Create a Flight (Dragons - closed for v2)

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Create a Flight (Dragons - closed for v2)

Postby Springtalon » Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:47 am

inspired by CaC - made with permission from Katrione

Discussion Thread

Before the time of man's greatness, dragons roamed the earth. Flights formed to protect themselves
from other magical creatures and to survive through the harsh winters. Thanks to Terra Flight, these
flights have evolved to include special ranks and traditions to keep the legacy of the dragons going.
Will your flight become powerful, or will it perish?

1) Follow ChickenSmoothie's rules
2) Do not make a game similar to this one, unless you ask Katrione
3) Only quote your post if you have been skipped over for two pages
4) Keep discussions in the discussion thread
5) Keep everything PG-13
6) Be respectful and kind
7) Have fun!



The Stars (former mods)

Queen (owner)

Lord (mods)

Username | warnings
Username | warnings
Username | warnings
Username | warnings

Username | banned length
Username | banned length
Username | banned length
Username | banned length



        starlight court| swandancer
        wyvern court| sharpiesandhamilton
        nocturne empire| noctem.
        kingdom of the white crystal | mukuroikusabas
        flight of the moonseekers | losers
        windy-cliff flight | savannaten010
        red army | senbeat
        brog| w0ah
        shizukana mizu|nightwolf950
        the ether | legolas the elf
        ghost mountain | gh0st
        whispering winds| yawning pup
        requiem court| spinach.
        saihokaiju| rancidcactus
        rijheirakiir| lokisaurus
        mesawings| mistyautumndays
        flight name| user
        flight name| user
Last edited by Springtalon on Sat Jan 25, 2020 7:08 am, edited 20 times in total.
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How to Play

Postby Springtalon » Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:48 am


( terra flight )

Terra Flight lives in the earth, guiding the living Flights by entering their dreams or whispering through the leaves. Dragons who pass away are buried in the earth and given to Terra Flight. These ancestors may appear to a king/queen, a lord, or a shaman in their dreams. However, in order to conduct a ceremony, the Flight's king/queen must travel to the Earth Mound, which is a beautiful small hill. If a dragon was exiled from their Flight and dies in exile, they will not go to Terra Flight. Instead, their spirit will vanish.

( dragons )
Generally, a dragon's scale color determines their type
of breath. However, in rare occasions, a dragon may
have a different breath than the color of its scales.
Fire: Gold, brass, red
Lightning: Blue, bronze
Acid: Black, copper
Poisonous gas: Green, purple
Ice/Water: White, silver
( world )

| Dragons aren't the only magical creatures in this
| world. There are many other mythical beings, such as
| phoenixes and manticores. Sometimes they can pose a
| threat to a Flight, or they can become prey for the Flight,
| or they could help a Flight. There are occasions where they
| may even join a Flight. However, this is extremely rare,
| since dragons tend to look down on those who aren't the
| same species.


If it's your first time posting, describe your flight. What is their territory like? How does the flight act? What are the flight's beliefs? What is their reputation? This helps decide what your first dragon will look like! Your post will be quoted with a picture of your first dragon, a king/queen, and who your replier will be. Please note that there are some breeds that are banned outside of events. These are as follows:
Neglected Dragon
Undead Dragon
Leetle Tree
Avatar of Change
Avatar of Creation
Avatar of Destruction
All Xenomorphs
All Dinos
Guardian of Nature
Thunder Dragon
Magma Dragon
Ice Dragon
Vampire Dragon
Any Non-DragonCave Breeds

Whenever you get a new dragon, you can chose its name, age, and gender. You can find more dragons by either coming across them during a patrol or asking Terra Flight for one. At Earth Mound, you can ask for a specific ranked dragon, such as a shaman. However, you can only visit the Earth Mound once a week.

Another way to grow your flight is through mates. If you want your dragons to become mates, have them go somewhere alone and one of the dragons can ask the other to become mates. I'll timeskip to when the female realizes she's going to have hatchlings. After 1 season, she'll lay the eggs. After another season or two, they'll hatch. If you want the dragon to not have eggs, say so. If you want them to have another litter, again, please say so.

You can send out patrols of up to eight dragons, but at least one of them must be a defender. There are two types of patrols - a hunting patrol,or a guarding patrol. A hunting patrol only contains one or two defenders, since the main purpose is to hunt. A guarding patrol contains only defenders, since the main purpose is to make sure the territory is safe.

