Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby jazz. » Sun Feb 03, 2019 2:49 pm

Number of Cats: 25
TwistedClan uses: 5 servings
| 13 females | 12 males |
Next Moonpool visit: feb 7

Last Moon
“I’m ready, Morningstar.” Wolfstar said. The two of them were heading out to the Moonpool to strip his remaining lives from his HollowClan. It still seemed surreal that instead of leader of his own Clan, he was now becoming deputy of another. He hadn’t expected such a rebound and was pleased that TwistedClan already trusted him enough to help lead.
The Moonpool was glistening in the moonlight. “It’s beautiful.” He murmured. He followed Morningstar around the edge until they stopped at the dip. They both touched their noses to the surface, and Wolfstar soon spiraled into sleep. A starry tom approached him and introduced himself as Rainstar.
“Are you prepared to give up your leader’s lives and only have one life remaining?” Rainstar asked.
“Yes,” Wolfstar nodded.
“Very well.” Rainstar rested his nose on Wolfstar’s head. A sharp pain rushed through his body, and he rocked back and forth trying to stay on his feet. After an eternity, the pain ceased and Wolfstar, now Wolfclaw, reopened his eyes. “Welcome to TwistedClan, Wolfclaw.”
Wolfclaw blinked open his eyes and found himself still laying by the Moonpool. Morningstar was already sitting and cleaning her claws. Her eyes shone with unshed tears.
“How were your dreams?” Wolfclaw instantly regretted asking that personal of a question, but he was just concerned.
“Very nice actually.” The leader replied. “I got to speak with an old friend.”

Rainsong had sectioned herself off from the Clan. She ate alone. She sat alone. She laid alone. The other cats were starting to become worried, but she didn’t care. She wondered what Patchedmask was doing back in DewClan, but she also knew she would soon have to forget about all that. That was the part of her life in which she should never revisit, however much she wanted.
As she was grabbing a shrew one night, Neritefang beckoned her over to where she was sitting. After debating whether or not to sit with her, Rainsong padded over.
“Stop moping,” The older cat skipped a normal greeting catching Rainsong off guard. “You can’t change anything now, so you better just keep your head up high and run with it.”
Rainsong looked at her paws. “I screwed up.”
“Do you want to know why I left GraveClan?” Neritefang asked. “I was too old for their standards, and it seemed like every other day there would be another cat killed. At first, I beat myself up because of how long it took me to finally stand up and leave, but I can’t change that. I can, however, change how I live now and my future. Understand?”
“I think so.” Rainsong needed more time to take everything in.
“Alright,” Neritefang stood. “Look at the bright side. Whether or not the father is in the picture doesn’t matter. You are going to have your own kits to love and take care of.” She sounded a bit bitter.
“I guess.” Rainsong said.
“Don’t guess, that’s a fact and you can’t change it.” Neritefang left her to think about the conversation.
Sunchaser hated the prying eyes following him around camp. He tried to participate on every patrol and trained with Blossompaw excessively to be out of the Clan’s curiosity. He was honestly dreading Blossompaw’s warrior assessment since that would eliminate an excuse to be out in the forest. However, Blossompaw was very excited for her chance to become a full warrior, so he couldn’t keep putting it off. Ruststripe was tagging along to help assess her.
On a sunny, yet still snowy day, Sunchaser could not put off the warrior assessments anymore and was sent to collect the apprentices. Galapaw waited by the exit. “Good luck, Blossompaw!”
Blossompaw’s fur puffed out a bit more filled with confidence. Ruststripe sent the two apprentices to go hunt, and the warriors trailed behind out of sight.
“So how are you and Rainsong doing?” Ruststripe asked quietly as Nightpaw was trying to blend in to the surroundings. It was difficult for her this time of year since her black and white coat stuck out against the white snow.
Sunchaser watched Blossompaw intently, not knowing how to answer that question. The last conversation they had ended in a lot of yelling. “A little rocky.” He finally admitted.
“I’m sure you will get past it.” Ruststripe offered. Sunchaser wasn’t so sure.
Starlingpaw picked her way through the snow. She separated from the main group of BearClan cat refuges when they all started to split in different directions. She didn’t regret leaving, but in the cold winds she did miss Squirrelheart. Now scrambling over a low-hanging twisted tree branch, she spotted a line of paw prints in the snow. They seemed to be also heading in her chosen direction. Should she try to catch up? At the very least, trying to spot the other cats from afar couldn’t hurt, so Starlingpaw picked up her pace. Eventually, she saw a group of three cats in the distance. There seemed to be two fully-grown cats and one young cat about the same age as her. They seemed to be a family. Starlingpaw did not interrupt the trio but still kept pace behind them. It wasn’t until they had stopped to rest that they heard Starlingpaw step on a stray twig and alerted them of her presence. The adult she-cat beckoned her over invitingly. “We won’t bite!” She called. Starlingpaw hesitantly came closer.
“Sorry,” She said. “I don’t where I am headed.”
“Can she come with us?” The young cat asked who Starlingpaw assumed were her parents.
“If she wants.” The adult she-cat said.
“If it’s okay. I’m Starlingpaw.” She introduced herself, still a bit nervous.
“Another Clan cat!” The young cat exclaimed. “I’m Mallardpaw.”
“Nice to meet you, Starlingpaw. I’m Claystream.” The she-cat said.
“Toadsplash.” The tom said.
“Let’s continue on our way.”
“Where are you guys headed?” Starlingpaw asked as the group started to move again.
“Away from GraveClan.” Mallardpaw walked beside the other apprentice. “Anywhere but there.” The two of them jumped when an orange and white cat peaked his head out from a snow-covered bush. The adults turned interestedly towards the stranger.
“Are you guys going to TwistedClan too?” The small cat’s voice was slightly nasally.
“TwistedClan?” Starlingpaw tilted her head.
“Starry cats showed me where I could find a warm home, and I’m on my way.” The cat said. “I’m sure you would be welcome too.”
Ruststripe nuzzled next to Morningstar underneath the winter night. She sighed and leaned into his warm fur. “What’s on your mind?” He murmured. “You’re holding something back.”
“Rainsong.” Morningstar shut her eyes tight. Ruststripe understood immediately and grunted in response. “I could have been there for her more after Stormstrike died. And listened to all of their worries. And not abandoned my Clan for selfish reasons. Then she wouldn’t have felt so alone.”
“You know you still cannot blame yourself for every little thing.” Ruststripe kneaded her back.
“But I could have helped her somehow, but I left her and TwistedClan.” Morningstar sighed once more. “I’m afraid she’ll do something she’ll regret.”
“If she was going to leave, she would have already.” Ruststripe assured her. “Even if Sunchaser and Rainsong never rekindle their friendship, they’ll both find other cats that catch their eye. As long as it’s not you.”
Morningstar groaned. “Don’t be sappy.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Mallardpaw was exhausted after walking all day and halfway into the night from their old clan left far behind. When their group staggered into the camp the “starry cats” had shown the nasally cat known as Flame, she was content just curling up in a snowdrift for some sleep. She could not do that though, since the tortoiseshell and a gray tabby were on night watch and spotted them. The tortoiseshell that eventually introduced herself as Briarwhisper was the first to reach them. The tabby had slipped away, presumably alerting the rest of the cats.
“We seek shelter.” Claystream said. “Three of us are from GraveClan.”
Briarwhisper’s eyes widened. “GraveClan? Would you happen to know Neritefang?”
“Yes, she fled a few days before we did.” Claystream said.
“Is she here?” Mallardpaw asked excitedly.
“Who’s Neritefang?” Starlingpaw whispered in her ear. Flame also leaned in to listen.
“She was an older warrior in our Clan. She was very outspoken against the discrimination against the older cats, but she told the best stories.” Mallardpaw explained. The group did not get to listen to any of the old warrior’s stories that night, but they did get to curl up in the warm cabin and that was enough.

    The Clan eats one squirrel and one thrush (5 servings).
    Wolfclaw, Briarwhisper, Mallardpaw, Ruststripe, and Nightpaw hunt.
    Stonefrost, Starlingpaw, Neritefang, Flamepaw, and Claystream hunt.

    Morningstar, Toadsplash, and Sunchaser patrol.

    Spottednose and Galapaw hunt for herbs.

    Ruststripe trains Nightpaw in Stalking.
    Stonefrost trains Starlingpaw in Hunting.
    Briarwhisper trains Mallardpaw in Hunting.
    Neritefang trains Flamepaw in Hunting.

    Blossompaw attempts her warrior assessment. If she passes, she shall be called Blossomfall.

    Morningstar and Ruststripe become mates but don't try for kits.

    Starlingpaw of BearClan joins!
    Toadsplash, Claystream, and Mallardpaw of GraveClan joins!

