➤ E V I C T E D ||《warriors rp》-- open!

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➤ E V I C T E D ||《warriors rp》-- open!

Postby dreaming. » Fri Nov 16, 2018 4:32 pm


it crept in slowly. the smell wafted from the west; a thick,
all-encompassing stench of black pollution. the type .mons
ters .spew from .their ends. the .sky began to grow dark as
a black cloud encased the heavens above. everyone in the
clan had their eyes on the sky, staring up at the strange ph
enomenon. you took a deep breath in through your .mouth
before sputtering into a .coughing fit. the air stung your th
roat and tasted absolutely disgusting. the sound of rumblin
g ground, mechanical whirls and cracking trees drowned yo
u out. the heathclan leader shot through the mapleclan ca
mp followed by a wave of every single cat residing in heath
clan. "run!" they hollered. "they are destroying the forest!"


welcome to "evicted", a traveling warriors roleplay.. in thi
s roleplay two opposing clans must work together in order
to get past each new land to find a new home. the fate of
the clans are in the paws of their members. a new prophe
cy and/or omen will be . released for each .new territory.


evicted is a roleplay that. caters to roleplayers who. enjoy
creating complicated, unique characters. it is set . up in a
way to always allow drama and conflict. evicted will be pr
imarily steered by suggestions from its roleplayers and the
decisions their cats make. so as a note to all future and ro
leplayers: give it your all! -------------------------------------->

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➤ r u l e s

Postby dreaming. » Fri Nov 16, 2018 6:57 pm


(i)...cs rules apply...(ii)...minimum literacy is two paragraphs or roughly
200 words...(iii)...forms shall be posted on the discussion thread. please
include name, age, gender, clan and title...(iv)...i will impose no charac
ter limit...(v)...keep all characters realistic but unique. complicated per
sonalities and disabilities are welcomed...(vi)...two clans wont mesh wel
l so its fine to create physical or verbal fights between characters. not e
veryone in the same clan needs to get along either...(vi)...no seriously in
juring another character without permission...(vii)...feel free to suggest
ideas, archs, or plot developments...(viii)...the high ranks limit will be t
wo max...(ix)...cats may not have the same prefix/suffix...(x)...all signa
tures will be disabled on roleplay thread...(xi)...no god-modding..........
Last edited by dreaming. on Sun Dec 30, 2018 3:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby dreaming. » Fri Nov 16, 2018 6:58 pm

████xxxxMAPLECLANxxxxxxxxxxxx(cats from the maple tree forest)

leader.................(beetlestar) x
deputy..................(snaketail) x
medicine cat(s).....(willowpelt) x
.....................(flutterbreeze) x
med. apprentice.......(owlpaw) x
(clayfur) x ............................
(rowanstep) x ........................
(stagleap) x ..........................
(basiltoe) x ...........................
(adderstrike) x .......................
(aspenblood) x .......................
(dewharvest) x ........................
(name) x ..............................
(name) x ..............................
|| apprentices........................
|| (softpaw) x ........................
|| (fogpaw) x .........................
|| (name) x ...........................
|| (name) x ...........................
|| (name) x ...........................
|| (name) x ...........................
|| queens..............................
|| (name) x ...........................
|| (name) x ...........................
|| elders...............................
|| (name) x ...........................
|| (name) x ...........................

think with your HEART
(x) (x) (x) (x)

mapleclan cats are thick-bodied,
stout cats who are .shorter .than
heathclan cats. They are built fo
r power, climbing and short burst
of speed. The dominating fur len
gth is short or thick/bushy long h
air. They come in all colors but a
re less likely to have large amoun
ts of white. They are a clan of pri
deful, hardworking cats that do n
ot enjoy being helped. They are s
ensitive and easily get riled up.

and follow your GUTS


xxxxHEATHCLANxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(cats from the heath fields)
leader................(vanillastar) x
deputy..................(loonfrost) x
medicine cat(s)......(finchstep) x
.........................(bonewing) x
med. apprentice....(nettlepaw) x
(frostcloud) x ........................
(emberfoot) x ........................
(blackstreak) x .......................
(peachwhisker) x .......................
(cherrylight) x .......................
(name) x ..............................
(name) x ..............................
(name) x ..............................
(name) x ..............................
(name) x ..............................
(name) x ..............................
|| apprentices........................
|| (scorchedpaw) x ..................
|| (creekpaw) x ......................
|| (otterpaw)x ......................
|| (sunpaw) x .........................
|| (rookpaw) x .......................
|| (name) x ...........................
|| (name) x ...........................
|| (name) x ...........................
|| queens..............................
|| (name) x ...........................
|| (name) x ...........................
|| elders...............................
|| (name) x ...........................
|| (name) x ...........................

