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♛ ━━━━ » [ sophie-anaïs charland ] ● 005 ● wc: 403

Postby winterfell. » Mon Jun 17, 2019 11:29 am

        ♔ -- ( SOPHIE ) ───────────────────────────────
        [ location : dorm → outside?? ] [ age : twenty ] [ nation : canada ] [ tagged : lucas ]

          - - - - -Sophie was taken aback by the man's gentle lips as they brush against her knuckles. This wasn't common practice where she was from. Of course, she'd seen it in the movies, in television shows, and it was discussed in many of her earlier lessons. But in Canada, this wasn't the normal thing to do. In fact, people rarely touched her. She had no problem and wasn't uncomfortable with how Lucas was treating her, it was just new. New things were good, though. She'd been excited for the new experience and the taste of high-end royal life when coming to this school. She smiled brightly at the contact, fighting the urge to giggle like an idiot. She tilted her head when he said he'd heard more tedious names, but it must have been true. Royals sometimes had crazy names. Back home, the complex names were found mostly in French Canada. "Well, thank you," she said.

          - - - - -She grinned when the boy addressed her dog. Nova's tail started wagging rapidly when the boy made eye contact with her, obviously thrilled with the attention. Nova was an affectionate girl, one who loved it when people paid attention to her and one who loved strangers. "She's named for Nova Scotia, where I spent a lot of my childhood," she said simply. "And, I'm sure if it were up to her, she'd have every prince at this school. She's always liked men," she added with a laugh. Sophie had read somewhere that animals tended to bond well with the gender opposite themselves. She didn't believe it was true until Nova came into her life. While the two shared a deep bond, it took time for Nova to love her as much as she does. She takes to men much more quickly.

          - - - - -"Oh, of course," she said when Lucas brought their attention past introductions and back to the scavenger hunt. They did have a task to complete. Of course, Sophie didn't care much. "I completely forgot, actually. I'm just not very competitive, I guess," she said, following him as he started walking out of the building. "Do you have any thoughts on where we should go?" she asked. Most of the other couples were probably heading toward the stables, which is where a smart person would go. She just didn't care enough about winning to put forth the effort. If Lucas wanted to try something different, she'd happily go along.
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♛ ━━ » [ louis montgomery] ▪︎ 003 678 wc.

Postby memichoo » Mon Jun 17, 2019 1:35 pm

    louis james montgomery

▪︎●age. 21▪︎nation. england▪︎loc. entrance/stables▪︎tags. cora

        Louis kept his expression cool and amiable as he walked down the corridor with Corraline, his footsteps strikingly loud against the polished floor- he was certain that they were really just light taps, but the silence amplified each sound tenfold. Either that, or he was simply overly attentive of everything around him. It's not that he was normally oblivious- in fact, he tended to notice more than he would like- but it was rather difficult to mentally slip away with a racing heart. With his gaze firmly set forward, it was almost possible to pretend that the girl next to him was simply a friend. Nothing more, just a friendly acquainted companion. Of course, the sound of her voice tossed that illusion down the drain. He had always found it endearing, how she mixed French and English in her sentences. Although he wasn't as familiar with the language as he would like, he knew a decent number of words and never struggled too much with deciphering her words. Even her heavy accent had become easy to understand from their time spent together. "That's excellent," he said with a polite smile, content with falling silent as she greeted Yankee. The puppy had become rather fond of the French princess the more she and Louis spent time with each other, as evident by the wagging of his short tail. Of course, the corgi never did shy away from attention; from his eager yip and shining eyes, you'd think he knew exactly what mon amour meant.

        The walk from his room to the entrance had filled up eternity yet passed in the blink of an eye. A tan blur shot past Louis as they drew near the entrance- Yankee, he saw with a chuckle. "You'd think he'd be slow as a snail with those little legs of his, but I'd bet he'd give a racehorse a run for its money," he commented with casual affection, momentarily easing out of the awkward tension. Now that his initial shock was wearing away, his muscles were relaxing and the slight smile that was often his neutral face had returned. This was a little bump in the road, that's all. It was just Cora, and he knew Cora, perhaps too well. She had been rather quiet, he noticed with growing concern. He glanced at her with a curious tilt, startled to momentarily catch her eyes before she looked away. The prince watched her for a moment or two before brushing it off- she had simply glanced his way to check his expression or something. Nothing that he wasn't guilty of himself.