Hunting Patrols can hunt for prey, while Guarding patrols can chase off threats, which will keep the Flight safe for 12 hours. Both patrols can find a new dragon, though usually it'll be a defender, hunter, or a cadet. Hatchlings can sometimes be found, but only if there is a broodmother available. The bigger your Flight is, the less likely it is to find a new dragon. You may also encounter a leader from another Flight. You can decide to become enemies or allies.

The number of dragons you own limits the amount of patrols you may send. You may also only send dragons on tasks that match their role in your flight.
Hunters may only hunt, Defenders may only guard or protect hunters, shamans may only herb hunt.

1-20 Dragons - 1 Hunting Patrol, 1 Guarding Patrol, 1 Herb Hunting Patrol
21-35 Dragons - 2 Hunting Patrols, 1 Guarding Patrol, 2 Herb Hunting Patrols
36-50 Dragons - 2 Hunting Patrols, 2 Guarding Patrols, 2 Herb Hunting Patrols
51+ Dragons - 3 Hunting Patrols, 3 Guarding Patrols, 2 Herb Hunting Patrols

A hatchling becomes a cadet when it is 6 seasons old. A cadet becomes a defender or a hunter between 12 - 16 seasons. Whenever a dragon changes rank, you must announce it in some way, so that if applicable, your replier can give you their new sprite.
King/Queen: The leader of the flight
Lord: Second-in-command, the name is considered gender neutral
Shaman: Has a connection with Terra Flight and tends to wounded dragons
Shaman cadet: Picked by the shaman to train under them
Defender: Protects the Flight's territory and participates in hunting and guarding patrols, but can't hunt very well
Hunter: Hunts for the Flight through hunting patrols
Cadet: Trains in both defender and hunter techniques. They are given two mentors - a defender and a hunter. Their mentors determiens if the cadet will be a defender or a hunter
Hatchling: A dragon that has just hatched
Broodmother: A dragon who is about to lay eggs or is taking care of hatchlings
Ancients: Dragons who are too old to hunt or defend. They are considered to be very wise

Since dragons age slowly, they measure time in seasons. Whenever you make a new post for your Flight, you must age all of your dragons by oneseason. When a dragon reaches 155 seasons, they should move into the rank ancient. There are five ways your dragon can die: being a stillborn, old age (200 seasons), being attacked severally by a dangerous animal/another dragon,broodmothers can die when laying eggs, and not having your injuries treated within four days of them getting injured and/or sick.
When you first receive your shaman, you can choose between five herbs to start out with. You can send your shaman to find herbs, which will reward them with one-two new herbs. If a shaman cadet searches for herbs, they'll only find one. If both shaman and shaman cadet look for herbs, it'll be up to three. These herbs are stored and can be used to help injured dragons. Herbs can be found here, here, here, and here.
You will chose the two mentors (one a defender, the other a hunter) for your cadet. They must complete four training sessions and be 12 seasons old before becoming a defender or a hunter. Each training session teaches the cadet a new "move," such as hunting or fighting, though there is a chance they might not learn anything.
When you come across another Flight, you can either be their ally or enemy. Allies can give up dragons, herbs, food, and other things in order to help them. Enemies can attack a Flight's home to steal dragons, herbs, or food. At least four dragons must be used to invade the Flight's territory. Dragons on both sides can die, so make sure you send your strongest dragons / dragons you wouldn't mind losing.
Forbidden romances occur when a shaman has a mate or a dragon has a mate belonging to a different Flight. These dragons can find a way to sneak out of camp to meet with their forbidden lover. If one of them lays eggs, they can find someone to cover up as the father, or they can give a few/all of their eggs to the father. It's rare for these relationships to be discovered, but if they are, the dragons may be punished.
You have five moons to gather up prey. After that, prey will be eaten for every other post. Each hunter on a hunting patrol will bring back 1-4 servings.
0-2 seasons: No serving, feeds on bugs
3-6 seasons: 1/2 serving
7+ seasons: 1 serving

Massive Animal (roc, griffin, chimera, etc.) - 3 servings
Large Animal (elk, moose, unicorn, etc.) - 1 serving
Medium Animal (goat, deer, sheep, etc.) - 1/2 serving
Small Animal (rabbit, mouse, squirrel, etc.) - 1/4 serving

Pick a territory from this map
The different colors represent different terrains.
Red - Alpine
Yellow - Desert
Blue - Coast
Light Green - Forest
Dark Green - Jungle
Purple - Volcano

After your first post, you'll use this format to keep track of your flight. You can code it however you want, as long as the main information is kept.

