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Re: [ Create A Tribe ] - [ V.2 ] - [ Hiatus ]

Postby Bluey, » Tue Dec 03, 2019 8:28 pm

Tribe of Tumbling Stones

The tribe of tumbling stones or TOTS is located in a mountany region with rocks that are brown or beige colours that’s prey is the following

Small birds
Large birds
Bird eggs

They are known to be quite shy cats with thin bodies and thick muscly legs, fur colours that come up most are, brown or beige cats and light ginger cats. They usually have medium to short fur. The predators are, Snakes, Large birds (though also prey) and the extreme weather in Greenleaf. There leader is not called the Stoneteller but like the examples eg. Red leaf that falls at dawn becomes either Dawnteller or Redteller. It does not ever snow in the Tribe Of Tumbling Stones though massive storms do happen.
Also instead of the Stoneteller choosing a to-be to become the next healer they choose a cave-guard because instead of hiding away in there den their whole life they often go out with patrols.
Last edited by Bluey, on Mon Jan 13, 2020 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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❝ keepers of the hearth ❞

Postby Katrione » Fri Jan 10, 2020 4:45 pm




      keepers of the hearth is a tribe that lives in a house on an abandoned farm. the entire farm, including the tractors and farming equipment, were left abandoned where the twolegs had left them during an evacuation years ago. [ farm was abandoned during a fictional war 40 years prior to the clans founding ]

      keepers of the hearth was named for the large fireplace inside the house, the leader uses it to make their announcements and perform any important ceremonies.

      the house has two stories, as well as a cellar. the ground floor is where the warriors, apprentices and leader have their dens. the second floor is where the queens, kits and elders sleep, to give them privacy from the bustle of clan life. the medicine cat sleeps in the cellar, since the coolness makes it a perfect place for herbs.

      despite the different ranks being assigned to a specific floor, there is no real set place for the ranks on that floor. cats will tend to sleep in an area with their family or close friends. their nests are made from moss and hay that they drag in from the fields.

      the queens will stay in the master bathroom the first two moons after their kits are born. it's the farthest from the stairs to the first floor and the large tub is convenient for nests. after the two moons, the queens will move into the master bedroom.

      the apprentices are trained all over the farm. they also use the old tractors and cars as playgrounds.

      during full moons, the tribe gathers and shares a meal together and listen to stories told by the elders of the tribe. oftentimes, announcements such as new mateships, rank advancements and expecting kits will be shared during these times. cats are free to choose their own mate, except those in high positions. the leader, leader to-be and the heads of each rank cannot choose their mates, their mates must be voted for by the rest of the tribe. if the leader passes away, the leader to-be takes their place. if they both pass on, one of the rank heads will be voted into the position of leadership.

      tribe healer -- wildfire, the healer is usually the strongest and wildest cat in the clan, hence their name. they're the fire that rages through the farm anytime a rival clan or predator hurts the tribe
      tribe healer to-be -- wildfire kindle, they are the next in line after the root. they are in the council
      prey-hunters -- heats, they are careful and thoughtful in their movements but are still effective in caring for the tribe
      guards -- embers, they are the members that warm and protect the younger members of the tribe
      to-bes -- kindles, those without the knowledge to heat them up or spark them into embers
      mothers -- hearths, after their clan name. they hold and grow the future of the clans
      kits -- glows are the life force that'll eventually take over for their previous generations
      elders -- coals, the retired heats and embers who no longer burn as bright as they once did

      may i please have a long-hair leader? any pelt color is fine!! and may i have lineart? this'll be my second tribe, but any mod will be fine with me!
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Tribe of Firefly Meadows | Starter!

Postby Kazin » Fri Jan 10, 2020 5:00 pm



Situated in rolling fields of green, Tribe of Firefly Meadows calls
a valley home. Isolated from others by tall peaks, the Meadows
cats live a peaceful and calm life. Not many disturb the
peace of the fields, and insects buzz around lazily to fill the
air with their various soothing sounds. The Tribe worships all
bugs, seeing them as the spirits of their ancestors. Each cat
receives a bug 'familiar' from the time they are old enough to
capture one, and almost all cats in the Tribe are named after
some type of bug - whether it be something found in the area or
not. These familiars might stay with the cat that captures them,
though it is not often. The bugs are usually released after a cat
catches them, returning to watch over the tribe from the valley.



The Healer will always be called Whisper from the __ (bug), with
an adjective and the species of bug in their name to make them
unique. Healers are often chosen because of their affiliation
with fireflies, so young cats that receive a firefly familiar are
likely to be the next Healer. The Prey-Hunters, call Catchers,
are often familiars to fast, sleek bugs such as dragonflies.
Guards, called Beetles, are often alike to strong and armored bugs,
though it is not unusual for a Hunter or Guard to have different
bug familiar names. When a mother gives birth, names are chosen
by the nearest bug, though on rare occasions a name may be
changed by the Bugwhisperer once a kit reaches To-Be age.





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filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler

    TL;DR of the above:
    --> Healers are often referred to as Bugwhisperers, though the terms are synonymous.
    --> Prey-hunters are called Catchers. Guards are called Beetles.
    --> Bugs/insects are seen as the spirits and ancestors of the Tribe - bugs may not be harmed.
    --> Names are often bug names, though on rare occasions it may be something different.
    --> Tribe of Firefly Meadows is situated in a valley, surrounded by meadows and a river and mountainous terrain.

    Other stuff that I couldn't fit in the boxes!
    Prey include field mice and vole (1 servings), rabbit and snake (2 servings), and thrush and hare (3 servings).
    Predators are coyote, hawks, occasional foxes or badgers, and rarely angry deer or a wandering cougar.

