(-★ h o g w a r t s! ) o&a

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Re: (-★ h o g w a r t s! ) o&a

Postby mandalorian » Fri Jul 13, 2018 10:55 am

xxxxxxxxxdakota "koda"
ravenclaw. sixteen. sixth yr. tags: jackie

xxxxkoda listened carefully, and chuckled at the mention of the fear of heights. he wasn’t laughing because the fear was dumb – he was laughing because he appreciated jackie being honest. not many people could admit something like that, especially a gryffindor. “if you ever feel up to it, i’ll take you on a ride on my broom. the best way to get rid of fears is to challenge them head on — and im an excellent flyer.” he offered, and brightened at being asked about quidditch himself.

xxxx"yeah, actually. im the ravenclaw captain. i’ve played since my first year, just something to keep me busy." he rubbed the back of his neck, and watched jackie’s owl. in her cage, pickles meowed curiously, so koda gave her some treats before looking back at jackie. “do you have a favourite class?

xxxxxxxxxclementine "clem"
hufflepuff. seventeen. seventh yr. tags: daario

xxxxclementine’s eyes opened when she heard the compartment door slide, and she turned her head to see a boy in her year, but couldn’t quite remember his name. she smiled at him, sitting up and putting back some loose strands of hair. “as good as it can get, i suppose. snickers had more fun than me.” she replied, and on cue, snickers stopped running around and jumped up beside her. he stared at daario with curiousity, before stepping over to him and sniffing him. clementine leaned forward.

xxxxmy memory can be terrible, so forgive me if im wrong, but i don’t believe we’ve spoken. i’m clementine.” she introduced herself, smiling fondly at daario.
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Re: (-★ h o g w a r t s! ) o&a

Postby crabodile » Fri Jul 13, 2018 12:56 pm

jackie lee, 16
gryffindor, ♂
tags; koda
──────────xxxxxJackie gaped at the Ravenclaw, chocolate eyes glittering with astonishment as the other finished speaking. "You're the captain?" He shifted forward, feet falling from the seat as he leaned to look up at Koda in something close to pure awe. "And you think you can help me with my height fear..?" He shook his head up then down rapidly, grinning wildly. "We should do that sometime." Grin turning into a more of a dopey smile, he shrugged at the last question. "Transfiguration, maybe... I guess really anything is okay." He paused to furrow his eyebrows in thought, then looked up quickly, slight fear going over his features again. "But, anything but Herbology! I always mess up, ruin something.. I'm sure the professor watches me constantly since the time I accidentally caught something on fire.. Agh, ignore that. What about you?"


rowan lee, 16
hufflepuff, ♂
tags; selina, lee-jae
+ luciana
──────────xxxxxRowan shook his head, smiling apologetically. "I don't really know a lot of people by their name." Momo decided then to start wiggling, and Rowan easily moved her until she was comfortable, completely used to her randomly shifting. "Rhiannon Pepper?" He repeated, pausing for a minute, before shaking his head slowly. "Never heard anything about snakes. Only heard her name once or twice, actually. She's in Gryffindor, right? My brother once mentioned her. Something about transforming."
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Re: (-★ h o g w a r t s! ) o&a

Postby Consulting_Angel » Fri Jul 13, 2018 1:09 pm

Lee-Jae Dai
Tagged: Selina, Luciana,
Ugh. This Hufflepuff was being adorable, and it was sickening to Lee-Jae. Now he was going to have the urge to protect him, despite having been rude to him just moments before. Whatever. He could fight this.
At Luciana's suggestion that they look for a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff to pick on, Lee-Jae internally groaned at the thought that he might have to do something nice for someone outside of Slytherin. Until Selina mentioned Rhiannon Pepper.
"Then we shall make your prank dream come true," Lee-Jae declared, "Rhiannon Pepper it is. And if she's not already scared of them, then she will be. She doesn't know about your python, right?" He then turned towards the Hufflepuff, and smiled innocently towards him. "And you can help us!"

