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Nthanda X Airi Part 1 - 412 words

Postby -Isabella- » Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:42 am

Nthanda took a deep breath as she looked at her reflection, or what she could see of it, in the glass shard she was using as a temporary mirror.
Her latest suitor had barely left before she'd received the news that her father was arranging another potential marriage for her, this one to some foreign king she'd never set eyes on.
It didn't surprise her, but she had hoped to be given a little time to at least prepare for the idea. This latest suitor had been quite persistent but she'd seen enough flaws in him that she couldn't bring herself to consider him seriously.

Of course now that meant she had to be agreeable to the next one, or else her father would not be pleased. And while she could stand to displease him, she didn't want to cause more problems for her siblings and mother either. They worried over her she knew and her father had a tendency to blame her mother or sister when she did something he didn't like. And that never went well for anyone.

So now she found herself thinking over what she'd have to do before traveling with her father to meet the king he had chosen to marry her to. Seeing as her father had chosen him she didn't hold out much hope he'd be anything like what she might want. But after all the hardship she'd endured here in her father's pride, perhaps this was her chance to get away from that and even be happy.

She had to believe she'd get her chance at some point. There was a light at the end of every tunnel after all, so maybe this would be the case for her. And really she wasn't asking for much, just a safe home and a lion who was at least considerate of her, kind when he could be, and loyal. All things she'd never seen in her father so could only hope she might find in whoever she married.

With that thought in mind she left the den to go find her mother and tell her of her father's plans. She doubted the older lioness would be happy about it, but she'd try to reassure her. She was doing this for her family after all so the last thing she wanted was to leave them worrying that she was unhappy or scared.

Besides, she doubted anyone could hurt her much more than she had already been hurt.
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Nthanda X Ari Part 2 - 582

Postby -Isabella- » Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:42 am

Princess Nthanda found her mother in her den toward the back of the chambers occupied by the various nobles in the pride.
Ever since the birth of her cubs Ari had been hidden away, or was perhaps hiding, keeping to chambers as far from the king as she could get.

Nthanda always liked visiting her here, the familiar scents and cushions feeling like home to her. As always her mother's chamber was light and warm, a torch on the wall lighting everything up with a warm glow. As was often the case no attendant was present, giving them some privacy.

Looking around the chamber Nthanda saw that Airi was resting on some cushions, reading a scroll of some kind. Nthanda thought she was a beautiful lioness still, despite her hardships. Her coat was snowy white as always and covered with pale gray rosette-like markings as well as striping around her legs and face. Nthanda often wished she looked more like her. She did have her rosettes and facial striping but at a glance most lions would say she looked like her father.

Of course wishing things different didn't change anything so she just shook her head, clearing her throat to alert her mother to her presence.

Lifting her head and seeing Nthanda standing there Ari smiled. "Come in dear, I was just doing some reading."

"Mother." Nthanda smiled and walked over to hug the older lioness with her head.

"What brings you here?" The white lioness inclined her head to the side a little, gaze curious.

"I just wanted to be the first to tell you that the king has arranged for a potential marriage for me."

Ari looked a little startled. "So soon? Who to?"

"A foreign king. I don't remember the name. No one I've met though."

"He could've given you some time." A growl edged into the older lioness's voice.

"That's true. But, we'll just have to see what happens."

"Do you want to do this?" Airi asked, looking doubtful.

"It wouldn't be my first choice, but it might be best."

"You don't have to though. You don't have to worry about us. Just, do whatever is best for you."

"Well I think this might be it," she said, that much being true enough, albeit not how her mother meant it most likely.

Ari hesitated. "Just..please don't do anything foolish. I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I'll be careful, mother. Besides, you and I both know Khalida would make anyone rue the day they hurt me." She tried to lighten the mood, smiling a little.

"Yes I know. She'd protect you from anything. But I don't want the damage to already be done."

