[ HW ] | Heart of Decay

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[ HW ] | Heart of Decay

Postby dimi. » Mon Jan 27, 2020 6:58 am

"Welcome home, my little butterflies."
The Heart of Decay is my clan for Sixbane's adoptable "Hunter's Woods". This will
be where Istore all my information about the clan, as well as all my cats information
pages. Please do not post here as this thread is for personal use. Use the links
below to navigate the thread easily. Message me if you're interested in development
or have questions. Thank you!

Territory & Camp | Traditions | Background | Abilities Information | Roll Call
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[ HW ] | Territory & Camp

Postby dimi. » Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:22 am

General Territory (G1/Founder Prompt)
The Heart of the Decay, despite their name, live within a flourishing region. They live in a large pine tree forest, where the leaves of the trees are dense and keep them protected from even the harshest of weather. The region is somewhat cold, and much more desirable for long-furred cats to live and pass through the area. The forest these cats live in expands across the horizon for a couple miles in each direction, and to their knowledge, the Heart of Decay cats are the only party living within the dense forest. With the presence of pine trees, the Heart of Decay rarely get to experience sunlight, unless they venture outside of the forest - which isn't encouraged.

The forest only concludes in the South by opening into a path between a series of mountains. These mountains aren't traveled very often, and the Heart of Decay tends to leave them alone. To the North, however, lays a large river, where the water is so clear, you can see the bottom of the lake without a problem. The cats of the clan have taken to calling it the "crystal pool", and venture there to get their water each morning and night.

Note: The West and East are undecided. Message me if you'd like to border the clan, any territory can fit in there.

The Camp (G2 - 150 EXP + 175 EXP from additional words - 325 EXP towards Level 2)
Within the vast pine forest, the Heart of Decay cats have made their home within the center in a large clearing, where several connected cavern systems lay. The camp is surrounded by the largest of the pine trees in the forest, allowing for plenty of shelter from harsh conditions. Each of the caverns is dedicated to one rank of the pack. Though the caverns look nearly identical, each of the caverns is decorated with a series of dyed moss to indicate which rank resides in each cavern. These dyed moss act similarly to a human's country flags, indicating their residence.

Each rank has their own color, which is represented by the leader of those ranks - the only two exceptions being the rookies and the nursery. The largest of these caverns has a moss that's dyed blue, where all the fighters of the clan reside. They are purposely positioned near the entrance of the camp, so in the event that an assault were to take place, the strongest of the fighters would be able to dodge out with an element of surprise, and buy the weaker classes some time to evacuate or brace themselves for the incoming threat. The largest cavern being so close to the entrance seemed like destiny. The inside of this cavern has several moss beds lining the edges, with a variety of rocks placed between each nest to give each fighter privacy as they sleep.

Beside this cavern is a smaller one with a moss that has been dyed pink. This is the medicine den. This is the only cave in the camp to have moss draped over the entirety of the entrance, which blocks out prying eyes. The inside of this den has strong vine plastered to the walls, serving as shelves for the variety of herbs and binding materials necessary for tending to wounds. The den is divided into two portions, one for physical injuries, the other for illnesses, which need patients to be quarantined from the others of the clan.

Across from this den is the rookie den, where training cats will sleep. Inside this den, a variety of makeshift test dummies are set up for cats to practice their fighting strategies on. The walls of this cavern are by far the most scratched up of the caves, as the cats in here tend to behave wildly. The moss beds are scattered messily throughout the den, as the rookies aren't exactly dictated beyond the discipline they received from their mentors.

The final cavern is where the elders sleep, just beside the rookies den. Their moss is dyed yellow, and the den is the smallest out of all the caverns. The interior of this cavern is relatively clean, with a few tufts of fur hanging around here and there. Because the elders den is usually empty, some will use this area as a private place to speak, and it is occasionally used for meetings among the highest ranks.

The leader, second in command, and guards do not sleep in a den. The leader and second in command instead sleep within a hollowed out tree, which is positioned at the very back of the camp. This entrance is always guarded by one of the two guards, who will also sleep within the tree when they are not guarding their leaders.

