[VOK] The New Guard || Tales of the Valley

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[VOK] The New Guard || Tales of the Valley

Postby MySpoons » Wed Nov 13, 2019 4:28 am

    A place for when I get to writing some scenes of my lion's lives when not RPing. Please do not post-- but you're welcome to stop by the New Guard's Trading Post to comment c:

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Tales of the Valley || CHARACTERS

Postby MySpoons » Wed Nov 13, 2019 4:31 am

Character Name // ID#// stories in chronological order
Short blurb on character/story plot
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Tales of the Valley || ASTRONA'S TRAVELS

Postby MySpoons » Thu Jan 23, 2020 7:44 am

DAY ZERO | [D2- 300xp]

Astrona's last day of preparing for the trip is mostly spent making sure her duties are wrapped up and she is physically and mentally prepared. Her mentor, Isha, a male golden tiger, took the day to see her off. Some of his quarter is here, too, to wish her well. It is a big event, much bigger than Astrona was hoping for.

"All ready?" Isha looks over her small pack and his apprentice-- now newly-appointed a full Guardian of Peace. The ceremonial paint on Astrona's coat is still there, not yet washed off from two days prior. Four golden rings hang off her ribbons, a visual sign of her current status.

"I believe so. You've trained me well, Isha. I hope to do well by you." Astrona looks up at him. She is a young adult, not quite fully grown yet. Isha is middle-aged, a few grey hairs speckling his chin this past dry season. He purrs and rubs his head on her shoulder.

"You'll do well, Astrona. A confident young thing like you is the perfect choice-- the Council chose well."

"Astrona, my one. I wish you would take more with you." Swift North, Astrona's mother, trots over. Graceful even though her expression is concerned.

"No need to make the journey a slog with needless supplies." Linanthus, Astrona's father, explains. It is hard on them, seeing their only child move on so far away. Even though the honor is great to have Astrona be the one to establish a New Guard far in the west. As challenging as it would be, the Council chose her and the honor is something Astrona cannot explain.

"I'll be fine, mother. I've spent the past few weeks learning many crafts in case I need to make something on the way." Astrona reassures her parents with a sympathetic smile. No tears today, she's already shed plenty over leaving her home. It has been a few months of planning and growing accustomed to the idea.

On top of her Guardian training, Astrona now knows the basics of preparing pelts and making leather, making candles and other fire sources, building solid dens, sowing, farming, healing, and trading. Her hunting skills have been improved, only slightly. Astrona isn't much of a hunter even though she is athletic.

"Guardian Astrona, are you ready?" Guardian Parvati calls from the main road leading out west. Her quarter is a few day's travel west, on the outskirts of the Silver Ruin's influence. She will be Astrona's companion for the first three days of travel, offering some final advice before Astrona is beyond the Guard's known territory.

"Well... this is it." She glances back to her parents, who are beaming at her with tears in their eyes. Astrona rushes up to hug them.

"I'll send word when I can! Please don't fret over me." Before she has another chance to doubt her decision, Astrona turns and picks up her pace to meet up with Parvarti.

"I am now."

DAY ONE | [D2- 300xp]

Parvati and Astrona make it to the first quarter and the Guardian's residence in that area. Durga, an older leopard, is there to welcome them with beds and good food. He stands at the entrance to his den, glass jars with candles inside them lighting up the path to his den in the darkness of dusk.

"Good evening, Guardians! Day one is behind you, come rest your paws." He uses his tail to sweep open the cloth curtain to his den. Inside, the den is well lit with small glowing jars. A fire crackles from a side room, bringing the smell of spiced meat, a wonderful meal after a long day of walking.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Guardian Durga." Astrona settles on a plush cushion and stretches until her sore muscles ease their burn and she stretches out to enjoy the cool breeze of Durga's well-ventilated den. Parvati, who kindly carried Astrona's pack half of the way, sets it down at the entrance and makes herself comfortable, too.

"Anything to help! Please help yourself to any refreshments while I finish preparing dinner." Durga says over his shoulder, disappearing into what must be his kitchen. Two jars are sitting on the low wooden table in the center of the room. One is plain water, the other has herbs and citrus infused into it. The two Guardians pour themselves some bowls, impressed with the cool temperature of the water. Durga must have a cellar.

Durga returns with a generous platter of seared meat. On the side is some more spices and some cheese if they wanted to add it.

"Help yourself! Traveling so far for so long will increase your appetite."