    Could I request my Healer be a ginger/white tabby with bright amber eyes? Short fur preferred. (I'm fine with either pictures or descriptions to start, though I will probably end up asking to be transferred to Lineart when I can).
Last edited by Kazin on Sat Jan 11, 2020 4:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Tribe of the Shrouded Mist | 000

Postby winter solstice. » Fri Jan 10, 2020 5:28 pm

Tribe of the Shrouded Mist

There is a tale, handed down from Stoneskipper to Stoneskipper, from prey-hunters and tribe-guards to their to-bes, and from kit-mothers to their kits, that explains the origin of the Tribe of the Shrouded Mist, and it goes like this...

"Many, many moons ago... So many moons ago that no cat but the Tribe of Endless Hunting can recall... There was once a Clan of wild cats far from here, known as BirchClan. This Clan lived like us, with no Twolegs to control them. They worshipped their own ancestors, called StarClan. They were a proud bunch though, and one cat in particular in that Clan was prouder than any cat- their leader Wolfstar. Named for the fierce beasts that sometimes roamed the land, the large gray tom loved to challenge any and all trespassers and loved to punish any cat who had no right to be there. A cruel, proud cat, Wolfstar never asked for help when badgers, vicious beasts like wolves, came to attack his Clan. They all perished at the end, save for a cat named Rockfang. He was a brave fighter that was forced to run away when his father, Graytail, made him do so. He traveled away from his former home, asking constantly for help from StarClan. But they never answered him. Moons and moons passed, and eventually Rockfang gave up. He declared there was never such a thing as StarClan, as he never received help from them. He began to retrace his steps, and ended up here, in these mountains. Stopping to rest one night, Rockfang met a pale gray cat that made him change his ways.

The cat was called Mist That Shrouds the Mountains. He explained that he was a spirit, long dead to the living world. But he was there to help, along with the spiritual Tribe he was part of, called the Tribe of Endless Hunting. Rockfang asked if they were really there, and Mist answered yes. The tribal ancestors would guide him if he were to leave his Clan days behind him forever and start a Tribe in the mountains. If he did, Mist would become an all-encompassing mist that would protect his Tribe from the wolves that lived there. When Rockfang agreed, the Tribe of the Endless Hunting gave him his new name- The Teller of the Skipping Stones, and that he would become a leader to his new Tribe, the Tribe of the Shrouded Mist. Mist That Shrouds the Mountains kept his promise. And to this day, the Tribe of Endless Hunting protects us by shrouding us in the protective mist of the ancestor who provided a cat with a traumatic past with a new lease on life."

The Territory
The Tribe of the Shrouded Mist makes the mist-shrouded mountains of the Pacific Northwest region of the western United States their home. And as such, the area is hilly, mountainous, and the ground moist and wet, making for a pretty harsh place for cats to live; however, these cats have learned how to navigate through the treacherous boggy, rocky, or otherwise hard places for cats to tread using the thick pawpads they have developed over the years. The territory’s boundaries are marked by four distinct markers in the four cardinal directions.

To the west, a large cliff abruptly ends into the rushing waters below. This cliff is known as “Branch’s Last Stand”, where, according to legend, a cat named Branch of Strong Oak was driven to this cliff by a large bear. In desperation and defiance, the cat jumped to their death, rather than be mauled to death by the dangerous beast. The sheer cliff was named in their honor, and young Tribe to-bes and young prey-hunters are forbidden to venture out there by themselves, in fear of losing them to the waters below, just as Branch of Strong Oak had perished.

To the north, a small grove of silver birch trees line the border, beyond which an abandoned Twoleg nest lies. The nest is an abandoned barn, where mice thrive; however, due to their pride, no Tribe cat will venture further than the silver birch grove, unless desperate for prey during the heat of greenleaf or the cold of leaf-bare. The Tribe calls the grove “Silverleaf Forest”. Within this forest lies a pack of wolves, known as the Silverleaf Pack, with which the Tribe co-exists harmoniously, all due to a pact made between cat and wolf countless seasons ago. As long as the Tribe cats do not go past the boundaries of the abandoned Twoleg nest, the wolves would not harm them.

To the east lies an old Thunderpath. Though no Twoleg or monster has been spotted in recent seasons, the acrid scent of both monsters and Twolegs linger there, and not many cats like to go there during patrols, even if the Thunderpath marks the border.

To the south lies a river, where the Clan uses as a hunting ground for fish and other prey easily found nearby. In newleaf, however, the river swells and overflows its banks, forcing Tribe cats into the camp for many days at a time.

Notable Places
The Camp: The camp of the Tribe of the Shrouded Mist lies within a sheltered valley between two peaks. It is covered from the peering gaze of flying predators, such as eagles and owls, by the thick foliage of the trees growing tall above them. The cats of the tribe have fashioned dens out of hollowed out logs and between the massive root systems of fallen trees. They like to make nests out of the fallen leaves of the ground, and some may like to collect pebbles from the river by the southern borders to decorate the outside of their nests with.

The Pool of Shimmering Ripples: A pool located near the northern edge of camp, led back to camp by a narrow trail, it is where the Teller of the Skipping Stones, or Stoneskipper, resides. This is where the Tribe-Healer makes his or her home, and this is where he or she skips stones across the pool to interpret the signs of the Tribe of Endless Hunting.

Silverleaf Forest: A small forest of silver birch trees growing at the Tribe’s northern borders, this place is full of prey all year. However, this is where the most sightings of bears and wolves have been reported from, and only the most experienced prey-hunters and tribe-guards go to hunt and patrol.

Branch’s Last Stand: A cliff at the west border of Tribe territory, this is where the mythical Branch of Strong Oak perished when they chose to leap to their death instead of be mauled by a bear that had cornered them there. Many a to-be dare one another to try to reach its edge; however, no one actually is able to go there due to the danger it poses. Only the most cautious and experienced tribe-guards go to patrol there, while prey-hunters, whatever experience they have, are forbidden here.

