Create-A-Village V3.5

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create-A-Village V3

Postby Arya22 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 7:43 am

Number of People: 42
(19 Females 23 Males)
0-5 (0): 6 | 6-20 (1/2): 9 | 21+ (1): 27
Number of Pets: (1/4) 18
Amount of servings: 36
Next visit with Ancestors:Today

As always, the patrol was passing rather uneventfully. This time, Jorveid was a little more quiet, having been berated by his father for not paying enough attention the previous day (Ulgrik, of course, had just been very worried and had acted like that because of his fear for his son). Pantaleon had also been told off by Jaymes, but.. That wasn't the reason he was more quiet. No, he was thinking about the young boy in Joan's hut, all weak and confused. Panto was ready to protect him with his life. These thoughts, noble as they may be, did not make him any more concentrated on the scouting however, and he was amongst the last of them to notice that all three dogs had started running towards a bush. Panto immediately began to follow them. "Wai-" Jaymes had been about to shout a warning to Panto, but he noticed the dogs tails: they were high and wagging, which indicated that there wasn't too much danger. He thus decided to keep quiet.

Panto and Jorveid, who had also run forward very quickly, arrived by the dogs just as something grey started to emerge from the bushes. A tiny dog, all in shades of white, grey and black, head high and ears pricked forward. Its tail was wagging calmly from left to right and its small black eyes were looking straight at Jorveid. The young dwarf held out his hand slowly and the dog stepped forward, sniffed it for a few seconds, then licked it affectionately. "Awwwwwww!!" Jorveid grinned widely and laid his hand carefully on the dogs back, then stroked it. "Daaaaaad she's so cuuuuuute look at herrrrr!!!" Jorveid looked up at his father with wide, pleading eyes- an expression echoed by Panto's look at Jaymes. Ulgrik sighed while Jaymes facepalmed. "Panto, we don't know where she's from-" "Jorveid, for all we know she might already have a family somewhere.." But neither of them had finished talking when the dog, tail still wagging, trotted over to Ulgrik and put both her paws on his legs, almost looking as if she was smiling as she looked up into his eyes. "Ughh..." Ulgrik looked at her, not moving. "You're not making this any easier, you know." he grumbled at the ball of fluff.

There was a long silence, during which Panto mouthed "Can we keep her" at Jaymes, and Jorveid almost had both his hands together in front of him to plead with his father. In the end, it was the dogs that broke the silence. Orchid had come to sniff at the newcomer, who had barked (or more like 'yipped') playfully in response. The four dogs then began a playful dance of smelling and chasing each others tails. Ulgrik let out a long-suffering sigh when he realized the four already liked each other. If he hadn't wanted the dog, it was too late now. "Well you've won, we can keep her." he finally conceded, and braced himself for his son's impending tackle-hug and yells of joy.


Talyn, Lyra, Aaron and Hilda had gone together to the lake, the hot summer weather being perfect for a nice dip in the river. Today was Aaron's day off, so it was the only reason he had been able to come. They had gone to the most western bank, for it was the shallowest and thus safest for the children. "Remember girls, don't go far in the water. You stay very close to the side, ok? I might take you for a little swim later, but just be careful." "Yes daddy!" "Yes Aaron!" and the two girls tore off their clothes, then off into the water they went. Hilda leaned back and grabbed a bottle of beer from her pack, kept cool thanks to the metal sheets Hessin and installed for her, while Aaron sat in the shade of the trees next to her. Hilda mused that while Hessin might not be a very classic dwarf, he sure was a smart boy, and his little inventions made everyone's lives easier. "I'm glad they've got each other." Aaron let out, half in his thoughts. "Who, the girls?" Hilda asked, looking at the two shrieking gremlins in the water. Aaron nodded. "Yeah, they're good friends. That's always important." he added, thinking back on his own childhood, devoid of that. Now that he did have friends, he realized how much he had been missing out on before. Hilda took a gulp of beer, before nodding. "They're both very strong-headed girls, they can get through anything together." Hilda grinned, thinking about her endless fights with Talyn. "Just put on your socks, alright?" "But I not like socks!" "Listen, it's -10 degrees celsius outside, your toes will freeze to death." "But I not want to!" Aaron laughed. "Yeah, strong-headed for sure. Like you."

The afternoon passed peacefully, with a small snack in between two waterfights and two less beers in the pack (Hilda was careful not to drink more, she didn't want to set *such* a bad example). When the two children began being tired, and thus arguing, Hilda and Aaron quickly packed up and started calling them. Lyra came, but Talyn crossed her arms and stood waist-deep in the water, shaking her head. "Stay!" She responded, pouting. Aaron looked at Hilda helplessly, who shrugged and rolled up her sleeves, then took off her shoes. "Go ahead with Lyra, I'll catch up." she grinned. Aaron smiled. Talyn's stubbornness was big, but Hilda was still stronger than the little girl and would have absolutely no problem taking her under her arm to carry her back. "Alright, well see you later!" he called, and he and Lyra (who was very proud of having acted like a big girl and not argued when they needed to get back) made their way back to the road that led up to Cyrrane.


Just as Aaron and Lyra reached the northern edge of the lake (they had to go around to reach the slope that led up the cliff), unfamiliar noises reached their ears. It was a clip-clop noise, followed by some footsteps. A few voiced floated towards, voices which Aaron recognized. The hunter chief grabbed Lyra's hand and pulled her with him, grinning widely. "Almtrude, Tamara, Rovi!" he called ahead, and the voices clamored back: "Aaron!" a few meters still, and then the group came into view. At the front was Almtrude, pipe in one hand and carrying a tiny box in her other. Just behind her, Tamara sat proudly on a large grey dappled horse, which whinnied and tossed its head at the approach of Aaron and Lyra. Beside the horse, Rovi walked, eyes fixed on a bag he was very carefully cradling in his arms.

The three travelers stopped when Aaron and Lyra approached, and all were smiling widely. Almtrude spoke first. "Ah, Aaron, it's wonderful te see ya! It's been too long." the red-haired hunter grinned back and clapped her on the shoulder. "It's a pleasure, Almtrude. We almost thought you'd never come back.."
Beside the two, Rovi had approached Lyra and was bending to be at her level. "Lyra, is that really you? Oh my, you've grown so much since last time.. I'm going to be so shocked by the other kids." Lyra drew herself up a little. "Yes, I'm a big girl now! Are you Rovi? And what's in that bag?"
Tamara had slid off the horse and, holding its reins, now came to join Aaron and Almtrude chatting. "Now I don't know if you feel the same way, but I am exhausted by this trip and am really looking forward to sleeping in a real bed. And eat a meal that isn't burned on the outside and raw on the inside." Almtrude and Aaron looked at her for a second, before Almtrude laughed and slapped her heartily on the back- an action which Tamara did not particularly enjoy, as despite standing a head taller than Almtrude, the slap made her stumble forward a few steps. "Ah, ye haven't changed a bit, Tamara! But I s'pose ye deserve it, ye did some very good bargaining back there. Let's go." and the group of five moved on in direction of the village, Lyra and Rovi still chattering light-heartedly together.


About twenty minutes later, the top of the houses could finally be seen. Lyra ran ahead of the others, calling for her family. "Mum, dad! Arun, Rhys! Almtrude and Tamara and Rovi is back! And Rovi said he has some small dragon eggs!!" soon enough, people left their occupations to greet the travelers. Myriam arrived too, her face looking much more relaxed than it had been in weeks. "Oh, it's wonderful to see you three! I-I almost thought I had sent you to your deaths." she admitted, speaking more quietly on her second sentence than on her first. Almtrude seemed to be the only one who heard it, and she took Myriam's shoulder warmly- not seeming to be bothered by the fact she had to reach rather far up for it. "I told ye, there's no need for worry. I wasn't gonna let any of these kids get hurt." Almtrude nodded towards Rovi and Tamara. Rovi and his sister were hugging tightly, while Tamara had her hands on her hips and was frowning at Xzavier. "What do you mean the cantaloupe seeds got eaten by birds??"

Myriam let a small smile break through, and she nodded slowly. "I know. Thank you." the young leader took a deep breath, and, looking around at the village- her village- a feeling of pride washed away her previous fears. Today, they had come another step forward, and met other villages, had gone to this mysterious marketplace. They had come so far already, it felt like they could overcome anything now. "Cyrranians, tonight, I propose a feast to welcome back Almtrude, Tamara and Rovi!" there was a loud cheer from the group. That decided, Myriam began giving out tasks. "Aaron, Laedrya, find a couple people to help you out in the kitchen! I trust you'll find something good to do. Azelle, Ana, please take care of the animals the three have brought back. You can put the horse near the west south side, there's a good place for her. Ulgrik, can you help them with that? Rovi, Almtrude and Tamara, come with me. We've got a lot of things to talk about." as the group of four moved towards the leader's house, Almtrude looked around for a second, then back at Myriam. "Now tell me, where the hell did all those kids come from?"


Arun and Rhys watched Ana and Azelle carefully carry the strange bag after having put the horse in a meadow. Lyra had said the travelers had brought small dragon eggs.. Was that really true? If yes, the two young elves would stop at nothing to get a good look at them... The two women carrying the bag dropped the eggs off at a common storeroom before leaving- to help prepare for the feast, no doubt. Arun and Rhys only looked at each other once before Rhys grinned and began to move towards it, Arun following like a shadow.

Once inside, the boys searched around for a while, not seeing the eggs. Rhys snapped his fingers in annoyance as he realized where they were. "Dammit. They must've brought them to the locked room." this storeroom, or more precisely, storage building, was composed of several different rooms where people would store things. There was a place for spare gardening tools and seeds, one for mining tools, etc. The locked room was the place rare or expensive materials were kept- like the gold Silas and Jorund sometimes found, or, in this case, the small dragon eggs. Arun tapped Rhys' shoulder. "I bet they forgot to lock the window again." he whispered. More than once already, the two boys had been sorely tempted by a glittering gold nugget or a carefully carved nacre figurine on the shelves of the locked room, visible through a small round window about a meter fifty off the ground. Once, they had even gone as far as push at the window, which, to their surprise, had opened! Now seemed like a good time to try climbing up. "Alright, let's go."

The two left the storeroom, and went around the back, to that small window. They had grown since the last time, and weren't quite so sure they actually fit inside anymore-but it was worth a try. "OK Arun, you go first, you're a better climber. I'll help you up, then once you're inside you pull me up too." the dark-haired boy nodded. Rhys positioned himself near the wall, putting his hands in a ladder sort of way, on which Arun stepped to reach the window. Yes, it was open again! "Here goes nothing." Arun muttered, and pushed himself up through the window.

For Rhys down on the ground, the wait was excruciatingly long as Arun wiggled into the room, then crashed to the ground inside because, of course, his legs were still stuck outside while the rest of his body had gone in. Rhys looked around fearfully, but, seeing no-one, carefully stood on his tiptoes to peer inside. "Arun, are you alright? Are the eggs there?" there was silence for a second, then Arun's disheveled face appeared. "I think I saw the eggs, yeah. Now come before someone sees us." and after another dozen seconds of urgent climbing and pulling, Rhys also managed to get in.

The room wasn't too big, but in every corner, treasures awaited. Old statues discovered on patrol, gold and jewels found in the mines, ancient scrolls, carved harpoons found on the beach and much more. The boys eyes glittered just as much as the riches around them, and even more so when they spotted three fist-sized eggs, carefully placed in a padded box in a patch of sun shining through the window. "Wooooooaaah..." Rhys reached out to caress the top of one. The egg Rhys had touched was of a golden color. Arun came next to his brother and carefully tapped the green egg- the last one was brown. "They're-" "They're warm, yeah." Rhys finished his brother's sentence. "So they're alive." Arun whispered.

