
    Frostthorn, and Ruststripe


      N | Celestial Beings | broken*
      E | ScarabClan |broken*
      S | RavenClan | inky.
      SE | IslandClan | 爆殺王
      W | ChaosClan | Kazin

      º = 30% chance of
      tripling prey on hunting
      patrol (3 post cooldown)
      † = excels at finding cats on patrols,
      lessens chance of stillborns,
      must have two or more mates
      for powers to work

      Thrushes | x23 | 3 servings
      Magpies | x18 | 3 servings
      Squirrels | x26 | 2 servings
      Rabbits | x23 | 2 servings
      Shrews | x7 | 1 serving
      Mice | x11 | 1 serving
      Voles | x15 | 1 serving

      Skills: Hunting, Fighting, Climbing, STalking, SWimming
      Volépaw | Frostthorn | 8 | St, Kitting, C, H, F, Omens, Herbs
      Quakepaw | Shadow | 6 | H, F, St, Sw, C
      Dawnpaw | Moosebellow | 6 | C, F, St, Sw, H
      Cariboupaw | Covergrass | 1 | H
      Stagpaw | Carrotpatch | 1 | H
      Chunkypaw | Mountaintop | 1 | H
      Dustpaw | Featherflurry | 0 | -
      Morningpaw | Deergaze | 0 | -
      Galalight of LambClan
      Stonefrost of CherryClan
      Wolfclaw of HollowClan
      Neritefang of GraveClan
      Briarwhisper of RoseClan
      Starlingsky of BearClan
      Toadsplash of GraveClan
      Claystream of GraveClan
      Mallardwing of GraveClan
      Minnowflash of WhisperClan
      Graybelly of WhisperClan
      Windcall of WhisperClan
      Finchflight of WaveClan
      Thistlefur of WaveClan
      Darkmist of Lucid Shadows
      Patchedmask of DewClan
      Valleyrunner | (ChessClan)
      Raventalon | (ChessClan)
      Twilightpounce | (ChessClan)
      Rushingflame | (PrairieClan)
      Claystream | (HurricaneClan)
      Stonefrost | (Celestial Beings)
      Jaywhistle | (LostClan)
      Windcall | (LaughClan)
      3 | Alder Bark | Eases toothaches
      1 | Beech Leaves | Used to carry bundles of herbs
      2 | Bindweed | Helps mend a broken leg
      2 | Blackberry Leaves | Eases pain of bee stings
      2 | Borage Leaves | Helps produce milk
      1 | Bright Eyes | Helps cure coughs
      1 | Broom | Helps broken legs and wounds
      2 | Burdock Root | Cures infected (rat) bites
      1 | Burnet | Gives strength
      1 | Catchweed | stops poultices from rubbing off
      1 | Catmint | Cures greencough
      2 | Celandine | Soothes damaged eyes
      2 | Chervil | Helps infection/bellyaches/kitting
      1 | Chickweed | Cures greencough
      1 | Cob nut | Ointments
      3 | Cobweb | Treats bleeding, binds broken bones
      1 | Coltsfoot | Eases breathing or kitten-cough
      2 | Comfrey Root | Repairs broken bones, and burns
      3 | Daisy Leaf | Eases aching joints
      0 | Dandelion | Helps bee-stings
      2 | Dock | Soothe scratches and sore paws
      2 | Dried Oak Leaf | Stops infection
      2 | Elder Leaf | Soothes sprains
      3 | Fennel | Helps pain in hips
      2 | Feverfew | Helps bring down fevers/headaches
      2 | Goatweed | Eases grief
      3 | Goldenrod | Good for healing wounds
      1 | Honey | Soothes infections, sore throats, and coughing
      3 | Horsetail | Stops bleeding and stops infection
      2 | Juniper Berry | Helps bellyaches and breathing
      2 | Lamb's Ear | Gives strength
      1 | Lavender | Cures fever and chills
      1 | Lovage | Can help cure coughs
      2 | Marigold | Stops infection and bleeding
      1 | Mint | Hides scents of death
      1 | Moss | Soaks up fluid
      1 | Mouse Bile | Kills ticks
      2 | Poppy Seed | Helps sleep, shock, and distress
      1 | Ragwort Leaf | Help aching joints
      1 | Raspberry Leaf | Painkiller or stops bleeding from kitting
      2 | Rush | Helps hold broken limbs in place
      1 | Sorrel | Builds appetite
      1 | Stick | Braces broken limbs
      1 | Stinging Nettle | Induces vomiting
      1 | Sweet-sedge | eases infections
      3 | Tansy | Cures coughs, wounds, and poisons
      1 | Thyme | Calms anxiety and shock
      1 | Tormentil | Treats wounds and extracts poison
      1 | Wintergreen | Treats wounds and some poisons
      2 | Yarrow | extracts poison/soothes pads
      3 | Deathberry | Poisonous when consumed
      3 | Foxglove | Can cause paralysis or heart failure
      3 | Holly Berry | Poisonous to kits
Last edited by jazz. on Wed May 20, 2020 8:10 am, edited 3 times in total.
━━ ❝Ah,━━━━━━━━
"чσu dσn't knσw hσw hígh í cαn flч"
| shє/hєr | lσvєr σf hσrsєs |



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Mistyclan #020

Postby ARKYQ » Tue May 12, 2020 4:32 pm

Number of Cats: 58 | 30 | 29 | Next Starclan Visit: may 26th (?) | Pebbles: 211 | mod: kaspbrak. | serving needed: 10 ( next at 63 cats )

Pov: Larkpaw
Larkpaw and Ivypaw were both quivering with excitement as Blizzardfoot and Wolftail explained what they would do on their assesments. They would be out alone in the mists for a specific amount of time, while their mentors watched them. They had to catch as much prey as possible. Then they would see if they passed or failed. As uncomfortable as being watched was, Larkpaw was still very anxious to start.
"Alright, Larkpaw you head towards the sandy clearing, Ivypaw, you head towards the stream. Remember, focus. Let nothing distract you." And with a flick of his tailtip, Blizzardfoot released the two apprentices. Larkpaw loped off towards the sand-covered space. It was excellent for battle training because the sand cusioned one's fall and softened landings.
She continued on, listening carefully for the sounds of prey, mouth open, sampling the air. Nothing. That would not do.
She decided to head a little off course and stopped by an old oak tree. With the amount of acorns littering the ground, a squirrel or rabbit was bound to show up sometime. Just as she was about to move on, a rustle in the bushes made her freeze.
Since her injury, Larkpaw's sight had gotten pretty fuzzy and odd, but she could clearly see movement. Scenting the air, she realized that it must be a squirrel. She crept towards it, then froze as it scurried over to a different acorn. She kept creeping until she could practically taste it, then leapt, jaws parted in a yowl. She landed on the squirrel, pinning it with her paws.
She leaned in as quick as she could to kill it, but to her frustration it sank its sharp little teeth into her paw. With a yowl of pain, the squirrel wrighled free. As much as she wanted to chase it, her paw stung. She would need to look somewhere else.

When it was time, Larkpaw's mentor, Blizzardfoot led her back to the camp. Jaws laden with her catches, they trotted back together. In the end despite her injury, she'd managed to kill a mouse and a robin. Not the best, but it wasn't tok bad either. Now they just had to wait and see whether or not they passed.
(Sorry to write so little)


✽ Newcomers and Rank Changes:
➣ asterflight | found on patrol
➣ mothflutter | found on patrol
➣ Birdkit, Flykit, Brookkit and Hazelkit are ready to become apprentices! Their mentors will be Goldenfur, Ginger, Poncho and Peachblossom!
➣ featherstar returns to her role as leader

✽ Hunting Patrol:
➣ Thrushwhisker, Owlspeck, Blizzardfoot, Rootshine, Heatherbreeze and Ivypaw hunt.
➣ Tawnyheart, Archclaw, Bramblecloud, Grasshopper, Applefall and Reedpaw hunt.
➣ Ginger, Myrtleshade, Mousetail, Poncho, Peachblossom and Asterflight hunt.

✽ Border Patrol:
➣ Wolftail, Flamepelt, Silverfish, Morningbell, Candleflicker and
Fleetrunner patrol.
➣ Whitepelt, Goldenfur, Mintynose, Canaryglow, Sandspider and Edenflower patrol.

✽ Families:
➣ Rae is due now! Spruceleaf uses x1 raspberry leaf just in case! (Already subtracted)
➣ Lilywish is due now! Ridgepelt uses x1 chervil just in case! (Already subtracted)
➣ Ridgepelt is due in one moon
➣ Mothflutter is due in two moons
➣ Agaricthroat of ravenclan and graywing try for kits. Agaricthroat is acting as surrogate for Graywing and Thrushwhisker

✽ Medicine Cat Related:
➣ Ridgepelt sends Sprucepaw out to go look for a stick for Twistedpaw while she tends to the wounded

✽ Training:
➣ all the apprentices go training.