Code: Select all
[center][size=200]Your Flight's Name[/size]
[size=85][b]Number of Dragons:[/b] #
[b]Expecting Dragons:[/b] # seasons
[b]Next Earth Mound visit:[/b] 00/00/00 - 00:00[/size]

[size=85]Put your post of what they are doing here[/size][/center]

Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

[b]Shaman Cadet:[/b]
Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Breath | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url][/list][/list][/list][/list][/left][/size] [left][list][list][list][quote][size=85][b]Ally Flights:[/b]
Flight Name | Username
Flight Name | Username[/size][/quote]

[quote][size=85][b]Enemy Flights:[/b]
Flight Name | Username
Flight Name | Username[/size][/quote]

    Northern Border | flight | name
    Eastern Border |flight | name
    Southern Border | flight | name
    Western Border | flight | name[/size]

[quote][size=85][b]Medicine Store[/b]
Herb | # | Usage
Herb | # | Usage[/size][/quote]

[quote][size=85][b]Food Store:[/b]
Food | Servings
Food | Servings[/size][/quote]

Mentor | Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions[/size][/quote]

 Name | Cause of Death
 Name | Cause of Death[/size][/quote]

Name and Name
Name and Name[/size][/quote][/list][/list][/list][/left]
Last edited by Springtalon on Wed Jul 10, 2019 9:05 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Magical Creatures

Postby Springtalon » Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:55 am

The world is full of various magical creatures. Some make easy prey for the dragons, while others can be a threat to the Flights.



        KIRIN | X | 2 servings, calfs: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Kirin live all over the world. Their ability to adapt to their enviornment has made them a strong species. They appear as a deer/dragon
        hybrid, and their scaled/furred pelts are collected by many. They have magical abilities but are very weak physically. They typically
        roam in herds of 10-15.
        SHADOWxCAT | X | 1 serving, kits: 1/2 serving | Prey (Predator to hatchlings & Cadets) |
        About the size of a large dog, these solitary cats typically lurk where its cold and there are lots of trees to hide in. They prey on small
        creatures and tend to use trickery to confuse threats and prey alike. Their appearance is said to be an ill omen.
        CRACHNID | X | 1 serving | Prey |
        As ugly as they are, they form beautiful webs which are used as bandages. Their spiny front pincers look dangerous but are really just for show. After cleaning the meat carefully from it's shell, their exoskeletons become slightly transparent and glass-like.
        BASILISK | X | 1 serving, eggs: 1/4 serving | Prey |
        Essentially just a huge snake, these creatures have a potent venom that can kill in a season if not treated, however an antivenom can be
        made with the blood of its babies or yolk of its eggs.
        WHARG | X | 3 serving, kits: 1 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Roaming in great herds, these great beasts migrate north and south with the coming of the seasons. Males are extremely aggressive and can easily kill a single Drake. It is best to hunt those who are sick, young, old, or alone.
        HIPPOGRIFF | X | 3 servings, calfs: 1 serving | Prey |
        While they aren't as smart as Griffons, these beasts are utterly magnificent to see in the wild. They are strong fighters and can imprint
        on other creatures, forming cross-species bonds.
        BANSHEE | X | 3 servings, eggs: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Despite their ferocious demeanor, these small lizards are hardly a threat. While they usually dwell in colonies in the trees, they arent unknown to be on their own. Their mating displays include a lot of showing off of their frills and gliding through the air in mock battle.
        REINER | X | 2 servings, pups: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        These creatures travel in packs of 3-4 and often form tight knit bonds with their packmates. They are fast and agile, able to easily escape a hunter on open ground, however they aren't very smart. They are loathed by farmers for stealing their cattle.
        GIANT | X | Threat |
        Giants roam in large tribes or small scouting groups. They are Headed by a leader called a General and are viscous brutes. They have
        been known to collect dragon prisoners of war to use and hunt for sport.
        TROLL | X | Threat |
        Trolls, while not as smart as Giants, are many times more viscous. They tend to trade with Giants, however usually unfair trades result
        in bloody knuckles and broken noses. Trolls have been known to collect bones and skulls of their kills.
        WEREWOLF | X | Threat |
        Villagers who were struck with Lycanthropy run rampant during the Full and New moons. Six nights out of the year bring horrible beasts
        to the wilds that run in packs, tearing apart all they see in their path. However, proving yourself against the leader of a pack can often
        win over a pack's favor, though few have done it.
        YETI | X | Threat |
        Typically roaming around large caves, these beasts spend their time sleeping or eating. Disturbing them from either can have dire
        consequences. Their fur makes a warm bedding and bandage material.
        GHOUL | X | Threat |
        Typically found in control of a necromancer and en masse, dead creatures of any kind can become a ghoul, making them fearsome,
        mindless beasts that will fight until they can no longer move and fall into heaps of bone and rot.
        NECROMANCER | X | Threat (typically commands a group of ghouls) |
        Mages who have grown mad with the power of the dark arts, tend to collect corpses for their armies to gain power before laying siege
        to the land. Though rare in appearance, A Necromancer can wipe out entire flights if one is not careful.