        Stepping outside was a relief. The school wasn't stuffy or miserable, not by a long shot- it was really quite plush and spacious, more than he had expected- but the silence was suffocating. The fresh shock of air on his face, ruffling his hair, was a welcomed presence. Taking a deep breath as Corraline spoke, he surveyed the school grounds. Truthfully, he hadn't put in much effort to learning his way around the school. He hadn't even known a menagerie was here. He squinted against the sun as he thought, watching the other pairs of royals wander. Most, he noticed, were heading towards the stables. Which would make sense, considering horses really were quite beautiful and worthy of being called majestic beasts. "From both the clue and watching the others- which is most assuredly not cheating, just an observation- I would assume they're having us go to the stables," he said thoughtfully, playfully tapping his chin. He took a moment to catch sight of Yankee, who was spiritedly speeding around the green lawn, and rolled his eyes. With a sharp and clear whistle, he called the puppy over before turning to the princess beside him. "Shall we?" He pleasantly asked, holding out a hand to her over the stone steps. He could hear his father's voice in his head: "Always help a lady, whether it be down a cliff or two steps." It never hurt to be polite.
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♛ ━━━━ » [ athanasios tzavaras] ● 004 ● wc: 376

Postby solynne » Mon Jun 17, 2019 2:12 pm

    athan + tiberius
    The Greek prince watched as the two meandered off, with the little puppy following along. The two of them obviously had a history, but the detail of it all was lost to Athan. He mentally shrugged, figuring he would ask the English prince about her later.

    He made sure all of his things were in order, no bags laying around haphazardly before exiting out of his dormitory and going off to meet his partner. Tiberius. The name inspired power and devilishly handsome features. The French prince had turned some heads in media outlets, that much Athan had heard. Not that he paid attention to it. No, he much preferred to watch Greek soap operas and the occasional Twitch speedrunner channel. He kept up with very little news from around the world. If all he needed to rule over was Greece, then what would he care what was happening in Canada, or Spain, or wherever?

    He made his way into the courtyard. The sun had reached its peak, warm sunbeams washing over his olive skin. He stretched, lifting his arms over his head and reaching his fingers as if he were to touch the sun. Where were the stables, again? He'd hardly paid any attention to the maid that had shown him and his chauffeur his room, instead choosing to look at the art pieces framed on the walls. He glanced around. The grounds were massive, to say the least, and he headed into the direction with the most open fields. If he was wrong, then oops? What else could he do?

    Lucky for him and this Tiberius guy, Athan approached the stables to see another man already there. He easily towered over the Greek by a handful of inches, and easily outweighed and outmuscled him as well. To say Athan was slightly intimidated would be to say the least.

    "Are you Tiberius? Nice to meet you, I'm Athanasios. Call me Athan." He opted to keep his hands to his sides, waiting for the other to initiate a handshake if necessary. No need to show all of your cards at once, his father said. Not that he understood what the cantankerous old man meant but it sounded right for the occasion. "Did you find the clue already?"

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Re: ♛ ━━━━ » [ tiberius nero caius ] - 405 wc

Postby nimrod. » Mon Jun 17, 2019 2:30 pm

T I B E R I U S--C A I U S
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx tags athan

      Tiberius was doing his best attempt at a virtue known as patience, something in which was most trying to him at times. Waiting for Athan didn't seem to be getting him anywhere as he waited within the stables. He gave an irritated sigh as he calmed himself, reminding his ego that it was a scavenger hunt, a gme for children, and here he was, a twenty-three year old prince taking it far too seriously. How degrading, have I really reached such a low point in life?, he thought to himself as he exited the stables, watching those that approached. He caught sight of his sister Cora in the distance accompanied by Louis, a prince whom's name he heard much too often in the past, and a tall athletic prince that seemed to fit the bill of Athan. He had heard talk of him at some points here and there and thought the description to be quite suiting. He awaited as he watched Athan approach, deciding he didn't want to run across the grass into the man's arms as if this were a cheesy romance movie.

