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Yameldein Lifejoy

Postby Arya22 » Wed Feb 26, 2020 4:27 am

Yameldein Lifejoy
Rank: Gatherer
Looks: ST - D4 / HS - LC / HC - 10 / EC - C10 / X
Race: Dwarf

Personality: As her adult name suggests, Yameldein is a
very friendly and positive person. She is always upbeat and
chattery (much to the annoyance of her twin) and always
looks at things positively- the glass is half full. This may lead
to her being a little unrealistic at times and refuse to look at
things the way they really are if they are not to her liking.

History before Cyrrane: Born in a classic Dwarf clan,
Yameldein and Gwinaelle should have had an easy life.. But
their father, an untrustworthy and sometimes dangerous
playboy, left their mother when the twins were only 5. The
girls barely remember him. Their mother had to work very
hard to keep a healthy standard of living, for their father had
left a very bad impression on the clan and people were
reluctant to help out. As soon as they were old enough,
Gwinaelle and Yameldein did their best to help out, though
it was obvious that again, the other dwarves did not really
want to accept them into their midst. When the girls
were 14, their mother fell gravely ill, and later died.
For a while, they tried to get back into society, working
for others, doing their best to be agreeable and friendly..
But to no avail. Sick of this clan, the two girls left and
went on the road, traveling until they stumbled upon
Cyrrane by chance.

Family: Her twin sister is Gwinaelle
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Alizz Highcliff

Postby Arya22 » Thu Mar 05, 2020 10:29 am

Alizz Highcliff
Rank: Warrior
Looks: ST - C8 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - D8 / X
Race: Witch

Personality: Alizz is very closed about their feelings, and it would
be very hard for them to admit that they are scared or sad to anyone. This
has led Alizz to push away many people who actually mean them good.
If they were to find someone they really, truly trusts, then, they may
actually open up and show them their innerest feelings. That is however
very unlikely. Their witch familiar is a ferret named Hestia. Image credit: Katrione
Despite being afab, Alizz has always felt detached from the classic gender
norms, and after finding out that it actually is a thing, has understood that
they are nonbinary.

History before Cyrrane: Alizz was born in a relatively poor family,
and due to having a sick mother, two younger siblings and a nonexistent
father, they had to learn how to take care of themselves and others very
quickly. It didn't take long until they realized that acting and dressing like
a boy got them places they never would've managed as a girl (at this time,
they were far from understanding that they were nonbinary). Very quickly,
Alizz took on the nickname Alban and worked in many different places to
earn enough money to sustain their family. At only five, Alizz had realized
that they seemed to share a special bond with a young ferret, whom they
named Hestia, and they also seemed to be able to make strange things
happen when they willed it strongly enough. Little did Alizz know they were
in fact a witch.. At 10 years old, they met a tall woman, who told Alizz she
was part of the Bringers of Dawn, an order of powerful witches. If Alizz
wanted to, they could join them and learn, gain a lot of power. Much to
the woman's surprise, Alizz flat-out refused. They wanted to stay with their
family. The tall witch was angry, and warned Alizz that they would come
to regret this. Nothing happened for several years, but coming home one
day, Alizz found their mother dead. There were no injuries on her, though
her skin was ghostly white, and there was the very very faint smell of
sulfur in the air... Alizz instantly knew what had happened, and hated
themselves for it. Alizz didn't want to stay, so once the burial was sorted,
they and their two younger siblings, a brother and a sister, left the town.
Alizz knew they needed to keep them safe from the witches.
Things went on like that for another few years, Alizz taking care of their
siblings and traveling around the country, trying to stay hidden.
However... It did not last.
As the three of them were on a ferry to cross a river,
Alizz's brother suddenly stood up, his body stiff and eyes wide
open. His movements jerky, he began to move towards the edge of the
boat. Alizz tried to get up and stop him, but an invisible force pinned
them down. They had to watch in horror as their brother flung himself into
the water.. And never resurfaced. Leaving the boat, Alizz looked at
the ferryman, a older man with bushy eyebrows. At his belt, a thin
wooden stick. A wand. He gave Alizz a dark look and turned away.
Despite their broken heart, Alizz forced themselves to keep going. Hestia
helped. Alizz had never told their siblings about the Bringers of Dawn,
and so their sister could not understand what had happened. Salvation
came when a richer woman took a liking to Alizz's sister. Seeing the
two's financial situation, she offered to take in Alizz's sister, feed and
lodge her, and take good care of her. Over the years, Alizz and their
sister had grown apart- Alizz refused to talk about why they moved
around so much, and their sister never really forgave them for it. Alizz
accepted the rich lady's offer, wanting to protect their sister by getting
as far as possible.
Finally alone, Alizz went back to their way of dressing like a boy, until they
found a young, wealthy woman who just 'wanted to go hunting'. Alizz
joined her as a warrior to protect her, just wanting to get away from
their sister to protect her. This is how they found Cyrrane.

