Welcome to the Crescentwood Manor (Revamp)(Accepting)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Local castaway may be Gilgamesh

Postby Politics » Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:16 am


xx001 Entrance, 002 Tense, 003 Facilier,
004 𝐓𝐋;𝐃𝐑 Mystery man fails at
conversation, which really isn't
great when your life's at stake.

┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛

      The great man looked down at Facilier. Dark curls framed his face, and under furrowed brow were glistening blue eyes that pierced in their intensity. Under a white shirt - half unbuttoned and with the looseness of silk - there was a clear burl to him, a strength as much in physicality as there was in the sharpness of his expression. A tan coat was slipping from his shoulders. His face, in it's biting anguish, gave the impression of the old heroes, in a time before heroism was a madness of zeal and not valiance. It was in a face like his that gave way to a look of an impassioned man. But there was tension. And lurking close behind, a slim wound of fear lie ope.

      "...Good morning. I'm sorry for my suddenness, but..." He looked behind him for a long moment, breath hitched. The exhale drew from him a cloud of smoke, similar to the unearthly swirls of before, as if the earth was plagued with a frigid cold. "I am brought here by desperation. This land will not be so kind to me for as long as I would favor. I am only a stranger to these lands, you see. A stowaway. I'm looking to speak with the head-staff, if not a member of the family. My plight is a tiredly complicated one, you see, but I offer a great deal of services in return." Though quieter than anticipated due to his knocking(which, again, sounded more like a minor tremor), his deep brogue rumbled rich with a quality not unlike the roar and churn of waves in a seabound storm. They were of a tone that reverberated in your chest as he spoke. His words were thick with less-than-modern phrases, sure, but it was clear the man was being pursued.

      He ran a gloved hand through his hair, slipping a strap and a violin down to the crook of his forearm. Upon further note of his face, too, there were silver piercings all about him, down his neck and across his hand as well. The stranger's harsh expression softened, a little flustered. It was as if he hadn't spoken to someone in a while. "If that's not too much to ask, of course. I can't wait long, though, so I can leave if it is too poor a time to ask." The cat had since disappeared - it's place filled by a black eagle - and the great bird flew to stand alight on one of the man's gloved hands. The man moved to provide a more even perch for it. "And...apologies for the bird."
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentmoon Manor (Revamp)(Accepting)

Postby Squirrelstar123 » Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:52 am

||Larkin (Lark) Stoker | 26 | Human | Head of Household | Homosexual | Location: Office | Tags: LeMarc, Ariana||

Lark lifted his head when there were two sharp knocks on his office door. He tried to regain composure as his butler came into the room carrying coffee and a mug in a tray. LeMarc seemed to always knew what he needed and when he needed it. One might wonder why Lark never seemed weirded out by such a thing but honestly, he stopped questioning it a long time ago. “Perfect timing.” Larkin said before giving the butler a tired smile. He had opened his mouth to say more but a loud ringing from his phone had cut him off. After slipping his hand into his pocket, he produced a cellphone and looked at the caller name and swiping to answer the call. “Yes? Did you need something, Ariane?” He answered and settled back into his chair. Lark was definitely going to need that coffee after this.

||Adelia Lewis | 18 | Human | Maid | Heterosexual | Location: Game Room | Tags: Open||

Adelia was dressed in her maid uniform, as required, while she was currently working on tidying up the game room. It looked like a few people decided to have had a game night but they didn't bother to put anything away. it was likely they were too tired by the time they got through and just headed off to be, leaving the staff to clean it up the next day. Adelia counted the pieces of the game as she put it into the respective box, making sure the pieces were all accounted for and not damaged.

||Deirdre Scarborough | Appears 25 | Spirit | Cook | Heterosexual | Location: Kitchen | Tags: Marc||

Deirdre perked up when she heard her name and spun around to be greeted with a sight for sore eyes. “Hello my love. You are looking nice today.” She said warmly before turning back to the food she just prepared. “Mmm, it just kind of felt like a scrambled eggs morning. I am glad someone enjoys the idea so far.” Not like anyone really complains but still.. Deirdre turned around and smiled brightly.

||Nimbus (Nim) | 3 | Cat | Manor Animal | Unknown | Location: Library | Tags: Franz||

