Create a Village - V.2

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Thu Aug 09, 2018 7:26 am


Summer is here! During summer, your villagers are likely to catch even more prey and the odds of deaths during births will continue to drop.

It doesn't appear to be much different from the spring, as the weather remains nice and mild. However, some villages may soon experience heat waves and/or droughts as the weather heats up.

It is now summer!

Cyrrane | Baryo sa Dalampasigan | Solaris Canyon | Nuudotkhyat | Adularia | Iron Rosette | Bellmare | Mekhanikos | Skytree | The Stormclouds | Floukru | Vale of Archaic Corybantic

Makoto Naegi wrote:

[ Alex requires one more post of rest to heal. ]

[ Alina and Marvis find nothing of interest. However, Alina slips and falls, receiving a rather nasty scratch. Marvis assures her that all that's needed is to see Celeste and everything will be alright. ]
[ Eli catches x1 chicken and x1 deer. ]
[ Emma gathers x1 lettuce and x1 orange. ]

[ Mod notes: Ahh I love the name Muffin! It's a wonderful name for a wolf. XD Also, Alina will not need to rest; just make sure that you note her as seeing Celeste and she can go on a patrol in that same post. ]

Savannah-the-Caracal wrote:

[ Vanellope is now pregnant! She will give birth in two posts. ]

[ Cassandra, Thorne, and Wynia find nothing of interest. However, Thorne falls onto the rocks in the ocean and Cassandra and Wynia find him clutching a broken arm. While he insists that he's fine, Cassandra tells him sternly to see Finnick as soon as he can. Thorne will need 1 post of rest to recover. ]
[ Krill catches x1 salmon. ]
[ Finnick gains 1 KP. ]

[ Mod notes: Can you please update how many people you currently have? You're using the correct amount of servings but your person counter shows only 3 villagers rather than 7. ]

ilhdc7 wrote:





at the birth of a new century, the gods and goddesses of the greek's became angry. each held a fire in their eyes at the subjects, who had once worshiped them, fell away from their original religion. with anger in his eyes, zues sent out a message to all of the humans of earth, telling them, "those who were children of the gods, grandchildren of the gods, and further on, will be spared. but on the night of the change, those who were not decedents of gods would be struck down. technologies would be immobilized, and the survivors of the world will need to rebuild."

mass carnage. mass hysteria. mass fear. nobody knew who was going to live, and who was going to die. and when the clock struck midnight on that fateful day, the earth began to shutter. Volcanoes erupted, tsunami's swamped the shores of every coastal cities. tornadoes struck down. hurricanes swept up the coast. the animals, of all kinds, turned on their humans. then the next morning came. and those who stepped out of the rubble realized that they were survivors. the people who survived turned to the gods, and in turn the gods granted them with the ability to rebuild.

the leader crawled his way out of the rubble of his former home, and started to rebuild. his godly parent put her name in the back of his mind, athena. he was the son of athena, and he started to rebuild. he was the only survivor in his town, a 'blink & you'd miss it' place he had moved to to get out of seattle for the summer.

i've decided to completely restart lol
head chief = founder
shaman = oracle
war chief = general
warriors = hoplites
scout chief = commodore
scouts = scouts
hunting chief = huntsman/huntress
hunters = the lions
gatherers = garden keeper
apprentices = pupil
testers = pre-pupil
mothers = mothers
children = children
elders = elders

*they will have powers
but those will not effect
the outcome of any hunting
or gathering. just for
writing purposes only

skin tone, hair color
& eye color;

all natural




        middle; based in the middle of a rubble town
        north; farmland
        northeast; lake
        east; desert
        southeast; an old highway
        south; thick forest
        southwest; river
        west; thick forest
        northwest; mountain range

[ Your village has been founded! Amethyst14 will choose your mod. ]
[ Your head chief's traits are: ST - A7 / HS - S / HC - 4 / EC - H5 / X / demigod. ]

noctem. wrote:
❝ If it is a fight you want, expect a war ❞

      Once, The Direnyth Kingdom reigned. They were fearsome, a nation of warriors who endures the harshness of their land and their people. Revered as stoic and merciless, the Direnyth had the rugged mountains of the north claimed strictly for themselves. They would stir trouble in other villages, becoming harbingers of war and chaos. However, as the Direnyth Kingdom progressed and excelled, a darkness eventually loomed, and struck. War broke out after the assassination of their leader, and the once powerful kingdom fell. Now, however, a new era has dawned upon the Direnyth, and the kingdom shall once again rise.

      The direnyth aren’t the friendliest folk one might come across, often considered overbearingly hostile and challenging. They are a bit competitive and headstrong, though the calmest of the group will often settle down those who are eager to butt heads. Though strong-willed, the Direnyth prove to be useful allies and are loyal to those they trust.

      The Direnyth Kingdom is located on the coast, further south than their original place of stay. The territory is mostly grand mountain, with the camp in a steep valley in the mountains. The village is rather large, with some homes overlooking the waterfall while others are just next to it. Their is a cave system that leads out of the valley, and they will use that or go by dragon or horse. They use the sea for fishing, as well as a few rivers and lakes. The terrain is mainly rugged mountain, with a small temperate jungle and forests.

      xxxSkilled Animals
      Skilled animals are a crucial part of the kingdom, and considering the fact that these people are shifters, they are rather in tune with nature. The people of the kingdom are often quite connected to animals. All species are accepted, with dragons and canines being the most popular among the people. At one point in time, the people even tamed the wolves of the mountains, though it has been a long time since that, and they are now thought as omens.

      The kingdom consists of almost entirely shapeshifters. These shapeshifters have enhanced senses caused by their shifts. They vary in forms and shifts, though getting shifts can come from three reasons. the first being their “primal” and birth shift. their primal shift is the shift that most represents them, while their birth shift is the shift they get at birth. the second reason is emotion. if a shifter feels a very strong emotion (love, sorrow, rage, etc) they often gain another shift. the third reason is less common, but it is the practice in which a shifter will ask a deity or shaman to bless them with another shift— this does not always work. The rare siren and vampire can occasionally be found. Vampires have a single power that they are born with and develop as they age. All other species aren’t accepted.

      i decided to restart since i had low muse and i got an idea! i’ll be bringing a few people for the empire too. natural hair, skin, etc please!
      ↪️ if possible, could i have my leader match this? she’d be a shapeshifter with her primal shift being a cheetah

[ Your village has been founded! Amethyst14 will choose your mod. ]
[ Your head chief's traits are: ST - D4 / HS - LW / HC - 3 / EC - F3 / X / cheetah shapeshifter. ]
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Black Rock Weyrhold 13

Postby Simonpet » Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:44 am

𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕖𝕪𝕣𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕕
Number of People: 19 (11 ♂ | 8 ♀)
Number of Animals: 19
Children Due: 2 posts
Next Visit to North: 08/15/2018
Ancestors | Families | Items and Food | Mentors | Posts | Worldbuilding

Borrin, normally stoic, was crying openly as he held down the ailing Chase. The faithful canine that had served for more than ten turns had gotten progressively sicker over the past few sevendays and Shollun had informed him (in his usual emotionless manner) that it was time for Chase to be laid to rest.

