Welcome to the Crescentwood Manor (Revamp)(Accepting)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: Welcome to the Cresentmoon Manor (Revamp)(O&A)

Postby Winchester's Wolf » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:59 am

acilier R. ๐”ysandre- "This be the work of Satan"
29-Male | Vampire | Butler | Bi-None | tags; (Oisin) LaMark (brief) Lark
He turned his head to see if the giant was situated, and right after he did, he made his way back to Mr. Stoker's study, this time knowing where to go as all he had to do was backtrack. But he soon stopped once the head butler, who he couldn't quite remember it well, passed his words of wisdom to quit fooling around as they had a tight schedule to deal with. Facilier turned around to say something in his defense that he was actually doing something, unlike him, but he was already gone. Welp, there isn't much time for tomfoolery here, but where is he going?. The more that he thought about it, the more that he wanted to follow, but it wasn't the best time to do so as he needed to go to see Lark about the giant situation. Faciler turned back and headed back to where he needed to be.

Once he arrived at the study door, he stood there before tapping on the door, loud enough for someone to at least hear.


ary J. โ„œosiland- "Ding-dong~ Wanna play with me?"
10-Male | Human | Unknown | Ace-None | tags; Arc
Mary stared back at the man as he didn't really say much of anything. What was he doing? He then tilted his head upwards to look at the man who stood up, continuing to stare down at him. It wasn't long until he spoke, only to ask where his parents were as he told little Mary that he was young and then offered assistance to help find them if he was looking for them. Mary shook his head, "No," he smiled once he finally got the word out that he wanted to get out in the first place, "Dad, busy working. I dunno who ma is, but I'm here 'cos I has a job to do," . As he finished up to what he was saying, he turned slightly to pull out the list, that he found in the book, that was carefully folded and stashed in his back pocket while talking to the man. He held it out to the man for him to see, hopefully that he wouldn't take off running with it, otherwise his father wouldn't be all that happy with him if he found out that he didn't do his job and just horsed around. Mary rocked back and forth on his heels before stopping, in case if he was annoying the man in the slightest bit possible. Could it even be possible that his own presence was bothersome? Or was it just his thoughts plaguing his mind like that? Well honestly he didn't know, and didn't really care.
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentmoon Manor (Revamp)(O&A)

Postby MacabreSmile » Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:49 pm

Prince of the Damned|LeMarc|Head Butler|Half-Demon|Tagged: Ariane

    The general extraction of the young Stoker is without much issue. Sure, she is obviously sick or something otherwise mortal and weak, but it's not like he has trouble finding her. "If you get any of your bodily fluids on he car, I will eviscerate you." Is all he says I he picks up her limp body and puts her in the back seat.

    LeMarc is many things; intelligent, handsome, diligent, rude. But none of these traits make him a kind and caring person, who has the capacity to even concern himself about the sick teenager he is forced to hunt down in the early morning. He drives a 1957 black chevy, which a previous head of the Stoker family had bought in 1957, and is the cruelest of drivers, having absolutely no road etiquette or semblance of traffic laws. It is not that he is a bad driver; he does not speed or conduct his driving in a harsh or dangerous manner. He simply does not care to stop for pedestrians, or give a single moment's thought for the others on the road. He drives as if he's the only one on the road and therefore everyone should bow to his very needs. There are reasons he doesn't really leave the premises; his skills are very much not with public relations. Granted, he is somewhat convinced that Larkin chose him less for his lack of driving skills and more for his dependability. Which is...Rather flattering.
    Not that he dwells on it, or anything. Or blushes.
    He spends the whole ride giving her a lecture, one that of course precedes the one Larkin will surely give her eventually. "What were you thinking, you silly child? You cannot just run off into town, gallivanting around without any sort of protection or semblance of where you are going!" He begins as they turn onto a road curtained by the thick forest, lines and lines of trees blurring past the car, "You're a young adult now, you cannot just make baseless decisions. And now you are certainly ill! Someone will now have to take care of you, take time out of our busy schedule to treat you for an avoidable ailment!"

    Despite his harsh words, though, he turns up the heat as soon as he puts the cold body in the car, and is careful to keep his turns wide so they don't make the young miss any more ill than she already is. "You could have very well worried your uncle sick, did you consider that? No, of course you didn't! This was a selfish venture, you stupid girl! What if you had died? Who would dig your grave?" His words toe the line between sounding like he actually is worried about her, and being seriously narcissistic about the whole thing. Either way he's a total prick. "Do you not think of anyone but yourself? Ridiculous."