The Population (G4 - 150 exp towards Level 3)
The pine forest, due to it's climate, doesn't house a large variety of any kind of animal, both prey and predator - though it does house good quantities of a small selection of animals. However, there is enough in the forest for the Heart of Decay cats to still consider the presence of predators each time they venture into the wilderness. The primary sources of prey in this terrain tend to be quails, bushy squirrels, and a small variety of amphibians, which are also the key pieces of these cats diets. Fortunately, the number of prey in the forest is thriving and makes for an easy hunt most of the time.

However, the predators of this forest do seem to outweigh the prey by a few. While venturing this forest, the cats must always be on alert. There is a small population of bears within the forest, and while they hibernate for a good portion of the year, they are still a threat in the summer seasons when the temperature begins to warm up. There are also deer, which while they look harmless, can easily overwhelm a strong party of cats. Another small population of predators are snakes, but these snakes are actually hunted by those of the heart of decay in desperate periods of time where most animal populations become semi-scarce.
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[ HW ] | Traditions

Postby dimi. » Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:22 am

Their Goal (G3 - 150 EXP towards Level 2)
When Lyra reworked the Heart of Decay's philosophies after receiving the title of leader, she had one intention - to invite outcasts to a home. As a cub, Lyra was abandoned due to being the runt of the litter. She wasn't "fit to survive". Fortunately, the founders of the Heart of Decay came across her, and gave her a second chance at life. With this second chance, Lyra took the chance to learn more and grow stronger, in order to complete her personal mission of redeeming herself. She wanted to prove those who shunned her wrong, and in a way, make them fear her and regret abandoning her.

Lyra wanted to be the home for outcasts. The Heart of Decay's main goal is to make everyone feel like they have a purpose in life, and if they can, aid in finding it. They don't want cats wandering around questioning what exactly they should be doing in life. The Heart of Decay has always wanted, and continues to want every cat to feel like they have a purpose. They offer a place for wanderers to seek refuge, and while doing so, to find their purpose. Essentially, the Heart of Decay serves as a neutral protector, and just desires for everyone to find harmony within themselves.

Their Symbol (G5 - 50 EXP towards Level 2)
Though the Heart of Decay doesn't have many symbols or traditions exclusive to them, they have a very heavy affiliation to the stars. Because one of their most unique aspects are a blessing from the stars themselves, a shooting star could easily represent these strong fighters. The scarce nature of a shooting star, and the honor of being able to see one easily shows off the beliefs and exclusivity of the cats of this clan.

The Outsiders (G6 - 100 EXP + 50 EXP towards Level 3)
To the Heart of Decay, outsiders are an absolute blessing - in fact, they are actually what keeps the Heart of Decay alive. Outsiders are a sign of potential new members, and the Heart of Decay actually endorses outsiders coming and visiting their territory. The Heart of Decay views it as a recruiting ability, and they absolutely adore when an outsider comes in wanting to join or improve their current life. Even if they don't end up joining the clan, Heart of Decay will usually let outsiders reside on their territory as long as they don't interfere with hunting or border patrols.

The Heart of Decay's disposition towards outsiders doesn't change regardless of first impression. They are always welcomed with open paws, and often encouraged to come and tour the camp. The Heart of Decay usually only has a problem with outsiders if they are working for another clan and trying to get outside information through exploiting the clan's kindness. Otherwise, the Heart of Decay is generally very welcoming towards outsiders, and will often let them thrive on their own sources as long as they don't cause problems.

Lyra is particularly fond of outsiders that have a harsh background, and generally has a soft spot for them. Unfortunately, her kind heart has certainly earned her a couple of reality checks when the outsiders betray her, but this has never impacted her opinion towards them. While some members of the Heart of Decay disagree with allowing every single outsider inside, Lyra tends to ignore them, living by her philosophy that everyone deserves a chance.