"I can take care of myself too you know. I promise I'll be cautious and everything. Besides, I might not have Khalida's temper but I can still defend myself just fine."

"I know you can, but I'm your mother, I'll worry regardless."

"I know. But I don't want you to. Just...know if this does happen I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too," she said softly, her eyes a little cloud a moment.

Nthanda leaned down to hug her again then, closing her eyes tightly and trying to banish the doubts and worries she felt crowding in on her. After all, this seemed like the best way. And whatever happened she didn't intend to let herself go from bad to worse with the marriage. She'd figure things out, and things would be better. They'd see.
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To Be A Queen / Cursed Gift - Three Parts - 637 // 473 // 4

Postby -Isabella- » Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:43 am

Airi could barely contain her excitement as her attendant helped her put on he best headpiece. Her sister was coming to visit today and she'd been eagerly awaiting her for months.

She was sure King Chikondi would love her sister as much as she did, and she could hardly wait to tell her about the cubs she was expecting. There was no doubt in her mind her sister would be excited about it, just like she was. And of course she was eager for her sister to meet Chikondi as well.

"Hurry now Fey," she said to her attendant, giving her an imploring look.

"Almost done My Lady," the lioness said, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

"She should be here any moment." Airi glanced anxiously toward the entrance to her chambers, covered by a curtain to offer privacy.

Just as she looked that way she heard a knock on the wall outside the chamber. "Yes," she responded quickly.

A guard stepped in, clearing her throat. "Lady Airi, your sister, Miss Rani is here."

"Oh good!" The pale lioness pulled away from her attendant, not caring if her headpiece was a bit crooked. Without waiting for accompaniment she left her chambers and headed down the cave hall to the main entrance. Once she stepped outside she quickly saw her sister being greeted by Chikondi in the clearing.

Too excited to wait and be formal Airi walked across the clearing quickly and brushed past Chikondi to hug her sister. "Rani! I'm so pleased you came."

The other lioness smiled. "Of course I came. I only have one twin sister after all."

"I can't wait to show you around, and you've met Chi-, I mean, King Chikondi?" As always she had to remind herself to be more formal about him in public.

"Yes, I have,' her sister replied, her neutral tone and clear gaze not giving away what her first impression of the king might have been. This didn't surprise Ari who would simply ask her all about it later.

"Well, come now, I want to show you where you'll stay." Airi turned and dipped her head respectfully to the king with a slight smile.

He didn't smile, but Airi was too excited to notice if he seemed a little displeased. And Rani was her usual calm, collected self as she followed her sister to the main dens.

"It's better here than I expected," Airi was saying to her sister now.

"It doesn't seem too bad, space wise from what I've seen," Rani replied.

Airi smiled a little, turning now to go into her chamber, gesturing for her sister to follow.

"Well, here it is."

"Hmm, it's very nice," Rani said. "I can see you don't want for luxury."

"No. The pride is pretty well off. Now tell me, what did you think of the king?"

"He seems..confident."

"Handsome too. And he's actually very kind." Airi's eyes glowed softly as she spoke.

"Something you need to tell me sister?" Rani asked.

"Well...I was going to wait but I just can't. I'm going to have cubs!"

At that Rani looked surprised, almost stunned really.

"I couldn't be happier," Airi declared.

"Well..this is a surprise." Rani smiled a little. "I'm happy for you sister. So, does this mean you'll be his mate, or his Queen, or?"

"I don't know, but..he's spoken of making me Queen. I didn't expect it when I came here, or even want it really. But, with him I think I'd be very happy as Queen."

"Well, I truly hope so. You know I only want your happiness."

"Thank you, sister." Airi smiled. "I knew you'd be pleased." Saying nothing more she turned around to fetch some things she had wanted to show her sister, missing the look of concern on the other lioness's face.


A week later Rani was getting ready to return home, wanting to help her pride with the upcoming events. Airi was sad to see her go, but hoped she'd visit again soon.

