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Postby clemen » Mon Aug 12, 2019 3:07 am

Username: SunScratch
Link to guild: here
Character used in prompt: lynx
after five years in geography classes and studies lynx decided
to quit her dream and create a guild. lynx is extremely strict
and rather be alone. But she is protective and caring. she would
never let anything hurt her guild. Lynx likes to take her time off
and some times fish. Of course she does it alone but she finds it
relaxing and peaceful. Lynx is quite the traveler also. she loves
explored. Alone. Again. Of course. Lynx can be harsh and sometimes
rude. lynx is no sweet dream, that’s for sure.

Last edited by clemen on Mon Aug 12, 2019 1:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby credit » Mon Aug 12, 2019 8:59 am

Username: credit
Link to guild: The Arcane Souls
Character used in prompt: Domah

Domah, a being that no one can really find themselves understanding. There are times when he seems easily approachable and open to any type of conversation that might come his way, but then in an instant he could switch to being one of the most distant individuals one has ever seen. When in a state of deep focus, Domah can come off as being a bit harsh, but he doesn’t truly mean it. It’s solely because of the fact that he isn’t too keen of having his focus or thoughts interrupted as it’s happened way to many times before. His thought process is part of why he chose to go down the path in which he currently travels, not only because of the fact that he can get away with wearing a cape to battle.
When he’s not engulfing himself in his studies, you can still find him with his nose in a book. Even though he’s not that social able, people still seem to still find themselves attracted to him. He isn’t sure if there’s some sort of secret charm that he has or if it could be because of how he’s willing to assist anyone with their troubles, but he’s quite content with not knowing.
As far as fighting for the land, he doesn’t mind it so much. He does take great pride in showing off what he can do to those around him. He wouldn’t particularly call himself a show off, although he does add a bit of flare to some of the spells he casts, although he tends to take battles in a more strategic manner.
Many will wonder why a feline like him would want to be a leader of a guild, and the answer to that, at least in his opinion, is a rather easy one. He wants some adventure. It’s a really subtle hint that he doesn’t actually mind the interaction of himself with others of his kind. He mind seem like he wasn’t nothing to do with some individuals, but he can find it in himself to warm up to them, if he feels as if they are worthy.
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Postby Canis. » Mon Aug 12, 2019 5:12 pm

      Username: Canis.
      Link to guild: stonefire
      Character used in prompt: reilius
        xxxcold, calculating, and precise— reilius isn't exactly a cat that gives off a comforting presence to those who encounter him. in fact, he is known for doing quite the opposite; it isn't uncommon for others to shy away from him due to his aloof demeanor and harsh gaze that seems to cut through those who linger like a knife. although he isn't outright malevolent it is very easy to get the impression that he isn't exactly the kind of company you might be wise to keep, and not a cat that you would be wise to wrong. he does not let on any indication that he minds these assumptions, or whether they hold any weight.

        xxxtruthfully, he never wanted to be put in a position where he was to lead a guild.. but due to circumstance that is where he now finds himself and in a way does not feel like he can back out. so reilius has taken the helm of the stonefire with bided reluctance and does his best not to let on to the underlying insecurities that come with new, heavy responsibilities and rushed promises he fears he might not be able to keep. he keeps up a guarded front to dissuade others from seeing through to his vulnerabilities, only ever relenting or softening in the company of the most trusted of his crew.

        xxxalthough there are many whispers carried on the tongues of cats about the dread captain, whispers that carry a reputation of harsh natures and intimidating manners, of swift action and lack of mercy, of a cat that lives to invoke his namesake and see his enemies anguish— there are just as many that speak countless contradictions, of the sheer extent to which he cares for his crew, of their wellbeing and tribulations, the vast recountings of a cat who has time and time again put his life on the line in defense of the innocent, of the underprince who would first see that he is in the line of fire before any of his guildmates or those caught in a raid. whispers of unsavory activities in the underbelly of catalena, of taking the wronged and the vulnerable under his wing and into his protection, whispers of warnings and whispers of praise.. it may be that only reilius knows which ones hold true and which have been exaggerated or roused from dust. the light he is painted in differs from catalenian to catalenian, but for the most part he gets along well with his guild and starts on unsteady ground with just about anyone else.
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Postby SilhouetteStation » Mon Aug 12, 2019 5:13 pm

