[ ✦ there's a bonfire burning tonight ]

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[ ✦ quickclan 32 ]

Postby eagle, » Mon Oct 28, 2019 1:31 pm

      total 119 : ♂ 59 ♀ 59 nb 1 | servings 19 (+126) | moonpool anytime | pebbles 59 | mod kacchan, | archives xx xx | font credits xx xxx



indenta long day of traveling and training pulled at cardinalheart's muscles, so much so that he found that he could concentrate only on the sound of the patrol's pawsteps crunching in the snow and the quiet chatter exchanged between gorseberry and autumnpaw from where they walked at the front of the patrol. the red warrior was so tired, in fact, that it took him a long moment to notice when flintspark fell into step at his side, until the uneven ground veered the other warrior to brush against cardinalheart's flank. flintspark redirected his paws, taking in the new ground, and he sniffed the air. "sorry 'bout that, cardinalheart," he said, and cardinalheart managed a tight smile, though he knew that flintspark couldn't see it. "guess i'm still getting used to the moor. doesn't help that i'm falling asleep on my paws," he added.
indent"i can only imagine," cardinalheart commented back, allowing their fur to brush again so he could direct flintspark through the snow. "i'm exhausted, and i barely did anything. i can't imagine how tired you must be."
indent"wish i knew how those groveclan cats have so much energy," flintspark said, earning a laugh from cardinalheart. on the dark warrior's other side, peckernose was talking to nightfall, keeping up with the senior warrior well despite his heavy limp. "though they would be the clan to have a full snow fight."
indent"they're fun," cardinalheart said, feeling a flash of need to defend their ally clan. a need to defend the cats he'd come to know from groveclan over the moons, a need to defend his friend and the clan his father respected. however, flintspark merely flicked his ear dismissively.
indent"i didn't say they weren't fun. and they're good company, too, to help us with the barn and to help me and autumnpaw now when they didn't have to. they're just energetic, that's all i meant by it." there was a beat of silence then, and cardinalheart allowed his shoulders to relax, not missing how even and calm flintspark's tone was, and how he knew that flintspark was being genuine, if not blunt. then flintspark cleared his throat. "i overheard fleetingmoon the other night talking about how you went to groveclan recently to watch the sunset or something. you must be really close with that tom - his name's falcongaze, right?" if flintspark felt cardinalheart's pelt flush, he didn't mention it, though he did duck his head. "i wasn't eavesdropping on fleetingmoon, he's just so loud and -"
indent"yeah, his name's falcongaze," cardinalheart said, cutting flintspark off. he tipped his head back for a moment, to look up towards the horizon, where the sun was descending down the sky. already, pink and purple streaks began to stain the sky. "i don't know what he thinks about me but... he's like my best friend. i feel like i could talk to him about anything, and i want to talk to him about everything. even more than fleetingmoon... which is weird," he said, his laugh coming out strained and nervous until flintspark bumped their shoulders together.
indent"don't be dumb. he was one of the ones who came to fight, right? of course he did that for you, and if that doesn't mean that he thinks of you the same way, then i don't know anything." flintspark had always been blunt and to the point, cardinalheart recalled from their moons in the nursery and apprentice den. he was glad that it hadn't changed, even if it only made his fur burn even more.
indentso he changed the subject quickly. "you met his brother, you know," cardinalheart said, and flintspark's whiskers twitched. "sleetbreeze is falcongaze's brother."
indentimmediately, flintspark let out a groan. "they're brothers?" flintspark's groan must've caught peckernose's attention, for the other tom chimed in, craning his neck to wink at cardinalheart.
indent"you're just mad because he got you good with the snow," peckernose said, and flintspark swiped halfheartedly at his younger brother. from peckernose's opposite shoulder, nightfall let out a hearty chuckle. "plus he did get a few good pins on you, looks like you've got some work to do," peckernose added, and flintspark turned his face away from peckernose as if to block his brother and mentor out.
indent"you got him a few times, too," cardinalheart added, and flintspark's mouth twitched.
indent"this is why i like cardinalheart more than you," flintspark said to peckernose, who laughed in turn. then flintspark flicked his tail absently. "i'll get him next time. you should tell falcongaze to pass on the message to sleetbreeze that i won't go so easy on him next time," flintspark said, and cardinalheart laughed again.
indent"i'm sure sleetbreeze'll be looking forward to it," cardinalheart commented, and then flintspark smiled, broad and happy.

indent"they're so little," accentorkit gushed from where she and the rest of her littermates were peering down into willowfrost's nest. it hadn't been the first time the kits had seen their new denmates, though it was the first time that willowfrost had been willing to get any of the other cats close enough to her kits to really see what her kits looked like. naturally, waspkit, chaserkit, copperkit, and accentorkit had been the first to jump at the chance, with sedgekit not far behind. on the other side of the nursery, dahliadrop was grooming valeriankit and amarylliskit, who were speaking to vermilionkit and honeyflower. starlingkit and smokekit began to bunch up behind hawkrise's litter, and houndkit and verglaskit peeked over from where sagetuft had bundled them up against her flank.
indentwillowfrost ducked her head, still not a fan of attention, and licked between ibiskit's ears. it was clear to all of the other queens that willowfrost would always be protective over ibiskit, ever since alpinemask said that the little tom had a twisted leg. meanwhile, the twin mollies curled around one another. lilacshadow watched the proceedings through half-lidded eyes, only to bend her neck to groom her swollen stomach.
indent"were we always so small, mama?" sedgekit asked, tipping her head all the way back to look up at hawkrise when the tabby queen padded over from where duneserpent had been helping her fix a draft in the nursery. hawkrise purred affectionately, and swiped a paw to draw chaserkit from where he was inching even closer to willowfrost and the younger kits.
indent"you all used to be even smaller, my loves," hawkrise said, though waspkit puffed out his chest.
indent"not me!" he arguing, standing up on his toes as if to make himself appear even taller. "i'm bigger than valeriankit, and i'm just as strong as lagoonpaw." from the other side of the nursery, amarylliskit snorted a laugh and valeriankit cuffed his ear in turn. dahliadrop blew out a long sigh, but let her niece and nephew tussle playfully.
indentmeanwhile, duneserpent joined hawkrise, resting his chin atop her head. "i wouldn't let lagoonpaw hear you say that," the wiry tom commented. at the same moment, copperkit crept up behind waspkit, only to push him over with his forepaws. waspkit sputtered indignantly when he regained his balance. with a hiss, he rounded on his brother. hawkrise leaned against duneserpent with a gentle sigh, and her friend chuckled soothingly.
indent"can we go out to play?" chaserkit asked. his eyes were so bright, his ears pricked so hopefully, that hawkrise couldn't even pretend to hesitate. she nodded once, slowly, and chaserkit brightened even further. "i want to see if frogpaw'll teach me a new move."
indent"take starlingkit and smokekit with you," hawkrise said, nodding to the twin black kits, who grinned in turn. to them, hawkrise winked. "keep an eye on them, won't you?" she asked, and smokekit's mile only widened.
indentduneserpent nodded to the kits when dahliadrop and honeyflower nodded vermilionkit, valeriankit, and amarylliskit to join the others. "come back if the apprentices are too busy. a few of them have assessments coming up and might not be able to play," he warned, but the kits were already bounding out of the den, too excited to pay much attention.
indentout in the camp, most of the snow had been cleared away from the latest storm. cyanstar and tallpeak were speaking in a group of senior warriors, ringed by sparrowcall, brackenrose, sweetecho, and falconflight. minnowjump and mulestomp were grooming their fur and sharing a meal in a sunny patch of camp, darkflower from hazeclan helped alpinemask carry herbs up the path to the upper level of camp, and ravengaze was helping flintspark train while marshstripe looked on with rainypath, the pair calling out encouragements and tips. with vermilionkit in the lead, the large group of kits crossed to where most of the apprentices were lying in the sun, seemingly having just returned from training.
indentcrakepaw was shaking dust from his fur, and valleypaw reclined against rootpaw's sturdy shoulder while her breathing slowed. even heronpaw and scorpionpaw looked tired, with heronpaw resting with his chin on his paws and scorpionpaw sitting, his face tipped towards the sun, eyes shut. in fact, when the kits came to the apprentices, it seemed that only ploverpaw, frogpaw, and kestrelpaw appeared to still have any energy left in them. frogpaw and ploverpaw were off to the side, facing one another. kestrelpaw was sitting nearby with oleanderpaw, and they waved the kits to they side when they saw them. "come here, but stay back and watch for a minute," kestrelpaw said, and the kits bunched together as a group, excited.
indentas if by a silent cue, the apprentices lowered into crouches. frogpaw's tail swept against the ground, but ploverpaw merely watched him, her eyes darting back and forth. frogpaw easily stood a head taller than ploverpaw, taking after his father, and he had the clear reach advantage when he lashed out a paw. but ploverpaw was quick, ducking low to to the ground so that frogpaw missed his mark. she sprang forward, aiming for frogpaw's chest, but he swerved aside, batting at his friend's side when she launched past him. chaserkit and starlingkit called out cheers, and valeriankit inched closer. even sedgekit appeared enthralled by it, pressing close to kestrelpaw's side to see better. at the same time, ploverpaw spun on her paws, just in time for frogpaw to advance towards her again. she kicked out with her hind leg, catching him off-guard in a glancing blow that unbalanced him. he steadied quickly, but not quickly enough to stop ploverpaw from careening into him. still, frogpaw hooked his leg around her, so that ploverpaw was pulled down with him, and they rolled onto the ground in a heap, until he finally managed to pin her. there was the sound of heavy breathing, then cheering from the kits. the pair of apprentices laughed, and frogpaw helped ploverpaw to her feet.
indent"you weren't half-bad," ploverpaw said to frogpaw, who narrowed his eyes at her and let out a playful growl. but he let out a chuckle, and ploverpaw rolled her eyes, only to pad to oleanderpaw's side, leaning against her brother. oleanderpaw seemed to hesitate for a long moment, uncertain, only to relax. he wrapped his tail around his sister, and ploverpaw winked at the kits. at the same time, frogpaw circled kestrelpaw. "i tried that move you showed me the other day!" he gushed, and kestrelpaw grinned up at him.
indent"and what'd i tell you? it worked like a charm," she said, and frogpaw touched his nose to her shoulder.
indent"can you show me how to do all of that?" chaserkit asked, breaking away from the group to bound over to frogpaw. waspkit, copperkit, and valeriankit bunched with him as well. "please, frogpaw? please?" frogpaw shot his sister and friends a glance, and oleanderpaw detached himself from ploverpaw, who muttered a complaint but smiled all the same. the lithe red apprentice joined to help frogpaw manage the kits.
indent"we'll split up into two groups," oleanderpaw was saying, and the kits hung on his words. "one group for anyone who wants to work on this move, and i'll teach another group a different move. and then we can see which is better, and -" he was saying.
indentkestrelpaw nudged ploverpaw when the kits had joined the others, already beginning to kick and slash at the air. "our brothers aren't so bad, are they?" kestrelpaw asked. ploverpaw hesitated, looking from oleanderpaw, to where starlingkit was listening intently to frogpaw. behind her, she could hear crakepaw, rampaw, and cariboupaw talking. she thought of all of her brothers, and her sisters, too. to kestrelpaw, she nodded once. "they're alright," she said with an easy laugh.

indentwebtail tossed and turned in his nest for most of the night. he hadn't slept well in nearly a moon, not since he was on patrol with cyanstar, and they brought back larchbriar and her kits. larchbriar, rampaw, and cariboupaw had seemingly settled well into the clan, with the two apprentices getting their mentor, and larchbriar taking on any patrols that tallpeak decided to put her onto. though webtail hadn't been around the trio much, he couldn't stop thinking about them. more specifically, he couldn't stop thinking about what larchbriar said, and it was eating him from the inside out.
indentaround him, he heard the soft breathing of the other warriors. there were a few empty nests for the moonhigh patrol and guards, but most of the clan's warriors were asleep, and webtail could have sworn that, in that moment, he was the only cat in the world awake. behind his eyelids, larchbiar's proud posture, cariboupaw's scared expression, rampaw's nervous smile... it made his stomach turn. and webtail couldn't take it anymore. he rolled over onto his stomach and reached out a paw in fleetingmoon's direction, where his brother was sound asleep.
indent"fleetingmoon -" he whispered, only to sigh to himself. webtail huffed, then prodded his paw into fleetingmoon's side. his brother spluttered when he woke, but webtail hushed him quickly, and fleetingmoon must have recognized how stressed webtail was in that moment, for he blinked rapidly to wake himself up. then when webtail got up and nodded towards the entrance of the den, fleetingmoon wasn't far behind. outside, the chilled air soothed webtail slightly. when they were out of earshot of the warrior's den, webtail nodded up the path towards the moor. "can we go for a walk?" he could tell that fleetingmoon was still half-asleep on his paws, that his brother was exhausted from the full day, but his mind wouldn't stop running. and fleetingmoon merely nodded, following webtail's lead.
indentwebtail set a quick pace, relishing the feeling of stretching out his muscles in a brief run. fleetingmoon's paws thudded on the ground behind him until, at last, they neared the hazeclan border and webtail slowed to a walk. fleetingmoon matched him. then: "what's on your mind?" fleetingmoon asked, and it was like the rush of a river, webtail couldn't hold it within himself any more. he turned, and fleetingmoon met his eyes. then it all spilled forth.
indent"larchbriar, and flowerskip, and honeyflower... i tried to ignore it for so long, fleetingmoon, but everyone knows that redstar had so many mates. and now we have more siblings that we never knew about. and pinepaw and crakepaw, and ploverpaw and oleanderpaw, and who knows who else. why did he do it?" webtail asked, though he knew that fleetingmoon didn't have an answer. "were we not enough? he loved so many cats... hazestar, sweetecho. vermilionkit's so young, how could he understand? how am i supposed to understand? it's like once i think i know everyone i'm related to, another molly comes with her kits and says that they're redstar's." his chest heaved for breath, but fleetingmoon didn't interrupt. webtail sat down and lowered his head to stare down at his paws. "why weren't we enough?"
indent"it wasn't us," fleetingmoon said when he was sure that webtail had finished, and he leaned forward. webtail was taller and broader than fleetingmoon, but he managed to rest his muzzle on top of webtail's head. "it had nothing to do with us. he... he loved a lot of cats, and that's how he was. he didn't do it to hurt us, he didn't do it to hurt anyone. he did it because he loved them all. flowerskip, larchbriar, honeyflower, and mother. he loved them all, and he loved everyone else too. and he loved us." webtail sniffed, and fleetingmoon hummed thoughtfully. "you remember how he was, he had reasons for everything, and he only wanted the best for us. but it has nothing to do with us, or with his mates. he loved us all." overhead, the stars shone brightly, blazing against the night sky.
indentwebtail buried his nose in fleetingmoon's shoulder. "i miss him," he whispered. "i miss him, and i miss heatpaw." fleetingmoon had to shut his eyes tightly at that, a silent sob of his own crashing over him.
indent"so do i," he whispered into webtail's fur.

indent"- alpinemask." darkflower's voice sounded in the quickclan medicine cat's ears, catching his attention at the sound of his name. he turned his head, blinking rapidly when he looked to his mate, and she let out a lovely laugh, a sound that alpinemask fell in love with from nearly the first moment they met all those moons ago. looking back, it was no surprise that he had fallen head over heels for the hazeclan molly, and he felt so blessed to have the time with her that he did, even if darkflower was only staying in quickclan for a short time for training, even if the circumstances surrounding her stay were terrible. still, in moments like these, it was easy to forget for a little while and simply enjoy their time together. "you haven't heard a thing i said, huh?" darkflower asked, and alpinemask ducked his head.
indent"sorry," he said. "guess i'm a little distracted."
indentdarkflower snorted a laugh and nudged his shoulder. "i was asking if you felt okay, because you looked so distracted," she said, and alpinemask let out a sigh when she fit against his side, solid and comforting in her presence. "what's going on? you've been thinking really hard about something, clearly," darkflower said, and alpinemask hummed.
indent"you could say that," he drawled, taking his time to think of how he could possibly put his thoughts into words. "it's just... seeing all of the queens showing their kits around camp, and growing up. and all of them being together as a family. it makes me think about -" he paused, cutting himself off long enough to look around the den, but it was empty. gorseberry and autumnpaw had gone off to gather herbs, and he was alone with darkflower. "it makes me think about my daughters."
indent"valleypaw," darkflower supplied, and alpinemask nodded, dejected. darkflower blew out a sigh. "you need to tell her the truth, you know that," she said, and alpinemask nodded again. "isn't she one of the apprentices taking their assessments over the next few days?" she asked.
indent"yes," alpinemask supplied. "so i can't tell her now. she has too much going on."
indent"if you go with that logic, you'll never tell her, because you'll always find some excuse of why you can't. you've been doing it for seasons now," darkflower pointed out, and alpinemask deflated.
indent"i know," alpinemask said. he scuffed his forepaw against the floor. "but i feel like now it's too late. what'll she think? she'll hate me," he said, unable to hide his self-pitying tone. he sighed heavily. "it's been so long, but she also makes me think of gullfeather, and how gullfeather should still be here. that if i hadn't let her go off alone, especially since i knew everything that she was going through... maybe if i had helped gullfeather more, then she'd still be here, and -"
indentdarkflower cut him off, flicking him affectionately with her tail. "you can't think like that. what happened gullfeather - it was horrible, but none of it was your fault," darkflower reasoned, and alpinemask rested his head on her shoulder. "you can't change the past, but you can change the present and the future. you have a chance right in front of you. you can tell her the truth, and you can know her. it'll be good for you," she said, and alpinemask huffed.
indent"you always know what to say, don't you?" he mused, and darkflower licked his forehead.
indent"one of us has to. and clearly you don't," darkflower teased, and alpinemask straightened up to scoff. the nudged one another, playful. then:
indent"i love you," alpinemask said, and darkflower beamed.
indent"i love you too," she said. "now, let's figure out how to get you the nerve to tell valleypaw."

indenttallpeak paced up and down the line of apprentices and their mentors, her fur fluffed out against the cold wind that whipped across the moorland, not yet willing to give in to the close of leafbare. the quickclan's deputy waited up twiteflight and kestrelpaw ran up to join the group, and kestrelpaw skidded into place beside frogpaw, while twiteflight took the space next to falconflight, who shot his eldest daughter a glance, though she grinned broadly at him. from before them all, tallpeak nodded to twiteflight, a smile twitching on her maw, though she addressed the group instead. "your mentors have all come to me over the past moon with the news that you're ready to take your assessments. we've monitored many of your skills, and you're ready for the final assessment," tallpeak began, and frogpaw flashed kestrelpaw a smile when his sister bumped his shoulder. "in order to be considered, you must go out onto the moor and bring back a rabbit or a hare. this is a test of your agility, endurance, speed, and your hunting ability. your mentors and i will be keeping a close eye out on how you perform," tallpeak said, then smiled at the apprentices. "i do ask that you keep in mind that this is not the end of the world. if you don't complete this task, then you can retake it later. you're all very talented, so let's see what you're made of," she finished. with that, she waved her tail, and the apprentices got up to charge out onto the wide stretch of moorland.
indentthere was the rush of adrenaline as frogpaw ran alongside his friends and denmates, the cats he'd grown up with. his long legs carried him well, and it was no real surprise when frogpaw and kestrelpaw ran ahead of valleypaw, branchpaw, rootpaw, and hootpaw, who had shorter legs, and stockier builds when compared to the brown tabbies. "i'm going to try to flush one out by the barn," kestrelpaw managed to pant out between breaths, and frogpaw nodded once.
indent"i want to try by the stream, see if one might've gone for water," he said. with that, their paths began to diverge. there was a flash of white fur where valleypaw was going off on her own, though more movement showed where brightcreek was following her apprentice from a distance. "good luck," he called to kestrelpaw, and caught only the sound of her voice carried on the wind when he veered off.
indenthe knew that falconflight couldn't be too far off, and frogpaw thought of the chance to impress his mentor, to impress tallpeak, and cyanstar, and the chance to show snakespots that he'd come a long way in his training. already, he thought of what cyanstar might name him, and his excitement bubbled in his chest. it was almost too good to be true, and yet the sound of running water from the creek caught his ears soon enough, breaking up the pounding of his paws against the ground. frogpaw slowed his pace and pricked his ears. he tasted the air, looking for any sign of an unsuspecting rabbit.
indentthen: a flash of fur in her peripherals. frogpaw whipped around in time to watch the hare begin to race off. it was fast, but he knew that he was faster. tallpeak said that it was a test of his hunting abilities, of his endurance, and his speed among other traits. he was ready to prove himself. his claws dug into the ground when he propelled himself forward. he ran harder and faster than he could remember, like he was flying, as if his paws weren't even touching the ground.
indentuntil his muscles pinched, his paws skidded against the ground, and then there wasn't any ground under him. he fell sideways, his body twisted at an awkward angle when he slipped down the sleep slope that he hadn't seen, too caught up in the chase. frogpaw swore under his breath, and his blood pounded in his ears. he felt the spike of anger mix with his adrenaline, ready to get up and give chase again, but when he twisted to get up, his back protested and gave out. for a long moment, frogpaw was frozen with the simple realization that he couldn't get up then. when he tried to shift his weight to get up, a spike of pain radiated outwards from his back, making him wince and groan from the pain.
indentthen came the sound of pawsteps rushing towards him, and frogpaw barely managed to turn his head to look up at falconflight when his mentor called to him. "frogpaw!" falconflight called, sounding breathless and nervous. "are you alright? can you get up?" he asked, and frogpaw tried to shake his head, but it was too painful.
indent"no," he said honestly. then the realization hit that frogpaw couldn't get up: the hare was lost, and he failed his assessment. he couldn't get up. "falconflight," he choked out, "i need help."

indentit had been a long night, and several of the queens had ushered the older kits from the nursery to give the medicine cats the space they needed. by the time dawn broke, however, lilacshadow was only half-listening when alpinemask spoke to her, as she was too focused on the kits at her belly. they were all beautiful, lilacshadow knew, but she couldn't draw her eyes away from one of the toms, and she finally regarded alpinemask and gorseberry through half-lidded eyes. "they're all healthy?" her voice sounded rough to her own ears, and she felt exhaustion pulling at her peripherals, but she needed to know, she needed to be certain.
indent"they're all healthy as can be," alpinemask said, and it was gorseberry who shot lilacshadow a warm smile, so bright and cheerful.
indent"congratulations, lilacshadow, they're all wonderful," he said, happy despite the exhaustion from the long night that dulled his blue eyes and made his shoulders droop. she knew how he felt. there were a few more words said, a few more congratulations from the medicine cats, but lilacshadow merely nodded along to the sounds of their voices. she was so tired, so sad, and she needed to rest. but first she needed them to be gone, so that she could look at her kits even better. and then, they were gone, her wish came true. and then there was a short eternity of silence.
indentthen there was the sound of shuffling from one of the other nests, and lilacshadow looked up at where sagetuft was curled around her kits. sagetuft looked up to meet lilacshadow's glance. "sorry, hope i didn't disturb you," she said, and lilacshadow shrugged, silently. she expected that to be the end of it, but then sagetuft spoke again. "they're all so cute, they're all going to be great, i'm sure of it," she added, and this time lilacshadow couldn't help but smile, tight and small, but a smile all the same. yes, her kits were perfect. and they would grow to be strong, and this entire clan would tremble at their paws, lilacshadow was sure of it. "have you thought of any names yet?" sagetuft asked, and this time lilacshadow nodded and cleared her throat.
indent"this one's lambkit," lilacshadow said, gently touching her nose to the black tom, then tipped her nose to the twin mollies already bundled together. she had a feeling they were going to be inseparable. "eveningkit and beetlekit," she said, and saw the way sagetuft craned her neck to get a better look at the small kits. "this is dragonflykit," she said, and sagetuft grinned.
indent"she's lovely, with a beautiful name to match," the younger queen said, and lilacshadow hummed thoughtfully. "what about your other son? any ideas?" sagetuft asked, and lilacshadow turned back to the ginger tom. he was so small, nestled into her belly with his littermates. his fur was so soft, his paws so small. but there was a strength to him already, a strength that lilacshadow saw in only one other cat, and she knew from the moment he was born what he would be called.
indent"knollkit," lilacshadow said, and sagetuft nodded, but she wouldn't understand. of course she wouldn't.
indent"those are all wonderful names," sagetuft said. "i know your mate would have loved to be here to see them, but you're going to be a great mother."
indentfinally, lilacshadow smiled at sagetuft, and the queen returned it in kind, as the gesture of friendship. "you're right," lilacshadow said. "he would've loved to be here. but he's with them in spirit, i know he is."
indentshe looked down at her kits and thought about all that had been taken from her, everything that quickclan stole from her. her friends, her home, her mate... her kits would never know nolan, would never know graham. but she would make sure that quickclan would never forget what they had done, and it began with her kits. because they deserved justice, one step at a time.

