the city of ustroln - discussion

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"I asked for a little faith just to get us through-"

Postby Blaisism » Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:12 am


    ➳name; Yori Saimura
    ➳age; Unknown, appears in her early twenties.
    ➳gender; Female
    ➳alignment; Neutral Good
    ➳sexuality; Lesbian
    ➳crush; n/a
    ➳species; Goddess - Domain of Faith
    ➳fandom; N/a

    ➳hair; Black
    ➳eyes; Brown
    ➳skin tone; Medium brown
    ➳height; 5'2

    ➳abilities / powers; Yori's powers are rooted in the faith and perception of others. Put simply, she can do whatever those around her think she can do. Those who know of her status as a goddess bolster her strength making her capable of incredible feats while those who do not know tend to assume very little of her and thus weaken her abilities. Due to a close relationship with a large number of other deities she has a lot of "divine favor" that sometimes takes the form of small boons she can call on in place of relying on her constantly varying abilities. These boons are often very small; a wallet that always has exactly as much money as she needs, a backpack that hold what she needs without becoming too heavy and will fit far more than it should.

    ➳personality; Yori started her life as a mortal and as such her emotions are often very mundane despite her current divine status. Often exhausted or exasperated with her position--after all, a goddess of faith has a lot of work to do--she can seem apathetic and monotonous to those who aren't used to reading her emotions. She has a very dry sense of humor and seldom gives much an indication if anything she says is a joke... Even though she makes jokes far more often than she acts seriously. Communication with various gods and pantheons have given her a habit of speaking cryptically or intentionally misleading people even if she usually clears these up almost immediately. As a goddess, she views her role as one best suited among people acting as a bridge between humanity and divinity, preferring to keep her identity vague when possible or until revealing it would be amusing. She doesn't show much reverence to other deities and prefers she not particularly receive any either--she is of the opinion that the egos of the divine don't need any further boosting.

- found myself alone carrying the torch for all of you."
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“I don’t care how fluffy my tails are. No. Touchy.”

Postby M2627 » Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:56 am

      Art credit goes to Tadmerry on CS

      name; Rei(no last name)
      age; 403, but she appears no older than sixteen in her “default” human form
      gender; Female
      sexuality; Asexual
      romantic interest; Aromantic
      species; Yōkai(specifically, a five-tailed kitsune).
      Height; 5’2(human form, not including ears), 1’3(fox form)
      Weight; 51.2 kg(human form, not including her tails), 2 kg(fox form)
      Fandom; Okami/Okamiden(OC)

      appearance; see art
      personality; Rei is hundreds of years old and it shows in her personality. She’s relatively friendly(unless you give her a reason to act in a different manner) and not one to lose her composure easily. Her status as a supernatural being strongly affects her view of the world and humans as well. Her manner of speech and behaviour makes it clear she thinks of herself as above humanity, even though she takes the form of a human herself half the time. She doesn’t know how to interact with young people either without sounding like an elder. In fact, she will call anyone younger than her(even old people) “child” regardless of how old they are. Due to be treated like a pest by the humans who live close to the place she lives, she has an overall negative view of humanity and has little faith in them as a race. Not that she’d deny there are some humans that are of good character and temperament; she just thinks it rare for such a person to exist.
      Though she is a zenko and ultimately friendly and polite overall, Rei still has a tendency to enjoy messing with peoples’ heads. This trait usually expresses itself in her decision to take the form of a young woman; she revels in the shock most humans express when she reveals her true age. Her personality is also influenced by what form she takes, so in her default form, she tends to act like a sixteen year old to further the illusion of youth. However her manner of speech contradicts her act, and more often than not leaves others confused. Another contrasting trait to her being a zenko is her amorality. It is not that she is inherently evil but rather that she does not always know right from wrong. This stems from the fact that she has little understanding of “human things” as she puts it. This clearly seen in her tendency to take things that aren’t hers. In her mind, it’s not stealing, but rather acquiring something as a gift for a person who did her a favour in order to make them happy, and the end result is all that matters. The human notion of ownership is foreign to her, as she has become detached from most worldly concerns, but she does understand sentimental value of a select few objects, and won’t take things of that nature.
      When it comes to her fur, Rei is somewhat vain, and she puts a great deal of time into grooming and self care. She is quick to become sensitive or even aggressive when one either insults and/or harms her tails, or so much as get one strand of fur out of place.
      She never fails to honour favours, or mete out vengeance when crossed. Should it be the latter, may Amaterasu have mercy on you. Her vengeance, whenever she choices to serve it, can be merciless, but not always quick. She has no qualms with seeing to it that misfortune befalls those who cross her.
      Rei gets along much better with fellow kitsune and other animals, able to speak with them, with the exceptions of dogs, which she cannot stand. She is terrified of dogs(and most wolves, save Amaterasu and Chibi) and the sight of one is enough to have her running like a bat out of hell in an instant. If she is concealing her fox features in human form, this fear would be a way to actually determine her true nature as a fox; her fear is so great she’ll lose control of her human form and revert to her fox form before running away.