A second later, both boys had tensed up and were staring at the eggs. The golden one had.. had moved. The two looked at each other, panicked, and when they looked back, a small crack had appeared in the shell of the green egg. "Uh-oh.." Rhys whispered. "What do we do??" gentle tapping and cracking noises were coming from the eggs, and it was obvious that the shell was opening. "I-I think we should go." Arun stammered. Rhys nodded wordlessly and backed up to the window, eyes fixed on the eggs. Arun followed suit, and had been about to climb up when he suddenly yelled in fright, staring at the eggs. Rhys put a hand on his shoulder. "Arun, are you alright??" his brother did not reply, simply staring at the eggs. And Rhys saw that the green egg had finally opened completely and a small, green creature was picking its way out of the shell shards. Its purple eyes were staring straight at Arun. "She's talking to me." Arun murmured. Rhys was about to answer when-

"Hello, what's your name?" "Aah!" Rhys jumped and whirled around. "Who was that??" "Me, Ephyr, of course! Who else?" And when Rhys looked back at the eggs, he saw two small, black eyes staring at him from between the golden shells. "Why can you talk to me?" "Because I chose you." Rhys was vaguely aware that Arun was also talking, and realized that the green one must have 'chosen' him too. "What does that mean?" "It means I'll always be there for you, and we'll always do stuff together."


A few meters away, behind the locked door, the blonde woman frowned, head tilted. Who was behind that locked door and why were they talking? No-one should be allowed in there unless they had the express permission of Myriam or one of the chiefs.. Marya had been sent here to retrieve the pretty candle holders for the feast, but she hadn't been told there would be people in here already... A little worried, but more curious than afraid, Marya put the key in the lock and turned, then opened the door slowly- only to be greeted by four pairs of eyes. Wait a second. Four?? Marya had immediately noticed Arun and Rhys (whom she was was sure were not supposed to be in here) but the other two pairs of eyes- firelizards! They had hatched! Marya had just about been ready to turn around and tell Myriam when a voice stopped her. "Hello!" the voice was undoubtedly male, but it was sweet and friendly. "Wait, who-" Marya turned around again and was startled to see two azure blue eyes staring at her. "I'm Gozri. What's your name?" Marya stood frozen for a second, blinking at the small brown creature that made his way out of the remnants of his egg. "My.. My name is Marya. Did you pick me then? I didn't really mean to-" "Yes, yes I did! Now don't apologize, I'm happy I found you."

Marya smiled, but then her eyes settled on the place Arun and Rhys had been standing. The boys were gone?? Marya whirled around, and just about caught them slipping out the door behind her. Her hands shot out and she caught both of them by the scruff of the shirt. "Hrm, boys, I think you have some explaining to do... In front of Myriam." the young elves looked at each other, the expression of 'yeah we messed up' on their faces. "Do we really?.." Rhys tried, looking up at Marya with pleading eyes. The woman was unforgiving. "Yup."

"Mom's gonna kill us." Arun whispered to his brother as they were marched out of the storeroom. Rhys nodded. "Dad too."


The feast was at its peak, and people were happily eating the delicious ratatouille and grilled mushrooms the unofficial village chefs, Aaron and Laedrya, had managed to whip up in a few hours. Zacchaeus and Yameldein had helped out too, and were very proud of their addition to the feast: a sharply spiced soup whose recipe came from Yameldein's dwarven clan. Aaron had also managed to convince the vegetarian Laedrya to allow him a single meat meal, crisp hare slices marinated in a sweet-and-savoury sauce. Hilda had agreed to open her stash of alcohol to the public- a project she had been working on with Tamara and Calder for a while now- and various drinks like ale and wine were being served along the tables. For the children, Ana had pressed some apples and grapes earlier in the morning, and it was simply up to the careful parents to make sure their children did not mistake wine for grape juice.

Perhaps alone not enjoying the festivities to their fullest was Virion. He was picking at his plate, nose turned up distastefully at the squishy ratatouille. What a disgust. No, what he had enjoyed most in this pitiful attempt at a feast were the grilled mushrooms. Laedrya really had managed to find the same ones as back home. Another reason he needed to get her back. The dark elf turned his gaze to the object of his visit, talking and laughing with that stuck-up nitwit husband of hers. This should never have happened, and it would need to be corrected.

As he was in his thoughts, Virion noticed something else out of the corner of his eye. A lone dwarf, sitting a little away from everyone else, glaring at the rest of the villagers and holding his plate tightly, as if anyone could come out and take it from him. Certainly not someone who seems to like the others... Virion was curious, and, casually, stood and made his way to the dwarf. "Greetings. I am relatively new in this village, I don't believe we have met yet?" he held out a hand to shake. The dwarf looked up at Virion and sniffed mistrustfully. "What'd'ya want?" Virion, surprised by this answer, raised an eyebrow and looked at the dwarf for a few seconds, gauging him, trying to understand.. And finally-

"You.. You don't trust them, do you?" "Nor you, for that matter." "But if I told I could help you get what you want, would you trust me?" "Depends. What'd'ya think I want?" Virion stayed silent for a few seconds, observing the dwarf. One of the miners, obviously, according to his sooty clothing. But, unlike most other villagers, he had some jewelry as well, a little silver bracelet and a ring with a precious stone- perhaps a sapphire? When the dwarf noticed Virion looking at his jewelry, he scowled and covered them with his other hand. Virion smiled. That was all he needed to know. "You want riches, but you don't want anyone taking them from you." Virion said calmly, sitting down gracefully on the nearby chair. The dwarf huffed, but didn't deny that. "Me name's Jorund. Jorund Thunderpike. What'd'ye wanna do?" Virion held out his hand to shake again, which the dwarf, this time, reluctantly took. "We can do many great things..." and Virion began spinning his tale of love and revenge, knowing that once he was done, Jorund would have no choice but to help him.

A few benches away, alone, too, Silas watched the two with apprehension. He knew Jorund well, and this was very worrying.


At the center of the village, a less malevolent tale was preparing to be spun. Myriam had quieted everyone down, and now, Almtrude walked to the center, between all the tables and near the large bonfire. "Young or old, boy, girl or everything in between, come around and listen.. For this tale has no requirement to listen to, and may bring some teachings to the most experienced of you." a few of the children left their parents side to go sit on the ground, closer to the storyteller. "This tale talks of courage and loyalty, but also of weakness and insecurity... It is a tale of people like you and me, people who do their best in a world they do not always understand. Come and listen, not just with your ears, but with your hearts as well." the village had fallen silent save for the crackling of the bonfire. In that near silence, a new sound came up- mandola strings being gently picked, creating a haunting melody that plunged the listeners into a world of magic and mystery, a world of wonder and fear.

"My story begins in this world, but many, many years ago, before this village existed, when magic still permeated every corner of the world. There was a village of peaceful people. No-one knows what race they were, some say they belonged to a race that has since disappeared. In this village, everyone had a role, and everyone was always ready to help the other. They were like one big family. In this village lived a man called Uskoa, and while he was accepted by everyone, he never felt like he fitted in." and while she said that, Almtrude looked over to Silas. "Uskoa felt he was different, because his skin was completely white, his eyes almost red, and the sun hurt him. Apart from that, he was a completely normal person and everyone accepted him as he was- for him, however, it was hard. Hard to accept he was worth just as much as other people, despite being so different." in Silas' eyes, there was a light of recognition.

"Uskoa was used to hunting and wandering at night, when everyone slept. Then, one night, as he was quietly walking, he heard strange noises coming from the village... And there was light, too- a fire!" Almtrude grabbed a branch from the fire behind her, holding it out in front of her. "Uskoa ran back, and he saw the fire wasn't there by chance. Hundreds of dark-clothed men had overrun the village, and were rounding up the villagers- everyone except Uskoa." slight pause. "the young man had no idea what to do, he wasn't strong, he wasn't smart, he couldn't save his friends and family... This was the moment he was caught!" Jayme's mandola hit a dissonant chord, and some of the younger children gasped.

"The attackers brought Uskoa to their leader. That leader laughed when he saw Uskoa, and asked if he was some sort of monster because of his skin and eyes. Uskoa was terrified, and the leaders words cut through him. Was he really a monster?" a sad tone on the mandola. "And yet, Uskoa didn't want to give the leader the satisfaction of knowing he was hurt and scared. So he only kept struggling, refusing to let himself be taken so easily. The leader was amused at his tenacity, so he told Uskoa: 'If you can bring back the God's Moonstone, I will let the villagers free. However, if you don't come back in a year, I will kill all of them.' At this, Uskoa felt despair fill him. Everybody knew about the Gods Moonstone, but that knowledge wasn't of much use: everybody also knew that it was at the top of the world's highest mountain, a place where staying more than a minute in place could make you freeze up completely, and where the winds were so strong they could blow you off the mountain."

"But Uskoa couldn't give up like that. He agreed, and that same night, was sent on his way. Nobody believed he would make it back, least of all the attackers." And, always accompanied by Jaymes, Almtrude described Uskoa's travel. At first he only traveled by night, to avoid hurting himself with the sun, but after a while, he realized he would never get back in time, so he began walking in the sun as well. At first, the days were burning hot and the nights temperate, but as he arrived at the mountain, the days and nights got colder and colder, and Uskoa was glad he moved around during the night- it helped him keep warm. Up and up he went, but he never felt like he was remotely close to the top.

"One night, as he was walking, a great booming tore the otherwise silent air." Almtrude continued. "The ground started shaking, and the snow around Uskoa was trembling." as before, Jaymes' mandola accompanied the words, deep and worrying chords. "Uskoa tried to find shelter, but it was too late: an avalanche was coming for him! Uskoa was swept by the wave of freezing snow and rocks. He tried holding on desperately, but the wave was too strong, it pushed him off his feet, until Uskoa's head hit a rock and everything became dark for him..." immediately, Jaymes' mandola calmed and went into gentle, almost mournful notes. "When Uskoa awoke, he was in a warm little house, in a soft bed. There was a bandage around his head and a bowl of hot soup nearby. He could see no-one. So he began eating the soup, feeling it warm up his body from the inside."

"Just as he finished, the door opened, and an old lady entered the room. She had ebony skin, and bright, maybe even white, eyes. She turned towards Uskoa, tilted her head and smiled. 'Ah, you are awake.' she said. Uskoa hesitated, then answered. 'Yes, but I do not know where I am.' when the lady answered, Uskoa howled in despair: she had told him he was at the foot of the mountain. All his hard work for nothing, and now, he had no chance to get back to the top in time, no chance to save his village!" a few of the children in front of Almtrude let out an "Oh no..."

Almtrude continued. "But when Uskoa finally explained his quest to the old lady, she suddenly paused and stared at Uskoa. 'You know, I see something within you, young man...' she began. Uskoa drew himself up a little. 'I cannot see as others do, but I can see something within you, something very powerful. I think- no, I KNOW that you are meant to succeed.' she paused for a few more seconds, and finished at last. 'You are strong, Uskoa. Whatever others say, you have an incredible force inside you, and this strength is what will get you up that mountain. I know you can make it.'"

"Uskoa barely dared to believe her, but she didn't seem like she was lying, and.. What if ? What if he really was capable of making it? Uskoa bade the old woman farewell, and thanked her profusely. She only smiled and repeated, again, that he was stronger inside than could be seen, and she had no doubt he would make it. And Uskoa began his climb again."

"The climb wasn't any easier than before, but now, at every step, Uskoa reminded himself of what the old woman had said. At every storm, at every fall, Uskoa told himself he could make it. He was strong, he had a goal in mind and he would make it. The old woman believed in him. Every step brought Uskoa closer to the top, until, finally, he reached the snow-covered plateau of the Gods Mountain. There, nestled between a few rocks, laid a fist-sized, pearly white stone, and at its center shone a myriad of blue and red flames, dancing in the sun. Uskoa seemed to have forgotten to breathe for a few second, with how enraptured he was by the delicate jewel."

"But he had no time to waste. It had taken him almost nine months to climb to the top, and he would now need to be three times as fast to get back home than it had taken him to come. Uskoa was worried, but again, he reminded himself of the old woman's words, and confidence filled his heart once more. He would make it."

"As expected, the way back was hard, but easier than when he had come. In three weeks, he was at the bottom of the mountains, and the nights became warm again. Five days later, he recognized the forest. And after two more days, on the last day of his quest, Uskoa finally saw his village. It was a sad sight. The normally blooming trees and flowers were dead. The stream ran dark and grey, seemingly dirtied by something inside the village, and the children who normally ran and laughed playfully around were nowhere to be seen."

"As Uskoa entered his home village, there was a great murmuring amongst the bandits around. It seemed like they recognized him, but instead of laughing, they stared at him in wonder and almost fear. And when he faced the leader of the bandits, Uskoa realized that it was not them that had changed, but him. Instead of cowering as he had once, he stood straight. His eyes, usually a weak pink, now showed clear confidence. His hands, which he would often wring in worry, were at is side, one holding the bag with the moonstone, the other balled in a fist. Uskoa was no longer afraid."

