โ™• ๐•๐€๐‹๐‹๐„๐˜ ๐Ž๐… ๐Š๐ˆ๐๐†๐’ โ™• A VOK RP

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Re: โ™• ๐•๐€๐‹๐‹๐„๐˜ ๐Ž๐… ๐Š๐ˆ๐๐†๐’ โ™• A VOK RP

Postby MySpoons » Sun Nov 17, 2019 3:34 am

|| fishing || with Degotoga and Kwatoko||

Astrona can't help the laugh at Kwatoko's misfortune when the insoniti slips into the water. But he still had his catch! Before Astrona congratulates him, she spots a catfish. An average-sized one swimming quite quickly towards her. Again, Astrona leaps into the water, paws outstretched and tail behind to help her balance.

She hits the water with a large splash-- and it is muscle memory to catch the fish with her claws and bring it to her mouth as she resurfaces. The tigress' fur is plastered to her body as she emerges from the river. She doesn't bother to shake off the water until they've had enough fish.

"Nice catch! And on your first try, too!" Astrona exclaims after putting her second catch down. She offers the fish to Kwatoko-- and teasingly flicks water in Degotoga's direction, careful not to actually hit him with water droplets.

๐Ž๐‹๐ƒ ๐๐‹๐”๐„
|| talking, on edge ||talking with Haraka, interrupted by Ayo ||

Blue is not impressed with this lioness. But at least she doesn't seem to be a threat. The rogue sniffs the air again. "No, I don't recall any markers. But I was traveling from that direction." He gestures to the land behind Haraka.

Hunting, hmm? She didn't seem to be successful, unfortunately. Blue's stomach grumbles, then cramps. A brief flicker of pain tightens Blue's already tense expression. Too bad the lioness didn't smell of a catch-- Blue is not above fighting a lone lioness for a meal--

"Hello! It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

The voice of another lion causes Blue to growl, fur bristling. He rises halfway to his feet, keeping most his weight off his back legs. He would prefer not to reveal weakness to the lioness-- but she was alone! This is a stranger to both of them.

"Who are you?!" Blue's voice is a rough, mean growl. At least the strange lion was easy to see-- a white and yellow form against green grass. The fact that the lion was full-grown and clearly health made Blue feel even more threatened.
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highsun | 6

Postby nymx » Mon Nov 18, 2019 2:32 pm

    form | mentions; - | tagged; udia, fitzroy, astrona, degotoga, kwatoko

    Apollyon nodded, watching with amusement as Fitzroy bounced up eagerly. His attention shifted to Udia, nodding his head. "Thank you, It is much appreicated." Play nice, at least if they were hostile like the priestess assumed, they had numbers. There couldn't have been many, but there was more than one. His paws dragged him closer to the scent, and upon inspection he found himself meeting eyes with two lions and tigeress. A tiger? A white male, with blacks spots towards his tail and a black mask. The other was dappled white and grey with black splotches. An odd duo indeed. The tiger was a golden color, reminding himself of his own pelt color.

    Tigers were uncommon, especially one that decorated herself with ribbons, bells, and chains? Her pelt, without the golden color was colored with black and white pawprints, symbols. They probably meant something.. "Hello there." he called over the river, looking beside him to make sure Fitzroy and Udia were beside him. "Is this land yours?" he gestured to the land they stood on, these would be Udia's neighbors, no?

    Either way, Apollyon hoped they didn't wish harm. He wasn't doubting his side, but the one lion seemed to have seen his fair share of battles and fights. His eyes focused on the tiger, such an unusual sight.. "I'm Elohim Apollyon, King of The Kingdom of High Sun." He introduced himself formally, "Who might you be?"

