Create a Pack | V1 REBOOT

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

The Silverleaf Pack | 000

Postby winter solstice. » Thu Dec 20, 2018 3:21 am


The wolves of the Silverleaf Pack are a curious bunch, hailing from the unpredictable, damp mountains of the Pacific Northwest, specifically from the Cascades mountain range of the US state of Washington. Living in the silver birch forests bordering the boundaries of a tribe of cats, these wolves have, from the days of their ancestors, agreed to live in peaceful coexistence with the tribe, which they keep in this iteration of the pack. The ability to communicate with other animals were lost to the flow of time, but the pack, being strict followers of rule and tradition, keep this truce, as long as the cats do not come across the border, outside of observing a ceremony of theirs the wolves consider as a “rite of passage”.

The wolves of the Silverleaf Pack have a structure not unlike that of a clan of cats - the Alpha female and Alpha male lead the pack, with the Beta female and the Beta male being the second in command. The healer(s) have a strong connection to the stars (ancestors), and heal the other members with herbs found nearby. The hunters hunt and provide the pack with sources of food, and the fighters provide protection, although all wolves, by instinct, know how to defend themselves at all time of day. The apprentices make up those pups who have reached the age of six moons (months), who will be assigned mentors by the Alpha female to train as either a hunter or fighter. The mothers give birth and raise the pups who are essential to the survival of the pack. Aging wolves, known as sages, have reached a ripe old age, and are allowed to retire from their duties. As it is rare that wolves reach this point, the sages are respected, and all members take care to listen to their stories and advice that they tell. The Omegas make up the last of the ranks of the Silverleaf Pack, and these are the weakest members, or prisoners. All new members will automatically assigned the “Omega” status upon joining for a mandatory period of two moons, unless both the Alpha female and the Alpha male override this.

The Silverleaf Pack has always coexisted with the Tribe of the Shrouded Mist for countless moons, with their ancestors agreeing on keeping the boundaries between clan and pack at the start of the silver birch grove known to both as the Silverleaf Forest. And as such, these wolves had roamed the forest and surrounding area north of the tribe, and they had never encroached on their territory, and the cats of the tribe stayed well away from the forest, outside of prey-hunter final assessments, which were respected by the pack.

That was… until both tribe and pack suddenly disappeared without a trace. Nothing was heard of from either of them, and both cats and wolves who roamed the area eventually forgot about them.

A lone she-wolf, who had broken off from her previous pack in order to answer the call of the stars, arrived in the area, only to be visited by the spirits of the wolves of the long-forgotten Silverleaf Pack, imploring her to restart their proud pack and lay order to the lands where cat and wolf once lived peacefully.

I am requesting this wolf as my alpha female.

The Territory
The Silverleaf Pack’s territory covers the entirety of the expanse of silver birch forests of a mountain part of the Cascades range in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, specifically in the state of Washington. There are a total of seven “points of interest” within this territory:

The Path of Man - To the east of the forest lies an old road, called “The Path of Man”, or “Man Path” for short. The road has been abandoned by humans countless moons ago, but the acrid scent of Man can still be detected.

The River of Wails - To the west, a river runs wild through the canyons. There are rumors of wolves who went mad after spending too long in the vicinity of the river, which is said to be filled with the wails of the wolves whose spirits were rejected by the stars.

The Creeping Mists - To the south lies the domain of the Tribe of the Shrouded Mist, a tribe of wild cats, and it is covered in thick mist most of the time. It is said that the mist protects the cats from their predators, as anyone who attempts to travel into it often return hours after, dazed and confused as to why they came to run in circles. The Silverleaf Pack usually avoids this area by default, aside from routine patrols, to respect the agreement made between their ancestors and the ancestors of the Tribe.

Border Trail - To the north lies another man-made road, known to the wolves as the Border Trail. It was once a popular hiking trail for Man, but they abandoned it once the wolves reclaimed the land for themselves. They mostly call this place the Border Trail to distinguish it from the large road to the east of their territory.

