Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Forgottenclan [07]

Postby amethyst14 » Mon Jun 17, 2019 4:54 pm

Number of Cats: 13(3 Servings)
Toms: 7 Mollies: 6
Hardmode: Off
Starclan: Now
Pebbles: 30
Den Decay: 4

        Barkpool looked at the kit and then looked at Blackspot, “Can’t just leave him out here.”

        Blackspot nodded and was already stepping forward, Barckpool close behind. Blackspot was being as friendly as he could when he moved closer to the spunky fluffed up kit, “Are you lost?”

        Foxkit shrugged, “I’m never lost! My dad showed me around all the time, he even brought me here and then you two showed up and scared him off!”

        Blackspot looked around at Barkpool, puzzled, the two asked, “Which way did he go?”

        Foxkit shook his head, “He doesn’t just go in a direction when he disappears, he just poofs.” The kit rolled his eyes as this was common knowledge.

        The two medicine cats were quite intrigued now, a starclan cat lead this kit around? Strange.

        “Maybe he wanted you to find us? We are medicine cats to Forgottenclan.” Barkpool meowed.

        Foxkit shrugged, “Maybe, or he wanted you to find me.” smugness, refusing to say he was lost in any way that could have suggested so.

        Blackspot chuckled, “Who knows, does your father talk to you?”

        Foxkit shrugged, “He’s a cat of few words. He does talk sometimes in my dreams but not when he leads me around.” The kit started to walk off in the opposite direction of camp, confident that he was leading them the right way.

        Barkpool went and opened his mouth to say that they were going the wrong way but Blackspot stopped him with a nudge. Blackspot whispered to the tom, “He’s the one we have been talking about. I just know it.”

        Barkpool nodded as the thought was said out loud, “Should we just heard him towards the right way or get him to think he is going the right way?”

        Just then Foxkit ran the right direction, “There! There he is! Wait dad!” By the time Barkpool and Blackspot turned the cat disappeared. It didn’t matter though because the kit was leading them towards camp.

        Pintolily closed her eyes while she soaked in the sun and warmed up, she listened to the kits play after she told them their ranks, Pintolily always made Skipperkit leader, even though the young molly wanted to be a warrior. The others went along with it though for the time being.

        Today was different though, when they were a little ways away from Pintolily Foxkit asked Skipperkit, “Can I be leader and you be warrior? My dad tells me I would make a great leader!”

        Skipperkit shuffled her paws, “Momma likes me to be leader, she gets mad if I’m not.”

        “We don’t have to tell her…”

        Skipperkit looked at her brothers and they just shrugged. Cariboukit chuckled, “As long as I can be deputy, you can play leader and Skipperkit can be a warrior with Tipkit.”

        “Okay!” Foxkit chirped. The group of kits went on fake little parols and mocked reports that they have heard from Alkanetfur or Barkpool. However Pintolily overheard Foxkit call him Foxstar and she shot upright and marched over.

        “Foxkit! You are not the leader! Skipperkit is!” She meowed in annocance.

        “We all agreed to let me be leader this time!” Foxkit smiled.

        “No! Skipperkit will always be the leader, you will have to learn that.”

        “Why?” That simple question had all their attention focused on the queen.

        “Starclan themselves chose her to be leader. Gather around so I can tell you all a story.” The kits huddled together and Pintolily sat down and started her story.

        “I was once in a different clan, and due to my actions I got into some trouble and had to escape. Or I would have been killed by a very mean cat. Starclan helped me find this place and they told me that my kits will be the future of Forgottenclan.” The molly paused and looked at Foxkit, “This is why you can’t be the leader, you are not really my kit.”

        Foxkit didn’t even flinch at the coldness in Pintolily’s voice, “So? I can be leader. Anyone can be a leader.”

        “No! Tipkit and Cariboukit look to much like their father and can cause trouble for the clan! You are not my kit so you hold no high ranking future in Forgottenclan!” Pintolily argued.

        “I don’t want to be a leader…” Skipperkit meowed, shrinking back at her mother’s anger towards Foxkit.

        “See, she doesn’t want to be a leader, I do!” Foxkit sat up proudly, “My father even says-”

        “Your father is dead, I don’t want to hear about him any more Foxkit!” Pintolily cut him off. That hurt Foxkit and he backed away, tears in his eyes before shooting off towards the nursery. The three others tried to go after him but Pintolily got in their way.

        “You three need to start playing your roles that I give you. I won’t be around forever to make sure things go the way they should. Skipperkit, you will be leader of Forgottenclan one day, do you understand me?” Pintolily only heard silence from the three but saw the little nods, she continued, “I don’t want you to play with Foxkit for the rest of the day or you will all be in trouble, he is bad news to you three and we don’t need that here.” she heareded them away from the nursery and had them play in the shade, though they didn’t really play and just sat around, bored.

        Foxkit cried into the nest he had made himself, he felt the presence of another cat behind him and he didn’t bother to look up, “Go away! You only get me in trouble!” he meowed.

        Barkpool shook his head, “I’m not who you think you are Foxkit…”

        Foxkit still didn’t turn and this time just stayed quiet.

        Barkpool went over and licked the top of the kit’s head a few times to help him calm down, “Don’t listen to her. She has always been that way with those three. She is over protective and doesn’t realize what she says sometimes.”

        Foxkit shook his head, “It’s not fair! She’s not fair!”

        Barkpool nodded, “You’re right, but you need to show her that you are the future of the clan just as much as they are. Show her that you are strong and one day she will see that your father is part of Starclan. You came here because of him and not without a cause.”

        Foxkit looked at him, “You think I am supposed to be more than a warrior too?”

        Barkpool shrugged, “I’m not going to say any more until you are older, but for now you need to prove yourself to be strong and capable to do anything you want. Just like the little tom I know you are.”

        Foxkit nodded, “I can do that!” he had stopped crying now and sat with the new thoughts. Barkpool had left him alone now. “I will just have to prove that Skipperkit is weaker than me! That will be super easy!”

        It was a few days after the outlash by Foxkit and Pintoliy and the kits were mimicking the fighting that the apprentices practiced around the camp. Foxkit had challenged Skipperkit to a dual and she happily accepted. Her happiness didn’t last long because Foxkit tackled her when she was not ready yet.

        “Ow! Foxkit, I wasn’t ready!” she meowed. Foxkit didn’t stop though and bit her paw rather harshly and it caused her to yowl in out, “Momma!”

        Foxkit hissed, “Now you’ve done it!”

        Pintolily rushed over and looked at Skipperkit, who was crying and holding her paw off the ground. There was some blood and Pintolily looked at Foxkit with anger.

        “What did you do?!” she spat.

        “We were playing and she can’t keep up. A leader should be able to fight and be strong!” Foxkit muttered.

        Tipkit and Cariboukit looked between the two and snickered, “Skipperkit is so weak.”

        “You three go to the nursery! You are not to leave or else.” The toms sighed and trotted off towards the nursery, cheering up and laugh as they dipped inside. Pintolily had Barlpool look at Skipperkit’s paw and talked with the tom while he patched this kit’s paw.

        It was like this for some time now, the kits would play and Foxkit would get to rough with Skipperkit, she would end up needed to see Barkpool. It got bad enough to where Skipperkit did her best to avoid Foxkit, fearing getting hurt. Of course this caused some distance with her brothers and she found herself playing alone with a moss ball. If she was lock she caught Spottedpaw and Bouncepaw in camp and they would play with her, but then the others would come over and demand to be shown some moves, shoving her to the side.

          [Border Patrol] Patchfur and Alkanetfur patrol.
          [Hunting] Flintfang and Marigoldpatch hunt.
          [Herb Hunting] Barkpool and Blackspot search for herbs.
          [Training] Spottedpaw and Bouncepaw train.
          [Den Upkeep] Spottedpaw and Bouncepaw search for den materials.
          [Prey] 1 Big Fish (3 Servings)

      THE CLAN
      Leader: Den: 0/1

      Deputy: Den: Warriors

      Medicine Cat: Den: 2/2
      Barkpool | 72 Moons | Tom | SP 5
      Blackspot | 47 Moons | Tom | SP 5

      Medicine Cat Apprentice: Den: Apprentice

      Warrior: Den: 4/20
      Patchfur | 49 Moons | Molly |
      Flintfang | 47 Moons | Tom |
      Marigoldpatch | 39 Moons | Molly |
      Alkanetfur | 27 Moons | Molly |

      Apprentices: Den: 2/10
      Bouncepaw | 10 Moons | Tom |
      Spottedpaw | 10 Moons | Molly |

      Queens: Den: 5/10
      Pintolily | 60 Moons | Molly |

      Kits: Den: Queens
      Foxkit | 5 Moons | Tom |
      Cariboukit | 3 Moons | Tom |
      Skipperkit | 3 Moons | Molly |
      Tipkit | 3 Moons | Tom |

      Elders: Den: 0/5

      Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
      Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
      Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
      Robin | x0 | 2 servings
      Pigeon | x1 | 3 servings
      Big Fish | x2 | 3 servings
      Total | 3 | 9 servings

      Moss | x0
      Mud | x1
      Cattail Fuzz | x0
      Grass | x0
      Twigs | x2


      Flintfang + Patchfur

      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Clan Name | Username

      North | open | open
      East | open | open
      South | open | open
      West | open | open


      1|Alder Bark|Eases tooth pains.
      0|Beech Leaves|To carry other herbs.
      0|Bindweed|Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
      0|Blackberry Leaves|Eases the swelling of bee stings.
      1|Borage Leaves|Produces more/better milk and to help fevers.
      0|Broom|Makes poultices for broken legs and wounds.
      0|Burdock Root|Heals/prevents the pain of infected rat bites.
      0|Burnet|Stops minor bleeding and keeps strength up.
      0|Catchweed|To stop poultices from rubbing off.
      1|Catmint|For deadly greencough or whitecough.
      0|Celandine|Soothes damaged eyes.
      0|Chamomile|Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind.
      1|Chervil|For infected wounds and bellyache.
      0|Chickweed|Treats greencough.
      1|Cobwebs|To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.
      0|Coltsfoot|Eases breathing or kitten-cough, cracked or sore pads.
      0|Comfrey Root|Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds, or used for burns.
      0|Daisy Leaf|Eases the pain of aching joints.
      0|Dandelion|Soothe bee stings or as a painkiller.
      0|Deadly Nightshade|Poison.
      0|Deathberries|Poison, kills a cat.
      1|Dock|Soothes scratches or sore pads.
      0|Dried Oak Leaf|Stops infection from setting in.
      0|Elder Leaves|Eases sprains.
      0|Fennel|Helps pain in the hips.
      0|Feverfew|For fever/chills or for headaches.
      0|Foxglove Seeds|Cause paralysis and heart failure.
      0|Goatweed|Eases anxiety and grief.
      0|Goldenrod|Good for healing wounds.
      0|Hawkweed|Like catmint but not as strong.
      1|Holly Berry|Mild deathberry.
      0|Honey|Helps sore throats and soothes coughing.
      0|Horsetail|Treats infections and stops bleeding.
      1|Ivy Leaf|To store other herbs.
      0|Juniper Berries|Soothes bellyaches, gives strength,
      and helps troubled breathing or for anxiety.