      Tiberius dipped is head in greeting as Athan introduced himself, "Feel free to call me Ty," he returned the favor, quite glad he didn't need to refer to the young man by his proper name. He decided there was no need for formalities and left their introduction as it was. “Yeah, got the tip,” he spoke as he showed the piece of paper, handing it over to the young prince. “Sounds like the maze I’ve heard talk about, if you want, head that way with me or do you perhaps think of it otherwise?” Ty was sure to ask, he didn’t want to seem entirely too arrogant. Sure he didn’t mind coming off the wrong way to people, not in the least, but he felt this man didn’t seem any cause for trouble. He turned his head ever so slightly as he heard a car door close and watched as a light haired prince emerged from a vehicle, raising a brow. It was a surprise to see that some were arriving at a late time, he assumed the school would have held off activities until everyone had been accounted for. Ty ruminated in his mind over whom here would be bound to give him the most issues, certain his mind would be made up by the end of the day.
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Re: Re:

Postby Legend. » Mon Jun 17, 2019 3:41 pm

𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘈𝘓𝘓𝘐𝘕𝘌 𝘊𝘈𝘐𝘜𝘚 !! -> Tags: Louis + Athan

      Cora’s eyes followed Yankee around as he ran around obviously enjoying the landscape before soon he can trotting back over to louis. Cora listened as louis spoke about the stables. The princess smiled, finally making eye contact the prince and her heart fluttered a tad as he offered his hand. Placing her hand in his ever so softly, and descending down the steps.

      As they walked towards the stables the young princess thought about all her options. She could accept the fact that the feelings were back or she could once again push him away. Although this time it didn’t seem that simple to just leave, last time she had an excuse. The media. But now her lame excuse would be she was scared, and she was. What if he didn’t feel the same,
      The princess rolled her eyes that was her lame reason? If she did something about the feelings fighting to come out she might have a chance to be with him once more, but if she didn’t she would never know what could have been.

      Her thoughts stopped abruptly as they reached the stables, seeing her brother she narrowed her gaze. not this time big brother Quickly listening in on their conversation, she smiled brightly at the mention of a maze. Must be the next location, and she didn’t even have to waste time to find the clue. Turning happily towards Louis the small princess sucked in a breath before pointing to the large maze not too far from the stables “ My brother unwillingly just gave us our next clue, come on we must beat him...you know sibling rivalry” shrugging she giggled before, grabbing his arm and tugging him towards the large walls of greenery.

            word count: 291

𝘓𝘜𝘊𝘈𝘚 𝘉𝘙𝘜𝘚𝘚𝘌𝘓 !! -> Tags: sophie & Leo

      Lucas listened to the girl as she spoke, “ me either but I think this could be fun! And who knows what the prize is… could even be food! And just the thought of that makes me a tad more competitive” the boy chuckled before thinking about where they should go, he noticed that many were off towards the stables but a few had wandered towards the maze already. “ Hmm maybe the maze? Seems it would be a waste to go to the stables when we already have an idea where the next location is!” he looked around once more noticing the many pairs. His eyes landed on the french prince.

      Anger flared up in the prince and suddenly he needed to win just to have something to rub in that snob of a prince’s face. He turned to sophie, “ I think we could win if we headed straight for the maze, maybe beat all the others that are just now headed for the stables, but only if you think we should” Lucas glanced over at the girl hoping she would agree. Before the princess could answer, a tall but dashing prince came trotting over with a rather smug look on his face, lucas was taken back as he excused him from his duties, as if lucas were some butler just escorting Sophie.

                word count: 221 ( aaa wb again lucas is just having bad luck :C)

𝙇𝙀𝙊𝙉𝘼𝙍𝘿𝙊 𝙍𝙐𝙎𝙎𝙊 !! -> Tags: sophie & Lucas

      Leo this will be good for you. his fathers words echoed in his head as the Italian prince sat sprawled out in the back of the large limo as they drove down from gravel road. By the looks of it he was heading towards some bootcamp. Shifting so he was sitting upright the prince leaned toward the driver before pointing at the road ahead of them. “ Are you sure this is the right way? I’m going to a luxury school for royals not a girl scout camp….but i guess they’re both similar” he chuckled, as he glanced at the driver who just pointed at the map. “ Good talk i guess”. Sitting back his eyes widened as the car went over a slight bump and then the road seemed to smooth out. Flicking his eyes to the window he noticed the road change to a nicely paved one. And soon the landscape became more groomed and suddenly he noticed the large main building and the many other smaller ones. “ Hm not too shabby”.