"Congratulate Leia for me," Airi told Rani as they stood outside. "I wish I could come back for her ceremony, but, I'll be there in spirit."

"Of course, I'll tell her. I'm sure she'll be pleased."

"What is her gift?" Airi asked, unable to help being curious. Lionesses in her pride were prone to being born with magical gifts, usually relating to the elements. It was something mostly kept secret from outsiders, and she dared not mention it to Chikondi, doubting he'd like the idea since he didn't seem over fond of magic.

"Wind. Like me." Rani seemed almost pleased a moment, her eyes glowing warmly.

"Wonderful." Airi smiled slightly. "I must admit, I do miss it sometimes. The ceremonies and things."

"Of course you do, you're one of us." Though she had been born without magic, Rani never considered Airi any less a part of the family than anyone else. Though her mother had not shared that opinion, which was part of what happened so that she ended up here in King Chikondis's pride.

Now Airi's gaze shadowed a little as she thought of home. In an attempt to cheer her up Rani sent a breeze her way to ruffle her fur and tickle her ears.

"Rani," she scolded, though she couldn't fully hide a smile. "You know I told you the king doesn't like magic much."

"It was just a small breeze sister, nothing to fuss over," Rani assured her.

"I just don't wish to anger him." Chikondi had been a bit short tempered lately, a side of him Airi didn't usually see when they were spending time together. It had her a little worried if she were honest and she didn't want to provoke him.

"Well, sister. If he truly loves you he will accept your heritage, especially considering you don't even have magic."

"Oh, yes, I'm sure you're right," Airi said, trying to convince herself as much as anything.

Rani was quiet a moment then said, "Have you thought of what might happen if any of your cubs are gifted?"

Ari looked surprised at that. "My cubs? I don't see why they would be. I'm not and of course neither is their father."

"Well, it wouldn't be unheard of. Don't forget Lusa. She had no gift but her firstborn daughter was gifted with storms."

"I suppose." Airi felt a twinge of worry at the thought. Doubts as to whether the king would accept a gifted daughter pushed their way into her head, but she tried to ignore them, convincing herself she was being silly.

"Just, keep it in mind, alright?"

"Of course Rani." Airi nodded. "I will."

~Six Months Later~

Airi watched her three cubs tumbling over each other as they played, rolling around and hitting at each other with soft paws. Nadir was hitting at his sister, Nthanda, whose blue eyes shone with indignation.

Their dark furred sister, Khalida, growled playfully and batted at them both. When neither cub paid her any mind she decided to take a more drastic approach and just jumped on them both.

Nthanda pushed at her while Nadir flopped out of the way somewhat dramatically. Khalida growled, in what she imagined was a triumphant manner, making her mother chuckle a little.

Nthanda, never one to give up, pounced at her again. Khalida pawed at her again and Airi looked away a moment as the two cubs began to tussle, her thoughts wandering to the upcoming training for all three cubs.

She was brought out of her thoughts when one of the cubs squeaked in alarm and she snapped her head around to look at them. Nthanda was rolling away from a spark of, what appeared to be, blue fire on the ground. Khalida had backed away, seeming almost puzzled.

Airi felt nothing but dread as she walked over and calmly as she could herded the cubs away from the spark then stamped it out with a paw, wincing slightly at the heat.

"What happened?" She asked them calmly. Both cubs shrugged, each seeming confused and now that the apparent danger was past eager to start playing again.

Once she had checked to see neither of them was hurt Airi sent them off to play with their brother again then sat down to watch and think. One thing she knew for sure, if one of her daughter's was gifted, she'd likely never be safe here or she might find herself a pawn, used for her abilities. Both of them would suffer enough she knew, and she didn't want to add to it.