indentkestrelpaw knew that it had been days since her father left the medicine cats' den; she knew that snakespots hadn't left since frogpaw's accident, and likely wouldn't leave until the medicine cats cleared frogpaw to leave the den. from the outset, it had appeared grim. alpinemask and gorseberry had worked hard, no doubt about it, with some help from darkflower and autumnpaw throughout the afternoon and into the night. they sent kestrelpaw to get water for frogpaw, to help autumnpaw chew up bitter leaves, to do anything to keep her occupied. snakespots hadn't been so easily distracted. even after the medicine cats had finally concluded that frogpaw would survive, snakespots only ate, drank, and slept when kestrelpaw pushed him, telling her father that she would stay awake with frogpaw and that she would wake him.
indentshe knew her brother well, and she knew that frogpaw was in pain the entire time. he hadn't been able to sleep, and his eyes glazed over many times when the pain hit him. days passed, and the other apprentices and warriors came to visit him when he was well enough. falconflight spent time with his apprentice, and kestrelpaw didn't miss the guilt etched onto his face; falconflight was a father, he was a mentor. he blamed himself for letting frogpaw get hurt, and he felt snakespots' pain as a father, kestrelpaw knew. but, in the quiet of the night, frogpaw said that he didn't blame falconflight, that it had nothing to do with falconflight at all. that he should've been paying more attention. it was known that apprentices got hurt during assessments in the past, he said, and kestrelpaw knew that he was thinking of peckernose, or even flintspark, and how they were still made capable warriors in their own time. still, she knew that it hurt when word spread of the upcoming ceremonies, of which he wouldn't even be able to attend to watch kestrelpaw and his other denmates be given their full names.
indentstill, snakespots sat with kestrelpaw and twiteflight when cyanstar called the clan together, though kestrelpaw knew that his mind was wandering back to frogpaw. she couldn't blame him, her mind was drifting as well, her concentration moving in and out of focus. until a voice sounded at her side: "how's frogpaw doing?" kestrelpaw turned her head quickly, and then managed a tight smile when her eyes locked with thunderstomp.
indent"today was a good day, i think," kestrelpaw said honestly, unable to lie when she looked at her friend. not when thunderstomp had been a close friend for as long as they knew one another, not when his expression was so open and genuine. "they're still treating him, though, and they need to wait and see if he still has full use of his legs but..." kestrelpaw paused and felt her expression tighten. thunderstomp touched a paw to hers, and she nodded once, breathing in deeply. "they need to test and see that he didn't break anything worse than they think... you know, to see if he can still be a warrior. but he's doing better than yesterday and the day before. his mood is good, so that helps."
indent"after this, you'll have to visit him," thunderstomp said, and kestrelpaw nodded quickly. "i'm sure he'll be waiting to know what your new name is going to be." at that, kestrelpaw couldn't help but smile. the thought of getting her new name, of becoming a full quickclan warrior, excited her. as much as she wished that her brother was at her side and not injured, kestrelpaw felt her breath catch in her throat when cyanstar climbed the wind rock and looked down into the clan.
indent"a bit of a windy evening, isn't it?" cyanstar said when he reached the height of the perch. as if in answer, a renewed gust of wind swept through camp from the moor, buffeting the crowd of cats. cyanstar remained firm in his stance, though kestrelpaw huddled closer to thunderstomp, who let out an amused chuckle, but shifted to block the wind a bit better. when the clan settled again, cyanstarlet out a laugh. "let's get started before i'm blown off of here," he said, and this time the clan joined in with laughing. "today we honor apprentices who have completed their training and are ready to receive their full names. i call upon quickclan of past and present to look down upon these apprentices, and to accept them, now, as full warriors of our clan." there was a moment of silence before cyanstar nodded into the crowd. "valleypaw, do you swear to uphold the principals we hold most sacred, to protect the clan with all of your body and mind?" he asked, and the pretty white molly didn't flinch under the attention. instead, she flicked her ears and met cyanstar's gaze boldly.
indent"i do," she said.
indent"then from this moment forward, you are to be known as valleymist, for your ability to keep a level head while under pressure. starclan honors your wit and compassion," cyanstar announced. he leaped elegantly down from the wind rock to meet valleymist, and the clan roared with cheers when they touched noses. then cyanstar turned to kestrelpaw, who moved forward to meet him. "kestrelpaw, do you swear to uphold the principles we hold most sacred, to protect the clan with all of your body and mind?" he asked, and kestrelpaw could feel her whiskers quiver with excitement.
indent"i do," she answered cyanstar, who offered her an encouraging smile.
indent"then from this moment forward, you shall be known as kestrelblaze, for your fierce loyalty. starclan honors your spirit and boldness." cyanstar leaned forward, and kestrelblaze met him halfway, then turned back to where snakespots was sitting. her father immediately licked her affectionately between the ears and whispered praise, just as rootpaw passed them when cyanstar called out to him. after swearing to the vow, cyanstar regarded the young tom. "you will be known as rootwhisker, for your impressive hunting abilities. starclan honors your keen senses and intuition." then, to hootpaw, cyanstar spoke, "do you swear to uphold the principles we hold most sacred, and to protect the clan with all of your body and mind?"
indent"i do!" hootpaw promised.
indent"then you will now be known as hootfeather, for your grace. starclan honors your intellect and thoughtfulness, as we welcome you as a full warrior of quickclan." then, finally, cyanstar directed his attention to branchpaw. "do you swear to uphold the principles we hold most sacred, and to protect the clan with all of your mind and body?" cyanstar asked her.
indentbranchpaw glanced over her shoulder to where her siblings had gone to sit with oakseed. "i do," she said to cyanstar.
indent"then from this moment on, you are to be known as branchbite, as flamestrike tells me that you have become a strong fighter. starclan honors your strength and even temperament to know how to use your teeth and claws." with a sweep of his tail, cyanstar gestured to the new warriors at the front of the crowd, granting permission for the rest of quickclan to raise their voices in celebration. for a long moment, kestrelblaze allowed herself to get caught up in the moment, with the clan pressed close, the sound of her new name in her ears. but when she found thunderstomp's eyes, he grinned at her and nodded towards the medicine cats' den.
indent"go tell him," thunderstomp encouraged, and kestrelblaze matched his smile. without another word, she turned and bounded up the path. there, frogpaw was waiting for her, stretched out in his nest. autumnpaw was sitting with him, but she backed away after offering kestrelblaze a word of congratulations.
indentfrogpaw's gaze was expectant. "well, kestrelblaze, how're you feeling?" he asked, no trace of sadness in his eyes, the pain from his injury momentarily gone. "how's it feel to be a hotshot warrior now?"
indentkestrelblaze padded to her side and touched her nose to her brother's ear. "good, but i'll feel even better when you're with me, and you can get your name too. so you'd better be behaving and healing." for the first time in several days, kestrelblaze heard frogpaw laugh, so genuine and real that it brought a full smile to her face as well.

→ actions
consumption quickclan eats six birds and a vole
rank changes vermilionkit, valeriankit, and amarylliskit are ready to become apprentices
ploverpaw takes her assessment. if she passes, she will be renamed ploverflame
hunting tallpeak, flurrywind, marshstripe, dartersplash, bouldertooth, and canaryleap
eagleheart, thistlestrike, kindleflare, cardinalheart, fleetingmoon, and flamestrike
cyanstar, falconflight, brightcreek, canaryleap, plumblossom, and birchface
nightfall, swiftscreech, ravengaze, owletcry, webtail, and grassthorn
brackenrose, oriolefeather, peckernose, rowanfoot, roselight, and hollowfang
border patrols sparrowcall, duneserpent, marshstripe, hollyfur, rainypath, and patchwing
oakseed, loonlight, acorntail, minnowjump, mulestomp, and sunnyheart
training pinepaw, crakepaw, charredpaw and lagoonpaw learn swimming
oleanderpaw, fallowpaw, rampaw, and cariboupaw learn fighting
heronpaw and scorpionpaw learn stalking
herb hunting gorseberry and autumnpaw look for herbs (priority for kitting herbs)
medicine cats alpinemask treats frogpaw with x1 thyme, x1 poppy seeds, x1 sting nettles, and x1 comfrey. junipersky is given x1 feverfew. she needs x1 borage
notes in the case of death rolls, please only target those underlined. thank you! xx


cyanstar, 48m, ♂
8 lives remaining

tallpeak, 60m, ♀

alpinemask, 53m, ♂ - 6sp
gorseberry, 34m, ♂ - 6sp

autumnpaw, 16m, ♀

sparrowcall, 83m, ♂
larchbriar, 70m, ♀
snakespots, 65m, ♂
coyotesnarl, 62m, ♂
sweetecho, 57m, ♀
blizzardrush, 55m, ♀
brackenrose, 53m, ♀
falconflight, 53m, ♂
flurrywind, 53m, ♂
flowerskip, 53m, ♀
splashfall, 52m, ♂
hickorypatch, 52m, ♀
aspenwish, 51m, ♀
nightfall, 50m, ♂
hollyfur, 46m, ♀
eagleheart, 46m, ♂
thistlestrike, 46m, ♀
kindleflare, 45m, ♀
fluffytuft, 43m, ♂
oakseed, 41m, ♂
duneserpent, 40m, ♂
loonlight, 39m, ♀
bluesky, 39m, ♂
patchwing, 36m, ♀
treespirit, 35m, ♂
berrypad, 34m, ♀
whitesnow, 34m, ♀
flamestrike, 34m, ♂
alderpatch, 34m, nb
brightcreek, 33m, ♀
acorntail, 31m, ♀
minnowjump, 30m, ♂
mulestomp, 30m, ♂
canaryleap, 30m, ♂
chanterellestep, 29m, ♂
swiftscreech, 28m, ♀
dahliadrop, 27m, ♀
twiteflight, 26m, ♀
birchface, 25m, ♂
sproutclaw, 25m, ♂
mintstem, 25m, ♀
cherrydawn, 25m, ♀
ravengaze, 24m, ♂
grassthorn, 23m, ♀
oriolefeather, 23m, ♂
peckernose, 23m, ♂
flintspark, 23m, ♂
rowanfoot, 21m, ♂
roselight, 21m, ♂
sunnyheart, 21m, ♂
hollowfang, 20m, ♂
marshstripe, 20m, ♀
dartersplash, 20m, ♂
cardinalheart, 19m, ♂
fleetingmoon, 19m, ♂
owletcry, 19m, ♀
webtail, 19m, ♂
rainypath, 19m, ♀
bouldertooth, 18m, ♂
daffodilstem, 17m, ♀
finchthroat, 17m, ♀
cricketchirp, 17m, ♂
dandelionspring, 17m, ♀
dovewish, 17m, ♀
plumblossom, 16m, ♂
tinselstorm, 15m, ♀
magpiesong, 15m, ♂
thunderstomp, 14m, ♂
valleymist, 13m, ♀
kestrelblaze, 13m, ♀
rootwhisker, 13m, ♂
hootfeather, 13m, ♀
branchbite, 13m, ♀
frogpaw, 13m, ♂
ploverpaw, 12m, ♀
oleanderpaw, 12m, ♂
pinepaw, 11m, ♀
crakepaw, 11m, ♂
rampaw, 11m, ♂
cariboupaw, 11m, ♂
charredpaw, 11m, ♀
lagoonpaw, 11m, ♂
fallowpaw, 9m, ♀
heronpaw, 8m, ♂
scorpionpaw, 8m, ♂
willowfrost, 67m, ♀
wrenkit, 1m, ♂
ibiskit, 1m, ♂
twisted leg
pigeonkit, 1m, ♀
phoebekit, 1m, ♀
honeyflower, 58m, ♀
→ vermilionkit, 6m, ♂
junipersky, 50m, ♀
due in 2m
lilacshadow, 49m, ♀
lambkit, 0m, ♂
knollkit, 0m, ♂
dragonflykit, 0m, ♀
eveningkit, 0m, ♀
beetlekit, 0m, ♀
pearsblossom, 36m, ♀
due in 2m
hawkrise, 36m, ♀
waspkit, 4m, ♂
copperkit, 4m, ♂
chaserkit, 4m, ♂
accentorkit, 4m, ♀
sedgekit, 4m, ♀
sagetuft, 27m, ♀
houndkit, 2m, ♀
verglaskit, 2m, ♀
valeriankit, 6m, ♀
amarylliskit, 6m, ♂
starlingkit, 5m, ♂
smokekit, 5m, ♀

miranda, 116m, ♀


gorseberry, autumnpaw, 4
falconflight, frogpaw, 4
duneserpent, ploverpaw, 4
snakespots, oleanderpaw, 2
sproutclaw, pinepaw, 3
cherrydawn, crakepaw, 3
sweetecho, rampaw, 1
blizzardrush, cariboupaw, 1
splashfall, charredpaw, 4
mintstem, lagoonpaw, 3
fluffytuft, fallowpaw, 2
chanterellestep, heronpaw, 1
hickorypatch, scorpionpaw, 1


minnow, x22, 1 serving
mouse, x22, 1 serving
vole, x3, 1 serving
rabbit, x14, 2 servings
small fish, x16, 2 servings
squirrel, x13, 2 servings
hare, x0, 3 servings
big fish, x12, 3 servings
bird, x18, 3 servings
total: 223 servings
hazeclan, nightwolf950
groveclan, solyn


north, hazeclan, nightwolf950
north-east, n/a, n/a
north-west, n/a, n/a
east, n/a, n/a
west, quartzclan, miles morales
south, n/a, n/a
south-east, n/a, n/a
south-west, swiftclan, phina d wolf
Last edited by eagle, on Mon Nov 25, 2019 4:12 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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[ ✦ quickclan 33 ]

Postby eagle, » Mon Oct 28, 2019 2:20 pm

      total 116 : ♂ 56 ♀ 59 nb 1 | servings 18 (+119) | moonpool anytime | pebbles 59 | mod kacchan, | archives xx xx | font credits xx xxx



indenteach time tallpeak climbed the final rise that led up from quickclan's camp to the moorland, she couldn't help but pause at the way the wind buffeted her. no matter the season, no matter the time of day, the wind was constant. even after so many moons, all of the days of traveling the moorland until she knew it better than the rest of the clan, from the hidden rabbit burrows to the smallest dips that could trip up even the most seasoned warrior when they weren't paying attention, she still doubted that she would ever get used to the viciousness of the wind and how it howled, pulling at her fur. but her hesitation was minute, just the slightest breath of a pause with the first step from the camp, before she could continue forward. the first moment when she couldn't help but remember that she was not born a moorland cat like others. she wasn't like cyanstar, who had known the moor from his first steps living in the barn, or the younger generation of quickclan warriors, who had either been born in the nursery, or couldn't remember a time before the moorland.
indenther hesitation - it wasn't born out of fear of the wind and moor, but of a knowledge ingrained in her of a different life. a different life of which she held memories. or, rather, when flurrywind brushed past her with the other members of the patrol, mostly memories. flurrywind looked back at tallpeak as he passed, his smile crooked. her oldest friend, the only reminder she had of shatteredclan, so far from where they first met. it had been a long time since then, and so much had changed since.
indent"tired already, tallpeak?" flurrywind teased, and tallpeak rolled her eyes before bounding forward to catch up with the patrol as they spread out, headed towards the horizon, dimly lit by the dawn. sparrowcall let out a chuckle when tallpeak caught up, walking between the pair of toms.
indent"you say that as if you're not the one we had to drag from your nest only a few minutes ago," sparrowcall commented, and tallpeak shot him a smile. as the senior-most warrior, sparrowcall usually had the first pick for patrols, and normally would lead a patrol if he so desired, though this morning he had asked tallpeak to join her dawn patrol. sparrowcall always proved himself to be a good warrior, pushing on and dedicated to quickclan, even after he had lost his mate and one of his kits. his eyes were especially bright in the early morning light, and tallpeak bumped her shoulder against his, fondly.
indent"clearly he wishes he was leading the patrol," she said, and flurrywind's whiskers twitched from amusement. behind the deputy and her senior warriors, mulestomp, swiftscreech, and cherrydawn were chatting amicably, the younger warriors letting the older members take the lead without any complaint, even despite the early start of their day. tallpeak glanced back at them just in time to watch the way mulestomp tipped his head back with a laugh, and cherrydawn waved her tail happily, swiftscreech purring between them.
indent"i'm a good patrol leader," flurrywind defended, and tallpeak flicked her ear teasingly, only to duck her head when flurrywind lunged at her playfully. sparrowcall righted tallpeak with his shoulder, and the quickclan deputy match flurrywind's crooked grin. "if i wasn't, then why would you trust me with so many of them, huh? between patrols and apprentices, i practically carry this clan on my back." sparrowcall's laugh was distinct, clear and bright, genuinely happy, for perhaps the first time in tallpeak's memory since poppyhaze and rivuletpaw had been killed by nolan's rogues. it was a nice sound, she thought to herself, just as the feeling of her two friends on either side was a good feeling, a feeling of home like nothing else.
indentand, indeed, starclan had granted them a good morning for a patrol. as they continued along on their border patrol, the sun climbed up higher in the chilled leafbare sky, casting it in shades of pale blue and purple. only a few clouds intruded the vast expanse of open color, dotting like stray bits of cotton, and tallpeak decided that it was a dawn that she would want to commit to memory. just as they rounded the far borders and turned around to trail the stream back towards camp, a distant howl split the peaceful air, and the clan cats stopped in their tracks. "dogs," sparrowcall said, and flurrywind swapped a wide-eyed glance with tallpeak. the younger warriors looked to their seniors for guidance, and tallpeak wiped her expression clear, steeled herself.
indent"they sounded pretty far," tallpeak commented. "the sound must have carried from beyond the border. we'll get back to camp and tell the other patrols to keep a look-out." poised, controlled, but again tallpeak caught flurrywind's eye, and she knew that he could read her thoughts better than most.
indentperhaps she should have thought of a different course of action, thought of something else. but it wasn't more than a few moments before the dogs howled again, closer this time, and the wind carried their scent, bitter and thick. so they began to walk faster, and then run, but it was no use. it all too happened too quickly, as tallpeak saw the first dog chase after them, and there was only one choice left: fight. at first, she thought that it might turn to their favor. they outnumbered the dogs, and the creatures weren't the largest she had seen. she thought that they had a chance. and the dogs met them, their eyes unfocused but jaws parted to show off sharp teeth. "hold the line," tallpeak shouted to her warriors, and then her instincts kicked in. she jumped up and slashed down, felt her claws connect with flesh, felt the pull and blood under her claws, heard the dog's yelp. when she landed, she launched herself forward, between the dog's legs, agile and swift, and clawed upward, aiming for soft skin. again, the dog howled. she caught sight of a flashed of black fur, and sparrowcall's teeth sunk into tallpeak's scruff, hauling her out of reach just in time when teeth snapped where her head was a second later. together, the pair turned in time to see swiftscreech hissing, her back arched, at one of the dogs, and cherrydawn leapt up, grabbing hold on the dog's back to sink in her claws. mulestomp screamed in pain from nearby when a dog grabbed his tail in its teeth, and the young warrior struggled. at the same time, tallpeak spotted flurrywind backing away from the lead dog, his teeth bared and fur fluffed out defensively. "go get him," sparrowcall breathed out in a rush. "i'll help mulestomp." and then the dark warrior turned without waiting for an answer.
indenttallpeak raced past swiftscreech, who hissed again, louder, and sent the dog reeling with a powerful blow that made it yelp. "flurrywind!" tallpeak called, but her friend had launched himself forward, aiming for the dog's head. for just a moment, it seemed that time had stopped and fallen still. the ground fell away from underneath her paws, the sky opened into a yawning sea of nothing. the rest of the world broke off and disappeared, save for tallpeak's body and the sight of her friend hanging from the dog's jaws, limp. "flurrywind!" her best friend's name tore from her mouth, leaving her throat raw and ragged. with an extra punch of speed, tallpeak shot forward, snarling, slashing, fighting. the dog dropped her friend's body, and he hit the ground with a hollow sound, a dull sound, a lifeless sound, and the dog howled. other dogs turned to follow when it ran, and tallpeak crouched beside flurrywind, only to raise her head at the sound of her own name.
indent"tallpeak!" that was sparrowcall, who slashed and kicked out at the remaining dog, a massive mountain of fur and flesh. the creature shook its head, and tallpeak recognized mulestomp held in its teeth. the young tom was limp, even when cherrydawn came at the dog sideways, swiftscreech hot on her heels. the pair launched at the dog, and together with sparrowcall, they managed to get it to begin to back away. it flung mulestomp aside, and sparrowcall shouted at cherrydawn and swiftscreech to check on him, while he turned and began to give chase after the dog. just as he had herded the dog away along the river, it snapped at the senior warrior one last time, catching him off-guard, and sparrowcall recoiled sideways, and tallpeak watched the older tom stumble, unable to catch his footing before he pitched into the stream. another scream tore from tallpeak's mouth and she ran, ran along the stream just in time to watch sparrowcall's head bob to the surface, and then he disappeared again. it was a moment later than he reappeared, one of his paws stretching above the surface of the water, and tallpeak reached out. just before their paws could brush, however, sparrowcall was pulled under the water again. desperation clawed at tallpeak's chest, a pain like nothing else, and the urge to jump in after him. however, just as she bunched her muscles, cherrydawn's voice sounded in her ear, too immediate to ignore.
indent"tallpeak, no!" cherrydawn shouted, and tallpeak whirled around to look at the younger molly. her normally bright green eyes were dulled, her shoulders hunched. beyond her, swiftscreech was nudging mulestomp, though he didn't seem to budge under his friend's touch. she already knew that flurrywind was gone as well, and tallpeak hung her head.
indent"they're gone," tallpeak said, and there was a momentary pause before she slumped into cherrydawn's shoulder. exhaustion pulled at her muscles, weary and grief-stricken. her best friend, another close friend and seasoned warrior, and a young warrior full of promise... all three of them, lost. but tallpeak was quickclan's deputy, and she couldn't let herself be weak, not in the moment. "cherrydawn, you need to get back to camp. you're the fastest, you need to get cyanstar and tell him to bring a patrol of warriors. tell cyanstar..." words floated above her head, of how she had failed, of how there was so much death surrounding her, of how this wasn't supposed to happen. she swallowed thickly. "tell cyanstar that we need help here." cherrydawn dipped her head and turned, sprinting off in the direction of camp, and tallpeak called over to swiftscreech, who regarded her wearily. "are you badly injured?" when swiftscreech shook her head, tallpeak turned her head in the direction of the stream's flow. "stay here and wait for cyanstar. i'm going to get sparrowcall so we can bring them all home."
indentit was an eternity later when tallpeak was hunched over sparrowcall's sodden body, water still streaming from their fur when she found him in the shallows and pulled him to shore. pebbles crunched and shifted under approaching pawsteps, and when tallpeak looked up to see brackenrose padding towards her, tallpeak hung her head and pressed her nose into sparrowcall's fur. and brackenrose, ever the true friend since the early days of quickclan, sat beside tallpeak and waited for her sobs to subside before she helped carry the warrior back to camp.