Borrin didn’t know if he had it within him to put down his friend. He had raised Chase since he was a puppy and the canine had been with the Weyrhold through thick and thin. And now? Now he was to be put down like a bovine. No, worse, as he would likely be more aware.

Abesses, who had been standing nearby, put a comforting hand on Borrin’s shoulder. “I can do it,” he murmured in a thick voice. This death would affect him greatly, as he had hunted alongside Chase for many turns. “If you can’t, I will.”

“No,” whispered Borrin, hand trembling as he gripped the knife tighter. “Let me.”

And then Chase was no more.

Predath bugled, an urgant sound that jerked N’reg from his mid-morning doze. All telepathic queries to the bronze were answered by feelings of lust, excitement, and hunger. By Faranath, swore N’reg privately as he dressed hurriedly. Rosanth’s rising! The bronzerider grabbed his familiar leather coat as he ran out the door to the North Tower. Outside, Renolla could be heard from above, yelling at everyone to take shelter apart from the opposite sex if at all possible. Unfortunately, it would take several decades and many mating flights for the weyrholders to get used to periodic mating flights and until then, they would have to take shelter.

N’reg caught up to Seanni, who seemed to be fighting the effects of the flight off. Just a little longer, he thought. Just a little longer. The goldrider’s hair was disheveled as though she too, had been caught off guard. If only they had seen the signs before! N’reg made a mental note to make sure that he would try to remember the symptoms--no, a mating flight wasn’t a disease--signs of an upcoming mating flight.

“It will be alright,” said N’reg softly as he put a gentle hand on Seanni’s shoulder. “Just remember to control her. Don’t let her eat. She needs to blood.” The mantra that every dragonrider, no matter their color, had heard, for a queen or green needed blood to rise far and fast, to produce a healthy and large clutch. Not that clutches were large anymore. The time when a single queen could lay sixty or more eggs in one clutch was long gone, as dead as Lessa and Ramoth, the queenrider and her mount of legend.

Seanni’s nod was the only indication that she had heard N’reg and he stepped back to give her space. He was conscious of Predath’s mental questioning, prodding his rider to answer when the queen would wake and when they could mate. Soon, the rider answered grimly. Any moment now. N’reg took an involuntary step back as Rosanth stirred. At about ten turns old, Rosanth was almost as large as Ramoth had supposedly been, not that any dragon reached those sizes anymore. Not for many centuries. The bronzerider held his breath as those glistening multifaceted eyes opened. They were blood red. The eyes of a dragon ready to mate.

She needs to blood. She needs to blood. She needs to blood. It was a chant that ran through Seanni’s head as she felt Rosanth, the love and pride of her heart, wake. She had never attended a mating flight before, a serious oversight, now that she thought about it, which made this experience all the more frightening. Rosanth’s eyes were deep red with hunger and lust and Seanni stumbled backwards into N’reg’s arms as the great gold stood and leaped into the air.

Someone, probably Abesses, had had the presence of mind to drive some herdbeasts towards the river and it was there where Seanni’s mind followed her dragon. A few seconds later, the struggle began. No! screamed Seanni through the telepathic link that all dragonriders had with their hearts. You can’t eat! Rosanth had already tore open one bovine and was hesitating over it. You must blood! Blood! Blood! The two fought like that, an invisible struggle although the strain was evident on Seanni’s scrunched-up face. YOU. MUST. BLOOD. And the dragon broke. She let out a scream and bent down to lap up the blood that had spilled onto the grass and down the riverbank. This repeated twice more although Rosanth didn’t resist either of those times. Then, the gold tensed and let out a cry. A challenge to all males who heard and dare try to take her. With a great leap and a flap of her wings, Rosanth flew into the sky, taking Seanni’s heart and mind with her.

For some time, Rosanth and Predath danced in the sky. The gold would dive one way and let out a cry of delight as the bronze fell for her feint. She would swoop down, fly up and he would follow her every move, getting closer and closer as he went. But of course, there was only one bronze. And they already knew what the outcome would be. So after what seemed like an eternity but was really not much more than an hour, Rosanth let Predath catch up with her and the two dived to the ground with their tail and wings entwined.

Seanni woke with a start and let out a quiet groan as she recalled the events of the...previous day? Past few hours? She sat up and shook her head gently, wincing at the sore muscles. Everything hurt and she wondered if a quick ride She could and would wait a few months to see the outcomes. New blood was still needed in the weyrhold and she could always foist off a child onto someone like Jesni, who would be delighted to have another child to care for.

The goldrider looked over at N’reg, still asleep next to her, and blushed. She had always liked him and had always meant to tell him... Oh well. She was a sharding goldrider now and even before then, had been freer than her parents had ever realized. She smirked. That had come in handy, it seemed, because the normal Holder mindset would not tend well towards, ahh, dragonriding.

Seanni slipped away from the bed without N’reg seeming to notice, although he gave out a soft snore and flipped over onto his right side when she got out. She cleaned up and then made her way to the dining hall inside North Tower where she ate a quiet meal by herself.

[ The humans of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 17 servings: x2 bovine, x4 corn, and x2 wherry. ]
[ The carnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 3 servings: x1 bovine. ]
[ The omnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 0.5 servings: x0.5 carrot. ]
[ The herbivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 1.25 servings: x1.25 small fish. ]
[ Seanni asks for a candidate. ]

[ Seanni, N'reg, and Fedust (and Rosanth and Predath, dragons, and Curo, fire-lizard) go on a border patrol. ]
[ Abesses, Nitia, and Tugall hunt. ]
[ Jesni, Ayal, and Boldosh fish. ]
[ Renolla, Baridna, Fudiom, Kivee, and Eshni gather. ]
[ Shollun researches medicine. ]

[ Corn plant 1 grows with Borrin overseeing it. ]
[ Corn plant 2 grows with Ershar overseeing it. ]

[ Rosanth and Predath (dragons) mate. ]
[ Chase (canine) is put down due to old age. ]
[ Bovine 1 is killed in hopes of receiving meat and/or leather. ]
[ Bovine 2 is killed in hopes of receiving meat and/or leather. ]

[ Mod notes: Please don't kill anyone. Injuries of any severity are fine if rolled. ]


Seanni | female | 37 turns | X | Rosanth
↪ ST - A6 / HS - LC / HC - 8 / EC - D7
↪ 1 post until birth

Junior Goldriders

Retired Dragonriders

Renolla | female | 32 turns | Y
↪ ST - D11 / HS - AC / HC - 3 / EC - G2

Lower Caverns Staff
Fudiom | male | 51 turns | X
↪ ST - A1 / HS - S / HC - 17 / EC - A3
Kivee | female | 30 turns | X
↪ ST - E11 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - B5
↪ 1 post until birth

Beallolril | male | 3 turns | X
↪ ST - G4 / HS - S / HC - 61 / EC - G1
Eshni | female | 8 turns | X
↪ ST - B9 / HS - HC / HC - 2 / EC - A2
M. Abesses | male | 35 turns | X
↪ ST - B2 / HS - HW / HC - 22 / EC - E3
J. Nitia | female | 28 turns | X
↪ ST - A7 / HS - S / HC - 5 / EC - F3

M. Borrin | male | 36 turns | X
↪ ST - B2 / HS - LW / HC - 30 / EC - F3
M. Ershar | male | 34 turns | X
↪ ST - D3 / HS - AC / HC - 2 / EC -C5