          L E A D E R:
          Morningstar | 56 m | ♀ |
          twisted back paw
          Lives: ★★★★★★ [6]

          D E P U T Y:
          Wolfclaw | 36 m | ♂ |

          M E D I C I N E ~ C A T:
          Spottednose | 48 m | ♂ |

          M E D I C I N E ~ C A T ~ A P P R E N T I C E:
          Galapaw | 14 m | ♀ |

          W A R R I O R S:
          Neritefang | 87 m | ♀ |
          scars all over pelt
          Toadsplash | 60 m | ♂ |
          Claystream | 54 m | ♀ |
          Ruststripe | 41 m | ♂ |
          Briarwhisper | 33 m | ♂ |
          Stonefrost | 32 m | ♂ |
          Sunchaser | 27 m | ♂ |

          A P P R E N T I C E S:
          Blossompaw | 13 m | ♀ |
          afraid of heights
          Starlingpaw | 12 m | ♀ |
          Mallardpaw | 11 m | ♀ |
          Nightpaw | 10 m | ♂ |
          half a tail
          Flamepaw | 8 m | ♂ |

          Q U E E N S:
          Silverstem | 37 m | ♀ |
          permanent queen
          Birchwhisker | 40 m | ♀ |
          Rainsong | 22 m | ♀ | Due in 1 moon |

          K I T S:
          Thunderkit | 4 m | ♂ |
          Cloudkit | 4 m | ♀ |
          Willowkit | 4 m | ♀ |
          Goosekit | 4 m | ♂ |
          Maplekit | 4 m | ♀ |
          Stormkit | 4 m | ♂ |

          E L D E R S:
          Name | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✾[/url]
          Name | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✾[/url]

          S T A R C L A N:
          Morningstar: Life One | Poison
          Morningstar: Life Two | Drowned
          Morningstar: Life Three | Attacked by dogs
          Bluekit | Stillborn
          Stormstrike | Drowned
          Gingerblaze | Attacked by dogs
          Pebblepaw | Attacked by dogs

          D A R K F O R E S T:
          Copperleaf | Attacked by dogs

          F A M I L Y:
          Unknown ♥︎ Silverstem | Bluekit and Pebblepaw
          Stormstrike ♥︎ Birchwhisker | Thunderkit, Cloudkit,
          Willowkit, Goosekit, Maplekit, and Stormkit
          Patchedmask of DewClan ♥︎ Rainsong | DUE IN 1 MOON
          Toadsplash ♥︎ Claystream | Goosekit and Mallardpaw

          A D O P T E D ~ C A T S:
          Galapaw of LambClan
          Stonefrost of CherryClan
          Wolfclaw of HollowClan
          Neritefang of GraveClan
          Briarwhisper of RoseClan
          Starlingpaw of BearClan
          Toadsplash of GraveClan
          Claystream of GraveClan
          Mallardpaw of GraveClan
    A L L Y C L A N S:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    E N E M Y C L A N S:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    N E U T R A L C L A N S:
    The Coven | Blackpearl44
    DewClan | jughead jones

    B O R D E R S:
    North | The Coven | Blackpearl44
    East | DewClan | jughead jones
    South | OPEN | Username
    West | OPEN | Username

    M E D I C I N E S T O R E:
    Alder Bark | Eases toothaches | 2
    Beech Leaves | Used to carry bundles of herbs | 1
    Bindweed | Helps mend a broken leg | 1
    Blackberry Leaves | Eases pain of bee stings | 1
    Borage Leaves | Helps produce milk | 1
    Bright Eyes | Helps cure coughs | 1
    Burnet | Gives strength | 1
    Catmint | Cures greencough | 1
    Chervil | Helps infection/bellyaches/kitting | 1
    Cobwebs | Treats bleeding, binds broken bones | 2
    Comfrey Roots | Repairs broken bones, and burns | 2
    Dock | Soothe scratches and sore paws | 1
    Dried Oak Leaf | Stops infection | 0
    Fennel | Helps pain in hips | 1
    Feverfew | Helps bring down fevers/headaches | 1
    Juniper Berries | Helps bellyaches and breathing | 1
    Marigold | Stops infection and bleeding/Helps stiff joints | 1
    Mint | Hides scents of death | 1
    Poppy Seed | Helps sleep, shock, and distress | 0
    Raspberry Leaf | Painkiller or stops bleeding from kitting | 1
    Thyme | Calms anxiety and shock | 2
    Tormentil | Treats wounds and extracts poison | 1
    Deathberries | Poisonous when consumed | 1
    Foxglove | Can cause paralysis or heart failure | 1
    Holly Berries | Poisonous to kits | 2

    F R E S H - K I L L:
    Thrushes | x3 | 3 servings each
    Magpies | x3 | 3 servings each
    Shrews | x2 | 1 serving each
    Squirrels | x3 | 2 servings each
    Mice | x4 | 1 serving each
    Voles | x1 | 1 serving each

    M E N T O R S:
    SKILLS: Hunting, Fighting, Climbing, STalking, SWimming
    Spottednose | Galapaw | 4 |
    Sunchaser | Blossompaw | 5 | H, F, C, ST
    Ruststripe | Nightpaw | 1 | H
    Stonefrost | Starlingpaw | 0 |
    Briarwhisper | Mallardpaw | 5 | from GraveClan sessions
    Neritefang | Flamepaw | 0 |

Last edited by jazz. on Mon Feb 04, 2019 11:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
━━ ❝Ah,━━━━━━━━
"чσu dσn't knσw hσw hígh í cαn flч"
| shє/hєr | lσvєr σf hσrsєs |



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Postby gloom » Sun Feb 03, 2019 4:09 pm



gatorclan. home to the valiant and the brave. th
e land they claim as their own is a mix of forest
and swamp, with wide rivers that bear the refle
tions of the trees above.
restarting aegirclan from version 3. the clan will
start with gator. could deimos be my mod? nerit
estar from aegirclan will be transferred over.

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Dup's Mod Replies - 01

Postby frankie (dup) » Mon Feb 04, 2019 8:32 am

font credit!
It's newleaf, and the snow is finally melting! Prey will be more plentiful, kittings will run smoother, and you'll have a higher chance of finding cats on patrol. However, the chance of flooding - especially in low territories or territotoes near water - is signicantly higher.
If I missed anybody, please let me know via pm!
I've taken over Phina's list.

First Clans:
Elderberry Valley

Second Clans:
Larch's Advance
Sanguine Empire

》Wolfclaw's patrol catches x2 magpies and x2 squirrels.
x》Stonefrost's patrol catches x3 squirrels, x1 magpie and x1 thrush.
xx》Morningstar's patrol finds a warrior and their apprentice-aged kit.
xxx》Spottednose and Galapaw find x1 catchweed, x1 sweet sedge, and x1 alder.

Training and Assessments:
》All apprentices learn the appropriate skills!
x》Blossompaw has passed her assessment! TwistedClan has a new warrior to swell their ranks.

》Hello! I'm your new mod! I'm excited to mod for your clan.
Putting my name somewhere on your post will make it easier for me to find your posts, but it's not a necessity!

》Summitstar's patrol finds a potential warrior.
x》Cherrystep's patrol catches x1 mouse. Summitstar avoids getting sick, thankfully!
xx》Whisperfeather's patrol catches x1 small fish. Addersong also avoids getting sick, thankfully!
xxx》Loonfrost finds x1 burdock root and x1 mouse bile.

》Hello! I'm your new mod! I'm excited to mod for your clan.
I see you already have a spot for your mod's name, which is good and makes my job significantly easier!

L A R CH ' SxA D V A N C E
》Birdsong's patrol catches x1 vole and x2 mice.
x》Copper's patrol finds a lost kit.
xx》Tipwhisker and Evening Star find x2 sticks.

Training and Assessments:
》Cedar passes!

》Hello! I'm your new mod! I'm excited to mod for your clan.
Putting my name somewhere on your post will make it easier for me to find your posts, but it's not a necessity!
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[ clan replies ] [ 012 ]

Postby deimido » Mon Feb 04, 2019 9:18 am

Image Image
terraclan, black-toothed grinners, lagoonclan, hazeclan, eanakhclan, kwamiclan, snakeclan, rainclan, eclipseclan, evanora's reach, glassclan, dewclan, suoloclan
isle of cats, owlclan, hickoryclan, northernclan, the neighborhood
[ NEWLEAF ] The season of Newleaf is in full swing! Prey is leaping into everyone's mouths, and the once scared loners who've been keeping an eye on passing patrols during Leaf-bare are ready to ask to join the Clans.

      NORTHERNCLAN - © solyn
      Viridianpaw learned a new skill: tracking!

      ancestral request:
      The spirits pay heed to Sleetstar's request and tell her that a warrior will be joining NorthernClan.

      Sleetstar's patrol returned with +1 bird and +2 rabbits.

      Brackenstrike's patrol reports nothing of interest upon their return.


      TERRACLAN - © MistyAutumnDays
      Toadlegs and Ashfeather returned with +1 bird.

      Dustclaw encountered Softspots on his patrol, she looks slightly guilty, having left the Clan. But she says she's ready to come back now if Rubystar will have her.
      shorthaired calico with hazel eyes.

