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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 035 ]

Postby solyn » Thu Jan 09, 2020 10:31 am

population: 77 cats [ 38 fem : 38 male : 1 nb ]
servings required: 13 [83] - pebbles: 81
𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: any time
moons since last nonsense: 4 (lf)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    The clan was alive with a bustle of new activity. As the last dregs of Greenleaf swept over the territory, it seemed as half the cats in the world had appeared looking for refuge in NorthernClan territory. Sleetstar seemed amenable to the new additions, but several cats noticed the hard gaze she trained at fixed points of nothing when she thought no one was listening. For the most part, Sprucepaw liked the new cats.
    Olivetuft was a big, brawny elder with kind eyes and a gentle demeanor, but her booming laugh filled the elder's den, and her eyes lit up when she sparred with Magpiefeather, the two old she-cats finding a comfortable companionship in their banter. Poppywish had been adamant on keeping a close eye on her, as the eldest of the new arrivals, and thus Sprucepaw had been relegated to daily health check ups since her arrival about a week ago.
    "You know you don't have to fuss over me like a newborn," she laughed as Sprucepaw turned her paws over to check for infected pads, "takes more than a little old mountain to kill big ol' me."
    "Maybe so," Sprucepaw laughed, "but I do it for Poppywish, not for you. Stars know if I didn't he'd turn himself completely white worrying about you, and he's already fretting enough with the boys. Owlhop's lucky he's getting sent out on patrols, the other two have been sitting around camp sulking because he won't let them head out before he's absolutely sure they're not going to contract anything or give the clan some foreign plague."
    "That's Poppywish," Magpiefeather said with an indulgent chuckle, "say, Sprucepaw, you meet just about everyone. What do you make of all these new recruits that everyone keeps gossiping to us about? None of them have deigned to pay us a visit yet, and Poppywish looks like he'll explode if he spots me away from Olivetuft at any given time." Sprucepaw laughed, setting his herb bundle aside and sweeping his bushy tail over his massive paws.
    "They seem nice. Owlhop seems on the younger side. He's very excitable, and a little clumsy, but he seems like he's taken well to Flamestream. I see him following him around all the time. Ouncespirit is the oldest one to come in, and he's quieter, almost shy I suppose? He seems alright, if not a little withdrawn. And then there's this weird looking warrior... Cairnstone. Big paws like mine, curled ears, bobbed tail, strange, strange accent. I haven't really talked to him much, but Featherfall and Butterflyshine seem to like him just fine... then again I'm sure those two could like anyone just fine."
    "That they could," Magpiefeather chuckled, "I suppose we'll know this Cairnstone if we ever see him then."
    "Oh for sure," Sprucepaw nodded with a laugh, "he's baffling to look at. Not another cat I've ever met is anything like him- not even any of the rogues that attacked us. I'm telling you, he's weird-looking."
    "Well now, that's not very nice. Anyone could say you look weird-looking too, you know."
    "They do. Frequently." Sprucepaw took his herbs and stood up with an amused glint in his eye. "I believe my most common descriptor is 'freakishly large', but I think it's perfectly understandable when you look at my parents. Now, you ladies have a nice day, and I'll tell Poppywish for the millionth time that you don't need a kit-sitter."
    "Thank you Sprucepaw," Olivetuft purred, Magpiefeather leaning around her to call after him;
    "You're a good cat for a freakishly large kitten!" Sprucepaw laughed, his tail swishing in amusement as he ducked out of the den and into the sunshine, coming almost face to face with Cairnstone. The warrior had bright blue eyes, and he blinked them, his large paws brushing Sprucepaw's from how close they were standing.
    "Oh," he said, and then he laughed, bright eyes twinkling, "just as fate would have it, eh? I was looking for you. Silvercreek said I could find you here."
    "Did she," Sprucepaw leaned around him to give a quizzical look to his best friend, who simply shrugged and went back to her conversation with Brewingice and Wolfwhisker, likely about their apprentices. "Well... can I help you with something then? I doubt you were looking for me just for the pleasure of my conversation, because as charming and handsome as I am, I am pretty busy and I'm sure you're quite aware of that."
    "Oh yes. I'm quite aware of how charming and handsome you are... and how busy you are too," he grinned as Sprucepaw gave him an amused look, trailing behind him as he climbed the rise toward the medicine den, "Poppywish was heading out of camp, to get some herbs he said. He sent me to see you, said you would be able to do my checkup." He paused for a moment, glancing back down into the campground. "Say... I heard you and Silvercreek grew up together. How come you still have an apprentice name?"
    "You hear a lot for someone who has only been here a few days," Sprucepaw said, tucking his herb bundle away and gesturing for Cairnstone to sit.
    "I have big ears, like," the other tom said, twitching them, and Sprucepaw snorted, beginning to check the tom over.
    "Poppywish didn't want to take an apprentice at first, so I trained as a warrior until I could annoy him into taking me on. It's not that I didn't like being a warrior... but I wanted to be a medicine cat. I liked that it challenged me intellectually as well as physically, and I like helping cats. It makes me feel good to do this, but it's hard work. There's a lot more to learn, and when I'm ready Poppywish will know, but I'm happy to keep learning. Sometimes it feels that I'll be learning forever... and I think I'd be okay with that. Poppywish has always trusted me to learn by experience, like this."
    "Seems like you're doing a good job," Cairnstone said, letting Sprucepaw check his paw pads, shifting onto his side so the other tom could reach his back paws, "so who did you train with when you were a warrior apprentice?"
    "Frostclaw was my mentor. He's nice; quiet but not shy, and he gave simple and clear directions. It was always easy to understand what he wanted from me, and what I needed to do to get better. It... it helped that I was training with cats I trusted too. Silvercreek, Auroracloud... and my sister." He saw the look of confusion on Cairnstone's face, and he shrugged. "Willowpaw. She passed away just before she was ready to take her warrior assessment. She pushed her mentor out of the way of a landslide, but she couldn't get out of the way fast enough."
    "Wow... I'm sorry, I didn't-"
    "It's okay. If she heard you apologizing like that she'd cuff you round the ears and tell you to stuff it," Sprucepaw chuckled warmly, and Cairnstone relaxed, sitting up as the tom moved away, "I miss her, of course I do, but she made the decision she believed in, and she wouldn't want me moping over her for the rest of my life. So... instead I just try to do the best I can. To make her proud by making decisions I believe in. Following her example and all... ah. Anyway. You're clear, so go. Shoo." Cairnstone chuckled, getting to his paws.
    "I don't know you very well, and I never knew her... but I think she would be proud of you, even if you are a mean little mouth." Sprucepaw laughed, heading to the front of the den to farewell Cairnstone as he slowly made his way back down the cliff path, while Fogbelly limped up in the other direction. Sprucepaw blinked at her, before purring in amusement.
    "Now what have you done?"
    "Don't make that face at me," she laughed her deep rumbling laugh, "put my paw in a hole is what I did. Your mother sent me back, told me to get it checked over to make sure it wasn't anything worse than a little bit of a twist." Down in the campground, Tempestflame crossed toward Silvercreek and her brother, touching Wolfwhisker's nose with her own as a greeting before she settled into the circle, glancing up to check on Fogbelly.
    "Well, you seem to be doing okay if you got here with Tempestflame's help. If it were any worse it probably would have taken a little more than one cat to shift you all the way back over here. Come on, sit down and I'll check it for you. If it helps, I can put you in a-" a squeal made him pause, and he rushed to the edge of the ledge outside the medicine den to check the campground. Owlhop was laughing, Flamestream having caught him by the scruff of the neck. The cream tom hauled him upright, still laughing, as the little calico peered up at him with adoring eyes. Fogbelly sucked in a breath. Sprucepaw gave her a quizzical look.
    "Ah, nothing," she said with a rumbling laugh, brushing past him, "come on, get me back on my paws, o' healer o' healer."
    "I'll do my best," Sprucepaw said, trailing after her into the den, but he couldn't shake the tingle in his spine of something about to go terribly wrong.


    "Lynxdash!" The slinky tom looked up to see Featherfall bounding toward him with her graceful steps, a vole clutched in her jaws. She placed it down at her paws with a purr. "Do you want to share with me? It feels like forever since I last got to talk to you." The tom had to stifle a laugh, but he nodded, and Featherfall purred in delight, picking up the vole and shepherding him to a corner where they could eat in peace.
    "You know it's only been a few days, right? I know you're busy... Duckbriar needs you right now, and I know Wolfwhisker and Plumiris have you watching her like a hawk to make sure she's alright. I'm not exactly going to be raving mad if you prioritize her right now." Featherfall huffed at him, leaning across to tug at his ear with her teeth, making him yowl in surprise, before he coughed to cover it up, bashful.
    "You're as much our friend as she is," Featherfall said stubbornly, "and while she might need my support, I am allowed to hang out with whomever I like, and I'm capable of managing my time between multiple friends, so you don't have to try and shoo me away from you. You're as important as all of my other friends are, and I won't let you pretend anything to the contrary."
    "You know you don't have to do that, right?" Lynxdash sighed, suddenly feeling thoroughly disinterested in the concept of eating. "I know you're just trying to be nice after... after the clan lost Sycamorepath, but I'll be alright. I didn't know her that well. I liked her, and she was a good friend... but she was your friend too, and I'm not going to drop dead of grief if you take a second to help the ones who are dealing with more than I am."
    "How can you say that? You're our friend too, Lynxdash. Yes, I am grieving my friend, but so are you. You don't have to try and justify or quantify yourself. We all knew you liked her, and even if you didn't know her for a long time, I know just how much that loss hurts. We would have been just as distraught if we lost you, you know, and I'm not going to let you isolate yourself just because you think we ought to worry about other things. We've had enough self-sacrifice in this clan. What we need now are cats who know how to live for each other, and I am certain I know how to live for my friends, including you. So... no matter what you say, I'll be here, and there's not anything you can do to scare me away." Lynxdash blinked and then he smiled, shyly.
    "You're really not going to quit, are you?"
    "No! Duckbriar is hurting right now... but she has people to support her, and I know you're drawing away from your friends, which is only going to hurt you more in the long run. So I'm here for you, and I'll be here for you even when you try to make me go away, because I know what it's like to need someone."
    "Is someone there for you?" Lynxdash shook his head as she started to reply. "I mean really. You're always flitting between cats, but have you actually allowed yourself enough time to grieve? It's all well and good to soothe the hearts of your loved ones, but what about your own heart? You must be tired, holding up everyone the way you are. It's okay to feel sad too, you know. No one is going to fault you if you need to take your own time to feel it."
    "I do feel it," she said softly, "every day when I wake up and those nests are empty, I feel those losses like claws in my chest. And I am sad- terribly, terribly sad- but I have known grief, and I have known pain, and even though my heart aches, I know the ache will come to pass. I miss them with every breath and every step, but I'm not going to collapse over them. I have cried for them, shed my tears and said my goodbyes, and now I have to keep moving on, to defend the clan they loved, the clan they died protecting. I feel it."
    "Okay," Lynxdash said gently, leaning his head against hers, "if you ever need a shoulder to cry on..."
    "I'll keep it in mind," Featherfall nodded, before shoving his shoulder with hers. "Now eat. You'll need your strength to support this clan if you keep insisting on doing it all on your own." Lynxdash laughed, nodding his head obediently.
    "Yes ma'am."


    Greenleaf nights were still warm, but a chill was beginning to set in, marking the arrival of cold fronts just over the horizon. Sprucepaw lay sprawled out, relishing in the last warmth to be dragged from the stone, Silvercreek wrapped around him and grooming between his ears idly as they listened to Tempestflame and Lightningivy bicker about something that he hadn't really been keeping track of in the first place. Auroracloud ducked her head in a polite laugh, and then stood.
    "I'm just going to get some fresh kill," she told them, with a little nod, "does anyone else want anything?" Silvercreek shook her head and Sprucepaw grunted a negative, shifting a little so Silvercreek could curl into his flank with his fluffy tail wrapped around her, while he took his turn grooming her silken fur. Auroracloud nodded to the arguing sisters, and her own sister watched her move toward the fresh kill pile.
    From across the way, Erminebubble looked up. He was a timid young warrior that had joined just after the chaos of the battle, and went about his business with his head down and his shoulders hunched up like he was worried someone would descend from above and tear him to shreds. He didn't really speak to anyone else, and those who were with him on patrol touted him as efficient but shy. Still, he got up from where he had been cleaning his paws, and hurried toward Auroracloud.
    "Hey," he said, wincing as she jumped in shock, "hello."
    "Hi?" A silence suspended.
    "I... good work on patrol today. You, I mean, not me. I realize how that sounds." He cleared his throat, tail swishing nervously behind him. "You are... a very good hunter. Where did you learn that?"
    "Hunting? Um... from here? My uh, my mentor- Winderstrike." She nodded toward where the black and white tom was standing with his mate, speaking to their oldest daughters. Erminebubble ducked his head awkwardly, as if he were afraid to be caught staring, and nodded emphatically as if she were telling the most interesting story in the whole world.
    "Right. He seems... adept."
    "Yeah." Another silence.
    "Oh, this is painful," Sprucepaw said with a wince, and Silvercreek shoved him, but she was barely stifling a laugh.
    "Shut up, like you're any kind of a casanova."
    "I don't know, he is pretty handsome and charming, I've been told," the pair looked up as Cairnstone settled next to them, an amused glint in his eye. Sprucepaw chuckled, and Silvercreek sighed, as if completely fed up with their antics, but she was smiling as she shook her head, turning her worried attention back to her much shier sister.
    "I like... your fur," she was saying, "it's very clean."
    "Oh- thank you? It's... hard to maintain. Because it's white."
    "Yeah." Auroracloud looked at her own singular white paw, and Erminebubble looked too, before he tore his gaze away and coughed a little awkwardly. "I was... just going to get some prey."
    "Oh. Would you uh... like to share?"
    "Um, I was going to share with my sister..." Auroracloud said, and Erminebubble winced, "but... some other time, maybe?"
    "Yeah! You too, I mean- that would be nice. If you would like that." Auroracloud smiled shyly at him and nodded, before she stepped past and continued on her way. Erminebubble watched her go with a wondrous sparkle in his eye, before his ear swiveled and he turned his head to see the group of cats watching him for the first time. Looking sufficiently cowed, he ducked his head and scurried away, and only when he was out of earshot did Sprucepaw burst into laughter.
    "Shut up!" Silvercreek hissed. "He was trying!"
    "I thought it was sweet," Cairnstone said. "Painfully awkward... but sweet."

    𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    Leaf-fall had set in quickly with chilly breezes and the sun in shorter supply, but Leopardrunner didn't mind the cold. Once upon a time he would have complained, but he found that after so long in the mountains, his fur had thickened and he seemed far more at home than he had been upon arrival. It helped that more often than not, Flamestream had pressed close to his side, the handsome ginger tom never far from him. They'd been fast friends, and Leopardrunner appreciated his company, although recently his attention had begun to swing elsewhere.
    "I'm actually really glad they're waiting," Flamestream was saying, creamy tail sweeping behind him as he walked, "I think Daisypaw especially is trying too hard not to think about what happened, but it's important that they give themselves time to grieve. I can't imagine what I would feel if I lost Emberpetal, much less if I had to watch her die. I mean, I'd be beside myself after losing any of my siblings- I miss my brothers so much- but a littermate..."
    "It's different," Leopardrunner said quietly, "when it's someone you spent your whole life with, when they've been a part of every memory you have..."
    "Did you-"
    "Flamestream!" Owlhop's voice made the two toms startle, and Leopardrunner turned his face away, suddenly realizing how close he was to the cream tom who turned with a cheerful smile to the little calico bounding toward him, his tail waving excitedly. "You and Leopardrunner walk so fast! Gosh, I've been practically sprinting to catch up. Listen, Honeyheart says you guys are heading in the wrong direction. We're going north, not south. He doesn't want us near the border."
    "Oh, right," Flamestream laughed a little, fluffing up his fur in embarrassment as Ausmasthorn's tinkling laugh rose into the air.
    "How did you get your warrior name again, you directionless fool?" Flamestream stuck his tongue out at her, shooting Leopardrunner an apologetic look as the two of them turned to head toward her again. Leopardunner balked as Owlhop fell into step at Flamestream's right shoulder, where the bengal tom usually took up sentry. With his mismatched eyes, he gazed up at the tom, tail raised high as he scuttled along beside him.
    "Oh, don't be too hard on Flamestream! He was distracted, obviously," he cast a cheeky look back over his shoulder at Leopardrunner, who frowned, "besides, everything out here looks like same! All trees and rock and rocks and trees."
    "Just wait till it gets covered in snow," Flamestream laughed, and Leopardrunner rolled his eyes, feeling an uncomfortable swimming in his gut as Owlhop laughed as if it were the funniest joke in the world. Ausmasthorn gave him a quizzical look as he fell back into step with the party, Owlhop having to half-jog to keep up with Flamestream's long strides, while Lynxdash and Honeyheart walked in quiet solidarity at the front of the group.
    "Are you..."
    "I'm fine," Leopardrunner said shortly.
    "You're a terrible liar," she sighed, flicking her ear, "you know, you could just-"
    "Thank you for the advice, Ausmasthorn, but I'm quite capable of sorting myself out." He veered away from the group, and the bobtailed molly gave a frustrated hum, glowering at his retreating form.
    "Where are you going!"
    "Hunting in the south! If no one else is around there, I'm sure the prey will be emboldened, and it's better if it's just one of us."
    "You shouldn't go alone-" Flamestream started to say, but the fur on the back of Leopardrunner's neck bristled, and with a powerful push of his legs, he bounded forward and into the trees, too fast for anyone else on the patrol to even have a hope of catching up. Honeyheart sighed, and shook his head as the rest of the patrol turned toward him for guidance. Silence descended over the cats as the old tom led them on, and as Flamestream hung his head, quizzical expression on his face, Owlhop pressed in close to his shoulder.


    Hollyfeather closed her eyes against the chill, curling her tail around herself as she nestled into her nest. She got the impression that Sleetstar was taking it easy on her, after everything that had happened. Half of her appreciated it, the other half wanted to rip her ears off for the boredom that ensconced her, sending her into her nest early on in the night for lack of anything better to do. Scuffling paws alerted her to a presence, and she lifted her head, blinking in surprise as Twilightflower ducked into the den.
    "Hey," she said, clearing her throat to rid herself of the scratch of sleep, "you're back early."
    "I never went anywhere," Twilightflower said, sounding amused, "I've been in the nursery all day, gossiping with the queens. Stars know Rivermask needed some assistance with Whisperwind and Midnightblaze taking up space. Bramblingrose has been freaking out a little all day too. Poppywish thinks Whisperwind's kits could come any day now, and so naturally he looks like his heart might give out at any time. Whisperwind's fine though, as expected, mostly just annoyed with everyone fussing over him."
    "He would be," Hollyfeather chuckled, moving over to make room in her nest for Twilightflower, "he's always been like that. Self-sufficient I mean, even when he was younger. It was a little scary, looking back on it, to see someone so young be so sure. He's going to be a good father though. His kits will be very lucky."
    "Indeed," Twilightflower chuckled, "I think any kits born into this clan are, or ones that come here without a family, like Ironpaw and Pepperpaw and Gustpaw. It's so easy for them to make friends. I was worried about that, with my babies, but I shouldn't have been. They're all fine."
    "Of course they are, they had you for a mother. Tempestflame especially has your spirit, you know. I always thought... I always thought Blizzardheart did too. He was brave, and a little loud-mouthed and brash... but he had a big heart, and he cared deeply about his friends, and he was much smarter than anyone gave him credit for. He used to pick up on things that even I missed when we were on patrols... and it always reminded me of you. Eyes that truly see and all that."
    "You don't have to flatter me so much, you know. We're already friends. But... thank you, for what you said about him. Everyone is so gentle when it comes to him, but they forget that I lost two kits already. I know he'll be looking after them, up in StarClan now... and mostly it means a lot to me when people say they have good memories of him, because I know his spirit will live on through that."
    "He won't be forgotten," Hollyfeather assured her, pushing her nose behind one of her ears, "he has siblings who adore him, and friends that are never going to forget everything he did for them. And... he has me. He was the best apprentice I could ever have asked for, and he made me proud every day that I knew him."
    "He'd be proud of you too, you know, and how far you've come." Twilightflower blew out a sigh, leaning into her friend. "I wanted... I wanted to see how you were doing, though. You lost him too, and then you lost The Stranger. I know you two got close toward the end there..."
    "It seems strange that he's not around anymore. At first I never considered him, and then all I thought about was him and his weird quest or whatever... but I think I get it now. It was about feeling needed, I think, and about always being there for someone else when they felt lost. He was a guide, a mentor, someone whose heart always knew the right thing to do... and we could use more cats like that. Before he died, he said that the clan had me now... and I guess it weighs on me a little. I want to prove to him that he was right to entrust that legacy to my care, but I don't know if I have what it takes."
    "Oh Hollyfeather, of course you do. Have you met yourself? All you care about is this clan, and what's best for it. You always know when something is really, truly wrong, and I know you would do whatever it takes to make sure that the clan stays happy and healthy. You're a little suspicious and sometimes tactless, yes," she laughed at Hollyfeather's glare, "but no one can deny that you care, and that matters. That's what he saw in you that made him sure you would have the strength and the wisdom to help the clan through any tough times to follow."
    "Well... if you believe in me, then I guess I have to trust myself not to screw it up."
    "You're going to do fine," Twilightflower assured her gently, "no one is asking you for life-changing counsel, at least not right now. You're just meant to be the moral compass, to look and to understand when someone is taking a path that they won't be able to walk back from, and to gently steer them away if that happens. It's not as if anyone expects you to play therapist or something."
    "I hope not," Hollyfeather winced, "I'd rather claw my own eyes out than get between whatever's happening with Graypeak and Addersong." Twilightflower laughed, nudging Hollyfeather with her shoulder, and making the other molly smile as she pressed a nose to her forehead with a purr.
    "No matter what... you know you always have me to lean on, right?"
    "I know," Hollyfeather replied, with a slow nod, "and I feel it too."


    Burningflame watched the cats up ahead of her anxiously. Brackenstrike had aged gracefully, since the she-cat had abandoned the Merchants. If she'd been smart, she would have followed her old friend then and there, but pride had wounded her and kept her stationary. Now, she kept close to the pale tortoiseshell who laughed as if the tabby were the funniest cat in the world. It was good to see her happy again, after everything she'd endured.
    Less happy to see her were the young grey and white warrior, and the slinky former Shadow from her first encounter with the clan. Although many had warmed up to her presence in the past few moons, the pair of them had remained suspicious, and they walked ahead of her and the leader, whispering between themselves and occasionally glancing back at her. She got the gist. With a sigh, she turned to Sleetstar, watching her as she nimbly picked her way over the rocks.
    "Are you sure this is a good idea? Sending me out on patrols and such?"
    "You'd rather I leave you alone in camp with cats who haven't quite made up their minds about you?" Sleetstar chuckled as Burningflame huffed at her, casting a wary glance up at the other cats. "Howlingeye and Viridianfire have always been... suspicious, I guess. They might not trust you, but they're not going to do anything. They'll come around eventually, they just need more time. They're the kind of cats that don't forgive for the power of love."
    "Fantastic," Burningflame said dryly, before shooting an apologetic look to her mate as she chuckled, and shook her head lightly.
    "You know, if you two have questions you can always just ask them," Sleetstar said, and Viridianfire jumped, pretending not to be looking as Howlingeye sniffed and lifted his chin defiantly. "Come on then, why don't you drop back and walk with us? Unless you're just trying to be intimidating."
    "We have to keep up appearances, darling," Howlingeye said and Sleetstar laughed, but nonetheless they closed the distance between them, dropping to the other side of Sleetstar's shoulder as they followed Brackenstrike and her mate up the rise. "No one would say anything to your face about it of course, but there are a few cats around the clan who are worried that this has the potential to go very badly. Some who worry about intentions."
    "You're one of them?" Burningflame asked, and Howlingeye snorted.
    "I know you're afraid of me, so no, I'm not particularly worried by you. I know you know where you stand with this clan, and I heard that Whisperwind already approached you, and if he's willing to forgive and forget then I suppose the rest of us should just suck it up too. But-"
    "I'm worried about intentions," Viridianfire cut in, and Burningflame ducked her head shyly, "there are cats who were seriously hurt by your old clan, and they're going to take more time to heal than me. I'm thinking about Bearears in particular... but I just want to know why you did what you did. I can appreciate that it must have been a difficult position to be in, especially considering we all saw how your leader was... but how did you get there in the first place? How can we know that we can trust you, and this isn't just some long-form game that you're playing?"
    "I trust her. Does that count for anything?" Sleetstar asked, but Burningflame gently pressed her nose to her cheek.
    "I understand," she said seriously, "and I appreciate you asking me straight out. You know Sleetstar and I grew up together, in the Merchants. My parents were adults who were inducted into the group later on in their life, and they passed away when I was young, much like her parents, so for a while, all we had was each other. There's not an emphasis on family- not like there is here. There was plenty of infighting... and blood would spill blood for the power. That's how Boscoe did it. He proved he was willing to do things that no one else was, commit atrocities against even his own family members if it would grant him power. That was supposed to make him strong... and he never liked me. He didn't much like Sleetstar either, or Brackenstrike for that matter, but they had generations of blood in the clan, and I had none. That meant, to him, my loyalty was not assured." She paused, taking a shaky breath, jumping as Sleetstar jumped in.
    "He started to get very power-mad. Had all these conspiracy theories about 'rebels' of some kind banding together to defile the good name of the clan. To him, everyone who didn't support him wholeheartedly was a threat. Cats started to go missing. We'd find them dead in ditches weeks later, and he'd pretend it was an accident. Anyone who spoke out about it went missing next. It became evident no one was going to change anything externally, and I started to hear whispers about Burningflame. I thought if I could get close to him, I could manipulate him into looking elsewhere. I was always good at talking, and I thought I could talk my way around him, change things from the inside. I didn't want to scare her. I thought it would make her look more suspicious, and he'd act before I had a chance."
    "And so I ruined the plan," Burningflame laughed hollowly, "I was so angry, to think that she could hold the same affection for such a monster, or to think that that kind of power was more important to her than me. I felt like I was losing the only thing I was ever really sure of, the only family I had... and so I decided to get even, and to make sure I was safe. I thought it would be appreciated if I turned against someone I considered my own flesh and blood... but Boscoe never respected anyone powerful. Anyone powerful was a threat, and I realized that too late, because by the time Sleetstar was gone, he did everything he could to snuff out every ounce of power I could have ever possibly felt. It was all I could do to talk him out of attacking constantly. I suggested things like scouts, taking the time to train in special formations, especially after Brackenstrike defected, because I knew how she fought and so I tried to teach them things she would work against easily. I think he caught on after a bit, and he would-" her throat closed up, and Sleetstar leaned into her comfortingly. "If I... didn't do the things he wanted, or if he thought that I was lying to him, he would hurt me. Never enough for anyone else to see, because dissonance between us would be weakness... but enough for me to remember what my place was. That fight... that was something I couldn't stop. He smelt the clan on me, and supposed I must have been sharing information."
    "Well..." Viridianfire said, "I'm glad you got out of there. That cat Hollyfeather was talking to. Is she..."
    "Sienna's good," the group jumped at Brackenstrike's voice, looking up to find the molly standing with her pelt fluffed against the wind, "she's old guard, like me and Boscoe. Closer to his age, actually, but she lost family in the war and she's old enough to remember it too, but she was never bitter. Quiet, a little withdrawn maybe, but staunch and determined. She'll be a good leader to the Merchants, and she doesn't lie. As for Burningflame... I trust her too. I know what Boscoe is like, and what extremes he'd go to. I know how hard it must have been to escape, and I know she's not foolish enough to think she could fool the clan for long enough to hurt them. Besides, you all know what it's like to be in love. Ask yourself if you could fake it as well as you suppose she is." Silence descended over the group, before Howlingeye chuckled.
    "Okay then," he said, "I'm very sorry for the frosty reception, my dear, but you did force me to expose a part of myself that I didn't really like all that much."
    "In all fairness, I did say some horrible things to you about your previous origins. I'm sorry for that, by the way. You seem a very kind tom, and someone who cares about this clan."
    "I do," Howlingeye said, "but I know you care too. It might just take some of the others some more time to see it. Until then... I will be standing at your side. I'll vouch for you."
    "Me too." Viridianfire smiled, with a nod. "I know what it's like to make your own family, and doing it twice in one lifetime is probably more than I could stand... so I'll be here. And I know that Brackenstrike and Sleetstar are about to say something pretty sappy that's going to make all of us cringe, so brace for it." Laughter swept around the group, and Brackenstrike purred.
    "Actually, I was going to suggest we get on with hunting."
    "Let's," Sleetstar agreed, but she pushed her nose against Burningflame's cheek before she bounded forward nonetheless.

` servings consumed
13/13 - x13 voles
` clan events
added ouncespirit from winter advent (x)
ironpaw takes her warrior assessment!
whisperwind is kitting! poppywish assists and gives him x1 raspberry leaf and x1 chervil
genetics chart
carnationpaw, magnoliapaw and ospreypaw learn to climb
eaglepaw and tulippaw learn to track
gustpaw and pepperpaw learn to battle
sprucepaw searches for kitting herbs
thunderjaw and minkfur try for kits!
` patrols
1 - brackenstrike, splitface, viridianfire, howlingeye, sleetstar, burningflame
2 - hawkeyes, bearears, primrosepetal, lunardawn, foxspring, koishimmer
3 - honeyheart, lynxdash, leopardrunner, owlhop, flamestream, ausmasthorn
4 - falconstreak, graypeak, blackdusk, sorrelsong, twosight, frostclaw
5 - addersong, hazerise, plumiris, erminebubble, auroracloud, argentripple
1 - thunderjaw, minkfur, tempestflame, waspshine, birchfang, fogbelly

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 79 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` brackenstrike | 88 moons | ♀

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 70 moons | ♂ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 19 moons | ♂

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 82 moons | ♂
    `` hollyfeather | 57 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 77 moons | ♂
    `` howlingeye | 60 moons | ♂
    `` splitface | 85 moons | ♀
    `` minkfur | 74 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 52 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 77 moons | ♂
    `` hawkeyes | 82 moons | ♂
    `` viridianfire | 44 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 94 moons | ♂
    `` koishimmer | 46 moons | ♀
    `` birchfang | 52 moons | ♂
    `` sunnynose | 65 moons | ♂
    `` waspshine | 53 moons | ♂
    `` winderstrike | 67 moons | ♂
    `` twilightflower | 57 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 43 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 93 moons | ♂
    `` ausmasthorn | 31 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 31 moons | ♂
    `` addersong | 62 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 62 moons | ♂
    `` falconstreak | 58 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 28 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 28 moons | ♂
    `` honeyheart | 62 moons | ♂
    `` primrosepetal | 46 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 25 moons | ♂
    `` butterflyshine | 25 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 26 moons | ♀
    `` lunardawn | 46 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 37 moons | ♂
    `` fogbelly | 74 moons | ♀
    `` hazerise | 72 moons | ♀
    `` leopardrunner | 29 moons | ♂
    `` tempestflame | 24 moons | ♀
    `` brewingice | 24 moons | ♂
    `` lightningivy | 24 moons | ♀
    `` lynxdash | 23 moons | ♂
    `` dapplelotus | 37 moons | ♀
    `` featherfall | 25 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 25 moons | ♂
    `` silvercreek | 19 moons | ♀
    `` auroracloud | 19 moons | ♀
    `` blackdusk | 17 moons | ♂
    `` argentripple | 33 moons | ♂
    `` robinwhistle | 37 moons | ♀
    `` mapleskip | 63 moons | ♂
    `` burningflame | 79 moons | ♀
    `` plumiris | 26 moons | ♀
    `` erminebubble | 20 moons | ♂
    `` owlhop | 26 moons | ♂
    `` cairnstone | 21 moons | ♂
    `` ouncespirit | 38 moons | ♂

    ` apprentices
    `` ironpaw | 16 moons | ♀
    `` daisypaw | 14 moons | ♀
    `` pansypaw | 14 moons | ♀
    `` ospreypaw | 9 moons | ♀
    `` eaglepaw | 9 moons | ♂
    `` carnationpaw | 9 moons | ♀
    `` tulippaw | 9 moons | ♂
    `` magnoliapaw | 9 moons | ♀
    `` pepperpaw | 7 moons | ☉
    `` gustpaw | 7 moons | ♂

    ` queens and kits
    `` rivermask | 67 moons | ♀
    foamkit, spraykit & oceankit [5, ♂♂♀]
    `` whisperwind | 34 moons | ♂
    ↪ due now!
    `` midnightblaze | 85 moons | ♂
    ↪ due 1 moons

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 124 moons | ♀
    `` olivetuft | 118 moons | ♀
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | open
→ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [6] | greencough
lovage [1] | coughs
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [3] | hip pain
ragwort [1] | strength
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
dock [1] | scratches
burdock root [1] | infection
blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
raspberry leaves [4] | kitting
cobweb [3] | bleeding
marigold [2] | infection
horsetail [2] | infection
chervil [2] | infections/kitting

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x2 | 1 servings [2]
rabbit | x8 | 2 servings [16]
stoat | x7| 2 servings [14]
small fish | x14 | 2 servings [28]
hare | x8 | 3 servings [24]
bird | x9 | 3 servings [27]

` mentors
ausmasthorn | ironpaw [4]
↪ hunt, battle, swim, adv. battle
duckbriar | ospreypaw [2]
↪ battle, hunt
winderstrike | eaglepaw [2]
↪ hunt, battle
silvercreek | carnationpaw [2]
↪ battle, hunt
summitsky | tulippaw [2]
↪ hunt, battle
fallowstep | magnoliapaw [2]
↪ battle, hunt
wolfwhisker | pepperpaw [0]
↪ skills
brewingice | gustpaw [0]
↪ skills

` deceased
galepaw | murdered by boscoe
stormkit | weak at birth
hurricanekit | weak at birth
willowpaw | crushed in landslide
dawnbreeze | killed in battle
blizzardheart | killed in battle
sycamorepath | killed in battle
buttercuppaw | killed in battle
breakerhowl | killed in battle
sootfreckle | killed in battle
dandelionpaw | injuries post-battle
the stranger | old age

` family ties
Last edited by solyn on Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 036 ]

Postby solyn » Mon Jan 13, 2020 10:52 am

population: 80 cats [ 39 fem : 40 male : 1 nb ]
servings required: 13 [83] - pebbles: 81
𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: any time
moons since last nonsense: 5 (lf)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    The clan took a collective step back as Poppywish exited the medicine cat’s den, blinking in shock at the cats gathered around him. His features tried to pull into a scowl, but there was too much joy in his face for him to quite manage it. Howlingeye shouldered his way forward first, stretching out to touch noses with his mate as he let out a quiet purr at the reunion, letting the ginger tom tuck his head under his chin and let out a tired chuckle, turning much softer eyes on the expectant gathering.
    “Two perfectly healthy kits. Two little toms, and their father is in perfect condition. He actually made that kitting look easy,” excited murmurs echoed through the throng of cats, and Poppywish tutted, swishing his tail at them, “that doesn’t give you reason to crowd the poor young thing, he doesn’t need stress on top of all this, and those kittens will need their rest. For now it’s family members only- that means Ausmasthorn and no one else. The calico bob laughed, touching her nose to Emberpetal’s cheek before she stepped forward and pressed her forehead to Poppywish’s with a purr. She brushed past him into the den, and Summitsky cleared his throat.
    “Fine. Anyone else with a mate in the den can go in as well… or daughters, in Rivermask’s case, but if I hear from Sprucepaw that you’ve been bothering him, I will... think up some fitting punishment later, since I am very tired. But be warned, I will be furious.” The clan chuckled as Poppywish was ushered away by his mate, but respectfully, most of the cats dispersed, leaving Summitsky standing outside the den with Silvercreek and Auroracloud at his shoulders. Together, the three of them ducked into the den.
    It was warm in the nursery, naturally sheltered by a large jut that diverted winds down one side of the den and sheltered the other, the ground naturally mossy and the nests carefully covered in down and feathers to protect against the cold. Whisperwind’s bright pelt shone in the darkness, the tired tom leaning back against his ginger mate as the bobtailed tom soothed him by grooming his fur back into place. At his flank, two tiny shapes wriggled, one pure white and the other one splotched with black. Ausmasthorn was sitting by her brother’s head, beaming proudly down at her nephews. Sprucepaw sat near them, sifting through an array of herbs and murmuring quiet questions to Whisperwind, while Midnightblaze sat at his side with a kind smile, and Rivermask corralled her older kits in her nest.
    “We want to see!” Foamkit complained, and Rivermask hushed him.
    “Whisperwind is very tired, and the kits are not going to be able to play with you. They won’t even be able to say hello, because they’re too little yet. You can meet them some other time, but for now you’ll let them rest.”
    “I’d better help out over there,” Auroracloud chuckled, turning and heading toward her mother with a kind smile in Whisperwind’s direction. Silvercreek approached her best friend, nuzzling her cheek against Sprucepaw’s with a purr that made one of Whisperwind’s eyes crack open, his smile exhausted but proud. He looked genuinely happy- delighted, even- his tail curled proudly around his squirming balls of fluff.
    “Congratulations,” Silvercreek whispered as Summitsky settled next to his mate and wrapped his tail around him, “Auroracloud sends hers too, but Poppywish threatened us all with a fate worse than death if we disturbed you.” Whisperwind laughed, low and exhilarant, leaning across to touch his nose to the young molly’s with a happy little purr.
    “I don’t know if you could ever bother me,” he said, “it feels silly to me that I’m not loudly boasting about my kits right now. I didn’t know if I would be a good father, or if I’d even like kits that much, but seeing them now… there’s not a thing I wouldn’t do for them. They really are perfect.”
    “Of course they are,” Bramblingrose said gently, “they’re all you, my love.”
    “They might look like me, but they already have your energy,” Whisperwind replied with a purr, nuzzling into his mate’s scruff as the ginger gave a happy chuckle, tucking his nose behind his pale mate’s ear and closing his eyes contentedly.
    “Have you considered names?” Summitsky asked, before chuckling as if he were embarrassed. “Sorry. I know it’s still early on.”
    “No, no, it’s okay,” Whisperwind chuckled, “we talked about them a lot before we had them… and Sprucepaw has been privy to every discussion since. I wanted… well. You know my name is so that I carry a bit of Galepaw with me wherever I go, but I wanted her to live on in a future generation too. So… we decided to give them names like the wind. To remember.”
    “This is Squallkit,” Bramblingrose said, nudging the solid white tom, “you should have heard how he wailed for the first time. I’m still not entirely convinced none of you could. His brother is Typhoonkit. I know that they’re going to grow up to be just like their father- brilliant, handsome, relentless- even if he claims the opposite.”
    “They’re perfect,” Ausmasthorn said sincerely before either of them could bicker further, “they truly are. I’m glad you’re alright, Whisperwind. I heard you did well.”
    “Like it was some kind of assessment,” the tom chuckled, casting a tired smile at Sprucepaw, who returned it gently, “be sure to thank Poppywish for me… both of you looked after me so well, and I’m thankful I had you there with me. I knew I would be alright as long as Bramblingrose was by my side… but it doesn’t hurt to have two very capable medicine cats by my side.” Sprucepaw ducked his head with a chuckle.
    “I’m still only an apprentice, but I’ll pass along the thanks. And… thank you, for saying so. Your kits are very lucky to have two dads like yourselves. I know they’ll be doted on day and night.”
    “Oh yes,” Bramblingrose said with a little chuckle, bending down to press his nose to Typhoonkit’s tiny form, “I’m already planning out a hundred and one ways with which to spoil them.” Whisperwind rolled his eyes, but his smile was fond, so unbearably so that Summitsky turned away, as if were wrong for him to witness it.
    “Oh joy,” Whisperwind said, and the den laughed.