      0|Lamb's Ear|Gives a cat strength.
      0|Lavender|Cures fever and chills.
      0|Lungwort|Cures yellowcough.
      0|Mallow Leaf|Soothes belly ache.
      0|Marigold|Stops infection, stops bleeding, used for inflammation of stiff joints.
      0|Mint|Hides the scent of death.
      0|Mousebile|Rid elders of ticks.
      0|Parsley|Stop queen's milk production.
      1|Poppy Seed|They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain.
      0|Ragwort Leaves|Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
      1|Raspberry Leaf|Ease pain and stop bleeding.
      0|Rosemary|Hides the scent of death.
      0|Rush|Helps hold a broken limb in place.
      0|Sorrel|Build an appetite.
      0|Stinging Nettle|Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, or helps fight infection.
      1|Sweet-Sedge|Eases infection.
      1|Tansy|Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons, stops cats from getting greencough.
      1|Tormentil|Treating all wounds and extracting poison.
      0|Thyme| Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
      0|Water Hemlock|Causes writhing pain, and foaming at the mouth.
      0|Watermint| Eases bellyaches.
      0|Wild Garlic|Prevents infections.
      0|Willow Bark|Eases pain.
      0|Willow Leaf|Stops vomiting.
      0|Wintergreen|Treats wounds and some poisons.
      0|Yarrow|Induce vomiting or extracts poison from wounds.

      Spottedpaw | Alkenetfur | 3
      ↪Swimming, Stealth, Hunt,
      Bouncepaw | Flintfang | 3
      ↪Swimming, Stealth, Hunt,
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Whitebark [post 1]

Postby Grey_Hoodie » Mon Jun 17, 2019 7:37 pm

    xxpopulation. 4 cats
    xx- - - 2m, 2f, 0nb
    xxden decay. 5 days
    xxpebbles. 0 total

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




    ╦══════════╦══╦══╦═══════════ ●

    allied clans.
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    enemy clans.
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    west | northernclan | solyn

    - - -

    fresh-kill pile.
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Voles | x0 | 1 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Ermines | x0 | 2 servings
    Small Fish| x0 | 2 servings
    Birds | x0 | 3 servings

    den supply.
    Build Material | Amount
    Build Material | Amount

    medicine store.

    ╩══════════╩══╩══╩═══════════ ●

      - -
      Hanging from a branch of blood-hued clouds like a piece of rotten fruit, the sun cast off the last of its light to burn into the fallen cliffside, fierce flares glaring off of the wet, newly unearthed stone. Mountains of dirt and debris littered the ravine’s depths, torn roots peeking out from muddy clumps and offering a perch to confused insects unused to such wild activity and commotion. A single mangled tree held up by one of the fallen stones offered shelter to a lone molly, her body deliberately curled into the branches just so she could feel the pinch of the pine needles against her skin.

      It felt like nothing compared to the vile bitterness running its course through her veins. Her head pulsed with each heartbeat, syncing with the atrocious thoughts infecting her mind every time she thought she was near forgetting them. The ginger molly pressed her muzzle into the ground, curling her paws around her eyes in a futile attempt to forget everything. She didn’t want to think about it – why wouldn’t her mind obey her? The molly choked out an aborted cry, convincing herself the soggy fur clinging to her cheeks was simply a result of the muddy ground beneath her.

      Her throat felt like it had been burned raw, the memory of a furious snarl threatening untold violence rising anew with each and every scratchy swallow. COWARDS! Her final word – the last thing she’d barked at her clanmates before they’d vanished into the dust, ignorant to her pleas and dismissive of the loss they’d all just faced. It was the only word her mind continued to dredge up that she allowed herself to focus on. The imagery of the queen’s scrambling, her mentor, Brambleshade, tossing a sodden body back up onto the ledge even as the ground was crumbling around him – they were cowards. Cowards. Cowards.

      The ominous tune of a lurking boreal owl overhead caught her attention, ears perking forward to pinpoint the predator’s direction. Her gaze soon followed and a cave-black sky closed in on her from above, oily shadows dripping down the walls of the ravine to pool in darkened corners. Fear had always been foreign to her, but it was ever and overwhelmingly present now. Her spine quivered against a phantom chill, each strand of fur creeping away from prickly skin to stand erect. If sleep should grace her at all, it would be after her mind had vanished in on itself and her body had shivered itself into exhaustion. She could only hope. A tired, distraught mind would only hinder the work she’d need to do tomorrow.

      [Sablefeather, Lupinedance and Honeypaw go on a hunting patrol.]

      ● ══════════╦══╬══╦═══════════╦

      [1/1] leader. Lupinedance | ↟↟
      - - - - molly | 33 moons | @ apprentice

      ● ══════════╬══╬══╬═══════════╬

      [1/2] healer.
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice

      ● ══════════╩══╬══╩═══════════╩

      ● ══════════╦══╬══╦═══════════╦

      [0/10] queens & kits.
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ kits
      - - - - - - kitname | gender | age
      - - - - - - kitname | gender | age
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ kits
      - - - - - - kitname | gender | age
      - - - - - - kitname | gender | age
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ kits
      - - - - - - kitname | gender | age
      - - - - - - kitname | gender | age
      - - - - - - kitname | gender | age

      ● ══════════╩══╬══╩═══════════╩

      ● ══════════╦══╬══╦═══════════╦

      [1/5] elders.
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | family
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | family
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | family
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | family
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | family

      ● ══════════╩══╬══╩═══════════╩

      ╦════════════════════════╦══╬══╦═════════════════════════ ●

      [2/20] warriors.
      Brambleshade | ↟↟
      - - - - tom | 35 moons | @ Honeypaw
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      Sablefeather | ↟↟
      - - - - tom | 39 moons | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice
      name here
      - - - - gender | age | @ apprentice

      ╬════════════════════════╬══╬══╬═════════════════════════ ●

      [1/10] apprentices.
      name here
      - - - - gender | age
      - - - - - - skill, skill, skill, skill
      name here
      - - - - gender | age
      - - - - - - skill, skill, skill, skill
      name here
      - - - - gender | age
      - - - - - - skill, skill, skill, skill
      name here
      - - - - gender | age
      - - - - - - skill, skill, skill, skill
      name here
      - - - - gender | age
      - - - - - - skill, skill, skill, skill
      Honeypaw | ↟↟
      - - - - molly | 12 moons | [4/4]
      - - - - - - hunt, swim, fight, climb
      name here
      - - - - gender | age
      - - - - - - skill, skill, skill, skill
      name here
      - - - - gender | age
      - - - - - - skill, skill, skill, skill
      name here
      - - - - gender | age
      - - - - - - skill, skill, skill, skill
      name here
      - - - - gender | age
      - - - - - - skill, skill, skill, skill
      c; hullo, those who see this-- Hope your day is going well!

      ╩════════════════════════╩══╬══╩═════════════════════════ ●

    Last edited by Grey_Hoodie on Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:38 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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    Re: Create A Clan- V.4

    Postby sylveonsweetie987 » Mon Jun 17, 2019 11:46 pm

    Number of Cats: 1 | Next Starclan Visit: Now | Next Den Decay: 5 | Pebbles: 0

    Hopstar went out on a patrol, hunting as he went. When he returned, he set out to the Moonpool to ask Starclan to send him cats.

            Leader: (1/1)
            Hopstar | 32 moons | Male | X
            Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

            Deputy: (0/1)
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Medicine Cat: (0/2)
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

            Warriors: (0/20)
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Apprentices: (0/10)
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Queens: (0/10)
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Kits: (*See Queens*)
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Elders: (0/5)
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Clan Name | Username
      Clan Name | Username

      North | Clan Name | Username
      East | Clan Name | Username
      South | Clan Name | Username
      West | Clan Name | Username

      Medicine Store
      Herb | Usage
      Herb | Usage

      Den Supply Store
      Build Material | Amount
      Build Material | Amount

      Fresh-Kill Pile:
      Mice | x0 | 1 serving
      Minnow | x0 | 1 serving
      Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
      Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
      Hare | x0 | 3 servings
      Birds | x0 | 3 servings

      Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
      Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

      Deceased Cats:
      Cat Name | Cause of Death
      Cat Name | Cause of Death

      Name and Name | Kits
      Name and Name | Kits

    ♥ Hi, I'm Syl (she/her), your friendly neighborhood procrastinator! I make art and stuff like that ♥
    ♥ Autism ♥ ADHD ♥ Asexual Lesbian ♥ Jewish ♥
    ♥ Current hyperfixations: The Owl House, Kalons ♥

    ♥ I'm @/sylsoddsandends on Tumblr, if you want to see art/writing/etc! ♥


    Trade me!My Kalons

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    Re: Create A Clan- V.4

    Postby Springtalon » Tue Jun 18, 2019 2:05 am

    Number of Cats: 08

    --not doing text until i catch up pictures + code

    mintstar goes hunting - she takes jaypaw to teach them hunting
    mintstar goes on patrol

    I realized i accidentally screwed up adoption limit - i only took 5 of the cats i adopted, i have 3 others for this clan, I will wait to add them until the next post and not adopt any more for relicclan xP

            Mintstar | 33 Moons | Female | X
            Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Medicine Cat:
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Jaypaw | 9 Moons | Nonbinary | X
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Mouseblossom | 39 Moons | Female | X
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Palekit | 2 Moons | Female | X
            Pebblekit | 2 Moons | Male | X
            Fogkit | 2 Moons | Female | X
            Driftkit | 1 Moon | Female | X(R)
            Shortkit | 1 Moon | Male | X

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Clan Name | Username
      Clan Name | Username

      North | Clan Name | Username
      East | Clan Name | Username
      South | Clan Name | Username
      West | Clan Name | Username

      Medicine Store
      Herb | Usage
      Herb | Usage

      Fresh-Kill Pile:
      Minnows | x0 | 1 serving
      Frog | x0 | 1 serving
      Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
      Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
      Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
      Birds | x0 | 3 Servings

      Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
      Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

      Deceased Cats:
      Cat Name | Cause of Death
      Cat Name | Cause of Death

      Name and Name | Kits
      Name and Name | Kits
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    IslandClan [001]

    Postby obnixious » Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:00 am

    Number of Cats: 5 | 3 - 2 | Next Starclan Visit: June 16 | Pebbles: 0
    Next Den Decay: In 4 posts | Mod: Chamrosh | Servings Needed: 2 (fasting for 1 more moon)

    Last Moon


    Swanstar grumbles a little and rolls over, ignoring the sound of something in the water. After a minute or two, she suddenly scrambles out of her little den, ears perked up as she looks over to the shore. She makes her way over, cautious with her steps as she approaches the water.

    There, in the shallowest part of the water near where Swanstar had decided to set up camp for a Clan, was a thin tabby with a short tail. It looked like it might've been cut in half, and the thought of this stranger being a mean rogue scared her almost enough to not speak up.

    However, this is her home, and so she shoved that fear aside and strides out from the bushes, head held high as she stares the stranger down. "You there! Why are you here!" she demands, and mentally congratulating herself on not physically reacting when they suddenly snap their head over to stare her down. She focuses on their light green eyes, absently noting how wild one side of their whiskers looked.

    "Oh, you're already here." The stranger absolutely does nothing to answer her question, and instead begins walking towards her. Swanstar forces herself not to take a step back, and instead growls low. He pauses, before then sitting down in the dirt of the shore. "Sorry, I'm just. So glad to know you're already here. I've had visions of this place, of a great Clan starting here, of what this place can become."