Types of Cats (G7 - 150 EXP + 75 EXP towards Level 3)
Most of the cats of the Heart of Decay, because of the cold conditions, usually have long fur. Hairless cats are not encouraged to join the clan because of the cold climate, but accommodations will be made for them if they are persistent enough about joining. The cats of this clan also tend to be on the larger side, falling in between the largest of normal feline cats while remaining slightly smaller than larger breeds of felines such as maine coons.

The cats of the Heart of Decay will live slightly longer than the normal lifespan of a cat, anywhere from between 30-40 years. There is one exception to this, though quite rare - sometimes, a cat will be grantd the power of immortality or extended lifetime, but this power isn't actually revealed to a cub. It seems to be a surprise, and unless a cat exclusively asks what their power is after not finding out, they will usually not know until they have already reached the point where their life should conclude, but it doesn't. Beyond these extended life spans, the cats of the Heart of Decay actually look and function nearly identically to the felines you would see in human life.

One significant difference between the Heart of Decay and other clans is that all the cats are given a power, which they will keep for the duration of the time they are with the Heart of Decay. The power is granted by the stars, and heavily depends on the life the prophets of the stars see when a cub is born. Powers are still granted to outsiders entering the clan, though they are not nearly as strong. These powers tend to dictate a cub's life, and the cats of the clan are encouraged to keep them secret from others, in order to prevent cats from joining solely to gain power.

Because of their magical abilities, the Heart of Decay felines don't have any enhanced physical properties, beyond usually being bigger than a standard house-cat. They have the same amount of physical strength as a normal cat, but this can increase with training like any other skill.

Time (G8 - 50 EXP + 125 EXP towards Level 4)
The Heart of Decay felines keep track of time by the seasons. Though they don't have a twelve month calendar like humans, with timing and records, the Heart of Decay has caught onto the seasons lasting 3 months each. Rather than measuring time day by day or month by month, they measure by season. The year is divided into four quarters dependent upon season, each season having a different name which are all associated with the stars. Their year, as opposed to starting in January, actually starts in December.

The first quarter of the year, December to February, is labeled as Coldstar, which is Winter. This season starts when the trees of the bordering oak forest lose all their leaves without gaining color, which is the key factor between deciphering Winter from Fall, and vise versa. The second quarter of the year, March to June, is labeled as Starshower, which is Spring. This season begins when the flowers begin to flourish in the forest again, or when frequent raining take place.

The third quarter of the year, July to September, is labeled as Stargleam, which is Summer. This season starts when the temperatures grow substantially higher, and the sun is out much more often. The final quarter of the year, October to early December, is known as Shootingstar. This season starts when the oak forest bordering their forest begins to lose their leaves and the leaves shift colors.

Because the Heart of Decay determines what time of year it is by season, they will only attend one gathering per three moons with other clans. It's considered rare to see the Heart of Decay outside these gathering, as they tend to keep to themselves. This time system is viewed as confusing to others, and in the event that a season comes late, a cat's entire sense of time can be thrown off. It's a shaky, but somewhat accurate system.

The Young (G9 - 100 EXP + 25 EXP towards Level 4)
The young of the clan are very important to the Heart of Decay. The cubs that are born into the clan are given some of the strongest levels of magic out of everyone in the pack, as they are viewed as "pure-blood". These younger generations are expected to turn out as some of the strongest warriors in the lineage of the Heart of Decay due to their enhanced abilities. However, because each cub is different, there isn't actually any standard age for a cub to go from cub to full fledged adopt. It depends on how their abilities have developed, and just how much more training they need.

Though once they do become an adult and grow into their respective ranks as fighters, hunters, and healers, they do have to take an oath - one to remain loyal to the Heart of Decay for as long as their life pro-longs. This oath is essentially what allows for a cat to have their powers revoked if they are to defy the rules of this oath or betray the pack in any way, shape, or form. Beyond the other cats expecting the cubs to grow stronger than the last generation, the young aren't really seen as any different from adults.

Meeting Place (G10 - 100 EXP + 50 EXP towards Level 4)
There are two key places that the highest ranks of the clan will meet to discuss significant matters. When a matter must be discussed urgently, the highest ranks will convene within the elders den. Because it is the smallest den, and can be easily guarded, these meetings tend to remain private, and the conversations that happen within the elders den stay within the den. It's subtle enough to not be suspected as a meeting place and easy enough for semi-strong warriors to defend from prying eyes. However, the elders den is only used when something is urgent and needs an immediate resolve.

