❝ people live, people die

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❝ odysseus livingstone - "wayfarer"

Postby solyn » Sun May 28, 2017 3:23 pm

xx i don't wanna grow up anyway

odysseus livingstone- odie to friends- is yo
ur archetypical badboy. he's a kid that the
system has failed, and as a result he harbo
rs a deep resentment for authority. he doe
sn't believe in the justice system, and thin
ks that all forms of government authority
are corrupt. he has his own strict moral c
that he adheres to, with little conce
rn for the rules. his main priority is to hel
p people like himself, ones who will be p
assed over by the system. he is closed off
and sarcastic, easily irritated and a defin
ite loner. he cares deeply about his loved
ones and would do anything to protect th
em. he is a hard worker but tends to be i
mpulsive and stubborn, and acts before h
e thinks a majority of the time which ca
n get him in trouble. he hates relying on
other people, and is very self-sufficient.

xx grown ups are all sad
i. odysseus reginald livingstone. ii. 20
years old. iii. cismale [he/him] iv. bis
exual. v. goes by the alias 'wayfarer'.
vi. teleportation & phasing abilities.


what do you do when desperation finds you?
xx doesn't matter where i come from

odysseus comes from the run-down downto
wn area of town. his father was abusive, a
nd his mother died when he was eight. he
and his siblings were taken into foster car
, but no one wanted to take four of them
and so he and his siblings were split up. as
a teenager, odysseus very quickly develop
ed the badboy attitude, becoming more a
nd more secretive as his abilities began to
come into effect. at fifteen, he decided t
o utilize them. and so wayfarer was born;
a vigilante paving the way for justice in t
he city. at eighteen, odysseus left the fos
ter care system, and is currently doing an
apprenticeship as a mechanic at the local
chopshop, and fighting crime by night. he
has no significant friends and is very priva
te. he especially dislikes seeing people he
knew in highschool.

xx i'll grow up & get sad
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❝ athena winthrop

Postby solyn » Mon Jun 05, 2017 9:42 am

meet athena chau winthrop, aka agent 005. she is
a leo, born on the 4th of august, and is an expert
with hand-on-hand combat. she is very good at tac
tical planning
and running ops, and likes everythin
g to go to plan. she is a terrible sniper and finds gu
ns clunky and unreliable
. she is of vietnamese-ame
descent, and is pansexual. she is currently sin
. she is currently 23 years old. theme song is tak
e it from me - KONGOS

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❝ eugene lin-liao

Postby solyn » Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:35 pm

eugene peter lin-liao - goes by gene liao - chinese-
malay & european descent
- fc is ross butler - 18 ye
ars old [senior]
- male [he/him pronouns] - bisexua
l demiromantic
- role is playa playa - single

XXXXXXXXXXXX ( they desire is the root of )
( but i got mad stacks so )


( ain't a thing )


XXXXX ( take your girl & i'll sweep her )

gene liao is a player, pure and simple. loud, charis
matic and outgoing with an award-winning smile,
the man is like something out of a movie. he's ver
y suave and romantic, but carefree, and dislikes t
he idea of commitment intensely. he is very pride
ful, and has a vicious temper when provoked, desp
ite his usually fun-loving attitude. he is quite vain
and self-centered, and tends to be impulsive, neve
r really weighing up the consequences of his actio
ns. he is arrogant, stubborn, and a huge gossip, al
ongside being a huge flirt.


XX ( my father worked so that i didn't have to )

the son of chinese-european peter liao and chinese
-malaysian nicole lin, gene's parents went through
a nasty divorce when he was just six. ever since th
en, this party boy has been pitting his parents agai
nst each other to earn his favour. as a result, he ha
s access to everything he could ever want, and can
get away with just about anything. he's openly bis
exual, and has been ever since middle school. he k
eeps in shape by running track and playing tennis,
the latter mostly as a hobby, but he does have som
e solid arm muscles on him.


other trivia;
his favourite colour is pur
he is right handed, h
e is a
sagittarius and he i
born on the fourth of de
he loves the seas
on of
summer & enjoys th
e beach. his family has a

vacation home in australi
he loves traditional chi
nese food
and is also very
partial to
italian-style dis
his favourite movie i
s fight club.
he doesn't re
ally like
sweet things.

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❝ lance fisher

Postby solyn » Tue Jun 13, 2017 6:01 pm

lance hollis fisher - goes by lance fisher - latino &
european descent
- fc is nico tortorella - 18 years
old [senior]
- male [he/him pronouns] - homosexu
- role is bad boy - single

XXXXXXXXXXXX ( take a walk, running out of room to )
( we don't need a leader, we got )


( to stand for every one of us )


XXXXX ( hey now, you talk the )

meet lance; a cynical boy with big ideas. lance do
es not belong to the world of high-society, and see
ks to separate himself often. he is irritable and har
d-headed, sarcastic and juvenile, and all around ve
ry critical of the upper class. he is very skeptical a
bout people he doesn't know, and is an idealist, wit
h big ideas for society. he shuns the practices of hi
s peers and tends to be a bit of a troublemaker at t
imes. despite his off-putting carapace, lance cares
deeply about his family and friends, and has a shar
p wit to compliment his sense of humour.