think with your BRAIN
(x) (x) (x) (x)

heathclan cats are lean-bodied,
streamline cats who are taller t
han mapleclan cats. They are b
uilt for running .long .distance,
agility and swimming. The domi
nating fur length is short or sem
i-longhair. They come in all colo
rs but are more likely to have la
rge amounts of .white. They are
a cunning clan of strategical cat
s who .will do what needs to be
done. They are cocky, curious a
nd talkative.

and follow your WITS


|| reserved x ................... {loner} .................. {joining time here} ...............
|| reserved x ................. {position} ................. {joining time here} ...............
|| reserved x ................. {position} ................. {joining time here} ...............
|| reserved x ................. {position} ................. {joining time here} ...............
Last edited by dreaming. on Thu Apr 11, 2019 4:20 am, edited 19 times in total.
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➤ r e l a t i o n s & i n f o

Postby dreaming. » Fri Nov 16, 2018 7:56 pm


related/related [relation]
(cherrylight)/(peachwhisker) siblings



leader & deputy information
(i)...trained in basics of herbs...(ii)..
.share a sleeping place with deputy..
.(iii)...watch and participate in train
ing sessions mentors have...(iv)...dis
cuss everything with their deputy an
d medicine cats...(v)...only see starc
lan during and after death ----------->

medicine cat information
(i)...starclan only appears to them...
(ii)...it usually takes 15 moons to bec
ome a full-fledged medicine cat...(iii)
...trained in the basics of fighting...(i
v)...mates and kits arent forbidden bu
t looked down on considering how bus
y the job is ------------------------------>
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➤ update

Postby dreaming. » Fri Nov 16, 2018 8:35 pm

➤ news
> the clans have been evicted from their
territory via twolegs and their monsters
> mapleclan accepts heathclans request
for alliance --------------------------------->
> medicine cats are feeling ill ---------->
> mapleclan and heathclan officially ally
one another -------------------------------->
> whitestar sends a prophecy to flutterb
reeze ---------------------------------------->
➤ location
> heathclan and mapleclan reside in sep
erate alleys -------------------------------->
> heathclan and mapleclan reside in wh
at was once the heathclan alleyway --->
> the stars frantically attempt contact
> the stars connect to flutterbreeze

I smell smoke, I smell fire
I see governor, I see commander
I hear damnation, I hear salvation
I feel splitting fates in the aggressive as
they glare at the fish and their claws twitch
This is threat, This is savior
This is who chooses who lives and dies
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➤ E V I C T E D ||《start》

Postby dreaming. » Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:48 pm

Last edited by dreaming. on Sun Dec 30, 2018 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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➤ vanilla (1), clay (1), scorched (1)

Postby dreaming. » Wed Nov 21, 2018 1:13 pm

    (( forty-five moons • tom • h. leader • h. alleyway • tagged;; pebblesky

    Droplets of polluted water ran down his whiskers, gleaming in the moonlight. Vanillastar’s fur sagged with the weight of the foul water, making his lean body appear frail. The cold of the night seeped under his white pelt, now appearing beige from filth, to bite at his skin. A dramatic response common of Vanillastar and his excitable kin wasn’t earned from the element’s hearty efforts. His theatrics were replaced with a despondent stare locked on the gravel beneath him.
    Vanillastar pawed at the strange ground. He took a sharp breath, eyes fluttering close to reimage his settings. The hard substance below slowly morphed into soft, cool grass. The chatter of monsters roaring across roads were reborn into that of birdsong and frog croaks. He sighed, body relaxing at the thought of moist dirt being kicked up from a stream’s bedside by cheerful apprentices. He flicked his ear, hearing the sound of water splashing as an irritated warrior blamed their failed fishing endeavors on said apprentices being noisy.
    The sharp honk of a monster snatched him away from these pleasant images and on to all fours. He peered around only to see his homeless clanmates huddling under metal structures to avoid the light drizzle of rain. Vanillastar lumbered towards one of these structures to sit next to his deputy, Pebblesky. Vanillastar stole a glance at the calico, pain obvious in his eyes. He diverted his gaze back to the ground.
    No matter how long he wallowed in pity it wouldn’t change the past. Yesterday would live in infamy for as long as Heathclan would exist.

