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Forbidden love

Postby wolfpack12 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:57 am

" Everything ok?"

The pale grey and white ticked tabby jumped at the sudden intrusion. Her heart beating frantically against her chest. Before gently placing a paw on that exact chest, once she realised who had spoken. A heavy sigh of relief quickly escaping her, as she met the gaze of her ginger coloured clanmate.

" Tigerblaze, how many times do I have tell you?! Don't do that!", the she-cat snapped. Her ears involuntarily flattening against her head, as the mackerel tabby merely chuckled softly in response.

" Forgive me, Mistflight, I didn't realise your mind was else where", Tigerblaze replied. A soft smile gracing his features as he carefully made his way over to the she-cat. Only for that smile to quickly fade once he noticed the troubled look in the healers eyes." What is the matter my love? Is it the kits?", he added. Concern flashing in his golden coloured eyes.

Yep, Mistflight and Tigerblaze were mates. Well, secret mates.

Mainly because they feared their clan's reaction, if their clanmates ever found out. Mostly due to the fact that they heard stories of medicine cats being either often or some times shunned by the rest of the clan for taking on a mate and having cats. On rare occasions, they were even exiled. Something Tigerblaze wished to avoid, considering that he didn't want to lose both his mate and unborn kits.

The pair had met at the eastern border. Mistflight happened to be searching for some herbs that day, and had the unfortunate luck of being ambushed by a fox. Fortunately, Tigerblaze happened to be close by at the time and had quickly caught wind of the scuffle. Within no time at all the tom had joined the fray, and alongside Mistflight, had managed to scare the fox off. Much to her own annoyance.

This was just one of many encounters, that had helped build up the relationship between the two. With Tigerblaze often helping Mistflight carry herbs. Meanwhile Mistflight in return would help encourage the tom's self-confidence. Which eventually led up to quite an amusing confession. Mainly because Tigerblaze had been slapped in the face by a fish while trying to confess his love for her. As one could guess, she agreed to be his mate.

After all, she was his strength, and he was her compassion.

" Hello? My love, are you home?"

Mistflight quickly shook her head free of the memories. Her mismatched coloured eyes once more focusing on her mate, who was now subtly cuddling into her." I'm sorry.... what did you say?", she asked. Causing the tom to chuckle as he watched her with soft amusement.

" I asked if our unborn kits were causing you stress", Tigerblaze replied. Golden eyes watched the she-cat slump slightly against him in defeat. Which was all he needed to know as an answer.

" Don't get me wrong, I am excited to have our little family.... but it is the clan and their reactions to it that I fear", Mistflight replied. Her mismatched coloured eyes now glancing sadly at the ground. At least, they were until a ginger coloured paw gently lifted her head up so she could meet her mate's gaze.

Tigerblaze could only smile gently, as he licked Mistflight's forehead in a form of comfort." Try not to worry too much about that just yet, we'll think of something when the time grows nearer, you'll see", he replied soothingly. Before offering the she-cat a small wink, as he carefully nudged her in the side." Besides, if the worst does end up turning up, I'll willingly leave the clan with you... for there is no star brighter than the one next to me, we'll get through this together", he added.

Which in turn caused Mistflight to softly giggle as she rolled her eyes. Knowing fully well that her mate was being dramatic on purpose to try and cheer her up. Something she deeply appreciated." Together... I love you, you know that, right?", she murmured. Tucking her head in underneath her mate's chin. Hardly being able to hold back the smile that was slowly forming on her face.

" I know, and I love you too"

Maybe, just maybe. There was a hope for their future little family yet.
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Patrolling and mysteries

Postby wolfpack12 » Fri May 03, 2019 4:49 am

" I'm sorry what was that? I can't quite hear you..."

Green eyes simply glared at the spotted reddish tom, who merely chuckled in response to the look he was being given. Leopardclaw had volunteered to lead the patrol for the day, and had taken Frostsight, Hailstep, Aspenwing and Moonshimmer with him. However, at some point during their checking of the borders, Frostsight had managed to somehow get himself entangled in a bush and was now having trouble getting out of it. Which then led to their current situation.

" I said, could you please help me out of this bush, Leopardclaw", the mostly white tom mumbled. His ears involuntarily flattened against his head, as he glanced to the side. If he were human, he would of been blushing as red as a tomato. Mainly because he felt both embarrassed and annoyed with the situation. However, He wasn't really worried about the smaller branches, since both Hailstep and Moonshimmer were already gently pulling them away from him. The bigger ones that were currently keeping him prisoner, were the ones that concerned him. Mainly because they were the ones that his fur was tangled with.

" How, in Starclan's name, did you even manage to do this?", Aspenwing asked. Who then went on to tilt his head to the side in slight confusion. The sepia point having come to join his clanmates in their attempt to free the young tom.

" I don't know, I saw a squirrel and I went after it, end of story", Frostsight muttered. Which unfortunately earned him another round of laughter from his clanmates. Only this time, he couldn't help but find himself joining in. It wasn't until he felt a sharp pain coming from his shoulder that he stopped and glanced upwards. His green eyes meeting Leopardclaw's amber ones. Narrowing his pupils, the younger tom once more found himself glaring at his deputy." Not a word of this to the others", he added.

Leopardclaw could only chuckle softly and shake his head, as he and the rest of their clanmates went back to work in freeing the younger tom. It was probably around midday when Frostsight was finally freed, but even then he was still teased by the cats he was patrolling with. To which he tried his best to ignore. It wasn't until the deputy noticed the mostly white tom's increasing agitation, that he realised they were probably pushing it by now." Alright, that's enough teasing for the day, we came out here to make sure we don't have any new intruders, not to pester our clanmate, Moonshimmer, Hailstep and Aspenwing go check the eastern border, I believe Tigerblaze mentioned some strange scents over there so be careful, Frostsight and I will head on over to the southern border, we'll meet back up at the western border and head back to camp from there, agreed?", he asked.

" Yes, Leopardclaw!"

" Good, now go!", Leopardclaw replied. Watching with narrowed amber eyes, as his clanmates immediately took off in the direction they were given. Before starting to once more head in the direction of the southern border. It wasn't until he heard a lack of a second set of paws that he stopped and glanced back at Frostsight. Who had refused to even budge from his current position." Everything alright back there, squirrel chaser?", he added. Noticing how the mostly white tom seem distracted by something, before quickly snapping his attention back towards his deputy. Without wasting a second, Frostsight was standing shoulder to shoulder with the older tom.