    For a big cat, Sprucepaw moved with such grace. Cairnstone marveled at it, watching him walk alongside the river's edge in the east of the territory, searching for herbs and neatly snapping them from their stems to make them into a bundle that he carried with a delicate touch that shouldn't have seemed so natural from a cat so large. Cairnstone had always thought himself big- and in truth, compared to most of the cats in the clan, he still was- but Sprucepaw and his parents made him feel small, in a way that made him feel curiously delighted.
    "You're really not at all bothered? Everyone else seems very... skittish," he said, making the tabby tom look up. After a moment, he shrugged, placing his herbs down at his paws.
    "Poppywish is a very competent medicine cat. I would know- I spend day in and day out with him. There's no point in fussing over Whisperwind when he's doing all he can already, and anything else would just be distracting him. Of course I want things to go well for him... but I trust Poppywish, and he'd want this done, which is going to make it easier on him later because he will be exhausted later."
    "You're very practical," Cairnstone said, trailing after him as he used the boulders to cross the stream.
    "Someone has to be," he laughed, "you can't really think it's all that odd. You've met my parents."
    "Interesting that you should suppose I find you odd."
    "Is that not why you're so fascinated?" Sprucepaw has a mischievous twinkle in his eye, and Cairnstone shrugged, making the other tom snort in amusement. A playful smile crossed the warrior's maw- he wouldn't give anything away just yet, but he had a feeling that Sprucepaw could read him like a book nonetheless. In his short time in the clan, he'd observed that the medicine cat apprentice was sharp; forward, earnest, and wickedly intelligent.
    "I don't find you odd," Cairnstone said after a beat, "mostly just interesting. I don't think I've ever met a cat quite like you."
    "I could very easily say the same," Sprucepaw paused, looking him over, "I mean, I've seen cats with curled ears and cats with short tails and naturally I have every experience with large paws, but I've never seen them mashed together into one the way you are. You almost remind me of a lynx, if lynxes were red and had strange accents." He laughed, shoving Sprucepaw's shoulder with his own, making the bigger tom smile.
    "Well you're a right mouth aren't you?" He said, eyes twinkling. "You're lucky I don't take offense to you calling me funny looking. I'm from the Highlands- across the ocean a fair way. You have to be hardy to survive out there, a different kind of hardy to here, but hardy nonetheless. I'm not sure what any of this is supposed to accomplish for us... but I'm alive, so it must be doing something."
    "Could just be dumb luck, or the oddity of your appearance striking your enemies dead from shock."
    "You really are a mean little git," Cairnstone scoffed, shoving him again and making Sprucepaw laugh, "considering who your mother is, I thought she would have taught you better manners." Sprucepaw shrugged airily, pulling ahead of him to pick at some herbs on the edge of the cliff. Cairnstone followed him warily, before a gust of air caught his attention and he turned, sucking in a sharp breath. "Oh... wow."
    The cliff fell away to reveal a breathtaking view. The two-leg settlement at the base of the mountain seemed alive in the daylight, bright colours smiling back at him cheerfully. The trees spread across the whole territory, tall and proud, with the winding thunderpath cutting through them like a big black snake. He could see where the river rushed on for miles and miles, way past the two-leg's houses and into the distance, where another set of mountains rose like smoky phantoms to box them in.
    "Beautiful, isn't it?" Sprucepaw smiled, seating himself at Cairnstone's shoulder. "Don’t tell my parents or I think they’d just about die of fright, but sometimes… sometimes I like to come out here at night and just… take it all in. The lights that brush the mountains weave through the trees here, and you can see the colours so vividly… and the two-leg nests start to glow from the inside out. There’s never any monsters on the Thunderpath, and you can hear the rustle of creatures and the call of the night birds and it’s… peaceful. Nice to remember that you exist as a part of something larger, something continuing, something that will continue after you’re gone, dancing among the lights.”
    “You’re a romantic,” Cairnstone’s voice was soft, as he cocked his head at Sprucepaw with a smile, “that’s not something I would have expected of you.”
    “I think you’ll find I’m full of surprises.”
    “I already am,” the cream tom chuckled, nudging Sprucepaw’s shoulder with his own, “and so far? I have no complaints.”


    “Thank you,” Ironpaw said, shoulder touching Daisypaw’s as the molly smiled up at her, “for waiting for me.”
    “We wouldn’t dream of leaving you behind,” Daisypaw said earnestly, and Pansypaw nodded her agreement, eyes sparkling with genuine excitement for the first time since the death of their older brothers. It was good to see her happy again, after everything. Part of Daisypaw had thought that maybe she would never go back to the way she used to be, and another part said she couldn’t blame her, but all things considered, Pansypaw looked delighted to be here, and eager to move on to the next chapter of her life.
    “Today,” Sleetstar began, voice ringing out clear over the basin, “we welcome three new warriors to the ranks of our clan. I wish their brothers could be standing beside them on this day to double those numbers, but they fought bravely and sacrificed much for their clan, and for that they deserve to be honoured with a moment of silence to remember the lives that they gave too soon to defend their clan, their home, and their family, in true understanding of the warrior spirit.” A hush spread across the clan as they tilted their faces toward the sky, where the sun was just beginning to set, the first twinkle of a star vaguely visible through the haze. “These warriors have worked tirelessly to understand the code, and experienced more than they should have at their young age. I could not recommend them more to all those who came before as warriors, and I know they will smile upon me as I commend them to our ranks. Ironpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?”
    “I do.”
    “The vow!”
    "To my clan, to my home, to the blood that binds; I pledge myself to the cliffs and the snow. The North is all."
    “Then from this day forward you shall be known as Ironsoul, for the strength of your spirit. In the face of adversity, you do not relent, and against insurmountable odds you persist, and you prevail. The stars smile upon you for your strength and your tenacity, and I could not be prouder to welcome you as a full warrior of NorthernClan. Honour her!” Yowls went up for the warrior as she stepped forward, bending her head down to touch noses with the leader as was custom, purring all the while. As she stepped back, Sleetstar smiled at Daisypaw, her expression kind. “Daisypaw, do you too promise to uphold the warrior code, and to protect this clan even at the cost of your life?”
    “I do!”
    “The vow.”
    "To my clan, to my home, to the blood that binds; I pledge myself to the cliffs and the snow. The North is all."
    “Then forevermore you will be known as Daisyflicker, for the fire that burns inside of you. The stars smile upon you for your compassion, and the strength of your heart. We are lucky to have someone so kind, with such sturdy shoulders to guide us through hard times, and the clan could not be more blessed to have you as a warrior. Honour her!” Again, the clan sent up raucous cheers as the ginger molly swept forward to exchange customs with the leader, a proud smile on her face as she settled back between her sister and her friend. Pansypaw smiled at Sleetstar, a resolute grin on her features as the pointed molly turned her question to her. “And last but not least… Pansypaw. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to defend your clan, even if it costs you your life?”
    “Yes, I do.”
    “The vow.”
    "To my clan, to my home, to the blood that binds; I pledge myself to the cliffs and the snow. The North is all."
    “Then it is my pleasure to grant you a name in the vein of that which you requested. You will be known as Pansyflower, to honour the sacrifice your brothers Dandelionpaw and Buttercuppaw made in the spirit of the warrior code, and to guide you should you ever lose your way. I cannot bring myself to worry about that, for StarClan looks down upon you and sees kindness and integrity, and I know the clan could use someone so earnest and so sweet, and thus it is my pleasure to announce a full warrior of NorthernClan. Honour her!” A final round of cheers went up for the littlest warrior, as she purred and turned away from Sleetstar to run straight to her fathers, bundling into their fur as Sunnynose shed proud tears, the rest of their kits crowding around to congratulate their youngest sister.
    “Ironsoul suits you,” Daisyflicker purred, and the great grey molly laughed, nodding toward the gathering of cats.
    “As does Daisyflicker suit you. Now go on, be with your family. I’ll see you at the vigil.” Daisyflicker touched her nose to the other apprentice’s, before she turned and bounded toward her family, tail raised in delight as Flamestream and Dapplelotus crowded around her, praising her delightedly while she purred and preened. A scuffling to Ironsoul’s side made her look up to see Blackdusk standing next to her, smiling gently.
    “Congratulations,” he said softly, “Ironsoul is a good name, and it suits you well. You must feel lucky to have it.”
    “I do, considering I almost didn’t have it at all. I wish… I wish that Sootfreckle could have been here though. I like to think she would have been proud of me too.”
    “She would have been,” Blackdusk said, with a nod, stepping closer, “I know… I noticed you were pulling away from us, like you were afraid we wouldn’t me, mother and I. But I… I just want you to know, Ironsoul, that every morning I wake up and find Sootfreckle’s nest empty… it hurts, but then I feel happy, because maybe I lost a sister, but at least I didn’t lose both of them.” Ironsoul blinked, and then shot her brother a watery smile, lunging toward him and bundling him into her chest. The slighter tom laughed, nuzzling in under her jaw with a purr, and a nod. “She would be proud of you. She’d be proud of both of us- all of us- Daisyflicker and Pansyflower too. We suffered, we fought, and we survived, and we’re all still here. Together.”
    “Together,” Ironsoul agreed, pulling back to smile at her brother with glittering eyes. “I’m not going anywhere.”
    “Good. Neither am I.”

    𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    The nursery seemed more lively since Minkfur had joined. Burningflame watched as she and a heavily pregnant Midnightblaze took a slow turn about the campground, Rivermask bounding alongside them. Although she was no longer confined to the den, the pointed molly seemed content to return on her own whim, usually to speak in hushed, giggling tones with her burly old friend.
    Burningflame had decided this was the best time for her task.
    The den was warm in the midday sun, and darker than it was outside, but Whisperwind’s form was easily visible in the gloom, white fur shining. His two sons tumbled over one another, Typhoonkit letting out an ear-splitting shriek as Squallkit dug his teeth into his ear and then cackled maniacally, letting himself be flipped off his brother before chasing him as he streaked to the other side of the den. Whisperwind let out an indulgent chuckle, before his ear swivelled back and he sat up quickly to glower at Burningflame, his expression relaxing only a smidgeon when realization flashed through his eyes.
    “Hello,” she said awkwardly, placing the thing down at her paws.
    “Hi,” he said, clearly confused if the way his head tilted was any indication, “what… are you doing here? I was under the impression that Sleetstar had you joined to her hip as some kind of integration scheme.”
    “She does. It’s… working as well as it can. But I. I uh.” Burningflame cleared her throat, ducking her head in a manner that seemed almost shy. “I know you and I will never be friends because of… because of everything, but I wanted to show you that I’m committed to being your clanmate, and to watching your back even if I’m the last cat you’d trust to do so. So… I brought you this. It was mine once. Now it is yours.” She pushed it toward him, and Whisperwind blinked in shock, gently scooping his paw around it to drag it closer.
    It smelled of the Merchants, and he balked, but as he turned it over and over, the familiarity came back to him. He might not have known much about the life of a kittypet, but he knew the shape of the false-prey they played with. This one was old and the skin of it was worn, but the scent was unmistakable as hers, and he blinked up at her in shock. The dark molly turned her face away, clearly embarrassed as she cleared her throat.
    “I didn’t get a lot of time to know my fathers,” she said, “one died fighting in the war, and the other of exhaustion during kitting. I was all that was left of both of them, and so one of their old belongings came to me. The Merchants didn’t have a place for such sentimentality as I grew older, but I realized that I couldn’t let go of it… so I hid it. And now I have no use for it anymore, but I am too sentimental to let it stay beneath the dirt, and so… I supposed it should go to someone who has use for it.”
    “You went back to get it,” Whisperwind said softly, “I… thank you. That can’t have been easy.” Burningflame shrugged, awkwardly, starting to back toward the front of the den. “I don’t think that poorly of you, you know.” She blinked, looking up at the white tom as he cast a glance over to his tussling kits.
    “Maybe once upon a time I did, but… it’s not as if the whispers don’t reach me, even up here. I know what you went through. I know what you suffered. Maybe you got a little lost along the way, but… I know you care about her, and I know you’re trying your best. It might take me a little longer to come around than it takes everyone else, because I lost my sister and it hurt me deeply, and that made me who I am and forgiving it is not easy when I’ve only just learned how to forgive myself… but I admire you, for breaking free. And this is, really, a thoughtful gift. So… thank you.”
    “You’re welcome.” For a second, they stood in suspended silence, before Whisperwind’s expression broke into something gentle.
    “Come. Sit.”
    “You should meet them.” Burningflame hesitated, but Whisperwind’s expression was serious. So she cleared her throat, and she sat at his side, next to the nest as Whisperwind called his kits back to him, and presented the gift to much excited shouting, and a warm laugh prompted by their father. They rough and tumbled with it, tugging the battered red mouse toy between them, and Whisperwind watched with so much love in his eyes that it made Burningflame’s chest ache. His eyes turned to her when he found her watching, and he smiled, and in them she recognized something she hadn’t realized to be familiar. He was right, it seemed.
    The clan had not forgotten.


    Graypeak tried not to toss and turn in his nest, shifting as quietly as possible. He couldn’t make out Duckbriar’s form in the dark, nor Addersong’s, but he knew her to be somewhere near Honeyheart and Falconstreak, the tom’s white fur visible in the dark, while he knew his daughter to be cocooned by her friends. With a final sigh, he extracted himself from his nest- carefully, so as not to wake Fallowstep or his mate in the nest next to him- he got to his paws and trudged out of the den.
    Leaf-fall’s winds were cutting and sharp this late into the night, but the chill of it prickled under his fur and calmed him, made him feel grounded. It was probably an odd thing, to feel chilled to the bone and then to feel calm from it, but each breath reminded him of a bigger world, a bigger problem, a heartbeat across the mountains. He pushed out a sigh, shaking his head to himself as he descended the cliff path into the camp, so deep in thought that he came up almost nose to nose with Sorrelsong.
    “Oh,” he managed, roughly, and she let out her warm chuckle, eyes shining with something he couldn’t quite place.
    “Good evening to you too, Graypeak,” she said, “what are you doing awake?” Graypeak looked away and shrugged, awkwardly, making the torbie molly hum, nodding slowly as if she understood perfectly. “You can’t sleep, either?”
    “I… suppose you heard about the fight,” he laughed, dryly, “it seems everyone has.”
    “Hard not to when there’s so much yelling. But… you shouldn’t feel bad for the heart keeping you awake. I don’t sleep so soundly since… well.” Graypeak’s heart plummeted into his stomach, and instinctively he stepped forward to rest his jaw on top of her head, feeling her stiffen in surprise underneath him before she sighed and leaned into it, touching her forehead to his shoulder.
    “Oh, Sorrelsong, I’m so sorry, I didn’t even think…” he trailed off, clearing his throat and taking a step back, “how… how are you doing? And Blackdusk and Ironsoul- I haven’t seen much of them since… since.” His throat closed up around the words that were supposed to follow, a thought of soft tortoiseshell fur and a carrying laugh, the bright sparkle of Sootfreckle’s green eyes, and the way they’d dulled in her final moments. Sorrelsong’s eyes were gold, the same colour her son’s had turned as he’d left his kit-hood.
    “I’m… alright. I’m lucky that I still have two kits to help me get through this, but I know both of them grieve so heavily and so hard, and it feels wrong for me to have to lean on them. I wish I could be stronger for them but… well. I miss her too, and I know that’s okay, but some days it feels like I’m never going to get over the hole in my heart. Like it will never close up again.” She let out a sigh, and for the first time, Graypeak noted the slump of her shoulders and the ragged quality to her fur, like it hadn’t been groomed in quite some time. She was as tired as she sounded, and although she’d been in the clan for longer than he had, Graypeak noticed that she didn’t have quite so many shoulders to lean on.
    “I’m so sorry,” he said again, “I should have tried harder to get to her in time.”
    “What? No, no, Graypeak, you did everything you could. What happened wasn’t your fault, and I know Sootfreckle wouldn’t want you to blame yourself. You saved Blackdusk. You kept him alive, and I know she would thank you for that. I thank you for that.” She paused, tail swishing thoughtfully. “I have a lot to thank you for, actually. You know… their father wasn’t the fathering type, and I knew that, but I chose him anyway and my clan kicked me out. I knew they weren’t going to have anyone but me and each other but you and Breakerhowl… you two were as close to a father as either of them were ever going to get, and Sootfreckle loved you. She loved you so dearly, and I always- I always meant to thank you for how you made her eyes light up. I couldn’t have asked for a better mentor for her.”
    “She should be here.”
    “Maybe. But she’s not, and that’s something we have to accept. The world still turns, and life moves on, the seasons will still change and slowly but surely we’ll heal. I try to take comfort from knowing that in life she was happy, and that she was supported. So… thank you, for being paramount to her joy.”
    “I…” Graypeak cleared his throat. “You’re welcome, Sorrelsong. I only wish I could have done more.”
    “There is one last thing you could do for her.” Graypeak blinked, stricken, and Sorrelsong chuckled as she ducked past him. “Get some sleep. Bedraggled is not so charming a look on you.”


    Rivermask thought it would be impossible to do it without him.
    Even with Thunderjaw and Minkfur sitting on one side of her, and Whisperwind on the other, Rivermask felt the chasm of her late mate's absence acutely. When her sons looked up at her with their wide, curious eyes and infectious grins, her heart tugged painfully for his loss, but Oceankit snuggled against her foreleg and for a second, Rivermask felt as if the weight from her shoulders had been lifted, a gust of air whisking past reminding her that Breakerhowl was still out there, watching. Proud.
    "We are gathered here today to celebrate another special occasion for our clan," Sleetstar began, tail curled over her paws as she smiled warmly out at the gathered group of cats, "today, Rivermask's kits have reached the age of six moons, and are ready to be apprenticed. I know that this event could have only been made happier had Breakerhowl been here with her to see them into the next stage of their lives, but I know that he is with StarClan, watching over his kits, and that he's every bit as proud to see them grow as we are. If his kits have inherited anything more than his looks, I know that they're going to do fantastic things, as their parents embody traits that represent the best of us." Her eyes met Rivermask's, and she gave her a nod.
    "Foamkit, Spraykit and Oceankit, from this day forward until you receive your warrior names, you will be known as Foampaw, Spraypaw and Oceanpaw respectively, to symbolize the journey that StarClan will guide you on to decide who you will become as a warrior." The breeze whirled around the basin in the morning air, and Rivermask smiled, leaning into the caress of it, imagining she could smell the sea on it.
    "Foampaw, your mentor will be Honeyheart. He is a kind and patient tom, and I know he will foster in you the same sweet nurturing nature that he is renowned for. We could always use more cats with the compassion he shows, and he is a skilled warrior who I know will pass on all the knowledge you need to become just as talented as he is." Yowls went up for him as he stepped forward to his mentor, grinning proudly.
    "Spraypaw, your mentor will be Featherfall. As my apprentice, she was diligent and passionate, and I know that she can match your enthusiasm step for step, heartbeat for heartbeat. I have no doubts that she will foster a great enthusiasm for warrior-hood within you, and that she will pass on her skills willingly, so that you may become the best warrior that you can." Again, the clan yowled for the young tom as he bounded toward his new mentor, the two lynx points purring twin purrs and nuzzling noses in greeting.
    "And finally, Oceanpaw. Your mentor will be Blackdusk." The tom jerked his head up in shock. "Blackdusk is very young, this much is true, but he was trained by your father, Breakerhowl, and if there was any cat in this clan who ever knew how to make the most exceptional warriors out of anyone he ever met, it was him. Blackdusk might be young, but Breakerhowl sung his praises, and I trust him. I have personally known Blackdusk to be quiet, and introspective, but fiercely determined and sharper than a great deal of his elders are, at any rate. I have no qualms about assigning him to you as a mentor, as I know that he will make an excellent teacher, and that although he is young, he has much knowledge and many skills to teach, and in doing so he will build you into as great a warrior as he is." Yowls went up for the newest apprentice as Oceanpaw grinned, making her way across the camp to Blackdusk, stretching up to touch his nose with her own.
    "I'm really looking forward to working with you," she said, almost shyly, and Blackdusk's bewildered expression melted in a warm smile.
    "I couldn't ask for a better apprentice," he said, lifting his head to turn his smile onto Sleetstar. She nodded to him, as the clan broke to spread their congratulations, even as Brackenstrike moved forward toward the front of the clan to start patrol assignments for the morning. Rivermask sighed, contently, and leaned her head against Minkfur's shoulder, letting her friend groom her between the ears with a purr.
    "That was a nice touch," she said, with a slow nod, "it was good of her to do that."
    "He'd be proud of all of them," Minkfur agreed, "I just wish he were here with us."
    "He is," Thunderjaw said, tilting his face to the sky with a smile on his maw. Vanishing into wispy air, tell-tale stars glittered against the dawn sky, before they vanished from sight, fading into the purple hues of the sky as the sun began to shine warmth into the cold stone of the campground.

` servings consumed
13/13 - x6 small fish & x1 vole
` clan events
midnightblaze is kitting! poppywish assists and gives him x1 raspberry leaf and x1 chervil
genetics chart
magnoliapaw, carnationpaw and ospreypaw learn endurance
ospreypaw learns to climb
tulippaw learns tracking
gustpaw and pepperpaw learn to hunt
sprucepaw searches for kitting herbs
` patrols
1 - hawkeyes, emberpetal, frostclaw, twosight, cairnstone, mapleskip
2 - splitface, lynxdash, erminebubble, auroracloud, burningflame, cedarglint
3 - bramblingrose, ausmasthorn, argentripple, bearears, primrosepetal, ironsoul
4 - birchfang, waspshine, twilightflower, lunardawn, foxspring, ouncespirit
5 - sunnynose, emberpetal, flamestream, pansyflower, daisyflicker, owlhop
1 - brackenstrike, addersong, koishimmer, viridianfire, lightningivy, hollyfeather

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 80 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` brackenstrike | 89 moons | ♀

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 71 moons | ♂ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 20 moons | ♂

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 83 moons | ♂
    `` hollyfeather | 58 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 78 moons | ♂
    `` howlingeye | 61 moons | ♂
    `` splitface | 86 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 53 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 78 moons | ♂
    `` hawkeyes | 83 moons | ♂
    `` viridianfire | 45 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 95 moons | ♂
    `` koishimmer | 47 moons | ♀
    `` birchfang | 53 moons | ♂
    `` sunnynose | 66 moons | ♂
    `` rivermask | 68 moons | ♀
    `` waspshine | 54 moons | ♂
    `` winderstrike | 68 moons | ♂
    `` twilightflower | 58 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 44 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 94 moons | ♂
    `` ausmasthorn | 32 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 32 moons | ♂
    `` addersong | 65 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 63 moons | ♂
    `` falconstreak | 59 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 29 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 29 moons | ♂
    `` honeyheart | 63 moons | ♂
    `` primrosepetal | 47 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 26 moons | ♂
    `` butterflyshine | 26 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 27 moons | ♀
    `` lunardawn | 47 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 38 moons | ♂
    `` fogbelly | 75 moons | ♀
    `` hazerise | 73 moons | ♀
    `` leopardrunner | 40 moons | ♂
    `` tempestflame | 25 moons | ♀
    `` brewingice | 25 moons | ♂
    `` lightningivy | 25 moons | ♀
    `` lynxdash | 24 moons | ♂
    `` dapplelotus | 38 moons | ♀
    `` featherfall | 26 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 26 moons | ♂
    `` silvercreek | 20 moons | ♀
    `` auroracloud | 20 moons | ♀
    `` blackdusk | 18 moons | ♂
    `` argentripple | 34 moons | ♂
    `` robinwhistle | 38 moons | ♀
    `` mapleskip | 64 moons | ♂
    `` burningflame | 80 moons | ♀
    `` plumiris | 27 moons | ♀
    `` erminebubble | 21 moons | ♂
    `` owlhop | 27 moons | ♂
    `` cairnstone | 22 moons | ♂
    `` ouncespirit | 39 moons | ♂
    `` ironsoul | 17 moons | ♀
    `` daisyflicker | 15 moons | ♀
    `` pansyflower | 15 moons | ♀
    `` cedarglint | 44 moons | ♀

    ` apprentices
    `` ospreypaw | 10 moons | ♀
    `` eaglepaw | 10 moons | ♂
    `` carnationpaw | 10 moons | ♀
    `` tulippaw | 10 moons | ♂
    `` magnoliapaw | 10 moons | ♀
    `` pepperpaw | 8 moons | ☉
    `` gustpaw | 8 moons | ♂
    `` foampaw | 6 moons | ♂
    `` spraypaw | 6 moons | ♂
    `` oceanpaw | 6 moons | ♀

    ` queens and kits
    `` whisperwind | 35 moons | ♂
    squallkit & typhoonkit [1, ♂♂]
    `` midnightblaze | 86 moons | ♂
    ↪ due now!
    `` minkfur | 75 moons | ♀
    ↪ due 2 moons

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 125 moons | ♀
    `` olivetuft | 119 moons | ♀
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | open
→ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [6] | greencough
lovage [1] | coughs
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [3] | hip pain
ragwort [1] | strength
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
dock [1] | scratches
burdock root [1] | infection
blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
raspberry leaves [4] | kitting
cobweb [3] | bleeding
marigold [2] | infection
horsetail [2] | infection
chervil [3] | infections/kitting
ragwort leaves [1] | kitting

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x4 | 1 servings [4]
rabbit | x10 | 2 servings [20]
stoat | x8| 2 servings [16]
small fish | x10 | 2 servings [20]
hare | x8 | 3 servings [24]
bird | x9 | 3 servings [27]

` mentors
duckbriar | ospreypaw [3]
↪ battle, hunt, climbing
winderstrike | eaglepaw [3]
↪ hunt, battle, tracking
silvercreek | carnationpaw [3]
↪ battle, hunt, climbing
summitsky | tulippaw [2]
↪ hunt, battle
fallowstep | magnoliapaw [3]
↪ battle, hunt, climbing
wolfwhisker | pepperpaw [1]
↪ battle
brewingice | gustpaw [1]
↪ battle
honeyheart | foampaw [0]
↪ skills
featherfall | spraypaw [0]
↪ skills
blackdusk | oceanpaw [0]
↪ skills

` deceased
galepaw | murdered by boscoe
stormkit | weak at birth
hurricanekit | weak at birth
willowpaw | crushed in landslide
dawnbreeze | killed in battle
blizzardheart | killed in battle
sycamorepath | killed in battle
buttercuppaw | killed in battle
breakerhowl | killed in battle
sootfreckle | killed in battle
dandelionpaw | injuries post-battle
the stranger | old age

` family ties
Last edited by solyn on Tue Feb 25, 2020 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 037 ]

Postby solyn » Sat Jan 18, 2020 10:51 pm

population: 83 cats [ 41 fem : 41 male : 1 nb ]
servings required: 14 [90] - pebbles: 93
𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: any time
moons since last nonsense: 6 (lf)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    Once again, cats gathered along the outside of the nursery, murmuring to themselves as the sound of kit squeals sounded from within. Howlingeye held sentry by the mouth of the den, waiting for his mate to appear, while the rest of the clan spoke among themselves. No one had been allowed into the den except for Bramblingrose and Summitsky, the former to help keep his kits occupied, the latter on account of being the second part of producing the litter. Even Sleetstar had been barred, and now paced back and forth across the ground in front of her den, Burningflame watching her with a bemused expression. Her kits were somewhere down below, talking animatedly to Plumiris and Duckbriar as the ginger molly groomed her son, Tulippaw trying to duck away from her mouth to get back down the rise to where his littermates had struck up a mossball game with Hazerise's kits and the youngest warriors to pass the time.
    Thunderjaw liked seeing the clan gather like this. Even the newest member- a molly found a moon or two ago with sweeping curled ears- had been adopted quite fast into the clan ranks, currently speaking with Sorrelsong, Waspshine and Falconstreak, tipping her head back to laugh at something the torbie molly had said while Sorrelsong ducked her head primly. It felt good, after moons of tragedy, to see the clan happy again, truly happy, even Graypeak and Addersong seemed in high spirits, the former speaking in excitedly hushed tones to Hawkeyes and Fallowstep, the former pacing in front of Honeyheart and Mapleskip with a wry smile when Honeyheart said something teasing, but there was fondness in her eyes.
    A hush fell over the cats as Poppywish exited the den, and instantly made his way toward Howlingeye, nuzzling into his throat. He pulled back for a second, and then nodded toward the den, making his mate jump in bewilderment. He looked at Poppywish for a second, before he nodded and ducked into the nursery as the tide of cats began to move forward, clamouring for details as Poppywish flattened his ears and batted at them to back up again.
    "Alright, alright, give me some space," Sleetstar shouldered through the cats, drawing up tall, and Poppywish let out a pained sigh, but he was smiling as he stepped aside for her and her kits, accepting the press of her nose to his cheek before she vanished into the nursery. "Midnightblaze is happy and healthy, and is now the father of a son and two daughters." His eldest kits pushed through the crowd and Poppywish amended; "two more daughters. Yes you can go on through. You too, Thunderjaw, Minkfur's waiting for you." The group started to go past, and Poppywish cleared his throat. "Not you Viridianfire."
    Cursing, the grey and white molly pressed her nose to Koishimmer's cheek, and turned back from the group to stomp back to a space carved out for her between Foxspring and Birchfang, the pair of them looking amused but not entirely surprised. Poppywish's eyes scanned the crowd, lighting on Frostclaw's tabby-striped fur before he cleared his throat.
    "There is one another cat I'll be allowing through. Midnightblaze is personally asking for Twosight." The crowd swung toward the odd-eyed white tom, who looked bewildered, before Frostclaw nudged his shoulder and he cleared his throat, getting to his paws and ducking into the den. Poppywish nodded, and then let out a sigh. "Now, I'm very tired. Everyone else disperse, and I will be able to hear Sprucepaw yelling at all of you if anyone tries to sneak in, so put all notion of that out of your head right now." The clan laughed, many cats murmuring words of encouragement to Poppywish as he stalked up the rise and into the medicine den to rest, exhausted from a long night of kit delivery.
    The inside of the nursery was pleasantly full. Whisperwind and Bramblingrose had brought their kits closer to the nest where Summitsky curled around his smaller mate, the two small toms whispering excitedly as they observed the three wiggling shapes burrowing into Midnightblaze's stomach. Thunderjaw and Minkfur bracketed their son, who was sorting through his herbs, looking for borage. Sleetstar and the older kits had all settled around the nest, with Howlingeye wedged between Thunderjaw and the leader, purring happily. They looked up as Twosight made his way across and Koishimmer smiled and scooted to the side so he could slot in between her and her sister.
    "You asked for me?"
    "Yeah," Midnightblaze sighed, smiling up at his family, "I know it's supposed to be relatives only, or good friends who might as well be family... and I wanted you to be here for this, because there's something I need to say to you." Twosight shot him a curious look, and Summitsky smiled kindly, nuzzling his nose behind Midnightblaze's ear with a rumbling purr. "Summitsky and I have already decided on names for them. These two are Crowkit and Ravenkit, for how similar they are and yet how different I already know they will be. And our youngest daughter... is Duskkit." Twosight's breath caught, and he looked up to find Midnightblaze watching him with a kind smile.
    "Dawnbreeze was important to me," he said softly, "she reminded me of a time before, and in a way I felt she was the last tie I had to what NorthernClan had been like before I left, or at least what little of it I remembered. She was too young to die, too young and full of love, and I know you know that because she was important to you too. So... I named our daughter in her memory, because Dawnbreeze was everything a warrior should have been, and it is my greatest wish that one day Duskkit will have that same spirit. So... I wanted you to know that her memory lives on through her, and that if you ever need to talk about what happened, please-"
    "Midnightblaze. It's very kind of you to do this," Twosight smiled, his eyes watering, "she'd be honoured, she really would, and that's good enough for me. Thank you."
    "There's so much of both of you in them already," Sleetstar murmured, ducking her nose and laughing as Ravenkit batted at it clumsily, eyes still closed, "oh, the clan is going to treasure these kits."
    "They're perfect," Butterflyshine agreed, expression wistful, "I can't believe I'm a sister to something so wonderful."
    "Now I feel insulted," Wolfwhisker said, and warm laughter spread throughout the den, cocooning the families of NorthernClan in a blanket of peaceful joy, watching Midnightblaze and Summitsky fuss over their newborn kits, and forgetting the world outside, where the first snowflakes of Leaf-fall began to descend from the skies.


    "So blasted cold," Leopardrunner muttered to himself, keeping his paw-steps high as he trudged through the snow with artful leaps. It wasn't uncommon for snow to come so early in Leaf-fall, at least not up in the mountains, but the patrols were meant to be careful anyway. It was getting easier to navigate for Leopardrunner at least, who had practice in trudging through it during the night to get down to the two-leg establishment. It had been an accident really, the first time. The second, third, fourth and fifth? Not so much.
    "Leopardrunner! Wait up!" His maw curled into an annoyed sneer, but he quickly wiped it off his expression, surprised to see Flamestream wading toward him without the little calico brushing along at his side. In fact, Owlhop was situated right back with the rest of the patrol, blinking in mournful confusion as the cream tom made his way toward the bengal who flicked his eyes to him with a perfectly curious look. "Hey. You know what Sleetstar said about buddies."
    "I assumed you had yours."
    "Owlhop's going to hunt with Ouncespirit today, and far be it for me to break up Ausmasthorn and Argentripple," Leopardrunner frowned at him, and turned away without another word. It got a huff out of Flamestream. "Okay, I know you're a good hunter and all, but you're kind of in a very bad place if this suddenly turns into a snowstorm. Fogbelly would never let you live it down if you got lost out here."
    "I'm sure I'd manage. Surely you don't think I'm stupid enough not to go to ground if the weather got any worse than 'outright abysmal', which it is almost all the time." His look was clearly cutting, from how Flamestream flinched away from him, even as he trailed him into the copse of trees.
    "What is with you these days? You're so cranky."
    "Thank you, Flamestream, for the scintillating assessment of my general disposition." The cream tom made an annoyed noise in the back of his throat.
    "Dude, I'm just trying to check on you. You know, as someone who cares about you? Your friend?" The word made Leopardrunner want to throw up. Just a little bit. "Seriously, what happened? I really... I thought... well I don't know! I thought we were close, and now you're like... outright avoiding me, and you won't talk to me, and you're so angry all of the time so I feel like I have license to be worried, especially when you keep running off like this."
    "You really are dense," Leopardunner managed, but his chest felt tight, "of course I'm upset. No- furious is probably a better word. What, did you just expect me to sit here and smile and nod while you outright flirt with someone else in front of me? As if you don't know-"
    "What are you talking about I'm not flirting with-"
    "Oh so it's just pure coincidence that Owlhop is always at your side and always pushing between us and always demanding your attention and you never say no, or push him away or pick me because the truth is that you don't mind, and you don't care, and we're just friends so clearly what he feels is much more important than what I feel, right?" Flamestream balked, looking shocked as his mouth fell open, the wheels in his head clearly turning at rapid speeds to try to keep up.
    "We're... we're not just friends... are we?"
    "I don't know. I thought we were more, but you've made it pretty obvious what you value more." He turned away, taking a step forward. Flamestream's voice sounded broken, small.
    "Don't." He shook his head roughly. "Just don't. I'm not stupid enough to sit here and pine over you when I know you have feelings for someone else."
    "I don't-"
    "Stop lying to me! If we were ever really friends you would have at least been able to tell me the truth. I'm going hunting now- on my own- and if I get lost or freeze to death then you can say I told you so, but don't follow me and don't talk to me, because right now you are the last cat in the world I want to talk to." Flamestream made a broken noise in his throat as Leopardunner pushed forward, dappled coat disappearing into the trees. It took him a few moments to realize there was another shape approaching him, smaller and daintier as Owlhop settled at his side.
    "Flamestream?" He asked curiously. "Is everything alright?"
    "Do you have feelings for me?"
    "Do you like me. Like... you want me to be your mate."
    "Oh... um." Owlhop smiled, sheepishly. "Well... I wouldn't say no to that I guess. I do really like you, you know, you're so kind, and sweet, and you make me laugh, and you're very handsome and... well... we're friends, aren't we? What could be a better way to start something like that?" His mismatched eyes were hopeful, and looking at him hurt, so Flamestream closed his eyes.
    "Oh." He said, shoulders slumping. "Oh."