J. Boldosh | male | 30 turns | X
↪ ST - A6 / HS - HC / HC - 5 / EC - B6
M. Jesni | female | 34 turns | X
↪ ST - B9 / HS - HC / HC - 6 / EC - A2

J. Baridna | female | 30 turns | X
↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 5 / EC - C4
↪ 1 post until birth

J. Waxinnan | male | 30 turns | X
↪ ST - B5 / HS - HW / HC - 3 / EC - G2

M. Shollun | male | 31 turns | 4 KP | Y
↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 33 / EC - H7


J. Tugall | male | 28 turns | X
↪ ST - D4 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - A6

J. Ayal | female | 27 turns | Y
↪ ST - B6 / HS - S / HC - 61 / EC - H2
N'reg | male | 32 turns | X | Predath
↪ ST - C4 / HS - LW / HC - 21 / EC - H7






Fedust | male | 15 turns | X
↪ ST - E1 / HS - HW / HC - 9 / EC - F5


Bovine 3 | female | 5 turns | bovine
Bovine 4 | male | 4 turns | bovine
Bovine 5 | female | 4 turns | bovine
Bovine 6 | male | 1 turn | bovine
Bovine 7 | female | 1 turn | bovine
Sparky | male | 3 turns | fox
Brawn | male | 4 turns | canine
Pellar | female | 6 turns | hawk
Spirit | female | 4 turns | canine

Curo | green | 1 turn | Seanni
Etasi | gold | 4 turns | b1 | Renolla
Fire | bronze | 4 turns | b1 | Abesses
Gen | bronze | 1 turn | Baridna
Kolu | green | 1 turn | Renolla
Shulli | green | 1 turn | Waxinnan
Tirvam | blue | 1 turn | Shollun
Zor | brown | 4 turns | Ershar
Rosanth | gold | 10 turns | b1 | Seanni
Predath | bronze | 6 turns | b1 | N'reg
Last edited by Simonpet on Wed Aug 22, 2018 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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1.athens rises from the ashes

Postby ilhdc7 » Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:22 am

head count: one
animal count: here
servings total: start in 5 posts
next request from the gods: now

alexander coughed as he pushed the board off of his legs. he had passed out in all of the ruckus, the thunder and lightning storm striking down all those who weren't demigods. He felt goosebumps prick his skin as he looked across the small town. Ashenville was no more. He walked through the carnage and saw that everyone had fallen. there were no other humans alive in his town. He felt a pressure at the back of his head, and pulled up his hands to press against his temples, a voice rang out, You are the son of Athena. You have been chosen to build a new kingdom, named after me. You are my chosen child. Build Athens well. Call in people, descendants of gods and start a new way of life.

Alexander threw up his hands, "Leave me alone! I'll do this however I want to!" He felt her laugh at the back of his head, and scowled, "Oh nice, always gotta have our sense of humor." He stomped around, his brown eyes flashing with distaste as he saw the grocery store was obliterated to smithereens. "Fine! Fine! Fine! I'll do it. Give me someone who can at least hunt please!"

[ alexander requests a hunter ]
[ alexander goes hunting ]

    alexander, male, 21, son of athena
    ↪ ST - A7 / HS - S / HC - 4 / EC - H5 / X / demigod

    name, gender, age, knowledge points
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    the lions hunters
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    garden keeper
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    pupil age 13-18
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    pre-pupil age 8-12
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
ally & enemy villages

border villages

food storage
rabbit | 0 | 1 servings
goose | 0 | 2 servings
deer | 0 | 3 servings
moose | 0 | 4 servings
mushroom | 0 | 2 servings
potato | 0 | 3 servings
spinach | 0 | 4 servings
blackberries | 0 | 1 servings
peaches | 0 | 2 servings
watermelon | 0 | 4 servings

item storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions


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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby Wolfypoof » Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:26 pm

Number of People: 7
Number of Animals: 1
Servings Needed:
Next Visit to Ancestors: anytime

write later i guess

[The Iron Rosette consumes an apple and a rabbit]
[Alina sees Celeste about her injury]
[Alex continues to rest]
[Eli hunts]
[Marvis and Alina patrol]

    Alina| Female | 29
    ↪ ST-D4 | HC-24 | HS-S | EC-C10 | X | Elven

    Celeste | Female | 30 | 2 KP
    ↪ ST - E3 | HS-AC | HC-5 | EC-C11 | X | Nymph

    Head Knight
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Alex | Male | 25
    ↪ ST-A4 | HC-12 | HS-S | EC-A10 | X | Elven
    Marvis | Female | 34
    ↪ ST-B1 | HS-HC | HC-38 | EC-G5 | X | Witch

    Scout Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Hunting Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Eli | Male | 45
    ↪ ST-L9 | HC-19 | HS-S | EC-A5 | X | Elven
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Emma | Female | 31
    ↪ ST-C11 | HC-44 | HS-LC | EC-G1 | Y | Human
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Ida | Female | 99
    ↪ ST-G6 | HS-HC | HC-32 | EC-H4 | X | Elven
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Small fish | x3 | 1 serving
Chicken | x3 |2 serving
Rabbit | x3 |2 servings
Deer | x2 | 3 servings
Potato | x0 |2 servings
Carrot | x3 |2 servings
Lettuce | x6 |2 servings
Apples | x2 | 2 servings
Orange | x2 | 2 servings
Watermelons | x2 |3 servings (1 seed)

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Muffin | Male | 11 months | Wolf (dog) | # of times bred | Looks
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
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Ame's Sub Replies

Postby Simonpet » Sun Aug 12, 2018 5:39 pm

    Season: Summer
    Weather: There is a slight breeze in the air and a few clouds scatter through the sky. They are not dark enough or heavy enough to carry rain but it sure makes for a pleasant spring day.

    Announcement: Amethyst14 has asked me to take over their replies for a couple of days while they're gone. If anyone wishes a change in roll results (food/animal types, ST/HC/EC), please PM or DM me.



requiem, wrote:
( ash patrols with alyssa for skilled animals or new members. noah tags along to search for food
( cal researches medicine

[note to mod! yes, the hunters gather fruits & vegetables as well as hunt prey animals.]

    Ash and Alyssa find a novice.
    Noah catches and gathers x1 boar, x1 potato, and x1 blueberries.
    Cal gains 1 KP.

    The novice's traits are: ST-C5 | HC-20 | HS-HC | EC-C4 | X | Shapeshifter (deer).

inky. wrote:

[Rovi and Mica patrol]
[Delki and Raiden patrol
[Seth and Nyke hunt]
[Vida and Avi gather]
[Alyia studies]
[Mica and Vida become partners and try for a child]
[The village consumes x1 elk and x3 potatoes]

    Rovi and Mica find a warrior and a hunter.
    Delki and Raiden find a gatherer and a warrior.
    Seth and Nyke catch x1 salmon.
    Vida and Avi gather x2 gooseberries, x1 potato, and x1 blackberry.
    Alyvia gains 1 KP.
    Vida is pregnant! She will give birth in two posts.

