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Postby FluffyBirdie » Sun Nov 10, 2019 5:38 pm

Username: FluffyBirdie
Link to guild: Karma
Character used in prompt: Salem
Prompt: What are your guild members most appreciative of?
    Anything done for him without expecting something in return, things done in secret just to help him not the other person... He will do his best to repay, in the same, behind-the-scenes way.

Username: FluffyBirdie
Link to guild: Karma
Character used in prompt: Natasha
Prompt: What are your guild members most appreciative of?
    The kindness of her guild members, as wild and chaotic as they are, touches Natasha's heart deeply. It was hard for her to transfer guilds, even though change often excited her. The many possible scenarios her new life could have taken her, the feelings she might have had in a worse guild... she had managed to avoid the worse-case scenario, and she is grateful for that.

Username: FluffyBirdie
Link to guild: Karma
Character used in prompt: Arvid
Prompt: What are your guild members most appreciative of?
    The society and economy are weird things to like, but like them he did. Haggling over what prices were reasonable and trying to trick newcomers into buying expensive wares trilled him, and there really is nothing better than the satisfaction of coming home with a light bag and a heavy purse.

Username: FluffyBirdie
Link to guild: Karma
Character used in prompt: Reya
Prompt: What are your guild members most appreciative of?
    She misses the blue of the sky that can't be seen in these underground tunnels. You don't know what you have until it's gone, a saying that applies so heavily to her desire to see that colour again. She wishes to lie on the grass, doing nothing but absorb the beauty of the sky.

Username: FluffyBirdie
Link to guild: Karma
Character used in prompt: Julian
Prompt: What are your guild members most appreciative of?
    It is selfish of him to say or even think this, but he deeply appreciates gifts. It isn't the only way to express love or gratitude to another, but for Julian it's the best way into his heart. It's really just the idea of someone seeking to give him a perfect gift, thinking about him the entire time that he adores.

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Postby enokimoon » Sun Nov 10, 2019 5:46 pm

    Username: s-smolbean
    Link to guild: Moonwatchers'
    Characters used in prompt: Bluebird | Magnus | Junco | Branwen | Rufus | Mikel
    What are your guild members most appreciative of ?
    With everything that she's gone through- all the challenges of moving on from the life she lost in her youth, Bluebird is most thankful for the cats who are staying by her side. Her guild has grown relatively large since she founded it, and she couldn't thank her guild mates for sticking by her side when she needs them the most. She's also very thankful for the support she gets from other guilds, those who have allied with her own, and the constant encouragement and motivation she receives from the leaders of other guilds. Despite having regretted many things in the beginning, Bluebird is slowly becoming a little bit more accustomed to her life now.

    Like his best friend, Magnus is thankful for the cats who constantly stick by his side and support him. He knows he can be a little overconfident and completely arrogant at times, and yet, there are those who acknowledge his flaws and yet still choose not to abandon him. He's especially thankful for Bluebird, his closest and dearest friend within the guild. Because despite a huge quarrel they had over his pride in the past, she refused to give up on him the way he didn't stop believing in her, even though she couldn't quite believe in herself.

    Junco is thankful for the life she is still living to this day, the air which she still breathes, and the ground she is able to walk on. Having been in a plethora of life-threatening situations in her life, she is thankful that the angels of death have not taken her soul to roam amongst the descended souls in the Garth of the Undergrowth ( where she believes the souls of the deceased- or " descended " as she calls it -dwell ).

    Barely escaping her troubled past, Branwen had to find a way to cope with the emotional distress she'd experienced. When she started her business as a hireable assassin, it was because she needed to find a living, and it had been a profession she could apply her skills and talents towards. It was a successful business, and many cats feared her for it. Now, she is most thankful for the kind cats within her guild who treat her as an actual individual and do not fear her for what she makes a living from. They treat her with the respect she deserves, and even with affection she has longed for since she left her life at the surface behind. She is most grateful to also have a loving partner who cares for her and sees her as an equal rather than a service to pay for.