" Y-yeah, I just thought I saw something that's all, sorry", Frostsight replied. Green eyes glancing back nervously, as if the younger tom was afraid something might pounce on him if he wasn't careful. However, that terrified expression quickly faded, one the tom realised what his deputy had called him. Causing him to give leopardclaw and unimpressed look." Really? Squirrely chaser?", he added. Despite his tone, he did feel a slight smile start to appear on his face. One that only continued to grow when the older tom playfully bumped his shoulder with his own as they walked.

" What? I can't help it that you just gave yourself a new nickname Frosty", Leopardclaw replied. Earning a grown of annoyance from his companion, who kept glancing behind them for whatever it was that had caught the young tom's attention." Whatever is back there, it's long gone by now", he added reassuringly. Not liking the fact that the mostly white tom looked spooked.

Frostsight took one glance at the older tom, before glancing back one last time behind them. Not quite sure if Leopardclaw was right or not. Before letting out a defeated sigh and nodded." Yeah, guess you're right", he murmured uneasily. Before once more looking ahead and continuing his way towards the southern border. Thankfully, neither of the two toms encountered anything bad there. Just the strong smell of rain covered grass, and the occasional scent of a wandering rogue. The western border was the same, with just a few faint scents here and there. When the others finally met back up with them at the western border, Leopardclaw and Frostsight were surprised by what the trio had found at the eastern border.

Apparently when checking the Eastern border, the trio had found the half eaten remains of prey and large claw marks embedded in rock. Not to mention a strong decaying smell, and how everything in that area had gone dead quiet. When asked to describe the smell, they discovered it was following the same description as that of Tigerblaze's. Only that it was several times stronger, implying that whatever was there had passed by recently. Something the five found to be disturbing, since there could be a new possible danger to the clan.

" I'll inform Dawnstar to not send any patrols in that direction, just until we know exactly what it is we're facing with, for now I think we should start heading back", Leopardclaw murmured. Earning him a few nods of agreement from his clanmates, before leading their patrol back towards camp in order to tell Dawnstar what the discovered.
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Meeting with an ancestor

Postby wolfpack12 » Fri May 03, 2019 5:30 am

" Mistflight…"

The pale silver and white ticked tabby frowned slightly in her sleep. Her right ear twitched ever so slightly at the intrusion of her peaceful slumber. In retaliation, she merely turned away from the voice. Hoping that whoever was there would get the hint and walk away.

How. Wrong. She. Was.

" Mistflight!"

Mismatched coloured eyes snapped open at the tone of both distress and urgency in the other cat's voice. However, when her eyes finally focused on what was in front of her, she realised that she wasn't in Starclan. Everywhere she looked was nothing but plain darkness. As if she had somehow been sucked up into the night sky. Only there were no stars. The only source of light came from a ghostly outline of a she-cat. Her silvery shaded fur reminded the medicine cat of mist and fog. But it was her eyes, her haunted green eyes that truly caught the she-cats attention. They looked so empty and sad. As if this poor feline had seen too much of the world.

Mistflight was immediately snapped out of her trance, when the other she-cat started to approach her. Narrowing her pupils, the healer immediately took several steps back. Her fur beginning to fluff up as she watched the other carefully. Mainly because she knew this was neither a Starclan cat or a Dark forest cat. Therefore, she had every right to be nervous, cautious and weary.

" Who.... who are you? What do you want from me?", Mistslight asked. Flinching ever so slightly when her voice bounced back to her. An eerie reminder of one of her other dreams. When she was trapped in fog and chased by cat-like shadows. The closer the other she-cat got, the more defensive the healer became. Yes, she might not be a match against a ghost cat, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to try.

" I do not mean you any harm, I am Mist that travels on a dove's wing, but you may call me Mistwing", The she-cat spoke. Her tone of voice sounding more like a gentle stream, rather than something sinister. Surprisingly she even gave a gentle smile, as if trying to reassure Mistflight that she truly didn't mean any harm to her." You may know me already, for we have indeed met in another dream of yours", she added. Before Mistflight could even ask her what she meant, the cry of a dove above her caught her attention. Causing the medicine cat to go into a state of Deja vu as she watched the pure white bird land on the she-cat's shoulder. It was only then did the pale silver and white ticked tabby realised who she was talking to.

" You! You're the one who sent me that omen!"

Mistwing could only smile gently, as she nodded slightly at the younger she-cat." Yes, that was indeed me, as you have already guessed it, I am not from Starclan, I am what one would call a 'Wanderer', a spirit who follows their distant descendants and assists them where they can", she explained. Carefully choosing her words, so that she didn't spook the poor healer anymore than she already did. When there was no immediate response, Mistwing took this as an opportunity to continue." I am indeed an ancestor of yours, and it has taken me a long time to finally reach you, Mistflight, but I am glad I did, I came to warn you, something is coming to the clan, Mistflight, something incredibly bad", she added. Her green eyes flashing with the urgency she felt.

Mistflight watched the spirit carefully, not quite sure on what to believe. But now that she was able to get a better look of her 'ancestor', she realised that the two had quite a fair good amount of similarities. However, the moment she heard the fear in Mistwing, she immediately found herself staring straight at the ghost with a determined look on her face." Why should I trust you? And what is coming?", she asked.

" You can't, only time will tell, as for wha-", Mistwing began. Only to suddenly glance up with her descendant when the world they were in began to crumble. Fearing that their time was running out, the ghost then quickly glanced back at the healer with wide eyes." We've run out of time, do not trust the one whose fur is as black as night, and whose heart is filled with poison!", she added.

Before Mistflight could even ask what she meant, she felt the ground disappear beneath her. Sending her spiralling downwards into the dark abyss bellow. Glancing upwards, she found herself meeting her ancestors gaze one last time." Wait! What do you mean?!", she cried out. Desperate to know on what was going on, and what Mistwing meant by what she said. The last thing she remembered before being woken up, was her ancestors warning words echoing deep within her mind.

" Do not trust the night"
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Troublesome kits

Postby wolfpack12 » Fri May 03, 2019 6:21 am

" We're going to be in so much trouble, you know that right?"

The mostly white tom merely rolled his eyes, as he led the small group through the camp's entrance. His little tail sticking clean in the air, as if he were leading a patrol of his own. So far, the group hadn't been caught just yet. But that didn't mean they weren't out of the clear." If you keep talking we will!", Snowkit snapped.

" How about you both keep it down!", Applekit hissed. Glancing every so often at their surroundings, just in case something big and dangerous decided to jump out at them. Poppykit was sticking close to her side. The youngest out of them, Juniperkit and Minnowkit, were also keeping fairly close to the ginger tabby. Mainly because for all of them, it was their first time out of camp without their parents. Out of everyone, it was Poppykit who had voiced her protests the most about sneaking out of camp.