Resident Scholar|Franz Joseph|Attic Hermit|Vampire|Tagged: Open

    Without any sort of fanfare, the old vampire turns on heel towards the bookshelves and reaches his hand in amongst the books. He finds a hidden latch which he pulls, a soft click the only indication that this did anything. He pulls at the bookshelf and it swings open, revealing a staircase behind it, which he climbs into, the bookshelf clicking back into place behind him. The inner workings of the wall are a cramped set of pathways that were originally intended as ways for servants to work unseen, but now was mostly used by him to stay hidden.

    The way to the attic from the library is through an intricate curve of passageways and up three separate ladders, but he is unbothered by the trip. The space itself is dark, lit only by cracks in the wood and ceiling where maintenance had run low. Franz Joseph traverses blocks and piles of stored furniture to his corner of the room, where a desk is set up covered in piles of papers, all with notes scribbled on them in elegant calligraphy. "Cordelia," he announces to the empty room, "I do not believe the trifluoperazine is working to our advantage. Perhaps I am not using enough in the formula, but more likely it is reacting badly with the stabilizers. I will need to find a replacement." The room does not respond. "Do not fret, I will figure it out." He continues, "If Charles comes by tell him to administer BT2F24 to the subject." The room continues to not answer. "It seems we've lost another assistant. I will go into town tonight." Once more, there is silence. Franz does not seem surprised.

Lady of the Lake|Eadgyd|Edith|Homeless|Kelpie|Tagged: Wendy

    "What a pleasure, Wendy! Ha, silly you say that 'cause to me you do have a accent! Suppose it depends on where you're from, yeah? Everyone round here must sound an awful lot like you." Edith grins, her teeth pearly white and thin lips wide. She accepts the dog treat and offers it kindly to Spike, though finding him still in such a rigid manner has her a bit concerned. "You sure he's alright?" She asks, frowning and looking up at Wendy. "Wouldn't 'pect a pup to stay still so long, you know?" It seems like he might be a little sick, or perhaps having some sort of fit. She'd seen dogs with seizures before, and this wasn't too far off, if she ignored the clearly observant look in the creature's eyes. "Hope it's not me that's botherin' him. Gosh, maybe I should head out. Wouldn't want to keep you from nothin' important. Much as I enjoy makin' a new friend." She smiles and her smile is bright and shines like the sun, so genuine in perceived nature. Nothing could possibly be up her sleeve...
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentmoon Manor (Revamp)(O&A)

Postby doc . » Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:48 pm

xxxโ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” Amserlen โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” xX
xxxHe/Him - Groundskeeper - 30 yrs - tags: Deirdre
Marc-Anthony sat there and waited for a little, knowing that she would give in at some point and allow him to help with the breakfast. She did and he quickly moved himself back into the kitchen to find her spreads for the biscuits. He limped, letting the cane hit the floor a few extra times as he kept his balance and centered himself by the counter. It was so quiet.. he wished he could take some sort of.. musical device into the room to play some music every now and then.
A little smile came to his face as he then began to think about what the music would bring. Him and Deirdre could dance.. oh how they would dance together. Him and her, her and him. Together forever, or until the music stopped. Then he would simply play another song for them to dance to.
He sighed softly and took up the spreads to return to the dining room to set them out by her biscuits.
Once that was done, he stood idly and leaned on his cane a little bit
"Deirdre dear.." he said aloud, one of his most favorite lines to say.
"Do you think.. that after breakfast we could go take a walk through town? I have some things I'd like to shop for, perhaps you could come with and we could.. go on a date?"
He smiled a little while following after her the best he could in hopes of getting that date.

xxx๏ผก๏ผฒ๏ผฃ_ ๏ผจ๏ผฅ๏ผฉ๏ผฌ๏ผข๏ผต๏ผฒ๏ผง
xxxโ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” Ludwig โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” xX
xxxHe/Him - Human - 18 yrs - tags: Mary
Arc was relieved to hear that he wasn't going to walk around town trying to find this kids parents. Besides he had other things to do, like buy his father what he needed.
It was interesting to hear that this kid was out on an errand as well, and he tilted his head a bit and eyed his list.
"Oh! How very adult of you." he replied before stuffing his hands in his pockets and sighing softly
"I also have a job to do.. perhaps ve could do it togezzer if you vant?"
He shrugged a bit and raised his eyebrows, wondering if the kid would really want to walk around with a stranger. But he didn't seem strange, Arc seemed friendly enough to be around. Kind of. Despite the weird accent, anyways.
"I just have to go shopping for.. my fahzzer.. He's at home vaiting for me. Your fahzzer must be vaiting for you too, hm?"
He then began to walk for the shopping strip, offering for the kid to walk with him, beside him. Continue to talk while they did their jobs for their dads