      Leo practically jumped out of the car when they arrived, fixing his suit and threw his shades and looked around the courtyard before noticing the many others who were just wandering around. “ Well that’s odd”, he smirked as his eyes landed on a certain beauty, her eyes were a beautiful blue and her hair was a beautiful dark color, black like the night sky. Not to mention her soft features, and many other things. Smirking the prince cleared his throat, he seemed to find his next love affair. Making his way over to her he waved off the other young man, “ don’t worry sir i’ll take it from here, you’re relieved of your duties” he winked at the young fellow before smiling at the princess. “ Why hi there, i didn’t know the first thing i noticed when i arrived would be Aphrodite herself” The Italian prince bowed before he returned to his full height. “ Leo of Italy at your service, My Queen”.

                word count: 342
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♛ ━━━━ » [ sophie-anaïs charland ] ● 006 ● wc: 609

Postby winterfell. » Mon Jun 17, 2019 6:39 pm

        ♔ -- ( SOPHIE ) ───────────────────────────────
        [ location : outside ] [ age : twenty ] [ nation : canada ] [ tagged : lucas & leo ]

          - - - - -Sophie giggled when Lucas brought up the prize. She hadn't given much thought to the fact that there'd be a prize. Maybe it was food. She didn't know what kind of food they'd serve here, though she was sure it would be fairly luxurious. On that note, any prize they had to offer, food or not, was bound to be pretty great. It was a school for royals. Everything was the best of the best. Or, at least, the best available for a schooling situation. "Fair point," she said with a smile. "I do like food," she added. Maybe it was something else too. Either way, she was getting more excited about this game. She figured that might have more to do with how excited Lucas was getting though.

          - - - - -She quirked an eyebrow when Lucas suggested that they go toward the maze, but she was totally content with going wherever he wanted. "You're probably right about that," she said. If they could skip the entire first location and just jump to the second, why wouldn't they? In that same line of thinking, she wondered if there was a point to the clues at all. They could all just as easily stumble upon the final location by accident if they got lost enough. But it would be better to follow the clues, probably. Since the campus was so massive. "Alright then. I say we go," she said, following his lead and patting her leg, signaling for Nova to accompany them.

          - - - - -Sophie wasn't paying much attention to her surroundings, happy to be talking with someone who very well could be her friend. So, it came as a complete shock when a shadow cast over her. She had to look up to face the individual that was speaking to her, a man who was at least a foot taller than her with dark hair and sunglasses. She tilted her head when he attempted to dismiss Lucas as a butler or servant of some sort. "Excuse you, sir, but I think you're mistaken. This is Prince Lucas of Belgium," she corrected. "He's my partner for the scavenger hunt," she elaborated.

          - - - - -She couldn't help the rush of heat to her cheeks when the man complimented her, comparing her to Aphrodite herself. Sophie didn't get a lot of genuine compliments during her daily life. Of course, there were always the polite little greetings, but it was all run-of-the-mill stuff. It was stuff people had to say in order to remain courteous. This was different. It came out of nowhere. Part of her knew it was just a cheap flirtation, but the other part of her, the part that was more in control of her thoughts and actions, was just so happy that someone thought she was beautiful. Her eyes lit up after a moment of thought. "Oh, well, thank you," she said, staring at the ground. "You're a very handsome man yourself," she added, knowing that the appropriate thing was to return a compliment in all situations. Plus, it wasn't a lie. He was attractive.

          - - - - -She giggled when he bowed to her, covering up her bright smile when he returned to his original height. He was, indeed, very, very tall. She was about to ask who this mysterious man was, but he beat her to it. He was a prince, one that she didn't know was attending the school. She must have just not paid as good of attention as she thought she did. Prince Leo of Italy had completely alluded her previous studies. She giggled when he called her a queen. "Not a queen yet, Leo," she said with a smile. "Sophie of Canada," she said.
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Postby Legend. » Tue Jun 18, 2019 2:08 pm

𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘈𝘓𝘓𝘐𝘕𝘌 𝘊𝘈𝘐𝘜𝘚 !! -> Tags: Peggy / mentioned louis

      Cora stood in her room staring at her reflection in the full length mirror, he had chosen to change into a rather appealing outfit. She wore a plain white blouse that dipped rather low, she had chosen to wear a dresser pair of shorts and simple but complimenting sandals. Her hair was swept up into a curled pony, and for the first time in a while Cora had swiped on some makeup, enhancing her beautiful features. The french princess felt beautiful and looked it, but something was missing.