Sky Pine: An easily recognizable landmark in the area, and the one landmark tribe cats who travel outside the territory use to pinpoint their location relative to their territory, the Sky Pine is an ancient white pine tree, rumored to have been planted by the Tribe of Endless Hunting themselves, where to-bes, especially those training to becoming prey-hunters, train their climbing skills. This is where the monthly climbing competitions take place every full moon, during the day, encouraging young cats to prove their climbing prowess and experience.

Ranks Explained
The Tribe of the Shrouded Mist, being a Tribe, have the following ranks: Tribe-Healer, Tribe-Healer To-Be, Prey-Hunters, Tribe-Guards, To-Bes, Kit-Mothers, Kits, and Elders.

Tribe-Healer: the healer of the Tribe, known as the Teller of the Skipping Stones (Stoneskipper for short), this cat also doubles as leader of the Tribe. He or she sees to the order of the Tribe’s everyday activities, as well as take care of any injuries or illnesses Tribe cats face on a daily basis. He or she also uses the Pool of Shimmering Ripples to interpret the Tribe of Endless Hunting’s signs.

Tribe-Healer To-Be: This cat is a cat who has been trained in the ways of a Tribe-Healer, for the day when the current one dies. This cat is only picked when the Tribe-Healer deems a cat is worthy enough to train as a Tribe-Healer.

Prey-Hunters: These cats usually have smaller builds, with shorter fur better suited to running swiftly. They are meant to be fast cats who use their strength for prey-killing, not for fighting.

Tribe-Guards: These cats are stockier of build for the most part, and are better suited to brushing up against rogues and predators that prowl around and in the territory. These cats’ main responsibility is to guard the Tribe camp, go on border patrols, and assist prey-hunters when there is news of predators nearby.

To-Bes: the Tribe equivalent of Clans’ apprentices, these young cats who are old enough to meet the requirement (six moons of age) will be brought before the Stoneskipper to be appraised. The Tribe-Healer will determine if the kit will make a better prey-hunter or tribe-guard, or even his or her own to-be.

Kit-Mothers: The Tribe equivalent to queens of the Clans, these she-cats are nursing or expecting kits, and are the most protected of all Tribe cats, even more so than the Stoneskipper.

Kits: Younger than six moons old, these young kittens are the future of the Tribe. As such, they are not usually seen separated from their mothers or the nursery, spending their early lives sheltered by the fierce cats of the Tribe.

Elders: These are cats who have retired from active prey-hunter or tribe-guard duty. As older members of the Tribe, elders are respected for the wisdom and experience they often share with others of the Tribe.


The cats of the Tribe of the Shrouded Mist have many traditions that set themselves apart from most other Tribes or even Clans, the most important of which is how the Tribe-Healer interprets the signs of their tribe ancestors, the Tribe of Endless Hunting. Outside of this tradition, there are the different words spoken during the different ceremonies, the choosing of a kit’s path of life, the final assessment before a to-be becomes a fully-fledged prey-hunter or tribe-guard, and the most peculiar of them all, the Heartstone Ceremony, conducted during a to-be ceremony.

Stoneskipper’s Way of Interpreting the Ancestors’ Signs: The Teller of the Skipping Stones, or Stoneskipper, performs this by using a common skipping stone in the Pool of the Shimmering Ripples to cause the stone to skip across the pool. Stoneskipper will then interpret the number of skips, as well as the ripples that move across the surface of the water, into signs from the ancestors.

Predators / Prey
he Tribe of Shrouded Mist has dealt with many different dangers, both living and nonliving, as they go about their lives in the heavily-forested territory they have made for themselves. Some of the animals who threaten the safety of the Tribe of the Shrouded Mist include:

Bears: These large brown, sometimes black, creatures lumber around the forest, usually looking after their own cubs and minding no business to cats. However, if they think that the cats pose a threat to their young, these bears will lunge at a cat and easily crush the life out of them, using their considerable bulk and their powerful paw swipes.

Deer: While these animals do not pose a threat to cats in terms of actively hunting them down, these animals are known to wander into camp and cause alarm to many a cat.

Wolves: These dog-like animals pose the greatest threat, as they actively hunt larger animals like deer and cats. Coming in many colors and sizes, these creatures live in packs consisting of many members. While they do not venture outside of the Silverleaf Forest, wolves will not hesitate to attack cats seen within the forest, which they have claimed as their own.

Badgers: These creatures are known for digging holes in the ground to make dens, called sets. They will often venture into camp to try to steal kits to eat, and are highly aggressive, especially mothers with cubs. When battling, it is advised that cats fight in at least twos, as even a young badger can be extremely dangerous to cats.

Foxes: These cunning animals look somewhat similar to wolves, but do not travel in packs; instead, they will often live by themselves and come into camp at night to try to steal kits and other helpless cats to eat. When chasing foxes, cats are advised to attack in groups due to their size and aggressive behavior.

Rats: While one may make a treat for the Tribe cats, a swarm of many different rats may pose a danger, as their sharp teeth can slice through a cat’s fur and flesh, which can become infected if not treated early. Many rats are reported to live near the abandoned Thunderpath.

Eagles: These flying birds of prey are large, formidable birds who are large enough to carry a to-be off into the air. When fending off against them, many tribe-guards and prey-hunters must work together.

Hawks and Falcons: While not as big as eagles, these birds of prey are capable of causing a lot of damage to a cat with their sharp talons and beaks.

The types of prey animals found within the territory of the Tribe include mice, shrews, voles, squirrels, many different kinds of songbirds, and the occasional hare or rabbit.