No further invitation is needed. Astrona enjoys the meal and finds herself fighting to stay awake. Parvati is no better. They made good time today and while it didn't rain, the heat and humidity exhausted them.

"I shall have to rest soon-- excuse me." Astrona says around a yawn. Durga waves the two of them off, and also retires early. Astrona and Parvarti sleep in Durga's living room, as that is the largest space for the two of them. They use sheer sheets of linen to protect themselves from bugs and fall asleep quickly.

In the morning, Durga sends them on their way with a good breakfast. He replenishes the food they had eaten from Astrona's pack with dried fish-- Astrona's favorite. She tries to pay him with some gold coins but Durga declines, showing her the official stationery from the Guard saying that they will compensate him for their visit. After Astrona signs it, they are back on their way, following the rising sun.

DAY TWO | [D2- 300xp]

Parvati is a good companion. She is willing to talk without being too chatty, naturally finding the moments in which the landscape is best enjoyed quietly together. Astrona doesn't want to wear herself out by pushing herself too hard but she doesn't want to meander, either. Parvati and she make fair time, traveling at a decent pace without going beyond their limits. While it is discouraged for Guardians to gossip about their quarters and their charges, it is fine to talk. Parvati talks about the huge families in her quarter. There are lots of little bickerments she has to deal with, but nothing more serious has happened as the families are well organized and respectful of one another.

Astrona appreciates the shop talk. It is a good way to pass the time. The younger tigress jumps across the wide stream, claws digging into the rotting wood of the large log stretching across it. The pack on her back is feeling more natural and she isn't as awkward or clumsy with it on anymore.

Parvati follows close behind, moving more gracefully with her small satchel. "They're quite a lively bunch out here. It's enjoyable."

"Sounds like it," Astrona agrees. Her paws sink a bit into the soft ground. The paths out here aren't well kept enough to be called roads. Back home, in the Silver Ruins, most of the roads surrounding the city are made of cut stone. Her rough paw pads welcome the softer ground of these less-traveled roads. The further they travel from the city and its infrastructure, the more Astrona thinks about all the work she will have to do once she finds an area out west to set up the New Guard.

"Do you know much about this quarter?" Astrona asks when Parvati rejoins up with her and they continue on their way.

"Guardian Sultan, he's busy dealing with a group of rogue felines. They're trying to settle in the area but of course, that's making some ripples. It's a traditional group around here, set in their ways. Not exactly welcome to outsiders." Parvati explains.

"Hmm," Astrona hums, thinking. Will she have the same issue when she reaches this far-off valley?

Parvati brushes Astrona's shoulder with her own. "You'll be fine, sweet voice. You're quite the charmer."

That's a nickname she hasn't heard in a while. It does the job of making her smile and relax some, just as Parvati intended.

DAY THREE | [D2- 300xp]

Guardian Sultan's residence is not on their path so Parvati and Astrona spend the night sleeping in a large tree, sprawled out in the graceful yet precarious way that all cats can do. The weather is nice, not too stifling. Airy bug netting keeps the mosquitoes off them while they sleep. A light rain wakes them up just before dawn. Breakfast is not as nice as the meal that Durga provided, but dried meat isn't the worst. Although, Astrona knows she will likely get tired of it before her journey is done.

Parvati stretches quickly, eager to return home. Astrona is not as eager, knowing that in a few days she'll be deep beyond Parvati's quarter, moving further and further away from her home with every hour. Parvati leaves deep scratches in a tree with a satisfied sigh.


"Yes." Astrona finishes packing everything up. Before she can object, Parvati takes her back and trades Astrona her light one.

"Here, my part is almost done. The least I can do is carry your things while you a guest in my quarter." Parvarti grins, leading the way. She has a spring in her step. Guardians are well known for wanting to stay within their assigned quarter once they get settled in. It hard to be away from one's duty after years of dedication. Parvati is a few years older than Astrona, still young by Guardian standards. She will be in her prime soon, having worked in the same area for five years. After that point, Parvati will be eligible to train her own apprentice.

Will Astrona ever have guardians visit her? After she's established herself? Or will she be responsible for training her own rooks and apprentices? There is so much ahead of her, in both miles and work. Even though Parvati is not the last Guardian on the way, the other Guardians were too busy to join in helping Astrona. Parvati already described the locations of trading stops along the way for the next week, large gathering areas where Astrona could likely find some traders and a place to sleep for the night.

