ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby littlewolf5000 » Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:35 pm

✦ 𝓚𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓷 ✦

{ Species } Blade { Role } Agent { Tags} Loey, Collin, Ford, Rose { Crush } open

Feeling the mood momentarily lighten with both Rose's commentary on the boots that were promised and Fords unsurprising actions being tossed in our newly reunited members direction i couldn't help the half smile that lined my face, watching the two for a moment, at least they seemed to be doing okay for now, everything considered. Turning my attention towards the newer members however as i heard them speak from across the room i locked my gaze on the older of the two, Loey and let my gaze narrow faintly as he spoke up about the leaders fussing, not noticing my arms now crossed over my chest and finger tapping silently on my arm as if debating on rather to comment or not though as i heard him refer to myself as 'missy' and ford as 'boy' i finally did, in a less then pleased tone "Kingston and ford sweetness, we have names" I corrected in a semi passive aggressive tone before continuing with a risen eyebrow, perhaps it wasn't best to let the tiredness and toll of events not to mention protection over our family speak for me, whelp too late now "And for you're information, yes he may fuss over us but that shows that, like any good leader he actually truly cares about his team, his family and even if he does 'mother hen' us, i promise you he's still dam good at what he does but i guess that's why hes the leader and you're not right? So please next time you're added to another team try knowing who the h*** you're talking about and knowing what they've been through before you open you're mouth." I ranted remaining where i stood near ford and rose the whole time not only speaking about the leader but the entire team as a unit nobody would come in and speak of us without getting an earful.

Tearing my gaze away from loey as i heard ford begin to speak, i fell silent almost as if i had just realized i snapped at the new recruit from clear across the room likely loud enough for anyone in the cabin to hear including the leader i was defending unknowing he was actually awake. saying nothing more as i let ford now fill in rose i only nodded to her question about getting her things as he began to speak of the fallen agents and gently took the keys from her mouthing a "I got it" and making my way back into the unforgiving weather, instantly looking cautiously around the driveway, staying momentarily near the door with a weapon well within reach gaze searching for any unwanted glowing eyes or flash's of fur that could be lingering behind any given truck, once sure nothing else was there i silently made my way to the freshly parked car, popping the trunk and retrieving the pair of bags and bow before re-securing the car and making my way back inside just as the conversation seemed to be dying down and rose's question barely caught as i re-locked the door awaiting the cue for me to answer if ford didn't know as i set her things on the couch, about to head back towards the duo i was only stopped with a slight jump as i heard a sudden thud from the staircase followed by rose's concerned words confirming what just happen and D'arcs form on the wooden slopes. Taking a few steps towards them and only stopping at the table just short of where he was i debated on helping him though wasn't sure how well he'd appreciate it though i did move to the base of the stairs just in case while we awaited his answer to roses question "D'arc?"

↩ 𝓐𝓭𝓪𝓶 𝓗𝓪𝓵𝓮 ↪

{ Species } Werewolf { Role } Fighter (Temporary Alpha) { Tags } Wynter, Blair, Emmy, Emery,
Alyssa, Genesis, Sebastian { Crush } Open
▙ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ▟

Having been focused on Sebastian's question, and by the way he tensed, concerns i almost missed the enthused questions from either girl entirely, only catching the gist of it when i saw blair stand up and move towards the door with Genesis close behind causing me to push myself off the table with a subtle wince parting my mouth and about to stop Blair before she pointed out i had in fact said anyone and momentarily closed it, cursing inwardly at myself, i should have figured i'd have to specify by now but she was right i hadn't and as much as i'd prefer one i hadn't still planned on giving a stern talking too to lead Genesis about the territory with a look at how excited they suddenly were i knew i couldn't deny them, granted even if i had wanted too they were already out the door and on their way out, only being able to through out an quick You know how it works blair, don't hesitate and call me if you run into anything, be careful you two." before the door shut, i knew the words Blair had given both me and Sebastian were true even if her actions had been questionable lately i knew she wouldn't let anything happen to either of them, at least, if she could help it I just hoped her big heart and entirely to trusting personality wouldn't land them with someone truly dangerous though the fact she had left empty handed especially at night with who knew what roaming the area anymore left me a bit more on edge, yes they could shift but shifting in front of the wrong person, let alone a person at all could do more harm then good, for everyone.