    His voice is soft, and it soothes Swanstar's fear just as easily as the appearance of him brought it up. She sits down where she is as well. Tail curling around to rest on her paws as she looks down on him. There's a little bit of a step from the shore to the main part of the island, and she had been standing up on it to get extra height on him, so she stays there now.

    "You've had visions of this place to? I've seen this place in my dreams for the last moon, but never really saw any faces in it properly, or what would happen in the future. Only the location, and had the words of the StarClan members telling me I was to live here." She looks up as she speaks, silently thanking them for sending someone to her.

    "I'm sure there's some meaning to why they shared things differently between the two of us, but we can deal with that another time. For now," he nods to his left, and Swanstar's eyes follow the gesture to see a small bundle of leaves to the side. She's assuming he placed them down after the small swim here to splash around in the water. "I really hope you have a place I can store these herbs."

    The tom settles in fairly easily after that, and together with him - Spiderwhisker, he said he'd like to be called - they manage to dig out a few other dens, and stack some bigger branches up over some of the bigger bushes to make bigger areas.


    One day, when Swanstar was out on a patrol of the woods around the lake, she came across a few other cats. there was a pure white female with two different coloured eyes, and with her was a black female with a small white patch on her chest and a sad looking face.

    "Back up!" the white one demands, fur bristled and teeth bared. Swanstar pauses mid-step before backing up a little as she requested. She stares down this stranger, eyeing the other female out of the corner of her eyes as she did. They stand there for a few minutes, tensely watching one another, before the black one sighs heavily and steps forward.

    She bumps her shoulder against the white female, causing her to stumble a little bit, before glancing apologetically at Swanstar. "I apologize for her behaviour. We've been travelling a long time, and she's a bit on edge. I'm Bear, and she's Frost. You are?"

    Swanstar's tail lashes behind her, before she moves to sit, and purring softly when Bear moves to copy her. Frost stays standing, still glaring at Swanstar, but she doesn't let her gaze bother her.

    "My name is Swanstar, and I'm actually starting up a Clan not too far from here. You're welcome to come with me, if you'd like?" She notices how Frost seems to bristle even more, but Bear seems to be thinking it over. "It's the island in the lake, if you're interested. There's a shallow section that leads right to the island just out of the woods here, but I'll leave you to decide on your own if you'll be joining or not."

    She gets up and turns to go back the other way, deciding she can always search that side of the border later. She doesn't want to crowd the two of them, and Frost was really seeming like she was about to pounce if Swanstar had stayed any longer. She's confident, however, that they will join. The one, Bear, had really seemed like the idea of the Clan had appealed to her, and Swanstar's certain that Frost will follow if Bear decides to join.


    A few days later, Swanstar is woken by someone shaking her awake.

    "-star, Swanstar. Come on, wake up." she bats tiredly at the direction of the voice, and manages to get the intruder right on the nose.

    She then yelps and scrambles to the back of her den when they retaliate by batting back at her own face a few times. She shakes her head to clear the sleep from her mind as she stares at the amused face of Spiderwhisker.

    "You really need to learn to be a lighter sleeper," the tom teases, before he backs out her her den. He glances back in when she doesn't immediately follow, eyes rolling as he beckons her over. "Hurry up, there's someone here to see you."

    He then leaves, and Swanstar grumbles a little as she makes her way out after him. She then pauses, noting there's not just the two females in her camp, but there's a third stranger with them. The young tabby between them is practically bouncing around them, occasionally darting close to bat at one of their flanks and them taking off before they can snap at him. It's cute, and it makes her think of what the future can bring for this little Clan.

    "Ah, Swanstar! We've finally decided to join you." Bear greets, before glancing over at her two companions. "We met this kit while we were still thinking it over-"

    "I'm not a kit!" he young tom claims, but Bear easily ignores his protest.

    "-and we couldn't just leave him alone out there, so I hope you don't mind that we brought him along with us."

    Swanstar glances over at Frost, and she looks off to the side almost sheepishly, nose scrunching up for a few moments before she lets out a huff and lifts her head to lock eyes with Swanstar. "I'd like to apologize for my behaviour from the other day. We've been travelling for a long time together, since our home was attacked, and I wasn't going to take any risks."

    "It's fine, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm glad you've decided to join us now, even if you were hesitant. It means a lot." Swanstar glances over to Spiderwhisker, and they share a look before she looks back at the trio. "Well then, welcome to IslandClan. Bear, Frost, and. Actually I didn't catch your name."

    The young tom puffs out his chest as he looks up at Swanstar, and it makes her chuckle a little bit. "My name's Minnow! Are we gonna get cool names like people in Clans? There was one where I used to live, and they all had cool two part names, like you do! I want a cool two part name too!" he declares, stomping a paw as he does.

    Spiderwhisker gives a small laugh, effectively drawing all their attention to him. "Of course, you'll all be getting the two part names that cats in a Clan do. So will anyone else that joins." Minnow then goes back to excitedly bounding around them, his energy almost doubled at this news.

    "Of course, if you two would like to choose your warrior names, you're free to." Swanstar offers, looking over at Frost and Bear. The two share a look, before nodding. "And Minnow shall be Minnowpaw, while he trains to become a warrior. Then you'll get a warrior name of your own." she says towards the excited young tom, and he nods but otherwise doesn't slow or make any move to stop.

    "If it's alright, I'd like to be Bearfang. She'll be Frostfur." Bear claims quietly, glancing at Frost as if for confirmation, and gets a small nod from the white female.

    Swanstar nods, before getting back to her feet. "Alright, then from now on you are Bearfang and Frostfur. Welcome to IslandClan. Bearfang, I'd like you to be Minnowpaw's ment-"

    "No, I'll do it." Frostfur butts in, and Swanstar sees nothing but determination in her dual-coloured eyes. So, she nods, before then correcting herself.

    "Alright, then Frostfur, you will be Minnowpaw's mentor. Please, do what you can to teach him."

    And with that, it finally begins.

    This Moon
    IslandClan fasts
    Swanstar searches for den supplies
    Frostfur trains Minnowpaw
    Bearfang goes hunting

    Swanstar requests her 9 lives from StarClan
    Spiderwhisker gathers medicine supplies

    cats wrote:
    Leader: (1/1)
    Swanstar | 23 Moons | | 🐱
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Deputy: (0/1)
    Name | Age | Gender | 🐱

    Medicine Cat: (1/2)
    Spiderwhisker | 25 Moons | | 🐱
    Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

    Warriors: (2/20)
    Frostfur | 17 Moons | | 🐱
    Bearfang | 17 Moons | | 🐱

    Apprentices: (1/10)
    Minnowpaw | 7 Moons | | 🐱
    Name | Age | Gender | 🐱

    Queens: (0/10)
    Name | Age | Gender | 🐱
    Name | Age | Gender | 🐱

    Kits: (*See Queens*)
    Name | Age | Gender | 🐱
    Name | Age | Gender | 🐱

    Elders: (0/5)
    Name | Age | Gender | 🐱
    Name | Age | Gender | 🐱
    information wrote:
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    x1 Catmint | greencough, whitecough
    x1 Chamomile | strength for travelling cats
    x1 Dandelion | soothe bee stings + painkiller
    x1 Parsley | stops milk + cures bellyache
    x1 Thyme | calms nervousness, anxiety, shock

    Den Supply Store
    Build Material | Amount
    Build Material | Amount

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Frog | x0 | 1 servings
    Minnows | x0 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Birds | x0 | 3 servings
    Big Fish | x3 | 3 servings
    Total | 9 servings
    cats cont. wrote:
    Frostfur | Minnowpaw | 0 | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
    Last edited by obnixious on Tue Jun 25, 2019 9:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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    ⥽ ) ' louluclan , the eighth moon .

    Postby w0ah » Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:06 am

        01. total population: 019 cats ─ 02. she-cats: 10 ─ 03. toms: 09 ─ 04. servings: 004 ─ 05. stars: 00/00/0006. archive: here!

      LAST MOON . . .
      iindentthe sea was rising—daunting its heightened crests, the waves peaked and flew toward the shoreline, laying foam at the leader’s paws. she paused, watched the sea once more, then sighed. rain trickled down from the sky at a slower pace, much more so than it had before a few hours ago, pouring down onto the island like bullets aiming for a cat’s back. just the mere amount of precipitation they’d had in recent days had worried many, and the way the lake sloshed and the sea worked its salty shores managed to make one more nervous, anxious even. kaimana was familiar with the climate this time of year, but the threat it posed upon her growing clan today was much more worrying to her—before, she’d have little to consider other than her own wellbeing, but now she had an entire clan under her rule which relied on her every word. this was a much different scenario to take.

      iindentcarefully, the molly rose onto her four paws and took another slight glance into the sea, watching it meticulously for a few moments or so, then turned away as she originally intended to do. they carried her toward the direction she wished, and with ease took the path she had become so accustomed to she could walk it with her eyes closed. the sprinkling above washed out into a heavier rain, however not enough to soak the pelt, and left kaimana with dripples of moisture running over her white, silky fur. once shuffling beneath the log entrance into the camp and entering its clearing, she stood to shake the droplets from her pelt. she then noticed the evident silence of the camp’s center, where usually it was quite busy with a buzzing commotion and chatter. however, because of the rain and downpour from earlier, many of the cats whom had not been sent out on patrols from earlier that day had crouched inside their dens to shelter. kaimana glanced about for a few moments, then found herself following the footsteps of her clan and entering her own den to escape the rain, now bogged-down with its moisture.

      iindent“kaimana!” a voice cried from beside her. the she-cat, jolted from her sleep, rose immediately onto her paws and turned toward the beholder of such voice. “its flooding!”

      iindentnever expecting these words from the voice of makani, her medicine-cat, the leader stood frozen a few moments in silence, boring into the eyes of the tom as his own, widened in panic, searched hers for a response. after a few moments to process, it finally hit the molly what he meant—their camp, it was flooding. pushing past his meak form, she burst into the clearing and searched about with concern as she finally met the scene of chaos awaiting her—throughout the clearing they called home, cats dashed about with their yells echoed as they rushed to gather supplies inclosed in their dens. on the farthest end of the camp, water rushed in, slowly, from the rising tides of the sea, making a mess of the shrubbery bordering. the molly’s jaw dropped agape and she felt her own panic begin to settle in, consuming her soul in a fit of anxiety.

      iindent“well, do something about this mess!” turning back to the inside of her den, kaimana viewed the seething medicine-cat as he watched her with narrowed eyes, equally upset and just as equally panicked. “don’t you dare command me.” the she-cat hissed. she then turned away from the tom with a flick of her tail and sprinted into the clearing, watching cats dash to and fro. bursting into the clearing with a yowl, the attention of the frightened felines turned onto her, their many beady eyes boring into her pelt. finally, once she knew she had their full attention, she proceeded to speak her mind. “we have little time, our camp is flooding and we cannot waste the seconds on anything other than saving ourselves.” the leader stood her ground, glancing around to meet the other’s eyes. “take yourselves and only yourselves, not anything else, and head for deeper into the forest. there’s a knoll toward the east, and there we shall gather.” with a final nod, kaimana sprinted toward the queen’s den and disappeared inside. the remainder of the felines about the clearing glanced around a few silent moments before the brave silently filed out through the entrance and followed their leader’s directions, toward the knoll in the east.