        KIRIN | X | 2 servings, calfs: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Kirin live all over the world. Their ability to adapt to their enviornment has made them a strong species. They appear as a deer/dragon
        hybrid, and their scaled/furred pelts are collected by many. They have magical abilities but are very weak physically. They typically
        roam in herds of 10-15.
        MERMAID | X | 1 serving | Prey (large colonies can be a threat) |
        Living in schools along the coast, these creatures have cultures of their own. While only a few tribes are known, those of open water
        and deep seas species are thought to exist, though it is unknown how they look. Those along the coast, if not hunted like animals, can
        be traded and reasoned with.
        SIREN | X | 2 servings | Prey, minor threat |
        Though similar to mermaids, they are not nearly as pretty looking and can survive on land for short periods of time. They have perfected spearmaking into an art and their arrowheads are prized objects for collectors.
        BASILISK | X | 1 serving, eggs: 1/4 serving | Prey |
        Essentially just a huge snake, these creatures have a potent venom that can kill in a season if not treated, however an antivenom can be
        made with the blood of its babies or yolk of its eggs.
        WHARG | X | 3 serving, kits: 1 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Roaming in great herds, these great beasts migrate north and south with the coming of the seasons. Males are extremely aggressive and can easily kill a single Drake. It is best to hunt those who are sick, young, old, or alone.
        BANSHEE | X | 3 servings, eggs: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Despite their ferocious demeanor, these small lizards are hardly a threat. While they usually dwell in colonies in the trees, they arent unknown to be on their own. Their mating displays include a lot of showing off of their frills and gliding through the air in mock battle.
        REINER | X | 2 servings, pups: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        These creatures travel in packs of 3-4 and often form tight knit bonds with their packmates. They are fast and agile, able to easily escape a hunter on open ground, however they aren't very smart. They are loathed by farmers for stealing their cattle.
        CYCLOPS | X | Threat |
        Cyclops prefer low-lyng, damp climates and tend to be few and far between. Unlike other giants, they have a mild temperament, and
        offering them something shiny tends to be a good way to stay on good terms with them.
        GHOUL | X | Threat |
        Typically found in control of a necromancer and en masse, dead creatures of any kind can become a ghoul, making them fearsome,
        mindless beasts that will fight until they can no longer move and fall into heaps of bone and rot.
        NECROMANCER | X | Threat (typically commands a group of ghouls) |
        Mages who have grown mad with the power of the dark arts, tend to collect corpses for their armies to gain power before laying siege
        to the land. Though rare in appearance, A Necromancer can wipe out entire flights if one is not careful.


