The edge of the woods.... [Final Results Up!]

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Re: The edge of the woods.... [Prompt Four Open!]

Postby trans » Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:55 am

    Decisions, decisions.
    Username: trans
    Link to roll call post: xx
    Link to previous form: xx
    Prompt response: 1520 words (im so sorry mint pls dont kill me)

    despite how calmly you talked before to your friend earlier, now that the hike is starting, you felt your confidence melt like ice cream in the summer heat. pulling your jacket around you as close as you can get it, your eyes move from place to place, never lingering too long and always on the lookout for something lurking in the shadows, waiting patiently for stragglers to fall behind. the thought certainly didnt help any, your nerves ignited once again, and you barely stave off the itch to claw at something to relieve the pressure. to counter your fears, you try to think about other things, eating smores around a campfire, enjoying a nice bowl of ice cream under some shade, swimming in the lake with your friend... you being back at home in the comfort of your room, even.

    the wind blew the trees around viciously, and their scarred and mangled roots and bark looked like faces stricken by horror and shock right before their untimely demise, and the clouded sky hid everything that the moon tried to illuminate, leaving the forest blanketed in darkness. only small, thin strips of moon light were permitted through, barely allowing you to even see two feet in front of you. occasionally you'd hear muffled apologies and scuffing, as if someone tripped, or almost tripped, before catching themself on someone else or on some low-hanging branches. the faint howls and snarls of creatures in the distance left many to wonder what really lived inside the forest's farthest reaches, to wonder what kind of creatures prowled the forest floor.

    when the group came to the fork in the path, you were fully buying into the theory this was all a cruel hoax meant to scare the kampers. there's no way all these factors could be coincidence, there just wasnt-

    you pause as a sharp sound echoes in your ears, asnap, too loud to be just some forest animal wandering through the woods, and you pull your jacket even closer, your nerves feeling as if they were on fire now. you stared at the two paths ahead of you, watching some kampers follow the path that supposedly led to the end of the trail, others daring to defy the route and go down the path with no clear exit or entrance, overgrown by ferns and weeds and torn up by rocks jutting from the earth at every step, and some straggling behind and getting lost, or just plain missing to begin with.

    the reality of the situation really sets in at that moment, and you hastily make your way towards the long grass, your feet feeling sore just looking at the rock-ridden path to the other side of you. you arent even sure if this is the right way, you werent paying attention that well, too busy staring at the ground and hoping this hike would hopefully end sometime soon, but you dont have time to ask anyone, you're already heading down the path and through the tall grass.

    it tickles at your legs and face, but unlike the comfort of your jacket, it's a feeling you're not welcome to. you shove the brush out of your way as best you can, but it feels suffocating, feels like it's latching onto your ankles and slowing you down, and more than once you've yanked your hand back with a yelp after accidentally touching a sharp prickle burr. the moon is no help, helpless as it remains hidden by the obtrusive clouds, choking any light it could offer you. despite this, the shadows grow no smaller, leaving you feeling like they're closing in.

    you pause from your paranoia-induced episode in the middle of the trail when you hear something rustling next to you, among the trees, just a few feet away. other kampers come up behind you to peer at where it came from, fear written clear on their faces. others probably had the same idea as you, that this way would be safer, but you're left feeling like maybe you made the wrong choice as you hurry past the growls and rustling as fast you can. other kampers do the same, while others linger near, trying to figure out the origin of the sounds and what it could be.

    the trail seemed to extend far into the distance, far more than any normal trail should have, as you glanced down what you could make out of the trail. swallowing around the lump in your throat, you climbed down from the hill you'd found yourself on as temporary relief from the thickets and brush, and immediately began back on your trip. the wind was chilly even still, as expected, and you hugged yourself in hopes to preserve some of the warmth from the campfire you'd briefly stood near before you left for the hike. the vaguely straight trail, you noticed, began to curve and turn the further you went, looking less like a trail and more like complete nonsense to your addled brain.

    you start to lose track of how long you've been going at this, the trail starting to look like the same as it was five minutes ago, the same signs even, and you briefly wonder if you'd gotten stuck in a time loop before you come to a section of the trail where it straightens out again, dirt and grass turning into pebbles and rubble. you follow, despite your better judgement, determined to ignore the howls of the wind and distant creatures lurking in the woods, waiting patiently for one wrong turn, one wrong step.