The Barn - An abandoned Man’s den, the barn is located just inside the southern reaches of their territory, and is left alone by the wolves, especially when the cats of the tribe seem to engage in what the pack deems is a rite of passage of sorts for them. The barn scents heavily of mice, but out of pride and respect for their ancient treaties, the Silverleaf Pack rarely even goes near this structure.

The Camp - The main dwelling area for the Silverleaf Pack, the camp consists of a sheltered valley found near the northeastern border. There are many rocky outcrops and small cave-like areas dotted across the landscape, and the wolves make home inside such areas. Not surprisingly, the Nursery, where the mothers and pups stay, is the central point of the camp, with at least two sentry wolves stationed at each of the camp’s two entrances at any given time.

The Alpha Den - Located near the main entrance to the camp, the alphas of the Silverleaf Pack do not live in protected seclusion; instead, they put themselves in the front line if the camp is attacked, and they take pride in this.

The Beta Den - Located near the secondary entrance to the camp, the betas serve a similar purpose to the alphas, in the sense that, in the event the camp is attacked, the alphas would protect the main entrance, and the betas the secondary one.

The Healer's Den - Located near the Nursery, the healer’s den houses the healer(s), and any he/she/they choose to train as their successor. They are as protected as the mothers and pups due to the pricelessness of their abilities to heal.

The Moon Reach - The meeting point for the pack, the Moon Reach is where the Alpha female calls the pack into meeting, whenever an important decision or ceremony must be carried out.

The Cave of Stars - Located a short way from the camp, but within the same valley, lies a curious cave where, it is said, the healer, his/her/their apprentice, or the alpha female, will be sent dreams by the stars (ancestors) to guide their actions, or send the pack new packmates.

The wolves of the Silverleaf Pack don’t believe in gods or goddesses, but they do practice a form of ancestor worship in the form of venerating the stars. They believe that that the stars shining brightly in the night sky are individual spirits of wolves who have gone before them, and thanking the stars after successful hunts will please their ancestors, and in turn, the stars would advise their pack in their decisions and actions. The number 3 (three) is sacred to them, as, according to the ancient stories of the pack’s original founding, the first Alpha female and her mate, the first Alpha male, had three pups in their first litter, and they all set down important rules and regulations the pack follows to this day.

The three sets of codes that the Silverleaf Pack follows are known as the Tri-Code, and each set has their own unique name, named after the three sisters who were born to the founding pair: Lunaria's Code, Lumia's Code, and Argenta's Code.

The Silverleaf Pack’s prey mainly consist of mice, squirrels, hares, salmon, and deer. A hunting party of at least three skilled hunter wolves must be present in order to take down a full-grown deer, however.
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

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Army of the Fallen || 001

Postby ellipses » Thu Dec 20, 2018 9:35 am

𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚗
001 wolf | 001 brute | 000 fae |000 etc
002 servings needed | ancestral visit 12/19


They said he was weak - damaged goods that wouldn't survive past winter. They'd left him for dead, freezing in the cold...
But he survived. And his heart was wrought with a horrible desire for vengeance.
Wiltedpup - the name his birth mother had given him - wobbled along as he finally came across a vast, concrete jungle, filled with numerable large fleshy-dens and hollow fleshy-caves. The small wolf looked up, surveying his surroundings before deeming this a suitable headquarters to seek his revenge on those who'd dared defy him.
Before long, he'd climbed to the top of one of the fleshy-caves; it wasn't terribly difficult, as there were crates piled up to the point where he could easily leap up. (Keeping his balance, on the other hand, was a completely different story.) He bowed his head in prayer, where he stayed silent for about three minutes before staggering off the fleshy-cave to go and patrol the borders. Hopefully he'd find something worthwhile.