        KIRIN | X | 2 servings, calfs: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Kirin live all over the world. Their ability to adapt to their enviornment has made them a strong species. They appear as a deer/dragon
        hybrid, and their scaled/furred pelts are collected by many. They have magical abilities but are very weak physically. They typically
        roam in herds of 10-15.
        SPHYNX | X | 2 servings, kits: 1 serving | Prey / Minor Threat |
        Sphynxes are much like cousins to the shadow cat. Their appearances typically signal large changes in one's life. While they enjoy playing
        games, they are not a creature to cross, for they will not hesitate to pounce and tear you apart.
        BASILISK | X | 1 serving, eggs: 1/4 serving | Prey |
        Essentially just a huge snake, these creatures have a potent venom that can kill in a season if not treated, however an antivenom can be
        made with the blood of its babies or yolk of its eggs.
        CRACHNID | X | 1 serving | Prey |
        As ugly as they are, they form beautiful webs which are used as bandages. Their spiny front pincers look dangerous but are really just for show. After cleaning the meat carefully from it's shell, their exoskeletons become slightly transparent and glass-like.
        BANSHEE | X | 3 servings, eggs: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Despite their ferocious demeanor, these small lizards are hardly a threat. While they usually dwell in colonies in the trees, they arent unknown to be on their own. Their mating displays include a lot of showing off of their frills and gliding through the air in mock battle.
        REINER | X | 2 servings, pups: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        These creatures travel in packs of 3-4 and often form tight knit bonds with their packmates. They are fast and agile, able to easily escape a hunter on open ground, however they aren't very smart. They are loathed by farmers for stealing their cattle.
        BANE | X | 2 servings, kits: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Their spines are filled with a deadly neurotoxin that can paralyze a medium sized drake or kill a small one. They use their weight and dense body as a wrecking ball to pummel their enemies into submission.
        GIANT | X | Threat |
        Giants roam in large tribes or small scouting groups. They are Headed by a leader called a General and are viscous brutes. They have
        been known to collect dragon prisoners of war to use and hunt for sport.
        GHOUL | X | Threat |
        Typically found in control of a necromancer and en masse, dead creatures of any kind can become a ghoul, making them fearsome,
        mindless beasts that will fight until they can no longer move and fall into heaps of bone and rot.
        NECROMANCER | X | Threat (typically commands a group of ghouls) |
        Mages who have grown mad with the power of the dark arts, tend to collect corpses for their armies to gain power before laying siege
        to the land. Though rare in appearance, A Necromancer can wipe out entire flights if one is not careful.


        UNICORN | X | 1 serving | Prey |
        They have silver pelts and white, shaggy manes. A horn protrudes from the top of their head. This horn allows them to perform small bits
        of magic, such as levitating small objects or conjuring a tiny ball of light. It is their defense when attacked. Unlike horses, they are solitary
        creatures. They travel alone in the forests, eating the vegetation. They sleep in dense foliage so they may be hidden from predators.
        KIRIN | X | 2 servings, calfs: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Kirin live all over the world. Their ability to adapt to their enviornment has made them a strong species. They appear as a deer/dragon
        hybrid, and their scaled/furred pelts are collected by many. They have magical abilities but are very weak physically. They typically
        roam in herds of 10-15.
        SHADOWxCAT | X | 1 serving, kits: 1/2 serving | Prey (Predator to hatchlings & Cadets) |
        About the size of a large dog, these solitary cats typically lurk where its cold and there are lots of trees to hide in. They prey on small
        creatures and tend to use trickery to confuse threats and prey alike. Their appearance is said to be an ill omen.
        BASILISK | X | 1 serving, eggs: 1/4 serving | Prey |
        Essentially just a huge snake, these creatures have a potent venom that can kill in a season if not treated, however an antivenom can be
        made with the blood of its babies or yolk of its eggs.
        WHARG | X | 3 serving, kits: 1 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Roaming in great herds, these great beasts migrate north and south with the coming of the seasons. Males are extremely aggressive and can easily kill a single Drake. It is best to hunt those who are sick, young, old, or alone.
        HIPPOGRIFF | X | 3 servings, calfs: 1 serving | Prey |
        While they aren't as smart as Griffons, these beasts are utterly magnificent to see in the wild. They are strong fighters and can imprint
        on other creatures, forming cross-species bonds.
        BANSHEE | X | 3 servings, eggs: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Despite their ferocious demeanor, these small lizards are hardly a threat. While they usually dwell in colonies in the trees, they arent unknown to be on their own. Their mating displays include a lot of showing off of their frills and gliding through the air in mock battle.
        TROLL | X | Threat |
        Trolls, while not as smart as Giants, are many times more viscous. They tend to trade with Giants, however usually unfair trades result
        in bloody knuckles and broken noses. Trolls have been known to collect bones and skulls of their kills.
        WEREWOLF | X | Threat |
        Villagers who were struck with Lycanthropy run rampant during the Full and New moons. Six nights out of the year bring horrible beasts
        to the wilds that run in packs, tearing apart all they see in their path. However, proving yourself against the leader of a pack can often
        win over a pack's favor, though few have done it.
        YETI | X | Threat |
        Typically roaming around large caves, these beasts spend their time sleeping or eating. Disturbing them from either can have dire
        consequences. Their fur makes a warm bedding and bandage material.
        GHOUL | X | Threat |
        Typically found in control of a necromancer and en masse, dead creatures of any kind can become a ghoul, making them fearsome,
        mindless beasts that will fight until they can no longer move and fall into heaps of bone and rot.
        NECROMANCER | X | Threat (typically commands a group of ghouls) |
        Mages who have grown mad with the power of the dark arts, tend to collect corpses for their armies to gain power before laying siege
        to the land. Though rare in appearance, A Necromancer can wipe out entire flights if one is not careful.