    exhausted, you wonder if this will ever end. you forget where you've been and where you havent, everything blending together into an incoherent mess in your brain. nonetheless, you keep going diligently, determined to reach the end. you have no idea what it'll be like, but you hope it's something good, for all the trouble you've been put through to get there. fortunately, you have an incredible amount of patience for tedious labor.

    unfortunately however, the trail keeps going, and going, and going, and then- wait. it just-

    stops? it stops completely, and you look up in confusion after heavily scrutinizing the pebble path you'd been following, hoping to find some answers in the dirt and rocks beneath your shoes, or in the trees around you. instead, what you found is... beni... in a bear costume? he looks surprised to see you there, as if he hadnt expected anyone else would make it, or maybe you were late and he thought everyone had already found the exit by now. he shifts the mask so that it's in his other hand before he speaks, and you didnt know you'd be so relieved to see another living person other than your own reflection in passing ponds and streams along the trail.

    "oh, you actually made it? i thought you were one of the ones that got lost." he exclaims, clearly not expecting you to have shown up. maybe he hadnt even expected you to go through with it this whole time from the beginning. to be fair though, and in his defense, you would've thought you'd chickened out by now too.

    "i did, but. looks like the parties over." you say carefully, examining where the trail ends to find... well, a whole lot of nothing to be honest. beni laughs a little at that, and you glance over at him again curiously, not sure why he's laughing.

    "oh it's not you, it's just." he says, then stops, looking pensively at his bear mask before gesturing to the entire area at the end of the hike. "well, you see, we didnt really have anything planned for the end! we focused so much on getting the counselors to pretend to be monsters and set up scary stuff for the hike, we forget to actually do anything for the end! but hey, if you want, we did buy a ton of cookies and stuff for smores anyways. the other kids who finished are already enjoying their snacks back at kamp, just go find one of the stragglers and they'll show you where the super secret snacks are!" he shouts, then puts on his mask again and starts patrolling the borders of the end of the hike.

    after he's long since gone, you're honestly not sure what to do. you feel kind of underwhelmed and disappointed, and you cant even enjoy the rewards of your hard labor at finishing the hike. thankfully though, a kind girl with long hair spots you looking around confused and offers to guide you to the snack table, and you follow gratefully. after you have your fill of marshmallows, smores, and girlscout cookies (which were, by the way, absolutely delicious), you start to walk back to the cabins, fully intending to get right into bed and conk out, but not before you hear one last scream from the forest and snicker to yourself.

    now that you know the monsters arent actual monsters, you feel a lot better about that hike. maybe you'll write a journal entry on it or something.
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Re: The edge of the woods.... [Prompt Four Open!]

Postby VoidRinkusu » Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:58 am

Decisions, decisions.
Username: VoidRinkusu
Link to roll call post: Link
Link to previous form: Prepared and determined
Prompt response:

Pip had discarded their walking stick a while ago, it was simply too heavy for Pip to drag along the whole hike, besides, the entire reason that they ditched their backpack was so they wouldn’t have to worry about heavy loads or poor mobility. They had told themself that if push came to shove, they could defend themselves with their flashlight, still hung nicely at Pip’s side. Judging by the moon (and having asked campers with a watch what time it was,) they had been hiking for a while. So far so good, no evil cryptid encounters, but a few people tried to pull pranks on the other campers. At this point, most people’s fear had at least simmered down to a sense of paranoia, which was solid progress.
Guessing that they might be nearing the end of the walk, Pip decided that they should eat their snack bar, sliding it out of their back pocket and carefully unwrapping the top half. The last thing Pip wanted was for it to fall to the ground. Successful, Pip took a moment to admire the snack bar. It was high quality, Pip had purchased it at the gift shop, saving it for tonight. Oats and honey, the bottom half was dipped in dark chocolate. Pip took a bite, their expectations met, ‘delicious and nutritious.’
While some other campers were a bit more wary, Pip was really starting to enjoying this walk. The weather was great, no clouds to block the full moon so they had plenty of light, the temperature was cool, and the bug spray seemed to be working. (Which is a lot better than usual.) Some kalons had started up some friendly chatter and it seemed to be a great distraction for the more fearful hikers. They were lucky enough to see some firefly and a deer on the walk, everyone found it both pleasant and reassuring to see some other living beings.
Pip, at the head of the group they were walking in, was one of the first to see a division in the path. One side was laden with tall grass which Pip estimated would come up to their ribcage, probably inhabited by ticks. The prospect of going along that path was less appealing as Pip struggled to remember if their bug spray covered anything other than mosquitos. The other side was covered in rocks. The stones looked small the first few feet, steadily growing in size ‘till the path was mostly taken up with boulders. There must have been a path through the middle, but there was an alternative. Pip grinned at the prospect.