    The morning before was as warm as it was strange. Hunting patrols bounced back into camp with high tails and proud apprentices. Their eyes were crinkled with happiness as plump rodents swung limp in their jaws. Prey were rummaging daringly close to camp. The oddity was taken as a good omen to most.
    This would mean a Greenleaf of unusually easy food and few hardships. Apprentices could spend more free time in play, adventure and sparring rather than scrounging around for prey for extended periods of time. Fewer hunting parties would need to be sent out and since the one that did leave came back quickly, warriors could laze around with full bellies. It was going to be a good day. It was going to be a relaxing day.

    Then the black clouds came.

    They loomed high in the air, threatening Starclan above. Every cat had turned their eyes to the sky, looking up from the dip in the earth they called home. Vanillastar had opened his mouth only to snap it back close in disgust. The air was putrid in taste and smell. He didn’t have much time to complain before wildlife scurried through the tall heaths that ringed around their camp. He eyed the peculiar sight. Did these creatures have no nose? Surely, they could smell that they were in the lair of their predators?
    Before Vanillastar could think more on the prey’s strange actions, loud snaps could be heard in the distance. His orange tail lashed in building anxiety. A booming crash rung through the air; The unmistakable sound of a tree crashing down. Vanillastar had tilted his in confusion. What could fell a tree with such ease? There were few trees in Heathclan but all were strong and sturdy things.
    The answer peered down at the cats. Its body was an eye straining yellow and had paws blacker than night. It ripped up the tall heaths that concealed the camp and crushed branches underfoot. Vanillastar had frozen in that moment, only able to gaze up at the monstrosity with wide eyes. Never had he seen a monster like this nor had one ever dare step foot of its thunderpath.
    It was when the dogwood tree that stood proud over the camp smashed down next to him did he jolt to life. "Flee!" He screamed. "Flee to the twoleg’s place, we can’t fight this!" More monsters began to enter the tiny dip in earth, tearing up everything in sight. They rolled over family and friends. Young and old. Anyone not fast enough.
    Vanillastar hurried his fellow clanmates away from them, yowling in panic as plants crashed around him and dens went flying. "Run straight and Run fast." He hopped over wreckage. "Don’t stop until you have exited the forest!"

    Vanillastar exited those memories, wanting to relive them no further. He had already had a monster rush past him, splashing him with dirty water and had two-leg kits throw a can at him. He wanted no more of this back luck. He glanced around at his clanmates again before resting his eyes on Pebblesky once more. The pain in his eyes was replaced with fury. "I’m out of answers!" He hissed. "I’m tired of test." He yelled at the sky, glaring up at his ancestors. "What do we do now?" He raked his claws against the gravel before collapsing to his stomach, tired from his tantrum and an exhausting day of finding no food. "What do we do now?" He said once more, in a weak tone.

    (( thirty-six moons • tom • m. warrior • m. alleyway • tagged;; rowanstep, mousestep, beetlestar, pebblesky

    Water splashed under his restless paws. He had been like this for quite some time now; pacing back and forth with unwavering determination. Clayfurs face was scrunched up in irritation. Unresolved anger boiled under his pelt, threatening to burst at any moment. Mapleclan had no land to their name as of now nor a safe place to lay their weary heads. Every member of his clan was crowded deep in an alleyway, all dreary from the events that transpired between yesterday and today.
    Clayfur scoffed at their pitiful state. He began to tear at the paved ground but quickly stopped due to how unpleasant it felt. The feeling was much different and much less satisfying than scratching wood or tearing at grass. A growl rumbled in his throat. Nothing in this two-legs place was right. Everything was so peculiar and wretched.