        UNICORN | X | 1 serving | Prey |
        They have silver pelts and white, shaggy manes. A horn protrudes from the top of their head. This horn allows them to perform small bits
        of magic, such as levitating small objects or conjuring a tiny ball of light. It is their defense when attacked. Unlike horses, they are solitary
        creatures. They travel alone in the forests, eating the vegetation. They sleep in dense foliage so they may be hidden from predators.[/size]
        KIRIN | X | 2 servings, calfs: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Kirin live all over the world. Their ability to adapt to their enviornment has made them a strong species. They appear as a deer/dragon
        hybrid, and their scaled/furred pelts are collected by many. They have magical abilities but are very weak physically. They typically
        roam in herds of 10-15.
        BASILISK | X | 1 serving, eggs: 1/4 serving | Prey |
        Essentially just a huge snake, these creatures have a potent venom that can kill in a season if not treated, however an antivenom can be
        made with the blood of its babies or yolk of its eggs.
        WHARG | X | 3 serving, kits: 1 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Roaming in great herds, these great beasts migrate north and south with the coming of the seasons. Males are extremely aggressive and can easily kill a single Drake. It is best to hunt those who are sick, young, old, or alone.
        HIPPOGRIFF | X | 3 servings, calfs: 1 serving | Prey |
        While they aren't as smart as Griffons, these beasts are utterly magnificent to see in the wild. They are strong fighters and can imprint
        on other creatures, forming cross-species bonds.
        BANSHEE | X | 3 servings, eggs: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Despite their ferocious demeanor, these small lizards are hardly a threat. While they usually dwell in colonies in the trees, they arent unknown to be on their own. Their mating displays include a lot of showing off of their frills and gliding through the air in mock battle.
        BANE | X | 2 servings, kits: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Their spines are filled with a deadly neurotoxin that can paralyze a medium sized drake or kill a small one. They use their weight and dense body as a wrecking ball to pummel their enemies into submission.
        CYCLOPS | X | Threat |
        Cyclops prefer low-lyng, damp climates and tend to be few and far between. Unlike other giants, they have a mild temperament, and
        offering them something shiny tends to be a good way to stay on good terms with them.
        GHOUL | X | Threat |
        Typically found in control of a necromancer and en masse, dead creatures of any kind can become a ghoul, making them fearsome,
        mindless beasts that will fight until they can no longer move and fall into heaps of bone and rot.
        NECROMANCER | X | Threat (typically commands a group of ghouls) |
        Mages who have grown mad with the power of the dark arts, tend to collect corpses for their armies to gain power before laying siege
        to the land. Though rare in appearance, A Necromancer can wipe out entire flights if one is not careful.


        KIRIN | X | 2 servings, calfs: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Kirin live all over the world. Their ability to adapt to their enviornment has made them a strong species. They appear as a deer/dragon
        hybrid, and their scaled/furred pelts are collected by many. They have magical abilities but are very weak physically. They typically
        roam in herds of 10-15.
        FIRExSALAMANDER | X | 1/2 serving | Prey |
        They are large, bigger than a hatchling, and they have black skin with yellow spots. They make their home near the rocks of volcanoes.
        They are able to withstand the sweltering heat, but it dried out their skin. To fix this problem, they swim in the lava. Fire salamanders
        can often be found scurrying among rocks, searching for small bugs to eat. Their only defense is running away.