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Re: โ™• ๐•๐€๐‹๐‹๐„๐˜ ๐Ž๐… ๐Š๐ˆ๐๐†๐’ โ™• A VOK RP

Postby Meekins12345 » Tue Nov 19, 2019 3:59 pm

๊€˜๊…๊‹ฌ๊“„๊„ฒ๊€˜๊„ฒ ๊‹ฌ๊‹Š๊’ฏ ๊’ฏ๊‚๊Œ๊„ฒ๊“„๊„ฒ๊Œ๊‹ฌ
|| Degotoga - Eating fish, partially distracted by newcomers || Kwatoko - Also distracted, almost soaked || With Astrona, Apollyon, Udia, and Fitzroy ||

The younger male looked to the tigress once she laughed, raising a brow at first but ultimately chuckling afterwards. Her praise had his gaze alighting, however, and he was clearly happy to receive a little something. Only after he placed the fish under a paw would he comment. "Thanks! We don't really fish like this where we come from... We don't really have many fish like this, either." It smelled different... it didn't have that distinct salty smell they were often accustomed to when it came to fish. His gaze wandered to the catch she had offered him, he soon laughing softly at the flicker of water his way. Though it didn't actually hit him, it was close enough for him not to miss. "Hey!" He'd exclaim playfully, soon shaking his head. "Aren't you going to eat anything, Guardian Astrona?" He later begged, a weak frown on his face. Didn't she wish to eat, too?

Degotoga seemed to be contently gnawing at the fish so generously caught by Astrona when he heard a strange voice from across the river. He perked immediately at that, bright yellow eyes looking for a moment before his gaze immediately landed upon the small group of lions just across. An upwards nod was given to them, his own lazy form of a greeting as he swallowed the remainder of his fish.

Kwatoko, on the other hand, was quick to rise to his feet, bicolored eyes narrowed at the sight of the small band, and his tail lashed out gently behind him. More strangers.

"Down, Kwatoko. Clearly, they mean no harm." Dego commented, the younger male soon huffing before quietly, slowly, settling back down.

That question soon had the older male sitting up, a paw upon the fish he wasn't quite finished with yet. "Hello! No, this isn't our land... Well, at least not us two's," He'd give, motioning to the male next to himself. They'd allow Astrona to give her own reply. After all... they really didn't quite understand where she 'lived'.

Once the more golden male introduced himself, the two Wikimak males stood up and bowed their heads in respect before introducing themselves.

"I am Degotoga, and this is Kwatoko. We are insoniti of the Wikimak Pride, which is many days travel from here... We are visiting." The white male explained, Kwatoko merely nodding close by. "It is a pleasure to meet you Elohim Apollyon." The two would remain silent after that, content to give their friend, Astrona, a time to speak, if she did not already.
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Re: โ™• ๐•๐€๐‹๐‹๐„๐˜ ๐Ž๐… ๐Š๐ˆ๐๐†๐’ โ™• A VOK RP

Postby Tigerโ™ฅBear » Wed Nov 20, 2019 6:51 am

.::. wandering .::. โ€”โ€” .::. Ayo and Ubatili .::.

    The lioness shook her head with a soft sigh. Ubatili seemed a high maintenance cub who could barely handle even the simplest tasks. โ€œIf you wish to stay here, fine. Iโ€™m going to continue on. Iโ€™m sure you can find your way back?โ€
    Before she could actually leave, her ears pricked up at a voice she didnโ€™t recognize. Nuru turned her glowing gaze toward the approaching lion. She assumed it was a male by the tone of voice and the mane but she had met females with those traits as well. As he got closer, she gave him a friendly smile.
    โ€œA beautiful day it is. As is this valley, yes?โ€ Nuru noticed her companion out of the corner of her eye, rolling her eyes and rather meticulously lay down. The persimmon colored lioness kept her focus on the newcomer. It occurred to her he might find her glow a bit odd. It wasnโ€™t a common trait to have. Regardless, she decided to converse like normal. โ€œIโ€™m Nuru. This is Ubatili. Weโ€™re not from this past of the valley but wanted to explore the area, possibly meet new friends. Youโ€™re actually the first lion weโ€™ve met.โ€

.::. talking .::. โ€”โ€” .::. Ayo and Nuru .::.