" A-are we sure it's safe?", Juniperkit asked. Having been the second on out of the six to vote against sneaking out of camp. The caliby nearly jumped out of her skin, when her sister bumped shoulders with her.

" Don't worry, sis, if something goes wrong, they'll protect us, right?", Minnowkit asked. Her orange eyes turning to look at the others with a hopeful expression. Mainly because she was just as nervous as her sister, and needed a bit of reassurance from the other kits that everything was going to be fine.

" Wel-"

" YES", Shellkit replied. Interrupting her brother before he could say anything nasty. She had been all for sneaking out, until she realised her brother had convinced the other kits to tag along with them. It wasn't that she didn't like them, but rather that she didn't approve of Snowkit dragging the youngest of their group into possible danger. Glancing back at the two younger kits, she gave a small reassuring smile. At least, she hoped it was reassuring." Don't worry, just stay close to me and I'll keep you safe, ok?", she asked. Watching as they nodded in return.

" Uh, guys?", Poppykit asked. Noticing movement just ahead of them. Only to realise that none of the others seemed to have heard her, considering that Snowkit had suddenly whipped around to face Shellkit.

" What do you think you're doing?!", Snowkit hissed. Annoyed with the fact that his sister had both cut him off, and was now mothering the two 'babies' of the group. Completely ignoring the fact that Poppykit was now trying to gain their attention.

" What am I doing? What are you doing?! Dragging Juniperkit and Minnowkit out like this! They're not ready to be outside of camp, Snowkit! So forgive me if I'm not currently happy with your bad decision", Shellkit replied. Her pupils narrowing ever so slightly as she met her brother's eyes.

" Guys"

" She has a point, you did sort of bully them into coming", Applekit added. Joining Shellkit in glaring at the mostly white tom. Unaware of her sister, who was now madly trying to get their attention.

" And who asked you to jump in, shorty?", Snowkit replied. His lips curling back into a silent snarl, as the ginger tabby immediately moved into his personal space.

" Who you calling 'shorty'? I'm taller than you Mousebrain!", Applekit snapped. To be fair, she did have a point. Considering that she was at least an inch or two taller than the tom. Something that Snowkit resented her for.

" Guys!"

By now juniperkit and Minnowkit had noticed what Poppykit had spotted and immediately froze. Watching with wide eyes as the trio in front of them continued to argue, completely unaware of the shadows of doom that were about to descend on them.

" Is that so? We-"

" GUYS!"

" WHAT?!", Snowkit, Shellkit and Applekit asked. Only to immediately fall silent, as they stared up into the unimpressed eyes of their parents. Frostsight was glaring silently at Snowkit and Shellkit, while both Aspenwing and Tigerblaze seemed to be having a battle on how to react.

" Oh, uh, h-hey dad", Applekit greeted nervously. Sinking to the ground slightly, as her ears flattened against her head. An action that was quickly copied by her sister. However, when Aspenwing titled his head in a disapproving way, they knew that they were in very serious trouble. One glance at the other kits, told them that they weren't the only ones who would be getting a talking to by their parents.

" Mind telling us what you are doing out of camp?", Frostsight asked. Immediately going into 'dad' mode, as his gaze locked onto that of Snowkit's. Who immediately dipped his head in shame, finding more interest in his paws than his father's lecturing gaze. The older tom's gaze only hardened when he noticed Juniperkit and Minnowkit." And why you all thought it was a good idea to take the youngest of you out of camp as well", he added.

Tigerblaze chuckled gently, as he stepped up beside Aspenwing. Sharing a knowing look with the other two fathers, before glancing back at the six kits in front of them. It was just the youngsters bad luck that these three were getting back from a late patrol." I say we take them back, and give them a very long talk about why kits aren't allowed outside on their own", he suggested.

Aspenwing glanced at the tabby before nodding in agreement. One glance at Frostsight told him the other tom agreed too." Agreed, we'll decided on a punishment once we hear what they have to say for themselves", he replied.

It was safe to say, the kits knew better than to try and sneak out of camp again after that.
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Sunset talks

Postby wolfpack12 » Sun Jun 02, 2019 12:09 pm

" What are you doing out here on your own?"

The she-cat flinched slightly at the newcomers voice, and glanced over her shoulder to see who had come to disturb her. Only to quickly relax once she recognised her mate. Green eyes returning to look back at the sunset in front of her, as a warm smile slowly appeared on her face.

" No reason, just enjoying the sunset and thinking about things, that's all", she replied. Her smile only continued to grow, once she heard the soft paw steps of her mate grow closer. Before affectionately butting her head against his shoulder as he settled down beside her. His once reddish spotted pelt now a warm golden colour underneath the suns dying rays.

" Care to tell me about what it is you're thinking about?", the tom replied. His amber eyes showing nothing but warmth, as he gently rested his head on top of hers. A soft content purr rising out of his chest. Enjoying the rare moment of peace and quite with his mate while it lasted.

" Past events, the clan and how far we've come, current issues, our future kits.... my parents and how they would of reacted to the news of becoming future grandparents", she replied softly. As soon as those words left her mouth, she felt her happiness slowly fade away. Her eyes half closing as she recalled the events that had led to her leadership and the loss of the two cats who had meant the world to her.

As if sensing her sadness, Leopardclaw carefully pulled his leader and mate closer. Placing one paw around her shoulders in an attempt to give her a cat's equivalent of a hug." From what you've told me, I bet they would have been the proudest parents in the world...", he replied. Offering a small comforting smile when her green eyes looked up to meet his amber ones. Before an amusing thought suddenly crossed into his mind." Well, you know, after your father is done threatening me about wearing my fur as a trophy if I dared try to hurt you", he added. His chest filling with warmth once he heard the she-cat's soft laughter.

Dawnstar couldn't help but chuckle at her mate's words, as some of her happiness slowly returned." That is true, my father was definitely the overprotective type, especially since I was his only kit, but I'm sure my mother would have loved you", she replied. She truly didn't know on whether to laugh or cry at some of the memories she shared with her parents. But as she sat there next to her mate, gazing out into the sunset, she realised that it was better to remember the happier times rather than the bad." You know, speaking of mothers, what was yours like? I don't remember you telling me much about her", she added.