"And so he talked to the leader, who did not act as confident as he had a year ago. 'You thought you were punishing me, with a trip that nobody had come back from. You thought I would die, that I would give up. But instead, you showed me how strong I was. You showed me I was not the weakling everyone thought I was- including me. Here is your moonstone. Now get out of my village. These people deserve freedom.' the leader of the bandits did not utter a sound. He did not even take the moonstone. Silently, he put a bunch of keys on the table, and walked out of the village. His men followed him."

"And so, Uskoa had saved his village. He had no special power, no magical artefact. He simply had the one thing so many people are missing, and yet is essential for one's well-being. Confidence. A few years later, Uskoa made the trip to the mountain again, to return the stone. He saw the old lady once more, and when she saw him, she smiled and said a few words. 'While it is always best to believe in oneself, a little help from others can be a great blessing.' "

And thus, Almtrude finished her tale. The assembled villagers were silent for a minute, no doubt thinking about what they had just heard. Then, a single clap. To many people's surprise, it came from Aakash. Then, Myriam clapped, followed by Aaron. And then the entire village was clapping. When Almtrude looked at Silas, she saw tears in his eyes shining in the fire light, and her heart swelled: all she ever wanted was to help, and it seemed like the message had really touched Silas' heart. Maybe now, he would believe in himself too.

(Zacchaeus is taking his assessment to become Gatherer!
Lyra is testing hunting with Aaron
Hessin is now healer apprentice!
All apprentices train a random skill
Apple and Cinnamon breed
Ephyr and Gorzri breed
Redneck breeds with Sky of BRW
Donovan breeds with Aurunci of Carmina Abyssi
Myriam goes to the ancestors and requests an elder with the traits ST-A3 / HC-17 / HS-S / EC-E5 / Y / human
Joan researches medicine
Ulgrik, Jorveid, Almtrude, Pantaleon and Jaymes scout with Iméra, Solian, Ashe and Orchid
Zaos, Alizz, Aakash and Marya do a border patrol
Aaron, Nayah, Gwinaelle and Peony hunt
Bargas, Alkhas and Azelle (with Apple and Cinnamon) hunt
Laedrya, Xzavier, Ana and Yameldein gather
Tamara and Zacchaeus tend the carrot and cantaloupe seeds
Silas, Calder, Rovi, Virion and Jorund mine using a steel axe
Cats and dogs hunt (-; )
Mod notes: any injuries to anyone are fine, but please don't kill some! Most important ones: Myriam, Zaos, Almtrude, Pantaleon, Tamara, Xzavier, Rhys, Arun, Lyra, Myreon, Virion, Ian. I'd still be sad for other deaths but they're not that important for plot reasons.

      Head Chief:
      Myriam Sheherezad | 38 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST-D7 / HC-5 / HS-HW / EC-A6 / X

      Joan Helend | 30 | Female | Human | 12 KP
      ↪ ST-D11 / HC-11 / HS-HC / EC-E6 / Y

      War Chief:
      Zaos Faelen | 43 | Male | Elf
      ↪ ST-E3 / HC-1 / HS-LC / EC-A6 / X

      Rovi Wild | 38 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST - C11 / HS - LC / HC - 1 / EC - H6 / X
      Marya Ward | 33 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - C3 / HS - LC / HC - 12 / EC - F7 / X
      Calder Thornton (and Jagged) | 36 | Male | Witch
      ↪ ST - F6 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - B3 / X
      Azelle Wild | 24 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - C9 / HS - AC / HC - 5 / EC - F2 / X
      Aakash Bhate | 36 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST - B7 / HS - LW / HC - 5 / EC - H7 / X
      Alizz Highcliff (and Hestia) | 20 | Female | Witch
      ↪ ST - C8 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - D8 / X
      Virion Keihana | 38 | Male | Elf
      ↪ ST - D11 / HS - HW / HC - 5 / EC - A2 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Scout Chief:
      Almtrude Lightfoot | 62 | Female | Dwarf
      ↪ ST - C7 / HS - HC / HC - 53 / EC - A11 / Y

      Pantaleon Brown (and Zacharius) | 38 | Male | Hobbit
      ↪ ST-C5 / HC-23 / HS-S / EC-H7 / X
      Jaymes Weitzman | 28 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST - B2 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - C7 / X
      Ulgrik Beasthand | 39 | Male | Dwarf
      ↪ ST - F11 / HS - LC / HC - 24 / EC - A6 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Hunting Chief:
      Aaron Crawford | 46 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST-C3 / HC-53 / HS-S / EC-D7 / X

      Hilda Bronzemane | 42 | Female | Dwarf
      ↪ ST-D6 / HC-5 / HS-HW / EC-A2 / X

      Bargas Fireaxe | 31 | Male | Dwarf
      ↪ ST - B5 / HS - HC / HC - 22 / EC - A7 / X
      Alkhas Ennaer | 29 | Male | Elf
      ↪ ST - A5 / HS - LC / HC - 18 / EC - C10 / X
      Nayah Aidjii | 26 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - F8 / HS - S / HC - 40 / EC - E3 / X
      Peony Song | 23 | Female | Hobbit
      ↪ ST - F1 / HS - LW / HC - 65 / EC - C8 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Silas Denver | 25 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST - B3 / HS - HW / HC - 24 / EC - E3 / Y
      Jorund Thunderpike | 47 | Male | Dwarf
      ↪ ST - F7 / HS - S / HC - 12 / EC - F8 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Laedrya Faelen | 41 | Female | Elf
      ↪ ST-A11 / HC-24 / HS-LC / EC-D7 / X
      Tamara Milner | 32 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - F4 / HS - AC / HC - 22 / EC - G9 / X
      Xzavier Findlow | 40 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST-G6 | HC-11 | HS-LC | EC-B11 | Y
      Laila Greenfeld | 42 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - C1 / HS - S / HC - 9 / EC - B5 / X

      Ana Tale | 26 | Female | Fairy
      ↪ ST - F9 / HS - AC / HC - 9 / EC - H1 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Zacchaeus Greenfeld | 20 | Male | Human | Gatherer (Tamara)
      ↪ ST - C2 / HS - LW / HC - 25 / EC - B5 / Y
      Gwinaelle | 18 | Female | Dwarf | Hunter (Aaron)
      ↪ ST - D3 / HS - LC / HC - 8 / EC - G7 / X
      Yameldein | 18 | Female | Dwarf | Gatherer (Xzavier)
      ↪ ST - D4 / HS - LC / HC - 10 / EC - C10 / X
      Jorveid | 17 | Male | Dwarf | Scout (Almtrude)
      ↪ ST - F10 / HS - HW / HC - 24 / EC - D10 / X
      Arun Faelen | 16 | Male | Elf | Warrior (Rovi)
      ↪ ST - E3 / HS - HC / HC - 1 / EC - E2 / Y
      Rhys Faelen | 16 | Male | Elf | Hunter (Bargas)
      ↪ ST - E3 / HS - LC / HC - 26 / EC - E9 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url] | Apprenticeship (Mentor)
      ↪ here

      Hessin | 15 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST - A8 / HS - HC / HC - 19 / EC - G7 / X
      Lyra Faelen | 9 | Female | Elf
      ↪ ST - E3 / HS - LC / HC - 1 / EC - A6 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Hilda Bronzemane | 42 | Female | Dwarf
      ↪ ST-D6 / HC-5 / HS-HW / EC-A2 / X
      Maple Thornton (and Poppy) | 35 | Female | Witch
      ↪ ST - E4 / HS - S / HC - 13 / EC - A3 / X
      Laila Greenfeld | 42 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - C1 / HS - S / HC - 9 / EC - B5 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Talyn | 7 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - D6 / HS - HW / HC - 53 / EC - A2 / X
      Ian Thornton | 4 | Male | Witch
      ↪ ST - E4 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - B3 / X
      Nora Greenfeld | 3 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST - F6 / HS - S / HC - 9 / EC - F1 / X
      Axel Greenfeld | 3 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST - B11 / HS - HC / HC - 9 / EC - D4 / X
      Myreon Sheherezad-Brown | 7 | Male | Hobbit
      ↪ here
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here

      Sabra Tale | 86 | Male | Shapeshifter (Bat)
      ↪ ST - C7 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - B3 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ here
      Ally Villages:
      Black Rock Weyr | Simonpet
      Mekhanikos | Hazilnut
      Village Name | Username

      Enemy Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      North | Forest and a river | Black Rock Weyr | Simonpet
      East | Forest | Village Name | Username
      South | Forest | Village Name | Username
      West | Lake | Village Name | Username

      Food Storage:
      Deer | x13 | 78 servings (l)
      Boar | x9 | 38 servings (m) (30 servings used up)
      Hare | x7 | 7 servings (s)
      Bovine | x2 | 12 servings (l)
      Carrots | x4 | 12 servings (m)
      Potatoes | x8 | 24 servings (m)
      Mushrooms | x14 | 28 servings (s)
      Apples | x3 | 6 servings (m) (all used up)
      Blueberries | x5 | 5 servings (s)
      Cantaloupe | x0 | 0 servings (l)
      (+Mice | x13 | 3 1/4 servings)
      Total: 141 1/4 servings left | 3 years

      Craftable Items:
      Copper x6 | not used
      Gold x5 | not used
      Silver x6 | not used
      Steel x3 | not used
      Iron x1 | not used
      Stone x2 | not used
      Herbs x3 | not used
      Leather x3 | not used
      Twine x1 | not used
      Wood x2 | not used
      Cotton x3 | not used
      Sand x3 | not used
      Carnivore Scrap x24 | not used
      Item Name | in use/ not used

      Crafted Items:
      Iron Sword x3 | not used | 6 uses
      Stone Dagger x1 | not used | 1 use
      Steel Pickaxe x2 | in use | 5 uses
      Wagonbag | not used | 10 uses
      Saddle | not used | 20 uses
      Carrot Seed x1 | planted | blooms in 1 post
      Cantaloupe Seed x1 | planted | blooms in 1 post
      Item Name | in use/ not used | uses

      Barthelemy | Housecat | 13 years | Male | Looks (Breeding 2/2)
      Murdoch | Half wild/housecat | 8 years | Male | Looks (Breeding 2/2)
      Gertrude | Half wild/housecat | 8 years | Female | Looks (Breeding 2/2)
      Pumpkin | Half wild/housecat | 6 years | Male | Looks (Breeding 1/2)
      Marble | Half wild/housecat | 6 years | Female | Looks (Breeding 1/2)
      Orange | Half wild/housecat | 4 years | Male | Looks (Breeding 0/2)
      Mrs Mew | Half wild/housecat | 4 years | Female | Looks (Breeding 0/2)
      Bear | Half wild/housecat | 3 years | Male | Looks (Breeding 0/2)
      Silvy | Half wild/housecat | 3 years | Female | Looks (Breeding 0/2)
      Findelia | Half wild/housecat | 3 years | Female | Looks (Breeding 0/2)
      Milly | Half wild/housecat | 1 years | Female | Looks (Breeding 0/2)
      Bonobo | Half wild/housecat | 1 years | Male | Looks (Breeding 0/2)
      Fiona | Half wild/housecat | 1 years | Female | Looks (Breeding 0/2)
      Donovan | Half wild/housecat | 1 years | Male | Looks (Breeding 0/2)

      Iméra | Dog (Australian Collie) | 8 years | Female | Looks (Breeding 2/2)
      Solian | Dog (Terrier/Collie) | 3 years | Male | Looks (Breeding 0/2)
      Orchid | Dog (Terrier/Collie) | 3 years | Female | Looks (Breeding 0/2)
      Hizralis | Dog (Terrier/Collie) | 0 years | Male | Looks (Breeding 0/2)
      Ashe | Dog (Keeshond) | 1 year | Female | Looks (Breeding 0/2)

      Apple (bonded to Azelle) | Horse | 4 years | Female | Looks (Breeding 0/2)
      Cinnamon (bonded to Azelle) | Horse | 3 years | Male | Looks (Breeding 0/2)