      Glancing at her small jewelry box she quickly grabbed it from atop her dresser and carefully opened the heirloom. Inside was one singular piece of jewelry, a gold necklace with a small rose charm laid in the box, to almost anyone the necklace was just a piece of jewelry, but to Cora it was a shard of the past she had with Louis. She had bought it when her and louis went to one of Madrid’s pop up markets, one of their many adventures was in spain, and the memory of madrid stuck out to her the most. There, she realized she was in love.

      Putting the necklace on she hoped Louis would notice and maybe it would draw his attention. During the hunt she couldn’t really tell if his heart was going crazy like hers was, but now that everyone just had some down time to socialize the girl thought it was a suitable time to dig a little and see if he felt the same. Quickly touching up her makeup she swiped some gloss on before making her way out of the room. The headmistress had put some soft music on through the speakers and also had announced that some food was available in the common room. The school had really outdone itself, but it was certainly short lived as they would all have to start classes the next day.

      Rapidly making her way down the stairs the princess wasn’t watching where she was going until she realized she was plowing right through someone, before they could fall the french princess quickly grabbed their arms to pull them back up. She searched their face before realizing it was the princess of england, how ironic given her current mission. “ Oh my, i’m so sorry. I should really watch next time” the princess giggled nervously before quickly fixing her blouse before extending a friendly hand to the poor princess she had just ran in to.

            word count: 414

𝘓𝘜𝘊𝘈𝘚 𝘉𝘙𝘜𝘚𝘚𝘌𝘓 !! -> Tags: Tiberius

      Lucas pulled on a nice shirt before admiring himself in his bathroom mirror, and then proceeded to wink at himself, followed by finger guns. looking good the prince felt heat rise to his cheeks as he realized the french prince was in the other room. If he had saw this it would just give him another excuse to make Lucas feel terrible and be belittled.

      Clearing his throat the belgian prince took one look in the mirror, mentally preparing himself to walk out the door. He then noticed the cologne sitting on the counter he shrugged before reaching for the glass bottle. Before even smelling it he sprayed it on his neck and and quick spritz to his chest, placing the bottle down he sniffed and was pleasantly surprised when a seducing scent met his senses. “ooh” .

      The prince sucked in a breath and exited the bathroom and catching the sight of the french prince, he was slightly scared his ego was even more large due to winning the hunt. Maybe he would say something like his cologne was revolting or something like that, but it made lucas even more aggitated that the prince was like a greek statue, carved to perfection, everything about him was perfect….Lucas had never felt attracted to someone like this, angry with them but wanting them?

      Sighing he cleared his throat before speaking up, “ Um congrats on winning the hunt” the prince nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

                word count: 240 ( next post will be better promise)

𝙇𝙀𝙊𝙉𝘼𝙍𝘿𝙊 𝙍𝙐𝙎𝙎𝙊 !! -> Tags: Harper

      Leo, was looking dashing. What you think he would lie to himself? The prince knew he was attractive, why else would he be able to get away with so many affairs? Pulling on the edge of his coat the boy exited his new room, not even thinking to talk to his new roomies. All he had on his mind was Sophie. They had briefly met before lucas her partner had whisked her away to finish the hunt.

      Making his way down the grand staircase taking it to steps at a time the italian prince softly landed on the floor after the last stair, just in time to see some other princess tumble into another almost knocking her over, he chuckled before turning on his heels and started to make his way to the girls wing. He spotted a maid waiting on a princess and he winked at her receiving a slight blush.

      He stopped at a door numbered ( room 4) he sucked in a breath and said a silent prayer hoping it was her room. Turning the knob he swung the door open, only to see a blonde girl in the room in place of a dark haired beauty. Maybe she was her roommate. Not even taking a second thought he stepped into the room and shut the door, hopefully everyone was fully clothed. He smiled mischievously at the blonde, “ Well hi there, do you know where I could find a certain dark haired beauty?” he winked at the blonde before wandering over to a bed and flopping onto it.

                word count: 262
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♛ ━━━━ » [ harper & tiberius ] - 484 & 351 wc

Postby nimrod. » Tue Jun 18, 2019 2:43 pm

H A R P E R--W A L K E R
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx tags leo

      Harper had just changed her clothes out of what she had worn during her flight/drive here, now wearing some simple black leggings, a light blue crop top hoodie and her worn pair of black high top converse. Nothing out of the norm, she preferred to be comfortable, not glorious. She had a simple, elegant and natural beauty to her. She wore her make-up minimally and often even has days where she simply goes without. Her wavy hair stays in golden tendrils framing her face. About to go over to the bed and pick up her feline Bach, she jumped in surprise as someone entered the room, furrowing her brow ever so slightly. Certainly there should be some degree of security to prevent such a thing. She watched with a curious, half smile half frown on her features as the young man went and sat on her bed, cocking her head to the side.