The tom blinked slightly in surprise. Truly stunned at the realisation of his mate's words once he thought about it." Huh, I guess not, well she was kind and caring, even when she was threatened by my tyrant of a stepfather she always seemed to carry a smile on her face", he replied. A sad smile replacing his previous one as he thought back to his mother. A kind she-cat who had truly deserved better." She was brave, and in the end, she gave her life protecting me and my siblings, so I guess in a way she wasn't that different from yours", he added.

Dawnstar smiled sympathetically, and was about to say something comforting when Leopardclaw muttered something under his breath." I'm sorry, what was that?", she asked. Tilting her head in confusion, as her mate looked at her. A warm smile on his face, and nothing but adoration in his eyes.

" I said she would of loved meeting you, she always wanted a daughter-in-law and kits to fuss over, and I have no doubt that if she were here, she would of been telling you so many embarrassing stories about me"

The tortoiseshell couldn't help but laugh at that. Not because she was being mean, but because she remembered the first time she and Leopardclaw met. A mischievous smirk appeared on her face as she met the tom's gaze." And I definitely wouldn't of minded sharing some of my own embarrassing stories about you with her", she teasingly replied.

Leopardclaw couldn't help but laugh with her, as he playfully bumped his shoulder against hers. Amber eyes glinting with warm amusement upon realising what she was referring to." Hey! That's not fair you promised to never tell anyone about that river incident!", he replied. Feigning a look of hurt as he placed a paw to his chest.

The she-cat merely shook her head in amusement as she rolled her eyes. Only to let out a startled yelp as she was playfully tackled to the ground. Causing the two to tumble down the small hill they had been previously sitting on. Once the pair had reached the bottom, Dawnstar had found herself on her stomach with Leopardclaw resting his head on her back. The two giggling away like little kits.

However, the brief look of concern her mate gave her didn't go unnoticed by the leader." Me and the kits are fine, don't worry, it was just a little tumble", she reassured. Hardly being able to hide her amused smile when the reddish tom let out a sigh of relief.

" Speaking of kits, what do you want to name them once they arrive?", Leopardclaw asked. Curiosity clear in his voice as he glanced at the she-cat. Who in turn tilted her head to the side in thought.

" I'm not entirely sure, but if one of them ends up being a she-cat, I'd like to call her either Hopekit or Faithkit, if one of them is a male, then I guess either Sunkit or Goldenkit? I don't know, what do you think?", Dawnstar replied. Her own curiosity mirroring that of her mate's. In all honesty the thought of naming their kits had never occurred to her. Although, to be fair she has been busy keeping the clan in check, so it may never had crossed her mind until now.

" Huh, you know what, I'm not too sure either... maybe Spottedkit or Flamekit? I wouldn't mind naming a kit after my little brother, Cole", he replied. Amber eyes softening as he thought back to his younger siblings and their unfortunate fates. Before his eyes brightened once more when he glanced back at his mate." But you know what? I kind of like the sound of those names, Hopekit and Faithkit, they kind of symbolise a new beginning, to keep pushing forwards no matter what", he added.

" Then it's settled, if we have a daughter we're naming her Hopekit or Faithkit, as for the rest.... we'll figure it out when the time calls for it", Dawnstar replied. Before glancing up at the sky, and noticing that night was quickly approaching." I think it would be best if we start heading back to camp, before they decide to send out search parties", she added. Causing the reddish spotted tom to chuckle.

" Good idea", Leopardclaw said. Stretching slightly as he stood back up, before a thought suddenly crossed his mind. Causing him to smile a little." You know what?, I think they'd be proud of us, you know? Our parents, I mean", he added.

" You think so?", Dawnstar asked. Watching as her mate joined her on their walk back to camp. Walking shoulder to shoulder, as she listened to their surroundings.

" Without a doubt, we're both still alive thanks to them and they helped us get to where we are, plus we're both helping others, so yes, I do think they'd be proud of us, besides, I think our kits would love to know about them, what do you think?", the tom explained. Glancing up at the darkening sky with a small smile, before turning his attention back towards the tortoiseshell.

" I think that was the most sappiest thing I've ever heard you say, but I agree whole heartedly with it", Dawnstar replied. Gently bumping her shoulder against his out of both playfulness. Causing the two to fall into a comfortable silence as they made the rest of the way back to their camp.
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Children of a shimmering moon

Postby wolfpack12 » Fri Jul 12, 2019 3:52 am

The sun's reflection shimmered gracefully on the water's surface. Birds were happily calling out to one another in their search for a mate, and bees were busily collecting pollen for their hives from freshly bloomed flowers. There were even a few dragonflies out and about. Teasing the inhabitants of the lake as they danced and skipped across the crystal clear surface.

After such a devastating and long Leaf-bare, Newleaf had finally arrived.

Settled around the lake, were the members of Crescentclan. Some were sharing tongues near the water's edge, while others were happily soaking up the sun from the top of a cluster of rocks. A few were even trying their luck at fishing, or were simply playfully sparring with one another. For once in their lives, they didn't have to worry about any rogue attacks or even a lack of food. Now, they were free to just enjoy the peace and quiet.

" Ow! Moonshimmer, Hazelkit is being too rough again!"

Well, so much for peace and quiet.

Six pairs of eyes watched in amusement at the struggling apprentice, who was currently trying to get a seal pointed kit to let go of his mostly white ear. Obviously the kit was having none of it, and only bit down harder in order to stop the slightly older tom from shaking him off. It wasn't until one of the spectators noticed that Hazelkit was close to drawing blood, that she then decided to step in and save the poor tom before he lost an ear.

" Hazelkit, dear, we've talked about this, let go of Snowpaw's ear before you accidentally rip it off", Moonshimmer said softly. Watching as her son's eyes widened at her words, before he quickly let Snowpaw's ear fly free. Resulting in the slightly older tom stumbling backwards and landing on his back with a grunt." Good, now what do we say to those we accidentally hurt", she added.

At first, the young kit hesitated as he glanced from his mother to Snowpaw then back to his mother again. It wasn't until he saw her subtle scolding look, that he was finally able to swallow his pride and meet the apprentice's gaze." Sorry, Snowpaw", he apologised. Before glancing down at his paws in both embarrassment and defeat.

" Eh, apology accepted, kit, just don't try doing that again, alright?", Snowpaw replied. Wincing slightly as he ran a paw over his now aching ear. Before trying to resist the urge of rolling his eyes, upon hearing the almost silent snickering of his fellow apprentices behind him." Thank you, Moonshimmer, I'll see you guys later", he added.