    The young lioness ignored Nuru. Before her friend could leave someone approached the two of them. A maned lion with vivid coloring. Ubatili admired his coat. She was a sucker for a pretty face. Or any face, really. As long as it gave her attention. Her companion responded first and she rolled her eyes then laid down with one paw laying over the other. She watched as the lighter lioness continued, introducing the two of them to the lion.
    โ€œYou can call me Tili though. Our pride is pekee pamoja maybe south of here? Or was it west. Either way, not from here. What about you? Is this your valley or are you just visiting like us?โ€
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Re: โ™• ๐•๐€๐‹๐‹๐„๐˜ ๐Ž๐… ๐Š๐ˆ๐๐†๐’ โ™• A VOK RP

Postby EchoIre » Wed Nov 20, 2019 3:57 pm

โ‚with Apollyon, Fitzroy, Detogo, Kwatoko, and Astrona - watchingโ‚

Udia came only a few steps behind Apollyon, and stood near his side as she observed the strangers. One, dappled blue roan, leapt at their approval, and was met with a raised eyebrow on Udia's part. Not that she could blame him, really. The other, a soot-speckled white, seemed much more at ease than his counterpart, and answered Apollyon's questions dutifully and politely. Udia decided she liked these two more than she liked her current company, though Fitzroy was close behind the roan.

It was the lion nearby that truly caught Udia's attention. Or was she a lion at all? Udia has never seen a lion quite for large or fluffy, and the stranger's intricate, flame-like stripes were far beyond anything Udia had seen on a lion before. Those stripes, and the ornate sun on the stranger's shoulders proved her to be much more 'godly' that a certain king's golden coat, in Udia's opinion. This stranger was an important one.

Like Degotoga and Kwatoko, Udia remained silent, watching the tigress. If the others felt the need to allow this odd creature to speak, then Udia would not move to interrupt.

โ‚talking to Old Blue, near Nuru, Ubatili, and Harakaโ‚

Ayo was very surprised to see another lion in the grass, and so close to him too. The male was bigger than him, but Ayo quickly noticed that he was a fair bit leaner - which was saying a lot, considering his home wasn't particularly abundant in prey. Now, he could scent both the male and another lion nearby, excluding the two he had seen before. How far was he from the border? Had he run into a hunting party from another pride? The two lionessess he spotted earlier didn't seem to notice the male in front of him, as he was only half-risen from the grass, and Ayo couldn't see the fourth lion he scented. Suddenly, the ocean of grass was much less beautiful.

"I-I'm Ayo, sir, a Scout from a neighboring pride." I think. Now that Ayo was calming some, he noticed the large braids in the other's mane. That's so cool! But, Ayo suspected that this stranger wouldn't take too kindly to him saying so. "Who are you? Am I trespassing? I didn't mean to, honest." He managed a shaky, sheepish grin.

Ayo glanced over at the other lionesses, ears swiveling in their direction as they spoke. He was unsure of how they played into any of this. They didn't seem half as hostile as the male - in fact, that had come closer to chat - but he couldn't be certain they weren't of the same pride. Oh, but what if this guy was one of those dangerous rogue types he was always being warned about? He didn't want anybody to get hurt! He flicked his tail towards the stranger before him, hoping the other, potentially nicer strangers would understand. Ayo really didn't like whatever it was he just walked into.
Last edited by EchoIre on Sun Nov 24, 2019 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: โ™• ๐•๐€๐‹๐‹๐„๐˜ ๐Ž๐… ๐Š๐ˆ๐๐†๐’ โ™• A VOK RP

Postby MySpoons » Sun Nov 24, 2019 6:57 am

|| introducing herself, calm || with Degotoga, Kwatoko, Udia, Fitz, and Apollyon ||

Astrona smiles at Kwatoko. "I've eaten just before I met you two, actually." She starts to head back into the tree before she realizes that other lions have appeared. The tigress pauses, making sure no one is hostile before she carefully shakes out her coat away from everyone and dons her bells and ribbon.

She leaps gracefully and lightly out of the tree. "Good morning to you, Elohim Apollyon." Astrona takes a few steps into the shallow part of the water so she doesn't have to shout across the river as much. "I am Guardian of Peace Astrona. Insoniti Degotoga and Kwatoko are enjoying my hospitality." Astrona is sure to make the point she is providing for the other lions-- as a way to deter any conflicts that will happen... do these lions know of the courtesies and privileges that fall under a claim of hospitality? Astrona pauses. No matter.

"I am hoping to claim some of the land over here, yes. So far it is uncontested-- but of course, if it is yours, Elohim, I shall find another place to reside." Astrona's piercing but open blue gaze slid from the golden lion to his companions. So far they do not seem hostile-- besides, there is a not insignificantly sized river between the two groups.