    "So, an apprentice huh?" Ironsoul chuckled as she and Blackdusk wandered back into the camp, alive with the bustle of cats doing their best to make preparations for an early Leaf-fall. "You're pretty young to get one. How's it working out for you?" Blackdusk straightened with pride, a genuine grin stretching across his maw that warmed Ironsoul's heart. After everything, it was good to see him happy again.
    "I was so nervous to start with, but Oceanpaw is really great. She's not really a whole lot like her dad or her mom, she's kind of quieter and more introspective- like Auroracloud, actually- but she's so cool! She's really determined and she tries super hard at everything and she listens and is really sweet with the other apprentices when they're struggling and I really like training her! I mean it's just as much a learning experience for me as it is for her so it's good that she's so patient with me and anyway everyone's been talking about the annual apprentice swim training when Newleaf runs around and if she's still an apprentice by then it'll be super fun to teach her how to swim-" Blackdusk cut himself off, smiling sheepishly at his sister as she laughed.
    "I think that's the most words I've ever heard you say in one go," she purred, laughing again as he shoved at her shoulder.
    "What are you two fighting about?" The pair jumped, turning to find Sorrelsong approaching them from where she'd placed fresh kill in the pile, smiling warmly as she exchanged nuzzling greetings with both of her kits, licking a stray strand of fur back into place on her daughter's forehead.
    "We're not fighting," Ironsoul assured her, "we're just talking about Blackdusk's apprentice and how happy he is."
    "It's going well then?" Blackdusk smiled shyly and nodded, making his mother purr. "Good. And you... how's Daisyflicker?" Ironsoul groaned as her brother's eyes sparkled in delight.
    "Oh, I forgot I could make fun of you for that."
    "You can try, but I'll beat you up if you do."
    "Now why would you do that? I think it's sweet that you have such a huge, entirely all-consuming crush on her and you're still flitting around trying to make everyone believe you're just friends." Ironsoul scowled, swatting at her brother as he ducked out of the way, laughing delightedly.
    "Just know," she said, "that one day when you're not looking, I'm going to put thorns in your nest. The smallest, most annoying ones I can find so you won't be able to dig them out and you'll just have to suffer through restless sleep forever and ever. Mark my words." Blackdusk was purring, and Ironsoul couldn't help but smile, flicking a reflexive glance around the camp to make sure Daisyflicker wasn't anywhere near being around them in order to hear that. Sorrelsong gave a chuckle, and the pair turned to see their mother smiling kindly at them, with a flicker of mourning in her eyes.
    "It's so good to see you two happy," she said softly, "I was afraid... I was afraid it would be hard for you two to let it go. I didn't want you to suffer for too long." Blackdusk frowned, settling himself at his mother's side.
    "It still hurts... I miss her, and Ironsoul does too, but we have each other, and we have our friends- Pansyflower, Auroracloud, Silvercreek and Sprucepaw- we have people who are there for us, and we're taking it one day at a time, remembering all the good things we have in our lives that give us reason to go on. And Mom... you're allowed to be sad. Neither of us are going to blame you if you can't be strong right now. Losing Sootfreckle was horrible, and you're allowed to be upset for it."
    "Oh and I am," Sorrelsong sniffed, a tear falling, "I miss her so much, every day, but... oh how I love the both of you. I just want you to be happy, and I don't know if you can do that if I'm so sad."
    "We're more worried that you're not actually letting yourself feel what you need to feel," Ironsoul said, settling on Sorrelsong's other side, "we love you, and we want you to be happy. It's okay to be sad- we'll deal with that. We're here for you to lean on, when you need to, just like we lean on each other. That's how you survive hard times, you love, and you lean on those you love. So... don't be afraid to lean on us. We're stronger than you think." Sorrelsong sniffled, nuzzling her daughter's forehead as her son rested his chin on top of her head.
    "You two grew up so fast. It's hard to remember you're not still tiny little kittens who depended on me for everything."
    "Things have changed a lot," Blackdusk agreed, "and that can be scary, but I can't bring myself to be afraid when I know that I have both of you in my corner, because that means that everything will be okay. And I know I can count on that." Ironsoul wrapped her tail around her mother as Blackdusk tucked his nose behind her ear, and the two of them cocooned her in an embrace as Sorrelsong pressed her face into her son's shoulder and cried.

    𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    "Okay, so, is anyone gonna fill me in on how long that's been happening?" Daisyflicker swiveled her ear toward Bramblingrose's amused voice as he walked alongside Birchfang and Waspshine, the trio of them watching Ausmasthorn and Argentripple strike out ahead of the patrol, both of them laughing as if they were the funniest cats in the world and, certainly, the only cats in the world.
    "Pretty much since he joined the clan, I think," Birchfang replied, amused, "he stuck pretty close to Robinwhistle and Mapleskip for the first few weeks that he was here, and then you know how Robinwhistle is Emberpetal's sister and Ausmasthorn and Emberpetal are good friends? Yeah, they met that way, and ever since then they hang out around camp and I guess now Ausmasthorn has managed to swing getting him on the same patrol as her."
    "I can't believe she didn't tell me!" Bramblingrose whined.
    "To be fair," Daisyflicker laughed, "you have been kind of busy... you know... having kits... looking out for your mate... playing with your kits."
    "That's a valid point but I'm too distraught to be rational right now. I have to feel beyond wounded because my sister wouldn't tell me that she has a big stupid crush on a boy," he huffed, and Waspshine laughed, drawing Bramblingrose's offended attention as the other ginger tom tried to stifle his amusement, only succeeding in making his mate laugh too, while Daisyflicker tried to soothe the three older toms. Up ahead, Ausmasthorn and Argentripple continued on, completely unaware of the situation behind them.
    "I'm just saying! If it was me, personally, I would spend more time paying attention to climbing lessons, especially in a territory like this because birds are going to be grounded in the snow and a lot of animals are going to be in their burrows for the Leafbare, which means you have more opportunities for a surprise attack if you play it by ear. Swimming lessons seem kind of redundant out here, it's not like you have an insane amount of bodies of water."
    "You're just saying that because you can't swim," Ausmasthorn purred as Argentripple flicked his ear with a huff. "It's okay, we'll forgive you for it... barn cat."
    "Vagrant." Argentripple grinned, before sputtering with laughter as she shoved his shoulder. "Hey. You've been a mentor, right?"
    "Oh, here we go."
    "No! I was just going to ask if you'd teach me. To swim, I mean." Argentripple cleared his throat. "All jokes aside I think if there's a skill to be learned then there's no point in putting it off. You never know when it might come in handy. Plus, it seems super dumb to be called Argentripple and be terrified of making a literal ripple in any kind of water because all you can do is flounder about in a super ungraceful motion. So."
    "You could ask literally anyone else. Why me?"
    "Is it not obvious?" Argentripple asked.
    "I just want to hear you say it." The tom gave a faux-pained sigh, but his eyes were twinkling as he spoke.
    "Becaaaause, Ausmasthorn, you're sooo pretty and talented and charming and you're like, the best ever, so why wouldn't I ask you?" The bobtail molly preened, and then dissolved into laughter as Argentripple leaned on her shoulder. "And... in all seriousness? I trust you. I don't know if I'd be brave enough to try with anyone else."
    "You left a good life as a barn cat to trek halfway up a mountain with a molly you barely knew to join a life you knew hardly anything about. All in all, I'd say you're braver than you think." She smiled up at the tom, and he smiled back, flicking one silver ear before he leaned down to nudge their foreheads together.
    "Uh! Flint says to obsidian, mister 'you're soooo pretty and talented'!" Argentripple's laughter lifted into the air as they carried on, but they did not draw away from each other, even as they turned to observe Bramblingrose and Birchfang's good-natured argument, their shoulders brushing as a promise of closeness, a reminder of stability and the knowledge of friendship and whatever else stretched between them.


    "I can't believe Koishimmer abandoned us for border patrol," Lunardawn sighed, paws scrabbling for purchase as the patrol climbed up the steep cliffside to the plateau, "we really could have had two whole litters here- no offense Bearears- but she's too busy chasing after Viridianfire. And for what? It's not like she's actually going to tell her that she's had a big crush on her since pretty much forever."
    "Maybe," Primrosepetal said, struggling to control her amusement, "we should be a little more supportive of our sister. It's not like we get to see her actually shy all that often."
    "I think you could call Koishimmer a lot of things," Dapplelotus said, "but shy is not one of them. So what if she's slow-moving about Viridianfire? Maybe she's not all that sure she wants a relationship." Lunardawn and Primrosepetal immediately began to argue over top of her about how Koishimmer wanting to be Viridianfire's mate was as plain as day and so easy to see that even Bearears had noticed, to which the other molly laughed loudly.
    "This is why I'm the best sibling," Foxspring announced, "because I don't meddle."
    "Oh please, if Robinwhistle and I had any inkling of some kind of a crush, you would be all over it. Don't act like you don't tease Daisyflicker relentlessly, or Flamestream. You're a terrible liar, a busybody and most of all a menace." Foxspring gasped, as if egregiously offended, turning to Lunardawn with his best pleading face to look for assistance. Primrosepetal stiffled a giggle, bounding forward to catch up with Bearears to avoid the ensuing conversation, while Lunardawn shrugged.
    "You are kind of a gossip."
    "This is the most betrayed I have ever been in my life, ever," Foxspring said, huffily, and the group laughed, before Dapplelotus and Robinwhistle pushed forward as well, calling out to Bearears to get her to check a scent for them. Lunardawn's ears pricked forward, and she shifted as if to move after Foxspring's sisters when he cleared his throat, drawing her attention. "Do you think you'd want to hunt with me again today? Just the two of us, I mean. I like it when it's just us." Lunardawn blinked, before her expression softened and she nodded.
    "Yeah, of course. Hey! Foxspring and I are going to split off."
    "Eyes on!" Robinwhistle called back, as Bearears nodded her permission for them to go as de facto leader of the patrol. She turned, trailing after the brilliant ginger tom as he hurried out across the plateau, wind catching in their fur. Lunardawn shivered, involuntarily, and Foxspring stopped, dropping back to walk at her side so that she could huddle into his pelt. She purred, resting her cheek against his, and he laughed as they walked on, until the shapes of their siblings were just specks in the distance.
    Lunardawn liked the plateaus- the territory seemed small from up here, all the little trees like tiny sticks pointing out of one giant nest- and Foxspring knew that. It was nice, to be so far removed from what seemed like material problems in the world. It felt like flying, when the wind whipped past, and the open space made it excellent to chase the hares that called the hidden burrows up here home. Lunardawn took a deep breath, closing her eyes against the wind as a rumbling purr escaped her on the exhale. She heard Foxspring give a stricken chuckle, and opened her eyes to find him staring at her with awe.
    "Stars, but you're beautiful," he said gently, and Lunardawn felt hot under the pelt as he laughed again, mostly at himself this time, "what are we doing? You're right, Koishimmer is beating around the bush of something so obvious it might as well be stamped in the sky. But so are we. Or at least it feels like we are to me. I never expected to find anyone so right on my coming of age journey, let alone someone headed the exact same direction as me, to find out that our families were already friends. That feels a lot like fate to me, like we were meant to meet."
    "You could just be very superstitious," Lunardawn said, but she was turning to face him in full now. "It's not just you."
    "Well, thank StarClan for that, or I'd be making a massive fool of myself for what I'm about to say. In its most simple terms, I love you. Not only that, I'm in love with you. I can hardly go a second without my mind making the return trip to you, and your eyes, and your fur and your laugh and the way you smell when you stand as close as you do. I'm out of my mind for you, it surprises me that I can even get up and walk about when so much of my thoughts are dedicated to you. You are... everything I never knew I wanted, but now that you're here and you're right in front of me, it seems stupid that I could have ever thought I needed anything but you. I feel like I could run on just your love alone, if you'd let me have it- like I wouldn't have to eat, or sleep, or drink- because the very concept of you loving me back consumes me so wholly that I feel empty without it."
    "Idiot," Lunardawn choked out, eyes welling with tears, "of course I love you back. You are... kind, and compassionate, and so funny. I don't know how you do it but you have the most odd talent for bringing levity to the worst situations, but you're dependable and steady like a rock. You're selfless, and caring and adventurous and there are few things I will ever covet more than the way you laugh like you should never be afraid to, like you have never been afraid. Your bravery makes me brave, and I never expected to find my best friend on some stupid trip to recover my dad, but more than that I never expected to fall in love with him, to want to spend every waking second for the rest of my life with him, to think of nothing but that, to think forward into what could be and then curse myself because it's not real."
    "All of my seconds, my hours and my days are yours, forever, for as long as you want them. What you want can be real. We can be real."
    "We already are." She purred, stepping close. "Be my mate."
    "Hey! I was going to ask you."
    "Well I'm asking, so deal with it."
    "Bossy," he purred, "I love you. Nothing would make me happier than getting to call you mine." Lunardawn closed the distance between them, every inch of her nose pressed square against his as he nuzzled into her, letting her tuck under his chin and cuddle in close to his chest as he swept his tail around her and rested his chin atop her head.
    "I love you too," she said, when her purring had subsided enough for her to crack a word out. "You're everything I ever dreamed."
    "You are my dream," Foxspring whispered, "and now you're my reality too."


    The camp was in high spirits, even as the night set in quickly with Leafbare looming on the horizon. Sunnynose, Winderstrike and their kits had gathered to pay congratulations to Lunardawn and Foxspring, the pair of them beaming in the face of their newly solidified mateship. Summitsky and Lunardawn's sisters had climbed the rise to see Midnightblaze and the kits, and Fogbelly supposed the new couple would go there next. One face didn't look so happy- hadn't managed to look free of trouble for a good moon now- and Fogbelly could also guess the cause of that.
    "You're brooding," her mate said with an amused purr, bumping her shoulder as she glided past toward Plumiris who was talking animatedly with Featherfall and Lynxdash across the camp. "What's going on up there?"
    "Nothing you need to worry about, love," she told her, licking behind Hazerise's ear. The molly hummed like she didn't quite believe her, giving her a narrow-eyed look, before she shook her head and continued on, Plumiris brightening when she saw the gray she-cat come into view. Fogbelly relaxed a little. At least most of her family had settled in well. Plumiris had had no trouble making friends with plenty of cats around her age, and Hazerise got along well with them, alongside some of the older, more serious cats like Hawkeyes and Splitface. There was, however, one more discrepancy who would be none too pleased with her checking on him, but Fogbelly knew someone had to.
    She found Leopardrunner exactly where she expected him to be. He had turned in to the warrior's den early, so that he could get some sleep in before everyone else settled down, and sneak off again in the middle of the night, as she had noticed him doing. Flamestream had brought it up to her too; the tom splitting away on hunting patrols and coming back long after the main bulk of them had returned to camp for the night. It was worrying to say the least, and the flash of panic that crossed Leopardrunner's face was enough to make her even more so.
    "You've been keeping quiet," she said evenly, and Leopardrunner scowled like she was greatly inconveniencing him, "don't tell me. You're too old to be fussed over and also I'm not your mother, let alone your friend." The tom glanced away with a pout, before he schooled his features into his signature prim scowl and straightened his shoulders as he looked up at her.
    "Just because you get what it's like doesn't mean we have to be super duper besties or you have to act like you're a mentor figure to me. In case you haven't realized, there's plenty of cats I have more in common with than you floating around that I could go to if I wanted advice."
    "Like Owlhop?" Leopardrunner balked, turning his face away. "You're really very obvious you know, and I know whatever I say can't stop you from doing whatever it is you're doing, but usually things work out better if you talk about what's going on instead of just avoiding it. Flamestream's a good cat with a solid head on his shoulders. It's not as if he wouldn't be incapable of talking about whatever happened between you two. And you haven't even given Owlhop a chance. What if you have enough love in your heart to encompass him as well?"
    "It's not about that," Leopardrunner was frosty again, "I liked him. I really liked him but he... dropped me for Owlhop as soon as he came along, so I guess I was just convenient for him, and that hurts. Maybe I'm... I don't know. It just hurts."
    "Well... I can tell you that talking to him is going to hurt a lot less than whenever your self-destructive stuff comes back to bite you. I don't know what you're up to, but I know that you know that it's wrong, or else you wouldn't be sneaking around so much to hide it. You might not want me to be your friend, but it's clear that you need someone to give you a wake-up call and it might as well be me. At the end of the day... it's up to you whether you take the advice or not."
    "Thank you," Leopardrunner said, stiffly.
    "I would say you're welcome, but it's obvious you don't mean it." She turned, heading toward the den's mouth before she paused, and sighed. "Just... be safe, okay? You might be pushing me away, but I do think of you as a son, and I don't want you to get hurt. So... whatever it is that you're doing? Cover yourself. I would hate to see this go badly for you." And with that she was gone, leaving Leopardrunner to his thoughts. Later in the night, when the stars were out and the moon shone high and clear in the sky, Fogbelly groggily cracked an eye open, and found that his nest was empty.

` servings consumed
14/14 - x7 rabbits
` clan events
tulippaw learns advanced hunting
pepperpaw and gustpaw learn endurance
foampaw, spraypaw and oceanpaw learn to battle
lunardawn and foxspring become mates!
the medicine cats search for kitting herbs
` patrols
1 - splitface, brackenstrike, duckbriar, plumiris, twilightflower, lightningivy
2 - bramblingrose, ausmasthorn, argentripple, daisyflicker, birchfang, waspshine
3 - bearears, primrosepetal, lunardawn, foxspring, dapplelotus, robinwhistle
4 - sunnynose, winderstrike, flamestream, emberpetal, pansyflower, owlhop
5 - hawkeyes, fogbelly, hazerise, leopardrunner, silvercreek, cairnstone
1 - thunderjaw, howlingeye, hollyfeather, viridianfire, koishimmer, ironsoul

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 81 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` brackenstrike | 90 moons | ♀

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 72 moons | ♂ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 21 moons | ♂

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 84 moons | ♂
    `` hollyfeather | 59 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 79 moons | ♂
    `` howlingeye | 62 moons | ♂
    `` splitface | 87 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 54 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 79 moons | ♂
    `` hawkeyes | 84 moons | ♂
    `` viridianfire | 46 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 96 moons | ♂
    `` koishimmer | 48 moons | ♀
    `` birchfang | 54 moons | ♂
    `` sunnynose | 67 moons | ♂
    `` rivermask | 69 moons | ♀
    `` waspshine | 55 moons | ♂
    `` winderstrike | 69 moons | ♂
    `` twilightflower | 59 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 45 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 95 moons | ♂
    `` ausmasthorn | 33 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 33 moons | ♂
    `` addersong | 66 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 64 moons | ♂
    `` falconstreak | 60 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 30 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 30 moons | ♂
    `` honeyheart | 64 moons | ♂
    `` primrosepetal | 48 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 27 moons | ♂
    `` butterflyshine | 27 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 28 moons | ♀
    `` lunardawn | 48 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 39 moons | ♂
    `` fogbelly | 76 moons | ♀
    `` hazerise | 74 moons | ♀
    `` leopardrunner | 41 moons | ♂
    `` tempestflame | 26 moons | ♀
    `` brewingice | 26 moons | ♂
    `` lightningivy | 26 moons | ♀
    `` lynxdash | 25 moons | ♂
    `` dapplelotus | 39 moons | ♀
    `` featherfall | 27 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 27 moons | ♂
    `` silvercreek | 21 moons | ♀
    `` auroracloud | 21 moons | ♀
    `` blackdusk | 19 moons | ♂
    `` argentripple | 35 moons | ♂
    `` robinwhistle | 39 moons | ♀
    `` mapleskip | 65 moons | ♂
    `` burningflame | 81 moons | ♀
    `` plumiris | 28 moons | ♀
    `` erminebubble | 22 moons | ♂
    `` owlhop | 28 moons | ♂
    `` cairnstone | 23 moons | ♂
    `` ouncespirit | 40 moons | ♂
    `` ironsoul | 18 moons | ♀
    `` daisyflicker | 16 moons | ♀
    `` pansyflower | 16 moons | ♀
    `` cedarglint | 45 moons | ♀

    ` apprentices
    `` ospreypaw | 11 moons | ♀
    `` eaglepaw | 11 moons | ♂
    `` carnationpaw | 11 moons | ♀
    `` tulippaw | 11 moons | ♂
    `` magnoliapaw | 11 moons | ♀
    `` pepperpaw | 9 moons | ☉
    `` gustpaw | 9 moons | ♂
    `` foampaw | 7 moons | ♂
    `` spraypaw | 7 moons | ♂
    `` oceanpaw | 7 moons | ♀

    ` queens and kits
    `` whisperwind | 36 moons | ♂
    squallkit & typhoonkit [2, ♂♂]
    `` midnightblaze | 87 moons | ♂
    crowkit, ravenkit, duskkit [1, ♂♀♀]
    `` minkfur | 76 moons | ♀
    ↪ due 1 moon

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 126 moons | ♀
    `` olivetuft | 120 moons | ♀
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | open
→ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [6] | greencough
lovage [1] | coughs
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [3] | hip pain
ragwort [1] | strength
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
dock [1] | scratches
burdock root [1] | infection
blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
raspberry leaves [4] | kitting
cobweb [3] | bleeding
marigold [3] | infection
horsetail [2] | infection
chervil [3] | infections/kitting
ragwort leaves [2] | kitting

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x7 | 1 servings [7]
rabbit | x6 | 2 servings [12]
stoat | x9| 2 servings [18]
small fish | x10 | 2 servings [20]
hare | x8 | 3 servings [24]
bird | x9 | 3 servings [27]

` mentors
duckbriar | ospreypaw [4]
↪ battle, hunt, climbing, endurance
winderstrike | eaglepaw [4]
↪ hunt, battle, tracking, climbing
silvercreek | carnationpaw [4]
↪ battle, hunt, climbing, endurance
summitsky | tulippaw [3]
↪ hunt, battle, tracking
fallowstep | magnoliapaw [4]
↪ battle, hunt, climbing, endurance
wolfwhisker | pepperpaw [2]
↪ battle, hunt
brewingice | gustpaw [2]
↪ battle, hunt
honeyheart | foampaw [0]
↪ skills
featherfall | spraypaw [0]
↪ skills
blackdusk | oceanpaw [0]
↪ skills

` deceased
galepaw | murdered by boscoe
stormkit | weak at birth
hurricanekit | weak at birth
willowpaw | crushed in landslide
dawnbreeze | killed in battle
blizzardheart | killed in battle
sycamorepath | killed in battle
buttercuppaw | killed in battle
breakerhowl | killed in battle
sootfreckle | killed in battle
dandelionpaw | injuries post-battle
the stranger | old age

` family ties
Last edited by solyn on Wed Feb 26, 2020 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 038 ]

Postby solyn » Sun Feb 09, 2020 6:00 pm

population: 83 cats [ 41 fem : 41 male : 1 nb ]
servings required: 14 [90] - pebbles: 112
𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: any time
moons since last nonsense: 0 (lb)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    Leaf-fall came to a close, light snow beginning to blanket the territory, making it more of an effort to slog through border patrols. At the very front of the group, Thunderjaw and Ironsoul used their bulk to push through it, making a path for Howlingeye and Hollyfeather behind them, the pair of cats chatting amicably and watching where they put their paws. Koishimmer and Viridianfire brought up the rear, walking so close their shoulders brushed with each step.
    “It’s nice to have you back,” Viridianfire said with a half-grin, “I feel like we’ve spent too much collective time in the medicine cat den, recently.” Koishimmer laughed, with a slow nod.
    “It certainly feels that way. As much as I’ve liked having apprentices… I missed this. I always liked patrolling. Just being out in the territory, having time to think. It’s almost like old times. All we need are Birchfang and Waspshine.”
    “Please, no, I can’t go back to them pining like idiots,” Viridianfire sighed, shaking her head, “it was actually painful toward the end, as if they hadn’t had stupid crushes on each other ever since they laid eyes on one another.” Koishimmer laughed again, gently knocking her shoulder against her friend’s with a contented purr.
    “It’s not like you to be such a grump,” she teased, “I thought you were all for cats in the clan finding romance and love and all that, and here you are, trying to pretend you don’t skulk about the nursery for a chance to play with the kits.” Viridianfire rolled her eyes, flicking Koishimmer with her tail as the pair of them ducked under a tree branch that had fallen in the last storm.
    “I hang around the nursery because you’re always there, visiting your dad and your siblings, and I like hanging out with you, pea-brain,” Koishimmer snickered, and bumped shoulders with her friend, “besides, it’s nice seeing Whisperwind so happy. I always thought he would be perpetually brooding, but he’s really come into his own, and I’m glad for it. In a way it feels like those first stages of NorthernClan are slipping away, like it’ll be something of a distant memory once Bearears is happy too, and then I think I’ll hardly remember it at all.”
    “That doesn’t scare you?”
    “I’ve got plenty else to haunt my dreams,” Viridianfire said with a shrug, “it’s not as if we have a shortage of hard times. It just makes you feel grateful for everyone you have. I think sometimes I take the clan for granted, because I’ve always had cats like Summitsky and Hollyfeather and Thunderjaw, who’ve been here since the beginning, but… yeah. All this tragedy reminds me of how easily things can be lost, and how you have to hold on to the important things because you never know when they might slip out of your grasp.”
    “Oh,” Koishimmer blinked.
    “Sorry, I got really defeatist just then. What I’m trying to say is… maybe I don’t say it a lot, or enough, but… you know you’re important to me right? You’re my best friend, my closest confidant and I care fo- about you,” Viridianfire cleared her throat, ducking her head in embarrassment. “I’m just saying. There’s been a lot of times where I thought I’d lost you-”
    “You’re not gonna lose me,” Koishimmer said, firmly, “I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
    “You can’t promise that, numbskull… but I appreciate the thought. I hope you know I’m too stubborn to leave your side too. It would have to be something pretty fantastical to drag me away.”
    “I know,” Koishimmer smiled, “me and you against the world.”
    “Me and you against the world.”


    “Not ideal,” Poppywish muttered to himself, shaking snow out of his brilliant ginger fur. Up ahead, Sprucepaw tugged a bunch of measly herbs loose from underneath the snow, carefully settling them into his bundle, before he turned his face to the sky with a sigh.
    “It’s never a good sign when Leafbare sets in this early,” he said, “but try not to stress too much. We’re doing the best we can, and even if our herb supply isn’t exactly where we’d like it to be, after everything that’s happened I’m sure it’s to be expected. You and I are both perfectly smart toms. We’ll figure out how to keep everything running smoothly, even without the herbs if we have to.”
    “I don’t know, you’re already going a bit stupid over that new tom,” Poppywish said, earning an amused look from Sprucepaw, who flicked one of his tufted ears with a sniff.
    “I have no particular feelings about any of the new toms. It’s not my fault that Cairnstone likes to hang out with me. I can’t help that I’m so handsome and charming.”
    “You like the attention,” Poppywish said, “and you’re a brat. I feel sorry for the poor boy for having to put up with you.” Sprucepaw laughed a little, purring as he wrapped his tail over his paws, watching Poppywish sweep some snow out of the way to look for more herbs. A fondness crinkled the corners of his eyes, and he tilted his head a little.
    “You say that, but I know you like having me around. Admit it, you’re happy I’m here.”
    “I’ll never hear the end of it from you,” Poppywish sighed, sitting back, “but… yes. I’m glad you have your parents’ tenacity and that you weaseled your way into becoming my apprentice. Your help has been invaluable over the past few moons and I know I wouldn’t have been able to do it all without you. Don’t get a big head about it.” Sprucepaw chuckled, turning his face up to the sky.
    “I’ll try not to, don’t worry. I do really appreciate you taking me on… I know you were reluctant at first but… this is right. Don’t get me wrong, I liked being a warrior and I think I could have lived just fine with that… but I love this. I wake up and I can’t help but think that this is what I was meant to do. It’s like protecting the clan in a completely special way and it’s… invigorating. I feel like I could be your apprentice forever and there would still be more to learn.”
    “Well… that’s about the best way to look at it,” Poppywish laughed, coming to sit next to his apprentice, “I don’t think you ever stop learning as a medicine cat. Every day and every minute is an opportunity to learn, and there’s always going to be a new problem that you’ve never encountered, and even if you’ve studied for it, you learn about yourself when you respond to it. You have the heart for it, I think. You’re a strong cat, and I think a lot of cats discount the type of strength needed for this job. I was worried that you didn’t have it in you at first but… I shouldn’t have been. You both did.”
    “Willowpaw would have made a terrible medicine cat,” Sprucepaw chuckled, but the sound was a little sad, “she was so stalwart and firm, but she wouldn’t have the patience for the herbs and all that. She loved her friends too much. She needed to be on the frontlines, and nobody could have made her do otherwise. I… oh, it’s been so long, but I miss her so much.”
    “That’s perfectly understandable. She was your sister.”
    “My best friend, too. It’s funny, when you’re a kit, you don’t imagine a future when you’re apart from your siblings. I couldn’t even imagine a future apart from Silvercreek and Auroracloud. Now that we’re older, things have changed but… I still find myself turning to the space where Willowpaw should be, and it still shocks me that she’s not there. I think she’d laugh at me if I told her that, and that keeps me going. She was stronger than I was, and so I try to live by her example.”
    “She was lucky to have as long with you as she did,” Poppywish said, “I think you influenced her more than you realize. But… I suppose there’s a small consolation in knowing that she’s watching over us. That one day you’ll get to see her again.”
    “One day,” Sprucepaw said with a nod, “but not soon.”
    “I hope not,” Poppywish chuckled, “it wouldn’t do to be without my prodigal protegee.” Sprucepaw laughed.
    “Don’t worry Poppywish, you’re stuck with me for a while yet.”


    “Ah! Oh no! Send help!” Bramblingrose’s wail echoed off the walls of the nursery, as five small, furry pelts leaped onto him, knocking him to the ground. Squallkit dug his teeth into his father’s ear, tugging, while Duskkit swept for Bramblingrose’s tail, before seeming surprised that it wasn’t there, squealing as her brother accidentally knocked her off of the ginger tom’s flank. Watching their kits, Midnightblaze and Whisperwind shook their heads, while Summitsky groomed between his mate’s ears.
    “So none of us are going to help him?” Midnightblaze teased, while Summitsky chuckled and Whisperwind shrugged casually, watching his mate carefully roll over and scoop all five of the kits onto his belly as they squealed in delight, Typhoonkit putting his paws against his father’s face in a bid to scramble free, little nose scrunched in determination as he wiggled loose and launched across the den to duck behind Whisperwind, his little tail lashing.
    “What are you doing, darling?” Whisperwind asked, amused as his son turned his gaze up to him with a crooked grin.
    “Shhh. I’m flanking Dad.”
    “Oh, of course.” Whisperwind nodded sagely. “So, Midnightblaze, it must feel odd to be back in the nursery after all this time.”
    “Ah yes, I’ve almost forgotten how being a father works, with my daughters all so independent as they are… truly, they must get it from me, all that stubbornness and drive. I think these ones are just fine, since they have so much of their father in them. Much less prone to bull-headed antics and fury.” Summitsky laughed, nipping his mate’s ear with a purr.
    “Yes, well, as you can see, my boys have their dad’s temperament, but I daresay, some of them inherited my cunning.” The three of them collapsed into laughter as Bramblingrose let out a yowl of surprise, Typhoonkit landing directly on his face and making his dad release the rest of the kits, who immediately set to the task of pinning the much bigger tom down, Typhoonkit purring loudly at the head of the charge. Whisperwind purred, his expression fond as he watched the roughhousing, catching Bramblingrose’s eye as he was piled onto by the kits, splaying out and pretending to be dead.
    “I’m glad you’re adjusting so well,” Summitsky’s voice jolted the white tom out of his reverie, “I remember what you were like as my apprentice… back then, I could never have seen you sitting here, acting like this was the most natural thing in the world for you.”
    “Yes, well… I don’t think any of us counted on Bramblingrose.”
    “No,” Midnightblaze conceded with a huffed laugh, “then again, I don’t think many of us counted on a lot of things happening that have… there’ve been a lot of surprises pulled on all of us, I suppose.” The other two toms hummed their agreement, watching as Minkfur ducked into the nursery with Rivermask at her flank, the pair laughing as Ravenkit immediately split off and bounded for Minkfur, tail raised high as she scampered alongside the pregnant queen, chattering away to her excitedly.
    “I’m glad,” Whisperwind said eventually, watching his mate flail under the kits, “that I had all of you. I think I came to expect that there would never be a place for me and Galepaw and… for as long as she was alive, everyone here made this place home, and now it feels weird to imagine ever living without any of you. It’s hard to recall a time now when I didn’t have any of you.”
    “Ah…. fatherhood is making you sentimental,” Summitsky teased and Whisperwind snorted, kicking at his flank and making the older tom laugh, “you know you’re an integral part of this clan. We couldn’t imagine it without you, either. And for what it’s worth… you’ll always be family to me.”
    “Thank you,” Whisperwind smiled, turning his face upward with a grin as Bramblingrose made his way across to him. “Hi. How’s my handsome warrior?”
    “Beaten and bruised,” Bramblingrose teased, settling down around his mate as their sons bounded into Whisperwind’s flank and snuggled up there, Crowkit blasting after them and wriggling in between them, the three toms laughing raucously. Primly, Duskkit settled herself down, curled close to Midnightblaze’s shoulder as she closed her eyes. “I think these kits are going to grow up to be fierce and troublesome warriors. Their mentors are going to have trouble on their paws, for sure.”
    “Well, I do remember someone being a bit of a pawful…” Summitsksy mused as Whisperwind rolled his eyes and leaned his head back to nuzzle Bramblingrose’s nose with his own.
    “Come on, go easy,” Midnightblaze laughed, “having little troublemakers in the clan is what makes it interesting. We can’t all be super serious like Sleetstar, or else we’d drive ourselves insane.” A ripple of laughter echoed around the den as Summitsky pressed his face into his mate’s cheek with a purr, and Whisperwind felt the warmth of it settle deep inside his bones. With Bramblingrose’s sturdy body heaving with laughter, and Rivermask’s delighted cackle and the excited giggles of his kits, Whisperwind felt the acute sensation of home.

    𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    Brackenstrike stood atop the rise, long fur waving in the Leafbare breeze. Down below, Duckbriar and Plumiris had taken to marking a tree at the edge of the border, talking between themselves as the tabby molly ducked her head and laughed at something the young ginger had said. On the other side, Viridianfire and Koishimmer stuck close together, sniffing out something that must have been prey-scent. Brackenstrike smiled, proudly. Even though Leafbare set an ache into her bones and she tired more easily with age, it was moments like this that she loved most; the hope. The future.
    A presence at her side made her look up, to see Rivermask wading through the fresh snowfall toward her, smiling warmly as she drew up at the big tabby’s side, delicate ears pricked forward, vibrant eyes bright and alert as she watched the young mollies work.
    “You alright up here, old girl?” Brackenstrike laughed, deep and throaty, gently bumping Rivermask’s shoulder with her own, and making the she-cat purr in amusement.
    “I’m fine, although you might have to reconsider your own safety if you’re going to try and get away with that,” the pointed molly grinned, shrugging innocently, “I know I’ll probably have to retract the earlier statement after this but… how are you? Today and in general.”
    “Ah, the pressing question,” Rivermask sighed, “I’m not upset with you for asking it. I appreciate that everyone’s trying to check in but… well. Sometimes I forget that I had to share Breakerhowl’s love, because this clan loved him so much too. You all were his family, as much as I was, as much as his kits were. I know everyone misses him, and so do I. I just… keep trying to think that he’d hate it if I was so distraught I couldn’t go on, even though there are mornings when my nest is cold and I wake up and wonder how I’m meant to survive without him.”
    “I know the feeling,” Brackenstrike said, gently, “I wish there was more we could have done but… all things considered, you’re being remarkably strong about this. I think everyone overlooks you because you put yourself in comparison to Minkfur by proximity, but… you are very strong. For a shrimpy little thing.” Rivermask laughed at that, shaking her head with a sigh.
    “Big heads come with shoulders like those, I suppose.”
    “Well, if you’ve got ‘em, you might as well make use of them to hold it up,” Rivermask laughed again, leaning on Brackenstrike’s shoulder with a purr, “seriously, though. I’m in awe of you. I think if I were in your position, I would have given up.”
    “Okay, well, you’re a filthy liar. I may not know everything about what happened to you, but I’ve been around enough to get an idea and… well. It sounds to me like you’ve had your share of heartbreak, and yet here you are, still standing and still strong. Besides, it takes guts to leave behind everything you know to follow some crazy molly out into the mountains and hope that you don’t freeze to death, so you must either be brave or incredibly stupid.”
    “I’m sure many would contend for the latter,” Brackenstrike laughed, with a warm smile at her friend, “but I suppose it worked out alright in the end. Following StarClan’s plan and all of that.”
    “I didn’t realize you believed.”
    “Well, I witnessed some undead cat almost murder my best friend, only to have her resurrect and re-kill the undead cat. If I didn’t believe before then, it would be almost impossible not to believe now.” Rivermask laughed, nodding slowly as she turned her face to the sky, where the first star was already shining through in the afternoon light.
    “Maybe you have a point,” she said, “we shouldn’t stay out much longer, or we won’t make it back before dark.” Brackenstrike nodded, but neither molly moved for a moment, faces tilted back as they wondered which star watched over them now.


    The winding streets of the city were familiar. Once upon a time, Leopardunner had had a house, a two-leg den that had sheltered him from the elements. It seemed a hazy memory now, when he had been so so small, too small to remember much else. The streets that surrounded it were a much sharper memory, something honed over time, coming with experience. These weren’t the same streets, but they were close enough, and finding his way to Kash was easy.
    Kash didn’t make himself hard to find, after all. It had been an accident, the first meeting, but there was something about him that drew Leopardrunner in. A terrible idea, he knew, but someone had once told him that anger was the proper battleground for bad decisions, and he supposed he was angry. There was little to be angry about he knew, rationally, but that didn’t stop the fury that bubbled in his chest alongside the hurt every time he saw odd eyes gazing up at cream fur with exalted adoration.
    Kash was simple. Kash was easy. Kash got it.
    Or maybe he just pretended to. Either way, Leopardrunner didn’t care. For a few hours in the night, it was nice to escape everything that NorthernClan was. The two-leg dens sheltered the cold, and the ground was softer under his paws, not harsh and jagged like the chill-bitten rock on the mountainside. The twists and turns were easy to navigate, shadows simple to hide in, slip through unseen and unheard by the natural denizens of the city.
    Coming up on Kash’s den came easily to him now. He supposed he should feel discomforted by that, the knowledge that a path was becoming well-worn when there was a definitive end to it. He wasn’t sure what it was that drew him here, aside from the assurance of the attention. He knew it was fleeting; Kash was too obvious about everything to believe otherwise, and Leopardrunner had no desire to change that, but still, he had to wonder if maybe Fogbelly had been right.
    Really, if he were honest with himself, there was no ‘maybe’ about it. But the thought of Flamestream’s cream-coloured fur and his big ears and bigger laugh, and the way he’d stood so close, dragged him back to his paws during the war, fought back to back with him like nothing could come between them… all of it hurt, to think of how he turned that same warm smile on Owlhop, and how the other tom exalted him, and Leopardrunner felt suspended above a chasm, waiting for the drop.
    “You’re deep in thought,” a voice said, and Leopardunner blinked back to himself, realizing he was atop the fence looking down into the back territory of the den, Kash standing under him with that charming smile, “hope it’s about me.”
    “Sure,” Leopardrunner said with a laugh, “because everything I think is.” Kash grinned, and winked, turning to take a step away from the fence.
    “You coming?” He asked. Leopardrunner felt his thoughts flash. Fogbelly. Flamestream. Owlhop. He took the leap, and felt the chasm open up underneath him as his body plummeted down.