✽ Final Assessments:
➣ Ivypaw and Larkpaw take their final assessments! If they pass they will be known as Ivytuft and Larkbounce!

✽ Injuries, Resting and Treatments:
➣ Twistedpaw rests for 2/3 moons
➣ Ridgepelt bound Twistedpaw's tail with x1 bindweed and x1 stick

✽ Deaths:
➣ N/A

✽ Prey Eaten:
➣ mistyclan has eaten x4 small birds and x1 rabbit (already subtracted)

✽ Powers:
➣ Rae - brings back two extra pieces of prey on hunting patrols only during leafbare
➣ Morningbell - If they attend a kitting, no deaths will occur. This power can only be activated once per season/real life month.

✽ Ancestral Request:
➣ Featherstar requests Raven's father, Shadow. (A black longhaired oriental adult male with emerald green eyes, snaggleteeth and small scars.) sorry if that's too specific, i'd just like him to be like he is in-story!

✽ Mod Notes:
➣Featherstar can start losing lives whenever!
➣can i get Spruceleaf's adult growth? Same with Larkpaw and Ivypaw if they pass their assesments!

✽ Other:
➣ by the time Raven's mother is found, she is no longer pregnant, and gave birth to one little she-kit, night in the woods, before they were separated. (Night will be found later too)
➣ the official descriptions for Raven's family are:
Smoke ~ a black, longhaired oriental with minimal white and yellow eyes. Raven's mother.
Shadow ~ a black, shorthaired oriental with many scars, snaggleteeth, and emerald green eyes. Raven's father.
Crow ~ a black mediumhaired oriental with minimal white spotting and yellow eyes. Raven's sister and littermate.
Night ~ a black shorthaired oriental with emerald green eyes. Raven's little sister and the only one of his mother's second litter.
➣ i'm sorry if these cats are super specific, but i've had them and their backstories planned out for a while now. :)

        ✽ Leader: ✽

        Featherstar | 63 | ♀ |
        ↳ Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

        ↳in the nursery

        ✽ Deputy: ✽

        Wolftail | 56 | ♂ |

        ✽ Medicine Cats: ✽

        Ridgepelt | 60 | ♀ |
        ↳ Skill Points: ❀❀❀❀❀
        ↳ due in one moon
        Spruceleaf | 12 | ♂ |
        ↳ Skill Points: ❀❀❀❀❀

        ✽ Warriors: ✽

        Tawnyheart | 61 | ♀ |
        Goldenfur | 37 | ♂ |
        Cypressclaw | 54 | ♀ |
        ↳in the nursery
        Flamepelt | 53 | ♂ |
        Thrushwhisker | 48 | ♀ |
        Graywing | 38 | ♀ |
        Myrtleshade | 40 | ♀ |
        Ginger | 59 | ♂ |
        Talonstep | 34 | ♀ |
        ↳ in the nursery
        Rae | 38 | ♀ | powers
        ↳ in the nursery
        Archclaw | 40 | ♂ |
        Owlspeck | 25 | ♂ |
        Blizzardfoot | 36 | ♂ |
        ↳missing one eye
        Bramblecloud | 40 | ♂ |
        Mousetail | 45 | ♂ |
        ↳scorched tail
        Silverfish | 37 | ♂ |
        Whitepelt | 18 | ♂ |
        Mintynose | 19 | ♀ |
        Canaryglow | 23 | ♀ |
        Morningbell | 25 | ♀ | powers
        Poncho | 31 | ♂ |
        Grasshopper | 31 | ♂ |
        Rootshine | 27 | ♀ |
        Heatherbreeze | 25 | ♀ |
        Applefall | 60 | ♂ |
        Peachblossom | 42 | ♂ |
        Candleflicker | 34 | ♀ |
        Sandspider | 18 | ♀ |
        Edenflower | 16 | ♀ |
        Fleetrunner | 27 | ♀ |
        Asterflight | 26 | ♀ |
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✶[/url]

        ✽ Apprentices: ✽

        Twistedpaw | 15 | ♀ |
        ↳Crushed hind leg
        Larkpaw | 12 | ♀ |
        Juncopaw | 12 | ♀ |
        Ivypaw | 12 | ♀ |
        Sootpaw | 12 | ♂ |
        Reedpaw | 12 | ♂ |
        Raven | 9 | ♂ |
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✶[/url]

        ✽ Queens: ✽

        Lilywish | 37 | ♀ |
        ↳ permanent nursery queen
        ↳due now!
        Featherstar | 63 | ♀ |
        Poolcloud | 33 | ♀ |
        Cypressclaw | 54 | ♀ |
        Talonstep | 33 | ♀ |
        Rae | 38 | ♀ | powers
        ↳due now!
        Mothflutter | 32 | ♀ |
        ↳ due in two moons!
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✶[/url]

        ✽ Kits: ✽

        Baykit | 4 | ♂ |
        Hawkkit | 4 | ♂ |

        Flykit | 6 | ♂ |
        Birdkit | 6 | ♂ |
        Brookkit | 6 | ♀ |
        Hazelkit | 6 | ♂ |

        Firekit | 5 |

        Needlekit | 5 | ♀ |
        Hootkit | 5 | ♂ |

        Oatkit | 3 | ♀ |
        Stormkit | 3 | ♂ |
        ↳ blind in both eyes
        Silverkit | 3 | ♀ |

        Ploverkit | 5 | ♂ |

        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✶[/url]

        ✽ Elders: ✽
        Mottlewhisker | 122 moons | ♂ |
        Windflower | 114 moons | ♀ |
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✶[/url]
✽ Ally Clans:
Marshclan | :*Lady Stardust*:
Moonclan | LooneyLani
Clan Name | Username

[color=#5982B3]✽ Enemy Clans

Evergreenclan | MistyAutumnDays
Clan Name | Username

✽ Borders
North | a large forest | Username
Northeast | a hilly plains region | Clan Name | Username
East | a wetland | Username
Southeast | a semi- forested wetland | Username
South | evergreenclan | MistyAutumnDays
Southwest | moonclan | LooneyLani
West | marshclan | :*lady stardust*:
Northwest | scrub land | Username

✽ Medicine Store
lamb's ear | x1 | strength
burnet | x1 | strength
catmint | x1 | cures greencough and whitecough
mallow leaf | x1 | soothes bellyaches
feverfew | x3 | heals aches and pains, reduces body temp, good for headaches
hawkweed | x1 | like catmint, but weaker
meadow saffron | x1 | poisonous
blackberry leaves | x1 | good for bee stings
Borage | x1 | increases milk and helps fevers
Chervil | x1 | kitting herb
Dried oak leaf | x1 | prevents infection
Juniper berry | x1 | belly aches + strength + calms breathing
Rush | x1 | binds broken limbs
herb | x0 | usage

✽ Fresh-Kill Pile:
Bird egg | x5 | 1 servings
Hare | x2 | 3 servings
Large bird | x0 | 3 servings
Rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
Small bird | x0 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x2 | 2 servings
Ground bird | x1 | 2 servings

Total servings left: 21

✽ Mentors:
flamepelt | twistedpaw | 7 | fighting (✓) agility (✓) hunting (✓) climbing (✓) strategy (✓)
Blizzardfoot | larkpaw | 5 | fighting (✓) agility (✓) hunting (✓) climbing (✓) strategy (✓)
Wolftail | ivypaw | 6 | fighting (✓) agility (✓) hunting (✓) climbing (✓) strategy (✓)
Talonstep Tawnyheart | sootpaw | 6 | fighting (✓) agility (✓) hunting () climbing (✓) strategy (✓)
Archclaw | juncopaw | 6 | fighting (✓) agility () hunting () climbing () strategy (✓)
Myrtleshade | reedpaw | 6 | fighting (✓) agility (✓) hunting (✓) climbing () strategy (✓)
Thrushwhisker | Raven | 1 | fighting () agility () hunting () climbing () strategy ()
mentor | apprentice | No. of training sessions | fighting () agility () hunting () climbing () strategy ()

✽ Deceased Cats:
Sugarcane | complications during birth
Cat Name | Cause of Death

✽ Family:
tawnyheart and wolftail | spruceleaf, larkpaw, sootpaw, reedpaw, ivypaw, and juncopaw
sugarcane and ryepatch (evergreenclan) | baykit and hawkkit
featherstar and smokebelly (marshclan) | hazelkit, birdkit, flykit and brookkit
cypressclaw and flamepelt | firekit
poolcloud and ??? | needlekit and hootkit
Talonstep and haypelt (ravenclan) | oatkit, stormkit and silverkit
Lilywish and dunebreeze (hazeclan) | expecting
Rae and flareblood (celestial beings) | expecting
Ridgepelt and rhyzel (crossroad demons) | expecting
Rootshine and grasshopper | ploverkit (adoptive)
Mothflutter and ??? | expecting
Name and Name | Kits
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Hazil's Sub Replies May 12th, 2020 | Leaf-fall

Postby Kazin » Tue May 12, 2020 5:15 pm


✧ Notes ✧
If I have missed
anyone, or have messed
something up, please don't hesitate
to PM me. My inbox here or
on the discord is always open!

