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Postby Aravel » Sat Nov 02, 2019 4:49 am

What is your guild members biggest fear?

      ... Ragnarr || Most would assume Ragnarr's biggest fear would be the destruction or disbandment of his guild, as that seems to be all the cat focuses his time on. However, Ragnarr has a solid relationship with the members of his guild, especially Cassandra. Should something ever happen to Cassandra, Ragnarr wouldn't know what to do with himself. Both cats support each other emotionally and share a special bond. She is the only cat as of now that Ragnarr can be completely himself to.

      ... Cassandra || Cassandra isn't very vocal about her fears as she comes across as a very independent, scared-of-nothing type cat. Although she is a little more vocal about her dislike of the male gender in general, what she doesn't vocalize is the bit of fear that surrounds her perception of the male gender. While maybe not her biggest fear, as she doesn't give much thought to what really is, this is the fear that she struggles with every single day and has to deal with all the time. She has grown comfortable around select few males, including some of her guild mates, but she prefers to stay closer to the females.

      ... Xanathar || Xanathar's pride gets the best of him, so naturally his biggest fear has more to do with his losing his reputation or abilities that his pride is built upon. Entering the Catacombs was already difficult for him, as he had to deal with new styles of fighting, but it also built on his pride since the dexterous male had many skills the cats underground had never seen. Specifically, if Xanathar became unable to fight well anymore for whatever reason, or worse, be unable to even take care of himself anymore, Xanathar's pride would be destroyed and the cat wouldn't know what to do with himself.
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Postby enokimoon » Sat Nov 02, 2019 10:59 am

Username: s-smolbean
Link to guild: Moonwatchers'
Characters used in prompt: Bluebird | Magnus | Junco | Branwen | Rufus | Mikel
    At a young age, this young she-cat's world crumbled around her. Losing her parents, the family she found in her father's guild, and the foundation of the only life she'd known. Bluebird can say she's got a lot of fears, though she doesn't choose to share them explicitly. But of all of them, the one she is most gripped by is the fear of not being good enough for the cats who've come into the life she is choosing to rebuild now. Forming the Moonwatchers' was an impulsive decision she made with consequences and responsibilities she was not ready for. Despite those facts, she did her best to seem as bubbly and hospitable as she could to those who chose to join and then to stay. But deep down, she fears the day they all might realize that she's not worth their time

    Although he's as strong and proud as he makes himself out to be, Magnus is noble enough in a sense to acknowledge that everyone- even he himself -has fears. He is not out in the open in any sense with revealing his worst fear, but he also doesn't choose to hide it. What this young tom fears most is in fact, the water. He hasn't been in any life-threatening situations involving the liquid, but he is certain that nothing good can come from bodies of it. Lakes, rivers, sun-forbid the seas. You're not getting this brave cat near those.

    Junco may be a little older than her fellow guild members, so she's seen and experienced a lot more than they have. She's not had much to make her afraid after staring death straight in the eyes in the form of a formidable foe; a fearsome lion. There is one thing that has scared Junco since she was but a kitten- and those are crocodylidae. Her home town was stationed near a marsh, and the older cats would scare and tease her about these big reptiles finding young-ins like her most delectable. It may be considered a childish fear, one that she's slowly getting over by being more exposed to such beasts on her foraging escapades ( with one particularly small taxidermied gator she named Dònti ) sitting within her collection, but nonetheless, Junco's fear is a good example of how things from childhood can leave a lasting impression on someone.

    After everything she left behind on the surface, what Branwen fears the most is her past. The life she's tried so hard to erase from her mind claw at her insides and are usually the source of her sorrows. It was years ago that she left behind her family, her dearest brother, and knowing that her leaving had been the cause of suffering for him makes her afraid of the day she will have to face him again. Branwen knows it. She is certain that their bitter reunion is inevitable, and she feels she is powerless to stop it. A noble assassin who has the skill and strength in her own paws is riddled weak at the thought of coming in contact with one she once thought dear.

    Young and uncertain, Rufus' fear is clear to many. He fears not being able to fit in with the rest of his guild members, as well as society as a whole. It's quite irrational really, since he's made an impression on cats from other guilds with his natural talent for magic- although his magic is weak, he does have a lot of potential he refuses to see within himself. His fear stems from the fact that his family and his home had been the place where he felt most like himself, and now he's finding it a little harder to adjust. But luckily, Bluebird and the others have been welcoming and most willing to help him feel more at home.

