for the love of horses(v2)|| accepting

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JA 1

Postby OutFoxed » Tue Mar 03, 2020 7:46 pm

Juliet Adams
    Nautica ♦ Odyssey
    // open
Pulling into the driveway, hundreds of prairie acres sprawling out from the lone lane, Juliet's heart was pounding in her chest. It had been over a six hour drive to get to the new facility from Melbourne - a distance she'd never driven by herself in unknown territory. With white knuckles grasped in semi-permanent claws gripped around the steering wheel, the young woman swung the grey SUV crossover into the busy parking area. When she finally was able to set the car into park and turn off the engine, Juliet tried to get a hold of her breathing - which she realized she'd been holding for nearly four hours; the climbing mountains and steep valleys heading up the the country side had really done a number on her nerves. Self-consciously she did a once over of her current state - she'd sweated through the old tee and her breath smelled of stale coffee from the last filling station. Pulling on a zip up hoodie, and taking a swig of water with a couple headache revilers, she rustled up a piece of gum and pulled together the frayed nerves she had left; Juliet left her vehicle and set off at once for the nearest (and largest) barn. She just had to know how her horses were doing.
It felt momentarily daunting to enter such a large establishment, but she quickly understood that it was a barn just like any other. The hustle and bustle was a welcome sign as everyone else was also newcomers and likely just as clueless as she felt. She was hunting for a young female, or an older male, with some features she'd been able to distinguish from their social media pages - having spent more time on the phone (than maybe strictly necessary) Juliet felt like she could spot either one of them just from their voices. With so many arrangements being made and changed almost daily - she had been in near constant contact with the Moores; from figuring out the boarding and possible work situation, to organizing transport and receiving of her beloved geldings, she was more than relieved that the entire venture was at an end and a new chapter in her life beginning.
She barely noticed nor at this point cared that she was looking and acting like a mad woman; she was frantically searching the barn for signs of the owners and her horses; her hair was most certainly disheveled from it's previous lazily braided state, eyes were red lined and puffy, and her complexion was anything but smooth and put together.
It was just as she turned yet another corner past some storage room (did it hold tack of feed or bedding, or was it a horse?) that the stressed brunette practically ran into the exact person (or one half of them) that she was searching for. "Oh!" Juliet gasped as her body seized up to prevent her from actually smacking into the body before her. "I am so sorry. Are you okay?" The female fretfully tried to regain composure as the half seconds ticked by and recognition of who she just about mowed down came into focus. "I'm sorry, I really hope you're okay. Actually you are just the person I was hoping to find. I'm Juliet Adams, we spoke on the phone." She greeted the Moore sibling.

Open for either Georgia or Ronan - your choice!
Last edited by OutFoxed on Thu Mar 05, 2020 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: for the love of horses(v2)|| accepting

Postby ~GirlsDeMo~ » Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:07 pm

Robin Howel/F/23/Location: Barn 1/Tags: Open

Robin noticed more and more people flow in; in her eyes it was as if they were magicians who suddenly teleported here out of nowhere. Of course she knew that wasn't the case since magic wasn't real and they probably just drove here. Silently she walked over and measured the precise amount of feed and weighed it just to make sure everything checked out, she monitored her horses diet like clockwork to make sure he was getting exactly what he needed; no more and no less.

Her horse was eagerly standing by the door waiting for his feed, Robin did a slight head motion and stepped forward which made Snow Owl back away from the stall door. She had to learn how to communicate all her commands with solely her body rather then vocal; surprisingly he learned quite quickly. After he moved she walked in and gave him some pats before putting the feed bucket back in it's place, essentially rewarding him for obeying her command. Since she had no reason to stay in there she exited the stall and stood a distance away from him but still stayed in the barn. For now she wanted to keep an eye on him and make sure he would be alright. So she hid in the shadowed area of the barn and pulled out her phone to scroll through Facebook.

Zach Hall/M/26/Location: Barn 2/Tags: Open

Zach walked outside and found a hose to rinse the water bucket out; once it was cleaned he filled it back up and hung it back in the stall. "Like your new home Leo?" Leo was too busy chomping on his feed to pay any attention to Zach. While he was watching Leo he heard a meow and Aphrodite eagerly looking up at him with wanting eyes. "Does the queen demand her throne? Alright kitty." He knelt down and allowed the cat to jump up onto his shoulders; this delighted the feline who began to contently purr while curled up around Zach's neck. It was a new life for Zach and he felt content with his new home; new people, new friendships and who knows what else could come from this little venture.
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GK 1

