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Postby FluffyBirdie » Fri Aug 30, 2019 10:48 pm

Username: FluffyBirdie
Link to guild: Karma
Character used in prompt: Salem
Prompt: What was a turning point in your cat's life? At what point did they decide what inspired them, motivated them, and drove them to make certain choices about their future?
    Grief is felt differently by everyone. Some isolate themselves, some lash at others, others attack themselves. Salem did things differently. He screamed at fate, and the universe's system of justice, blaming himself and the entire world for the death of █████. Unfairness was the core of his argument to whatever soul might care to listen, as he completely broke down, having lost the most vital pillar in his life. It was suffering magnified; doubts and insecurities were torn open, old wounds burning in sync.

    It was years before whatever trickle of who Salem used to be started flowing back into his body. But it wasn't truly the personality of his past, and never will be: his goals in life had changed. He had not yet accepted that █████ was gone forever. He wanted to find fate, destiny, justice. He wanted for them to taste their own karma, to see what suffering these careless creatures had done to him.

    They say vengeance is not the answer. But it was the only one he had.


Username: FluffyBirdie
Link to guild: Karma
Character used in prompt: Natasha
Prompt: What was a turning point in your cat's life? At what point did they decide what inspired them, motivated them, and drove them to make certain choices about their future?
    Natsha was used to it. The feeling of deep exhaustion in her bones as they fought one raid after the other with barely a day in between for rest. It made her guild infamous, powerful, unapproachable. No one tried to speak against the guild master when she called for another attack. It was for their reputation, and they cannot afford to lose it or lose this battle. She was forceful and deterred argument, and cunning, she had used this to her advantage. Fighting raids is the only way to become stronger. Was one of her catchphrases. You learn more from it than fighting a dummy at the Blacksmith, or reading in the Library. Facts no one can fight against. You can rest when you're dead; we need to do this, for ourselves. For our own improvement.

    Everyone knew it was only for her. She fought little, yet reaped the benefits of being the leader of a strong guild; the guild members became recluses, too exhausted to do anything besides sleep and eat whenever possible. It was a wonderful system for her, and hell for the rest. But her threats and poisonous words were stronger than any blade or magic, trapping them in this guild where they will work until they truly did rest in death.

    Natasha broke. Fainted in a fight, and pretended to be dead when her guildmates checked on her. She wanted an exit, wanted to do something besides fight, wanted, dreamed, wished...
    She could hear the guild master's voice, and tensed, afraid she would be caught. But the patter of paws receded, and she carefully opened her eyes. She was alone. Alone and free. They had left her lying there, and she was suddenly grateful for the founder's dismissive attitudes towards her members. Because of it, no one had checked her for signs of life with any sort of care.

    She was free.

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Postby enokimoon » Sat Aug 31, 2019 2:08 am

Username: s-smolbean
Link to guild: Moonwatchers' Guild
Character used in prompt: Bluebird
    Bluejay, Bluebird's father, and the leader of the guild she was born into was a strong and kind tom. Her mother, she had only little recollection of. But Bluejay would tell her stories of the brave and beautiful forager he'd come to know and love- Rhea. For most of Bluebird's childhood, she spent her days with her father, and Rhea would bring her gifts when she got back from expeditions, only to leave again not even a day later. It wasn't inconspicuous for most to tell that Rhea didn't leave much of an impression in Bluebird's life- though she was just fine with her father.

    One day, however . . .
    Bluebird saw the messenger dashing past her and into Bluejay's office. She could see the franticness he possessed as he made his way through the tunnels of their guild. Her brow furrowed, figuring that it was some urgent message for her father. Being curious in nature, she decided she wanted to know what all the fuss was about- she was sure her father wouldn't really mind her presence. He told her everything; so it must be okay for her to acknowledge what was happening now.
    Bluebird's eyes peeked into the office, and her ears pricked upwards at the mention of her mother's name. She didn't think too much of Rhea, but as her daughter, she definitely held a love for the she-cat.
    " She's dead, Bluejay, " the messenger's ears were flat on his head, tail curling around his hind legs as he delivered his message, " It was an accident. "
    The moment Bluejay's eyes met her own, Bluebird saw the once bright flame within her father falter. It broke her heart, and she felt the grief upon her almost immediately.