Now being alone with the other male i finally returned my attention back to him and moved to sit in the chair facing the door, allowing me to see anyone who went in or out of the house though still pretty close to the room sky was in where i could faintly see her and listen to the steady, reassuring pattern of her heart before motioning for him to sit though leaving it up to him, it didn't bother me one way or another though who knew how long he'd be standing and by his state, been awake though i couldn't assume any of us looked much better. Glancing towards the window that held the girls retreating silhouette's and back to him i finally began to answer his original question Back to you're question, yeah this is likely where you'd generally start to meet everyone and get a feel of the pack all together we're in and out of here pretty frequently though some do prefer to stick to themselves there's a chance they'd still stop by here at least once every so often. I informed with a nod letting us fall to a short silence before hearing him then apologies for the few questions he asked and i couldn't help the slightly amused chuckle and faint half grin that appeared as i shook my head "don't worry about it i told you to ask whatever you want to know, i'm well aware of the transition in all actuality I haven't been part of one for too long either. I breathed, with a soft sigh i still remembered my first time meeting the alpha's who took me in after being alone for so long, who knows how many near deadly encounters they or sky got me out of, heck who knew how many more she would for that matter, learning to work with not against the creature was something i still needed to learn. Ditching my memories as i glanced back to the male i leaned on the arm of the chair oppsite of the leg "What else?" I inquired i did still plan on finding out just what happen between them and their old pack that had them running but i'd wait for now at least until most of his questions were answered.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Tue Dec 18, 2018 7:47 am

Adrian D'Arc I Human I Blade Team Leader I Tags; Blade Team
He hauled himself into a sitting position, rubbing his head and muttering darkly under his breath, falling quiet as he noticed the attentions of his troops. Of one, in particular.
He squinted at her slightly, eyes narrowing by a fraction every second while his hazed mind worked to confirm what the leader, as impeccable as his facial recognition was, already knew.
"You're back? When the heck were they going to notify me of this?"
That sounded sharper than he'd intended. Far, far too harsh. He tried again, fumbling for the right phrasing despite usually being so eloquent.
"Your leg okay now? I'd assume so, but... I mean, let me know if you need anything. Don't worry too much about patrols for now."
Adrian D'Arc waved Kat backwards, using the crumbling handrail to pull himself to his full height and shooting both her and the younger of the new guys - Col having also leapt to his feet and rushed halfway over - a vaguely reassuring look.
Hey, I'm fine. I'll be fine. Just tired. Can't walk straight.
"Ford, coffee. Now, please. Freeman, get back into your corner. I'm fine. Rodriguez, if you're going to try to pick a fight, then you'll do so with me. I will not tolerate you baiting Kingston. Got that?"
He moved over to his chair, Ford hastily having evacuated from it moments before and rushed off to follow the injured leader's directive, and neatly dropped into it, ctossing both arms gingerly on the desk with a weak sigh.
"So, we got anything new so far?"
He'd been asleep for an hour, maybe two, at most. Those precious hours had been well deserved. But knowing the speed of events in this forsaken town, the leader knew thing could easily have advanced. These days, he thought, his paranoia was getting out of control.

Apologies for taking forever (yet again) for a total absence from the rp. Other posts will be up tomorrow, starting with Emms.

back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

i left a lot of stuff here unfinished and can't remember most of what i was up to.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:58 am

Jason Loen I Werewolf I Medic I Tags; Aurora
He snorted, doing his best to pretend he hadn't heard the "blonde rat" comment. He made no secret of the fact that, whilst he was loyal in most ways to the domineering woman, he wasn't exactly her biggest fan. At times, he was sure she was every bit as bad as the werewolf hunters she hunted.
That brief moment of amusement passed in a heartbeat as he edged closer, still eyeing that blade in Aurora's hand. And, just as the young paramedic had moved just close enough to attempt - and most likely fail, he realised - to grab the blade from the enraged female's hand before she could hurt either him or herself, she slowly slumped back onto his couch as the sedative reared its head and took her back under.
Seizing the chance, he swiftly disarmed Aurora and hurriedly hid the blade behind a book on one of his shelves. Hopefully, he thought, still shaking a little, she didn't have any more hidden elsewhere.

Blair Strong I Werewolf I Fighter I Tags; Genesis
She headed straight outside and for the treeline, only pausing to grab one of the Beta's coats from a closet and gesturing for Genesis to do the same.
"So the territory actually runs for miles and miles, and there's no way we'll be covering that on foot, but I can show you the rest of the property for sure. We got some old barns, there's a stable that's kinda falling to pieces a mile south of here, there's this really great little abandoned farmhouse just a little further south of that..."
She turned to smile weakly at the girl she now considered a new friend, still walking as she did so.
"Jasper itself is three or four from here directly, but how long that takes you kinda depends on what route you take. There's not an actual road up this far north of the city..."
She continued rambling as she moved further into the now-drizzling rain and lessening darkness, looking over her shoulder at smaller intervals and beginning to talk more to herself...