      Gozri (bonded to Marya) | Firelizard (brown) | 1 year | Male | Looks (Breeding 0/2)
      Ephyr (bonded to Rhys) | Firelizard (gold) | 1 year | Female | Looks (Breeding 0/2)
      Aipi (bonded to Arun) | Firelizard (green) | 1 year | Female | Looks (Breeding 0/2)

      Redneck (bonded to Ana) | Bird (sparrow) | 1 year | Female | Looks (Breeding 0/2)
      Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url] (Breeding 0/2)

      All (minimum age requirement): Healing (8) Gathering (8), Scouting (9), Fighting (10), Hunting (10), Mining (10), Leading (12) | Don't have to test all of them
      Lyra | 1/7 | gathering
      Child | 0/7 | what they did

      Tamara | Zacchaeus | Gathering | 4 |
      ↪ Harvesting, Vegetables, Orchard Care, Crop Rotation
      Aaron | Gwinaelle | Hunter | 2 |
      ↪ Tracking, Trapping
      Xzavier | Yameldein | Gatherer | 2 |
      ↪ Planting, Fertiliser Making
      Almtrude | Jorveid | Scout | 2 |
      ↪ Camouflage, Climbing
      Bargas | Rhys | Hunter | 1 |
      ↪ Tracking
      Rovi | Arun | Warrior | 1 |
      ↪ Unarmed Fighting
      Joan | Hessin | Healer | 0 |
      ↪ learned
      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      ↪ learned

      Name | Cause of Death
      Name | Cause of Death

      Tamara <-> Xzavier
      Jaymes -> Ana
      Zacchaeus -> Yameldein
      Gwinaelle <-> Jorveid
      Name ->/<-> Name

      Zaos and Laedrya | Arun+Rhys (adopted)+ Lyra
      Aaron and Hilda | Talyn
      Calder and Maple | Ian
      Pantaleon and Myriam | Myreon (adopted)
      Laila and Simeon | Zacchaeus+Nora+Axel
      Bargas and Alkhas | Kids
      Ulgrik and ??? | Hessin (adopted)+ Jorveid
      ??? and ??? | Gwinaelle+Yameldein
      Sabra, grandfather of Ana
      Name and Name | Kids
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Re: Hazil's Trial Replies

Postby hazilnut » Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:56 pm

Summer is here! During the summer, your villagers will likely catch even more prey and the odds of deaths during births will continue to drop.

Hello, hello! I'mma be your trial mod until March 14th so let's make a fun time of our short partnership! Please PM/DM me if I've made a mistake or if you want to plan for shenanigans!


Arya22 wrote:

[ Lyra successfully tests hunting ]

[ Gwinaelle successfully trains in pelt preservation ]
[ Yameldein successfully trains in pest control ]
[ Jorvied successfully trains in mapping ]
[ Rhys successfully trains in preserves ]
[ Arun successfully trains in defensive combat ]
[ Hessin trains in salve creation ]

[ Zacchaeus is successfully promoted to gatherer ]

[ Myriam's request is granted ]

[ Joan gains 1 kp from researching medicine ]

[ Apple and Cinnamon's union results in 2 foals ]
[ Redneck and Sky's union results in 4 eggs, one of which fails to hatch ]
[ Donovan and Auruco's union results, by some magic, 2 kittens and 2 otter pups ]
{ Ephyr & Gorzi's union results in 8 eggs, one of which fails to hatch }

[ Ulgrik's patrol finds a figure whom they presume to be a hunter, based on the number of furs the person in wearing. They confess to being completely and utterly turned around, having apparently come to track down a cart and horse, as well as their wealthy owner, that had gone missing. It had been a long and fruitless search and they weren't looking forwards to returning empty handed. They'd be ameanable to at least staying at Cyrrane long enough to gather provisions and then see how to play it after that. ]

[ Aakash's patrol finds a tester-aged child streaking through the woods, naked and covered in mud and prickers. Acting quickly, the patrol manages to catch the child before they disappear into the wilds, which proves rather difficult given how squirmy and loud the kid is. They manage to pry from the child that they are parent-less but not pack-less, whatever that means. Letting a kid run around unsupervised is deemed a bad idea so the patrol brings them back to Cyrrane despite their protests. ]

[ Aaron's patrol catches x1 boar, x1 bovine ]
[ Bargas's patrol catches x3 bovine, x2 deer, x1 hare ]

[ Xzavier's patrol gathers x1 potato seed, x2 blueberries, x1 mushroom, x1 cantaloupe ]
[ The carrot seed begins to sprout and will bloom for the first time in one post ]
[ The cantaloupe seed begins to sprout and will bloom for the first time in one post ]

[ Silas's patrol collects x1 iron, x1 sand, x1 silver ]

[ The cats catch x7 mice ]
[ The dogs retrieve x5 carnivore scraps ]

[ The hunter's traits are: ST - D10 / HS - HC / HC - 12 / EC - H5 / X / Elf ]
[ The tester's traits are: ST - C3 / HS - HW / HC - 4 / EC - D9 / Y / Hobbit ]
Last edited by hazilnut on Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create-A-Village V3

Postby jazz. » Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:57 am

sírєns: 10
αnímαls: 8
sєrvíngs: 12
surfαcє vísít: later

I've accomplished something!
Achievement(s) You've Accomplished: It's Only a Flesh Wound!, A Spoonful of Sugar, Savvy Barter, Thrift Shop Gal
Total Prizes: 5 random food items, 25 yemons

The Abyssi eats two tunas (12 servings).

Trevor, Wahi (hippocampus), Ikehu, and Nahesa (sea dragon) hunt.
Huhū, and Kanikau, and Nani (hippocampus) gather.
Huki and Gula (fire-lizard) patrol (slowly).
Koe scouts, mainly for possible animals.
Olakino researches medicine and treats Anaia for her sea otter injury.

Kanikau will handle Leoū.
Trevor will handle Aurunci.
Koe has bonded to Polū.

Keiki tests with Huhū for Gathering.
Gula and Keleawe (fire-lizards) breed.
Wahi and Leoū (hippocampi) breed.

(( i think i picked all of the achievements i have done so far! ))
(( i would like to request that no other new people join immediately at this time ))
(( injuries are fine, no deaths without consulting me first ;) ))

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ cαptαín ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Kanikau | female | 36 y |
    ST - F11 / HS - AC / HC - 47 / EC - E8 / X / siren

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ mєdíc ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Olakino | male | 47 y | 3 KP |
    ST - E7 / HS - HW / HC - 27 / EC - G10 / Y / siren

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ wαrríσrs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Huki | male | 31 y |
    ST - A8 / HS - HW / HC - 34 / EC - C3 / X / siren

    ↪ tail torn, slower
    Anaia | female | 35 y |
    ST - D9 / HS - LC / HC - 24 / EC - C10 / X / siren
    ↪ chilling for one post

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ scσuts ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Piha | male | 33 y |
    ST - F5 / HS - AC / HC - 21 / EC - H6 / X / shifting-siren

    ↪ african gray parrot shift
    ↪ missing left hand
    ↪ sick for two posts
    Koe | female | 33 y |
    ST - C11 / HS - LW / HC - 2 / EC - E2 / Y / siren

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ huntєrs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Trevor | male | 45 y |
    ST - F11 / HS - S / HC - 29 / EC - H6 / Y / siren

    Ikehu | female | 29 y |
    ST - A9 / HS - S / HC - 52 / EC - C7 / X / siren

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ gαthєrєrs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Huhū | male | 37 y |
    ST - F9 / HS - S / HC - 48 / EC - E8 / X / siren

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ αpprєntícєs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ tєstєrs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Keiki | female | 10 y |
    ST - D1 / HS - S / HC -55 / EC - E10 / X / siren

    ↪ tested for hunting
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ thє чσung ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ єldєrs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ rєlαtíσnshíps ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Hilahila engaged to Bale
    Everyone hates Paakiki
    Huhū has resentment towards Paakiki
    Trevor and Olakino are standoffish towards each other
    Olakino is intimidating at times
    Anaia and Huki are professional towards each other
    Kanikau and Trevor disagree on morals
    Kanikau and Trevor has a deep respect for one another
    Ikehu LOVES alcohol
    Anaia loves animals
    Ikehu is bonded to Nahesa
    Kanikau is Nani's handler
    Trevor is Wahi's handler
    Koe and Kanikau heavily dislike each other
    Huki is bonded to Gula
    Anaia is bonded to Keleawe
    Trevor definitely does NOT fancy Olakino

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ thє turnєd ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Kanikua | Turned by unknown
    Hilahila | Turned by Kanikau
    Trevor | Turned by unknown
    Huhū | Turned by Paakiki
    Paakiki | Turned by unknown
    Ikehu | Turned by unknown
    Huki | Turned by unknown
    Anaia | Turned by unknown
    Bale | Turned by Hilahila
    Olakino | Turned by unknown
    Piha | Turned by Huki
    Koe | Turned by unknown
    Keiki | Turned by unknown
¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ αllíєs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
none yet

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ єnєmíєs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
Sereia | deimos

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ вσrdєrs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
North | ocean/rocky shore with trees | open
East | headwaters of river | Cyrrane | Arya
South | bright coral reef | open
West | open ocean | Sereia | deimos

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ fσσd stσrαgє ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
13 | Cod | 3 servings
15 | Mackerel | 3 servings
5 | Tuna | 6 servings
6 | Shark | 10 servings
7 | Kelp | 5 servings
10 | Seagrass | 3 servings
1 | Seaweed | 5 servings
8 | Coconut | 3 servings
14 | Apple | 2 servings
15 | Orange | 2 servings

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ ítєm stσrαgє ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
2 | Coconut Seed |
1 | Kelp Seed |
1 | Orange Seed |
1 | Seaweed Seed |
1 | Backpack | 6 uses left
1 | Compass | 2 uses left
1 | Saddle | 20 uses left
1 | Saddlebag | 8 uses left
2 | Staff | 4 uses left (total)
1 | Steel Dagger | 1 use left
1 | Stone Dagger | 1 use left
1 | Vial of Medicine | 1 use left
1 | Wagon bag | 10 uses left
3 | Copper | craftable
2 | Cotton | craftable
4 | Gold | craftable
3 | Iron | craftable
2 | Leather | craftable
6 | Sand | craftable
2 | Silver | craftable
5 | Steel | craftable
4 | Stone | craftable
2 | Twine | craftable
2 | Wood | craftable

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ pєts ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
Nahesa | female | 243 y | sea dragon | 0/2 bred | Ω | Ikehu
↪ increases chance of catching an extra piece of prey
↪ reduces chance of injuries on scouting patrols by 30%
↪ reduces the chance of death on scouting patrols by 50%
↪ reduces the market travel time by 1 post if taken with
a party of 10-15 villagers
Nani | mare | 13 y | hippocampus |1/2 bred | Ω | Kanikau
↪ 20% chance of catching extra piece of prey
↪ reduces the chance of injuries on scouting patrols by 20%
↪ reduces the chance of death on scouting patrols by 50%
↪ reduces the market travel time by 1 post
Wahi | mare | 5 y | hippocampus hybrid | 1/2 bred | Ω | Trevor
↪ 20% chance of catching extra piece of prey
↪ reduces the chance of injuries on scouting patrols by 20%
↪ reduces the chance of death on scouting patrols by 50%
↪ reduces the market travel time by 1 post
↪ increases the chance of more items from planted crops by 30%
Leoū | stallion | 5 y | hippocampus |1/2 bred | Ω | Kanikau
↪ 20% chance of catching extra piece of prey
↪ reduces the chance of injuries on scouting patrols by 20%
↪ reduces the chance of death on scouting patrols by 50%
↪ reduces the market travel time by 1 post
Gula | female | 4 y | fire-lizard |1/2 bred | Ω | Huki
↪ increase chances of finding materials and items on patrols
Keleawe | male | 4 y | fire-lizard |1/2 bred | Ω | Anaia
↪ increase chances of finding materials and items on patrols
Polū | male | 1 y | fire-lizard |0/2 bred | Ω | Koe
↪ increase chances of finding materials and items on patrols
Aurunci | sow | 1 y | otter |0/2 bred | Ω | Trevor
↪ reduce chances of getting villagers ill
↪ 30% chance of catching 1-4 mice worth ¼ serving each

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ mєntσrs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ dєcєαsєd ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Hilahila | female | 27 y | | bled out
    ST - A9 / HS - LC / HC - 11 / EC - F6 / X / siren

    Bale | male | 37 y | | killed by Hilahila
    ST - F11 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - F2 / X / siren

    Paakiki | female | 77 y |
    ST - E8 / HS - LW / HC - 30 / EC - H9 / X / siren

font: shardee
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Re: Storm's Trial Replies

Postby Springtalon » Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:54 am


Spring gives way and Summer arrives! During the summer seasons, your villagers are more likely to catch prey, and the odds of death during birth drop!

