2082 (accepting comms specialists)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

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Re: 2082 (not accepting)

Postby rex. » Sun Mar 22, 2020 9:45 am

↤↤↤↤↤ 𝓡𝓱𝔂𝓼 𝓛𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓻 ↦↦↦↦↦
|Taskforce 117|Soldier|Male|Pansexual|Nerve Alteration|Tags: TARS |Mentions:|Mood: Anxious |Location: Captain's Office |
Rhys couldn't help but feel intrigued at the mention of his new captain being an android. For as long a he could remember, Rhys had a strange fascination with androids and mechanics as a whole even once wanting to become an engineer. Too bad he'd never get to live out those dreams.
The tall man tucked the crutches under his arm, tempted to ask why their captain would need them. Before he even had the chance, he was pushed into the Captain's Office. The words Zandria had left him with were not the most comforting which left the new officer feeling rather intimidated. Rhys took in a deep breath in a (failed) attempt to calm himself and looked up from the ground.
The room he was in appeared empty, the officer not seeing any signs of the captain. Instead of invading the personal space, he opted to just stay where he was. "Please pardon the intrusion, sir." Rhys called out, his voice surprisingly steady, "My name is Rhys Larimer. I was transferred here from D.C. Two of your officers, River and Zandria, sent me in here to meet you." He felt stupid just calling out to potentially no one but he knew better than to just leave; That would be plain disrespect.
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Re: 2082 (not accepting)

Postby Not here » Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:30 pm

Jessica Marie Delgado | MJ
|Upset|Rebel Adviser|Shiftier & Shadows|Human|General’s Room—>Medic Bay|Ansel, Milo, Levi, the Trio|

    her memory was still fuzzy but she knew this was one of those blackout moments. From what or who, she did not know exactly beside her shadows pointing out Shinoto. Her body went rigid for a split second before relaxing after Milo laid a hand on her back. She was still working on physically engaging gestures. Since being locked away at 5, her social skills and physical affection weren’t all there. It was easier for her to be scolded and sent away than to accept any kind of approval.

    Her heart sank when they ordered Levi to take her to the med bay and not be released. This was her punishment, wasn’t it? At least Milo returned alive.

    No, you should stay with them. I can’t. I’m being told to leave. Then leave on your own accord. Her mind wasn’t completely made up till Ansel took it upon himself to try and scold her. Her muscles became rigid as her eyes looked up to glare at him. ”Just because I allow myself to be criticized by Milo doesn’t mean you have the same liberty to do so. You don’t know me.” Each word was hard pressed as her anger was rising. Her mind was made up now. Turning on her heel, she stormed out of the general's office and went right to med bay without another hitch. Screw waiting for Levi or Ansel. They aren’t my keeper. I can walk myself out. Milo thinks I’m a damned kid still. A deep growl welled up in her chest as her teeth grinding against each other with a strained jawline.

    The shifter marched herself across the hallway and into the medical center, where she moved into a corner with her arms crossed. A pout laid to rest on her face as she glared angrily towards the door she just came from. She couldn’t wait for Levi to try and order her into bed. A smirk crossed her lips at the thought. He wouldn’t dare. Some rest could help your memory. Her lips lost their smile as she regarded the situation. I suppose it couldn’t hurt. Would cause issues for Levi too. I won’t let Ansel get away with humiliating me like that again.

Since CS made me change my signature because they didn’t like that my officer died for someone bad, I hope he finds rest while others hate him for doing his job and sacrificing his life.
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Postby Nightsent » Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:21 pm

xxx Michaelx Hexe
michael thomas hexe ━━━ mood: hmm location: catacombs tagged: tisha, edie, avangeline, bree

      indent "Right then, what's all this?"

      indent That's what he wanted to say after the silver elevator doors slid open and he had taken a real good look at the hallway ahead of him. Droplets of blood splattered across the floor. Red hand prints along the wall. Even in this dim lighting, he could see that the brawl in the market place had followed them all the way down here. That was, in fact, a Very Bad Thing.

      indent Instead of saying that and giving Edie a reason to punch him, however, he simply gave his fellow officer a worried glance and stepped out of the elevator. At least i'll have something to do tonight when i'm avoiding sleeping...

      indent As they made their way through the maze of underground corridors, Michael couldn't help but repeat that thought a few more times. It was calming, for some reason. He wasn't really sure why. Most people would cringe at the thought of staying up all night to clean up a trail of blood. But for the officer, it was simply a way to protect the rebellion, keep busy, and be helpful. He figured that since he hadn't been there during the fight, the least he could do was help with the aftermath. I should've been there... It's my job to be there for them, to fight so they don't have to.