xxxโ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” Krishnan โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” xX
xxxHe/Him - Resident - 19 yrs - tags: open
Vengal sat outside near the steps of the manor. Things were horrible for him, as was in every nineteen year old's life. Things sucked, life sucked, and nobody understood him because nobody had ever been through what he had.
He was curled up a little, hugging his legs close while the smoke from his cigarette dragged on through the air. Leaving a constant trail from where he had been
He only wished his life hadn't been so messed up. He wanted a normal life.. he didn't like his life here at the manor. There was nobody his age he could talk to, and if there was anyone his age, he couldn't talk to them. They were probably really nerdy anyways.
The boy took another drag from his cigarette, the butt glowing just a tad before he removed it from his mouth and extinguished it beside him. Crushing it against the ground and letting it die.
He exhaled the smoke through his nose and let his head rest against his knees.
He didn't want to work today.. he wanted to sleep forever
Never wake up
His eyes closed and with that he took a little nap curled up on the steps of the manor
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May'haps consider instead, a sultry melody

Postby Politics » Tue Oct 23, 2018 4:26 am

xx๐“๐‡๐„ ๐’๐“๐Ž๐–๐€๐–๐€๐˜
xx001 Interview room, 002 Tired, 003 No-one,
004 ๐“๐‹;๐ƒ๐‘ Ariel's giant son decides
that being a mer-whatever might
win him some points w/ the vamps.
So he busts out a tune. The madman.
โ”— โ” โ” โ” โ” โ” โ” โ” โ” โ” โ” โ” โ” โ” โ” โ” โ”›

      The stranger leaned against the wall, and sighed. He'd have to remove the glamour eventually, and if he'd placed his bets right? It would be his wisest choice to prove to them that he wasn't human. After a moment more of thought, the man took out his violin, taking a moment to check it over for damage before playing a short piece. Though soft, it sounded the way that wanderlust felt, as if the music urged any listener to run off and change. With it's final notes, Small, iridescent scales appeared on his cheeks. translucent fins and gills sprouted from his neck, and you could see something shimmery poking out from his dark curls. Taking off his glasses, his eyes lightened, gaining a similar sheen. The man sighed in relief. If only such music was meant for this style of illusion. I'll have to bind it do a different piece. His bird made itself comfortable on the desk of the interview room, siting rather politely and preening it's feathers. Nonetheless, it seemed a little relieved itself. It's owner had been looking a little too human-y as of late, and it was thankful that'd since changed. For better or for worse? Well, the both of them were waiting on that answer.
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentmoon Manor (Revamp)(O&A)

Postby Winchester's Wolf » Tue Oct 23, 2018 5:21 am

acilier R. ๐”ysandre- "This be the work of Satan"
29-Male | Vampire | Butler | Bi-None | tags; (Oisin) LaMark (brief) Lark
He turned his head to see if the giant was situated, and right after he did, he made his way back to Mr. Stoker's study, this time knowing where to go as all he had to do was backtrack. But he soon stopped once the head butler, who he couldn't quite remember it well, passed his words of wisdom to quit fooling around as they had a tight schedule to deal with. Facilier turned around to say something in his defense that he was actually doing something, unlike him, but he was already gone. Welp, there isn't much time for tomfoolery here, but where is he going?. The more that he thought about it, the more that he wanted to follow, but it wasn't the best time to do so as he needed to go to see Lark about the giant situation. Faciler turned back and headed back to where he needed to be.