    The warrior's traits are: ST-C11 | HC-53 | HS-AC | EC-G3 | X | Shapeshifter (Hare).
    The hunter's traits are: ST-C4 | HC-62 | HS-HC | EC-B7 | X | Human.
    The gatherer's traits are: ST-C9 | HC-18 | HS-LW | EC-A3 | X | Human.
    The warrior's traits are: ST-C8 | HC-12 | HS-LC | EC-F7 | X | Human.

nightwolf950 wrote:

{Yuri chooses Scouting
Hikari chooses Gathering
Timber and Scout are left behind to rest

Studying Medicine: Timber
Hunting: Axel, Rose, and Mitsuru
Gathering: Wisteria and Xzavier
Patrolling: Takeshi and Kazimir
Scouting: Myles and Evidone
Training: Madoka/Chi - offense | Ophelia/Yuri - peace keeping | Kiirion/Hikari - Harvesting}

    Timber gains 1 KP.
    Axel, Rose, and Mitsuru catch x2 deer.
    Wisteria and Xzavier gather x2 peaches and x1 wheat.
    Takeshi and Kazimir find nothing of interest.
    Myles and Evidone find a war chief.
    Chi learns offense.
    Yuri learns peacekeeping.
    Hikari learns harvesting.

    The war chief's traits are: ST-G11 | HC-25 | HS-HW | EC-H6 | X | Vampire.

dea invidia. wrote:

        new membersfaolan accepted as priest. aisling accepted as ranger
        consumption❯ mar sal does not eat.
        patrollingaengus and aisling patrol laughing point.
        requestsaengus requests a wrangler.
        researchingfaolan researches medicine

        ooc❯ jarl and viscountess ranks have merged into single monarch rank. capall trainers have been removed and merged i
        nto the rider rank. also, i am happy for you to choose the powers please.

        faolan accepted as high priest
        aisling accepted as ranger
        ♔ mar sal does not eat
        aengus requests a wrangler
        aengus and aisling patrol laughing point
        ♔ ooc jarl and viscountess ranks joined into a single monarch rank ,capall trainers have been removed, and merged into
        the rider rank

    The ancestors sent Aengus a wrangler.
    Aengus and Aisling find x1 sand.
    Faolan gains 1 KP.

    The wrangler's traits are: ST-B5 | HC-4 | HS-LC | EC-G6 | Y | Human.

ilhdc7 wrote:

[ alexander requests a hunter ]
[ alexander goes hunting ]

    The gods send Alexander a hunter.
    Alexander catches x1 moose and x1 goose. He notices that the names of his prey rhymes and wonders if Apollo had something to do with his catch.

    The hunter's traits are: ST-C5 | HC-26 | HS-HC | EC-D2 | X | Demigod.
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2. athens finds its first member

Postby ilhdc7 » Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:30 am

head count: two
animal count: here
servings total: start in 4 posts
next request from the gods: 16th

alexander dragged the carcass of the moose, or attempted to. he groaned with frustration as the large animal had fallen in between two logs, and in such an awkward position, it would be almost impossible for him to get the meat, although he still tried. after a few hours of work, hauling the meat into coolers he was done. he wiped the sweat away from his forehead and took a deep breath. He walked back to his campsite and started to clean up. He heard a bunch of branches break and suddenly a girl with pastel pink hair and vivid blue eyes fell out of the brush. She pulled out a twig from her hair and brushed some leaves off. He looked at her, eyes wide and took in her appearance.

she had thick curly hair that flowed down her shoulders and into a v-shape. her eyes were bright blue, so bright that he thought they might have been contacts, but they showed intelligence and he couldn't help but admire the girl who had made it this far in the forest. She had what looked to be a heavy backpack, hopefully filled with supplies that they could use to survive. He cleared his throat but she was already walking forward and holding out her hand, "Hello. I'm Vivian. My mother, the goddess Hecate told me to come to you."

alexander grabbed her hand, wincing a little bit as she almost broke his wrist from her strength, he could also feel callouses on her hand, most likely coming from hard labor. "I'm Alexander, nice to meet you." He nodded his head, "Great, glad to have more company. My mother is Athena. I asked her for a hunter, but here you ar-..." He trailed off, getting embarrassed, "Sorry." He hadn't meant for it to be rude, but it sure came out sounding that way. "I don't know why I said that."

She scoffed and pushed his shoulder as she stomped by him, slightly hitting him with her bag, "I'm a trapper. My father was a hermit-trapper-ex-military loner that fell in love with my mother, and when she left me on his doorstep i was raised up by him. Sure i have wild hair but that's how I express myself. I'm pretty sure I could out trap you, and beat you in any wilderness survival test." She brushed off a twig from her pants, and as he looked closer, he noticed they were combat pants, and she moved like an experienced fighter. Sure he had boxed when he was in high school, but she looked like it was her normal routine.

He nodded, "Sorry. Call me Alex, or Xan, or Xander. Whatever you like." She looked at him with narrow eyes before pulling of her backpack that had been on her back and rolling out a sleeping bag. Vivian coughed once before pulling herself into her new makeshift bed.

"Wake me up in three hours. We can go on shifts for the night. I saw some tracks while I was walking in, coyote or wolf, I wasn't sure. Shoot whatever moves and isn't a human." She rolled over onto her side and turned away from him. Alexander put his head in his hand before staring up at the sky and thinking at his mother, Athena, This lady seems like a pain. Of course you send her to me. Her response was instant, Be grateful. She's loyal and will serve you well. Plus a daughter of Hecate could potentially have magic. He stood up with alarm, Magic!? But he heard nothing in return, he sat back down and glanced at his watch. 3 hours to go.

[ alexander and vivian and go hunting ]
[ alexander and vivian patrol for people ]

    alexander, male, 22, son of athena
    ↪ ST - A7 / HS - S / HC - 4 / EC - H5 / X / demigod

    name, gender, age, knowledge points
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    the lions hunters
    vivian, female, 20, daughter of hecate
    ↪ ST-C5 | HC-26 | HS-HC | EC-D2 | X | Demigod
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    garden keeper
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    pupil age 13-18
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    pre-pupil age 8-12
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A

    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
    name, gender, age
    ↪ N/A
ally & enemy villages

border villages

food storage
rabbit | 0 | 1 servings
goose | 1 | 2 servings
deer | 0 | 3 servings
moose | 1 | 4 servings
mushroom | 0 | 2 servings
potato | 0 | 3 servings
spinach | 0 | 4 servings
blackberries | 0 | 1 servings
peaches | 0 | 2 servings
watermelon | 0 | 4 servings

item storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions


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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby Arya22 » Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:29 am

Number of People: 7
(4 Females 3 Males)

Next visit with Ancestors:Today

Myriam was slowly walking back to the village after being at the ancestors shrine, where she had requested a healer to join them. She still had a slight cough, so hopefully the healer would know enough to help her. Above her, the trees were rustling with a gentle breeze, creating patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor. In a good mood thanks to the warm summer weather, Myriam decided to take a slightly longer route just to walk past the river. At that time of the year, it was a very pleasing place to be.