    Graypeak wasn’t sure what woke him, at least not initially. Blearily, he sat up in his nest, tensing as Fallowstep mumbled in his sleep, curling closer into Hawkeyes’s broad flank. Across the den, a shadow flitted, and Graypeak’s ears snapped forward, before a figure came to rest in the silhouette of the den’s mouth. Quietly, he rose from his nest to seize his opportunity.
    The snow fell lightly inside the basin, but the sky overhead indicated that it was storming outside the walls of the camp, where they were shielded from the elements. Addersong paced circles, tail lashing idly as she walked in circles around the camp. Her eyes flicked to Graypeak as he descended the trail toward her, before she looked away again, expression taught.
    “Hi.” He managed, and she paused, bringing her eyes to meet his for what felt like the first time in moons.
    “Odd time to go for a walk.”
    “I haven’t been sleeping well,” Addersong said, turning her face away, “since the attack. Sometimes it’s nice to just… clear my head.”
    “Oh, well, sorry to intrude.”
    “It’s fine.” Silence settled over them again, like a blanket. Graypeak knew there’d been a time when the silences had been comfortable, when Addersong’s brilliant green eyes had been gentle and fond, but he could hardly recall when that had been, for how hard and empty they seemed now, even turned away from him. They hadn’t spoken much at all since Duckbriar’s blow-out in the camp, but nonetheless, he supposed he owed it to his former mate to try.
    “So… we should talk.”
    “About what?”
    “About… visiting Loonfrost.” Addersong’s head snapped up, her green eyes suddenly ablaze. Her expression turned incredulous as she stared at the gray tom, before she took a step back, shaking her head furiously.
    “You… you are unbelievable.”
    “Do you even hear yourself? You made it sound like it was some grand endeavour to see your long lost kits, who you must miss so much, even though you can’t pay your daughter who stayed a mite of attention because she holds you accountable for your actions and doesn’t idolise you the same way Juncopaw and Rookpaw used to! You told Sleetstar it was for them, and I wanted to believe you so badly, I really did, but you… it’s not. It’s not, and it never was and I can’t believe I fell for it! I can’t believe I let you do this to me again, use me as a conduit for her.”
    “That’s not what’s happening,” Graypeak protested, but Addersong stepped closer, baring her teeth.
    “Don’t talk over me! I am tired of letting you convince me in circles, Graypeak. Did you ever stop to think about how this affects me? Do you ever stop to think about what it’s like to know that I was always the second choice, the consolation prize, the next best thing. Did you think I didn’t know those kits were yours? Do you think I didn’t realize what you were doing when you asked me to return to deputy duties and Loonfrost stayed with the kits? Do you think I was blind to all of that?!”
    “Well I wasn’t. And it hurts. It still hurts, to wake up and see you clinging on to me because I’m the last reminder of her that you have, and now you’ve got your teeth into the possibility of seeing her again, but will that really make things better. It’s been moons, Graypeak. Our kits are grown up. Loonfrost has had ample opportunity to move on, and you showing up out of the blue because you missed your chance isn’t going to help anyone, and it’s certainly not going to help you.”
    “I don't believe you don’t want to see your kits-”
    “They left me! Addersong’s voice cracked, and she turned away abruptly, drawing her shoulders up to her ears. “Do you know how much it hurts, to have your own kits turn away from you, to choose someone else over you like that? Not even to my own children was I a first choice. You can’t possibly know how miserable that makes me. You can’t even imagine how hard it is to even get out of my nest some days, having to live with that knowledge, having to know that no one that I’ve ever loved ever chose me. Knowing I wasn’t anyone’s first choice.” She sniffed. “Just our daughter’s. Duckbriar is so much stronger than me. I’ve been trying to convince myself that things would change for so long but she’s… she’s known all this time. She chose me. Or maybe she chose you, I guess I’ll never be sure, but I wake up and I thank StarClan that she doesn’t look like either of you.”
    “Go. If you want to, just go, but you have to think about what it is you actually want, because it’s not going to work with the two of you split apart like this. And it’s… it’s over between us. I don’t want to be your second-best anymore. I don’t want to be anyone’s second best and so… so that’s it. We are officially done, and I don’t want you to talk to me about this again, because I couldn’t be less interested in soothing your wounded pride and settling your conscience. My kits… my kits made it clear where they stand on me, and I know I wouldn’t be welcome there, and asking me to go hurts me, so don’t bother. If you think that’s where you’ll get your second chance, then you should go. But I… I’m done. I can’t do this anymore.”
    “Stop. Just… stop.” She took a deep, shuddering breath. “I know where my family is. I know where I’m wanted. And right now, the last thing I want is to be around you, so just… just do me a favour for once in your life and leave me alone.” Graypeak stood, dumbstruck, as she shouldered past him, storming back up the cliff-path and veering into the warrior’s den. When he followed, several minutes later, he could barely spot her flank, curled up next to a snoring Honeyheart. When she felt his eyes on her, she curled tighter in a ball. Graypeak settled into his own nest, curling his tail around his body to keep himself warm.
    Sleep did not come.

` servings consumed
14/14 - x7 stoats
` clan events
minkfur is kitting! poppywish & ouncespirit assist
↪ poppywish gives her x1 chervil and x1 raspberry leaf
↪ ouncespirit has powers relevant to kitting listed at end of genetics chart
leopardrunner tries for kits with kash of the neighbourhood
↪ leopardrunner is afab
eaglepaw and ospreypaw take their warrior assessments!
carnationpaw and magnoliapaw take their warrior assessments!
tulippaw learns advanced hunting
pepperpaw & gustpaw learn tracking
spraypaw and oceanpaw learn battle
foampaw learns to hunt
` patrols
1 - splitface, cedarglint, silvercreek, cairnstone, hollyfeather, twilightflower
2 - sunnynose, winderstrike, daisyflicker, pansyflower, robinwhistle, foxspring
3 - sleetstar, burningflame, ausmasthorn, argentripple, emberpetal, mapleskip
4 - addersong, blackdusk, flamestream, owlhop, leopardrunner, fogbelly
5 - hawkeyes, fallowstep, bearears, primrosepetal, snowsilver, butterflyshine
1 - brackenstrike, viridianfire, koishimmer, duckbriar, plumiris, rivermask

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 82 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` brackenstrike | 91 moons | ♀

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 73 moons | ♂ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 22 moons | ♂

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 85 moons | ♂
    `` hollyfeather | 60 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 80 moons | ♂
    `` howlingeye | 63 moons | ♂
    `` splitface | 88 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 55 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 80 moons | ♂
    `` hawkeyes | 85 moons | ♂
    `` viridianfire | 47 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 97 moons | ♂
    `` koishimmer | 49 moons | ♀
    `` birchfang | 55 moons | ♂
    `` sunnynose | 68 moons | ♂
    `` rivermask | 70 moons | ♀
    `` waspshine | 56 moons | ♂
    `` winderstrike | 70 moons | ♂
    `` twilightflower | 60 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 46 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 96 moons | ♂
    `` ausmasthorn | 34 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 34 moons | ♂
    `` addersong | 67 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 65 moons | ♂
    `` falconstreak | 61 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 31 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 31 moons | ♂
    `` honeyheart | 65 moons | ♂
    `` primrosepetal | 49 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 28 moons | ♂
    `` butterflyshine | 28 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 29 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 40 moons | ♂
    `` fogbelly | 77 moons | ♀
    `` hazerise | 75 moons | ♀
    `` leopardrunner | 42 moons | ♂
    `` tempestflame | 27 moons | ♀
    `` brewingice | 27 moons | ♂
    `` lightningivy | 27 moons | ♀
    `` lynxdash | 26 moons | ♂
    `` dapplelotus | 40 moons | ♀
    `` featherfall | 28 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 28 moons | ♂
    `` silvercreek | 22 moons | ♀
    `` auroracloud | 22 moons | ♀
    `` blackdusk | 20 moons | ♂
    `` argentripple | 36 moons | ♂
    `` robinwhistle | 40 moons | ♀
    `` mapleskip | 66 moons | ♂
    `` burningflame | 82 moons | ♀
    `` plumiris | 29 moons | ♀
    `` erminebubble | 23 moons | ♂
    `` owlhop | 29 moons | ♂
    `` cairnstone | 24 moons | ♂
    `` ouncespirit | 41 moons | ♂
    `` ironsoul | 19 moons | ♀
    `` daisyflicker | 17 moons | ♀
    `` pansyflower | 17 moons | ♀
    `` cedarglint | 46 moons | ♀

    ` apprentices
    `` ospreypaw | 12 moons | ♀
    `` eaglepaw | 12 moons | ♂
    `` carnationpaw | 12 moons | ♀
    `` tulippaw | 12 moons | ♂
    `` magnoliapaw | 12 moons | ♀
    `` pepperpaw | 10 moons | ☉
    `` gustpaw | 10 moons | ♂
    `` foampaw | 8 moons | ♂
    `` spraypaw | 8 moons | ♂
    `` oceanpaw | 8 moons | ♀

    ` queens and kits
    `` whisperwind | 37 moons | ♂
    squallkit & typhoonkit [3, ♂♂]
    `` midnightblaze | 88 moons | ♂
    crowkit, ravenkit, duskkit [2, ♂♀♀]
    `` minkfur | 77 moons | ♀
    ↪ due now!
    `` lunardawn | 49 moons | ♀
    ↪ due 2 moons

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 127 moons | ♀
    `` olivetuft | 121 moons | ♀
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | open
→ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [6] | greencough
lovage [1] | coughs
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [4] | hip pain
ragwort [1] | strength
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
dock [1] | scratches
burdock root [1] | infection
blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
raspberry leaves [3] | kitting
cobweb [3] | bleeding
marigold [4] | infection
horsetail [2] | infection
chervil [2] | infections/kitting
ragwort leaves [2] | kitting
honey [1] | sore throat

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x7 | 1 servings [7]
rabbit | x10 | 2 servings [12]
stoat | x2| 2 servings [4]
small fish | x10 | 2 servings [20]
hare | x9 | 3 servings [24]
bird | x9 | 3 servings [27]

` mentors
duckbriar | ospreypaw [4]
↪ battle, hunt, climbing, endurance
winderstrike | eaglepaw [4]
↪ hunt, battle, tracking, climbing
silvercreek | carnationpaw [4]
↪ battle, hunt, climbing, endurance
summitsky | tulippaw [3]
↪ hunt, battle, tracking
fallowstep | magnoliapaw [4]
↪ battle, hunt, climbing, endurance
wolfwhisker | pepperpaw [3]
↪ battle, hunt, endurance
brewingice | gustpaw [3]
↪ battle, hunt, endurance
honeyheart | foampaw [0]
↪ skills
featherfall | spraypaw [1]
↪ battle
blackdusk | oceanpaw [0]
↪ skills

` deceased
galepaw | murdered by boscoe
stormkit | weak at birth
hurricanekit | weak at birth
willowpaw | crushed in landslide
dawnbreeze | killed in battle
blizzardheart | killed in battle
sycamorepath | killed in battle
buttercuppaw | killed in battle
breakerhowl | killed in battle
sootfreckle | killed in battle
dandelionpaw | injuries post-battle
the stranger | old age

` family ties
Last edited by solyn on Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 039 ]

Postby solyn » Mon Feb 10, 2020 10:21 pm

population: 87 cats [ 43 fem : 43 male : 1 nb ]
servings required: 14 [90] - pebbles: 131
𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: any time
moons since last nonsense: 0 (lb)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    “I’m trying my best to be optimistic but this isn’t looking good,” Sleetstar’s voice was stiff as she and Summitsky watched Sprucepaw dart from the nursery to the medicine den again, grim but determined expression settled on his features. Midnightblaze and Whisperwind had been moved with their kits to the elder’s den, while the non-nursing queens had moved back into the warrior’s den for the night so that Poppywish could have room to work. Minkfur had gone into labour in the early afternoon, Thunderjaw had disappeared inside with her, and now the night hung over them with no news.
    “Minkfur’s tough,” Summitsky said, almost like he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else, “she’s going to be fine. Sprucepaw wouldn’t let anything happen to her.”
    “He’s right,” Burningflame leaned on her mate’s shoulder, gently lapping behind her ear, “Summitsky, go and be with your family. I’ll be here for her. And you… stop stressing. I’ve not been here long, but even I can tell Minkfur wouldn’t let something so trivial as a kitting kill her. She’s going to be just fine.”
    “I sure hope you’re right,” the pair jumped as Rivermask settled down next to them, wrapping her tail over her paws as she shifted, brow furrowing just a little, “sorry to be defeatist but if anything happens to her…”
    “Nothing’s going to happen,” Burningflame assured her, again, “she seems like a strong molly, and she has her whole family with her. Poppywish is also very competent. He cleaned up the clan excellently after- well. Um. You know.” The three she-cats watched Sprucepaw sprint back to the nursery, herbs clutched in his mouth. Rivermask blew out a long sigh, smiling weakly as Sleetstar leaned across to press their cheeks together in comfort.
    “Erm,” a throat cleared behind them, and they swivelled to see the odd-eyed Ouncespirit shifting from paw to paw, “Sleetstar, I’m sorry to interrupt but I just… I wanted to tell you that I… I can help. I used to, in my old clan. I don’t know what it is, but I have… I think it helps when I’m around, when the weather is like this. Cats used to find it comforting when I was with them in the nursery. I know that’s not a particularly strong argument but-”
    “Come with me,” Sleetstar stood, “anything to put minds at rest.” Ouncespirit nodded, hurrying after Sleetstar as she strode purposefully across camp. The pair of them ascended the den path, and Sleestar lead him into the mouth of the nursery. Minkfur’s breathing was strained, more a hiss of pain than anything else as another twig snapped between her powerful jaws, and her mate dutifully replaced it, letting her lean against his solid flank. “Poppywish. Ouncespirit says he can help.”
    “Fantastic!” The ginger tom murmured, not looking up from where he was checking Minkfur’s heaving side. After a long pause, he looked up and blinked. “Oh, you’re actually serious. Well, don’t keep me in suspense, what can you offer aside from actual medicine cat training, because we already have an abundance of that and it’s not doing a whole lot to smooth the process.”
    “It’s… difficult to explain,” the tom said, awkwardly, “it might be easier to show you.” Poppywish frowned, flicking his eyes down to Minkfur, before he blew out a sigh.
    “It’s your choice, darling. You’re the one pushing these little demons out.”
    “Anything to get them out sooner.” She gritted out, and Poppywish shrugged, beckoning Ouncespirit over.
    “You know the rules, Sleetstar, shoo shoo.” The pointed molly chuckled, and turned away, just in time to hear Ouncespirit murmuring quietly, a wave of serenity washing over the den as Minkfur’s harsh breathing evened out, his tone like warm honey in a way that made her own heart feel fuzzy, until the breeze hit her face and brought her back down to earth. Shaking her head to clear herself of the fog, she hurried back down toward Rivermask and Burningflame, where Splitface and Brackenstrike had also gathered, watching her for news with anxious faces.
    “She’s going to be okay,” Sleetstar said, when she was within earshot, and it shocked her to know that when she said it, it felt like fact, and somehow she knew that she was right.


    “Have you been to see Minkfur’s kits yet?” Viridianfire asked as the patrol moved on, tail swishing in delight, “they’re so cute! Beechkit looks just like Sprucepaw did at this age, and Pinekit looks almost identical to his dad. You can already tell they’re going to be a pawful, but then again, you’ve met both their parents so I suppose that’s a given.” Rivermask laughed at that, a delighted purr catching in the back of her throat.
    “You’re a bold little molly to talk about your ex-mentor like that,” she said, and Viridianfire snickered as Koishimmer nudged her friend’s shoulder with a roll of her eyes. “But yes, I have been to see them, and they are very cute. I almost forgot that Minkfur could make such small kits, considering it’s been so long since I was in the nursery with her. She’ll be itching to get out of there already, like she was last time, but for how much she complains, I know she likes having the kits around, and Thunderjaw will sub himself in so she can take breaks when she needs. They work well together.”
    “He seems to really dote on her,” Plumiris said, where Duckbriar was huddled close to her side to avoid the cold of Leafbare as much as possible, “honestly I think if I had a love like that, that would be all I’d need in life.”
    “However they managed to find each other in a world so big, I’m glad they did,” Brackenstrike said with a smile, “they’ve both been good friends to everyone in the clan, and it’s good to see them so happy again, especially after they lost Willowpaw. It was hard for them, especially since they were both there when it happened but… I’m glad to see that they seem to be rebuilding. They make really, really good kits. Both Sprucepaw and his sister were the best of both of them put together, and I’ve no doubt this litter will be much the same way.” The group chuckled, before Brackenstrike’s eyes fell on Duckbriar, whose ears were pricked high and she seemed on tight alert.
    “Did you hear that?”
    “There’s someone else here,” she narrowed her eyes, tensing her muscles where she was cocooned tight in the middle of the group. Rivermask scented the air, catching an unfamiliar scent, almost weighed down under the snow. “Show yourself.” Duckbriar demanded, eyes scanning the snowy landscape. A bush rustled, and a pretty somali stepped out, red fur shining in the sunlight.
    “Sorry. I didn’t want to interrupt such a tender and heartfelt moment.”
    “You’re on clan territory,” Brackenstrike said.
    “I’m aware. Hence the hiding. I was just passing through and I had no wish to be eviscerated for taking the quick route. Besides, I hear those town cats down below have quite the reputation for being much more hostile.”
    “Where are you headed to?” Viridianfire said, taking obvious delight in the molly’s wry personality.
    “Oh, I don’t know. Hopefully somewhere much warmer. I don’t have any solid plan, I suppose, but that’s life, isn’t it?”
    “You know, our clan doesn’t turn away stragglers so easily,” Viridianfire said, cocking her head to the side, “it’s not the warmest, sure, but we’ve got a good community, and I think you’d like our leader, Sleetstar. She’s about as snarky as you are. I think you’d get along like a den on fire. C’mon, give it a shot. Just come and meet the rest of the clan.”
    “You’re really giving me the hard sell, pipsqueak.”
    “What can I say? I’m charming. Mollies react to me.” The somali laughed, shaking her head.
    “Alright then, I like you. Show me to this ‘Sleetstar’, and then we’ll see.”
    “You’re a force of nature,” Koishimmer said with an amused snort as Viridianfire winked, and the somali slipped into the group to continue their patrol.


    Excited murmurs rippled through the clan as Sleetstar approached the gathered cats. At the front of the group, Hazerise and Fogbelly sat proudly, their kits between them. Plumiris sat at Hazerise’s shoulder, Tulippaw and Magnoliapaw close to her side, with Duckbriar near her, and Carnationpaw sat with Ospreypaw, the two of them whispering in hushed confidence while Fogbelly laughed at something Rivermask had said, just to her left.
    “Thank you all for gathering to celebrate this happy occasion,” Sleetstar began, “it is always a wonderful thing to welcome more warriors into our ranks, and I cannot think of anything I enjoy more than finally giving warrior names to kits I have seen grow up. It feels not that long ago that these two were small and mewling, having not even opened their eyes, and today they sit before us, ready to take up the mantle of a warrior. They have worked tirelessly to understand the warrior code, and I know that our ancestors in StarClan smile upon them as I recommend them to the stars, and commend all the dedication they have shown in making it to this stage. Ospreypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect your clan at any cost?”
    “I do.”
    “The vow!”
    “To my clan, to my home, to the blood that binds; I pledge myself to the cliffs and the snow. The North is all.”
    “Then from this day forward, you will be known as Ospreyback, for your strength. Like your mothers before you, you have an indomitable spirit and the breadth of heart to carry not only yourself, but your friends, your family and your clan. The ancestors commend your compassion, and I am proud to name you as a full warrior of our clan. Honour her!” Cries went up for the young molly as she stepped forward to exchange ritual, her rumbling purr audible over the din. As she settled back, Carnationpaw pressed her face into her scruff with a purr, making her laugh. “Eaglepaw, do you swear to live by the warrior code, and to defend your clan even at the cost of your life?”
    “I do!”
    “The vow.”
    “To my clan, to my home, to the blood that binds; I pledge myself to the cliffs and the snow. The North is all.”
    “Then from this day on, you will be known as Eagleglide, for your grace. I’m sure no one thought a cat as large as you could be particularly graceful, but you’ve proven us all wrong, and StarClan honours your tenacity. I am very lucky to be able to call you a warrior of this clan, under the eyes of the ancestors, and our family gathered here today. Honour him!” Again, yowls went up for the tom, and as Sleetstar stepped back from their exchanged ritual, the clan moved in to swamp them with congratulations, chattering excitedly in the night. Sleetstar felt herself shiver at a biting gust of wind, before she smiled as Burningflame slid up against her side, nuzzling into her cheek.
    “Unbelievably so,” Sleetstar chuckled, “I know I’m not all that old, but I feel that old age is catching up with me.”
    “Come on then,” Burningflame said with a chuckle, the pair of them heading up toward the den. Ospreyback slipped away from the well-wishers, ducking out from in between her mothers’s crushing embrace, while her brother purred and rubbed his cheek against Fogbelly’s, making the she-cat laugh in the booming way of hers that the clan was so familiar with.
    “Ospreyback, huh?”
    “I know,” she chuckled, turning to face her friend as Carnationpaw sidled up to her side, leaning into her fluffy fur, “it kind of feels surreal. But hey, you know this means that you have to hurry up and get your warrior name faster right? It’s not gonna be the same without my right-paw gal around.” Carnationpaw laughed, letting out a purr as her friend pressed her nose to her forehead.
    “I’m going to miss you in the apprentice’s den,” she said fondly, “I don’t know what I’m going to do without you. I suppose I’ll have to enlist Magnoliapaw in all of my schemes.”
    “It’s not like I’m going so far away,” Ospreyback snorted, “you’ll be in the warrior den soon enough. In fact, I’ll save you a nest, right next to mine. Just like it’s always been.”
    “Well… then I really will have to hurry up and get my name. It wouldn’t do to have you hogging all the space, as freakishly large as you are.”
    “You wound me,” Ospreyback said, but the pair of them were laughing as they leaned their foreheads together, taking a peaceful moment for themselves as the sun slowly began to set over the horizon.

    𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    Flamestream frowned, glancing across the camp. At his shoulder, Lunardawn nudged him, and he shook his head roughly, giving an apologetic smile to his sister’s mate. To her credit, she just laughed, her pretty green eyes looking past him to settle on Leopardrunner’s rosetted form, where he was deep in hushed conversation with an unimpressed looking Sleetstar, Summitsky and Burningflame just behind her, clearly waiting to be able to join the hunting patrols.
    “Go,” she said after a long moment.
    “Are you sure?”
    “Flamestream, it’s sweet of you to worry, but I can manage to walk in circles without your assistance. And don’t worry, I won’t tell your brother so he won’t be able to have some dramatic lecture about leaving me on my own when he’s just projecting because he doesn’t want to be on patrol without me. Go on.” Flamestream laughed, pressing his nose to Lunardawn’s forehead as she purred, before he bounded across camp toward his friend.
    “-m just saying, I really don’t need to stay in camp, I’m fine to hunt-”
    “If Poppywish has given you the order to stay in camp, I’m not going to fight him on that Leopardrunner. Those are the rules, pregnant cats don’t get to go on patrol.” Leopardrunner’s ears flattened, and he glanced away. Sleetstar watched him for a moment, clearing her throat.
    “Look. I’m not trying to be insensitive here, Leopardrunner, but I’ve been pregnant myself and speaking from personal experience, it kind of takes two cats for it to happen, and so far, I’m only seeing one, which is odd, for a doting mate.” Leopardrunner’s stare was icy, jaw setting, but Flamestream knew his friend well enough to spot the nervous twitch near the base of his tail. “Clearly this isn’t ideal for you, and I know that, but I’m just wondering how it happened.”
    “I-” Leopardrunner started, clearing his throat, as Flamestream stepped forward hurriedly.
    “They’re mine,” he cleared his throat, trying to ignore the sets of bewildered eyes that landed on him, “the kits, I mean. We’ve been embarrassed to admit it because we haven’t really talked about anything serious but we forgot it was Leafbare and access to herbs that keep… it from happening… is erm, well, you know it’s not- they. Um, anyway… we’ve been sort of talking about becoming mates but we weren’t really sure and we thought the clan might look down on us for that but… they’re mine. Ours. Our kits.”
    “Right.” Sleetstar sighed, closing her eyes. “I’m going to choose to believe that one because I don’t want to deal with the alternative, so I’m going to pretend this conversation didn’t happen. If you two will excuse me, I’ve a patrol to keep.” She got to her paws and moved off, but only after the patrol was out of the camp did he breathe a sigh of relief.
    “You didn’t have to do that,” Leopardrunner said, voice frosty, “I had it under control.”
    “Really? What was your plan. Tell them the truth about where they came from?” Leopardrunner glared at his paws. “Do you think I’m stupid? It’s not as if it’s hard to figure out what’s going on, not when you’ve been disappearing as often as you have for long hours in the middle of the night, when no one is meant to notice you’re gone. I kept looking for you because I hoped we could talk… but I guess that’s not what you were doing, huh?”
    “Oh, so curse me if I didn’t feel like being your backup plan.”
    “You weren’t.” Flamestream sighed, shaking his head. “I don’t have feelings for Owlhop, I don’t. I didn’t realize he felt that way about me and I’m… I’m trying to make it up to you but I-”
    “By pretending to be the father of my illegitimate kits? Everyone’s going to know when they come, I can tell you that right now.”
    “Then we lie. And we pretend, but it’s never going to work if we don’t have each other’s backs.”
    “Fantastic,” Leopardrunner huffed, closing his eyes, “I’m going to go take a nap. This is way too much to deal with so early in the morning.”
    “A thank you would have been nice.”
    “For what? Treating this like my consolation prize?” Leopardrunner tilted his face upward, scowling at him. “I don’t need your pity, Flamestream. However you feel about Owlhop, or about me… this isn’t how I wanted it to happen. How I wanted any of it to happen. I know it’s too late to say that now but… stop treating me like your obligation, because that’s the last thing that I want.”
    “These days, I have no clue what that is.”
    “Have you ever?” Leopardrunner snapped, and when Flamestream recoiled, a flicker of guilt flashed across his eyes, so he turned, and bounded for the nursery without another word, leaving the cream tom to be lashed by the bitter winds.


    “Glad to be back?” Summitsky laughed, stretching out his legs as the patrol moved on. The younger warriors stayed up front; Wolfwhisker and Silvercreek catching up excitedly, Cairnstone way out front, scenting prey with single-minded focus. On one side of Summitsky, Sleetstar moved fluidly, her regal mate gliding along at her other shoulder.
    “Don’t get me wrong, I like having apprentices,” Summitsky said, “I really, really love being able to teach the next generation, but… Stars, am I happy to be back. It feels like I haven’t got the chance to stretch my legs like this in a millenia.” Sleetstar laughed, and Summitsky beamed, fondness creeping into his expression. He could scarcely recall a time that his friend laughed so freely, and if the gentle look on Burningflame’s face was any indication, she was just as delighted as he was to hear it.
    “Well, I think they like having you too. You’re good with the shy ones, you know? I mean, just look at Whisperwind now. And Butterflyshine too. I don’t know if anyone else in the clan would have been able to produce the same results.” Sleetstar flicked her ears forward as Wolfwhisker turned back to look at her for a second, before Silvercreek shouldered him and he laughed, nudging her back. Sleetstar’s expression softened, and Summitsky purred a little, watching the strong slope of his son’s shoulders as the pair of them bounded forward.
    “How about you, Burningflame?” The chocolate molly startled as he turned toward her, smiling softly. “How are you finding it, out and about in the clan?”
    “It’s… different,” she said, with a chuckle, “I’ve never seen territory this vast and this open… but it’s beautiful. I really, really love it. I know the clan itself still has a way to go to accepting me, and after everything I don’t blame them… but I’m happy to be here. I’ve never felt a community like this. I think… I think you’ve all built something very precious out here, and I’m honoured to have been a part of it, in whatever small way.”
    “Well,” Sleetstar mused, “I feel like the pressure from the Merchants definitely helped shape the clan.”
    “That’s not very comforting,” Summitsky said, amused, as Burningflame rolled her eyes and shouldered her mate, making the three of them burst into laughter. “Don’t mind her, she thinks she’s funny, as I’m sure you’re well aware. In all seriousness… I’m happy you’re here. Maybe it was a bit of a rocky start, but the best we can do is learn from the mistakes of the past and forge forward. Make something better. And… despite all the pain and hardship and everything else… I think we have made something better. Things are better now.”
    “That’s Summitsky,” Sleetstar said fondly, “ever the optimist.”
    “He has cause. Sienna is a good cat. I know she’ll make an excellent leader, and she’ll hold true to her word. I only wish it hadn’t come to what it did to get us there.”
    “Well… that’s not your fault,” Sleetstar sighed, “we knew what Boscoe was like.”
    “Whoa! Hey,” Summitsky chuckled a little, “this is supposed to be positive, about how far we’ve come and how much we’ve achieved, so stop stewing, the pair of you. I know you’re prone to overthinking things, Sleetstar, but… you’ve done a good job. The clan is stronger than it’s ever been, and it’s thanks to your leadership. I think if it were anyone else, we would have crumbled under the pressure, but we’re still standing because you were the one who stand up and lead us through it.”
    “Thank you,” she blew out a sigh, but there was a warm smile on her face, “how’s Midnightblaze?”
    “He’s good. I think he’s really enjoying being back in the nursery, having all this time to spend with our kits and his daughters, especially now that Lunardawn has joined him and he gets to spend all day with her. Plus, Minkfur’s kits are so cute! You can already tell that Beechkit is going to be big, like her brother. But um… you should know. He’s been talking about stepping down as deputy, when he returns to warrior duties.”
    “Oh,” Sleetstar blinked, frowned, “he’s not doing that because he thinks I don’t want him, is he?”
    “No! No, that’s not the case at all. He just… he never wanted to be deputy, you know? He loves the clan, and he’s good with them, and he was a good deputy… but I think he thinks he’s getting old anyway, and he wants to spend more time with his family and let go a little. I think he’s relieved to be free of the responsibility.”
    “Well… as long as he knows I’d have him back in a heartbeat if he wanted to. Brackenstrike won’t stay in the position for long, either, so I suppose I’ll have to start thinking about the future. About who would be suitable to take over when I’m gone.” The three of them hummed, looking ahead to the younger cats, where Cairnstone had circled around to shake his head in amusement at a teasing comment Silvercreek had made, Wolfwhisker ducking his head to hide his smile. Burningflame let out a soft chuckle, with a sigh.
    “The next generation,” she said gently, “it sounds so far away when you say it like that… but it’s closer than any of us realize, I expect.”
    “I, for one, am going to cherish the elder’s den,” Summitsky said with a smile, “I think we’ve all had enough drama for one lifetime.” Sleetstar barked a laugh.
    “Oh, isn’t that the truth.”


    Addersong knew she was lagging behind, but she honestly couldn’t bring herself to care. Leafbare was harsh on her, with such a short coat, but in a way the biting chill of the wind felt like penance, and she’d all but begged the leader not to suspend her from patrols. The idea of being stuck around camp trying to find new places to hide from her ex-mate was anathema to her, and it was only a small reprieve that her daughter didn’t ask about the fervor with which she threw herself into her work. In fact, Duckbriar was much too engrossed sticking close to the small ginger molly that she’d become so close with, while Ospreyback and Brackenstrike flanked them, shielding the group from the harsh Leafbare winds.
    Addersong only noticed Thunderjaw had dropped back when the cut of the wind dulled, and she glanced up to see long, black fur brushing against her shoulder. The big tom looked ahead, and Addersong was grateful for the lack of pity she found in his eyes. She supposed it was obvious that she’d struggled to fit into the clan, and had precious few friends, and after what had happened with Graypeak last moon, she was sure the clan could pick up on the shift. Still, Thunderjaw simply walked, and Addersong breathed a sigh of relief.
    “You know,” he said after a long moment, cool and collected, “Poppywish really will kill you if you come back with a cold.”
    “I suppose this is the part where you tell me to stay in camp for the foreseeable future, until the weather blows over,” she cut a glare from the corner of her eye at the big tom, and to her surprise, he chuckled.
    “No, no. I doubt anyone could make you and besides, you are one of our most efficient warriors. Taking you off border patrols wouldn’t do anything for anyone. I was just wondering if there was any particular method to the madness of letting yourself freeze like this when there’s perfectly good cats to shield you from the wind up ahead.”
    “I suppose I was just thinking.”
    “You sound like you don’t particularly believe me.”
    “I do,” Thunderjaw chuckled, “I was just… well, thinking. Maybe it was before your time, everything all kind of blurs together these days and it’s hard to separate what came before and what came after, but… it used to be just Minkfur and I out on these patrols, because that’s all Sleetstar could spare. So… I know. I know there’s ample time to think. I was just wondering if your thoughts were any more pleasant than mine were.”
    “Unlikely,” Addersong admitted, “be honest, the clan knows, don’t they? That something happened with Graypeak.”
    “If you want my honest thoughts? I think most of the clan has been waiting for that to implode since the pair of you set foot in the campground. I know that probably doesn’t sound particularly nice but-”
    “No, no, I understand. We’ve been… well, honestly, I don’t even know if we were ever good, or if we were broken from the start. I think I tricked myself into believing that we worked for a long time because the alternative scared me. It’s an intoxicating feeling, the feeling of being loved. I didn’t want to let it go, or let it skip by, but… well. I knew. I think I’ve been holding my breath for a long time now… and this is probably a terrible thing to say but I forgot how good it felt to breathe easy.”
    “I don’t think there’s any shame to that,” Thunderjaw smiled, and Addersong ducked her head with a chuckle, “believe me, I know how things like that can weigh on you. Obviously, it’s not the same thing but…”
    “Thank you. I know it’s not the same but… well. It’s nice to not feel so alone in all this. Because that’s the thing, isn’t it? It hurts to stay, knowing that I was never going to be his first choice, but… it hurts to leave, too. Duckbriar’s all grown up now, she doesn’t need me anymore.”
    “I think kits will always need their parents, even when they won’t admit it. Just being there helps. And as for Graypeak… well. If he couldn’t see how incredible you are, then that’s his loss, I think. It’s probably not a whole lot of consolation, but I think… I think things happen for a reason, to propel you towards cats you were meant to meet, and if the stars aligned in a manner that pulls you apart… maybe it’s just because you haven’t found the cat you were meant to be with forever, yet.”
    “That’s… surprisingly romantic,” Addersong chuckled, “I didn’t take you for one.”
    “What can I say? I think being in love has made me a little stupid.”
    “You must be excited,” Addersong purred, “I remember when my kits were that little. I remember… I looked down at them, and thought I couldn’t love anything in the world more than I loved them.” Her expression faltered. “I wish… I wish I’d had more time to raise them. I think if I’d known what would come next, I would have held on tighter, but…”
    “You can’t blame yourself for that,” Thunderjaw said gently, “no one can predict the future. If we could, I would have never let Willowpaw go on that patrol. But… the best we can do is remember the past and cherish the time we have in the present, because we never know what the future will bring. You know… if you ever want, Minkfur loves company. The nursery makes her all kinds of stir crazy, and our kits require a certain… strong personality in playmates.”
    “Well, after meeting their parents I can see why.”
    “Cheeky!” Addersong laughed then, loud and bright. Up ahead, her daughter turned, and smiled over her shoulder, before Plumiris nudged her and she chuckled too, turning her face up to the sky. The snow poured down, the winds buffeted the group from side to side, but nothing could shake the little kernel of hope that wedged itself firmly into Duckbriar’s heart.