        MAGMAxSCORPION | X | 1/2 serving | Prey |
        They are slightly smaller than a fire salamander. Their shells range from browns to reds. Sharp, thick spikes cover their entire body, except
        for their head. However, the scorpions have large pincers to protect their heads. They also have a stinger on the end of their tail that can
        inject venom. While they seem dangerous, their pincers and stingers can rarely get through a dragon's scales. Magma scorpions live in
        small caves, where small bugs are plentiful. Sometimes they hunt for fish in rivers or the ocean.
        CRACHNID | X | 1 serving | Prey |
        As ugly as they are, they form beautiful webs which are used as bandages. Their spiny front pincers look dangerous but are really just for show. After cleaning the meat carefully from it's shell, their exoskeletons become slightly transparent and glass-like.
        SPHYNX | X | 2 servings, kits: 1 serving | Prey / Minor Threat |
        Sphynxes are much like cousins to the shadow cat. Their appearances typically signal large changes in one's life. While they enjoy playing
        games, they are not a creature to cross, for they will not hesitate to pounce and tear you apart.
        BASILISK | X | 1 serving, eggs: 1/4 serving | Prey |
        Essentially just a huge snake, these creatures have a potent venom that can kill in a season if not treated, however an antivenom can be
        made with the blood of its babies or yolk of its eggs.
        BANSHEE | X | 3 servings, eggs: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Despite their ferocious demeanor, these small lizards are hardly a threat. While they usually dwell in colonies in the trees, they arent unknown to be on their own. Their mating displays include a lot of showing off of their frills and gliding through the air in mock battle.
        BANE | X | 2 servings, kits: 1/2 serving | Prey |
        Their spines are filled with a deadly neurotoxin that can paralyze a medium sized drake or kill a small one. They use their weight and dense body as a wrecking ball to pummel their enemies into submission.
        GHOUL | X | Threat |
        Typically found in control of a necromancer and en masse, dead creatures of any kind can become a ghoul, making them fearsome,
        mindless beasts that will fight until they can no longer move and fall into heaps of bone and rot.
        NECROMANCER | X | Threat (typically commands a group of ghouls) |
        Mages who have grown mad with the power of the dark arts, tend to collect corpses for their armies to gain power before laying siege
        to the land. Though rare in appearance, A Necromancer can wipe out entire flights if one is not careful.
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Postby Springtalon » Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:56 am

Gathering News!:
Replies made during the gathering do not require dragons to age up!
Hunting/Patrols can not be sent out, however, individual dragons can interact with those from other flights!

Upcoming Events:

Opening Raffle: All Members who join in the first week were auto-entered. Spinach. won a Vampire Dragon Egg

Plot ideas/suggestions:
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Re: Create a Flight (Dragons - OPEN)

Postby chaotic creativity » Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:03 am


    a. territory the wyvern court resides deep in a jungle where the trees cover the sky completely. they have build platforms made of other trees that raise them closer to the sky, and they have created openings in the canopy so that they can easily get out and spread their wings. surprisingly, however, they much prefer to climb around the trees and drop on their prey.

    b. typical personality dragons of the wyvern court are typically very snappy and sarcastic. they're likely to roast you (pun intended) but then turn around and apologize. they're truly just big softies but they'd never let you know that.

    c. common colorations the dragons in the wyvern court more commonly come in the black, copper, gold, brass, and red coloration. due to their territory location, however, they never have white or silver dragons among their ranks. it is much too hot where they're at.

    d. religion the wyvern court believes in three gods.
    — stratos ;; the god of the sky. he protects the dragons in their daily lives.
    — regolith ;; the god of the ground. he provides the dragons with their prey.
    — igneour ;; the god of volcanoes. she provides the dragons with warmth and their magical breaths.