      items; Rei possesses an item known as the Fox Rods, that resembles a row of nine bamboo tubes tied together like a pan flute. While it is a powerful relic, she is too young to wield their full power, so it only grants a minimal boost to her powers, if any.
      She sometimes wields a nine-pronged blade strongly resembling the blade wielded by Ninetails. It works like a magic weapon in that it can generate lighting, but the charge in not unlimited. The fragile nature of the blade’s design makes it impractical as a melee weapon, so once the charge is empty it is essentially useless for some time until the charge is replenished.

      abilities/powers; Most of Rei’s abilities are normal of a kitsune, such as creating as elaborate illusions, shapeshifting(she is not limited to her usual human form; she can take a human form of any age or gender.), and can turn invisible for a short time.
      In her fox form, a pair of small light blue flames sometimes appear that often follow her around as though sentient. As a creature of supernatural status, Rei has a sixth sense of sorts of that can sense what is not seen, usually the nature of living things around her(ie if it would be a being of the mortal plane or a demon created by the forces of darkness.).
      Rei has another unique ability, though it is limited, this time by her own stamina. She can use something called the Celestial Brush, which allows her to do a number of things. Overuse of the brush leaves her unable to use it for a while, as it tires her out.

      Here are the brush skills she can use.
      Power Slash; a simple horizontal line across an enemy or obstacle. This acts like a sword in theory, as it cleanly cuts whatever target it is used on. It can’t cut through everything, like extremely hard rocks and thick stone walls.
      Cherry Bomb; a circle with a line sticking out of it. This conjures up an explosive that explodes in a colourful display, like fireworks. It can be used to blow stuff up or damage enemies. Though it is possible to summon three at once, Rei can only summon one at a time.
      Rejuvenation; Fill in an empty space with ink, this will fix any object in an instant.
      Bloom; A circle around a plant, such as trees or flowers. It can restore plants to full health. Attempts to revive plants can be nullified in areas cursed by intense evil auras.
      Water Lily: Drawing a circle on the water creates a lily pad she can walk on to cross water. She can only walk on them in fox form as her human form is too heavy for the lily pad, because of the added weight of her tails. She can create three at one time.
      Waterspout; Drawing a line from a water source to an object, this controls water, as well as putting out fires and drench whatever she wants. Does not deal damage, and a water source must be present for her to use it.
      Galestorm; A loop de loop or a spiral, this summons wind depending on what direction it is drawn in or if it’s a loop de loop or spiral. This does not deal any damage. But it can give people a bad hair day.
      Inferno: Like Waterspout, this allows her to control said element, only with fire. This can deal damage to enemies, but a source of fire must be present if she wants to use it. Her own small flames don’t work as a source for this.
      Veil of Mist: Drawing two horizontal lines above each other, and time will be slowed for four seconds, but only for her. Rei must repeatedly draw this to constantly slow time, and it drains her energy to keep it in place.
      Blizzard; Like Waterspout and Inferno, it allows Rei to control ice in a similar manner. A block of ice or an icy object must be present for her to use it.

      other; Rei has a strong Japanese accent whenever she speaks English, though her English is decent. As the Japanese language often has vowels follow consonants, Rei will still add these vowels at the end of English words that do not end in a,e,i,o,u and n. For example, she would say “kato” instead of just cat. She also cannot say the letters l, q, and v, as they simply do not exist in the traditional forms of the alphabet. She tries to compensate with traditional sounds to pronounce them.