Skylar Vance
Tagged: Linus.
Glancing up over the top of his book, Skylar nodded slightly. "I am... though I will admit I'm more interested in studies rather than... anything else." He replied, the 'anything else' referring to Quidditch, though he hoped that it wasn't obvious. He just never saw the hype around the sport, and it barely interested him. Besides, it wasn't as if Hufflepuff had much of a chance at winning, so there was little point in being involved, even as an audience member.
Tilting the book he was reading, so that Linus could see the cover - Flesh Eating Trees of the World - he added, quietly, "Especially Herbology..."
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Re: (-★ h o g w a r t s! ) o&a

Postby lady beneviento » Fri Jul 13, 2018 1:57 pm

|selina sangris|female|7th year|slytherin|tags; luciana, lee-jae dai, rowan, rhiannon, open|
Selina furrowed her eyebrows at Rowan's words. "You've gotta be kidding me, she became an animagus? As if her ego can get any bigger." Selina huffed irritably. One thing. That's all she wants. One thing to lord over Rhiannon during their last year at Hogwarts. Selina gave Lee-Jae an appreciative smile. "That sounds great, Rhiannon is frustratingly resilient, but I'm sure we can get to her some way or another. She doesn't know about Nemesis, no." Selina answered, grinning as she thought of ways to possibly scare her nemesis. That is, until Selina heard her voice right behind her.

quix·ot·ic? wrote:|anya silverlake|female|7th year|ravenclaw|tags; lucina, open|
Anya smiled softly; Lucina was always so focused, it was something Anya admired about her. "Yeah I do. Once again, I'm sorry about Karma. Kites are unusually sassy, and Karma is no exception. I suppose by naming her Karma I may have made her a self fulfilling prophecy." Anya chuckled, and Karma tittered angrily, narrowing her sharp red eyes further at Lucina. "Congratulations on making Head Girl, Lucina. It really suits you." Anya smiles, purposefully ignoring her bird, who fluffed up her chest in a show of dominance. Merlin, this bird has a worse attitude than a grumpy Slytherin.

rhiannon pepper|female|7th year|gryffindor|tags; selina, lee-jae, rowan, luciana, open|
Rhiannon's smirk widened at Fiona's blush. What a cute girl. Rhiannon blew a kiss to Fiona and shot Adam a conspiratorial wink before spinning on her heel and sauntering down the hallway. She had half a mind to find Selina; Rhiannon has spent the past 5 years at Hogwarts pranking this girl so hard she's surprised the quiet Slytherin hasn't literally sunken into the floor. There were rumors Selina had become an animagus; good, another thing she can prove she's better at. Because honestly, is anything cooler than turning into a gryphon? Rhiannon thinks not. I bet her animagus form is something lame, like a skink. Rhiannon snickered to herself. She stopped when she heard her name. And there she is, Selina Sangris, standing with a small group of other Slytherins over a Hufflepuff who kinda looks like he wants to sink into the floor. "If it's not my nemesis! How are you, Selina, still coming to terms with your inadequacy?" Rhiannon purred out, striding closer to Selina and her Slytherin cronies. The boy in the front of the pack looked quite intelligent, but there was a mischievous glint in his eyes. Lee-Jae, Rhiannon recognizes him as being on Slytherin's Quidditch team. The other girl Rhiannon's eyes lingered on much longer than her companions. Luciana Grace. Tall, redheaded goddess. Rhiannon's sneer at Selina morphed into a flirtatious grin as her eyes settle on Luciana's face. "Well helloooo Luciana. Looking as flawless as always, love." Rhiannon's temperament change was so fast and so smooth it surprised even her. Her mind is pretty one track when it came to pretty girls. Especially a girl of Luciana's flawless visage.
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Re: (-★ h o g w a r t s! ) o&a