` servings consumed
14/14 - x7 small fish
` clan events
carnationpaw, tulippaw & magnoliapaw attempt their warrior ceremonies!
gustpaw learns to climb
foampaw learns to battle
oceanpaw & spraypaw learn to hunt
the medicine cats search for kitting herbs
flamestream claims leopardrunner's kits as his [fake mates]
` patrols
1 - sleetstar, burningflame, summitsky, wolfwhisker, silvercreek, cairnstone
2 - winderstrike, sunnynose, hawkeyes, fallowstep, frostclaw, twosight
3 - splitface, cedarglint, emberpetal, falconstreak, owlhop, ouncespirit
4 - hollyfeather, twilightflower, lightningivy, blackdusk, graypeak, sorrelsong
5 - bearears, primrosepetal, viridianfire, koishimmer, foxspring, dapplelotus
1 - brackenstrike, addersong, thunderjaw, duckbriar, plumiris, ospreyback

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 83 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` brackenstrike | 92 moons | ♀

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 74 moons | ♂ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 23 moons | ♂

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 86 moons | ♂
    `` hollyfeather | 61 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 81 moons | ♂
    `` howlingeye | 64 moons | ♂
    `` splitface | 89 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 56 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 81 moons | ♂
    `` hawkeyes | 86 moons | ♂
    `` viridianfire | 48 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 98 moons | ♂
    `` koishimmer | 50 moons | ♀
    `` birchfang | 56 moons | ♂
    `` sunnynose | 69 moons | ♂
    `` rivermask | 71 moons | ♀
    `` waspshine | 57 moons | ♂
    `` winderstrike | 71 moons | ♂
    `` twilightflower | 61 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 47 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 97 moons | ♂
    `` ausmasthorn | 35 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 35 moons | ♂
    `` addersong | 68 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 66 moons | ♂
    `` falconstreak | 62 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 32 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 32 moons | ♂
    `` honeyheart | 66 moons | ♂
    `` primrosepetal | 50 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 29 moons | ♂
    `` butterflyshine | 29 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 30 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 41 moons | ♂
    `` fogbelly | 78 moons | ♀
    `` hazerise | 76 moons | ♀
    `` tempestflame | 28 moons | ♀
    `` brewingice | 28 moons | ♂
    `` lightningivy | 28 moons | ♀
    `` lynxdash | 27 moons | ♂
    `` dapplelotus | 41 moons | ♀
    `` featherfall | 29 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 29 moons | ♂
    `` silvercreek | 23 moons | ♀
    `` auroracloud | 23 moons | ♀
    `` blackdusk | 21 moons | ♂
    `` argentripple | 37 moons | ♂
    `` robinwhistle | 41 moons | ♀
    `` mapleskip | 67 moons | ♂
    `` burningflame | 83 moons | ♀
    `` plumiris | 30 moons | ♀
    `` erminebubble | 24 moons | ♂
    `` owlhop | 30 moons | ♂
    `` cairnstone | 25 moons | ♂
    `` ouncespirit | 42 moons | ♂
    `` ironsoul | 20 moons | ♀
    `` daisyflicker | 18 moons | ♀
    `` pansyflower | 18 moons | ♀
    `` cedarglint | 47 moons | ♀
    `` russetswoop | 47 moons | ♀
    `` ospreyback | 13 moons | ♀
    `` eagleglide | 13 moons | ♂

    ` apprentices
    `` carnationpaw | 13 moons | ♀
    `` tulippaw | 13 moons | ♂
    `` magnoliapaw | 13 moons | ♀
    `` pepperpaw | 11 moons | ☉
    `` gustpaw | 11 moons | ♂
    `` foampaw | 9 moons | ♂
    `` spraypaw | 9 moons | ♂
    `` oceanpaw | 9 moons | ♀

    ` queens and kits
    `` whisperwind | 38 moons | ♂
    squallkit & typhoonkit [4, ♂♂]
    `` midnightblaze | 89 moons | ♂
    crowkit, ravenkit, duskkit [3, ♂♀♀]
    `` minkfur | 78 moons | ♀
    cypresskit, beechkit & pinekit [1, ♂♀♂]
    `` lunardawn | 50 moons | ♀
    ↪ due 1 moons
    `` leopardrunner | 33 moons | ♂
    ↪ due 2 moons

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 128 moons | ♀
    `` olivetuft | 122 moons | ♀
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | open
→ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [6] | greencough
lovage [1] | coughs
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [4] | hip pain
ragwort [1] | strength
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
dock [1] | scratches
burdock root [1] | infection
blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
raspberry leaves [4] | kitting
cobweb [3] | bleeding
marigold [4] | infection
horsetail [2] | infection
chervil [3] | infections/kitting
ragwort leaves [2] | kitting
honey [1] | sore throat

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x11 | 1 servings [11]
rabbit | x11 | 2 servings [22]
stoat | x2| 2 servings [4]
small fish | x5 | 2 servings [10]
hare | x10 | 3 servings [30]
bird | x9 | 3 servings [27]

` mentors
silvercreek | carnationpaw [4]
↪ battle, hunt, climbing, endurance
summitsky | tulippaw [4]
↪ hunt, battle, tracking, adv. hunt
fallowstep | magnoliapaw [4]
↪ battle, hunt, climbing, endurance
wolfwhisker | pepperpaw [4]
↪ battle, hunt, endurance, tracking
brewingice | gustpaw [3]
↪ battle, hunt, endurance
honeyheart | foampaw [0]
↪ skills
featherfall | spraypaw [1]
↪ battle
blackdusk | oceanpaw [1]
↪ battle

` deceased
galepaw | murdered by boscoe
stormkit | weak at birth
hurricanekit | weak at birth
willowpaw | crushed in landslide
dawnbreeze | killed in battle
blizzardheart | killed in battle
sycamorepath | killed in battle
buttercuppaw | killed in battle
breakerhowl | killed in battle
sootfreckle | killed in battle
dandelionpaw | injuries post-battle
the stranger | old age

` family ties
Last edited by solyn on Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 040 ]

Postby solyn » Tue Feb 18, 2020 12:36 pm

population: 88 cats [ 43 fem : 43 male : 2 nb ]
servings required: 14 [90] - pebbles: 139
𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: any time
moons since last nonsense: 0 (lb)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    Carnationpaw blew out a sigh, stretching out her limbs. Her muscles throbbed with the pleasant sensation of a good work-out, and the pride shining in Silvercreek’s eyes had been indicative of what she hoped was a job well done, but given that her mentor had moved away already to speak to Sleetstar up in her den, Carnationpaw supposed she wouldn’t know for a while yet. Looking around, she seemed to be the first one to return out of the three of them who’d set out into the snow, but she supposed that made sense. She’d entered the world first and forged ahead in all matters when it came to her siblings. She was sure they would follow soon, laughing at her haste.
    “You’re back!” She turned to see Ospreyback bounding toward her from the elder’s den. “Trust you to make it through an assessment just like that, you little prodigy you.”
    “You’ll jinx it,” she laughed, blowing out a sigh, “is it weird to be nervous? What if I fail? What if Silvercreek’s going to tell Sleetstar right now that I shouldn’t be made a warrior?” She huffed as her friend bumped her shoulder, half-pouting at the big molly and the way her shoulders shook with laughter.
    “I can almost guarantee you that Silvercreek isn’t saying anything of the sort, but I doubt I can soothe those fears with just words alone. Come on, there’ll be some time before you hear back about it. How about we go for a walk? Oh, don’t make that face, I know you. You have strong legs and sitting around stewing isn’t going to help you any.”
    “I hate you,” Carnationpaw sighed, but there was no malice in it.
    “Yeah yeah. Keep up, shortstack.”
    The pair of them told Magpiefeather where they were going before they ducked out of camp, into the boundless sea of white that characterized the territory in Leafbare. Fondly, Carnationpaw thought to herself that her sister could so easily get lost among it all, with how delicate and slight she was, but Ospreyback plowed through it like it was nothing; tall and broad-shouldered like both of her mothers, with the same crooked grin that Fogbelly so often wore. It was so familiar to her; the smile and everything about her. Her best friend.
    “Come on, broody, snap out of it.”
    “I’m not brooding,” Carnationpaw rolled her eyes, keeping close to her friends’ side, “you’re such a bully, you know? And you’re not even an accurate bully. I wasn’t even thinking about my warrior ceremony or anything. I was just… I don’t know. Thinking about us I suppose. How far we’ve come from those fumbling little kits in the nursery who could only dream of what it was like to actually be a warrior. And now here we are, on the precipice of the future. Almost all grown up.”
    “I think we have a bit of growing up to do still,” she laughed, “being a warrior doesn’t mean you’re an adult. It’s not some magic seasonal change. We’re still young, you know? We’ll be young for a while yet. Or… at least it feels that way. I dunno, I guess I’ve only really had a moon’s experience but I don’t feel a whole lot different. It’s not like I’m playing catch-up or anything but… y’know. Things are the same. You’re still my best friend. Eagleglide’s still my brother. My parents are still in love, your mom is still super nice, the world turns and I guess we all turn with it but… it’s all much slower than we’re lead to believe. A whole year goes by so fast when you’re too young to remember half of it.”
    “And you call me brooding.” Ospreyback laughed, and Carnationpaw leaned into her shoulder. “I don’t know… maybe I’ve been in a hurry to grow up. To get here. And now I kind of wish that I’d spent more time hanging back, like… like I don’t know. We all got to do everything together, and now it’s like I don’t know when we’re going to get that chance again. Our lives are all going to split off in different directions. It already feels weird, training and stuff without you and Eagleglide around. I guess it’s just odd to think that in a couple moons, it could be one of us having kits, or one of us with an apprentice or one of us being a regular on patrols.”
    “We’ll still be friends,” Ospreyback said, “things change, but some things are constant. You don’t come up together the way we all did and just miraculously lose everything that comes with that. I don’t care what happens- you, me, our siblings; we’re all going to have each other’s backs until the end. And the last one standing is gonna go to StarClan with no worries ‘cause they’re gonna know the rest of us are there, waiting for them to come home.” She paused, turned to Carnationpaw with a crooked grin. “Have I ever said that to you? That I think you’re my home?”
    “Well duh, I’m emblematic of the clan to you.”
    “Yeah yeah, very funny wise-cracker,” she said with a laugh, “but… seriously. Whenever I feel lost, or like I’m floating… thinking about you brings me back to reality. I guess it’s cause you’ve always been there and you know me as well as I know you, but… yeah. I dunno. Being with you is… easy, right? And that’s what home should be, shouldn’t it? Maybe not… not easy, but-”
    “Yeah,” Ospreyback smiled, pulling up short. Carnationpaw squeaked as her nose brushed the other’s, making the big tabby chuckle softly. “Sorry, that was sappy.”
    “It’s okay. I might have liked it.”
    “Okay. Well, I might have liked that you liked it.” Carnationpaw rolled her eyes as Ospreyback let out her booming chuckle, the sound of it lifting high into the sky as another fine layer of snow began to fall from the sky, painting them white amongst the landscape.


    Flamestream jolted as fur brushed against his side. Looking up with a bewildered blink, he found his sister snuggling in against him, leaning her head against his shoulder with a light purr. His expression softened, and he tilted his head to lean it against hers, relishing in the familiarity of her shape by his side. Emberpetal laughed, lightly, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
    “Hey, you. It feels like forever since we’ve been able to hang out.”
    “That’s because you’ve been too busy hanging out with all the new friends you’ve made,” he chuckled a little, “how is Ausmasthorn, by the way? The rumour mill spins that romance might be in the air for her.” Emberpetal smiled, and Flamestream felt some of the tension lift out of his heart.
    “She’s good… as for romance? I never took you for a gossip, but she is pretty close to Argentripple, I guess. He’s nice enough, too. Well, that seems a little mean. He’s actually very nice, a very fun guy. I like when he hangs out with us, even if I do have to play third wheel sometimes,” she sighed, shaking her head. “But… this isn’t about me; I’m worried about you. You know how our fathers have been ever since they found out about you and Leopardrunner. I’m guessing there’s more to the story or you definitely would have told them but… things don’t exactly seem to be going smoothly.”
    “Oh no, is this a feelings session?”
    “A little bit, sorry,” she hummed, leaning close to him, “come ooon. I’m your sister, you can tell me anything.” Flamestream blew out a sigh, tilting his head back toward the sky.
    “It’s… it’s just. I mean, it was an accident, really, and I think maybe he’d have preferred to handle it on his own, especially because he thought that I had feelings for Owlhop, who did actually have feelings for me, and I don’t, and I think he probably just has a crush on me because I was the first friend he made but now he’s so embarrassed that he won’t talk to me and Leopardrunner is mad that I stepped up for the kits because he thinks I’m treating the act of it like he’s an obligation but the thing is… I really like him? And I want to raise kits with him. I just… I don’t know why he doesn’t get that.”
    “Well… did you actually tell him you like him? That you have feelings for him and that you want to be with him, kits or no kits, or did you just kind of… forget to do that?” His silence was telling. Emberpetal sighed. “I love you very much, Flamestream, but sometimes you’re a bit of an idiot. It’s no wonder Leopardrunner is a little angry with you. He probably feels that you’re trying to have it both ways- you get to have your romance with Owlhop while stringing him along too. It’s probably not a very nice feeling for him.”
    “That’s not what’s happening though! I don’t… Owlhop’s really nice, but I’m not going to have feelings for him beyond exclusively platonic ones. I’ve had feelings for Leopardrunner for a long time now but I don’t… what am I supposed to say now? He’ll probably just think I’m confessing because I want us to stop arguing, right?”
    “I hate to say that’s a possibility.”
    “Ugh! How did our fathers make it look so easy?!” He slumped against his sister, and she hummed placatingly, gently grooming his forehead.
    “Well… they say that nothing worth doing is ever easy, and they probably had their own complications but… if you really feel that way about Leopardrunner, you just need to be honest with him. It seems like you two need to talk, and you need to stop being so stubborn and consider his point of view because it sounds to me like you’re going on the defensive a lot without ever actually acknowledging that you accidentally put him in a position that hurt him.”
    “That’s so much easier said than done. I want to argue with you so bad right now.”
    “Yeah, but you know I’m right,” she chuckled, “you’re a catch, you know, and Leopardrunner wouldn’t be as upset as he is if he didn’t have any kind of feelings for you either, I think. Pretty much everyone in the clan has seen how you two were before Owlhop showed up, we’re only surprised that you two haven’t been an official thing for much longer. Everything is going to work out just fine, as long as you talk to him and let him have room to tell you how he feels. You can’t just bulldoze everyone into seeing things from your point of view. And you should talk to Owlhop too. Withdrawing probably makes him feel even more embarrassed, and he doesn’t exactly have a multitude of friends right now. This is probably the last thing he wanted, too.”
    “How come you got all the sage advice?”
    “Because I’m the favourite child,” she said sweetly, and Flamestream laughed, shoving at her gently.
    “Thank you. It’s good to talk about it with someone.”
    “You’re welcome. Stop being an idiot about it or I’ll beat you up.”


    “I guess all that needling payed off,” Carnationpaw rolled her eyes as Ospreyback settled next to her, shoulder brushing her own, “sorry to hear about Magnoliapaw and Tulippaw… but I guess it doesn’t matter now that we’re all having warrior ceremonies apart from each other, huh? Maybe Eagleglide and I will have to tease them more to make sure they catch up in time.”
    “Oh, like this was all your effort,” Carnationpaw snorted, glancing across to where Sleetstar and Brackenstrike were speaking with Silvercreek, the young molly smiling at the older pair, before flicking her eyes to her apprentice with a wink. Carnationpaw grinned back, chuckling as her mother tried to groom between her ears and she ducked away from it. “Mom! I look fine.”
    “Let me have my moment,” Plumiris huffed, “it’s not everyday your firstborn becomes a warrior.”
    “C’mon, Plumiris is just proud of you. And you should be. Your daughter is an incredible cat.”
    “I know,” Plumiris’ eyes softened as she touched her nose to her daughter’s cheek, “I’m not sure quite where she gets that spunk from. Her father wasn’t much like that, and neither am I… I think maybe you and your mothers rubbed off on her more than she cares to admit, but I couldn’t be more proud of the cat she is today.”
    “Moooooom,” Carnationpaw complained, but she leaned across to press her forehead to the older molly’s, and Ospreyback turned her attention forward to let them have their moment. Silvercreek passed by them, coming to settle at Sprucepaw’s side and closing her eyes against the pressure of his nose against her forehead. Brackenstrike settled at her mate’s side, sweeping her tail around Splitface as the silvery she-cat leaned into her shoulder.
    “It is with great pride that I begin this evening’s ceremony,” Sleetstar began, drawing attention from the clan, “when Plumiris came to us, she was incredibly young and heavy with kits. She did not have to choose this clan as a place to raise them, but I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am delighted that she did, because watching these kits grow up has been incredible. They have all worked so hard, but tonight we celebrate Carnationpaw, whose dedication and tenacity have me completely sound in my decision to recommend her to StarClan, so that they may smile upon her appointment to a higher rank. Carnationpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to defend your clan even at the cost of your own life?”
    “I do.”
    “The vow.”
    “To my clan, to my home, to the blood that binds; I pledge myself to the cliffs and the snow. The North is all.”
    “Then I give you your warrior name. You will be known as Carnationbloom, for your vivacity. The ancestors smile upon you for the energy you bring, and the sturdiness of your spirit. I am proud to call you a warrior of NorthernClan, and I know that StarClan rejoices for you now. Honour her!” Yowls went up for the newest warrior, her graceful ginger form moving forward to exchange ritual with the leader. Her sibling’s cheers echoed over the rest of the clan, Magnoliapaw’s eyes shining with pride, while Duckbriar grinned and nudged Plumiris’ shoulder, making their mother laugh.
    Carnationbloom stepped back and turned to return to her family, the clan gathering round to wish her congratulations as her family crushed around her in an embrace, her laugh lifting high up to the cliffs as she pressed her face into Plumiris’ shoulder with a delighted purr. Ospreyback broke away from the group, bounding toward Sleetstar, where she, Brackenstrike, Summitsky and Midnightblaze had joined up in murmured conversation.
    “Sleetstar!” The leader looked up and Ospreyback cleared her throat, shifting from foot to foot. “Um, sorry to interrupt I was just wondering… would it be okay if I sat vigil with Carnationbloom tonight? I know it’s a little unorthodox but…”
    “The rule usually is that warriors sit vigil with the batch of warriors they get their names with… but it is Leafbare, and I would feel much more comfortable having at least two warriors sit up together, so if you’re willing, then I’ll allow it. You do know the rule is that neither of you can speak, though, even if you have already sat your vigil.” Ospreyback beamed, with a laugh that sounded so much like Fogbelly’s that Brackenstrike and Summitsky exchanged an amused look.
    “Don’t worry, Carnationbloom and I are best friends. We have experience sitting in comfortable silence. It’s easy for us.” Sleetstar’s expression softened knowingly, as she nodded.
    “Alright then. You can go tell her.” Ospreyback nodded, turning to head back to her friend as the well-wishers began to disperse.
    “Thank you, Sleetstar!” As the group watched her go, Midnightblaze chuckled, leaning his head on his mate’s shoulder and purring as Summitsky groomed between his ears, nuzzling into the top of his head comfortably.
    “Ah… young love,” he said, “were any of us ever like that?”
    “A long time ago now,” Sleetstar said with a laugh, “but it’s good to see that some things never change.”

    𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    Auroracloud could feel Erminebubble at her side. The tom was timid; shy was a better word, she supposed, which in all fairness everyone would claim of her too, but he radiated it. Even though he walked a good distance away from her, parallel steps but not close enough to touch, it felt as if he were pressing right up against her side with how fervent his desire for proximity was. Up ahead, she could see Lynxdash and Lightningivy laughing together, and behind her, she knew Splitface and Rivermask would be wandering.
    “So,” Erminebubble tried eventually, “you… um, the sunlight, it’s-”
    “It makes your eyes shine,” Auroracloud said, startling the tom. She felt her pelt grow hot as she ducked her head, before she heard a warm chuckle from his maw. It spread over her like warm water, bathing her in a soothing glow.
    “I guess you’re much better at this than I am. There’s all these flattering things I want to say to you, but then every time I try, it feels like they get stuck in my throat, and when I finally get them out they’re all jumbled and not the way I wanted them. I think it’s because you’re so… so wonderful that you just take my breath away. I hope that’s not… too forward.” Auroracloud shook her head, shyly, glancing back at her mother in time to see her laughing at something Splitface had said, nudging the tortoiseshell with her shoulder.
    “No,” she said, “it’s not. I’ve never been very bold- I suppose it’s surprising to me that anyone would take an interest in me. I know my sister and I aren’t a whole lot like our parents; quieter, I suppose, but even then Silvercreek is firmer than I, more stalwart. I guess this is all just new to me.”
    “I think it’s strange that everyone who looks upon you isn’t enamoured by you. It seems to me that they should, although I can’t say I’m not happy to know that I have little competition.” Auroracloud laughed, and Erminebubble smiled, gently bumping his shoulder against hers. With a little purr, she stepped closer to him, so that their shoulders brushed with each step they took, watching Lightningivy duck her head in a chuckle at something Lynxdash had said to her, the pointed tom chuckling warmly himself. “So… you’ve known most of these cats your whole life, I take it?”
    “Yes. Lightningivy and her siblings are a little older than us, but we came up together… even with Sleetstar’s kits, Wolfwhisker and Butterflyshine. My sister and I have always been very close with Sprucepaw, although it’s obvious to anyone that looks at them that Silvercreek and Sprucepaw adore each other. I don’t think I could imagine any kind of a world where they didn’t have that friendship. She was close to Willowpaw too. We all were.” Auroracloud closed her eyes, with a sigh.
    “Oh, I’m- I’m sorry for your loss.”
    “It’s alright. It feels so recent, but it also feels so long ago. Especially with the new kits but… Beechkit looks so much like her. Willowpaw looked just like her mother. But, um, I feel like I’ve made this rather depressing now, so I’m sorry-”
    “No! No, it’s alright. It might not be the happiest topic but… it’s important to you, and I want to get to know you. And that means all the not so pretty things too so… I’m glad that she meant so much to you, and I’m sorry that I never got to meet her. She sounds like she was a special cat.” Auroracloud chuckled, ducking her head.
    “You know? I think you’re smoother than you think.”
    “I’ll take your word for it. I don’t think I’ve ever sweated this much in my life.” Her laugh lifted high into the still air, and the group moved on.


    “Hey,” Bearears flicked one of her ears toward the voice as she felt Primrosepetal settle down next to her, “what are you doing out here? It’s cold out today. Do you really miss being out on patrol that much?” Bearears chuckled, shaking her head a little bit.
    “Nothing of the sort. I guess I was just trying to gauge the weather. It is cold- but I can’t tell if it’s colder than normal. At least for this time of year. We should be heading into the end of Leafbare now, it usually gets warmer from now on. The worst of it should be behind us.” She felt Primrosepetal’s eyes on her face, could almost feel the other molly thinking before she huffed out a sound and shifted closer, gently wrapping her tail around Bearears.
    “Maybe it’s just a cold snap. I don’t know, I suppose I don’t really have enough experience here to judge what’s normal for the weather, so I guess I’ll have to trust you. I’m sure everyone out on patrol knows how to look after themselves… and it’s not like Whisperwind is out there, helpless without you. The kits are whining about how you won’t come to play with them, by the way.” Bearears snorted, shaking her head in amusement as Primrosepetal giggled and nudged her shoulder.
    “Alright, alright, we can go up and play with them soon. I’ve been trying to keep my distance, Poppywish is radiating tangible stress these days, which I take to mean that your sister is pretty close to having her kits.”
    “He thinks so,” Primrosepetal admitted, “he says it could be any day now, but he wouldn’t be surprised if they’re here before the night is over. Naturally that makes Dad rather anxious, Lunardawn gets frustrated because they’re all fussing over her, she and Koishimmer argue about her getting short with them, Foxspring tries to break the tension, rinse and repeat. I love my sisters, but both of them have such a temper. Lunardawn’s going to make a great mother, but she’s so… independent. I guess we get it from Dad but she… she’s never needed anyone to fuss over her like that. I guess that’s why she likes Foxspring, because he gives her space and trusts her to look out for herself.”
    “It’s probably stressful for her too. I don’t know, if I was heavily pregnant in the dead of winter and everyone else around me kept freaking out for me, I’d probably be a little cantankerous too.”
    “I suppose you would be,” Primrosepetal laughed, “still… perhaps it’s wrong of me to say I think it’s a little bit funny but… she is my sister. I guess I’m allowed to make fun of her if I want to.” She fell silent for a long moment, and Bearears felt her cheek brush her own as she tilted her head back toward the sky. “Have you ever thought about having kits, Bearears?” The molly started, before she cleared her throat, cocking her head to the side.
    “I’ve always liked kits. I always thought they were so cute, but I’d mostly resigned myself to never having them. My mate before this? She wasn’t really sold on the idea of kits, and we were so young, and then I lost her, and I came here and I thought I’d never recover from all that trauma and now… well, I’m sure Whisperwind would scratch me up worse than I already am if he heard me admit it, but I guess I always thought any molly now would be too put off by everything that’s happened to ever consider it. I know that’s foolish, but-”
    “It is. Very foolish. You’re gorgeous, not in spite of your scars but because of who you are. Anyone who can’t look past them is stupid indeed.”
    “Thank you,” Bearears was sure the other could hear the shock in her voice, from how quickly Primrosepetal ducked her head and cleared her throat in mortification. “What about you? Did you ever think about having kits?”
    “All the time. Things weren’t good between Father and Dad, but we were too young to know that. What we had though, the three of us? That sense of family, of belonging? That special kind of love? I wanted that, so badly. I guess I never thought I’d find someone to have them with. Our world was so small back then, and I couldn’t have imagined having them with anyone I knew back then.”
    “That’s changed?” She heard how Primrosepetal’s breath hitched in her throat.
    “Um. I suppose it has. Maybe.” She shuddered, then, as a harsh gust of wind swept through the camp. “We should head into one of the dens. The sky looks a little like it might be the onset of a storm, and Poppywish will kill us if we spread some kind of a cold through the ranks at this time of year.” Bearears nodded and got to her paws, but even as she and Primrosepetal ducked into the nursery to the elated yells of Squallkit and Typhoonkit, Bearears couldn’t shake the gnawing sensation in the pit of her stomach that something wasn’t quite right.


    Up on the plateau, the earth was silent. All the wildlife had gone underground for Leafbare, and the wind seemed muted, the area still. Brewingice and Blackdusk sat close together, their black pelts mingling as they spoke in hushed tones to one another, watching their apprentices where the pair of them streaked back and forth, panting hard. Oceanpaw liked the exercises; liked the burn of her muscles, the pleasant rasp of her chest, the feeling of wind biting harshly against her face enough to make her eyes water. Beside her, Gustpaw moved fast, powerful muscles bunching as he evened his breathing again.
    “One more lap,” Blackdusk called to them, and Oceanpaw nodded as a vague acknowledgement of her mentor’s words. She and Gustpaw turned to sprint back, and the tom let out a yelp, legs slipping out from under him as he crashed sideways onto his shoulder. Oceanpaw drew up short, catching his scruff to haul him back to his feet, while Brewingice was on his paws immediately, serious expression drawn into a worried frown. Gustpaw shook his head, lashing his tail.
    “I’m fine! Just a patch of ice,” he blew out a breath, giving Oceanpaw a smile, “sorry. I should have caught myself sooner.”
    “No, it’s fine. You should walk it off though, I don’t want your muscles to cramp up. You two can warm down together. Go on.” Brewingice inclined his head and Gustpaw nodded to his mentor, taking a careful step forward. His shoulder ached, but with each step the ache subsided, and Oceanpaw walked alongside him, clearly grateful that they’d been allowed to stop running for the time being. He could feel Brewingice’s worried eyes fixed on his pelt as he went, and he let out a sigh, not for the first time since the morning had begun missing Pepperpaw, out on his warrior assessment.
    “So…” he said after a while, when he and Oceanpaw were across the plateau, away from their mentors’s ears, “you seem to be doing quite well. From what I can gather, your brothers are having problems.” Oceanpaw laughed, and it was at that moment Gustpaw remembered her parents. He hadn’t known Breakerhowl, and he’d only recently become acquainted with Rivermask, but Oceanpaw had Rivermask’s lilting laugh, like she stood on top of the world.
    “Mom says they’re their fathers sons, always distracted by things they find fascinating but might not be related to the task at hand. They learn in different ways, she said; that they’re more than capable of teaching themselves with their shenanigans. I, however, am supposedly her daughter.” Her expression faltered, briefly, and Gustpaw cocked his head to the side.
    “Does that… is that a bad thing?”
    “No! No, I love my mom but… well. I never got to know my dad, you know? You must know that he died when I was still just a kit, and… my brothers look like him, they act like him, and I suppose that makes me feel like they have some kind of connection to him and who he was, like they’re facilitating the endurance of his memory… but what do I have to link me to a father that I’ll never know except for the blood in my veins?” She paused, shaking her head. “Sorry, that was-”
    “It’s alright,” Gustpaw laughed, softly, “I never knew either of my parents, so I guess I understand in a kind of roundabout way. It’s hard not to think about what you’re missing out on.”
    “Exactly.” She huffed, turning her face up toward the sky. “I don’t like how still it feels. Did you see the sky this morning?”
    “It was red.”
    “Mm. Mother always jokes that there was a saying- red sky in the morning, storm warning.”
    “I guess we’ll see. I hope not, it wouldn’t be very good for any of the apprentices out on warrior assessments.” Oceanpaw blinked, as if this thought had just occurred to her, before her gentle smile returned, and she gently bumped Gustpaw’s shoulder with her own.
    “That’s right, Pepperpaw is taking their assessment today. Are you worried about them?”
    “They can handle themself,” Gustpaw said, feeling his pelt get hot. Oceanpaw chuckled, and Gustpaw rolled his eyes. “I guess… a little. They’re my best friend and I kind of always thought we’d be doing this together and I guess it’s my fault for slacking off a little when they’ve always tried so hard and had so much passion and energy but… I’m kind of glad I’m not out there right now, too, or I could have gone all this time without even talking to you and realizing that you’re actually pretty cool… for a kit.” Oceanpaw snickered.
    “I’m not that much younger than you, numbskull.”
    “Maybe not. But if you ever need someone to talk to about anything…”
    “I’ll come annoy you, warrior name or no,” she smiled, “how’s your shoulder?”
    “Fine, it was just a little shocked from the impact but there’ll be no lasting damage. Brewingice will probably make me go and see Sprucepaw anyway, just to make sure. Lucky me, very easily could have thrown it out just then.” Oceanpaw hummed, nodding sagely, when Blackdusk’s voice made both of them look up, the young mentor striding across the ground toward them.
    “Is everything okay?” Gustpaw asked, tilting his head at Brewingice as the bigger tom drew up alongside them.
    “We need to be getting back,” Blackdusk said, as delicate flakes of snow began to dot his dark forehead, “there’s a storm settling in.”

` servings consumed
14/14 - x7 rabbits
` clan events
lunardawn is kitting! poppywish & ouncespirit assist
↪ poppywish gives her x1 ragwort leaf and x1 raspberry leaf
↪ ouncespirit has powers found at the bottom of the genetics chart
tulippaw, magnoliapaw and pepperpaw attempt their warrior assessments.
gustpaw and oceanpaw learn endurance
foampaw learns to battle
spraypaw learns to hunt
sprucepaw searches for kitting herbs
` patrols
1 - summitsky, graypeak, sorrelsong, burningflame, howlingeye, tempestflame
2 - splitface, rivermask, auroracloud, erminebubble, lynxdash, lightningivy
3 - fallowstep, hawkeyes, cedarglint, russetswoop, twilightflower, hollyfeather
4 - ausmasthorn, bramblingrose, cairnstone, silvercreek, argentripple, mapleskip
5 - hazerise, fogbelly, ospreyback, eagleglide, carnationbloom, plumiris
1 - brackenstrike, thunderjaw, duckbriar, wolfwhisker, koishimmer, viridianfire

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 84 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` brackenstrike | 93 moons | ♀

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 75 moons | ♂ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 24 moons | ♂

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 87 moons | ♂
    `` hollyfeather | 62 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 82 moons | ♂
    `` howlingeye | 65 moons | ♂
    `` splitface | 90 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 57 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 82 moons | ♂
    `` hawkeyes | 87 moons | ♂
    `` viridianfire | 49 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 99 moons | ♂
    `` koishimmer | 51 moons | ♀
    `` birchfang | 57 moons | ♂
    `` sunnynose | 70 moons | ♂
    `` rivermask | 72 moons | ♀
    `` waspshine | 58 moons | ♂
    `` winderstrike | 72 moons | ♂
    `` twilightflower | 62 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 48 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 98 moons | ♂
    `` ausmasthorn | 36 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 36 moons | ♂
    `` addersong | 69 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 67 moons | ♂
    `` falconstreak | 63 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 33 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 33 moons | ♂
    `` honeyheart | 67 moons | ♂
    `` primrosepetal | 51 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 30 moons | ♂
    `` butterflyshine | 30 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 31 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 42 moons | ♂
    `` fogbelly | 79 moons | ♀
    `` hazerise | 77 moons | ♀
    `` tempestflame | 29 moons | ♀
    `` brewingice | 29 moons | ♂
    `` lightningivy | 29 moons | ♀
    `` lynxdash | 28 moons | ♂
    `` dapplelotus | 42 moons | ♀
    `` featherfall | 30 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 30 moons | ♂
    `` silvercreek | 24 moons | ♀
    `` auroracloud | 24 moons | ♀
    `` blackdusk | 22 moons | ♂
    `` argentripple | 38 moons | ♂
    `` robinwhistle | 42 moons | ♀
    `` mapleskip | 68 moons | ♂
    `` burningflame | 84 moons | ♀
    `` plumiris | 31 moons | ♀
    `` erminebubble | 25 moons | ♂
    `` owlhop | 31 moons | ♂
    `` cairnstone | 26 moons | ♂
    `` ouncespirit | 43 moons | ♂
    `` ironsoul | 21 moons | ♀
    `` daisyflicker | 19 moons | ♀
    `` pansyflower | 19 moons | ♀
    `` cedarglint | 48 moons | ♀
    `` russetswoop | 48 moons | ♀
    `` ospreyback | 14 moons | ♀
    `` eagleglide | 14 moons | ♂
    `` carnationbloom | 14 moons | ♀

    ` apprentices
    `` tulippaw | 14 moons | ♂
    `` magnoliapaw | 14 moons | ♀
    `` pepperpaw | 12 moons | ☉
    `` gustpaw | 12 moons | ♂
    `` foampaw | 10 moons | ♂
    `` spraypaw | 10 moons | ♂
    `` oceanpaw | 10 moons | ♀

    ` queens and kits
    `` whisperwind | 39 moons | ♂
    squallkit & typhoonkit [5, ♂♂]
    `` midnightblaze | 90 moons | ♂
    crowkit, ravenkit, duskkit [4, ♂♀♀]
    `` minkfur | 79 moons | ♀
    cypresskit, beechkit & pinekit [2, ♂♀♂]
    `` lunardawn | 51 moons | ♀
    ↪ due now!
    `` leopardrunner | 34 moons | ♂
    ↪ due 1 moons
    `` mountainfrost | 33 moons | ☉
    ↪ due 2 moons

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 129 moons | ♀
    `` olivetuft | 123 moons | ♀
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | open
→ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [6] | greencough
lovage [1] | coughs
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [4] | hip pain
ragwort [1] | strength
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
dock [1] | scratches
burdock root [1] | infection
blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
raspberry leaves [3] | kitting
cobweb [3] | bleeding
marigold [4] | infection
horsetail [2] | infection
chervil [3] | infections/kitting
ragwort leaves [1] | kitting
honey [1] | sore throat
lamb's ear [1] | strength
stick [1] | pain
borage [1] | milk/fevers

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x11 | 1 servings [11]
rabbit | x4 | 2 servings [8]
stoat | x5| 2 servings [10]
small fish | x5 | 2 servings [10]
hare | x10 | 3 servings [30]
bird | x11 | 3 servings [33]

` mentors
summitsky | tulippaw [4]
↪ hunt, battle, tracking, adv. hunt
fallowstep | magnoliapaw [4]
↪ battle, hunt, climbing, endurance
wolfwhisker | pepperpaw [4]
↪ battle, hunt, endurance, tracking
brewingice | gustpaw [3]
↪ battle, hunt, endurance
honeyheart | foampaw [0]
↪ skills
featherfall | spraypaw [1]
↪ battle
blackdusk | oceanpaw [2]
↪ battle, hunt

` deceased

` family ties
Last edited by solyn on Thu Apr 02, 2020 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 041 ]

Postby solyn » Thu Feb 27, 2020 1:00 am

population: 91 cats [ 42 fem : 46 male : 2 nb ]
servings required: 15 [97] - pebbles: 155
𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: any time
moons since last nonsense: 0 (nl)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    “Sleetstar, come on, you can’t stay out here!” Brackenstrike’s voice carried, just barely, over the wind. The pointed molly lashed her tail, squinting into the swirling torrent of snow that was beginning to engulf the basin, obscuring the campground below from view. It felt wrong to leave her sentinel, not with cats still out there. The mentors had made it back first, apprentices in tow, much to her relief. Then had come the border patrol, Duckbriar shivering violently but otherwise unharmed, immediately hurried between Wolfwhisker and Brewingice who had wedged their friend close to warm her up. Thunderjaw had gone immediately to Minkfur, Viridianfire and Koishimmer ducking into the medicine den where Lunardawn and her kits were after one had developed a cough a few days prior.
    “I can’t go back in, they’re still out there,” Brackentrike huffed, but didn’t argue. After seeing the state of the rest of the hunting patrols, it was hard to turn their back on the last two patrols. Hazerise and Fogbelly had seemed shell-shocked, Carnationbloom and Eagleglide both sobbing openly as Plumiris had leaned on her friend. Poppywish had seemed worried over Russetswoop, Cedarglint and Silvercreek as their patrol leaders had brought them in, both he and Sprucepaw fussing over them to warm them up and make sure there were no adverse effects.
    “I can’t believe we lost Ospreyback,” Brackenstrike murmured, shifting from paw to paw, “and now maybe Tempestflame too? It’s unreal.”
    “We can’t afford to think like that,” Sleetstar said, “they’re out there looking for her. We have to trust they’ll bring her back.” Brackenstrike shifted closer, leaning her head against her friend’s. Sleetstar was sure that Brackenstrike knew the real reason for her vigil; one of the missing patrols was headed by Summitsky, who had made his way out into the territory, chatting amicably to Burningflame as he’d gone. Still, she was sure Brackenstrike couldn’t fault her, as she was sitting up waiting for Splitface, who had been leading the last patrol.
    “Hello?” That was Lightningivy’s voice. “Is this camp?”
    “Yeah!” Brackenstrike stood, quickly, “keep moving toward my voice, I’m coming down to you!” Sleetstar shuddered against the wind without her friend acting as a buffer. She disappeared into the swirling storm, and Sleetstar’s blue eyes scanned the area anxiously, the wrenching in her heart only abating when she saw the broad shoulders reappear, trailed by the rest of the patrol. Sleetstar counted, and then frowned.
    “Where are Auroracloud and Erminebubble?” Rivermask shook her head, frustration evident in her features.
    “We have to hope they went to ground,” Splitface sounded exhausted, shaking on her paws, “it’s impossible to search for them right now. I almost lost Rivermask several times for how atrocious visibility is out there. With their pelts, it would be like searching for pebbles in a haystack.” Rivermask sighed, ducking her head, and Lightningivy nudged her nose against her cheek with a frown, concern for her friends etched onto her features.
    “If none of you are injured, head to the warriors den,” Brackenstrike said, “Rivermask, you should know that Silvercreek is in the medicine den. Nothing serious- she just lost feeling in her paws during patrol- but Poppywish is keeping her up there for observation. You should go be with her.” The molly nodded, squinting up at the den and pushing forward toward it.
    “Don’t stay away too long,” Splitface said, with a wary look in her mate’s direction. She relaxed when Brackenstrike pressed her nose to her cheek.
    “I’ll be with you in a second,” she promised, which seemed enough for the older molly to follow the two younger warriors toward the warrior’s dens, where relieved voices spilled out into the night air. She turned toward Sleetstar, with a frown. “Don’t… don’t stay out here for too long, alright? If it gets any colder, I’m sending Thunderjaw to drag you in.” Sleetstar nodded tightly, and after a hesitant beat, the big molly turned and trailed after her mate.
    Sleetstar turned her gaze back outward.
    Inside the medicine den, it was warm with the abundance of cats. Sprucepaw darted between herb reserves for Poppywish, who took his time ducking back around to check on Lunardawn, before cycling back to check on Silvercreek and Russetswoop’s paws. Cedarglint had drifted off, curled over in her nest with her injured shoulder facing up, giving it room to heal. Viridianfire had taken to sitting with Russetswoop, chatting quietly to the molly while Cairnstone sat with Silvercreek, watching the molly with concern.
    “Rivermask! Oh, thank the Stars, you’re safe!” The molly laughed tiredly as Viridianfire got to her paws, and Poppywish bowled past her to check the new arrival over.
    “Relax, Poppywish, I’m not injured, just visiting my daughter. Brackenstrike told me she was up here.” The ginger tom relaxed, breathing out a long sigh. “Tough night?”
    “You have no idea.”
    “Go, take a nap,” Sprucepaw inclined his head, “we have a while to go yet, and I can handle everything while you rest your eyes. Almost everyone’s back now, so I promise to wake you when Summitsky’s patrol comes back in.” Poppywish hesitated for a moment, so Sprucepaw added, gently. “Howlingeye is tough, and smart. He’s coming home.” Poppywish blew out a sigh, and then nodded, giving his apprentice a grateful little smile.
    “There’s… something you should know,” Sprucepaw turned toward Rivermask as his mentor moved off, watching her flick her gaze between him and her daughter, “both of you. Auroracloud and Erminebubble are still out there.”
    “What?” Silvercreek stammered.
    “We… we lost track of them out there.”
    “Then why isn’t someone out looking?!” Sprucepaw’s eyes were wide with panic, a sight that startled both his friend and her mother. “We could… we could send Brackenstrike out! And my dad! They’re big enough to stand against the winds, and Auroracloud would recognize Dad’s scent immediately, even over all this I’m sure, and neither of them would stop until they found them-”
    “Sprucepaw, that’s too dangerous,” Silvercreek said, her voice wobbling, “they could very easily freeze for how cold it is, even if the winds wouldn’t knock them over. Look what happened to me, and that was just trying to get to shelter, let alone willingly wandering about out there. Chances are they’ve found somewhere to shelter and they’ll make their way back when the storm clears. Auroracloud has lived here all her life. She’s smart. We have to believe in her.”
    “I can’t lose her too,” he closed his eyes, “I can’t… if we could do something-”
    “We can. We can hope. Willowpaw made her decision, but this is… this is different. We’re not going to lose her. We’re not. Look at me.” Sprucepaw’s eyes opened, green meeting determined, steeled blue. “We are not going to lose her.”
    “Okay,” said Sprucepaw, a shudder wracking his body. “Alright.” Still, the silence that blanketed the three of them settled like thick syrup, a warning trickle that seeped along their spines and matted their fur. The storm raged on, outside, and Sleetstar sat her sentinel, waiting.