      The journey through the catacombs seemed endless, though he knew they'd only been down there for ten minutes or so. Still, he wished it wasn't so far. More than anything, Michael was afraid. He didn't know who'd been hurt, if anyone died. He didn't know what exactly had happened, even. All he saw were clips of his comrades in the street, fighting like their lives depended on it. Well they did. They might not have if you'd been there. But then, after several minutes of him scolding himself, Hexe remembered the short (to him), strawberry-haired woman whose purse he saved from oblivion. If he had been at that fight, would he have met her? Would they still be walking down this hallway, side by side?

      indent Maybe things turned out okay. Maybe the blood is from a very minor injury, maybe their nose just started bleeding for no reason! Maybe Tish needed me more than they did... The optimism continued right up until he heard the gentle click of a closing door. Standing there, just around the corner, was Bree. No fruit rolls up, sure, but Michael was just as excited to see the oranges and breadrolls that she had brought.

      "Hey Bree! OoOOoOOOOOO yes! Food! I-" A sudden pause as he glanced at those along side him, "We- Um- This is Tish ! and uhhh... Avangeline! New friends!" He sputtered, offering the medicinal officer a small smile, "How is everyone? Is anyone hurt? What happened? Do you guys need any help?"

xxx Levix Macias
levi rey macías ━━━ mood: focused, awkward location: office tagged: chaos gathering

      indent tomorrow.
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Re: 2082 (accepting comms specialists)

Postby rainbowwrowell » Sun Mar 29, 2020 10:41 am

''Mhm.. Sure you have class... and elves...'' She spoke, raising a brow. ''I'm not stupid. From what I know there's no elves here. '' She rolled her eyes. 'Sheesh Mav, calm down with the attitude.. Save it for when you see the trio again.' When Kipp mentioned that he had been a solider for a very very veeeeery loooong time, Mavis' eyes raised and she looked up at him again, her head tilting slightly. ''Reeeally?'' She spoke, intrigued. ''How long have you been a solider?'' For once, actually genuinely interested for once. Then another question popped into her head. ''Excuse me for asking, in case... like.. you don't like this question. But... How old are you?'' She gave Kipp, one of those rare genuine smiles, sometimes she smiled, and played along in conversations to have a conversation, or to fill time. (tbh a bit fake of her) But right now, she wasn't being sarcastic, Kipp was genuinely really interesting to her. ''What do you mean by like... short out? Like die?'' Then Kipp was standing in front of her, hands on knees leaning down slightly to look at her, and asked her if she ever met somebody like him.. Her brows furrowed for a second in thought. ''I don't think so.. '' She began unsure, but then after a second she came to a conclusion,''No, from what I know I haven't. '' She replied, still a little unsure of what she was saying. ''Is there many people like you? Cause like... I dont know. It's interesting. '' She shrugged, sending a curious smile up at him.
dvsh, rainbowwrowell or tyler
adult, bi, non binary
enjoys roleplaying, 1x1, group, fantasy, inhumans
autistic so please communicate clearly! as we get to know each other, ill get your humor and demeanor better!
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Re: 2082 (accepting!)

Postby doc . » Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:26 am

┌──────── Something in Latin ────────┐
"KIPP" - ♂ - Rebel Soldier - Form
Tags: Mavis
He deflated a little bit. Couldn't she take a joke? Of course he didn't have class. He for sure had elves, however. There was no doubt about that. If anything were here it would be elves. He sat back on a leg and sighed, looking a little bored. Of course she was young, perhaps a bit angsty. Whatever teenagers did. He wouldn't know because he never was a teenager. Perhaps not physically.. but more mentally. He was once at that young mentality where everything was sarcasm and jokes and angst.
And to this day he never left that mentality. Good grief.
"I think I've been a soldier for .. a good thirty years or so? Not sure. I joined right before my mental processor broke. So yeah thirty sounds about right." he nodded happily. The man seemed very proud of being a soldier. Even if he didn't really fight much in his thirty years, he still loved to be known as a rebel soldier.
He pulled himself back onto the counter with a grin, kicking his legs back and forth. Mavis really did it now. He loved talking about himself, there was no doubt he'd talk until there was nothing else to talk about
"There are three people like me in total! I have two other brothers. I'm the oldest android, making me around 90 years old." he began, clearing his throat to go on
"And because of my age I'm prone to easy life threatening accidents. You know how old people are vulnerable when they get old? Its the same for me. Like at any moment my system could just break and never turn back on again." he explained, using his hands to help talk. He didn't look too stressed about the system shutdown problem as he talked about it.
"But it hasn't yet so I'm not worried. I do exercises to keep my body limber.. I plug in every night to keep my battery full. My love life is absolutely skyrocketing (I'm getting married soon, you see. We're both very excited). Other than that I'm perfectly fine. I feel great."
He hopped off the counter and sighed
"And for the record I know you're not stupid.. but I really do have little elves.. You just can't see them because you don't believe in them.." he said haughtily, moving to open up a cabinet nearby and pull out a rag, moving back over to the toaster he was holding earlier to clean it off very tenderly.