Username: SilhouetteStation
Link to guild: Firelight Guild
Character used in prompt: Atheira

Atheira, despite being a tad on the young side, has shown to have the wisdom of an older cat when it comes to serious situations. While she has a fun, playful side that corresponds with her real age, she really knows how to take a stand and lead her Guild as good as any other cat. The Guild itself was basically born from the desire for adventure; not just hers, but shared with her Guild members. While some were a little hesitant about having such a young founder, she soon proved herself to be someone worth following. They face situations together, as a family, and she believes that's exactly how Guild's should be.
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Postby Simonpet » Wed Aug 14, 2019 5:09 am

Username: Simonpet
Link to guild: Mysteries of the Virtuous
Character used in prompt: Gilgram
Prompt: xXx
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Postby Frisco » Wed Aug 14, 2019 8:37 am

Username: Frisco
Link to guild: Cathulhu
Character used in prompt: Noctos
Noctos opened The Guild of Cathulhu as a result of a chain of unexpected events that all happened during one, hot summer.
First, he started having horrible nightmares portraying terrifying creatures, a world of darkness and a war more brutal than he could ever imagine. Soon after he shared it with his grandmother, she handed him an old book found in the attic, a Grimoire of The Old Gods. It depicted monsters from his dreams, among them Cathulhu, a being that decorated his silver bracelet - the transmitter of his magic power. It seemed oddly suspicious that old nana had such a book conveniently lying around, but he never got to find out more. She passed away just days later. The night terrors continued and Noct eventually realised that the deity tried to communicate with him by showing him visions of past and future.
With new resolve, the young cat rented an apartment as headquarters of his organisation and decided to recruit companions to help him discover more about his visions. By slaying monsters and learning powerful magic he hopes to understand and help Cathulhu and solve the mystery of his parents strange accident at sea.

What a beautiful, beautiful thing
to be able to dream
when you're not asleep.

art by Sixbane
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Postby kyum- » Wed Aug 14, 2019 3:25 pm

      Username: kyum-
      Link to guild: the order of war
      Character used in prompt: eldeisoniel
      eldeisoniel (nicknamed eldis by many), as a former captain of a small battalion, is collected and strategic. he's responsible for his and his people's actions, and is fiercely loyal. he leads from the front lines, as the ideal commander would, and also has a knack for boosting the morale of his squad whenever things take a turn for the worse. somehow, he always manages to counter the challenges and get away with minimal sacrifice.
      however, under his almost perfect exterior, he hides a bloodthirsty, battle-manic savage. he often tries to keep his cool, but when faced with an obstacle larger than he is, he faces it like a game to him, striving to defeat it and bury it. he's mostly apathetic to the people around him despite showing otherwise, although the few who do manage to break into his heart, he will sympathise with and attempt to make feel better even though he's a little awkward with 'feelings'.

      after making a name for himself, he retired from the militia and formed the order of war. on the outside, the guild was one formed to fight back against the threats of catalena. they were a respectable troop of well-meaning soldiers, pushing forward to save catalena with their lives. but in reality, the order of war was a home for cats who loved the thrill of blood on their claws. however, this doesn't mean that the members of the order were all bad people; not all of them fought without a care - some were empathetic and related with the citizens. eldis also urges their members to appear honourable in public - lest they be punished.
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Postby Wileyfangs » Thu Aug 15, 2019 12:01 am

    Username: Wileyfangs
    Link to guild: MoonVale
    Character used in prompt: Wicke
    Write out your founder's personality in a brief paragraph! What are they like? Do they enjoy fighting for catelena? What is
    their motivation for forming a guild? How does your founder get along with others?