Nimbus was almost asleep when a faint sound but constant sound started. Mumbling? No... Seemingly crazed rambling was what he thought he was hearing. He flicked an ear and tried to ignore it but he just couldn’t fall back to sleep. Nimbus let out a soft huff before pulling himself up to figure out who was talking and why. It didn’t take long before he found the man behind the rambling. It really wasn’t a surprise to find it was Franz, one of the owners of the household. “What are you even going on about?” Nimbus spoke out of curiosity, after listening to the strange words that he didn’t even know.

||Katheryne (Katie) Grey | 19 | Werewolf | Homeless | Heterosexual | Location: Leck's Forest | Tags: Evan||

Katheryne didn’t hear anyone approach due to the music but she felt someone watching her. Her natural instinct was to run but if it was a hunter, running may give her away a lot faster. Casually, she pulled out the iPod and acted as if she was tired of the song so she was going to change it to something else. She let it slip from her grip and hit the forest floor, wincing slightly as the head buds was yanked from her ears. She made sure to walk a few steps while this happened. “Great...” She said with fake annoyance, keeping her head tilted downward as she turned around to pick up the iPod. She knelt down and gently reached out to collect her fallen items, letting her eyes peak through her black hair to see if she could see anyone. It took a moment but she spotted her target and quickly realized it was indeed not a hunter. A sigh of relief escaped Katie as she rose to her feet again and stuffed her stuff back into her pocket. “Come to listen?” Katheryne asked, looking over at the guy with a raised eyebrow. Why else would anyone be around her after all.
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[charlie || 1] [wendy || 2] [stella || 1] [evan || 2]

Postby ~ moth ~ » Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:20 pm

      [centuries old] [male] [shifter] [demisexual] [stable hand] [status ,, fine] [location ,, heading to horse stalls]
      [crush ,, tentatively open] [mentions ,, none] [tags ,, open]
      in his bed the shifter awoke to the internal clock that he had. every morning on cue he woke up at the same time each day. he needed no fancy alarm thingy to wake him up. for years he has had time to perfect this way of waking up and so far it hasn't let him down. with a soft yawn he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and pulled himself from his bed. he made his way into his bathroom and started his morning routine. first he brushed his teeth until they felt clean then he flossed. using the sink he splashed water on his face and washed his face with a damp cloth. then he took some scissors and trimmed his facial hair until it looked even and well kept. then he took a brush and brushed out his hair. this process did take some bit of time to do but he didn't mind. in the end he looked well groomed. leaving the bathroom he found his way to his dresser where he pulled out his typical outfit for the day. a white long sleeved shirt ,, blue jeans and a belt as well as tan boots. he changed into these clothes. he did this all in the dark without switching on a light. he's strange like that but for the longest time he lived without electricity so it was somewhat strange getting used to it. walking out of his bedroom the shifter gently closed the door as to not wake up anyone who was still asleep. heading through the hallways of the manor charlie took time to appreciate the opulence. it never ceased to amaze him how beautiful the manor was. finding his way outside charlie paused as he looked up at the sky. it looked as if it might rain soon. if that was so then he should get any horses out in the fields back into the stalls. starting for the stalls charlie hoped he would beat the rain and get to the horses in time. he knew that some of them were easily spooked by storms and it would be a lot tougher to get them inside.

      [twenty two] [female] [human] [bisexual] [townsfolk] [status ,, urious ,, happy] [location ,, town]
      [crush ,, open] [mentions ,, none] [tags ,, eadgyd]
      walking through town with her dog wendy felt content. this was all she really needed in her life. a quaint town to call her home and her best friend by her side. the dog also seemed quite happy as his tail wagged from side to side. all was good. or at least it was until a curious young woman came bounding up to the duo. wendy paused and gently pulled the leash back to get spike to pause as well. returning the womans smile wendy took a moment to quickly look her up and down. most people didn't like the sight of the pit-bull. the species was given a bad reputation and some of the town residents were afraid of him. although this woman didn't seem to mind his breed at all. wendy did find it strange though how this woman just appeared from no where. she hadn't even seen her around until she came up to wendy and spike. wendy just took this as her being too unfocused at times. of course you can ,, she replied to the womans question. his name is spike. but don't let the name fool you. he's a cuddle bug. she explained. however as spike began to sniff at the woman his tail stopped wagging and his ears perked up. something was causing him to tense up but wendy wasn't sure if it was the oncoming storm or the woman before them. not yet on alert herself wendy passed the signs off as him being afraid of the possible storm. i'm guessing you like dogs? i do. prefer 'em over cats. wendy said hoping to strike up a conversation with the woman.