Postby OutFoxed » Thu Mar 05, 2020 5:48 pm

Greyson Kerr
    Karma ⨂ Mischief
    @ Open
Sipping on the last cold dregs of what was once a pale imitation of caffeinated liquid, Greyson sighed with relief as the welcoming sign of Ochre Valley came into view on the otherwise desolate road. To call the past twenty four hours hell would be putting it mildly. Coming off a decent run at a small jumping show, he'd set course for their next destination - a new facility perfect for training and perfecting his craft on his tour of Australia. What was so perfect about the situation was that the local shows were slowing down for the season, which would give the horses a rest period and a mental reset for them all. Mischief needed to just be a horse for a hot minute - he was constantly spending time either in a small stall or on the end of a lead rope being exceptionally well mannered; some down time and possible collection would definitely help his brain refocus. Sweet Karma was as reliable as ever, but after the last show her mare-ish side was coming out, a clear indication that she too needed a break.
Steering the dually truck on to the drive, he watched his mirrors as the trailer tires rolled onto the stone crushed path. A small camera display by the center console had let him watch his two horses as they traveled in their large box stalls; they'd stopped every few hours for a water and wellness check. Finally with a last depression of the brakes, Grey shut the large diesel truck off and opened the door, taking a moment to breath and check his phone for any new messages. He could have sworn that there was an email explaining the details of Barn Move-In day, but he failed to find it (or care much). A nine hour drive pretty much had wiped all the caring out of him.
The horses were seasoned travelers but were just about through their patience for the road; Karma was staring out her window, nose pressed to the mesh trying to catch any scents that might blow on the breeze; Mischief was circling from his window to the hay to the stall door, unable to decide where his attention should remain. The male equestrian went around the trailer dropping the windows and getting a visual on his horses. He didn't want to unload the horses by himself, a bad situation bound to happen, so he went in search of help.
Entering the closest and largest barn - Greyson searched for a friendly face to ask for help. He was unprepared as he couldn't even remember who the owners of the ranch were - although at this point he wasn't even sure of his own name. He knew that his horses needed to be on solid ground and checked over, presented with a cushy bedded stall and fresh water, all else would wait until he had a better bearing.

Anybody want to send their character over to help Grey unload his horses?
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Re: for the love of horses(v2)|| accepting

Postby ~GirlsDeMo~ » Fri Mar 06, 2020 2:46 am

(If he's willing to try to communicate with Robin then she's currently not doing anything.)
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post three

Postby heffalumps » Sat Mar 07, 2020 2:48 pm

    Georgia B Moore. "George" & "Bea" . 23 bi female . single . tags Sawyer . barn one

    Feeling slightly useless after hanging Enzo's halter on its hook, Georgia took a moment to take in the activity of the barn. With her back rested against the stall and the stallion's head hung beside her, the young woman allowed one hand to play with the black horse's cheek as she watched for a moment. She wanted to find someone who needed her help as in a selfish way it would be easier to establish a conversation of some sort; but from what she could tell, mostly everyone was doing just fine settling their horses in on their own. So if no-one visually needed help, it looked like she was going to have to put her big girl pants on and go introduce herself.
    As an owner, it was important to her that she made an effort to establish a relationship with the boarders early on. It appeared as if everyone was going about their day, they had done this before. Boarding was a part of owning horses if you didn't have your own land, and it wouldn't surprise her of people had moved here from somewhere else. It was important to her that her animals had somewhere safe to live and it was highly likely that everyone else felt the same. It was almost like picking a target, but in a mpore innocent and positive way. She decided she would approached a brown haired man who had arrived with a dog and a chestnut splash mare; he didn't appear that much older than he brother and seemed to be about to prepare something for his horse. She paused for a moment before approaching him, politely introducing herself "Hi, I'm Georgia Moore, did you need a hand with anything?" she asked politely, mentally congratulating herself for the first interaction with a new member of the barn.