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Starlight Court

Postby Euthymios » Tue Apr 30, 2019 10:34 am

The Starlight Court dragons usually decide to roost in the frozen arctic north near the Wyvern Court territory.
White / Silver / Shades of blue (usually lighter)
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Re: Create a Flight (Dragons - OPEN)

Postby Springtalon » Wed May 01, 2019 7:26 am

sharpiesandhamilton wrote:

    a. territory the wyvern court resides deep in a jungle where the trees cover the sky completely. they have build platforms made of other trees that raise them closer to the sky, and they have created openings in the canopy so that they can easily get out and spread their wings. surprisingly, however, they much prefer to climb around the trees and drop on their prey.

    b. typical personality dragons of the wyvern court are typically very snappy and sarcastic. they're likely to roast you (pun intended) but then turn around and apologize. they're truly just big softies but they'd never let you know that.

    c. common colorations the dragons in the wyvern court more commonly come in the black, copper, gold, brass, and red coloration. due to their territory location, however, they never have white or silver dragons among their ranks. it is much too hot where they're at.

    d. religion the wyvern court believes in three gods.
    — stratos ;; the god of the sky. he protects the dragons in their daily lives.
    — regolith ;; the god of the ground. he provides the dragons with their prey.
    — igneour ;; the god of volcanoes. she provides the dragons with warmth and their magical breaths.

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With a roar of approval from the heavens, the wyvern court has been founded
Your leader is a Copper Dragon (Rainbow Variety)
female image - male image
Earth Affinity
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Create a Flight (Dragons - OPEN)

Postby Springtalon » Wed May 01, 2019 9:36 am

Swandancer wrote:
The Starlight Court dragons usually decide to roost in the frozen arctic north near the Wyvern Court territory.
White / Silver / Shades of blue (usually lighter)

With a roar of approval from the heavens the Starlight Court has been founded!
Your leader is a Frostbite Dragon
Ice Affinity
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Requiem Court | [0] Introductory Post

Postby Spinach. » Wed May 01, 2019 10:23 am


Dragons of Requiem Court reside deep within the Northern desert, preferring the scorching sand and endless sea of dunes to the lush greenery that a forest or jungle could provide. While this limits food and other vital resources, members of this flight at cunning, intuitive and incredibly resourceful; continuously coming up with ways to deal with such a constant shortage of even the most basic resources.

Colour wise, Requiem Court consists of gold, yellow and white dragons primarily. Very rarely do darker scales survive to adult hood and there has only ever been one recorded in the history of the flight. If they do manage to survive they are almost solely reclined to living a nocturnal existence to avoid the baking heat. Having broken off from a more established flight, Requiem Court prides itself in smaller species of dragons, using speed, agility and intelligence to out smart competitors and prey alike.

Requiem Court have a total of five gods, each sharing their power with the Shaman and the King/Queen of the flight to provide for and warn them;

- Arena | Goddess of the Sand, she protects the flight from the constantly shifting dunes
- Solis | God of the Sun, he provides the flight with warmth and their breath
- Venandi | God of Hunting, he provides the dragons with their prey
- Ventus | God of the Wind, he warns the flight of oncoming dangers
- Amare | Goddess of Love, she creates the mate bond between dragons
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Starting Reply

Postby Springtalon » Wed May 01, 2019 3:31 pm

Spinach. wrote:

Dragons of Requiem Court reside deep within the Northern desert, preferring the scorching sand and endless sea of dunes to the lush greenery that a forest or jungle could provide. While this limits food and other vital resources, members of this flight at cunning, intuitive and incredibly resourceful; continuously coming up with ways to deal with such a constant shortage of even the most basic resources.

Colour wise, Requiem Court consists of gold, yellow and white dragons primarily. Very rarely do darker scales survive to adult hood and there has only ever been one recorded in the history of the flight. If they do manage to survive they are almost solely reclined to living a nocturnal existence to avoid the baking heat. Having broken off from a more established flight, Requiem Court prides itself in smaller species of dragons, using speed, agility and intelligence to out smart competitors and prey alike.

Requiem Court have a total of five gods, each sharing their power with the Shaman and the King/Queen of the flight to provide for and warn them;

- Arena | Goddess of the Sand, she protects the flight from the constantly shifting dunes
- Solis | God of the Sun, he provides the flight with warmth and their breath
- Venandi | God of Hunting, he provides the dragons with their prey
- Ventus | God of the Wind, he warns the flight of oncoming dangers
- Amare | Goddess of Love, she creates the mate bond between dragons

With a roar of approval from the heavens, the Requiem Court has been founded!
Your leader is a Silver Dragon
female image - male image
light affinity (fire weapon)
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