    Rufus is most grateful for his family's gift to him before he set out for the world; the enchanted telescope. It gives him a sense of connection to his family, and allows him to observe his passion- the stars. Because of it, he has become an avid star watcher, often sitting by Mikel or even on the larger cat's back as he observes the celestial bodies traverse through the open sky from the crack in the cave ceiling.

    Mikel is thankful to the omniscient beings who granted him a new life and a new family. Only being with his grandmother when he'd been living on the surface, and yet having lost her made him think he wasn't destined to have a family he could call his own. And yet, fate had other plans for him, leading him to find the guild and the cats he is able to cherish, protect, and live amongst in the present.
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Postby Goddess Sword » Mon Nov 11, 2019 4:37 am

Username: Goddess Sword
Link to guild: Starsong
Character used in prompt: Suterra | Rugan | Fanael | Dota | Shiru | Dorban
What are your guild members most appreciative of?

Rugan is thankful for a lot of things - That he was able to get out of the battling game before another Firesprite came along and did rip his ear off, that the bartender at the local tavern is willing to turn a blind eye to his antics for some coin, that some of his customers are sucker enough to buy into his stories in the first place so he can afford the booze and barfights. But perhaps more than that, he's grateful for Tsaniyya's company; despite their rivalry, and the multiple times she's had to knock him flat on the floor when he had a bit too much, he thinks of her as a good friend, and is grateful that she's managed to do alright for herself despite her not-so-squeaky-clean past.
Won't stop him from trying to beat her out in the business world, though.

Dota and Suterra share a thankfulness for their guild and its members. For Suterra, Starsong is their way of achieving their greatest dream, finally having found a genuine goal and purpose in life - The support of those who've chosen to join them means the world to them. And for Dota... despite how out of control the place can get at times, all the nights up late and mornings up early nursing Rugan's hangovers and black eyes, the harsh nature of characters like Fanael and Ebera, Dorb's moping and Suterra's... quirkiness, for lack of a better word, Starsong is the first home and family she's ever really had. And after years alone, it's hard to argue with that.

On the topic of the former-Caligo, Fanael has grown more appreciative over time - Thankful for the guild that gave him a place to stay when he felt trapped somewhere he was never meant to be, surrounded by strangers; thankful for the cat who saved his life even before that (even if his insistence on playing that ocarina of his nearly got them both killed again); thankful for the companionship he found in Catalena, though he's not often the type to show it. Oddly, though, he is perhaps most grateful to the unknown cat who left him with the scar on his side, striking him and leaving him to bleed out in the tunnels when he and his former partners attacked the city. Because, were it not for that cat, perhaps he would have simply stayed below, never growing or changing, too busy stewing in his hate for all he'd been told had taken everything from him and his people. And what a life that would have been, in the deepest depths of the tunnels, never having had a chance to live for himself?

Shiru is grateful for the city and its abundance - The foods that her desert home could never offer, the cats happily wandering the streets at all hours, the opportunities afforded to all its citizens. But she is perhaps most grateful to Dota, the inarguably most normal of the guild she's found herself in; it's nice to have a break from her guildmates' antics sometimes, and the apothecary is always happy to have the company of someone who she doesn't have to worry about coming home absolutely trashed with a broken nose. Plus... the fact that she was the one who get Suterra to let her stay with them after several years spent couchsurfing doesn't hurt.

As for Dorban, well... He's grateful for what time he got to spend with his departed best friend. Days spent training and celebrating and playing and laughing, talking about a world one never knew and one was too young to remember - Just the two of them, inseparable, as though they were forever young and invincible.
If only those times could have lasted longer.
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Postby Breado » Mon Nov 11, 2019 8:40 am

Username: Breado
Link to guild: Lamplighters
Character used in prompt: Rocco
For one, Rocco is most grateful for his mother's and father's teachings, encouragements and helpfulness. Because without them, he wouldn't know which plants to pick and which ones to avoid. He also wouldn't have the courage to go out to forage without the crystal in his neck he got from his parents when he first started going out alone. That little thing helps a lot with his poor sense of direction.