indentthe sun shining brightly over the quickclan camp didn't feel right when the sunlight was cast down upon the trio of deceased warriors. when cyanstar's patrol came back with their fallen clanmates, minnowjump's scream of agony and disbelief echoed from the bottom of camp, up the path and spilled out onto the moor, joined by tinselstorm and magpiesong's sobs when their father was carried into the camp. treespirit joined the group of mourners when flurrywind was set down for his final rest in the camp, and he hadn't moved from where he sat beside flurrywind's body, not even when cyanstar called the clan together. the lithe quickclan leader didn't climb the wind rock, but settled among his clanmates, and his brilliant blue eyes reflected his sorrow when he cleared his throat and addressed the clan. "quickclan..." he began, only to drop his head to look down to mulestomp, sparrowcall, and flurrywind. "it has been several moons since we've had to gather together like this. and it's easy to forget how dangerous and unpredictable the moor can be when we have moons of prosperity. when we get into the motions of everyday life, it can be easy to forget exactly what we're training for. to become warriors, yes, but why be a warrior if there wasn't a reason? if there wasn't danger still out there, from which we need to be able to protect ourselves and our families. one threat gone, but the shadows hide more." cyanstar sighed then and turned back to the crowd. "our way of life is not to live in fear, but to be aware of what our lives mean, and how easily we might lose them. and these cats... these brave warriors gave their lives to defend the clan, and for that i am eternally grateful for their lives, and for the time we had with them."
indent"and they were all so brave," tallpeak said, earning the slightest nod from cyanstar. she didn't rise, but remained seated next to treespirit. "i remember when i first met flurrywind in shatteredclan. he was... a nuisance. so headstrong and sure of himself, but still so young, and he knew so little of the world. he didn't know anything, but thought he knew everything. so when we met again, here, i barely recognized him. he carried himself with a new confidence." the deputy's laugh wobbled and held unshed tears, and treespirit dipped his head forward so his nose touched tallpeak's shoulder. "and mulestomp... he came here as an apprentice, and i remember our first training session together. he was all brute strength, even when he was still young. he had so much energy and so much power behind him, like he could have done anything if he set his mind to it," tallpeak managed, before her body shook from a sob and treespirit pressed closer to her to comfort her.
indentit was then that minnowjump interjected. "mulestomp really thought that he could do anything, and say anything. he had his moments when he could be rude and abrasive. and he wasn't good at understanding other cats and their feelings, or when enough was enough," minnowjump said, and his yellow eyes found canaryleap in the crowd, who tipped his head in acknowledgement, though he wore a sad smile. "even still... he was my best friend. and i loved him. i still love him. even if he's not here with us on the moor, i know that i'll think of him constantly. he was a part of me, and i gave him a part of myself that i won't get back until we're reunited again, whenever that is. i know that he'll wait for me, because i would wait for him. we were together for too much, and i'll mourn him now, and everyday, because there's never been a truer friend, and he helped me to where i am now. so thank you, mulestomp... for everything." minnowjump sat then, and wrapped his tail around his paws. his shoulders were slumped, so that he was curled into himself, and he didn't look up from his friend's body again, not even when tinselstorm stood, taller than ever, her eyes shining with tears but her chin held with dignity.
indent"our parents came to quickclan because they wanted to belong to something, and they wanted a place to raise a family, as they always said in stories," tinselstorm started, and magpiesong sat at his sister's side, his head tucked against cricketchirp's chest as his friend soothed him. "he wouldn't have wanted all of us to grieve him... not like this. he probably would have said something cheesy, about how this is just as was meant to be, or something..." tinselstorm paused and looked down at her paws. "i'm glad that he's with mom now, that's what he wanted, to be with mom and rivuletpaw again. and he would tell all of us to stay strong, i'm sure." with that, the clan lapsed into relative silence, and cyanstar dismissed the crowd with a flick of his tail, though many remained gathered around the departed. tinselstorm and magpiesong sat at sparrowcall's side, with cricketchirp murmuring softly to magpiesong when the black and white warrior began to weep.
indent"i miss them," magpiesong managed to choke out between gasps for air, and cricketchirp rasped his tongue over magpiesong's ear. "why do they have to be gone?" it wasn't a question that any of them would be able to answer, and it was all cricketchirp could do in that moment to hold his friend, pulling him even closer with his tail.
indentat the same time, tallpeak had pulled away to let treespirit have his time to grieve at flurrywind's side when one of the newer warriors, coyotesnarl, padded over. "tallpeak," the warrior greeted, pausing awkwardly before dipping his head to the clan's deputy. she regarded him silently for a long moment while he shuffled his paws and cleared his throat. "i'm very sorry for these losses. i know that i haven't been here long enough to really know anyone here but... i know what it's like to lose those you care about. and it's clear that everyone here cares a lot about everyone else."
indent"we're a family here," tallpeak said, flicking her tail absently. "of course we care."
indentcoyotesnarl hesitated again, but then he gathered himself and straightened under tallpeak's incredulous stare. "of course. and... i'm glad to be here. i just wanted to know if i can help in any way. like i said, i haven't been here long but... i'd like to be here, and i'm glad to be here. if there's something i can do, well, i'd like to."
indenttallpeak glanced the lithe warrior up and down before, at last, she nodded and relented. "take a patrol. find birchface, sunnyheart, and dahliadrop with you. make sure that the dogs are gone." at that, coyotesnarl managed a tight smile.
indent"sure, we'll bring back some hares for an evening meal too, make sure that everyone is fed after such a long day." before tallpeak could say anything else, coyotesnarl bounded away, calling for the other warriors tallpeak named. for a moment, she watched him weave through the camp, moving past minnowjump, only to look up towards the open sky just as canaryleap and acorntail passed coyotesnarl on their way to where minnowjump was sitting at mulestomp's side.
indent"minnowjump -" canaryleap began, only to pause, swallowing down his words. the gray and white tom didn't offer any acknowledgement, and canaryleap looked to acornleap for help, but it was only when chanterellestep padded over and set down a mouse, then took a step back, that canaryleap nodded once to himself. "can we sit with you? you shouldn't have to sit alone with him."
indentat last, minnowjump sniffed the air. "i'm not alone," he said, and he didn't look to the other warriors. "he'll always be here." that was whispered, mostly to himself, and the others looked to one another for help. this time it was acorntail who took the initiative, taking the spot at minnowjump's side and dipping her head respectively towards mulestomp's body.
indent"you know, i always kind of envied your friendship," she said, softly. when minnowjump didn't seem to react, she continued. "you two were always so close, i don't think i've ever seen two cats bound at the hip like that and i... honestly don't think i ever will again. and you're right, you know, you're not alone. he's always going to be with you, and watching over you while he's in starclan and you're here. but... we'd still like to sit with you, if you'd let us, for a part of his vigil. he's our clanmate too, and we'd like to pay our respects to him."
indentit seemed that minnowjump still wouldn't respond. however, at last, he raised his head to look at the three warriors who had come to his side. his yellow eyes were wide, and tear tracks marked his cheeks. he looked first to chanterellestep. "do you remember what he said to you, all those moons ago?" minnowjump asked, and the stocky golden tom tipped his head up, turning his gaze away.
indent"i haven't forgotten," chanterellestep said. "he called me a thief, said that all graveclan cats were bad." there was a long pause, and minnowjump nodded his head. "but he didn't know any better. it's like you said, he was abrasive, and i forgive him."
indent"we all do," canaryleap added. he hadn't forgotten the same conversation, when mulestomp said that canaryleap's former clan was delusional, and said that acorntail was too meek. it was true that they hadn't been best friends with mulestomp, and perhaps they hadn't thought much of him over the seasons, but they forgave him. "we just want to remember him now, send him to starclan with well-wishes." at that, minnowjump nodded his head and turned his face back to his friend. chanterellestep and canaryleap settled, and, after a long moment, acorntail allowed minnowjump to lean against her shoulder for support when he finally let out the sobs he'd been holding in. and, like that, the quickclan cats sent the departed up to the stars.

indentas the days passed, there was no forgetting the wounds that had been opened up. but coyotesnarl's patrol reported that the tracked the dogs' scent out of quickclan territory, down towards the south, away from quickclan and their allies. any following patrols brought back the same news until the scent dissipated, washed away by the cold wind that blew in with as the moon progressed. hunting patrols brought back decent catches, and cyanstar's own fishing patrol boasted several impressive catches that he found pride in until, the next morning, he woke with a thick cough and a fever that brought the medicine cats into his den. the clan leader looked up at alpinemask when the senior medicine cat frowned down at him, and cyanstar merely flicked his tail, impatient. beyond alpinemask's shoulder, gorseberry was whispering to falconflight, who nodded along. "enough," cyanstar said at last, and gorseberry pulled back from falconflight, who frowned as well. "just tell me what it is, alpinemask."
indent"greencough." the single word fell from alpinemask's mouth hollowly, and cyanstar maintained a cool expression, merely flicking his tail again. behind alpinemask, falconflight's shoulders had drooped and his frown deepened. "it was from being in and out of the water on patrol when it's so cold," alpinemask continued after a moment. at the same time, autumnpaw entered, carrying several herbs, which she set down beside cyanstar's nest. "it's progressing quickly, but we're hopeful that catmint should be able to help you fight through it. none of the others are showing any signs, but we'll be keeping an eye out." falconflight shouldered past alpinemask to get to cyanstar, and the leader and medicine cat opened their mouths in protest at the same time, only for the ginger warrior to cut them both off:
indent"i'm not leaving," falconflight snapped, taking his time to settle in beside his mate. "and you'd have to get all of the warriors to try and keep me away now. i'll be fine," he added, and alpinemask frowned again, but nodded.
indent"fine," alpinemask said with a sigh. "just get some rest, and make sure he takes the herbs. we'll send an apprentice with water and food. come get me if anything changes." alpinemask turned and nudged autumnpaw and gorseberry from the den, herding them out. and, at last, they were alone. cyanstar coughed into the silence, and falconflight pushed his nose into the fur at the nape of cyanstar's neck.
indent"i'm okay," cyanstar managed when the coughing fit had passed, though his voice sounded thin, even to his own ears, and falconflight huffed a laugh. "just a bit of a cold."
indent"a cold," falconflight echoed, the words pressed delicately into cyanstar's fur. "the great cyanstar has a cold, could you believe it?" this time it was cyanstar's time to laugh.
indent"i'd never call myself great," he said, and falconflight pulled back suddenly, his gaze meeting his mate's.
indent"but you are," falconflight said. "this clan adores you, don't you know that? this clan has loved you since the beginning. don't you remember when redstar named you his deputy? i'll never forget the way they all cheered for you, calling your name to the sky. and i knew since we met that you were great, but suddenly everyone else knew it too, that you were special. redstar saw it. me and blizzardrush, we saw it." there was no forgetting the first time they met, even when cyanstar's mind was hazy, fogged with fever. when falconflight came wandering onto the moor and into the barn, seeking shelter. half-starved, travel-weary, all but ready to collapse and sleep for days after so long of wandering without any direction. and cyanstar, no more than a loner then, who had always opened his home to travelers in need, who saw a cat he immediately wanted to know about, to know what he had seen, to know where he was going. "and then when you stood on the wind rock and the clan called for you to be leader... finally, they all saw it, and other clans would see how amazing you were, and how amazing you've always been. redstar... he was right to pick you as his deputy, there's no one who could lead us through like you do, no one who's committed himself to this clan as much as you have since the very beginning. you were born to be leader."
indent"i never wanted to be leader," cyanstar murmured softly, leaning his head against falconflight's shoulder. "i never even wanted to be in a clan. i would've been happy to stay in the barn for the rest of my life, just talking to anyone who came passing by. it's what my parents did, and i would've done it. but then... you came along, and you talked about your clan and... oh, falconflight, do you even know how hard i fell for you when we met? if you left, i think i would have followed you to the ends of the world if it meant that i got to keep hearing your voice. the way you talked about your past clan, i knew you wouldn't have been happy in the barn, not like i would've been. you would've been bored." falconflight groomed gently between cyanstar's ears, and the leader sighed contently. "and then when blizzardrush came, all brooding and gloomy, just a big lump of fur and tired eyes, i knew that... you two were my friends, and i would've done anything for you two." cyanstar coughed again, and falconflight pushed the stack of catmint towards his mate, urging him to eat. shakily, cyanstar lapped up one of the leaves, his cough stifled for just a moment.
indent"you found us a clan," falconflight said, and cyanstar met his gaze. he managed a shaky smile. "you didn't have to do that, i was already head over tail for you, too. and i was too starstruck to see that you felt the same way in the beginning, i guess. my biggest fear was that you would tell me that i had overstayed my welcome in your home, and that you wanted me to go. when you came back with redstar, i honestly didn't know what to think. i was scared, actually, that another clan would disband and i would lose you like i'd lost my old friends, and i just couldn't bare the thought."
indent"i keep thinking of what it was like in the beginning, and how much has changed. back then, when i was most worried about beating nightfall and splashfall in a race..." cyanstar sighed and closed his eyes, slumping against falconflight's sturdier form. "it's so different now. and i'm happy to be leader now, but there's so much weighing on my shoulders. what happened with the dogs... i'm supposed to be keeping them all safe. after what happened with nolan, we were supposed to be safe and happy, and no one else was supposed to die. but now everything's wrong, and i feel like it's falling apart. tallpeak won't look anyone in the eye, sparrowcall, flurrywind, and mulestomp were good cats, and i... don't know what to do."
indent"we're supposed to carry on," falconflight said after a beat of silence. "what happened to them is horrible, but there's no way we could have known that there would be dogs, and that the patrol would be attacked. we're supposed to count our blessings that more cats didn't die. that tallpeak, cherrydawn, and swiftscreech are still with us. we're supposed to live to honor those that passed on before us, and be thankful for the time we had with them." cyanstar coughed again, heaving for breath, and falconflight murmured gently to his mate, soothing him. "but, for now, you're also supposed to rest on alpinemask's orders, so he doesn't get mad and lecture you."

indentthe stars in the sky burned particularly bright, alpinemask thought, when he stared up at them. exhaustion pulled at him, weighing him down, from everything that they had seen within only a matter of days. from the patrol, to cyanstar contracting greencough and, most recently, cyanstar losing a life the night before. falconflight had come to the medicine cats in the middle of the night, waking them with his urgent words of how cyanstar had stopped breathing. when the quickclan leader woke again, it was to a den full of medicine cats and his worried mate. after that, it seemed that the sickness left him, and alpinemask counted his blessings that it seemed that no one else was sick, but it seemed that the moon was full of tragedy in the clan, and he hadn't realized how tense his body was until a voice reached him, soothing and familiar. "you're wearing your worried frown," darkflower said, nestling in beside alpinemask a moment later, and he rested his chin atop her head when she had settled. "what's going on?" she asked.
indent"i sent gorseberry to groveclan for the night," he said, and he felt the way darkflower's whiskers twitched with curiosity, but alpinemask took his time. "i don't think he's been sleeping, and he's been thrashing in his sleep the few times i have seen him in his nest. i'm hoping that a night with dusklight'll help him get some rest, because we don't need him stumbling around anymore. it'll just worry autumnpaw too."
indentthe stars continued to shine, burning with the spirits. too many of whom, he knew, were from quickclan. "and why are you still awake?" darkflower asked. at that, alpinemask pulled back from her just far enough to meet her searching glance.
indent"valleymist was on the evening patrol. she'll be back soon." he watched as realization struck darkflower, and her ears pricked expectantly. before she could say anything, however, alpinemask ducked his head. "i've been doing a lot of thinking and... you were right, you know? i've been putting it off for so long when so many things could've happened. and i... i want to know my daughter. or, at the very least, i want her to know the truth. it's impossible to know what's going to happen tomorrow, so i should try now, while i still have the chance." as if on a cue, silhouettes appeared at the top of the path, and darkflower followed alpinemask's gaze before she rose and touched her nose to his cheek.
indent"good luck, i'll be waiting up for you to hear how it goes," she said. darkflower must have seen the nervousness that framed his face, for she offered him a wide smile. "love you," she purred, and alpinemask repeated it without any hesitation.
indent"i love you." darkflower bounded off into the direction of the medicine cats' den, and alpinemask was left alone to watch the patrol as they made their way down the path from the moor and down into the camp. snakespots and splashfall reached the lower level of camp first, the spotted warrior talking animatedly to splashfall, who nodded absently, his eyes half-lidded. the pair of senior warriors nodded to alpinemask before they rounded towards the warriors' den, followed by fluffytuft and fallowpaw, and then alpinemask recognized valleymist's white fur, turned silver in the gathered moonlight, while she leaned on branchbite for support. just as the pair of young warriors came close enough to call to them, alpinemask stood on shaky paws. "valleymist," he called to her. "i'd like to speak with you for a moment." of course, there was no way that she might have any clue of what the head medicine cat might say to her, and valleymist didn't hesitate to murmur a final word to branchbite, before she pulled away from her friend, and branchbite hurried to catch up with fluffytuft.
indent"good evening, alpinemask," valleymist said when she met the medicine cat. she regarded him with curiosity, her head cocked slightly to the side, and alpinemask felt a lump form in his throat. when he said nothing, valleymist's brow furrowed and she hesitated for a moment. she glanced over her shoulder, back where branchbite had gone off to, and then back to alpinemask. "is something wrong, is there something i can help you with?"
indent"i - uh..." alpinemask began rather eloquently. then, at last, he drew in a large breath and exhaled slowly. "there's something that you need to know. something that you should have known for some time now, but i wasn't sure how to say it." and he still didn't. the confusion and uncertainty that twisted in valleymist's features wasn't unexpected; alpinemask would be the first to admit that he had never been a particularly good father, and that he should have done more in moons passed. but his fear had driven him for so long, until it finally washed over him in a wave of guilt and regret. the young warrior looked almost scared until, finally, alpinemask managed to meet her eyes. "it's your parents, valleymist. i... when i was younger, and first came to quickclan, i met a cat named meadowspirit from a different clan. and she... she was your mother, and i am your father." once he started, the words came forth in a torrent, until he thought that he might fall from the release of all the time and energy spent holding in his secret.
indentrelief, however, did not come, as valleymist merely stared at alpinemask for a long beat of silence before she took a step back and shook her head vigorously. "no," she said, her voice suddenly too loud for alpinemask's ears in the quiet camp. "no, no, that's not possible. you're not..." when alpinemask tried to take a step towards his daughter, she recoiled from him, and he shrunk away immediately. "no! it's not you, it can't be you!" she took another step back then.
indent"valleymist," alpinemask choked, and pain radiated through him, from the tips of his ears to the end of his tail. "please, let me try to explain -"
indent"explain what?" valleymist asked, letting out a brief, sharp laugh that rattled alpinemask's bones. "you want to explain why you're just telling me this now? you want to explain why i grew up thinking that i had no family?" alpinemask, in the moment, could only stare at her, his mouth dry. "no, you don't get to just do that and think that i'll be fine. this - no - you can't explain. and i don't want to hear you try." with that, she turned and began to hurry off in the direction of her den, but alpinemask found his bearings and rushed after her, calling her name, but she whipped around and hissed at him. "leave me alone! just go away." she pulled away, leaving alpinemask to watch after her, alone in the middle of the moonlit clearing. and, suddenly, the stars felt so much colder, so much further away, and they didn't burn as brightly as before.

indent"oakseed, high right!" at the sound of the shout, oakseed twisted around, throwing his weight onto his hind legs when he rose up to block the blow aiming down for the crown of his head. in the same motion, he twisted again, using his tail to sweep out at birchface's legs, his amber gaze turning back to watch as bluesky nodded to him, just once, and oakseed sighed at the sight of the other warrior taking his eyes off of sunnyheart.
indent"down and roll!" he called to bluesky when sunnyheart launched up towards bluesky. the blue-eyed tom blinked, snapping his glance from oakseed to follow the command as they had practiced over the moons. with agility that he hadn't possessed when he first came to quickclan, bluesky rolled out of the way of sunnyheart's attack, and the ginger warrior's paws landed on the dirt. "bluesky, to me!" oakseed called again, and a sense of pride washed through him when his friend immediately reacted. there was no search for meaning, no hesitation to question his steps. instead, in an instant, bluesky got up and knitted together with oakseed, and they moved together, to swap opponents, as bluesky blocked his brother's blows, and oakseed slammed his shoulder forward to push sunnyheart over.
indentit was only when sweetecho's shout rose about the noise of their scuffle that the warriors broke apart, and oakseed was pleased when he watched bluesky help nose birchface to his paws. "that was good, all of you," sweetecho purred, padding forward to stand with the group. oakseed panted heavily, but touched his nose to sweetecho's cheek, until she shouldered him aside, bounding over to where another group were training. sunnyheart bounded ahead, happy as always, and birchface hurried after his mate, leaving bluesky to walk beside oakseed.
indent"i'm sorry i looked away from sunnyheart, i know i should have been paying attention but -" bluesky began, but oakseed flicked him with his tail to get him to hush.
indent"you knew you made a mistake, that's enough. beside, you were watching my back while i was watching yours," oakseed said, and bluesky blinked before he ducked his head to look at his paws.
indent"i guess we make a good team, then?"
indentoakseed chuckled, hearty and breathless. "yeah, i guess we do." he shouldered bluesky, and the the smaller tom stumbled slightly, caught off-balance. "just don't make it a habit. watch your own tail too." that pulled a loud chuckle from bluesky, and together they walked around the training hollow. ever since the dog incident, tallpeak had made it known that warriors should be continuing to train and keep their skills sharp, if they weren't already handling an apprentice and weren't scheduled in a patrol. which meant that the hollow was full of warriors in small tussles, as friends paired off and grouped together for their sparring matches. to one corner, hollowfang fended off a far smaller and more agile roselight, while rowanfoot called out pointers to his friends and hickorypatch watched on, and, on the other side, swiftscreech and ravengaze circled one another. it was at the sight of the ginger and white molly that oakseed couldn't help but pause, his paws stilling, and bluesky made it two steps ahead before he realized that oakseed was no longer at his side, and he padded back to join him.
indent"they're looking good, huh? you think i'll ever get to be that good?" bluesky joked, but stalled when oakseed didn't immediately answer him. instead, the larger warrior stared at swiftscreech, a boulder in his stomach, and his paws held fast in place. "oakseed?" bluesky tried, then again when oakseed only hummed his acknowledgement. "oakseed, what is it?"
indentat last, oakseed tore his gaze from swiftscreech to find bluesky staring up at him with wide eyes. "can we... can we go get some air?" he asked, and bluesky immediately nodded, pressing into oakseed's side and leading the larger warrior from the hollow. it was only when they had distanced themselves and the wind of the moor tugged at oakseed's fur that he found that he could walk no further, and he sat, his muscles suddenly weighing too much to be carry any further. bluesky gave him peace, sitting at his side and saying nothing. it was only when oakseed spoke again that bluesky started and turned to him. "i'm sorry," he mumbled, and bluesky shot him a tight smile.
indent"you don't have to apologize. do you want to talk about it?" he asked. oakseed shook his head, only to pause and then nod, just once.
indent"it's a long story," oakseed said.
indent"well, i have a lot of time." there was a gentle warmth in bluesky's smile, and oakseed wished that he could mirror it back.
indent"it's nothing against swiftscreech, i think she's nice. but whenever i think of her, i think of my mate... her name is just... so similar to his," oakseed began. bluesky was a good listener, never fidgeting, never looking away. "his name... his name was screechwing." the name tasted so sour on his tongue where it once meant the world to oakseed, and it was like finding his dead mate all over again with the pain and agony that rushed through him. "when our camp was attacked, i was sent to cover the top of the camp, to try and help keep any cats from getting down into the main camp. but our line broke early, and we were invaded quickly. and screechwing... he was part of the battle patrol at the bottom of the path. he... he helped save marshstripe when she was attacked, but he... he didn't make it. those rogues killed him just because... i don't know why they did it, actually. and they killed one of our kits, too. i lost them both in one day. and swiftscreech... even just looking at her, thinking about her name, makes me think of him. how horrible is that? that i can't even look at my clanmate without getting angry that my mate died, and not even watching nolan die could bring him back?"
indent"you're still grieving him, oakseed. no one can blame you for that," bluesky soothed, and oakseed realized that he was sobbing, his shoulders shaking at his tears peppering the ground between his forepaws.
indent"i loved him so much and i'm trying so hard to live, but it's so hard without him, bluesky. i feel like i don't even know who i am," oakseed sobbed, and bluesky pressed close into his side, soothing when oakseed tucked his face into his friend's neck. "i miss him constantly."
indent"he's looking down at you now, i know it," bluesky said, pulling oakseed even closer. "i never knew him but... i know he loved you, oakseed. he must've. and i'm sure that he still does."