    Mikel fears death the most. Not his own, but of those around him. He knows surrendering to the after life can be painful, but afterwards, he knows there is nothing but peace. That is what his grandmother had taught him while he lived under her care- before her untimely death. He was an only child to parents he never got to meet. And his grandmother raised him on the surface, far away from the Catacombs that she feared would one day take the life of her darling Mikel, the way it took his parents. After Mikel lost her, he blamed himself for having caused it, as she passed from the pain and shock of fighting with Mikel after he decided to depart to Catalena. Now, living in the newfound world beneath the surface, Mikel is keen to be as protective as he can of his guild members. He may not be the most expressive of his emotions towards them, but he cares for each one of them and fears he may lose them to the clutches of the afterlife while he is with them.
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Postby Frisco » Sun Nov 03, 2019 4:53 am

Username: Frisco
Link to guild: cool cats club
Character used in prompt: Noctos
Many years ago, when Noctos was still an adorable little kitten his parents left home in a hurry without giving any explanation. That was the last time he saw them. He was raised by his grandmother, who passed away shortly before he founded the Guild of Cathulhu (later renamed to cool cats club). The sole reason for creating the guild was an incredible vision of the old god and a chat with him. Noct agreed to help the beast and in return can use his incredible power. Noctos hopes that once he completes the mission Cathulhu gave him, the old god will help him look for his parents, since they were lost at sea and Cathulhu is the god of it. A spark of hope has always been deep inside the cat’s heart, but there’s also fear. Fear that they may have been dead for years and their family will never be reunited. It is his greatest fear.
That or frogs. Those things are terrifying.

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Postby Sylvexi » Sun Nov 03, 2019 9:18 am

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Forest
Character used in prompt: Fuji
Fuji's one biggest fear is, understandably, losing anyone close to her, namely her brother, Syd. Ever since the loss of her parents, Fuji has been terrified at the mere thought of ever losing her remaining family member as well.

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Forest
Character used in prompt: Ao
Ao is pretty chill and friendly, but she fears that she'll wake up one day and no one will see her, and all of her possessions and everything about her erased from the world, like she never existed. This is probably only because she had a dream about it happening once, though.

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Forest
Character used in prompt: Tori
This probably sounds silly, but Tori is afraid of falling. Sure, he would love to fly one day, but he's also just really scared of falling at the same time. This would translate into a fear of heights, so... looks like Tori needs to continue practicing.

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Forest
Character used in prompt: Hoshi
Hoshi used to be scared of snakes when he was really young, but obviously that fear has been eliminated. Now he's just scared of rocs and other giant bird creatures, but haha, those aren't real, right?

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Forest
Character used in prompt: Kawauso
Kawauso just hopes that nothing involving his past will appear, as he grew out of it long ago. He's too old for that now. It's not really a fear, but he would really dislike it if that happened. Especially if they took his collection of seashells. Now that is a fear of his.
Haha, you're trembling...
Is it the cold, or just cowardice?
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Postby FluffyBirdie » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:49 am

Username: FluffyBirdie
Link to guild: Karma
Character used in prompt: Salem
Prompt: What is your guild members biggest fear?
    Failing. Again. And again. The knowledge that his actions caused this to happen. It's an accumulation of his fear of losing people close to him, and the stresses of knowing every decision counts, that led him to fear defeat, and the knowledge that he has not achieved what he could have achieved.
    The fear of thinking if only...

Username: FluffyBirdie
Link to guild: Karma
Character used in prompt: Natasha
Prompt: What is your guild members biggest fear?
    Small spaces make her skin crawl, and she hates not being able to move in such a constricted space, and it feels like the walls are tightening around her, and she can't breathe, and she can't think, and and and

    The tunnels of Catacombs are fine for her, as she knows it is dirt and she can claw her way out. But solid walls close around her are not her friends.

Username: FluffyBirdie
Link to guild: Karma
Character used in prompt: Arvid
Prompt: What is your guild members biggest fear?
    Arvid would tell you, half-jokingly and strangely serious, that he hates to lose at selling a bargain, or fail to win a negotiation over prices. It's true in a way, as he doesn't enjoy missing out, in anything. The feeling that he has been left behind is too familiar to him, and he doesn't ever want to repeat it.

Username: FluffyBirdie
Link to guild: Karma
Character used in prompt: Reya
Prompt: What is your guild members biggest fear?
    She has a strange fear in that things she expect will not live up to her goals. She deeply wishes to see the surface world and to explore it, but what if it was not as the stories say? What if it's just a vast dead plain, with nothing in sight? What will she do then?

Username: FluffyBirdie
Link to guild: Karma
Character used in prompt: Julian
Prompt: What is your guild members biggest fear?
    The unknown is the clear winner of all of Julian's fears. Or perhaps it is his imagination of what may be lurking in the places he can't see, in that dark end of endless tunnels. He can't stand it, not knowing what he will be heading into. How is he supposed to fight or explore or do anything if he doesn't know who the enemy is, and what he is meant to do?

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Postby Placebo » Sun Nov 03, 2019 12:22 pm

(Talking about their fears in exactly 100 words/a drabble)

Username: Placebo
Link to guild: The Ryft
Character used in prompt: Antioch (x)
    Antioch struggled to make his fur lie flat. Yet another night terror shocked him into awakeness, and he resigned himself to another sleepless night. The insidious whisper of his self-doubt grew to a scream on these sorts of nights.