If the meeting in question is of higher magnitude, such as discussing the punishment of a traitor, or addressing a large threat, the cats will meet outside of the pine forest, and venture towards the river in the north. Here, they will discuss beneath the stars, and proceed to ask for guidance on such matters. Because the stars are so important to them, this is the path that is usually taken, unless a quick decision must be made. These kinds of meetings, however, are just as rare as the urgent meetings within the camp. The head ranks have a pattern of agreeing with one another on most things, and things can be resolved without a long term private meeting being necessary.

The Ranking System (G11 - 150 EXP + 200 EXP towards Level 5)
Within the Heart of Decay, the cats are divided into several ranks heavily dependent upon their powers. There are three rankings for cats that are not the leader or second in command positions - the fighters, the shamans, and the scouts. Each of these ranks is crucial to the survival of the Heart of Decay in some way, and these ranks are typically decided upon when an individual is assigned their power. Depending on what their power is, the higher ranks will convene and decide on which rank this power would be best used for. Of course, the cats can always appeal and get a different rank through a process.

The fighters of the clan are exactly what they're named - fighters. These are typically the toughest cats of the clan, who are assigned powers that contribute to their melee skills. The cats of this rank usually have a type of magic that is intensely powerful, and can allow a cat to pack quite the hit. Examples of powers these cats have are enhanced strength, fire magic, and earth magic. If a power is capable of producing an intense hit, the cat that receives it will usually be a fighter, unless they appeal. They're in charge of protecting the clan, and are the front line defenders whenever a battle takes place.

The scouts of the clan are the cats that hunt for the food necessary for their entire clan. These cats aren't the strongest, but they are known for being agile and swift. The cats in this rank will usually have a type of magic that contributes to their movement, such as teleportation, enhanced speed, or the ability to jump much farther than the normal cat. Though these cats are viewed as weak, the cats in this series of ranks are incredible at evading danger, and are usually quite clever problem solvers.

The final grouping of ranks for the clan is shamans, who are the healers. These cats will always have a power that relates to nature or healing. These cats can wield powers such as controlling vines, water magic, or the ability to repair wounds with a spell. These powers are usually not great for fighting, though cats blessed with such abilities are known to be phenomenal characters and a great party member for vast journeys and battles. Shamans will be the middle ground in a war, healing the front members from behind to keep a war party strong.

The rookies are the trainees, training to become one of the three higher ranks previously mentioned. These rookies will usually have their fate decided by the magic they are assigned, and when they aren't training with their mentor, are usually tending to other tasks such as fixing bedding for the older cats or gathering medical properties for the shamans. These rookies are always quite busy despite their somewhat deceiving title, and are known for being clever and somewhat mischievous. Like any youngsters, these rookies will always cause trouble for the higher ranks.

The final group of rankings is the highest honor - the starwatchers. These are the cats that are the representatives for each subrank, and among these ranks are the leader and second-in-commands. These cats are the most mature of the clan, and are known for their extreme talents in their respective fields. It's considered a huge honor to be inducted into the starwatcher ranking, as the stars themselves must confirm that one is worthy of such a high title. The starwatchers are the only rank in the clan that will convene on official manners, and are also the only cats that can communicate with the stars unless they grant permission to another cat to do so.
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[ HW ] | Background

Postby dimi. » Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:23 am

Text will go here.
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[ HW ] | Abilities

Postby dimi. » Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:26 am

The Abilities
Whenever a cub is born, they are presented beneath the stars the night they are born. Depending on the aura their soul gives off, good or bad, those of the stars or those of the hidden woods will bless the cub with a single power. The ones that give these blessings are the long deceased of the Heart of Decay. This power typically ties into what personality they might have, or certain tasks they will be given in the future. It often determines what path a lion will go down, such as whether they will be a fighter, a healer, or a hunter. It is considered an honor to be blessed with any power, and this tradition is exclusive to the Heart of Decay.