Family: Alizz's sister is suspected to be alive still, but they do
not know where.
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Peony Song

Postby Arya22 » Sat Mar 07, 2020 11:14 am

Peony Song
Rank: Hunter
Looks: ST - F1 / HS - LW / HC - 65 / EC - C8 / X
Race: Hobbit

Personality: Peony is a very smart young woman,
but that doesn't make her particularly wise. She would,
for example, notice one is sad, but not know how to comfort
them. On the same train of thought, she might notice many
signs that people are dangerous outlaws- but she would not
realize how much of a danger it could pose to her and how to
avoid it.

History before Cyrrane: Peony was born from a surprisingly
rich hobbit family. Her ancestors had been excellent singers,
and thus made the family's wealth. Good management had kept
it so. Peony lost her birth mother at a very young age, when she
died from birth complications- the baby died too. Peony's other
mother took great care of Peony and her older brother, but she
was completely brokenhearted, and did not behave like before:
she had become very strict on manners, and was never in a good
mood. Peony's brother was more compliant than her, and never
had too much trouble for that. He took the role of a second parent,
being 7 years older than her, and was always siding with their
mother. Peony loved reading, loved being alone and loved observing
things around her-none of those which 'befitted a young lady of
rich birth such as yourself'. She was supposed to Go out in high
society, she was supposed to keep calm with her hands neatly
folded in her lap and she definitely wasn't supposed to randomly
comment that so-and-so person's nose was indeed very pointy.
Peony had enough. One night, she ran away from her home, into
the dark streets of her city. She didn't know much about city-life,
however... She ended up in a dark and not well-famed bar,
surrounded by dark faces who wanted to know what she was
doing here. For the first time in her life, Peony actually used
her good-manners lessons: she held her head high, and commanded
that a good warrior come to her to accompany her hunting. Two
people came: a tall and dangerous-looking man, and a younger
one, a young boy with a ferret around his neck, which stared at
her with piercing yellow eyes. Peony promised them a lot of
money if they took good care of her.
She later went to steal from her own home a well-made cart
(the others wouldn't miss it too much, there were plenty) and
a purse of money to pay the warriors. She then set out with
Aakash and Alban, only finding a tall elf called Virion a while
later, when he proposed to accompany them. Peony accepted,
and when her cart broke down a while later, she was relatively
relieved to see a band of much more friendly looking people
arrive. She didn't trust her 'warriors' too much, and felt unsafe
with them.

Family: here
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Aakash Bhate

Postby Arya22 » Sat Mar 07, 2020 11:16 am

Aakash Bhate
Rank: Warrior
Looks: ST - B7 / HS - LW / HC - 5 / EC - H7 / X
Race: Human

Personality: Aakash has no need of friends or people he trusts-
he will follow whoever pays best. He has no qualms about betraying
people who previously trusted him. Following the same doctrine,
Aakash will never trust anyone either- he knows how easy it is to
suddenly turn around and slice a person's throat before they can say
'but I trusted you'.

History before Cyrrane: Aakash was born in a poor family,
and always had to make do with what he could. Early enough,
he ran away and turned to the less-than-honorable crowds to
get his money and bread. He became an assassin, or hired hitman.
One day, a gladiator trainer saw him in action, and became
interested. Aakash was proposed a home and good food if he
learned to fight properly and decided to fight in the arena as
gladiator. He promptly agreed, though never trusted the man.
Once Aakash thought he had learned enough (he was now very
good at the broadsword) he arrived behind his trainer and simply
sliced his throat from behind. Aakash knew where the prize
money was kept, and left, taking it all, as well as weapons
and other tools. He disappeared from view for a while, then
took on more jobs, now more as an escort and warrior.
Sometimes, not too often so as to ruin his reputation, Aakash
would kill the person he was escorting if they had enough
money on them. It was after such an errand that he found
Peony, and joined her as 'escort' on her hunting escapade.