That decided, Myriam turned her steps to the left, towards the Ahl. She walked casually, yet her ears and eyes were alert. If the ancestors had heard her request, she should find somebody.. Her alertness paid off. Just as she was nearing the bank of the Ahl, a flash of dark green on the light colored sand caught her eye. It looked like fabric. Heart beating slightly faster, Myriam made her way there. She was right! A young woman laid prone on the sand, honey-colored hair flowing around her. She was drenched, and a rip in her dress from shoulder to elbow of her right arm showed an ugly cut. Eyes wide, Myriam hurried over to the woman and kneeled in the sand. She turned her over, and her surprise was even greater when she realized that it was barely a woman- almost a girl!

Myriam got on the move quickly. Despite the warm weather, the Ahl was a cold river that came from the north, and the woman was freezing cold. Myriam carefully took off her own jacket, and after taking off the womans drenched overwear, draped it across her shoulder. Once that was done, Myriam turned her attention to the wound. It was large, but not extremely deep, and while it did bleed, there was none of the pulsing bleeding that could indicate a severed major artery. Myriam temporarily bound it with a piece of the woman's sleeve. She would clean and sew it back later. And now, knowing she couldn't do much more, she waited.


Out in the woods, just coming back from their hunting patrol, Aaron and Hilda were chattering happily. They had made a good hunt: after planting a rabbit trap, they had left to hunt a deer, and, coming back from that successful hunt, they had seen a plump rabbit caught. All in all, a good day. And nothing could be more natural than for them to talk together. In truth, over the past year, Aaron and Hilda had gotten very close. the Usually quiet man enjoyed the company of such a loud and happy person, and vice-versa. Today, despite his casual chatter, Aaron was feeling very nervous. He had been thinking about this for a while now, and today felt like the perfect day to do it.

They were slowly getting closer to the village, and Aaron was getting more nervous by the second. Suddenly he stopped. "Hilda, wait-" Hilda paused and turned to face him. "What is it?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. Aaron froze. He had been practicing for this. He knew what he had to say. Yet now, his mind was blank. "Uh- H-Hilda, I wanted you to know that I really, really care about you and that I think you're an incredible woman and you would make me the happiest man alive if you would say yes... Will you marry me?" inwardly, he flinched. That definitely hadn't come out as he had wanted it. Anxiously, he watched Hilda's face for a reaction. He didn't have long to wait.

Hilda's face lit up in a broad smile. "Why, did you even have to ask? Yes! Yes!" she exclaimed, jumping towards him and hugging him tightly. "I'm surprised it even took you that long." she murmured in his ear. Aaron felt his whole body warm up with a glowing happiness. "I wasn't sure." he murmured back, squeezing her. "Now I am." and both smiled.


After about half an hour, the woman began to stir. Myriam, who had half dozed off in the warm sand, jerked awake when she felt the movement. Anxiously, she watched the woman as her eyes flitted open, first drowsily, then wide as she took in her surroundings. "Where am I?" she asked, her eyes fixed on Myriam. "On the bank of the Ahl, the river that flows by my village." the leader explained. The woman- who definitely did look and sound like a girl- took in the information for a few seconds. "Who are you?" she finally asked. "My name is Myriam Sheherezad, leader and creator of the village Cyrrane. Who are you?" "Joan Hellend... Healer." Myriam smiled. "Would you like to join us?" she asked. Joan paused. Already? She already had a family somewhere, she had to go back... Yet something told her she should accept this invitation. Some kind of feeling she couldn't explain. "Yes, thank you."


People were slowly starting to get back to the village. Zaos and Laedrya were together, discussing something quietly. Aaron and Hilda were talking excitedly while preparing the meat they had caught. Only Myriam and Pantaleon hadn't come back yet- speaking of Pantaleon... The hobbit was coming into camp with his usual jaunty walk and his squirrel on the shoulder. Except this time he was also accompanied by someone else... A bright orange cat, quite young, was in his arms, looking smugly around him. The trio drew quite a little attention.

Zaos and Laedrya came closer. Zaos, of course, was immediately descending. "Why did you bring this beast here? It will just eat our food." he scolded. Pantaleon shrugged. "Maybe he'll eat a little, but he can also earn his keep!" the hobbit grinned, undeterred by the stormy expression on the elves face. "Barthelemy here is a great hunter. I found him nibbling on some mice." Zaos was even more shocked. "Did you just name this cat Barthelemy?" he wondered. Panto nodded. Zaos, his face even paler now, turned his nose up and turned away. "You are foolish and irresponsible. I will not bother with your witlessness any longer." he scorned, stalking away. Panto shrugged philosophically. He had stopped caring about what Zaos said very early on. He might not know what he had done to deserve such remarks, but it just didn't seem worth his time. Laedrya, who had been watching the exchange, smiled a little at Pantaleon. "I think he looks gorgeous." she said, before Zaos called for her and she left him.


Zaos waited impatiently for Laedrya to come back. This fool of a hobbit had put him in a bad mood- so quickly! Because other than that, the day had gone quite well. He had found some copper while patrolling, and he knew it could be very useful. He wanted to show it to Myriam and prove elves were better... And this hobbit had come and brought a real, live, cat. Ugh. As Laedrya came closer, he noticed she had a slightly worried expression. "Zaos?" she asked, looking at him. The sun elf tilted his head. "Yes?" Laedrya hesitated. "I-I need to tell you something. For a while now, I've been feeling more tired than usual, and in the morning I often feel sick..." she paused, and during that pause she saw lights of understanding glow in her husbands eyes. "I think I may be pregnant."

Zaos' eyes widened, and as a reflex he looked down at her belly. Thinking of it, there may be a very slight curve now that hadn't been there before... "You-" Zaos did something he very rarely did- he smiled. "I'm happy for you- for us." he said, his voice warmer than usual. He was going to be a father? Laedrya couldn't help a smile from breaking out. "I'm so glad!" she exclaimed, throwing herself around his neck. "I was worried of your reaction." she admitted quietly while hugging him. Zaos hugged her back, though gently as to not harm the baby. "You shouldn't have. I love you, and as long as you're happy I am too." Laedrya smiled. She knew Zaos better than anyone else, but this caring, gentle Zaos was not one she had seen very often.


At last, Myriam came back. After a while, Joan had felt better and had been able to walk back to the village. On the way, she had taken a few herbs to prevent infections on her arm and others to give herself a little strength. Now, she felt a little tired, but not too badly off.

Of course, their arrival sparked great interest. Zaos, still shaken by Laedrya's news, did not make his usual 'Not another lowly human' speech, so Joan's welcome was a friendly one. The sun was setting fast, and after a quick meal Joan went to bed. Zaos and Laedrya drifted away from the group, and Panto was playing with the new cat. That was the moment Aaron and Hilda had been waiting for, and both approached Myriam.

"Myriam?" Hilda asked, getting closer. The young leader turned to them. "Yes?" she asked, curious. Both hunters in front of her hesitated, then Aaron started talking. "Well, we... We just wanted to inform you that I.. Well, I proposed to Hilda earlier today and she said yes, so we will be getting married." Aaron explained quickly. He felt his face heating up. Immediately, Myriam smiled broadly. "I'm so happy for you two! Even though I knew it." she grinned a little. "Ever since Hilda arrived, I imagined you two getting together." Aaron smiled, as did Hilda. "Well we didn't see it. Not immediately anyway." Myriam shrugged. "The two concerned don't usually anyway. But I am happy you two did see it in the end." and with a last smile, they each went their way.