↪ Wiltedstar stakes his claim on Foolshope
↪ Wiltedstar requests an advisor from the ancestors
↪ Wiltedstar goes on a border patrol


Wiltedstar | 22 m | Brute |
has cerebellar hypoplasia; is small,
sickly, and loses balance often due to

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Ally Packs:
Pack Name | Username
Pack Name | Username

Enemy Packs:
Pack Name | Username
Pack Name | Username

North | Pack Name | Username
East | Pack Name | Username
South | Pack Name | Username
West | Pack Name | Username

Medicine Store
Herb | Usage
Herb | Usage

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Hare | x0 | 2s
Trout/Salmon | x0 | 3s
Large Bird | x0 | 3s
Raccoon/Beavers | x0 | 3s
Sheep/Goat | x0 | 4s
Deer/Elk | x0 | 6s
Hogs/Wild Boar | x0 | 6s

Mentor | Warscrap
# | Sw C H St F
Mentor | Warscrap
# | Sw C H St F

Deceased Wolves:
Wolf Name | Cause
Wolf Name | Cause

Name and Name | Pups
Name and Name | Pups
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Re: Create a Pack | V1 REBOOT

Postby Galipaygo » Thu Dec 20, 2018 11:26 am

𝓟𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓸𝓯 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽’𝓼 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓷

A pack living in the mountains that value the moon above all else. The alpha pair of this pack spend the first moon of every New Leaf traveling to the top of the mountain in the middle of the territory and sleeping under the stars. This act gives the alpha pair a dream of the fortune the coming year for the pack. But they aren’t allowed to tell anyone of these dreams except the Lunar Eyes. As the year unravels, the alpha pair do what they can to avoid the dream's fortune or influence its happening. It's rumored that one year the alpha pair will get a dream of darkness the whole night and must sacrifice themselves before the season's end or risk the pack's demise. The whole pack will be told of this tragic outcome the next moon so they can properly prep for the coming year.