      Skygaze gives birth to a litter of three! Unfortunately, the third kit was born weak and died not an hour later... (1; female) (2; female) (3; female)
      ↳ KITTEN ONE: black smoke and white.
      ↳ KITTEN TWO: black smoke and white.
      ↳ KITTEN THREE: solid black.

      gathering herbs:
      Twistedcloud gathered +1 water hemlock and +1 goldenrod.

      mod notes:
      by my last note of keeping track of prey, what i meant was detailing exactly how much of it was eaten. in your food eating action, instead of putting in 'everyone', could say '-# [prey] is consumed' and subject it from your fresh-kill pile. once again, this is to ensure you're not skirting around the rules.


      DEWCLAN - © billie eilish,
      gathering herbs:
      Bluesky and Littlepaw gathered +1 lovage, +1 lungwort, and +1 watermint.

      The honey works well for Froststar, but Bluesky wonders if any herbs of his could soothe her mind...

      While Fallowfur and Marigoldstep are eager to start a family, they find that they haven't had success in conceiving a litter this moon.

      Sandsnarl has given birth to a healthy litter of four! (1; tom) (2; tom) (3; tom) (4; molly)

      Hawkthorn's patrol returned with +2 rabbits, +2 birds, and +1 mouse.
      Quailstep's patrol returned with +1 rabbit, +2 hares, +1 vole, and +1 mouse.

      Avocetstream's patrol encountered a potential warrior for DewClan.

      Sunnypaw was doing fine until his offensive battle skills were assessed, in which he failed to impress due to his lack of experience. Froststar isn't confident in giving him his warrior name yet and tells both mentor and apprentice that he'll stay an apprentice until that skill is learned.

      Stonepaw, Reedpaw, and Autumnpaw learned a new skill; offensive battle!

      mod notes:
      smokepaw didn't learn anything on the account that she isn't listed on your mentors + apps section.
      aah sunnypaw is a bit of an odd case, in other circumstances he have the ability to pass as he's 12m with four skills learned, but in the case of clans who give their apprentices custom skills to learn. he'd need to know all of them.


      HAZECLAN - © nightwolf950
      warrior ceremonies:
      HazeClan has seven new warriors to swell their ranks; Driftsnow, Dunebreeze, Ripplesong, Crowstrike, Stonesong, Houndpelt, and Pebbleblossom!

      Mintleaf gives birth to a healthy litter of two!

      trying for kits:
      The medicine cats confirm that Bearclaw is expecting kits! Her litter is due in two moons.
      The medicine cats confirm that Oceansplash is expecting kits! Her litter is due in two moons.

      gathering herbs:
      The medicine cats gather +1 watermint, +1 stinging nettle, +1 tansy, +1 lovage, and +1 ragwort.

      Gullecho's patrol returned with +1 squirrel, +1 rabbit, +1 shrew, +1 mouse, and +1 stoat.
      Pigeonwhisper's patrol returned with +1 mouse, +1 rabbit, +1 shrew, and +1 stoat.
      Dappledwillow's patrol returned with +1 squirrel, +1 shrew, +1 bird, and +1 rabbit.
      Ospreytalon's patrol returned with +3 mice, +1 shrew, and +1 squirrel.
      Larksong's patrol returned with +2 mice, +2 birds, and +1 stoat.
      Mottlesplash's patrol returned with +2 squirrels, +1 shrew, +1 bird, and +1 stoat.

      Frostsky's patrol reports nothing of interest upon their return.
      Mousestep's patrol reports nothing of interest upon their return.

      Warblerpaw, Cliffpaw, Icepaw, Newt, Jack, and Sparkpaw learned a new skill: hunting!
      Almondpaw, Elmpaw, Leafpaw, and Sedgeling learned a new skill: defense!
      Minnowpaw, Banshee, and Wasppaw learned a new skill: offense!
      Wraith, Beepaw, and Amberpaw learned a new skill: stalking!
      Skull, Twilight, Pumpkin, and Rosepaw didn't learn anything new...


      EVANORA'S REACH - © tēorian
      gathering herbs:
      Adiran and Basilio gather +1 alder bark, +1 mallow leaves, +1 bright-eye, and +1 holly berries.

      trying for kits:
      The shaman and medic confirm that Featherdusk is expecting kits! Her litter is due in two moons.

      Matteo's patrol encountered a potential soldier for Evanora's Reach.

      Soleilia's patrol returned with +1 rabbit and +1 bird.
      Areli's patrol returned with +2 stoats and +1 rabbit.

      Atreo, Dysis, and Cyril learned a new skill: climbing!


      GLASSCLAN - © WildKiwi
      ancestral request:
      The spirits of StarClan pay heed to Seedstar's request and send him a worthy deputy for GlassClan.

      Seedstar caught +1 hare on his hunt.


      KWAMICLAN - © Savannah-the-Caracal
      Eagletalon and his patron return with +1 squirrel and +1 rabbit.

      herb gathering:
      Boulderwhip gathered +1 catmint and +1 stick.

      Eagleeye and his patrol encounter a refugee who introduces themselves as Skuapaw.

      KwamiClan is victorious and the badger flees, however, the price paid for their win is paid for with Coyotefang's blood. The brown-and-white warrior has passed away...

      Hornetpaw learned a new skill: stalking!
      Peonypaw learned a new skill: patrolling!

      Tumblepaw has failed his assessment and will need to try again next moon.
      Sparkpaw has passed his assessment and can now go a rank up!
      Swallowpaw has passed her assessment and can now go a rank up!

      mod notes:
      i was rooting for tumblepaw!! D: but my rolls let me down.



      SNAKECLAN - © Bumbletear
      apprentice ceremony:
      SnakeClan has a new apprentice to train up as a worthy warrior: Wasppaw!

      Oaktail's patrol brought back +2 fish, +2 mice, and +1 lizard.

      Venomstar's patrol encountered a rather young cat while they were out.

      Snowflakepaw learned a new skill: climbing!

      mod notes:
      wasppaw's adult image is optional! also, apprentices can't learn a skill in the same post where they rank up from kit to app.


      THE NEIGHBORHOOD - © amethyst14
      Russentnose encountered a loner on her patrol, if permitted to join, they could fit in as any rank other than a pregnant cat.

      Goldenflower gave birth to a healthy litter of three! (1; tom) (2; tom) (3; molly)


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jaggedclan | 004

Postby chaotic creativity » Mon Feb 04, 2019 9:28 am

(( population ;; nine )) (( servings ;; three )) (( next moonfalls visit ;; february second )) (( mod ;; winter solstice )) (( archive ))
(( mollies ;; four )) (( toms ;; five ))

      (( ✏︎ "i'm tired," the gray and white tom complained, his blind brother leaning heavily on his shoulder. his sister rolled her eyes, whiskers twitching as she noticed webpaw panting heavily. she considered things for a moment and opened her mouth to say they should stop for a bit when witherpaw let out a shriek of confusion. "is that cherrystep? cherrystep! you take webpaw, i'm going to catch him!" witherpaw took off, ospreypaw darting forward and slamming herself between webpaw and the ground. her blind brother was confused, and voiced his opinions on such. she just chuckled and began leading him over the rocks and up the slope to where witherpaw had raced off towards. suddenly a bright ginger tom appeared and slid down the hill, snow cushioning him as he flopped onto his side to slide faster. "webpaw, witherpaw, ospreypaw! what are you doing here?!" he yowled in shock, licking each apprentice in turn to show he was truly happy they were there. ospreypaw shuddered but webpaw opened his mouth instead.

      "graveclan is gone, cherrystep, it exists no longer. our parents took off together, and witherpaw wanted to follow them but ospreypaw and i decided we wanted to start our own adventures. it wasn't long before we started climbing this blasted mountain and here we are," the blind tom explained, and cherrystep lowered his head in sadness. "graveclan will be missed," he murmured before brightening up. "i've found a new clan, jaggedclan. my leader, summitstar, will be glad to have you. i'll personally request to be one of your mentors!" he announced before grabbing webpaw by the scruff. the young tom struggled but he soon gave up after cherrystep explained that the terrain back to camp was rough and webpaw would slow them down. they trekked back to camp, and soon the three apprentices were seated in front of the leader. summitstar purred and let webpaw continue his training under loonfrost, witherpaw under summitstar himself, and ospreypaw under cherrystep.

      that was when cherrystep noticed a newcomer in the corner, watching them with a smile. he walked towards him, and the dark gray tom let out a purr. "i'm cinderflame. summitstar and addersong found me while they were patrolling. i take it you'll become those three young cats' father figure?" the newcomer introduced himself, and cherrystep ducked his head in a blush. "probably, they still need a parental figure in their lives and i've known them since they were newborns still suckling at their mother's belly. i will admit i wasn't that close to them, but i talked to them occasionally as they were the leaders' children." cinderflame dipped his head at that and walked over to addersong and whisperfeather. loonfrost walked out the entrance with webpaw, probably to introduce him to the territory and assess what he knows and maybe teach him something new. ospreypaw bounced up to cherrystep, a wide-eyed look on her face. cherrystep walked over to summitstar, and nodded to their apprentices. "let's see what they know," he offered, and the two walked out with their apprentices.