So then and there she made the decision to hide this from the king and keep an eye on both her daughters. And if she observed such a gift in either of them, she'd do her best to make sure nothing ever came of it. Because what they didn't know they possessed they couldn't call on, as was the way with the magic of her pride. And if they couldn't call on it, they couldn't be made to suffer for it.
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Queen's Keeper - 613 words

Postby -Isabella- » Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:43 am

Ravi sat quietly, watching Nthanda as she pretended to read the scroll in front of her. She could fool her attendant perhaps, even her own cubs, but not him. He knew all too well that she was consumed by her thoughts, her crystal blue gaze shadowy in a way that was hard to recognize.

Finally her attendant finished tidying up her chambers and left. Once he was sure the attendant was gone he cleared his throat, making Nthanda look up from the scroll with a questioning look in her gaze.

"I know you aren't reading that," he said calmly, his tone gentle despite the sometimes rough quality his voice had.

"I was, I just..got distracted." She shrugged a little.

"You're worrying again." He stood and walked over to sit beside her, not touching her but close enough to be supportive at least. It wasn't really appropriate by most lions standards, but she had always permitted it and as long as they had been close he barely considered it anymore.

"How can I not? My sons and daughters are all having their problems and Dylan has yet to come home and I just don't really feel like I can talk to anyone."

"So that makes me no one?" His tone was no less serious but he knew Nthanda would recognize the jest.

"Of course not. I just...I'm trying to be..proper. A good queen. And I don't know, I just don't feel like I'm doing a good job of it right now."

"Nthanda, you're a great queen. You needn't doubt yourself." He lowered his voice a little, saying, "You're too good for him, I think."

"Ravi," there was a slight warning in her tone, as much worry as anything since that would hardly be a popular opinion among the Champion King's followers. She didn't want him to get hurt and had already fought to keep him here with her on multiple occasions.

"It's the truth as I see it, and you know I'd never say anything to anyone. But it is what I think."

"It doesn't matter." She glanced away, hiding her face.

"You can't hide from me you know. You can hide from the rest of them, but not me." There was no threat or condemnation in his tone as he spoke, still the same gentleness he had only with her.

"Ravi...I need someone. I need my friend." She looked back at him, her eyes sorrowful.

"Trust me, princess, no matter what happens I will always be here for you. I swore it when we were barely grown and I will honor that until I die."

The use of his old nickname for her, as well as the sincerity in his tone made Nthanda have to take a moment to keep her emotions in check. "I think sometimes that I don't deserve that," she finally said softly.

"You deserve the best," he murmured.

For a moment the queen just studied him, her best friend since they were cubs and the one lion who had stuck by her unwavering since she had come here, and all her life. His familiar features and the gentleness in his eyes somehow made things even just a little better if that was possible.

"You say I deserve the best, and I think I've got it," she said quietly.

Ravi was almost surprised to hear her say as much, and not sure he was deserving of that much. But he just said, "Don't ever forget, I'm here. Whenever you need me."

"I know I have no right to ask but, would you stay? Just a little while?"

"Of course." He dipped his head slightly. "As long as you need me."
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Ravi's Backstory - 816 words

Postby -Isabella- » Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:44 am

"I don't..no, wait, I do. I remember now. We were all brought together, the three of us. They suspected we had powers, abilities beyond those of normal mortal lions. They could train us, they said, help us learn to use and control these abilities once they emerged. But all was not as it seemed, we were like brothers and sisters. Then they turned us against each other. Blood was spilt, and things were never the same again..."


Long ago the sky god, a might lion known as Zephyrion, went in search of half-mortal lions who smelled of magic. He knew his fellow deities had been mixing with these mortals for some time now, and as a result had produced half mortal offspring. But only a fraction of these were born with any of the abilities possessed by their immortal parent.
Zephyrion wanted to find them, and train them to be his army on the earth. To keep peace and order, and balance.
But his sister, Altrona, had other plans. She thought these individuals could be used to better purposes. So behind Zephyrion's back she began to make her own plan, even as she helped him gather the half-mortals together.