Moonshimmer merely nodded as she watched Snowpaw walk off, before glancing back down at her son with a slightly narrowed gaze." You know it isn't nice to bite others while playfighting, Hazelkit", she lectured. Barely aware of her two daughters, Willowkit and Reedkit, joining them. Instead, her attention was mostly on the young seal point, as he swiped at the ground with a front paw.

" I didn't mean too, but he was being really annoying and wouldn't be quiet", Hazelkit muttered. His gaze turning into a brief frown, before it went right back to one of being ashamed.

The blue point sighed softly, before ducking her head down and gently nudging his shoulder." That's just Snowpaw being Snowpaw, pay no mind to it", she said gently. When her son continued to stare stubbornly at the ground, she couldn't help but laugh as she was reminded of a certain tom. It was funny with how much her kits had in common with their father. Especially when it came to the sulky look." You are just like your father, you know", she added.

That quickly caught the attention of all three of her kits.

" What do you mean mum?", Willowkit asked. Blue eyes shining with curiosity as she tilted her head to the side. Her two siblings quickly catching on and joining her.

" Yeah! How's Hazelkit like dad?", Reedkit added. Her own blue gaze was as sharp as her mother's, yet held the same curiosity as that of her sister.

" Well, he would act the exact same way Hazelkit would when being told off, it was actually quite comical really, since he would just sit there stubbornly and pout until he can't", Moonshimmer replied. Warmth filling her heart as she thought back on the memory. A small smile forming on her face as she settled down in front of her kits.

" Mum... what was he like? Dad I mean", Hazelkit asked. Now tucking himself into her side, as he rested his head on what her outstretched front legs. Looking up at her with big wide curious pupils.

" Well, he looked a whole lot like you and Willowkit, except he was far more mature about his actions, although he did tend to get into fights whenever he was annoyed with someone, other than that he was both a skilled fisher and swimmer", Moonshimmer replied. Only to quickly stretch her front legs out, once she noticed the glint in her kits eyes. With a silent scowl, she trapped all three between her paws." Don't you even think it, the only reason your father was able to swim was because he made the effort to learn it, I will not allow you to foolishly drown yourselves over something your father was skilled at", she added.

" But where is dad? Why isn't he here? With us?"

The blue point was taken aback by the question. Even more so when her other two kits started joining in. How were you supposed to answer something like that, especially when the answer was far darker than what one would expect. With a resigned sigh, the she-cat met the gazes of her kits.

" Before you three were born, your father and I had a run in with some pretty nasty rogues, due to us expecting you, we couldn't risk any injuries so we joined them, all while secretly planning our escape, it wasn't until we bumped into Crescentclan that we realised our chance had arrived, unfortunately the rogues were suspicious of us and your father realised the only way for you three to have a future, was for him to lead them away while I joined Crescentclan, and before you even say anything... yes he did love all of you, very much so, enough to risk his life for you, I don't know where he is now, but I do know he would of been so happy to have finally met all of you", Moonshimmer explained. Feeling slightly winded, the blue point glanced down at her kits to see what their expressions were. As she expected, each one was filled with warring emotions.

" What was his name?", Willowkit asked cautiously. Not quite sure on how to react to the info their mother gave them.

" Trout, and he was the one who suggested in calling you three 'Willow', 'Reed' and 'Hazel'", Moonshimmer replied. Gently licking the top of each of her kits foreheads in silent reassurance.

" But if you don't know where he is, does that mean there's a chance he's still out there somewhere?"

The blue point glanced at her son, before up at the sun above them. It was definitely a tough question to answer, but a part of her was suggesting that she should still cling on to the hope of seeing her mate again. With a small smile, the she-cat then glanced back down at her kits." Yes, there is a chance he's still out there somewhere, and you may even come across him one day, but for now how about I show you all on how to fish, just as long as you only watch and don't try to get in the water", she said. Watching in amusement as she was met with a bunch of enthusiastic replies. Before three small blurs each shot across the ground towards the lake, with their mother casually trotting behind them.

Trout, wherever you may be, I hope we meet again, and I hope you'll be proud of how far our kits have come
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A promising future apprentice

Postby wolfpack12 » Fri Jul 12, 2019 6:59 am

" Mwyfwight! Mwyfwight!"

Mismatched coloured eyes glanced at the dens entrance to see who was calling their owner's name. Only to settle down on a small torbie she-kit with green eyes, who happened to be carrying a bundle of moss that seemed to be too big for her. The medicine cat could already feel a warm smile slowly making its way onto her face, as she stood up to walk over to the kit. Amusement dancing in her eyes.

" Yes, Poppykit? How may I help you?", she asked. Watching as Aspenwing's daughter stubbornly waddled her way closer, a determined look set on her face. Only for a small squeak to escape the she-kit's mouth as she suddenly tripped over her own paws. She would have face planted the floor if it weren't for Mistflight suddenly shooting out a paw to stop her decent. However, while the medicine cat was able to prevent the kit from hurting herself, she couldn't save the bundle of moss that had fallen unceremoniously onto the ground in her place.

Crestfallen, Poppykit stared sadly at the now mossy mess on the floor. Her ears instinctively flattening against her head, as she then glanced back up at the older she-cat." Aaawww, I spent ages gathering that for you, sorry, Mistflight", she apologised. Before turning her green gaze down towards her paws.

Taken aback the medicine cat blinked slowly. For her? Why would a kit gather moss for her? She had no clue. However, as her mismatched coloured eyes landed once more on the saddened kit, she couldn't help but gently smile." Hey now, it wasn't your fault, and I can still use this so don't worry", she replied. Giving the kit a soft nudge with her paw in the process. Once poppykit met her gaze once more, she could help but voice her next thought." But why would you go out of your way to gather moss for me?", she asked.

Sheepishly, Poppykit glanced down at her paws." I-I, uh, I noticed you were struggling between treating clanmates and collecting herbs, so I-I thought I'd help you out a little, b-but don't worry! Dad was with me when I went to out get moss for you, so I wasn't alone", she explained. The kit then lifted her head up to glance in the direction of the den's entrance and frowned briefly. Before taking a deep breath and glancing up at the medicine cat with a small smile." Besides, being a medicine cat looks like it is far more fun than being a warrior", she added.

While Mistflight was indeed touched by the kits words, something about that brief frown caused her to wonder if there was more to Poppykit's kind act than what was shown." But don't you want to be a warrior? You'll be able to find a loving mate and have kits of your own, you won't have to live with the guilt of failing a patient", She replied.