    After the loss of Rhea, Bluejay became colder, but not unkind. Cats around Bluebird would sugarcoat their words and do their best to make her feel comfortable- oblivious to the fact that they were doing the opposite. She didn't feel at home anymore, and Bluejay took immediate notice. His spirit might have been broken, but he refused to let it influence his beloved daughter. He was the one who encouraged Bluebird to leave his guild and find another, and it was because of these events that Bluebird eventually left his guild.
    " Be free, my Bluebird. " Were Bluejay's last words to her, and since then, she has made it her motivation to become a strong and important member of a guild- which she has achieved in becoming a guild leader and recruiting the cats she is coming to know as family to date.

➸ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Character used in prompt: Junco
    Timid, shy, not the type to stand out, Junco kept to herself mostly and did her own thing at her own pace.
    But fear has changed her.
    The day she was attacked by the very lion she now wears as a coat around her is the day she changed. Only she know exactly how everything went; but after the experience, her bravado had definitely risen. She takes pride in what she does, but it seems that it was only after her encounter with the beast that she began to hold her head up high.
    Although, yes, she is indeed noticeable for her coat, another reason as to why she is well-respected is because she presents herself with a pride; but she is not the type to boast or put others down.
    Junco is an amazing example of the type of person that will become what they believe they are- and she is a very good influence on the other cats within the guild.

➸ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Character used in prompt: Branwen
    Branwen Blangko, one of the most renowned merchants of the age- known for her nobility in negotiations, and for the fine products she sells; but also for her deadly skills.
    The moment she realized that she could not only sell products, but also services, an idea clicked in her head.
    She was able to combine her specialty in business and skill in " special jobs " (( as she calls it )) earned her a reputation of being a very capable " assassin ", " hireling " if you would, of sorts.
    But it is because Branwen is honorable and does not do her job for money, she does not accept jobs from those doing it out of spite.
    Ever since she came up with the idea of her service, she has been able to perfect her art.

➸ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Character used in prompt: Magnus
    Out of his guildmates, Magnus has the most simple " turning point. "
    He was trained by a warrior of great skill and reputation when he'd been a kitten, and ever since then, he has been motivated to learn from every other fighter he meets- though he isn't afraid to boast about his own fine skills. Magnus knows that there will always be a warrior better than he is, and one who is not as good- (( which is another things that boosts his ego, despite him knowing it's not such a good thing )) -which serves as his drive to become one of, if not the best warriors out there.
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Postby Sylvexi » Sat Aug 31, 2019 11:30 am

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Guild
Character used in prompt: Fuji
Prompt: The turning point in Fuji's life was definitely around the time her parents died. Before then, she was always unsure about what she wanted to do and never really considered joining or forming a guild at all. Her parents' death and her time without a home is what inspired her to create her guild and give it the principles it currently has. Because of that fateful day, Fuji now wishes to protect and help everyone so that others don't have to feel the way she did all those years before.

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Guild
Character used in prompt: Ao
Prompt: Ao always wanted to sell things. Marketing was always just something she enjoyed. However, it wasn't until she realized how much she enjoyed touching things up and "fixing" them that she started getting into the whole other business of conning people. She thinks it's amazing how some might still buy something of poor quality just because it looks nice, and also of how critical some can be of products. It's just all very interesting, and it has become both a hobby and an addiction to Ao.

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Guild
Character used in prompt: Tori
Prompt: As soon as Tori heard tales about the land above Catelena, he made it his goal to be up there. He already admired how the small birds that would sometimes wander into the place would be able to fly, and he's made it his dream to one day get out of Catelena and fly in the open air. It's certainly not something that would be easily achievable, but he still has a hope for it. Before then, he simply didn't know what to do, but he now feels like he has a purpose, even if it's to achieve an unrealistic dream.

Username: Sylvexi
Link to guild: The Wisteria Guild
Character used in prompt: Hoshi
Prompt: Hoshi was not always as phlegmatic as he is currently. He used to be afraid of all sorts of things, and was quite the scaredy cat. He had a sudden change, however, when he realized that many others were scared of snakes. He always found them fascinating, and could list off every characteristic and trait that he loved about them. He didn't realize that many actually thought they were scary, but when he did, he came up with a plan to stop being afraid of other things. From then on, he always found things that were cool about everything, and stopped being scared. Everyone thinks Hoshi is insane for having little to no fear to even the scariest, most nightmare-inducing creatures, but he just finds things that are cool about them and focuses on that instead.
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Postby Canis. » Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:46 pm

      Username: Canis.
      Link to guild: stonefire
      Character used in prompt: reilius
        ... reilius stared downward, his amber eyes glinting in the dim firelight. the crackle of embers sharp in his ears. the expression he wore was all that betrayed his worry, sour and sharp and distorting his features.