Night had now well and truly fallen, though it was not that late just yet. Joan, Aaron and Hilda were asleep, Panto was still playing with the cat, and Myriam was silent, staring into the embers of the dying fire. Laedrya and Zaos were deep in a heated discussion.
"There is no need to tell her. We'll do it like all elves do: keep it quiet, then when the time is right leave and only come back with the child."
"But don't you see how dangerous that is? Did you never notice how many women never came back, or did, but with a dead child? Myriam can help. And now that we have a healer, she can help too!"
"Huh! She's a child, I wouldn't trust her with a scratch."
"You underestimate her. I think she has hidden talents. But, Zaos, please think of me... What if I don't come back? And what of the baby? What if it died because you were too stubborn to ask a human for help?"
There was a pause. Finally, Zaos sighed. "Fine, let's tell her. For your sake, and the babies." Together, man and wife walked towards the sitting Myriam.

Myriam, who had been deep in thoughts about how to improve and grow the village, looked up when she sensed, more than saw, the people approaching. "Yes?" she asked pleasantly, sitting up a bit straighter. Zaos and Laedrya were two generally quiet villagers, and it was rare to have them come to her. "Myriam, we need to tell you something." Laedrya said. That surprised Myriam even more. Laedrya never spoke up first. "I'm all ears." Myriam replied. The elves sat down opposite her. "I'm pregnant, Myriam." Laedrya spoke without warning. "I just thought you should know." Myriam stayed quiet for a second, then smiled broadly. "I'm so happy for you!" she exclaimed. She opened her mouth to ask questions, then realized this probably wasn't why they had come to her.

"You're worried about the birth?" she guessed. Laedrya seemed awkward about admitting she was worried about anything, but she nodded nonetheless. Myriam smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry about that. I talked a little with Joan, and from what I understood she is a pretty formidable healer. She has a lot of experience, and will be able to help, despite her youth." after her words, Myriam couldn't help but grin. "I'm still really happy for you two." she said. First Aaron and Hilda getting engaged, then Laedrya and Zaos having a child!.. "You should go rest now, then." she said, smiling at Laedrya. The elven woman smiled and nodded, then she and her husband stood and left towards their house.


It was now getting late, and Myriam was tired. She yawned, stood, and started off towards her house when she noticed Pantaleon was still up. He was staring at her. She had no idea why, but Myriam felt heat slowly rising to her cheeks. Feeling annoyed at herself, Myriam turned towards Pantaleon and walked to him. "Aren't you going to sleep?" she asked him while coming closer. The cat, Barthelemy, was now asleep on his lap. Pantaleon shrugged. "Not tired." Myriam nodded, not sure what to say. It was Pantaleon who solved her problem. "What's engaged exactly? Is that what people do when they love each other?" he asked suddenly. Myriam's eyes went wide open. "You-you heard us?" she stammered. She hadn't planned of telling anyone before the next day.

"If I'm a hobbit and all are like me, then Hobbits have good hearing. Or it's just me." Pantaleon replied in one of his trademark confusing sentences. Myriam hesitated, then explained. "Yes, when two people love each other, they can get engaged. It means they will marry soon, and marrying someone means you are bonded for life with your loved one." her explanation was hesitant and probably a little unclear, but Panto seemed to have understood. "Alright, thank you." he said, smiling at Myriam. Again, the latter felt a warm glow rise up in her face. She smiled back shyly, which was quite unusual for her. They stayed silent for a while, then Myriam got hold of herself and stood. "I'll be going to bed. Make sure you don't stay up too late, Panto. Good night!" and as she moved away, Myriam wondered what on earth made her feel like that.

(Laedrya resting
Joan researching medicine
Myriam asking ancestors for a pair of twins
Pantaleon scouting far with Zaos for safety
Hilda and Aaron hunting)

      Head Chief:
      Myriam Sheherezad | 26 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST-D7 / HC-5 / HS-HW / EC-A6 / X

      Joan Helend | 18 | Female | Human | 0(+this post)
      ↪ ST-D11 / HC-11 / HS-HC / EC-E6 / Y

      War Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Zaos Faelen | 31 | Male | Elf
      ↪ ST-E3 / HC-1 / HS-LC / EC-A6 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Scout Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Pantaleon Brown (and Zacharius) | 26 | Male | Hobbit
      ↪ ST-C5 / HC-23 / HS-S / EC-H7 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Hunting Chief:
      Aaron Crawford | 34 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST-C3 / HC-53 / HS-S / EC-D7 / X

      Hilda Bronzemane | 30 | Female | Dwarf
      ↪ ST-D6 / HC-5 / HS-HW / EC-A2 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Laedrya Faelen | 29 | Female | Elf (gives birth in 2 posts)
      ↪ ST-A11 / HC-24 / HS-LC / EC-D7 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Ally Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      Enemy Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      North | Forest and a river | Black Rock Weyr | Simonpet
      East | Forest | Adularia | Darkhearted123
      South | Forest | Village Name | Username
      West | Lake | Village Name | Username

      Food Storage:
      (normally 6 3/4 servings every post but now in last fasting period)
      Deer | x1 | 3 servings (l)
      Boar | x1 | 2 servings (m)
      Hare | x3 | 3 servings (s)
      Bovine | x0 | servings (l)
      Carrots | x2 | 4 servings (m)
      Potatoes | x0 | servings (m)
      Mushrooms | x0 | servings (s)
      Apples | x2 | 4 servings (m)
      Blueberries | x0 | servings (s)
      Cantaloupe | x0 | servings (l)
      Total: 16 servings | 2 years

      Copper | not used | Not perishable
      Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish

      Barthelemy | Cat | 1 year | Male | Looks
      Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]

      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      ↪ learned
      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      ↪ learned

      Name | Cause of Death
      Name | Cause of Death

      Myriam <-> Pantaleon
      Name ->/<-> Name

      Zaos and Laedrya | Kids
      Aaron and Hilda | Kids
      Name and Name | Kids
Bookworm | she/her | bi & demisexual
I am Arya22 and I'm a female who likes reading
Pm me to chat about anything at all!
Signature coded by Amburned. Thank you!!
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direnyth kingdom { 01. } 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐒

Postby carpe noctem. » Tue Aug 14, 2018 12:22 pm

━━━━━━━━( 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐃𝐎𝐌 )━━━━━━━━

villager population. 01 ⋆ animal population. 00 ⋆ servings necessary. 01/2 ⋆ celestial request. now

    Crouching in the tall grass, a cheetah stalked her prey; a young elk. The calf had begun to stray away from the safety of the herd, inspecting the wildflowers of the meadow, giving the feline a opening to catch her dinner.

    Her speed, though the fastest of any land mammal, was only good for short bursts of time, so planning when to start the chase was crucial. She slowly stalked forwards, eyes trained on her prey, muscles becoming taut as she prepared to strike out.

    As the careless elk unknowingly advanced towards the threat, the cheetah continued to inch forwards. The calf lifted his nose, sniffing the air for a moment before detecting the predator. He bleated a cry of alarm before wheeling around to run back to his herd, but the cheetah had already sprung into action.

    The chase had begun.