Death: Aakash was underhandedly hired by Virion to
assist the elf in his plan to kill Zaos and kidnap Laedrya Faelen.
The plot failed, and Aakash was killed by Myriam as he fought
against her and Xander.
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Virion Keihana

Postby Arya22 » Sat Mar 07, 2020 11:18 am

Virion Keihana
Rank: Warrior
Looks: ST - D11 / HS - HW / HC - 5 / EC - A2 / X
Race: Elf

Personality: Virion was once full of love, and brimming
with strength and determination. However, this love turned to
bitter hate, and, using this same strength and determination,
turns him into a ruthless machine. He will do anything to avenge
his broken ego. In truth, all he wanted was to be accepted and
loved, but he was robbed of that by a mother who knew she
should never have had him, a clan who knew he didn't belong,
and a woman who never wanted him. Whatever Virion does, it
won't heal him anymore- he is too far gone for that.

History before Cyrrane: Virion was born in the Lunar
tribe, from a Lunar mother. But when he was born, everyone
could see how his hair was not as fair as it should be: his
mother had committed adultery, and he was the illegitimate
son of a Lunar mother and Solis father. His mother was
scorned for this and made to live outside the village, and
so was Virion as he grew up. Virion always despised his
mother for what she did, and for bringing him into such a
hateful world. When he was 25, Virion had enough. He left
his mother's house one night and went to the Lunar elders.
He asked if there was anything he could do to make up for
his mother's mistake and be accepted in the clan. Impressed
by his tenacity, the elders asked him for the ultimate proof:
he must kill his mother and take her ring to prove he did not
want to belong to her anymore.
Virion accepted: he was blinded by his fear of not belonging
and his continuous anger at being rejected- though he
misdirected that anger at his mother and not the people
who were rejecting him. The next night, Virion killed his
mother and took her ring from her still warm corpse. He
returned to the Lunar village, and was accepted by everyone,
even honored because of his determination to join them.
Slowly, with always the same determination, Virion rose
through the ranks until he became chief warrior, which is
the reason behind his crown.
Virion fell in love with Laedrya, the chief's daughter. She was
always friendly to him, but there was this aura of coldness
that showed Virion Laedrya did not love him.. And yet, he
could never quite give up on her. The big blow came when
she ran away, ran away with a solis man. As too often
is the case, Virion's strong love now turned to bitter hate.
Many years after the fiasco with Laedrya and the solis man,
Virion heard of two elves who lived in a village not far..
His hate and love, buried since years, suddenly resurfaced.
He decided to go on a.. Mission. A mission to kill the solis man
and bring Laedrya back.

Death: Virion out in motion his plan after some time
in Cyrrane. It almost succeeded, until one of Zaos' sons, Rhys,
threw himself in front of the weapon as Virion was about to
kill Zaos. This set off a large fight, during which Virion dueled
Zaos. Virion injured Zaos greatly, but was eventually killed by him.
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Sir Alistair Hawtrey

Postby Arya22 » Mon Aug 03, 2020 10:02 pm

Sir Alistair Hawtrey
Rank: Elder
Looks: ST-A3 / HC-17 / HS-S / EC-E5 / Y
Race: Human

Personality: Despite being a white, aristocratic man, Sir Alistair
is far from the stereotype generally accompanying his type of
person. He is a very open-minded man, and while he won't
be the one suggesting new things and might be taken aback
at first, he is curious and enjoys attempting new habits and
activities. Sir Alistair is gentle and friendly, and will always
do his best to aid those he cares for, and will spare no
effort or resource to make sure his loved ones are well.
For an aristocrat, he has very revolutionary views on society,
fighting for, amongst others, the abolition of slavery and
equality for all.