        "you're not going to die."

        "but i am, rei," came the rasped words, a weak smile twisting it's way onto their maw. "you are no fool. do not act like one." ...

        although reilius has always been rather guarded and apprehensive towards others, he was never as cold and shut off as he became after taking over the stonefine. the situation which ultimately lead to him being handed the position of captain changed him, as did the newfound responsibility which he had never truly wanted. a final request and a reluctant promise is the motivation that drives him forward now, even though he has become locked in a vicious, bitter cycle because of it, and refuses to acknowledge the consequences of not accepting the severity of his loss, of how it has affected him. of not accepting a lot of things, really. denial is a terrible thing.

      Link to guild: stonefire
      Character used in prompt: mali
        mali has always been a very timid cat. even since he was a kitten, the smallest thing could easily give him a good fright. it made him an easy target, and due to this there was a period in time where he was almost too afraid to brave the world outside the den, to leave his mothers side even after many kits already would have. seeing him so frightened all the time pained her greatly, as even when she tried her best to soothe his nerves and convince him that the world was not all bad, she could never truly succeed.

        one day, she brought him outside the den and encouraged mali to find something that made him happy. anything. she would be right by his side while he explored, to keep him at ease, but she wanted him to choose something, no matter how big or how little. she would not encourage him one way or another. although hesitant at first, the young kitten would begin to search their immediate area for anything of interest.. and eventually, mali came across a flower. its soft and delicate petals, colorful and bright, easily caught his attention and stirred something inside.. a warmth. a happiness. his mother smiled down at him, seeing her kit brighten up for the first time in months.

        although this was just the beginning, it was the start of something new. a turning point for a cat who had, up until this point, been without hope to ever brave the world around him.

      Link to guild: stonefire
      Character used in prompt: maruk
        maruk is a stranger to the world the catalenian's know as their home. he was born to a pair of cats who lived in the fringes of woodland which ran along a farmers field. his mother, ever worried about her sole surviving kit, warned him off of the farmland with tales of the great hooved beasts with horns which twisted into the sky and breathed smoke from their nose, warned him that these demons would trample and eat a cat if they caught one. any good little kit would have minded their mothers words, heeded her warnings.

        however, it was those same stories which would ultimately lead to him disregarding her warnings and stumbling to the fence which boarded the sprawling fields. the grass was taller than he was at that time, and the sight of it lazily swaying in the wind was almost hypnotizing. the stories of the great grassland demons enthralled him about as much as they terrified him, but he wanted to see it with his very eyes. it was at that fence that he met the steer, who before he knew it was before him and had raised it's great head meet him. it took all of his control and the strength in his little claws to keep from falling off the fence in that moment, and perhaps it was a good thing that he didn't.

        in short, that encounter would be the start of an odd friendship between cat and bull. one could say that this was the earliest turning point in maruk's life, where he had found a seemingly boundless curiosity about the fields and their creatures which drove him forward in many future endeavors. although he was always wary of the farmer and did his best to keep clear whenever they seemed to be present, maruk grew close to the bull who had discovered him over the years that followed.

        but good things do not last. they never do.
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Postby yeena » Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:17 am

    Username: ceance
    Link to guild: Rags To Riches
    Character used in prompt: Bastille
    Prompt: Bastille's parents were dirt poor and they lived in alleys and on streets while he was growing up, but they still wanted (and tried) to give him the world. They spared every penny they had for him and tried to get him what he wanted- not that he really wanted a lot then. When he was old enough, he took on small jobs around the town to bring in money and was overjoyed with the warm reaction from his parents. It meant the world, seeing them happy instead of tired and stressed. Their reactions made him happy to work, so he continued doing it and slowly working his way up in the invisible hierarchy of jobs.
    And then both of his parents got sickly.
    He might have had money and the ability to afford a place for all of them, but he couldn't pump out coins to keep the doctors and medicine coming. Especially useless doctors and medicine- they only got worse with time. Before he knew it, he was personally burying them both, next to each other. It broke his heart for a good while but after the initial mourning period, he put his chin up high and kept his steps strong.