In the end, they had found more than a dozen half-mortals, but only six proved to have even a hint of magic in their blood. Some might not have had an immortal relative even as close as four generations back. But, they'd do their best with what they had.

One of these six lions was Ravi, a large male with somewhat unusual strength. All three were puzzled as to why they were there. Zephyrion explained that he would put them through trials to test their physical talents, strength, agility, speed, and their mental abilities, strategy, cleverness, and problem solving. Then, after those tests they would test them for magical abilities in a special set of trials.

Eager to find out if they had the abilities these immortals believed they might, all six set out to start the trials.

The trials were challenging and only five lions made it through the physical trials alone, Ravi coming out near the top due to his strength. When it came to the mental challenges only four of the five passed, leaving Ravi and three other lions whom he had become close with during the trials. The three had worked together at times to help each other, each lending something the others didn't have.
Now together they were confident as the entered the last of the trials.

Zephyrion hadn't told them but the first portion of the trials was meant to test the morality of each lion. Unfortunately, he was called away to deal with a problem with some minor deities in the north. So, Altrona was left in charge of the trials in his absence.

Disdainful of her brother's desire to spread peace and let only those he deemed worthy lead, she changed the trials to pit the lions against each other rather than the challenges themselves. She put them in a maze full of dangers and declared only one could come out the victor, defeating the maze and their fellow competitors.
The trio didn't want to compete against each other, and soon discovered the maze was a dangerous and terrifying place. The plants, creatures, and illusions there, drove them all half mad until they were blindly fighting one another.

Zephyrion came back and was angered to see what his sister had done. He destroyed the maze and ended the trials, but not before one of the four lions had died, leaving the other three blaming themselves and inconsolable.
Seeing that all three were shaken and grief stricken coming out of his sister's trial, Zephyrion made a decision to erase their memories and send them back to their homes so they might not ever remember the horrors they had witness.

Upon returning home Ravi woke with no memory of the events of the past month, well, mostly no memory that is. From that day on he had some feeling like he had lost something. His family said he had disappeared for a couple months, but he had no real recollection of that time. But occasionally, something would stir a vague memory in him, one that he could piece together as he got closer to finding the truth of what happened in that lost portion of his life.


When Ravi came home to his pride after that period of time he was reinstated as the princess's bodyguard, his job before Zephyrion had spirited him away to the trials. Luckily his relationship with the princess, his dearest friend, was not hurt by his absence, though she worried about the change in him and his inability to explain where he had been.
Now, despite his sometimes worrisome thoughts and memories, he takes some comfort in his job and the familiarity of it.

Originally his comp entry here
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E5 - Lost Cub - 701 words

Postby -Isabella- » Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:45 am

“I don’t know why he insisted we come out here,” Nthanda muttered, shivering against the cold wind that hit her face.

“Apparently checking this border is very important right now,” Nadir said, no happier about it than her.

Nthanda sighed, shaking her head. Earlier that morning her father, the king, had summoned her brother and herself telling them to check the border. Normally this wouldn’t have been a problem except today it was stormy out as winter was just coming in. Snow was flying through the air, so thick it was hard to see through. Not to mention the bitter cold.
But as usual he seemed to have no care for their preference or thoughts and sent them out regardless. Now they had almost reached the border and both siblings were dreading the walk back, the snowbound to be even harder to get through as fast as it was falling.

“Are we even heading in the right direction anymore?” Her brother asked.

“I’m pretty sure. We better be anyway.”
Despite their misgivings and the cold the pair kept pushing through until the reached the border. Unsurprisingly there was nothing threatening to be found there.

“Well, we checked. Now we can go,” Nadir said.

“Yeah...” Nthanda turned to go then paused, pricking her ears.

“Are you coming?” Nadir asked.

“I thought I heard something.”
“Like what?” He asked.

“I don’t know, like… a cry.”

“It could be a hyena, or some bird.”

