A cozy log cabin... [Game #12 Closed!]

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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #4 Open!]

Postby Midnightkitkat » Mon Jul 22, 2019 5:29 am

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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #4 Open!]

Postby Stephaaa » Mon Jul 22, 2019 5:35 am

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    Fleur gave Carter a great big grin.
    Caro. The mechanic with the dusty maps, and Monty, that whale dude who always gives everyone a look I can't even describe. Her head was boiling with things she had to spit out.
    "For real? I can't believe Caro even liked anyone as a friend in the first place!"
    "Heya there, be careful. I'm his friend too." Carter warns
    "Well then. You want me to go right now?"
    "Righ' now?! Uh.. I guess so.. I thought you were gonna think bout' it." He hesitates.
    "There is no time for waiting! I have limited time on this island and I want to do it by putting these two grumps together!"
    "Right then, Ill show you where Caro is hanging about." Carter hesitates some more, "And don't think bout' telling him what I said to you. And don't come sprinting to me for help!"

    A soft breeze tickled the dock. Sitting, was Shark, his thoughts staring deep into the waters.
    "Don't think I ever saw him so gloomy. Maybe cranky, but he's sad I tell ya'" Carter whispers. "I'll stay behind. Go to him and say somethin'. I know you can help my friend."

    Fleur trots ever so delicately to him. She doesn't know a thing about Shark. Or does she?"

    "Hey there Shark."
    "Hey kid, what do you want now?"
    "You're awfully gloomy," Fleur starts.
    "You don't know a thing, kid. I'm perfectly fine."
    "No you're not."
    "Stop, kid."
    "I know you need some help with Monty."
    "Ah, shuck!" He thrusted his tail out of the water, some water droplets landing on Fleur. "How long have you been eaves-dropping? Has someone told ya something?!" Far away, Carter's face is flushed. Fleur ignores the statement and carries on.
    "Lemme tell you something, Caro. I don't have long on this island but all I know is I wanna see you happy. I tell you, Monty's gonna be so giddy when he sees you. You've only got so much time, Shark." Fleur advises. "You gotta go for it."
    "Thanks for all your advice, kid, but I really don't think even a piece of what you said will happen," he scoffs. Then there was silence.
    "You really think Monty's gonna be happy to see me?"
    "Let's make a plan then," Caro clears his throat. "Somethin nice and sweet." Carter is grinning from behind.
    "Speaking of sweet," Fleur rummages something out of her bag. "When you ask Monty, give these little whale gummies."
    "That's ridiculous."
    "You said something sweet."
    Fleur sighed in relief.
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prompt 4

Postby allu » Mon Jul 22, 2019 5:47 am

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    "relationship advice? well that probably isn't my forte, but i'll do my best." cara said to carter with a smile. soon after she found caro and sat next to him. she put a hand under her chin and spoke, looking at him. "so i heard you might need a bit of advice?" he grunted, perhaps annoyed that carter had told his secret. "don't worry, i wont tell anyone, I just want to help if i can." she murmured, and caro nodded. she continued her earlier sentence. "well with me and my girlfriend capricia, it kinda started with us bumping into each other on the work field. that isn't terribly helpful to you I'm sure, but we had a somewhat common interest, something that overlapped with our lives and we went from there. i'd suggest finding something you and, well err, whatever their name is..." she paused, pretending to think. she wanted caro to think carter hadn't said the name of his 'crush' and perhaps restore some trust that may have been lost. "...have in common, simply talk about that and go from there!" she grinned at caro and then gently gave him a pat on the back. "I wish you the best of luck with them. i'm sure they like you back, actually, you seem like a great guy." and with that, she walked off, as caro watched her walk away.
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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #4 Open!]

Postby LivingLethal » Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:02 am

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    R-relationship advice?!

    Mushi balks immediately at the thought of it. He’d never even been in a relationship... How could he possibly pass on helpful advice without making a fool of himself?

    “Hey, uhm, Carter?” Mushi offers a meek smile, a bit nervous at the prospect of possibly messing up Caro and Monty’s relationship, “Are you sure I’m the right guy to ask? I’m not really the most experienced at this kind of stuff... and I don’t want to, y’know, mess it up? It’s just...”

    Mushi trails off just as Carter shakes his head. “I’ve got to get back to him, please Mushi!”

    It seems he’ll need to think of some solution himself. After a moment of deliberation, Mushi stutters, “...Maybe the internet will have a better answer than me?”

    Carter nods in determined agreement, and so, Mushi opens up his search engine and quickly plugs in, “Best way to ask out your crush,” when the dreaded no-service Chrome dinosaur game pops up. No! Mushi glances at his upper right corner, and alas, not a single bar of service registers on his screen.

    Mushi sighs in discontent. It seems that he’s going to have to help Carter with his own knowledge after all. He throws back his head, wracking his brain for all useful information and inspirational advice he’s ever heard. One piece of advice stands above all others; so, Mushi squeaks out, “Uhm... Maybe Caro should just be honest about his crush?”

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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #4 Open!]

Postby moondust405 » Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:08 am

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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #4 Open!]