back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

i left a lot of stuff here unfinished and can't remember most of what i was up to.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby birch. » Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:17 am

Addali Elaine Chezie
    Human ---> Tags: Scott ---> Relationship: None

Addali took in his form fully as he spoke, marveling at his pure white hair the most. What an oddly beautiful sight, the color as soft as snow contrasted wildly against the shades of green and brown. His skin seemed soft in its ivory form, his eyes stunning. She couldn't say she had ever seen someone she assumed was albino before yet she wondered why such beautiful people were often ridiculed for something that they could not help. He almost seemed pure, untainted with color, and that fact fascinated her.

Upon hearing his question she offered a soft chuckle, avoiding the urge to laugh at her own ignorance, "How rude of me, here I am wondering everything about you and I haven't even told you my name. That tells you where my mind is, very far away from a rational thought." She said before extending her tattooed arm to offer him her small hand, "My name is Addali." She said with a dimpled smile, her eyes holding his gaze with confidence.

Addali's mind was very far from rational thought, hindered by the fact that the man that stood before her was previously a beautiful, pure white wolf. She should be afraid but for some reason she felt safe, like nothing else in the world mattered to her, just this encounter. The world had seemed to slow down when he had shifted to his human form, all the questions whirring around her head as she attempted to make sense in her subconscious.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby littlewolf5000 » Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:35 am

✦ 𝓚𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓷 ✦

{ Species } Blade { Role } Agent { Tags} Loey, Collin, Ford, Rose, D'arc { Crush } open

Saying nothing, yet stubbornly remaining near D'arc as he spoke to the newly reintegrated team member, ensuring he really were okay and not just saying it in his own stubborn nature before reluctantly backing off and returning to my spot in the chair, sitting back in its soft embrace I continued to listen, glancing out the window only until i heard him instruct the sniper to get him coffee and set into scolding Loey for his own outburst indicating that he in fact not only heard the new mans inappropriate accusations but also my less then friendly response that i thoughtlessly through back at him, earning a inward wince that could possibly cause some issues later, but i guess only time would tell, i'd talk to D'arc about it at a more appropriate time maybe when we were all rested and could fully comprehend what we were saying.. granted any of us could actually get a peaceful slumber.

Looking back to the table in which the leader himself resigned as he finally asked if we had gotten anything while he were resting i glanced to the others, unsure if they would want to report or prefered not to speak at this point, which wouldn't be all that surprising and low and behold as the room remained silent i finally shook my head, uncrossing my legs and sitting forward with my hands resting over my legs, "Actually sir, with the help of the new members we did find some useful information." I began only pausing to point to the map we had drawn the area of the large Aleksanderson property "The property we saw is owned by Skylar Aleksanderson, she appears to be the daughter of the ones the memorial was held for the other day, along with the rather impressive amount of land she has a hold on several large shares of different companies, the girls loaded." I said honestly with a half shrug i still wasn't sure what she did with all the money she appeared to have but i suppose it didn't matter, getting up and walking over to the table to point to the area the woods the boys had figured out were i continued "Everything here? pure forest, dense. and the thing has no roads, so theoretically, even if we got onto the territory its no gurentee we could get into those woods and see whats really going on,my thinking is, based on where we've seen these things, who she is and how much land is sitting here, who is exactly is she? what are those woods truly home too" . Finally finished with our report i glanced to the others, wondering if i had missed anything in my summery of our observations before looking back to D'arc who i more or less was reaching over to show the spots i was speaking of, i had a pretty good idea on who this mysterious Aleksanderson was, but i wasn't sure if they were on the same page i did however have a pretty good hold on she, nor whatever was in the land she held ownership of was good.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby Not here » Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:21 pm

«— Jessica Marie Delgado
«— 7 years old
«— Pureblood Werewolf
«— Loner
«— Downtown Jasper
«— Open
The young pup had been traveling for what felt like hours, was only really 2 hours. Her paws were tired and did have some ripped padding because of her extended traveling. Looking around cautiously, she could tell she was in a town but not which town or where at in the town. There were a lot of stores and people out, walking the streets with bags in their hands. Jessica stayed put in the alleyway, shaking gently from the chill. It was always cold to her but that’s cause her fur was thin. She was primarily bones and skin, from lack of nutrition, and that didn’t help either. She scavenged when she could but there were a lot of people out at the moment and she didn’t want to risk someone seeing her, in case they would assuming she were wolf. She could be mistaken for a normal pup but how could she be sure of that