      “I don’t believe I can help you with that, beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all, don’t they say?” Harper questioned as she went over, cooing to Bach that everything was fine, he was a tad uneasy by the intruder. She scooped up her beloved sphynx as she eyed the man, certain he was a prince by the way he carried himself and his poor attempt at charm, but not knowing for certain whom he was. “Despite not being her, my name is Harper, it’s nice to meet you?” she finished in a questioning tone, willing him to introduce himself to her in return. As good as she was at reading people, she was no mind reader of any sort. He seemed quite confident in himself by the way he acted, though she wasn’t sure yet if that was a good thing or something that would come to be toxic. Some people had a way of quickly shifting from one realm to the next. Harper was ever so slightly curious as to whom it was he was in search for, though thinking to herself he must not be so intent on finding her being as he wasn’t busting into every room in the building.

      The very thought brought a faint smirk to her pink lips, imagining him making a fool of himself so soon in pronouncing his affection to one of the many princesses here. Humans could be so heartbreakingly needy at times, and with the way he was wanting for the girl, she could see things only going one way. Perhaps she would help him in his task to find her, or maybe she would retreat to the main area with Bach and the others to see whom all there was to meet. The first struck her interest the most, she was always intent on an adventure, even if in her eyes it was something so naively unimportant. At least to him it was something he desired.

T I B E R I U S--C A I U S
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx tags lucas

      Although Tiberious had tried his best to not take the scavenger hunt so seriously, he didn’t succeed, he and Athan winning and getting rewarded with a free day. As if he wasn’t willing to ditch without one. He was in the slightest irritated with the outcome, being told he can invite someone along, but he wasn’t close to anyone here whatsoever, and he most certainly wasn’t taking Cora along. This is what you get for always wanting to come out on top, he thought to himself, eyeing himself over in the mirror. He dressed simply as always, a dark, fitted steel grey t-shirt accompanied by a dark pair of worn denim jeans, his Vans on as usual. His hair was unruly as always in it’s swept back fashion, rolling his eyes and wondering why it had to be such a mess. Women always seemed to like the curled/wavy look, but in his eyes it wasn’t ever orderly, something he focused on with presenting himself.

      Ty could hear his roommate saying a thing here or there in the bathroom, but he didn’t pay much mind to it, turning as he heard the younger prince emerge. Here they were again, in the room in which he had only hours ago practically threatened him. Tiberius could easily see that Lucas was uncomfortable, and he didn’t blame him in the least. He wasn’t an easy person to get along with, and this prince now had the task of rooming with him. Hearing his congratulations he raised a brow in a somewhat critical manner, “it’s just a children’s game, no need. but, thank you none the less,” he added in an almost reluctant manner, attempting to seem a little kinder than he had been earlier. He waved his hand for a moment as if trying to dismiss the discomfort between the two, catching the scent of the delectable cologne and resisting a grin. “Anyways, let’s head downstairs and see what is going on, shall we?” he questioned as he moved over to the door, opening it and stepping out of the room. Trying his best to distance himself from him a bit without making it obvious.

      Tiberius was curious as to if there might be any new guests among those he had met previously downstairs. Perhaps someone to add to his conversation with Lucas so he didn’t mess up and say or do anything he would later regret. He didn’t dislike Lucas, he just didn’t trust his judgement around him, he had an urge to be there for him and get close, but when he got to close he tended to snap and come off as cold. Ty rolled his eyes to himself at his own conflicting thoughts, knowing his stay here at the school was bound to be a disaster as was everything else he involved himself with.
Last edited by nimrod. on Sat Jun 22, 2019 10:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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♛ ━━ » [ louis ]▪︎ 004▪︎ 660 wc ; [ lovise ] • 001 • 516 wc