๐Ž๐‹๐ƒ ๐๐‹๐”๐„
|| angry, overwhemled || with Haraka, Ayo, Nuru, and Ubatili ||

Blue's response to the white and orange male is to snarl, closer to than a roar than not. The rogue hisses after, eyes narrowed into slits. "What is with you all and this no man's land?! I'll claim it myself if it will send all of you away!"

He is bluffing, of course. Blue does not possess the strength to put up a good fight-- but he looks like it from the front, if the lions don't see the state of his back legs. He's clearly badly injured. Blue digs his claws into the dirt and grass and rips a strip from the earth-- it stems from fear, from the fact that he's surrounded by unfamiliar lions. Even if they do not know each other, if they knew he was a rogue... most prides do not take kindly to wandering males. They could all gang up on him if it pleased them.

When two more lionesses appear, Blue crouches in the grass and roars, baring mean-looking fangs. He's quite a large lion, even if half-starved. Blue's large cream mane is not very clean but it does well to make him more intimidating. If he had his tail still, it would be lashing. The rogue's fur bristles and his orange eyes are clearly filled with anger.

|| excited to meet even more lions | with Udia and Apollyon, talking to Astrona, Degatogo, and Kwatoko||

Fitzroy splashes into the water until he is chest deep, eager to introduce himself. What kind of lion is that? She's quite striking. The young prince dips his head-- forgetting himself and accidentally dunking his muzzle into the water. He sneezes.

"Excuse me! Ahem, let me introduce the fine company I have found myself in. Elohim Apollyon, the grand-looking King who introduced himself, and Hail Priestess Udia. This land is the Hail Priestess'... and... uh, maybe also that land too?" Fitzroy turns and motions to the land on the other side of the river where the group of three lions is standing.
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highsun | 7

Postby nymx » Sun Nov 24, 2019 8:56 am

    form | mentions; - | tagged; udia, fitzroy, astrona, degotoga, kwatoko

    Apollyon dipped his head respectfully, friends not enemies. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well," he responded to the two males, his tail twitching with amusement as the younger one seemed eager for a fight. Many days travel from here, he wondered what they were doing so far out here. Then again who was he to judge? He gazed to his side to find Udia step forward, and he stepped backwards. This was her land after all, he didn't wish to intrude just after they had become allies. He'd let her handle it, for the most part at least.

    His eyes gleamed with further amusment as Fitzroy bounded down to introduce himself to the tiger, he smiled and dipped his head to Astrona. Watching as she introduced herself. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Guardian of Peace- Astrona." He responded, frowning softly as he made his way down, paws just dipping into the water. "The land is not mine, but as Prince Fitzroy has pointed out the land over here," he paused to gesture to the land behind them. "belongs to Hail Priestess Udia." he told her, dipping his head softly.

    "My territory is only a few days travel from here," he added, dipping his head to Udia if she wanted to talk. "I'm afraid my habit of wandering off has not yet faded."
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Re: โ™• ๐•๐€๐‹๐‹๐„๐˜ ๐Ž๐… ๐Š๐ˆ๐๐†๐’ โ™• A VOK RP

Postby Meekins12345 » Fri Dec 06, 2019 2:21 pm

๊€˜๊…๊‹ฌ๊“„๊„ฒ๊€˜๊„ฒ ๊‹ฌ๊‹Š๊’ฏ ๊’ฏ๊‚๊Œ๊„ฒ๊“„๊„ฒ๊Œ๊‹ฌ
|| Meeting new folks || With Astrona, Apollyon, Udia, and Fitzroy ||

The two insoniti continued to politely dip their heads to Fitzroy only to perk upon the mention that they may be intruding. This was, the one they called, Udia's territory. How dare they intrude! It was quite rude of them, at least that was what they thought so. Degotoga glanced to Kwatoko, who met his gaze and the two nodded toward each other, soon getting to their paws and bowing their heads toward the lioness across the river.