writing continued here

→ actions
consumption quickclan eats six big fish
rank changes frogpaw, charredpaw, and lagoonpaw are ready to take their assessments. if they pass, they will be named frogwatcher, lagooneyes, and charredshadow
starlingkit and smokekit are old enough to become apprentices. they also need to be rolled for their mother's powers
hunting tallpeak, marshstripe, dartersplash, bouldertooth, mintstem, and canaryleap
eagleheart, thistlestrike, kindleflare, cardinalheart, fleetingmoon, and flamestrike
cyanstar, falconflight, brightcreek, canaryleap, plumblossom, and birchface
splashfall, swiftscreech, ravengaze, owletcry, webtail, and kestrelblaze
brackenrose, oriolefeather, peckernose, grassthorn, rowanfoot, and hollowfang
border patrols duneserpent, marshstripe, hollyfur, rainypath, patchwing, and valleymist
oakseed, loonlight, acorntail, minnowjump, coyotesnarl, and sunnyheart
training pinepaw and crakepaw learn swimming
oleanderpaw, fallowpaw, heronpaw, and scorpionpaw learn fighting
rampaw and cariboupaw learn climbing
vermilionpaw, valerianpaw, and amaryllispaw learn agility
mates nightfall and aspenwish try for kits
herb hunting gorseberry and autumnpaw look for herbs (priority for borage)
medicine cats junipersky needs x1 borage
notes in the case of death rolls, please only target those underlined. thank you! xx


cyanstar, 49m, ♂
7 lives remaining

tallpeak, 61m, ♀

alpinemask, 54m, ♂ - 6sp
gorseberry, 35m, ♂ - 6sp

autumnpaw, 17m, ♀

larchbriar, 71m, ♀
snakespots, 66m, ♂
coyotesnarl, 63m, ♂
honeyflower, 59m, ♀
sweetecho, 58m, ♀
blizzardrush, 56m, ♀
brackenrose, 54m, ♀
falconflight, 54m, ♂
flowerskip, 54m, ♀
splashfall, 53m, ♂
hickorypatch, 53m, ♀
aspenwish, 52m, ♀
nightfall, 51m, ♂
hollyfur, 47m, ♀
eagleheart, 47m, ♂
thistlestrike, 46m, ♀
kindleflare, 46m, ♀
fluffytuft, 44m, ♂
oakseed, 42m, ♂
duneserpent, 41m, ♂
loonlight, 40m, ♀
bluesky, 40m, ♂
patchwing, 37m, ♀
treespirit, 36m, ♂
berrypad, 35m, ♀
whitesnow, 35m, ♀
flamestrike, 35m, ♂
alderpatch, 35m, nb
brightcreek, 34m, ♀
acorntail, 32m, ♀
minnowjump, 31m, ♂
canaryleap, 31m, ♂
chanterellestep, 30m, ♂
swiftscreech, 29m, ♀
dahliadrop, 28m, ♀
twiteflight, 27m, ♀
birchface, 26m, ♂
sproutclaw, 26m, ♂
mintstem, 26m, ♀
cherrydawn, 26m, ♀
ravengaze, 25m, ♂
grassthorn, 24m, ♀
oriolefeather, 24m, ♂
peckernose, 24m, ♂
flintspark, 24m, ♂
rowanfoot, 22m, ♂
roselight, 22m, ♂
sunnyheart, 22m, ♂
hollowfang, 21m, ♂
marshstripe, 21m, ♀
dartersplash, 21m, ♂
cardinalheart, 20m, ♂
fleetingmoon, 20m, ♂
owletcry, 20m, ♀
webtail, 20m, ♂
rainypath, 20m, ♀
bouldertooth, 19m, ♂
daffodilstem, 18m, ♀
finchthroat, 18m, ♀
cricketchirp, 18m, ♂
dandelionspring, 18m, ♀
dovewish, 18m, ♀
plumblossom, 17m, ♂
tinselstorm, 16m, ♀
magpiesong, 16m, ♂
thunderstomp, 15m, ♂
valleymist, 14m, ♀
kestrelblaze, 14m, ♀
rootwhisker, 14m, ♂
hootfeather, 14m, ♀
branchbite, 14m, ♀
ploverflame, 13m, ♀
frogpaw, 14m, ♂
oleanderpaw, 13m, ♂
pinepaw, 12m, ♀
crakepaw, 12m, ♂
rampaw, 12m, ♂
cariboupaw, 12m, ♂
charredpaw, 12m, ♀
lagoonpaw, 12m, ♂
fallowpaw, 10m, ♀
heronpaw, 9m, ♂
scorpionpaw, 9m, ♂
vermilionpaw, 7m, ♂
valerianpaw, 7m, ♀
amaryllispaw, 7m, ♂
willowfrost, 68m, ♀
wrenkit, 2m, ♂
ibiskit, 2m, ♂
twisted leg
pigeonkit, 2m, ♀
phoebekit, 2m, ♀
junipersky, 51m, ♀
due in 1m
lilacshadow, 50m, ♀
lambkit, 1m, ♂
knollkit, 1m, ♂
dragonflykit, 1m, ♀
eveningkit, 1m, ♀
beetlekit, 1m, ♀
pearsblossom, 37m, ♀
due in 1m
hawkrise, 37m, ♀
waspkit, 5m, ♂
copperkit, 5m, ♂
chaserkit, 5m, ♂
accentorkit, 5m, ♀
sedgekit, 5m, ♀
sagetuft, 28m, ♀
houndkit, 3m, ♀
verglaskit, 3m, ♀
starlingkit, 6m, ♂
smokekit, 6m, ♀

miranda, 116m, ♀


gorseberry, autumnpaw, 4
falconflight, frogpaw, 4
snakespots, oleanderpaw, 2
sproutclaw, pinepaw, 3
cherrydawn, crakepaw, 3
sweetecho, rampaw, 2
blizzardrush, cariboupaw, 2
splashfall, charredpaw, 4
mintstem, lagoonpaw, 4
fluffytuft, fallowpaw, 2
chanterellestep, heronpaw, 2
hickorypatch, scorpionpaw, 2
twiteflight, vermilionpaw, 0
nightfall, valerianpaw, 0
roselight, amaryllispaw, 0


minnow, x22, 1 serving
mouse, x22, 1 serving
vole, x8, 1 serving
rabbit, x14, 2 servings
small fish, x16, 2 servings
squirrel, x13, 2 servings
hare, x9, 3 servings
big fish, x12, 3 servings
bird, x12, 3 servings
total: 237 servings
hazeclan, nightwolf950
groveclan, solyn


north, hazeclan, nightwolf950
north-east, n/a, n/a
north-west, n/a, n/a
east, n/a, n/a
west, quartzclan, miles morales
south, n/a, n/a
south-east, n/a, n/a
south-west, swiftclan, phina d wolf
Last edited by eagle, on Sun Jan 05, 2020 2:40 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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[ ✦ werecat entry ]

Postby eagle, » Fri Nov 01, 2019 7:36 am


▬▬▬▬▬▬ ( ★ playlist !! ) ▬▬▬▬▬▬

❝ same logic/teeth ❞ by ​​brand new
so how's it feel to walk around,
like you're some sort of freak

❝ stranger things ❞ by survival kit
you know i'm at my prime when the moon
is high

❝ tiptoes ❞ by ​​half•alive
will i always know this divide?
living most of this war inside

❝ hit and run ❞ by ​​lolo
history will hate us
but they'll never forget our names

❝ false confidence ❞ by ​​noah kahan
and i wonder why i tear myself down
to be built back up again

❝ feel something ❞ by ​​kyd the band
i'm scared my face is getting numb
someone run and tell my mom

❝ walk with the noise ❞ by ​​iamx
i walk with the noise
and face my devils

❝ my demons ❞ by ​​starset
we are one in the same
you take all of the pain away

❝ life of the party ❞ by ​​all time low
keep thinking about you, how you level me out sometimes
when i'm out on my head, and i don't wanna face it

❝ iridescent ❞ by ​​linkin park
insides crying save me now
you were there impossibly alone

❝ alone ❞ by ​​sleeping with sirens
sometimes i feel like letting go
all i know is no one should have to be alone

❝ hometown ❞ by ​​cleopatrick
i'm singing oh i don't know
take me anywhere but home

❝ in the company of worms ❞ by ​​thank you scientist
and i'm tearing you open
to find that your light shines so bright

❝ reflections ❞ by we are the in crowd​​
i think i've seen you before
another time, another face

❝ no one's here to sleep ❞ by ​​naughty boy
i'll keep mine and you'll keep yours
we all have our secrets

❝ the pilot ❞ by ​​tanooki suit
the fate of the world weighs heavy on our hearts
but if i must, i will pilot this monstrous thing

❝ firewall ❞ by les friction​​
and you will see me now
this is my world now

❝ daylily ❞ by ​​movements
i think it's time you had a pink cloud summer
cause you've gone too long without a smile

❝ lucky people ❞ by ​​waterparks
i wanna burn bright until we're not
let's keep each other safe from the world

❝ brighter than the sun ❞ by brick + mortar​​
have you ever had a nightmare
bigger than everybody?

❝ where i belong ❞ by longfellow​​
want to love ‘til my heart stops beating
want to hold you ‘til you’ve turn to stone

❝ moondust ❞ by ​​jaymes young
yeah i'm living far away, on the face of the moon
i've buried my love to give the world to you

❝ fun ❞ by ​troye sivan
well, don't you want to see the world, boy
all the countries and their stars, boy

❝ take two ❞ by ​​m1ldl1fe
tell him what he needs to know
tell him where the blood should flow

❝ ares ❞ by ​​winters island
breathe again beneath the flames
i'm a man that can't be tamed
1. How did this cat become cursed?
indentwhen wolverine was young, his mother warned him about staying within the boundaries of their twoleg's
garden. as a kit, wolverine was known for pranks and causing trouble, doing what he could to lighten the mood
among his mother and littermates. a wild spirit, with a free-spirited personality, he learned that there wasn't
much that he couldn't get away with, from blinking his wide blue eyes and purring gently. his mother would
always soften, his twolegs would pet him after he scratched at their curtains and the chair legs. warnings tended
to fall flat when he never had to face the consequences of any of his actions, and wolverine found that the rules
didn't apply to him in the same way as his siblings, who couldn't merely smile and flatter their way out of trouble.
though his mother knew that his charisma and good lucks wouldn't save him from everything, and that a time
would come when he would come across a cat who wouldn't fall at his paws.
indentthe garden next door had been abandoned for seasons, for far longer than any of the neighborhood cats
could recall. however, all knew of the legendary cat who lived there. though no one had ever actually seen her,
many claimed catching a glimpse of patchy ink-colored fur through slits in the rotting picket fence, hearing the
vicious snarls of a predator. wolverine's mother knew her son well-enough to know that he wouldn't be able to
help his curiosity than to go where no one else had. and it was only a matter of time until the leaves fell from the
trees and the weather turned cold. as with each passing year since the rumors of the recluse started, the snarls
rose from over the fence, reaching their garden. while wolverine's mother held his other siblings close and soothed
them of the fears of the monster that lived too close for comfort, wolverine thought of the legend, of his mother's
warnings, and he knew that he had to solve the mystery once and for all, that he was the only cat who would go
to see the monster beyond the fence. and why should he fear? he - who had never had to face consequences, who
never had anything to fear in the face of his youthful charm?
indentthe smell of rot and decay carried through the fence, wafted over the garden walls before wolverine even
dared to approach the fence, still bracing himself for what he would find. another cry came through the gaps,
letting wolverine see through into the overgrown garden and the thought crossed his mind - now or never. and
he made his choice without further hesitation.
indentinside the garden, the stench only grew, and the subsequent yowl split his ears, louder than expected, louder
than any other sound the young tom had ever heard before. blue eyes shut tight against the sound, against his fear,
and he opened them only in the lull of eerie silence. overhead, the nigh sky appeared so far away, the moon
isolated in the cold night sky. chilled wind blew through the garden, raking the yellowed grass grown too long over
seasons of neglect, tall plants were withered but stayed just to block wolverine's sight of the life that lay within the
vast confides of the strange garden. at last, wolverine forced his paws forward, parting the thick foliage with his
nose, wincing whenever a leaf crunched under his paws, whenever a vine snagged at his soft fur.
indenthe took in the tufts of black fur snagged on branches, caught in the traps of the yard. among the silence,
wolverine nearly missed the low, drawn out groan that came from the center of the yard until he stumbled upon
the thin heap of flesh and patched fur, doubled over and emitting a sound that was all agony, all pain, all suffering
that consumed. then eyes snapped open, and the sound transformed from a pained whine into an aggressive snarl.
the cat straightened in a blink, and wolverine stumbled back, turning to flee. he was quick, the monster was faster.
teeth sunk into his tail, and wolverine's cry of pain was cut short when he was dragged back into the middle of the
garden, able to only try and bat the monster away when it pounced on him, digging sharp claws into his shoulders
and pinning him into the ground. the thought crossed his mind that he was dead, that he should have listened to
his mother, that he didn't want to die. not now, not ever. there was so much of the world he had never seen, there
was so much he had never done, yet it was all he could do to twist helplessly and close his eyes, to brace for the
death blow.
indentbut it never came.
indentinstead, sour breath blew down onto his muzzle, mixing in a dreadful concoction of rotting teeth that looked
yellow in the faraway starlight. then, a voice like gravel: "help me," the monster growled, low and harsh, but
wolverine picked out notes of pain as well, the voice of one who suffers and has no remedy. "take it," it said,
in that same voice, and wolverine felt its claws pierce further into his pelt when he dared to blink his eyes open to
look at the monster.
indent"take what?" he asked, hearing how small he sounded when in the clutches of such a beast who could
steal his life, could steal away anything he was, anything he might have become. in answer, the monster ducked
its head to touch its forehead to wolverine's, and the young tom tried again to struggle and escape, but to no
avail. words were whispered, muttered into his fur like a prayer, and he himself prayed for it to be over, to
return to his family.
indenta pain like nothing else settled low in wolverine's chest, and he felt it rage, spreading, spiraling outwards
when the monster lifted its head. the cloud of its eyes dissipated, though a haze settled over wolverine's
vision, and it married itself to the pain, to the fire. he struggled again, but his mind was beginning to drift
from the thought of returning home to his beloved family, to instead think of how he was hungry, how he
wished to dig his claws into the monster and hurt - though the monster no longer appeared to him like a
monster, but a cat, a cat, a cat, a piece of prey, an enemy, a body to hurt. then, a voice: "it is your burden
it said. it said, "it weighs heavily in you, young one. young monster. all will fear you." it
said, "good bye." and then it was gone, and darkness washed over wolverine's vision until all he could
hear was his own screams, snarls, yowls, whimpers. of pain, of hunger, of anger, of pain, of pain, of pain.
wc: 1157

2. How do the cats of their (potential) clan handle their affliction?
indentin all of the aftermath of his affliction, wolverine found that he would never be accepted elsewhere. groups
were welcoming, warm, become friends until the seasons grew cold. he would hide, lock himself away with the
knowledge of what would happen to him. slowly, over time, he placed it together - what he did, who he became,
what he became each winter. moons earlier, after he was chased away from the last group of peaceful loners, after
he learned that he had accidentally killed a kit - the thought made him shudder with guilt and agony, as if he
could feel the pain he had inflicted on a small innocent - wolverine told himself that he would become like the
cat who passed the curse onto him. that he would stay a recluse, so that no one would ever have to feel fear
again, so that he would never have the blood of another cat on his paws. sometimes, even when it wasn't winter,
he felt the dregs of the curse within himself. the remnants of anger and pain boiled inside of his stomach, though
he always managed to swallow them down - for now, he reminded himself, until it consumed him and he lost
himself again - though wolverine couldn't tell if it was real, that it really was the curse continuing to fester, or if
it was his own anger, or if he imagined the curse rearing its monstrous head. he told himself that it was better
to stay away, that it would be the best for everyone if he stayed far away.
indentyet, fate brought him upon the patrol of cats, who were quick to circle him. bright eyes, kinked tails, all
the signs of a clan of cats who cared for one another. they asked if he had a home - no - they asked if he meant
them harm - no, no, i would never - they asked if he would like to come back to their camp, they said that they
could let him meet with their leader, their queen, and that he would be given a place to sleep, a chance to eat
and rest his body after so far of traveling. the good part of him knew that it was too dangerous, that he might
kill them all if given the chance, but his stomach protested, his paws ached. he agreed.
indentthe queen, the king, the queen's friend, the clan's herbalist. they were kind, they were welcoming. he
wanted to hate them for it, wanted to tell them to chase him away, that he would only hurt them. the good side
of him wanted to scream, but the other part told him that maybe it would be different. still, wolverine tensed
when the queen sniffed, swished her tail. "we've had an interesting winter around here, found some destroyed
she said, then shrugged. "our patrols thought it might have been a fox, but we couldn't find any signs
of it."
and wolverine knew the reason why they hadn't his fur had only recently grown back. "have you noticed
anything like it elsewhere?"
she asked, and he knew that it was just a lead for conversation, to try to get the
recluse to speak, to be friendly and warm in the same way they had been.
indenthe lied, said that he had no clue. sounded like a fox was right, those sneaky, destructive monsters. he
was sure to emphasis monster, and the harsh tone wasn't all an act, but true bite. and the king, the queen,
and the rest nodded, complained about how it was never easy, but that they made due. the words were static in
wolverine's ears while they rattled on about knights and roses, about how they were always accepting new paws.
and he saw it coming, knew that they would offer him the chance to stay. he thought no, but said yes anyway. how
could he not? maybe this time would be different and he could wish the curse away.
indentwolverine knew that it was wishful thinking on his part. but it was easy to get wrapped up into the routine,
to wear his knew name proudly - wolverinesnap did have a good ring to it, after all - and join patrols all days. it
was easy to forget about the change of seasons and how the leaves were beginning to turn from green to orange.
he was still young, still naive, too wrapped into his feeling of invincibility. it was easy to forget until he heard talk
of how they should prepare for the winter moons ahead, how prey should be packed away and saved. and on, and
on, and on. all static, and his mind rushed. the desire to stay with a routine and pretend that he would be fine,
against the knowledge that nothing would be the same, that he should move on.
indentbut wolverinesnap wanted to be selfish, wanted to stay. and so he did.
indentflashes of memory. shouts of confusion. questions. the haze of anger and pain. the knowledge that he wasn't
himself. ginger fur, pretty amber eyes. the life he imagined for himself falling apart. a fight, with fearful and
upset voices trying to coax him. his voice breaking through the fog, sounding wrecked, wrought with just
as much pain as wolverinesnap felt boiling in his stomach. and then waking up, blinking up at the face twisted
with sorrow, empathy, and something else, something he could place but wasn't ready to, not when he knew
what it meant for them both, what they both knew: that wolverinesnap hurt him, even if not with his claws.
indent"i'm sorry," wolverinesnap sobbed, the pain and sorrow mixing together, replacing anger, leaving
him with a momentary feeling of hollowness. "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry," he cried out, the words bubbling forth,
unstoppable. he needed him to know.
indentthen warmth as a familiar pelt pressed into his side, a tongue lapping over the patch of fur the monster
left behind under his chin. "we're going to get through this," he soothed wolverinesnap, pulling him even
closer so that wolverinesnap could sob into his shoulder, comforted by the closeness. "tawnyrose would never
force you away,"
he said when wolverinesnap managed to stifle himself into soft sniffles. "we just brought
you away from camp while we figure this out for now, until we could find some way to bring you back to us."

indent"i'm here," wolverinesnap murmured, feeling pitiful.
indenthis smile was warm, just as the day they first met. "i would know you anywhere, honey, and we'll get
though this."

indent"i'm cursed," wolverinesnap said. "there's no fixing it, i'm stuck like this."
indentbut he shrugged, always the optimist. just one of the many things that wolverinesnap loved - there was
that word - about him. "they we find out a way to make you a little less angry, honey, bring back those pretty
blue eyes, alright? i'll help you, i'm here for you. however you need me, i'm here for you."

indentit wasn't a solution, but it was good to know that wolverinesnap was't going to be chased from his new
home, that he still loved him. he was still cursed with this monster, would always be cursed, but the feeling
of a body pressed against his made it a little easier to carry on his thin shoulders. even if it meant keeping him away
from camp for the time being, living in his own small den with the cat who cleared the fog, even a little, and who
made him want to stay, then it was a start. together, that was how they would deal with it. together.
wc: 1280
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[ ✦ quickclan 33.5 ]

Postby eagle, » Sun Jan 05, 2020 2:38 pm

indent"i thought the apprentices left for training a little earlier." crakepaw opened one eye from where he had been lying in the clearing, in a small patch of sunlight. he blinked against the sun until he could make out the face of lilacshadow, one of the queens, who gazed down at him with an unreadable expression. "i do hope they're not expecting you to be with them." there was a bite to her tone that caught crakepaw's attention, making him sit up and flick his tail impatiently.
indent"they're not," he said curtly, lowering his chin slightly when lilacshadow leveled her gaze at him. "cherrydawn gave me the day off. after the dogs, she wasn't feeling up to training and she gave me a rest day." at that, lilacshadow sniffed the air absently, and crakepaw's paws itched in discomfort. "i wouldn't just skip training. i wouldn't do that."
indent"did i say that you skipped training?" lilacshadow retorted, and crakepaw lowered his head further. his pelt burned indignantly, and he felt scolded by this queen who was not his mother. "training is very important, no matter how old you are. i just wanted to make sure you weren't missing out."
indentit was that choice of words that dug further into the young tom's pelt until he felt as though he'd been scorched by the sun, though he knew that it was not a heat from outside that burned. "i am missing out, but i wish i wasn't. if i'd been there when the dogs were, i would've made sure that no one died." it was a thought that nagged at crakepaw since the day it happened, and lilacshadow tipped her head to one side, as if suddenly curious. her eyes searched him, and crakepaw straightened up slightly. "i'm going to make sure that no one in quickclan dies again from our enemies. if i was only a little older, would've knocked the barn cats aside moons ago, before they hurt anyone, and -"
indent"barn cats?" lilacshadow cut in. "everyone here mentions barn cats but... i've never seen them, or heard anything about them recently." her expression remained unreadable, something that crakepaw couldn't place, but he thought he saw a trace of curiosity there.
indent"they took over part of our territory. they murdered our cats in cold blood. they killed my father, redstar, like it was nothing. i hate them, and i wish i had been old enough to kill one of them myself." crakepaw's claws dug into the ground, and it was only when he drew in a deep breath that he felt his anger simmer low, and lilacshadow blinked down at him.
indenthowever, she didn't comment on the barn cats. "i didn't know that redstar was your father," she said instead. when crakepaw shrugged, she hummed thoughtfully. "i just... i thought that larchbriar was your mother."
indent"hardly," crakepaw mumbled to himself. then, to lilacshadow he shrugged again. "i didn't know about larchbriar until she came with rampaw and cariboupaw. i only knew that pinepaw was my sister, and one of the queens told us that redstar was our father when we were younger. not that it matters. he's dead now."
indentlilacshadow stood then, suddenly, and her whiskers twitched. "well, you'd better be sure to keep up with your training, then. so next time anything happens, you'll be ready," she said. crakepaw watched the calico queen pad away from him, until she reached the nursery. there, she stiffly touched her nose to sagetuft's, as the other queen herded out houndkit and verglaskit. crakepaw huffed and settled again, resting his chin on his paws.

indentwhen cyanstar climbed the wind rock, he held his head high, any signs of his greencough from earlier that moon gone from the lean lines of his body and the way he carried himself, and he squared his shoulders as he addressed the clan. "this moon has proved to be a long moon, a moon without much mercy for quickclan. but by the grace of starclan, we continue to perserve, and these ceremonies today are evidence of that, as kits became apprentices, and an apprentice becomes a warrior. but, first, let us take the time to, once more, give a moment of silence for sparrowcall, flurrywind, and mulestomp, who bravely gave their lives for our clan." wind swept through the camp as if an answer sent by their departed clanmates, and cyanstar thought that if he were to drop a pebble from the wind rock, he would hear it clatter to the ground with the silence afforded by the clan. then, when the moment had passed, he waved forward to honeyflower and dahliadrop, and vermilionkit, valeriankit, and amarylliskit bounded forward until they stood before the clan. "from this moment forward until they have received their warrior names, you will be known as vermilionpaw, valerianpaw, and amaryllispaw. vermilionpaw, your mentor will be twiteflight. your mother tells me that you're quite an adventurer, much like twiteflight. she learned much from her time with splashfall as a mentor, and she proved herself a capable mentor to kestrelblaze," the lithe tabby met her new apprentice, and cyanstar smiled down at his eldest daughter before turning to dahliadrop's niece and nephew. "valerianpaw, your mentor will be nightfall. he spent many moons working with flintspark, and continues to help him train, both here and in groveclan. you will learn much under him. and amaryllispaw, your mentor will be roselight," cyanstar continued, and the young warrior started from where he was sitting in the middle of the crowd, earning a loud laugh from rowanfoot and his other friends. "roselight is known for his energy, and he has many useful skills that he picked up from his training in graveclan, as well as the additional training that sweetecho gave him here. i have no doubts that he'll have much to teach you when you can keep up with him." laugh and cheers rippled through the crowd for the new apprentices and mentors before falling to a hush when cyanstar jumped down from his perch and motioned for ploverpaw to step forward.
indent"now," cyanstar began again. "i call upon quickclan of past and present to look down upon this apprentices, and to accept her, now, as full warrior of our clan. ploverpaw, do you swear to uphold the principals we hold most sacred, to protect the clan with all of your body and mind?" ploverpaw had come a long way from when cyanstar remembered she had first been brought into the clan, and it was clear from the way the clan listened to this portion of the ceremony that the young molly was well-liked.
indent"i do," ploverpaw pledged, loud and clear for all her clan to hear.
indent"then from this moment forward, you shall be known as ploverflame, for the brightness of your spirit. starclan honors your wisdom beyond your moons, and your passion. it is my pleasure to welcome you as a full warrior of quickclan." immediately, the clan dissolved into cheers, and cardinalheart burst through the crowd to welcome the new warrior, fleetingmoon hot on his heels. together, the pair of brothers nearly knocked ploverflame off of her paws, though she quickly righted herself and the group exchanged loud purrs. duneserpent lingered behind them, waiting for his chance to congratulate his apprentice, and cyanstar bypassed them all, letting them celebrate. instead, he found falconflight sitting at the edge of the crowd with dovewish and finchthroat nearby. cyanstar purred and touched his nose to falconflight's cheek. "is this how we move on?" cyanstar asked, and falconflight's purr resounded through his body.
indent"i think it's a good start."