Postby memichoo » Tue Jun 18, 2019 3:46 pm

    louis james montgomery

▪︎●age. 21▪︎nation. england▪︎loc. halls▪︎tags. sophie

        Louis stared at himself in the bathroom's mirror, watching the mirror's lights cut sharp panes on his face. Squinting at the reflection, he picked his comb off the polished counter and brushed through his pale hair, easing the rebellious curls back into place. Although he wanted to keep his hair neat and presentable, he had opted for a more casual attire than the collared shirt he had arrived in. The prince sported a navy blue sweater over a collared shirt to seem less formal. The sleeves of both layers were pulled up almost to his elbows, the white cuffs unbuttoned and wide over the sweater sleeve. With it, he wore simple jeans and shiny black dress shoes- he didn't own a pair of sneakers, but he had the sneaking suspicion that he should probably buy some to fit in better. Satisfied with his appearance, he flipped off the lightswitch of the bathroom and was immedientally greeted by Yankee. The little corgi was hungry, and he obviously wanted Louis to know. With a chuckle, the prince knelt down and grabbed a clip-on bowtie from his pocket. The puppy stayed still just long enough for him to clip the bow tie to his collar before he jumped up and spiritedly licked Louis' face. Pushing him away good-naturedly, he clipped on a black leash and headed towards the door, careful to not trip over the tan fluffball at his feet. Although he wasn't sure how the puppy would be recieved at the dinner, he needed to feed the dog and he knew that Yankee could behave himself at dinners.

        Whistling as he walked, Louis and Yankee wandered down the hallway. He had made a point to look at the school's layout after the scavenger hunt, and knew roughly where the common area was. As he walked, he let his mind wander. Almost as he expected, it went straight to a certain French princess. He still wasn't quite sure what their relationship was. It was obvious that something was affecting her behavior; she had averted her gaze more often than he expected and there was a strange, mildly uncomfortable tension between the two. Not aggression, but simply uncertainty. He had done his best to control his emotions, but he wasn't sure whether Cora had sensed his subtle glances or heard the uneven racing of his heart. He himself didn't know what he wanted anymore; he had loved the brunette once, and perhaps still did, but was it possible for them to exist, together? He knew there was a program at the school to find suitable matches, and was bitterly reminded that the royal life was not a free one. He had his country to think of, and she hers. But still..

        A sharp tug on the leash caught Louis' attention and he rolled his eyes at the excited puppy. "Yankee, heel. It's just food mate, I'm not about to starve you, you know. I thought you had more faith in me," he joked before he glanced up to find what had caught Yankee's rapt attention. Another dog, a gorgeous brown terrier, who was beside a dark-haired princess. He cocked his head at this; he hadn't met another royal with a canine companion and was relieved that it was not only him with a dog at his feet. Offering a friendly smile, he approached the other royal. "It appears you're as fond of canines as I am," he cautiously let Yankee forward, careful to keep a distance between the two dogs lest the other value personal space. "I'm Louis, of England," he introduced himself, "and this is Yankee. He's friendly, so please don't worry," he assured the princess. "Who might you be, and who is this beauty my Yankee is so enraptured with?" Louis asked teasingly, amused by how eager his puppy was to meet the other. It seemed the lack of dogs had not gone unnoticed in his eyes, either.

    lovise nordskov

▪︎●age. 20▪︎nation. denmark▪︎loc. halls▪︎tags. tiberius - lucas

        Lovise sat perched on the edge of her bed, carefully running an ivory comb through her golden curls. The comb was from her room, far off in Denmark; she was painfully sentimental, so she had thought that bringing the beautiful comb would also bring a sense of comfort and familiarity. Once the comb began to slide through her hair without meeting any snags or tangles, she set it down on the bed's quilt and took the upper half of her hair into her hands. Carefully separating the bunch into different section, she began to meticulously braid. Her movements were quick and efficient, the process as familiar to her as breathing due to her practice as a child. Within minutes, a clean braided crown adorned the back of her head while the rest fell in silky waves to her midback. Standing up, the princess smoothed her skirt. Although she recognized that most other royals had probably chosen casual attire, she had decided to wear something more traditional. Her ankle-length skirt was midnight black, the hem hand stitched with vibrant pops of colorful flowers connected to each other with delicate vines and leaves. Carefully tucked into the skirt was a crisp white blouse; its neckline was modestly low, showing her pearl flower necklace against the fair skin of her collarbone. Its sleeves were slightly puffed and ended with tight cuffs on her dainty wrists. Slipping into simple black flats, the girl took a deep breath and made her way out of the dorm room and into the hallway. Instantly, she felt lost. She had put off studying the school's layout and was suffering for it now. If she were lucky, she thought wearily, she would arrive an hour after everyone had already finished.