      addersong watched wistfully as summitstar left, whisperfeather nudging her with her shoulder with a stupid grin on her face. "i smell kits on the air!" she chuckled, and addersong stared at the ground as her face heated in embarrassment. "h-he doesn't like me l-like th-that," she stammered, and whisperfeather rolled her eyes. the two she-cats, along with cinderflame decided to go out and hunt. it wasn't long before they were back and lounging about, watching all three apprentices exploring the camp as loonfrost sorted her hers and summitstar and cherrystep hunted. "i mean, should i ask him to be my mate?" addersong mused, and cinderflame nodded his head eagerly. addersong blushed and spotted cherrystep walking towards them while summitstar beckoned her from the entrance.

      she got up and followed him, walking all the way to the moonfalls. "this is where i come to speak with starclan," he mewed, turning to look at addersong. "i know we haven't known each other long, but i think we're meant to be. your eyes sparkle like the leaves on a tree in green-leaf. your smile lights up the camp like the sun at sun-high. addersong, will you be my mate?" he asked, offering his tail towards her for them to twine them together in a sign of affection. slowly, addersong looked between his tail and her eyes, before wrapping her tail around his. they sat together for a while, watching the moon rise, before addersong took off towards camp and summitstar walked up to the falls. he whispered his wishes for another warrior before pressing his nose to the cold rushing water and laying down to sleep next to the falls.))

      (( webpaw, witherpaw, and ospreypaw are welcomed as apprentices and given the mentors loonfrost, summitstar, and cherrystep respectively.
      cinderflame is welcomed as a warrior.
      loonfrost trains webpaw.
      summitstar and cherrystep train witherpaw and ospreypaw together.
      whisperfeather, addersong, and cinderflame hunt.
      cherrystep and summitstar hunt.
      loonfrost and webpaw search for herbs.
      summitstar asks addersong to be his mate and they try for kits.
      summitstar requests another warrior from starclan.
      the clan consumes 1x mouse and 1x small fish.
      notes for mod: i'm assuming with the three apprentices that they keep all their past knowledge? on the last graveclan post she quit saying what the moves they had learned was so i don't know what moves they've learned, only how many training sessions they've had haha. also, welcome and congratulations! i look forward to having you as my mod! ))

(( summitstar ;; thirty-three moons ;; tom ;; x ;; nine lives ))

(( addersong ;; thirty-five moons ;; she-cat ;; x ))

medicine cat:
(( loonfrost ;; thirty-nine moons ;; she-cat ;; x ))

(( cherrystep ;; sixty-seven moons ;; tom ;; x ))
(( whisperfeather ;; sixty-one moons ;; she-cat ;; x ))
(( cinderflame ;; forty moons ;; tom ;; x ))
(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))
(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))

(( webpaw ;; eleven moons ;; tom ;; x ;; blind ))
(( witherpaw ;; eleven moons ;; tom ;; x ))
(( ospreypaw ;; eleven moons ;; she-cat ;; x ))

(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))
(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))

(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; parents ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))
(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; parents ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))

(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))
(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))
prey pile:
(( mice :: one serving ;; one ))
(( shrew ;; one serving ;; none ))
(( stoat ;; two servings ;; none ))
(( small fish ;; two servings ;; one ))
(( hare ;; three servings ;; none ))
(( mountain birds ;; three servings ;; none ))

herb store:
(( catmint ;; cure for greencough ;; one ))
(( cobwebs ;; stops bleeding ;; one ))
(( marigold ;; stops infection ;; one ))
(( poppy seeds ;; soothes shock and distress and eases pain ;; one ))
(( stinging nettle ;; induces vomiting or eases swelling ;; one ))
(( burdock root ;; lessens pain of rat bites + helps sore pads ;; one ))
(( mouse bile ;; kills ticks ;; one ))

(( north ;; clan ;; user ))
(( northeast ;; clan ;; user ))
(( east ;; clan ;; user ))
(( southeast ;; clan ;; user ))
(( south ;; clan ;; user ))
(( southwest ;; fireclan ;; galipaygo ))
(( west ;; evanora's reach ;; tēorian ))
(( northwest ;; clan ;; user ))

(( loonfrost ;; webpaw ;; five ;; idk ))
(( summitstar ;; witherpaw ;; five ;; idk ))
(( cherrystep ;; ospreypaw ;; five ;; idk ))

deceased cats:
(( name ;; cause of death ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))

(( molly ;; tom ;; kits ))
Last edited by chaotic creativity on Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [ clan replies ] [ 012 ]

Postby ~Vincent-Valentine~ » Mon Feb 04, 2019 10:21 am

[quote="⠀⠀⠀⠀deimos"]Image Image

      TERRACLAN - © MistyAutumnDays
      Toadlegs and Ashfeather returned with +1 bird.

      Dustclaw encountered Softspots on his patrol, she looks slightly guilty, having left the Clan. But she says she's ready to come back now if Rubystar will have her.
      shorthaired calico with hazel eyes.

      Skygaze gives birth to a litter of three! Unfortunately, the third kit was born weak and died not an hour later... (1; female) (2; female) (3; female)
      ↳ KITTEN ONE: black smoke and white.
      ↳ KITTEN TWO: black smoke and white.
      ↳ KITTEN THREE: solid black.

      gathering herbs:
      Twistedcloud gathered +1 water hemlock and +1 goldenrod.

      mod notes:
      by my last note of keeping track of prey, what i meant was detailing exactly how much of it was eaten. in your food eating action, instead of putting in 'everyone', could say '-# [prey] is consumed' and subject it from your fresh-kill pile. once again, this is to ensure you're not skirting around the rules.

Terra Clan
Number of Cats: 9 Here

A distant wail from the nursery caught Rubystar's attention. As he raced over towards the nursery, where he found Twistedcloud, Skygaze and Toadlegs. Twistedcloud was looking grimly at one of Skygaze's kits, who wasn't moving. "I'm sorry, Skygaze, but your daughter is in Star Clan now." He stated, sadly looking at the black kit. "NO!! This can't be happening!" Toadlegs cried out with grief. Skygaze cried onto the dead kit, and Rubystar stepped in. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Skygaze." He said, sitting pelt-to-pelt with Skygaze. "But you still have your two other kits. What are their names?". "Heatherkit and Featherkit. The.... the black kit is named Larkkit." Skygaze looked up sadly. Rubystar felt her pain, and so he said "We'll stand vigil for your daughter's burial. I promise.".

Hunting: Toadlegs, Ashfeather
Patrolling: Dustclaw, Softspots
Moonstone Trip: N/A
Herb Gathering: Twistedcloud
Food Eating: 1 bird has been consumed
Other happenings: Larkkit has been buried after being said goodbye to and rubbed with mint.

[ A clan who had just begun, and where a friend must find a friend to start it. ]

Rubystar | 62 moons | Male | Grey tabby with yellow eyes
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

Toadlegs | 29 moons | Male| Black smoke with lighter undercoat and yellow-green eyes

Medicine Cat:
Twistedcloud | 47 moons | Male | Dark gray tabby with blue eyes

Warriors: N/A
Ashfeather | 31 moons | Male | Chocolate smoke cat with green eyes
Dustclaw | 26 moons | Male | Ginger mackerel tabby with amber eyes
Softspots | 27 moons | Female | Shorthaired calico with hazel eyes

Apprentices: N/A
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Queens: N/A
Skygaze | 36 moons | Female | Black and white cat with green eyes | Nursing Heatherkit and Featherkit
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Kits: N/A
Heatherkit | 0 moons | Female | Black smoke & white with green eyes
Featherkit | 0 moons | Female | Black smoke & white with green eyes

Elders: N/A
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans: N/A
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Borders: N/A
North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store: N/A
Goldenrod | 3 | Juices for bellyache, root for infected wounds
Tansy | 3 | Cures coughs, poison, and prevents Greencough
Dandelion | 1 | Heals bee stings, great painkiller
Sorrel | 0 | Traveling herb, builds up appetite
Feverfew | 1 | Heals aches, pains, and reduces body temperature
Daisy Leaf | 1 | Traveling herb, eases aching joints
Borage Leaves | 1 | Produces better milk, brings down fevers, soothes bad bellies, relieves tight chests
Mint | 0 | Hides the scent of death
Water Hemlock | 1 | Causes a cat to die slowly

Fresh-Kill Pile: N/A
Mice | x0 | 0 servings
Stoat | x0 | 0 servings
Birds | x1 | 3 servings
Hare | x0 | 0 servings
Rabbit | x0 | 0 servings

Mentors: N/A
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats: N/A
Larkkit | Solid black | Died during birth
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Family: N/A
Skygaze and Toadlegs | Heatherkit (Black smoke & white, eventually has green eyes), Featherkit (Black smoke & white, eventually has blue eyes), Larkkit (Solid black, in StarClan now)
Name and Name | Kits
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dewclan || 012

Postby triplethesix » Mon Feb 04, 2019 10:51 am

    we are the warriors who built this town!

    i. forty-one cats ii. twenty mollies iii. twenty-one toms iv. seven servings needed
    iv. visiting dreamcave anytime v. no injuries vi. no kittings this moon.
    vii. mod is deimos
    vii. whoops, i forgot to remove marigoldstep becoming mates with fallowfur from the action log, they’re already expecting.