indent"you think you've finally moved on now that you've got a new apprentice?" flintspark called out, and nightfall turned to face the younger tom, who wore a lopsided grin. peckernose and aspenwish came up behind flintspark, peckernose leaning on his mother's shoulder for support after a long, tiring day. nightfall smiled at aspenwish, who returned it in kind, lighting a warmth in nightfall's chest.
indent"call me crazy, but i would've thought that i would've gotten you out of my fur a long time ago," nightfall shot back, and flintspark let out a booming laugh. "i was hoping that we could've just dropped you off in groveclan and pray that they wouldn't return you."
indent"ouch," flintspark said without any hurt in his tone, only to turn on peckernose when his younger brother piped up.
indent"i can think of one groveclan cat who wouldn't mind flintspark staying there -"
indent"will you ever shut up?" flintspark asked, only to balk when peckernose straightened from aspenwish to cuff an unsuspecting flintspark's ear, then turning quickly to race in the opposite direction. "peckernose!" flintspark shouted, tearing away after his brother, leaving aspenwish and nightfall to laugh and watch them go. together, they sat in silence for a brief time, watching the rest of the clan around them settle after cyanstar ceremony. duneserpent was talking to the newly-named ploverflame, who was settling in for her night vigil while tallpeak, blizzardrush, and brackenrose were sharing a hare and talking amicably to one another.
indentthen nightfall turned to aspenwish. "it is going to be weird, taking on a new apprentice. i mean - i'm excited, and i think that valerianpaw's going to be great but... i don't know, i guess i've just never been a big fan of change. and things feel like they've been changing a lot lately."
indentaspenwish met his gaze without flinching, and she nodded empathetically. "i know what you mean. it's made me think a lot lately, you know, that we don't know what's going to happen next. anything could happen at any time and i... i worry sometimes."
indent"hey," nightfall interjected. "don't you remember what i said? that i'd protect you, you and flintspark and peckernose."
indent"you said that we'd protect each other," aspenwish corrected, and nightfall hummed thoughtfully. "nightfall... i've been doing a lot of thinking lately and... what happened, it was so sudden that i'm thinking that keeping things bottled up isn't a good idea. does that make sense?" nightfall nodded his agreement, then started to say something, but aspenwish cut him off. "i'm sorry, but... please, let me say this, okay? when word spread that there was a patrol that got hurt, my first thought was of when they brought peckernose back from his assessment and he was hurt. and then i thought of when they brought flintspark back when their patrol was attacked. and then i thought... what about you? what would i do if something happened to you? i've lost so many of my friends over the moons, so many good friends who were hurt and killed before i got to tell them everything, and i've never had the chance to tell any of them how much they mean to me. so you... you don't need to say anything, but nightfall i... i love you. when you mentored flintspark, you became a crucial part of our family but i think i've loved you for a long time before that and i just want you to know how much you mean to my kits, but also to me."
indent"aspenwish... i love you too, i have for a long time. i just never knew how to say it, because when we first met... i was a different cat. i've grown a lot over the moons, and i knew then i couldn't give you what you needed, because i couldn't be the cat that you wanted me to be. but i'm different now, and i know a lot more. i know what love means, because i feel it for you, but also for your kits. i just wish i would have been here for you longer, but i'm here now, and i'm never going to leave your side," nightfall promised, leaning forward so that he could lean his forehead against aspenwish's. "let me be by your side for the rest of our lives, so i can take care of you, and you can take care of me. would you make the happiest cat to ever live by being my mate?"
indentaspenwish looked into his eyes, and he swore that, in that moment, he fell in love a thousand times over. nothing in the world mattered, not so long as he was standing at her side, as long as they supported one another, protected one another, loved one another. "of course, nightfall," she said, and he choked out a sob, one of joy, twining his tail with hers. "i love you."
indent"i love you," he echoed. "i'll love you with every breath i take, with every gust of wind on the moor. i'll love you forever."
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[ ✦ quickclan 34 ]

Postby eagle, » Mon Jan 06, 2020 7:38 am

      total 117 : ♂ 57 ♀ 59 nb 1 | servings 18 (+119) | moonpool anytime | pebbles 61 | mod kacchan, | archives xx xx | font credits xx xxx



indent"you do know that you don't need to push yourself if you don't feel up to this, right?" worry was etched on snakespots' face, even if he was trying his best to hide it. up ahead, kestrelblaze was talking with thunderstomp, the stocky tom's laugh cutting through the gust of wind that swept across the moorland as they headed towards the training hollow. on frogpaw's other side, falconflight hummed his agreement with the spotted warrior, though frogpaw merely bounded ahead a step of them, relishing in the feeling of the way his muscles flexed with each movement.
indent"you heard alpinemask," frogpaw pointed out to his father. "he said that my back's fine, that it was just a few bruised muscles from when i fell. but i've rested, and now i'm ready." he watched as snakespots and falconflight exchanged a sideways glance, before his mentor flashed frogpaw an encouraging smile.
indent"of course, we just want to make sure that you feel okay with everything. if you feel any pain, then you need to tell us, so we can help you," falconflight reasoned. "there's no shame in waiting another moon for your assessment." but frogpaw wouldn't hear of it, instead waving his tail as if to wave the words out of the air, and falconflight's smile only widened in the face of his apprentice's determination. "alright, then let's see what you've got and see how ready you are for your assessment."
indent"i'm ready," frogpaw repeated. "i'm ready as i'll ever be."
indentat the same moment, kestrelblaze called out from ahead of the rest of the group, thunderstomp letting out an amused laugh. "c'mon, for the tallest and fastest warrior in the clan, you are pretty slow," she called to her father, who narrowed his eyes at her.
indent"big words," snakespots called back. "we'll see who's talking in a little while." in response, kestrelblaze tipped her head back when she laughed, then turning back to thunderstomp. together, the pair descended into the training hollow, and the rest of the group was left to follow in their lead.
indentit was only a short time later that frogpaw circled thunderstomp, the other tom crouched low to the ground, his eyes fixed on frogpaw as they sized one another up. it certainly wasn't the first time they had sparred, and they were more than familiar with one another from many moons of training, which made it difficult for either of them to gain an advantage. where frogpaw was lithe, all legs and speed, thunderstomp was bigger, easily outmatching him in weight and muscle thunderstomp wasn't nearly as quick as frogpaw, but frogpaw didn't have the strength that thunderstomp had. nearby, kestrelblaze was sitting with their father and falconflight, and she called out encouragement, though frogpaw was too focused to hear what she was saying, and it seemed that thunderstomp felt the same. at last, when it seemed that one of them had to make the first move, frogpaw darted in, one paw lashing out, though thunderstomp easily swatted it away, only to go on the offensive and lunge at frogpaw. however, just as expected, frogpaw was able to easily dance out of range, then swiftly ducking back in to land a swift strike against thunderstomp's shoulder.
indentthey continue like that, testing one another, moving in and out, using their strengths to deflect the other, landing only the lightest taps. until, at last, they both dared to move at the same time, and frogpaw felt the world tilt when thunderstomp's paw caught him under the chest, knocking him off-balance and he landed sideways at an awkward angle for just a moment, the world froze, and frogpaw watched thunderstomp's expression wash with concern and guilt, fearful that he had hurt his friend. but, despite the moment of shock, there was no splitting pain, no agony like he had felt when he fell. with that realization, frogpaw kicked out, knocking thunderstomp's foreleg out from under him. "i'm fine," frogpaw panted when he found his paws. snakespots and kestrelblaze were standing when he glanced over his shoulder, though falconflight was still sitting, his smile proud. "keep going," frogpaw urged to thunderstomp, who seemed to hesitate for a moment, before he resolved. they began again, circling one another as before. but there was a new boldness to their steps, a new energy that lacked the uncertainty from before: frogpaw wasn't fragile, on the brink of breaking. he was ready.
indentand he felt pride bubble from his stomach when, finally, he managed to topple thunderstomp, tripping the tom up and slamming his forepaws into the warrior's shoulders, then following through, throwing his own weight behind it to hold thunderstomp down. when they stood again and thunderstomp was shaking out his fur, frogpaw looked eagerly to his father and mentor. snakespots' smile was so wide, so proud, and falconflight nodded approvingly. "that was good, frogpaw. thunderstomp, you too, but you're going to have to try harder to keep up with him." frogpaw's maw twitched with his own smile, only to dissolve into laughter when snakespots bumped his shoulder against falconflight's.
indent"you may be his mentor, but he inherted all of his skills from my side of the family."
indent"that was all him," falconflight said after the laughter had subsided. "you're ready."
indentat that, frogpaw straightened up. "i know."

indentthe cold weather turned the grass brittle, and it scratched against vermilionpaw's pads when he followed his mentor through the field. twiteflight, already, was proving a good mentor. she was understanding, and exceptionally kind to the young ginger tom. she had a good sense of humor and liked to crack jokes, sometimes aimed at roselight when the mentors gathered their apprentices together for a session, other times just to make vermilionpaw loosen up and smile. as much as vermilionpaw liked the chance to train with his friends, he already felt like he was being left behind. valerianpaw had mastered the hunter's crouch in one afternoon, and amaryllispaw said that he was working on memorizing where all of the best hunting spots were, and how he could corner rabbits into spaces that would make it difficult for them to escape his claws. though vermilionpaw didn't voice his anxieties out loud, twiteflight must have noticed the change in his demeanor, because that afternoon she suggested that she show him a few important landmarks on the territory, and take the chance to get away from the training hollow for the day.
indent"this spot is very important," twiteflight was saying as they walked. though twiteflight wasn't nearly the largest warrior in quickclan by any means, vermilionpaw still felt that he had to push himself to keep up with her. she moved with grace, her steps bouncing even after they had crossed most of the moorland and fields, and vermilionpaw stamped down on the weariness of his muscles. "you must've heard lots of stories about it already, from the warriors, the apprentices, the queens." the sun shone brightly overhead, dazzling in the young tom's eyes when he looked toward the horizon, but he blinked rapidly, and a large shape came into focus.
indent"this is the barn," vermilionpaw heard himself say. his voice seemed to echo around the field, and the sky grew darker the closer they came. fear stilled his paws and kept him suddenly rooted to the ground, but the barn loomed ever closer. when he tried to turn his head to look to twiteflight, he found that he suddenly couldn't move, paralyzed by fear, perhaps. "twiteflight, i want to go home."
indent"you need to know what happened here," a voice said, and it no longer sounded like his sweet mentor. the voice was deeper, masculine, and vermilionpaw's whimper was caught in his throat. "you need to know about the cats who were killed here. about how they fought for their home, about how hard they fought just to survive."
indent"i've heard the stories!" vermilionpaw cried, and the sky grew darker, darker, darker. mist gathered around his paws, seeping from the yawning mouth of the barn door, held wide open. instead, eyes gleamed, staring at him from the shadows, and he heard his name echoed, calling out to him. "i wanna go home, please, please, please." he felt tears burning his eyes, streaming down his cheeks, but he still couldn't bring his body to move. instead, it was all he could do to scream until his throat was raw, and then scream louder. "help!" he called. "someone, help me!" he didn't know who exactly he was hoping to come to his rescue. valerianpaw, perhaps, or amaryllispaw. or his mother, or twiteflight. anyone who would hear his screams and know that he needed help.
indent"vermilionpaw!" another voice called, distantly. it didn't come from the barn, but far away. the other voices were louder, more urgent, and the deep voice sounded so close to his ear, he could have sworn he felt breath ruffle his fur, but he couldn't look to see.
indent"you need to know -" it was saying.
indent"- you need to know -"
indent"vermilionpaw, please, come on!" a little closer now.
indenta flash of red at his peripherals. "- you need to learn!"
indent"vermilionpaw!" closer, closer. "wake up!" even closer, close enough to touch. then his eyes flew open. the barn and the fields were gone, and he felt his chest expand with a large inhale, eyes hovering over him. but they weren't the gleaming eyes from the barn: these were friendly, worried, and he recognized his two best friends staring down at him. "you're awake, thank starclan." the voice belonged to amaryllispaw, and his familiar form appeared to slump with relief.
indent"you were having a nightmare," valerianpaw said, and her eyes were round with fear. "a bad one. you were thrashing and kicked amaryllispaw, and your mouth kept opening like you were screaming... i've never seen anything like it." vermilionpaw managed to sit up, and he gazed around the rest of the den. it didn't seem as though anyone else had been woken up by his dreaming. frogpaw and oleanderpaw were asleep on the far side of the den, where it was warmest, and heronpaw and scorpionpaw shared a nest not too far from them. fallowpaw rolled over in her sleep where she was beside rampaw and cariboupaw, the latter of whom sniffed, even in his sleep. pinepaw and crakepaw shared around nest, pinepaw's chin resting on crakepaw's back while they slept.
indent"i've never had a dream like it before," vermilionpaw admitted, and amaryllispaw leveled a concerned glance at him. "i'm sorry for waking you."
indent"no, no, don't apologize. do you want to talk about it?" amaryllispaw asked, and vermilionpaw shook his head quickly. "okay, then let's go back to sleep." vermilionpaw nodded at that, and settled back down in his nest, curling tightly around himself while valerianpaw muttered a few words of good night. it was only when he felt amaryllispaw climb into his nest beside him that vermilionpaw shot his friend a questioning look. "is this okay? i just thought -"
indent"no, this is fine," vermilionpaw said quickly, settling again, this time making sure that amaryllispaw had room. "are you okay?" he asked when they were both curled together in a mound of ginger fur.
indent"yeah, yeah," came the reply, and amaryllispaw already sounded half-asleep. vermilionpaw envied him. "if you need me, i'm right here." and that, if nothing else, helped soothe vermilionpaw's nerves and made it just a little easier to close his eyes and let the darkness pull him back down again.

indentwhen frogpaw stepped out of the apprentices' den, he was immediately caught in the whirlwindof activity that came whenever cyanstar called a clan meeting. heronpaw pushed past frogpaw, squeezing out of the den to race down the path to the main hollow, scorpionpaw calling out to his brother before he, too, brushed against frogpaw on his way out. he spotted charredpaw and lagoonpaw already down by the wind rock, nodding along to whatever splashfall and mintstem were saying to them, and starlingkit and smokekit bounded from the nursery, their excitement visible even from where frogpaw was standing.
indent"how're you feeling?" frogpaw glanced over his shoulder in time to watch oleanderpaw shake out his pelt and pad over to meet him at the entrance of the den.
indent"i checked with alpinemask and gorseberry this morning," frogpaw said with a shrug. "they said my back's healed now and -"
indent"no, no," oleanderpaw cut him off with a laugh, bumping his shoulder against frogpaw's. the wiry red tom wore an amused smile, and his whiskers twitched when frogpaw blinked at him, uncertain. "i asked how you're feeling. you know? like, are you excited? really excited? too excited to describe?" down below, the clan continued to gather together as hawkrise and sagetuft helped junipersky and pearsblossom from the nursery, the latter queens due any day. aspenwish and willowfrost made room for their denmates, who settled down with them. together, oleanderpaw and frogpaw began the trek down to reach the rest of the clan, and a whooping shout went up from the top of the camp, where roselight stood, hollowfang coming up behind his friend, carrying a hare from their hunting patrol.
indent"oh," frogpaw said, letting his shoulder brush oleanderpaw's when marshstripe bounded down the path, calling down to where her friends were sitting. "yeah, yeah, of course i'm excited. kestrelblaze said that she's been saving room for me in the warriors' den." he paused for a moment, sparing oleanderpaw a sideways glance. "you should be with us."
indentbut oleanderpaw merely hummed, his expression giving nothing away. he shrugged nonchalantly. "nah, i started my training late. and ploverflame's been saying that it's not that great, probably since tallpeak's been putting her on dawn patrols lately, and you know how ploverflame is."
indent"she never was good at waking up on time. not that you're one to talk," frogpaw supplied, and oleanderpaw's smile widened.
indent"runs in the family, i guess. so i'd like to be there up with you, but i'll get there in time, and then you'll get to hear me complain about dawn patrols." it was easy to forget that oleanderpaw was one of redstar's sons. his fur wasn't as red as redstar's was, and no where close to cardinalheart, but there were certain moments when the sun hit just right, when oleanderpaw tipped his head just right, that frogpaw couldn't help but be struck by his friend's resemblance to his father and older brother. frogpaw paused mid-step, but oleanderpaw's eyes had turned to where cyanstar climbed the wind rock, and he nudged frogpaw with his nose. "go on, don't be late to your own naming. i'll meet you down there!" oleanderpaw urged, and it was all frogpaw could to do smile at his friend before rushing down the rest of the path, then to weave among the crowd to where falconflight and his father were waiting for him. snakespots shot frogpaw a crooked smile.
indent"glad to see that falconflight trained you to be punctual," snakespots said, and frogpaw purred when falconflight merely shrugged and glanced towards snakespots.
indent"what was it you said the other day? that he inherited all his skills from you?" that earned a hearty laugh from snakespots, though he quieted when cyanstar peered down into the crowd and let out a laugh of his own.
indent"you know, it really does warm my heart to see our clan in high spirits today. we do have a lot to be thankful for today, and it's my great pleasure to welcome more apprentices and warriors to our ranks this evening, as more cats begin and complete their training." with that, the quickclan leader nodded to the front of the crowd, where starlingkit and smokekit were waiting, though the twin kits found their paws immediately. starlingkit rushed forward, though smokekit followed a step behind, as if trying to reign in her eagerness as well. "from this moment forward, until you have received your warrior names, you will be known as starlingpaw and smokepaw. starlingpaw, your mentor will be ravengaze. though he is a young warrior, ravengaze has shown his skills in helping organizing training sessions, and you will find that he has much to teach you, despite his age. i just hope that he'll be able to match your eagerness," cyanstar said, and ravengaze padded forward from the crowd, appearing rather awed, before he leaned down to greet his new apprentice. with a respectful nod to cyanstar, the dark warrior led his apprentice towards the rest of the clan, and all eyes turned to smokepaw. "and, smokepaw, your mentor will be oakseed. oakseed, too, has proven himself many times over since he first came to quickclan. i encourage you to watch him closely, as he's oe of quickclan's strongest warriors, and is very capable of passing his knowledge onto others." cheers erupted from the clan as oakseed met smokepaw, and the pair joined ravengaze and starlingpaw. the clan's newest apprentices touched noses, and frogpaw smiled at the sight of their twin broad smiles.
indentwhen the clan had settled again, cyanstar descended from the wind rock and lifted his chin. "this really is one of my favorite moments. when we, as a clan, are able to see the growth of a kit into an apprentice, and then into a warrior. privetfang... though she wasn't with quickclan long, was a full member of this clan, and we remember her as a clever cat with a good heart. i know that she is looking down on her kits from starclan as they receive their full names. and i'm also honored to give frogpaw his full name, now that he has healed. so, with this in mind, i call upon quickclan of past and present to look down upon these apprentices, and to accept them, now, as full warriors of our clan." it seemed that the entire clan was holding its breath when cyanstar directed his gaze first to lagoonpaw. "lagoonpaw, do you swear to uphold the principals we hold most sacred, to protect the clan with all of your body and mind?"
indentthe young tom's smile was wide and proud, and he swept his tail when he spoke for all to hear: "i do."
indent"then from this moment forward, you shall be known as lagooneyes, for your keen sense of perception. starclan honors your thoughtful ingenuity and intelligence, as we welcome you as a full warrior of quickclan." the hollow echoed back the loud cheers from the clan cats when lagooneyes was received into their ranks, only to quiet down when cyanstar waved charredpaw forward. "charredpaw, do you swear to uphold the principles we hold most sacred, to protect the clan with all of your body and mind?"
indentmuch like lagooneyes, there was no hesitation in charredpaw's voice. "i do!"
indent"then from now on, your full name is to be charredshadow, for your ability to slip through darkness effortlessly while on the hunt. starclan honors your level-headedness and eagerness to learn from your environment. we are honored to have you as a full warrior of quickclan." though charredshadow and lagooneyes had no other family in the clan, the cheers that went up from the crowd were resounding, and the pair leaned against one another before attention finally turned to frogpaw, who had watched the pair with admiration and respect, sharing in their joy and accomplishments. "frogpaw, do you swear to uphold the principles we hold most sacred, to protect the clan with all of your body and mind?"" cyanstar asked when the clearing had fallen quiet again.
indent"i do," frogpaw answered.
indent"i'm honored to say that, from this moment forward, you will be known as frogwatcher, for your ability to observe others and see what is happening for what it means. starclan honors your attention to detail and warm spirit, and i am pleased to welcome you as a quickclan warrior." for the final time that night, cyanstar stepped back to give his clan room for celebration. frogwatcher could only gasp when he was struck from the side, and he turned to see kestrelblaze grinning at him, her happiness palpable.
indent"frogwatcher! it suits you, and i'm almost willing to admit that you might have gotten a name almost as nice as mine," kestrelblaze teased, and frogwatcher rolled his eyes.
indent"oh, mine is definitely better," he teased back, letting out a laugh when his sister shoved at his shoulder. before frogwatcher had the chance to shove her back, however, snakespots stepped between his kits and nuzzled them both, his purr making his whole body vibrate.
indent"i want you both to know that i'm so proud of you," snakespots purred, and they each leaned on their father's shoulders, eliciting another rumbling purr from their father. "i know that your mother would be proud too, and turtledove as well. you've both worked so hard."
indent"but remember there's always more work to be done," that was falconflight, who stepped forward to touch his nose to frogwatcher's. "never forget these moments, and hold them close. remember them, but never forget to keep moving forward, there's still so much for you to do."
indent"when did you get so wise?" snakespots questioned falconflight, who flicked his tail dismissively.
indent"someone has to be," falconflight said, shrugging his shoulders. "and we all knew from the early days that it wasn't you." snakespots balked, but there was no heat in the ginger tom's word, and frogwatcher gazed up at his mentor.
indent"thank you for everything," he said, and falconflight purred happily.
indent"anything for you, you were a good apprentice." falconflight must have seen the moment that frogwatcher noticed oleanderpaw's approach, the ruddy tom standing back a bit to let the family finish their celebration. falconflight's smile widened slightly and he nodded to frogwatcher. "off you go, then, son. celebrate and enjoy." when frogwatcher glanced towards his father and sister, it was to find that they were caught up in their own conversation, and falconflight winked at the new warrior. "go on."
indentas before, oleanderpaw wore an amused smile, though he leaned forward to brush his cheek against frogwatcher's. "congratulations, frogwatcher. a good name, too. i didn't know that you watch that many frogs." frogwatcher growled playfully at his friend, and oleanderpaw's grin widened. "i'm kidding, of course. it really is a good name though."
indentfrogwatcher swished his tail. "better hope that cyanstar's still got a few good names left, since you'll be up there soon." at that, oleanderpaw dipped his head and chuckled.
indent"oh, don't worry, i'll be keeping my hopes up for a good one." together, they looked up to where the wind rock was set against the twilight sky. "soon enough."