      iindentas she entered the hollowed-out shrubbery, she was immediately met by the form of akela as she laid huddled with her kits by her flank. her yellowed eyes turned to the leader, widened in fear, then released the slightest whimper of the sorts. kaimana stepped toward the queen, gently laying her nose onto her shoulder. “let me help you.” she murmured, eyeing her brood of two. the queen hesitated for a moment’s notice before rising from her place, nodding in assurance and choosing to grab the scruff of the brown tabby kit. the leader carefully gripped the scruff of the second kit and the two turned to leave the den—not before taking a single last glance at the hollow she and her kits had been familiar with for the past several moons. she’d pray to the gods that it weren’t carried away by the flooding waters approaching at an increasing speed, but to this she could not be sure. “akela, we must hurry.”

      iindentthe she-cats waded through a rising layer of water to reach the camp’s exit, holding their heads higher and higher above the water with each step they took in order to avoid drowning the kits, but with each step it rose, so much so that the two she-cats nearly had to pick up their paws and begin swimming through it. however, to their short burst of luck, they brushed out of the clearing and into the forest, sprinting off into the east, the direction in which kaimana had ordered. the scent of the other cats were strong on the wind, on everything around them, and the underlying notion of panic which settled deep within their chests. the leader tried with all of her strength to merely focus on just keeping her paws moving, picking them up from the ground in their pounding rhythm, and ensuring a tight hold on the kit clenched between her jaws.

      iindentit wouldn't be until nightfall, however, that the leader and the queen would finally reach the knoll in forest. with each step they took, they were followed by the daunting sound of rushing water, and the scent of its salty taste approaching behind. the floods, fast-moving, would rush up the sides of the knoll and then just slightly missed its peak, where all thirteen cats then awaited their leader. akela and her kits joined the pileup, but kaimana lagged behind—she, overcome with a longing sadness, glanced back into the rushing waters of the flood as it overcame the forest-floor, sloshing around the trunks of trees, flattening the shrubbery.

      iindentthe forest would never be the same.

      THIS MOON . . .
      iindentall nineteen cats slunk through the forest, their paws squishing and squelching through the soaked undergrowth. every cat’s pelt was wet and damp with the excess rain, and their paws muddied by dirt and sand. at their lead, the pure white she-cat padded onward with her head hung low, a frown gracing her maw as her eyes scanned the environment, her home, which had been crushed and ruined in just a night of flooding—shrubbery laid flat, the terrain open and sparse, and pools of water sat stagnant every few foxlengths, leftover from the water as the tide receded. kaimana lead her clan around these sinkholes, capable of catching a feline’s paw and pulling them in the more they struggled and wrestled with its force. she’d seen such things happen many moons ago, during the aftermath of floods, where old friends of hers had slipped into a murky pool of sand and mud, some barely capable of wriggling themselves out of these holes with the help of others.

      iindentfinally, something promising came into their view—the fallen tree, the one marking the entrance into the clearing of their camp, and the still-intact barrier of brambles and thickets held strong. kaimana felt her pace quicken, her head raise, and her ears perk as a faint sense of hope overcame her in those few steps between the camp and the clan, emerging from the forest they took refuge. she looked behind her, where makani trudged with his eyes set steadily forward, and then turned back to crawl on her belly beneath the log and entered the clearing.

      iindenthowever, no matter her optimism, the she-cat was only met with devastation.

      iindentthe remainder of the clan filed into the clearing only to freeze upon the same sight the leader gazed upon in that moment—pieces of their dens were strewn throughout the clearing, wrecked images of their hard work, and their structure was completely stripped-bare and toppled onto the ground. even with an entire clan inside and huddled together, not one individual made a sound, not even the three kits. some’s eyes welled with tears, a few muffled sobs could be heard, but most only bore their eyes into the destruction without a single emotion to be detected. they had lost everything—all of their moons of work, their entire lives encased in this very clearing, and to some, their birthplace.

      iindentkaimana moved from the huddle of the clan, the air tense and deathly still. with a toss of her head and shook the emotions that threatened to break her down into fine bits and pieces, and she then turned to face the others. “this is not our end.” she began, casting her gaze from side to side, meeting each cat’s eyes. “what we have built here, together, is not just the material of which we have lost—rather, we have built a community, a family-unit, a strong and hard-working, willing group that would sacrifice anything in the loyalty of the clan.” a few voices arose, cheers and hollars, all in agreement. “the elements will try, with all their might, to break us down unto our weakest point, but we must prove to the gods that we will not break! we must prove to the gods that we may overcome even the worst of challenges!”

      iindentthe clan erupted into cheering, warriors standing valiantly as the leader assured them on. “and so,” she continued, allowing the crowd to settle once more. “we must show them—wehilani, aonani, and makunakua—that we can rise from this challenge, this foe, and grow stronger in its wake.” kaimana turned away from the others and padded a few paces forward, flicking her feathery-white tail from side to side as her eyes traveled throughout the camp. “today we will rebuild. warriors; attempt to pick-up what debris you can and reconstruct the dens in the way you were taught. while they do so, i will bring a select few to help gather new materials for the dens from what we can scrounge from the ground. the queens and their kits will remain inside the camp with makani for the time-being—please rest, we do not need anything to happen to either you or the kits.”

      iindentfinishing with a sigh, the she-cat turned back to face the clan and delivered a curt nod. “you’re all dismissed.” as soon as her words left her lips, the group dispersed and did exactly as they were told, their spirits uplifted and their minds at ease.

              ACTIONS FOR POST 008
        ↪ the clan enjoys the delicacies of a bird and a frog to fill their stomachs in health.
        ↪ dragon, basil, numbani, & dorado from the night court may be found on patrols.
        ↪ akuma leads haku, etana, momilani, leinani, and lilo on a hunting patrol.
        ↪ akamai leads lanakila, iwalani, makaio, and ulani on a border patrol.
        ↪ makani sets of to gather herbs on a herb-hunting patrol throughout the territory.
        ↪ nohea trains with akamai in order to learn any skill of his broad knowledge.


        kaimana , ♀ , 46 moons
        other information here. . . . . .


        ✦ namehere , ♀♂ , 00 moons
        other information here. . . . . .


        makani , ♂ , 50 moons
        other information here. . . . . .


        ✦ namehere , ♀♂ , 00 moons
        other information here. . . . . .

        akamai , ♂ , 53 moons
        akuma , ♂ , 19 moons
        etana , ♂ , 63 moons
        haku , ♂ , 50 moons
        iwalani , ♀ , 34 moons
        lanakila , ♂ , 23 moons
        leinani , ♀ , 23 moons
        lilo , ♀ , 30 moons
        makaio , ♂ , 53 moons
        momilani , ♀ , 46 moons
        ulani , ♀ , 16 moons

        nohea , ♀ , 9 moons
        ✦ namehere , ♀♂ , 00 moons
        ✦ namehere , ♀♂ , 00 moons
        ✦ namehere , ♀♂ , 00 moons
        akela , ♀ , 33 moons
        katya , ♀ , 34 moons
        ↪ due in two moons . .

        kainalu , ♂ , 5 moons
        kalua , ♂ , 5 moons
        keone , ♀ , 4 moons
        ✦ namehere , ♀♂ , 00 moons
        ✦ namehere , ♀♂ , 00 moons
        ✦ namehere , ♀♂ , 00 moons
        ✦ namehere , ♀♂ , 00 moons
        ✦ namehere , ♀♂ , 00 moons

        ✦ namehere , ♀♂ , 00 moons
        ✦ namehere , ♀♂ , 00 moons

        ┌──────────────────────── ┐

        ✓ clan name here . . . . . . . . user
        𝘟 clan name here . . . . . . . . user

        next den decay: three
        leaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)
        sticks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(4)
        vines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(3)

        └──────────────────────── ┘
        ┌──────────────────────── ┐

        akela & pa: kainalu, kalua, keone
        katya & father: due in two moons
        mother & father: kits' names here

        akamai ⟶ nohea (3): h, b, climb
        mentor ⟶ app. (#): skills learned
        mentor ⟶ app. (#): skills learned

        └──────────────────────── ┘
        ┌ ──────────────────────── ┐

        frogs . . . one serving . . . (2)
        rabbits . . . two servings . . . (1)
        ermine . . . two servings . . . (1)
        small fish . . . two servings . . . (1)
        big fish . . . three servings . . . (1)
        birds . . . three servings . . . (1)

        located here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

        └ ──────────────────────── ┘
    Last edited by w0ah on Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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    [✫] spruceclan. [8]

    Postby egg warden » Tue Jun 18, 2019 9:03 am

    0034 total ━ 0017 she-cats ━ 0017 tom-cats
    archive ━ servings: 6
    mod: simonpet ━ next great cave visit: ???



      skelly skelly


      skelly skelly pt 2
    the run down.
    [ spruceclan consumes 2 quail (3s ea) and 1 frog (1s). ]

    [ lead: cavernstar, cinderfern, shrikethorn, raptorgaze, and sweetriver patrol the borders. ]
    [ lead: archshadow, egretstorm, drizzleskies, sproutreach, and antlercrash hunt. ]
    [ lead: pearblossom, waspwing, dandelionwisp, swiftberry, and twitenose hunt. ]
    [ lead: magpieflight, badgerbelly, orangecurl, redleaf, and palmbreeze gather den supplies. ]

    healer happenings-
    [ lead: tinysnail and turtlepaw hunt for herbs. ]
    [ tinysnail trains turtlepaw. ]

    [ pearblossom trains peachpaw in advanced hunting I. ]
    [ archshadow trains blackpaw in tracking. ]
    [ magpieflight trains silverpaw in tracking. ]
    [ sproutreach becomes olivepaw's mentor, training her in battle. ]
    [ drizzleskies becomes driftpaw's mentor, training him in battle. ]
    [ egretstorm becomes foggypaw's mentor, training her in battle. ]