    Her paws flew over the meadow grass as she exploded from the shadows of the tall grass, exposing herself to the herd, who had begun to bellow out with panic. She quickly rose in speed, speeding across the meadows to reach her prey as it tried to get back to its herd. As she caught up with the calf, she leapt, claws unsheathed.

    Her claws dug into the calf’s haunches, dragging him down. They tumbled to the ground, and has her fangs sunk into his delicate neck flesh, he let go of his last breath.

    I thank you for your life. She thought, dipping her head solemnly. Her eyes were closed shut for a few moments before opening her eyes, where then the cheetah was no longer a feline. She was human, or more accurately a shifter.

    • • •

    Adrienne sat on a large rock, her hands on her knees as she caught her breath. She had been carrying the calf for over an hour, the weight adding more time onto her journey back to her village. The summer sun felt no more like a cool breeze in the mountains, yet the chill in the air felt soothing to her burning lungs. She had more walking ahead of her, though knew it would be worth it.

    “When there are more in the kingdom, they will appreciate the ca—” The quiet mumbling of the shifter was cut off by the deep howl of a wolf, which was then joined in by another, slightly higher howl of another wolf. She raised her head, looking surprised. The Direnyth wolf was not common in the slightest, and even the howl of the wolf was a thing of importance. It has been believed the wolves were prophets, sending omens to the kingdom.

    But seeing one was a entirely different thing.

    Yet, as two figures appeared from near a large cluster of rocks, it seemed to be happening right infront of her. The wolves began to approach, intelligent yellow eyes focused on Adrienne. One was stark white, while the other pure black, yet they walked like they were one single being.

    Adrienne slowly pushed the elk carcass towards them, never looking away from their intense gaze.

    The two paused at the carcass, staring intently at Adrienne before tearing into the meal—Adrienne’s meal. They quietly chowed down, seeming to almost forgot the girl infront of them. Though it didn’t last long, for the black wolf suddenly lashed out at the other, sending them into a horrid fight of gnashing teeth and snarling.

    Adrienne could only watch with horror as the two began to fight, the white one racing out of view into a small cave with the black one at its heels following. The snarling continued before abruptly stopping. A grave silenced filled the air, and the shifter could feel her mind racing with thoughts.

    Which one prevailed, the light or the dark? What could this mean for our village? Is this truly a omen?

    —( 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ) the direnyth consumes a total of zero servings
    ↪️ humans consumed zero servings
    ↪️ animals consumed zero servings

    —( 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐒 ) one border patrol goes out
    ↪️ adrienne goes scouting.
    —( 𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐒 ) zero border patrols go out
    ↪️ — —
    —( 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐒 ) one hunting group goes out
    ↪️ adrienne goes hunting
    —( 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐒 ) zero gathering groups go out
    ↪️ — —

    —( 𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 ) the sovereign goes to the temple
    ↪️ adrienne requests her war chief.
    ↪️ if the war chief could have black slightly wavy hair and 7c skin tone that would be amazing!

    zia and xanthia can be found at any time

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━( 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐇 ) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

    adrienne lux, ♀, 19, shifter
    st-d4, hc-lw, hs-3, ec-f3, x,
    , , — notes: n/a ↲

    ▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
    st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
    ↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲

    war commander
    ▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
    st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
    ↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲
▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲

▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲

chief vanguard
▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲
▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — kp: 00 ↲

▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● ↲

premier huntsman
▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━( 𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐑 )━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

    ▸ = assassin ▹ = sentry ▻ = soldier
    ▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
    st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
    ↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲
    ▹ name, ♂♀, age, species
    st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
    ↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲

    animal trainers
    ▸= falconer ▹= fewterer ▻ = groom
    ►= stockman ▷= general caregiver
    ▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
    st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
    ↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲
▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲
▹ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲

▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲
▹ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲
▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲
▹ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲

▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲
▹ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━( 𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐑 )━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

    ▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
    st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
    ↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲

    ▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
    st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
    ↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲
▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲

▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲
▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲

▸ name, ♂♀, age, species
st-, hc-, hs-, ec-, xy,
↳ ○, ○, ● — notes: ↲


general info. wrote:FOUNDER : adrienne lux
REIGNING CHIEF : adrienne lux

ABOUT : the direnyth kingdom
is a village created countless years
ago, though it has only just been
risen back up from it’s demise many
years back.
↪️ TERRITORY : the mountains are
the most distinctive part of the
lands, with the village in a valley.
↪️ PERSONA : often described as
a hurricane, they are unpredictable
& fierce, leaving a trail of chaos in
their wake.

allies and enemies
[ status : ✗✓ ] village name
↳ other info

bordering villages
north • village • user
↳ mountain
east • village • user
↳ mountainous forest
south • village • user
↳ ocean
north • village • user
↳ jungle

food storage
small fish • 00x • 1 servings
medium fish • 00x • 2 servings
bovine • 00x • 3 servings
kudu • 00x • 4 servings
oat • 00x • 2 servings
chayote • 00x • 2 servings
seaweed • 00x • 5 servings
cherry • 00x • 1 servings
dragonfruit • 00x • 2 servings
watermelon • 00x • 3 servings

item storage
item • quantity • uses / craftable
item • quantity • uses / craftable
▸ name, ♂♀, age, bred, species
▸ name, ♂♀, age, bred, species

companion animals
▸ name, ♂♀, age, bred, species
▸ name, ♂♀, age, bred, species

dragons and fire-lizards
▸ name, ♂♀, age, bred, species
▸ name, ♂♀, age, bred, species

( profession — mentor ➩ understudy
↳ training session

✦ name, age, gender
↳ reason

village relations
⚭ = marriage • ⚮ = divorce • ⚯ = unmarried partners
⇏ = half siblings • ⇒ = siblings • ⇢ = adopted
Last edited by carpe noctem. on Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby inky. » Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:54 pm


Number of People: 13
Number of Animals: 0
Servings Needed: 12.5
Next Visit to Totem: Now
Mod Notes: N/A

Raiden slid a sharp rock against the blade of his knife. He worked his arm up and down, his muscles gliding the stone smoothly against the weapon. The oddly warm air had made all of the men in the tribe discard their shirts as not to ruin the fabric with sweat. The heavy furs of the villager’s outfits suited them well in the cold climate they lived in, but these past few days had been very hot (it was still cold, just hot for them). Raiden still felt sweat forming along his bare back, but he didn’t want to wipe it off. He didn’t want to take his focus off of the obviously unnecessary task, he didn’t want to talk to Nyke. The two friends had drifted even further since the first time she and Seth had gone hunting. Aldir had joined the ranks as hunter, but the scrawny young man had not competition with Raiden. But Seth was about as muscular as you’d think he’d be. He had to take down large beasts, so a fit body was a must. Raiden picked up the handle of his knife and shoved it into its sheath forcefully. He noticed his hands were closed in tight fists and forced himself to relax. But as soon as he turned around, he was face to face with the one girl he didn’t want to see. Nyke was a few feet away from him. She walked closer and held out her hand. Sitting in her palm we’re the small berries he enjoyed eating on the bushes that grew naturally around the cabins. “Hey, Raiden.” She sighed “I know we haven’t talked a lot lately and I’m sorry for that.” She grabbed one of his hands and placed the berries in it. “I miss hanging out with you but Seth constantly has me hunting. Maybe tomorrow I can act sick or something and he could let me take a break, especially since Aldir can help him now. We could sneak out to the river and play in the water. Just don’t dump me in, okay?” Raiden was about to say something but Nyke was called. The hunter turned her head. When she turned back to Raiden, there was disappointment in her eyes. “Speak of the devil.” She chuckled tiredly. She turned to leave but before she could take too many steps, Raiden caught her arm. “Nyke.” He murmured, giving Seth a side glare that he couldn’t see “If Seth’s working you too hard, I could talk to him. Mayeb you could come on a patrol one of these days.” Nyke smiles sweetly. “Thanks, Raiden.” She murmured, the exhaustion clearly speaking “But for now, I have to go hunt. It’s my job. Hopefully more hunters will join us soon. I miss my best friend.” And with that, she gently pulled herself from his grip, much to his dismay, and walked over to her hunting party. Raiden sighed and joined Cara and the rest of their patrol group. Cara noticed that something was going on with Raiden and touched his shoulder. “Is everything okay?” She whispered to him. Raiden forced a smile and nodded, pushing past her and leading the group of people on their patrol route.