•Lunar Eyes: These are all the blind members of the pack, the only ones allowed to interpret dreams of alpha pair. They are worshiped in the pack and always treated as highly as the alpha pair. When one of the Lunar Eyes passes on, there is a ceremony held all night where all wolves sit vigil and mourn, then the next day the other Lunar Eyes will take the body to a sacred burial ground apart from where the rest of the pack members are buried. This place is considered the closest to the Wolves of Stars - where all wolves of pure heart go to live until the end of time. Lunar Eyes can only have pups if the alpha pair have a dream of great fertility, and if that happens they can choose any wolf worthy enough to have pups with.
•Lunar Elite: Lunar Elite are the most worthy wolves in the pack - tasked with guarding and protecting the Lunar Eyes. The Lunar Elite consist of the alpha pair's first litter, any wolves that prove worthy, and wolves sent from Wolves of Stars to fill the position. Lunar Elite are trained by other Lunar Elites only and are never allowed to have pups of their own. If a Lunar Elite has pups they are exiled and their pups will become lowest of the Starless rank. Lunar Elite can never leave the ranks unless they are deceased or get an injury that affects their ability to protect Lunar Eyes. If they leave the ranks and don't die they become revered elders of the pack.
•Dancing Stars These are a pair of wolves that will accompany the alpha pair to the mountain and sit watch all night long, often being met by ancestors to learn from the past that may be important. Dancing Stars are guarded by one Lunar Elite, often titled the Lunar Star, but will never be an alpha, beta, shaman, or have apprentices. They can only have one litter that will be destined to have the oldest spend a whole season alone. If they come back alive, they will be trained by a Lunar Elite and will be in line to be the next beta whenever they become alpha pair or die, though they cannot choose their mate. That is still decided by the Lunar Eyes. Dancing Stars are wolves only sent by the Wolves of Stars, as these wolves must be in close relation at some point of their past to Wolves of Stars. These wolves will never leave this rank under any circumstance.
•Shamans: There are 4 shaman sub-ranks; Lunar Eyes Shamans, Alpha/Beta Shamans, Warrior Shamans, and Nursery Shamans. All have different specialties, and the Lunar Eyes Shamans will be all disabled shamans that aren’t blind or Starless. These shamans will heal Lunar Eyes and Lunar Elite, Alpha/Beta shamans are shamans that heal alpha/beta pair and any pups they have until they take a rank, Warrior shamans heal all warriors and apprentices as well as are trained to be in battlefields and fighting if every there is a threat to the pack (enemy packs, humans, bears, ...), and Nursery shamans aid with birthing of any pups from any rank - even the alpha/betas and Lunar Eyes.
•The Starless: These are pups born to a deceased mother. They are seen as bad omens and treated at the omegas of the pack. They are trained by Lunar Eyes to care for themselves, but will never go on a patrol or hunting party with any wolf outside their rank. They aren't allowed to meetings, ceremonies, and gatherings unless dire times call for it. They heal themselves, so a nursery shaman teaches them basics, and pups will only have an adopted mother that is a Starless herself. Starless can mate with whomever they wish given it's not an alpha/beta or Dancing Star, and are rumored to be destined to go to Wolves of Shadows when they die - the place where all cursed wolves live until the end of time. Wolves can only leave the Starless rank if they birth or father a litter of pups that have a Lunar Eyes in it. From then on they can choose one of the warrior ranks to be trained into. Litters from Starless will be given a rank option at apprentice hood like normal pups for they aren't sinned like their parents, unless they are born to a deceased mother too.
•Alpha pair pups: The first alpha litter will dedicate all pups to the Lunar Elite rank, no exceptions unless a pup is born blind (Lunar Eyes) or disabled (Lunar Eyes Shaman). The second litter's oldest will be next in line to become alpha and from then on the pups can choose their desired occupation once they reach the age of apprentice hood.
•Beta pair pups: The pups of the beta pair will be treated as normal apprentices and warriors/shamans until there is a litter born with a Lunar Eyes. At that point, the oldest of the litter that is the opposite gender of the alpha pair's next in line will become next in line to become the alpha and will become mates with the oldest of the alpha pair's second litter. If there are no Lunar Eyes born to a beta pair by the time the alpha pair dies then the Lunar Eyes will choose an offspring to become the next alpha.
•Warriors: There are three sub-ranks for warriors: Hunters, Guards, and Patrollers. Hunters are the best wolves in the pack at hunting. They train future hunters though still are able to defend the pack as warriors. Guards are specialized as the sentinels for the pack - keeping the camp safe, keeping shamans gathering herbs safe, and guarding any wolf training an apprentice unless they themselves are training an apprentice. They can act as warriors and fight for the clan as well. Patrollers are wolves that are keen on finding things that may threaten or help the clan. They are the best at swimming and hiding unlike the other warrior sub-ranks and go out on boarder patrols. They also act as warriors in times of defense or attack.
•Apprentices: Apprentice can choose the rank they wish to be trained into (given it is not a rank closed like Dancing Stars, alpha/beta, Lunar Eyes, Lunar Elite, Starless). They will be trained by a wolf in that rank to learn how to fulfill the role. This rank cannot be changed after that point unless the wolf retires to elder, becomes disabled but is willing to become a Lunar Eyes Shaman, or is chosen to become a Lunar Elite.
•Event of alpha pair death before heirs are born: Beta pair will become alpha pair and they will be told by the stars the next beta pair that night when they sleep on the mountain, no matter the season.
•Event of alpha and beta pairs death before heirs born: - The Lunar Eyes will send two (along with a chosen Lunar Guard) to sleep on the mountain and choose the new alpha and beta pair in their dreams. Until the new alpha and beta pair are chosen, the Dancing Stars will act as the pack leaders.

This pack lives in a mountainous region in Canada, with the tallest mountain in the territory used for the sacred ceremony of alphas, betas, or Lunar Eyes sleeping for dreams from Wolves of Stars. The territory is full of massive trees, waterfalls lakes and rivers, and some openings that are used to train the apprentices if it is the right location.

May I request Renvu to be my alpha male and Sentashi to be my alpha female? If I can only have one alpha to start I will start with Renvu.
Also, when my pack starts having pups can my mod roll for blindness and disabilities? Chance for blindness could be anywhere form 5%-100% (100% if both parents are blind) and often disabilities are about 10%?
Devote oneself to something beautiful.


"May your dreams become bestsellers" -Galipaygo
"Don't listen to what others say. They don't know you and your limits." -?