“I guess, but it didn’t sound quite like that.”

“You want to go find it, don’t you?”

“I’ll only be a minute,” she promised. Without waiting for an answer she turned to go, leaving her brother standing behind her shaking his head.

Nthanda just walked along the border, listening for the sound. Sometimes it was faint, other times louder. But with the wind it was hard to tell where it was really coming from. Finally, as the wind died down a moment, she heard the noise again, this time closer than before.
As she paused a moment she thought she saw movement near a pile of snow. It was hard to see, everything around her shades of white, gray, black, and blue. Whatever it was seemed to blend right in. But as she got closer she realized that the round shape was in fact moving, shivering actually.

At the bottom of a snow covered rock a cub lay, shivering in the cold. Nthanda couldn’t have been more surprised. “Hello?”
At her voice the cub only whimpered.

Looking around she saw that there were not tracks around the cub, though the constant snow falling could’ve covered any that were there. She leaned down and touched the cub gently with her muzzle, finding it was cold but not so cold it seemed like it had been here too long.
The cub cried again and she said, “Hush, hush. It’s okay.”

Leaning down she carefully picked up the cub and carried it back to where Nadir waited.
Seeing the cub he was as surprised as she had been.

“Someone must’ve left it or lost it,” she said.

“Well what do we do?”

“Take it home I guess.”

“Are you sure? What do you think the king will have to say about that?”

“Well, I guess we’ll find out.”

Nadir didn’t argue further and the pair headed back to the pride.

Once they got there everyone was eager to get a look at the cub, but Nthanda brought the cub straight to King Chikondi to sort things out.

“Where did you find it?” The king asked calmly as his son and daughter stood before him, the shivering cub sitting between them.

“Right near the border,” Nthanda responded.

“And no one was with it?”

“Not that I could see any sign of. But it was snowing pretty hard.”

“And you wish to keep it?”

“Yes. For now at least. It needs a home.”

At first the king was quiet several minutes then nodded slowly. “Very well.”

“Thank you.” Nthanda dipped her head slightly then picked up the cub and turned to leave the king's den, Nadir following her. Both of them missed the almost satisfied look on King Chikondi's face as they turned to go.
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The Legend of the Tribe - 590 words // 401 words

Postby -Isabella- » Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:45 am


"Story time, please," Nthanda begged her mother as they settled in for the night.

"Alright, what story do you want to hear?"

"Something with fighting," Khalida volunteered eagerly.

"But happy too," her sister added.

"Happy is no fun," Khalida muttered.

"Well, what about magic?" Nthanda suggested.

"Ooh, yes." Khalida brightened again. "Magic is fun."

Airi smiled slightly. "Alright, just let me think a minute." She was quiet a moment and both cubs fidgeted where they sat, eager to get to the story.

"Ah, yes. This one will do. Long ago, in a place far away known as The Wood, there were lions who had a deep connection to the earth and elements. They could manipulate the weather and various aspects of nature. As young lions they were taught to use this ability responsibly and follow the code as long as they lived.."

"What code?" Khalida interrupted.

"The code was the set of rules and laws they had made to keep themselves and everyone else safe. Rules that dictated when and how they could use their abilities. They were supposed to follow this code their whole lie, whether they were with the tribe or not."

"What's a tribe?" Khalida wondered.

"It's the same as a pride really, just a different name for a group of lions living together under a leader or leaders and obeying the same set of rules."

Khalida looked like she might speak again but then her sister spoke up, "Don't keep interrupting I want to know about the magic."

The darker cub sighed but was quiet as her mother continued the story.

"The legends said that the tribe had been gifted with their abilities by the Spirits of The Wood. That way they could always take care of their homeland and keep everything alive and thriving."

"Did they take care of it?" Nthanda asked, earning a frustrated look from her sister.

"Yes they did, for many years."

"They all had the magic then?"