XX ( everyone's ignoring now from )

lance is the step-son of politician james fisher, who
married his mother, sylvia esteves when lance was t
en. lance despises the world he was yanked into, ha
ting the phoniness of it, and has always felt like a p
ariah in this society. he cares deeply about world iss
ues and feels strangled by ties, and as a result tends
to act out, shunning the ideals of this society in ever
y way possible to make it clear that he despises the
world he has been forced to be a part of. he has bui
lt a reputation for himself as a bad boy through this
ritual shunning of high-society values.


other trivia;
speaks fluent spanish and
can play the
guitar and t
he piano
. he has a pet ge
rman shepherd
named br
uce. an
aries, born april
. has 3 tattoos, and
dreams of attending
for a conjoint law and
poli-sci degree.
likes vi
nyl records and cassette
. owns his own mot
, and has a terribl
sweet tooth. plays fiel
d hockey
in the midfield

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❝ lio sakai

Postby solyn » Fri Jul 07, 2017 10:34 am


LIO LEVEL 3 73219-M
[ lio hidashi sakai | 23 years old | pisces/march 18 | male | bisexual | team butter | leithian ]

lio's family are wealthy, and he grew up on a hokkery on leith. the idea of running a busine
ss never appealed to lio, and he was far more fascinated with technology and the chance t
o tinker with it. he left leith to become a killjoy four years ago, and has been working with
team butter for two as their technology specialist. lio is enthusiastic and cheery, with a qui
ck wit. he is pragmatic and intuitive, and enjoys solving puzzles or problems. he is very per
sonable and good at making friends, but he is a perfectionist and can get easily frustrated
when things go wrong. he is still quite young & naive, and doesn't fully understand quad po
litics. he retains his appreciation for fine hokk.

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❝ eldrea morrigan

Postby solyn » Fri Jul 07, 2017 10:48 am

XXXXXXXXXXXX ( eldrea / morrigan ! )
name. eldrea lane morrigan
nick/alias. rea/sleek
gender. female
age. twenty six
call. 33452-B
level. five
team. none
sex. ace demiro

not a lot is particularly known about eldrea morrigan. she came to the quad s
ix years ago, and became one of the only agents to ever be started at level 5.
ever since then, she has become notorious for her sleek and classy work. eldr
ea is mostly known as 'sleek' by other RAC agents, and has a reputation for be
ing blunt, solemn & brooding. she is decisive and strong-willed, but lacks the
ability to work in a team. eldrea is a loner and likes her own space.

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❝ nikolas van damme

Postby solyn » Mon Jul 10, 2017 7:09 pm

XXXXXXXXXXXXXX ( you are a force of nature )
( the fire's running through your feet! ) XXXXXX

name. nikolas solomon van damme
n.name. niko, nick, edgelord
age. twenty [aries, april 9]
gender. cis male


role. ares, god of war
orient. bisexual demiromantic
face. thomas dekker
theme. here

nikolas van damme can best be described as edgy. callous and aloof, this boy is a self-proc
laimed loner who values his privacy & solitude, and actively shuns societal conventions. h
e is brash and gruff, often bluntly honest and at times acerbic. he tends to be grouchy and
quick-tempered, entirely too easy to provoke. despite his many misgivings, he is loyal, and
he works hard. niko grew up with his single father, living on a single minimum wage income
for most of their life. living in a bad neighbourhood, he has seen a lot of atrocities that hav
e made him bitter and cynical. he is notoriously a trouble maker, often getting into fights o
r taking part in questionable activities. he is estranged from his father.

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❝ elliot manning

Postby solyn » Mon Jul 10, 2017 7:46 pm

XXxx ( when you start it's just a matter of time )
( any minute you will cross that line ) XXXXXXXX

name. elliot jude manning
n.name. el, els, ellie, idiot
age. nineteen [sag, nov 28]
gender. cis male


role. dionysus, god of wine
orient. homosexual
face. daniel sharman
theme. here

meet elliot; vivacious and rambunctious, it's no surprise this boy is the new dionysus. ellie
is very outgoing. he loves meeting new people and making friends, and tends to be habitu
ally flirtatious. he can be a tad vain and is very materialistic, and he loves to party. elliot
tends to be a thrill seeker and because of this has a tendency to become quite self-destru
ctive. despite this, he is cheerful and optimistic with a sharp wit and a good sense of hum
our. he's had a soft upbringing; the manning family are big money and he was born with a
silver spoon in his mouth, so to speak. because of this he can be ignorant of some issues,
as he's used to getting away with anything & having his every whim acted on. elliot's sexu
ality is very important to him, because his parents were never wholly supportive and hop
ed it was a phase he would grow out of. he is very open & proud of his identity.

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❝ severus han

Postby solyn » Tue Jul 18, 2017 5:37 pm


[ severus lee "solo" han | 29 years old | male | homosexual | legacy hunter ]
no one knows where severus han came from, but they sure know who he is no
w. han is reputable for his large fortune and fancy gadgets, as well as his vicio
us, brutal methods and his tenacity. this man is cold and determined, and will
not let anything get in the way of him doing his job. he is patient and seeming
ly void of emotion. he is very blunt and straightforward, and hates to waste ti
me. han is independent and refuses to have a partner, earning him the monike
r "solo", a punny play on his surname. he has very little time for indulgences a
nd only makes alliances when it suits him. he is very sharp and intuitive.

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❝ poseidon

Postby solyn » Sun Sep 02, 2018 2:49 pm

( god of the ocean - he/him - closeted gay - 3007 years old - fc luke macfarlane )

water baby poseidon has a temperament like the sea he exalts. some days,
he's calming and gentle, with deep emotions, while others he's volatile and
dangerous like waves in a storm. he tends to be competitive, and he despis
es losing, especially to either of his brothers. he loves attention but will ne
ver admit to that. he is deeply emotional and struggles to express this, mak
ing him oftentimes cranky and disagreeable. despite his misgivings, he is in
telligent and philosophical. he as a great appreciation for the aesthetics of
nature and in particular earthquakes and horses. he tends to have a quick t
emper and dislikes the pranks and petty squabbles of the younger gods. wit
h a reputation as a womanizer, poseidon can come across as detached, how
ever he is simply struggling with coming to terms with his sexuality. he is th
e most people-pleasing of his siblings, and needs to be liked by everyone.
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