    [starclan] none.
    [servings] dewclan consumes x2 hares & x1 mouse.
    [herb hunting] bluesky and littlepaw look for any herbs. an unknown cat searches for any poisons.
    [injuries] bluesky gives froststar x1 chamomile to attempt to soothe her mind.
    [mates] orchiddapple + patchedmask become mates! they do not try for kits.
    [kitting] none.
    [hunting 1] hawkthorn, palegaze, yellowstorm, grayleap, orangeray, ravenshadow.
    [hunting 2] quailstep, reedpaw, blizzardstorm, orchiddapple, greengaze, autumnpaw.
    [patrolling 1] avocetstream, brindlepelt, fallowfur, patchedmask, stonepaw.
    [patrolling 2] none.
    [mentorship] all apprentices train in any unlearned skill.
    [other] grayleap is appointed deputy! did littlepaw learn a new skill last moon? the new warrior is welcomed as jadewish.

    “i say these words before starclan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice.” froststar’s voice meowed, eyes gazing up at her. “the new deputy of dewclan is grayleap.” froststar finished, eyes flashing to the tom. grayleap looked taken aback, but then determined. he dipped his head, standing from his post in the crowd.
    cats looked at the tom, many of their gazes were welcoming and warm, but some weren’t. one cat in particular had narrowed, angry eyes. this was supposed to be their chance, not grayleap’s.
    “i swear that i shall protect my clanmates at all costs.” grayleap meowed, eyes turning up to look at froststar “even at the cost of my own life.”. froststar nodded approvingly at the new deputy. barely a heartbeat after, the clan broke out into yowls of congratulations, “grayleap, grayleap, grayleap!”. dawnlight padded out of the nursery, the two’s kits scampering after her. “oh, grayleap!” she purred, “congratulations!”. grayleap blushed from the embarrassment, but his eyes lit up at his family’s arrival. “thank you, dawnlight.” he purred, nuzzling her. “dad! dad!” lionkit mewed loudly, nibbling at his father’s leg. grayleap turned his head and looked at his kits, chuckling. “hello there, little ones.” he smiled. “dad! will yo i still visit us in the nursery?” stumblekit asked worriedly. “don’t be silly! of course your father will still visit you!” dawnlight meowed. all three kits grinned before tackling eachother playfully. dawnlight gave a loving roll of her eyes, looking to her mate. “come on, kits!” dawnlight called, heading for the nursery as a crowd began to from around grayleap to congratulate him.

    patchedmask sat alone in the forest, his eyes full of worry. rainsong will be kitting this moon, he thought. and they’ll think some other tom is their father. suddenly, a rustle close-by caught his attention. he looked up, trying to hide the sadness in his gaze. in a moment, a tortoiseshell molly walked out of the undergrowth, frowning when she saw patchedmask. “oh, patchedmask, you worry too much!” she meowed, padding over. “what is it now?” she added. “it’s nothing, orchiddapple. i’m just thinking about you-know-what.” he meowed. orchiddapple sighed, giving him a gentle cuff over the ear. “cheer up! come on, let’s go have some fun. let’s go to the stream, bet i can beat you there!” she purred, racing off before patchedmask could reply. patchedmask shook his head, she’s right, the past is the past, but maybe this could be my future, he thought before racing after her. as patchedmask began to catch up, orchiddapple let out a dramatic wail. “oh no, you’re gaining on me!”. playing along, patchedmask meowed, “better run!”.
    after the two reached the stream, they sat down, pelts brushing against eachother. orchiddapple learned on patchedmask, and he turned his head to rest on hers. memories of rainsong flooded into his mind, but he pushed them away. no, this is orchiddapple, he reminded himself.



    froststar - molly - 55 moons

    grayleap - tom - 36 moons

    medicine cats
    bluesky - tom - 34 moons
    name - gender - age

    medicine cat apprentice
    littlepaw - molly - 9 moons -> grown

    brindlepelt - molly - 62 moons
    fallowfur - tom - 60 moons
    greengaze - molly - 52 moons
    avocetstream - tom - 52 moons
    quailstep - tom - 49 moons
    canyoncry - molly - 41 moons
    hawkthorn - tom - 41 moons
    crookedquill - tom - 38 moons
    timberspot - molly - 36 moons
    yellowstorm - molly - 34 moons
    palegaze - tom - 34 moons
    orchiddapple - molly - 33 moons
    patchedmask - tom - 32 moons
    jadewish - tom - 31 moons
    blizzardstorm - tom - 30 moons
    orangeray - tom - 29 moons
    ravenshadow - molly - 27 moons
    birchface - tom - 23 moons

    sunnypaw - tom - 13 moons -> grown
    smokepaw - molly - 12 moons -> growth
    stonepaw - tom - 10 moons -> grown
    reedpaw - molly - 10 moons - grown
    autumnpaw - molly - 9 moons -> grown

    sandsnarl - molly - 60 moons
    citruskit - tom - 0 moons
    goldkit - tom - 0 moons
    proudkit - tom - 0 moons
    meekkit - molly - 0 moons
    marigoldstep- molly - 46 moons
    ↳ due in one moon. [fallowfur is the sire]
    emberspark - molly - 36 moons
    tigerkit - molly - 1 moons -> growth
    shiverkit - tom - 1 moons -> growth
    dawnlight - molly - 33 moons
    lionkit - tom - 3 moons -> grown
    sparkkit - molly - 3 moons -> grown
    stumblekit - tom - 3 moon/s -> grown

    blossomdream - molly - 141 moons


    clan - relationship - user
    clan - relationship - user
    twistedclan - neutral - spasticjazzhands
    clan - relationship - user

    ally clans
    clan - user
    clan - user

    enemy clans
    clan - user
    clan - user


    borage leaves - x2
    burnet - x1
    catmint - x1
    chamomile - x1
    chervil - x1
    chickweed - x1
    cobwebs - x1
    coltsfoot - x1
    comfrey roots - x1
    daisy leaf - x1
    dock - x1
    lungwort - x2
    lovage - x1
    marigold - x1
    poppy seed - x1
    raspberry leaves - x2
    stick - x1
    tansy - x1
    watermint - x1


    none in stock


    mice [1] - x3 - 3 servings
    voles [1] - x4 - 4 servings
    rabbits [2]- x5 - 10 servings
    squirrels [2] - x0 - 2 servings
    all birds [3] - x2 - 6 servings
    hares [3] - x0 - 0 servings


    bluesky - littlepaw
    ↳ herb recognition, poison recognition, basic herb usage, advanced herb usage, kitting, advanced techniques
    marigoldstep - sunnypaw
    ↳ offensive battle, defensive battle, combat, hunting, stealth, endurance
    hawkthorn - smokepaw
    ↳ offensive battle, defensive battle, combat, hunting, stealth, endurance
    patchedmask - stonepaw
    offensive battle, defensive battle, combat, hunting, stealth, endurance
    quailstep - reedpaw
    offensive battle, defensive battle, combat, hunting, stealth, endurance
    greengaze - autumnpaw
    offensive battle, defensive battle, combat, hunting, stealth, endurance


    to find
    cougarcloud - molly - 52 moons
    (formerly gingerstem of bearclan)
    peachnose - molly - 34 moons
    *must be found with gentlepaw, her daughter*
    (formerly strawberrynose of graveclan)
    stumptail - tom - 30 moons
    (birthday cat)
    rowanruffle - tom - 24 moons
    (formerly pelicanface of graveclan)
    gentlepaw - molly - 10 moons
    *must be found with peachnose, her mother*
    (formerly radishpaw of graveclan)


    bluesky is the brother of birchface
    brindlepelt is the mother of autum
    npaw and littlepaw
    canyoncry is the mother of stonepa
    dawnlight and grayleap are the par
    ents of lionkit, sparkkit, and stumb
    birchface and sunnypaw like eachot
    hawkthorn and sandsnarl are the pa
    rents of citruskit, goldkit, proudkit,
    and meekkit
    marigoldstep and fallowfur are exp
    exiting kits
    patchedmask and rainsong [twisted
    clan] are expecting kits


    deceased cats
    patchkit - molly - 0 moons - weakness after birth - daughter to dawnlight and grayleap
Last edited by triplethesix on Sat Feb 09, 2019 8:23 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby jazz. » Mon Feb 04, 2019 12:12 pm

Mod: winter
Number of Cats: 27

TwistedClan uses: 5 servings
| 15 females | 12 males |
Next Moonpool visit: feb 7