    Disappearing was easy.
    The storm had only worsened as the night wore on, and as the snow had whipped around her, Sleetstar had found it only too easy to disappear from her vigil and make her way down the path and into the campground. Brackenstrike would simply assume that she had gone back to her den, but she wouldn’t check until morning, not with the winds as strong as they were. Poppywish would undoubtedly be cracking down on cats going between dens. She would not be missed.
    Each breath of air felt like ice stabbing into her lungs, but Sleetstar pressed on. The wind threatened to bowl her over, and she found herself sliding her feet forward one at a time, rather than lifting a paw to place it down so that she had more stability. The motion, however, scraped at the pads of her paws and made them feel raw and chafed, but the throbbing had long since stopped to the point where she could no longer feel them, but she had to keep going. She was the leader. It was her cats out there, waiting for her to lead them home.
    The ground slipped out from under her, and she fell, shoulder jolting hard against rock. She hissed, head swimming with disorientation as she struggled back to her paws, snow swirling around her in a way that made her head pound. As far as the eye could see, it was snow. No landmarks anywhere. When she scented the air, the wind cut and made her feel like claws had dug into her lungs, but no scent came to her sensitive nose. Lethargy pulled at her muscles, but she gritted her teeth, forcing herself forward.
    She wasn’t sure how long she’d been going when her leg faltered, and she fell, again, tilting her face up toward the sky. Her breathing was rough now, and each breath was worse than the last. The snow pelted down, obscuring the night sky, obscuring the stars. Sleetstar wasn’t sure what was funny about the thought of the stars abandoning them, but she started to laugh. She laughed and she laughed and she laughed, even when it ate at her chest and made her ache all over. She wasn’t sure when she stopped laughing. She wasn’t sure when she fell asleep.
    “-up!” Blearily, a shape came into focus over her.
    “Oh, you so do not wish that,” Sprucepaw wedged his shoulder under her body, forcing her to shaky paws, “Brackenstrike would kill you if she caught you out here. You’re lucky I tracked you- I saw you leave.” He let her lean against his shoulder, keeping her close to him as he carefully descended back the way they’d come, squinting against the storm.
    “We have to… keep looking-”
    “Sleetstar, you’re delirious. You’re so exhausted you can’t even think straight. I only found you because I heard your manic laughter, and I just about tripped over you, lying in the snow like that. Come on, we have to go back in.”
    “Can’t leave them-”
    “I know. I know, but we have to. We have to believe in them now, because there’s no sense in dying over it and leaving them no one to come back to. These are our friends, our clanmates, brothers and sisters and mates… and if there’s no one at home, waiting for them to return, then what do they have to guide them home? I don’t want to leave them any more than you do, but we have to trust them now. We have to trust them to light their own way.” Sleetstar nodded, but she didn’t say anything.
    Sprucepaw was blessedly warm, and his body was steady against the wind. When she began to slump, he dug his teeth into her scruff, keeping her upright as he made for home. When she glanced blearily up at him, she could see his eyes glinting in the night, so much like his parents’ that she couldn’t help but laugh again, this time in joy as she realized that without this solid shoulder next to her, she would have died on that mountain.
    “It’s alright,” he said, as the first tears began to streak down her face, “we’re almost home.”
    She could feel the difference as they stumbled into camp. It was still impossible to see past the front of her own nose, but the winds quieted and the snowfall was less, and so she and Sprucepaw waded up the incline, all the way to her den. He helped her settle into her nest; it felt empty and cold without Burningflame next to her, but she climbed into it and curled up anyway. Sprucepaw gave her a worried look, and then vanished. She did not remember closing her eyes.
    “Sleetstar,” blearily, she awoke from sleep, her breathing feeling laboured. Sprucepaw’s concern was obvious, but he shook his head and pressed some herbs toward her. Slowly, she ate them all, watching Sprucepaw as he sat silent sentinel at her nest-side, staring out and into the swirling night.
    “They’ll come home,” she mumbled, slowly settling back into her nest, exhausted.
    “I hope we’re right,” he said, and although Sleetstar’s mouth opened to answer, sleep washed over her again.


    Outside the den was white. Leopardrunner stared dully into the haze, watching the snow swirl down and fill the basin. He supposed that was testament to the strength of the storm, that it pushed into their shelter and blanketed the whole world in a fog of ambiguity. In the back of the den, Thunderjaw and Minkfur curled together, their tails curled protectively around the small kits that slept close to Minkfur’s flank, cheeks leaned together. Midnightblaze and Summitsky were wound tightly together, the bigger tom’s gentle sobs having reverberated around the den until he’d drifted off into peaceful sleep. Whisperwind and Bramblingrose stayed close, their kits fast asleep.
    “You’re going to catch a chill.” Leopardrunner blinked, realizing that through the snow, Fogbelly had appeared, silver fur caked in snow that she gently shook off and kicked out of the entrance way. Midnightblaze’s ears pricked up, and Fogbelly nodded to him.
    “How is she?”
    “She’s fine. Poppywish is keeping an eye on Dipperkit, and he has the family tucked away around the corner to be away from the others. I think she’s much less anxious with Foxspring there with her, and now that Poppywish has had a look at him. That seems to be the universal quantifier for things turning out okay.” Midnightblaze blew out a sigh and nodded, odd eyes glittering in the dim light.
    “Thank you for bringing us the news,” he said, “I know today hasn’t been easy for you.” Silence slipped over the den as Fogbelly sighed, sitting down hard as her shoulders sagged. Leopardrunner felt himself frown in concern, instinctively shifting closer to her as she shook her head miserably.
    “No one ever thinks they’re going to outlive their child, much less see it happen,” her eyes flicked toward Minkfur and Thunderjaw, both fast asleep, “somehow, the worst part of it all wasn’t even seeing her face when she went through. It was the way Carnationbloom screamed- I don’t think I’ll ever forget that sound. I’ve never heard anything that broken.” Midnightblaze nodded, shuddering a little.
    “Oh, Fogbelly, I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am.”
    “I don’t think even I could,” Whisperwind said gently, “it’s not the same, but…”
    “Thanks, kid,” she chuckled, but it was humourless, “half of me doesn’t even think it’s real. Like I’ll wake up tomorrow morning to Hazerise shouting at her after hoisting herself out of the river, laughing like it was the best joke in the world… she was my little girl, but she seemed bigger than the world to me. It’s hard to think that space is going to be empty from now on.”
    “It’s never empty,” Whisperwind said, carefully, “not truly. You always carry a piece of the one you lost inside you… or at least I do, even now. Ospreyback isn’t going to leave you. Not truly.”
    “And we’ll all be here for you,” Fogbelly’s eyes swung toward Leopardrunner in surprise, “you and Hazerise are going through something unbelievably hard right now, and no one here is going to abandon you. You have more of a support system than you think. Minkfur and Thunderjaw have been in the same position as you. Twilightflower too, Sunnynose and Winderstrike both. Eagleglide is not going to blame you if you need shoulders to lean on- either of you. And I… I’m your friend. I owe you so much, and beyond that I care about you too much to abandon you when you need me most.”
    “Thank you,” her expression softened, and she gave the tom a nod.
    “Maybe you and Hazerise should stay here for the night. Eagleglide too,” he suggested, “someone has to keep Lunardawn’s nest warm.”
    “Perhaps,” Fogbelly chuckled again, allowing the tom to lean against her broad shoulder. She rested her chin on his head, and he felt her tremble with grief. Over the top of his head, she fixed a blank stare on the swirling white as the snow continued to fall, twisting in elaborate swirls as the night pressed on, daylight nowhere in sight.

    𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    “Addersong!” Honeyheart bounded toward her as she struggled back to her paws, shaking out her fur and spitting snow out of her mouth.
    “I’m fine, it’s alright. The ground is just unstable.” Honeyheart’s shoulders relaxed, and she chuckled, before nodding ahead of them. “Come on, we should keep going, and then you can grill me about how I had it out with Graypeak like I know you’ve been dying to do, you insufferable gossip.” Her friend laughed his warm laugh- like honey, she thought aptly- and nudged her shoulder with his own. It felt good to laugh over the oppressive tension that had settled in with the tragedy.
    “Alright then. You had it out with a now ex-mate?”
    “I did. And perhaps it’s wrong to say that it felt good… but it did. I’m just not sure where to go from here. I’ve never had to share a clan with someone I used to love. I worry about how Duckbriar is handling it too… it’s my own fault, but she doesn’t talk to me anymore, you know?”
    “I think you think she’s too independent. I bet she’d love to confide in you, but you just assume that she doesn’t need you because she’s all grown up, but no child outgrows their parent. There’ll always be a place for you, in her heart.” He blew out a sigh, tilting his head upward as the cliffs of the Vanishing Pass came into view. They fell into silence, staring into the craggy darkness, where a waving patch of dark fur was snarled in some brambles.
    “She’s not coming back, is she?”
    “I don’t think so,” Honeyheart said quietly, his kind face pulled up into an expression of sorrow.
    “Duckbriar will be crushed. She built herself such a good support network, and losing her friends like this…”
    “It would be hard on anyone.” Honeyheart leaned his head against his friend’s, and Addersong sighed gently, green eyes swimming with sorrow as they watched the great, unmoving cliffs. “Do you think they’ll find them?”
    “We have to hope they will,” Addersong said, thinking to Thunderjaw and Rivermask’s resolute faces as they’d set out with their patrol early in the morning, “if we don’t, what else do we have?” Honeyheart didn’t appear to have an answer for that, so they stood together for a beat more, before Addersong took a deep breath and forged forward, eyes firm on the Vanishing Pass, to call Tempestflame home.


    “Hey,” Brewingice looked up to see Wolfwhisker coming toward him, kind smile on his face. Brewingice smiled back, feeling a little of the swirling tension in his stomach abate at the sight of his friend. Wolfwhisker was steady, and patient, and kind. Knew him better than anyone; always knew just what to say. As soon as he was within range, he pressed their shoulders together, relishing in the renewed strength that came just from being near him.
    “I’m sorry,” Wolfwhisker said, “it won’t be the same without Tempestflame.”
    “No… and then there were two,” Brewingice’s laugh was defeated, “there were six of us when we were born, you know? Mom told us. Two of us died shortly after birth, and we never knew them, so we got so used to it as the four of us… and honestly, I think I expected to go first. Or at least, I never expected that it would be Tempestflame and Blizzardheart. You knew them- they were larger than life, bigger than the whole world. And now here I am without them… and I’m not really sure how Lightningivy and I are supposed to go on, knowing how many of us we lost.”
    “I wish I had an answer,” Wolfwhisker let out a shuddery breath, “it feels surreal, all those moons ago, all of us promising that we’d have each other’s backs for the rest of our lives. Now… now there’s so many of them gone. Blizzardheart. Tempestflame. Sycamorepath. Willowpaw. Maybe Auroracloud too. Part of me feels like maybe we’re all destined to die young.”
    “Not Sprucepaw,” Brewingice said, with a chuckle, “he has an old soul. He has to grow into it. And… no more of us are going to die. At least… I hope we’re not. I know it’s hard to say that, in the face of what has happened, but I have to believe, I have to hope and hold on to that, because the thought of losing you, I-” he cut himself off, feeling the heat flash through him right to his bones. Wolfwhisker looked away, shyly, before he turned his head and pressed his nose quickly to Brewingice’s cheek.
    “I’m not going anywhere,” he said, quietly, “but I don’t want to lose you either, so you have to promise me that you’ll fight, with every last breath you have. We have to be strong now, and we have to stay alive. For each other, and for everyone else who needs us.”
    “Okay,” Brewingice said, tilting his face to the sky, “I think Tempestflame would like that. It’s what her name was for, after all. An indomitable spirit. She wouldn’t be broken by this, if she was still here. She would pick herself up and keep moving and I guess… I guess the best way to honour her is the live the way that she would have. To remember her, and honour her spirit.”
    “Just like we did with Willowpaw. With Blizzardheart.”
    “I hate that we’re getting good at this.”
    “Me too. But it’s all we’ve got.” Brewingice nodded, turning his face into Wolfwhisker’s chest as the other tom groomed between his tufted ears, curling his tail around his friend as the big smoke cat began to cry.


    The mood in the clan was somber, in the wake of the patrol’s return. Poppywish and Sleetstar had been in deep conference for most of the early evening since the group had returned, making preparation for a vigil later that night. Sleetstar looked awful, really, shoulders sagged and eyes tired, fur a little ragged from sleepless nights. No one felt much better, that much was certain. Still, they gathered, pressed close together for the comfort of the love that they still shared between their friends and their family.
    “Thank you all for being here,” Sleetstar said, as she approached her clan, “I know this last moon has been particularly hard on everyone, and I’m… I’m glad that we all have each other to get through it. As many of you have no doubt guessed, there will be a vigil tonight for all the cats that we’ve lost. I wanted to have a moment of celebration before we went into it. Losing cats is always hard, and I grieve heavily for the loss of so many of our young ones. I can only hope that conducting these ceremonies now gives some hope for the future; a reminder that even in the darkest times, a sliver of hope shines through.” She took a deep breath.
    “When Whisperwind first came to this clan, he was quiet and reserved, and then cantankerous beyond all belief. When I thought about the future of this clan, I certainly did not think there would ever come a day where I would be able to appoint his kits as apprentices, and yet here we are,” her eyes locked with the white tom’s, and they shared a warm smile, “Squallkit and Typhoonkit have reached six moons of age, and will hitherto be known as Squallpaw and Typhoonpaw until they receive their warrior names, to symbolize the path that StarClan will lead them on. Squallpaw, your mentor will be Addersong. She is brave, she is resolute and as a mother, she knows patience, generosity and love. I know she will teach you everything she knows, and if you listen well, you will be as extraordinary a warrior as she is.” Cheers went up as the little white tomkit nodded to his new mentor, and she nodded back, both staying close to their family.
    “Typhoonpaw, your mentor will be Silvercreek. Though she is young, her training from Koishimmer has already seen her produce an excellent warrior in Carnationbloom, and I have faith that she will foster the same tenacity, intelligence and compassion in you that she has shown to exemplify in her everyday life. You could not be more lucky to have Silvercreek as a mentor, and I know she will train you to exemplify everything a NorthernClan warrior should be.” Again, cheers went up, and Typhoonpaw smiled at Silvercreek, who grinned back as Sprucepaw nudged her shoulder proudly. Sleetstar cleared her throat, and attention swung back toward her.
    “We also have some new warriors to appoint, who have generously waited a moon to have their names given to them, but who are definitely deserving of their names, since they managed to successfully complete their assessments in a blizzard. They have trained tirelessly to understand the warrior code, and for the strength of their spirits I recommend them to StarClan and our ancestors above in their own rights. Tulippaw, Magnoliapaw and Pepperpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to defend your clan even at the cost of your own life?”
    “I do.”
    “I do.”
    “I do!”
    “The vow!” Their voices recited it back to Sleetstar in perfect lilting tandem, and she smiled proudly down at the three apprentices. “From this day forward, Tulippaw, you will be known as Tulipdancer, for your agility. StarClan covets your grace and your good temper, and I am pleased to name you as a full warrior of this clan, for I know you will bring great things to our family. Honour him!” Yowls went up for Tulipdancer as he stepped forward to exchange ritual, eyes shining with pride.
    “Magnoliapaw, your name will be Magnoliabite, for your ferocity. StarClan admires your tenacity and your drive, and I am very lucky to be able to call you a warrior of this clan, for although you may be small, you are very strong, and I am glad to have that strength among my clan. Honour her!” Again, cries went up for the little white molly, her blue eyes shining with pride as she stepped forward to exchange ritual. When she settled back into line, Pepperpaw was practically vibrating with excitement next to her.
    “And last but certainly not least… Pepperpaw, you will henceforth be known as Pepperspark, for the brightness of your heart. The ancestors smiled upon us when they brought you to this clan, and they honour you for your heart, your curiosity and your enthusiasm. You have never failed to be big and to be bold, and I could not be happier to finally name you as a full warrior of this clan. Honour them!” The cat darted forward as the clan cheered, trying their hardest not to purr and break vigil.
    “Pepperspark!” Gustpaw’s voice carried over the crowd, cheering for his friend as they broke away and grinned at them, tail high like a banner. Sleetstar chuckled as the din died down, and the cats of her clan turned to her again. For a moment, her breath caught in her throat, overwhelmed with the emotion. It had seemed far away, all those moons ago; having a clan that turned to her for comfort, that recognized her as their leader. She hadn’t known then the gravity of what it would mean. Her eyes fell on Sprucepaw’s in the crowd, and he gave her a crooked grin, so she smiled and took a deep breath.
    “I wish I’d been able to appoint these cats under better circumstances… but in the wake of tragedy, we must have hope. Life is harsh, and as the seasons change, so do we, and the only way to endure is to hope, to know in your heart of hearts that something better is just over the horizon. If we lose what hope we have, then what do we have left to drive us? To inspire us to love, and to cherish our friends, to make us strive to do better every day, to be good, to help, to care. These cats are my hope- the promise that when I am gone, they will stand in my place, and they will continue to lead this clan to the brightness on the horizon. Take a moment, as for the rest of tonight, we remember what has been lost.” She nodded to the clan and took a step back, turning with a deep breath. Her eyes lighted on Burningflame, the molly’s golden eyes welling with tears.
    “I can’t believe I almost missed you,” she whispered, and Sleetstar shook her head, moving closer to press her forehead against the other’s.
    “Never. We weren’t meant to be apart.” Burningflame chuckled around a sob, and buried her face into her shoulder. Sleetstar sat, curled her tail around her mate and groomed behind her ears, as the stars began to twinkle in the dusky twilight.

` servings consumed
15/15 - x5 hares
` clan events
sleetstar sneaks out during the blizzard and loses two lives to the cold. sprucepaw rescues her.
↪ sprucepaw administers x1 catmint and x1 lamb's ear as a precaution
leopardrunner is kitting! poppywish assists
↪ poppywish gives him x1 ragwort leaf and x1 raspberry leaf
genetics chart
poppywish tends to the injured cats. he administers:
↪ x1 lovage to dipperkit [lunardawn's second kit]
↪ x1 ragwort to russetswoop
↪ cedarglint, russetswoop, silvercreek & sleetstar are kept under observation for a moon
gustpaw and oceanpaw learn advanced battle
foampaw and spraypaw learn to hunt
a special patrol is sent to find erminebubble and auroracloud:
↪ thunderjaw, rivermask, cairnstone, butterflyshine, burningflame
koishimmer and viridianfire become mates!
↪ cannot have kits
hollyfeather and twilightflower become mates!
↪ cannot have kits
` patrols
1 - birchfang, dapplelotus, bearears, primrosepetal, pepperspark, infernotalon
2 - whisperwind, ausmasthorn, bramblingrose, argentripple, mapleskip, robinwhistle
3 - waspshine, flamestream, frostclaw, twosight, foxspring, ouncespirit
4 - splitface, sunnynose, winderstrike, emberpetal, lynxdash, owlhop
5 - hawkeyes, fallowstep, snowsilver, sorrelsong, graypeak, wolfwhisker
1 - brackenstrike, addersong, viridianfire, koishimmer, falconstreak, ironsoul

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 85 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` brackenstrike | 94 moons | ♀

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 76 moons | ♂ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 25 moons | ♂

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 88 moons | ♂
    `` hollyfeather | 63 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 83 moons | ♂
    `` howlingeye | 66 moons | ♂
    `` splitface | 91 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 58 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 83 moons | ♂
    `` hawkeyes | 88 moons | ♂
    `` viridianfire | 50 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 100 moons | ♂
    `` koishimmer | 52 moons | ♀
    `` birchfang | 58 moons | ♂
    `` sunnynose | 71 moons | ♂
    `` whisperwind | 40 moons | ♂
    `` rivermask | 73 moons | ♀
    `` waspshine | 59 moons | ♂
    `` winderstrike | 73 moons | ♂
    `` twilightflower | 63 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 49 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 99 moons | ♂
    `` ausmasthorn | 37 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 37 moons | ♂
    `` addersong | 70 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 68 moons | ♂
    `` falconstreak | 64 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 34 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 34 moons | ♂
    `` honeyheart | 68 moons | ♂
    `` primrosepetal | 52 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 31 moons | ♂
    `` butterflyshine | 31 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 32 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 43 moons | ♂
    `` fogbelly | 80 moons | ♀
    `` hazerise | 78 moons | ♀
    `` brewingice | 30 moons | ♂
    `` lightningivy | 30 moons | ♀
    `` lynxdash | 29 moons | ♂
    `` dapplelotus | 43 moons | ♀
    `` featherfall | 31 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 31 moons | ♂
    `` silvercreek | 25 moons | ♀
    `` auroracloud | 25 moons | ♀
    `` blackdusk | 24 moons | ♂
    `` argentripple | 39 moons | ♂
    `` robinwhistle | 43 moons | ♀
    `` mapleskip | 69 moons | ♂
    `` burningflame | 85 moons | ♀
    `` plumiris | 32 moons | ♀
    `` erminebubble | 26 moons | ♂
    `` owlhop | 32 moons | ♂
    `` cairnstone | 27 moons | ♂
    `` ouncespirit | 44 moons | ♂
    `` ironsoul | 22 moons | ♀
    `` daisyflicker | 20 moons | ♀
    `` pansyflower | 20 moons | ♀
    `` cedarglint | 49 moons | ♀
    `` russetswoop | 49 moons | ♀
    `` eagleglide | 15 moons | ♂
    `` carnationbloom | 15 moons | ♀
    `` tulipdancer | 15 moons | ♂
    `` magnoliabite | 15 moons | ♀
    `` pepperspark | 13 moons | ☉
    `` infernotalon | 29 moons | ♀

    ` apprentices
    `` gustpaw | 13 moons | ♂
    `` foampaw | 11 moons | ♂
    `` spraypaw | 11 moons | ♂
    `` oceanpaw | 11 moons | ♀
    `` squallkit | 6 moons | ♂
    `` typhoonkit | 6 moons | ♂

    ` queens and kits
    `` midnightblaze | 91 moons | ♂
    crowkit, ravenkit, duskkit [5, ♂♀♀]
    `` minkfur | 80 moons | ♀
    cypresskit, beechkit & pinekit [3, ♂♀♂]
    `` lunardawn | 52 moons | ♀
    stagkit, dipperkit, raccoonkit & shrikekit [1, ♂♂♂♀]
    `` leopardrunner | 35 moons | ♂
    ↪ due now!
    `` mountainfrost | 34 moons | ☉
    ↪ due 1 moons

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 130 moons | ♀
    `` olivetuft | 124 moons | ♀
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | open
→ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [5] | greencough
lovage [0] | coughs
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [4] | hip pain
ragwort [0] | strength
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
dock [1] | scratches
burdock root [1] | infection
blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
raspberry leaves [3] | kitting
cobweb [3] | bleeding
marigold [4] | infection
horsetail [2] | infection
chervil [4] | infections/kitting
ragwort leaves [1] | kitting
honey [1] | sore throat
lamb's ear [0] | strength
stick [1] | pain
borage [1] | milk/fevers
parsley [1] | kitting

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x10 | 1 servings [10]
rabbit | x7 | 2 servings [14]
stoat | x6| 2 servings [12]
small fish | x3 | 2 servings [6]
hare | x6 | 3 servings [18]
bird | x10 | 3 servings [30]

` mentors
brewingice | gustpaw [3]
↪ battle, hunt, endurance
honeyheart | foampaw [0]
↪ skills
featherfall | spraypaw [1]
↪ battle
blackdusk | oceanpaw [3]
↪ battle, hunt, endurance
addersong | squallpaw [0]
↪ skills
silvercreek | typhoonpaw [0]
↪ skills

` deceased

` family ties
Last edited by solyn on Fri Apr 03, 2020 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 042.1 ]

Postby solyn » Sun Mar 15, 2020 7:45 pm

𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
The group was quiet making their way back from the township. The look in Sienna’s eyes had been pure sorrow, for which Thunderjaw was grateful. A small mercy to know there was empathy in a clan that had once been the enemy, but it was not much of a comfort. Burningflame lead them, Cairnstone and Butterflyshine walking close behind her. Rivermask walked next to Thunderjaw’s shoulder, stony-faced, and he felt the guilt flash through him again. No one had spoken since the news, the confirmation of something they’d all already known.
Mercifully, Newleaf was light on the snow, which made the journey back easier without a slog ahead of them. Still, by the time they reached the camp entrance, the sun was beginning to set. Sleetstar stood up quickly, blue eyes glittering as she ran for her mate, the two of them twisting around each other in relief as she pressed her forehead against Burningflame’s and whispered something in relief that made the chocolate molly shake with grief and lean into her. She took a deep breath, settling her jaw on top of her head, before turning her gaze toward the rest of the group. Thunderjaw shook his head, and Sleetstar’s face fell.
“Trapped. By humans.” Rivermask said, and Sleetstar closed her eyes. “We talked to the Merchants leader. She said they don’t come back.”
“Rivermask, I’m so-”
“I think if one more cat says they’re sorry, I might start screaming and never stop.” Sleetstar choked out a laugh, matching Rivermask’s watery smile as she stepped around her mate to press their foreheads together, the two pointed mollies sharing a moment of quiet grief. When Sleetstar stepped back, her cheeks were wet with tears, and she took a deep breath, turning her face to the stars.
“I don’t know if it’s much of a consolation, but the cats that get trapped usually reappear as kittypets. If nothing else, she’ll have a safe life, with a two-leg that dotes on her. We had kittypets in the Merchants who said that if you were particularly close to another animal, sometimes the two-legs wouldn’t let you be separated. She has Erminebubble with her. She’s going to be okay. I know that, I know that’s cold comfort, but-”
“No,” Rivermask said, with a gentle nod, “no, it helps. I can’t… it hurts, thinking that I’ll never see her again, never get to smell her scent or bundle her close to my side like I did when she was a kit… but as long as she’s alive. As long as she’s alive, and she can be happy, I can live with it.” She took a deep breath, gently turning toward Cairnstone and Butterflyshine, as Sleetstar nuzzled her face into her daughter’s cheek in greeting. “You two should tell your friends what happened. They deserve to know but I… I need a moment.”
“I’ll tell Minkfur you’re back,” Cairnstone said, dipping his head to Thunderjaw, before he and Butterflyshine moved away. Sleetstar watched them go for a second, before she turned her tired gaze toward the sky and sighed, letting her eyes close.
“I have to talk to Poppywish. We can’t put the ceremonies off any longer but, now that we know for sure… I have to organize a vigil. Rivermask… well. I love you. We love you, this clan loves you. I hope you know that we all have you, whenever you need us.” She gave the leader a firm nod, so Sleetstar nodded back, before she turned and ducked into the tunnel to camp, Burningflame pressed up against her flank, as if to be separated from her would be physically painful. Rivermask and Thunderjaw stood together for a moment or two, before the little molly sighed, and tilted her head up at him.
“Okay, big guy, what’s up with you? You’ve been out of it since we heard.”
“I failed,” he said quietly, “I failed… everyone. You, Sprucepaw, Silvercreek… they all lost so much when we lost Willowpaw, and I couldn’t save her, and I thought- I thought I could get Auroracloud back so we wouldn’t lose anyone else, but I didn’t, and now she’s gone too, different from Willowpaw but just the same. Our babies. Our little girls. I failed them.” A wracking sob left his body, and Rivermask immediately moved in close to him, as he dropped his head against her shoulder and she leaned into it.
“Oh, honey, that is not your fault. None of it is.”
“I still- I couldn’t bring her home. I couldn’t do it.”
“You heard what Sleetstar said. In many ways, this is safer for her, and she has Erminebubble with her. She is going to be fine. Maybe she can’t be with us, but she’s alive, and she’s not alone, and that’s the most I could have asked for, if she couldn’t come home with us. But Thunderjaw, this is not your fault, and neither was Willowpaw. You can’t blame yourself for these unspeakable things that happen. Bad things just happen, and it’s not anyone else’s fault. The best you can do now is be there for us, the same way I’m going to be here for you.”
“I’m just- I can’t believe that’s it. That she’s gone.”
“Neither can I,” Rivermask said, pressing her face between his ears, “but we’re still here. We’re alive. And that is something to be grateful for.” As Thunderjaw cried, and Rivermask’s gentle sobbing joined him, the pair pressed close together for the comfort of their friendship, Viridianfire backed away from the tunnel. She’d been relieved to hear her ex-mentor was back, but the moment felt too private to interrupt, so she turned, and headed back into the campground. The mood had changed within minutes as the knowledge of what had happened settled over the clan, even the ones who hadn’t heard it yet. It was easy enough to know, from the grim and stony faces of their clanmates. From the grief on Butterflyshine’s face as Duckbriar sat down, hard, and Wolfwhisker turned his face into Brewingice’s shoulder to cry. From the way Minkfur hurried down the path, sprinting across camp to brush past Viridianfire, Koishimmer trailing her with worry in her eyes.
“I heard what Cairnstone said,” she said, “I can’t believe it.”
“Rivermask just seems glad that Auroracloud is alive, at least, but… still. First Breakerhowl and now her daughter? I can’t imagine.” The pair of them fell into solemn silence, before there was an anguished cry from the medicine den, and Sprucepaw and Silvercreek tore out of it, the pair of them rushing down the path and across the camp to be with their families. Viridianfire sighed, and Koishimmer’s face wavered in grief. For a brief moment, Viridianfire just looked at her, watched the way the dimming light played off of her pelt like a halo and made her green eyes sparkle brightly.
“You’re staring,” she said gently, and Viridianfire nodded, resolute.
“Can I talk to you? Alone.”
“Uh- yes?” Koishimmer blinked, as Viridianfire moved past her, trailing the gray and white molly as she ducked into one of the empty caverns at the base of camp, weaving through the tunnel system until they were well out of the way of prying ears. Koishimmer hovered at the entrance of the internal cavern, watching as Viridianfire paced in a small circle, ears flicking and tail lashing as she turned words over and over into her head. Suddenly, she drew up short, and turned to Koishimmer with a deep breath.
“This… this whole thing. It’s made me realize that life is far too short, and so unexpected and I keep, I keep thinking of what I would do if I was in Silvercreek’s place, if I lost the molly I loved without ever being able to tell her that. If I… if I lost you. It’s you. Ugh! I can’t- the words don’t come out right.” She gritted her teeth, as Koishimmer’s eyes widened. “I love you. I’m in love with you. I think I have been ever since you came to the clan. You were so sure of yourself, and bold, and strong, and I admired you so much, and as my friend, I know you to be thoughtful and passionate and brave and kind and every perfect dichotomy rolled into one cat and I don’t even know how to live without you. The thought of it makes me so afraid that I can’t breathe, and I can’t- I can’t go any longer without telling you that that’s what I feel for you, that you make me feel like my soul is on fire, that you make me feel brighter than the sun, that when you laugh I think everything else in the universe pales in comparison to how beautiful it is, and that I would die a happy cat if I spent every day for the rest of my life dedicated just to making you happy. And I can’t… I can’t leave this world without you knowing that, because you have to know, even if you don’t feel the same-”
“No!” Koishimmer clamped her jaw shut, seeming surprised that she’d shouted. “No, no, you can’t ever think I don’t feel the same because I do. Viridianfire… you are nothing like I ever expected. I used to think about falling in love, but I could never have imagined it happening the way it did with you. You are the sun to me. I feel more alive being around you than I do when it shines on my pelt. Your eyes are more beautiful than the wildflowers in the spring, your laugh is brighter than sun on snow, and whenever I’m near you I feel myself burning with how much love I have for you, and how much I want you to know, but you’re my best friend and I never could have imagined you felt anything for me beyond that, and any time I did I thought it was wishful thinking but I love you, I love you so much it hurts to look at you sometimes, or it did when I thought you didn’t feel the same but I-”
“How could I not feel the same?” Viridianfire laughed, tears bubbling up in her throat. “How do you not see how perfect you are? I’ve only got one working eye and I can see it so clearly, so what’s your excuse?”
“You cheeky, cheeky little fox-heart,” Koishimmer sniffed, taking a step closer as Viridianfire moved closer as well, shyly pressing their noses together as Koishimmer let out a delighted sigh and leaned into it with a low, rumbling purr.
“I love you,” Viridianfire repeated, seeming giddy over it, “I didn’t know if you’d say it back, but you did, so I’m going to be bolder and ask if you want to be my mate.”
“Yeah,” Koishimmer’s response was breathy with delight, “yes, of course. I love you, I love you more than anything. Nothing could make me happier than that.”
“Okay,” Viridianfire sniffled, and Koishimmer let out a sob, and the two of them laughed around their tears, cocooned in their private bubble of joy; a singular blossoming bud of hope among the cold and desolate winter they were leaving behind.