You could go over.

Pip was already a pretty good climber before camp, but training with Ballard and Camilla had definitely upped their skill. It was a perfect idea to leave their backpack at kamp, Pip would be able to climb those rocks with nothing to drag them down! Pip then flung their arms into the air and laughed wholeheartedly, attracting a few odd glances. They jogged ahead, sitting at the base of the first climbable rock to dust off their shoes for maximum grip. Pip pulled themself up onto the rock with ease, continuing to climb along the stones, feeling along the cold surface to keep going. Bringing a headlamp was like a gift from the gods, Pip didn’t have to hold a flashlight to see, leaving all of their paws free to climb.
After going for a while, Pip decided to take a break and enjoy the view, sitting down on the smooth top of a boulder. The stars were as beautiful as before, but seeing the moon-lined trees from this high was breathtaking. Pip had to force themself to stop grinning in order to drink some water, smiling while taking a sip might cause it all to dribble down onto Pip’s shirt, which would be considerably unfortunate. Pip saw some lights from below. A few other campers who had taken the path below. There were less of them than Pip expected, and they were all dead silent, waving their flashlights around suspiciously. Forgetting that their headlamp was shining directly on the group below, Pip was quite confused as one of them shrieked when shining a flashlight up at them.
Must have thought I was a monster. Pip thought, waving to the campers and telling them who it was.
“How did you get up there?” One of them asked, their voice quivering audibly.
“I just climbed up at the beginning where the rocks were small enough.” Pip replied, enjoying the chance for a conversation. After a moment of awkward silence, Pip called down:
“Are y’all scared?” To which another kalon replied:
“Of course we’re scared! Maybe it’s nicer up there, but the moonlight doesn’t reach down here, and the path is pretty small, so the claustrophobia isn’t helping!” They then added, a bit more softly:
“We can’t see very well, and we have no idea if there’s something else down here with us.”
Pip felt sorry for them, deciding it was their responsibility to cheer them up.
“I’ll be your eyes, then.” Pip said.
“What?” Replied the camper.
“I can see quite a bit farther ahead than you can from up here, around the corners in the path. I’ll tell you if I see anything, which I don’t, by the way.” Pip offered,
“But what if you can’t see something?” Chimed in one of the other campers.
“What… what if we stumble into a cryptid?” The hiker sounded nervous, and Pip knew that they would have to choose their words wisely.
“I think Finn would be proud of us if we did, especially since he’s probably spent days on end without seeing a single one.” Pip remarked.
“Besides, if it’s anything like the supposed moth-man, then I wouldn’t much mind meeting it. I can see everything down there, and I personally guarantee you that nothing will sneak by unnoticed!” Pip insisted.
“What if your headlamp goes out?” Said another, Pip recognised their voice from somewhere, but could not recall a name. Pip unclipped their flashlight from their belt, waving it in the air.
“Then I have this!” Pip responded. They waited a minute, then smirked.
“Are you running out of things to be afraid of?” Pip queried, and much to their surprise, the other campers responded with:
Pip was ecstatic, their plan worked!
“What a great problem to have! Now, let’s get going, how about you tell me about your experiences so far?” Pip said, getting up and continuing along their path, filled with accomplishment and purpose.

1097 words
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The edge of the woods.... [Prompt Four Open!]

Postby King Andre » Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:59 am

    Decisions, decisions.
    Username: andreas
    Link to roll call post: Forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=3859303&p=119722148#p119722148
    Link to previous form:
    Prompt response:
    The forest seemed to stretch on forever, a sea of trees and foliage seemed all that would lay ahead of Dante and his brother. Eventually they stopped, kneeling under a tree to rest a bit. Everything was relatively quiet, with the occasional chirping of a cricket or the 'who' of an owl in the distance. Peter was sipping on a juice box, absentmindedly watching a trail of ants walk by on a log, meanwhile Dante was mentally mapping his surroundings and where they'd come from thus-far. He knew the other groups couldn't be too far away because sometime ago he'd heard human footsteps, and he considered he might have to send his brother to one of the other groups.