Once he arrived at the study door, he stood there before tapping on the door, loud enough for someone to at least hear.


ary J. โ„œosiland- "Ding-dong~ Wanna play with me?"
10-Male | Human | Unknown | Ace-None | tags; Arc
Mary beamed when he was deemed as an adult, but... he didnโ€™t know what that meant entirely. He could assume that it meant that heโ€™s an one of the older ones. But his assumptions could be wrong until proven right. His mind was soon scattered in a debate if he was wrong or right, but they were all soon interrupted and shattered as the manโ€™s voice cut through and offered to tag along with him. It didnโ€™t take much thought as he had heard someone in his life before talk in that funny voice. โ€œYa, thatโ€™s fine with meee~. However dad would probably still be workinโ€™ by da time we โ€˜inish.โ€ he hummed softly as he followed the stranger to somewhere familiar, which he visited from time to time, which was obvious for reasons why. Mary looked down at his list again before shoving it back into his pocket, soon to look up at the man. โ€œIโ€™m Mary...โ€ he muttered, realizing that he didnโ€™t tell the stranger his name. It would be best if he were to tell him his name so they wouldnโ€™t be strangers to each other any longer.
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentmoon Manor (Revamp)(O&A)

Postby Your Nerdy Friend » Tue Oct 23, 2018 10:57 am

Ariane Stoker II Human/?? II Tags: LeMark
Ariane seemed to find another store of energy in the vigor she shot back at him with, anger in her eyes as she pushed back the clumsiness she had last spoken with with an infuriated tone, the language she had heard on repeat since childhood running throughout her sentences, eloquence kicking in at an incredibly unreasonable time. "Pardon me, but who said you had any right over me? You act as if you're a god in these things, but you lack perspective." The haziness of her mind had expose a part of herself which she often kept hidden away from the usual eye, an angry, pretentious side acclaimed with several triumphs in arguments. "I'm living, despite the fact that this entire house wills to ignore it, and I'm experiencing what I can. I have a right to live the fullest extent that I can, and use what I must to get there, and I use that right, unlike my uncle." She paused, catching her breath "And mentioning Lark, I have no idea who gave you permission to act as my legal guardian. He's not my father, or even a good image of a paternal figure to me, but you have no ties to me, legal or otherwise. I respect your work in the manor, and I understand that you put effort into that, but you have no right to treat me as a child. I am, without question, mature enough to take care of myself. Whether I do so or not affects you in no way, and isn't your place to question." Rage continued to brew behind her eyes, misty gray turning stormy as she heave a breath of frustration. She had an ability to turn on this rage that dwelled deep within her, and once that anger had been let out, even for a fraction of a moment, there was no opportunity to stop the raging current of emotion being let out. "I am alive. I'll stay alive for today. It's not relevant what happens in the future, because it hasn't become a reality yet. I may die tomorrow. But I may die when I've lived a life full with experiences, in several decades. Living for the future is stupidity, and stress that's not needed to complete what you need. If you call how I use my mortality selfish, I don't care. I'm not changing what I do for anyone but myself. And if I desire anything that's self-destructive, that's my choice." The enraged look in her eyes cooled as she peered out the window, head still pounding from what had happened prior to the morning. Even if shooting an argument of her own back intensified the pain, she would continue to fight, if he desired that. She would protect her views with her wellbeing.

I'm Nyx! I love science,
reading, gaming, and writing!
I go by the pronouns she/her, and
am attracted to girls.
I'm currently really into the band 2Chellos,
and I'm always open for trade!
Feel free to message me whenever
you feel like it!
Other current obsessions: Steven
Universe, Neil DeGrasse Tyson books,
Biophysics, String Theory, and The
Have a great day!


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Re: Welcome to the Cresentmoon Manor (Revamp)(O&A)

Postby MacabreSmile » Tue Oct 23, 2018 12:42 pm

Prince of the Damned|LeMarc|Head Butler|Half-Demon|Tagged: Ariane

    The half demon grits his teeth, already feeling hellfire start to stir in his veins as he listens to every word the young miss speaks. This was not the time or place to spontaneously combust, and with his current irritation it was a true risk. With some quite impressive self control, he eases his foot off the gas and lets the car slow. "I do not think you understand how self-destruction is conducted." He says in a surprisingly even tone. "Yes, child, you are allowed to hurt yourself and test your own mortality as you please. Your life is, and always will be, ultimately in your own hands. However, this does not, under any circumstances, mean your actions do not have consequences. Just because you can hurt yourself does not mean you only hurt yourself." He keeps his eyes on the road, hands on the wheel, and body focused on leveling his breathing. Best not to get too angry, especially when his emotions were so closely tied to his demonic tendencies. He likes this car.