Last Replies: May 4th

✧ Weather ✧ Leaf-Fall
The colors in the territories
are changing. Reds, browns, and
yellows. Temperatures are falling
just as the leaves are. Prey
starts becoming less abundant,
though sickness seems to be doing the
opposite, if one isn't careful.

┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

General Mod Notes | [ Font credit: 1001fonts. All pictures I link are free-to-use, found on Unsplash, VisualHunt, or Pexels - or they have been made on CaC lineart by H155, kaspbrak. or Grey_Hoodie; coloring provided by various staff members & artists (specific artist given as pictures are linked, alongside descriptions of the cat). ]

sharpshooter. wrote:LAVENDERCLAN

      Request | [ Dragon's request is granted! The queen will give birth in 2 moons. They are a shorthaired flame point with blue eyes. [warrior version] ]

      Family | [ Kalypso is now expecting kits! They will be due in 2 moons. ]

      Hunting | [ Cliffclaw's patrol catches x1 seagull. ]

      Border Patrol | [ Stoneglare and Hickorybay have an uneventful patrol this moon. ]

      Herb Gathering | [ Elkhorn and Jaggedpaw gather x1 feverfew, x1 goldenrod, and x1 wild garlic. ]

      Training | [ Salmonpaw successfully learns fighting advance 2. ]
      [ Quailpaw successfully learns fighting basics 2. ]
      [ Jaggedpaw successfully learns scratches and cuts. ]

┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

Stormt4lon wrote:ECLIPSECLAN

      Hunting | [ Creekshine's patrol catches x1 rat and x1 pigeon. ]

      Border Patrol | [ Solarstar's patrol gathers x5 pebbles. ]

      Family | [ Rootwillow is now expecting kits! They will be due in 2 moons. ]

      Training | [ Glintpaw successfully learns fighting. ]
      [ Lionpaw successfully learns hunting. ]

┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

Ariento wrote:TAIGACLAN

      Border Patrol | [ Mothstar's patrol encounters a potential warrior. They are a longhaired tortoiseshell point oriental with blue eyes, colored by H155. ]

      Hunting Patrols | [ Alpinestripe's patrol catches x1 pika and x1 medium fish. ]
      [ Goldenfeather's patrol seems to have a bout of bad luck, catching nothing. ]

      Training | [ Owlpaw and Canarypaw learn tracking. ]
      [ Sunpaw and Pikepaw learn battle. ]
      [ Sablepaw is unable to learn anything this moon... ]

      Herb Gathering | [ Berrypelt and Wolfpaw gather x1 raspberry leaf and x2 thyme. ]
      [ Wolfpaw learns poison identification. ]

      Family | [ Cloudtuft is expecting kits! They will be due in 2 moons. ]

      Request | [ Motherstar's request has been answered! They are a longfurred fawn lynx (classic) mink point with blue eyes; colored by me. ]

┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

LooneyLani wrote:MOONCLAN

      Hunting Patrols | [ Springsong's patrol catches x2 ermine, and x1 small fish. ]
      [ Ivynose's patrol catches x1 mouse, x1 vole, x1 hare, and x1 squirrel. ]
      [ Mountainstar's patrol catches x1 bird and x2 frogs. ]
      [ Larksong's patrol catches x1 hare. ]

      Border Patrols | [ Kestrelfire's patrol is attacked by a pair of rogues! The cats leave after realizing they are vastly outnumbered, but Fawnleap suffered a deep scratch that will need x1 cobweb and x1 wild garlic, and Petalfur will need x1 celandine for a scratch on her eye. Neither seem to need rest and can resume duties next moon. ]
      [ Voletuft's patrol gathers x7 pebbles. ]
      [ Cherryfoot's patrol encounters a potential to-be (growth). They are a longhaired ginger mackerel tabby with green eyes, colored by amethyst14. ]
      [ Hollyjay's patrol passes uneventfully this moon. ]

      Herb Gathering & Medical | [ Blossomspeck, Lilybloom, and Snowpetal gather x1 cobweb, x2 poppy seeds, and x1 stinging nettle. Snowpetal gains 1SP, while the others skills remain sharp at 5SP. ]

      Kitting | [ Pintolily gives birth to six kits! The last is born weak and will need x1 coltsfoot. All were colored by me on Grey_Hoodie's lines. ]
      [ Kit 1 is a longhaired ginger and white tabby; amber eyes (amab). ]
      [ Kit 2 is a shorthaired seal point with white; blue eyes (amab). ]
      [ Kit 3 is a longhaired tortoiseshell point with white; dark blue eyes (afab). ]
      [ Kit 4 is a shorthaired blue lynx point with white; blue eyes (afab). ]
      [ Kit 5 is a longhaired dilute tortoiseshell point with white; blue eyes (afab). ]
      [ Kit 6 is a longhaired cream lynx point with white; light blue eyes (amab). ]

      Family | [ It doesn't seem Halfwing is expecting this moon. She can try again next moon. ]

      Training | [ Swanpaw, Softpaw, and Rustypaw successfully learn offensive combat. ]
      [ Nightpaw, Copperpaw, and Flamepaw successfully learn defensive combat. ]
      [ Chirppaw, Iciclepaw, Howlpaw, and Tenderpaw successfully learn tracking. ]
      [ Quillpaw, Violetpaw, Tigerpaw, and Wisppaw successfully learn amateur hunting. ]
      [ Willowpaw, Flakepaw, and Glacierpaw successfully learn stalking. ]
      [ Beaverpaw and Canarypaw successfully learn hunting. ]
      [ Shiverpaw and Daffodilpaw successfully learn amateur combat. ]
      [ Cypresspaw, Dawnpaw, Riverpaw, Chocopaw, and Ferretpaw learn nothing this moon... ]

      Assessments | [ Silverpaw, Jaypaw, and Troutpaw all pass their assessments! ]
      [ Patchpaw passes her assessment, but lands wrong on one of her paws after a fabulous leap into the air. She will need x1 moon of rest. ]

      Apprenticeship | [ The new to-be's puff out their chests as their names are called, welcoming them into their new apprenticeship! May their mentors teach them well. ]

┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉
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LavenderClan [010] - Protector of Dreams

Postby sharklord » Tue May 12, 2020 5:53 pm

font credit
(statistics: 8 males, 13 females, 1 non-binary, 22 total // 5 servings needed // next visit to star-cats is 05/19/20 // archive )— -
(fresh kill pile: 0 rats, 1 bats, 1 seagulls, 1 small fish, 1 rabbits, 0 clams ;; 7 servings )— -
(medicine store: x1 fennel, x2 raspberry leaves, x1 borage, x0 lavender, x1 feverfew, x2 cobwebs, x0 marigold, x1 cedaline, x1 bright-eye, x1 ragwort, x1 chamomile, x1 dock leaf, x1 lovage, x1 coltsfoot, x1 goldenrod, x1 wild garlic)— -
(pebbles: 43 )— -
servings per piece ;; rats // 2 servings | seagulls // 3 servings | bats // 2 servings | clams // 1 serving | rabbits // 2 servings | small fish // 2 servings

[a storm brews...]
[dragon requests a warrior with curly or long fur]
[lavenderclan eats 1 seagull & 1 rabbit]
[sunnyglow is welcomed into lavenderclan]
[cliffclaw takes whiskerwing hunting]
[stoneglare takes hickorybay to patrol]
[elkhorn and jaggedpaw look for kitting herbs]
[ivysky is kitting! it is preferable if the father was red based or a dilute but not necessary! elkhorn and jaggedpaw are on standby with all kitting herbs they have]
[sunnyglow & kalypso are due in 2 moons]
[lyrepaw & salmonpaw take their assessment (lyrefern & salmonsnap)]
[northkit & aurorakit are old enough to become understudies! they are named northpaw & aurorapaw, and are given whiskerwing & blazetail as mentors]
[elkhorn receives a prophecy]
[the sea pulls back on the string, and the mighty roar will bring down the flowers]
[quailpaw trains in fighting advanced 1, and jaggedpaw trains in sicknesses 1]

( c h i e f )
dragon | 30m | ♂
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