    The morning before was incredibly nice. He wished it had staid nice. Cats were sunning atop of rocks and others engaging in light sparring. Hunting parties were coming back to camp with great success, Clayfur included. Prey was abundant in Green-leaf, but today they were usually abundant. It was as if every prey item fled from Heathclan and into their claws.
    Most had ate that day already, some even having a second helping. Clayfur had made sure to pay the medicine cat den a visit to gift Mousestep a rather fat rabbit he captured. It was a rare find as they usually stuck to the Heaths. He gloated light-heartedly about his amazing speed before excusing himself from her company. With a belly stuffed and fur pleasantly warm from the sun’s rays, he had climbed a toppled maple tree in camp. It was a communal resting place cats used to escape the heat under and it was also an excellent scratching post.
    Clayfur had been tearing at the wood and purring in enjoyment when they came. It was like a raging sea. First, a tiny apprentice from Heathclan came out of a bush. Then a few of warriors trailed behind them. Clayfur’s sorrel fur shot up in fear. Was Heathclan posing an attack on their clan? Where had this come from? Both clans shared their animosities for another but nothing from previous gathers had indicated a brewing war.
    Concern was replaced with confusion as they continued to run a straight line out of their camp. Clayfur jumped down from his position on the tree trunk, staring on in awe. Not long passed before a Heathclan warrior collided with him, toppling Clayfur over just like the maple tree in their camp. Clayfur hissed in pain, attempting to get up only to be stepped on by yet another Heathclan warrior. Soon, the entire camp was flooded with a sea of panicked Heathclan cats trampling anyone in their way. Clayfur had to give it to them. If this was their strategy to beat them it was working rather well.
    "Run!" Clayfur scrambled up the maple tree again to spot Vanillastar screaming. "They are destroying the forest!" Clayfur cocked his head spotting Pebblesky. He hopped down next to her, hoping to get a coherent answer. "Why are you all running us over?" Before he could get an answer from her the unmistakable sound of falling tree came from behind him. He turned to watch as monsters rolled into the clearing, knocking over trees and letting cats be crushed by them.

    Clayfur hissed as he recalled those events. "We need to go back." He broke his obsessive pacing in favor of talking to Rowanstep. "They might be gone by now and we need to bury our dead." His large, plume of a tail lashed side to side. Perhaps he should bring this up to Beetlestar instead. He was the only one who could truly order the clan to do something. Maybe his suggestion would resonate with him. He glanced over at the massive cat, suddenly feeling a bit nervous.

    (( eight moons• molly • h. apprentice • h. alleyway • tagged;; otterpaw, creekpaw

    It was cold. Too cold for her.

    Scorchedpaws fur was short and light giving her little to no protection from the night air. She trembled in her sleep, breathing heavy raspy breaths. Rain droplets plopped rhythmically onto her nose, waking the already irked molly. She blinked her bleary eyes in a poor attempt to rid herself of her tiredness. Another rain droplet landed on her nose to her annoyance. The mottled apprentice sat up straight, rubbing a paw over her nose to dry it. She wrinkled her nose only to have a multitude of rain droplets fall on her face. "Ugh!" She shook her head in irritation. Scorchedpaw sulked over to Creekpaw, pressing herself in their fur. "Who needs a den with fur like yours, Creekpaw." She meowed halfheartedly, not even in the mood for her own jokes. Her ears flattened as she looked at Vanillastar losing his composure minute by minute. She sighed. The world seemed to have condemned them all to the same fate. They were nothing more than a group of rouges now. The similarities were striking after all. They were all mangy looking and had no home. Scorchedpaw didn’t honestly want to think of the situation. Even if it was staring her directly in the eyes, shed pretend she couldn’t see it. "Where is otterpaw at? Im getting bored of playing alleycat. Kind of want to play warrior apprentice right now."
Last edited by dreaming. on Sun Jan 20, 2019 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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pebblesky, hawkfeather, mousestep

Postby broken* » Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:59 pm

    . ── P E B B L E S K Y
    ( 42 moons) ( molly ) ( heathclan ) ( deputy ) ( mentor of otterpaw) ( tags: vanillastar ) ( location: alley )
    . ── help others achieve their dreams & you will achieve yours.