┌─────────── Pertinent es ad me ───────────┐
"TARS" - ♂ - Taskforce Captain - Form
Tags: Rhys
He lifted his head suddenly, eyes adjusting to the light with a few mechanical whirs as he listened to the new voice. Someone had entered his room and by the sound of it, named Rhys Larimer. An accent hung on his words, not very thick but enough to tell he wasn't from around here. TARS recognized it almost instantly as Australian. Interesting. What intrigued him even more was the fact that Zandria was the one to send him in alone. Where was the lovely lady now? Outside the door? Somewhere else on the base? She should be on her way to giving him some sort of walking ability, whether it was crutches or a wheelchair or something. He couldn't walk normally with his busted foot.
"You have been pardoned, Mister Larimer. Come in further so I can see you."
He had been sitting on his bed, cleaned up and clothed. His hair was shorter than normal but it didn't look bad on him. The android looked like a normal human being except for the obvious call-outs like his eyes.. his tattoo.. and his foot. His foot was in bad shape, anyone could see that.
If the young man would have been so forward as to walk into his room, he would have found his leader sitting on his bed, waiting for the crutches.
Name connected to voice, and soon connected to face. His mismatched eyes scanned the boy with curiosity. The arm was what he was interested in, taking a moment to look it over. He wondered.. then shook it away and looked back up at the kid, creating eye contact.
"Mister Larimer I see you've brought me my crutches. Why Zandria didn't bother to do it herself is beyond me, seeing as I had asked her to bring them. She's not very trustworthy these days.." he sighed, reaching out to take them from the other male to use them to stand up, his joints creaking as he got to his feet.
"Ah.. yes this will do nicely. Thank you for bringing me these. Its a pleasure to meet you. You can call me David."
He stuck out a hand toward the other to shake, eyes staring him down with a soft grin
"You must be coming in as what.. an officer? A soldier? You look to be fit enough for both.." he said while looking the boy up and down
"Regardless its always nice to have more faces on the team."
While he was talking he was jotting things down on a mental notepad. His height, weight.. skin color.. everything. He had a document with everyone's name on it.. and he was filling one out for Rhys.
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Re: 2082 (not accepting)

Postby sataraxias » Sat Apr 04, 2020 4:59 pm

    ──────(DIE CROWE)─────
    REBEL RECRUITMENT OFFICER // teleportation
    tags // @ everyone in mess hall tbh [mentioned: ansel] loc. base entrance -> mess hall
Edie met Michael’s worried glance with raised eyebrows, almost daring him to say something. As if she wasn’t worried and exhausted. As if she didn’t have the blue jean jacket of a good friend of hers twisted around her waist. As if that same jacket hadn’t been stained crimson. Everything was just fine.

Actually, she wanted to throw something. They were in the last dregs of the journey, but walking felt far too slow. She wanted to skip the whole endeavour and just jump through the space completely. She glanced back over their small, motley group, a slight sigh gusting out of her as she took in Avie. The girl was resilient, she knew that much already, but she was struggling clearly. Still, not long to go. Bree was standing at the door waiting at them.

Okay, who is meant to be on shift?” Edie questioned as they approached, noting the lack of soldiers, but then she sighed, sliding a hand through her hair as they approached. Problems for later. She managed a small smile at the medicinal officer. The blonde always had a calming presence, a kind beacon of hope in their base. “Hey, Bree. Got some new recruits, maybe.

She waved her hand in the general direction to indicate Avie. “You’re the expert obviously but I’d say get the kid some medical help. She’s not looking so great. Got some business to deal with. Excuse me.

Edie brushed past her to step into the Mess Hall, looking around the slightly crowded space as her voice rose, loud and demanding, addressing everyone but no one in particular at the same time. Now was later. “Get some soldiers on the door, what the heck are you all doing? And I swear, someone better tell me where Ansel Hanes is right now, because I'm gonna put that idiot in the ground.