( c o u n c i l )
heir | name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]
name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]
name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]
name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]
name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]
( h e a l e r )
elkhorn | 28m | ♀ | ?
( h e a l e r ' s u n d e r s t u d y )
jaggedpaw | 16m | ♂ | ?
( w a r c h i e f )
in nursery!
( w a r r i o r s )
stoneglare | 33m | ♂ | temporary war chief
hickorybay | 18m | ∅ | ?
name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]
( h u n t c h i e f )
cliffclaw | 50m | ♂
( h u n t e r s )
whiskerwing | 34m | ♂
blazetail | 30m | ♂ | ?
kokofur 'kola' | 30m | ♀
name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]
( w a r r i o r u n d e r s t u d i e s )
salmonpaw | 14m | ♀
quailpaw | 10m | ♀ | ?
name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]
name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]

( h u n t e r u n d e r s t u d i e s )
lyrepaw | 14m | ♀
northpaw | 6m | ♀
aurorapaw | 6m | ♀
name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]
name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]
( w o u n d e d )
name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]
( d e f e n s e l e s s )
kalypso | 39 | ♀ | ?
ivysky | 38m | ♀ | ?
neptune 'nep' | 28m | ♀
    ↳ magpiekit | 1m | ♀ | ?
    ↳lichenkit | 1m | ♂ | ?
    ↳jaykit | 1m | ♂ | ?
    ↳juniperkit| 1m | ♀ | ?
sunnyglow | 26 | ♀ | ?
name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]
( t r o p h i e s )
bright feather | lyrepaw
item | owner

( i n s a n e )
name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]
name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]
( p r e d a t o rs s )
animal | number | (0/5)
( p r i s o n e r s )
name | age | ♂/♀ | [url=link]?[/url]
( [url=link]f a m i l y[/url] )

( [url=link]t h e d e p a r t e d[/url] )
( n o t e s )
dragon is OCD
kokofur has arachnophobia
juniperkit is deaf

( m e n t o r s & u n d e r s t u d i e s )
whiskerwing | lyrepaw | 5
-> hunting basics 1, hunting basics 2, hunting advanced 1,
hunting advanced 2, defence
stoneglare | salmonpaw | 5
-> fighting basics 1, fighting basics 2, fighting advanced 1,
fighting advanced 2, hunting
elkhorn | jaggedpaw | 4
-> herbs 1, herbs 2, bites, scratches & cuts, sicknesses 1,
sicknesses 2, kittings, prophecies
dragon | quailpaw | 2
-> fighting basics 1, fighting basics 2, fighting advanced 1,
fighting advanced 2, hunting

( b o r d e r s )
north =
north east =
east =
south east =
south =
south west =
west =
north west =

( a l l i e s )
clan | username
( e n e m i e s )
clan | username

permission from scarlet_wolf
Last edited by sharklord on Wed May 13, 2020 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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misted waters ((013))

Postby LooneyLani » Tue May 12, 2020 7:24 pm

Image ©
Number of Cats: 29 | Ancestor Visit: may 13th | Mod: kazin
Pebbles: 95 | Preference: lineart + desc


still need to write up posts! will start working on these asap

requests - Meera requests ..
hunting patrols - on the moor -- Quill, Kora, Hali, Ezra & Harley
near the river -- Jinx, Valora, Wilmer, Sable & Enyo

patrols - north & eastern border line -- Solace, Viper, Bourrée & Rain
south & western border line -- Meera, Bingo, Howler & Monty

healer - Ripple teaches Flick medicine, and heads out to gather herbs
kittings -
relationships -
teaching - offensive combat -- Chaim & Ritter
defensive combat -- Sage
tracking --
hunting -- Clover

assessments -
rank changes -

mod notes -
next post growths - apprentice-lines --
adult-lines --
non-queen-lines --

consumes - misted waters consumes 6 servings, finishing off x1 hare & x1 bird


          Reigning Queen:
          Meera | 43 moons | Female |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
          ↪ due in 1m

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♕/♔[/url]

          Ripple | 52 moons | Male |
          Skills: ♦♦♦♦♦

          Healer's Learner:
          Flick | 7 moons | Male |

          Twisted Tongues [2]:
          Jinx | 49 moons | Female |
          Bingo | 42 moons | Male |

          Mist Walkers [4]:
          Solace | 33 moons | Female |
          Quill | 50 moons | Male |
          Zara | 38 moons | Female |
          ↪ due in 2m

          Howler | 47 moons | Male |
          Valora | 31 moons | Female |
          Kora | 44 moons | Female |
          Enyo | 16 moons | Male |
          Rain | 35 moons | Female |
          Bourrée | 49 moons | Male |
          Ezra | 40 moons | Male |
          Viper | 32 moons | Male |
          Sable | 28 moons | Female |
          Harley | 39 moons | Male |

          Teachers [3]:
          Monty | 56 moons | Male |
          Hali | 54 moons | Female |
          Wilmer | 45 moons | Male |

          Clover | 12 moons | Female |
          Chaim | 7 moons | Male |
          Sage | 7 moons | Female |
          Ritter | 7 moons | Male |

          Mothers & Young:
          Orchid | 39 moons | Female |
          ↪ due in 1m
          Minuet | 48 moons | Female |
          ↪ due in 2m
          Duchess | 40 moons | Female |
          ↪ due in 2m

          Wise Ones:
          Heather | 129 moons | Female |
    Ally Clans:

    Enemy Clans
    kin of lotus

    north | hollyclan | jarside
    northeast | silverclan | snowleopard
    east | clan | username
    southeast | clan | username
    south | clan | username
    southwest | clan | username
    west | kin of lotus | blackjeans&icecream
    northwest | clan | username

    Medicine Store
    Bindweed | broken leg | 1
    Catmint | greencough & whitecough | 1
    Cobweb | bleeding | 2
    Chervil | infected wounds, bellyache & kitting | 1
    Comfrey root | broken bones, wounds, itching & inflammation | 0
    Coltsfoot | kittencough, sore pads & eases breathing | 1
    Dandelion | beestings & painkiller | 1
    Elder Leaf | sprains | 1
    Feverfew | body temperature, aches, pains & headaches | 1
    Fennel | hip pain & kitting | 1
    Goldenrod | wounds | 0
    Honey | infections, sore throats, coughing & gives energy | 2
    Hosetail | infections & bleeding | 2
    Juniper berry | bellyaches, troubled breathing, gives strength & calms | 1
    Lavender | fever, chills & hides scent of death | 1
    Marigold | infection, inflammation & bleeding | 0
    Oakleaf | infection | 1
    Raspberry leaf | painkiller & bleeding during kitting | 1
    Stick | pain & broken legs | 1
    Stinging nettle | vomiting, reduces swelling, wounds & infection | 0
    Tansy | coughs, wounds, poisons & soothes throats | 2
    Willowbark | eases pain | 1
    Wild garlic | infection & rat bite poison | 1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    servings needed: 5/29
    vole | x5 | 1 serving
    shrew | x5 | 1 serving
    rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
    ermine | x4 | 2 servings
    birds | x2 | 3 servings
    hare | x3 | 3 servings

    Skills - offensive combat, defensive combat, tracking, hunting
    Hali → Clover | 4 | defensive combat, offensive combat, tracking, ..
    Wilmer → Chaim & Ritter | 1 | ..
    Monty → Sage | 1 | ..
Last edited by LooneyLani on Wed May 13, 2020 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
aussie aussie | she/her | creds
existentially confused adult

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risingclan chapter 10.

Postby lameloserlexi » Wed May 13, 2020 12:37 am

Cats: 21 M: 11 F: 10 Servings: 5 *Archive
Next Request: anytime Pebbles: 54

*archive holds all extra post info
    ───── wip ─────

      Border Patrols ── Apollo, Hiccup, Cinnamon, and Robin
      Hunting Patrols ── Rex, Nimbus, Pickles, and Gamma
      Hunting Patrols ── Viper, River, Nina, Bjorn, and Otto
      Training: Fighting ── Viper trains Otto
      Herb Gathering ── Aliah and Odette practices their skills
      Consumption ── Risingclan eats 4 servings of sparrow and minnow
      ── Hiccup and Frost join the clan
      ── Odette and Robin become apprentices
      ── Arthur and Daleel take their warrior assessments
      Previous Next
    Higher Ups:
    xxLeader Rex | 28m | ♂ | [9/9 Lives]
    xxDeputy Apollo | 51m | ♂ |
    Medicine Cats:
    xxMedicine Cat Aliah | 43m | ♀ | [5/5 SP]
    xxApprentice Odette | 6m | ♀ | [1/5 SP]
    Clouded Guard:
    xxElite Nimbus | 34m | ♂ |
    xxPickles | 71m | ♂ |
    xxGamma | 16m | ♀ |
    xxArthur | 13m | ♂ |
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]