Last Moon
Toadsplash stayed a step behind Morningstar and Sunchaser on his first border patrol. These cats were nice enough, but there seemed to be a bit of tension with the smaller tom. “Are you excited about Rainsong?” The calico asked Sunchaser. From what Toadsplash assumed, Sunchaser and Rainsong were going through a bit of a rough patch which was unfortunate. He was glad that him and Claystream only had little spats that never ended up in any bad blood between them.
“Very.” Sunchaser had stuttered out. That’s good, Toadsplash thought, mates shouldn’t stay mad at each other.
“Stop.” Morningstar halted the patrol. Sunchaser looked terrified, but she had only spotted two cats in the distance. “Let’s see if they’re alone.” Toadsplash squinted and made out two calicos. Their fur stood on end, but they didn’t flee. The patrol introduced themselves.
“A Clan?” The older cat said. “Sounds interesting.”
So, Toadsplash had two new companions to walk beside on the way back to TwistedClan: Sagefeather and Rushingpaw.
Morningstar scrambled up onto the ceremony tree in the cold evening. That’s what we’re going to call it, she thought. “Attention! All cats that can are able to climb a tree gather below!” TwistedClan gathered around, slightly shivering in the chilly air. “We welcome our new members Sagefeather and Rushingpaw.” She nodded to the new cats from the border patrol earlier today. “And we also welcome a new warrior from our own ranks.” Blossompaw shakily joined Morningstar on the branch. “Blossompaw, do you promise to uphold TwistedClan’s traditions and protect the Clan with your life?”
“Of course.” Blossompaw responded.
“Then, I give you your warrior name, Blossomfall. Remember that even warriors are fallible and need help.” Morningstar rested her muzzle on Rainsong’s forehead, and the Clan yelled her new name. “Congratulations, Blossomfall.”
Blossomfall retreated back to the ground. Galapaw greeted her enthusiastically. “If only Spottednose would give me my full medicine cat name.” She rolled her eyes.
“You’re never going to get it if you keep messing around.” Spottednose hissed behind her. Galapaw jumped and looked away sheepishly.

“I don’t see why I can’t take my warrior assessment too.” Starlingpaw moaned to the apprentices. “I’m a moon older than Mallardpaw, and she’s taking hers now.” Flamepaw and Rushingpaw murmured in agreement.
“I’m going to become a warrior when I’m much older as well.” Nightpaw lazily flicked his half tail. “It’s gonna happen at some point, so why worry about it?”
Starlingpaw rolled her eyes. “I want to be a warrior now, obviously.”
Stonefrost walked by the huddled group. “Instead of complaining, how about you go clean out the nests?” He looked pointedly at Starlingpaw.
Stifling a sigh, she stood. “Who’s coming to help me?”
“He didn’t ask me,” Nightpaw received a glare in return. “Fine, I’ll come.”
“I’ll help!” Flamepaw eagerly said. Rushingpaw didn’t say anything but she tagged along. She enjoyed her new clan but wasn’t comfortable enough speaking up just yet.
Birchwhisker wished more of her kits were dark colored as the lighter ones blended into the snow piles easier. It was hard enough wrangling six antsy kits to begin with, but half of them were now properly camouflaged in the leftover new-leaf snow. She was looking forward to having them out of her nest next moon as apprentices. Eventually, she gave up trying to keep an eye on all of the at once and just laid down looking in the general area of camp. They hadn’t been very keen on leaving camp after running into Briarwhisper and Neritefang, so Birchwhisker decided to trust them. She must have been laying out of sight because Sunchaser and Rainsong started to have a heart to heart talk a few bushes over. If she tried to get away now, they would certainly notice, and she might ruin their chance to make up. She flattened her ears as she wouldn’t want someone else to eavesdrop on her conversations, but she still could make out their words.
“Why did you drag me all the way out here?” Rainsong muttered. “I feel like I’m about to burst.”
“I wanted privacy.” Sunchaser snapped. “Or did you want Silverstem to know that those kits aren’t mine?”
“Don’t be so snappy!” Rainsong said. “So, I assume you will continue to avoid me.”
Sunchaser sighed. “I can help out if you want, but I am not your mate. Are you okay with that?”
“Yes,” Rainsong got quiet. “I can live with that. I don’t want you to feel stuck with me.”
Birchwhisker flattened herself while the two passed her spot once more. She would pretend she didn’t hear that conversation, but who on earth is the father of Rainsong’s kits?
Wolfclaw returned from his patrols and training session with Rushingpaw feeling productive but worn out. Deputy duties along with training a new apprentice was more difficult than he originally thought. He decided to enjoy a nice plump squirrel when he bumped into Silverstem reaching for the same piece.
“Pardon me,” He said and nudged the prey in her direction.
“Why don’t we just share it?” The queen suggested shyly. Wolfclaw accepted the offer and carried the squirrel to a sunny spot where the two sat together. He hadn’t had a chance to talk to Silverstem very much yet; he was still somewhat new to the Clan, and since she was a permanent queen, he didn’t assign her to any patrols. She was rather quite pretty with all her actions being purposeful and graceful. “You alright?” She was looking at him strangely, and he realized he must have been staring.
“Just hungry,” Wolfclaw leaned forward and took a bite. The squirrel was delicious, and he couldn’t help purring contently.
“That good, huh?” Silverstem’s whiskers twitched in amusement. Wolfclaw nodded in embarrassment, but the she-cat seemed to find that endearing. “I can’t wait to try a bite then.” Wolfclaw rolled his eyes good naturedly. He made a mental note to branch out and perhaps share a meal every now and then with this lovely queen.
Sagefeather settled into TwistedClan a lot faster than her daughter. She was always on the hunt for adventures ever since she was a small kitten, and a new Clan was the perfect activity. Briarwhisper and Stonefrost where taking turns grooming each other out in the new-leaf sun. Sagefeather waltzed over. “I was thinking about going on a walk, care to join me?” Briarwhisper got to her paws and stretched.
“Sounds good to me.” Stonefrost said. As the three left camp, Starlingpaw watched them intently. Stonefrost noticed and yelled over his shoulder, “You can be done with those nests.”
“Thank you!” Starlingpaw pranced off to tell the others helping the good news.
“Where did you and Rushingpaw live before?” Briarwhisper asked.
“We just travelled wherever the tastiest prey was.” Sagefeather shrugged. “But we avoided plains or anything too open. I was never fast enough to catch hares.”
“I prefer less gamey prey as well.” Briarwhisper said.
“I feel like I have more freedom when I can run through the tree branches.” Stonefrost took one giant leap and landed on a thick, twisted branch. “Let’s go!” The two she-cats shared a glance and followed Stonefrost. The walk turned into a tree run, and Sagefeather never felt more alive.
Toadsplash and Claystream were also on a new-leaf walk, but they were on a much more peaceful one. “I really hope Mallardpaw passes her assessment.” Claystream said. “She was very excited that Morningstar let her test so soon in this new Clan.”
“I’m sure she will.” Toadsplash interwove his tail with hers. “I’m so proud of how far she’s come.”
“I’m glad she still has her little waddle.” Claystream snorted. “It’s cute.” The two laughed. They enjoyed the quiet forest noises.
Neritefang herded Birchwhisker’s kits to the nearby moss-laden trees. They were just out of the camp clearing, but their mother had given them permission to collect their own piles if they listened to Neritefang. She already had to separate Thunderkit and Stormkit from clawing at each other, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle.
“Neritefang!” Willowkit yelled.
“Yes, dear?” Neritefang swiveled to make sure everyone was okay.
“What’s a nerite?” Willowkit asked.
“Moss!” Goosekit pounced forward as the moss trees were in view.
“Beat you there!” Cloudkit sprinted forward with Thunderkit and Stormkit.
“Wait for the rest of us!” Neritefang called.
“What’s a nerite?” Willowkit asked louder.
“I stepped in mud, Neritefang. Can we stop so I can clean up?” Maplekit whined.
“We’ll stop when we get to the trees.” Neritefang said.
“What’s a nerite!” Willowkit batted her tail to get her attention.
“Yes, Willowkit.” Neritefang sighed. “A nerite is a snail.”
“Gross!” Maplekit scrunched up her nose.
“Neritefang! Look!” Stormkit was shredding the moss with his small claws.
“Don’t shred the moss like that.” Neritefang lightly pushed him back from the tree. “Watch.” She slowly raked her claws on the edges of the moss to preserve the softest parts. “If you do it carefully, it’ll actually be nice to put in your nests.”
“Cool!” Thunderkit ran to a different tree. “I bet I can get more than you!”
“You can’t!” Cloudkit retorted and readied at her tree.
“Neritefang?” Willowkit prodded her once more. “What’s a snail?”
Rainsong laid next to Birchwhisker who was taking a nap while Neritefang babysat in the forest. She tried to get comfortable, but her belly was too big to find a good spot. Suddenly, her stomach convulsed. She cried out, and Birchwhisker sprang to action. “Spottednose!” She ran out to fetch the medicine cat. Rainsong didn’t know if she was ready for this, but she didn’t have a choice anymore.

    The Clan consumes one magpie and one squirrel (5 servings).
    Wolfclaw, Rushingpaw, Neritefang, Flamepaw, Ruststripe, and Nightpaw hunt.
    Stonefrost, Starlingpaw, Sunchaser, Toadstream, Briarwhisper, and Blossomfall hunt.