      it had been just another day in the life for the clan. she had assigned various patrols to go out, some for hunting, some for border patrol, etc. the calico molly had arranged herself to be out checking the borders with a few other warriors, and good god she wished she hadnt made them go out there, looking back now. she was the only member of the patrol of four that survived, being right there are the two-leg monsters roared to life and destroyed everything around them. pebblesky had run faster than she ever had before, and it took everything in her to ignore the yowls from her clanmates, wanting to go back for them but knowing she also needed to warn her clan in the camp. by the time she got to camp, she was lucky that the hunting patrols had returned and everyone was pretty much back, for her panic was shortly followed by the loud rumbling of the monsters following her. this time, she was one of the last cats to run, making sure everyone was out before she ran, and she was absolutely crushed as she watched the dens be destroyed by the monsters; their homes were truly gone. pebblesky remained in the back of the group, urging the old, the sick, the weak, the young to go on, go faster, that they could do it. lives were lost on the run, and as they raced straight through the mapleclan cats camp, her eyes flashed around, searching for the bright orange form of clayfur. her leader and other clan members were all screaming for the mapleclan cats to run, that there were monsters destroying the forest, and so she paused briefly. her yellow green eyes landed on his long-fur and she raced to his side, urging him forward, and for a few paces they ran alongside each other, silently seeking comfort in his presence and thanking starclan that he was alive.

      of course, that had all been yesterday. they had found shelter in the nearby two-leg village, right along the edge of their forest, in a dirty but secluded alley. their clan had split up from mapleclan, who had essentially all been running mixed together, as they had gone into a nearby neighboring alley. she didnt know how, but thank starclan that both she and vanillastar, as well as the clan's medicine cat finchstep, had all somehow survived the monster attack. without any one of their trio, the clan would struggle to survive, especially now that they essentially were going to have to restart life. she also felt so blessed that her own twin brother, hawkfeather, had survived as well; she found her eyes constantly going to his bi-colored form as he tried to keep his energetic apprentice under control in the alley. the current drizzle of rain was doing none of the clan any favors, and the constant roaring of two-leg monsters on nearby thunderpaths had everyone on edge. as her leader approached her and began to shout at the sky, mentally the calico sighed, but physically she kept her composure. normally, she was the calm one, and she could handle vanillastar's immaturity easily. but with all eyes of the clan on them in such a tight space, everyone was likely to see his panic, which was not a good sign. reaching over to gently lick his head in an affectionate, calming way (much like a mother to a kit), she spoke, her voice soft and gentle, between her licks. "now dont you snap at me. i think im going to go to the mapleclan cats in the nearby alley. theyve lost their home as we have; we all need to band together if we are to survive this. we must journey far to find new homes, and there is strength in our combined numbers."

    . ── H A W K F E A T H E R
    ( 42 moons ) ( tom ) ( heathclan ) ( warrior ) ( mentor of scorchedpaw ) ( tags: scorchedpaw, emberfoot ) ( location: alley )
    . ── the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.

      it had just been another regular day in the life, at least thats how it had started out. his sister had called patrols out, and he had been assigned to go hunting, along with his apprentice scorchedpaw. he had been wanting to work on his apprentice's training in regard to hunting, so it was an excellent experience. they went out into the forest, and quickly picked up the scent of a rabbit. they stalked the scent until the creature was in eyesight, and the hunt was almost ruined by the snapping of a twig, which cause the rabbits attention but it didnt spot them and went back to its munching on weeds. the hunt ended as a success, and he allowed his attention-loving little apprentice carry the rabbit back to camp, even though it was barely smaller than she was. the bi-colored tom cat couldnt help but smile as they entered camp to hear the congratulations for the successful hunt. the rabbit's body had barely hit the ground when the calico form of his sister shot into the camp, followed by a black sort of mist that caused him to cough at its nasty smell. two-legs? monsters? everyone was in a panic, and he grabbed scorchedpaw by the nape of her neck and took off, knowing he could run faster than she could, her entire body being only coming to the top of his legs.

      that had been the previous day, and since then, everything had been passing like a blur. he had tried to wander out of the alley only to be shouted at by two-legs and scurried back in. they were hiding under various metal objects that provided shelter, and while he kept his eyes constantly on his apprentice scorchedpaw, for once she appeared utterly exhausted instead of trying to get into trouble like normal. his eyes fell upon an orange feline, and he approached the more outspoken molly. he was relieved she was alive, but as usual, kept his emotions hidden underneath his eyes, merely nodding his head as he sat beside emberfoot under her little rain-awning. "hey ember. how are you doing? holding up alright? i saw you were favoring one of your paws this morning, everything alright? maybe finchstep should look at it, make sure nothings broken."