      [eighteen] [female] [vampire angel hybrid] [guest] [pansexual] [status ,, bored ,, hungry]
      [location ,, ballroom entrance] [crush ,, open] [mentions ,, vengal] [tags ,, open]
      today was a lovely day. the sky was gray and moody and a slight wetness hung in the air. a chill found its way through the town and to the manor. the forecast called for rain later today. it couldn't get much better than this. rain brought a soothing rhythm and was enjoyable to walk through. spring was a nice time of the year. it wasn't too hot or too cold. a warm breeze brought promise of summer but the strange weather still held onto winter. sitting in her windowsill was the young hybrid. the window was pushed open to allow the chill into her bedroom. her legs hung out of the window and over the side of the manor. blue eyes scanned the acres of land that belonged to the manor. she had been like this for a few hours now. restless throughout the night her dreams plagued with nightmares of her past and broken hopes for the future. she needed a getaway. sometimes she would leave and go for a walk in the woods or hang out with the horses in their stables.

      but this night she didn't want to leave the comfort of her bedroom. so instead she sat at the window and watched the sunrise. of course there wasn't much of one for mostly clouds filled the sky. however she could tell that the sun was rising above the horizon for the darkness slowly faded into a faint light. footsteps sounded in the hallway outside her bedroom and soft voices as well as a piano began to echo through the hallways. stella figured that the staff and residents were starting to rise themselves. swinging her legs over the windowsill her bare feet hit the cool wooden ground. stella left the window open not minding the cold breeze. shuffling over to a mirror she stared at herself. yuck. she thought as she ran her fingers through her bed head. making her way to her bathroom stella undressed and climbed into the shower for a quick rinse. afterward she pulled her hair up into a ponytail ,, put on a pair of black leggings and a dark red sweater. putting on a pair of converse which she didn't bother tying stella grabbed the only things in life any teen ever needed. her phone and earbuds. oh ,, and a water bottle full of crimson liquid that matched her sweater.

      exiting her bedroom the hybrid slowly wandered the hallways with nothing much to do. she had no job in the manor or out in town ,, nor was there much to do in the rustic styled building. although the sounds of the piano did pique her curiosity. while she has heard the piano before she has never been too interested in discovering who was playing it. navigating her way through the large manor stella followed after where the music was coming from. the noise led her to the ballroom. a place stella didn't even know the manor had. just like the rest of the manor the ballroom was opulent and beautiful. her eyes flitted around the room for a moment as she took it in. however her eyes were drawn to the figure at the piano. his face was hooded so she couldn't quite tell who he was. probably another resident at the manor. standing in the doorway she watched him for a moment. he played the piano well.

      [seventy ,, looks twenty-ish] [male] [spirit] [demi-pansexual] [homeless] [status ,, annoyed ,, curious]
      [location ,, lecks forest] [crush ,, tentatively open] [mentions ,, none] [tags ,, katheryne]
      with slight disinterest the spirit watched as the young woman fumbled around for a few moments with her device. it looked to be an ipod but that didn't matter much. she seemed a little bit like a klutz for the thing easily slipped from her hands and fell to the ground. if he could he would lean against a tree and watch with little amusement at the woman trying to regain her dropped items. however if evan leaned against anything he'd just fall right through it so instead he rigidly stood watching from afar. at last the woman grabbed her ear buds and device and stood back up. but at the same time she had spotted him. he figured that might happen with him just idly standing by out in the open. not really. he lowly replied to her with a sigh. glancing back from where he had just come from evan wasn't just about to say i'm coming from my grave sight to see what's up. instead he continued on with ,, just wanted to see what was making so much noise. which was also true and a much better answer than that he thought to say. crossing his arms over his chest evan looked to the girl with an uninterested look. she had been being very loud and it was offsetting the gloomy mood of the day. but at the same time she did have a lovely voice. you're very loud. he stated.
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentmoon Manor (Revamp)(O&A)