indentthe sky stretched above cardinalheart from where he sat at the edge of the camp. the moorland sunsets were always beautiful, and there were so many that he wished he could imprint in his mind, to hold close forever in my memory as another day that he had lived, another day that was worth rising and living to the fullest. the moments of peace, with golden light cascading down onto the rolling moorland, with all of its dips and rises, the hills and grassy fields. in these moments, he could almost fool himself that he could see the whole world, though he had seen so much more now than when he was just a kit. in the distance, he could just make out the faintest glimpse of the barn; in the distance, he could see the mountains of hazeclan's territory. but he knew that there was much more out there, much more that he would never get a chance to journey to, and some that he had. groveclan, where the same sunset would fall towards the horizon, silhouetting the trees, so different from the open quickclan territory, so beautiful in its own way.
indentthe wind was cold when it swept across the moor and buffeted cardinalheart, though he didn't mind in that moment. he felt, for once, a deep serenity that had burrowed deep in his bones. though there was so much in the clan that had gone wrong, so much that he knew he should be deepened saddened by, cardinalheart just felt at peace. above the sunset, beyond the stains of pink and orange, a deep blue painted the sky, dotted by faraway stars. one of them was mulestomp, another sparrowcall, another flurrywind. piperskip, rivuletpaw, sootstone, dustear... heatpaw... redstar. all of them, waiting, watching, waiting. they were gone, but not also not gone, and there was a lot to be thankful for in the moment. cardinalheart had friends that he loved with every inch of himself, a clan that still managed to come together after tragedies, he had the ability to run until he was breathless, to run through the mountains of hazeclan, into the groveclan trees... wherever his paws could take him.
indent"i was hoping we'd find you here," a voice called out, breaking cardinalheart from his thoughts, and he turned his head to see fleetingmoon bounding towards him, webtail and ploverflame only a step behind. there was a large grin on fleetingmoon's face, and he leaned forward to touch his nose to cardinalheart's, before ploverflame squeezed past him to settle against the red tom's flank. "dovewish's sitting guard, and she said that you mentioned watching the sunset. i thought you had gone to groveclan and we missed you." fleetingmoon settled on cardinalheart's other side, and webtail took the space beside ploverflame.
indent"i wouldn't have made it in time," cardinalheart said, licking ploverflame between the ears, letting out a low laugh when she scrunched up her face at the gesture. he rested his chin atop his sister's head, suddenly struck but how much she had grown over the moons, now as tall as he. no longer the kit he met all those moons ago, but a warrior now. "and i'll probably be there soon enough, whenever flintspark and autumnpaw go for more training." the trips remained relatively frequent, with flintspark jumping at the chance whenever he could, regardless of whether or not autumnpaw was going for training as well. the dark warrior did his best to catch whenever gorseberry was going to visit dusklight - which was often enough - and cardinalheart offered to go with his friend when he wasn't assigned to patrols. otherwise, the rest of the group had slowly broken away, with nightfall busy with valerianpaw, and peckernose taking on his fair share of patrols. it helped that redstar and badgerstar had been such good friends, that the ties between their clans were so strong, and growing stronger each day, it seemed.
indent"do you think he's watching the sunset too?" ploverflame asked after a long beat of silence, and cardinalheart stiffened for a long moment before letting out a long sigh. in turn, ploverflame let out a gentle laugh, nudging cardinalheart. "you're allowed to admit that you like him, you know."
indent"he's my best friend," cardinalheart said, but he knew that it was the same phrase he'd been saying for moons, the same snap of words that came out in his own defense. they were stock words, true in that falcongaze was his best friend, but false in that cardinalheart knew that his feelings had deepened considerably since their first meeting. his best friend, yes, but he was more than that. at the sound of fleetingmoon's laugh, cardinalheart sighed again. "it's complicated, and i doubt you all came up here just to bug me," he added, and fleetingmoon fell silent for a long moment. instead, cardinalheart's eyes found webtail's.
indent"i've been talking to fleetingmoon ever since larchbriar came here," webtail began sheepishly, scuffing the ground with his forepaw. "he told me that redstar told you that we had more siblings and i... i think that we should do something about it."
indent"what d'you mean?" ploverflame asked, blinking up at their brother, and webtail ducked his head when he shrugged.
indent"we lost heatpaw, and clearly we must have more siblings that we don't know about. but... those of us who are here, shouldn't we at least try to connect to them and try and be a family?"
indentfleetingmoon snorted, flicking his tail. "talk about a big family. dear old dad liked to bring back a lot of kits." fleetingmoon let out a bitter laugh, and cardinalheart nodded. "us, rainypath, owletcry, starlingpaw, smokepaw -"
indent"oleanderpaw, vermilionpaw, crakepaw, rampaw, cariboupaw -" ploverflame continued.
indent"pinepaw, scorpionpaw, heronpaw... there are a lot of us," cardinalheart concluded, looking back to webtail, who shrugged again.
indent"and? if dad told you to look out for ploverflame and the rest of the kits -" webtail started, but cardinalheart turned his face away from his brother.
indent"i remember what redstar told me," cardinalheart said curtly. there was a long pause then, until cardinalheart closed his eyes and exhaled. "but... redstar's dead. larchbriar's here to take care of crakepaw, pinepaw, rampaw, and cariboupaw. vermilionpaw has honeyflower. heronpaw and scorpionpaw, and starlingpaw and smokepaw all have each other." he felt the gazes of his brothers and sister boring into his pelt, but cardinalheart kept his eyes closed. he thought of peace, of sunsets and the walks through groveclan. he thought of his best friend, of the warmth of his fur and his laugh. "i spent a long time doing what redstar asked, and i wouldn't take any of it back. i love you all, but right now... shouldn't i be able to take care of myself? redstar's dead, and my mother and my littermates... they're not here. i'm alone."
indentploverflame let out a wounded noise from where she was still tucked into cardinalheart's flank. "you're not alone -"
indent"i have you guys, i know i do. but... things have changed." finally, he blinked his eyes open again. to webtail, cardinalheart tipped his head to one side. "if you want to be a big family, i think that's great. and i'll help where i can but... i also need some time for myself, too." only a sliver of the sun was still visible above the horizon, and the deep blue of the night intruded into the rest of the sky, letting the stars shine brighter. the moon hung over their heads, and cardinalheart licked between ploverflame's ears again. "redstar told me to look out for you so you wouldn't be alone. but none of you are alone here anymore. and we're all growing up." at that, he rose and leaned across to touch his nose to each of his siblings' cheeks in turn, offering a tight smile. "the sunset's over and i'm getting tired. i think i'm going to turn in for the night."
indentwhen he began to pad back towards the path to camp, ploverflame called out to him: "cardinalheart -" she started, but fleetingmoon stopped her.
indent"let him go," fleetingmoon said, his eyes following cardinalheart's back. he nodded then to webtail. "he'll come around. right now, we just need to come up with the plan on our own. okay?" ploverflame hesitated, looking to fleetingmoon only when cardinalheart was out of sight, descending into the camp. then she nodded to him, and fleetingmoon returned the gesture. "okay, here's what i'm thinking..."

indentin her dreams, miranda was young. her joints didn't ache as they did now, her muscles felt more limber, and her senses were sharper. in her dreams, she could fight a bear without getting a scratch on her. in her dreams, she was never cold; it could rain and there would never be a drop of water on her fur. in her dreams, her son remained a kit, wide-eyed with soft ginger fur and eyes wide with curiosity as he followed a butterfly to watch where it would fly away to. in her dreams, nothing bad happened. there was no war, she was never a spy. her son never died, and her new home was never threatened. but they were just dreams, and waking up to the sight of layla staring at her from the long shadows of her den was a nightmare.
indentlayla had always been pretty, with long fur that she kept immaculately clean, and bright eyes the color of moss. it was no wonder that nolan fell in love with her. it wasn't that layla turned nolan bad - no, miranda wasn't that disillusioned as to her son. nolan had his problems, no doubt, and so did layla. when put with graham, miranda figured that they were only bound for trouble, though she never could have imagined that her wide-eyed kit and the pretty calico would ever be the cause of so much bloodshed, so much pain.
indent"oh, good, you're awake," lilacshadow said when miranda blinked and pushed herself up into a seated position. her voice was like honey, but hid a stinger, and miranda knew that any love layla might have once had for miranda was gone, gone the moment miranda stopped answering nolan's signals for information, the moment nolan died.
indent"is there something i can help you with, lilacshadow?" miranda asked the queen, and lilacshadow's smile showed off sharp teeth.
indent"yes, actually. the other queens were talking before about how their kits love to listen to your stories. and it got me wondering why you haven't come to the nursery recently... why you haven't come to meet my kits."
indent"the nursery's been very crowded lately -" miranda began, only to be cut off when lilacshadow's ears fell flat against her head and she hissed.
indent"liar," she hissed. "you're a liar." then, like nothing happened, lilacshadow righted herself, and she paused to smooth down her chest fur. "no matter, i'd like for you to meet them. you'd like them. you've always liked kits. and mine are quite cute." the question lingered on miranda's tongue, what she feared and wanted most, the reason she hadn't been able to bring herself to the nursery: how many of them looked like their father. lilacshadow must have guessed her thoughts, or guessed what she would want to know, for the queen didn't keep her waiting. "one of my sons... knollkit. i can already tell that he's destined for something great. he doesn't look exactly like his father but... oh, he's a good reflection. already, he's so curious, he wants to know everything. he's going to be a strong cat, the one that won't be so easily pushed around so easily. he's going to have a fire in him, i can tell. i can see it."
indentmiranda swept her tail over her paws and nodded once, curtly, to the pretty queen. "i'm sure you can, and i'm sure he will. i'm sure that he's going to grow up to be a strong warrior." though lilacshadow's laugh was chilling, miranda schooled her question, gave away nothing that the other molly could sink her claws into.
indent"a warrior," lilacshadow echoed, then letting out another piercing laugh. "he'll be the best of them all. he'll make warriors crawl at his paws." it was a scary thought, indeed, what would become with the kits, knowing their mother, but miranda could do nothing in the moment, except listen when lilacshadow rose and paced forward until their noses were nearly touching. "i just wish that you'd be able to see just how great he's going to become. if only you weren't a traitor, miranda... a true shame. you might have been able to mean something to him, to me, to nolan. but now you're nothing, and you're always going to be nothing."
indentmiranda sniffed absently. "i would rather be nothing than know that i was responsible for murders."
indent"but you were, miranda, you were. you were, you are, and you always will be responsible," lilacshadow whispered in the space between them. "you're a traitor. clan blood and the blood of your own son stain your paws. never forgot that."
indent"i could never forget," miranda answered stiffly. "but i don't need you to remind me of what i've done. i'm very aware of my own choices. now, i'm going to sleep. good night, i hope your kits get lots of rest for their bright futures ahead." lilacshadow merely grinned at that, and she said nothing else to the scarred elder before she turned around and padded out of miranda's line of sight. for a long time after that, miranda could only sit in her nest, eyes fixed to the entrance, knowing that, somewhere, lilacshadow was waiting, waiting, waiting for her. it was not easy to rest knowing that a monster lay only steps away, just waiting for her chance to strike.

→ actions
consumption quickclan eats six big fish
rank changes pinepaw and crakepaw are ready to take their assessments. if they pass, they will be renamed pinerunner and crakesnap
waspkit, copperkit, chaserkit, accentorkit, and sedgekit are old enough to become apprentices
hunting tallpeak, marshstripe, dartersplash, bouldertooth, mintstem, and canaryleap
eagleheart, thistlestrike, kindleflare, cardinalheart, fleetingmoon, and flamestrike
cyanstar, falconflight, brightcreek, canaryleap, plumblossom, and birchface
splashfall, swiftscreech, ravengaze, owletcry, webtail, and kestrelblaze
brackenrose, oriolefeather, peckernose, grassthorn, rowanfoot, and hollowfang
border patrols duneserpent, marshstripe, hollyfur, rainypath, patchwing, and valleymist
oakseed, loonlight, acorntail, minnowjump, coyotesnarl, and sunnyheart
training oleanderpaw, fallowpaw, heronpaw, and scorpionpaw learn swimming
rampaw and cariboupaw learn fishing
vermilionpaw, valerianpaw, and amaryllispaw learn stalking
smokepaw and starlingpaw learn agility
kittings pearsblossom is giving birth! the father is willowthroat of groveclan. alpinemask gives her x1 borage
junipersky is kitting! the father is an unknown loner. alpinemask gives her x1 chervil
herb hunting gorseberry and autumnpaw look for herbs
medicine cats alpinemask gives junipersky x1 borage
notes in the case of death rolls, please only target those underlined. thank you! xx


cyanstar, 50m, ♂
7 lives remaining

tallpeak, 62m, ♀

alpinemask, 55m, ♂ - 6sp
gorseberry, 36m, ♂ - 6sp

autumnpaw, 18m, ♀

larchbriar, 72m, ♀
snakespots, 67m, ♂
coyotesnarl, 64m, ♂
honeyflower, 60m, ♀
sweetecho, 59m, ♀
blizzardrush, 57m, ♀
brackenrose, 55m, ♀
falconflight, 55m, ♂
flowerskip, 55m, ♀
splashfall, 54m, ♂
hickorypatch, 54m, ♀
nightfall, 52m, ♂
hollyfur, 48m, ♀
eagleheart, 48m, ♂
thistlestrike, 47m, ♀
kindleflare, 47m, ♀
fluffytuft, 45m, ♂
oakseed, 43m, ♂
duneserpent, 42m, ♂
loonlight, 41m, ♀
bluesky, 41m, ♂
patchwing, 38m, ♀
treespirit, 37m, ♂
berrypad, 36m, ♀
whitesnow, 36m, ♀
flamestrike, 36m, ♂
alderpatch, 36m, nb
brightcreek, 35m, ♀
acorntail, 33m, ♀
minnowjump, 32m, ♂
canaryleap, 32m, ♂
chanterellestep, 31m, ♂
swiftscreech, 30m, ♀
dahliadrop, 29m, ♀
twiteflight, 28m, ♀
birchface, 27m, ♂
sproutclaw, 27m, ♂
mintstem, 27m, ♀
cherrydawn, 27m, ♀
ravengaze, 26m, ♂
grassthorn, 25m, ♀
oriolefeather, 25m, ♂
peckernose, 25m, ♂
flintspark, 25m, ♂
rowanfoot, 23m, ♂
roselight, 23m, ♂
sunnyheart, 23m, ♂
hollowfang, 22m, ♂
marshstripe, 22m, ♀
dartersplash, 22m, ♂
cardinalheart, 21m, ♂
fleetingmoon, 21m, ♂
owletcry, 21m, ♀
webtail, 21m, ♂
rainypath, 21m, ♀
bouldertooth, 20m, ♂
daffodilstem, 19m, ♀
finchthroat, 19m, ♀
cricketchirp, 19m, ♂
dandelionspring, 19m, ♀
dovewish, 19m, ♀
plumblossom, 18m, ♂
tinselstorm, 17m, ♀
magpiesong, 17m, ♂
thunderstomp, 16m, ♂
valleymist, 15m, ♀
kestrelblaze, 15m, ♀
frogwatcher, 15m, ♂
rootwhisker, 15m, ♂
hootfeather, 15m, ♀
branchbite, 15m, ♀
ploverflame, 14m, ♀
charredshadow, 13m, ♀
lagooneyes, 13m, ♂
oleanderpaw, 14m, ♂
pinepaw, 13m, ♀
crakepaw, 13m, ♂
rampaw, 13m, ♂
cariboupaw, 13m, ♂
fallowpaw, 11m, ♀
heronpaw, 10m, ♂
scorpionpaw, 10m, ♂
vermilionpaw, 8m, ♂
valerianpaw, 8m, ♀
amaryllispaw, 8m, ♂
starlingpaw, 7m, ♂
smokepaw, 7m, ♀
willowfrost, 69m, ♀
wrenkit, 3m, ♂
ibiskit, 3m, ♂
twisted leg
pigeonkit, 3m, ♀
phoebekit, 3m, ♀
aspenwish, 53m, ♀
due in 2m
junipersky, 52m, ♀
due now
lilacshadow, 51m, ♀
lambkit, 2m, ♂
knollkit, 2m, ♂
dragonflykit, 2m, ♀
eveningkit, 2m, ♀
beetlekit, 2m, ♀
pearsblossom, 38m, ♀
due now
hawkrise, 38m, ♀
waspkit, 6m, ♂
copperkit, 6m, ♂
chaserkit, 6m, ♂
accentorkit, 6m, ♀
sedgekit, 6m, ♀
sagetuft, 29m, ♀
houndkit, 4m, ♀
verglaskit, 4m, ♀
hemlockkit, 5m, ♂

miranda, 117m, ♀


gorseberry, autumnpaw, 4
snakespots, oleanderpaw, 3
sproutclaw, pinepaw, 4
cherrydawn, crakepaw, 4
sweetecho, rampaw, 3
blizzardrush, cariboupaw, 3
fluffytuft, fallowpaw, 3
chanterellestep, heronpaw, 3
hickorypatch, scorpionpaw, 3
twiteflight, vermilionpaw, 1
nightfall, valerianpaw, 1
roselight, amaryllispaw, 1
ravengaze, starlingpaw, 0
oakseed, smokepaw, 0


minnow, x25, 1 serving
mouse, x23, 1 serving
vole, x11, 1 serving
rabbit, x15, 2 servings
small fish, x17, 2 servings
squirrel, x15, 2 servings
hare, x12, 3 servings
big fish, x7, 3 servings
bird, x13, 3 servings
total: 249 servings
hazeclan, nightwolf950
groveclan, solyn


north, hazeclan, nightwolf950
north-east, n/a, n/a
north-west, n/a, n/a
east, n/a, n/a
west, quartzclan, miles morales
south, n/a, n/a
south-east, n/a, n/a
south-west, swiftclan, phina d wolf
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[ ✦ quickclan 35 ]

Postby eagle, » Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:21 am

      total 126 : ♂ 63 ♀ 62 nb 1 | servings 20 (+133) | moonpool anytime | pebbles 65 | mod kacchan, | archives xx xx | font credits xx xxx



indentwhen hawkrise let her eyes fall close, it was from finding solace in the moment, in her kits' voices as they played, with the warmth of duneserpent beside her as her best friend took a nap after coming back from patrol, the smell of wind and sun still clinging in his fur, of aspenwish's laugh from where the other queen was lying only a few steps away with nightfall. she was grateful for the warm day, for the chance for her kits to be let out to stretch their legs and play while junipersky tended to her nest-ful of newborn kits, and the new queen, astercloud, had the chance to settle in. duneserpent huffed in his sleep, stretching out even further when hawkrise opened her eyes, and the tabby queen let out an airy laugh at the sight of her friend. it was only when she looked up that she caught aspenwish's eye, and the older molly smiled at her. "nightfall said that he brought down a massive rabbit this morning," aspenwish commented amicably, and nightfall flicked his ears.
indent"you should've seen it, even snakespots was impressed at how fast he ran to catch up to it. it's no wonder he's exhausted," nightfall added, and hawkrise grinned down at the sleeping warrior, amused.
indent"well... i'll be able to go out and see it soon enough," she said, only to laugh when sagetuft flopped down next to her and let out a long sigh.
indent"i can't believe that you're leaving me in the nursery," sagetuft bemoaned dramatically, earning a gentle laugh from aspenwish. hawkrise hushed her friend, but it was too late. already, one of duneserpent's eyes opened and he groaned low in his throat before stretching out his limbs. under hawkrise's pointed look, sagetuft merely shrugged her shoulders and rested her head against the tabby's flank. "he's napped long enough, i'm sure he's rested," she teased, craning her head to look over at duneserpent when the sand-colored tom parted his jaws in a large yawn.
indenthawkrise rolled her eyes, but softened at the way duneserpent blinked the sleep from his gaze. slowly, he pushed himself to sit upright, and hawkrise grinned down at sagetuft. "you act like you're never going to see me again. i'm going to be just a den over, and you'll be back to warrior duties soon enough." at that, hawkrise looked to where her kits were playing with sagetuft's, willowfrost's, and lilacshadow's kits. though they weren't all too far in age, it was easy to see how much of a difference only a few moons made. waspkit and copperkit looked full-grown next to lambkit, and even sagetuft's daughters stood tall over lilacshadow's kits. still, the older kits had been told to play fair, and hawkrise saw the difference where chaserkit gently batted a mossball at wrenkit, knollkit, and eveningkit whereas accentorkit and copperkit allowed themselves the chance to rougher when they wrestled. it was hard to believe that so much time had already passed from when her kits were first born, and even from when she helped sagetuft and her kits. so much, hawkrise thought to herself, had changed since then, and she wondered how much would change by the time they had finished their training.
indent"do you miss it?" that was duneserpent, his voice still slowed from his recent nap, but his eyes were bright when he looked to his best friend. "going on patrols, hunting, everything?"
indenthawkrise considered his question before nodding. "of course. it's going to feel good to get back out there and start running on the moor again. the wind we get in camp isn't anything like it is out in the open like that. but i'm also going to miss spending every moment with them. if you asked me a few seasons ago, i don't think i ever would have said that i would have liked being a mother but... i love my kits."
indentduneserpent blinked sympathetically at her, but it was aspenwish who hummed gently. "i remember feeling that why when i was first had peckernose and flintspark," the older queen said, and hawkrise's ears pricked curiously. "of course, i wasn't a warrior at first. i only came here because there was nowhere else for me to go." she shrugged nonchalantly and leaned back against nightfall, who rasped his tongue over her ear. aspenwish purred gently, and hawkrise exchanged a knowing glance with sagetuft. "quickclan was so young then. i was so young then, and you -" aspenwish looked dramatically to nightfall, who's eyes widened comically. "dear starclan, it's hard to believe that you're the same cat. i remember the days ivystripe would have to chastise you, cyanstar, splashfall, and falconflight for rough-housing on the moor." to hawkrise, duneserpent, and sagetuft, aspenwish rolled her eyes. "poor blizzardrush and brackenrose, and you would've thought that tallpeak would have gone all gray by now from the amount of stress they put her under back then."
indent"be nice," nightfall complained, resting his chin on aspenwish's shoulder. "we weren't all bad. not like these young warriors these days. you practically have to keep roselight tied down, or he'd either burn the camp down, or grassthorn'll bury him just to get him to be quiet."
indentaspenwish rolled her eyes again. "now you know how tallpeak used to feel about you," she said, earning a huff from nightfall and a round of laughs from the younger warriors. "anyway, i never thought that i was fit to be a mother to anyone. i could barely protect or take care of myself, and now i was going to have kits who needed me?" aspenwish let out a breathless laugh at that. at the same time, a tinny shout went up from nearby, and their heads turned in time to watch as houndkit and verglaskit raced by, with copperkit hot on their heels with wrenkit. the crowd of kits ran past until, at last, ibiskit urged lilacshadow's younger kits to join them. he limped beside the others as willowfrost watched from afar, the prickly queen's whiskers twitching when she noticed the attention.
indentthere was a long gap of silence as the queens, duneserpent, and nightfall watched the kits at play, though aspenwish spoke up again at the sight of ibiskit's heavy limp from his twisted paw. "i remember when flintspark and peckernose were born... i remember being so worried that the world would be too tough on them. it had killed their father, and they were so incredibly small. if i knew then what would happen after... gosh, i don't think i ever could have dealt with it."
indenthawkrise flicked her ears and leaned her head against duneserpent's shoulder. her gaze was distant, glazed over as she watched her own kits at play. sedgekit and accentorkit were gentle with the younger kits, while copperkit and waspkit tussled between themselves. there was a flash of golden tabby fur when chaserkit moved to prod houndkit, only to spin and race away when sagetuft's kit lunged at him, only to give chase while verglaskit laughed. "how'd you do it?" hawkrise asked. "how'd you let them leave the nursery, even when you know that the world is so much worse than you could even begin to think?" sagetuft opened her mouth to say something, and duneserpent wrapped his tail over hawkrise, but aspenwish managed a tight smile.
indent"i learned a few things over the moons," aspenwish said. "i learned that i couldn't do it alone, that having them be a part of a clan ensured that they would never be alone. and i also learned that even though they look plenty small right now... kits grow up quickly. they learn how to protect themselves and how to survive. what happened to flintspark and peckernose... i realized that i couldn't have stopped what happened by bundling them in moss forever. it's sad to think that peckernose will always limp, and that flintspark with never be able to see again but... they kept themselves alive and learned how to adapt. and it was up to me to learn that i can't always protect them from everything, and sometimes it's better to just be here for when they want to come back for some advice or a shoulder to lean on."
indent"they're only kits for a short time, and they're going to grow up to be better than we are now," a new voice said, and aspenwish blinked up at lilacshadow. the pretty queen had emerged from the nursery to watch her own kits playing with their denmates, and it was duneserpent who sat up to make room.
indent"there's plenty of space, come join us," he said, but lilacshadow merely shook her head.
indentto hawkrise, lilacshadow continued: "if your kits are anything like the rest of the quickclan warriors before them, they'll learn their place quickly, if you taught them well enough. our kits are the better reflections - they're what we only wished we could be, and even more." with that, lilacshadow swept her tail and turned away, save for a passing glance to where verglaskit was playing gently with ibiskit, knollkit, and lambkit. behind her, the other queens and warriors had gone back to speaking among themselves, but lilacshadow set her sights on crakepaw. the lithe tabby tom slashed at the open air, only to raise back on his hind legs, delivering a powerful downward strike onto his invisible opponent. quickly, he dropped down to roll, kicking viciously, only to spring back up to his paws. just as he spun again on his heels, lilacshadow sniffed the air thoughtfully and spoke up, startling him out of his concentration. "you need to lower your shoulders," she said. when crakepaw said nothing, merely stared at lilacshadow, she let out a heavy sigh and stepped into his line of sight. his startling green eyes watched as lilacshadow positioned herself. "if you keep your weight high on your toes, you're more likely to be knocked over, but if you lower your shoulders and square yourself, then your weight is lower and you'll be sturdier," she said, easing herself into position as she spoke.
indent"cherrydawn said it's better to keep on my toes. it'll make me faster," crakepaw commented at last, and lilacshadow sighed again.
indent"if you're built for speed like cherrydawn is, then perhaps. or if you don't plan on ever winning a fight and winding up pinned down, a cat's claws digging into your belly. then by all means, stay high and try to keep up," lilacshadow said. with that, she turned away from the apprentice. she almost didn't expect him to call after her:
indent"wait," crakepaw said, and lilacshadow offered him a cursory glance over her shoulder, waiting for him. "i... i want to do this right. can you show me again?" he asked, and lilacshadow fought back the smile that threatened to curl her mouth. "i want to pass my assessment more than anything, please."
indentlilacshadow shrugged, as if it was no matter to her. "alright, just this once. because i hear these assessments are a big deal to you young kits." she caught the glint in crakepaw's brilliant green eyes as he watched her every moment. it was a curious look, an intense expression, one that she recognized well and one that she decided suited the young tom. it was a look that barely masked the heat boiling low within him, waiting for its moment to reach its peak and explode. "i'm still getting used to these clan customs. you really want to be a warrior, huh?" she asked.
indent"there's no higher honor," crakepaw said. "than protecting my clan and fighting for them to the end."
indent"you say that like you know what it's like to fight for your life and make the tough choices," lilacshadow said thoughtfully. "you're still so young. you can't know what it's like to fight for everything you care about."
indentwhen she studied crakepaw again, it was just as she thought. sure enough, the spark in his eyes burned brilliantly, and she fought the urge to smile. "there's nothing that i wouldn't do for quickclan," he answered, and lilacshadow hummed thoughtfully.
indent"then you'd better keep your eyes open and watch closely."