    . ── M O U S E S T E P
    ( 34 moons ) ( molly ) ( mapleclan ) ( medicine cat ) ( mentor of owlpaw ) ( tags: owlpaw, clayfur, rowanstep ) ( location: alley )
    . ── kindness is a gift that everyone can afford to give.

      the bi-colored tabby had had barely any time to gather supplies. the heathclan cats were racing through their clan, screaming for them to run, and she had rushed to pack two small beech leave pouches with a few important herbs in each; she held one and had given one to her apprentice owlpaw to hold as well. she had a little bit of the traveling herb burnet, not a lot but she packed what she had, as well as some basic herbs like comfrey roots, goldenrod, horsetail, poppyseed, and marigold. mapleclan had been forced out of their home in the nearby forest, and forced to take shelter in a dirty alley along the edge of the two-leg town. the tabby molly had not gone to bed the past night until every surviving member of her clan had been taken care of in whatever way she could; she tried to be lenient with her small supplies she had, but it was difficult when she wanted to do everything she could. luckily enough, not many of the cats that were here had any severe injuries, although there were plenty of minor cuts, bruises, sprains, etc. mousestep had been in her den at the time of the attack, and was still mentally berating herself for not hearing the two-legs monsters coming. she was around 75% deaf in one of her ears, but it didnt matter. she was still upset at herself. there were lives lost in the destruction; crushed by falling trees and buried in the rubble. she tried not to think about how uncomfortable that way of dying must be, and she also tried to ignore the loss she was feeling. fireheart had been her closest personal friend; he had been her brother owlpaw's best friend as apprentices, and when he passed away, the two of them had gotten incredibly close to try and make up for that loss. so now, losing him as well, it was like losing another brother. so she was keeping herself as busy as possible that night to try and not think about the loss and the hole it was going to leave in her heart. that night, she had made sure everyone was taken care of, sleeping relatively safely, spoke a bit to the leader and deputy, and then gone off to find her apprentice, whom she curled around like a mother to a kit while they slept that night. she needed the close physical comfort to soothe her nerves, and he likely did as well.

      she had only gotten maybe a few hours of sleep before awaking and beginning to do her rounds again. she had done her best not to wake up her small sleeping apprentice owlpaw, wanting the youngster to try and rest before having to get back to work with her. she tried to use cobwebs she had found in the alley, and had managed to gather some rainwater in small two-leg metal cans to get them drinking as well, but her herb supply was already dwindling, so she tried to keep from using them while she could. she knew that she would soon need to seek out and speak to beetlestar and snaketail to discuss what was next for the clan, where they would go from here, what they would do. she overheard one of the friendly warriors, a large orange tom clayfur, making an emotional comment about going back to their old camp, and while her heart ached to do the same, she knew there was nothing to go back to. approaching the two toms, she bowed her head politely in greeting, sitting down calmly in a position to block the warrior's path towards beetlestar who was standing in the distance. "i understand your longing to go back clayfur; im sure we all understand it. but you need to listen to me and grasp this concept; there is nothing to go back to. the monsters have not left, and soon enough will be replaced with two-legs. ive seen those before. when i was an apprentice, i wandered out of clan territory. it was before this two-leg territory was here. i saw those same monsters right where we now stand, tear down the forest here, only for the two-legs to build their homes here instead. our land has been taken by two-legs. we will have to find a new home."
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➤ frostcloud ||《 one 》

Postby fawn, » Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:37 am


[ thirty four moons . heathclan warrior . feeling nervous, shaken . tagged open ]

        The pale she-cat shivered as the cold air seeped into her bones. She almost couldn't believe the situation the cats were all in. Just yesterday she had been curled up in the comfort of the Warrior's den, her pelt brushing lightly against the pelts of the cats around her as they settled closer for warmth. She had been returning from a hunting patrol with a group of cats when the noises began. They entered the camp and witnessed Vanillastar's warning yowls first-hand. She felt her breath catch and she turned tail and ran. She felt bad for not having any time to save those who had fallen behind, but honestly, survival instinct had kicked in and she had soon left the camp far behind. As they ran through the neighbouring clan's camp her eyes flickered to find the dark tabby pelt of her friend Stagleap and was flooded with relief, she didn't know what she'd do if he hadn't been there. She couldn't remember a time where she had ever been as scared and gripped with panic as the previous day. Her ears folded back as her mind replayed the horrific scene in her mind. The sky had slowly dimmed when dark clouds had obscured the view of the blue sky. Confusion clouded the she-cat's mind as a foul and choking smell descended into the area where the cats stood. She could hear snaps and cracks as trees were felled by the large machines that, undeterred by the large obstacles it had easily crushed, continued towards them at a sickening pace. She felt the world cave in on her and that's when she ran.