    It took some years to get to where he's at now, but Bastille worked up to being the richest cat in the underworld for his parents. The way he sees it is that as long as he's pulling money in, he's avenging his late, poor parents and making them happy somewhere.
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Postby Placebo » Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:22 am

Username: Placebo
Link to guild: The Ryft
Character used in prompt: Antioch (x)
    Antioch nearly cried in relief as his home came into view. His one eye not obscured with blood squeezed closed as he limped faster to the front door. The door opened as he drew near to reveal his mother and sister’s horrified faces. The last thing he knew, before his vision when completely black, was of falling into his mother’s arms. 

    He woke to the ever-peculiar feeling of magic seeping into his skin. The cool sensation lifted him into wakefulness, even as the fever of his injuries threatened to keep him under. 

    He blinked open his one uninjured eye to see his mother’s practiced paws glowing with her own uniquely pale magic. Her sister wasn’t in his line of sight, but the shuffles of her feet told him she was nearby. When his mother saw his open, golden eye, she purred weakly.

    His eye closed once more. He could scarcely feel the water running down his face and into the creases of his lips in the face of the pain wracking his body. That behr, monstrous as it was angry, tossed him around like a ragdoll. Like he was barely a threat at all. 

    Behrs were a known threat around their town. And supposedly a low one, as well. So long as you could do a little magic to keep away from their deceptively quick blows. 

    Antioch didn’t have that luxury. And after getting trapped by the lumbering beast, he had no choice but to fight to get away. 

    All those years he wasted in his grandfather’s mage school. And all he had to show for it was wounds and bruises littering his pelt from one of the most pathetic enemies possible.

    Between the pain and the internalized shame, he wasn’t sure what hurt the most.

    Antioch barely flicked his ear when he heard a new set of feet grow louder, but his eyes opened a crack. The sleek form of his grandfather padded into the room. His gaze was unreadable as he turned to his daughter.

    Antioch’s mother scowled, but barely turned her attention away from her son. “Where were you, Alabaster? I called you hours ago to come help me.”

    Antioch’s grandfather only snorted and flicked his tail. “I can’t believe you’re bothering with this. The boy could use a scratch or two to teach him about keeping away from danger.” Antioch’s stomach churned at the flippant tone.

    His mother outright hissed at that. “That doesn’t matter right now, father! I don’t want to see my son crippled for something he had no control over. You’re healing magic is unrivaled in this town. Now help me heal him.”

    Supposedly, he had no control over. And no, I don’t think I will.” Alabaster’s cold eyes swept over his grandson’s form. Antioch froze over under his gaze. “I’m not wasting energy on a failure. If he can’t even figure out a simple teleportation spell to get him away from an enemy, then he deserves every scar he has on his pelt.”

    His mother froze in disbelief. His sister’s growl sounded up behind him.

    Alabaster lashed his tail as he was quick to scold his granddaughter. “Watch your tone, child.” He sniffed in dismissal and turned to leave, just as quickly as he came. 

    But, like always, Alabaster had to have the last say. “Maybe the scars will be a good thing. Might actually build some character in him for once.”

    Antioch struggled to swallow as his throat closed around his breaths. He didn’t think his stomach could drop any lower, but his grandfather always defied his expectations. Like he always did. 

    He really was a failure, wasn’t he? And his grandfather… He’d probably laugh if Antioch’s legs gave out from the Behr’s hits. He wouldn’t care if Antioch lived a cripple or died a failure.

    He never did, really.

    Antioch didn’t think it was possible to miss his own father even more than he did every day, but the desperate need to be enveloped in his hug clawed at his chest. His tears leaked onto his neck fur. 

    He couldn’t take this anymore.

Character used in prompt: Orontes (Hama)
    Hama’s turning point nearly knocked him back into the water. 

    Just minutes after the hippo raid ceased, and he was still getting tossed around. It was probably the hardest slap he had ever gotten on accident, and he’s thankful that adrenaline ran too high that day for him to immediately feel that hit. And Antioch could hit hard. 

    Antioch’s flustered response to the blunder amused Hama the most, especially the awkwardness of it, but Hama honestly expected Antioch to drop him off at a public kit’s clinic and be on his way. And maybe check up on Hama if he still felt a little guilty the day after. 