    "I am not your guardian. I do not want to be, and would consider such a chore to be beneath me. I am effected by your stupidity, though. I had to take time out of my extremely busy schedule to venture out into a town I despise just because you decided to test your own body and failed. Had you not called your uncle and asked for assistance, had you dealt with the problem yourself, or even not made the issue in the first place I would have no reason possibly care about your little dalliance into town. But," He slows the car to a stop at the side of the road, "If you are so sure in your maturity, in your 'ability to take care of yourself', by all means get out of the car and walk yourself back." The door facing the woods springs open on its own, a rare show of LeMarc's supposedly weak, and limited telekinesis. "We are still a good while away from the manor. I am sure an hour of walking will not do you too much harm, child." He adds finally, sardonic and rich in malice.

Resident Scholar|Franz Joseph|Attic Hermit|Vampire|Tagged: Open

    Without any sort of fanfare, the old vampire turns on heel towards the bookshelves and reaches his hand in amongst the books. He finds a hidden latch which he pulls, a soft click the only indication that this did anything. He pulls at the bookshelf and it swings open, revealing a staircase behind it, which he climbs into, the bookshelf clicking back into place behind him. The inner workings of the wall are a cramped set of pathways that were originally intended as ways for servants to work unseen, but now was mostly used by him to stay hidden.

    The way to the attic from the library is through an intricate curve of passageways and up three separate ladders, but he is unbothered by the trip. The space itself is dark, lit only by cracks in the wood and ceiling where maintenance had run low. Franz Joseph traverses blocks and piles of stored furniture to his corner of the room, where a desk is set up covered in piles of papers, all with notes scribbled on them in elegant calligraphy. "Cordelia," he announces to the empty room, "I do not believe the trifluoperazine is working to our advantage. Perhaps I am not using enough in the formula, but more likely it is reacting badly with the stabilizers. I will need to find a replacement." The room does not respond. "Do not fret, I will figure it out." He continues, "If Charles comes by tell him to administer BT2F24 to the subject." The room continues to not answer. "It seems we've lost another assistant. I will go into town tonight." Once more, there is silence. Franz does not seem surprised.

Lady of the Lake|Eadgyd|Edith|Homeless|Kelpie|Tagged: Wendy

    "What a pleasure, Wendy! Ha, silly you say that 'cause to me you do have a accent! Suppose it depends on where you're from, yeah? Everyone round here must sound an awful lot like you." Edith grins, her teeth pearly white and thin lips wide. She accepts the dog treat and offers it kindly to Spike, though finding him still in such a rigid manner has her a bit concerned. "You sure he's alright?" She asks, frowning and looking up at Wendy. "Wouldn't 'pect a pup to stay still so long, you know?" It seems like he might be a little sick, or perhaps having some sort of fit. She'd seen dogs with seizures before, and this wasn't too far off, if she ignored the clearly observant look in the creature's eyes. "Hope it's not me that's botherin' him. Gosh, maybe I should head out. Wouldn't want to keep you from nothin' important. Much as I enjoy makin' a new friend." She smiles and her smile is bright and shines like the sun, so genuine in perceived nature. Nothing could possibly be up her sleeve...
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[charlie || 3] [wendy || 5] [stella || 4] [evan || 5]

Postby ~ moth ~ » Thu Oct 25, 2018 1:39 pm

      [centuries old] [male] [shifter] [demisexual] [stable hand] [location ,, horse stalls] [crush ,, tentatively open] [mentions ,, none] [tags ,, mikayla]
      trying to get the horse inside the stables was proving to be a harder task than usual. it refused to buy into the treats and he couldn't get near enough to grab it and guide it into the barn. from the corner of his eye he saw movement coming from the stables. he thought another horse had gotten out somehow and someone was playing a joke on him. turning his head to see what it actually was charlie spotted mikayla the other stable hand for the manor. he figured that she was coming to aid him in this dilemma of trying to wrangle up the skittish horse. somewhat relieved to see her charlie gave her smile. good morning miss carter. he called out to her and gave a small wave in her direction. turning his eyes back onto the fearful horse charlie took a small step toward it. the horse watched his movements carefully and he had taken a step too far apparently because in the next instant the horse was running off. it was only this horse that ever gave him trouble. maybe it wasn't a fan of shifters. or maybe it had some personal grudge against him. or maybe it was just a skittish horse. are you coming to aid me miss carter? charlie questioned as he turned his eyes back onto the young woman.