    [ here. ]

    the great cave-
    [ here. ]

    notes to simonpet.
    ✫ notes, if any


            leader ✫ 0001
            ⊱ ❝cavernstar | 32m | ♂ | bio
            lives: ★★★★★★★★★

            deputy ✫ 0001
            ⊱ ❝magpieflight | 28m | ♀ | bio

            healer ✫ 0001
            ⊱ ❝tinysnail| 46m | ♂ | bio

            healer apprentice ✫ 0001
            ⊱ ❝turtlepaw | 9m | ♂ | bio

            warriors ✫ 0018
            ⊱ ❝antlercrash | 54m | ♂ | bio
            ⊱ ❝archshadow | 40m | ♂ | bio
            ⊱ ❝badgerbelly | 51m | ♀ | bio
            ⊱ ❝cinderfern | 48m | ♀ | bio
            ⊱ ❝dandelionwisp | 13m | ♀ | bio
            ⊱ ❝drizzleskies | 31m | ♀ | bio
            ⊱ ❝egretstorm | 64m | ♂ | bio
            ⊱ ❝orangecurl | 26m | ♂ | bio
            ⊱ ❝palmbreeze | 31m | ♀ | bio
            ⊱ ❝pearblossom | 56m | ♀ | bio
            ⊱ ❝raptorgaze | 57m | ♂ | bio
            ⊱ ❝redleaf | 19m | ♂ | bio
            ⊱ ❝shrikethorn | 40m | ♀ | bio
            ⊱ ❝sproutreach | 33m | ♂ | bio
            ⊱ ❝sweetriver | 68m | ♀ | bio
            ⊱ ❝swiftberry | 18m | ♂ | bio
            ⊱ ❝twitenose | 18m | ♀ | bio
            ⊱ ❝waspwing | 21m | ♂ | bio
            ⊱ ❝name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]b[/url]io

            apprentices ✫ 0006
            ⊱ ❝peachpaw | 11m | ♀ | bio
            ⊱ ❝blackpaw | 9m | ♂ | bio
            ⊱ ❝silverpaw | 9m | ♀ | bio
            ⊱ ❝olivepaw | 10m | ♀ | bio
            ⊱ ❝driftpaw | 11m | ♂ | bio
            ⊱ ❝foggypaw | 9m | ♀ | bio
            ⊱ ❝name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]b[/url]io

            queens ✫ 0002
            ⊱ ❝morningstripe | 44m | ♀ | bio
            ↪ aloekit, sagekit
            ⊱ ❝ambershine | 66m | ♀ | bio
            ↪ none in spruceclan
            ⊱ ❝name | age | ♀ | [url=link]b[/url]io
            ↪ kit names

            kits ✫ 0001
            ⊱ ❝aloekit | 2m | ♂ | bio
            ⊱ ❝heronkit | 6m | ♂ | bio
            ⊱ ❝sagekit | 2m | ♀ | bio
            ⊱ ❝name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]b[/url]io

            elders ✫ 0001
            ⊱ ❝koisplash | 129m | ♂ | bio
            ⊱ ❝name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]b[/url]io
      ally clans ✫ 0000
      clan name | username
      clan name | username

      enemy clans ✫ 0000
      clan name | username
      clan name | username

      borders ✫ 4/8 filled
      northwest | highgarden | eagle,
      north | clan | username
      northeast | clan | username
      east | jade empire | petrichor__
      southeast | clan | username
      south | avianclan | mellifluous,
      southwest | echoclan | katrione
      west | groveclan | solyn

      herb storage

      fresh-kill storage

      pearblossom + peachpaw | 5 sessions
      ↪ battle, hunting, tracking, swimming, adv battle I
      archshadow + blackpaw | 3 sessions
      ↪ swimming, battle, hunting, moves
      magpieflight + silverpaw | 2 sessions
      ↪ battle, hunting, moves, moves
      sproutreach + olivepaw | 0 sessions
      ↪ moves, moves, moves, moves
      drizzleskies + driftpaw | 0 sessions
      ↪ moves, moves, moves, moves
      egretstorm + foggypaw | 0 sessions
      ↪ moves, moves, moves, moves
      mentor | app | #/training sessions
      ↪ moves, moves, moves, moves

      morningstripe + antlercrash
      ↪ aloekit, sagekit
      ambershine + egretstorm
      ↪ none in spruceclan
      name + name
      ↪ kits

      cats w/ powers
      sproutreach + drizzleskies
      ↪ +1 prey OR lower predator chance
      ↪ apps always learn new skills
      ↪ more likely to survive
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    egg warden
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    Simon's Replies

    Postby Simonpet » Tue Jun 18, 2019 9:55 am

    For some, the first snows have arrived. For others, it is simply a chill in the air. Regardless, all clans will experience leafbare as a harsh and unforgiving season. Queens and kits are more likely to die during birth, prey will flee from patrols, and loners are less likely to stray from their warm city homes. In addition, predators and sicknesses abound, waiting for the chance to pick off the weak. All in all, it is best for a clan to be at full strength during this time.


    Personal Notes
    Use this herbs list for: all clans.
    Use this herbs list for: none.

    First Clans
    Finchclan | Wildclan | The Seelie Court | Peachclan | Amberclan | Duneclan | Stoneclan | Dappleclan | Waveclan | Quartzclan | Hurricaneclan | Whisperclan | Direwolf League | Spruceclan

    Second Clans
    Paragonclan | The Sanctuary | Cats of Limestone | Relicclan

    PheonionFox wrote:

    [ Breeze's patrol finds x6 pebbles and x1 moss. ]
    [ Otterfang and Tsunamipaw catch x1 mouse. ]
    [ Stormwhisker and Splashpaw find x1 ginger and x1 wild garlic. ]

    [ All apprentices except for Fauna, Torpaw, and Mischiefpaw learn one skill. ]
    [ Fauna fails her assessments. ]
    [ Torpaw and Mischiefpaw pass their assessments. ]

    [ Starclan grants Blossomstar's request of a warrior. ]
    [ Mod notes: Please reread the front page and look at the new (den-building) functions! I am sending you updated coding that includes the den count. Additionally, you have been given 20 complementary pebbles to kickstart your ability to buy things from the store. ]

    faerie; wrote:

    [ Beechstripe's patrol catches x1 vole and x2 mice. ]
    [ Brindleclaw's patrol catches x1 small fish. ]
    [ Marigoldstripe's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
    [ Foxwhisker's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
    [ The medicine cats gather x1 sorrel, x1 celandine, x1 lavender, x1 yarrow, and x1 burdock root. ]

    [ The apprentices learn swimming. ]
    [ Pebblepaw passes her assessments and is welcomed as Pebblepond, full warrior of Amberclan. ]
    [ Wolfpaw fails his assessments and has a sprained paw that will not hinder him from trying to redo his assessments.]

    [ Minktuft is healed and can return to clan duties! ]
    [ Lionwatcher is healed and can return to clan duties! ]

    [ New stars twinkle in the sky. Ale, Dogtooth, and Brookrunner will be well-cared for in Starclan. ]
    [ Amberclan will begin to starve in two posts. ]

    graveyard gracen wrote:

    [ Cavernstar's patrol finds x1 rock that can be used for den building. ]
    [ Archshadow's patrol catches x1 bluegill and x1 squirrel. ]
    [ Pearblossom's patrol catches x1 bluegill. ]
    [ Magpieflight's patrol finds x4 moss, x3 rocks, and x1 bramble. Starclan raises its eyebrows and realizes that it must recalibrate. ]
    [ Tinysnail and Turtlepaw find x1 lungwort, x1 celandine, and x1 marigold. ]

    magpieflight, badgerbelly, orangecurl, redleaf, and palmbreeze

    [ Turtlepaw learns herb identification. ]
    [ Peachpaw learns advanced hunting I. ]
    [ Blackpaw and Silverpaw learn tracking. ]
    [ Olivepaw, Driftpaw, and Foggypaw learn battle. ]
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    Create A Clan- V.4 [ groveclan - 041 ]

    Postby solyn » Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:41 pm

    # of cats; 84 (: 40 / : 44)
    servings req'd; 14 servings (90)
    next moonpool visit; any time
    pebbles; 40


    𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕘𝕠,
    "You're quiet today," Oakback said, making Falcongaze jump. He cast his gaze sideways at his brother, finding a small smile curling the corners of his maw. Falcongaze flicked his eyes forward, to where their mother was striding forward, prey clamped between her jaws, the older warriors happy to trail along behind her, clearly not paying attention to the pair of young toms. Falcongaze shrugged.
    "I'm just tired, I guess."
    "Ah, from the gathering." Oakback nodded, sagely. "You know, I don't think I've seen you smile so much since Cinderdawn and Sleetbreeze used tree sap to stick Hazelskip's paws together while she was sleeping." Falcongaze ducked his head to hide the smile that the memory evoked.
    "It was a nice night," Falcongaze said evenly, avoiding looking at Oakback so he wouldn't have to accept the fact that his brother could see right through him. Indeed, Oakback hummed his agreement, nodding again as they carefully stepped up a rise, following the rest of the patrol on the trek back to camp, Leafbare light dim over the treetops.
    "Mhm, I'm sure it was," he said, "you had QuickClan scent all over you, but I didn't realize you were friends with anyone from the clan... until Harepuddle said you were getting along quite swimmingly with another young warrior." Falcongaze spluttered, but Oakback just continued, voice lilted with amusement. "He was telling me that he was quite a handsome young cat, you know? He said he looked like Redstar, and you know what Mom used to say about Redstar..."
    "Okay, yes, he was Redstar's son, but that doesn't mean anything! He was nice, he was close to my age and there was a dog. There was a dog, Oakback. We were bonding over the absurdity of the situation!"
    "Oh, so you were bonding-"
    "Oakback!" Falcongaze gave an exasperated sigh, feeling his pelt heat. "I get enough of this teasing from Sleetbreeze, I don't need it from you too!" Shadowtail turned back to face her sons, curiosity in her eyes. She tilted her head at them, speaking around a mouthful of rabbit.
    "Everything okay back there, boys?"
    "Yes, Mom, everything's fine!" Falcongaze insisted, shooting daggers in his glare at Oakback, who simply smiled and gave his mother a reassuring look. Seemingly comforted, Shadowtail drew her attention away and continued on, as Falcongaze leaned in and swatted Oakback around the ears. His brother ducked at the last second, purring lightly.
    "Oh, don't be angry, Falcongaze. I think it's wonderful that you have a crush, and on such a handsome tom no less... with gorgeous red fur the colour of oak leaves in Leaf-fall, and sparkling green eyes that you could lose yourself in... a silky smooth voice, perhaps? A smile that lights the sky brighter than the stars of Silverpelt?" He danced away from another swat, laughing his throaty laugh.
    "I don't have a crush! I don't!"
    "That's why you've been smiling giddily ever since you came back, then?"
    "Ugh. I hate you. I'm disowning all of you as my siblings." Oakback's laughter echoed around the GroveClan territory, lost to the wind of late Leafbare, as his brother made a show of surging ahead, head ducked low in embarrassment, but Oakback didn't miss the shy, private smile on his brother's maw as his thoughts wandered inevitably back to handsome young Cardinalheart and his first gathering.


    "Hey," Shadowtail turned, as snowflakes settled gently on the campground in the fading light. Cats raced for the dens, or the boughs of the trees to take shelter as the sunset turned the landscape golden. Dustfang stood, grey pelt speckled with white, as he gave her a fond smile. "I'm looking for my mate. She's about your height, brown fur, the most gorgeous eyes on the planet, a laugh brighter than the sun, and she's the most wonderful cat on the planet. Have you seen her?"
    "You are such a sap," Shadowtail purred, as Dustfang stepped closer and nuzzled their noses together. "Hi. How was patrol?"
    "Oh, same old, you know how it is. I for one cannot wait for the kit boom to be over so that we'll have more opportunities to patrol together again."
    "Oh Dustfang, you know as soon as one kit boom ends, another begins. It's almost Newleaf, which means more kits, which means more apprentices..." Dustfang chuckled a little, licking her forehead affectionately. She stepped close against his side, as the pair of them wandered over to the gnarled roots of an spruce tree, nestling close against them and letting the leaves shield them from the snow. Dustfang immediately set to work grooming her.
    "Well, in that case, I hope we get given apprentices together. Any excuse to see you more often."
    "You're particularly romantic today, hm?" Shadowtail seemed amused, pausing her ministrations to his chest in order to touch her nose to his again. It elicited a rumbling purr from him, as he nuzzled their foreheads together.
    "I'm always romantic, my love, but... I feel that I haven't expressed how much I love you all that recently. And I know, before you say it, that you know how much I love you and I say it in other ways... but that doesn't stop me from wanting to tell you explicitly, that I adore you. That you, and my kits, are the most important things in my life. After Tanglestep, I thought I'd never find anyone else, and I certainly wasn't expecting it to be anyone as radiant as you, but now... now a part of me thinks that everything prior to GroveClan happened for a reason, because I was made to meet you. You complete me, Shadowtail. You are the light of my life; you make me feel happy on days when I'm sad, calm when I'm afraid, and strong when I feel weak. Your kindness and your brilliance never cease to amaze me, and I'm always filled with wonder at how I got so lucky."
    "Oh... Dustfang," Shadowtail's voice was choked with emotion, as she leaned in to press her nose into his fur, his tail sweeping around her protectively. "I love you too. You're kind, and patient, and gentle and you care so implicitly about every other cat that I worry it'll turn you grey- well, greyer than you already are-" she snickered as he playfully nipped her ear. "I never imagined you'd feel the same way but... I'm glad you do. I'm glad it worked out like this, because I love you so, so much, and I couldn't imagine a life without you in it."
    "I'm not going anywhere," he said, nestling closer to her as she let out a deep purr. "You have me, for as long as you want me, I'm yours."
    "Forever, then." Dustfang laughed.