indentaster leaned heavily against her friend's shoulder as they walked. the wind whipped at her soft fur, and she managed several words through her panting. "he's been gone for too long," she murmured, and aristo let out a surprised hiss when the wind shifted, nearly knocking them both off of their paws. as aristo spit angrily, his fur fluffed out in frustration, aster blew out a heavy sigh. "if bolt doesn't come back -"
indent"he'll be back," aristo cut his friend off, not missing the way aster wrinkled her nose at his bad mood. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry. i didn't mean it like that. but there's really no where for him to go. there's just fields, fields, and then some more moorland. he couldn't have gotten lost," he said.
indent"there could be badgers out here, or foxes. one of them could have gotten him," aster said, swishing her tail anxiously. though she fretted for their friend, aristo knew that her worry also came for her own unborn kits, the same kits that they left their twolegs to save. they all knew from the moment aster mentioned that she was pregnant that she would have to leave. there were too many stories on the streets of kits being taken from their mothers, sent to live in other houses, and bolt and aristo knew that it would break aster to lose her kits. she had never disclosed the father to either of them, not even in the beginning, and they resolved not to ask. instead, they offered support by offering their company into the unknown. for their part, aristo and aster had never been away from their owners before, though bolt said that he had grown up with a few loners, that he knew that a clan might resolve to take in the mother and her friends. surely, bolt had said, they weren't so savage as to turn an expectant mother away, and it had been decided.
indent"we both know that bolt's too fast for a badger to catch him," aristo commented, earning a laugh from aster, which seemed to release some of the tension in her shoulders when she leaned against her friend again, purring gently.
indent"but is he clever enough to outsmart a fox?" she asked, and aristo snorted.
indent"he would say that he is," aristo added, and aster grinned broadly. "remember the time he thought he could teach us how to catch crows and starlings in the gardens?" he asked, and aster laughed even louder at that.
indent"we have to lure them," aster said, copying bolt's lower tones in a poor imitation. she mocked his movements from the memory, pulling away from aristo to crouch low, rocking her haunches back and forth. "we'll lure them with scraps from the dinner table that the twolegs leave behind, and then wait in the bushes."
indent"and then what?" aristo asked, playing along, happy to see aster smiling for the first time since she told them that she was expecting kits. her eyes shone the pale blue to match the sky overhead, and her laugh was musical like birdsong. he loved his best friend dearly, the truest friend that he had ever had, and he knew that he would do anything for her. she was like his sister, ever since they were both kittens, and it hadn't even been a choice to follow her away from their homes.
indent"then we... well, as it turns out, bolt hadn't thought that far," aster said with a short laugh. "his owners would hate if he actually caught a bird, since it's so bloody, and by the time he finally had the chance to weigh whether it was worth being given a bath, the birds had already made off with the scraps," aster finished with a shake of her head. "outfoxed by a bird, he'd have no chance against a fox."
indenttheir laughter, however, was cut off by bolt's voice from behind, and they twisted to see their friend standing atop the rise, flanked on either side by strangers. "i told you then that those were the smartest birds to exist, ever, without a doubt. they were onto us, and we all caught the starlings the time after that," bolt said, his dark pelt rippling over his muscles when he bounded down to reconnect with his friends, the strange cats following from a distance. immediately, without any further thought, aristo stepped protectively in front of aster, who gazed at bolt and the strangers with her wide blue eyes. upon a first glance, the strangers were clearly members of one of the groups of wild cats that bolt had told them about, though aristo had, honestly, never thought that they would have been so large, with pelts that smelled of dirt and heather, with scars lacing through their fur. their claws were sharp and their whiskers twitched, but, as aristo looked longer, it was clear that they appeared curious more than anything else, and he could find no traces of hostility in their movements.
indenta young black and white tom peered around a broad-shouldered ginger molly, and a tall spotted tom dipped his head politely to the small group while the rest of the strangers hung back. a massive brown tabby eyed aristo and aster curiously before sniffing the air and scuffing the ground with his paw, and a pretty tortoiseshell offered a polite smile. "it's the three of you, then?" the spotted tom asked, and aristo glanced between bolt and the stranger.
indent"technically speaking..." he said, flicking his tail to aster, who ducked her head to lap at her chest fur.
indent"right, right. your friend mentioned that you escaped twolegs to come this far for the kits. well, if you're looking for a place to stay, quickclan is no stranger to taking in wanderers of all types, no matter where you came from," the tom said, and aristo shared a swift glance with aster before humming thoughtfully.
indent"it's safe?" he asked.
indent"very. we have had some very impressive days of hunting lately, and our medicine cats are trained to make sure that kittings run very smoothly. not to mention there are plenty of other queens to help, and their kits are always ready for new denmates to play with." as the tom kept speaking, aristo watched as aster's resolved hardened from uncertainty to curiosity that equaled how the clan cats looked at them.
indentwhen there was a lull, the little black and white tom nudged the dark brown tabby. "though we might need to teach them how to take care of hunting birds, huh?" he teased, the words aimed towards bolt, who let out a playful hiss.
indent"i'm sure i could teach you a thing or two about that, since i've been hunting long before you were born," bolt said, and the brown tabby laughed at his friend's expression, as if he hadn't been expecting bolt to have a comeback.
indent"what's wrong magpiesong?" the tabby asked, nudging the smaller tom, magpiesong, in turn. "starling got your tongue?" at with the sound of laughter resounding around them, aristo met aster's eyes, and he knew that the choice had been made. they would be going to quickclan. and it seemed that the spotted tom recognized this as well, for he grinned at the trio before nodding towards the pair of mollies on his patrol.
indent"let's get moving, then. cyanstar will be looking forward to meeting these three. magpiesong, hollowfang, try not to annoy them to death before we get home, huh?"
indent"no promies, snakespots!" magpiesong said, bounding alongside bolt and aristo, and the tabby, hollowfang, fell into step at aster's flank.
indent"have you lived in quickclan long?" she asked him, polite to make conversation, though her eyes grew wide with wonder at his answer.
indent"i was born here and lived here for most of my life," he said with a soft laugh. "i have no doubts that your kits will be very happy here, and that you'll be happy as well... er...?"
indent"aster," she said, introducing herself. "i sure hope so, but i have a good feeling about all of this. it was the right idea to leave, and i'm sure we found our way here for a reason." after a brief pause, aster hummed thoughtfully and looked to hollowfang. "so, then, tell me. what was it like to be born here? what's the life of a clan cat like?" together, the patrol headed in the direction of the sunset, chatting amicably and getting to know each other. and with every step forward, aristo had the feeling that he was one step closer to where he was supposed to be. to a new home, a better home.

indentall around sweetecho, the quickclan camp buzzed with idle chatter after the final patrols of the evening arrived back for the night. at the bottom of the path, she heard the tones of tallpeak's voice as the clan's deputy arranged several of the warriors for the moonhigh and dawn patrols. after a long day of training with rampaw, getting the young tom ready for his assessment in the coming moon, crossing the moor on an early patrol was more than enough to sap the final dregs of energy from sweetecho as she rested in the dying sunlight. a yawn parted her jaws, though sweetecho jolted upright when a voice cut through her thoughts, surprising her.
indentthe burning sunset behind honeyflower cast the other molly's fur in brilliant ginger, as if she had been set aflame, and her amber eyes glinted with amusement. "a long day, huh?" she asked, and sweetecho couldn't help but smile sheepishly.
indent"you could say that again," sweetecho purred. honeyflower didn't waste her time to settle down at sweetecho's flank, with an ease and sense of comfort that was new between them, but there was no denying the strength in the friendship forged over the past moons. without even considering it, sweetecho leaned her head to rest against honeyflower's shoulder, and the other molly purred before ducking down to groom between her friend's ears. across the clearing, the apprentices chattered excitedly, bunched around crakepaw and pinepaw who came back that afternoon with good news following their assessments. sweetecho's gaze lingered on rampaw for a long moment before she looked towards the other apprentices. oleanderpaw, the oldest of the group, grinned brightly at his denmates, before backing away to let the littermates bunch together excitedly. oleaderpaw was lithe, with long legs and a certain air of grace about him - though he was built differently than redstar, there was a clear resemblance in the way they held their heads. during her training sessions with rampaw, sweetecho thought she caught traces of redstar in her apprentice as well, and in his littermates. it was in the sturdy set of rampaw's shoulders, the way pinepaw tilted her head when considering her next tactical move, in cariboupaw's quiet observations, and in crakepaw's hardened determination. it was as though she could never look away from redstar's ghost, which lived on in all of his kits, like the lifeblood of quickclan. from cardinalheart and oleanderpaw's fiery pelts, to fleetingmoon's laugh, heronpaw's bright spirit, and smokepaw's steady gaze, redstar lived on, and sweetecho closed her eyes against the thought.
indent"do you ever think about how much has changed since we were their age?" sweetecho asked after a long moment, and she felt the beat of hesitation that came from such an unexpected question. she cleared her throat thoughtfully. "it's like - i look at them, at the kits, at the younger warriors, and i try to remember what i felt like before suddenly i was worrying about everything. does that make any sense?"
indentwhen honeyflower hummed, it was a pleasant, gentle noise in sweetecho's ear. she fought the sudden desire to curl up and breathe in honeyflower's warm scent. it was like she could live in the moment forever, with the final rays of sunlight warming her fur, with honeyflower grooming her fur. for the first time in a long time, sweetecho felt comfortable. "it makes sense," honeyflower said at last. "i look at vermilionpaw now and it's like i can hardly believe it. that i used to be his age, when my biggest concern was chasing sparrows in the garden for fun, or finding the freshest puddle to drink from outside. it's so so odd to think that i'm a mother, that he's my son, already growing up so fast," she paused for a moment's consideration and rested her head against sweetecho's. "but, on the other paw, i think about how everything feels right this way. he's my son, and though it feels like time's moved so fast, it also feels like it's right where it's supposed to be. it was time for him to be out of the nursery, for him to start moving on to start training. do you know what i mean?"
indentthis time it was sweetecho's turn to hum, cracking one eye open to look to where vermilionpaw was tussling with amaryllispaw and valerianpaw. the young ginger tom's jaws parted in a laugh when valerianpaw managed to tackle him to the ground, only for amaryllispaw to jab a paw into his stomach. vermilionpaw kicked out with his hind legs, unseating valerianpaw and batting his friends away long enough for him to get up. he shook dust from his brilliant ginger fur, only to lean against amaryllispaw's shoulder. "how has vermilionpaw been?" sweetecho asked, purring when honeyflower smiled broadly.
indent"of course, i'm sure he would throw a fit if he knew but... i've spoken to roselight about his training, and roselight said he's been picking everything up very quickly. he still needs a lot of work with battle training, especially since he's not as big or strong as amaryllispaw or the older apprentices, but i think roselight'll be a good mentor for that, especially, since he's not one of the bigger warriors either," honeyflower said, and there was warmth in her voice that sweetecho felt whenever she spoke of her own kits. "he's always been fast, though, so i'm sure once he finishes growing he'll be a very talented hunter. he'll never be as tall as snakespots or rowanfoot, so he'll be at a bit of a disadvantage there but all that matters is that he's faster than the rabbits."
indent"he's always had a lot of energy in him," sweetecho added. "and roselight's a good mentor for that. not that i'm biased, or anything."
indenthoneyflower snorted, bumping her shoulder against sweetecho's. "no, no, not at all. you only mentored roselight for a few moons." their laughs mingled in the air, creating pleasant music, and sweetecho pulled away from honeyflower far enough to stretch out her legs and to roll on her side. she stared up at her friend when honeyflower went quiet, only to fix her amber eyes on sweetecho. "do you think he'd be proud?" she asked. "i try not to think about him so much. i know i didn't know him as well as you did, or anything. but... i wonder if he'd be proud of vermilionpaw, and all of the others. so many of them were just kits when he was alive, and he won't be here to see them grow up and become warriors."
indentsweetecho was silent for a long moment before she nodded slowly. "i don't know how starclan works much but... i know that even if they can't always be with us, he's always going to be with us. i think about how badgerstar named his son after him, you know? it's in the things like that. as long as we remember those who have passed, they're always going to be with us. because we won't let them be forgotten. and that's what matters."
indenthoneyflower nodded slowly, thoughtfully. "i like the way you say that. and i think you're right. he is with us, and i'm sure he's proud."
indent"there's nothing he couldn't be proud of," sweetecho said, and together they watched the group of apprentices finally settle down for the evening as the sun finally dipped out of view and midnight blue streaked across the sky.

indentwhen cyanstar's call rang out through the camp, his clan was quick to assemble into position below the wind rock, and the lithe leader grinned down at his clan. his brilliant blue eyes scanned the clearing. there were so many faces that he had known for seasons, from splashfall's tabby and white fur, to the flash of tallpeak's ginger fur from his peripherals and falconflight's form seated at the front of the crowd among their kits, hawkrise's family, crakepaw, and pinepaw with their mentors. among all of his oldest friends, there were also so many new faces that stared up at the clan leader in wonder. asphodelstorm sat close to lightningstrike, the two newest warriors sticking together as they became accustomed to the rest of the clan, while, towards the top of the camp, cyanstar caught junipersky's eye as the new mother sat with astercloud, the newest queen, the pair not straying far from junipersky's litter of kits. a purr rumbled its way up cyanstar's throat and he finally turned back towards the clearing.
indent"another moon has come for quickclan, and i'm glad to bring so much good news as of late. we welcome lightningstrike, asphodelstorm, and astercloud into our ranks, along with junipersky's adorable kits," cyanstar began, pausing when cheers rang out from among the clan. there was no missing twiteflight's exuberant shout from where she sat beside cherrydawn and dandelionspring, or roselight's competing whoop. the newest arrivals ducked their heads politely as they accepted the praise, and cyanstar picked up again when the voices faded away. "but today marks a very special day as we welcome two new warriors and hawkrise's kits move into the apprentices' den to begin their training. we honor these cats today as they rise into their new ranks and are given their new names. so, please, celebrate with me in this joyous time. please," cyanstar said. with a flick of his tail, he signaled hawkrise's kits forward, and chaserkit didn't hesitate to race forward in front of his siblings, quivering with energy that brought a laugh from those at the front of the crowd. hawkrise let out a gasp of exasperation when waspkit charged forward with accentorkit on his heels, the trio kicking up dust, but duneserpent leaned over to his friend. hawkrise's shoulders slumped and she wore a small, pleased smile as copperkit and sedgekit joined their siblings.
indent"from this moment forward until they have received their warrior names, waspkit, copperkit, chaserkit, accentorkit, and sedgekit shall be known as wasppaw, copperpaw, chaserpaw, accentorpaw, and sedgepaw," cyanstar announced. chaserpaw let out an excited shout at the sound of his own name, and even the usually-quiet sedgepaw grinned down at her paws, swaying only slightly when accentorpaw nudged her with her shoulder. wasppaw and copperpaw exchanged wide smiles, only for the group of littermates to quiet when cyanstar turned his gaze from the new apprentices to the crowd. "wasppaw, your mentor will be coyotesnarl. though he has not been in quickclan long, it has been long enough to prove his dedication and loyalty to the clan, as well as his experience and skills. i trust that he will teach you everything he knows, and that you will find his experience useful for all of your future adventures," cyanstar announced. as he expected, coyotesnarl's expression was one of complete surprise, even as he padded forward. the lithe tom looked to tallpeak as the deputy nodded him forward, his uncertainty clear in his eyes. however, as he neared wasppaw, coyotesnarl straightened up, strong and resolute, and cyanstar knew it had been a good choice. then he turned to copperpaw. "your mentor will be grassthorn. she has had the unique experience of training in graveclan as well as quickclan, and i know that she has much to pass on. though not the most experienced, grassthorn has a lot of strength and knowledge, much of which came from her mother, piperskip, and her own apprenticeship to mothtail. listen and learn well." grassthorn's step was hesitant as she padded forward from her spot among the former-graveclan cats, but copperpaw bounded forward to meet her, his eyes shining. "chaserpaw," cyanstar's voice rang out, and the young tom bounced on his paws, his energy unmatched when his turn finally came. "your mentor will be rowanfoot. rowanfoot, also began his training in graveclan, but was then trained by your own mother. he is one of our swiftest cats, who is known for dealing with partiularly energetic cats such as roselight," cyanstar said, earning a round of laughs as rowanfoot stood, shooting his mate a pointed look as roselight scoffed. "i, much like everyone else, am curious to see if you'll be able to match rowanfoot's speed, or if we've found a match for you, chaserpaw."
indent"i'd like to see him try," chaserpaw called up to cyanstar, only to let out a surprised yowl when rowanfoot finally reach his new apprentice and nudged him, nearly knocking chaserpaw off of his feet. cyanstar grinned and dipped his head to the young warrior.
indent"i have a feeling he won't disappoint," cyanstar said back. when the laughs had settled, the leader looked to accentorpaw and sedgepaw. "accentorpaw, your mentor will be loonlight. she was an excellent mentor to dartersplash, and i know that she will pass on the same wisdom to you as she did to him. i caution you to listen closely and pay attention. and sedgepaw, your mentor will be cardinalheart," cyanstar announced. his gaze sought cardinalheart's distinct red pelt to find the young warrior staring up at him with wide green eyes. "ask any cat and you will be told that cardinalheart is one of the most loyal and dedicated cats in quickclan. though he's young, don't let his age fool you, for cardinalheart carries lots of wisdom within himself. even if he doesn't know it himself." to sedgepaw, cyanstar smiled gently. "i believe that the two of you will also have a lot to teach one another along the way." with that, cardinalheart reached his new apprentice and led her away to join the other new mentors and the rest of sedgepaw's siblings.
indentwith that, cyanstar bounded easily down to where pinepaw and crakepaw were waiting eagerly for him. "there are two more names that need to be given today, as pinepaw and crakepaw have completed their training, passed their final assessments, and are ready to receive their full names and enter the ranks as full warriors of quickclan. it is with this is mind that i call upon quickclan of past and present to look down upon these apprentices, and to accept them, now, as full warriors of our clan. pinepaw, do you swear to uphold the principals we hold most sacred, to protect the clan with all of your body and mind?"
indentwithout any hesitation, the pair's answer rang out in tandem. "i do," pinepaw said, echoed by crakepaw's "i do."
indent"then from this moment forward, pinepaw, you shall be known as pinerunner, for your carefree spirit that has already taken you so far, and will take you even further. starclan honors your swiftness and loyalty to the clan as we welcome you as a full warrior as quickclan." immediately, cheers rose from the rest of the clan, and pinerunner dipped her head respectfully to cyanstar. then, when the clan had quieted again, the leader looked to crakepaw. "from this moment forward, you shall be known as crakesnap, for the strength of your determination and will. starclan honors your resilience and courage to stand up for what you believe in as we welcome you as a full warrior of quickclan." with that, the cheering swelled to a cresendo to welcome the newest warriors and cyanstar stepped back to give the pair room. when pinerunner bumped her shoulder against crakesnap's, the young tom smiled, his green eyes glowing as they sought lilacshadow's calico fur. when he spotted her, lilacshadow merely watched, unblinking, and crakesnap offered her the slightest inclination of his head.