    Rising to their feet, they continued onward until they came across a clear fork in the path. One of them plagued with rocks of all shapes and sizes, which would require some skill to maneuver over. The other gradually became an ocean of tall grass, something that would make it easy to be ambushed. Ambushed by what? Dante considered whatever monstrosity he had heard the other night leading up to the hike.

    "Peter, one of these paths has to lead to the end of the test of courage, the something else. The rocky path seems like the one that'll lead to the end, as it would take some degree of tact to get over. I figure they would choose that as the end to the test of courage. I'm not done with my mission yet, so I'm going to take the other one, but I'm confident you'll be able to get to the end safely."

    The brown haired younger brother looked almost offended; "Why wouldn't I go with you?"

    Dante sighed as he explained; "There's something I'm looking for, maybe someone. I'm not sure what or who it is, but the other night I heard it calling, and I won't be able to rest well until I get to the bottom of it. "

    "Then we'll go together bruh!" Peter exclaimed, voice echoing with excitement rather than apprehension as Dante had expected.

    "It could be dangerous, it could be a monster or a demon or-" Dante began, but Peter was already naruto running towards the bush-filled path.

    Dante took the make-shift hammer out of his bag and headed after him.
Last edited by King Andre on Mon Jul 30, 2018 10:14 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The edge of the woods.... [Prompt Four Open!]

Postby lonk » Mon Jul 30, 2018 10:01 am

    Decisions, decisions.
    Username: lonk
    Link to roll call post:
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    Prompt response: when the pair came to the fork in the road, cali's heart began to race. she didn't expect there to be any choices involving the path.
    bea, however, seemed unfazed. it was as if she could feel cali's nervousness radiating off of her. "we'll go through the grass."
    well, okay then. problem averted. "you have your flashlight, so you should be okay, right?" the younger girl nodded.
    "if we get separated, just look for the blue light." bea was fiddling with, well, cali didn't know what it was. it was a cube with a blue gem embedded in the middle. it was foreign to the girl, but maybe it was a normal thing?
    it omitted a strong blue glow, steady lighting up the area around them. "are you ready?"
    was she truly ready? she wasn't sure. all cali could do was nod, and then the odd couple of kalons stepped out into the tall grass.
    the blue light was a good reminder that she wasn't truly alone. the thought of being by herself in the tangle of tall grass made her nervous, but the fact that she had bea with her made her relieved. the older girl seemed extremely capable. albeit she was strange, but she know what she was doing.
    so cali let her mind stop racing, and let herself explore the grass around her.
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prompt 4: grassy midnights

Postby hiraeth + hound » Mon Jul 30, 2018 10:16 am

        Decisions, decisions.
        Username: watchdog.
        Link to roll call post: here
        Link to previous form: here
        Prompt response:
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Re: The edge of the woods.... [Prompt Four Closed!]

Postby CSMintCat » Mon Jul 30, 2018 10:24 am



After making your decision and resolving to stick by it, you head down your path of choice.

You were unsure of how long you had been walking for, nor what time it was (though it must’ve been pretty late at night, if you were going by what little glimpses you could get of the moon peeking between the trees.) Despite your earlier assuredness in your decision, you eventually realize that you were feeling more and more uneasy as you continue along the path. You wince and shrink back at every little sound, and you swear that you could see more of those eerie shadows that you had seen earlier in the hike.

Safe to say, you were not having fun at this point in time.
(You continue on, though, because the thought of stopping on this path is practically unfathomable in your fear-ridden state.)

After what seemed like an eternity of walking, you come across a huge wall of shrubs at the end of the path.
It’s huge, and covers the expanse of the path.
So much so that there’s no way to look over or past the bush to see what lay on the other side.


You’ve come too far along this path to turn back now, though,
so you decide to push ahead with your arms out to try to shuffle awkwardly through the bushes.
On the other side you find….


Prompt number four is closed!
Any posts or further edits past this point will not be counted!
Judging will be commence shortly and results and the results will be posted at rollover!

