.:|| Sima Biology & Lore ||:. - dnp

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.:|| Sima Biology & Lore ||:. - dnp

Postby corviidae » Mon Dec 16, 2019 7:00 pm


------------- { taxonomy } -------------

.nutritional category.
* eats plant & animal matter to store energy + inorganic mineral masses (rocks) to store energy *









*due to them being hybrids with shared characteristics of both canidae and felidae, they belong in their own family.


.species list.
felidus gladio (primal Sima)

.subspecies list.
.subspecies of felidus gladio:
felidus simus *
felidus mentham (peppermint sima)
felidus geophage (jewel eater)
felidus immortuos (reapers + ghouls, species-wide)
felidus absconditum (masqueraders, origins unknown)
felidus galaxias (galaxy sima)

.voided list.
felidus astrum (starsongs)
felidus genius (genies)
felidus lepus (sima rabbit)

------------- { planet } -------------

.planet name.

.planet information.
An overall temperate planet with a rich atmosphere unaltered by mankind. Its terrain is vast and the size of the planet is incredible. The terrain, with what we've documented, has bleak red-sanded deserts, miles upon miles of meadows, endless rocky mountains and hillsides, and even extremely lush tropical rainforests- and we haven't even explored all of it! It reminds us of a lot of Earth if you don't consider the massive size difference.

Unlike Earth, however, the chilling temperatures don't limit themselves to the opposite ends of the planet's equator. The blistering cold of Winter bears no mercy upon the inhabitants, particularly in the Northern quadrant of the Western hemisphere, but Summers explode with life and treat the wildlife quite well with milder heat which Earth once had. The clear nights are also quite a wonderful sight- every single star in the sky is visible, and the planet's moon shines bright.

It is very much inhabitable by humans, but there are predators that make it incredibly dangerous for us to settle. The Felidus species' aren't incredibly far between, but each group we've come across tend to keep their distance- and the lone Simas more so. We haven't discovered other species quite yet who are as intelligent as these magnificent creatures, and we've gathered that they're a very important part of this ecosystem. To avoid destroying their territory, there is a protection agreement we've established for this planet to keep it intact.

In more recent visits to study, we've discovered a couple of clearings- villages, it seems. The structures were built remarkably form the resources around them and looked amazing. However, we weren't able to get close enough for a look as the sword mammals fiercely protected it-- and their young hiding within the little huts, we bet. We decided it would be better to observe the Tribes and solo animals from a distance.

------------- -------------
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Re: .:|| Sima Biology & Lore ||:.

Postby corviidae » Thu Dec 19, 2019 10:24 am

    ┎------------- { from primals to simas } -------------

      The species defied some improbable odds, being a hybrid of two wildly different families. As a result of the crossbreeding, it caused mutations and unstable genetics that date back as far as their primal ancestors when scientists discovered their skeletons in presumably ancient sima-made burial grounds. Not only that, but they've since gained interesting magic which followed their bloodlines into the modern Sima we see today.

      scientists describe the skull of the ancient Simas-most commonly noted as Primals- with the facial structure of some horrifying mixture of a lion's and a dire wolf's skull. the rest of the skeleton similarly matched the modern sima's, and would be almost as if it were cloned if it weren't for the fact that the Primal's structure is at least five times the size of their modern offspring. if a human set the skull of a Sima inside the jaws of a Primal, then it's skull would be able to fit in those massive jaws. Scientists are still trying to untangle how long it took for this evolution to occur. They theorize that Primals existed before the dawn of the Ice Ages, but have only the proof of the specimens they discovered and the earth that they were buried in.

      due to the material of the jewels, scientists weren't able to uncover if Primals had the same jewels that their offspring do now. they did, however, discover the soft crystal shards of what once could have been one of the Primal's primary jewel types and confirmed that they did, indeed, have the similarity of having a jewel.

      yet, somehow, despite these prehistoric remnants of the beasts, we've had reports that they spotted living Primals! Truly an astonishing discovery! it's a very rare sight.

    ┎------------- { reproductive system and kitbirth } -------------

      Simas, whether they have a permanent mate or jump from Sima to Sima, all experience estrus periods where they are receptive and more likely to mate. It is a process that begins when they reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 years old. A Sima can carry up to four kits at once in a clutch, though it is very rare. When the Sima gives birth, they require four weeks to recover from the ordeal of kit birth and when the time is up, they are receptive once again. They experience this five more times in their lifetime- six if they've only bred with their soulmate-. It's also important to note that a Sima behaves typically has a minor influence and not a heavy influence based on whether or not they are in estrus.

      Because of this species' reproductive systems and it's complex anatomy, this made it possible for Simas to be able to breed with one another no matter their sex. However, when studying the DNA strands from a specimen that we got our hands on and numerous others, we discovered that something truly strange went on with these Simas. It's a matter of hybrids being bred inappropriately and the genes being spread, but we doubt these Simas would know what they were doing for generations.