History before Cyrrane: Sir Alistair was born into a classic aristocratic
family, and raised with all the privileges and obligations relating to his
social class. His parents were strict and a little standoffish, but as part
of his training to become a proper aristocrat, Sir Alistair was sent to a
good friend of his family's, a man named Lord Dan Hewell. Lord Hewell
was a very well-respected man and high in the hierarchy, but when
away from society's restrictive norms, he was a very friendly, easy-going
and humorous person. He taught Sir Alistair to respect every person,
to look behind social status and appearance, and to relax when you
weren't constantly being judged by others. Sir Alistair loved spending
time with him, and even after his year-long stay was over, he visited
often and wrote many letters to ask for advice.
When his parents died and he became their sole heir (having been
the only child to survive past his childhood) Sir Alistair continued
living in his parents mansion, but made many changes, including
strongly improving servant living conditions (and changing their
status from Servant to Employee, which he used as an excuse to
raise their wages) and turning part of the mansion into temporary
living quarters for pilgrims and other travelers, who would find here
warm food and a comfortable place to sleep.
And so the years went on. Sir Alistair never married. He had been in
love, but his fiancé died in a tragic boating accident, and Sir Alistair
never recovered enough to decide to remarry. When Sir Alistair was
in his early 40s, while riding in the nearby forests, he heard a crying
child. He was worried, for there had been an earthquake in the area
the previous day, and a crying child now indicated a possible tragedy.
Sir Alistair found a baby, crying amongst the rubble that had once
been a dwarven clan. Sir Alistair knew the child's parents were dead,
and he took the child in, naming him Bargas, and taking care of him
like a father.
Sir Alistair never lied to the child by saying he was his real father,
but despite this, Bargas loved him like a son loves his father, and
the two had a wonderful relationship. At 15 however, Bargas wished
to know of his real origins, and while Sir Alistair was sad to see him
go, he accepted it. He never saw gin again, and only prayed he had
found a good dwarven clan and was happy there.
It was at around this time hat Sir Alistair met Archibald Hooper, a
man about 20 years his junior, but with a great deal of wisdom and
a lot of humour. The two liked each other very much, and Archibald
moved in eventually, as Sir Alistair was beginning to lack in strength
and energy for certain tasks, and Archibald could help him.
And then, the years getting on, Sir Alistair found himself thinking
about his adoptive son more and more. He knew his years were
counted, and he had no heir. He wanted to see his son again. And
so, he prepared a cart, attached the horses, gave his employees
some instructions, and left.
After leaving and while deep in the forest, his horse was startled
by a large wild cat, and after a few minutes of frantic fleeing, the
cart finally toppled over. Sir Alistair hit his head on the side of the
cart, and was knocked out. The elderly man did not wake up until
night, and in his dazed state, was unable to find the horse, which
had broken loose from the cart. Sir Alistair took some supplies with
him before leaving, hoping to either find his horse or other people
who could help him out. A few days later, as his supplies were
dwindling, he finally found Myriam.

Family: His adoptive son is Bargas.
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Archibald Hooper

Postby Arya22 » Mon Aug 03, 2020 10:04 pm

Archibald Hooper
Rank: Hunter
Looks: ST - D10 / HS - HC / HC - 12 / EC - H5 / X
Race: Elf

Personality: While sharing Sir Alistair's gentle and kind
manner, Archibald has much more fire to his actions and words.
He is passionate about the things he believes are good.
Archibald loves telling stories, and has a tendency to exaggerate
things a little- to the delight of little kids.

History before Cyrrane: Archibald Hooper was in fact a
Lunar elf, and grew up amongst them. He had a much different
name back then. After many years of thoughtlessly following
instructions, fighting against the others, Archibald began to
feel that he wasn't well in the tribe- too much hate towards the
Solis, too much negativity. He thus decided to leave, wanting
to forget the identity he had back then, of a bloodthirsty and
aggressive elf. He gave himself this new name, and while he
never lied about his identity, he never talked about his past either.
When Archibald first met Sir Alistair, he was still wild, he didn't
wear fancy clothes, and he wasn't much of a talker. But
Sir Alistair helped him get out of his shell, and the two grew
to be great friends. Archibald helped his older friend with menial
tasks, and in exchange lived in the mansion.
When Sir Alistair left in search of his son, Archibald was worried.
Sir Alistair had promised to write, but after several days with no
contact, Archibald decided to go look for his friend, and made his
way to the forest. This was where he found the Cyrrane patrol,
who led him to the village, where he eventually found his friend-
and much more!

Family: here
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Selina Wolf

Postby Arya22 » Mon Aug 03, 2020 10:06 pm

Selina Wolf
Rank: Apprentice
Looks: ST - C3 / HS - HW / HC - 4 / EC - D9 / Y
Race: Hobbit

Personality: Selina is full of a joy of living. She is a wild child,
never standing still, always trying new things, talking, jumping,
climbing, running. She is friendly, but one shouldn't count on her
too much. She has trouble concentrating, never plans ahead, and
often acts without thinking, which tends to get her in trouble.
But people enjoy being around her because she always knows how
to cheer you up and energise you.