If a feline is to leave the Heart of Decay, or betray the clan in any way, their power will be revoked. It takes a great deal of power from the deceased to grant this blessing, and if the clan is defiled, they take it as a great insult. As of today, there is no way to earn your power back or redeem yourself; once you are stripped of your ability, it is gone.
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[ HW ] | Roll Call

Postby dimi. » Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:33 am

She is the leader of the Heart of the Decay. She is a long-furred black cat with black cat deep blue eyes and several scars

They are the second in command of the Heart of the Decay. They are a ___-furred cat with ___ eyes and (scars/white markings).

They are the head shaman of the Heart of the Decay. They are a caramel furless cat with golden eyes and white markings

She is the shaman of the Heart of the Decay. She is are a long-furred flame lynx point munchkin with bright green eyes.
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[ HW ] | Lyra

Postby dimi. » Mon Jan 27, 2020 9:33 am

Lyra | Female | 15 years | Leader
Personality (C1 - 150 EXP towards Level 5):
Lyra is a loyal individual, always acting while thinking of her clan and the stars looking down upon her. She never makes a rash decision, and always considers what every party in her life would think before making a large decision. She behaves in a somewhat regal fashion, doing everything formally as though she were attending a royal banquet. She doesn't like appearing messy or unprofessional, and does everything in her power to do so. However, while doing this, she doesn't behave in a snooty manner or as though she is better than everyone in her vicinity; in fact, she desires to be quite the opposite.

This molly believes that everyone is worthy of a chance, and because of this, she is willing to talk to anyone, and make friends with them, even if they have conflicting opinions. She loves to make those around her feel welcome, and one of the ways she accomplishes this is by letting everyone in. Instead of keeping her circles small, Lyra desires to know everyone, and grow invested in their tales. One detail about Lyra that makes her such a desirable companion is that she actually listens - even minuscule details of the conversation will be engraved into her mind. She isn't forgetful, and will often get personal while talking to cats she's only come across once or twice.

(C2 - 50 EXP towards Level 6) Good Traits: Compassionate, cautious, and intelligent.
Bad Traits: Gullible, unassertive, and soft.

Moodboard (C3 - 50 EXP towards Level 6)
Family Life (C4 - 100 + 25 EXP towards Level 6)
Lyra was actually abandoned as a cub. Having been born the runt of the litter, she was viewed as undesirable, and on a cold winter evening, left to die beneath a pine tree. However, the original founders of the Heart of Decay came across the shivering cub, and decided to take her into the pack. She became the first cub of the pack to be blessed with star powers. Because she was abandoned, none of Lyra's blood family is actually involved in her life. She has never met her biological parents, and has no idea if she has any siblings.

However, because she was abandoned, Lyra doesn't actually have any desire to meet her family. She's grown to view them as weak despite never meeting them. However, her family does serve one purpose, regardless of her not knowing them - their absence fuels her desire to grow better than them. Little does Lyra know, her family actually still interacts with her once in a while; she was just so young, she doesn't recognize their faces when they appear in her dreams, prophecies, or even when they materialize to grant a cub their powers from birth. Lyra has never actively sought out her family though or questioned her worth because of it - her family is her fuel, nothing more.

Background (C5 - 250 + 100 EXP towards Level 6)
Lyra was the offspring of a forbidden romance between two rival rogue packs. The parents decided to keep the kits, but when Lyra was born, they viewed her as weak. Her small form and generally bad outlook enticed her parents to decide to abandon the kit in order to make sneaking the healthier ones into the respective rogue packs easier. And so, on one winter evening as a flurry of snow coated the ground, the parents ventured out. They dropped the kit beneath a strong oak as she slumbered, and with a sorrowful gaze exchanged between the parents, they turned around and never returned.

The kit was left there for a short while, and just as the bitter cold began to gnaw at her fur, a party of cats approached. They saved her from the flurries, entering the forest and bringing her into the camp. This camp was the home of the original generation of the Heart of Decay. After she was tended to to prevent any harsh frostbite or winter illnesses, she was paired with a queen to be nursed back to health. It took Lyra a bit of time to recover, but once she did, she was a clueless firecracker. She had ambition - ambition that the Heart of Decay would grow to admire.