    Once an upon a time, there was a bright and smart cat who stuck to the rules, never got in trouble and most definitely didn't have a guild to run. But unfortunately for her, this is not who we're talking about. Wicke is a feline of great strength who had given up her status as a fighter and warrior to become a mage. While many believed she was insane for doing so the reasoning for her sudden career change had something to do with a dream, and she wanted to help others by healing and learn how best to run the guild that her great-grandmother had foretold she would run. The only issue is, her perception of others is often viewed as skewed. She is so warm-hearted and trusting she doesn't seem to realize the spirits and creatures following her are of ill-nature. Or perhaps that's the point. Regardless she keeps strange company, that often would possibly have been chased out by now, but for some reason, they appear to be tamed in her presence.

    For Wicke, the whole thing is new. She's was raised with the idea of gaining the guild to re-build as her great-grandmother and her great-grandmother had done before her. The only thing is, the guild has a mind of its own and taming it to listen to her requires a lot of skill and magic. But as for the fighting and the battles, well it's exciting! For an ex-warrior like herself, she's never thought more about it but now that she's learning more skills and being taught more spells, she's feeling pretty confident. She's still a bit shaking on the incantations though. But the motivation for the guild is how it's passed down every second generation and for Wicke, that means she's the next in line. Of course, this caused some discourse in her family primarily with her oldest sister, but she's learned to shoulder that by now.

    But for all her oddities and sudden changes, Wicke is a friendly girl. A bit weird, but friendly. She'll never turn someone out who needs a home and while her mixed company tends to be a bit worrisome, there is nothing to fear from her.
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Postby hypnowave » Fri Aug 16, 2019 2:30 am

    Link to guild: laskar al-gaza'ir
    Character used in prompt: iskandar
    Write out your founder's personality in a brief paragraph! What are they like? Do they enjoy fighting for catelena? What is
    their motivation for forming a guild? How does your founder get along with others?

    Bearing the name of Alexander the Great, the regal Iskandar is a strange and mystifying presence; quiet and unassuming, he has a lot of wisdom behind his blank mask. Polite and patient, he always apologizes upon stumbling into someone, and upon learning your name, he will continue to greet you and pray for your health whenever he sees you again. A good cat at heart, Iskandar wants the best for him and the cats he cares about, even if he comes off as a bit kooky to others. His piousness can be off-putting, especially considering how often he will mention God and how He will guide you across your path, but to him, it's simply an irremovable aspect of daily life.

    He didn't originally set out to create a guild; upon finding himself in Catalena and realizing there was no way out, he felt like this was a test of valiance and strength from God and that he would have to take it upon himself to find an escape. He began to assemble cats whom he believed were pure of heart; this could mean anything from being willing to learn to read Arabic to wanting to save injured little critters. His criteria is his own and no one else's; nobody knows what pushes him to recruit a cat into Laskar Al-Gaza'ir.

    If he does not consider you a believer who is pure of heart, he will not judge or condemn you for it; instead, he wishes the best for you and will continue to treat you with respect so long as you do the same. His respect for the fellow cats of Catalena motivates him to fight alongside them during raids, brandishing his split-ended sword as he charges into battle.
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Postby ophanimera » Fri Aug 16, 2019 4:24 am

Username: rainbows
Link to guild: Fortuna Maxima
Character used in prompt: Caprici

Caprici is in it for the money, plain and simple. As long as there’s a reward, she’ll be in and out effectively to get the task done without any bravado. Some may call her an emotionless mercenary, but to her, tackling the big bads of Catalena is just a day job. That’s why she started up Fortuna Maxima, after all— she needed an excuse to earn some currency on the record, rather than scavenge items for scraps like she used to.

When all is said and done, you can find her back at the market, whittling away idle hours by chatting up her favorite shopkeepers and keeping the guild hall clean. She may be charismatic, but her charisma seldom extends out of one-on-one conversations. She has a small group of friends and is always looking for new guild recruits, but new cats means cutting into her profits if they don’t hold their own. She’ll grill you within an inch of your life before she can determine whether or not you’re fit to join Fortuna Maxima and even then, she may still turn you away. ‘Shrewd business practices,’ she says, but really we think it’s because she is reluctant to let her guard down and actually get close to other cats.
bats // it/its // adult

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