    Ronan A Moore. "Ro" . 26 hetero male . single . tags juliet . outside barn

    With the decision to get things rolling, the young Australian stepped out onto the front veranda. The property was buzzing with activity, new comers where unloading horses and tack bags, and feed and everything else they needed, they were getting themselves sorted. He never would have imagined people would actually board their horses here, let alone live on the property. Well, they didn't fix up the old living quarters for nothing after all.
    It was a warm morning, bound to be an even hotter day if that southerly change didn't hit at some point as it was supposed to; but the weatherman was often wrong and Ronan wasn't about to hold his breath. His intent of heading towards the barn was to one: find his sister and make sure she had all of her tasks organised, and two: to see if anyone needed any help finding their way around. By nature he like organisation and it was important to him that things ran smoothly, at least on the first day. Quickly, he pulled his phone out of his pocket, its plan black case covered in dust and dirt that had been collected once upon a time and never properly gotten rid of. The time flashed on the screen above the several email and text notification, it was getting to that time of year where they were advertising young horses and previous buyers were asking about stud fees and everything else. People were interested in Enzo and it made him slightly jealous that Drover wasn't it the limelight as much now, especially since his sisters stallion had been wiping the floor with the opposition at drafts lately.
    Just as he glance back up from slipping the phone back into his back pocket, a young lady appeared to have teleport-ed in front of him, startling him slightly and causing him to stop dead in his tracks "No, no you're fine. I wasn't looking where I was going." he reassured her, offering a professional and friendly smile. "I assure you I'm completely fine, and i remember speaking to you. Is there anything I can help you with?" he asked, trying to make sure that he was covering everything he had told himself to ask when meeting new boarders.

    (psa; please remember not to post OOC on this thread, and use the discussion thread)
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Re: for the love of horses(v2)|| accepting

Postby ~GirlsDeMo~ » Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:36 am

Robin Howel/F/23/Location: Barn 1/Tags: Open

Robin remained in her corner keeping a close eye on Snow Owl. Her horse seemed to be settling in quite well but she wanted to be there for him as something familiar in this odd new world; after-all she was essentially his only herd and it was her job to protect him and be his friend. However she had hopes that Snow could make some new friends while he was here and enjoy being a horse for a little while.

Robin begun to get lost in her train of thoughts while staring at the ceiling, it had been a long time since she just sat down and let her mind run away. Hopefully she wouldn't end up panicking by the end of the ride.

Zach Hall/M/26/Location: Outside/Tags: N/A.

Zach walked outside of the barn to let Leo have some alone time while he and Aphrodite began to walk the grounds. He looked out into the fields at the acres of gorgeous landscape; truly it was a treat for the eyes and nourishment for an adventurous soul. "Gorgeous isn't it Aphrodite?" The cat let out a 'mow' and flicked her tail; Zach liked to believe that she appreciated the beauty as much as he did.
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Re: for the love of horses(v2)|| accepting

Postby Moomin Valley » Tue Mar 17, 2020 1:36 am

╚ Darius "Alex" Matei ╚ Male ╚ 25 ╚ Bi ╚ Barn 1 / Open ╚ Mentions ; Kay, Georgia, Sawyer

Darius, who only just had arrived in Australia the day before was plagued by jat leg and while he had planned on getting up early like his cousin Kay. He blinked awake and deliriously looked around his bedroom that was still filled with boxes,he let out a soft groan and pulled himself up. Sleep was still weighing him down and he could barely keep his eyes open. He fumbled for his phone on the small table by his bed to check the clock, he had overslept but he wasn't surprised though. With much effort he managed to roll out his bed that seemed to be extra comfortable this morning. He walked to the box containing his clothes, and grabbed a white t-shirt and put it on and switched from his pajama pants to a pair of blue jeans. He grabbed a light blue tartan shirt and put it on over his t-shirt, he put his phone in his pocket and quickly gave his hair some attention. He smiled at the note Kay left and gave his dog Elsa some love before stepping into his old dirty short brown riding shoes and heading out.

Darius walked record slow as he made his way from the apartment to the barns, he rather disorientated looked around until he spotted Kay and Renegade "Verişoară!" He said happily in romanian "Kay which barn is Wolfie in?" he asked his romanian accent thick when he wasn't bothered to make himself understandable "I'm guessing you want me to take care of Laika today?" he asked "Okay got luck with that" he said and headed to the barn Kay had pointed at. He stepped through the doors and was immediately overwhelmed and mumbled to himself in romanian under his breath. He looked around trying to find Wolfie, he eventually spots him and walks to his stall. "Hello my handsome lil man" he said and then began speaking to him in romanian as he petted him "Now Lup what should we do" He said and looked around once again disorientated, he saw a brown haired man with a dog and horse talking to a girl. He lingered on them for a bit, gotta appriciate the good looking ones before he returned to looking around

╚ Octavia "Kay" Hamilton ╚ Female ╚ 23 ╚ Gay ╚ Outside Barn 1 / Open ╚ Mentions ; Darius

Kay had been awake early, and took it upon herself to take care of Elsa, even though she was Darius's dog. She left a not saying as much before she left for the barn in a brisk pace, she spent the early morning taking care of both her and Darius's horses. She left Laika inside with Wolfie to keep Wolfie calm. She took renegade outside to train him, she spent a lot of time outside Barn 1 letting Renegade get used to everything, and also because she knew that Darius would be lost when he got there. Just as she thought Darius arrived and was very confused "All are in barn one, that one" she said and pointed to Barn 1. "Yeah I'm focusing on Renegade today, i'm taking him out to an arena to lunge him" Kay said. When Kay left she headed out to the first free ariana and began lunging Ren
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Re: for the love of horses(v2)|| accepting