In the wake of the ceremonies, the brief cheer that had filled the clan made way for the somber mood again. Ospreyback’s body had never been found, the clan unable to trace where it had been washed under the water, if the river had even carried it that far away from where she fell under the ice, and thus, unlike the other vigils that the clan had sat at, this one had no bodies. Still, the clan sat close together, waiting for Sleetstar to address them as she took a deep breath, and turned to face them.
“To lose so many young warriors in so short a time is nothing short of a tragedy for this clan. Ospreyback was so very, very young and new to her warriorhood, but she had the blood of her mothers running through her veins, and I know she would have been as excellent as they are; headstrong like Hazerise, but warm like Fogbelly. Tempestflame had all of her mother’s best qualities- Twilightflower’s humour, her tenacity, her quiet dedication. Auroracloud wasn’t a whole lot like either of her parents, but she was kind, and gentle, and Erminebubble may have been new to our clan, but his sweetness and his curiosity had their place in this clan, and his loss is as devastating as any other. I regret that we could not return any of them to the soil, but I find solace in knowing that Auroracloud and Erminebubble are, at the very least, alive, even if they cannot return to us. Now is a time to celebrate their lives, to remember them as they were, and to remember how much we, as a clan, loved them.” She sat down, eyes scanning the crowd. Carnationbloom’s red pelt stood, chin lifted high.
“I have to speak for all three of us,” she said, glancing at Magnoliabite and Tulipdancer, “because of the vigil, but Ospreyback was one of us. We grew up with her and Eagleglide, and she was so close to them that she might as well have been a sister… but she was more to me. Ever since we were kits, she was my right-paw girl, always there to help me get into trouble, always there to help me get out of it. She was dauntless, and bright, and compassionate and daring and just… wild and unapologetic for it, and I admired her so much. Whenever she laughed, it felt like nothing in the world could ever scare me, that there was nothing to be afraid of. I didn’t realize how much I should have feared losing her, because it seemed impossible. I loved her, and without her here, it feels like there’s a chasm in my heart, and for the first time in my life, I have to solve that puzzle without her. She’d laugh at me, I think, for that, because she was always laughing, and that… that is something I will miss about her forever. Something I will be hearing on the winds until it’s my turn to join her in StarClan. But… I am grateful. I was lucky to be able to exist at the same time as her, even if it was such a brief time. You raised an extraordinary daughter.” She turned her smile on Fogbelly and Hazerise, who smiled back at her, before the latter stood.
“Some of you may know I was not particularly fond of the idea of staying in this clan,” she said, “but when I had Ospreyback… I couldn’t have imagined being anywhere else. She lived for this clan, and it excited her so much. She had so much enthusiasm, and so much love for her clanmates, her friends, her family. It stretched far beyond Fogbelly, her brother and I. It encompassed every cat she ever met, because she had that much love in her heart, and I know she wouldn’t regret a second of her time. I wish she’d had more of it. I wish I’d been able to see all she was capable of. But I’m glad she got to live it at all, because I am sure there is nothing she would have rather done, and she was loved. She was loved, and she was never alone, and that’s all I could have asked for, for her.” She sniffed, and sat back down, closing her eyes and swallowing hard as Fogbelly nuzzled her cheek. Eyes swivelled expectantly toward Rivermask, who took a deep breath, and moved to stand, when another voice cut through the crowd.
“Auroracloud was my friend,” Lynxdash said, tail curled around Featherfall as her expression wobbled, seconds away from tears, “and she was a good one. She was quiet- I think a lot of cats would have called her shy, but that wouldn’t be right. She was… kind, and gentle. She didn’t need things to be big, or over the top, but she always made sure she smiled, and said hello, and asked you how your day went. She made you feel that, no matter what, you weren’t alone, and even though… even though I might never see her again, knowing she’s alive brings me hope, because if I’m alive, and she’s alive, and everyone who loves her is alive… maybe eventually our love will guide her back. Because she loves like we all do- deeply, and wholly. I know that even if she never comes back to us, even if she spends the rest of her life out there, away from her clan, it will be with Erminebubble, and I know that she will continue to be loved, and she will continue to love, and she will not be alone.”
“My sister is brave,” Silvercreek nodded, slowly, “everyone always remarks that neither of us are much like our parents, and maybe that’s right. But she is a lot like both of them in that she was brave. Even when things got hard, she pushed through them. She cared so deeply about all of our friends, and she would have done anything to protect them. I know that wherever she ends up, with the two-legs forever, or returned to us one day, she’ll keep that spirit alive with her, because it is the essence of NorthernClan, and it is the essence of who she is, and she will never lose that, no matter how far from home life takes her. As long as that flame beats in her heart, I will be with her, and she will be with all of us.”
“A beautiful sentiment,” Rivermask said, pressing her nose to her daughter’s cheek. Duckbriar let out a sob, and Addersong sat next to her, sweeping her tail around her daughter and resting her jaw against the top of her head to cradle her in.
“And… Tempestflame.” Silvercreek inhaled deeply. “She… she was a bastion of this clan. No matter what, she never wavered. She was brave, and kind, and she had so much love in her heart that it was more important to stand tall and smile for everyone she cared about to keep them going when things got tough than it was to let those feelings control her. I loved her. As a friend, and as something more. It kept me going, imagining what future we had together. I could never imagine that it would end up like this… and I try to think of all the comforting things she would say… and I can’t.”
“She would say that nothing in life is guaranteed,” Twilightflower’s voice drew everyone’s attention, “and then she would laugh about it, the fact that we’re surprised when things change, when the seasons do it and no two are alike. I know my daughter. She was… she was everything I could have asked for, really. She had such a bright spirit… she and Blizzardheart were two of a kind, I think. Always ready with clever quips and laughs to make you feel warm, to counterbalance their siblings who loved them so dearly. It never gets easier, losing a kit, but part of me feels that it’s right for Tempestflame to be with her brother again, keeping him company in StarClan and keeping him out of trouble… or getting him into it.” Blessedly, laughter rippled through the clan, and Twilightflower closed her eyes, listening as the clan continued to share their memories of the lost cats.
Plumiris told a story of mischief that Ospreyback and Carnationbloom had orchestrated, Winderstrike spoke on his experience as Auroracloud’s mentor, as did Howlingeye about Tempestflame, crediting her patience with him when he’d spent so much time being injured and having to postpone lessons. Snowsilver spoke about Erminebubble and how shy and quiet he had been, and yet how kind and earnest. Cairnstone piped up about his awkward flirting with Auroracloud, which Lightningivy defended as having been better in their last patrol. When there were no more stories to be shared, the younger apprentice were ushered away, kits taken back to the nursery, the cats thinning out to those who would choose to sit the vigils with their friends. Eagleglide and Carnationbloom sat close to Tulipdancer and Magnoliabite on their vigil, while Plumiris curled against Hazerise’s shoulder, Fogbelly and her mate watching the stars.
“You gave a nice speech,” Twilightflower opened her eyes to find Hollyfeather pressed against her side, wrapping her tail around her, “but if you sit out here alone, you’re going to catch a death of cold.” Twilightflower smiled across to her kits, where they’d bundled together with their friends, wound in a tight group to stave off the last chills that hadn’t quite abated into Newleaf.
“They need to be with their friends now,” she said gently, “we’ll grieve together in the moons to come, because we will always be connected by this loss, but for now they need their friends. They need to know their support system is broader than just me.” Hollyfeather hummed, and Twilightflower settled against her shoulder, relishing in the warmth of the other molly next to her, as Hollyfeather tilted her head and nuzzled her nose against the back of her ear, inhaling her scent.
“I hope you know that your support system is wider than just you.”
“Of course I do.”
“Okay then. Good.” Twilightflower cracked open an eye.
“Something’s on your mind.”
“Maybe,” Hollyfeather took a deep breath, “but this isn’t the right time for it. I’m trying to do right by The Stranger, figuring out how to guide the clan, to make sure we don’t lose our way, and part of that is… is knowing when the right time for thing are, but-”
“Hollyfeather,” Twilightflower chuckled, “all anyone talks about these days is how time is short and no one can predict the future, so can you stop trying so hard to be a good cat when you’re already the best of us, and just tell me how you feel, no pretenses?” Hollyfeather’s eyes glittered, before she took a deep breath, and tilted her head toward the sky, watching the stars as they sparkled overhead.
“If your son is watching this, he’s going to laugh himself stupid at me,” she sighed, “when I first came to the clan, I had all these grand ideas about duty and destiny, and it tripped me up that the clan was actually a ragtag bunch of misfits, but I suppose in a way I was one of those misfits too. I didn’t fit… neither of us did, Summitsky and I. I was… overzealous. Ambitious. Hard-headed. None of those are particularly bad but I… I thought too much of myself and wanted too much control, and you… you were the first one who really made me see that, but you’ve always… you’ve always had time for me. You trusted me, you supported me. You’ve been a friend, a great one, and there’s a chance I’ll ruin that with what I have to say but-”
“Ruin it.” Hollyfeather blinked.
“I think I know what you want to say. And I’m saying ruin it, ruin our friendship with it. I dare you.” Hollyfeather blinked again, and then she chuckled, low and throaty.
“If that is your truest desire… because the truth is, I couldn’t deny you anything, not if you really wanted it, because I would do anything for you. I’m in love with you. I’ve known that for a while, and your teasing didn’t make it any less confusing, by the way, but I… I don’t want to end this life with regrets, and I know that I would regret it more than anything in the world if I let you go without telling you that because I think… I think after everything that it’s what you deserve. To know someone loves you- adores you- with their whole heart.”
“Not sure if it’s you?”
“No, but I’m going to try to be, every day for the rest of my life, if you’ll have me. If you like me enough, let alone love me enough to be my mate.”
“I thought you’d never ask,” gently, she pressed her forehead to Hollyfeather’s, chuckling as she let out a purr, “I love you, Hollyfeather. You’re like no cat I’ve ever met, and every day… I thank my lucky stars that our paths crossed when they did, and I have cherished being able to know you. And I will do my best to be the cat that you deserve, every day for the rest of my life.”
“Sounds like we’re going to have very busy lives then.”
“Yeah, but don’t lie. You wouldn’t have it any other way.”


Silvercreek wasn’t sure when she’d become afraid of the Vanishing Pass. She’d known it was here, of course. She remembered that first tour around the territory, the first step outside the campground, wide-eyed, with Sprucepaw and Willowpaw laughing ahead of her, Auroracloud tentatively following behind them. She remembered Koishimmer looking up at it with a worried frown, and then shaking her head. All that seemed so far away now. Almost a different life. The cliffs loomed ahead of her, dark and foreboding, snared with brambles and obscured by blackness. Whatever was inside, she couldn’t tell, but there was still a chance that Tempestflame was looking for her way home.
“I don’t think you’re meant to be up here by yourself,” she jumped, turning to find a fiery red pelt making its way toward her. Infernotalon was new to the clan, pulled in by one of the search parties who’d been out looking for Tempestflame, in case they’d been wrong about the pass. Silvercreek had never thought they were. Summitsky and Howlingeye had seemed certain, and the pain on Burningflame’s face had been enough to cement in her mind that they’d done their best. And still, she waited.
“Begs the question as to what you’re doing up here.”
“Fair,” the ginger molly settled at her side, sweeping her tail over her paws, “it’s easy being new. You’re all going through so much, everyone tends to be looking me over. That suits me just fine- gives me time to scope out the territory, get a lay of the land so I don’t feel like I’m playing catch-up. But you… you’d be missed. So… it’s probably better you have a buddy, right?”
“I barely know you.”
“Well, I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but that’s probably gonna change in the coming moons.”
“Oh? You’re going to force me to befriend you?”
“No, but your peppy friend might. What’s her name, the pretty lynx point girl? Seems like she might wilt and die on the spot if she isn’t unfailingly positive for one second? She’s already turned the aggressive friendship onto me, and she talks a lot about you.” Silvercreek sighed, closing her eyes, even as an amused smile threatened to break out over her maw.
“That’s the one.” Infernotalon fell quiet for a moment, the pair of them sitting in a surprisingly comfortable silence. “I’m sorry about your sister.”
“Isn’t it funny that the reflex is to say ‘it’s okay’?”
“I don’t think funny is the right word for it.”
“I feel like I have to soothe people, to make them think that it doesn’t hurt. I’m… it’s easier knowing that wherever she is, she’s alive, and the two-legs will probably give her a good life, a pampered life as a kittypet, and honestly, a part of me thinks that she might even like that, and I might like that for her, because she would be safe, but… to know that I’m probably never going to see her again? That hurts. It feels like one of my legs has been cut off.”
“I don’t suppose ‘it gets easier’ is much of a consolation?” Silvercreek shook her head, and Infernotalon chuckled humourlessly, fluffing up her curly pelt. “Thought so.”
The pair of them lapsed into silence again, staring up at the cliffs of the pass. Silvercreek tried to think about Tempestflame getting her in the middle of the storm, and then decided she didn’t like half of the options that came with that. The best she could hope for was something better on the other side of the pass, something worth staying there for, and not a corpse lying forgotten in the channel between the world she knew and an unknown world, lost to time forever. She closed her eyes, and let out a shuddering sigh, felt golden eyes fall on the side of her face.
[color=#40BFFF]“Do you… do you ever feel like you’re always too late?”
“Not in the same way you do, I’m willing to bet.”[/color]
“I just… it always feels like I’m on the back foot, like time runs out before I ever expect it to, like there’s some timer everyone else can see but me, and when I finally realize the timer is there, it’s too late because I’m already out of time. There was… when I was an apprentice, there was a molly- Willowpaw. She was my best friend growing up, and I thought that we had all the time in the world… and then we didn’t, and I never got to tell her how I felt. She’ll always be my first love, and yet I’ll never get the chance to tell her that. And I never got to tell Tempestflame either. She was there for me, after Willowpaw. She understood, and she was there, rain or shine, with the most brilliant laugh you’d ever heard in your life… and now she’s gone, and she’ll never know how loved she was. How much I loved her.”
“She knew,” Infernotalon said gently, “maybe you didn’t say it out loud… but she knew. I don’t even know you, and from the way you talk about her, I can feel it. I can’t imagine that she spent all those moons with you, and she didn’t know. Whatever happened to her, she knew she was loved, by you and by her clan. It’s hard to hear… but your love wouldn’t have saved her. Sometimes things happen, as is the design of the universe… and nothing in the world could change them, but you did good for loving her when you had the chance, and wherever she is now, she’ll carry that love. She won’t forget it.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“I am.” Silvercreek smiled, face tilted to the sky. They sat in silence again, comfortable, peaceful, watching the stillness of the pass, even though Silvercreek knew, by the time the sun began to set and Infernotalon got to her paws, inclining her head back through the territory toward camp in the chilly Newleaf breeze, that Tempestflame wasn’t coming home.

𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
“And you’re sure about this?” Sleetstar frowned, but Midnightblaze just chuckled, smiling warmly at her.
“I’m sure.”
“Alright… well. Just know that should you ever desire to return to your post… I will be missing your particular brand of advice at my side. I’m not sure what the clan is going to do without a conscience.” Midnightblaze laughed at that, bumping her shoulder affectionately, before he gave her a nod, and bounded back to his mate, who was trying to corral his daughters so that he could groom their fur into place. He looked up with exasperated fondness as Midnightblaze settled next to him, pressing their noses together as Sleetstar began to address the clan.
“This morning is no doubt an exciting time for many of you. Midnightblaze and Summitsky are both beloved members of this clan, and I know it has brought many of us great joy to bear witness to the happiness they have found in each other. Their kits have reached the age of six moons, and are thus ready to be apprenticed, and if they are anything like their fathers, I know they will be an absolute delight to watch grow up. Before I start the ceremonies, however, I would like to honour their father, Midnightblaze, who before his paternity leave was the deputy of our clan. He has decided not to return to this role upon his leave from the nursery, and desires instead to work alongside his fellow clan members as a warrior until he chooses to take to the elder’s den. Still, I would not wish his work to go unappreciated, and thus, I ask that we honour the moons of service that Midnightblaze gave as our deputy.” Yowls went up for the black and white tom, cacophonous and joyful as he tipped his head back and laughed, beaming up at Summitsky proudly.
“Now, without further ado… Crowkit, Ravenkit and Duskkit, from this day onward, until you are ready to receive your warrior names, you will be known as Crowpaw, Ravenpaw and Duskpaw respectively, to symbolize the journey that StarClan will guide you on into adulthood. Crowpaw, your mentor will be Hawkeyes. He is a senior warrior of this clan, who has proven himself to be kind, patient and knowledgeable. I know he will train you to be the best warrior you can possibly be, and I have faith that you will take every lesson he teaches you to heart.” Cheers went up for the young tom as he bounded across to meet his mentor, looking delighted as Hawkeyes leaned down to touch noses with him.
“Ravenpaw, your mentor will be Frostclaw. He is resolute and determined, firm and experienced. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he will teach you to be as stalwart and brave as he is, and I trust him to pass down all his knowledge to you.” Again, cheers raised for the black she-cat as she strode proudly across to the grey tom, pressing her nose to his cheek as a greeting. “And finally… Duskpaw, your mentor will be Sorrelsong. Sorrelsong is sweet, passionate and graceful, and I know that she will teach you many valuable skills that will make you an excellent warrior, as she has instilled them in her own son, and by her very nature inspires all of us to be better. I have faith in her as your teacher, and I know you will treat her with the respect she deserves.” A final round of cheers went up for the young molly as she and Sorrelsong touched noses for the first time, the caliby laughing at a nervous comment her new apprentice made, before she sat beside her, and the clan swung their attention back to Sleetstar.
“In the wake of Midnightblaze’s resignation, Brackenstrike will be staying on as deputy, until the elder’s den calls to her, too.”
“Won’t be long now,” she joked, and the clan laughed. “Alright, thank you for your attention. Patrols today are…” Sleetstar smiled at her friend, and moved away from her as the clan began to disperse, splitting into patrols while those who knew they weren’t up for the rotation began to move away as well. A familiar pelt caught her eye, and Sleetstar quickened her pace to catch up to Sprucepaw’s large form as he moved back toward the incline.
“Sprucepaw!” He paused, turning back toward her. “I meant to say thank you. For what you said that night. It was stupid of me to sneak out as I did and… this clan would probably be in a very unfavourable position right now, if it weren’t for you. Not only did you save my life, you proved yourself to be more wise than I could have hoped to be in such a moment.”
“Thank you, Sleetstar… but I can’t take all the credit. I was much in the same mindset as you… it was Silvercreek who changed my mind. She’s always been the smart one, you know.” Sleetstar blinked, and the big tom chuckled. “It’s good to see that you’re healing so well. But Sleetstar? Do me a favour and don’t sneak out like that again. Hiding it from Poppywish was a nightmare.”
“No promises,” she said, as the young tom moved away, his booming laugh echoing around the basin as he went.


“Hey, Butterflyshine, wait up!” She paused, turning toward Snowsilver’s voice as he bounded toward her. Up ahead, her parents were branching away, Burningflame and Plumiris just behind them, the former with her ears pricked forward and listening intently to whatever story the little ginger molly was telling her. Butterflyshine smiled, laughing a little in shock as Snowsilver pressed his nose to hers in greeting, a motion uncharacteristically bold of the soft-spoken tom. Butterflyshine grinned at him, tail raising like a banner as he smiled at her.
“I guess that means you’re coming hunting with me, then?”
“Only because it’ll put your parents’ at ease,” he joked, and Butterflyshine laughed, nodding forward, and so the two of them continued into the forest, toward the eastern border, where the stream was shallow enough to fish. Butterflyshine liked it there; liked the way the Newleaf sun turned the water to gold, made the moss on the rocks look vibrant and green, liked the watercress and wildflowers that sprung up along the riverbanks, liked the peace of it, the complete serenity. It was somewhere to go when the clan was still recovering from the blizzards, when Butterflyshine was learning to live without Tempestflame’s lilting laugh and Auroracloud’s steady smile. More friends lost, whose shadows she could feel walking alongside her with every step.
“You’re deep in thought,” Snowsilver said quietly, “about Auroracloud and Tempestflame again?”
“I can’t help it. You know what I’m like.”
“I do,” Snowsilver smiled a little, “I miss them too. I guess I just got used to it being all the ones who would throw themselves headfirst into danger, but… I guess it could happen to anyone, couldn’t it, if Auroracloud is gone. I just… I don’t know. I supposed she would be around for longer than her sister at least. Watching Sprucepaw and Silvercreek as we all grew up… I don’t know. I always just assumed that they’d be the ones to go first, the trouble that they got into. It was cynical of me… but I’m glad they proved me wrong. Sprucepaw has been doing excellently during this time.”
“And to think you almost had his job,” Snowsilver laughed.
“You know, back then I thought I could never be a warrior. Now, I couldn’t imagine being a medicine cat. I couldn’t do what Sprucepaw does- not the way he does at least. I think it takes a certain amount of strength that I didn’t have back then, and he and Poppywish just go so well together. He would have lost patience with me a lot faster. And besides, I’m grateful for this role because… because I get to spend more time with you.”
“That’s very sweet of you,” Butterflyshine smiled, leaning against his shoulder as he purred, lightly, “you know, Snowsilver, every time we lose another one of us, everyone talks about how… how we can never expect what happens in life, and how the future is uncertain, no matter how sure of it we are. And I know… I know I’ve talked about it as well, because it feels surreal when you lose someone like that. And I told you once that you had to fight for me, until your last breath, you had to fight to stay alive because it would be unbearable to lose you.”
“I remember.”
“Well. It would be unbearable to lose you because I love you. I love all my friends, that much is true, but the way I love you… it’s different to that. Special. I wake up in the mornings and the first person I want to talk to is you. Thinking of you makes me smile, and makes me feel like I have butterflies in my stomach and not just in my name. The way you talk to me shouldn’t fluster me, since you speak as if we’re friends and we undoubtedly are, but even the simplest compliment makes my pelt feel hot, and whenever I think about the future, whenever I think about one without you it feels completely devastating, as if I would be wrecked without you by my side.”
“That’s not true! You’re a very strong molly, Butterflyshine, stronger than you give yourself credit for, and even though you have all this love and this compassion, you don’t need anyone else to stand tall-”
“No, you silly!” Butterflyshine shook her head with a laugh. “Snowsilver, I’m not putting myself down. I know I can stand tall on my own. I know my strengths- I am my father’s daughter, I am kind and I am gentle and I am patient, but I am my mother’s daughter too, enduring and brave and just. What I’m saying is I don’t want to have to do it on my own. I want to stand with you, I want to be with you. I want to be your mate, and have a family with you, because I love you!”
“Oh,” Snowsilver gasped, as if his breath had been knocked out of them, “Oh… Butterflyshine. I-” He laughed. “I imagined myself being much smoother in this moment and believe me, I have imagined it so many times. But I never thought that you would really- but I’m so happy that you did, because I love you too. More than anything. I’ve never met someone as beautiful, graceful, compassionate, sweet, and just entirely awe-inspiring as you are. You make me want to be better, even when I don’t know how, and you keep me breathing even on the days when breathing is the hardest and I- I would be honoured to be your mate. To be the father of your kits- our kits- to be a part of your family.”
“Our family,” she said, taking a step toward him to nuzzle against him, purring as his jaw rubbed over the top of her head, flattening her ears. Cocooned in their own little world of love, neither of them noticed the carcass further down the stream, a skinny little creature, weak after such a punishing Leafbare. Neither of them noticed the footprint pressed into the wet dirt.


“Oh, I’m so happy for you!” Sleetstar wound around her daughter, as Butterflyshine beamed proudly, purring so loudly that she was drawing the attention of cats around her. Summitsky nuzzled his forehead against his daughter’s with a delighted laugh, while Featherfall beamed at her brother, the pair of them having one of their conversations where they could almost speak without having to speak at all. Wolfwhisker chuckled, and then laughed as Butterflyshine launched into his chest, snuggling up close to her brother as he leaned his jaw on top of her head.
“This is really wonderful news, Butterflyshine,” Burningflame said, smiling as her mate settled next to her again, “it’s nice to see you both so happy. I hope that you continue to make each other as happy as your mother makes me for many, many moons to come.”
“I plan on making her the happiest molly in the world for every day I yet breathe,” Snowsilver said, purring as Butterflyshine nuzzled against his nose.
“Feeling old yet, Sleetstar?” Summitsky teased, and the pointed molly laughed, nudging her shoulder against his and sending him swaying into Midnightblaze. “Go on then, you two. Your friends are going to want to hear the news, and Featherfall already looks bursting to tell.” The pair exchanged a smile, before they bounded across the campground, siblings trailing them. Summitsky shook his head in amusement, but he was beaming. “We’re all going to be grandparents, then.”
“Ugh, now I feel old,” Sleetstar said with a laugh.
And then she jolted awake. She wasn’t sure what had woken her, but she knew it was violent enough to startle her out of a warm recollection, a happy thought, something so pressing it couldn’t wait. A chill seemed to have seeped into her bones as she staggered to her paws, careful not to wake her sleeping mate. Burningflame’s breath was peaceful as she slept, and Sleetstar smiled warmly at her, before she turned, and exited the den. The night air was crisp, and refreshing, and the clan slept, although Sleetstar was sure so many dreams were not too happy after the events of the last few moons. Just thinking of it made her lethargic.
Something sharp tugged in her mind, and sluggishly she opened her eyes, and took in a deep breath of air. It carried a scent, like carrion but not quite, and Sleetstar winced away from the strange musk, before the familiarity of it registered and her mind cleared, in time for there to be a blood-curdling shriek from the nursery. Without thinking, Sleetstar darted after it. It was darker inside the nursery, and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust, to see the hulking form of the fox rearing back in pain as Lunardawn’s bright green eyes glinted in the dark.
“Lunardawn!” Foxspring screamed, but the fox darted forward and it was too late. Sleetstar’s breath caught in her throat as deafening silence fell over the den, watching in horrific slow-motion as the fox’s jaws clamped around her throat, watched her eyes widen with shock and then dull, watched as her already lifeless body dangled, before Foxspring screamed again, and flung himself at the creature. Sleetstar’s muscles burned with the sudden spring forward, as she dug her claws into its flank, Foxspring’s claws slashing at the creature’s face, his expression furious with grief. The fox bared its teeth, kicking back at Sleetstar and catching her in the ribs. She slammed into the wall with a hiss, as the fox snapped at Foxspring.
His body stumbled sideways, and Minkfur let out a hiss of pain as teeth bit down hard into her shoulder, pinning her to the ground. Thunderjaw yelled for her, shielding his kits behind him, as she spun and scored her back legs along its nose, making it jerk back as she rolled over, back to her paws. The fox snarled, and Minkfur hissed back, hackles raised as she swatted at it, leaping back out of the way.
“We have to get it out of the den!” Flamestream yelled, curled around Leopardrunner’s small kits, “the kits too! To the apprentices den, where they can be guarded! Foxspring, on me! Thunderjaw, you stay and fight, help will be coming but it’s too close quarters, you need to get it out in the open!”
“Go to Flamestream, it’s alright,” Thunderjaw soothed, nudging his kits across. Mountainfrost- heavily pregnant and obviously terrified- cowered behind Flamestream’s form, the cream tom bundling his tail around Pinekit as the last of Minkfur’s kits came to his side. Foxspring’s kits were sobbing, wound tightly together as their father tried to keep them from looking at the prone form of their mother, and their sister, whose death at the jaws of the fox had spurred Lunardawn’s assault.
“Flamestream!” Leopardrunner’s voice from the other side of the den. The fox whipped around, and bared its teeth again, and Leopardrunner flattened his ears.
“Leopardrunner, no!” Flamestream screamed, as the fox launched, but the bengal tom was quicker, artfully darting out of the way of the snapping jaws and skidding down the incline, where warriors were emerging from the den, eyes wide at the sight of the fox.
“Fox-dung!” Whisperwind spat, “we can’t keep it on the incline, it’s too narrow to fight it! Leopardrunner, you have to bring it down!”
“On it!” He backed away, toward the group of warriors behind him, but the fox simply snarled, fangs dripping as it stalked forward a few steps, and then stopped, ear swivelling toward the nursery, before its head followed. “Look out, it’s coming back your way!” Leopardrunner lunged at the same time that Sleetstar did, claws missing the tail of the fox as Sleetstar slammed into it’s shoulder, barely making a dent in its movement at all. The fox lunged forward, and Flamestream screamed as it knocked Foxspring on his back, claws digging into his chest, and scattering Rosekit from his maw, the little bengal struggling to his paws with a plaintive mew.
With a scream of rage, Foxspring swiped again, making the fox recoil, its paw lifting just enough for Foxspring to roll out from under it. Enraged, the fox swung around, to where the older kits were exposed, frozen in place with fear. It lunged, Minkfur screamed, and launched, but even by the time her claws had slashed over its eye and sent it yipping with pain, its jaws had closed over Cypresskit’s silvery form, and the young tom lay motionless on the ground as Beechkit shielded her little brother, shaking violently in fright.
RUN! Thunderjaw screamed. “Beechkit, take the older kits and get out of here!” The little molly closed her eyes and then turned, nudging her brother ahead of her as Foxspring picked up Rosekit and together, shepherding his kits in front of him, the group dashed from the den, Mountainfrost and Flamestream on their heels, carrying the last of the kits. The fox’s attention had shifted back to Minkfur, enraged over the blood dripping into its eye, as she limped back toward her mate, who pressed up against her side, with Sleetstar coming around to his opposite shoulder.
“We have to get it out of the den, like Flamestream said,” Minkfur said, and the three of them leaped apart as the fox lunged, turning on Minkfur instantly, “I have to make a run for it.”
“Are you crazy?!” Thunderjaw hissed, “you’re injured! You won’t make it!”
“I have to try! It's focused on me now, and we can't risk anyone else!”
“I hate it when you’re right,” Thunderjaw said, and Minkfur bolted, the fox turning sharply to follow her. Thunderjaw and Sleetstar sprinted after it, as Minkfur tore down the incline, and the warriors gathered turned and followed after her. Minkfur ran, her limp prominent, teeth gritted even as she began to slow, teasing the fox along into the open campground of the basin. She stumbled and fell, wincing as she scrabbled to get back to her paws, but a black blur darted in front of descending jaws, and Thunderjaw yowled a terrifying war-cry as teeth clamped down into his belly and slammed him down at seemingly no consequence to the massive tom, his teeth landing solidly in the fox’s nose as he dug his front claws into its maw and raked them through flesh.
The fox drew back, yelping wildly as it threw Thunderjaw and he skidded along the basin. The fox lunged for him, but it stumbled as Infernotalon slammed into its shoulder, hissing wildly as she dug her claws in and sunk her teeth in. The fox shook itself, violently, and she was flung loose, slamming hard into the ground before she staggered back to her paws and lunged again. Warriors swarmed the fox; Addersong’s short pelt flashed in the darkness, Graypeak took a back paw to the ribs, claws immediately wetting his white stomach with red. Whisperwind and Bramblingrose fought in a vicious tandem, Howlingeye darting between them. Again and again the warriors came, and again and again the fox bit back; teeth and claws both as they surrounded it, making it whip around, snapping out at any cat it came close to.
“If you can hold it down, I can kill it!” Howlingeye yelled to the group, and Minkfur took a deep breath.
“Alright then, heavyweights hold the front line! I’ll take the back left, Thunderjaw front right, Infernotalon, front left, Addersong, back right! Ouncespirit, get its attention and hold it, no matter what! Everyone else pile on, push toward Thunderjaw and Addersong so Howlingeye can get to the throat! Go! The cats surged as one, digging their claws into the paws and leg of the fox, holding it in place as the warriors slammed into it from one side, forcing it down onto its flank as it wriggled and bucked, gnashing its teeth. Infernotalon hissed in pain as snapping teeth caught the tip of her ear, and blood flowed down the side of her face. Its neck stretched out, and Ouncespirit wasn’t fast enough, crying out as he fell onto his shoulder, kicking at the fox’s maw to make it release his front paw.
Howlingeye darted, at the same time that the fox let go of Ouncespirit, snarling at the fresh wounds covering its nose. Its head swung around, and Sleetstar saw its eyes land on Howlingeye, teeth baring. Without thinking twice, she leaped forward, as Howlingeye ducked, and teeth crunched into her middle. The pain was blinding and instantaneous, and her body felt weightless, even as it hit the ground and bounced, before she rolled over and was still. Underneath the rest of the clan, a pool of thick blood began to spread, and Howlingeye panted, retracting his claws as he stumbled back from the throat.
“Someone get Poppywish down here now, Sleetstar’s down!” Thunderjaw yowled, and the warriors began to disperse, helping the wounded and shepherding them together as the medicine cats came streaking from the medicine den, into the campground. Poppywish went straight for the fallen leader as Sprucepaw carried the bundle of herbs down. Thunderjaw limped to his mate, and nuzzled his nose against hers, breathing a sigh of relief with a warm smile. Minkfur’s own was wavering, before she sank to the ground with a strangled, bubbling gasp.
“Mom!” Sprucepaw was at her side immediately, brushing aside her fur with a strangled gasp. Instantly, he began to press cobwebs to a nasty wound, soaking her fur with blood as her breathing laboured, flank heaving unsteadily. “No, no no no no no! Just hold on, it’s going to be okay, just be brave, okay Mom? You have to be strong-”
“It’s too late, Sprucepaw,” her smile was watery, eyes resigned, “I knew it when it happened, that you wouldn’t get to it in time. Too much blood gone already.”
“You should have stopped,” Thunderjaw choked out, green eyes wild with terror. “You shouldn’t have run, oh, Stars, Minkfur, I should have made you-”
“When have you ever been able to make me do anything, old tom?” She chuckled, and then coughed, and Sprucepaw pressed more cobwebs into the wound, “I am so lucky to have you. My boys. I’m so proud of you both. Sprucepaw… you are more than I ever thought one cat could be, so brave and strong and smart… I know this clan is going to be okay, so long as you’re here to look after them, so look after them for me, okay? Look after your dad, and your siblings.”
“No, love, don’t do this-”
“Thunderjaw… I never dreamed I would find you. My soulmate. But I did, and I’m grateful for every second that I got to spend with you, to love you, and to have you love me. I’m so afraid, I don’t want to leave you, I want to love you for many moons more, but I don’t have a choice. Look after our kits. They will need you now more than ever.”
“You can’t go. You can’t.”
“I love you,” her eyes were starting to haze over now, “I love you both… so much. Be brave, my boys… be brave.” She closed her eyes, with a heaving sigh, and was still. Frantically, Sprucepaw pressed more and more cobwebs into her wound, sobs wracking his body as tears streamed down his face, paws shaking and coated in her blood.
“Mom? Mom! MOM!” He screamed, letting out a wail of anguish as a fresh wave of hysterical sobs wracked his body, and he hunched over Minkfur’s still form, pressing his face into his mother’s fur. His father wrapped around him, body shaking with his own tears as he pressed his face into his son’s scruff and cried with him, the pair of them wound tightly together as the basin stilled, and the stars burned brightly overhead.
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 042.2 ]

Postby solyn » Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:07 pm

population: 94 cats [ 45 fem : 47 male : 2 nb ]
servings required: 15 [97] - pebbles: 162
𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: any time
moons since last nonsense: 0 (nl)


writing can be found here


` servings consumed
15/15 - x15 voles
` clan events
midnightblaze chooses not to return to his role as deputy
mountainfrost is kitting! poppywish assists
genetics chart
gustpaw and oceanpaw take their warrior assessments
spraypaw learns endurance
squallpaw, typhoonpaw & foampaw learn battle
sprucepaw searches for injury herbs for the injured cats
butterflyshine and snowsilver become mates!
a fox makes its way into the clan camp and attacks the nursery.
↪ lunardawn, minkfur, shrikekit and cypresskit are killed
↪ sleetstar loses a life
↪ thunderjaw, whisperwind, infernotalon, foxspring, howlingeye,
graypeak, addersong, argentripple and ouncespirit are injured
leopardrunner takes leo and kleo to the neighbourhood to live with kash
↪ they are presumed killed in the fox attack
` patrols
1 - summitsky, burningflame, sleetstar, plumiris, butterflyshine, snowsilver
2 - midnightblaze, splitface, howlingeye, cedarglint, sorrelsong, duckbriar
3 - bramblingrose, ausmasthorn, argentripple, blackdusk, wolfwhisker, brewingice
4 - bearears, primrosepetal, waspshine, birchfang, koishimmer, viridianfire
5 - fallowstep, twosight, frostclaw, hawkeyes, dapplelotus, robinwhistle
1 - thunderjaw, fogbelly, hazerise, ironsoul, lightningivy, brackenstrike

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 86 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` brackenstrike | 95 moons | ♀

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 77 moons | ♂ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 26 moons | ♂

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 89 moons | ♂
    `` hollyfeather | 64 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 84 moons | ♂
    `` howlingeye | 67 moons | ♂
    `` splitface | 92 moons | ♀
    `` midnightblaze | 92 moons | ♂
    `` bearears | 59 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 84 moons | ♂
    `` hawkeyes | 89 moons | ♂
    `` viridianfire | 51 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 101 moons | ♂
    `` koishimmer | 53 moons | ♀
    `` birchfang | 59 moons | ♂
    `` sunnynose | 72 moons | ♂
    `` whisperwind | 41 moons | ♂
    `` rivermask | 74 moons | ♀
    `` waspshine | 60 moons | ♂
    `` winderstrike | 74 moons | ♂
    `` twilightflower | 64 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 50 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 100 moons | ♂
    `` ausmasthorn | 38 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 38 moons | ♂
    `` addersong | 71 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 69 moons | ♂
    `` falconstreak | 65 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 35 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 35 moons | ♂
    `` honeyheart | 69 moons | ♂
    `` primrosepetal | 53 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 32 moons | ♂
    `` butterflyshine | 32 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 33 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 44 moons | ♂
    `` fogbelly | 81 moons | ♀
    `` hazerise | 79 moons | ♀
    `` brewingice | 31 moons | ♂
    `` lightningivy | 31 moons | ♀
    `` lynxdash | 30 moons | ♂
    `` dapplelotus | 44 moons | ♀
    `` featherfall | 32 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 32 moons | ♂
    `` silvercreek | 26 moons | ♀
    `` blackdusk | 25 moons | ♂
    `` argentripple | 40 moons | ♂
    `` robinwhistle | 44 moons | ♀
    `` mapleskip | 70 moons | ♂
    `` burningflame | 86 moons | ♀
    `` plumiris | 33 moons | ♀
    `` owlhop | 33 moons | ♂
    `` cairnstone | 28 moons | ♂
    `` ouncespirit | 45 moons | ♂
    `` ironsoul | 23 moons | ♀
    `` daisyflicker | 21 moons | ♀
    `` pansyflower | 21 moons | ♀
    `` cedarglint | 50 moons | ♀
    `` russetswoop | 50 moons | ♀
    `` eagleglide | 16 moons | ♂
    `` carnationbloom | 16 moons | ♀
    `` tulipdancer | 16 moons | ♂
    `` magnoliabite | 16 moons | ♀
    `` pepperspark | 14 moons | ☉
    `` infernotalon | 30 moons | ♀

    ` apprentices
    `` gustpaw | 14 moons | ♂
    `` foampaw | 12 moons | ♂
    `` spraypaw | 12 moons | ♂
    `` oceanpaw | 12 moons | ♀
    `` squallpaw | 7 moons | ♂
    `` typhoonpaw | 7 moons | ♂
    `` crowpaw | 6 moons | ♂
    `` ravenpaw | 6 moons | ♀
    `` duskpaw | 6 moons | ♀

    ` queens and kits
    `` minkfur | 81 moons | ♀
    cypresskit, beechkit & pinekit [4, ♂♀♂]
    `` lunardawn | 53 moons | ♀
    stagkit, dipperkit, raccoonkit & shrikekit [2, ♂♂♂♀]
    `` leopardrunner | 36 moons | ♂
    auburnkit, rosekit, leo, harrierkit,
    blazekit, kleo [1, ♀♂♂♀♀♀]
    `` mountainfrost | 35 moons | ☉
    ↪ due now!