    ─────(ASPER ILARIO)────
    REBEL SOLDIER // plant manipulation, time perception manipulation
    tags // banks [mentioned: hugo, bree] loc. medbay
The soldier leaned back against the metal back of the chair and brushed a hand over his forehead and up, fingers tugging through his curls as he let a breath gust out. He could feel the weight of his inactive phone keenly as it rested in his pants pocket. Breathe in, breathe out, try to relax a little after the long day.

If only the medic in his company didn’t have a vendetta against resting. If only he didn’t have to shift and lurch up, words falling out of his lips in a hurry like his voice was running out of time. “I didn’t hear,” he admitted, because his attention had been so focused on other things, like his phone and the medic in front of him, and also because the medic room was crowded and he hadn’t realised how much the conversations around them were blurring into each other.

Michael was one of the ones unaccounted for, and she did leave so it’s probably not too far-fetched,” he mused out loud, continuing the thread that was already unravelling through his friend’s mind anyway. He knew that look, could guess at what thoughts were going through that mind. His voice was good-humoured, but strained too, a last ditch attempt. “Don’t suppose you’d just stay put while I go and check, will you?

He already knew the answer to that. He just resigned himself to it. “Up you get. Let’s go see.

    ──────(LORA VAVARA)─────
    TASKFORCE SQUAD MEMBER // truth inducement, butterfly manipulation
    tags // wren, max [mentioned: -] loc. taskforce base hallways -> max's room
She ruffled her hand through her pink hair, head tilting gently to the side as she pursed her lips, to her credit appearing a bit apologetic for the abrupt entrance. A few step backwards and she was again at the door, rapping on it with a knuckle, “Max? You in here? Prepare yourself for the presence of greatness!

She let herself in again with a laugh and a wink towards him. Elora crossed over to his window, pulling the curtains open with an easy sweeping gesture before she pushed the glass pane open. “Speaking of my little friends… and making myself comfortable…

She concentrated briefly on the little hum in the back of her mind as she looked out the window, and it wasn’t long before that hum turned into a great quantity of tiny voices audible only to her. Butterflies didn’t speak, per se, but they had voices, and she could understand them. It took only a few minutes before a small gathering of her little winged friends had appeared through the window, colourful creatures settling on her hair like she wore a crown of butterflies.

She turned back to Max as he was talking, easy smile faltering gently. Down to business. She probably should’ve gotten down to business before she called her friends, really. “There was rebel activity on the streets and um, a bit of a scuffle. The captain got hurt. So did Wren.

    ──────(MRYS SILVIUS)─────
    REBEL COLLECTOR // telempathy, clairaudience
    tags // riku [mentioned: edie, tish, avie, michy, gen] loc. mess hall

Sure, I do.” Emrys said, shrugging his shoulders mildly. He glanced briefly over at Riku before the coffee machine beeped its finish, taking out the paper cup. He took a slow sip then set it to the side, pulling another cup under the machine’s mouth. “Whatcha want?

As soon as the other man had told him his drink request, he was tapping the screen to make it then turning back to look at Riku again, coffee cup in one hand and his other resting lightly on the table as he leaned slightly. “Experienced worse than an officer telling me to go steal some crap from catacomb shops,” he said, winking as he again went to take a sip.

But thoughts were drifting, vague memories of worse times springing to mind. White hallways with bright fluorescent lights above. The tear of a gaping loss in his mind. Cold nights on Chicago streets. He squished those memories down. He wasn’t going to think of faces from the past, not now, when both his and Gen’s moods had been so strange. Wouldn’t let himself. He took a long sip from the coffee, gaze finding the door as he watched the new arrivals.

    ──────(ARVEY BLAINE)────
    REBEL SOLDIER // memory overload
    tags // blythe [mentioned: jessica, ansel, cairo] loc. hallway
Blythe talked fast. Very fast. Bullet train kind of fast, except the train tracks of her thoughts appeared to shift and refocus every eight seconds. Her acknowledgement of it was accurate. His lips tugged slightly into a small smile as they walked. “It isn’t so bad compared to what I’ve been dealing with for the last hour.

He met her gaze briefly, that timer starting to tick in his head. That constant urge to pull. He shifted his gaze away, looking ahead towards the Mess Hall. To the side of it, the War Room door was cast slightly ajar from Jessica’s abrupt and random entrance into the rest of the base. He reminded himself that he hadn’t completed the purpose of his original visit to it. It was a shame, but that task had to take the backend for a while. He’d get to it, eventually, when there was a lapse in other things demanding his attention. “What’ve you been doing today?” he asked as they continued down the hallway, adding a direction to her rambling.