Carmani Abissi

spasticjazzhands wrote:
sírєns: 10
αnímαls: 8
sєrvíngs: 12
surfαcє vísít: later

I've accomplished something!
Achievement(s) You've Accomplished: It's Only a Flesh Wound!, A Spoonful of Sugar, Savvy Barter, Thrift Shop Gal
Total Prizes: 5 random food items, 25 yemons

The Abyssi eats two tunas (12 servings).

Trevor, Wahi (hippocampus), Ikehu, and Nahesa (sea dragon) hunt.
Huhū, and Kanikau, and Nani (hippocampus) gather.
Huki and Gula (fire-lizard) patrol (slowly).
Koe scouts, mainly for possible animals.
Olakino researches medicine and treats Anaia for her sea otter injury.

Kanikau will handle Leoū.
Trevor will handle Aurunci.
Koe has bonded to Polū.

Keiki tests with Huhū for Gathering.
Gula and Keleawe (fire-lizards) breed.
Wahi and Leoū (hippocampi) breed.

(( i think i picked all of the achievements i have done so far! ))
(( i would like to request that no other new people join immediately at this time ))
(( injuries are fine, no deaths without consulting me first ;) ))

[ hunt ]
►trevor's patrol caught three cod!

[ gather ]
►huhū's patrol gathered together x1 kelp!

[ border patrol ]
► nothing of event happened on the patrol

[ scout patrol ]
► though not large enough to bring back, koe found some small seahorses who seemed to enjoy playing with her.

[ research ]
►olakino has gained 1 KP

[ healing ]
► anaia's back has been treated successfully, she may resume patrolling, though olakino has advised her to avoid 'strenuous work' for another few months.

[ testing ]
► keiki failed to test in gathering, very nearly eating some rotten seaweed like piha had. thankfully, huhū stopped her. your sirens should probably find a new spot to pick seaweed, or at the very least pull out the rotten stuff because this was almost another disaster.

[ breeding ]
► gula laid six eggs! all six of them hatched successfully, what a happy day for carmani abyssi
► wahi gave birth to a single foal! like their mother, the foal is a hybrid hippocampus, however the blood has been diluted a bit more, resulting in a more hippocampi-like appearance. Please note that the foal did not gain its mother's unique powers!

[ notes ]
► this will probably be my last reply for you (unless i end up being a staff member and getting to keep carmani), but this has been really fun to do, and uh i guess i don't really know what else to put here so....i'll talk with ya in the discord X'D
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Westhaven | #007

Postby ARKYQ » Sat Mar 14, 2020 2:22 pm

font credit from
Number of People: total: 019 | male: 009 | female: 010 | other: 000
Number of Animals: total: 000 | male: 000 | female: 000 | other: 000
Yemons: 50
Next Visit to Ancestors: March 28 2020
Please no deaths atm!

[size=85]I've accomplished something!
Achievement(s) You've Accomplished: hannigan or warbucks?
Total Prizes: x3 random items

Ipuruak took a deep breath in, and drew back the arrow, knocked against the bow. breathing out halfway, he released, and exhaled the rest of the way. the elk he had shot fell to the ground, its legs unable to support its dying body.
when the beast grew still, he did not pity it. it had been old and weak. but it would sustain Westhaven's villagers.
Pema walked up to him, a smile on her face. since he had given up being a healer a year ago, setting down his books of medicine in favor of a bow, he had never regretted it. his elven friend hoisted the elk onto her shoulders, and the two of them hauled it back home.
as they walked, Ipuruak pondered, his mind lost in thought. Avery had kept his word, and requested a new healer, and Ipuruak had hunted ever since. the new healer was extremely young, younger than he himself had been, when he had first found the elven huntress, dragging the limp carcass of an elk, not at all different from this one.
when he first saw her, he had felt a weird tingling in the pit of his stomach. before, he'd had no clue as to what it was, but now he did. the feeling had returned recently, as well. whenever he looked at Pema, he suddenly got nervous.
as he pondered, he was suddenly jolted back to the present by Pema's sharp voice.
"... hey! you in there? Ipuruak?" she waved a hand in front of his face, startling Ipuruak. he looked up quickly, his jitters returning.
"oh... yeah. sorry." he flustered. her shoulders shook with amusement.
"well? do you?" she repeated, a mocking look in her eyes.
"do i what?" he asked, embarrassed he hadn't been paying attention.
"do you want to go for a walk later?" she said, rolling her eyes.
"yeah... of course!" he said, though deep down, the thought made him a little nervous...

Cedar hoisted the sword into the air. she could barely lift the iron blade.
"no, this one's too heavy." she told Saban, her mentor.
"here, try this one." the kitsune said, and offered her a shorter, narrower Falchion.
The grip was leather wrapped and the iron's silvery sheen reflected the woods behind her. Beautiful. She held it her right hand, then her left, then decided it felt best in her right. She quickly slashed and parried at an invisible enemy, then turned to Saban.
"This one feels great." She exclaimed, not taking her eyes off of the sword.
Saban smiled. "I thought you might like this one." He replied, a hint of laughter in his growl-purr voice. "Here."
He held out a paw, offering her a sheath for the sword.
She took it, and attached it to her belt, put the sword in, and faced Saban once more. The kitsune had been like a father to her, ever since she had arrived at Westhaven.
After that, they spent the rest of the afternoon discussing and practicing techniques, maintenance and the weather.

"Hazel!" Morag cried. "Slow down!"
Chasing after the little toddler, the elf couldn't help but wonder again if they'd been to quick to adopt the little girl. She never seemed to listen to anyone but Maryn, and the satyr was often busy, leaving some poor soul to babysit the little hurricane.
perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to bring her outside. the scout thought to herself.
Now, with the tiny human racing off towards the woods, Morag sprinting after her, she wished for nothing more than for Maryn and the other gatherers to return already.
Finally she caught the squirming infant, and wrestled her back towards the house.
She had just gotten into the door when she felt a sharp pain in her arm. The little squirt bit me! Morag thought indignantly, as the child ran off to some unseen hiding place.
maybe it's best to just wait for Maryn to get home...

Pema looked at her reflection in the puddle, fussing slightly with her frizzy brown hair. She waited outside of Ipuruak's door. A second later the former healer stepped out, and nodded.
They started off. As they walked, they both held hands, and Ipuruak's wings trailed along the ground.
They walked in silence for the most part, aside from the occasional comment about the weather or joke about six-legged chickens.
When they came to the woods, and sat on a log, Pema finally dared to break the tension.
"Hey, is everything okay?" She asked him. He did seem nervous.
"I-i just, have a lot on my mind." He said quickly.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." no, that didn't sound right. Stupid, Pema, stupid! she scolded herself. But to her surprise, he didn't laugh. Instead, he sighed, and then he spoke.
"Pema." He began, and took a shaky breath. "I've known you for a few years now, and... I wanted to ask you..." He trailed off, as if he were terrified. He took another breath in. "I want to ask you, will you marry me?" He said, and waited.
Speechless, Pema regained her senses and threw her arms around him. "Yes, yes, a hundred times yes!" She cried happily.
"Really?" He asked, equally as shocked and happy.
"Of course!" She cried and hugged him tighter. "How could i ever say no!"

Rhea wrapped her arms around her daughter, and kissed Sai goodbye. "Now, you two take care!" She called over her shoulder, and dashed down the road to where the border patrol was waiting to leave.
The other warriors, Saban, and the one who's name she could never rember, were there, along with the little apprentice, Cedar. She walked over to them, and as she did so, quickly checked her spear was still strapped to her back, and he knife was still by her side.
It had become a habit. When her, Sai, and Reed had lived in the woods, she'd fashioned a spear from stone and wood, to keep her family safe. But now, the chieftain, Avery, had given her a metal spear to keep with her while she patrolled.
They started off, and as they walked, Rhea thought back to those days in the cold snow, and nights in the freezing wind. She'd been beyond relieved when she'd found the smoke of one of Westhaven's fires twisting throught the sky, one early mourning.
"Rhea! Are you paying attention?" Saban said, in his odd voice.
"Oh yes!" She flustered, slightly startled.
"Good." He purred, and they kept going. She was not going to mess this patrol up.

The people of Westhaven aged 21+ consume 16 servings (1 each) 3 chickens, 1 rabbit and 1 elk

The people of Westhaven aged 7-20 consume 0.5 servings (0.5 each) 0.5 rabbit

The people of Westhaven aged 0-6 consume 0 servings (0 each)

Avery, Saban and Cedar go on patrol

Rhea and Arlen go on patrol

Berne researches medicine

Saban trains Cedar

Morag and Elanjar go scouting, looking specifically for skilled animals Westhaven could use

Pema, Ipuruak and Reed go hunting

Rose and Finnegan go hunting

Jasan, Maryn and Merrigan go foraging

Aja is due now

Pema and Ipuruak get married!

Requesting a villager with the following traits: ST - E4 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - 5C / X / winged person

    Avery warren | male | 34
    ↪ ST - A8 / HS - HC / HC - 53 / EC - B5 / X / nymph.

    Berne Mercier | male | 19 | 0 Kp
    ↪ ST - E5 / HS - LC / HC - 9 / EC - A8 / X / shapeshifter (ermine)

    Lead Warrior
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Saban | male | 26
    ↪ ST - B9 / HC - 43 / EC - A8 / Y / kitsune

    Arlen Stowe | Male | 22
    ↪ ST - K1 / HS - LW / HC - 18 / EC - H6 / X / centaur

    Rhea Vallhera| female | 32
    ↪ ST - L1 / HS - HW / HC - 18 / EC - H1 / X / dark elf

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Lead Scout
    Morag Witwood | female | 37
    ↪ ST - C5 / HS - HW / HC - 3 / EC - E2 / X / light elf

    Elanjar Aegis | male | 27
    ↪ ST - D10 / HS - AC / HC - 22 / EC - E5 / Y / half-elf

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Lead Huntress
    Rose De Loughrey | Female | 51
    ↪ ST - B7 / HS - LW / HC - 55 / EC - A6 / X / human

    Pema Blackthorn | female | 31
    ↪ ST - B3 / HS - HC / HC - 8 / EC - F3 / X / wood elf

    Finnegan Moore | male | 24
    ↪ ST - D7 / HS - HW / HC - 6 / EC - A4 / X / elemental ( Earth )

    Ipuruak Hawkins | Male | 29
    ↪ ST - F4 / HS - HC / HC - 6 / EC - H5 / X / winged person.