History before Cyrrane: Selina was born from two hobbit parents,
but when she was still a baby, an accident took them both from her.
Baby Selina, still in her cradle, was destined to die.. Until a lone
wolf came by. This mother wolf had recently lost her pups, and her
breasts were full of a milk nobody drunk. This is when she found the
lone Selina, who was crying for food. The wolf mother took Selina,
who promptly began drinking. Thus, Selina was adopted by the
wolves. Of course, Selina was always different. She had no fur, no
claws, was bad at running on four feet, and basically useless in
hunting. But she had become very attached to her wolf mother,
and vice-versa, and it was never a problem. Eventually, Selina
had younger siblings too, and they all loved playing together. At
a few episodes in her childhood, Selina was taken by humans,
who tried raising her. This is how she knows a few words of English.
But always, eventually, Selina ended up running away to go back to
her wolf family. One day however, a huge storm separated Selina
and her pack. The young girl tried finding them, but ended up more
lost than ever. She was half starving when the Cyrrane patrol
finally found her, for she still has trouble hunting on her own.
Selina never wanted to stay, but the many animals and the friendly
people finally convinced her.

Family: Adoptive daughter of Hilda and Aaron, so adoptive
sister of Talyn.
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Jasper Apollosson

Postby Arya22 » Wed Nov 04, 2020 2:27 am

Jasper Apollosson
Rank: Healer
Looks: ST-B7 / HS-AC / HC-10 / EC-H4 / Y
Race: Demigod

Personality: Jasper is a very capable healer, but not the best
talker. He'd rather get on with his job without too much human
interaction. He does try- sometimes he cracks a joke with a completely
deadpan face- but it often falls flat, for whatever reason. He is a very
hard worker, and will go out of his way to help a patient despite all his
His main power is clearly healing, but he does have a particular gift
in music, and has sometimes been able to make small prophecies.

History before Cyrrane: Jasper's childhood went by as normal
as it could go- he did not know who his father was, and so thought he
was a normal child. Something started being off when he was able to
heal his classmates injured leg- most likely a broken or twisted ankle-
simply by applying a coolpack on it and waiting for a doctor to arrive.
After this event, his mother explained his heritage, and since then,
Jasper trained to become a doctor, wanting to help others thanks to his
gift. At the same time, he distanced himself from other people, not
wanting to accidentally give away his secret.
Jasper was living alone since a while when the apocalypse happened.
He lost his mother as well as the few friends he had, which further
pushed him deeper into himself. After wandering for a while, he ended
up finding Athens and taking his responsibilities as their healer, until
things started going badly and he left with two others, Idris and Fate.

Family: None except the god Apollo
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Fate Helensson

Postby Arya22 » Wed Nov 04, 2020 2:29 am

Fate Helensson
Rank: Gatherer
Looks: ST - F9 / HS - HW / HC - 1 / EC - H7 / X
Race: Demigod

Personality: Fate is always sure of what he wants, determined
not to let other people stop him from reaching his goals. He is
very stubborn, maybe a little too much so according to some-
whether his stubbornness is seen as good or bad, nobody can
argue that it will help him do great things. Fate is at ease
when talking to other people, and likes to pull others into the
conversation- he doesn't like seeing others be left on the side.
However, he always prefers talking about other people, not
himself- his history is a hard one and he does not like to
get reminded of it too often.
Fate's powers as a demigod include creating illusions
(especially flowery ones) and turning water into wine. Though
there have been no occurrences of this yet, it is suspected
that his name may be a reference to another power he has.

History before Cyrrane: Fate grew up with his two parents
and his grandmother. He was only 5 when the apocalypse
happened- his father was killed in it, not being directly
related to a deity. Fate, his mother and his grandmother all
survived, and set out together away from their ruined
town. The way was difficult and dangerous. A cave-in killed
Fate's mother as she pushed her young son away- he was now
an orphan. He and his grandmother went on. After several
months of travels, they stumbled upon Athens, and took
refuge there. It went well, but Fate's grandmother was old..
Only three years after their arrival, she passed away. Fate
was alone. He did not give up. He went on to do what he
wanted, grew up, became an apprentice. With Tug as his
(slightly unwilling) mentor, Fate trained to become a
gatherer. As the years went on, there was more and more
fighting inside the village, and Fate, along with two others-
Jasper and Idris- decided to leave and travel together until
they found a better place to stay.
When joining Cyrrane and asked for his last name, Fate
picked Helen as his "mother's" name, as he did not have
extremely strong memories of his mother, and Helen had
always been here for him.

Family: Fate is an orphan. His last family member
alive was his grandmother, Helen.
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