    ──────(IENNA ARKTOI)────
    REBEL MENTOR // invisibility [off], catoptric teleportation
    tags // sergio, cairo, ansel [mentioned: alice </3, ansel, jess, edie] loc. mess hall -> hallway

That invisible inbuilt switch flicked again as Sienna became invisible. To Cairo it had no effect. Or at least, she didn’t think it did, because he’d never given any indication. She waited, a minute or so, for that strange block in her throat to subside. They hadn’t been able to explain it at any of the schools or facilities she worked at. A strange side effect of her power, she supposed, but it wasn’t useful to dwell on it. She cleared her throat. “Next time just ask for the hat,” she chided her brother, somewhere between playful and strict, though that strictness won out as she continued to speak, “You need to stop encouraging her-

Her attention drifted, slightly, to watch Jessica’s determined passage across the Mess Hall into the Medbay. That was strange. She filed it away as something to be questioned later, her attention snapping back to the troublesome recruit in front of her. “Sergio-”
She was cut off, again, as her attention was stolen by the party re-entering through the mess hall catacombs, careful gaze sliding over them to take into account those who had returned. Officer Hexe, Officer Crowe, two strange new faces, one of them a child, but she noticed no Alice Hanes.

And then Edie was yelling through the Mess Hall, commanding attention to her. Sienna sighed. It’d been a long day, and contributing to stabilising the chaotic base after all that commotion had to take precedence over scolding the recruit. “You’re off the hook for now, but stop. with. the. mushrooms. Excuse me.

With that, she took her leave to find Ansel.
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Re: 2082 (accepting comms specialists)

Postby rex. » Sat Apr 04, 2020 7:04 pm

↤↤↤↤↤𝓡𝓱𝔂𝓼 𝓛𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓻 ↦↦↦↦↦
|Taskforce 117|Soldier|Male|Pansexual|Nerve Alteration|Tags: TARS |Mentions:|Mood: Calm |Location: Captain's Office |

Rhys took in another, more successful deep breath to calm himself before following the voice to it's source. He was met with a well-groomed man sitting on a bed. Noticing that he was being looked over by his superior, the Australian took his own moment to examine the man in front of him. The injured immediately caught the soldier's eyes. It wasn't everyday that such a high ranking officer would get such an injury, so it was quite the surprise to see the busted foot.
Rhys looked up at the right moment, making eye contact with mismatched eyes. Handing the crutches over, Rhys watched the Officer stand up with somewhat suprising ease. "The pleasure is all mine, sir." He took the man's hand in a firm grip,
but not too firm as to cause the bionics in his left arm to cause injury. It was something Rhys had become accustomed to; back when he first recieved his mechanical arm, he had squeezed as he normally would and ended up poking a teammate with a sharp edge. "I'm currently coming in as a soldier, sir. I look forward to working with you." A small smile found it's way to the boy's features. He was relieved that David wasn't was scary or intimidating as he thought. He pictured him as someone who was strict and skipped past the pleasantries like some of Rhys' precious commanding officers.
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Re: 2082 (not accepting)

Postby Vivika » Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:06 am

    Role: Sniper | Powers: Electrical manipulation & truth detection | Location: Hallway > Bedroom | Tags: Elora & Maxwell [Mentions: --]
    They were in, greeted by the presence of their gracious host already swiveling about to face them in his chair. His presence was a relief-- the final piece of the assigned headcount. With all the enforcers accounted for, they could move forward. One step at a time as they twirled the pieces already in play, like a game of chess with those black and white pieces sitting atop a glossy board. An interesting game, all those rules and delicacies to abide by, when just one swipe of a hand across the board would topple those kings.

    Maxwell's extended invitation to come in made her pause. She rested a hand on the door frame, weighing his words. While she hadn’t seen that bruise herself, her friend’s gentle concern was enough of a hint that it wasn’t exactly subtle. There’d be questions, perhaps, but she was hardly one to hide from the inevitable. Fingers reached up to tuck a stray wisp of hair behind her ear as she walked in, her gaze slipping around the room.

    Her pink haired friend wasted no time calling her butterflies. The little creatures orchestrated themselves into a garland-- a pretty sight, but welcome nonetheless. It didn’t hurt to lighten the mood. A gentle tease tugged at the corner of her lips, although quickly suppressed in favor of their duties.