    Reed Vallhera | male | 33
    ↪ ST - B5 / HS - LC / HC - 65 / EC - G3 / X / wood elf

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Jasan Fallow | Male | 35
    ↪ ST - D4 / HS - LW / HC - 4 / EC - D6 / X / shapeshifter (peregrine falcon)

    Maryn Witwood | female | 25
    ↪ ST - E9 / HS - S / HC - 22 / EC - A4 / Y / satyr

    Merrigan Moore | female | 24
    ↪ ST - D7 / HS - HW / HC - 6 / EC - A4 / X / elemental ( Fire )

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Cedar | female | 16
    ↪ ST - A1 / HS - LC / HC - 62 / EC - D3 / X / hybrid (domestic cat)

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Aja Fallow| Female | 33
    ↪ ST - A5 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - G2 / X / werewolf
    ↪ due now

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Hazel Witwood | Female | 3
    ↪ ST - E6 / HS - HC / HC - 63 / EC - A6 / X / human

    Sai Valldera | female | 5
    ↪ ST - E1 / HS - LC / HC - 65 / EC - H1 / X / dark elf

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Zaffari | Olympia.
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | zaffari | Olympia.
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Rabbit | x2.5 | 1 serving
Chicken | x3 | 3 servings
Caribou | x2 | 6 servings
Elk | x5 | 6 servings
Wheat | x2 | 2 servings
Corn | x1 | 4 servings
Pumpkin | x2 | 5 servings
Apple | x1 | 2 servings
Strawberry | x2 | 2 servings
Watermelon | x2 | 4 servings

Seed Storage:
Corn seed | x1 | unplanted
Watermelon seed | x2 | unplanted
Pumpkin seed | x1 | unplanted
Seed | amount | planted or unplanted

Item Storage
Compass | x2 | uses left: 2
Stone dagger | x1 | uses left: 1
Staff | x1 | uses left: 2
Cotton | x1 | craftable
Wood | x1 | craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Skilled animals
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Saban | Cedar | Warrior | 2/4
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Aja Fallow and Jasan Fallow | expecting
Unknown and Unknown | Merrigan Moore and Finnegan Moore
Morag Witwood and Maryn Witwood | Hazel Witwood (adoptive)
Reed Vallhera and Rhea Vallhear | Sai Vallhera
Name and Name | kids

Simonpet wrote:[center][ Saban's patrol finds x1 cotton and x1 wood. ]
[ Elanjar and Morag finds a family: a hunter, a warrior, and their child. ]
[ Merrigan and Maryn gather x1 watermelon seed, x1 wheat, and x1 corn. ]
[ Jasan gathers x1 pumpkin seed, x1 watermelon, and x2 strawberries. ]
[ Pema catches x1 caribou, x1 elk, and x1 rabbit. ]
[ Rose and Finnegan catch x1 elk and x1 chicken. ]

[ Cedar gains a skill as a warrior. ]

[ Hazel is welcomed into her new family with open arms. Her traits have been confirmed as: ST - E6 / HS - HC / HC - 63 / EC - A6 / X / human / 3 years. ]

[ The hunter's traits are: ST - B5 / HS - LC / HC - 65 / EC - G3 / X / wood elf. ]
[ The warrior's traits are: ST - L1 / HS - HW / HC - 18 / EC - H1 / X / dark elf. ]
[ The child's traits are: ST - E1 / HS - LC / HC - 65 / EC - H1 / X / dark elf. ]
[ The ancestors acknowledge Ipuruak's change in rank. He will be allowed to keep his healer's knowledge but can gain no more. ]
[ The ancestors send Avery a replacement healer. Their traits are: ]

[ Westhaven is given x1 compass for the achievement. ]

[ Mod notes: I'd recommend that you start consolidating patrols instead of splitting them up like that (ex: Merrigan, Maryn, and Jasan all gather)! That way, you can get more food, particularly during the fall and winter. ]

Good to know![/quote]
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Sun Mar 15, 2020 12:26 pm


During the summer, your villagers are likely to catch even more prey and gather more food, and the odds of death during births will continue to drop.

Villages are preparing for the intense heat waves that mark the middle of summer, killing crops and harming residents. Children will be delighted to be outdoors while the parents will do everything in their power to bring them inside and protect them from the intense sunlight. The gods recommend that every village build a pool. It's good for the digestion.

Super sorry for the late replies! As I predicted, mock exams hit me hard and I had no time to focus on anything but studying for the past two weeks. As an apology, I'm waiving a single bad roll (assuming you got one) per village. Additionally, the mod trials are over and the new staff should be announced by March 21. <3

If anyone wishes to join the Discord, PM me for the link. Please contact me if I've made a mistake!

Afathrath | Beacontown | Carmina Abyssi | Cyrrane | Dovefeather | Havensake | Iron Rosette | Kanaka Helu | Littlekeep | Mekhanikos | Solaris Canyon | The Wayfarer | Westhaven

Atarienis | Bad Mist Mountain | Black Crystal | Fairborne | Kekunan Clan | Luna Sirenis | Phoenix Grove | Rain Town | Sanguis | Somnium Falls | The Sanctuary | Tortuga

[ Lozen's patrol catches x3 pigs, x2 sharks, x2 frogs, and x1 deer. ]
[ Lozen and Keon gather x1 butternut squash seed, x1 apple, x1 pear, and x1 mushroom. ]
[ Lozen's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Lozen's patrol finds a scout. ]

[ Keon unfortunately got pink eye, a contagious disease, a few days after going on the gathering patrol due to her age and inexperience. She will need one post of rest and there is a chance that her illness will spread. ]

[ The scout's traits are: ST - M10 / HS - HC / HC -8 / EC - E3 / X / vampire. ]
[ Lozen's request of an animal is refused. Requests are limited to new villagers. ]

[ Mod notes: I'm giving you double the normal food rolls because I'm super duper sorry about skipping you in my last reply. :( Also, for future reference, only adults are allowed to go on patrols and testers need to test at least four ranks or else they will be unable to advance to apprentice rank. ]

爆殺王 wrote:

[ Leopold gathers x1 mushroom seed, x2 mushrooms, x2 blackberries, and x1 plum. ]
[ Kishri's patrol catches x2 badgers, x4 moles, x2 conies, and x2 bats. ]
[ Box and Jar find a pair of kittens! What will you name them? ]
[ Quarris and Cendis find x1 leather with the help of the fire-lizards. ]
[ Eribaeg gains 1 KP. ]

[ The plum and zucchini plants will bloom in one post. ]

[ Updog successfully gains a skill in hunting. ]
[ Solnar successfully gains a skill in warring. ]

[ The ancestors grant Jareth's request of a scouting chief. Their traits are: ST - B11 / HS - LC / HC - 13 / EC - F11 / X / goblin. ]

[ Mod notes: I'm giving you double the normal food rolls because I'm super duper sorry about skipping you in my last reply. :( ]

julian. wrote:

[ Fithid gathers x2 tomatoes. ]
[ Mulmi gathers x1 pomegranate and x2 oats. ]
[ Mulmi catches x1 perch. ]
[ Fithid finds an amuheudh. ]

[ The oat seed was successfully planted and will bloom in 2 posts. ]

[ The amuheudh's traits are: ST - A2 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - E4 / X / rauthrafa. ]
[ Afathrath's yemon count (+50) has been updated. ]

[ Mod notes: Please make sure you have credit for the font somewhere in your post! It's doesn't need to be large, but it needs to be there. ]

jarside wrote:

[ Groot's patrol finds x1 stone dagger. ]
[ Taryn finds a warrior. ]
[ Taryn and Groot catch x2 rabbits. ]
[ Cosmos gathers x1 corn and x1 apple. ]
[ Ram gains 1 KP. ]

[ The hunter's traits are: ST - D3 / HS - LC / HC - 4 / EC - A5 / X / tiefling. ]

UnhollyFireFly wrote:

[ Nari and Yazawa find nothing of interest. Although Nari came close to being injured after a tree trunk fell near the pair, Yazawa pulled her out of the way just in time. ]
[ Iki gathers x1 pineapple, x1 banana, and x1 plum. ]
[ Suga catches x1 pig. ]
[ Yanagi gains 1 KP. ]

[ The plum seed fails to grow in the heat. ]

[ Giving birth alone and in the heat was too hard on Noya. The single child nearly died and Noya herself suffered internal damage that made her infertile. Please change her X to a Y. ]

[ Noya's child's traits are: ST - M11 / HS - HC / HC - 26 / EC - D10 / X / dwarf. ]
[ The ancestors grant Nari's request of a warrior. Their traits are: ST - I1 / HS - LW / HC - 23 / EC - A6 / X / robot. ]
[ Somnium Falls's yemon count (+90) has been updated. ]

[ Mod notes: No worries! The story, especially when the village is just starting, is definitely the hardest part. Heck even now, I sometimes struggle with what to write. Also, please make sure you have credit for the font somewhere in your post! It's doesn't need to be large, but it needs to be there.

Getting more animals has a few rules. You can add pets/familiars of any species at any time, but they will not have an effect on the game (they don't have powers but they don't need to be fed) and must be listed separately as a pet/familiar.

You can also choose to use variant animals (contact me for more information) if you have a legitimate reason for not receiving the standard set. For example, BRW uses the standard set of animals while Carmina Abyssi uses the water variants because it's a sea-based village. I hope that I answered your question! ]

salvation. wrote:

[ Anai's patrol catches x1 rabbit, x1 squirrel, x1 cow, and x1 chicken. ]
[ Jericho's patrol gathers x1 strawberry and x3 peaches. ]
[ Raegan's patrol finds a bird. What will you name it? ]
[ Blake's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Both Hana and Alice gain 1 KP each. ]

[ Evangeline is pregnant! She will give birth in two posts. ]

Nosifer wrote:

[ Elmiva and Georica gather x1 pomegranate and x1 spinach. ]
[ Vardiid and Apikolu catch x1 deer. ]
[ Terniel and Sterichen find a child. ]
[ Ray and Sterichen find a warrior. ]
[ Mardex gains 1 KP. ]

[ Both the turnip seed and the oat seed are successfully planted. They will bloom in two posts. ]

[ Ered successfully tested hunting. ]

[ The child's traits are: ST - F7 / HS - HC / HC - 39 / EC - E11 / X / iryad. ]
[ The warrior's traits are: ST - A1 / HS - S / HC - 28 / EC - F9 / Y / iryad. ]
[ The ancestors grant Elmiva's request of a gatherer. Their traits are: ST - D4 / HS - HW / HC - 37 / EC - F10 / X / iryad. ]

Lumos12 wrote:

[ Zephyr and Hiroryu gather x1 mushroom seed, x1 strawberry, x1 mushroom, x1 cassava, and x1 carrot. ]
[ Xandrie catches x2 sheep and x1 goose. ]
[ Xandrie finds a gatherer and a warrior. ]
[ Altair finds a family of a child, a gatherer, a scout, and an elder. ]

[ The first gatherer's traits are: ST - D11 / HS - LW / HC - 53 / EC - H3 / X / elf. ]
[ The warrior's traits are: ST - F7 / HS - LC / HC - 43 / EC - B11 / X / human. ]
[ The child's traits are: ST - F8 / HS - LC / HC - 11 / EC - B3 / X / demon. ]
[ The second gatherer's traits are: ST - E5 / HS - HC / HC - 52 / EC - F3 / X / demon. ]
[ The scout's traits are: ST - A10 / HS - S / HC - 12 / EC - B6 / X / human. ]
[ The elder's traits are: ST - B1 / HS - HC / HC - 16 / EC -H7 / X / elf. ]
[ The ancestors grant Tastle's request of a tester. Their traits are: ST - E9 / HS - LC / HC - 3 / EC - C10 / X / feline shapeshifter. ]

Stormt4lon wrote:

[ Romeo and Gabriel find x1 leather, x1 stone, and x1 cotton. ]
[ Soren's patrol finds a dog. What will you name it? ]
[ Brick's patrol catches x2 pigs. ]
[ Stella and Herzog gather x1 melon and x1 beetroot. ]
[ Ivy gains 1 KP. ]

[ Ellegaard has successfully crafted x1 stone pickaxe. ]

[ Herobrine grants Romeo's request of a warrior. Their traits are: ST - E1 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - B6 / X / elf. ]

Talonpawthewarrior wrote:

[ Avery's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Rhea and Arlen find x1 gold. ]
[ Morag and Elanjar find nothing of interest. ]
[ Pema's patrol catches x2 caribou and x1 chicken. ]
[ Rose and Finnegan catch x1 caribou, x1 elk, and x1 rabbit. ]
[ Jasan's patrol gathers x1 watermelon and x1 wheat. ]
[ Berne gains 1 KP. ]

[ Pema is now pregnant! She will give birth in two posts. ]
[ Aja gives birth to two healthy children. ]

[ Cedar successfully gains a skill as a warrior. ]

[ Aja's first child's traits are: ST - D4 / HS - S / HC - 4 / EC - G2 / X / werewolf. ]
[ Aja's second child's traits are: ST - D4 / HS - LW / HC - 4 / EC - G2 / Y / werewolf. ]
[ Westhaven receives a gatherer. Their traits are: ST - E4 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - 5C / X / winged person. ]

[ Westhaven receives x1 compass, x1 stone spear, and x1 vial of medicine from the achievement. ]

sharpiesandhamilton wrote:Image

[ Rua's patrol catches x2 moose and x1 caribou. ]
[ Rua's patrol gathers x1 mushroom, x1 cucumber, and x1 strawberry. ]
[ Rua's patrol successfully tames the fox kit! What will you name it? ]
[ Ola gains 1 KP. ]

[ Rosmrr is now healed. ]
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Re: Hawk Ridge/Phoenix Grove 019

Postby Kazin » Sun Mar 15, 2020 1:19 pm

Kazin wrote:
font credit
Number of People: 037 | 18 female | 18 male | 01 nonbinary
Number of Animals: 003
Servings Needed: 32.25
21+ need 1, 6-20 need .5, under 6 need 0.
Animals need .25

--seraphim's first day on the job. lots of crying :'(
--Zaida sadness oh no I didn't think this through. what will she do. She makes some toddler insight that Seraphim needs but didn't expect to hear from his daughter.
--Vikram crying too. He really did care for Laurel. Paradox too, maybe. She was an older sister to them.
--Rin and Zara heard about the fire, and are trying their best for their new village.
--the village knows they will recover. It will take a lot of time, but they will heal. And they have guidance from the stars now.