Postby Winchester's Wolf » Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:28 pm

acilier R. 𝔏ysandre- "This be the work of Satan"
29-Male | Vampire | Butler | Bi-None | tags; Oisin
Facilier continued to stare up at the guest, still on edge by his height and as well as the appearance. But he decided to ignore all that and listen to what he had to say. Most of it was self-explanatory. Someone comes here to look for shelter only because the outside world was cruel. His eyes soon fixated on the floor before his gaze shooting back up at the...giant. Maybe he shouldn't assume on who this man was, especially when he said he was a stoaway. Facilier's lips parted to say something, but he was rudely interrupted by a black eagle that soon was perched on the man's gloved hand. It did startle him a bit, as he hasn't seen a creature like that before in his entire lifetime. He jerked his head to the side, soon to step back, "Well sir, there is no need for you to apologize; The head of the household, Mr. Stoker, might be busy at the moment. Although I am not completely sure. So please do come in, I will show you the way to Mr. Stoker's office." . Facilier turned his head over towards the staircase and then stared forward, trying to figure out if Lark was awake or not, along with the head butler...whom he forgot his name already. Two weeks new to this job isn't working all that great for him.


ary J. ℜosiland- "Ding-dong~ Wanna play with me?"
10-Male | Human | Unknown | Ace-None | tags; Arc
He flipped through the pages tiredly, knowing that his imagination wasn't the best cure for his boredom. Mary blinked a couple of times, gazing at a picture that was found in the book. It looked like some sort of...scaly creature...Dragon perhaps? He stared down at the picture for another minute or two before flipping through the book once again, soon to find a small paper wedged in between two pages. However, his attention turned towards the picture that was on the page. It seemed to be an old man sitting on some sort of chair with two dogs and two birds at his side. He held a pointy object and wore clothes out of metal. Not to mention the funny winged hat that he also was wearing. On the bottom of the picture was a few words. Honestly, he wasn't going to try and pronounce. Mary turned his attention back towards the paper and looked at the drawings. One was of a flower that his father had sometimes in his room, while the other three were fruits: cherries, strawberries and apples. He thought for a moment before pulling the piece of paper from the book, slamming it shut. He placed the book by his pillow that was propped carefully in the corner before sliding out of the closet. Mary glanced around the room, before making his way towards the window, opening it. He slid out and onto the roof.


It took him a bit for him to get down on the ground, which his hands started to turn red from sliding down the gutter. Mary ignored it before heading towards the bushes where he dropped down into a crawling position and crawled over towards the hole that was dug out from under the gate. This was a way for him to get out and back in of the manor grounds without being seen. Luckily he hasn't been caught, yet. Once Mary was through the hole, he got up and dusted away any dirt or leaves that decided to stick to his clothing. After he was satisfied, he headed towards the town by walking away from the path that led outside of the forest.


It wasn't long until he arrived at a two-story building. There was no use of being here, so he traveled down the dirt path that led to a cobblestone street, and into the town of Airedale. It was a nice town, although he didn't really have many fond memories of the town except for meeting his father here. And if he could remember correctly, there was a shop on a corner that sold dresses that were outstandingly beautiful, as heard from a townsfolk. Mary took a look at the paper and started to walk, not really paying attention to where he was going.
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentmoon Manor (Revamp)(O&A)

Postby MacabreSmile » Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:48 pm

Prince of the Damned|LeMarc|Head Butler|Half-Demon|Tagged: Larkin

    LeMarc returns Larkin's smile with one of his own...Well, calling it a smile is pushing it, but his lips do turn up enough to convey emotion. Typically this is moment when they would trade morning civilities and information, which is admittedly one of LeMarc's more preferred moments of the day. He frowns when the phone rings, denied his right to civil morning small talk, and decides to busy himself pouring the man a mug of coffee. After years of working for him, he knew exactly how Larkin preferred his morning drink, although how he kept the coffee at such a constant, hot temperature was beyond most. Oh how insulted his brethren would be if they found out he was using his demonic powers to heat a mortal's coffee. Not that they will ever find that out...Or anyone, for that matter. Best no one know, not even Larkin. LeMarc sets down the coffee in front of his boss with a nod.

Resident Scholar|Franz Joseph|Attic Hermit|Vampire|Tagged: Nimbus

    The book in the old vampire's hand snaps shut abruptly, falling to the floor as Franz turns to gaze at the source of his interruption. "Cat?" He says curiously, staring down at Nimbus with two glowing, bespectacled eyes. "Cat? Marianne, when did we get a cat?" He calls out to the empty library, looking left and right and up and down. No one answers, of course. There is no Marianne in the building. "Blast, she is gone is she not? Good, good, she did not like cats! Irritated her lungs now where was I cat cat cat cat..." Franz turns back to the books as if he forgot about Nimbus entirely, picking another tome up bythe spine and flicking through it. "We must increase the performance...No the radiation would be...Seven-no, five- whole ground...The blood of the...Two kilograms of hydrogen dioc...Coagulation reaches peak at..."