    Morningstar, Claystream, and Sagefeather patrol.

    Spottednose and Galapaw hunt for herbs.

    Spottednose trains Galapaw in Birthing (with the help of Rainsong).
    Ruststripe trains Nightpaw in Fighting.
    Stonefrost trains Starlingpaw in Fighting.
    Neritefang trains Flamepaw in Fighting.
    Wolfclaw trains Rushingpaw in Hunting.

    Mallardpaw attempts her warrior assessment. If she passes, she shall be called Mallardwing.

    Rainsong is kitting! Spottednose and Galapaw assist. father

    Sagefeather and her kit Rushingpaw are welcomed into the Clan.

    I'm excited to have you as my new mod! I'm sure we'll have a great time, and I added your name up top! : )

          L E A D E R:
          Morningstar | 57 m | ♀ |
          twisted back paw
          Lives: ★★★★★★ [6]

          D E P U T Y:
          Wolfclaw | 37 m | ♂ |

          M E D I C I N E ~ C A T:
          Spottednose | 49 m | ♂ |

          M E D I C I N E ~ C A T ~ A P P R E N T I C E:
          Galapaw | 15 m | ♀ |

          W A R R I O R S:
          Neritefang | 88 m | ♀ |
          scars all over pelt
          Toadsplash | 61 m | ♂ |
          Claystream | 55 m | ♀ |
          Ruststripe | 42 m | ♂ |
          Sagefeather | 39 m | ♀ |
          Briarwhisper | 34 m | ♂ |
          Stonefrost | 33 m | ♂ |
          Sunchaser | 28 m | ♂ |
          Blossomfall | 14 m | ♀ |
          afraid of heights

          A P P R E N T I C E S:
          Starlingpaw | 13 m | ♀ |
          Mallardpaw | 12 m | ♀ |
          Nightpaw | 11 m | ♂ |
          half a tail
          Flamepaw | 9 m | ♂ |
          Rushingpaw | 7 m | ♀ |

          Q U E E N S:
          Silverstem | 38 m | ♀ |
          permanent queen
          Birchwhisker | 41 m | ♀ |
          Rainsong | 23 m | ♀ | Due NOW |

          K I T S:
          Thunderkit | 5 m | ♂ |
          Cloudkit | 5 m | ♀ |
          Willowkit | 5 m | ♀ |
          Goosekit | 5 m | ♂ |
          Maplekit | 5 m | ♀ |
          Stormkit | 5 m | ♂ |

          E L D E R S:
          Name | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✾[/url]
          Name | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✾[/url]

          S T A R C L A N:
          Morningstar: Life One | Poison
          Morningstar: Life Two | Drowned
          Morningstar: Life Three | Attacked by dogs
          Bluekit | Stillborn
          Stormstrike | Drowned
          Gingerblaze | Attacked by dogs
          Pebblepaw | Attacked by dogs

          D A R K F O R E S T:
          Copperleaf | Attacked by dogs

          F A M I L Y:
          Unknown ♥︎ Silverstem | Bluekit and Pebblepaw
          Stormstrike ♥︎ Birchwhisker | Thunderkit, Cloudkit,
          Willowkit, Goosekit, Maplekit, and Stormkit
          Patchedmask of DewClan ♥︎ Rainsong | DUE NOW
          Toadsplash ♥︎ Claystream | Goosekit and Mallardpaw
          Ruststripe ♥︎ Morningstar | no kits
          Unknown ♥︎ Sagefeather | Rushingpaw

          A D O P T E D ~ C A T S:
          Galapaw of LambClan
          Stonefrost of CherryClan
          Wolfclaw of HollowClan
          Neritefang of GraveClan
          Briarwhisper of RoseClan
          Starlingpaw of BearClan
          Toadsplash of GraveClan
          Claystream of GraveClan
          Mallardpaw of GraveClan
    A L L Y C L A N S:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    E N E M Y C L A N S:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    N E U T R A L C L A N S:
    The Coven | Blackpearl44
    DewClan | billie eilish

    B O R D E R S:
    North | The Coven | Blackpearl44
    East | DewClan | billie eilish
    South | OPEN | Username
    West | OPEN | Username

    M E D I C I N E S T O R E:
    Alder Bark | Eases toothaches | 3
    Beech Leaves | Used to carry bundles of herbs | 1
    Bindweed | Helps mend a broken leg | 1
    Blackberry Leaves | Eases pain of bee stings | 1
    Borage Leaves | Helps produce milk | 1
    Bright Eyes | Helps cure coughs | 1
    Burnet | Gives strength | 1
    Catchweed | stops poultices from rubbing off | 1
    Catmint | Cures greencough | 1
    Chervil | Helps infection/bellyaches/kitting | 1
    Cobwebs | Treats bleeding, binds broken bones | 2
    Comfrey Roots | Repairs broken bones, and burns | 2
    Dock | Soothe scratches and sore paws | 1
    Dried Oak Leaf | Stops infection | 0
    Fennel | Helps pain in hips | 1
    Feverfew | Helps bring down fevers/headaches | 1
    Juniper Berries | Helps bellyaches and breathing | 1
    Marigold | Stops infection and bleeding/Helps stiff joints | 1
    Mint | Hides scents of death | 1
    Poppy Seed | Helps sleep, shock, and distress | 0
    Raspberry Leaf | Painkiller or stops bleeding from kitting | 1
    Sweet-sedge | eases infections | 1
    Thyme | Calms anxiety and shock | 2
    Tormentil | Treats wounds and extracts poison | 1
    Deathberries | Poisonous when consumed | 1
    Foxglove | Can cause paralysis or heart failure | 1
    Holly Berries | Poisonous to kits | 2

    F R E S H - K I L L:
    Thrushes | x4 | 3 servings each
    Magpies | x5 | 3 servings each
    Shrews | x2 | 1 serving each
    Squirrels | x4 | 2 servings each
    Mice | x4 | 1 serving each
    Voles | x1 | 1 serving each

    M E N T O R S:
    SKILLS: Hunting, Fighting, Climbing, STalking, SWimming
    Spottednose | Galapaw | 4 |
    Ruststripe | Nightpaw | 2 | H, ST
    Stonefrost | Starlingpaw | 1 | H
    Briarwhisper | Mallardpaw | 6 | from GraveClan sessions, H
    Neritefang | Flamepaw | 1 | H
    Wolfclaw | Rushingpaw | 0 |

Last edited by jazz. on Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:44 am, edited 3 times in total.
━━ ❝Ah,━━━━━━━━
"чσu dσn't knσw hσw hígh í cαn flч"
| shє/hєr | lσvєr σf hσrsєs |



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hazilnut's replies 01

Postby hazilnut » Mon Feb 04, 2019 12:18 pm


Newleaf, spring, the coming of new life- whatever your clans call it, it is here with a vengeance. Buds have begun to open, new undergrowth covering the territories with carpets of pale green. Amidst the explosion of color sit the occasional patch of white, but for the most part the snow has melted away. While flooding may become a danger in the near future, for now the clans can rest easy and congratulate themselves on surviving another leafbare. Who knows what wonders and dangers this next year will bring?

[Moorclan] [Fireclan] [Robinclan] [Eagleclan] [The Empire Of The Gods] [Springclan] [Beachclan] [Winterclan] [Brookclan] [Darkclan] [Ridgeclan] [Moonclan] [Shaded Skies] [Isle of Pagtuklas] [Mirageclan] [Strawclan]

Galipaygo wrote:
Fireclan / Deathclan

[Blazepool gathers herbs]
[Valleyglow uses one stick on Aspenpaw]
[Valleyglow uses one hawkweed on Marigoldpaw]
[Valleyglow uses one borage, sweet-sedge, and poppy seed on Paperpaw]
[Paperpaw - 2 moons]
[Valleyglow gives the kits one mint for Clack’s body]
[Smokewhisker speaks with the kits]
[Smokewhisker trains Pebblepaw in conflict resolution]
[Littleheart trains Smokepaw in fishing]
[Forgottennose trains Shadowpaw in hunting]
[Coltsface trains Blackpaw in climbing]
[Jaggedear trains Stillpaw in combat]
[Sweetpatch trains Galepaw in hunting]
[Tatteredpelt trains Poppypaw in swimming]
[Goldenflower trains Lunarpaw in fishing]
[Lavenderfoot trains Nightpaw in combat]
[Slitear trains Cherrypaw in climbing]
[Puddlefoot trains Boulderpaw in swimming]
[Willowfern trains Ravenpaw in climbing]
[Lavendernose trains Aspenpaw in combat]
[Snowheart trains Firpaw in fishing]
[Riverstripe trains Oakpaw in swimming]
[Valleyglow trains Pinepaw in herbal application]
[Firestripe trains Brightpaw in swimming]
[Lionheart trains Fuzzypaw in fishing]
[Ambereyes trains Marigoldpaw in hunting]
[Birchfur trains Nimbuspaw in combat]
[Brindlestripe trains Snowpaw in combat]
[Reedtail trains Icepaw in hunting]
[Coalpaw is named Coaljaw and made into a warrior]
[Emberpaw is named Emberfoot and made into a warrior]
[Sandpaw is named Sandsweep and made into a warrior]
[Burnettface, Leopardeye, Ashfur, Brightheart, Rippleface, and Greypelt hunt]
[Yewfeather, Silvertail, Cloudstride, and Sandsweep hunt]
[Emberfoot, Coaljaw, and Willowshade patrol the boarders]
[___ patrol the boarders]
[Sunsplash, Honeygaze, and Daisypatch watch the kits for the moon]
[Relationships/Deaths/Kittings here]
[Healer actions here]
[Barkstar and Crabjaw patrol the boarders (trying to find Crabjaw’s brother)]
[Tigerfang patrols the boarder]
[Fighter actions here]
[In Training actions here]
[Tawnypelt is giving kit!]
[Barkstar requests a second command]
The clans consume four birds and a rabbit, 14 servings!
[Note to mod: Text Here]