New Members/Rank Up:
--> Seraphim is voted Head Chief, and takes the position with a heavy heart.
--> Vikram becomes War Chief.
--> The apprentice is named Rin, and the scout is named Zara.

--> Seraphim requests a Shaman.

--> Paradox, Dalo, Etyx, Ashton, Syrinix, and Forest hunt.

--> Aelys checks on the zucchini plant, which is blooming for the second time.
--> Kyran, Meella, and Felix gather.

--> Cylia, Polaris, Mica, Tobias, Maris, and Haku scout.
--> Vikram, Samael, Amara, Shylo, and Juno patrol the border.

--> Gyatso trains with Vikram.
--> Meadow studies on her own, though she has no mentor this year.
--> Rin is assigned Kyran as a mentor, and trains.

--> Echo (dog) and Chaser (dog, from Simon's village Black Rock Weyrhold) try for pups!

--> Phoenix Grove consumes 3 moose, 1 plum, and 1 strawberry. [33 servings]

    Head Chief
    Seraphim | ♂ | 36 years
    ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 12 / EC - B4 / X / harpy

    name | ♀ | x years | KP: 0
    ↪ traits

    War Chief
    Vikram "Demon Fang" | ♂ | 29 years
    ↪ ST - D5 / HS - HW / HC - 3 / EC - B7 / X / shapeshifter [bear]

    Samael | ♂ | 33 years
    ↪ ST-G1 | HC-3 | HS-S | EC-C8 | X | dryad
    Amara | ♀ | 27 years
    ↪ ST - E10 / HS - AC / HC - 24 / EC - B3 / X / elf
    Shylo | ♀ | 27 years
    ↪ ST-C11 | HC-49 | HS-HC | EC-C4 | X | Dryad
    Juno / ♀ / 24 years
    ↪ ST - D1 / HS - HC / HC - 1 / EC - B5 / X / human

    Scout Chief
    Cylia | ♀ | 31 years
    ↪ ST - D10 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - H2 / X / harpy

    Polaris | ♂ | 32 years
    ↪ ST - B11 / HS - LC / HC - 18 / EC - E2 / X / harpy
    Mica / ♂ / 31 years
    ↪ ST - A5 / HS - HC / HC - 3 / EC - D3 / X / shapeshifter [puffin]
    Tobias | ♂ | 30 years
    ↪ ST - B5 / HS - S / HC - 13 / EC - F7 / X / harpy
    Zara | ♀ | 25 years
    ↪ ST - F3 / HS - HC / HC - 20 / EC - C2 / X / elf
    Maris | ♀ | 24 years
    ↪ ST - A3 / HS - HC / HC - 22 / EC - B1 / X / elf
    Haku | ♂ | 20 years
    ↪ ST - D3 | HC - 42 | HS - LW | EC - F8 | X | Half-angel

    Hunting Chief
    Paradox | ♂ | 33 years
    ↪ ST- D3 / HS- LW / HC- 21 / EC- D1 / X / shapeshifter [ocelot]
    Dalo | ♂ | 28 years
    ↪ ST - D4 / HS - S / HC - 8 / EC - B1 / X / shapeshifter [jaguar]

    Ashton | ♀ | 30 years
    ↪ ST - B7 / HS - S / HC - 12 / EC - E7 / X / harpy
    Etyx | ♂ | 29 years
    ↪ ST - B2 / HS - LC / HC - 3 / EC - E3 / X / human
    Syrinix | Non-binary | 27 years
    ↪ ST - C10 / HS - LC / HC - 63 / EC - D5 / Y / dryad
    Forest | ♂ | 26 years
    ↪ ST-D6 | HC-3 | HS-LC | EC-B4 | X | Human

    Aelys | ♂ | 38 years
    ↪ ST - B9 | HS - LW | HC - 61 | EC - A7 | X | elf
    Kyran | ♂ | 29 years
    ↪ ST - C7 / HS - LC / HC - 26 / EC - H4 / Y / human
    Meella | ♀ | 24 years
    ↪ ST - B3 / HS - LW / HC - 22 / EC - A1 / X / shapeshifter [cat]
    Felix | ♂ | 21 years
    ↪ ST - F11 | HC - 16 | HS - HW | EC - H11 | X | Elf

    Apprentices (13-18)
    Gyatso / ♂ / 17 years
    ↪ ST - A1 / HS - HC / HC - 22 / EC - G2 / X / elf
    Meadow | ♀ | 16 years
    ↪ ST - F9 / HS - LC / HC - 62 / EC - E4 / X / harpy
    Rin | ♀ | 13 years
    ↪ ST - D5 / HS - LC / HC - 24 / EC - H7 / Y / shapeshifter [mouse]

    Testers (8-12)
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Neru | ♀ | 32 years | watching Pierce and Ivy
    ↪ ST- D7 / HS- LC / HC- 63 / EC- G6 / X / elf
    Vida / ♀ / 32 years | Watching Theo and Zaida
    ↪ ST - B2 / HS - S / HC - 7 / EC - G5 / X / human
    Clarissa | ♀ | 29 years | watched Ellie and Lorelei
    ↪ ST - F10 / HS - LC / HC - 62 / EC - C2 / X / human
    Ambrosia | ♀ | 25 years | watching Tanner
    ↪ ST - B10 / HS - HW / HC - 2 / EC - E5 / X / dryad

    Pierce | ♂ | 6 years
    ↪ ST-B9 | HC-63 | HS-LC | EC-A7 | X | Elf
    Ivy | ♀ | 6 years
    ↪ ST-B9 | HC-63 | HS-LW | EC-G6 | X | Elf
    Prometheus "Theo" | ♂ | 6 years
    ↪ ST-B2 | HC-7 | HS-HC | EC-G5 | X | Shapeshifter [auklet]
    Zaida | ♀ | 6 years
    ↪ ST - E3 / HS - HC / HC - 8 / EC - G1 / X / human
    Tanner | ♂ | 3 years
    ↪ ST - B10 / HS - AC / HC - 10 / EC - E5 / X / dryad
    Ellie | ♀ | 1 years
    ↪ ST - F10 / HS - HC / HC - 62 / EC - C2 / X / shapeshifter [serval]
    Lorelei | ♀ | 1 years
    ↪ ST - D3 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - C2 / X / shapeshifter [ocelot]

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Item | Amount | Servings
Squirrel | 10 | 1
Catfish | 13 | 3
Salmon | 7 | 6
Moose | 8 | 10 [-3]
Potato | 8 [+2 seed] | 3
Zucchini | 8 [+4 seed] | 4
Eggplant | 3 [+3 seed] | 5
Strawberry | 7 [+3 seed] | 1 [-1]
Plum | 8 [+3 seed] | 2 [-1]
Honeydew | 8 [+2 seed] | 3

Item Storage
Sand | one | craftable
Gold | three | craftable
Iron | one | craftable
Leather | four | craftable
Cotton | three | craftable
Sand | three | craftable
Twine | three | craftable
Silver | two | craftable
Backpack | one | holds 8 items [6 uses]
Wagon Bag | one | holds 12 items [10 uses]

Amika | ♀ | 8 years | Cougar | 0/2 times bred | looks
Echo | ♀ | 4 years | Dog | 0/2 times bred | Looks
Skreech | ♂ | 2 years | Dragon | 0/2 times bred | [url=x]tba[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Vikram | Gyatso | Warrior | 4
Astor | Meadow | Shaman | 2
Kyran | Rin | Gatherer | 0

Name | Cause of Death
Elora | fire
Astor | fire
Atticus | fire
Laurel | fire
Finn | fire
Peter | fire
Clover | fire
Evidone | fire
Merope | fire
Aara | fire
Yuki | fire

Seraphim & Elora | Zaida
Aelys & Neru | Pierce, Ivy
Mica & Vida | Prometheus
Paradox & Clarissa | Ellie, Lorelei
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Black Crystal [008]

Postby obnixious » Sun Mar 15, 2020 3:33 pm

Number of People: 017
Number of Animals: 014
Servings Needed: 018¼
Next Visit to Ancestors: March 28, 2020


writing is wip <3

Black Crystal eats x1 bat, x2 mole, x2 badger, x1 cony, x1 zucchini, x1 plum, and ¼ leftovers
Scribble goes gathering
Leopold tends to the plum and zucchini plants
Kishri, Penelope, and Gwinmera go hunting with Mouse
Kryz, Box, and Jar go on a scouting patrol with Jam
Quarris and Cendis goes on a Border Patrol with Terbis, Cobbles, and Firmis
Eribaeg researches medicine

Penelope teaches Updog hunting
Scribble teaches Solnar warring

Strykx is old enough to become a Tester!
Jareth requests a War Chief

    Village Residents wrote:
    Head Chief
    Jareth | | 42 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - I7 / HS - LC / HC - 62 / EC - D10 / X

    Eribaeg | | 46 | 7KP | Dwarf
    ↪ ST - C7 / HS - S / HC - 10 / EC - E6 / X

    War Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Scout Chief
    Kryz | ☿️ | 47 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - B11 / HS - LC / HC - 13 / EC - F11 / X

    Hunting Chief
    Kishri | | 40 | Salamanderkin
    ↪ ST - A11 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - F4 / X


    Quarris | | 48 | Earth Elemental
    ↪ ST - C8 / HS - LW / HC - 2 / EC - B11 / X
    Cendis | | 55 | Fire Elemental
    ↪ ST - L7 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - H2 / X

    Box | | 26 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - G2 / HS - LC / HC - 37 / EC - A8 / X
    Jar | | 24 | Gelfling
    ↪ ST - I2 / HS - LW / HC - 17 / EC - E8 / X

    Penelope | | 33 | Vampire
    ↪ ST - B2 / HS - S / HC - 23 / EC - A2 / X
    Gwinmera | | 49 | Dwarf
    ↪ ST - J1 / HS - AC / HC - 23 / EC - H7 / X

    Scribble | | 25 | Shapeshifter
    ↪ ST - C2 / HS - LC / HC - 6 / EC - B2 / X
    Leopold | | 133 | Vampire
    ↪ ST - E9 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - D11 / Y


    Updog | | 17 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - G3 / HS - AC / HC - 37 / EC - A5 / X
    Solnar | | 15 | Dwarf
    ↪ ST - I8 / HS - LC / HC - 6 / EC - D4 / X

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Andromeda | | 29 | Batkin
    ↪ ST - C1 / HS - LC / HC - 42 / EC - D2 / X
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Strykx | | 8 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - L5 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - B10 / X
    Nebula | | 4 | Batkin
    ↪ ST - B4 / HS - LC / HC - 42 / EC - D1 / X

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Information wrote:
    Ally Villages
    Village Name | Username
    Village Name | Username

    Enemy Villages
    Village Name | Username
    Village Name | Username

    Border Villages
    North | Village Name | Username
    East | Village Name | Username
    South | Village Name | Username
    West | Village Name | Username

    Food Storage
    Bat | x9 | 1 serving
    Mole | x11 | 1 serving
    Badger | x9 | 3 servings
    Cony | x7 | 3 servings
    Mushroom | x4 | 2 servings
    Potato | x5 | 3 servings
    Zucchini | x3 | 4 servings
    Blackberry | x9 | 1 serving
    Gooseberry | x7 | 1 serving
    Plum | x5 | 2 servings
    Leftovers | ¼ servings
    Total;; 129¼ servings