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Re: The edge of the woods.... [Final Results Up!]

Postby CSMintCat » Mon Jul 30, 2018 1:38 pm


After reviewing the forms, the following users (and their Kampers) have made it to the end of the Test of Courage!:
-Diamond Sapphire
-high noon


Pushing past the thick shrubbery, you emerge in a large clearing bordered by tall, overarching trees.
The view here is fantastic; you had never been able to see the stars this clearly before!
Standing in the middle of the clearing are Iphis and Beni, watching as you and your fellow Kampers gather in front of them.

You swear you’ve never seen Iphis this happy before as he and Beni (who seems a bit teary-eyed)
congratulate you with firm pats on the back -from Beni- and steady handshakes -from Iphis-.

After a brief celebration, you all head back to Kamp, murmuring happily amongst yourselves.
(Though you couldn’t help but wonder where the rest of the Kampers, the ones who hadn’t made it to the clearing were…)

As you turns in for the night, you realize your pockets are filled with miscellaneous little.... things?
It’s too dark to see now, though, so you decide to go through them in the morning.

[Congrats on making it to the end of the Test of Courage!]
[Your final Special Prize comes in the form of a scratchcard via,
where your Kamper can "find" the items that somehow ended up in their pockets!]
[You'll be getting a PM shortly with the details of this!]


The following users have been eliminated:
-Unleashed Squid


As you push past the shrubs, you come across another, more well-maintained, path.
Following it, you realize that the path seems to lead back to.... Kamp?

Huh, that’s weird.

It’s late though, so you decide that they’re too tired to think about it too hard.
They’ll ask Beni or Iphis in the morning.


Thank you all for participating in the Test of Courage prompts!
Sat and I had a lot of fun running this little corner of Kamp, and we hope that you all had fun too!
We hope you'll have a great time in the rest of Kamp!

No more posts are to be made past this point!
Please direct any questions to Sat or I via PM or Discord DMs!

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Re: The edge of the woods.... [Final Results Up!]

Postby CSMintCat » Thu Aug 02, 2018 6:04 am

The ToC PMs have all been sent!
Please respond to them with the requested information before the end of Thursday evening so the groups/whatnot can be sorted out!
If there's no reply by then, then you'll be inserted into a group that doesn't have enough people and Sat or I will just play as "you" in the stream.

(Also I'm 99% sure I didn't miss anyone but if I did please let me knowwww.)
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Re: The edge of the woods.... [Prize Post Up!]

Postby CSMintCat » Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:19 am

Hey hey guys!
Once again, thank you all so much for participating in the ToC!
Here are all the prizes won from the streams we've held (sans Sat's, but that'll be updated soon), in case any of you were curious!


          SkyGold - 13 acorns, 1 team point.

          Gladis - 21 acorns.

          aethillie - 3 acorns.

          neondisaster - 3 acorns, Creepy Doll (natural mutation edit item) x2, this Kal.

          suds (zakuro. playing) - 7 acorns, Used Bandaid (missing eye/limb item) x2.

          [Sat's stream results will go here!]

          Julibee - 12 acorns, Creepy Doll (natural mutation edit item) x1, Used Bandaid (missing eye/limb item) x1.

          f1owercrown - 13 acorns.

          76heart - 2 acorns, Creepy Doll (natural mutation edit item) x1.

          rnirai - 1 team point, Used Bandaid (missing eye/limb item) x1, this Kal.

          Kyar - 15 acorns.

          Diamond Sapphire - 3 acorns, 1 team point, Creepy Doll (natural mutation edit item) x1.

          cherrydoge - 18 acorns, Used Bandaid (missing eye/limb item) x1.

          Lloril - 8 acorns, Creepy Doll (natural mutation edit item) x1.

          Karmel - 9 acorns.

          planiteri - 9 acorns, Used Bandaid (missing eye/limb item) x1, this Kal.

          trans - 7 acorns, this Kal.

          watchdog. - 5 acorns, Creepy Doll (natural mutation edit item) x2.

          magpie! - 12 acorns, Used Bandaid (missing eye/limb item) x1.

          plantfood - 11 acorns, 1 team point.

          happysparrow - 12 corn, Used Bandaid (missing eye/limb item) x1.

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