Lady of the Lake|Eadgyd|Edith|Homeless|Kelpie|Tagged: Wendy

    Edith grins and offers her hand to Spike, letting him sniff her fingers before slowly raising her hand to scratch behind his ears. "Hello there, Spike! Oh, he's a bonnie one, aren't you, sweet?" She croons, petting a scritching the dog with the practiced work of a loving dog-owner. "Hm? What you say?" Edith glances up at the dog's owner, like she was only half paying attention to the words. "Wuh? Oh yeah, I love dogs! Nothin' 'gainst cats, but they're not my favourites. Too fussy." She speaks with a hint of an accent, as if she had long ago lived somewhere else and still had a faint touch of it on her tongue. "My pa used to have one of those- what do they call em?- deerhounds, right! Scruffy thing, but she was a good girl. Strong. Good mates to keep around. Loyal." She doesn't bother look anymore at the woman she is speaking to, evidently too distracted by the dog before her.
Last edited by MacabreSmile on Sun Oct 14, 2018 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentmoon Manor (Revamp)(Accepting)

Postby Squirrelstar123 » Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:59 pm

Squirrelstar123 wrote:||Larkin (Lark) Stoker | 26 | Human | Head of Household | Homosexual | Location: Office | Tags: LeMarc, Ariana||

Lark lifted his head when there were two sharp knocks on his office door. He tried to regain composure as his butler came into the room carrying coffee and a mug in a tray. LeMarc seemed to always knew what he needed and when he needed it. One might wonder why Lark never seemed weirded out by such a thing but honestly, he stopped questioning it a long time ago. “Perfect timing.” Larkin said before giving the butler a tired smile. He had opened his mouth to say more but a loud ringing from his phone had cut him off. After slipping his hand into his pocket, he produced a cellphone and looked at the caller name and swiping to answer the call. “Yes? Did you need something, Ariane?” He answered and settled back into his chair. Lark was definitely going to need that coffee after this.

||Adelia Lewis | 18 | Human | Maid | Heterosexual | Location: Game Room | Tags: Open||

Adelia was dressed in her maid uniform, as required, while she was currently working on tidying up the game room. It looked like a few people decided to have had a game night but they didn't bother to put anything away. it was likely they were too tired by the time they got through and just headed off to be, leaving the staff to clean it up the next day. Adelia counted the pieces of the game as she put it into the respective box, making sure the pieces were all accounted for and not damaged.

||Deirdre Scarborough | Appears 25 | Spirit | Cook | Heterosexual | Location: Kitchen | Tags: Marc||

Deirdre perked up when she heard her name and spun around to be greeted with a sight for sore eyes. “Hello my love. You are looking nice today.” She said warmly before turning back to the food she just prepared. “Mmm, it just kind of felt like a scrambled eggs morning. I am glad someone enjoys the idea so far.” Not like anyone really complains but still.. Deirdre turned around and smiled brightly.

||Nimbus (Nim) | 3 | Cat | Manor Animal | Unknown | Location: Library | Tags: Franz||

Nimbus jumped back as the book Franz was holding fell to the floor with a thump. He stared at the vampire with wide eyes, watching him as he rambled some more before calling out to a Marinne. Before Nimbus knew it, Franz had picked up the book and started talking again. “Uhhhh... Are you okay?” Nimbus asked, taking a few steps back while watching the vampire. Sure, this wasn’t unusual behavior for Franz but Nimbus never got used to it and it freaked him out everytime. After all this time, he still had no idea what this guy was looking for or all these people he talks about.

||Katheryne (Katie) Grey | 19 | Werewolf | Homeless | Heterosexual | Location: Leck's Forest | Tags: Evan||

Katheryne shrugged and let out a small huff. “Well I guess you won’t have to worry about me interrupting your peace anymore. It was stupid of me to be singing out here anyway.” She replied before dropping her eyes to the ground and letting out a sigh. His attitude seem to match his appearance completely, bored and gloomy. “I’m sorry for bothering you.. Um.. Have a good day.” She muttered as a goodbye, giving him a tight smile before turning away. As she walked away, she made sure to remember this lesson because it could be the difference between life and death for her. If he had been human, who knows what could have happened. He was obviously not a human at least, not with how grey and colorless his skin was.
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentmoon Manor (Revamp)(O&A)