      Important note; in the art, the last two of her tails are hidden. She has five tails instead of three, and the ribbons on those two are orange and yellow.
      Also let me the leave the battle theme I chose for her here
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“oh they acted fast. too bad!”

Postby Ploegy » Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:41 am


    ➳name; futaba sakura
    ➳alias; oracle
    ➳age; 15
    ➳gender; female
    ➳sexuality; heterosexual
    ➳crush; :) none yet
    ➳species; human
    ➳fandom; persona 5

    ➳hair; orange
    ➳eyes; brown with faint purple tones
    ➳height; 4'11
    ➳weight; 94 lbs

    ➳abilities / powers; futaba has the ability to use what is known as a persona which is the manifestation of ones "heart" or "personality." her persona is called necronomicon and specializes in navigation and providing support to those around her. overuse of her persona will cause fatigue and if her persona is damaged or destroyed she too will feel its pain/become effected. she does not fight with this persona but can quickly scan terrain and get a general layout of the areas she is in. she is also able to track treasure and other important items. necronomicon also hovers above the ground and allowed futaba to hide inside it making it difficult to actually damage her to begin with once she enters it
    ➳weapons; futaba carries no weapons with her and heavily relies on her own wits and others to protect herself

    ➳personality; with a case of social anxiety bordering on agoraphobia at times, combined with the trauma of losing her mother, futaba is strongly discomfited by going outside though she has learned to overcome these things to an extent. however, once she is comfortable with other she is childish and loves to tease others when she can. she has occasional anxiety and odd habits, she comes off as bright, playful and cheerful when with her newfound friends. however, due to being socially inept, futaba is often extremely blunt, to the point that she seems to have no concept of tactfulness. he also has a rather ruthless side to her; not only does she have zero qualms with hacking. as she is actually the real medjed, her hacking skills had been implied to be of worldwide fame as a book about it can be purchased which states that medjed is known worldwide for its activities. however, this identity remains anonymous to the public. she appears to be the least physically fit member of the phantom thieves, to the point that she often sleeps for days at a time. futaba is obsessed with computers, often plays video games, which she sees as a form of escapism, is into sci-fi, as shown by her phantom thief suit and her persona being a ufo, and shows a very perverted side at times more towards girls than guys. she is also shown to be heavily reliant on the internet; she doesn't see the point in going shopping since you can buy anything online and even claims that she can use it as a substitute for going to school. futaba is shown to have a soft spot for cats as well

    ➳other; none
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"He sits upon a golden throne of lies-"

Postby Blaisism » Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:12 am


    ➳name; Sabidono Malidri
    ➳age; Unknown, appears in his early thirties
    ➳gender; Male
    ➳alignment; Neutral Evil
    ➳sexuality; Aro ace
    ➳crush; n/a
    ➳species; World Guardian and Vessel of the Goddess of Death and Music
    ➳fandom; N/a

    ➳hair; Black
    ➳eyes; Red
    ➳skin tone; Desaturated light brown
    ➳height; 5'11

    ➳abilities / powers; Sabidono is a powerful magic-user with a focus on necromancy and spells that allow him to influence or control others. These powers are primarily tied his link to the goddess Driima from his home world and being so far removed has weakened his magic substantially... Though even still he is quite powerful. He is immortal, in the sense of both agelessness and deathlessness, otherwise deadly injuries healing after hours or a few days pass. He still feels pain and the other physical detriments of any injuries, illnesses, etc.