    "Howdy, big dude," Dusklight jumped, shocked out of his thoughts. He looked up to find Sedgefire hovering over him, smiling warmly. "You're thinking huh? That's dangerous?" As he laughed, she nodded to the space next to him. "Mind if I join you?"
    "By all means," he said, scooting over a little so that Sedgefire could nestle herself next to him in his nest. The warrior's den was the only den capable of keeping all the cats in the clan in it, even if it was a little cramped, but it was welcome against the howling blizzard outside. Whole families wedged together- Roseclaw and Pinefeather twined tightly around each other, their kits close by and back-to-back with Cherrypaw and Fernpaw, who were nestled close to Lionheart's flank while Ashenstrike joked with Hawkthorn, making the smaller tom laugh.
    "Thanks," Sedgefire said, "I figured it was the least I could do, seeing as your sister abandoned you for my brother," she cast a glance across to where Dawnblossom was snuggled up against Halfpond, while the tom chatted with his half-brothers and parents. Dusklight cast her an amused look, nodding to the nest behind him where Novella and Mousestone were curled up, Archibald fast asleep with his back to Novella's.
    "I wasn't too lonely, I have these two to annoy after all."
    "No you don't," Mousestone said without opening her eyes or lifting her chin from Novella's haunches, "I'm sleeping."
    "You're doing a bad job of it," he said, and Novella purred. Sedgefire met her gaze, shaking her head in amusement.
    "I doubt you could ever really be lonely, you make friends faster than Hazelskip speaks, which really is some kind of super-cat feat, you know. But... we haven't talked in ages. I wanted to ask you about a move that you pulled in one of those sparring sessions a couple moons back. I've been trying to get it right but I can't seem to get enough of a twisting motion when I do it." Dusklight lit up immediately, happy to launch into explaining the mechanics of the move to his friend.
    Across the den, Pinefeather groomed his mate, head tipped back to reach under Roseclaw's chin, while the ginger tom spoke to his sister and his kits. He was warm and content, Frecklepaw sleeping against his side with Eveningpaw resting against him. Morningpaw was stretched out at Roseclaw's back, chatting to Tuipaw, while Russetpaw sat between Roseclaw and Cherrypaw, prompting his father and aunt with questions about their old clan.
    Ashenstrike and Hawkthorn swapped old jokes and stories that their fathers had told them once upon a time, as Acornstream nestled close to her mate, Squirrelwhisker sat with his back to his parents, both Woodbloom and Adderstorm curled against him, while Hazelskip leaned on her older brother and her mother, paws entwined with Quailberry's where he leaned back against Harepuddle, who was chatting amicably to Sootface and Spidernose.
    Tuipaw and his siblings were clustered close together, wedged between Flintburr and Silvermoon, bracketed by Frostbranch and Ripplemist where they twined together, and Dawnblossom at the other end, where she leaned against Halfpond, who in turn was back to back with Boulderflame, who cradled his kits close against his wide, with Flowershine warming them from the other.
    Badgerstar and Maplefall cuddled close, Maplefall facing Fawnrunner and chatting excitedly, while Badgerstar was turned to speak with Midnightstream and Emberwing, while Juniperstorm and Thunderspark twined close, the rest of Thunderspark's siblings acting as layers of insulation surrounding their father, Stonepatch. And as all of them spoke, as the families of GroveClan huddled together for warmth, filling the den with happiness and cheer, a blizzard raged on outside, harsh winds and bitter chill not even so much as standing a chance of reaching any of the cats of the clan; safe and warm and most importantly: together.

    "GroveClan, gather beneath Highbranch!" Badgerstar's voice rung out in the clear Newleaf morning. A persistent chill still hung in the air, but the sun was already rising, bathing the grove in a warmth. The clan was quick to assemble, fanning out in the space around the Leader's tree to listen to Badgerstar's announcement. "First of all, let me say how glad I am that Newleaf is here again," a ripple of laughter echoed around the cats, "and I can't wait for our clan to grow again, as it inevitably will. Today, we start on the process of that growth again, as Flowershine and Boulderflame's kits have reached an age where they can be apprenticed. Unfortunately, one of the kits- Bramblekit- has been sick, and Goldleaf has asked that he be appointed an apprentice next moon instead, so she can observe his cough." Cats near to Bramblekit leaned down to touch their noses to his cheek, which prompted a kind smile from the shy little tom.
    "This is a special day for me, because it makes me feel very old. For those of you unaware, Flowershine was the very first apprentice that GroveClan ever had, and on that day I was so afraid of how to give her a proper clan name, and who should be her mentor, and a million and one other things that seemed forever uncertain. Now, she stands before me as a proud she-cat, and a mother to her own kits, who will grow to be as undoubtedly kind, diligent and compassionate as she has shown herself to be. Brackenkit, Thornkit and Thicketkit, from this day on until you receive your warrior names, you will be known as Brackenpaw, Thornpaw and Thicketpaw respectively, to signify the journey that StarClan will guide you on. Brackenpaw, your mentor will be Dawnblossom. She was trained excellently by her mentor, Shadowtail, and now it is time for her to pass on her knowledge to you. Dawnblossom is sweet, but brave and steadfast, and I know she will make you an excellent warrior." Cheers went up for the new apprentice as she bounded forward eagerly, touching her nose to Dawnblossom's, making the ginger molly purr as she nuzzled close to the little she-cat.
    "Thornpaw, your mentor will be Burrcall. She has been with this clan for a long time, too, where she received her warrior training from Flintburr. Burrcall is optimistic, bright, and brilliant. Not only will she nurture you as if you are her own kit, but she will teach you everything you need to know to be as great a warrior as she is. I have every faith that her teaching will be only the best." Cheers went up for Thornpaw as Flowershine nudged her forward, the molly shyly touching noses with Burrcall, before sitting down at the large she-cat's paws.
    "And finally, Thicketpaw. Your mentor will be Stonepatch. He has been a warrior of this clan for a long time, and he has many acts of bravery to be commended for. Although he is quiet and seems a little cranky, Stonepatch is warm, patient and loyal. You should be proud to have him as your mentor, as he is one of this clan's most valued warriors, and whatever he can teach you will make you an excellent warrior, for Stonepatch radiates excellency. Congratulations to all of you, I can't wait to see how you progress." A final round of cheers went up for Thicketpaw, who beamed with pride, scampering toward Stonepatch to touch noses with the scarred tom. As the cheers died down, Lionheart stepped forward to announce patrols as mentors broke off with their apprentices. Badgerstar watched with pride swelling in his chest as Starlingpaw bounded across and settled at the base of the tree, beaming up at him, waiting for their training to begin.
    As Newleaf dawned, Badgerstar climbed down to the ground to touch noses with his apprentice- swiftly outgrowing him in stature- and felt the peace that always descended with the promise of a fresh start.


    "I'm going to get you for that!" Cherrypaw yowled, sprinting after Flamepaw through the shallows of the lake, splashing water in his wake. Fernpaw and Mottlepaw splashed water at Pitchpaw and Pebblepaw, younger apprentices shrieking as they tried to dodge the sprays of water arced at them. Starlingpaw had climbed onto a rock just out of the shallows, gazing out over the lake as her long fur blew peacefully in the wind, while Crowpaw and Ravenpaw swam broad strokes together, chasing after Frecklepaw as he nimbly swum away, laughing loudly. Russetpaw and Eveningpaw were splashing water at each other, while Morningpaw and Tuipaw waded through the shallows further around the lake, close to the HazeClan border, Lilacpaw and Lavenderpaw a few cautious steps behind them.
    Their mentors were gathered around in the Newleaf sun, Lionheart and Maplefall basking in the warmth of the Sun Rocks, chatting with Ashenstrike, Flintburr and Acornstream. Woodbloom and Squirrelwhisker walked the length of the HazeClan border together, dripping wet from the chest down. Badgerstar, Sootface, Boulderflame and Longriver tore through the lake, splashing at each other and yelling in a free-for-all, while the other mentors spread out on the lakeshore to observe the apprentices.
    "This is nice," Tuipaw said, casting a smiling glance over his shoulder at where his mother was laughing with Riverbubble, "all of us training together like this." Morningpaw laughed softly, flicking her ear.
    "Can you really call it training if none of us are getting anything done?"
    "Hey, I'm trying to be positive here," he said, shoulder-checking her companionably. She splashed back at him, before darting out of the way. Lilacpaw and Lavenderpaw exchanged twin glances.
    "Oh, I just remembered that I needed to ask Russetpaw about... something," Lilacpaw said, "come with?" Lavenderpaw nodded, and the two of them turned and bounded back to the rest of the apprentices, weaving through their mentors' splash fight with expert ease, leaving Morningpaw and Tuipaw looking confused in their wake. Tuipaw shook his head, motioning for Morningpaw to walk with him as they wandered across the shallows of the lake.
    "So, how are you feeling? About fitting in and all that?" He asked.
    "Better," Morningpaw said with a smile, "it's been good to talk to Russetpaw about it, in that comforting big-brother style. And... it's good to have you to talk to, as well. Since you're not obligated to be my friend or anything, so I know that you're not just doing this because you have to." Tuipaw laughed at that, shaking his head in amusement.
    "Good way to look at it," he said with a purr, "and I see you and Lavenderpaw are getting along alright."
    "Oh she's great," Morningpaw mewed, "good fun-" She cut herself off, pressing in close to Tuipaw's side as a yowling Flamepaw sprinted past with Cherrypaw hot on his tail. Tuipaw laughed as they passed, tilting his head down and finding his nose brushing Morningpaw's as she glanced up at him. He blinked, pelt getting hot as she glanced away, smiling shyly. "Sorry."
    "No problem," he said, blinking dumbly, "glad I can be here for you. Glad you can lean on me. It's all excellent." Morningpaw laughed again, ducking her head, before a shout from Russetpaw drew her attention to Eveningpaw tackling him back into the lake. She cast a smile at Tuipaw, impish and mischievous.
    "Feel like helping me mount a rescue mission?" Tuipaw nodded, firmly.
    "I'm with you."