    Night Cluster:
    xxElite Hiccup | 20m | ♀ |
    xxFrost | 17m | ♀ |
    xxRobin | 6m | ♀ |
    xxxx↳ Mentored by Apollo [0/4]
    xxAaron | 19m | Age | ♂ |
    xxDaleel | 11m | ♂ |
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    Envenomed Mob:
    xxElite Viper | 40m | ♀ |
    xxRiver | 45 | ♂ |
    xxNina | 34m | ♀ |
    xxBjorn | 22m | ♂ |
    xxOtto | 15m | ♂ |
    xxxx↳ Mentored by Viper [3/4]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxQueen Maxine | 27m | ♀ |
    xxxxHeaven | 2 | ♀ |
    xxxxLabyrinth | 2 | ♂ |
    xxQueen Name | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxxxKit | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxxxKit | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]
    xxName | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✦[/url]

    Prey Pile:
    xxTrout/Largemouth Bass (x3) | 1
    xxSparrow/Cardinal/Blue Jay (x3) | 3
    xxHare (x3) | 1
    xxBluegill/Smallmouth Bass/Perch (x2) | 1
    xxSquirrel (x2) | 3
    xxMinnow (x1) | 2

    Training: Here
    Herbs: Here

all fonts used from fontmeme
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby inky. » Wed May 13, 2020 10:49 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 084 xxx clan servings 013 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth silverdrop (now!) ; squirrelheart (now!) ; hawksnow (2) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find vulturecrest

Nimbuscurl let out a strained sigh. “Mistkit can you please stop chasing that leaf around? You’re going to fall.” He called to the small kit. Another kit tapped him gently on the shoulder. “That’s Icekit.” She meowed “I’m Mistkit.” Nimbuscurl flattened his ears in guilt. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” he purred, pulling his daughter close to him. Mistkit joined his purr. “It’s okay, papa.” She assured “We all look alike! We’re like a matching gang!” Nimbuscurl chuckled. “YEs we are.” He nudged the small she-kit to where Torrentkit and Icekit were tackling each other playfully. “Why don’t you go join your littermates.” He smiled. Mistkit nodded and bounced away. “I know it can be tough.” A sweet voice cooed to the tom. Looking up, he saw Blackbriar standing elegantly in front of him. She rested down next to him gently and gave him an understanding smile. As soon as she appeared, Nimbuscurl instantly felt better. Blackbriar was known as the mother of the Clan, and was eager to help any cat who needed advice on family. She had helped Shellcloud through her kitting, as well as Elmstar when she took on Tickstripe. She was the figure of maternal advice, and that was what Nimbuscurl needed most right now. “How did you do it.” He said with an exasperated gasp “I can’t even tell them apart, I’m a horrible father!” He let out a wail and Blackbriar let out a sympathetic giggle and pressed her head against his shoulder briefly. “It’s alright! You’re a new parent. It doesn’t help that they’re practically identical. You just need to pick out a defining feature of each! Like Mistkit is the palest, Torrentkit has blue eyes, and Icekit has green! See, it’s that simple. When they grow up and once you’re around them more, it’ll be easier to pick em out.” Nimbuscurl looked amazed. “Thank you.” He said, voice saturated with sincerity “Thank you so much. I have no clue what I’m doing, but I want to be here for these kits. They deserve a father who can at least tell which one they are.” Blackbriar purred. “You’re going to be a great father.” She assured him “I believe in you! You can always come to me if you have questions, okay? Sorry I have to go, but I promised Heronstep I would go on a walk with him.” Nimbuscurl nodded and thanked her again, watching her leave. He turned his gaze to his first three kits, tumbling around together. He couldn’t believe that they came from him. They were a part of him. His throat rumbled with adoration as he made a mental promise to always keep them, and any future kits he may have, safe.


Hickorywind whimpered as he set Maplekit gently on the ground. He was so tired. He had walked directly from Frosne Oya’s territory carrying four kits. Suddenly, the tension in his shoulders doubled as Maplekit scrambled up on his back. “Daaad, Poplarkit scared me!” He cried. The father sighed, eyes drooping closed. “Poplarkit don’t sneak up on your brother you know he can’t see you.” He said tiredly. Maplekit had caught an illness when he was born, which caused him to go blind in both eyes. The little kit was managing, though, and Hickorywind promised he would teach him tips and tricks, being half blind himself. Aspenkit and Birchkit were laughing, hiding behind his legs. Birchkit unsheathed his claws and swiped at his sister. “Hey!” Hickorywind scolded “Claws away! I still have one good eye.” The new arrival caused attention to be drawn to the family. Hollypounce padded gently up to her friend. “Oh, hey Hickorywind.” She giggled “Who are your new friends.” Poplarkit’s eyes widened. “You’re so pretty!” She gasped. Hollypounce blushed. “Aww, thank you sweetie. But you’re beautiful. What’s your name? I’m Hollypounce.” She leaned down to the small she-kit and smiled softly. “My name’s Poplarkit! That’s Birchkit, Maplekit, and Aspenkit. They’re my siblings. And Hickorywind is my papa. Do you know him?” Hollypounce’s eyes widened, and the tom could see something in them shatter. She stood back up. “Oh? Your father?” She asked softly. Hickorywind cleared his throat. “Kits why don’t you go talk to Nimbuscloud.” He gestured to where the grey tom was laying with his kits. Birchkit rested his tail on Maplekit’s back, and the group headed over to the cats.
“A father.” Hollypounce said, strain evident in her voice. She was trying to push down a scream. They had agreed on not labelling anything, to be free to talk to other cats. But she never expected him to have kits with another molly, let alone with one outside of a Clan. “Before you say anything else I have something I need to say to you.” Hickorywind said, moving closer to her. “Yes, they’re my kits. Their mother is in another Clan. But Hollypounce, I am so ashamed. As soon as I found out, I could feel nothing but guilt and shame, and I felt like I let you down. I love you, Hollypounce, and only you. I am so incredibly sorry for this. I messed up so terribly, but I can’t abandon these kits. Their mother didn’t want them, so I have to be there to raise them. I can understand if you never want to see me again-” Hollypounce gasped. Hickorywind looked up to see tears in her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but instead, she just choked up and let out a soft sob. The tom’s eyes widened and immediately curled around the she-cat he loved with all his heart. “Sh.” He soothed, licking her ears “I know, I know I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I hurt you. I’ll never forgive myself. I hate myself too.” Hollypounce pushed him away from her. “Hate you?” She cried “How could I hate you? I’ve been in love with you ever since we were apprentices. I could never feel anything towards you except adoration.” She sniffed and wiped her nose with her paws. “I forgive you, not that you need it. Those kits may have been born to a different she-cat, but they need someone to raise them. Hickorywind, if you’ll let me I would like to be their mother. I’ve always wanted to have a family, but I don’t want to do it with anyone besides you. It hurts that you fell for someone else, I’ll admit, but time heals those kinds of wounds. I love you, Hickorywind, no matter what. And if you love me too, will you become my mate?” The grey tom blinked away a tear and laughed. “Of course, Hollypounce.” He purred, and nuzzled her “I love you so much. I can’t wait for us to raise my-no, our- kits together.” The two purred so loud that their entire body shook. The tears dried and were replaced with love and joy as the two mates reveled in the moment.


Archthorn chewed a bite of his squirrel. He had just returned from...pursuing a she-cat from TwistedClan, and planned on pursuing many more. The young warrior couldn’t help it. He loved she-cats, and he wanted his lineage to be as long as the rumored tom from the notorious QuickClan. Rainleaf had told Archthron about his father, Redstar, who had countless kits in countless Clans. Archthorn always liked a good challenge, and no one in BearClan particularly caught his eye. Especially not the one that approached him. “Hey, Archthorn.” A she-cat said sweetly. The tom looked up and almost gagged on his food. After swallowing, he let out a sigh. “Butterflytoe, what do you want?” He grumbled. Butterflytoe sat beside him and gave him a sickly smile, as if it was something she didn’t know quite how to do. “Can I not just talk to the handsomest tom in the Clan?” She purred, though it somewhat caught in her throat. The words made bile rise in Archthorn’s throat. “Pardon?” He laughed “Really, Butterflytoe, what do you want.” Butterflytoe huffed, flopping down on her chubby belly. “I overheard you talking to Owlshade about your ‘goals’. I was thinking I could help you.” She mewed, leaning in closer “By having your kits, I mean.” The ginger tom’s eyes widened in horror and he wrinkled his nose. “Why in StarClan’s name would I do something like that?” He hissed. Butterflytoe pinned her ears back. “Because no tom is interested in me. Grassheart doesn’t want me mating outside the Clan, and I want kits of my own. Besides, you said that you didn’t care who the mother of your kits was, as long as she’s willing! And I’m willing!” Archthorn got to his paws. “I have standards.” He spat “I’m not taking part in bringing kits into this world, who will have you as a mother. No one deserves a crybaby crowheart for a mom.” He growled, lashing his tail “Now leave me alone.” He walked off confidently, leaving Butterflytoe alone. Her mother was right, toms were terrible. Everyone was out to get her. They were just jealous, though. The she-cat knew she was pretty, even if she was lacking personality-wise. She would find a mate eventually. She stood up and cockily walked away, tail pluming over her chubby midsection.