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cap | founder replies + response

Postby astrohund » Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:22 pm

      solyn wrote:Image

        • howls of approval suddenly ring through the air, destroying the silence that was enveloped the atmosphere. the heavens call for a new pack to be brought forth into the world, this pack's name shall be northreach──to be led by this wolf. will the pack be good or will the pack be bad? will the pack survive or will the pack perish? this shall be determined by their actions.
        xxxx ↳ hello and welcome to create a pack. please be sure to fill in your prey/herb list and founder's info in your post. your mod shall be determined.

      winter solstice. wrote:Image

        • howls of approval suddenly ring through the air, destroying the silence that was enveloped the atmosphere. the heavens call for a new pack to be brought forth into the world, this pack's name shall be the silverleaf pack──to be led by this wolf. will the pack be good or will the pack be bad? will the pack survive or will the pack perish? this shall be determined by their actions.
        xxxx ↳ hello and welcome to create a pack. please be sure to fill in your prey/herb list and founder's info in your post. your mod shall be determined.

      Galipaygo wrote:Image

        • howls of approval suddenly ring through the air, destroying the silence that was enveloped the atmosphere. the heavens call for a new pack to be brought forth into the world, this pack's name shall be the pack of night's fallen──to be led by this wolf and their mate. will the pack be good or will the pack be bad? will the pack survive or will the pack perish? this shall be determined by their actions.
        xxxx ↳ hello and welcome to create a pack. please be sure to fill in your prey/herb list and founder's info in your post. your mod shall be determined.

      classy n flashy wrote:Image

        • now that WILTEDSTAR has claimed the land, it belongs to him and any wolf that dares to step near it is considered to be trespassing.

        • during the night, the stars shine vividly for WILTEDSTAR as he says his request to the skies above, and faintly, the young and humbled face of a wolf appears and dissipates. just by telling from their face, the male could easily tell that they are quite inexperienced, which is usual for their age, but given the right guidance and leisure of training──they can succeed with their job. they are to arrive in the next moon or so, and their story shall continue within the confines of the pack. what will they truly become?

        • the sun glimmers down on the very earth, lighting up the world and filling the day with a slight aura of cheerfulness and optimism──it helps WILTEDSTAR push through the patrol, successfully marking every border of his pack's territory. it was peaceful and tranquil during the patrol, but whilst on his way back to the pack's base──he stumbles upon an unfamiliar scent, the scent of a wolf──the scent is fresh and recent. given this information, he has two options──he could follow the scent and see who has been wandering in his territory, or he could leave it be and carry on his way. which will he choose?
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Re: Create a Pack | V1 REBOOT

Postby NightWolf950 » Thu Dec 20, 2018 1:49 pm



"Your time is now
Start where you stand
and never back down."


The Ochiru Sora have made their home at the bottom of Mt. Fuji in a small valley
guarded by thick underbrush and tall trees. With the mountain to their backs and
the wall of underbrush and trees in front it's well protected from most dangers. The
Ochiru Sora use the cave systems with in the mountain as dens for their shelter and
storage areas. Within the cave system is also a medium pool of water used for
their main source of water.

The pack is well known by many other packs for being one of the more ruthless and
brutal packs. Lead by a pair of puphood friends; a large hot-tempered male named
Akuma and a timid petite female named Hikari. The Ochiru Sora does not tolerate
the week, often killing those who have no hope in recovering from an illness or are
to week to thrive. The pack's females have it the hardest as there are only a few
options for them. Barring pups, become an Herbalist and finally becoming a scout.
However becoming an Herbalist means they are not aloud to have pups ever, and will
be killed if they break that law. Even then only the strongest females may become a
scout, the rest are then forced into becoming mothers. However there are extremely
rare acceptations where a small paw-full of females may join the ranks of the guards.
The only acceptation to these laws is Hikari, as she's held in high respects by all. Hikari
is also the only one able to calm the "demon" (Akuma). No one dares mistreat Hikari or
they risk losing their life for showing disrespect.
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★ — ` amarok empire.