    Pulling her gaze from the room, she directed her attention to the demolitions expert, offering a polite smile in greeting. She gave a nod in confirmation as Elora supplied an explanation, then followed up, voice steady. “Rest assured, the captain is recovering in his quarters, but he’ll be up and moving within the next hour. He requested a headcount of the enforcers, until then.”

    Role: Gatherer | Negation: Off > On | Location: Mess hall > Kitchen | Tags: Willow [Mentions: Jasper, Bree & Hani]
    Her grumbles faded to a dull roar as he stepped into the mess hall. The reassuring warmth of the room eased the building tension in his head, but it did little to silence the worry gnawing at him. Brown eyes scanned the room, skimming past the small gathering of rebels in search of a certain face. No such luck. The absence of soldiers milling seemed a cause for concern-- he was definitely out of the loop. The collecting officer was nearby, although occupied in conversation…

    The vibration of a phone at his side tugged his attention to the present, just in-time to register snide words being thrown his way. That hazy sensation was starting to take its toll, casting the room in a sluggish pace and muddling the colors of the world around. He blinked, scrambling to decipher her words. Don’t hold the door. He shook his head, mustering a quick nod as he followed her lead, “I’ll keep that in-mind for next time.” Leave it to Willow to force him to pray for patience. And patience in abundance.

    Passing through the kitchen door, he paused as a blur of blonde hair flashed by. The signature trait of a certain medicinal officer. One sweet angel safe. His brows furrowed as he tracked her to the rebel entrance, medical kit in-hand to greet the new party arriving with hardly a subtle greeting. His lips twitched as he considered offering to lend a hand, but with his lack of medical expertise, it was best he steer clear. They each had a part to play in this machine of moving parts.

    The gatherer maneuvered through the kitchen, offering a nod and small smile in greeting towards the gathering officer at one of the counters. As they reached the countertop, he eased the backpack off his shoulders and set it down next to his feet. He cast a cursory glance over to Willow, before reaching down to unzip the bag. “How about I take the fridge and you take the pan—”

    His head snapped around at the clash of things hitting the counter, the hazy daze dissipating for a second. Fruits and veggies scattered across the counter, and berries spilled out of their respective containers. “Willow— ” He reached out to snag a rolling apple, throwing up a hand to brace it against the counter to keep the produce at bay. Dark gaze swept from the still-twirling fruits to meet hers as she provided her unapologetic explanation. A trip to the bathroom?

    “Right… right. Of course.” A belated response on his part, seeing as she was already taking her leave. He breathed out, shoulders relaxing as he watched her go. It was only when that door clicked shut that he let loose, the wild force carefully suppressed, unleashed in full-force. Colors flooded back in and details sharpened as if a lens coming into focus, the draining sensation seeping away as the pounding in his head tapered off. The first breath of fresh air, since the early morning hours.

    Which reminded him. He slipped his phone out from his side. One new message, accompanied by his friend’s contact name. Relief bubbled inside as he skimmed through the short message, then shot off a quick reply, "I’m fine, just returned to base. Where you at?"
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Re: 2082 (accepting comms specialists)

Postby faelyn » Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:19 am

────────────────(𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝔸ℚ𝕌𝔸𝕂𝕀ℕ𝔼𝕋𝕀ℂ)────────────────
(Rebel Gatherer) ( Location:Catacombs -> Rebel kitchen ) ( Mood: Uneasy & Annoyed) ( Tags: Hugo) ( Mentions: None) (Aquakinesis & Fear Manipulation)

Will edit in! <3

────────────────(𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝔻ℝ𝔼𝔸𝕄𝔼ℝ)────────────────
(Rebel Officer Medic) ( Location: Medical Center -> Rebel Base Entrance) ( Mood: Are you alright?,) ( Tags: Michy, Avangline, Edie, Tisha) (Mentions: ---) (Sleep Alleviation & Unconscious Inducement )

Azure eyes fluttering from one place to another as her fingers gently traced against the outline of the fruits she had gathered from the kitchen, the moments that flitted through time were countless. The first-aid kit was grasped in her grip and the slightest creak of a door bloomed into reality as she waited in quiet hope, the group was alright. A towering figure was revealed before her. Michael? A stream of words pierced the air, and a pleasant smile graced her features at the arrival of her friend. “Michael, you’re back!” Solace and soft relief were laced in her voice and she took careful note of the unfamiliar girls at his side, she had never seen them around the Rebellion, before. Perhaps, they were new? Vivid blue eyes swivelling away from the strangers, she paused at the sight of the wound on Michael’s hand. “Michael, what happened to your hand? Does it hurt?”