“This is a terrible idea!” Thistlepaw called to her brother, who was currently halfway up a tree. He had brought his sister, Crowkit, and Falconkit to show off the advice Sparkstorm had told him. The apprentice hadn’t officially learned how to climb, but he wanted to have a bit of background knowledge before he did. “Shut up, Thistlepaw, you’re distracting him.” Crowkit hissed, eyes trained on his friend. Thistlepaw rolled her eyes and looked to Falconkit, who shrugged. “The trick is to look for pawholds.” Fallenpaw called down, grunting with the effort of pulling himself up the trunk. Thistlepaw squeezed her eyes shut. “I can’t watch this.” She whimpered and pushed her face into Falconkit’s shoulder. The bengal tom chuckled and patted her gently with a paw. “It’s alright.” Falconkit assured her “He’s been doing fine so far!” The words were a curse, however. As soon as Falconkit finished speaking, a squeal came from Fallenpaw. True to his name, he slipped down the bark and twisted in the air as he fell towards the ground. He landed with a thud and Thistlepaw let out a shriek. Crowkit pushed past her and hurried to Fallenpaw. The black tom jostled his friend. “Are you okay?” He cried. Fallenpaw snapped at him to get away and he struggled to his paws. Thistlepaw padded up to her brother and he leaned on her for support. “I told you it wouldn’t be a good idea.” She sighed “Come on you big baby, let’s get you to Bumbleflight. I’m sure you’re fine, but we should probably make sure.” Fallenpaw grunted and limped alongside her. Crowkit paused, jealousy crawling into his mind. He wanted to help Fallenpaw. Why did he always choose Thistlepaw over him? Shaking out his pelt, he huffed and followed them back to camp.


Stormfang took a deep breath, letting out a deep sigh. “I can’t believe it’s been 60 moons.” He mused “I remember when we first joined. All the games we played.” He looked over to where Squirrelheart laid beside him. “Now we’re waiting for our third litter.” Squirrelheart nodded in sweet remembrance. “So much has happened to us.” She agreed, licking a paw and drawing it over her ear “But I wouldn’t change a thing.” Stormfang smiled. His mind races through all his memories. His time as an apprentice, playing with Squirrelheart and her sisters, training sessions with Sandstep, when Dunewing’s body was found, when Adderbreeze left him, the birth of his first litter, all the pain and loss, but through it all Squirrelheart was there beside him. The thought burst through the ache in his chest. “Neither would I.” He admitted, and nuzzled his mate. She rested her chin on her paws and closed her eyes. Stormfang looked out on their new camp. So much had happened. And yet, it was still the same BearClan that he had joined all those moons ago. As the sun set, he couldn’t help but smile. Deep inside he knew that nothing could ever break the Clan he called home. And if it did, he would fight until his last breath to defend it.

[silverdrop and squirrelheart go into labor. x2 ragwort leaves are used]
[tulipclaw and ricecub become mates. emmar of the crossroad demons surrogates. tulipclaw will be carrying the kits]
[torrentkit, mistkit, and icekit are given from brebiscurl (chessclan) to nimbuscurl]
[hollypounce and hickorywind become mates but do not try for kits. they decide they will take in hickorywind and moosestar (frosne oya) kits and raise them together. hollypounce moves to the nursery, but she remains on warrior duties]
[nimbuscurl and minkeyes of the celestials try for kits]
[ashtail, bisonclaw, sparkstorm, and ricecub patrol]
[sunstomp, owlshade, brambleglow, and burrwhisker hunt]
[gorsewind, windfeather, hollypounce, and stormfang hunt]
[mossbounce, archthorn, applebee, and pipersnap hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainleaf collect herbs, focusing on kitting herbs]
[sunstomp teaches mintpaw agility]
[chestnutstripe teaches toadpaw agility]
[ricecub teaches beanpaw stealth]
[burrwhisker teaches snailpaw agility]
[swiftwind teaches mudpaw stealth]
[nimbuscurl teaches shadowpaw hunting]
[owlshade teaches serpentpaw climbing]
[shrewclaw teaches saskatoonpaw climbing]
[sparkstorm teaches fallenpaw battle]
[nightfur teaches thistlepaw hunting]
[owlshade teaches dunepaw battle]
[burrwhisker teaches cardinalpaw battle]
[hickorywind teaches hazepaw hunting]
[brambleglow teaches splashpaw hunting]
[ryetail mentors beepaw]
[blackbriar teaches minkpaw hunting]
[archthorn teaches jacobinpaw hunting]
[the clan consumes x4 big fish , x1 mouse]

elmstar, 53 m, ♀
ashtail, 39 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 55 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainleaf, 22 m, ♂

stormfang, 65 m, ♂
swiftwind, 56 m, ♂
nightfur, 53 m, ♂
hickorywind, 46, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 61 m, ♀
windfeather, 61 m, ♂
hollypounce, 46 m, ♀
redfin, 60 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 37 m, ♂
badgergaze, 35 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 30 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 30 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 41 m, ♀
grousecall, 72 m, ♀
blackbriar, 59 m, ♀
grassheart, 74 m, ♀
sunstomp, 29 m, ♂
owlshade, 24 m, ♂
brambleglow, 33 m, ♀
ricecub, 42 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 31 m, ♀
darkfang, 24 m, ♀
ryetail, 22 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 29 m, ♂
mossbounce, 20 m, ♂
twigsnap, 21 m, ♀
applebee, 20 m, ♀
poppysplash, 29 m, ♀
heronstep, 20 m, ♂
archthorn, 20 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 18 m, ♀
fognose, 59 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 41 m, ♀
pipersnap, 20 m, ♀
tickstripe, 18 m, ♂
lightrunner, 23 m, ♀
gorsewind, 31 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 21 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

mudpaw, 12 m, ♀
mintpaw, 11 m, ♀
toadpaw, 11 m, ♂
beanpaw, 11 m, ♀
snailpaw, 11 m, ♀
shadowpaw, 9 m, ♀
saskatoonpaw, 9 m, ♀
serpentpaw, 9 m, ♀
fallenpaw, 8 m, ♂
thistlepaw, 8 m, ♀
cardinalpaw, 8 m, ♂
dunepaw, 8 m, ♀
hazepaw, 8 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
splashpaw, 8 m, ♀
beepaw, 7 m, ♂
minkpaw, 7 m, ♀
jacobinpaw, 7 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 59 m, ♀
nettlemist, 28 m, ♀
shellpond, 27 m, ♀
deerleap, 73 m, ♀
silverdrop, 32 m, ♀
hawksnow, 36 m, ♀
hollypounce, 46 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

crowkit, 5 m, ♂
falconkit, 5 m, ♂
barleyit, 4 m, ♂
cougarkit, 4 m, ♂
spiderkit, 4 m, ♂
moorkit, 4 m, ♀
goatkit, 3 m, ♂
ripplekit, 3 m, ♀
cowkit, 3 m, ♀
torrentkit, 1 m, ♂
mistkit, 1 m, ♀
icekit, 1 m, ♀
birchkit, 1 m, ♂
poplarkit, 1 m, ♀
maplekit, 1 m, ♂
↪ blind
aspenkit, 1 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

prairiedust, 102 m, ♀
ravencloud, 76 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 019
minnow, one serving╶ 018
small fish, two servings╶ 003
squirrel, two servings╶ 006
hare, three servings╶ 002
big fish, three servings╶ 002

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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Flintclan_1 *might re-edit this later*