Postby mandalorian » Fri Jul 13, 2018 2:39 pm

xxxxxxxxxdakota "koda"
ravenclaw. sixteen. sixth yr. tags: jackie

xxxxa grin tugged at his lips at jackie's awe. he hadn't thought much of it before; was it truly a big deal, or only to jackie? he found it adorable how the boy covered up his grin with a smile, and began to discuss classes he liked. his grin only grew when he mentioned transfiguration, which was easily his favourite class. "you're perfect, you know that? i love transfiguration! i think it's so much fun. i'm pretty good at it too, usually." he rushed out the words, excitement taking over him before he calmed himself down and listened to the rest of his answer. "transfiguration is definitely my favourite, too, like i said earlier. don't talk to me about it, 'cause i'll go on for ages and no one wants to hear that." he rubbed his hands together, before continuing. "my least favourite is potions. i guess it's fun and all, and i like it when it goes 'poof' and all that, but that's about it. i'm kind of scared to pick up on some of the chemicals, because i don't want pickles to die. i don't know if that's possible, but i still worry that i'll have some weird potions thing on my hand, and when pickle licks me it'll transfer to her, and... yeah. i try to be as safe as possible." he rambled, before realising it. a blush spread across his cheeks. "god, i must sound lame. i worry about my cat too much, about things that... are probably a one in a million chance of happening. not very bright for a ravenclaw, huh? oh, i'm sorry! i'm totally rambling. i'll stop."
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Postby ghostlyhamlet » Fri Jul 13, 2018 9:16 pm

    -Grayson Maxwell Collins-
    seventeen // sixth year // Gryffindor Keeper // bisexual // half-blood // tags; open

    The new Gryffindor Captain was currently sitting in an empty compartment on the train, trying to be alone
    with his thoughts as he was glad that he only a had two more years at Hogwarts because then he can finally
    pursue his dream career and he wouldn't have to be with his family anymore. Going back to Hogwarts was
    always the best thing in the world in his mind, well, it came close as Quidditch was his number one stress
    reliever. The strategic game was a way for him to get out his pent up emotions and earn some great points
    with his house-mates that he would sometimes spend summers with. He then closed his eyes and took a
    deep breath as he waited for someone to enter as he just hoped it wasn't a puny first year.

    -Natalie Cho Bishop-
    seventeen // sixth year // Slytherin Prefect // bisexual // pureblood // tags; open

    The pureblood had claimed a compartment of her own, well actually, she took one from a couple of second-
    years, as she wasn't going to do that to the first-years as that'd just be cruel of her and she was a prefect now
    so she had to be somewhat better than she was before because the younger students would be looking up to
    her now. That thought gave her chills as she never really thought that something like this could happen to some-
    one like her, as she was the first prefect in her family. The sixth year then did a small grimace at the thought
    of her family as she didn't tell them of her position as she knew that they would only talk badly about it, saying
    that she was supposed to be something she wasn't. All that the Slytherin hoped for is that she could gain more
    access to her favorite classes.

    -Elijah Lewis Fitzgerald-
    sixteen // fifth year // Hufflepuff // bisexual // muggleborn // tags; Zirah Marx

    The fifth year was busy saying goodbye to his grandmother to notice that the train was only a few minutes
    from taking off, so he quickly raced as fast as he could, stumbling a few times before climbing onto the
    train with only seconds to spare. Taking a deep breath, the young teen the went to look around for any
    compartment that was empty or at least had friendly people in them. As he went from room-to-room, he
    figured out which places he was not going to sit in, but he then looked in one and smiled when he
    saw a familiar face, the famed Gryffindor Chaser, Zirah Marx. Clearing his throat he did a small knock on
    the open door, "is this seat taken?" He asked with a easy smile on his face as he pointed to the seat across
    from her.

    -Kai Raphael Maximoff-
    seventeen // seventh year // Ravenclaw Head Boy // homosexual // pureblood // tags; open

    The tall Ravenclaw was currently helping out the first years who were confused by the whole process of
    where to sit and what was going to happen at Hogwarts, to which the Head Boy explained everything they
    had asked about and he then left when they were satisfied with his answers, to which he then chuckled as
    he would bet that the new student would be in his house when they arrived. The six foot four student then
    started to walk down the corridor of the train, looking to see if anyone needed any help as he enjoyed his
    new status and the power of helping others, although he wished that he could just turn off his veela effect
    on the different male students he passed.
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Re: (-★ h o g w a r t s! ) o&a

Postby crabodile » Sat Jul 14, 2018 1:02 am

jackie lee, 16
gryffindor, ♂
tags; koda
──────────xxxxxJackie smiled warmly at the Ravenclaw. He was so cute. "That's adorable. I not sure something weird would happen if Pickles licked something up. The Care of Magical Creatures professor could help you if that ever happened, though. So don't sweat too much." He paused, eyes turning into crescents as he laughed. "Don't worry about rambling or being to protective of your cat," he paused, sniffling a little at just the mention. How long until he'd have to go to the nurse for his allergies when they got to the school? "My brother has one too. He knows we're allowed to have them, but he hides her in his robes. Something about being afraid of losing her. That cat despises me, though. Ah, do you have any siblings?"