      [twenty two] [female] [human] [bisexual] [townsfolk] [location ,, town] [crush ,, open] [mentions ,, none] [tags ,, eadgyd]
      for a moment wendy had to think about what edith said. she supposed that in a way she did have an accent. to her she spoke as normally as anyone else around. but people from different countries had exotic speech patterns and accents that she was slightly jealous of. however to them wendy would be considered the foreigner with an accent and strange speech. never before had she thought of it that way before. it was an interesting new perspective. i guess that's true. in a way we all have an accent weather we realize it or not. seeing that spike still refused to do anything beside stare at the woman even when offered a treat wendy wondered what was going on. he typically never acted like this. nodding along to what edith said wendy knelt down beside the pit bull. placing a hand on the dogs head she gently stroked between his ears. wendy knew what was up but she had to keep on the charade that she didn't. her face contorted into one of concern. i don't think it's you. he's typically very sociable with everyone and everything. you think something might be wrong with 'im? carefully she pressed down on his hind-side and got the dog into a sitting position. still he continued to stare forward at ediths legs with an intent stare.

      [eighteen] [female] [vampire angel hybrid] [guest] [pansexual] [location ,, wandering the halls] [crush ,, open] [mentions ,, none] [tags ,, open]
      making her way through the empty hallways the young hybrid found herself being ran into. stumbling back from the imposing force she reached out to grab a hold to keep herself on her feet. the best she could do was extend her claws and pierce them into the wall ,, leaving five new holes in them. hopefully nobody would realize what she had done. or find out that she was the culprit of this accidental vandalism. but that's not what stella cared for at the moment. the drink she had been holding was splattered against her sweater as well as the other person who had run into her. the thick and strange red liquid mixed with the red sweater so it wasn't noticeable at all. but the girl still found herself furious. not at her ruined clothing but at the man who had walked right into her. as raised to his feet he uttered out it's alright. as if she had given him an apology ,, which she was sure she hadn't. what was with people today? assuming her words. stella believed this incident to be his fault. after all in her eyes he was the one who walked right into her. shoudln't he be apologizing? the audacity of the some people. the furious glow in her eyes told the story. she wasn't sorry. straightening herself and tugging at her wet sweater stella locked eyes with the man who didn't seem to be much older than herself. though she knew that he could well be into his hundred or even thousands. a lot of the people at manor seemed to be ageless. excuse me? she grumbled however not as in i'm sorry for bumping into you but more to what did you just say? looking down at her now nearly empty bottle of red liquid stella continued on. it wasn't my fault. what are you saying 'it's alright' for? she knew full well why he spoke the words. he was expecting an apology. she won't give him one however.

      [seventy ,, looks twenty-ish] [male] [spirit] [demi-pansexual] [homeless] [location ,, lecks forest]
      [crush ,, tentatively open] [mentions ,, none] [tags ,, katheryne]
      it was growing clear that the girl wasn't exactly up to speaking about the topic any longer. and evan wasn't the type to pry at people even after they've put up their walls. he understood when people didn't want to speak any further on a subject. he respected peoples boundaries. but in the back of his mind he did wonder what exactly this girl was. it seemed to be that she wasn't human by the way she spoke of regular mortals as well as her differently colored eyes. was it really prying though if he was asked her the simple question of what she is? he supposed not but held back the inquiry for now. instead he focused on the words being spoken to him at the moment. she spoke about money as if she had very little or none at all. and what did she mean by a safe place to keep them? did she not have a bathroom to store them in like most do? another question hit him thereafter. did she even have a bathroom ... a house? shaking his head of these thoughts the spirit asked his previous question. if you don't mind me asking ,, what are you exactly? he raised an eyebrow at her. he couldn't care less if she answered or not. but he was interested in finding out what exactly she may be for he had yet to meet any other ... some may call them monsters but evan wasn't sure what to call the fairy tale beings. creatures? supernaturals? nonetheless he had yet to meet anyone like himself and was curious. as he asked this a butterfly came fluttering by the spirit. he tried to swat the bug away with his hand but it simply passed through the bug. all he seemed to do was annoy it before it flew off again. with a grumble he turned his eyes back onto the young woman.
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentmoon Manor (Revamp)(O&A)

Postby MacabreSmile » Thu Oct 25, 2018 4:33 pm

Prince of the Damned|LeMarc|Head Butler|Half-Demon|Tagged: Ariane

    The half demon grits his teeth, already feeling hellfire start to stir in his veins as he listens to every word the young miss speaks. This was not the time or place to spontaneously combust, and with his current irritation it was a true risk. With some quite impressive self control, he eases his foot off the gas and lets the car slow. "I do not think you understand how self-destruction is conducted." He says in a surprisingly even tone. "Yes, child, you are allowed to hurt yourself and test your own mortality as you please. Your life is, and always will be, ultimately in your own hands. However, this does not, under any circumstances, mean your actions do not have consequences. Just because you can hurt yourself does not mean you only hurt yourself." He keeps his eyes on the road, hands on the wheel, and body focused on leveling his breathing. Best not to get too angry, especially when his emotions were so closely tied to his demonic tendencies. He likes this car.