    Nonetheless, he was destined to get out of bed anyway. Noise from the room over moved him out into the hallway and into Hama's little alcove. Antioch's heartbeat sped at the hidden vulnerability in Hama's eyes. Antioch could only relax once Hama did.

    For once, the whispers were blissfully quiet.

    But now, he had an even bigger fear to worry about.

Character used in prompt: Orontes (Hama)
    Hama could have requested a massive room when he moved in with Antioch near the ravine, but instead, he asked for the smallest dimensions Antioch was comfortable with creating.

    Hama barely tolerates the echo created by the stone walls of the larger common room. When he passes through them alone, the echo of his claws against the stone reminds him far too much of the lonely catacomb tunnels.

    When Antioch leaves for raids, always hours at a time, he can't stand being alone in the quiet den. He always migrates himself to Antioch's room and burrows under his heavy blankets.
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Postby hypnowave » Mon Nov 04, 2019 6:26 pm


20 EXP + 10 currency has been rewarded to:
Rin-dayo, Rocco, Bryn, Read, Iskandar, Zulfiqar, Tsaniyya, Khalil, Joyvanka, Suterra, Rugan, Fanael, Dota, Shiru,
Dorban, Eris, Ivory, Ragnarr, Cassandra, Xanathar, Bluebird, Magnus, Junco, Branwen, Rufus, Mikel, Noctos, Fuji, Ao,
Tori, Hoshi, Kawauso, Salem, Natasha, Arvid, Reya, Julian, Antioch, and Orontes

This experience may be divided across a founder's foraging and combat level in any way you choose
If your cat is not a founder, they are rewarded the exp to their skill!
If your cat does not gain exp, you may just reward your guild with the currency.

Thank you so much for all the promptfills everyone! They were definitely interesting to read! I love
the depth that it gives your guild members. I hope you all enjoyed writing them!
A new prompt will be up shortly - we apologize for the delay!
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Postby yeena » Tue Nov 05, 2019 1:32 pm

A new prompt is up! With Thanksgiving around the corner, let us know; what are your guild members appreciative of?
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Postby Sylvexi » Wed Nov 06, 2019 1:01 pm

what are your guild members appreciative of?

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Forest
Character used in prompt: Fuji
Fuji is immensely appreciative of the remaining family she has left, as well as the new bonds she has created through starting her guild. All the members in her guild are like a new family to her, and she couldn't be more thankful to have them around.

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Forest
Character used in prompt: Ao
Ao is pretty appreciative of Fuji, allowing her to be the guild's merchant and being so kind. Although Ao sometimes spends more time doing her own hobby than managing the shop, Fuji doesn't mind, and for that Ao is grateful.

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Forest
Character used in prompt: Tori
Tori has always been made fun of by some parties for wanting to fly when he doesn't have wings, but he's appreciative of himself for not giving up on his dream. He isn't as obsessed as he was before, but he's now in an environment that doesn't scorn him for his one wish.

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Forest
Character used in prompt: Hoshi
Hoshi appreciates his snakes, as he not only overcame his fear of them because of them, but also stopped fearing almost everything else, too. His snakes also help him in battle when fighting, and he's glad to have them around, especially when someone manages to annoy him.

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Forest
Character used in prompt: Kawauso
Kawauso is glad he's still alive and kickin', when the catacombs can be pretty dangerous and others fear younger than him may have perished. He appreciates the respect he's given by the rest of his guild, especially after he decided to step down from being a fighter and allow the younger cats to take his place.
Haha, you're trembling...
Is it the cold, or just cowardice?
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Postby Frisco » Sat Nov 09, 2019 3:03 am

Username: Frisco
Link to guild: cool cats club

Character used in prompt: Noctos
Prompt: Despite his young age, Noct has been through some tough times. After his parents disappeared and his grandma passed away, he became very lonely. When he became a prophet for Cathulhu a new spark of hope ignited in his heart. He’s grateful for getting this chance in life and for the new friends that joined him on his quest and filled the emptiness in his life.

Character used in prompt: Shineri
Prompt: Shin does not show emotions very often or speak of his feelings, but he’s grateful for many things, greatest of which are his guildmates that he became very close with. He’s also very grateful for Catalena for giving him the chance to become it’s protector and Rune for training him everyday so he can reach his goal of becoming the greatest fighter.

Character used in prompt: Syros
Prompt: Most of all, Sy appreciates that he found new friends to guide him. He’s still unsure of what he’d like to do in life, but thanks to joining a guild, he’s been able to discover and experience many different and interesting things. He’s glad they changed his mindset and showed him that he can live his life as he wants and still be accepted and belong with them.

Character used in prompt: Raider
Prompt: Rai is grateful for all the riches that exist in this world and that he has yet to discover. He’s grateful for all the exciting dungeons filled with traps that he has to avoid to get his paws on new treasure.

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