"We are deeply sorry, Hail Priestess Udia, for our intrusion." Kwatoko soon spoke seriously, his head still bowed, much like Dego's still was as well. "We will make sure that we do not trespass over your land in the future. For now, however, please accept my fish as a gift." He'd state, soon taking the small bluegill in his maw and showing the priestess. Dego kept his head down, but couldn't help but snort slightly at the thought of just a small fish as a gift, and was soon nudged by Toko before the younger male placed it back down into the grass. By then, the white male's head rose to look upon those across the river. The two gave each other another look before glancing around. It seemed they were willing and eager to leave her territory. For they had intruded, and they did not wish to overstay their already forced welcome.
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Re: โ™• ๐•๐€๐‹๐‹๐„๐˜ ๐Ž๐… ๐Š๐ˆ๐๐†๐’ โ™• A VOK RP

Postby zoocyte » Wed Jan 15, 2020 2:04 pm

๐—น๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ป || eating with ithca || tagged || ayo, nuru, ubatili, old blue, haraka

"fantastic as always, ithca," lhan panted out. all four of his paws held down the heaving, dark shape of a felled wildebeest. a pale, peach-pelted lioness was at the neck of the creature, her firmly locked jaws preventing her from responding to the compliment. the wildebeest squirmed under their combined weight, its hooved legs kicking out weakly a few times in desperate retaliation. he could feel it giving in, its breaths gradually becoming shallower and shallower as its time among the living drew to a close. soon the breaths halted, and it went still beneath him. slackening his grip, lhan touched a nose to the side of the kill and murmured, "be at peace."

ithca withdrew as well, sitting on her spotted haunches and bowing her head in preparation for the prayer of thanks. lhan lowered himself to the soil, muzzle pushing away the tussocks of grass to hover just above the soil. "akja, heart of the world, kihdo, lady of the hunt, we offer ourselves in humble thanks for the gift so generously given and for our efforts rewarded. with this meal, you honor us with life, which we will use to further prosperity wherever fate takes us. let your names be spoken for generations."

after the prayer was finished, lhan began to eat, tucking into the carcass. as he did, he silently noted the many small, white scars etched across the dark hide. it had been an old wildebeest, a straggler from the main herds, which made the hunt go as easily and efficiently as it did. he wondered about the history of the elderly animal, what triumphs and falls in life it had toughed through to get to this point. had he been a thriving lead buck in his youth, with scores of does to his name, and had all the glory of those days been stolen from him by the ravages of his aging, failing body? perhaps, perhaps not.

his stomach was nearly full when he noticed the absence of the warm presence that always accompanied him to meals. his gaze darted to his companion, who had not budged from the same spot. her stance was rigidly straight and her head was directed away from him, instead facing the lands below the small hilltop they were on.

"ithca? what do you see?" lhan asked. it suddenly occurred to him that the travelling duo may not be alone in this lush valley. the thought had not crossed his mind because the last time they had accidentally crossed borders was an event faded to a distant, month-or-so-old memory. for all the depth of his lake-deep memory for the dozens upon dozens of stories he had stored away, his head only had a puddle's-step for the practicalities of their travels.

๐—ถ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฐ๐—ฎ || eating with lhan || tagged || ayo, nuru, ubatili, old blue, haraka

chocolate-brown eyes peered vigilantly at the commotion going on a ways below them. ithca, lhan and their kill were situated at the peak of a small hill, giving them a vantage point over any newcomers looking to take their hunt for themselves, both lion and otherkind alike. unfortunately, for all the visibility they were granted, the hill offered no foliage to prevent them from being visible to anyone happening to glance their way.

the smell of the wildebeest made ithca's mouth water, however she couldn't quite drop her guard just yet, having spotted the group of strangers conversing in the grasslands. one lion, a hulking blue-gray male with an impressive cream mane had just taken to an aggressive stance. even from a slight distance, ithca noticed that his movements were stiff in the hindquarters. he'd taken some kind of injury there, she guessed. surrounding him were three lionesses and another lion, all appearing to be in a calmer state than him.

after a moment of watching events unfold, ithca responded, "there are lions down there. three lionesses, two lions. they don't seem to know each other, except for maybe two of them." glancing at lhan, she added, "they might see us from here."

lhan's brows raised in curiosity. fog-headed dolt probably wasn't even thinking of what danger they might be in, being so vastly outnumbered. "interesting. they're all not from the same pride then?", he said as he padded up to join her.

"i doubt it. keep watch on them while i eat." ithca reluctantly turned away from the scene to begin tearing off flesh from the carcass, gulping it down quickly. she'd need the strength if a fight or a chase broke out, and hope to akja neither did.

Last bumped by MySpoons on Wed Jan 15, 2020 2:04 pm.
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