(Writers block is fun)

[Delki asks for a shifter Scout Chief]
[Rovi, Mica, and Marya patrol]
[Delki, Raiden, and Cara patrol]
[Seth, Aldir, and Nyke hunt]
[Jon and Avi gather]
[Alyia studies]
[The village consumes x2 lettuce, x2 carrots, and 1/2 of a hare]

    Head Chief
    Delki | Male | 29 y
    ↪ ST-B4 | HC-24 | HS-HC | EC-G1 | X | Shapeshifter
    ↪ Bear has a red mark on his face (as a warning)

    ⚫ Alyia | Female | 32 y | 2 Knowledge Points
    ↪ ST-B7 | HC-25 | HS-LW | EC-H1 | X | Shapeshifter

    War Chief
    Rovi | Male | 26 y
    ↪ ST-C11 | HC-1 | HS-LC | EC-H6 | X | Human

    Raiden | Male | 26 y
    ↪ ST-C2 | HC-11 | HS-LC | EC-H1 | X | Human
    Cara | Female | 21 y
    ↪ ST-C6 | HC-53 | HS-AC | EC-G3 | X | Shapeshifter
    Marya | Female | 22 y
    ↪ ST-C3 | HC-12 | HS-LC | EC-F7 | X | Human
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Scout Chief
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Mica | Male | 23 y
    ↪ ST-A5 | HC-3 | HS-HC | EC-D3 | X | Shapeshifter
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Hunting Chief
    ⚫ Seth | Male | 27 y
    ↪ ST-B8 | HC-22 | HS-HC | EC-G2 | X | Human

    Nyke | Female | 25 y
    ↪ ST-A1 | HC-9 | HS-S | EC-A2 | X | Human
    Aldir | Male | 19 y
    ↪ ST-C4 | HC-62 | HS-HC | EC-B7 | X | Human
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Avi | Female | 23 y
    ↪ ST-B2 | HC-12 | HS-HW | EC-G6 | X | Shapeshifter
    Jon | Male | 30 y
    ↪ ST-C4 | HC-18 | HS-LW | EC-A3 | X | Human
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Vida | Female | 24 y
    ↪ ST-B2 | HC-7 | HS-S | EC-G5 | X | Human
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Hares | x2.5 | 1
Wild Pig | x2 | 2
Salmon | x3 | 3
Elk| x0 | 3
Carrots | x3 | 2
Lettuce | x0 | 4
Potatoes | x2 | 2
Blackberries (uncommon) | x1 | 1
Gooseberries | x2 | 1
Wild Raspberries | x7 | 1

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Stone | x2 | 2 uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
??? and ??? | Mica, Avi
Mica and Vida | Kids
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Simon's Replies & Sub Replies

Postby Simonpet » Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:57 am


Summer is here! During summer, your villagers are likely to catch even more prey and the odds of deaths during births will continue to drop.

Summer is in full swing. Villages by the ocean will experience little to no change in weather while villages near lakes and rivers may see their water dry slightly. Those living in the plains or mountains will be hit especially hard by hot weather and children should either be kept inside or in the shade to prevent sunburns. Heatstroke is a real worry for villages in the desert, and they are advised to drink as much water as possible.

All unassigned villages will receive their mod when Ame comes back. In addition, I will be doing joint replies like this until Ame comes back. Sorry to change my style up like this. XP As always, if you have any complaints, please PM/DM me and tell me what you would like me/you want to change!

In addition, if any of you are wondering if the weather reports mean anything; they don't. We roll based on season, not weather, and I just thought it could provide some ideas for ya'll to write about. c:

Simon's Villages
Cyrrane | Baryo sa Dalampasigan | Solaris Canyon | Nuudotkhyat | Adularia | Iron Rosette | Bellmare | Mekhanikos | Skytree | The Stormclouds | Floukru | Vale of Archaic Corybantic

Ame's Villages
| Black Rock Weyrhold | Expanse | Empire of Xerxes’ Fidelitas | Mournstead | Mar Sal | Verander | Hyinan | Windbriar | Nightbellows | Ice Cavern | Barren Moors | Magia Dynasty | Volkov Brotherhood | Adolphen Empire |

Unassigned Villages
Athens | The Direnyth

Makoto Naegi wrote:

[ Alina and Alex are healed.]

[ Eli catches x2 small fish and x1 chicken. ]
[ Marvis and Alina find a gatherer. ]

[ The gatherer's traits are: ST - E3 / HS - AC / HC - 5 / EC - C11 / X / nymph. ]

ilhdc7 wrote:

[ Alexander and Vivian catch x2 moose. ]
[ Alexander and Vivian find a garden keeper. ]

[ The garden keeper's traits are: ST - F7 / HS - S / HC - 8 / EC - A4 / X / demigod. ]

Arya22 wrote:

[ Joan gains 1 KP. ]
[ Pantaleon and Zaos find a gatherer. ]
[ Hilda and Aaron catch x1 boar. ]

[ The ancestors grant Myriam's request of twins. The first one's traits are: ST - E3 / HS - HC / HC - 1 / EC - E2 / Y / elf. The second one's traits are: ST - E3 / HS - LC / HC - 26 / EC - E9 / X / elf. ]
[ The gatherer's traits are: ST - F4 / HS - AC / HC - 22 / EC - G9 / X / wizard. ]

noctem. wrote:

[ Adrienne finds Zia traveling with a hunter. ]
[ Adrienne catches x1 bovine. ]

[ The ancestors grant Adrienne a war chief. Their traits are: ST - C7 / HS - HC / HC - 3 / EC - C3 / X / centaur. ]
[ Zia's traits are: ST - E3 / HS - HW / HC - 3 / EC - B3 / X / shapeshifter. ]
[ The hunter's traits are: ST - A9 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - B1 / X / shapeshifter. ]

[ Rovi, Mica, and Marya find a hunter. ]
[ Delki, Raiden, and Cara find x1 leather and x1 iron. ]
[ Seth, Aldir, and Nyke catch x1 hare. ]
[ Jon and Avi gather x1 wild raspberry, x2 carrots, and x1 potato. ]
[ Alyvia gains 1 KP. ]

[ The ancestors grant Delki a scout chief. Their traits are: ST - B9 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - F1 / Y / shapeshifter. ]
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