May I request a silver tabby as my healer please? Also, requesting descriptions for now - they will be transferred to lineart when possible!
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

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Tribe of Singing Breezes | 000

Postby winter solstice. » Fri Jan 10, 2020 5:44 pm

The Tribe of Singing Breezes

Welcome to the Tribe of Singing Breezes, located in the mist-covered slopes of Mt. Gam-ak, in the northern reaches of the South Korean province of Gyeonggyi-do, where the biggest threats are the military activities of Twolegs nearby at their training centers nearby, the Twolegs who come visit the bridges they have constructed in newleaf and leaf-fall, and the dangers posed by foxes, boars, and owls. Here, in the relatively-pristine environment, the cats of the Tribe of Singing Breezes have roamed these slopes for centuries, proudly tracing their lineage to the first Teller of the Whispering Wind, or Baram-sulsa [bah-rahm sul - sah] (u is similar to oo, but shorter oo sound) ("Wind Controller" or "Wind Shaman", depending on context; going for the second meaning, really), who the Tribe cats claim was a wild leopard cat. If their claims are true or not cannot be said due to the flow of time; however, these cats are fierce and loyal to their own, and are known to attack the stray boars that wander about the mountains sometimes.

The Tribe of Singing Breezes's territory consists of the wooded slopes of Mt. Gam-ak, stretching from one end of a valley to the next, providing the cats with much-needed cover, food for the prey they hunt, and refreshing water from the streams that curve through the lush mountain. The main camp is located in a sheltered "clearing", where the only vegetation consists of the tall trees that provide cover above. They say that Twolegs set off something powerful there moons and moons ago, and the upturned earth refused to yield any life, save for the tall guardians of the forest. Here, the cats make shelter out of the various holes in the ground, dug out by the Tribe cats themselves. The Baram-sulsa, however, makes his or her dwelling in the open space of the trees, never making a permanent den, as he or she needs to be constantly alert to interpret the whispers of the winds in the area. The prey of the Tribe consists of mice, shrews, voles, rabbits, owls (2+ cats required), and deer (5+ cats required).

This is my second tribe - I am requesting descriptions, and eventual transfer to lineart please!
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

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Starter -- Tribe of Fallen Stones/Deep Crevices

Postby Smallfox » Fri Jan 10, 2020 6:32 pm

Tribe of Fallen Stones--~ (don't mind me just copying the name of my tribe for my Chickensmoothie pets)
((I just saw someone with Tribe of Tumbling stones so if I can't have that name could it be called
Tribe of Dark Crevices--~?))

This tribe lives in a large hole, mostly dark with stones that are scattered about, sometimes they fall and sometimes they get trapped in a crevice forever, keeping them safe from falling on poor cats who happened to be underneath. This has protected them for moons so sometimes cats are ordered to dig out crevices in the soft dirt. There is a path so they can get out, this is where the Stone Guards sit. If a cat happened to wonder near them the Stone guards will take them into the giant hole.

The tribe is pretty nice to say the least but they aren't too nice they let in everyone they see, they have to prove they are fit to join the tribe.

The tribe believes in the Tribe that Lights the Stars. They are deeply respected but they have a few restrictions to get to them. They don't trust omens, believing they're too finicky to read properly. Instead, cats that want something from the Tribe that Lights the Stars have to go outside at night and watch the stars until they find a pattern of flashing stars where they can read the messages behind them.

They have great leaping power in the legs where Tribe-born adult cats can usually jump out of their hole in one leap. Loners or other tribe cats will have to develop that ability on their own. They also have tough pads and big paws so they can walk through the territory with ease.

They don't have many enemies as they live further away from other tribes and their territory is too rocky to traverse properly. The only real danger they have is an angry rogue or a cougar/mountain lion, however both are rare to come across. But again with the rock territory of this tribe the only prey they can find are small rabbits and mice, oh, and very tiny bird chicks. However, rabbits and bird chicks are rare, mice being their main source of food.

These cats are normally small and thin but have beautiful shiny pelts. The time of Cleaning Furs is a time where cats clean their pelts in the middle of the day sometimes cats like to share news but most days it is completely silent. They are normally bengals or spotted tabbies with atleast a few greyish colours.

Requesting pictures to be changed to Lineart in the future, however I would like some descriptions so I can put it somewhere so artists can refer to the descriptions while drawing them. That's assuming we get Lineart in the future, for now, just pictures with a small description :)

Their leader/healer is called The Catcher of all Stars (Starcatcher)
Their Cave Guard is called the Stone Guard.
They believe in the Tribe that Lights the Stars.
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Re: Tribe of Freezing Frost 12

Postby Simonpet » Fri Jan 10, 2020 7:00 pm

Note: I only want lineart cats. Currently, I have taken down all images of my cats and put them on a special document for transfers. My next post will feature a complete revamp of my coding.

Simonpet wrote:
𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕓𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕥

Number of Cats: 26 (12 ♂ | 14 ♀)
Next Ancient Stones Visit: N/A
Next Kitting: 1 post
Servings Needed: 5
Ancestors | Families | Guardians and To-Bes | Herbs and Prey | Posts | Worldbuilding

"I'm really nervous about assessments," admitted Dust.

"Don't be!" exclaimed Wren, swatting Dust's muzzle. "We've trained for this for so many moons that we're probably going to pass in a heartbeat."

Dust looked unconvinced. "Yeah, but what if..."

"No what-ifs here," Wren declared. "We are going to complete and pass the assessments and that's the end of it."

The dusty-brown tom sighed and gave a small smile. "Fine," he said. "I'll go to my doom willingly and with a grin."

"I swear to Starclan that it's not your doom!"