" No!", the she-kit yowled. Only to then take a nervous step backwards upon realising what she said. Her fur now slightly fluffed up from her sudden outburst." No, I know the burdens of a healer aren't easy, but that's why I want to become a medicine cat, so that I can help my clanmates, I don't want to fight in a battle and not be able to help those who are badly injured", she added quietly. Gazing sadly at the ground in shame from how she had yelled at the older she-cat.

Mistflight stared at the young kit in front of her, not quite sure on what to make of her determination. But the more she stared at the kit, the more she began to see a bit of herself when she was that age. Glancing over to where her herbs were, the she-cat quietly stood up and went over to carefully pick up some chervil. Before walking back to Poppykit and placing the herb down in front of her." Well, then, this is chervil, it is ap-", she began. Only for the kit to suddenly cut her off.

" Applied to wounds, its leave cure infections and its roots are used to cure bellyache"

The pale grey and white spotted tabby blinked. Before getting up and grabbing another herb. Doing the same thing she did with the chervil, the she-cat placed the herb down in front of the kit and watched her expressions carefully." This is-", she began. Again she was interrupted by Poppykit.

" Comfrey, it sooths wounds and mends broken bones"

Impressed, the she-cat got up and went for a final herb. She didn't even get to open her mouth before the kit was already beating her to it.

" Stinging nettle, it dispels poison and brings down swelling"

Mistflight felt a small smirk slowly make its way onto her face, as she once more sat in front of the kit." Impressive, but how do you know all of this?", she asked teasingly. Getting the feeling she might already know the answer, judging by how the kit ducked her head in embarrassment.

" I, uh, I kind of listen in on you as you describe which herb does what to Dawnstar and our clanmates", Poppykit replied. If she were human, she would have been blushing a deep shade of red.

" Well, then, shall we continued your herb education then, who knows, you might even become a certain someone's apprentice", the older she-cat replied. A warm smile now replacing her smirk, as she watched the kits eyes brightened. Sending a knowing wink in Poppykit's direction, she then made her way back towards her herbs. This time, with a second set of pawsteps following her.

She meant what she said. If Poppykit was determined to memorise every herb by the end of the day, she was going to talk to Dawnstar about making the kit her apprentice. After all, the clan needs a second medicine cat.
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A fiery encounter

Postby wolfpack12 » Thu Dec 05, 2019 10:20 am

She was met with a burnt forest.

The ground was covered in ash, and the air was thick with the smell of smoke. No matter where the she-cat looked, everything had been burnt to a crisp. Leaving only the charcoaled remains of what had once been alive.

Stiffening back a cough, the she-cat made her way further into the burnt wasteland. Her hazel coloured eyes searching for any signs of either life or survivors. Yet the further she went, the harder it became for her to ignore the feeling of being watched. Casting a quick glance over her shoulder, the rosetted torbie was met with nothing but an eerie mist.

A flicker of movement caught her eye, but when she turned to look in it's direction she was met with even more mist. Strange. She could have sworn she saw amber eyes peering at her from the shadows.

Shaking the feeling off, the she-cat continued to explore her surroundings.

Only to then jump when something suddenly snapped and crashed behind her. Causing the fire sentry leader to spin around and be met with a dead tree that had fallen over. As the ash and smoke cleared, a single ember emerged from the blackened bark. Twirling and dancing through the air as if it were alive.

Mesmerized, Hopetail watched as the ember twirled around her like a kit wanting to play. The only thing that shattered this somewhat peaceful image, were the whispers that slowly began to grow in volume. Until it became a roaring cacophony of sound.

Which in turn caused the single ember to start dancing more violently. As if it were an angry bee trying to defend its hive.

Startled, the she-cat scrambled backwards away. Her eyes widening in horror as the ember began to grow in size and take the shape of a cat. This time there was laughter. Cruel and mocking. Echoing deep within her mind, as the blazing inferno in front of her finally calmed down. Revealing the creature that had been made from it's flames.

It's body was large and sleek, reminding Hopetail of the creatures her father used to tell her about. 'Leopards', was what she thinks he called them. As for it's tail, it was thin and whip like. With a burning tuft of 'fur' at the end. Next were it's eyes, claws and teeth. Burning with such a strong intensity, that it hurt to just look at them.

Closing her eyes, the rosetted torbie braced herself for what was no doubt her end. Only to once more hear that crackling laughter, and feel the intensity of the heat strengthen as it neared her trembling form.

" There's no need to be afraid of me, little one~"

It was as if there were a thousand voices all speaking together at once. Yet, for some strange reason they held no menace. Cautiously opening her eyes, Hopetail found herself staring at the fiery creature. Who had seemed to settle itself down in front of her, and was now watching her with the same amusement a mother would hold for her kit.

Swallowing back her fear and clearing her throat, the she-cat dared to try and speak.

" W-who are you?", she asked. Hating how her voice trembled at the beginning, but was at least thankful that it did not break for the remainder of her sentence. As if to answer, a soft purring chuckle escaped the creature before her.

" I am Kalama~ And I am the speaker of the flames~ Your flames~"

Fear turned to confusion at the crea- at Kalama's words. What did that mean? And what did she mean by 'your' flames?

Tilting her head, the rosetted torbie frowned as she took one cautious step forwards. As if she were afraid to be swallowed up at any moment by the monstrous beast." What does any of that mean?", Hopetail asked. Not quite sure on whether or not she'll like the answer she'll receive.

" I am your passion~ Your need to protect those you care about~ I help keep the flames calm and satisfied~"

It was as if Kalama was speaking in riddles. Nothing it said made any sense.

As if sensing her growing confusion, the large fiery creature merely chuckled and tilted it's giant head. A smile flickering onto it's face, shining brighter than the sun itself." It is too early to understand~ But I am glad to finally meet you~ Should you ever wish to speak to me again~ Call out my name and think of this place~ For it is where no spirit will ever be able to reach us~", she replied. Definitely a 'she', since the creature's voice seemed to sound more female than male.

Suddenly, both residents looked upwards as thunder boomed across the sky above their heads. Followed by a faint roaring noise in the distance, that gradually grew louder and louder as it approached the two's position. Hopetail's attention was then brought back to Kalama, when the fiery beast once more let out a sinister sounding chuckle.

" It would seem our meeting has been cut short~ Until next time, Hopetail~"

A sudden wave of fear hit her upon hearing her name roll off of the beast's tongue. She never gave Kalama her name, so how did this thing know it. Before she could even ask, she found herself being hit by a wave of water.

That was when she woke up, gasping for air as she quickly took in her surroundings. Only to relax once she realised she was within her clan's warrior den and surrounded by her clanmates. But the events of the dream still clung to her, as a single thought entered her head.