    But, no— when Antioch saw little Hama stumbling, he readily hoisted the pudgy little tom onto his back. Being the first time he had ever been picked up like this, Hama was surprised into silence. No easy feat, that. 

    His turning point brought him to the healer’s clinic. He also kept Hama company as the doctors examined him for any fatal injuries. Hama was also quickly reminded why he hated clinics. When they started to get pushy, because no, Hama wasn’t in shock from the raid, it was hippo, for crying out loud— 

    Antioch readily kept the pushy doctors at bay. The tom’s blank face, one Hama only minutes ago silently laughed at because of its goofiness, was starsent in quelling the doctors’ advances. For once in his life, having an actual, physical barrier between strangers he didn’t know slowed his heart from its staccato beat. 

    When they finally sent them away with strict instructions for Hama to regularly take an ointment for his bruises, and with a wary eye at Antioch’s own massive injury, Antioch invited Hama back to his home. Invited him. 

    Where’re your parents, he then asked. When Hama hesitated to respond, Antioch merely changed the subject and offered up his home for the night. And a meal. 

    That was the first time Hama went to sleep without needing to fight to keep his eyes open. To make sure no one snatched his few belongings in his sleep. 

    Burrowing under the blankets, Hama watched with wide, tired eyes as Antioch left him in the cosy little room to sleep, with only a flicker of a candle to keep the room out of darkness. 

    When Hama woke up in the morning, the question from last night was never brought up. Antioch simply put a plate of food in front of him, as well as the ointment, and went off to bandage his own wounds. 

    His turning point never asked him to leave after that. 

    So he didn’t. 

    Hama’s turning point gave him his first, and only, home.
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Postby Breado » Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:37 am

Username: Breado
Link to guild: Lamplighters

Character used in prompt: Read
    When Read was a kit, he was quite a shy one. He didn’t really have friends because of this. Despite his quiet nature, he was a very talkative one if you approached him and struck up a conversation with him!
    He was often seen in the library of their small town, though.
    He didn’t bother anyone, and no one bothered him.

    One day however, a young cat approached him: this kitten was quite well known amongst the other kits of the town for being troublesome and generally not really nice.
    The two got along surprisingly well. Read was surprised that this kit came to the library quite often too, as a way to calm down.
    Soon, the two could be seen reading together, later they were even hanging out together, and basically became friends.

    After that first talk, Read has changed quite a lot: he became braver, and was able to hold back his friend from doing stupid and mean things.
    They decided they’re going to become adventurers, and soon after they did so, they found Catalena.

    But where this best friend is now is a mystery… And Read will not stop until he finds him again.

Character used in prompt: Brynn Brinon
    Brynn was quite a troublemaker kit back when he was young.
    He lived on the outside of the catacombs, didn’t know his family, he grew up on the streets of a port town, and he lived off of stealing food and selling stuff he stole. One thing he always wanted though was to finally sail the seas one day. Just him, his ship, and of course, his crew.

    And who would’ve thought that one day, a pirate ship would stop at his town’s docks, at night?
    That was his chance, he thought, to get one step closer to his dream!
    But instead of asking the crew or the captain, what did he do? Brynn snuck up on the ship and waited until they set sail.

    When the captain of the ship found him, he was obviously not happy. He wanted to drop Brynn off at the nearest port and get him off the ship as soon as possible.
    However, Brynn somehow managed to make a deal with the captain: if Brynn makes himself useful until they get to the next town, he’ll consider letting the young kit join the crew.

    And what do you know? Brynn went from being an irresponsible, selfish little troublemaker to become a cat who would dedicate his life for his captain and his crewmates.
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Postby hypnowave » Sun Sep 01, 2019 4:19 am

    Username: reyligion
    Link to guild: laskar al-gaza'ir
    Character used in prompt: iskandar | zulfiqar | tsaniyya
    What was a turning point in your cat's life? At what point did they decide what inspired them, motivated them, and drove them to make certain choices about their future?

    Iskandar originally wanted to escape the Catacombs to return to his old life. He had been through a lot; the first pair of cats he encountered underground were dying from wounds left by a horrible beast, he arrived in the city of Catalena with a newly orphaned kit, and his first real acquaintance was a wielder of magic, something he was never aware of existed. He created his guild as a way to comply with his rationalization of being trapped down here, and for a while, he wanted nothing but to leave. He wanted to promise glory and safety and sunlight to those who joined his guild, oh, how he missed the sunlight.