Username: Breado
Link to guild: Lamplighters
Character used in prompt: Bryn
In his opinion, no one is more worthy of his gratitude that the captain of The Red Swan, "Eldritch" Byrd, the feared pirate who took him in and saw potential in him when he was a kit. And even though Bryn's now a part of a different 'crew', he sometimes still longs for those cool nights out in the open see, listening to the waves as he exchanges a few words with his captain before going down to sleep.

Username: Breado
Link to guild: Lamplighters
Character used in prompt: Read
Read is grateful for the rogue who saved him from the hounds that night. Although he never told him and doesn't know where he is now, Read still wonders sometimes if he's still alive and free. He puts the skills he's learned to good use in the catacombs and is thankful he took him under his wings that night.
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Postby /nyx. » Mon Nov 11, 2019 9:51 am

Username: bmkmb
Link to guild: Path to Darkness
Character used in prompt: Rin-dayo
Prompt: What Rin's most appreciative of are the members of her guild. She's thankful that even though she's leader, they always have her back.
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Re: Re:

Postby hypnowave » Mon Nov 11, 2019 2:12 pm


20 EXP + 10 currency has been rewarded to:
Fuji, Ao, Tori, Hoshi, Kawauso, Noctos, Shineri, Syros, Raider, Salem, Natasha, Arvid, Reya, Julian, Bluebird, Magnus,
Junco, Branwen, Rufus, Mikel, Suterra, Rugan, Fanarl, Dota, Shiru, Dorban, Rocco, Bryn, Read, Rin-dayo

This experience may be divided across a founder's foraging and combat level in any way you choose
If your cat is not a founder, they are rewarded the exp to their skill!
If your cat does not gain exp, you may just reward your guild with the currency.

Thank you for all the promptfills! A new prompt will be up shortly.
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Postby yeena » Tue Nov 12, 2019 4:32 am

A new prompt is up! Though winter may not be as harsh in Catalena as it is above ground, the change
in temperature is still notable. What is your cats favorite meal to deal with the cold?
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Postby enokimoon » Sun Nov 17, 2019 3:12 am

    Username: s-smolbean
    Link to guild: Moonwatchers'
    Character used in prompt: Bluebird | Magnus | Junco | Branwen | Rufus | Mikel
    What is your favorite meal to deal with the cold of the underground ?

    “ My favorite dish is one that my father used to make for me back when I was still a kitten. He taught me to make it when I was around three revolutions old. ” Bluebird says merrily, taking out a ceramic bowl filled with what seems to be full-cream milk from over a low fire. “ It only takes a bit of cream, and some fresh berries. My favorite berries have to be the Nightblood and Moonbean berries. And I was lucky enough to spot them at the market earlier ! ” She says cheerfully, taking a pawful of little fruits- one of the kinds of berries was dark with a light purple sheen, coming in different rounded shapes; and the other kind of berries seemed to be little translucent grey spheres, with some sort of prismatic blue and yellow liquid in the centers. She smiled merrily and dropped them into the bowl of cream she levitated by her side. “ The warm cream and the mix of these sour and sweet flavors are just lovely ! They've been a great comfort to me during the cold seasons ever since I was a little kitten. ”

    “ Hm ? You're asking about the food I eat to keep warm ? ” Magnus huffs and puts a paw to his chin. “ I've never really been bothered by the cold, so I don't usually need anything to ' warm me up. ' But I do have a dish I find especially delectable during the cold season. ” He flashes his fangs in a smile, and wanders into his personal quarters- coming out a moment later with what appears to be a minuscule limp reptile in his claws. “ This is a Firescud. Don't you worry about the species being endangered ! They're like ants in regards to their population- some are even considered as pests, since they like to feast on wood as their life fuel. These little guys pack a punch, and aren't really eaten by most cats, since their flame pouches hold a lot of fire for being so small, and can cause serious internal burns. But I've never had that as a problem. ” Magnus shrugs and pops the tiny Firescud into his mouth, a visible burst of flame seeping from his jaw when he chewed. It really did not bother him, and he chuckles as he confesses that they're more of an all-year-round snack than a winter-comfort food.