Postby iNsErTname? » Wed May 13, 2020 11:45 am



Number of Cats: Toms: 0 _ She-cats: 1_ All together: 1 | Next Starclan Visit:soon | Pebbles:20
Copperflight wakes up in a cave. Or, at least, it seems like a cave in her eyes. It was different from other caves because there are rails on the rough ground and the walls seem to be supported by iron beams. “A mine? Why am I in a mine,” Copperflight thought to herself as she slowly sat up. Unexpectedly, Copperflight hit her head against a hard metal and hissed. She looks up and found that she slept inside of minecart that had fallen over. There is still coal and dirt inside of the cart but it didn’t bother her. Shaking herself off, memories start to hit her. Copperflight had been searching for a new life. Ever since she was first told about the clans and Starclan as a kit, she had dreamed of joining that life. Then one day, she left everything behind to find a clan. But, there was no success and Copperflight found herself lost. She remembers praying to Starclan to find a clan, repeatedly. And she continued to travel till she couldn’t anymore. Luckily, she found a mine and stayed there for the night. She now looks outside at the dark night sky, and asks herself, “How long have I been asleep? Was I *that* exhausted?” She backs away from the cart and observes her surroundings. To the right is nothing but an endless tunnel. Only another entrance that is blocked off by rocks and soil. She becomes curious but tells herself to ignore it for now. To the left is another entrance from which she came from. It is supported by old wooden frames and seems stable. Copperflight suddenly jumps back at the sight. The dark sky is lit up by the glow of another cat. A glowing cat? She couldn’t understand it. Copperflight meows, “Hello? Who’s there?” She walks towards the glowing figure who is motionless, staring at her with those bright eyes. The cat started to run away and Copperflight couldn’t bring herself to stay put. She follows the cat, calling, “Hey wait!” The glowing figure reaches the forest and, as Copperflight approaches, the sky seems darker. Thankfully, the glow of the figure is reflecting off of trees, making it easier for her to see. The figure leaps over a root. Copperflight ducks below the root, which takes a bit of effort for her to crawl out of but she pulls herself up and looks around. The whole world turned dark...and the cat is nowhere to be seen. She sighs and shakes her pelt in irritation. Looking up she says, “Why am I doing this? Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I should return home. No one is here to help me. Not even you!” Teeth bared, she strides back and forth and swings her paw at a tree, her claw marks embedded into the bark. Copperflight tells herself to calm down and take deep breaths. That’s when, all of a sudden, she saw out of the corner of her eye a faint glow. She thought it was the cat again. But before she calls out, she looks closer and finds that it is no cat. It was a mushroom. A glowing mushroom! Copperflight was fascinated. She shook her head, "Copperflight, don't get distracted. Just go back to the mine and_" As she began to walk away, the glow became brighter and Copperflight had to turn her gaze. It was the cat again. Copperflight stopped to examine the cat. It was not normal that cats glow this bright. Let alone glow at all. And, in some way, this cat was...shimmering. Almost like snow during Leaf-bare. The cat never spoke either, as far as she was concerned. She asks, "Who are you?" They only respond with the flick of their tail. They turn toward the glowing mushroom and usher her to follow them. Copperflight couldn't seem to understand until she realized, "Are you...from Starclan?" The cat doesn't reply but she follows their lead anyway. Something strange happens when she approaches the glowing mushroom, of which they passed. It became brighter the closer she was to it. Looking away from the mushroom and straight ahead, there are more mushrooms. All of them were lined up like a golden pathway and Copperflight couldn't keep her eyes off of them. It seemed so fascinating to her. She continues to follow the pathway and it led to something she would only see in her dreams, a tree that glows as bright as the sun. Around the tree is a pond, which is deep enough to cover her whole body. The only way across to the tree is to swim and Copperflight didn’t want to do that anytime soon. The pond almost looked like liquid gold and Copperflight was drawn to the light like a deer in headlights, she couldn’t bring herself to look away. Ignoring the glowing figure, she walked in front of the pond. “Tempting,” she said to herself, turning to the Starclan cat. She notices that they’ve disappeared once again and looks around. Ahead of her, is the Starclan cat standing on the other side of the pond. Shaking her pelt, Copperflight says, sarcastically, “Fine. If this is what it takes to follow you then I’ll gladly oblige.” She shivers as she feels the cold water beneath her paws. She’s never swam before and isn’t a huge fan of water but, she won’t let her selfishness get in the way of her path. With a bit of effort, she makes it across the pond, surprised that she even made it. The Starclan cat sat next to the tree that seemed to be as tall as a twoleg building and pointed to a large mushroom that grew on the side of the trunk. Like all mushrooms surrounding the tree, it glows brighter as she approaches it. “What do you want me to do,” she asks. The cat smiles, leans over the mushroom, and touches the mushroom with their muzzle. With a flash, they’re gone. Disappearing once again. Copperflight is hesitant but follows their lead and touches the mushroom.

She opens her eyes. She is still by the glowing tree but things are different. It’s brighter here, almost blinding. And, somehow, she feels like a feather. Like she could leap and stay in the air for hours. How odd. She looks around. The pond is still there but this time it looks almost completely transparent, almost like no water is there at all. Taking a closer look, she notices that there were glowing minnows deep in the pond swimming around peacefully. It makes her jaw drop at the sight. Copperflight glances behind her and there is the glowing Starclan cat she followed earlier. They're not alone. More cats gather and watch Copperflight with interest and it makes her feel a bit uneasy but that quickly changes. “Welcome, Copperflight,” says the Starclan cat. She became numb from shock. They spoke! Starclan is speaking to her! Starclan cat is speaking to her. She’s excited. Nervous. Confused. Ecstatic. She quickly sits down and nods her head, “Thank you.” She pauses a moment, breathing nervously, thinking on what to say. Taking a deep breath, she says, ”What do I do now?”
To that, the cat replies, “Stay put, Copperflight,” Copperflight jolts at the mention of her warrior name but continues to listen, “This is only the beginning of your journey and your clan’s journey. Now, listen closely...”


Patrol: Copperstar
Hunting: Copperstar
Training: N/A
Rank Changes: Copperstar becomes a leader of Flintclan
Herb Collection: N/A
Mates/Births: N/A
Other: Copperstar makes the mine Flintclan's camp, Copperstar prays for clan members

          Copperstar | 35 moons | Female | > or >
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 1 servings
    Shrews | x0 | 3 servings
    Mice | x0 | 2 servings
    Vole | x0 | 1 servings
    Minnows | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Kin of the Lotus - 023

Postby Corinnander » Wed May 13, 2020 5:37 pm

↠ Request | [ Cloud of Stars seems to catch glimpses of a starry cat, the message not quite clear from the Starfalls. Later, however, the leader discovers that the Starfalls were telling him that they were sending a cat to the Kindred. The cat can either be a carver or hunter; they are a lpnghaired chocolate colorpoint colored by H155. ]

↠ Medicine Cat | [ In his sorting, Robin gains a skill, giving him 5SP. Little Oolong also learns sorting herbs! ]

↠ Aboveground Hunting | [ Cloud of Stars' patrol catches x1 rousette, x2 harvest mice, and x1 kukri. ]

↠ Aboveground Patrolling | [ Jade of Deserts' patrol seems to have a bit of bad luck as Meadow of Arrowheads scratches her side against a particularly sharp stick; she will need x1 cobweb, but is fine to resume normal duties next moon. ]

↠ Underground Hunting | [ Turtle of Clay's patrol catches x1 hare. ]

↠ Underground Patrolling | [ Eagle of Peppercorn's patrol encounters an adult cat! They are a cream and white bicolor munchkin colored by inky. ]

↠ Family | [ Meadow of Arrowheads and Jade of Deserts are now expecting kits! They will be due in 2 moons. ]

↠ Training | [ Little Arrow learns swimming! ]
↠ [ Little Minnow and Little Jasmine learn hunting! ]
↠ [ Little Bengal and Little Macha learn combat! ]

┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

[I: Red names means to please particularly target these cats for injuries or death rolls for plot reasons, gold names means please avoid targeting these cats for death rolls for plot reasons. Uncolored names I'm ambivalent towards.]

Number of Cats: 35 (17♂ - 18♀) | Next Kin of the Stars Visit: May 14th.| Pebbles: 88

Moonlight smoke and reddened eyes, suits of snakes and suits of lies, let the birds cry and hide in their nests--for a shudd'ring thunder is coming, a falling night-sky at best... The day met the night and birthed the dawn and the dusk.


To be added when I have time! ^^;

Action Queue:

    Arrivals ⤜
    ⤜ The Kindred welcomes Celestial of Pinewoods as a Ryōshi!
    ⤜ The Kindred welcomes Fog of Timber as a Kābā!
      ⤜ The Kin of the Stars seem bothered by the arrival of Fog of Timber.
    Request ⤜
    ⤜ None.

    Hīrā Duties ⤜
    ⤜ Robin of Windchimes takes care of Meadow of Arrowheads' wound with x1 cobweb.
    ⤜ Robin of Windchimes and Little Oolong go herb hunting at Bamboo Forest.

    Aboveground Hunting ⤜
    ⤜ Celestial of Pinewoods, Lily of Drongos, Tealeaf of Ginseng, Marble of Mountains, and Little Wing hunt at Little Emerald.

    Aboveground Patrolling ⤜
    ⤜ Twilight of Caves, Tor of Eclipses, Silka of Dew, Little Minnow, and Amethyst of Waterlilies patrol Stream.

    Underground Hunting ⤜
    ⤜ None.

    Underground Patrolling ⤜
    ⤜ Fog of Timbers, Eagle of Peppercorns, Genet of Clouds, Thorn of Raptors, and Little Bengal patrol Western Tunnels.
    ⤜ Turtle of Clay, Walker of Night, Rose of Honey, Little Jasmine, and Little Macha patrol Northern Hollows.

    Family ⤜
    ⤜ Jade of Deserts will have her kits in 2 Moontides. She moves to the Nursing Den.
    ⤜ Meadow of Arrowheads will have her kits in 2 Moontides. She moves to the Nursing Den.