    "I am not your guardian. I do not want to be, and would consider such a chore to be beneath me. I am effected by your stupidity, though. I had to take time out of my extremely busy schedule to venture out into a town I despise just because you decided to test your own body and failed. Had you not called your uncle and asked for assistance, had you dealt with the problem yourself, or even not made the issue in the first place I would have no reason possibly care about your little dalliance into town. But," He slows the car to a stop at the side of the road, "If you are so sure in your maturity, in your 'ability to take care of yourself', by all means get out of the car and walk yourself back." The door facing the woods springs open on its own, a rare show of LeMarc's supposedly weak, and limited telekinesis. "We are still a good while away from the manor. I am sure an hour of walking will not do you too much harm, child." He adds finally, sardonic and rich in malice.

Resident Scholar|Franz Joseph|Attic Hermit|Vampire|Tagged: Open

    Without any sort of fanfare, the old vampire turns on heel towards the bookshelves and reaches his hand in amongst the books. He finds a hidden latch which he pulls, a soft click the only indication that this did anything. He pulls at the bookshelf and it swings open, revealing a staircase behind it, which he climbs into, the bookshelf clicking back into place behind him. The inner workings of the wall are a cramped set of pathways that were originally intended as ways for servants to work unseen, but now was mostly used by him to stay hidden.

    The way to the attic from the library is through an intricate curve of passageways and up three separate ladders, but he is unbothered by the trip. The space itself is dark, lit only by cracks in the wood and ceiling where maintenance had run low. Franz Joseph traverses blocks and piles of stored furniture to his corner of the room, where a desk is set up covered in piles of papers, all with notes scribbled on them in elegant calligraphy. "Cordelia," he announces to the empty room, "I do not believe the trifluoperazine is working to our advantage. Perhaps I am not using enough in the formula, but more likely it is reacting badly with the stabilizers. I will need to find a replacement." The room does not respond. "Do not fret, I will figure it out." He continues, "If Charles comes by tell him to administer BT2F24 to the subject." The room continues to not answer. "It seems we've lost another assistant. I will go into town tonight." Once more, there is silence. Franz does not seem surprised.

Lady of the Lake|Eadgyd|Edith|Homeless|Kelpie|Tagged: Wendy

    Edith frowns and eyes the dog carefully, concerned, rocking back and forth on her heels as if it'll help her think. "Well, s'pose I've seen seizures like that. Or rabies, but...Well, it's not like he's gone mad, yeah?" She stares at the dog, mossy eyes tracing over the creature. "S'posed I've seen hunter dogs like that too, though. Pa's wouldn't move till he shot a buck, ya'know? But," She giggles, "That would be silly, yeah? There's nothin' to hunt 'round here, 'ccept people, and maybe those squirrelly little creeps. He wouldn't hunt a person, huh? That' be silly!" Eadgyd is smiling, wide and sharp. She giggles again, grinning and gleeful, making no attempt to hide her amusement. It is no way the humour of someone defusing the tension of a moment. This is not the giggle of a flighty schoolgirl. No, this is the laughter of a woman who knows exactly what she's implying, and knows far too much for this to be a coincidence. The grin of something mischievous, something dangerous. "Bit sad, really," The trickster smile does not waver, "I really do like dogs."
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentmoon Manor (Revamp)(O&A)

Postby tawneypelt0504 » Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:06 am

Mikayla Carter|Female|21 years old|Stable hand||Shifter|Location: Horse stalls|tags:Charlie
"Good morning" Mikayla said giving Charlie a wave back and watched as the horse ran away from him again. "Yep, Let me try using these treats"She said holding out the treats that she had grabbed from the storeroom. "And you can just call me Mikayla by the way" She said before walking towards the horse very slowly and stopped a few feet away before holding out the treats towards them and holding very still She watched as the horse began to walk towards her and took one of the treats from her hand. Mikayla took a step forward but the horse ran off "Dang it I was so close" she said to herself
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