Once Lyra was of age, she was presented before the stars, and granted a power that had never been seen before; the ability to manipulate and summon light. The light she summons can function similarly to fire, burning anything in her path, but it can also be summoned as a harmless force, similar to a flame on a cold winter evening. Because of her power, Lyra was trained to be a fighter. Her light, while strong, was also an incredibly powerful asset to use while on the battle field, such as making discreet signals or exposing enemies within the shadows.

Lyra was an exceptional student, training within just a couple of seasons. She became a fighter, and then eventually the commander of the fighter branch. She grew into one of the strongest fighters, and was the guard for the origina lleader of the Heart of Decay up until her death. Once the original leader died, the second-in-command instead appointed Lyra to take up the position as the new leader of the Heart of Decay. With this new title, Lyra decided to overhaul the Heart of Decay, making the stars the Gods that the Heart of Decay worshiped.

She also crafted the clan to become welcoming of outsiders, such as loners and rogues, or even runaway kits. She wanted cats that were abandoned like her to have a new place to call home, even if the cat in question was abandoned or shunned for what one would consider a "justifiable" reason. Lyra's leadership is still in the early stages, as she just became the leader of this beautiful clan merely three years ago. However, her fiery comeback tale is far from over, for she desires to prove those who had zero faith in her wrong.
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[ HW ] | Corbin

Postby dimi. » Thu Jan 30, 2020 1:08 pm

Corbin | Female | 4 years | Second in Command
Personality (C1 - 150 EXP towards Level xxxx):

(C2 - 50 EXP towards Level xxxx) Good Traits: xxx
Bad Traits: xxx

Moodboard (C3 - 50 EXP towards Level xx)
Family Life (C4 - 100 towards Level xxx)

Background (C5 - xxx towards Level xxx)
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[ HW ] | Nirav

Postby dimi. » Thu Jan 30, 2020 1:30 pm

Nirav | Nonbinary | 10 years | Shaman
Personality (C1 - 150 EXP towards Level 7):
Nirav, as their name means, is very quiet both in speech and movement. They tend to leave their peers unaware of their presence until they speak, and even then, some tend to not notice their presence. Nirav's quiet nature comes from their bad habit of being far too cautious, and wary of their surroundings. They aren't a risk taker, and if someone suggests they act recklessly, the reaction the cat receives is usually a negative and intense one. Nirav's actions are all carefully calculated, though they are perhaps thought of with more logic rather than consideration of their peers emotions.

Because of their quiet nature, they tend to have a mysterious aura about them. Most cats are left in the dark about their desires, and are clueless about the cat in general. Nirav isn't very open with anyone, and they usually tend to keep their life and goals private. They do this out of paranoia, fearful that their peers will try to stop them, similarly to their siblings in the past. Though Nirav is quiet, they have plenty of passion, and if you get them talking about medicine or any other thing they're passionate about, you can have a lengthy conversation with them. Just don't expect to learn anything significant within your first few conversations.

(C2 - 50 EXP towards Level 7) Good Traits: Respectful, passionate, and ambitious.
Bad Traits: Elusive, paranoid, and secretive.

Moodboard (C3 - 50 EXP towards Level xx)
Family Life (C4 - 100 + 125 EXP towards Level 7)
Nirav's relationship with their parents and grandparents has always been strong. They frequently communicate with their mother and father, who live outside of the clan after retiring to be wandering loners within the forest once they grew beyond their fighting years. Nirav was always mama's child, and tends to cling to their mother more than their father, but they love both parents equally. Once a moon, Nirav and their parents will go on a hunt beneath the moon, so that Nirav can help their aging parents obtain more food to put into storage beneath the oak tree they live near.