The day goes by quickly. The land is still consumed by rain forest but it feels different. Slightly cooler and bluer, with different bird songs and scents. How different will the valley be?

"You'll have some hard days ahead of you but you won't be alone, Astrona," Parvati says later that afternoon when they've arrived at Parvati's cozy den. It is a bit tight for the two of them but they make it work. Astrona hums in agreement. Sensing Astrona's concerns, Parvati insists on grooming Astrona until the younger tigress falls asleep.

DAY FOUR | [D2- 300xp]

In the morning, Astrona is feeling anxious. While she won't be beyond the lands of the Guard, she is not expected to meet more Guardians on the way. There is another week of travel before she is outside of the Guard's influence, among those who may have heard of the Guardians of Peace, but don't have one assigned to them. Either due to a lack of interest, or a desire to not be governed by a faraway community.

Parvati pulls out a nice, simple breakfast and sends Astrona on her way with a heartfelt goodbye and some more supplies to replace what they used. Today, Astrona's legs are a little sore. She decides to take it slower to maintain her stamina. The forest around her is still a rainforest, even though it is unfamiliar to her. It is the farthest west she's ever been.

The morning is cool and loud with birds and insects. Astrona follows the path Parvati described to her, a thin not-well used trail that runs parallel to a large river heading west. The rush of water calms her mind as she walks, keeping her mind in a sort of meditative state instead of letting her thoughts bubble up.

To keep herself out of a mood, Astrona decided to fish for her lunch. The river is large and powerful in the middle, sweeping debris and rolling large rocks along the deep river bed. Astrona finds a bend where the shallows are more peaceful and clear, revealing the flash of sunlit scales every so often. Instead of rushing in too early and missing a catch, Astrona waits perched in a tree, watching the fish for a while. A few fishing hawks dive into the river on the other side, but nothing bothers her. When she is ready, she picks a bass and dives claws first into the water.

It is an average-sized fish. She brings it back to the tree and eats it, waiting for the startled fish to return. After catching a second one, she'll be back on her way. The hot air of the rainforest soaks up the water in her fur quickly after Astrona lands the rest of her lunch.

The rest of the day is uneventful. As soon as the shadows start getting darker and longer, Astrona breaks off the path and searches for a good place to rest for the night. It is her first night sleeping alone, ever. She could have walked for a bit longer but she wants to find a comfortable spot. Some of the trees are too tall with not enough large branches for her, but after some searching, she finds some. While Parvati did say that bandits were not uncommon in the area, she encouraged Astrona to not leave a fire going throughout the night if she isn't sleeping in a secure den. Dinner is bland but filling. Astrona tucks her pack away, secure on a branch and stretches out under a bug net, wrapping herself up like a cub. Tired from the day, she falls asleep quickly.

DAY FIVE | [D2- 300xp]

"Oh, goodness." Astrona wakes up to the warmth of the mid-morning sun on her back. She slept past dawn by a few hours. Yesterday's travels must have worn her out much more than she thought! Picking up her pack after stowing away the net and tossing on her bells and ribbon, Astrona flies down the tree and trots back on to the path. While she isn't on an exact schedule, there is no use to wasting time. She eats some fish jerky as she walks, a little too distracted than she ought to be.

No fresh scents are on the trail, no one has passed through recently. There is isn't much wind on the forest floor to carry scents, Astrona has no idea what is in the area. Parvati warned her about packs of wild dogs wandering the area, but even dogs are not too much of a threat. Chances are, they'll see a tiger and think it best to stay away, not willing to find out if Astrona is a fighter or not.

The trail snakes it way upwards at a gradual rate. By the time the sun is high above her, Astrona is walking along a steep trail through a large cliff overlooking the river. It is a beautiful view, gold and green and blue landscape before her. On the far horizon is a haze of green, an olive tone that indicates a different type of forest.

Astrona stops for another small meal, studying the map she was given. It is a large piece of thick leather, designed to put up with hard travels and bad weather. A paper and ink map wouldn't last her very long. This one has all the landmarks and names burned into it. Today and tomorrow she will be in a hilly area, known for ruins and crumbling land if you step in the wrong place. Astrona makes sure to keep from any edges. A broken leg would kill her out here. Then she will be in a large basin, rich in resources but rife with territory quarls. If she sticks to the roads she should be safe. Hopefully, she can find someone who can give her a new map of the area she doesn't have charted.

With a determined head and a full stomach, Astrona rolls up her map and places it carefully in her pack. A few more hours of traveling to dusk.
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