    ➳personality; Sabidono has had a very long and very solitary immortality, all spent in the service of a world that didn't know him and goddesses from a pantheon stricken from history. His perspective on life and mortals has been skewed by several centuries observing life. He eventually grew to resent the cycles of life itself, the inevitable end to all things that came for everything save himself. He sought to destroy the line between life and death, cease all need for distinction by merging the worlds of the living and the dead. It was in the formation of this plan, in the cracks of his mind from centuries alone, that Driima began to whisper to him. A thousand years spent exiled and trapped away from the world she created had driven her mad with vengeance and hatred, the merge of their minds only hastening the corruption of them both and removing all pretense of morality.

    As he is now, Sabidono is cruel, manipulative, and looks down on every other living thing as beneath him. He does not hesitate to use others for his own personal gain, turn people on one another, or convince them of any other lie that might benefit him in some way even if he has to wait years for it. He's good at hiding his emotions and strives to make himself as difficult to read as possible. His behavior and presentation is usually more formal compared to others, false politeness masking his true thoughts about those around him.

- with a silver tongue and death in his eyes."
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Postby VLNNYZ » Thu Sep 12, 2019 8:59 am

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All of you are my children, the children of silent gods.

Postby Reiji » Thu Sep 12, 2019 10:28 am

      Mortals and their linear time, they appreciate my art, they have no choice.
    name Khada Jhin
    pronouns male
    age ageless
    alignment borderline chaotic evil
    role higher-up
    species dark cosmic
    fandom league of legends
    height 6'3 [ 194 cm ]

      I am the black tongue, a God without his throne, my mouth opens, and the stars pour in.
    abilities formerly a cosmic star, Jhin kept his ability to create stars and the likes, albeit they can be made warped due to the corruption done to his being. He can create large contained corrupted stars that could go supernova in a location, hurting and blinding those that come in contact with them. Those touched by his abilities would explode in a grandeur manner if their lives were ended, their flesh distorted as their own essence was manipulated. He can also root them in place if they were marked from his abilities. Other than explosive stars, he makes harmless, decorative but interactive stars that he controls and can make easily with a snap of the wrist. Lights bend around him, almost like it's absorbed, but this is mainly a passive thing his presence has. His weapon is a cosmic gun which he uses to redirects his energy properly- it's his main tool to kill those he chooses. It has four shots before he has to reload the energy and the fourth shot being the deadliest. Subsequently, he has four arms, two which only can be seen physically ethereal when he is masked and he can use them autonomously. A looming black hole is caged on his shoulder. You can't really kill him but you can try.

    personality an interstellar entity with an obsession for art due to the corruption of the Dark Star giving him visions of omnipotence. His definition of art includes murders and destroying galaxies, using his gun as the brush for his masterpiece. He has a grandiose sense of self and shows no remorse for his actions, finding his actions to be justified by how beautiful everything will turn out to be. He is very proud of his work and will not hold back on his performance but will don masks of false personalities for his own amusement with mortals or to set up the stage. He is very proud of his works and shuns the philistine critics, finding their action to delay the inevitable to be futile, but then again, what is a performance without an audience? The thrill of the opera with the endless galaxies as his stage. His gun in hand; he lives in the moment, hardly following a pattern. He shows kindness and displays a soft-spoken personality when you can get on his good side—it's more like a way to keep you around than anything—but if anything doesn't go the way he wants, he will snap very easily. To him, you're either material for his next performance or you're not.

    Unmasked form
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Postby VLNNYZ » Thu Sep 12, 2019 11:13 am

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Re: the city of ustroln - discussion

Postby Ploegy » Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:02 pm

    quick question. would it be alright if i dropped ochako out of the rp? i forgot to mention that when i put up futaba's form since i'd like to stick with only two characters for now and not overwhelm myself. i hope that is alright and isn't too big of an inconvenience
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Postby VLNNYZ » Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:10 pm

xxx Yeah, that's perfectly fine!
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Re: the city of ustroln - discussion

Postby Spiritstar3 » Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:37 pm

Spiritstar3 wrote:would anyone be willing to put Futaba in here for my girl? yes, it’s a girl girl relationship...well, actually, it’s just that she bonded with her, but she only likes Futaba romantically, not other girls
just...someone who’s not agaisnt two girls in a relationship

Ploegy...did you see this? I could have her just for Ren/Akira, my girl. Her name is Jessie
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