With Nirav's grandparents, Nirav was actually their caretaker up until they passed away when they were around 8 years old. It was a loss they took hard, because Nirav's grandparents were actually the ones who raised them, since Nirav's mother wasn't healthy enough to take care of Nirav, and Nirav's father was the second in command of the clan at the time - he simply wasn't fit to be parenting at the time, and prioritized his duties. Nirav has since overcome their emotion from these losses, but they will try to communicate with the stars once in a while to hear their grandparents voices even for a brief moment.

As for Nirav's relationship with their siblings, it's rough. Nirav's siblings frequently mocked Nirav as a child, and are actually the reason why Nirav is so wary about trusting others. Anything they told them would somehow get spread around the entire clan, and Nirav never caught onto this pattern until they had grown much older. Once they found out this fact about their siblings, they lost a huge amount of trust and faith in their family. In fact, for a short while, Nirav even refused to talk to their father for not exposing their siblings true nature, but eventually this relationship was rekindled when Nirav realized it wasn't done intentionally.

In present day, Nirav really only maintains communication with their parents. Their siblings have all gone separate paths, and while some have tried to rekindle, Nirav has ignored all their requests. They heavily live by the phrase an eye for an eye, and however petty it may be, Nirav applies that to this. They violated their trust once, so they will never get their trust back. Nirav doesn't mind only speaking to their parents -- they were always the ones that cared most about them, after all. They are perfectly content with this style of family communication.

Background (C5 - xxx towards Level xxx)
Addressing Criticism (C10 - 75 EXP towards Level 7)
As a medicine cat, criticism is something that can be very dangerous in Nirav's field. Because of the significance of their job, any criticism they receive, Nirav will always mentally note and improve upon it. They want to make sure they're doing their job to the best of their abilities, and if their peers are left unsatisfied with the services they've received, Nirav always wants to strive to make an experience in the medicine den much more comfortable than a lot more tense. Criticism has never bothered Nirav, and they often consider it a blessing. After all, they desire no more than to leave their clanmates happy.

Greatest Fear (C12 - 75 EXP towards Level 8)
Nirav's greatest fear is not being able to save a cat. As a medicine cat, they uphold an incredibly difficult duty, and even when they themselves are in horrible condition, they must press on to tend to others. Rather than being afraid of their patients dying, they are more so afraid of not having the strength or courage to help wherever they can, even when times are trying. They worry about their work ethic, so much so that they put much more energy forth towards keeping themselves busy than actually taking the time to worry about themselves. They want to help everyone -- but Nirav is embodying their very own fear by not helping themselves.

Greatest Dream (C13 - 75 EXP towards Level 8)
Nirav's greatest dream is to simply live their life to the fullest. Through all the hardships and relaxing moments, their primary goal is to embrace every moment they have on the planet. As a medicine cat, they have seen the worst conditions a cat can be in, and also seen cats left unable to complete their dreams or desires. Through their position, they hope to project their dreams onto others, and always inspire their peers to strive for the best lives. Even in moments of low self motivation with them, they always find a way to try to inspire those around them.

Biggest Regret (C14 - 75 EXP towards Level 8)
The answer to this is simple -- not starting their journey as a medicine cat sooner. Nirav initially had dreams of being the biggest, baddest warrior in the forest. The one to always protect the young, and have both the toms and mollies swarm around their paws. These goals, however, only clouded their vision to what their true goals would be accomplished through. They wanted to please others, entertain them, and most of all, help them wherever they could. They only realized they couldn't do that as significantly as a warrior when they were nearly done with their training. Nirav only wishes that they could have found the path of light sooner, and not been so arrogant in the first place.

Leader or Follower (C15 - 75 + 25 EXP towards Level 8)
Nirav, unfortunately, doesn't exactly know which side they are on. Because of their naturally quiet nature, it's kind of hard for them to be a leader for those of their clan. However, Nirav is an absolutely brilliant problem solver, and they can generally figure out how to resolve something with a few moments of intense thought. Ultimately, it boils down to the assertion Nirav applies, which is generally very gentle. They tend to not be the most argumentative, and if someone in their party opposes an idea, they generally won't argue for it. Their generally passive nature is actually rather harmful -- they grow more insecure within the group when their ideas are shot down, or they're too nervous to intervene with a plan that they disagree with. Honestly, if it weren't for Nirav's incredibly soft spoken nature and habit of experiencing discouragement, they'd be a brilliant leader. But for now, they are a follower.