    Junco turns her head towards the merchant's stall, raising an eyebrow at their goods' prices. “ You're telling me that these little bunches of basil are worth a hundred coins ? ” She says calmly, but the shopkeeper can sense the hiss building in her throat. “ Y-Yes, ma'am. They are. ” Junco rolls her eyes and sighs. “ I suppose that your harvest has not been going very well because of the cold season then ? ” She asks, clutching a bunch of oregano stalks bound together. “ Well then get a proper mage and enchant your crops, ” Junco says bluntly and smiles at the young she-cat running the stall. “ It will be worth it, I promise you. ” She leaves without purchasing anything and heads towards her guild. “ Herbs in the marketplace are so highly-priced nowadays, and some cats still don't think to enchant their gardens to prosper all throughout the year, or they're simply hiding them. ” She purrs. “ It's a good thing Bluebird and young Rufus were willing to enchant my personal bed of herbs, so I can make my favorite roasted sparrows throughout the cold season. They're savory and smell wonderful thanks to the herbs. And Rufus certainly loves them as well. ” She says with a smile and places a number of the skewered treats over a fire she started by the side of the cave.

    “ Just a simple hot mint tea is enough to get me warmed-up. ” Branwen says quietly, bringing a little cup of of the said drink to her lips and taking a sip of its steaming contents. “ But if we're talking about solid food, I say that glutinous rice balls in taro-based soup served hot is the way to go. ” She gives a small smile and turns to her mint tea, once again taking a sip.

    Rufus chuckles and exclaims with a big smile: “ Junco's roasted sparrows are the best ! ” He purrs happily and giddily bounces towards the older she-cat, plopping down on his haunches to watch as she slowly takes one of the skewers from over the small fire and offers it to him. “ Thank you, Junco ! These look delicious as always ! I'm especially happy that you make them during this time of cold. ” He says giddily, and before Junco can warn him to be careful of the heat from the freshly cooked treat, he sinks his fangs into the meat and immediately burns his mouth, yelping in pain as Junco sighs and rushes to get him some cooling salve for his burnt tongue.

    “ My favorite dish is- well, was a classic prepared by my grandmother. ” The large tom purrs, reminiscing of his peaceful past when he still lived with her on the surface. “ It's a simple home-cooked blend of mashed vegetables- they would vary based on how well our crops grew that season -and some cattle meat slow-roasted with a special secret sauce she used to make. She only shared that recipe with me. ” He puffed out his chest with a bit of pride at his claim. “ Sometimes, she'd even ask me to pick my favorite edible flowers to top it off ! Of course, there wouldn't be a lot growing in the cold season, but I'd manage to snag some Iceeye flowers and some wild Pansies, since they'd be growing even in the chilly weather. Yiayia would be so proud of me when I'd come back with her favorite Iceeyes ! They're quite cold to the tongue and have a bit of a lingering cooling effect like when you chew mint up and swallow. But they weren't minty at all ! She loved those, and they went wonderfully with the warm, hearty flavors of the roasted meat.” It seemed that this usually quiet cat definitely doesn't hesitate to talk when it comes to the life he'd led with his grandmother. “ I'm thankful that Bluebird takes the time to come with me to the market to buy the ingredients I need to complete it. ” He says with a smile and turns back to the slow-roasting meat he had been tending to.
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Postby Sylvexi » Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:57 am

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Forest
Character used in prompt: Fuji
Fuji likes cooking really simple things. Mostly because she doesn't really have the energy to spend a lot of work on food, unless it tastes really good. Thus, she likes to get her guild's cats together, and have everyone make whatever they're good with making, and she'll make hot drinks for everyone. In short, Fuji likes having a sort of potluck meal in the winter to combat the cold.

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Forest
Character used in prompt: Ao
Although Ao can't cook most things very well, she can definitely whip up some good mashed potatoes. During the cold winter months, she makes it extra steaming hot to combat the cold, and sometimes even combines it with Tori's stew to have a dish of mashed potatoes and stew together.

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Forest
Character used in prompt: Tori
Tori loves to cook up some stew with whatever ingredients he finds during his foraging trips. And since his trips are pretty long, it's amazingly nice to just come back to the guild and warm up by making stew and eating it. Sometimes, he makes enough for the rest of the guild as well, so everyone can share the warmth and goodness of the meal.