Who are you Kalama, and how do you know my name?
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An apprentice's first prophecy

Postby wolfpack12 » Thu Dec 05, 2019 10:38 am

The young she-cat could hardly breathe, as she came to a sudden stop. Barely being able to avoid a burning tree in time, as it came crashing down in front of her. Blocking her only escape route. Panic surged through the young cat, as she quickly backed away from the spreading flames. A series of painful coughs leaving her lungs, as she desperately tried to find another way out of her predicament. Her ears instinctively flattening against her head, as the wall of flames that had previously circled her slowly began to close in. Like a pack of hungry dogs.

"Fizzle, crack, burn and pop
That's the sound charred trees make, as their bodies drop
Meadows burn, forests crumble
Let this be your only tumble"

The voice that spoke was eerie, yet surprisingly soft. Echoing around the she-cat, as if it were coming from a cave rather than a roaring fire. However, try as she might, the she-cat couldn't pinpoint where the voice was coming from. Neither could she see beyond the wall of flame. Making her feel like some sort of invisible force was taunting her. Which in turn caused her ash stained fur to stand on end.

"Twist, leap, dance and spin
Only when you fall, will you then win
Hidden in shadow, the ember glows
Protected by your most deadliest of foes"

Suddenly the flames leapt forwards. As if it were an angry snake trying to catch a fleeing mouse. Forcing the young she-cat to quickly retreat backwards, in order to avoid being burned by its fiery claws. But what she saw next as she looked up, caused her entire body to freeze. Amongst the moving flames, were the shadowy outlines of cats. At least, they looked like cats. Their amber eyes burning just as fiercely as the fire that surrounded them. But none of their gazes held the same warmth as those of her clanmates. Instead all they held was an intense hate and bitterness. Moving through the flames as if under some sort of trance.

"Hiss, spit, crackle and roar
Only one will truly soar
Beware the flames that burn
Only then will you truly learn"

By now the voice had grown louder. Booming like thunder above the fiery clearing. Suddenly the torbie was knocked backwards by a sudden gust of wind. Green eyes closed tightly as she turned her head away from the sudden onslaught. When she finally dared to open them again, she found herself standing at the edge of a ravine. Yet the wind refused to give in, and only continued to strengthen. Rain soon following, as another heavy boom sounded above her.

"Song of doubt, cry of raven
Many are easily shaken"

The voice was close now. As if whoever it was talking, was standing right in front of her. Whipping her head around, Poppypaw found herself face to face with something that even the bravest of warriors would cower at. Before her stood a fiery apparition of what seemed to be a large cat. Steam rose above its body, as the flames that kept it alive fought back against the heavy rainfall. Its burning eyes watched her. Waiting. For what? She didn't know.

"One shall fall, one shall rise
Head the call of the rising tide"

The torbie could barely keep her footing, as she was suddenly thrown back and forth by the wind. Her claws digging into the ground in vain. Her small body being forcefully pushed towards the edge of the ravine by something she couldn't see. She could only yowl in fear, as she was suddenly tossed over the edge. Sent tumbling down towards the waiting shadows bellow.


Green eyes snapped open, as the she-cat gasped for air. Her breathing heavy, as she shakily glanced at her surroundings. Flinching ever so slightly when she heard the sound of thunder outside. Well, that explains why it was raining, she thought. Only to suddenly sit upright. Her eyes widening, as the realisation of her dream suddenly dawned on her. The next thing she knew, she was racing towards where her mentor slept. Barely stopping in time, as she began to frantically shake the older she-cat.

" Mistflight! Mistflight!"

" Poppypaw?", Mistflight asked. Confusion clear in her voice, as she squinted at her apprentice. Who began to nervously fiddle with her front paws, as she avoided eye contact. Frowning ever so slightly, the pale grey ticked tabby slowly stood up." Poppypaw, are you alright? what's wrong?", she added.

" I-I had a strange dream, it wasn't like anything I've ever seen before, I.... I think it may have been a prophecy", Poppypaw replied. Quickly avoiding her mentor's gaze upon feeling it suddenly grow in intensity. However, she soon found her head being gently lifted upwards and found herself staring at her mentor's mismatched coloured eyes. That were now filled with nothing but patience and a soft understanding." Tell me", Mistflight replied, softly.

Blinking, the she-cat nodded hesitantly. Doing her best to recall what she had seen, and trying to not let the panic she had previously felt return. Poppypaw opened her mouth and began her tale.

" There was a fire..."
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A rainy confession

Postby wolfpack12 » Mon Dec 09, 2019 10:54 am

The sky was dark, causing the forest below to be swallowed up by its shadow.

Prey and predator alike were wise enough to stay within the safety of their dens, burrows and nests. Not wishing to brave the strengthening wind outside, unless they were to be battered around by its increasing strength. Unfortunately, not everyone was so lucky enough to escape the weather's wrath in time.

A low rumble struck across the sky above them, as the two felines raced through the whistling forest. Their nerves close to breaking point as they searched for somewhere to rest and take shelter in. Their fur already drenched to the bone from the sudden rainfall.

" It's no use, Nightflame! I can't see anything through this rain!"

The tortoiseshell glanced in her clanmates direction, then back in front of them to realise he was right. It was like trying to see through fog. Blinking water out of her eyes, the she-cat narrowed her pupils in concentration. Trying her hardest to see if she could spot a place that would shield them from the rain. Then it happened.

A sudden flash of lightning that lit up the landscape around them. As well as lighting up their salvation, a gap within a small hillside.

" Over there! Hailstorm, this way!", she yelled. Changing direction to head towards what she could only hope was an abandoned den. The last thing either of them needed was for them to come face to face with something worse than the rain. The barely audible thud of paw steps behind her, told her that the long haired tom was close on her heels. However, once the two reached the entrance to the den they hesitated.

Hailstep was the first to speak as he stared into the inky depths of their possible shelter." How do we know if it's even safe? And that there isn't anything in there?", he asked. Trying to detect a scent, only to end up sneezing when rain water entered his nose instead. It would have been funny to the she-cat if he didn't look so miserable afterwards.

Without answering, the she-cat ducked her head into the entrance and allowed her eyes to adjust. So far there were no shadowy shapes to indicate that there was anyone else within the den. Which was a good sign, but there was only one thing left to do to truly put the pair at ease. Parting her jaws, the she-cat took a deep breath. Only to feel her muscles suddenly relax when she detected no fresh scents." It's ok, no-one's entered this den for months, now get your good for nothing tail in here before you freeze to death!", she called out over her shoulder. Before proceeding to fully enter the den, and make room for her companion.