Frostteller suddenly appeared at the entrance to the cave that Dust and Wren shared with Owl and Lichen. Koi's litter shared a different cave, something that Wren was privately envious of even though she knew that it wasn't any larger. But when she and Dust had passed the assessments, they could have a cave to themselves!! She couldn't wait, although wondered if Dust would consent to instead sharing a cave. Just for the two of them.

"Are you ready?" asked Frostteller in a soft voice, dragging Wren out of her thoughts.

"Yes," said Dust, getting to his paws. "We are."

"What's training to be the next Frostteller like?" asked Dusk, fascinated.

Autumn's tail twitched. "I can't tell you the cool parts but Frostteller taught me how to hunt, which he said is always useful no matter what rank you are."

"Well," said Evening, "if you're a prey-hunter then yes. If you're a guard, it's more important to learn how to bring your enemies down. That's what Hawk said, at least."

"But hunting is still important for a Frostteller," challenged Morning, "because they need to be able to care for the entire tribe. Snow told me that if I wanted to learn how to hunt, he's not going to stop me because there might be times of need when I should know, too."

"Eh," said Evening, "we have enough prey-hunters so I don't think that we'll be worrying about that for a while."

"Regardless," interjected Autumn, "I can't tell you much. Sorry."

"That's okay!" said Dawn, nuzzling her sister and littermate. "Did Frostteller take you to the Ancient Stones yet?" Her eyes were wider than usual in excitement.

"Not yet, but he says soon."

"Tell us all about it. Please!" Dusk, Evening, and Morning nodded with agreement.

"I'll ask if I can!" replied Autumn with a shy smile.


[ The tribe consumes x1 bird and x1 ermine. ]
[ Spider that Wastes No Web and Lark who Watches Sky, formerly of Tribe of Winding Halls join the tribe as a kit-mother and prey-hunter. ]

[ Frostteller and Autumn look for herbs. ]
[ Badger, Sun, and Talon go on a patrol (no new cats). ]
[ Pine, Koi, Lark, and Rabbit go hunting. ]

[ Autumn trains with Frostteller. ]
[ All guard to-bes except for Wren train together. ]
[ All prey-hunter to-bes except for Dust train together. ]
[ Dust and Wren take their assessments under the supervision of their guardians and Frostteller. ]


Teller of the Frost | Frostteller | Tom | 31 moons
{Formerly: Frost that Gleams in Light | Frost}

Teller To-Be
Autumn Leaves Beneath Tree | Autumn | Molly | 8 moons | runt

Lightning from Dark Sky | Sky | Molly | 46 moons

Prey Watcher
Swan that Glides through Water | Swan | Tom | 30 moons

Dust that Rises from Ground | Dust | Tom | 13 moons
Evening Shadow Across Snow | Evening | Molly | 8 moons
Lichen that Crawls up Tree | Lichen | Molly | 11 moons
Owl that Glides Silently | Owl | Tom | 11 moons
Ray of Morning Light | Morning | Molly | 8 moons
Softness of Dusk Sky | Dusk | Molly | 8 moons
Streaks of Light at Dawn | Dawn | Molly | 8 moons
Wren that Flies with Wind | Wren | Molly | 13 moons

Spider that Wastes No Web | Spider | Molly | 37 moons | 1 post


Hawk that Watches Intently | Hawk | Tom | 23 moons
Snarl of Badger | Badger | Tom | 21 moons
Snow that Sparkles in Moonlight | Snow | Tom | 24 moons
Stone that Stands Strong | Stone | Tom | 25 moons
Sun at Winter Horizon | Sun | Molly | 22 moons
Talon of Fierce Crow | Talon | Tom | 22 moons

Bark of Pine Tree | Pine | Molly | 21 moons
Koi that Swims in Streams | Koi | Molly | 28 moons
Lark who Watches Sky | Lark | Molly | 20 moons
Light of Morning Sky | Light | Tom | 29 moons
Rabbit that Hops Quickly | Rabbit | Molly | 23 moons
Red of Autumn Leaf | Red | Tom | 28 moons
Shadow of the Night | Shadow | Tom | 23 moons
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[isle of the withered fangs] - [intro]

Postby Springtalon » Sat Jan 11, 2020 11:44 am

Welcome stranger, to our lost isle,
make yourself known or face death trial.
We see what we like and take for our own,
and create for ourselves a golden throne.
But if you share our love of treasure,
to welcome you would be our pleasure.
So welcome to the isle of death and thieves,
please watch your step among the leaves.

The cats who live on the Isle of the Withered Fangs are a tribe of thieves and looters. Held together only by respect for each others skill and familial loyalty, the Withered (as they call themselves) are loyal only to those who have earned their respect.

The ranks of the Withered are a bit unusual, but they are the Withers own. The leader of the Withered is called the Starmaster. This cat leads by reading visions found in their treasures. Unlike the rest of the tribe, the Starmaster does not go out to collect their treasures. Instead, once every twelve moons, they are given a treasure from the three top thieves in the tribe, as well as a special stone, collected by the Skymasters from the deepest caves in the isle. The Starmaster heals the thieves, but accepts knowledge from those who have it. They often refuse others to help them heal though, unless that someone is the Starseer.

The cats who, when they aren't stealing, focus on hunting for the tribe, are called Shadowclaws. Every third moon (going before the Moonclaws), the three Shadowclaws who caught the most prey during the three moons will be permitted to go to the mainland to steal.

The cats who protect the tribe when they arent stealing are called Moonclaws. Every third moon (going the moon after the Shadowclaws) the three Shadowclaws who the Starmaster believes preformed their duties the best will be permitted to go to the mainland to steal.