Postby carpe noctem. » Thu Dec 20, 2018 4:18 pm



    For the demons of the Amarok Empire, hell is like holy ground. And to their victims, they are the embodiment of hell.
    They are the brutes of the north, with gleaming fangs stained red with blood, veins flowing of ice and lips dripping
    of crimson. These wolves are no mere predator, they are the production of chaos and carnage; they are, quite truly,
    demons. Many believe they are simply fictional, for the stories of gruesome murder and sacrifice haunt every fable,
    so horrible and immoral that many refuse to believe the truth for their own sanity. yet, these beliefs are false. The
    Amarok Empire is real, and they are rising once again. From the ashes of the kingdom they once were, these sinister
    wolves will arise, once again setting pain and chaos upon their victims.
    And may god have mercy on their enemies; for they will not.

    The Amarok Empire resides within the icy clutches of the far north, claiming the vast mountain range and the seas that lay
    beyond it. These lands are often blanketed with delicate sheets of snow, and they live in harsh northern lands, with winter
    being much longer than most packs, sometimes leaving them without even a trace of the warmth so many are blessed with
    in the severe years. The bay is a popular place among the pack, the shores and small pools often used as fishing grounds.
    Whales, seals and orcas are common sights. Past the shores is the thick forests that lay before the mountains, where many
    rivers and lakes reside. Within the base of the mountains there is the mouth to a rather intricate cave system, one that
    perhaps was once a mine, now long abandoned by the humans that would have worked within it. The mines are now used
    to reach the peak of the mountain much quicker than it would be by foot outside the mines. It also leads out to two rather
    important places, firstly the camp, and secondly the place of Viynhul. The camp is a spacious section of mines that looks
    out onto rocky forest terrain (quite similar to this). The place of Viynhul is a divine place that is thought to be the resting
    place of their god, Viynhul, when he was in mortal form. It is near the peak of the mountain, which stays snowy all year.
    Looking near the northeastern border is a place of sacrifice nicknamed “the veil”. It is constantly flows lava from steep cliffs,
    falling into the abyss. It is incredibly dangerous, and for that reason it is often used to execute or sacrifice wolves.

    The ranking system is set apart from other packs, and it holds many ranks of three different classes. The high class, the middle class and the low class, respectively. Very few ranks are not unacceptable to be challenged for, with official rank battles happening once every moon, where wolves will challenge another for their rank. Of course, there is no rule forbidding rank challenges happening at other times, though the majority of wolves find it is better to do it on the day that it is annouced. The ranks of the pack follow.

    Emperor/Empress — They rule over the kennel with a authority that trumps all other. It isn’t necessary for them to have a mate to rule beside them, with the mate of the monarch being a different rank altogether.
    Consort — The partner of the monarch. They do not officially possess the same power as the monarch, though because they are so closely connected to them they are often treated as such.
    Royal Advisors — The royal advisors are two— often times a partner to the other— wolves that act as both assistants to the Monarch and Consort but also as betas. They will take charge if the monarch is unable to fulfill their duties, and often monitor pack life.
    Prophet — A spiritual aide and healer within the pack.
    Elders — A self-explanatory rank, elders are wolves too old to hold any other rank. Despite the cruel nature to the empire, elders are treated exceptionally well and are highly respected.
    Commander Of War — The chief wolf who is both intelligent and talented in fighting, the commander oversees all work of the wolves in his divisions and works along the monarch in war strategy.
    The Elite Soldiers — This division is reserved for the more seasoned fighters that have proved their fierce loyalty and tenacity along with talent in fighting.
    Combatants — The bulk of the pack, they hunt, fight and scout for the pack. Most wolves will end up in this rank.
    Dams — The wolves that have either given birth or are expecting. This is a temporary rank.
    Novices — Often between six to twelve moons, they are training to become a specific rank.
    Young — The pups of the pack, under six moons of age.

    if possible, may this be the image of my founder?
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Re: Create a Pack | V1 REBOOT

Postby Galipaygo » Thu Dec 20, 2018 4:31 pm

        𝓟𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓸𝓯 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽’𝓼 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓷
        Number of Wolves: 2
        Servings of Food Needed 2