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 131 moons | ♀
    `` olivetuft | 125 moons | ♀
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | open
→ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [5] | greencough
lovage [0] | coughs
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [4] | hip pain
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
dock [1] | scratches
burdock root [1] | infection
blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
raspberry leaves [4] | kitting
cobweb [3] | bleeding
marigold [4] | infection
horsetail [2] | infection
chervil [4] | infections/kitting
ragwort leaves [1] | kitting
honey [1] | sore throat
lamb's ear [0] | strength
stick [1] | pain
borage [1] | milk/fevers
parsley [1] | kitting

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x0 | 1 servings [0]
rabbit | x9 | 2 servings [18]
stoat | x8| 2 servings [16]
small fish | x5 | 2 servings [10]
hare | x8 | 3 servings [24]
bird | x12 | 3 servings [36]

` mentors
brewingice | gustpaw [4]
↪ battle, hunt, endurance, adv. battle
honeyheart | foampaw [1]
↪ hunt
featherfall | spraypaw [2]
↪ battle, hunt
blackdusk | oceanpaw [4]
↪ battle, hunt, endurance, adv. battle
addersong | squallpaw [0]
↪ skills
silvercreek | typhoonpaw [0]
↪ skills
hawkeyes | crowpaw [0]
↪ skills
frostclaw | ravenpaw [0]
↪ skills
sorrelsong | duskpaw [0]
↪ skills

` deceased

` family ties
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 043 ]

Postby solyn » Tue Apr 21, 2020 2:56 pm

population: 91 cats [ 44 fem : 45 male : 2 nb ]
servings required: 15 [97] - pebbles: 162
𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: any time
moons since last nonsense: 1 (gl)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    Leopardrunner shook.
    It wasn’t particularly cold, which made the whole situation even worse. Laying the bodies of their clanmates to rest in the cool breeze of a Newleaf night seemed wrong, and the cats of NorthernClan huddled close, not for warmth, but for comfort. Flamestream’s shoulder pressed tight against his own, their kits fast asleep and nestled in the cocoon of their fluffy tails, Flamestream’s proud head turned forward. Leopardrunner watched his strong profile for a second, before he ducked his head and closed his eyes, let the shudder wrack through him. Flamestream’s nose touched the top of his head.
    “Be strong,” he murmured, and Leopardrunner nodded, just slightly. It didn’t take strength to lie.
    A way away from them, Sprucepaw and Thunderjaw sat close together, Pinekit and Beechkit asleep at their older brother’s paws, with their tails curled around them. Silvercreek bracketed them in, her face pressed into her friend’s throat, while Rivermask leaned on Thunderjaw’s shoulder, her sons keeping her shielded from the wind while Oceancry sat between Gustshimmer and Pepperspark, staring hollowly at her paws while her friends sat in solemn silence, Pepperspark’s head bowed and their eyes closed, shoulders shaking in quiet grief. Foxspring was bracketed by his parents, while his eldest sisters looked after his kits, Primrosepetal and Koishimmer curled around them, the latter’s nose pressed into Raccoonkit’s pelt as he curled around his aunt’s muzzle. Cypresskit and Shrikekit’s bodies laid close to those of their mothers, next to two small mounds of heaped dirt, where nothing was buried. Leopardrunner turned away.
    “Normally, I open these vigils by asking others to speak, as a place to vent their grief,” Sleetstar said, Burningflame curled into her shoulder, “and there is plenty to grieve for today- two of our great warriors, and four of our kits. But I would like to say something first. Minkfur was my friend. It took us a long time to get to that place; when she first arrived, she didn’t trust me at all, and for good reason, I think. I have not always been the best leader of this clan, but who I am, I owe to Minkfur. She was kind, and she was staunch, and she was just. She knew what the right thing to do was, and she did it, and she wasn’t afraid of anything. She was headstrong, maybe a little stubborn, but she loved deeply and whole-heartedly, and she never did anything by half-measures. Simply by existing, she challenged all of us. She forced us to look at ourselves, and to see what we could be. She was always encouraging us to be better, to do better, so I am better, for Minkfur, because that is the kind of legacy she has inspired in this clan, and it will stay with us for moons yet, because I refuse to let that legacy die. Minkfur would refuse to let that legacy die. So we honour her, by keeping it alive. By looking within ourselves and making sure we are doing better, we are being better, and we are giving it our all, just like she did up until her very last breath.” Sleetstar breathed in, shuddery and sharp, turning her face into Burningflame’s fur, the chocolate molly licking comfortingly at her cheek.
    “I know how it feels to lose a kit,” Hazerise’s voice lifted over the crowd, as she stood, surveying the clan, “and I can understand the rage and grief they must have been feeling; I understand how horrified you are, Midnightblaze, for the loss of your daughter. I cannot possibly understand how you feel, Thunderjaw, because I know if I lost Fogbelly, I would have no clue how to feel. I have nothing but kind things to say about them. Lunardawn was feisty and brave. Minkfur was solid and dependable. I think the pair of them are marching into StarClan to take it over as we speak, because those mollies could put their minds to anything and get it done. I haven’t been in this clan for very long, but I knew them to be kind, I knew them to be funny, I knew them to be honest and I knew them to be among the best this clan had to offer, and I know we will all miss them, and the light they brought to this clan.”
    “Minkfur was my best friend,” Rivermask said, fighting back tears as Thunderjaw sobbed, “I didn’t come to this clan expecting to make one, certainly not pregnant and scared out of my mind, and certainly not with a cranky she-cat who you could barely keep in the nursery in the first place, but by the Stars I don’t know what to do without her. She always rose to the challenge, and when Breakerhowl died, she was there for me. She was my rock, my closest confidant, the one who made me laugh when I felt like I might never feel joy again, she was as close as a sister to me, and it has been a joy watching her son grow up to be so much like her,” Sprucepaw lifted his head, as Rivermask gave him a watery smile, “I know she would be so proud of him, but I know she will be happy to be with Willowpaw again, keeping everyone up there in line. So I know I have big paw-prints to fill down here, taking care of her family the way she took care of mine, but that’s what she did, she always stepped up no matter how gigantic the task, and that is what I will take away from my friendship with her, is always stepping up no matter how hard it is.”
    “She was lucky to have you,” Thunderjaw croaked, and Sprucepaw nodded, the pair of them folding Rivermask into their embrace.
    “I didn’t know Lunardawn for very long,” Mountainfrost spoke up, their ears flattened against their head, “but she always made me feel welcome. I was worried that it would be hard for me to fit in here, but Lunardawn was kind, and she was friendly, and she always made sure I felt included. I think she understood what it was like to be lonely, but I think… I think she was lucky to have Foxspring, because she would light up whenever he walked into the den, and I think he staved away the loneliness for her. Minkfur was staunch and brave, and I liked how she made the den laugh, even if she was just grumping about having to be there. I think they were lucky to be as loved as much as they were, and I can see it in every cat in the clan right now, just how much they were loved, and how much their loss hurts. They were the first friends I made here, and now they’re gone. I don’t even know how to say how much I will miss them, but I will. I’ll never forget them, and what they meant to me.”
    “Thank you,” Foxspring’s croaky voice rang out, and all eyes swung toward him as he pressed his nose into Sunnynose’s cheek fur, his papa crying quietly. “I met Lunardawn purely by chance, but I think it must have been fate, knowing that we were both searching for our families who had already settled here, only to realize we had found family in each other. I loved her. I always thought he name was so fitting, because she was my moon, my stars, my sunshine, my whole universe and galaxy, every twinkling light that peppers Silverpelt… she was my whole world, and I think she will be for quite some time. I have never known a cat like her, and I- it hurts, to think that I’m not going to be woken up by her laughing at me for snoring anymore, or that I won’t get to watch the way she stretches in the sun, or the look on her face when she’s played a joke on Koishimmer… but I know that some of that spirit will be in our sons. We have three wonderful sons, and they have her eyes, and I can see in them that they have her soul, too. She was one of a kind, and I… I am just thankful to have been able to love her at all.”
    “I’m glad she had you,” Midnightblaze smiled at Foxspring, carefully extracting himself from his mate so that he could cross to the other tom, pressing their foreheads together. “Thank you. In all the time that I was away, I was afraid that my girls would be alone, and they would be lost… but you gave her direction, you gave her purpose, and you gave her love. You healed her in ways I don’t think I could have on my own, and every day I will be thankful that you loved my daughter the way you did; the way she deserved to be loved.”
    “It was my honour.”
    “You will always be my son,” Midnightblaze told him, sniffing as he turned to address the clan, “most of you know Koishimmer as the most explosive of my daughters, but Lunardawn had the same temper and the same ferocity, the same drive. She was an incredible molly- I’ve no clue how I managed to raise her that way, but by the Stars she could put the fear of the ancestors in you when she wanted to. She never let that anger control her, though. She was brave, and she was kind, and she was smart, she was so smart and she always felt so much and so deeply, and I am so glad she got to experience clan life. I know she wasn’t so sold on it at first… but knowing that everyone here loved her as much as I did gives me some solace, because I know that as we all go to join her, she will have a family bigger than she ever expected to have, and it has been a joy to see our family grow. Thank you all, for loving her as much as I did. As much as Foxspring did. You were her family, as much as we are.”
    “She was my friend,” Bearears’ voice rang out over the crowd, where Whisperwind had curled against her on one side, and Magpiefeather on the other, “she was my friend, and I loved her, and I will carry that love in my heart until it is my time to join her in StarClan. Lunardawn was determined, and Minkfur was firm, and they gave so much to this clan, as they agreed to do when they took on their warrior names. And just as I pledged to do when I took on my warrior name, in a clan far away from here, I will carry those names with me, and I will tell stories of them, and they will not be forgotten.”
    “They will never be forgotten,” Sleetstar agreed, smiling at the blind she-cat with tears in her own eyes. Silence descended over the group as Thunderjaw got to his paws, huge frame looking small for the first time in his life without Minkfur by his side. His son watched him, curling his tail around the young kits that nestled into his legs, tired with grief and shock. The big smoke tom cleared his throat.
    “Before Minkfur died, she called me her soulmate.” He said, voice quiet and solemn. “I hadn’t known it until then, but that’s what we were. I never expected to find someone here- not after everything that happened in my old clan. I know it was meant to be a punishment, meant to be the atonement for some perceived sin… but in many ways it was my salvation. Minkfur trusted me, she loved me, and she understood me. I knew her. I knew her. She was many things… a friend, a mother, a mentor. She was brave- far braver than I am- and she was smart. She was kind and she was just. She was compassionate and she was fierce. She was my rock, and without her, I feel adrift… but I know she’s watching me from StarClan, with our kits that were taken from us too soon, and I know she’s laughing at me, calling me an incorrigible old sap or something equally wordy… and I love her. I will never stop loving her, because she is the only one for me. She was the reflection of my soul, and my heart will always miss hers until we can be reunited again, but I see her in my kits every day, and I am thankful, because she was the best of us, and they are the best of her.”
    “I love you, Dad,” Sprucepaw murmured, as Thunderjaw sat back down, pressing their foreheads together. The big tom sobbed, and silence once again descended over the clan, eyes swivelling back to Leopardrunner and Flamestream. Leopardrunner ducked his head, pressed it into Flamestream’s shoulder. The ginger tom nodded, letting out a slow sigh.
    “After tonight, I can only be thankful that I still have the love of my life here with me,” he said, “losing two kits is… hard, but I can only imagine how much harder it would be if I had lost Leopardrunner along with them. I will always mourn the lives that my kits did not get to have. I will mourn the loss of my sister, my niece, my son and my daughter, and every year I will feel their spirits on the breeze… but I will weather it, we will weather this grief together; not just Leopardrunner and I, but this whole clan. Because we are a family, all of us, and I know that when it gets unbearable, when there are days that I miss them so much I can barely go on… I will have strong shoulders to lean on.”
    Leopardrunner sobbed, squeezing his eyes closed, keeping his face pressed tight against Flamestream’s shoulder as more cats stood to share their stories and say their goodbyes to their fallen clan members. He thought of the two kits dangling from his mouth as he’d raced through the township, paw-pads aching from the exertion. He thought of the bewildered look on Kash’s face as he’d pressed the kits toward him. He thought of the way his blood had turned to ice when he’d heard the scream from the nursery, and he hadn’t been in it. He thought about the way he curled around a patch of blood and wailed for all he was worth, while Flamestream told Poppywish quietly that it might be better if he was allowed to bury them himself, for how upset his mate was. Poppywish had agreed.
    After all, it was easy to lie.


    The medicine den was a hub of activity. Even though he’d been injured in the fox attack, Howlingeye limped about the den after his mate, filling in for Sprucepaw while the big tom took some time to be with his family. He and Thunderjaw had curled up with Beechkit and Pinekit between them in a nest at the back of the den, away from the main hub of activity. Poppywish had dismissed Sleetstar to her own den, with strict instructions to Burningflame for if she got worse. Foxspring had curled up and gone to sleep shortly after being checked, his bright orange pelt seeming dull in the dim light. Argentripple and Whisperwind grouped together, speaking gratefully to Howlingeye as he came to check on them, while Infernotalon and Ouncespirit submitted to Poppywish’s check up. Addersong felt exhausted, eyes closed against the horror of reality.
    “I can’t believe she’s gone,” Graypeak said from the nest next to her, “I’m sorry. I know you liked her.”
    “I did,” Addersong said, after a pause. She was too tired to fight with him tonight. The anger persisted, the bubbling rage at all she had gone through… but Minkfur was dead, the clan was grieving, and Graypeak had no one else. “She was everything I wanted to be. We had a lot in common, you know. Former deputies of failed clans, mothers who weren’t quite sure how to do the mothering thing… but she was better at it than I was, I think. Juggling them. She was brave, and resolute, and smart and kind. I wanted so much to be just like her. And now she’s dead. It doesn’t feel real.”
    “It doesn’t.” Graypeak agreed, shifting a little to take weight off his injury. “You’re too hard on yourself, you know? I have to take at least some of the blame for the rift between you and our kits. I should have treated you better, I know that. I took you for granted, and… I didn’t give you the time you needed to really bond with Juncopaw and Rookpaw… and then Duckbriar got caught in the middle of us. I’m sorry. I should have said it to you a lot earlier… but I’m sorry. I know that’s empty, because it won’t and can’t undo all of the hurt you experienced at my paws… but I should never have taken advantage of your love like that. I should have done better. I should have been better. And I can understand if you can’t forgive me-”
    “Don’t be stupid.” Addersong sniffed. “I’ve always forgiven you. I just haven’t allowed myself to be angry about it before. I wish… I wish things were different. But this is how they are, and there’s no point in wallowing over that. You and I made a mistake. I can’t say I regret our time together, because I loved you, I really did, and I love our kits. I wouldn’t trade them for the world. But… we shouldn’t have gone on the way we did. Now our kits are apart from us, and Duckbriar has grown up thinking she has to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. We didn’t do a good job as parents.”
    “You did,” Graypeak said gently, “you tried your hardest to balance between being a deputy and being a mother, and I made no concessions to help you. I should have, but instead I gave you half of my duties so I could play at having a family with someone else… and you’re right, I never thought about how that hurt you, and it was foolish of me, but I am so, so sorry for it. I can’t apologize for loving Loonfrost, but I should have been braver. There are so many brave cats in this clan. I could have taken a stand. I could have changed things. I should not have forced you out of your own family. It was wrong of me.”
    “It was,” Addersong agreed, and Graypeak chuckled, echoing the little huffed laugh Addersong emitted, “but we were young.”
    “And stupid.”
    “And a little stupid,” she agreed, falling quiet, “you know, we can’t change the past… but we can be better, going forward. We still have a daughter who needs us.”
    “Duckbriar doesn’t need us… but she wants us,” Graypeak said, “Addersong, she has your spirit. Brave, headstrong… fiercely independent. She could mold the mountains around her and shape them to her will if she tried. She’s her mother’s daughter in that regard, but she will always be our baby girl. And we should have been there for her… we can’t go back now, but we can still be there for her, show her that we know we were wrong… and that we’re committed to doing better.”
    “Truce.” She chuckled as he leaned across to press his nose to her cheek.
    “I’m glad,” he said, “I don’t want to lose you. I want to be in your life, still. Even if those feelings faded, I will always care for you as a friend. You’re so important to me. I know I didn’t do enough to show it when we were together, but…”
    “We both made mistakes,” Addersong said, “you made a lot, but I know. And you’re important to me too. You gave me a purpose, and you gave me a life. Before JaggedClan, I had nothing, and now I have a home, and a family, and a horribly dysfunctional relationship to joke to our eventual grandkits about.” Graypeak laughed, shoulders shaking, before he realized that Addersong had gone oddly quiet. He cocked his head to the side, looking concerned.
    “I’m just… thinking,” she said, “I think we need to go. To the other clan, to get closure. I don’t think any of us can move on until we close that chapter of our lives, and… I know she probably doesn’t want to see me, but I want to make sure my kits are alright. That they’re safe, and that they’re happy. Juncopaw won’t like it, I know, but… whether she feels it or not, she’s still my daughter.”
    “I’m sorry I ever gave her room to believe otherwise.”
    “Well, she is her mother’s daughter, she was always going to believe what she wanted to believe.” They shared a short, dry chuckle. “I don’t know how I feel about going. It still doesn’t feel… good to me, but I know that we need to. Duckbriar is hurting, and I think she needs to be able to see her siblings again, and-”
    “I don’t want to stay with her,” Graypeak blurted out, before he cleared his throat again, “with Loonfrost, I mean. I’ve been thinking about it. About what you and Duckbriar said and… I’ve been holding on to this idea of her for so long, thinking it would make me happy… but the more I thought about leaving, the more I realized I never could. Sleetstar believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. My friends are here. You are here. I have a new life, and I don’t want to start over again. I got my second chance, my fresh start, and that whole life is here. The life that Loonfrost was a part of is old now… and I know she probably has her own friends and family to look out for now… but I need to tell her that. I need to tell her that she’ll always be important to me… but I want to set her free, too.She deserves at least that much from me, after everything else I put her through.”
    “Okay then,” Addersong said, softly, “I guess we have a trip to plan.”
    "Later," Graypeak said, after a pause, "they need us here, first."


    The clan gathered around Highrock, although Sleetstar had not climbed it, talking quietly to Rivermask, Brackenstrike and Midnightblaze while the rest of the clan waited. Oceanpaw shifted her paws nervously, before Gustpaw nudged her, giving her a reassuring smile. She huffed, smiling back, while Pepperspark chuckled, nudging their friend in response.
    “Will you two quit looking like that?” They asked. “You’re acting like you’re being put up to execution, and it’s not nearly so scary.”
    “I think I’m allowed to be a little nervous,” Gustpaw griped at his friend, making them laugh their wild laugh. It bounced off the walls, filling the basin, and Oceanpaw felt a little tension relax from her shoulders. In the days since the fox attack, the clan had been quiet and subdued. Pepperspark’s laugh brought it back to life, made some of it feel normal. Still, Oceanpaw doubted it would ever be truly normal again; not without Lunardawn, not without Minkfur, not without the kits they’d lost.
    “You’re thinking too much again,” Pepperspark said, not unkindly, “come on, this is the first day of the rest of your life, Oceanpaw! Try to smile, just a little bit.” Oceanpaw did, and was rewarded with another laugh.
    “I’m glad to see my clan hasn’t lost all of it’s joy,” Sleetstar’s words brought silence to the clan as Rivermask settled next to her daughter, grooming her fur diligently while Oceanpaw tried to duck away from it, “every time I conduct a ceremony like this after a great tragedy, I cite our future as a source of pride, a source of joy. And it is. I know you are all still grieving, but today we can have hope for the longevity of our clan, for the perseverance for the ideals that those we have lost fought to preserve. Today, we make two new warriors of NorthernClan to stand among us, staunch and fierce like their predecessors. Oceanpaw and Gustpaw have both trained very hard to understand the way of this clan, and I know their ancestors smile on them as I recommend them to StarClan as ready to take on their names. Gustpaw, do you promise to honour the warrior code, and to defend this clan even at the cost of your life?”
    “I do.”
    “The vow.”
    “To my clan, to my home, to the blood that binds; I pledge myself to the cliffs and the snow. The North is all.”
    “Then from this day forward, you will be known as Gustshimmer, for the delicate but unquestionably bright quality of your soul. StarClan honours your compassion, and I could not be prouder to have a young tom like you as a warrior of this clan. Honour him!” Yowls went up for the pointed tom as he stepped forward, purring loudly as he exchanged ritual with his leader. He stepped back to sit with his friends, laughing as Pepperspark mashed their face against his, nuzzling into him with a broad purr. He tilted his head, pressed their noses together and leaned into it, laughing again at the surprise on Pepperspark’s face. “Oceanpaw, do you pledge yourself to upholding the warrior code, and protecting this clan through anything, even if it should cost you your life?”
    “Like my father before me, I do.”
    “The vow.”
    “To my clan, to my home, to the blood that binds; I pledge myself to the cliffs and the snow. The North is all.”
    “Then from this day forward, you will be known by the name you chose: Oceancry, to honour your father. StarClan honours all of him that they see in you, alongside your own drive and ambition. Your mother is a brilliant member of this clan, and your father would be prouder than all of us to see what you’ve become. I am delighted to be able to welcome another one of his children as a warrior of this clan. Honour her!” Yowls went up for the young she-cat, as she pressed close to the leader in order to exchange ritual.
    “Thank you,” she whispered.
    “I did very little. Your father’s heart carried you through most of it.”
    “It still means a lot to me to hear you say those things,” she said, smiling as she drew away. Almost immediately, she was accosted by her brothers, the pair of them leaping onto her and knocking her to the ground.
    “Why didn’t you tell us you were choosing your own name?!” Foampaw yelled, already choked with tears.
    “We’re so proud of you!” Spraypaw purred, leaning down to nuzzle his sister’s face. “I can’t believe you get to move to the warrior’s den with Silvercreek without us!”
    “Maybe if you paid more attention during training…” Silvercreek mused, shoving her brothers away amidst yowls of protest so that she could help her sister to her paws, laughing a little as their touched noses, purring. “I’m so proud of you. Dad would be too, if he were here.”
    “He’d be proud of all of you,” Rivermask agreed, nudging her way through so that her kits could surround her in an embrace while she touched her forehead to her youngest daughter’s. “You all need to stop growing up so fast. You’re going to make me feel old.”
    “You? Never.” Foampaw said, and laughter bounced off the walls of the clan as Rivermask swatted him upside the ears with her tail.

    𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    The stream was dappled with the new Greenleaf sun, the crispness of the morning air having abated almost entirely with the departure of the previous season. The clan bustled, wounds still a little too raw for too much mirth, but normality began to seep back in, in the midst of the great tragedy. Poppywish had kept a few of the injured warriors in, Foxspring and Thunderjaw spent time in the nursery together, grieving quietly together for their mates and their children, Leopardrunner and Flamestream sticking close together in order to grieve the loss of their own kits. Still, life went on. It was good to see it continue, Featherfall thought, right before her apprentice upended water over her head.
    “Spraypaw!” She yowled around a laugh, as the young tom sputtered, having been knocked off his paws by his brother, Foampaw laughing raucously. From the bank, Honeyheart shook his head in amusement, resuming his conversation with Mapleskip. Featherfall rolled her eyes good-naturedly. It was rather clear why the tom had chosen to watch over Squallpaw for the day, with Addersong still stuck inside the medicine den. He and Honeyheart were both quiet toms, but their fondness for each other could not be mistaken.
    “You’d think they’d pay more attention, now that Oceancry is a warrior,” Squallpaw groused, shaking out his white fur. Amused, Typhoonpaw glanced at his brother, before he shrugged.
    “I don’t know, I think it’s good that they’re having fun. Plus, it’s nice seeing Silvercreek laugh.” His own mentor was, indeed, laughing at the antics of her younger brothers, Sorrelsong leaning into her shoulder with a giggle while Frostclaw looked distinctly unimpressed. Hawkeyes and Crowpaw were working in deeper water, the older tom watching his apprentice paddle in circles to make sure that he was getting his technique right. “I’m going to go check on Crowpaw, I’ll be back.”
    “Sure,” Duskpaw said, amused, as Ravenpaw shook out her fur, coming up alongside her sister, “so, are we placing bets on how long it takes for those two to get it together?”
    “Twenty-five moons,” Squallpaw said.
    “Cruel,” Duskpaw chuckled, “I give it until they’re thirty.”
    “Stop making bets, don’t be mean,” Ravenpaw huffed as Typhoonpaw swam out to his friend, Crowpaw’s ears pricking up as he spotted the other coming toward him. Behind them, Foampaw let out a caterwaul at being knocked over by his oldest sister, who had joined in their play-fight alongside Featherfall, while Sorrelsong and Frostclaw retreated to relative safety on the riverbank beside Hawkeyes. Duskpaw took a deep breath, tipping her head back to feel how the sun warmed the dark patch of fur on her face.
    “I’m glad they let us come out here,” she said after a moment, “I thought for a while, after… after everything-”
    “We’re lucky,” Squallpaw agreed, “both to be alive, and to have this chance. My dads are so solemn all the time, I think it’s good to remind them that there’s still plenty to be happy about, plenty to be grateful for and so much to look forward to.”
    “Like a good swim when it’s hot out,” Ravenpaw said, crouching in the water to wet more of her dark pelt, “I overheat so badly in the clan.”
    “I can help with that,” Duskpaw said, before she shoved her sister all the way over, laughing at the furious yowl that escaped her.
    “Don’t-” Squallpaw tried to warn, spluttering as the pointed she-cat shoved him over too.
    “Catch me if you can!” She sing-songed, bounding in the shallows further down the river. Ravenpaw and Squallpaw exchanged a glance, and crooked grins.
    “Oh, it is so on,” Ravenpaw said, before she launched after her.


    “First patrol!” Pepperspark purred, their tail swishing gleefully as Gustshimmer and Oceancry trailed along after him, exchanging an amused glance. Up ahead, Flamestream and Owlhop walked close together, exchanging quiet conversation, while Blackdusk hung at the back of the group, struggling not to look amused by the excited chatterings of the youngest warriors in the clan. “I remember how excited I was on my first patrol… you know, when I came to the clan, I was so mad that I wasn’t going to be Sprucepaw’s apprentice! Could you imagine? I think I’d die from boredom; I don’t know how he’s still so engaged. He’s almost twice my age and he doesn’t even have his full name yet!”
    “It takes longer for medicine cats,” Oceancry said, amused, “there’s more to learn, and it’s a lot more like a trial by fire. After all, it’s easy enough to learn about the concept of things, but it’s another thing entirely to help a cat deliver kittens. They have to be sure he’s ready, after all.”
    “Not to mention all the hypothetical things that could go wrong… the introduction of new illnesses, knowing what to do and how to stop a greencough outbreak before it spreads to the clan, what to do if kittens aren’t breathing when they’re born, how to treat bee stings and rat bites and where the herbs are and what weather they grow best in and what will be a viable substitute if for some reason they don’t grow one year…”
    “You guys are so boring,” Pepperspark huffed out a sigh, “you think way too much.”
    “You think too little,” Gustshimmer teased back, laughing as Pepperspark shoved him, rolling their eyes.
    “I’m glad you’re here with us, Oceancry. Thanks for looking after Gustshimmer while you guys were still apprentices. It’s good that he has a friend that isn’t me, as wonderful and amazing as I am.”
    “I’m glad he chose to be friends with me. I think I’d be way too nervous to focus otherwise, being a warrior all on my own like this. Mostly everyone else has a littermate or denmates that they came up with, but Foampaw and Spraypaw are messing around so much and I’m either a lot older or a lot younger than the other apprentices, so…”
    “Well, stick with us and you’ll be just fine-”
    “I think if Oceancry sticks with you, she might end up in more trouble than out of it,” Blackdusk said, making the young she-cat laugh as Pepperspark shot their best wounded pout at the black tom, who only looked amused as he bounded forward to catch up with the group, dropping in shoulder to shoulder with his former apprentice. “I really am proud of you, you know. You did so well in your training, and I think it’s going to be a joy to fight alongside you.”
    “Well, I learned from the best.”
    “And everything I learned, I learned from your dad,” Blackdusk chuckled a little, smile nostalgic, “you know, I was so worried that I wasn’t going to be good enough. He meant a lot to me, growing up with just my mom… but he always cared for me, and made sure I was doing alright. He was as close to a dad as I was ever going to get, and I wanted to make sure I did his legacy justice… but I shouldn’t have worried, because you have so much of him in you. Everyone always says your brothers are more like your dad, but you have his patience, and his drive, and his gentleness. Those are things people forget about him, I think, but he was a great teacher. He was loving, and he was compassionate, and he was smart, and you got all the best of him.”
    “You got the best of him too, you know.” Blackdusk blinked, as Pepperspark chuckled.
    “She’s right. You might not see it, but all of us can see how Breakerhowl reflected in you. Perhaps I didn’t know him all too well, but we can see that same kindness, that same tenacity, that same patience in you. You haven’t realized it, I don’t think, but he taught all those things to you and then some.”
    “You’re a great cat, Blackdusk,” Gustshimmer agreed, “it was nice to have you teaching alongside Brewingice those last few moons. You both taught me some really valuable lessons, and I was honoured to be able to learn from you.” The black-tom ducked his head bashfully, shooting them an amused little side-glare as they burst into laughter at his embarrassed modesty.
    “Yes, well. I’m going to talk to the adults now.” He said, bounding forward to catch up to Flamestream and Owlhop, a smile on his face as the younger cat’s laughter chased after him.


    “Poppywish, where are we going? We still have to refresh our herb supplies, and I don’t think anything grows up here,” Sprucepaw’s nose rankled a little as he bounded over a slippage in the rock, “is this where you go when we split off for herb patrols? What do you find up here?”
    “Lots of stuff,” the ginger tabby said absently, scouting the rock face with little interest in his large apprentice. Suddenly, he darted forward, squeezing into a passageway in the rock. Sprucepaw blinked, waiting a beat, before his mentor’s head reappeared. “Come on, then, we don’t have all day to be standing around, like you said, we have plenty of herb supplies to refresh.”
    “Poppywish, for the last time, winding cobwebs into my fur is not an effective method of transporting the-”
    “Just hurry up and get in the cave.” Sprucepaw rolled his eyes as his mentor’s face disappeared again, before he pushed through the entrance and followed the tunnel down. His eyes widened as the passage opened into a cavern, where a split in the top of it shone down on a pretty stone, flecked with gold. Poppywish swept his tail over his paws, purring a little as his apprentice came to a halt. “Sleetstar told me this was here. It’s a moonstone, Sprucepaw, a place where the ancestors of the clans tether their spirits to freely communicate with their descendants. We’ve never had much use for it, being as remote as we are, but… today we need it. You’re ready.”
    “Don’t argue with me. I think you’ve been ready for a long time, Sprucepaw, and I’m so proud of you. When you annoyed me into taking you on, I honestly didn’t expect all that much from you. I thought, at most, you would get bored after a few moons… but you are tenacious, and hard-working, and intelligent, and compassionate, and kits love you although I’ve no clue how you do it. You are everything I could have wanted in an apprentice and I… I have been proud to teach you. But it’s time we go to see those who came before us, so that you can be committed to our ranks.” He nodded to the stone, with a smile. “Go ahead, touch your nose to it, I’ll be right behind you.”
    Hesitantly, Sprucepaw moved forward, green eyes wide as he took in the stone. Slowly, he settled next to it, before he closed his eyes and pressed his nose to the cool stone. The shock of it ripped through him, but lethargy soon followed, and as he fell into a sleep, his body seemed to lift high into the stars, away from the mortal realm and into the place of his ancestors, stars twinkling all around him as Poppywish crossed to sit at his side, beaming proudly at him. From the stars, several cats emerged, sitting around them in a semicircle. The brightest was a ginger she-cat, who chuckled broadly as she surveyed them.
    “I was wondering when you would come to visit me, Sprucepaw and Poppywish of NorthernClan. You have done good work for your clanmates, and we, the former medicine cats salute you. I am Sunwhisper, your direct predecessor, and it is my honour to meet you.”
    “The honour is all ours,” Poppywish said in return, “we are here today because I believe that Sprucepaw deserves to have his full medicine-cat name.”
    “As do we. We have watched you both for a long time, and we know our clan is in good paws with you two. Poppywish, you may commence. Fear not, for we will let you know the words.”
    “I, Poppywish of NorthernClan,” the ginger tom cast a gleeful smile at his apprentice, clearly delighted with this experiment, “call upon my ancestors to look upon my apprentice. He has trained tirelessly to understand all that it takes to be a medicine cat, and even in the face of great loss, he has never once faltered, or wavered. He is brave, courageous, and driven. I am proud of him as I would be proud of my own kit, and I cannot recommend him more highly as deserving of his name. Sprucepaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from inter-Clan rivalries and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?”
    “I do.”
    “Then by the powers of StarClan, I-”
    “Wait!” Sprucepaw stood, suddenly, and Poppywish blinked. “Wait. Can I choose? Can I choose it, like Oceancry did, like Whisperwind and Bramblingrose and Ausmasthorn?”
    “Of course,” Poppywish’s eyes softened.
    “Then I want it to be for her.”
    “Of course. By the powers of StarClan, I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Sprucepaw, from now on, you will be known as Sprucefur, to honour your mother who brought you into this world, and to honour the courage, the strength, the commitment, the compassion, the intelligence, the discernment and the ferocity that you inherited from her. StarClan honours these virtues in you, and you are welcomed as a full medicine cat of NorthernClan.”
    “Sprucefur!” Sunwhisper yowled, as the rest of the starry cats took up the chant.
    “Sprucefur!” Poppywish yowled too, and Sprucefur laughed, tipping his head back.
    The tears were still on his face when he woke up.

` servings consumed
15/15 - x5 small fish & x5 voles
` clan events
foxspring moves to the nursery to care for his kits
thunderjaw spends his moon of rest looking after his kits
all apprentices learn swimming
↪ apprentices with injured/resting mentors are trained by other warriors this moon
poppywish attends to the injured cats.
↪ whisperwind, howlingeye, addersong & argentripple are kept on rest for the moon
↪ administers x1 cobweb to thunderjaw, x1 chervil to infernotalon & x1 raspberry leaf to foxspring
↪ administers x1 horsetail to graypeak & x1 marigold to ouncespirit
↪ ouncespirit is kept on rest for a moon too
↪ administers x1 burdock root to hazerise's paw injury and keeps her on rest for the moon
poppywish nominates sprucepaw for his full medicine cat name - sprucefur.
sprucefur searches for injury herbs
` patrols
1 - summitsky, burningflame, brackenstrike, splitface, hollyfeather, twilightflower
2 - midnightblaze, primrosepetal, birchfang, waspshine, rivermask, falconstreak
3 - sunnynose, winderstrike, emberpetal, ausmasthorn, bramblingrose, bearears
4 - cairnstone, wolfwhisker, brewingice, lightningivy, lynxdash, tulipdancer
5 - flamestream, owlhop, blackdusk, pepperspark, gustshimmer, oceancry
1 - viridianfire, koishimmer, duckbriar, plumiris, ironsoul, daisyflicker

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 87 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` brackenstrike | 96 moons | ♀

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 78 moons | ♂ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucefur | 27 moons | ♂

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 90 moons | ♂
    `` hollyfeather | 65 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 85 moons | ♂
    `` howlingeye | 68 moons | ♂
    `` splitface | 93 moons | ♀
    `` midnightblaze | 93 moons | ♂
    `` bearears | 60 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 85 moons | ♂
    `` hawkeyes | 90 moons | ♂
    `` viridianfire | 52 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 102 moons | ♂
    `` koishimmer | 54 moons | ♀
    `` birchfang | 60 moons | ♂
    `` sunnynose | 73 moons | ♂
    `` whisperwind | 42 moons | ♂
    `` rivermask | 75 moons | ♀
    `` waspshine | 61 moons | ♂
    `` winderstrike | 75 moons | ♂
    `` twilightflower | 65 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 51 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 101 moons | ♂
    `` ausmasthorn | 39 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 39 moons | ♂
    `` addersong | 72 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 70 moons | ♂
    `` falconstreak | 66 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 36 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 36 moons | ♂
    `` honeyheart | 70 moons | ♂
    `` primrosepetal | 54 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 33 moons | ♂
    `` duckbriar | 34 moons | ♀
    `` fogbelly | 82 moons | ♀
    `` hazerise | 80 moons | ♀
    `` brewingice | 32 moons | ♂
    `` lightningivy | 32 moons | ♀
    `` lynxdash | 31 moons | ♂
    `` dapplelotus | 45 moons | ♀
    `` featherfall | 33 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 33 moons | ♂
    `` silvercreek | 27 moons | ♀
    `` blackdusk | 26 moons | ♂
    `` argentripple | 41 moons | ♂
    `` robinwhistle | 45 moons | ♀
    `` mapleskip | 71 moons | ♂
    `` burningflame | 87 moons | ♀
    `` plumiris | 34 moons | ♀
    `` owlhop | 34 moons | ♂
    `` cairnstone | 29 moons | ♂
    `` ouncespirit | 46 moons | ♂
    `` ironsoul | 24 moons | ♀
    `` daisyflicker | 22 moons | ♀
    `` pansyflower | 22 moons | ♀
    `` cedarglint | 51 moons | ♀
    `` russetswoop | 51 moons | ♀
    `` eagleglide | 17 moons | ♂
    `` carnationbloom | 17 moons | ♀
    `` tulipdancer | 17 moons | ♂
    `` magnoliabite | 17 moons | ♀
    `` pepperspark | 15 moons | ☉
    `` infernotalon | 31 moons | ♀
    `` gustshimmer | 15 moons | ♂
    `` oceancry | 13 moons | ♀

    ` apprentices
    `` foampaw | 13 moons | ♂
    `` spraypaw | 13 moons | ♂
    `` squallpaw | 8 moons | ♂
    `` typhoonpaw | 8 moons | ♂
    `` crowpaw | 7 moons | ♂
    `` ravenpaw | 7 moons | ♀
    `` duskpaw | 7 moons | ♀

    ` queens and kits
    minkfur (deceased)
    beechkit & pinekit [5, ♀♂]
    `` foxspring | 45 moons | ♂
    stagkit, dipperkit & raccoonkit [3, ♂♂♂]
    `` leopardrunner | 37 moons | ♂
    auburnkit, rosekit, harrierkit &
    blazekit [2, ♀♂♀♀]
    `` mountainfrost | 36 moons | ☉
    owlkit, dovekit & heronkit [1, ♀♀♀]
    `` butterflyshine | 33 moons | ♀
    ↪ due 2 moons

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 132 moons | ♀
    `` olivetuft | 126 moons | ♀
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | open
→ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [5] | greencough
lovage [0] | coughs
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [4] | hip pain
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
dock [1] | scratches
burdock root [0] | infection
blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
raspberry leaves [3] | kitting
cobweb [2] | bleeding
marigold [3] | infection
horsetail [1] | infection
chervil [3] | infections/kitting
ragwort leaves [1] | kitting
honey [1] | sore throat
lamb's ear [0] | strength
stick [1] | pain
borage [1] | milk/fevers
parsley [1] | kitting
tormentil [1] | wounds
sweet-sedge [1] | infection

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x1| 1 servings [1]
rabbit | x12 | 2 servings [24]
stoat | x10| 2 servings [20]
small fish | x1 | 2 servings [2]
hare | x9| 3 servings [27]
bird | x15 | 3 servings [45]

` mentors
honeyheart | foampaw [2]
↪ hunt, battle
featherfall | spraypaw [3]
↪ battle, hunt, endurance
addersong | squallpaw [1]
↪ battle
silvercreek | typhoonpaw [1]
↪ battle
hawkeyes | crowpaw [0]
↪ skills
frostclaw | ravenpaw [0]
↪ skills
sorrelsong | duskpaw [0]
↪ skills

` deceased

` family ties
Last edited by solyn on Mon Jun 08, 2020 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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