To-bes are called seers. The Starmaster's to-be is the Starseer, Shadowclaw to-bes are Shadowseers, and Moonclaw to-bes are Moonseers. Named Seers because they 'see' and watch their mentors, seers are not allowed to steal anything until the second half of their final assessment. The first part is taken one moon, in which they must prove their skill in their chosen path. The second part is taken the next following moon after succeeding in the first part. In the second part, the seer must start on the farmost point of the island, and make it past patrolling Shadowclaws in the forests, the Moonclaws that guard the camp, and into the Starmasters own personal treasure cave. They must then steal one treasure, and bring it back to their mentor who is waiting somewhere hidden in the isle.

Nursers are called Nestkeepers They watch over kittens until they are old enough to begin training. It is the job of a Nestkeeper to ensure that the kittens learn the basic skills needed to prowl silently across the camp. Nestkeepers can be of any gender, and oftentimes nursing females will wean their litter and then pass them onto the Nestkeepers who choose to give up a life of thievery to watch over young. These cats are rare, but not unheard of. And though the Withered are a group of thieves, they still respect those who choose not to steal.

Kittens go by the name Nestlings. They are kept within the camp, as the island has its dangers that are too much for kittens. Nestlings are not allowed to steal, as they don't learn the thieves code until their first moon of training, but they can practice taking leaves and clumps of moss in order to practice walking silently.

Finally, elders are called Skymasters and are believed to be extremely wise. For if a thief has lived long enough to retire of old age, then surely they are a very good thief indeed. Nestlngs will listen to stories Skymasters tell of their best (and sometimes worst) raids. As well as stories they were told by Skymasters when they were Nestlings.
I would like to request F2U pics only for the Withered :3
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Fairy's Mod Replies (Foundings) | 001

Postby winter solstice. » Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:11 pm

Mod Notes wrote:Welcome to Create a Tribe! Whether you are a new player looking to join a new create-a-game, or a returning player wishing to start over, I am sure I speak for the staff - we are all so excited to see you! I'm Fairy, but please feel free to call me winter as well!

@Moonlight Essence, @Cloudtail_Warrior4: You two will be contacted separately by deimos - we are not ignoring your tribes!

Katrione wrote:



      keepers of the hearth is a tribe that lives in a house on an abandoned farm. the entire farm, including the tractors and farming equipment, were left abandoned where the twolegs had left them during an evacuation years ago. [ farm was abandoned during a fictional war 40 years prior to the clans founding ]

      keepers of the hearth was named for the large fireplace inside the house, the leader uses it to make their announcements and perform any important ceremonies.

      the house has two stories, as well as a cellar. the ground floor is where the warriors, apprentices and leader have their dens. the second floor is where the queens, kits and elders sleep, to give them privacy from the bustle of clan life. the medicine cat sleeps in the cellar, since the coolness makes it a perfect place for herbs.

      despite the different ranks being assigned to a specific floor, there is no real set place for the ranks on that floor. cats will tend to sleep in an area with their family or close friends. their nests are made from moss and hay that they drag in from the fields.

      the queens will stay in the master bathroom the first two moons after their kits are born. it's the farthest from the stairs to the first floor and the large tub is convenient for nests. after the two moons, the queens will move into the master bedroom.

      the apprentices are trained all over the farm. they also use the old tractors and cars as playgrounds.

      during full moons, the tribe gathers and shares a meal together and listen to stories told by the elders of the tribe. oftentimes, announcements such as new mateships, rank advancements and expecting kits will be shared during these times. cats are free to choose their own mate, except those in high positions. the leader, leader to-be and the heads of each rank cannot choose their mates, their mates must be voted for by the rest of the tribe. if the leader passes away, the leader to-be takes their place. if they both pass on, one of the rank heads will be voted into the position of leadership.

      tribe healer -- wildfire, the healer is usually the strongest and wildest cat in the clan, hence their name. they're the fire that rages through the farm anytime a rival clan or predator hurts the tribe
      tribe healer to-be -- wildfire kindle, they are the next in line after the root. they are in the council
      prey-hunters -- heats, they are careful and thoughtful in their movements but are still effective in caring for the tribe
      guards -- embers, they are the members that warm and protect the younger members of the tribe
      to-bes -- kindles, those without the knowledge to heat them up or spark them into embers
      mothers -- hearths, after their clan name. they hold and grow the future of the clans
      kits -- glows are the life force that'll eventually take over for their previous generations
      elders -- coals, the retired heats and embers who no longer burn as bright as they once did

      may i please have a long-hair leader? any pelt color is fine!! and may i have lineart? this'll be my second tribe, but any mod will be fine with me!

[ The Keepers of the Hearth has been founded! Your Tribe-Healer is a longhaired ginger mackerel bicolor tabby - deimos is currently working on the lineart for your founder. They bring with them five herbs of choice. ]
[ deimos will assign you your mod. ]

Kazin wrote:


Situated in rolling fields of green, Tribe of Firefly Meadows calls
a valley home. Isolated from others by tall peaks, the Meadows
cats live a peaceful and calm life. Not many disturb the
peace of the fields, and insects buzz around lazily to fill the
air with their various soothing sounds. The Tribe worships all
bugs, seeing them as the spirits of their ancestors. Each cat
receives a bug 'familiar' from the time they are old enough to
capture one, and almost all cats in the Tribe are named after
some type of bug - whether it be something found in the area or
not. These familiars might stay with the cat that captures them,
though it is not often. The bugs are usually released after a cat
catches them, returning to watch over the tribe from the valley.



The Healer will always be called Whisper from the __ (bug), with
an adjective and the species of bug in their name to make them
unique. Healers are often chosen because of their affiliation
with fireflies, so young cats that receive a firefly familiar are
likely to be the next Healer. The Prey-Hunters, call Catchers,
are often familiars to fast, sleek bugs such as dragonflies.
Guards, called Beetles, are often alike to strong and armored bugs,
though it is not unusual for a Hunter or Guard to have different
bug familiar names. When a mother gives birth, names are chosen
by the nearest bug, though on rare occasions a name may be
changed by the Bugwhisperer once a kit reaches To-Be age.