Postby lonk » Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:10 am

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      venita took a minute to mull the task at hand over, and then began to nod.
      "so... if i understand this right... shark has a thing for professor richards? carter replied a smug 'yep', sheepish, but clearly still enjoying the situation. ven twirled a strand of hair around her fingers. "well... i can't guarantee that i can provide good results, but i can give it my best shot."
      and with a thumbs-up exchanged, she went on her way to speak to the mechanic.

      she never once made eye contact with caro. she wasn't usually a timid girl, but man. that level of grumpy should've been illegal. venita cleared her throat to catch his attention, and once she knew he was listening, she began to give her advice.
      "so. carter, um, informed me of your problem. it's a good problem to have, by the way, a-as it's good to need to think about how you do things before you do them. it makes things work out better! i think."
      caro was not amused by her ramblings. "s-so, to get to the point... professor richards is a very smart man. a very intelligent man, i'd say. with an english degree, he probably likes to read. and with reading, comes writing! so i think that you should write him a love letter. it doesn't have to have anything fancy to it, y'know, just... write from the heart. even if the words are short and the sentences are run-ons, i think he'd think it was cute."
      the man opened his mouth to speak, but venita cut him off. "it's hard to talk to people. i get it, i really do. i've had to make some super hard decisions about what to do, what to think, what to say... and i find that writing it out can be really helpful. you can't take back words, but with a letter? you can rewrite until it's perfect." she closed her eyes and smiled. "and i think that something about the written word is beautiful. it's thoughtful. and if it comes straight from the heart, then... i think you'll find yourself able to say more than you thought you could."

      when she returned to carter's cabin, ven was surprisingly calm. carter asked how it went, and she said it was all fine and dandy, but she knew one thing for sure- she wasn't going to be able to speak directly to caro again. ever.
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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #4 Open!]

Postby Yuroshi » Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:14 am

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Sal grinned at the news, having been completely oblivious to it before. He gave Carter some reassurances that yes, he would help, and no, he wouldn’t tell Shark who told him, then went off to think about it for a bit before returning to where he thought Shark might be.

“Hey Shark,” he called out as he saw the other man working hard, “mind if I help out?”
Shark grumbled some things that basically amounted to “sure, just don’t get in the way,” and Sal wasted no time in jumping in to try to help more. After working in a comfortable silence for a bit, Sal dropped the figurative bombshell.
“So.... I’ve seen the way you look at Monty, recently,” he started, ignoring the glare the other shot him. “And I was wondering if you planned to... you know, ask him out?”
“Not that it’s any of your business, kid, but yeah. I do.”
“Great!” Sal exclaimed with a blinding smile, “I’m happy for you! I know you probably don’t really need advice, you seem pretty cool and all, but anyway... just be yourself! You may act gruff, but don’t ever try to pretend to be someone else when you’re planning to date someone, just be you! And if you were trying to think of things to do? Well, Monty likes whales, but he’s not the best with being on the sea, so maybe find a nice vantage point on the island where you can watch the sun set over the ocean and hopefully spot some whales, and do your thing!”
Sal finished the rant in only one breath, a little nervous himself about giving the advice, finishing exactly as he finished up his work as well.
“Well, gotta go!” He exclaimed, taking off at a run while giggling slightly, not giving Shark the chance to respond. Whether or not he took Sal’s advice was his choice, but Sal had done his part.
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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #4 Open!]

Postby dolly » Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:27 am

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"You're asking... me of all people for 'relationship' advice. You do realize i've been engaged three times right? And I'm still single. Like seriously, i'm the person you ask if you wanna divorce your partner. Actually, on second thought, maybe my advice is do the opposite of my suggestions.
"Let me level with you, Carter, I have absolutely no idea who the hell you're talking about. I'm not good with names. However, as a rule of thumb, i'm 90% sure everyone loves a good date at one of those fancy shmancy salsa places. I dated a ballet teacher once, ya know. She really wooed me with that salsa place down the street.
"Now, you're probably thinking "is she talking about the food item or the dance". My answer? Both. If you can, both. Now, this may seem like a lot, and it is, but you're trying to woo someone. No one is going to be wooed by soggy nachos. Except for Iridiana, but her standards are astronomically low.
"Don't be an Iridiana. Don't tell her I said this, but her life is a mess. Now, it may not seem like it, but I am not one to judge. I know that's really hard to believe, but I mean it in the nicest way possible. Now, you've gotten my input. I can give more date ideas, but it'll cost you a pretty penny. I am not in denial over my greed, my friend. Time is money," she says without taking a single breath. It's impressive.
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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #4 Open!]

Postby fangsnfluff » Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:54 am

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“Okay so. You’re a shark. Well, your name is Shark, and that’s close enough. And, well, what is a shark if not a more dangerous whale? And what does Monty love? Whales! So... you’re all set, already! You don’t even have to do anything! But no, really, you don’t have to do much. Just be yourself, Monty’ll appreciate that. Honesty and openness are important in any relationship, even if you just want to be his friend. So... just go up to him and strike up a conversation. You’re a fisherman, and he’s from an ocean town. But I get the feeling that he really doesn’t know much about life in a place like this. Maybe you can show him around, help him understand how this place is set up, and show him some cool nature stuff along the way. Whatever you two end up doing together, just do something. You’ll never know how he feels if you don’t take that first step and just talk to him about things. Our cruise ship won’t be here forever, so you’ve only got so long to decide how you wanna handle all this. He’s a nice guy, and you’re... also very nice, I’m sure, past the grumpy exterior. But really, you’re a good guy, and I think Monty can see that. But you won’t know unless you just take the risk and go for it.”
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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #4 Open!]

Postby carpe » Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:59 am

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