Theme Song (C16 + 100 + 75 EXP towards Level 8)
Billie Eilish's "No Time to Die" is the perfect theme song for Nirav. Being a medicine cat, Nirav is an advocate for not taking life for granted. They put all their energy into inspiring others, and pressing past their own emotions. The lyrics of the song illustrate how they feel internally, primarily the line "just goes to the show the blood you bleed is just the blood you owe". This line vividly shows how Nirav realistically looks at injuries and death as just being obstacles. It also shows that nothing insignificant like that should stop anyone from going towards whatever they aspire to be, even if it seems impossible or far off.

The sorrowful beats backing the emotional lyrics also encompass Nirav's internal emotions very well. With soft orchestra and piano gradually increasing intensity as the lyrics progress, these things represent Nirav very well even if the lyrics were to be taken away. The softness of the beats also represented Nirav's soft spoken nature, and intensity when in serious situations.

However, beyond the literal context, the emotional themes underlying in the song also socially portray Nirav very well. For example, the lyrics "was I stupid to love you, was I reckless to help, was it obvious to everyone else", can illustrate how awkward Nirav feels socially. Lacking good social skills, Nirav tends to be very soft spoken, and they often wonder if other cats catch onto things quicker than they do. These lyrics also perfectly embody Nirav's self doubt. While they act confident in their job, and are very passionate about it, these things are done solely to mask their quiet fear.

And most importantly -- the main line of the song ties together Nirav's personality as well as their goals -- "No Time to Die". Nirav wants everyone to live the best life that they can. From encouraging cats to push through the most intense of obstacles to curing cats of seemingly endless illnesses, Nirav's entire life encompasses what they strive to be; - a beacon of light for those in the dark. Nirav's goals and personality paired with the lyrics from this song ultimately are the perfect fit for their theme song.

Last edited by dimi. on Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:44 am, edited 3 times in total.
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[ HW ] | Hestia

Postby dimi. » Sat Feb 01, 2020 7:05 pm

Hestia | Female | 7 years | Shaman
Personality (C1 - 150 EXP + 50 EXP towards Level 8):
Hestia is a very emotional individual. Not in the sense that she cries at everything, but rather that she has some sort of strong emotion put into everything she does. One might describe her as sensitive if she expresses anger or sadness towards something seemingly small. Others might describe as hyper when she is being incredibly jumpy or passionately rambling on about something she enjoys. Regardless, Hestia is emotionally passionate, and she goes out of her way to make sure that her peers know she is not emotionally numb. She wants her peers to know that she can relate to them - that she is still a sensible cat.

Though Hestia is an emotion oriented individual, she is one of the strongest cats someone can come across. What she lacks in physical strength, she makes up for in intelligence and mental perseverance. Despite everything she has been through and experienced, Hestia makes it seem that she has been unaffected by the negative events around her. She forces her way through any situation, regardless of how hopeless it may seem to all others around her. It is one of her most admirable traits, and makes her an excellent shaman. because she has faith that everyone can overcome the most harsh of injuries and illnesses.

However, just because Hestia is capable of understanding other's emotions doesn't mean she is the most social individual. Hestia lacks social skills, and often gets flustered whenever talking to someone else if it isn't relating to her medicine practices or personal life. She doesn't want to grow attached to anyone around her, as she is too paranoid to continue a pattern she's noticed in her life - anytime she attaches to someone, they get hurt or killed. Though this is mere coincidence through her friends decisions, she's unfortunately associated these occurrences with everyone in her life, and is too paranoid to make new friends.

(C2 - 50 EXP towards Level 8) Good Traits: Empathetic, faithful, and loving.
Bad Traits: Hesitant, antisocial, and sensitive.

Moodboard (C3 - 50 EXP towards Level xx)
Family Life (C4 - 100 towards Level xxx)

Background (C5 - xxx towards Level xxx)
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