        Deciding to go right on a whim, she began to stroll down the hall. She glanced down every hallway she passed to see if it ended in anything resembling a common room. Nothing caught her eye. With an exasperated sigh, she continued. For a few minutes, only the faint tap of her flats on the polished floor accompanied her. She perked up when she heard voices, coming from a room down the hall. The blonde eventually came to the source and was surprised to see other royals, princes of countries unknown to her. The closest one to her was a handsome brunette who looked rather irritated. She mentally debated searching for someone else to ask directions from when she realized that she was already too close to withdraw. Mentally bracing herself, she approached the stranger. "Excuse me, do you happen to know where the commons area is? I appear to have confused myself," she asked politely, finding with irritated amusement that she had to tilt her head up ever-so-slightly to meet the prince's eyes. As she glanced into their room, mildly curious to see if every room was the same, she caught sight of another, younger prince. Giving him a respectful nod of acknowledgement, she turned her attention back to the first stranger. At least, she thought wryly, she wasn't terribly late to the dinner.
Last edited by memichoo on Thu Jun 20, 2019 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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♛ ━━━━ » [ sophie-anaïs charland ] ● 007 ● wc: 562

Postby winterfell. » Tue Jun 18, 2019 10:47 pm

        ♔ -- ( SOPHIE ) ───────────────────────────────
        [ location : halls ] [ age : twenty ] [ nation : canada ] [ tagged : louis ]

          - - - - -Were dinners at Alexander's supposed to be formal occasions? Were they always supposed to be high-end and sophisticated? Like all the dinner parties that her parents threw? She certainly hoped not. Sophie couldn't imagine dressing up every single night just to interact with her classmates. Despite wanting to be more casual, she didn't want to be under dressed. Who would take her seriously? Of course, no one would take her seriously if she dressed up too much either. God, she wished she knew what to do. After a few minutes of panicking in the bathroom, she finally decided to layer a black turtleneck underneath a strappy green dress with a pair of black flats. She hoped this would be just neutral enough to work.

          - - - - -After twisting her hair into a simple braid, Sophie started digging through her jewelry box for something to add to the look. She had a lot of pieces that were handed down from her family, and several other pieces that she'd acquired on trips into different Canadian provinces. Most of them were statements, but she did manage to find a dainty silver necklace that seemed to compliment her outfit. She hoped she wasn't putting too much effort into this. She hoped all of her fellow royals wouldn't think her naive or childish or ridiculous for this. For a moment, she contemplated changing everything entirely, but decided that she was probably running late -- or close to late -- anyway.

          - - - - -She called for Nova, the bully trotting up to her in response. She'd take her dog everywhere, if given the opportunity. Sophie didn't know if her companion would be turned away when she arrived at the common area, but she decided that it was worth the risk, even if it meant she had to abandon her fellow royals to take Nova back to the room. She'd just have to miss out on the social interaction, and maybe catching up with that Leo fellow, for the time being, if that were the case. She exited her room, the dog close by her side, and began walking down the halls. She hoped she remembered how to get to the common area. She didn't usually mind getting lost, but she was tired of looking like she didn't belong here.

          - - - - -Nova started getting antsy by her side, hurrying toward something on the other side of the hallway. Being a muscular breed and Sophie being a small girl, it took almost no effort for the dog to pull her away. The girl gasped in response, struggling to maintain her footing. She glanced up to find a prince, accompanied by an adorable small corgi, approaching the pair. She grinned at the sight of someone else with a dog. She thought she might be the only one, which was rather uncomfortable, actually. "Looks that way," she said. "I've been a dog person my whole life," she added, throwing in an awkward laugh for good measure.

          - - - - -"It's good to meet you, Louis," she said with a grin. "I'm Sophie, of Canada," she said. She shook her head when he felt the need to say that his dog, Yankee, was friendly. "Oh, I'm not worried at all. I've never been afraid of a puppy," she said. "This is Nova. I've had her almost two years now," she explained. "She's very friendly. I trained her myself," she said with a nod.
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