    "Wasn't that great?" Badgerstar asked, wound around Maplefall long after the other mentors had retreated with their gaggle of apprentices in tow back to the campground. Now, the Newleaf sun set over the glassy lake, turning the water vibrant purple as it reflected the pinks and oranges of the sky, sun dipped low on the horizon. Maplefall nodded, leaning back into her mate as he groomed behind her ears.
    "It was one of the best mentoring sessions I think I've ever had," she said with a small smile, "everyone seemed like they had fun, and I'm glad everyone in the clan gets along like that. Even Archie couldn't stop smiling." Badgerstar laughed, softly, a mischievous purr drawn from his throat.
    "I think that had more to do with Rivuletflight than anything else," he said, and Maplefall snickered at him.
    "Oh look at you, all knowing romance god," Badgerstar purred at the teasing, even as Maplefall went silent for a moment, "remember when we were like that? Hopelessly in love with each other but utterly clueless about it?" Badgerstar hummed, with a nod, fond and nostalgic smile on his face as he thought back to their early moons together.
    "Things have changed," he said, after a while, "some things for the better and some things for the worst, obviously. But... I'm glad that we figured it out, eventually, even if it took us a little more time than it should have in the first place. But we're together now, and that's what's important. That, and the fact that I'm not planning on leaving you any time soon."
    "Good," Maplefall purred, "if you somehow loose- what- five lives in one fell swoop, I'm going to come to StarClan and kick your furry behind myself, mister." Badgerstar laughed, ducking his head to press his forehead against the back of her neck.
    "That's fair, and I believe you could do it." They fell quiet, watching as the sun got lower and lower, sky turning red against orange clouds. Wind rustled peacefully through the trees, blowing the earthen scent so characteristic of GroveClan against Badgerstar's nose. He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. After a moment, he opened them again, to find Maplefall looking at him curiously. He smiled back at her, warmly. "Red sky at night is a delight, they say. Looks like the weather will be good tomorrow, maybe we can come back to the lake again. I'm sure everyone would like another day of just swimming and playing."
    "I want to have more kits," Maplefall said, making Badgerstar blink at how sudden it was. She looked away, obviously a little embarrassed. "Sorry. You just look so handsome right now and I... I love you very much, and I'm so proud of you and how much you've come into your own. I thought losing Twilightkit would break us, but we've weathered that storm and every other one we've faced, and it's moment like this when I'm alone with you, and everything is peaceful, that I think about how much I adore you, and how much I want our family to grow."
    "You never have to apologize to me, Maplefall, not for that." He pressed his nose to her cheek. "Are you sure? It won't be hard to find a replacement mentor for Cherrypaw. I'm sure Roseclaw or Pinefeather would be happy to mentor him. I just... if you want to wait-"
    "No," Maplefall said firmly, eyes glittering with happiness, "we always talked about a big family, and that's still what I want. More kits to cherish, more siblings for our eldest kits, and I want to see that look in your eyes that you get when you see our newborn kits for the first time. It's one of my favourite looks in the world." Badgerstar laughed softly, pressing their foreheads together.
    "Okay then. Let's grow this clan."


    ✦ servings consumed
    14/14 - x10 mice and x2 rabbits
    ✦ clan events
    bramblekit must wait a moon before he becomes an apprentice
    all medicine cats practice medicine
    all apprentices excepting those on patrol learn to swim
    badgerstar and maplefall try for kits
    quailberry and hazelskip use x2 rock and x2 moss to upgrade the warrior's den

    mod note; accidentally aged badgerstar up two moons a couple posts ago,
    so i didn't age him this post to right that, sorry :x
    ✦ patrols
    hunting -
    1 - pinefeather, roseclaw, burningcloud, meadowfang, harepuddle, kererucall
    2 - fawnrunner, ripplemist, elkbounce, deerstripe, halfpond, emberwing
    3 - hawkthorn, sandcatcher, ternflutter, avocetnose, sparkfur, frostbranch
    4 - shadowtail, dustfang, falcongaze, sleetbreeze, cormorantpath, willowthroat
    5 - harrierstreak, featherpelt, fircloud, cinderdawn, thunderspark, juniperstorm
    border -
    1 - dusklight, novella, adderstorm, dustfang, oakback, sedgefire
    supplies -
    1 - dawnblossom, burrcall, stonepatch, brackenpaw, thicketpaw, thornpaw

          leader: [1/1]
          badgerstar | 57 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          Lives: ★★★★★✰✰✰✰

          lionheart | 78 moons | ♀ | 🌷

          medicine cat: [3/3]
          goldleaf | 79 moons | ♀ | 🌷 - 5sp
          spidernose | 52 moons | ♂ | 🌷 - 5sp
          mousestone | 36 moons | ♀ | 🌷 - 5sp

          warriors: [58/60]
          flintburr | 93 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          maplefall | 53 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          hawkthorn | 67 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          shadowtail | 67 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          acornstream | 67 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          dustfang | 72 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          ashenstrike | 78 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          stonepatch | 54 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          fawnrunner | 53 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          harrierstreak | 45 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          longriver | 43 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          boulderflame | 41 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          burrcall | 41 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          roseclaw | 89 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          sootface | 61 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          pinefeather | 87 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          dawnblossom | 35 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          dusklight | 35 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          novella | 35 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          halfpond | 39 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          sedgefire | 39 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          willowthroat | 45 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          grouseclaw | 45 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          wolverinejaw | 42 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          burningcloud | 74 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          meadowfang | 74 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          woodbloom | 31 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          squirrelwhisker | 31 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          featherpelt | 79 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          adderstorm | 30 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          archibald | 35 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          fircloud | 91 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          rivuletflight | 39 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          silvermoon | 76 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          ripplemist | 33 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          frostbranch | 33 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          cormorantpath | 30 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          sparkfur | 30 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          sandcatcher | 24 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          avocetnose | 23 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          ternflutter | 23 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          elkbounce | 22 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          thunderspark| 22 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          mistcreek | 22 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          deerstripe | 22 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          juniperstorm | 22 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          midnightstream | 22 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          harepuddle | 49 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          kererucall | 81 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          emberwing | 21 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          falcongaze | 17 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          cinderdawn | 17 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          sleetbreeze | 17 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          oakback | 17 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          hazelskip | 16 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          quailberry | 16 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          riverbubble | 56 moons | ♀ | 🌷

          apprentices: [19/20]
          russetpaw | 10 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          eveningpaw | 10 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          frecklepaw | 10 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          morningpaw | 10 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          crowpaw | 9 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          ravenpaw | 9 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          starlingpaw | 9 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          tuipaw | 9 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          lilacpaw | 9 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          lavenderpaw | 9 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          fernpaw | 8 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          cherrypaw | 8 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          pitchpaw | 8 moons | ♂ | 🌷
          mottlepaw | 8 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          pebblepaw | 8 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          flamepaw | 8 moons | ♂ |🌷
          brackenpaw | 6 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          thornpaw | 6 moons | ♀ | 🌷
          thicketpaw | 6 moons | ♂ | 🌷

          queens: [2/15]
          flowershine | 44 moons | ♀ | 🌷

          bramblekit | 6 moons | ♂ | 🌷

          elders: [1/5]
          fallowshimmer | 142 moons | ♂ | 🌷
      affiliate clans wrote:ally clans;
      echoclan | Katrione
      clayclan | hazilnut
      highgarden | eagle,
      hazeclan | nightwolf950
      quickclan | eagle,

      enemy clans;
      none yet!

      north | echoclan | Katrione
      east | spruceclan | gracen
      south | hazeclan | nightwolf950
      west | highgarden | eagle,

      inventory wrote:medicine store;
      catmint [2] | greencough
      chervil [5] | wounds/aches
      marigold [5] | wounds
      tansy [2] | coughs
      goldenrod [5] | wounds
      catchweed [3] | poultices
      poppy seeds [3] | pain
      cobwebs [5] | bleeding
      fennel [6] | pain
      raspberry leaves [5] | kitting
      ragwort leaves [4] | strength
      alder bark [1] | toothache
      beech leaves [1] | use ???
      chickweed [9] | coughs
      parsley [1] | bellyache
      rosemary [1] | burial
      willow bark [1] | pain
      bindweed [1] | binds sticks
      blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
      borage leaves [1] | milk
      bright-eye [1] | cures coughs
      burdock [1] | infections
      broom [2] | breaks/wounds
      burnet [4] | strength
      celandine [4] | eye infections
      horsetail [1] | stops bleeding
      oak leaves [1] | stops infection
      comfrey root [1] | wounds
      daisy leaves [1] | aching joints
      dock [1] | soothes scratches
      chamomile [1] | strength
      cob nuts [1] | unknown
      coltsfoot [1] | breathing
      dandelion [1] | bee stings
      elder leaves [1] | sprains
      feverfew [1] | fever/headache
      goatweed [1] | eases grief
      hawkweed [1] | greencough
      heather nectar [1] | sweetner
      honey [1] | soothes throats
      ivy leaves [1] | unknown
      juniper berries [1] | bellyaches
      lamb's ear [1] | strength
      lavender [1] | fever/chills
      lovage [1] | unknown
      lungwort [1] | yellowcough
      mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
      mint [1] | scenting
      mouse bile [1] | kills ticks
      rush [1] | breaks
      sorrel [1] | traveling herb

      fresh-kill pile;
      mouse | x9| 1 servings [9]
      vole | x0 | 1 servings [0]
      rabbit | x10 | 2 servings [20]
      bird | x12 | 3 servings [36]
      fish | x12 | 2 servings [24]
      squirrel | x12 | 2 servings [24]
      hare | x10 | 3 servings [30]
      capacity: 143 servings (10 posts)

      den materials;
      twigs [0]
      feathers [0]
      moss [1]
      leaves [2]
      rock [3]
      mud [2]

      relationships wrote:mentors;
      midnightstream | russetpaw [3]
      ↪ hunt, stalk, climb
      acornstream | frecklepaw [3]
      ↪ hunt, stalk, climb
      woodbloom | morningpaw [2]
      ↪ hunt, battle
      boulderflame | eveningpaw [3]
      ↪ hunt, stalk, climb
      longriver | crowpaw [2]
      ↪ hunt, battle
      riverbubble | ravenpaw [3]
      ↪ hunt, battle, track
      badgerstar | starlingpaw [2]
      ↪ hunt, battle
      sootface | tuipaw [3]
      ↪ hunt, battle, track
      silvermoon | lilacpaw [3]
      ↪ hunt, battle, track
      archibald | lavenderpaw [3]
      ↪ hunt, battle, track
      flintburr | fernpaw [1]
      ↪ hunt
      maplefall | cherrypaw [1]
      ↪ hunt
      ashenstrike | pitchpaw [1]
      ↪ hunt
      rivuletflight | mottlepaw [1]
      ↪ hunt
      squirrelwhisker | pebblepaw [1]
      ↪ hunt
      lionheart | flamepaw [1]
      ↪ hunt
      dawnblossom | brackenpaw [0]
      ↪ skills
      burrcall | thornpaw [0]
      ↪ skills
      stonepatch | thicketpaw [0]
      ↪ skills

      deceased cats;
      twilightkit ; murdered by dante
      redrunner ; heart failure/age

      flintburr ♥ silvermoon
      ↪ halfpond & sedgefire, crowpaw,
      ravenpaw, starlingpaw, tuipaw
      ↪ shadowtail & hawkthorn
      dustfang ♡ tanglestep
      ↪ boulderflame & burrcall
      hawkthorn ♥ acornstream
      ↪ squirrelwhisker, woodbloom,
      ↪ dawnblossom & dusklight
      ↪ harrierstreak & mousestone
      badgerstar ♥ maplefall
      ↪ juniperstorm, midnightstream,
      twilightkit; pitchpaw, mottlepaw,
      pebblepaw & flamepaw
      ↪ roseclaw & lionheart
      roseclaw ♥ pinefeather
      ↪ russetpaw, morningpaw, frecklepaw &
      eveningpaw (dappledwillow)
      stonepatch ♥ fawnrunner
      ↪ elkbounce, thunderspark, mistcreek
      & deerstripe
      longriver ♥ harrierstreak
      featherpelt ♡ seneca
      ↪ avocetnose & ternflutter
      ↪ grouseclaw & willowthroat
      shadowtail ♥ dustfang
      ↪ falcongaze, cinderdawn, sleetbreeze
      & oakback
      burningcloud ♥ meadowfang
      mousestone ♥ novella
      ashenstrike ♥ lionheart
      ↪ fernpaw, cherrypaw
      boulderflame ♥ flowershine
      ↪ brackenpaw, bramblekit, thornpaw &
      woodbloom ♥ jayfur
      ↪ dahliapaw, willowpaw, sparrowpaw,
      twigpaw, wrenpaw, finchpaw (haze)
      ↪ novella & archibald
      fircloud ♡ callie
      ↪ rivuletflight
      silvermoon ♡ whitefoot
      ↪ ripplemist, frostbranch
      burrcall ♥ willowthroat
      harepuddle ♡ clovertail
      ↪ quailberry
      riverbubble ♡ erin
      ↪ lilacpaw, lavenderpaw
      dawnblossom ♥ halfpond
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    ◉ Kat's Replies ◉ Ⅵ-ⅩⅧ-ⅯⅯⅩⅨ | 06-18-19