Leaning against a wall, in between a trash can and trash wet box, the pup curled up with her tail over her legs and her head on her tail. This was about as comfortable as she would get for the time being. Hearing a loud screeching noise, her head jolted up and coming out one of the side doors was a busboy, who was throwing food into a dumpster. Some food had missed the bin and fell out to the ground. The boy returned indoors and almost on cue, her stomach growled hungrily. Getting up and slowly creeping over, the wolf had put her nose closer to the food, seeing there was anything she liked. She had found a half eaten bagel with cream cheese on it. It felt like she was going to have some good luck today. With a wagging tail, Jessica took the food back over to where she was laying. She had laid on her belly with the bagel in between her paws and started to nom on the bread, falling into bliss at the different flavors on her tongue and food finally going into her belly.
Last edited by Not here on Mon Jan 28, 2019 3:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
Since CS made me change my signature because they didn’t like that my officer died for someone bad, I hope he finds rest while others hate him for doing his job and sacrificing his life.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby purpledirewolf2019 » Mon Jan 21, 2019 3:27 pm

𝑅𝑜𝓈𝑒 𝒲𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈
Blade Agent /\ 26 /\ Tags: Everyone at HQ

Rose may have been gone for a few months, but she actually still knew better than to try to help D'Arc up. Instead, she watched him closely as he sat up. "I'm sorry sir, I should have called myself instead of relying on them. But rest assured, my leg is completely healed. There's no need for any special treatment, I'm ready to jump back in Kat and Ford filled me in on what happened." she replied confidently. After that, Rose walked over to listen to Kat report the newest information. It seemed like a solid lead, but getting deep enough into the woods could be a challenge. Regardless, she was sure they'd end up going there. That was their job, but they'd need a plan first. She looked to D'Arc to see if he had one. Considering her lengthy absence and the fact that she hadn't interacted with these creatures yet, she knew it wasn't her place to speak up yet.

𝒮𝒸𝑜𝓉𝓉 𝒞𝑜𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝓈
Werewolf /\ 22 /\ Loner /\ Tags: Addali

Scott sat patiently in front of the girl. When he had asked her what her name was, he was looking down at his boots. Although he trusted her enough to show her his human form and sit still in front of her, he was still submissive by nature. It was what was drilled into him as a child. His birth pack wasn't going to let an albino rise up through their ranks. In fact, they kicked him out as soon as they were able to. So now, that was all he could show others, and part of him hated that about him.

When she chuckled, it caused his eyes to look back up at her. He found himself staring at her hand, which he knew was a friendly gesture. Scott noticed all the tattoos on her arm and is sparked a bit of curiosity in him. Sure, tattoos were not uncommon among werewolves. Many had tattoos of wolves or a pack symbol, but Addali had so many. He hesitated slightly, but ended up taking her hand with his gloved one."It's nice to meet you. Officially. And it's fine, I don't blame you. I understand this can be rather difficult to grasp." he answered quietly. It was obvious he was still nervous, but he was very slowly gaining a bit of confidence. "So, what do you want to know? I'll answer what I can."
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Sat Jan 26, 2019 12:42 am

Adrian D'Arc I Human I Blade Team Leader I Tags; Rose, Kat, NPCs, Theo
Taking the steaming beverage the youngest of the team had hurriedly brought back and sipping tentatively, he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
"Great. We've got this loaded woman - both figuratively and literally - who's built herself a fortress in the woods. Aleksandrsen, huh?"
He sighed.
"Normally I'd suggest we cut power and utilities to the buildings, surround it and come in hot with a sonic cannon or two, but the clever little minx probably has her own water and generators anyway. Living that far up the mountain-side, she'd have to. But I think we can probably still cut out her phone lines and internet, whatever, and try and separate her from the pack."
He frowned, suddenly remembering something.
"Or, we could follow up our other lead. Do we know if that Mark Holloway is still in the area? Ford? I told you to keep an eye on him, did I not? An easier target, by the sound of it, since we can assume he's not going to have backup. He’s not been in the area for two years. Shouldn’t be too hard to orchestrate a sudden departure, right? Should give us a week or two if we play it right.”

back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

i left a lot of stuff here unfinished and can't remember most of what i was up to.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby Not here » Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:09 am

«— Jessica Marie Delgado
«— 7 years old
«— Pureblood Werewolf
«— Loner
«— Downtown Jasper
«— Open
After about an hour of napping, the young pup finally stood and stretched out her legs with a small yawn. Time to move, She thought with her ears perking up. Scratching behind her ear real quick, she shook out her fur and headed on her way. Knowing it was risky and she might get caught, but that was a chance she had to take. With a wagging tall and walking as tall as she could, the pup ventured in between people, using them as cover. How would she ever find her mother, especially being in a huge city like this one. There was so much noise and it was crowded. It even smelled really weird. At one point, someone even tried to pet her like she was some dog.