"Well, no. For as long as anyone could remember their powers had only been passed down through the female members of the tribe, and not every lioness in the tribe had the ability either. But the most powerful female member of the tribe had been selected as the first leader and she kept up the tradition by passing on the leadership to another powerful lioness after her."

"Well why not a weaker one?" Khalida questioned.

"Well, I think it was because the powers they had were the life source of their home and part of what kept them safe, so they wanted their leader to be capable of protecting them and their home, as well as helpful keeping it alive."

"Oh." Khalida nodded slowly.

"What happened to the tribe?" Nthanda asked.

"Well, they lived in peace for many years. But sometimes sacrifices had to be made to keep them all safe."

"Like what?"

"Sometimes someone might have to leave the pride to help form alliances with other prides so they wouldn't be attacked."

"Why would anyone attack them?" Nthanda asked, seeming confused.

"it's just how things are. Bigger prides might have wanted their land for themselves. Or neighboring kingdoms might have wanted to expand."

"That's sad," the cub said decidedly.

"Unfortunately it's just the way things are," her mother said.

"Oh." Nthanda was quiet a minute, her brow furrowed in thought. "Well, it's just a story though, right?"

Her mother didn't answer right away, but before she could Nadir came tumbling into their chambers, insisting his sisters come see the cool thing he'd found.


Airi watched the three of them run off, waiting until they were out of sight before she released a soft sigh, feeling a familiar ache as she thought of home. Telling them that story had made her homesick and she settled quietly onto her bed, picturing the rich woods and the brook where she had played as a cub.
She'd had such a good life growing up, but all that had changed the day King Chikondi's advisor and Guard showed up, seeking an alliance or threatening to take over the land.

After much debate and indecision the Chieftess had decided that the best way to handle this would be to send a lioness to the king's court as a ward or future bride.
Unable to risk their secrets being revealed they chose to only present lionesses whose mother and grandmother had both lacked the unusual powers their tribe possessed. Airi was one of three chosen lionesses, and in the end she was the one who caught the eye of the king's advisor and council.

So she joined the king's pride, sworn to never tell another living soul outside of her tribe about the secrets of her tribe and their unique abilities. At the time it hadn't seemed like it would be a problem, but now that she had cubs of her own she wished she could share the stories of her tribe with them and take them back to see her home.

But the code wouldn't allow it. Once she had been sent away it had been made clear she could only ever return alone and if the alliance was dissolved or she was sent away. They had said it was an honorable sacrifice she made, leaving home to live in a strange pride to protect her own. But at times like this she couldn't help wondering if it was honorable, or even a sacrifice, when she had been given no real choice.

And yet, despite all of that, she couldn't say she would undo all that had been done if it meant she would lose her cubs. No matter what happened, the three of them were everything to her and there was nothing she wouldn't do to keep them safe and make them happy if it was in her power. And just maybe, if Nadir could succeed at becoming the next king, the pride might be changed for the better.

Last edited by -Isabella- on Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Charna & Pangari - 405 words

Postby -Isabella- » Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:45 am

Pangari growled softly. She was tired of the stares lions gave her. Even now as she left the dens where the nobility lived her pride mates were giving her odd looks out of the corner of their eye.
Everyone knew her as Charna's daughter. The mystery cub. When she had been born everyone had been sure her mother would be banished from the pride for her...indiscretion. But by some miracle she had been allowed to stay.

Already lions had suspected Charna of being some kind of witch or evil spirit. But that whole incident only sparked more rumors. Pangari might have been a spirit-born with only Charna for a mortal parent. Or perhaps Charna had cast some spell on the king to let her stay.
All of it made life nearly unbearable for Pangari who wished she'd been born to any other lioness in any other pride.

Now she just walked as fast as she could, wanting to escape the strange looks. Despite being allowed to live in the main dens where the nobility stayed, she had no formal title, only adding insult to injury.

As she got further away from the pride she sighed in relief. "One day," she muttered. "One day I'll leave this place and go somewhere where they don't treat me like a curse."