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Forest
Character used in prompt: Hoshi
Hoshi is also a simple cat. He just roasts some vegetables over an open fire, combines it with something like bread, and calls it good. It's warm, doesn't require much preparation, and tastes great to him. He'll still snatch whatever his guildmates offer, though. He's just lazy.

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Forest
Character used in prompt: Kawauso
Seafood is where it's at for Kawauso. Specifically, shellfish-related seafood. He doesn't just eat them in the winter either, though. He does it all year round, on what he calls 'special occasions,' but it's really just a random day he picks where he decides he wants to eat some delicious shellfish. Besides, he can add to his shell collection after he finishes eating, it's a win-win situation!
Haha, you're trembling...
Is it the cold, or just cowardice?
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Postby Goddess Sword » Sun Nov 17, 2019 6:20 pm

Username: Goddess Sword
Link to guild: Starsong
Character used in prompt: Suterra | Rugan | Fanael | Dota | Shiru | Dorban | Ebera
With the winter season closing in on Catalena, what is your cat's favorite meal to deal with the cold of the underground?

Suterra is actually rather comfortable with the cold; their meals during the winter aren't all that different from those at other times of the year. On the rare occasion that the cold does manage to bother them, they can typically be found with a bowl of soup. Their guildmates tend to stay far away from them until the magic-amplifying effects of the kale-like Tangy Leaves they add wear off, lest the blind cat accidentally hit them with a stray burst of magic.

As for Rugan... Bourbon doesn't count as a meal, does it? No? I suppose not. Though his coat keeps him warm, Rugan does enjoy a hot meal... though his definition of a meal is a bit looser than some others might agree with. He's got a soft spot for the quick, inexpensive stuff he can get at the taverns with his drinks in the evenings; nachos, onion rings, mozzarella sticks, hot wings... if it's fast, cheap, and probably thirty percent grease, Starsong's merchant will be more than happy to shell out a few coins to go with his third drink of the day.

Of course, Rugan's habits at the taverns make for a tricky time for those around him - Namely Dota, the guild apothecary. With how often she's up late and awakening early to deal with the aftermath of his shenanigans, there's no food or drink Dota appreciates more in the winter than a tall, hot cup of coffee, ideally complimented by a quick chunk of carbs like a muffin or bagel. What's that about caffeine being harmful to cats? Eh, she works in the medical field, she'll be fine.

Fanael, though accustomed to the cold due to his training in ice magic, isn't an especially large fan of the winter season - Given the opportunity, he'd much rather hang around curled up in his room and do nothing all day. But even (former) Caligos need to eat, and even Tie Boy here is no exception. As much as he can, he tries to keep his excursions from his bed quick and easy - He can often be found slinking back into his room with several pieces of toast covered in Sweet Berry jam, no doubt stockpiling for the next few cool hours.

Armed with a similar sweet-tooth, Shiru also enjoys a bit of fruit in her winter diet - Her favorite dish is a sweet and spicy soup garnished with Sweet Berries and just a pinch of Firesprite Dust to add an extra kick - A bit of an expensive choice, but well worth it in her eyes. And though Catalena offers her many enjoyable dishes, her affinity for the apples served in the fruit salad she treasured as a child remains even now; paired with a glass of hot cider, the two make the perfect meal.

Meanwhile, the guild elder, Dorban, with all of his fluff and the flaming sword he carries with him, doesn't notice the cold all that much - And when he does notice it, it's moreso a reminder of the changing seasons and bittersweet memories they carry that bother him than the weather itself. When feeling particularly nostalgic, he enjoys a skewer of Hearty Mushrooms roasted over the fires of his fallen companion's blade, a reminder of their time spent together.

Finally, Ebera doesn't have an especially firm affinity for special meals for the seasons - With the life he found himself in, pickiness was never much of an option. But if pressed on it, you might be able to wring a bit of information out of him; he's got a soft spot for steak of any sort, ideally seared to a warm pink and served with caramelized onions and Hearty Mushrooms, perhaps with a side of rice depending on his mood. Pricy tastes for one so unwilling to earn an honest living of his own accord.
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