    Training ⤜
    ⤜ Marble of Mountains trains Little Wing in Hunting.
    ⤜ Tor of Eclipses trains Little Minnow in Climbing.
    ⤜ Robin of Windchimes trains Little Oolong in Harvesting.
    ⤜ Turtle of Clay trains Little Jasmine in Digging.
    ⤜ Genet of Clouds trains Little Bengal in Hunting.
    ⤜ Walker of Night trains Little Macha in Digging.
    ⤜ Cloud of Stars trains Little Duck in Climbing.

    ⤜ The Kindred consumes x4 servings of Kukri and x3 servings of Harvest Mice.

          Meishu (Leader):
          Cloud of Stars (Formerly Cloud of Embers) | 46 Moontides | Male |
          Lives: ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧

          Niji (Secondary):
          Jade of Deserts | 63 Moontides | Female | In Nursery!

          Hīrā (Healer):
          Robin of Windchimes | 28 Moontides | Male |
          Skill Points: ❖❖❖❖❖

          Minarai (Apprentice):
          Little Oolong (of Malkoha) | 9 Moontides | Male |
            Apprenticed to Robin of Windchimes
            Learned > Collecting - Sorting
            Not Learned > Harvesting - Healing - Kitting

          Kābā (Carver):
          Eagle of Peppercorn | 53 Moontides | Male |
          Genet of Clouds | 29 Moontides | Male |
          Piper of Ashes | 45 Moontides | FtM |
          Turtle of Clay | 24 Moontides | Female |
          Walker of Night | 36 Moontides | Female |
          Thorn of Raptors | 68 Moontides | Male |
          Dusk of Suns | 14 Moontides | Female | (torbie)
          Rose of Honey | 59 Moontides | Female |
          Fog of Timber | 24 Moontides | Female |

          Chīsai (Small):
          Little Jasmine (of Dragons) | 9 Moontides | Male |
            Apprenticed to Turtle of Clay
            Learned > Orientation - Hunting -
            Not Learned > Digging - Combat
          Little Bengal (of Tides or Torrents) | 9 Moontides | Male |
            Apprenticed to Genet of Clouds
            Learned > Digging - Combat
            Not Learned > Orientation - Hunting
          Little Macha (of Mares) | 9 Moontides | Female |
            Apprenticed to Walker of Night
            Learned > Orientation - Combat
            Not Learned > Hunting - Digging

          Ryōshi (Hunter):
          Lily of Drongos | 48 Moontides | Male |
          Marble of Mountains | 30 Moontides | Female |
          Tealeaf of Ginseng | 34 Moontides | Female |
          Tor of Eclipses | 44 Moontides | Male |
          Amethyst of Waterlilies | 62 Moontides | Male |
          Twilight of Caves | 52 Moontides | Male |
          Meadow of Arrowheads | 75 Moontides | Female |
          Coal of Watercolor | 29 Moontides | Male |
          Lavender of Morningtimes | 20 Moontides | Female |
          Walker of Day | 38 Moontides | Male |
          Almond of Clay | 18 Moontides | Female |
          Silka of Dew | 17 Moontides | Female |
          Macaque of Sunbeams | 68 Moontides | Female |
          Celestial of Pinewoods | 32 Moontides | Female |

          Sukoshi (Little):
          Little Arrow (of Gold) | 12 Moontides | Female |
            Apprenticed to Meadow of Arrowheads
            Learned > Climbing - Hunting - Combat
            Not Learned > Swimming
          Little Minnow (of Amber) | 9 Moontides | Female |
            Apprenticed to Tor of Eclipses
            Learned > Combat - Hunting
            Not Learned > Climbing - Swimming
          Little Wing (of Prisms) | 9 Moontides | Male |
            Apprenticed to Marble of Mountains
            Learned > None
            Not Learned > Climbing - Hunting - Swimming - Combat
          Little Duck (of ) | 7 Moontides | Male |
            Apprenticed to Cloud of Stars
            Learned > None
            Not Learned > Climbing - Hunting - Swimming - Combat

          Komochi (Child Bearers):
          Jade of Deserts | 63 Moontides | Female |
          Meadow of Arrowheads | 75 Moontides | Female |

          Koneko (Kittens):

          Nokori (Rest):
          Valley of Billows | 107 Moontides | Female |

    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Misted Waters | LooneyLani
    Clan Name | Username

    North | PhoenixClan| Stormt4lon
    East | Misted Waters | LooneyLani
    South | Clan Name| Name
    West | Crossroad Demons | nightwolf950

    Medicine Store
    Bindweed | x1 | When combined with sticks, can help mend a broken leg and keep it in-place.
    Borage | x1| It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers. Helps sooth bad bellies and relieves tight chests.
    Burdock Root | x1 | Soothes and heals rat bites especially if they are infected. Can give cats a bellyache if they eat too much of it. Numbs rat bite to the point a cat cannot feel the pain. Also good for infected paws and other sores.
    Burnet | x1 | Used to give strength. Good for expecting queens.
    Chervil | x1 | For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting.
    Cobweb | x1 | To soak up and stop, or slow, the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.
    Dandelion | x1 | Thought to soothe and heal bee stings. Its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller.
    Dock | x1 | Soothes scratches, though can sting when being applied. Soothes sore pads. If placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds. Can be used to help practice healing on Clanmates.
    Feverfew | x1 | Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.
    Goldenrod | x1 |Good for healing wounds.
    Honey | x1 | Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
    Horsetail | x0 | Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    Marigold | x1 | Stops infection. Stops bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints.
    Oak Leaf | x1 | Stops infection from setting in.
    Poppy Seed | x1 | They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.
    Raspberry Leaf | x1 |Could possibly ease pain or stop bleeding.
    Stick | x1 | Distracts cats from pain. Used to splint broken limbs. Recommended for queens giving birth.
    Stinging Nettle | x1 | Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively. Can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones. Helps with wounds. Chewing the stems helps fight against infection.
    Tansy | x1 | Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons. Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats. Can be extremely dangerous to pregnant cats.

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Hare | 6 servings
    Rousettes (equivalent to a Squirrel)| 5 servings
    Harvest Mouse (equivalent to a Mouse) | 8 servings
    Kukri (equivalent to a Big Fish) | 9 servings
    Grebes (equivalent to a Bird)| 6 servings

    Deceased Cats:
    Flicker of Flameweed | 33 Moontides | Female | - Died fighting with badgers in the Battle of Black Blaze

    Lily of Drongos & Tealeaf of Ginseng (Mates) | Kit of Minnow, Kit of Oolong, Kit of Wing, Kit of Bengal, Kit of Jasmine, Kit of Macha (Kits)
    Coal of Watercolors and Genet of Clouds (Littermates)
    Eagle of Peppers and Genet of Clouds (Mates)
    Macaque of Sunbeams (Mother) | Laila, Wormwood, Virtue (Kits, with Rhyzel - father - in Crossroad Demons)
    Meadow of Arrowheads & Thorn of Raptors (Mates)
    Coal of Watercolors & Almond of Clay (Mates)
    Jade of Deserts & Rose of Honey (Mates), Amethyst of Waterlilies (Surrogate)

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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby DadjokeNess » Wed May 13, 2020 8:29 pm

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A clan founded by ex-kittypets. Rather lazy warriors who live in an abandoned twolegger building (an old chocolate factory, hence the name). To the west: Keyclan (permission given by Nix). To the east: a twolegger city.

Cocoaclan is full of love and peace, basking on the rooftop and laughing in the sunlight. They always try to see the best in other cats. Will probably be a small-medium clan, who tend to embrace wanderers and kittypets who are only running away from home for a few weeks. Their Starclan is one of lovely chunky cats, who move with graceful bulk through the night sky.

Ranks: All normal

Living quarters: The leader lives in the main "office" of the factory. The medicine cat has an alcove inside of a giant lopsided chocolate grinder (that's missing most of the components) where they keep herbs and sleep. A similar machine holds prey stores. Queens have their own chambers in the "break room" and the main dens are in the "locker room" where tall metal things on the walls give individual cats privacy to sleep if they want. Otherwise, cats can often be found basking on the roof of the building, where moss and concrete alike make for comfortable napping areas in sunlight. (I can probably mock up a floor plan on Sunday or Monday if my explanation isn't that good)

Common types of prey:
1 serving: mice and voles
2 servings: Hamburgers and stoats
3 servings: Hares and Pizza Slices

Leader: An ex-kittypet who heard the call of starclan, formerly named Pizza, now she goes by Pizzastar. The only request I have is that she's a rotound cat.
Last edited by DadjokeNess on Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Look at this man.


He doesn't have a problem, but if he did, he'd probably ask you to donate to his hoard. Luckily, he doesn't have a problem.
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