    Item Storage
    x1 Plum Plant | blooms in 1 posts
    x1 Zucchini plant | blooms in 1 posts
    x1 Stone Dagger | x1 use
    x1 Blackberry Seed | plantable
    x2 Gooseberry Seed | plantable
    x2 Mushroom Seed | plantable
    x0 Plum Seed | plantable
    x1 Potato Seed | plantable
    x1 Zucchini Seed | plantable
    x1 Copper | craftable
    x1 Herb | craftable
    x3 Iron | craftable
    x1 Leather | craftable
    x1 Steel | craftable
    x1 Stone | craftable
    x1 Twine | craftable
    x1 Wood | craftable

    Chowder | 9 | Fire-Lizard | 1 time bred | Gold | Box
    Mouse | | 4 | Fox | 0 times bred | 🦊
    Jam | | 6 | Neapolitan Mastiff | 0 times bred | 🐶
    Terbis | 3 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Blue | Quarris
    Vreex | 3 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Solnar
    Star | 3 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Andromeda
    Cobbles | 3 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Quarris
    Fardahr | 3 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Bronze | Eribaeg
    Firmis | 3 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Blue | Quarris
    Adryl | 3 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Bronze | Solnar
    Klusx | 3 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Strykx
    Progs | 3 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Blue | Jareth
    Label | | 1 | Cat | 0 times bred | 🐱
    Lid | | 1 | Cat | 0 times bred | 🐱

    Penelope | Updog | Hunting | 4
    Quarris | Solnar | Warring | 2

    Name | Cause of Death
    Name | Cause of Death

    Andromeda and ? | Nebula
    Name and Name | Kids
Last edited by obnixious on Thu Apr 09, 2020 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create-A-Village V3

Postby Springtalon » Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:55 am


( population: twelve ) ( ♂ 07 ♀ 04 ☿️ 01 ) ( animal count: two ) ( next chat with herobrine: five days )
( notes for simon: and so it begins....injuries are fine for anyone, people who have black stars for their images may die, pls no killing of pets)


    A man with long black hair had joined the village. He had a potion bottle he carried around his neck, filled with soft pink liquid. His name was Ivor.
    And frankly, he was pretty furious at Soren for apparently stealing his dog.

    "I'm telling you, I sent her ahead to scent for villages, I didn't think any of them would steal her!" The dark elf roared, an arrow aimed at Soren's throat.

    Soren had his hands in the air, his gaze tunnel visioned onto the flint point of the arrow aimed at his neck. "A-a-a-aand I promise you, I- I had no idea she belonged to anyone!"

    Ivor growled, then whistled sharply. Instantly, Wink (the Beaconian Wolfhound) lifted her head, beamed at Ivor with her tongue lolling, then stood, stretched, and padded happily over to him. The canine had some scars on both sides of her body, and a pink, yellow, and blue bandanna tied around her neck for a collar. "Good girl," Ivor whispered, which caused Wink to wag her tail happily.

    "Well," Soren stammered "N-now that this has all b-b-been settled, ah, perhaps we can...lower, the arrow?"

    Ivor's eyes narrowed, but a few seconds later he relented and lower the bow, putting the arrow back into his quiver.

    "Great" Romeo said, clapping softly "Now then, you gonna keep your word on staying here or are you gonna hit the road?"

    Ivor scowled "I suppose I'll have no choice but to remain here. Wink seems to have grown attached." he snorted.

    "Great," Romeo said, in the exact same deadpan as before. "You're now a warrior, go talk with Gabe there, he'll explain how it works here, be back here by noon you're on border patrol with me and Gabriel. You and Wink."

    Ivor nodded sharply, which Romeo apparently took as a sign to leave, because he strolled off towards his house.

    Soren's heart was still racing, but not for fear now. No, now he was excited. Ivor was perfect! Absolutely brilliant! Ah, he would do so well for Soren's plans. He just had to be persuaded. But...he seemed to really have it out for Soren, so....he would give Gabriel instructions to talk with him, while they were patrolling.

    Later when they returned, he could have Magnus, and Ellegaard talk with him, the two certainly seemed to be getting close, despite their fighting, so they could handle a mission or two together, and hah, they'd probably thank Soren when this was over.

    And as for Soren himself....well...

    He needed to talk with Jesse.

    ❥stella and jesse plant one apple seed, one beetroot seed, and one potato seed
    ❥romeo, gabriel, ivor, and wink go on a border patrol
    ❥soren, ellegaard, jesse, and endyr go on a scout patrol
    ❥ivy studies medicine
    ❥stella and herzog go on a gathering patrol
    ❥ three pigs and one melon are consumed
    ❥ivor agrees to join soren's 'troop', soren reveals the final plan, and asks jesse if he can borrow endyr to test something he's been working on. he promises jesse nothing will happen to endyr, so jesse agrees.
    ❥soren then takes endyr out, and uses a potion made by ivor, to mindwipe endyr, and he commands her to grow as giant as she can, and to disguise herself subtly, to look like a different dragon.
    ❥soren then commands endyr to attack beacontown, gabriel and ivor will fight back, but non-lethally - endyr may be injured but absolutely not killed



    head chief.
    romeo • trapped demon • 26 • ♂
    ↪ ST - A1 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X

    war chief.
    [url]✧[/url] name • species • age • ♂♀☿️

    gabriel • powered human • 34 • ♂
    ↪ ST - D11 / HS - HC / HC - 2 / EC - H9 / X
    ivor • dark elf • 29 • ♂
    ↪ ST - E1 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - B6 / X

    scout chief.
    [url]✧[/url] name • species • age • ♂♀☿️

    soren • shapeshifter • 28 • ♂
    ↪ ST - A1 / HS - LC / HC - 62 / EC - A5 / X
    ↪ shifts: 1, 2, 3, 4
    ellegaard • wood elf • 26 • ♀
    ↪ ST - E6 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - G7 / X
    jesse • shapeshifter • 23 • ☿️
    ↪ ST - F9 / HS - S / HC - 5 / EC - C1 / X
    ↪ shift: 1

    [url]✧[/url] name • species • age • ♂♀☿️

    [url]✧[/url] name • species • age • ♂♀☿️

    [url]✧[/url] name • species • age • ♂♀☿️
    ivy • demigoddess • 35 • ♀ • 4 kp
    ↪ ST - E3 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - D4 / X

    hunting chief.
    [url]✧[/url] name • species • age • ♂♀☿️

    brick • demigod • 48 • ♂
    ↪ ST - E1 / HS - HC / HC - 17 / EC - E1 / X
    magnus • wizard • 35 • ♂
    ↪ ST - E6 / HS - LW / HC - 17 / EC - E3 / X
    erin • light elf • 25 • ♀
    ↪ ST - C10 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - G5 / X
    gathering chief.
    stella • shapeshifter • 36m • ♀
    ↪ ST - B7 / HS - LW / HC - 10 / EC - A4 / Y
    ↪ shifts: 1

    herzog • demon • 21 • ♂
    ↪ ST - E9 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - F1 / X

    [url]✧[/url] name • species • age • ♂♀☿️

    [url]✧[/url] name • species • age • ♂♀☿️


    mentor • apprentice • profession
    i skill, skill, skill, skill
    mother • father
    i children

    the deceased.
    [url]✧[/url] name • species • age • ♂♀☿️
    n • village name • username
    e • village name • username
    s • village name • username
    w • village name • username
    nw • village name • username
    ne • village name • username
    sw • village name • username
    se • village name • username

    village name • username
    village name • username

    village name • username
    village name • username


    food piles.
    chicken • three • x2
    salmon • six • x2
    pig • three • x5
    sheep • three • x2
    carrot • three • x2
    potato • three • x4
    beetroot • three • x4
    melon • four • x2
    apple • two • x3
    chorus fruit • two • x4
    farm plots.
    apple seed 1 • just planted
    apple seed 2 • unplanted
    beetroot seed 1 • just planted
    beetroot seed 2 • unplanted
    potato seed 1 • just planted
    potato seed 2 • unplanted
    potato seed 3 • unplanted
    item storage.
    small bag • x1 •x3 more uses • unheld
    "hold four items for transport to the marketplace"
    iron sword • x1 • x2 more uses • unheld
    "gives one border patrol an extra 20% chance of survival"
    stone pickaze • x1 • x2 more uses • unheld
    "guarantees one border/scout patrol gathers +1 ore/stone"
    cotton • x2 • craftable
    wood •x1 • craftable
    silver x2 • craftable
    herb • x2 •craftable
    steel • x1 •craftable
    iron • x1 • craftable
    sand • x1 • craftable
    leather • x1 • craftable
    stone • x1 • craftable
    endyr • ender dragon 1st gen • 6 • unbred ♀
    ↪ bonded to jesse
    wink • beaconian wolfhound 1st gen • 3 • unbred ♀
    ↪ bonded to ivor
    • gabriel's power is energy constructs
    • jesse is afab
    • soren, magnus, gabriel, ellegaard, & ivor have formed a troop

Last edited by Springtalon on Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Littlekeep [004]

Postby Lumos12 » Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:58 am


Number of People: 12
Number of Animals: 0
Servings Needed: 10
Next Visit to Ancestors:
Yemons: here

Littlekeep welcomes the following members: Sydney, Beaumount, Ciradyl, Elion, Wynter, Sunan, Sumina!

Beau explores the terrain
The gathers go gathering.
Wynter practices testing.
Sunan hangs around Altair and clings to them.
Altair accepts their fate, been followed around by a child.
Xandrie goes hunting.
Tasle practices medicine.
Altair explores the plains, once they give Sunan the slip.
ST - A1| HS -S | HC- 24| EC-D7 | X | Kitsune
ST - C5| HS-HC | HC-13 | EC-D11 | X| Elf
ST - C5| HS - ST | HC- 10| EC- H9| X| Elf
- Either Beau, Xandrie finds them when rolled, it's up to you.

    Head Chief
    Altair | incubus | nonbinary | 20 winters | incubus
    ↪ ST - A3 / HS - LC / HC - 1 / EC - F9 / X

    Tasle | nonbinary (afab) | 19 summers | 1 KP | human
    ↪ ST- A11 - / HS - LW / HC - 18 / EC - F3 / X

    War Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Sydney| male| 20
    ↪ ST - F7 / HS - LC / HC - 43 / EC - B11 / X / human.

    Scout Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Beaumont “Beau” | male | 20
    ↪ ST - A10 / HS - S / HC - 12 / EC - B6 / X / human.

    Hunting Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Xandrie | male | 23 springs | demon
    ↪ ST - F9 / HS - LC / HC - 45 / EC - D9 / X
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Metal smiths
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Zephyr | female | 22 | feline shapeshifter
    ↪ ST - F9 / HS - HW / HC - 4 / EC - F11 / X
    Hiroyu| female | 17| harpy
    ↪ ST - F1 / HS - AC / HC - 32 / EC - D4 / X
    Ciradyl| afab (nonbinary) | 20
    ↪ - D11 / HS - LW / HC - 53 / EC - H3 / X / elf.
    Elion | male | 21
    ↪ T - E5 / HS - HC / HC - 52 / EC - F3 / X / demon.
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Wynter | genderfluid | 10
    ↪ ST - E9 / HS - LC / HC - 3 / EC - C10 / X / feline shapeshifter.

    Name | Gender | Age

    Sunan | female | 7
    ↪ ST - F8 / HS - LC / HC - 11 / EC - B3 / X / demon

    Sumina | female | 60
    ↪ ST - B1 / HS - HC / HC - 16 / EC -H7 / X / elf.
    Ally Villages
    Village Name | Username

    Enemy Villages
    Village Name | Username

    Border Villages
    North | Village Name | Username
    East | Village Name | Username
    South | Village Name | Username
    West | Village Name | Username

    Food Storage
    Sheep | 3 | 3 servings
    Chicken | 0 | 3 servings
    Rabbit| 0 | 1 serving
    Goose | 2 | 3 servings
    Mushroom | 3 | 2 servings
    Cassava | 1 | 2 servings
    Carrots| 2 | 2 servings
    Strawberries | 1 | 1 servings
    Bilberries| 1 | 2 servings
    Raspberries | 0 | 1 servings

    Item Storage
    Mushroom seed | 1 | uses left/craftable

    Name | Gender | Age | Type | # bred | Looks

    Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | # training sessions

    Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kids
Last edited by Lumos12 on Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:13 am, edited 8 times in total.
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