Just in time too. Because by the sounds of it, the storm outside had only gotten worse.

Shaking his fur, Hailstep plopped himself down next to his friend. Grimacing at the feeling of water dripping off of his whiskers, and the way his fur clung to his skin." I hate rain", he muttered. Only to jump slightly when the she-cat next to him began to laugh. Causing him to glance in the fire sentry's direction as she tried to cover her mouth with her paw." What?", he asked.

" Nothing, nothing, it's just I find it funny hearing you say that, when your name literally begins with 'HAIL'!", Nightflame replied. Her voice already trembling with the promise of letting out another round of laughter. Not that the tom could complain, since he could clearly see the irony in his own name.

However, it didn't stop him from breaking out into a chuckle of his own. He couldn't help it, hearing Nightflame laugh was a contagious thing to the tom. In fact, just being in the presence of the she-cat alone was enough to brighten up his day.

A small playful smirk appeared on his face, as he gently bumped his shoulder against her own." As if you're one to talk, if I remember correctly you keep complaining about night shifts, which is funny considering that your name starts with 'NIGHT'", he replied. Watching with increasing amusement as the she-cat next to him placed a paw against her chest in mocked shock.
It took everything within him to not burst out laughing, as his companion let out a fake gasp and act surprised.

" I cannot believe you just said that to me! How could you?! That it such a low blow! I'm just going to ignore you now until you apologise!"

The long haired tom stifled back another chuckle, as he watched the short haired she-cat comically turn her head away from him. Even adding a little dramatic 'humph!' to the act." Come on Nightflame, don't be like that!", he said. Playing along with she-cat's antics. However, as the silence continued to drag on, the tom couldn't help but begin to feel like he might have actually struck a nerve. With his smile faltering slightly, the tom tilted his head to the side in an attempt to see the she-cat's face." Nightflame?", he asked.

When the she-cat continued to ignore him, and even turned her body further away from him. The tom couldn't help but feel a sudden rush of panic flood through his body. In all his years of knowing the she-cat, he had never seen anything get to her. Therefore, it was making the tom increasingly concerned at the sudden change in the fire sentry's behaviour.

" Come on, Nightflame, don't be like that, it was just a joke!"

Unbeknownst to the tom, Nightflame wasn't actually mad with him. In fact, she was doing her best not to laugh as she continued her little dramatic act. However, that soon changed when she heard the increasing despair and concern in his voice. Causing the smile she was hiding to drop significantly as she listened to the tom's saddened tone.

It pulled at her heart, since she deeply cared about the tom. So much so, that she actually found herself falling for him.

" Say 'Nightflame is the best Fire Sentry in the world and I'll happily give up the squirrel I caught earlier today to her', and all is forgiven"

Hailstep found himself blinking in disbelief at the she-cat's words." You can't be serious!", he exclaimed. But at the continued silence from the she-cat, and the constant rain outside, he realised that she was indeed being serious. His pride was screaming at him to refuse, to not give in. But both his mind and heart were saying otherwise. Nightflame meant a whole lot to him, even more so than that of a friend. He'd rather die than spend the rest of his life not being able to speak to the one she-cat who made his stomach dance with nervous butterflies." Fine... Nightflame is the best Fire Sentry in the world, and I'll happily give up the squirrel I caught earlier today to her", he replied. A defeated sigh leaving his system.

Suddenly a black and ginger flecked blur rolled over and rested on his front legs. His blue gaze meeting a warm sea of amber, as he stared down at a grinning Nightflame. His confusion at her sudden change in mood must have shown, because she laughed and gently placed her front paws on either side of his drenched face.

" Oh, Hailstorm! I was never mad at you, I was simply pretending to be mad! But I am incredibly sorry for making you think I was!", Nightflame explained. A sudden warmth flooding through her chest as she watched the tom's features go from concerned to relieved within seconds. Yep, she definitely loved him.

All her life she had been convincing herself that she didn't need anyone. That she was fine on her own. But that all changed when she met Hailstep. A tom who had willingly helped her find her place within the clan, and even defended her from those who had doubted her loyalty. It was because of him and his wise advice that helped her become who she is today.

A sudden roar of thunder from outside, caused both cats to jump as they glanced at the entrance. Both now on full alert.

" Hey, Nightflame, can I ask you something?", Hailstep asked. His voice only a little bit louder than a whisper. As if he were afraid that what he would say next could potentially damage their friendship for real this time. It was something he had been meaning to say for quite some time now. But never had a chance or the courage to say it. Mostly because of his duties as a warrior, but also because he didn't want to ruin the friendship they had.

" Sure!"

Upon hearing his clanmate's response, he felt that nervous butterfly-like feeling return." Ever since you came to the clan, I felt something that I never felt before, and it only continued to grow the more the two of us got to know one another, I didn't know what it was at first, but whenever we hanged out together, laughed, shared prey or even exchanged strategies, I realised that I had fallen in love with you, you're an amazing she-cat who had been there for me during my worst moments, who had saved my stupid tail on more than one occasion, who had shown me all these cool and unique ways on how to survive by myself, and even defended me when some of our clanmates thought I was a traitor...", he began. A soft smile now replacing his previous one, as he recalled all the times the she-cat had been there fore him.

When he received no response, and continued to feel the she-cat's watchful gaze on him he continued." S-so I guess what I'm trying to ask is, w-would you do me the honour of becoming my mate? N-Not that you have to if y-", he began. Only to get cut off by Nightflame suddenly gently headbutting his chin with her head. At first he thought she was about to tell him to shut up or yell at him. But then he heard the pleased and happy purring, as the tortoiseshell intertwined her tail with his. Not caring that they were both still wet from the rainfall outside.

" You've been there for me for most of my life, helped me learn to care about and befriend others, and even helped me become who I am now, it's because of you that I'm now able to look at my past and tell myself that everything is going to be ok, because I have you and that's all that matters to me", Nightflame replied. A warm smile of her own appearing on her face as she pulled her head back to look at him. Her own front paws now resting on his as they pressed down on them reassuringly." so of course, I'll be your mate, you good for nothing fluffball!", she added.

It was as if a weight had suddenly been lifted from his shoulders as Hailstep happily pressed his forehead against hers. The storm outside no longer bothering either of them, as they fell into a comfortable and loving silence." I love you", the tom whispered. Breaking the silence and hearing an amused chuckle escape the she-cat in front of him. One that he was quick to return upon hearing the whispered reply.

" I love you too, Fluffball"
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