    He didn't have one grand event to act as his turning point, but he definitely remembers moments of significance. Fighting in his first raid along with other cats granted him a cause to believe in, something greater than his own personal goals. When all the other cats would charge forward in the name of Catalena, Iskandar used to do so in the name of God. Eventually, he realized Catalena itself was a cause worth fighting for. He began to see the Catacombs as a place far better than the surface, a place where he had been trapped and told to follow orders. He does not dare call it indoctrination, God forbid, but he realizes how he never had a chance to make his own choices and be happy with them.

    Now in the underground, even after encountering exit points to the surface, he feels happy and complete. His acts to God have expanded beyond praying and fighting; he provides his guild members with affection and advice, he holds close friendships with cats outside his own guild, he sharpens his sword for reasons grander than he could ever fathom. He feels so much more complete here in Catalena.

    Zulfiqar resented being the orphan that Iskandar brought to Catalena. He knew nothing of his own family, nothing of his flesh and blood. He felt humiliated and uncomfortable because he was aware of what other cats thought of Iskandar and his strange habits and piousness. What hurt even more than that was the fact that Iskandar himself barely cared - Zulfi didn't think he would have felt surprised if the masked cat wasn't even aware of those comments. Instead, Zulfi was the one feeling secondhand embarrassment. Whenever other cats commented on Iskandar's accent or mask or the many times he mentions God, it was Zulfi who turned red with shame and anger.

    It took him a long time to finally come around. He never knew Iskandar's true intentions, and his hatred actually made him suspect that Iskandar had killed his parents and brought him here hoping for a new guild member for his strange agenda. His turning point was when a Laskar guild member told him the truth: that Iskandar had come upon a beast towering over his dying parents, thrust his sword deep into its throat, mortally wounding it and driving it off. He was the one who comforted his parents and promised them closure. In their dying breaths, they told him about their son, hidden in a hollow log a few pawsteps away. Iskandar promised to keep Zul safe, and held a burial and sat vigil for the martyrs.

    That truth was what changed Zulfi and cemented his respect for the cat that he used to despise so much. It took him months to muster the courage to apologize to Iskandar and plead to join his guild; Iskandar, expression hidden under that unchanging mask, said Zulfi had never needed to apologize. All he had ever wanted was Zulfi's happiness. And in the end, that was what he found in Laskar Al-Gaza'ir.

    Tsaniyya had many turning points in her life. She never dared plan for her future due to how volatile her life had always been. She figured that if she could never anticipate what would happen next, then it was better for her to just know how to dig herself out of any hole.

    Her one real turning point, though, was when she decided to genuinely become a better cat. She's always had blood on her paws and tricks hidden up her sleeve; joining Laskar Al-Gaza'ir and becoming a merchant was just one link in a chain of events that, though unclear, had the vague goal of taking over the guild and seizing power. Her intentions wavered when he got to know Iskandar and realized how much of an opposite he was to her; his kindness, his enigmatic personality, even the way he spoke or moved had a sort of unfamiliar, alien quality. No cat had ever confused and intrigued her the way he did. No cat had made her doubt her intentions the way he did.

    The day she broke down crying, admitting her rotten past and rotten intentions to him, he forgave her immediately. When she beat herself up saying she was as useless as the armor on her body, never having been in a fight, he offered her to spar. He offered her a chance, and let her continue being the guild's merchant. Tsaniyya's lowest point became the gateway to her happiness and the feeling of finally belonging. It was what she had wanted all along.
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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Sun Sep 01, 2019 6:17 am

Username: TheSongOfTheStars
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Character used in prompt: Seeks
Seeks lived a relatively normal life as a child alongside her brothers and sisters, right up until the point her parents turned them loose. Basically abandoned them, once they were old enough to take care of themselves. Seeks had no idea what to do, not how to hunt or any other way of surviving. After several days of starving on the streets, she decided that she'd had enough and started sneaking food from vendors. Eventually she expanded from food to valuables and slowly began to build. But it all started the day her parents dumped her.

If crediting me for art/character design then please use TheSongOfTheStars on Toyhou.se
or FiveSecondsToFly on deviantart for anywhere else
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Postby zealouzie » Mon Sep 02, 2019 2:06 pm

I realized I forgot to close this, sorry!! Stay tuned for a new prompt very soon!

hi, im zealouzie
i like drawing silly littel creechurs
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