The greeting of the recruiting officer resonated, shortly after. “ Hi, Edie.” Her gentle smile rose a little higher on her lips as a glimpse of the woman reflected in her eyes. “New recruits, that’s great news!” Enthusiasm was enveloped in her words and it was clear that the medicinal officer was thrilled.

Michael was thoroughly avid about the two, and had wasted no time introducing them, moments before. Tish and Avangeline. The names were pretty ones, which one belonged to who would be a different story. A blur of motion flew into play as the recruiting officer gave a gesture towards a dark haired girl. She seemed off, perhaps a little in some way. The officer’s request was simple, and quite easy to decipher the meaning. Check the girl over. “Of, course.” Giving a small nod to Edie, it was only a matter of seconds before the recruiting officer faded away from sight.

Sauntering over to the young girl, her eyes, revealing the waves of an ocean, fell upon the seemingly dazed newcomer. Concern darkened upon her eyes as she examined her in close detail. “ Tish, is it? Or is it Avangeline? You need to come with me, alright? Are you hungry?” Sweetness drowned out the worry in her words as she placed a bread roll in the stranger's hand, letting a short-lived moment of silence fill the air, before speaking again. “I’m Bree, the medicinal officer.”

A void of blue met the unfamiliar girl features as well as the friend, she knew so well in her time in the Rebellion. “I suggest you two, should come with me to the medical room.” Her attention flitted to the strawberry-haired woman, nearby, and gave her a welcoming beam. “If you’d like, you could come, too.”

─────────────────(𝕋ℍ𝔼 ℍ𝔼𝔸𝕃𝔼ℝ)─────────────────
(Taskforce Enforcer) ( Location: Taskforce Base) ( Mood: Curious, Interested ) ( Tags: Pandora, Bennett, Darian)(Mentions: None)
(Healing & Bulletproof Skin)

Lacing his fingers through his dark hair as his azure gaze fluttered upon the injured enforcer, the insides of his gut churned as the energy in his veins pulsed to his fingertips. It was a familiar feeling, though it seemed harmless or nothing out of the blue to others, this sensation was enough to knock him into a dark abyss.

Sooner or later, he would have to get something to munch on, it was crucial for his safety. In the meantime, Pandora would be fine, after some rest. “Yup, sure thing, Bennett. I’ll catch up to you later.” Turning his concerned attention to the wounded enforcer, words formed at the tip of his tongue. “Alrighty, Pandora, it’ll be best for you to head off to bed. Your leg will ache for a bit, so I suggest you don’t do anything too…” Pausing for a moment, he searched for the right word, but to his dismay, none came to mind. “You know what I mean, right?” Giving him a comforting smile, he patted the man’s shoulder, before bolting after the other two enforcers.

“Wait!” Footsteps brisk and rapid, his breaths were fast-paced as he slowed his movements when he was at Bennett’s side. “Where are you, guys, going?”A wide grin lifted his features, as his fingers reached for a chocolate bar in his pocket, before letting his bright blue gaze dance back to the two enforcers.
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Re: 2082 (accepting!)

Postby Nightsent » Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:50 pm

xxx Danielx Jamison
daniel west jamison ━━━ location: main dorm > mess hall tagged: open

      indent "Next" A commanding voice called, and once again, the line of inhumans shifted forward. This happened a few more times before it was Dan's turn, and as he stepped up to the man, the teen could swear he felt his blood run cold. This was it. After Daniel West Jamison's identity had been confirmed, there would be no turning back.

      indent Shakily, the boy - no, he was a man now. A young one, albeit, but in legal terms, he'd become an adult just a few days go - showed the guard his wristband. One, two seconds and it was over. A simple scan of the band's engravings and he was being shoved onto the rusty old bus. The line shifted behind him.

      indent The metal seats were covered with thin cushions, and he could barely see out of the dirt-encrusted windows, but this was it. His new beginning. Hopefully it would be better than what they were forcing him to leave behind. Hopefully it wasn't another dark little room with only a bunk bed, desk, lamp, and thin blankets. Hopefully it wasn't endless hours, waiting for classes or training or his biannual checkup. Hopefully there would be more to his new life than there was to the last.

      indent Spoiler alert: There was less.

      indent The bumpy, long journey took place over five hours. They didn't stop for a bathroom break, didn't have breakfast or lunch. They just kept moving along ill-maintained roads. Two bridges, endless turns, and no more than five minutes on a highway. At least the scenery was something new: the endless pastures and corn fields, the small shops and corner stores and restaurants. It had been twelve years since he'd seen any of that. Twelve years without freedom, without his family, without any friends. Just those barren walls and classrooms filled with children.