      The genetic coding, due to the fact that two completely different species bred together, became unstable. We've noticed how easily their genes can be altered when something new is added to the pool, and how easily it could be rejected or mutate into something grotesque- or something better than it was in the first place. This would explain why we see two healthy Simas breed and create a kit with traits that neither of the parents had, more commonly than you would expect. It's said that out of every five pairs of Simas that mate, at least one to two kits have a mutation. These mutations, upon observation, can range wildly. Often times they are benign, and then there are occasional life-threatening mutations that arise which kits usually end up surviving. Other than breeding with their own kind, there is no known pattern of what causes the mutations.

      Simas can have many clutches in their lifetime and have been observed to have between 1-4 kits per litter- oftentimes, 1-2 kits. Stillborn kits and miscarriages happen every once in a while for any type of Sima, no matter if a mutation showed up in their litter or not-- however, it is a little more common in litters with no visual mutations. It's often a case of a mutation that proved lethal to a kit trying to survive its natural process of growing in the Sima's womb. If a healthy Sima breeds with a subspecies which we call "Reapers", seeing that they're a more supernatural type of Sima, this raises the chances of the kit's mortality by 5-10% and yet, it somehow keeps the kit alive if it's stillborn.

      Simas can never breed with a species outside of their own, and can hardly get away with breeding with another subspecies. However, their Winter-coated cousins have little consequences when breeding with them. The subspecies of Simas are just close enough in the genetic pool to not affect the kits' mortality rate nor the number of mutations they get. Anyway, if a Sima were to attempt to breed with any other species (I'm talking about any species, including closed species. Any closed species that allows interspecies relationships), the already unstable DNA of the Simas just cannot compute. Kits will never survive the fetal stage of growth in the womb and, if they somehow did, it would be a stillborn litter and there is no saving the kits. Despite this fact, sometimes, Simas can form bonds with other species. It is uncommon, however.

xxxx--- day 1 ----- xxxxx ----- week 2 ----- xxxxx ----- week 3-4 ----- xxxxxxxxx ----- week 5-8 ----- xxxxx ----- week 10 -----

      We observed the process of kitbirth, and discovered that the jewel guard is initially soft, much like a human child's skull when they first come into the world. The jewel guard is flat against the jewel, protecting both the jewel itself and the mother/father carrying it from damage. As the kit ages, its ears gradually crop up and the jewel guard hardens naturally and molds itself into the shape we see in adults by the time they're between 8-10 weeks old. It's a delicate time period for the kit to learn how to socialize with their siblings, we found, and some Simas with single kit litters take on the role of playing with the kit themselves.

    ┎------------- { juvenile simas } -------------

      A Sima approaches adolescence anywhere between the ages of 6 months to 3 years old- however, they reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 years. At this stage, we observe their behavior change subtly. Adolescent Simas, now capable of defending themselves, tend to leave the safety of their homes more often to explore and feast upon whatever they can find, as juveniles are more opportunistic by nature.

      As they approach adolescence, there's an increase in mineral consumption through rocks and raw crystals they find. It is to strengthen their jewel and allow it to grow along with the rest of their bodies. If they don't eat a sufficient amount of this matter, their jewel doesn't reach it's full potential and is more likely to crack or break- and, depending on the severity of the crack, could put the Sima's life at risk. Simas either swallow the whole of the rock or grind the matter with their omnivorous teeth for a long period of time.

      We can see that juvenile Simas begin to approach sexual maturity when we see them practice 'fencing' with their jewel guards, or simply rubbing them against objects with corners. This process, similar to bucks grinding their antlers against branches, sheds off any excess velvet skin that helped ensure the jewel guard's safe development which didn't come off in their kit hood. It tends to be the bloodiest part of the process of jewel guard development, as there is usually quite a bit of velvet still attached to their tail guard. As hormones peak, Simas sometimes are seen fencing with one another when pent up aggression can't be channeled. However, they typically don't have the drive to court and fight one another until they reach 3 years of age when their jewel is fully developed.

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.:|| The Subspecies of Simas ||:.

Postby corviidae » Fri Jan 10, 2020 5:40 pm

    ┎------------- { felidus gladio } -------------

      Primals have been observed to be less docile compared to their modern subspecies. Relying heavily on strength and their sword rather than magic, the beasts could easily harm or even fatally wound a Sima with a single blow of their tail. They tend to keep to their own as a species and migrate once a year during the Spring and Summertime, which is when we began recording proof of their extinction being untrue. Their social structure is similar to the modern Simas, having their own Tribes and most of the time sticking together. The hierarchy, however, differs by the jewel the Primal has. Leaders are observed to have the largest jewels, the Alpha jewel, while lower-ranked Primals have Warrior and Novice jewels. The warrior jewel is not to be confused with the modern one we see today.

      We theorize that the felidus species' began through Primals, as it makes the most sense based off of age of these massive ancestors and the evolution of the magic the whole family wields.