► Blazepool finds x1 sweet-sedge, x1 elder leaf, x1 catchweed
► Blackpaw's recovery regresses due to not speaking with Smokewhisker this moon. It becomes clear that consistent therapy is the key to him regaining his voice.
► Pebblepaw learns conflict resolution
► Pinepaw fails herbal application
► Poppypaw, Oakpaw & Brightpaw learn swimming
► Smokepaw learns swimming instead of fishing
► This time around Boulderpaw does learn swimming, but even her newfound skill isn't enough to keep her from being swept away by a snow-melt swollen river. Though colliding with a cluster of midstream boulders keeps Boulderpaw from being swept away for good like poor Skypaw, the impact leaves her paralyzed from the mid-back down. She will need x1 thyme, x1 juniper berries & x1 marigold as well as a 3 moon period of rest and readjustment.
► Galepaw learns hunting
► Blackpaw learns hunting instead of climbing
► Shadowpaw & Icepaw fail hunting
► Stillpaw, Nightpaw, Aspenpaw & Snowpaw learn combat
► Nimbuspaw learns combat but receives a few scratches from risky maneuvers. He will need x1 marigold.
► Lunarpaw, Firpaw & Fuzzypaw learn fishing
► Cherrypaw & Ravenpaw learn climbing
► Marigoldpaw learns climbing instead of hunting
► Burnettface's patrol catches x3 big fish
► Yewfeather's patrol x1 mouse, x1 bird
► Emberfoot's patrol finds nothing of interest
► Honeygaze's stiff joints need x1 daisy
► Barkstar & Crabjaw find Crabjaw's apprentice-aged brother
► Tigerfang finds a queen and her four kits. They are barely a moon old.
► Tawnypelt easily gives birth to four healthy kits.

Legolas The Elf wrote:

The Empire consumes x8 small fish.

Mantasting's kits are accepted into the Empire!
Dewfang and family are accepted into the Empire!
Rookiestream is accepted into the Empire!

All Cadets and Rookies train in some unlearned skill.

Dewfang and Fernlight are mates, and their kits are Icekit and Mistykit.

Axel - 22 moons - tom
Lemonfur and Ryepatch. Link to personalities here.

Graystorm, Splashingtorrent, Barleyslash, Stormthrush, and Spottedtooth patrol.

Noble, Cadetmidnight, Blazelion, Winterfang, and Wormwood patrol.

Percy, Widgeonfeather, Russetflash, Swantalon, and Rookieslate hunt

Tawnyfall, Nettlesting, Dewfang, and Roamingthunder hunt.

Pasileyburner and Cadetpool hunt for herbs.

Flareblood and Civetfang are given a moon of rest, to see if this will help their coughs.

None this moon.

None c:

None this cycle.


► Cadetpool learns herb hunting
► Cadetsyrinx & Cadetduo learn endurance
► Auletris & Cadetmidnight learn advanced battle
► Rookieice fails endurance
► Rookieslate fails fishing
► Cadetstag learns fishing
► Cadetfallen fails battle
► Rookiestream learns hunting
► Graystorm's patrol finds nothing of interest
► Noble's patrol finds Axel
► Percy's patrol catches x1 hare, x1 ermine
► Tawnyfall's patrol catches x2 rabbit
► Paisleyburner & Cadetpool find x2 dandelion, x1 horsetail
► Flareblood & Civetfang both recover due to their rest

mukuroikusabas wrote:

[Bramblebelly takes the curious loner, renamed Shadowtail, as her apprentice.]
[Bramblebelly and Shadowtail search for herbs.]
[Ridgestar accepts the cat into the Clan and he becomes known as Pigeonfur.]
[Ridgestar and Redstar of QuickClan try for kits!]
[Pigeonfur goes hunting.]

► Bramblebelly & Shadowtail find x1 poppy seed, x1 alder bark, x1 feverfew
► Ridgestar is now expecting. She is due in two moons.
► Pigeonfur finds x1 rabbit
► Please update your prey storage. From past and present hunting you have x1 mouse & x2 rabbits to add. Please consult the front page for serving sizes and select 4 other types of prey for your clan to catch.

LooneyLani wrote:

requests - Mountainstar asks Starclan for a healer
patrols - Ivynose & Mountainstar go hunting, Ivynose joins Snowtail on a border patrol
consumes - Moonclan eats 2 servings - 2/3 hare

► Starclan sends Mountainstar a healer
► Ivynose & Mountainstar catch x1 bird
► Ivynose & Snowtrail find a warrior
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( i. )

Postby aurea. » Mon Feb 04, 2019 12:56 pm

We know that in September, we will wander through summer's wreckage.

( 𝐩𝐨𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ) 1 cat ( 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 ♂ ) 0 cats ( 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 ♀ ) 1 cat ( 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 ⚲ ) 0 cats ( 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ) 2 servings ( 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝𝐫𝐨ck ) 7

The towering canyon walls offered little shelter from the blistering daytime sun. It seemed almost two heartbeats ago that the sun was rising and with it came steadily mounting temperatures, yet now the sun bore down on Viperstar’s back and made a pool of sweat accumulate on her brow. Every step on the broiling red sand sent heat shuddering through her body, and the weight of her fur on her back made her tail sag and her paws drag. The limits of her exhaustion was boundless, and every further step brought another spike of sleepiness go trembling through her eyes.

For a moment, Viperstar considered lying beneath the firm shade of a woody shrub bush residing at the bottom of the canyon, but as she continued her solemn trek, the area of her interest came into sight. A tiny, snake-length tall crack in the wall of the canyon, completely uninspired from the outside, but concealing great mystery and treasure within. Her deep green eyes going ablaze beneath the sun, Viperstar’s paws lured her closer to the claw-shaped crack in the wall. Her paws tipping stones and her claws scrabbling against rock as she mounted small inlets to reach her destination, Viperstar’s whiskers twitched as she finally delved into the refreshing shade of the narrow cavern.

Her paws careful, Viperstar navigated a narrow tunnel. Her whiskers dragged against the jagged sides of the rugged pathway, her shoulders brushed against hard rock walls and stony boulders, and her eyes struggled to adjust from the blinding brightness of the sun to the abyssal darkness of the cavern. On her sunburnt paws, she felt the memories of all those who had walked the same path many moons before her. The adventurous spirit in her heart pounded against the confines of her ribs as she thought of this, feeling an uncontrollable yearning for learning the exact detail and facet of the lives of her ancestors and all those who occupied this canyon before her. As her eyes came to see through the dark, albeit in shades of black and white, Viperstar felt her gaze grow starry and hopeful.

As the tunnel ended, its tight walls and barriers tapered out and combined to form a hollow cavern with low ceilings and tall stalagmites. The ceiling was covered by bioluminescent glow worms that twinkled a cheerful ice blue, and fungi lined the walls and floors, empowered by the damp humidity and swallowing darkness. However, the most wondrous item in the hollow was neither the size nor the glow worms, but the towering, glimmering gemstone mounted in the middle. The glow of the aquamarine larvae above it bounced off of the jagged jewel’s prismatic faces and washed the entire cave system with an otherworldly glow, shimmering like the gleam of the clear stars and galaxies and supernovae above the canyon every night.

Enamoured by the scintillating glimmer of the kaleidoscopic shard, Viperstar drew closer, half out of her own will and half out of a strange drawing to the polychromatic sides of the VoidStone. A wish in her mind and a quiet prayer on her tongue, Viperstar’s paws tipped the edges of the precious stone and touched her nose to it’s cool, mystical side. A flurry of supernatural power, her gaze was washed black and she collapsed beside it.


( Viperstar requests a Deputy from StarClan. )

          Viperstar | 26 | Female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Bat | x0 | 1 servings
    Lizards | x0 | 1 servings
    Ringtail | x0 | 2 servings
    Raven | x0 | 2 servings
    Falcon | x0 | 3 servings
    Gila Monster | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by aurea. on Mon Feb 04, 2019 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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