      indent It seemed like forever had passed before they turned onto the muddy gravel driveway and towards the back entrance of a large, rectangular building with big, round pipes sticking out of it, black smoke filling the air above them. One at a time, inhumans' names were called and they were herded off of the bus and directed inside.

      indent "Your shoes can go in that bin, we'll provide you with new ones that aren't muddy. Pick up one of those boxes by the wall and follow the signs to the conference room. Don't lag behind or wander off," yet another voice rang out, tone firm and commanding. Instinctively, the young mutants formed a line. Shoes in the bucket, grab a box, follow the leader to the conference room. Rather simple, compared to some of the directions they'd been given back at the school. The conference room, unlike so many of the other places he'd been in the past twelve years, was actually fairly nice, which gave Jamison a great amount of hope. It wasn't really set up like any conference rooms he's seen in movies as a kid, but he could still see how meetings could happen here. There were several long tables facing the back wall, which had a screen with a projector pointing at it. Each table could seat about six people. There were many windows with the shades up, giving the room plenty of light, though Daniel presumed that would change once everyone was seated and whoever was in charge started their presentation.

      indent Several days later, after they group had gone through orientation and were given their rooms and assignments, they started work. Dan sat down at his station, palm flat against the giant, metal machine that he'd been asked to keep running. It was hot to the touch, and after only a few minutes, the inhuman had to stop and take a break. From somewhere just behind him, a man's voice thundered━

      indent He was up in an instant, beads of sweat on his forehead and gasping for air. Why had his brain forced him back there, to that dreary factory? Why wouldn't his past let him be?

      indent Slowly, shakily, Dan crawled out of bed and made his way to the mess hall. He could smell... Something... And as the recruit looked over the table full of food, he quickly realized that what he was smelling was Hani's stew. As quickly as he could without spilling on Sergio, Cairo, and himself, Daniel fashioned himself a bowl of the soup-like food and grabbed a spoon.

xxx Levix Macias
levi rey macías ━━━ location: milo's study tagged: ansel, milo, office gang

      indent Levi Rey Macías was very confused. One minute, Ansel was beckoning him, the next, the General was asking him to stay, then, and, after that, and so on.

      indent I just wanna finish my cupcakes... The teen thought as a pair of black gloves flew towards him. He caught them - barely - but it still took him a few minutes to figure out where exactly he was needed. I guess i'm... Staying? And suddenly, the room was nearly empty. Ansel had gone after Jessica, who was rushing off to the medbay and Akiko, Fireflies, and Shinoto had been ordered to get dinner then wait in the main dormitory, until finally, it was just Levi and Milo. The General of the entire freaking rebellion. It took every ounce of control Lev had to not geek out. For a moment, the medic stood by the bed, pondering whether or not it would be weird to ask Milo for their autograph.

      indent It only took one glance at the older rebel for Lev to realize that even if it wouldn't be weird, it was most certainly not the time. Quickly and quietly, he set the gloves on the bed next to Milo and grabbed the unused surgical glove from his pocket, pulling it over his formerly bare hand.

      indent "Are you alright? Is there anything else I can get, General? Another pillow, a blanket, more food, uhhhh.. A bit of tylenol??"

xxx Hannahx Harbinger
hannah may harbinger ━━━ location: cafeteria tagged: open

      indent Tired feet swept along the floor as Hannah made her way into the cafeteria. As she walked towards the serving window, the enforcer took a second to look around. Hmm... Since when are people too busy for dinner? That’s right. The cafeteria was empty, nobody to be seen. Just Hannah, a ton of food, and silence. A dream come true, really.

      indent It wasn’t that she hated people or didn’t get lonely or anything, Hannah just preferred to stick to herself, especially when at the blacksite. When she was with her family, however? A completely different matter. The teen didn’t feel as though she had to be as stoic around them. They - well, her siblings - knew how she felt about working with the taskforce. When she was with her family, she ran no risk of exposing any sort of disloyalty. There was no risk of being fired or suspended or transferred.

      indent Quiet as a mouse, Hannah Harbinger grabbed a tray, a plate, some silverware, and a cup and set to work forming her dinner. The main dish for the night was chicken alfredo, though there was a wide assortment of fruits and vegetables spread around the table that could go with it. Let’s go with... Some broccoli, couple peas.. I guess i’ll stick some cauliflower on the side. OOO! Yes! Watermelon! Andddd... Let’s see... Eh, i’ll just stick with water.
Last edited by Nightsent on Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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