        From the once lone boulders decorating the base of the mountains, two wolves emerge with heads held high. The black wolf like midnight looks across the lands decorated with unclaimed trees and rivers with burning eyes of determination. The white wolf like starlight watches the black one, waiting for a sign to move on or make home. He gave a curt nod and they both jumped off the boulder to make their way around what they would now call home. As they ventured around, the spoke more and more as if claiming these lands were opening them up more and more. The two began to smile, play, and also find time to do tasks needed like hunting or watching more closely...
        As the sun began to fall the two pushed on to make the territory their own. Once satisfied, the stars had already been running for a few hours and the moon nearing the middle of the sky. The pair of wolves sat a moment longer on a mountain, silently talking to Wolves of Stars, and asking for aid to grow their new pack dedicated to the night that the ancestors claimed as their lands for many generations before this alpha pair.

        [Renvu and Sentashi mark the territory]
        [Renvu hunts]
        [Sentashi patrols the boarders]
        [Renvu and Sentashi request a Lunar Eyes]

        The pack consumes ___, __ servings!
        Note to mod: Lunar Eyes are blind wolves of any age. Am I correct that my third post will be when my pack begins consuming prey?

      Alpha Pair:
      Renvu | 67 moons | Male |
      Sentashi | 62 moons | Female |

      Dancing Stars:
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]

      Beta Pair:
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]

      Lunar Eyes:
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]

      Lunar Elite:
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | Rank | [url=link]☾[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | Specialty | [url=link]☾[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | Specialty | [url=link]☾[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | Training For | [url=link]☾[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | Training For | [url=link]☾[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]
    Ally Packs:
    Pack Name | Username
    Pack Name | Username

    Enemy Packs:
    Pack Name | Username
    Pack Name | Username

    North | Pack Name | Username
    North-East | Pack Name | Username
    East | Pack Name | Username
    South-East | Pack Name | Username
    South | Pack Name | Username
    South-West | Pack Name | Username
    West | Pack Name | Username
    North-West | Pack Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage | Amount
    Herb | Usage | Amount

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Squirrel | x0 | 1 servings
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Snake | x0 | 2 servings
    Trout/Salmon | x0 | 3 servings
    Racoon/Beaver | x0 | 3 servings
    Deer/Elk | x0 | 6 servings

    Mentor | Trainee | No. of training sessions
    Mentor | Trainee | No. of training sessions

    Deceased Wolves:
    Wolf Name | Cause of Death
    Wolf Name | Cause of Death

    Sentashi and Renvu | Alphas | Pups
    Name and Name | Ranks | Pups

    First Post:
Devote oneself to something beautiful.


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Re: Create a Pack | V1 REBOOT

Postby Bumbletear » Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:39 am

reviving my old alt-site dog pack for this :3

My pack is called the Pack of Ringing Bells
They live in an abandoned city, and their camp is the old railroad station. They got their name from the large metal bell that hangs from the top of their camp's building. Whenever the alpha wants to summon the other dogs for a pack meeting, or for a ceremony, or for any other reason, he has the dog he has chosen to one day take his place*, grab hold of the rope that hangs from the bell, and wave it around, this causes the bell to ring throughout the territory.

*In the Ringing Bells, or just the Bells, instead of having the Beta take over after the Alpha dies or retires, the Alpha picks a Dog-in-Training who has just come of age to train. The dog will take on a temporary spot, whatever the alpha was, but will also help the Alpha out whenever assistance is needed, but whenever alpha gives them permission, they will be able to go either scout or hunt, depending on what the Alpha trained them for.
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Postby panzram » Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:04 am

𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐏 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    xxxxxxxxwith blood the color of midnight, the wolves of the north, calling themselves house black, are known as nightbloods. they are alike to demons, with long, sharp claws and gleaming fangs, guarding the premises of the island dragonstone with ferocity. these wolves of the north are not known to be kind, but cruel and unforgiving. their ways and their laws are harsh━but they must be followed if you are to survive and thrive in their king’s court.
    xxxxxxxxthe wolves of house black are known for their big, towering frames and broad shoulders, their muscles rippling underneath their pelts, which are more often than not ragged with scars. black and white wolves are the rarest of coat colors━even more so when born in a litter. those who are born with those coat colors, however, are believed to be sent from the gods and are highly respected within the house━more often than not, they have become queen or king, with brown, grey, or even silver being more common than black or white. many wolves who have taken rank in house black are those who have stumbled upon the island as a mistake, usually as loners or rogues. but there are some, though few, who have escaped from clay harbor, too far south from dragonstone to ever be a threat━but those who fled from previously being owned may often have cropped ears, which isn’t unusual but not commonly found. the wolves of house black are also known for their crimson war paint, when attending gatherings or attacking their enemies.
    xxxxxxxxthe nightbloods are pagans, believing in more than one god who had come before even they had settled on dragonstone━they are known as the six of crows, after their belief that black crows are sent from them down to dragonstone in the house’s time of great need. the king or queen, maester, and the maester’s apprentice are supposed to be the only wolves who can speak with them. when the moon is at its preak, the court has its annual nightbleeder, when the wolves of house black come together for feasting and celebration. during the nightbleeder, pups and the adults in the house play a game fondly known as mossball, hosting mini tournaments to see whom is the best at the sport. they also have what is known as the full moon festival, the night when the whole pack comes for what is known as the pack howl.

    xxxxxxxxking━the reigning sovereign.
    xxxxxxxxking consort━the king’s mate.
    xxxxxxxxdauphin━the eldest son.
    xxxxxxxxprogeny━other offspring.
    xxxxxxxxthe council
    xxxxxxxxhand of the king━the king’s second in command.
    xxxxxxxxmaester’s apprentice (doesn’t serve on council)
    xxxxxxxxmiddle tier rankings
    xxxxxxxxkingsguard━senior nightbloods/leaders of divisions.
    xxxxxxxxnightbloods━divided into divisions, lead by kingsguard.
    xxxxxxxxalso referred to as natblida.
    xxxxxxxxseconds━apprentices to the nightbloods + kingsguard.
    xxxxxxxxdames━nightbloods expecting or nursing pups.
    xxxxxxxxlower tier rankings
    xxxxxxxxservants━also known as omegas.

    may this wolf be my king?

    credit note:
    ━ nightbloods/natblida/nightbleeder belong to the 100.
    ━ dragonstone, house, hand of the king, maester,
    kingsguard, etc belong to game of thrones.
    none of these things belong to me, all credit goes to their creators.
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cap | founder replies

Postby astrohund » Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:11 am

      noctem. wrote:ImageImage

        • howls of approval suddenly ring through the air, destroying the silence that was enveloped the atmosphere. the heavens call for a new pack to be brought forth into the world, this pack's name shall be the amarok empire──to be led by this wolf. will the pack be good or will the pack be bad? will the pack survive or will the pack perish? this shall be determined by their actions.
        xxxx ↳ hello and welcome to create a pack. please be sure to fill in your prey/herb list and founder's info in your post. your mod shall be determined.

      Bumbletear wrote:Image

        • howls of approval suddenly ring through the air, destroying the silence that was enveloped the atmosphere. the heavens call for a new pack to be brought forth into the world, this pack's name shall be the pack of ringing bells──to be led by this wolf. will the pack be good or will the pack be bad? will the pack survive or will the pack perish? this shall be determined by their actions.
        xxxx ↳ hello and welcome to create a pack. please be sure to fill in your prey/herb list and founder's info in your post. your mod shall be determined.

      panzram wrote:Image

        • howls of approval suddenly ring through the air, destroying the silence that was enveloped the atmosphere. the heavens call for a new pack to be brought forth into the world, this pack's name shall be house black──to be led by this wolf. will the pack be good or will the pack be bad? will the pack survive or will the pack perish? this shall be determined by their actions.
        xxxx ↳ hello and welcome to create a pack. please be sure to fill in your prey/herb list and founder's info in your post. your mod shall be determined.

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