rowan lee, 16
hufflepuff, ♂
tags; selina, lee-jae
+ luciana + rhiannon
──────────xxxxxRowan could only mutter out a shocked "H-help? How?" before a new voice entered their conversation. He spun around, pink bangs falling in his eyes, watching as the girl, Rhiannon Pepper, spoke. With an anxious twitch, he took a step back and let Momo jump to the ground. He didn't bother to speak again, and just let his eyes flicker nervously between Rhiannon and Selina as Rhiannon's tone made a whole 180 to speak to Luciana. He felt even more awkward now, but where would he go? Back to Jackie, where he was probably flirting? Rowan shifted to his other leg and sighed. "Do you need something?" He finally spoke, eyes flickering over to Rhiannon's face.
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Re: (-★ h o g w a r t s! ) o&a

Postby queen maeve » Sat Jul 14, 2018 5:50 am

Luciana Grace/female/6th year/slytherin/tags; Selina, Rowan, Lee-Jai, Rhiannon

"Who cares if she can turn into an animagus? I can too, it's not like it's that great." She stopped talking when Rhiannon came over, her cheeks flushing pink as Rhiannon was talking. "Yes I do look flawless." She flipped some of her hair over her shoulder and her red lips curved into a smile. "You're not so bad yourself." she winked at the girl. She usually didn't comment back, but Rhiannon looked like she could be interesting to talk to.
maeve | adult | infp
they/she | autistic
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Re: (-★ h o g w a r t s! ) o&a

Postby Consulting_Angel » Sat Jul 14, 2018 12:35 pm

Lee-Jae Dai
Tagged: Selina, Luciana,
"Oh, we'll find a way," Lee-Jae said to the Hufflepuff, but then he paused when he heard a voice - Rhiannon. He folded his arms and glanced towards her, with a brief frown before flickering into a mischievous smile. "You must be Rhiannon. I almost didn't realise, your head is so much bigger than everyone says..." Lee-Jae started, pausing only for a moment before continuing his attack to provoke, "And you're slightly better looking than everyone says as well, though this lighting seems to be in your favour. It will be a shame when you leave the train, won't it? How do you cope, not being attractive? You'll be pleased to know, though, that something is right - your voice is just as irritating as I expected." He tilted his head back slightly, then glanced towards Selina and Nemesis. "Oh, and have you met this gorgeous python?" Lee-Jae asked, referring to, of course, Nemesis, to draw attention to the python.

Consulting_Angel wrote:
Skylar Vance
Tagged: Linus.
Glancing up over the top of his book, Skylar nodded slightly. "I am... though I will admit I'm more interested in studies rather than... anything else." He replied, the 'anything else' referring to Quidditch, though he hoped that it wasn't obvious. He just never saw the hype around the sport, and it barely interested him. Besides, it wasn't as if Hufflepuff had much of a chance at winning, so there was little point in being involved, even as an audience member.
Tilting the book he was reading, so that Linus could see the cover - Flesh Eating Trees of the World - he added, quietly, "Especially Herbology..."
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Re: (-★ h o g w a r t s! ) o&a

Postby mandalorian » Sat Jul 14, 2018 12:55 pm

xxxxxxxxxdakota "koda"
ravenclaw. sixteen. sixth yr. tags: jackie

xxxx"a sister." koda said, answering his question. "she hasn't come into her magic yet, but i'm sure she will eventually! my dad's a muggle, so it's kinda a guess with everyone, but that's okay." he smiled. "she's really nice, younger than me, of course. nine. i love her to pieces. do anything to protect her, you know? maybe it's just cause she's family, but i think even if she wasn't. she's a really good kid. i always miss her when i'm here." he took a photo out of his pocket and unfolded it to show jackie. it was a family photo. dakota was holding his sister in it, and besides his sisters long hair and being younger, they looked extremely similar. "the boy that was here earlier, was that your brother? i hope i didn't scare him off or something."
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