Carefully moving through the groups of people and avoiding contact with those that wanted to touch her, Jess grumbled as she felt her stomach growl again. Maybe i can find some berries or something later. Hopefully get a meal. Thinking of her meal, she hoped to get some kind of meat. Any would do for the wolf, but who was she kidding. That wouldn’t happen in the near future. Oh well. Shaking the thought from her head, Jessica made it out into the woods and started searching for some berries, unaware that she was getting close to the packs border.
Since CS made me change my signature because they didn’t like that my officer died for someone bad, I hope he finds rest while others hate him for doing his job and sacrificing his life.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby littlewolf5000 » Sun Feb 03, 2019 10:16 pm

ℂ𝕒𝕪𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝔽𝕒𝕪𝕖

{Species} Werewolf {Role} Loner {Tags} Jessica, mentions pack {Crush} None

Since before the sun had even begin to make its appearence in replace of the moon I had been awake, I liked to sit on the top of the mountain just above where i lived just a ways from where that.. pack stayed and watch the sun rise, it was calming, cliche almost, i know, but alas it was one of the few things i looked forward too between fleeing from the hunters gun and blending in with societies misleading picture. When i wasn't on my hill faint glimpses of my darkly hued pelt could be caught between the trees and shrubbery, mitts dashing through the dense woods as low growls sounded warning the few creatures who grew curious not to near. Often through the safety of the shadowed forest i'd observe the town below, watching as the weak two legged creatures moved about their deadly man made land, to work, school or any other activies planned for the day i didn't understand how they could all live like that.. so close, so dependent on one another how they worked almost in sync, in many ways they were like the pack that lived just outside their perfect world they both needed numbers, both needed structure shelter and affection, but why?. After several minutes of just watching what i couldn't wrap my head around i heard the subtle, almost non-existent ringing of the school bell, shoot class!. Instantly rising to my paws i dashed off towards where the town and woods met, nearly darting into the crowded area covered in fur and fangs before quickly being reminded why it wasn't such a good idea as i stepped out of the trees towards the street just to instantly jump back as the sound of a blaring horn caught my attention, a narrowed gaze being thrown in its direction before i caught a faint glimpse of my reflection in its window and instantly jumped back quickly concealed by the shadows once more as i panted to catch my breath, silently cursing as i growled to myself, come on cayden think moron!. Shaking my head i began to shift back with displeasure grunts and whines, it still wasn't something i was used to doing often, now standing disapprovingly on two legs i finally headed into town after changing into some fresher clothes from a beat up duffel i had kept buried in some shrubbery just near by.

Several hours had passed and i had finally been set free of the building in-laced with an overwhelming amount of perfume and hormones permitted to, after picking up only a very few select necessities, reentering the forest covering land in no time at all, morphing back to my more comfortable form mid-stride and continuing onward that way i let my form shift from a tense movement to a more swift, natural one with my head held high and audits honed in on the passing sounds some were of the few hare scattering in my presence and some the faint footfall of the disappearing town in my wake such odd creatures they were.. to be fair we.. weren't much better. Soon i found myself on a perch about ten, fifteen yards from the border hidden within the forestry merely the slight yellow glow from my eyes mostly visible unless one were to look closer while i observed the entering territory that seemed to stretch on forever the subtle footfall of the ones roaming their land echoing as their voices were mere whispers more difficult to pick up on, it seemed as though most of them seemed to be taking shelter from the storm that passed, smart who'd want to get wet right? prissy pack dogs the rain never killed anyone. Having my attention soon torn from the faint figures that moved in the distance, not quite being able to place them i let my gaze flick instantly to a subtle movement below me, a soft growl instantly sounding as my hackles slightly rose until i caught sight of what exactly i was sensing at first i didn't see it, just leaves and such but then the smaller similar figure stood out, a child. Narrowing my eyes suspuciously i let my head fall to a slight tilt as i sniffed the air, aside from the pack there wasn't another for miles, how was she out here? More importantly why was she heading towards the territory?. I rolled my tongue over my muzzle as i continued to silently observe she didn't seem to yet notice where exactly she was but seemed more interested in the bushes surrounding, hmm. Glancing from her to the pack once more i let out a huff rolling my eyes as i contemplated saying anything, parting my mouth to do so before thinking better, and simply standing there a few feet in front of the unsuspecting pup perhaps she'd find her own way.
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