"What was that darling?"

Pangari jumped in surprise as her mother appeared beside her, calm as ever.

"Nothing," she said sharply.

"Oh don't complain so much. I know lions are...ridiculous. But they just don't understand."

"Understand what? That I'm a freak?"

"You're not a freak darling."

"Yeah, sure." Pangari glanced sideways, taking in her mother's red eyes and fangs. Not for the first time she wondered if her mother was as wholly mortal as she claimed. Her appearance and some of her...quirks made more than one lion wonder.

As if reading her thoughts Charna said, "Staring won't give you the answers you want."

"I'm not staring. Just leave me alone." Pangari sped up, leaving Charna behind her in the middle of the path. But she still couldn't resist one glance over her shoulder and to her surprise Charna was nowhere in sight.

Shaking her head she thought that maybe one day she'd ask her mother about some of the things she wondered, but today was not that day. And maybe she really didn't want to know after all. The truth might be worse than the not knowing.
Last edited by -Isabella- on Tue Jan 07, 2020 8:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Nthanda X Khalida - 540/400 words

Postby -Isabella- » Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:50 am

Nthanda was taking a walk, having 'escaped' Ravi long enough to have some true alone time. She'd managed to sneak outside and 'hide' among the trees, trying to think and work through some things.
As she was walking a familiar scent hit her nose and before she could react she heard the rustle of leaves and paw steps behind her.

"What are you doing here?" Nthanda glanced over her shoulder to meet her sister's rose hued gaze.

"Just visiting sister," Khalida said, seeming confident as she walked over to her sister as if she belonged there.

"If you keep sneaking around you'll get in trouble."

"Nonsense. Your dear Dylan wouldn't let anyone harm his wife's favorite sister." Her tone dripped with sarcasm, a result of her less than favorable opinion of her sister's husband.

Nthanda just shook her head, knowing reasoning with her sister was not likely to work.

"What are you doing out here all alone anyway? Don't tell me you're trying to avoid him." Once again her tone was edged with sarcasm, but also a hint of anger that Nthanda picked up on easily.

"I'm thinking, trying to get a little peace."

"And Ravi let you come out here all alone?"

"No, I didn't tell him. He thinks I'm resting."

"Of course. Ever loyal that one." Despite her lack of appreciation for Ravi as an individual, Khalida at least liked him for his care for her sister.

"Did you want something other than to be nosy?" Nthanda prompted.

"Just...testing my wings. So to speak. You know our darling father has given up trying to stop my little excursions." She chuckled. "As if he ever could have. Besides, you are the only one I know worth visiting, so I came here."

"I am glad to see you, I'm just...out of sorts."

At that Khalida frowned slightly but then quickly smoothed her features again. "You know, I was thinking, I might end up a ruler one day. We might both be queens. Wouldn't that be something?"

"You want to be a queen?"

'Well, I don't want to marry some stuffy king and be his trophy queen. But I'd not mind having my own kingdom. Just think, if we each ruled our own kingdoms. Together who knows what we could do."

Nthanda just stared at her sister a moment, not sure where all this talk was coming from. 'Well, I don't have my own kingdom anyway and I never will."

"I mean you might if he dies," Khalida said matter-of-factly.

"Khalida!" She protested, knowing her sister was prone to saying such things with no real malice but not wanting anyone to overhear.

The dark lioness just shrugged. "Oh relax it's not as if I suggested you get rid of him. But it is a thought."

"Even if...that were to happen, everything would simply go to his heir. Not me."

"Well I guess you never know...but anyway. I'll be sticking around a bit, if you don't object."

"I don't, so long as you mind yourself." Nthanda didn't really trust her sister not to say something to someone that she shouldn't, though she knew Khalida would not do anything to hurt her on purpose.

"Of course sister, I'll be on my best behavior."
Last edited by -Isabella- on Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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