Image fillfill fill fill fill Image

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filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler

    TL;DR of the above:
    --> Healers are often referred to as Bugwhisperers, though the terms are synonymous.
    --> Prey-hunters are called Catchers. Guards are called Beetles.
    --> Bugs/insects are seen as the spirits and ancestors of the Tribe - bugs may not be harmed.
    --> Names are often bug names, though on rare occasions it may be something different.
    --> Tribe of Firefly Meadows is situated in a valley, surrounded by meadows and a river and mountainous terrain.

    Other stuff that I couldn't fit in the boxes!
    Prey include field mice and vole (1 servings), rabbit and snake (2 servings), and thrush and hare (3 servings).
    Predators are coyote, hawks, occasional foxes or badgers, and rarely angry deer or a wandering cougar.

    Could I request my Healer be a ginger/white tabby with bright amber eyes? Short fur preferred. (I'm fine with either pictures or descriptions to start, though I will probably end up asking to be transferred to Lineart when I can).

[ The The Tribe of Firefly Meadows has been founded! Your Tribe-Healer is a shorthaired ginger mackerel bicolor tabby with amber eyes. They bring with them five herbs of choice. ]
[ deimos will assign you your mod. ]

Smallfox wrote:Tribe of Fallen Stones--~ (don't mind me just copying the name of my tribe for my Chickensmoothie pets)
((I just saw someone with Tribe of Tumbling stones so if I can't have that name could it be called
Tribe of Dark Crevices--~?))

This tribe lives in a large hole, mostly dark with stones that are scattered about, sometimes they fall and sometimes they get trapped in a crevice forever, keeping them safe from falling on poor cats who happened to be underneath. This has protected them for moons so sometimes cats are ordered to dig out crevices in the soft dirt. There is a path so they can get out, this is where the Stone Guards sit. If a cat happened to wonder near them the Stone guards will take them into the giant hole.

The tribe is pretty nice to say the least but they aren't too nice they let in everyone they see, they have to prove they are fit to join the tribe.

The tribe believes in the Tribe that Lights the Stars. They are deeply respected but they have a few restrictions to get to them. They don't trust omens, believing they're too finicky to read properly. Instead, cats that want something from the Tribe that Lights the Stars have to go outside at night and watch the stars until they find a pattern of flashing stars where they can read the messages behind them.

They have great leaping power in the legs where Tribe-born adult cats can usually jump out of their hole in one leap. Loners or other tribe cats will have to develop that ability on their own. They also have tough pads and big paws so they can walk through the territory with ease.

They don't have many enemies as they live further away from other tribes and their territory is too rocky to traverse properly. The only real danger they have is an angry rogue or a cougar/mountain lion, however both are rare to come across. But again with the rock territory of this tribe the only prey they can find are small rabbits and mice, oh, and very tiny bird chicks. However, rabbits and bird chicks are rare, mice being their main source of food.

These cats are normally small and thin but have beautiful shiny pelts. The time of Cleaning Furs is a time where cats clean their pelts in the middle of the day sometimes cats like to share news but most days it is completely silent. They are normally bengals or spotted tabbies with atleast a few greyish colours.

Requesting pictures to be changed to Lineart in the future, however I would like some descriptions so I can put it somewhere so artists can refer to the descriptions while drawing them. That's assuming we get Lineart in the future, for now, just pictures with a small description :)

Their leader/healer is called The Catcher of all Stars (Starcatcher)
Their Cave Guard is called the Stone Guard.
They believe in the Tribe that Lights the Stars.

[ The Tribe of Fallen Stones has been founded! Your founder is a shorthaired gray tabby with pale green eyes. They bring with them five herbs of choice. ]
[ deimos will assign you your mod. ]

Stormt4lon wrote:
Welcome stranger, to our lost isle,
make yourself known or face death trial.
We see what we like and take for our own,
and create for ourselves a golden throne.
But if you share our love of treasure,
to welcome you would be our pleasure.
So welcome to the isle of death and thieves,
please watch your step among the leaves.

The cats who live on the Isle of the Withered Fangs are a tribe of thieves and looters. Held together only by respect for each others skill and familial loyalty, the Withered (as they call themselves) are loyal only to those who have earned their respect.

The ranks of the Withered are a bit unusual, but they are the Withers own. The leader of the Withered is called the Starmaster. This cat leads by reading visions found in their treasures. Unlike the rest of the tribe, the Starmaster does not go out to collect their treasures. Instead, once every twelve moons, they are given a treasure from the three top thieves in the tribe, as well as a special stone, collected by the Skymasters from the deepest caves in the isle. The Starmaster heals the thieves, but accepts knowledge from those who have it. They often refuse others to help them heal though, unless that someone is the Starseer.

The cats who, when they aren't stealing, focus on hunting for the tribe, are called Shadowclaws. Every third moon (going before the Moonclaws), the three Shadowclaws who caught the most prey during the three moons will be permitted to go to the mainland to steal.

The cats who protect the tribe when they arent stealing are called Moonclaws. Every third moon (going the moon after the Shadowclaws) the three Shadowclaws who the Starmaster believes preformed their duties the best will be permitted to go to the mainland to steal.

To-bes are called seers. The Starmaster's to-be is the Starseer, Shadowclaw to-bes are Shadowseers, and Moonclaw to-bes are Moonseers. Named Seers because they 'see' and watch their mentors, seers are not allowed to steal anything until the second half of their final assessment. The first part is taken one moon, in which they must prove their skill in their chosen path. The second part is taken the next following moon after succeeding in the first part. In the second part, the seer must start on the farmost point of the island, and make it past patrolling Shadowclaws in the forests, the Moonclaws that guard the camp, and into the Starmasters own personal treasure cave. They must then steal one treasure, and bring it back to their mentor who is waiting somewhere hidden in the isle.