    ┎------------- { felidus geophage } -------------

      Strange Simas, they are. Upon discovering a network of tunnels that run deep beneath the ground, we found large creatures that seem to resemble Simas if it wouldn't be for their size. It's as if they had evolved during the time which Primals were no longer Primal, and were close to being the smaller sword mammals we see today. Jagged jewels jut out of their bodies, particularly in their spines and tails. They have teeth designed to grind up inorganic matter and canines to tear flesh, but we aren't quite sure what their main course of feeding is like. We imagine that they must need to consume a mass amount of raw ore or crystals to maintain those jewels, judging by the similarity of what's at the end of their tail guard.

      Upon observation of a specimen's body which we discovered in the cave system, we've discovered what truly sets them apart from their modern bretheren-- their skeletal system has actually evolved to share the same organic matter that the jewels on their tails and body are made out of, setting them aside and proving that they spent generations evolving from the Primal lineage and Simas alike.

    ┎------------- { felidus mentham } -------------

      This subspecies of Simas appears to have existed for quite a while-- not as long as their cousins that live beneath the ground, but enough for them to have their own distinguishable features. Felidus Mentham, or as we call them Peppermint Spice, evolved from simas to survive in harsh cold environments, with denser, double-coated pelts. Their jewel guard isn't visible, covered by thick fur to protect their jewel from frost-bite. Jewels, in theory, have some sort of blood supply running to them and are a vital part of their existence because of their power helping them stay alive so it is important that the jewel doesn't freeze and crack from the inside out.

      Typically, peppermint spice Simas are considerably more docile than their cousins and rarely fight amongst themselves. The sparkles that emit from their jewels constantly indicate built up power, which could suggest they use their power to defend themselves since they don't have a jewel guard and using their jewel itself would be too dangerous. Sparkles constantly emit from the jewels, needing some sort of outlet before the jewel itself theoretically explodes from the amount of charged power these specimens have. Peppermint Spice Simas never seem to have any powers showing-- we have a theory it is because they need to conserve their jewel power as much as they can since it is their only way of proper self-defense.

      Once a year, Peppermint Spices migrate from the Northern hemisphere during the Wintertime when it's cool enough in the rest of the world for them to be able to survive with their thick coats.

    ┎------------- { felidus galaxias } -------------

      intelligible words here
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.:|| Notable Phenomenons of the Felidus ||:.

Postby corviidae » Fri Jan 17, 2020 3:32 pm

    ┎------------- { dwarfism } -------------


      Sometimes, not all of the kits grow up to the size of an adult. No longer a mutation in this particular species, but an uncommon genetic disorder, known as Dwarfism, is generally noticed in kits as young as 3 weeks old. For as long as we've studied Simas, this condition seems unpredictable in nature and there have been no contributing factors to it. This particular genetic disorder can be observed species-wide. In the case of dwarfism, the Sima cannot breed unless it has reached sexual maturity as an adolescent.

      --- pituitary dwarfism ---
      The most common variation of dwarfism noted in the entire felidus family. When a kit with dwarfism is born, they lack the growth hormone that allows them to grow into healthy adult size. This variation is proportionate compared to the other variations and is more prevalent in stunting kit growth. It isn't uncommon for it to affect juvenile Simas, however.

      --- achondroplastic dwarfism ---

      One of the less common and more subtle variations of dwarfism in Simas, an individual with this variant lacks the cartilaginous growth plates that usually ossifies the bones throughout kit hood and adolescence. It results in various types of mutations, including but not limited to a shorter tail, shorter limbs, disproportionately shaped Simas, and they can sometimes grow to adult size. A Sima's mortality rate in the wild is affected based on what part of the body is affected.

      --- teacup dwarfism ---

      There is a dark time in history on Earth where humans had curiously attempted to alter the genes of a Sima, and they created another variant of dwarfism- or, rather, enforced the gene which shouldn't occur in the wild due to extremely high mortality rate. Teacup dwarfism, the recently discovered rare gene confines a kit to their first 3 weeks of growth. The jewel guard has been observed to completely form sometimes, but the rest of the kit's body growth is stunted. They could fit in a human's palm.

    ┎------------- { reapers & ghouls} -------------

      ? ? ?

    ┎------------- { masqueraders} -------------

      ? ? ?
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Re: .:|| Sima Biology & Lore ||:. - dnp

Postby corviidae » Fri Jan 17, 2020 3:32 pm

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Re: .:|| Sima Biology & Lore ||:. - dnp

Postby corviidae » Fri Jan 17, 2020 3:33 pm

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Re: .:|| Sima Biology & Lore ||:. - dnp

Postby corviidae » Fri Jan 17, 2020 3:33 pm

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Re: .:|| Sima Biology & Lore ||:. - dnp

Postby corviidae » Fri Jan 17, 2020 3:33 pm

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Re: .:|| Sima Biology & Lore ||:. - dnp

Postby corviidae » Fri Jan 17, 2020 3:34 pm

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Re: .:|| Sima Biology & Lore ||:. - dnp

Postby corviidae » Fri Jan 17, 2020 3:34 pm

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