→ actions
cats pearsblossom gives her kit to willowthroat of groveclan
consumption quickclan eats 20 minnows
rank changes oleanderpaw, rampaw, cariboupaw, and fallowpaw are ready to take their assessments. if they pass, they will be renamed oleanderwind, ramtail, caribounose, and fallowsight
hemlockkit is ready to become an apprentice
pearsblossom returns to warrior duties
hunting tallpeak, marshstripe, dartersplash, bouldertooth, mintstem, and canaryleap
snakespots, falconflight, brightcreek, canaryleap, plumblossom, and birchface
splashfall, swiftscreech, chanterellestep, owletcry, webtail, and kestrelblaze
brackenrose, oriolefeather, hickorypatch, sweetecho, peckernose, and hollowfang
treespirit, asphodelstorm, lightningflash, hawkrise, ploverflame, and bluesky
whitesnow, honeyflower, flowerskip, flamestrike, pearsblossom, and flintspark
border patrols duneserpent, hollyfur, rainypath, patchwing, valleymist, and rootwhisker
blizzardrush, acorntail, minnowjump, cricketchirp, sunnyheart, and pinerunner
training vermilionpaw, valerianpaw, and amaryllispaw learn fighting
smokepaw and starlingpaw learn stalking
wasppaw, copperpaw, chaserpaw, accentorpaw, and sedgepaw learn agility
mates kindleflare and eagleheart become mates and try for kits
herb hunting alpinemask, gorseberry, and autumnpaw look for herbs (priority for kitting herbs)
medicine cats alpinemask and gorseberry practice medicine
notes for reaching 125+ cats: another patrol has been added, and ermine as a prey option
in the case of death rolls, please only target those underlined. thank you! xx


cyanstar, 51m, ♂
7 lives remaining

tallpeak, 63m, ♀

alpinemask, 56m, ♂ - 6sp
gorseberry, 37m, ♂ - 6sp

autumnpaw, 19m, ♀

larchbriar, 73m, ♀
snakespots, 68m, ♂
coyotesnarl, 64m, ♂
honeyflower, 61m, ♀
sweetecho, 60m, ♀
blizzardrush, 58m, ♀
brackenrose, 56m, ♀
falconflight, 56m, ♂
flowerskip, 56m, ♀
splashfall, 55m, ♂
hickorypatch, 55m, ♀
nightfall, 53m, ♂
lightningflash, 52m, ♂
hollyfur, 49m, ♀
eagleheart, 49m, ♂
thistlestrike, 48m, ♀
kindleflare, 48m, ♀
fluffytuft, 46m, ♂
oakseed, 44m, ♂
duneserpent, 43m, ♂
loonlight, 42m, ♀
bluesky, 42m, ♂
hawkrise, 39m, ♀
pearsblossom, 39m, ♀
patchwing, 39m, ♀
treespirit, 38m, ♂
berrypad, 37m, ♀
whitesnow, 37m, ♀
flamestrike, 37m, ♂
alderpatch, 37m, nb
brightcreek, 36m, ♀
acorntail, 34m, ♀
minnowjump, 33m, ♂
canaryleap, 33m, ♂
chanterellestep, 32m, ♂
swiftscreech, 31m, ♀
dahliadrop, 30m, ♀
twiteflight, 29m, ♀
birchface, 28m, ♂
sproutclaw, 28m, ♂
mintstem, 28m, ♀
cherrydawn, 28m, ♀
ravengaze, 27m, ♂
grassthorn, 26m, ♀
oriolefeather, 26m, ♂
peckernose, 26m, ♂
flintspark, 26m, ♂
asphodelstorm, 25m, ♂
rowanfoot, 24m, ♂
roselight, 24m, ♂
sunnyheart, 24m, ♂
hollowfang, 23m, ♂
marshstripe, 23m, ♀
dartersplash, 23m, ♂
cardinalheart, 22m, ♂
fleetingmoon, 22m, ♂
owletcry, 22m, ♀
webtail, 22m, ♂
rainypath, 22m, ♀
bouldertooth, 21m, ♂
daffodilstem, 20m, ♀
finchthroat, 20m, ♀
cricketchirp, 20m, ♂
dandelionspring, 20m, ♀
dovewish, 20m, ♀
plumblossom, 19m, ♂
tinselstorm, 18m, ♀
magpiesong, 18m, ♂
thunderstomp, 17m, ♂
valleymist, 16m, ♀
kestrelblaze, 16m, ♀
frogwatcher, 16m, ♂
rootwhisker, 16m, ♂
hootfeather, 16m, ♀
branchbite, 16m, ♀
ploverflame, 15m, ♀
charredshadow, 14m, ♀
lagooneyes, 14m, ♂
pinerunner, 14m, ♀
crakesnap, 14m, ♂
oleanderpaw, 15m, ♂
rampaw, 14m, ♂
cariboupaw, 14m, ♂
fallowpaw, 12m, ♀
heronpaw, 11m, ♂
scorpionpaw, 11m, ♂
vermilionpaw, 9m, ♂
valerianpaw, 9m, ♀
amaryllispaw, 9m, ♂
starlingpaw, 8m, ♂
smokepaw, 8m, ♀
wasppaw, 7m, ♂
copperpaw, 7m, ♂
chaserpaw, 7m, ♂
accentorpaw, 7m, ♀
sedgepaw, 7m, ♀
willowfrost, 70m, ♀
wrenkit, 4m, ♂
ibiskit, 4m, ♂
twisted leg
pigeonkit, 4m, ♀
phoebekit, 4m, ♀
aspenwish, 54m, ♀
due in 1m
junipersky, 53m, ♀
shellkit, 0m, ♂
foxkit, 0m, ♂
azaleakit , 0m, ♀
harekit, 0m, ♂
poppykit, 0m, ♀
adderkit, 0m, ♂
lilacshadow, 52m, ♀
lambkit, 3m, ♂
knollkit, 3m, ♂
dragonflykit, 3m, ♀
eveningkit, 3m, ♀
beetlekit, 3m, ♀
sagetuft, 30m, ♀
houndkit, 5m, ♀
verglaskit, 5m, ♀
astercloud, 23m, ♀
due in 2m
hemlockkit, 6m, ♂

miranda, 118m, ♀


gorseberry, autumnpaw, 4
snakespots, oleanderpaw, 4
sweetecho, rampaw, 4
blizzardrush, cariboupaw, 4
fluffytuft, fallowpaw, 4
chanterellestep, heronpaw, 4
hickorypatch, scorpionpaw, 4
twiteflight, vermilionpaw, 2
nightfall, valerianpaw, 2
roselight, amaryllispaw, 2
ravengaze, starlingpaw, 1
oakseed, smokepaw, 1
coyotesnarl, wasppaw, 0
grassthorn, copperpaw, 0
rowanfoot, chaserpaw, 0
loonlight, accentorpaw, 0
cardinalheart, sedgepaw, 0


minnow, x28, 1 serving
mouse, x24, 1 serving
vole, x13, 1 serving
ermine, x0, 2 servings
rabbit, x17, 2 servings
small fish, x18, 2 servings
squirrel, x18, 2 servings
hare, x13, 3 servings
big fish, x2, 3 servings
bird, x14, 3 servings
total: 258 servings
hazeclan, nightwolf950
groveclan, solyn


north, hazeclan, nightwolf950
north-east, n/a, n/a
north-west, n/a, n/a
east, n/a, n/a
west, quartzclan, miles morales
south, n/a, n/a
south-east, n/a, n/a
south-west, swiftclan, phina d wolf
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[ ✦ quickclan 35.5 ]

Postby eagle, » Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:33 pm

indent"what if she says no?" eagleheart asked, and he let out a quiet hiss of indignation when thistlestrike laughed openly at his clear stress.
indent"are you kidding?" thistlestrike asked. when eagleheart peered at his sister, his ears pinned to the back of his head and his eyes blown wide, thistlestrike merely laughed again. when eagleheart let out another hiss and turned his cheek, thistlestrike nudged him with her nose. "be realistic. there are few cats that she speaks to, and you're one of them. and this is a special moment, you should be excited and happy. if she sees that you're on-edge, you're only to make her feel horrible, too." at last, eagleheart let his shoulders drop, and he fluffed out his fur, attempting to shake off the negative energy that hovered over him. "there you go, chin up. loonlight and i are both very sure that she'll say yes, so what do you have to worry about?"
indent"right, because you're both able to read minds all of a sudden," eagleheart said sullenly, but there was tell-tale curve of a smile at the corner of his mouth. "no offense, but neither of you seem to be the brightest when it comes to mates." but thistlestrike merely shrugged.
indent"we don't have mates, so what? neither do you, so we're all on the same page, then," thustlestrike said, not unkindly. "loonlight is kindleflare's best friend, and i'm confident that this is a good plan, so it won't go wrong. she'll be happy, you'll be nice and ask the question. she'll say yes and blah blah blah, i'm sure you'll be more than happy to spend your moons reminiscing about this moment when you were so scared. she'll laugh at you, your kits will gag at how sappy it is, and you can finally say thank you thistlestrike, for being such a good sister. what do you think about that?"
indent"i think that i'd rather take this one step at a time," eagleheart said, but he finally smiled when thistlestrike nudged him again, flashing a lopsided, overjoyed smile of her own. as if on an unspoken cue, a shout went up from the path, and the siblings turned to watch as loonlight bounded up in their direction, kindleflare a few steps behind. at the sight of kindleflare, eagleheart's anxieties immediately vanished and were replaced by a simmering warmth that radiated from low in his chest.
indent"sorry we're late," loonlight panted, leaning companionably against thistlestrike, who shoved her playfully but made no move to shake her off completely. "kindleflare insisted on taking all day to get out of her nest after her nap," loonlight said, but the black molly's mischievous grin and kindleflare's pointed look told that it wasn't the case. after a beat, loonlight hummed. "or maybe my nap ran too long," she said, and kindleflare rolled her eyes.
indent"not like it's the first time something like that's happened. and lucky for us, there's still some light for hunting. so hopefully you won't run face-first into a rock," thistlestrike teased. "again." as they set out, their laughs rippled merrily through the air, carrying on the breeze that weaved through eagleheart's pelt. as loonlight and thistlestrike continued to bicker, eagleheart thought of the plan that they had concocted over the past moon, when eagleheart finally decided that he would burst if he didn't ask kindleflare the most important question that he could ask anyone. the way he felt about her grew with each moment, and it couldn't be contained any further. he felt lucky that thistlestrike and loonlight were there to support him, to help him, but he stopped short as they crossed the moorland, and he looked to kindleflare before addressing the others as well.
indent"what do you about splitting up for a little while?" eagleheart asked. he saw the way loonlight's eyes widened in wonder and shock, and thistlestrike tipped her head to one side, assessing him. but eagleheart looked to kindleflare, and he knew that he needed to do this. for sure, the original plan had been a good one, and he trusted the others, but he knew that he needed to do it differently.
indent"but what about -" loonlight started to argue, but, thankfully, thistlestrike cut her off, speaking over their friend.
indent"no, no, this is a better idea," thistlestrike said pointedly, shooting loonlight a meaningful glance before nodding to eagleheart. "that's a good idea, we're already behind. it's almost sunset. splitting up would let us get more done. good idea, eagleheart. why don't you and kindleflare go off, and i'll give kindleflare a break from kit-sitting loonlight?" she suggested, and as soon as kindleflare smiled and nodded, it was decided. eagleheart blew out a sigh of relief, mentally thanking starclan for thistlestrike. within a matter of moments, they had split up, and eagleheart walked close to kindleflare, close enough for their fur to brush, and he felt a renewed surge of resolve.
indent"do you mind if we stop by the stream for a minute? i think i need a drink," he said, and kindleflare smiled at him, warm and gentle, friendly but also so delicate and sweet. it was a smile that he wanted to see forever, one that would be reserved only for him. it was a smile that he would do anything for, would do anything for her.
indentthe stream gurgled happily as it moved past, and eagleheart dipped his head down to lap at the water. kindleflare followed a moment after, and when he raised his head again, he couldn't help but watch her, and, at last, he felt the words begin to bubble up from his chest. "the other day, i was thinking of the first time we met," eagleheart began, forcing his tone to remain easy and casual, and kindleflare looked up at him curiously. "i remember thinking that you were brighter than the sun, and i felt such an intense pull towards you. i wanted to know why you were frowning, and what i could do to make you smile. i see how bright you shone when you were happy, and if i would be able to bask in that light. kindleflare... it's such a pretty name, but it also tells how warm you are. how you're always burning, and how strong you are. out of all the cats in quickclan, you were the one i was drawn to, always have been, and who i know i'll always be drawn to. in the warmest days, in he coldest nights, you burn brighter than anything else," eagleheart said, drawing in a deep breath when kindleflare stepped closer to meet him. "in the beginning, i was so worried about you. because i barely knew you, but i cared so much. and maybe i came on a bit strongly, maybe i didn't the best impressions at first, but there was nothing i wanted more than to see you shine. and the thought that you might fade, that you would be lost to the darkness and the shadows... i was frightened. not just for you, but for me, too. because you were a guiding light, a warming light, and i realized that i need you, kindleflare. i thought that, maybe, i could save you but... i was wrong. you didn't need to be saved, but you saved me," he said. "i've been so lost for so long. i lost my friends from other clans, i lost my sister. i... by the time i came here, i lost everything and had nothing. but you make me feel like i have everything, and as long as i'm with you, i feel like i have a place that i can return to, where i can settle at be at ease. and that's a feeling like nothing else. thank you for that."
indentthere was tears in kindleflare's eyes, and when eagleheart let out a shuddering breath, kindleflare leaned forward to press her cheek against his. above them, the sky was beginning to paint with shades of orange and blue, melding together. "i need to ask if you'd give me the honor of always being able to come back to you as my home when i had no home, my safe place when no where else is safe. if you could always let me love you and try every single day to show you how much you mean to me, and how i'll always be here for you, to let you save me again and again. and maybe one day i'll have the chance to save you, too." the words were beginning to choke up in his throat, but eagleheart pressed on still. "kindleflare, would you be my mate?"
indentand he knew, as soon as their foreheads pressed together, that he would always be home with her, that she was his home in every sense of the word. he loved her, and she loved him. and the sun began to sink closer towards the horizon.

indentfrom where she stood outside of the nursery, there was no mistaking the sounds of play that came from inside. after hawkrise's kits had moved into the apprentices' den, miranda supposed that there was more room in the nursery, though it sounded no less crowded than a moon earlier. it had taken moons leading up to the moment for the clan's lone elder to finally make her way towards the nursery. normally, kits and apprentices sought her den for stories and for a place to get away from the coddling queens, but she knew that she had put it off for too long, and junipersky's newborn kits gave miranda the final excuse she needed to make her way over to where she hesitated at the mouth of the den. she lifted one paw, then the other, and again and again until, at last, she ducked through the mouth of the den and blinked at the change in lighting. astercloud sat with sagetuft, while houndkit and verglaskit wrestled with hemlockkit, and miranda offered both queens a warm smile. still, she felt the twinge of pinpricks move up her spine, with the knowledge that a pair of green eyes were already fixed on her, watching her every move.
indent"nice to see you here, miranda," sagetuft said warmly, and miranda managed a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders.
indent"i figured that i needed to get out of my den, stretch my legs a bit. and with all of the apprentices out for training and hawkrise's kits training, i figured there might actually be some room to sit in here," miranda said, earning a polite round of laughter. to astercloud, miranda inclined her head. "how are you doing so far, my dear? are you enjoying quickclan so far?"
indent"oh yes," astercloud purred pleasantly. "everyone here is so kind, and asphodelstorm and lightningstrike have so many good things to say about the rest of the clan when they come visit."
indent"not to mention all of the attention she's been getting from hollowfa-" sagetuft began, only to splutter when astercloud flicked her tail against her new friend's cheek to cut her off.
indent"thank you, miranda, for a warm welcome. i know my kits will love hearing your stories," astercloud said.
indentshe was a pretty little queen, miranda thought to herself, and there was no doubt in the elder's mind that she would also be a good mother. "and i look forward to meeting them and telling them all of the stories they could ever want to hear. but, if you'll excuse me a moment, i haven't had the chance to meet junipersky's little ones," miranda said, excusing herself. she heard sagetuft and astercloud continue their previous conversation, and miranda went further into the den, stepping around the rowdy kits that played among the soft bedding. at last, she came to willowfrost and junipersky, the former grooming ibiskit, the latter curled around her newborn kits.
indentjunipersky blinked sleepily up at miranda, but her expression was open and friendly. "i swear, these kits are already so spoiled with attention. barely a few days old and there's been so much traffic in and out of the den to see them. i would've thought that willowfrost would become the nursery's keeper, keeping out everyone who doesn't sleep in here," junipersky said, teasing her denmate, though willowfrost snorted a laugh when ibiskit finally wriggled free from her grasp to join his littermates and friends in play.
indent"they've been lucky that they haven't stepped on my tail or tripped over the kits," willowfrost said, rolling her eyes. "not to say that the kits haven't done all they could to get between warriors' paws and get in the way, especially wrenkit. he's going to be nothing but trouble, that one." the older queen sighed, though it was a fond sound. "but miranda here won't cause any trouble. she's got a good head on her shoulders."
indent"i try my best," miranda said, moving closer when junipersky beckoned her. "what are their names?"
indentjunipersky's jaws stretched in a yawn, but the queen stretched her neck to gently touch each of her kits in turn. "shellkit is the oldest, then foxkit and azaleakit. and harekit, poppykit, and adderkit. i thought it would be nice to give them all different names, so they're all individuals, you know? i traveled so much before here, and their father always talked about such grand adventures, too. so it just seemed to make sense to name them all after a little bit of everything," junipersky said fondly. she opened her mouth to say more, but paused and smiled before nodding past miranda. "it seems you have a shadow, there," junipersky said. it was curiosity and a lack of understanding in what junipersky meant that made miranda turn. and the face she was met with shocked her from its familiarity, as if she had been thrown into the past, and she blinked rapidly down at the little red kit before she regained her bearings.
indent"hello," she said, forcing her tone to remain calm and her fur to lie flat on her shoulders. "you must be one of lilacshadow's kits. what's your name?" she asked him.
indent"knollkit," the little tom answered. he peered past miranda to junipersky and her kits. "was i that little when i was born?" he asked. "did you come visit me, too?"
indent"i-" miranda started, but the words stuck in her throat, but she wasn't given the chance to try any further before she caught movement and lilacshadow finally approached, coming up behind knollkit.
indent"knollkit, what have i told you about asking so many questions?" she asked, and the little kit ducked his head. "you have to be nice to miranda. as the clan elder, it's like she's family to all of us, you hear me? respect your elders, that's one of the most important rules."
indent"yes mama," knollkit said obediently. he glanced to miranda once more before bounding away to where the rest of the kits were still playing. miranda watched knollkit and a little black tom wrestle three tortoiseshells before she looked to lilacshadow.
indent"they're all yours?" she asked, and when lilacshadow nodded once, miranda sniffed. "well, they certainly look strong. and knollkit is -"
indent"i know," lilacshadow said, cutting miranda off. "all of that, and then more. i'm so glad you finally had the chance to meet him. they've all been asking to meet all of the clan members, especially after houndkit mentioned hearing a story from you. knollkit has been looking forward to it," lilacshadow said. miranda nodded and bunched her shoulders.
indent"well, they're welcome in my den anytime," she said, and there was a strange glint in lilacshadow's eyes.
indent"good, that's very good to know." with that, lilacshadow moved away, and miranda could only watch as knollkit played, so much like a phantom memory from so long ago. he moved from his brother to batting at his sister, and miranda's eyes were torn away only when she noticed that one of the other tortoiseshells was watching her with wide green eyes. and she decided that if knollkit looked like nolan, that the little molly looked exactly like her mother. and another chill traveled the length of miranda's spine.
Last edited by eagle, on Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[ ✦ quickclan 36 ]

Postby eagle, » Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:54 am

      total 125 : ♂ 63 ♀ 61 nb 1 | servings 19 (+126) | moonpool anytime | pebbles 80 | mod kacchan, | archives xx xx | font credits xx xxx



indentlilacshadow tells her kits a story

alpinemask is Big Sad and autumnpaw and gorseberry try to help him and gorseberry realizes how grown up autumnpaw is now

ceremonies for hemlockpaw, fallowsight, caribounose, ramtail, and oleanderwind ft. frogwatcher and oleanderwind flirting, flowerskip and larchbriar having a moment of bonding for their kits, smokepaw welcoming hemlockpaw into the fold, and cardinalheart reflecting on his siblings

vermilionpaw has another nightmare and amaryllispaw and valerianpaw are worried about him

training at groveclan with gorseberry talking to mousestone and dusklight about autumnpaw, flintspark and sleetbreeze flirting, and canaryleap has a crush on deerstripe

astercloud and hollowfang bonding and


→ actions
consumption quickclan eats 19 mice
rank changes gorseberry takes autumnpaw to the moonpool so that she can be given her full name: autumnflower
heronpaw and scorpionpaw take their final assessments. if they pass, they will be renamed herongaze and scorpiondusk
houndkit and verglaskit are old enough to become apprentices
hunting tallpeak, marshstripe, dartersplash, bouldertooth, mintstem, and canaryleap
snakespots, falconflight, brightcreek, canaryleap, plumblossom, and birchface
splashfall, swiftscreech, chanterellestep, owletcry, webtail, and kestrelblaze
brackenrose, oriolefeather, hickorypatch, sweetecho, peckernose, and hollowfang
treespirit, asphodelstorm, lightningflash, hawkrise, ploverflame, and bluesky
whitesnow, honeyflower, flowerskip, flamestrike, pearsblossom, and rootwhisker
border patrols duneserpent, hollyfur, rainypath, patchwing, valleymist, and hootfeather
blizzardrush, acorntail, minnowjump, cricketchirp, sunnyheart, and pinerunner
training vermilionpaw, valerianpaw, and amaryllispaw learn swimming
smokepaw and starlingpaw learn fighting
wasppaw, copperpaw, chaserpaw, accentorpaw, and sedgepaw learn stalking
hemlockpaw learns agility
mates aspenwish is kitting, nightfall is the father. alpinemask stays behind and gives her x1 raspberry leaves
herb hunting gorseberry, and autumnpaw look for herbs
deaths miranda dies suddenly, and the medicine cats conclude it must have been from age. they do not notice that x1 foxglove seed is missing...
notes in the case of death rolls, please only target those underlined. thank you! xx


cyanstar, 52m, ♂
7 lives remaining

tallpeak, 64m, ♀

alpinemask, 57m, ♂ - 5sp
gorseberry, 38m, ♂ - 5sp

autumnpaw, 20m, ♀

larchbriar, 74m, ♀
snakespots, 69m, ♂
coyotesnarl, 65m, ♂
honeyflower, 62m, ♀
sweetecho, 61m, ♀
blizzardrush, 59m, ♀
brackenrose, 57m, ♀
falconflight, 57m, ♂
flowerskip, 57m, ♀
splashfall, 56m, ♂
hickorypatch, 56m, ♀
nightfall, 54m, ♂
lightningflash, 53m, ♂
hollyfur, 50m, ♀
eagleheart, 50m, ♂
thistlestrike, 49m, ♀
fluffytuft, 47m, ♂
oakseed, 45m, ♂
duneserpent, 44m, ♂
loonlight, 43m, ♀
bluesky, 43m, ♂
hawkrise, 40m, ♀
pearsblossom, 40m, ♀
patchwing, 40m, ♀
treespirit, 39m, ♂
berrypad, 38m, ♀
whitesnow, 38m, ♀
flamestrike, 38m, ♂
alderpatch, 38m, nb
brightcreek, 37m, ♀
acorntail, 35m, ♀
minnowjump, 34m, ♂
canaryleap, 34m, ♂
chanterellestep, 33m, ♂
swiftscreech, 32m, ♀
dahliadrop, 31m, ♀
twiteflight, 30m, ♀
birchface, 29m, ♂
sproutclaw, 29m, ♂
mintstem, 29m, ♀
cherrydawn, 29m, ♀
ravengaze, 28m, ♂
grassthorn, 27m, ♀
oriolefeather, 27m, ♂
peckernose, 27m, ♂
flintspark, 27m, ♂
asphodelstorm, 26m, ♂
rowanfoot, 25m, ♂
roselight, 25m, ♂
sunnyheart, 25m, ♂
hollowfang, 24m, ♂
marshstripe, 24m, ♀
dartersplash, 24m, ♂
cardinalheart, 23m, ♂
fleetingmoon, 23m, ♂
owletcry, 23m, ♀
webtail, 23m, ♂
rainypath, 23m, ♀
bouldertooth, 22m, ♂
daffodilstem, 21m, ♀
finchthroat, 21m, ♀
cricketchirp, 21m, ♂
dandelionspring, 21m, ♀
dovewish, 21m, ♀
plumblossom, 20m, ♂
tinselstorm, 19m, ♀
magpiesong, 19m, ♂
thunderstomp, 18m, ♂
valleymist, 17m, ♀
kestrelblaze, 17m, ♀
frogwatcher, 17m, ♂
rootwhisker, 17m, ♂
hootfeather, 17m, ♀
branchbite, 17m, ♀
ploverflame, 16m, ♀
oleanderwind, 16m, ♂
charredshadow, 15m, ♀
lagooneyes, 15m, ♂
pinerunner, 15m, ♀
crakesnap, 15m, ♂
ramtail, 15m, ♂
caribounose, 15m, ♂
fallowsight, 13m, ♀
heronpaw, 12m, ♂
scorpionpaw, 12m, ♂
vermilionpaw, 10m, ♂
valerianpaw, 10m, ♀
amaryllispaw, 10m, ♂
starlingpaw, 9m, ♂
smokepaw, 9m, ♀
wasppaw, 8m, ♂
copperpaw, 8m, ♂
chaserpaw, 8m, ♂
accentorpaw, 8m, ♀
sedgepaw, 8m, ♀
hemlockpaw, 7m, ♂
willowfrost, 71m, ♀
wrenkit, 5m, ♂
ibiskit, 5m, ♂
twisted leg
pigeonkit, 5m, ♀
phoebekit, 5m, ♀
aspenwish, 55m, ♀
due now
junipersky, 54m, ♀
shellkit, 1m, ♂
foxkit, 1m, ♂
azaleakit , 1m, ♀
harekit, 1m, ♂
poppykit, 1m, ♀
adderkit, 1m, ♂
lilacshadow, 53m, ♀
lambkit, 4m, ♂
knollkit, 4m, ♂
dragonflykit, 4m, ♀
eveningkit, 4m, ♀
beetlekit, 4m, ♀
kindleflare, 49m, ♀
due in 2m
sagetuft, 31m, ♀
houndkit, 6m, ♀
verglaskit, 6m, ♀
astercloud, 24m, ♀
due in 1m

name, age, gender


gorseberry, autumnpaw, 4
chanterellestep, heronpaw, 4
hickorypatch, scorpionpaw, 4
twiteflight, vermilionpaw, 3
nightfall, valerianpaw, 3
roselight, amaryllispaw, 3
ravengaze, starlingpaw, 2
oakseed, smokepaw, 2
coyotesnarl, wasppaw, 1
grassthorn, copperpaw, 1
rowanfoot, chaserpaw, 1
loonlight, accentorpaw, 1
cardinalheart, sedgepaw, 1
dahliadrop, hemlockpaw, 0


minnow, x11, 1 serving
mouse, x28, 1 serving
vole, x16, 1 serving
ermine, x0, 2 servings
rabbit, x18, 2 servings
small fish, x18, 2 servings
squirrel, x21, 2 servings
hare, x16, 3 servings
big fish, x2, 3 servings
bird, x15, 3 servings
total: 268 servings
hazeclan, nightwolf950
groveclan, solyn


north, hazeclan, nightwolf950
north-east, n/a, n/a
north-west, n/a, n/a
east, n/a, n/a
west, quartzclan, miles morales
south, n/a, n/a
south-east, n/a, n/a
south-west, swiftclan, phina d wolf
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