Postby eventer » Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:20 pm

lydia twenty two female horses;; pandora + angel daughter;; jenna tags;; open


    lydia woke up in her new bed and looked at the ceiling, she sighed softly and looked over to the door smiling waiting for foot steps a bang. "3... 2... 1..." she smiled as on cue, her six year old daughter came running in and leapt on the bed. "okay my love, have you had breakfast baby?" "yes mum, but i need a hand with my boots!" lydia asked and smiled at her daughters response as she pointed at her black tall boots she'd dropped at the door on the way in, "good girl, okay lets go, can you go turn the kettle on for mum please?" at jenna's big smile, lydia sat up and got out of bed watching her daughter skip to the kitchen to turn the electric kettle on, lydia turned to her draws and pulled out a navy ariat polo shirt and black mane event breeches, she grabbed her ariat tall boots and her daughters and made her way into the kitchen pushing her hair out of her eyes she grabbed a hot pinks scrunchie from the table, and as jenna sat down infront of her, lydia neatly pulled jenna's silky blonde hair into a low pony tail, gently running a comb through it to neaten it before helping her daughter with the zipper on her boots. "milo hunny?" at her daughters nod, she grabbed a second mug and made them both milo each and then sat at the table as they drank it. jenna was dressed in almost identical clothing, except her polo was hot pink and matched her scrunchie, if it wasn't obvious, jenna loved pink. everything of hers was pink, she had a pink show jumping jacket and a pink kep helmet to match, it was super cute. lydia preferred the natural tones, sticking to navy, brown black and white, but at home she sometimes dabbled in colour on the horses, but not herself. jenna finished her drink first and ran to her room to grab her helmet, lydia chuckled and nodded making her way out to the the black ford ranger, she opened the door for jenna in the back seat then sat herself in the drivers seat and started the car she drove up the driveway towards the stables and paddocks. she barley turned the car off when jenna jumped out of the car yelling 'cindarelli!!!' lydia chuckled at the name everytime that jenna called her it, it was so cute, lydia watched as jenna's two ponies came trotting up to the gate, cinders at the front, it was true jenna was still forming a bond with shiloh, but her bond with cinders was unbreakable. "jenna, you forgot to grab a halter" she said and handed jenna two, yep you guessed it, two matching hot pink halters with a black lead ropse, she leaned against her car as jenna caught both the ponies and lead them towards the stables, "who are you working first bubba?" "cindarelli!" lydia asked and chuckled at the no brainer, of course it would be cinders, "okay darling, put shiloh in dora's stable and give him a morning feed. cinders and dora can have theirs after their workout just give her something so your not working her on an empty stomach love" she smiled and walked up to pandora's stall, greeting the mare with an apple, handing a piece to angel before tipping the feed into angel's feed bin. she then grabbed the black leather halter and haltered dora and lead her out so jenna could put shiloh in there with his feed. she tied dora up beside cinders in the cross ties and helped her daughter saddle up with yep, a hot pink saddle pad, hot pink ear bonnet, a black leather bates elevation jump saddle, and a psos black high jump bridle before helping put the black boots on the pony, before she turned and saddled up dora, plain grey saddle pad and then basically the same tack that she'd just put on cinders, just a lot bigger.

    once both were saddled up, she handed her jenna her helmet and gloves and grabbed her own before following the cheerful six year old out to the arena where she'd set up some jumps, they were set up at jenna's height as she didn't plan to jump too much today, she did a full session with both horses yesterday, so it was flat work today for them. she helped jenna up onto cinders and then opened the gate and watched as her daughter started warming up the pony properly, she vaulted onto dora and on a loose rein let the mare walk freely around the outside of the arena watching her daughter carefully as she started to trot and canter the little grey mare.

jenna six female horses;; shiloh + cindarella tags;; open


    jenna woke up cheerfully, pushing her pink sheets off and jumping out of bed she pulled on her black mane event riding pants and a hot pink polo shirt before trying to pull her hair into a messy pony tail before going into the kitchen and making a bowl of cereal. after she finished eating she started trying to haul her tall boots on, in annoyance she ran to her mums door, *bang bang* on the door she opened and dropped the boots at the door and ran to wake her mum up, she was already up and when she asked if she'd had breakfast she nodded and smiled, when her mum asked her to turn the kettle on, with a nod she skipped out to the kitchen where she turned the kettle on then sat at the table trying to pull her boots on again.