Nursers are called Nestkeepers They watch over kittens until they are old enough to begin training. It is the job of a Nestkeeper to ensure that the kittens learn the basic skills needed to prowl silently across the camp. Nestkeepers can be of any gender, and oftentimes nursing females will wean their litter and then pass them onto the Nestkeepers who choose to give up a life of thievery to watch over young. These cats are rare, but not unheard of. And though the Withered are a group of thieves, they still respect those who choose not to steal.

Kittens go by the name Nestlings. They are kept within the camp, as the island has its dangers that are too much for kittens. Nestlings are not allowed to steal, as they don't learn the thieves code until their first moon of training, but they can practice taking leaves and clumps of moss in order to practice walking silently.

Finally, elders are called Skymasters and are believed to be extremely wise. For if a thief has lived long enough to retire of old age, then surely they are a very good thief indeed. Nestlngs will listen to stories Skymasters tell of their best (and sometimes worst) raids. As well as stories they were told by Skymasters when they were Nestlings.
I would like to request F2U pics only for the Withered :3

[ The Isle of the Withered Fangs has been founded! Your founder is a shorthaired solid black bicolor cat with pale yellow eyes. They bring with them five herbs of choice. ]
[ deimos will assign you your mod. ]
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

Winter / Fairy / Gale
Formerly FairyCharmed
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Tribe of Firefly Meadows | 001

Postby Kazin » Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:03 pm

Font Credit
Number of Cats: 001 Servings needed: 2 [next at 7]

The air was warm, unusually so for the season. The frost had only just lessened it's grip on the area, finally letting the greenery return to it's full colors, the newer greens of the fresh Life Season flowers emerging from the dark dirt. The grass was wet under the young cat's paws, but she barely noticed. She was too mesmerized by the sight in front of her.

The cat wasn't even sure why she was here. She had been a nomad all her life, traveling from place to place, hearing different stories about cats that lived together, never understanding the appeal. She liked being by herself. She liked making the decisions. But nothing ever felt right, living on her own. It was like there was a puzzle piece missing from her life, and she was searching to find it as she continued traveling on and on, moon after moon, season after season. She didn't remember making the decision to come to this strange valley, far too open for what she thought would be ideal, though the valley was separated by mountains on either side, isolating it from view. It was quite pretty, though her eyes were locked not on the valley at the moment.

It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Her eyes must have been reflecting the same bright glow that she was looking at, and if anyone were there with her, they would see the kit-like wonder that radiated in her expression. She forgot where she was going. She forgot the mouse she had been tracking. She forgot the worries she had about finding somewhere to sleep.

She forgot everything except her vision.

Little spots of yellow danced in front of her eyes, making a pattern of lights that she had never seen before. The breeze was light, ruffling her fur, but she could hardly feel it's insistent nagging. One of the curious bugs came close, lighting up a patch of the cat's white fur, making it seems yellow, like the head of a dandelion.

Lead. The breeze was talking to her now, the wind on her pelt becoming more insistent, pressing her forward, to the center of this strange meadow of fireflies. The grass tickled the cat's sides as she stepped into the middle of the field, almost like she was in a trance. You will be their leader.

The cat closed her eyes, letting the words of the wind pass by her ears, a gentle whisper. The voice was soothing, and she felt as peace, a light illumination sprinkling her eyes every now and then, the subtle reminder that the fireflies remained by her side. Who will I lead? She responded calmly, having seen no sign of any other cats in this isolated place.

We will show them to you, the answer came, causing the cat to smile. The fireflies have chosen you. We will guide you through them.

A sense of belonging suddenly washed over the gentle she-cat as she opened her eyes, once more gazing around at the firefly meadow. This was going to be... her home? Yes. That seemed like what it was meant for. Her home. She would stay, and she would lead, just as her ancestors were telling her to do.

Perhaps there was a reason she found herself here after all.


► Fireflywhisper brings x1 cobweb, x1 catmint, x1 raspberry leaf, x1 tansy, and x1 marigold.
► Fireflywhisper goes hunting.
► Fireflywhisper requests a new member of any rank.
► The Meadows fasts (1/5)

notes: Asking for pictures for now, will probably transfer to lineart once my 5 posts are up! (1/5).


          Whisper of the Bright Firefly
          ► "Fireflywhisper" | 23 moons | ♀ | [url=link]☼[/url]
          (shorthair ginger bicolor tabby; amber eyes)
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Bugwhisperer To-Be:
          ► Age | Gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

          ► Age | Gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

          ► Age | Gender | [url=link]☼[/url]
    ► Age | Gender | [url=link]☼[/url]
    ► Age | Gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

    Kit Mothers:
    ► Age | Gender | [url=link]☼[/url]
    ► Age | Gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☼[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☼[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☼[/url]


          Warren Name | Username
          Warren Name | Username

          Warren Name | Username
          Warren Name | Username

          North | Tribe | Username
          East | Tribe | Username
          South | Tribe | Username
          West | Tribe | Username

          Food Stock:
          Mouse | 1 serving | x0
          Vole | 1 serving | x0
          Snake | 2 servings | x0
          Rabbit | 2 servings | x0
          Thrush | 3 servings | x0
          Hare | 3 servings | x0

          Mentor | To-Be | No. of training sessions | Moves
          Medicine Store
          Catmint x1 | Cobweb x1 | Marigold x1
          Raspberry Leaves x1 | Tansy x1

          Deceased Cats:
          Name | Cause of Death
          Name | Cause of Death

          Name and Name | Kittens
          Name and Name | Kittens
Last edited by Kazin on Sun Jan 12, 2020 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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