        Frostcloud drew further back towards the wall to shield herself from the cold night air. She felt lost, her home and entire life had just been literally wiped away in front of her very eyes. She looked around at the surviving cats and thanked StarClan that they had at least survived together, considering the threat that had faced them, the majority of HeathClan was still alive and well. Frostcloud sighed gently, she was filled with a sense of foreboding, she had a really bad feeling that she was unable to put her paw on. Frostcloud shivered once more and tried to tuck her paws under her and fluff herself up to retain any kind of warmth to protect her from the elements. Feeling an increasing anxiety overcome her, Frostcloud worked on keeping herself calm and not bolting away or hiding away forever. The cream she-cat closed her eyes and tried to tune out the chaos around her, she only hoped that StarClan would be able to guide them through this time, she hoped that as a clan they could rise from this stronger than before.
Last edited by fawn, on Fri Nov 23, 2018 11:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ➤ E V I C T E D ||《warriors rp》apprentices wanted!

Postby DefendeD » Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:49 am

S u n p a w
7 moons • Tom - He/Him • Heathclan • Apprentice • Mentored by Emberfoot • Location: Heatclan alley • Tagged;; open

Like many others in the clan, the day before the hazard had been a surprisingly joyful time for Sunpaw. There hadn't been much chores for that day so he had taken the first change he got and went to a nearby river with his mother. During their stay by the river, aside from playing in the water, Honeydew had told Sunpaw about a secret place she had recently found just outside the Heathclan territory. But when the cream-pelted tom tried to intrigue further, she only shut her maw like a clam and refused to speak of it. Aside from whispering some playful, but unhelpful, hints into his ears whenever he lost his guard. He always hated it when she did that, at least outwardly. The trip to the river had been otherwise a splendid one. The pair had a lot of fun wading in the river and basking in the warm sun. Just before their leave from the river Honeydew had made a promise that she would someday take Sunpaw to the secret place she had found. She also talked about how when Sunpaw was a warrior they could leave the clans for good. Honeydew's words both scared and excited him. To see what lied beyond their puny home territories really was something Sunpaw had always dreamed of. It would also mean that he would have to betray his own clan in order to do so, and that surely was against the warrior code if nothing else. But before he had the time to object to his mother's poor planning, they had arrived at the camp. Their parting at the camp entrance had been quite nonchalant, just a quick lick on Sunpaw's forehead from Honeydew. After-all, it didn't cross the mind of either one that this could be the last time they would ever see each other again. It was only moments later after Sunpaw had gone for a nap in the apprentices' den that the chaos ensued. His whole world had been put upside-down in only a few hours-

A sudden pop of a monster's exhaust pipe made the lanky tom jump on his feet from his slumber. It took a while for the young cat to realize that he wasn't at his home camp being rolled over by monsters, but safe besides the rest of his clanmates. Or at least relatively safe. He let out an exhausted laughter as he lowered himself back to ground level. He could hear Vanillastar losing his temper at the sky farther away. Somehow he wasn't surprised. Not that he could be surprised ever again after all that had happened. Sunpaw sifted his gaze to Scorchedpaw and her friends. There was a small tug inside him that wanted him to join with the other apprentices, but he felt uncertain. He had only been an apprentice for a moon and hadn't yet been able to really emotionally connect with the other apprentices yet. Not that his mother had any help in the matter. Whenever Emberfoot was done training him, Honeydew would be ready to drag him outside the camp with her. Not that he tended to mind. He loved the company of his mother after all. She was the only cat he actually felt close to in the clan as loyal as he was to it. But now his mother was missing. The first days he had spent by asking everyone who was able to speak if they had seen her before or after the incident. But to his dismay no one had. He luckily had been able to keep his composure by telling himself that Honeydew must be alive. She just got lost in the chaos and is probably already looking for him. Sunpaw bristled his fur in anguish and tested the stone hard ground with his claws in frustration. He was staring to get sick of waiting. If it was up to him he would already be researching for Honeydew, turning every stone if need be, but it seemed that clan higher-ups seemed to think that sitting on their butts and doing nothing was a much easier choice to spend time on. "What are Vanillastar and Pebblesky thinking? Instead of sulking here in a dirty alley corner we should be looking for our clanmates!" he let out a bitter mutter escape his tongue, not caring who was close enough to hear it.
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