Postby S0urmelom » Sun Oct 14, 2018 2:42 pm


Akira made his way to the outdoor garden, black lacy umbrella in hand. It looked quite sunny out in his room, and he had to tend to the variety of plants the family had offered him to take care of. Akira ruffled his hair with his free hand, reaching over to a stone basin with fresh water. He washed his hands, starting with the succulents near a waterfall. He sighed to himself, already beginning to feel dizzy fr the suns unforgiving rays. But nonetheless, he persisted.



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Harry Potter and Tired Social Convention

Postby Politics » Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:23 pm


xx001 Entrance, 002 Tense, 003 Facilier,
004 𝐓𝐋;𝐃𝐑 Mystery man fails at
conversation, which really isn't
great when your life's at stake. Pt.2!

┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛

      The man, with an unexpected gentleness, set the bird on his shoulder. He gave it a rub under the chin, though whatever brief smile there was dissolved quickly to hurt and concern. A tiredness entered his voice as he spoke, furthering the rich, gravelly tone it had. “Um...thank you. Again, I’m terribly sorry for the intrusion. I...do hope the bird isn’t a problem for those of the household.” Stepping inside after(making sure to tap off his shoes before coming in) Facilier, the large man’s guilt for intruding seemed to, in the short term, outweigh the fact that he may well have been running for his life. Sure, he still seemed terribly on edge, looking over his shoulder frequently, and with only a leather tote, violin and the clothes on his back. But now, this shyness gave him the impression of a very large kicked puppy(albeit still very intense) than a threat. “Oh...” He followed up the staircase, all the while doing something with his weird black(melaniaric, maybe?) eagle-hawk.
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentmoon Manor (Revamp)(O&A)

Postby doc . » Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:24 pm

xxx━━━━━━ Amserlen ━━━━━━ xX
xxxHe/Him - Groundskeeper - 30 yrs - tags: Deirdre
Marc-Anthony moved himself into the kitchen upon being recognized. A favorite thing to do was to tease her around the kitchen, play with her instruments and purposefully misplace things for her to find later. He was childish like this, but today he wasn't feeling like playing like that. He approached and paused in front of the stove, sniffing a bit and turning his head back to Deirdre. She was the best cook around, and that answer was basically.. unbiased.
"Anybody else been through here yet?" he asked while moving his cane to hook around his wrist so he could have both hands for servicing. He grabbed a few hot pads and utensils to serve the food up, helping by carrying them out to the dining table where the food was to be set out. He laid down the hot pads where Deirdre liked to put the food, and set aside the utensils for the food itself.
"A shame.. I might have to eat all this food myself." he called from the dining room, before taking up his cane in his hand and hobbling back into the kitchen, pulling his girlfriend away from what she was doing for half a second to gently give her a morning kiss to the cheek.
A funny joke earlier, Marc had never even had a single bit of food in his life. He wasn't.. built for that sort of thing.
Though he enjoyed the idea of Deirdre making food for him. It was a kind and thoughtful gesture.
"I feel like its going to be a good day today.. therefore its put me in a happy mood." he grinned at her. What he didn't know was the sunshine of the morning was to be replaced by chilly winds and rain later on. If Marc didn't catch the break soon enough he would easily be stuck inside the Manor until it passed

xxx━━━━━━ Ludwig ━━━━━━ xX
xxxHe/Him - Human - 18 yrs - tags: Mary
Arc wasn't even looking where he was going, his eyes were focused on what song he wanted to listen to next. His earbuds were in and his keys jingled softly in his pocket with each approaching footstep. A flick of the finger every here and there, and eventually he found the song he wanted to listen to.
It was a chilly morning today, but the birds weren't loud and the neighbors weren't annoying. So it felt like a calm song day.
Right as he tapped the song, something flashed in the itty bit of his peripheral, and he instinctively stopped right away. He was at the edge of town now, and had almost basically run over a child. Accidental, of course. It seemed they both weren't even looking at where they were going
"Entschuldigung!" he breathed while ripping his buds out of his head and stuffing his phone and earbuds, still playing the gentle and calm song, into his pocket. This kid was younger than he was by a sizable amount. It was only then he realized the kid probably didn't speak the same language he did. The hard part was remembering how to even speak.. English.
"My bad.. I didn't see you there!" the young German piped up, in English, for the kid to understand. He had a very obvious accent on him, but not as thick as his father's
"Are you alright? I did not hurt you anyvhere did I?"
He bent down a little to tilt his head and look upon the child to make for certain, he didn't smack the kid or bruise him in any way.