    Postby Katrione » Tue Jun 18, 2019 5:10 pm

    - W E A T H E R -
        Newleaf- An apprentice breaks away from the patrol and jumps over a log, letting out a startled screech when they land in water. The warriors hurry forward to see what the commotion is and are equally shocked to see that the apprentice is standing in water up to their belly. With the snow officially having melted away, all that is left behind is the water that will now flood the territories for most of Newleaf, if not the rest of it. The Clans will be more likely to find water-logged or drowned prey. It's not the freshest but it'll be something.
    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── - M O DN O T E S -
        •If you would like to join our Discord, please PM me or one of the mods for an invite link.

        •A member suggested to use this thread for more herb options. If a herb you don't recognize from the official herb list is given to you, please go here or message me for help!

        •A few new features have been added to the front page. Please read through them carefully and edit your form posts to include the new information that has been added into the base format on the front. If you have any questions, feel free to message myself or one of my mods.
    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── - M A I NC L A N S -

    - S E C O N DC L A N S -
    Yukon_ wrote:
    【Moons Action】
    [New Arrivals]
    ↪ Patchedfeather, Woodwhisker, Lupinebelly, Maizegaze, Snailmask.
    [proof for Lupine, Maize, and Snail - x]

    ↪ Waspstar, Glaciershadow, Beesting, Riverspray, Leto, and Six-claws hunt.
    ↪ Astershadow, Dapplesplash, Apollo, Persephone, Snailmask, and Mountainpaw hunt.
    ↪ Willowtuft, Fennelwhisker, Graycloud, Lilacsong, Stormclaw, and Alois patrol.
    ↪ Minnowstripe, Ares, Artemis, Maizegaze, Patchedfeather, and Ridgepaw patrol.
    ↪ QuailScratch and BurnetPaw search for herbs.
    ↪ Lupinbelly, Snailmask, Woodwhisker, and Maizegaze look for den supplies.

    ↪ Waspstar requests a cat of any rank.

    ↪ Mountainpaw and Ridgepaw train for balance.
    ↪ Clearpaw train for hunting.
    ↪ Apollo, Persephone, Ares, and Artemis train for fighting.
    ↪ Quailscratch and Burnetpaw practice medicine.

    ↪ Nobleclan fasts

        [ Waspstar's patrol caught x3 red-tailed hawks ]
        [ Astershadow's patrol x3 mountain hares ]
        [ Willowtuft's patrol found x2 pebbles ]
        [ Minnowstripe's patrol found a guard ]
        [ Quailscratch and Burnetpaw gathered x1 catchweed, x1 catmint and x1 celandine ]
        [ Lupinbelly's patrol gathered x1 moss, x1 brambles and x3 sticks ]
        [ Starclan accepts Waspstar's request and sends Nobleclan a student ]
        [ Mountainpaw and Ridgepaw learned the Balance skill ]
        [ Clearpaw learned the Hunt skill ]
        [ Apollo, Persephone, Ares and Artemis learned the Fight skill ]
        [ Quailscratch and Burnetpaw each earn 1 SP ]
        [ Mod Notes: To celebrate opening up the CAC store, every Clan gets 20 pebbles to start off with! Also, please add the den size numbers next to your rank names and the medicine cat skill levels. If you need help with this, feel free to message me! ]
    MistyAutumnDays wrote:


    The clan is surrounded by taiga to the north and east, mountains to the south, and snowy plains to the west. The camp is fairly large and can be expanded at any given time. The centerpiece where the leader, called the Dignitary, is a tall pine stump, and it is the place where they make announcements, giving apprentices their warrior names, etc. The dens are sized by how many cats are in it and what their ranks are. The personality of EvergreenClan is the fact that they are hard workers, and don't like giving up easily. This undying courage and bravery have been keeping the clan afloat in the dangerous environment such as the taiga. This follows into their reputation, mainly being reasonable when picking sides or choosing battles.


    Dignitary: The leader of EvergreenClan
    Dean: The deputy/next-in-line
    Rook: The Dean's apprentice/next-in-line Dean
    Herald: Medicine Cat
    Neophyte: Herald's apprentice/next-in-line Herald
    Paladin: Older warrior/More experience warrior
    Partisan: Younger warrior/Less experienced warrior
    Steward: Warrior apprentice
    Kit: Kit (Same)
    Dam: Queen/Mother of kits
    Sire: Father of kits
    Nurse: Den-mother/Keeps eye on Dams giving birth and feeding/Hunts for the clan when not doing their job
    Matriarch: Elder/Retired from job


    1) The Dignitary's word is the code and can be questioned, but not by opinion
    2) If a Dean finds out an unworthy act from one of his Rooks, he can demote them to Steward.
    3) Nurses must always have time to look after the nursery after they hunt for the clan.
    4) The Dignitary picks out his Dean by how many Stewards they have apprenticed and how much experience they have.
    5) Never neglect a kit in pain or dying, even it is not clan-blooded.
    6) Solving conflicts with unnecessary violence is prohibited.
    7) The care of a Matriarch is prioritized to be mandatory.
    8) Matriarchs, Dams, Kits, and Stewards/Rooks/Neophytes with permission from the Dignitary eat first.
    9) Report any suspicious activity to the Dignitary or the Dean immediately.
    10) Any signs or omens that the Herald receives must be brought before the clan with permission from the Dignitary.
    11) Protect your clan at all costs and avoid becoming an outsider.
    12) Family matters and other private topics are to be handled by the Herald or the Dignitary.

    Prey & Predators

    -Artic Hare/Rabbit
    -Wood Grouse
    -Beaver (Only come in Newleaf and Greenleaf)
    -Crossbill bird (Both European Red and White-Winged)
    -Mole (If you can catch one)

    -Bear (Rare in the pine forest)
    -Beavers (Only come in Newleaf and Greenleaf)
    -Owl/Snowy Owl

        [ Evergreenclan has been founded ]
        [ Your mod will be Amethyst14 ]
        [ You have three posts to stockpile prey before you have to start feeding your Clan ]
    amethyst14 wrote:

    [Border Patrol] Patchfur and Alkanetfur patrol.
    [Hunting] Flintfang and Marigoldpatch hunt.
    [Herb Hunting] Barkpool and Blackspot search for herbs.
    [Training] Spottedpaw and Bouncepaw train.
    [Den Upkeep] Spottedpaw and Bouncepaw search for den materials.
    [Prey] 1 Big Fish (3 Servings)

        [ Patchfur's patrol found a warrior ]
        [ Flintfang's patrol caught x2 robins ]
        [ Barkpool and Blackspot gathered x1 mallow leaf, x1 mousebile and x1 celandine ]
        [ Spottedpaw and Bouncepaw learned the Battle skill ]
        [ Spottedpaw and Bouncepaw gathered x1 twig, x2 mud, x1 grass, x1 moss and x1 cattail fuzz ]
    w0ah wrote:
    ↪ the clan enjoys the delicacies of a bird and a frog to fill their stomachs in health.
    ↪ dragon, basil, numbani, & dorado from the night court may be found on patrols.
    ↪ akuma leads haku, etana, momilani, leinani, and lilo on a hunting patrol.
    ↪ akamai leads lanakila, iwalani, makaio, and ulani on a border patrol.
    ↪ makani sets of to gather herbs on a herb-hunting patrol throughout the territory.
    ↪ nohea trains with akamai in order to learn any skill of his broad knowledge.

        [ Akuma's patrol caught x3 birds ]
        [ Akamai's patrol found Dragon and Dorado ]
        [ Makani gathered x1 willow bark and x1 hawkweed ]
        [ Nohea learned the Swim skill ]
    solyn wrote:

    ✦ servings consumed
    14/14 - x10 mice and x2 rabbits
    ✦ clan events
    bramblekit must wait a moon before he becomes an apprentice
    all medicine cats practice medicine
    all apprentices excepting those on patrol learn to swim
    badgerstar and maplefall try for kits
    quailberry and hazelskip use x2 rock and x2 moss to upgrade the warrior's den

    mod note; accidentally aged badgerstar up two moons a couple posts ago,
    so i didn't age him this post to right that, sorry :x
    ✦ patrols
    hunting -
    1 - pinefeather, roseclaw, burningcloud, meadowfang, harepuddle, kererucall
    2 - fawnrunner, ripplemist, elkbounce, deerstripe, halfpond, emberwing
    3 - hawkthorn, sandcatcher, ternflutter, avocetnose, sparkfur, frostbranch
    4 - shadowtail, dustfang, falcongaze, sleetbreeze, cormorantpath, willowthroat
    5 - harrierstreak, featherpelt, fircloud, cinderdawn, thunderspark, juniperstorm
    border -
    1 - dusklight, novella, adderstorm, dustfang, oakback, sedgefire
    supplies -
    1 - dawnblossom, burrcall, stonepatch, brackenpaw, thicketpaw, thornpaw

        [ Goldleaf, Spidernose and Mousestone each earn 1 SP ]
        [ Russetpaw, Frecklepaw, Morningpaw, Eveningpaw, Crowpaw, Ravenpaw, Starlingpaw, Tuipaw, Lilacpaw, Lavenderpaw, Fernpaw, Cherrypaw, Pitchpaw, Mottlepaw, Pebblepaw and Flamepaw learned the Swim skill ]
        [ Maplefall is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
        [ The warriors den has upgraded from 60 to 65. If you wish to upgrade the den again, you will need another x2 rock and x2 moss ]
        [ Pinefeather's patrol caught x3 voles ]
        [ Fawnrunner's patrol caught x3 voles ]
        [ Hawkthorn's patrol caught x3 voles ]
        [ Shadowtail's patrol caught x1 mouse, x1 vole and x1 hare ]
        [ Harrierstreak's patrol caught x1 rabbit, x1 mouse and x1 vole ]
        [ Dusklight's patrol found nothing important ]
        [ Dawnblossom's patrol gathered x1 rock, x2 leaves, x1 mud and x1 moss ]
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