    soon her mum came in and fixed her hair and helped her with her boots and she smiled at her mother before nodding at the suggestion of a milo, she grinned and waited excitedly for her mum to finish drinking hers. finally! she ran to the car and jumped in excitedly watching the horses in the paddocks as they drove up to the stables, when they got to the stables she looked at cinders and shiloh and grinned running out, only to be called back for halters.
    "cindarelli!" she called excitedly and watched as both the white and black ponies came cantering up to the gate, she jumped the gate and haltered them both, feeding them a piece of carrot each then leading them back to the stables, when her mum asked her who she was going to ride she laughed and said the obvious name"cindarelli!" she smiled and when her mum instructed her to feed shiloh and to give cinders a small feed, jenna nodded tying cinders in the cross ties and feeding her a small feed then grabbed shiloh's feed and then went to help her mum saddle up cinders.

    once both their horses were saddled, the two made their way to an arena set up with some show jumps, there, with the help of her mum she got on cinders and started to warm the pony up.

    once cinders and herself were fully warmed up she glanced at her mum for approval to jump, with a nod from her, jenna gleamed and started to canter the pony over some of the 90cm jumps.
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G p4 || R p3

Postby heffalumps » Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:22 pm

    Georgia B Moore. "George" & "Bea" . 23 bi female . single . tags Darius (mentions; kay). barn one

    Realising that the young man had either not heard her or something, Georgia looked around to see that a another pair had arrived. One seemed to know where she was going, but the young man she had been talking to appeared to be slightly lost. Taking a chance at round two of approaching a new boarder, Georgia approached him, attempting to figure out who he was before she reached him to give herself a professional appeal. Ronan was the professional one out of the two, she honestly wanted to make friends with them all. It was like her to need to be liked. "Hi there, I'm Georgia Moore, do you need a hand with anything?" she asked softly, extending a hand for him to shake.
    It was her nature to offer a handshake, her grandfather had drilled it into her head from the moment she could understand whatever he was rambling about. Always shake a strangers hand. Makes them think you're confident and a leader he'd say as he threw her onto whatever horse she was taking into the ring. It's easy to say that he was one of the most influential and important people in her life, and she took after him greatly.

    Ronan A Moore. "Ro" . 26 hetero male . single . tags juliet . outside barn

    With the decision to get things rolling, the young Australian stepped out onto the front veranda. The property was buzzing with activity, new comers where unloading horses and tack bags, and feed and everything else they needed, they were getting themselves sorted. He never would have imagined people would actually board their horses here, let alone live on the property. Well, they didn't fix up the old living quarters for nothing after all.
    It was a warm morning, bound to be an even hotter day if that southerly change didn't hit at some point as it was supposed to; but the weatherman was often wrong and Ronan wasn't about to hold his breath. His intent of heading towards the barn was to one: find his sister and make sure she had all of her tasks organised, and two: to see if anyone needed any help finding their way around. By nature he like organisation and it was important to him that things ran smoothly, at least on the first day. Quickly, he pulled his phone out of his pocket, its plan black case covered in dust and dirt that had been collected once upon a time and never properly gotten rid of. The time flashed on the screen above the several email and text notification, it was getting to that time of year where they were advertising young horses and previous buyers were asking about stud fees and everything else. People were interested in Enzo and it made him slightly jealous that Drover wasn't it the limelight as much now, especially since his sisters stallion had been wiping the floor with the opposition at drafts lately.
    Just as he glance back up from slipping the phone back into his back pocket, a young lady appeared to have teleport-ed in front of him, startling him slightly and causing him to stop dead in his tracks "No, no you're fine. I wasn't looking where I was going." he reassured her, offering a professional and friendly smile. "I assure you I'm completely fine, and i remember speaking to you. Is there anything I can help you with?" he asked, trying to make sure that he was covering everything he had told himself to ask when meeting new boarders.
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Re: for the love of horses(v2)|| accepting

Postby Moomin Valley » Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:34 am

    ╚ Darius "Alex" Matei ╚ Male ╚ 25 ╚ Bi ╚ Barn 1 / Georgia

    Darius turned to the voice and smiled, well it was more of a smirk. "Well Hello" he said, his romanian accent was barely noticeable. He made eye contact with her and shook her hand letting his hand linger before letting go "I'm Alex Matei" He said his smirk still plastered on his face not letting go of the eye contact "You seem to know your way around here, I'm in dire need of some assistance" He said "I'm new as you can clearly see and I'm very lost" he said "And honestly I wouldn't want any other guide other than a beautiful girl like you" doing his usual flirty routine and pulled his hand through his hair in to not so subtle show of his muscles.
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