xxx━━━━━━ Krishnan ━━━━━━ xX
xxxHe/Him - Resident - 19 yrs - tags: Stella
Vengal continued to play until the song was over with. When it was, he scooted himself back from the chair and stood up. The wood upon glossed wood made the worst sound you could possibly imagine. Like nails on a chalkboard you feared for both the scratcher and the one being scratched upon. Though he didn't seem to be bothered by such horrible sounds, and he lifted his head to see that Stella had joined him. She was across the way, standing in the doorway and listening. Of course this wasn't surprising, seeing he had been playing one of little pianos in the Manor. This was one of the more main places to play such an instrument.
Stella knew his father.. or knew of him. He didn't think they actually interacted much. She probably knew of his mother as well, they had been around each other back then. But it was a long time ago, he wouldn't expect anyone to remember them.
He couldn't remember them.
Vengal removed his hood and ran a hand through his hair to fix it as his multicolored eyes landed on her and stared
He didn't know what to say.. he wasn't one for chatter. Especially meaningless chatter that consisted of 'wow you're a good player' and 'thanks I know'.
He already knew how the conversation was going to go.
He stepped away from the piano and stuffed his hands into his pockets before slowly, oh so slowly, making his way for the door she stood in.
"I've practiced all my life, playing for friends and family." he said aloud, answering any and all questions she had right off the bat. He hated questions. Especially ones coming from people he didn't know very well. He didn't like it when people tried to get to know him.
"I practice alone. Sometimes I don't practice at all and things just come to me."
He was halfway across the room now.
"But that's about it. Instruments and music was all I had growin' up here."
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Re: Welcome to the Cresentmoon Manor (Revamp)(O&A)

Postby Winchester's Wolf » Mon Oct 15, 2018 2:07 am

acilier R. 𝔏ysandre- "This be the work of Satan"
29-Male | Vampire | Butler | Bi-None | tags; Oisin
Once the man was inside, Facilier closed the door behind him, which he was quite surprised that the man was courteous enough to get rid of whatever was stuck to his shoes. Unlike some people. Who was even to visit this place anyway? Its not like some stranger was able to find their way and...Oh wait... he glanced up at the giant that was already making his way up the staircase. Did he already tell him to go up the stairs? Facilier was pretty sure that he didn't but everyone was strange in their own ways...Not that he was... He shook his head to rid of those thoughts before heading up the stairs, opposite of the giant, gripping onto the railing tightly as he ascended. It didn't dawn on him until he took a glance at the bird that the giant had once again apologized...For the bird. However, he didn't say anything, but he also did want to so it didn't look like he was ignoring him, "No need to apologize.". As they reached the top of the stairs, Facilier paused. Which way was Lark's office again? Without thinking, he decided to go left and down a hall that looked familiar to him, slowing down so he didn't lose the guest.


ary J. ℜosiland- "Ding-dong~ Wanna play with me?"
10-Male | Human | Unknown | Ace-None | tags; Arc
As Mary continued down the streets, he stared down at the flower, trying to remember what type it was. He has seen it before, many times before, but it seemed that the name was forgotten. Maybe he should've asked his father before he left, otherwise this task would've been eas-. Mary paused and looked over once someone shouted something that didn't seem all familiar to him either. What kind of gibberish was it? He turned around to see a man, that was probably as tall as his father, if not probably taller, rush over to him, soon to stoop down to his own height. He stared at the man as he spoke more clearly, words like his own. Mary continued to stare at the man, unblinking as he asked if he was alright, soon to ask if he had hurt him anywhere. The child smiled and shook his head, following by a simple "Bon.". That wasn't right. "Nom." Mary looked away, glaring at the streets as if it was its fault for not saying 'no' right. It was simple, really. Sighing, Mary turned his head back towards the man, shaking his head 'no' once more, the glare still resting on his face. He then soon returned his gaze to the paper that he was holding, soon to fold it over, pressing down on the fold, making a crease on the paper. He soon shoved the paper back into his shorts pocket. He looked back at the man and took one slight step back.
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