Create a Village - V.2

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Black Rock Weyr Intro + 10

Postby Simonpet » Mon Jul 02, 2018 3:03 am

Simonpet wrote:
𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕖𝕪𝕣
It's been almost a century since the Ninth and final Pass on Pern. The southern continent has been settled, for the most part, and a young to-be queen rider has been granted a new weyr of her own that she calls Black Rock Weyr for the river nearby. Like many southern Weyrs, it is near a beach, making it perfect for cultivating many types of food and scrounging for fire-lizard eggs.

Fruits - blueberries, moonflower fruit, redfruit
Meat - bovines, caprines, fish (small, large), wherries
Vegetables - carrots, corn, cucumbers

Food - bovine and caprine meat, fish
Items - glass, leather, and wood items
Other - fire-lizard eggs

Bird - Birds-of-prey are used as messengers and help in finding seeds.
Bovine (cow) - Bovines are used to till the soil, get milk, and as meat.
Canine (dog) - Canines are used as guards and herders.
Caprine (goat) - Caprines, like bovines, are used to get milk but some are also used to get the wool used in weaving.
Cheetah/Lion - Cheetahs and lions are a menace created by Ted Tubberman in a failed attempt at creating a hunting animal. They are to be killed at first sight to prevent them from attacking humans and dragons alike.
Draftbeast (horse) - Draftbeasts are used as beasts of burden. Much more steady than the flighty runnerbeast, a draftbeast is good to have for larger holds and weyrs.
Dragon - Dragons are the primary purpose behind a weyr. They protect the skies from harm and are bonded to their rider from life to death.
Feline (cat) - Felines are used to kill pests.
Fire-lizard - A novelty rediscovered in the Ninth Pass, a fire-lizard acts as a pet and messenger.
Gryphhawk - A gryphhawk looks similar to a gryphon but is the size of a Terran hawk and is trainable like one.
Runnerbeast (horse) - Runnerbeasts are used by runners and as racing animals.
Watch Wher - The "ugly cousin" to a dragon, watch whers are primarily used as guard beasts or as the "canary in a coal mine." They can see in infrared and are nocturnal, and can only fly at night. Since the Third Pass, fewer holds and even fewer weyrs have used them.

Simonpet wrote:
𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕖𝕪𝕣
Number of People: 15 (8 ♂ | 7 ♀)
Number of Servings: 17.5
Children Due: N/A
Next Visit to North: 03/15/2018
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Seanni held the fire-lizard egg gently. It was small--too small, perhaps--but she and N'reg had found a nest of five 'lizard eggs. Their little weyr's human and animal population was growing, and fire-lizards would be helpful in keeping an eye on everyone. Chase had been mated to Doppa, a female dog from Mournstead, and they had given birth to three pups. The weyr and village were currently in negotiations to determine which pups would go where, but would only be finalized once the pups were weaned. No need to harm them by taking them from their mother.

"Hey Seanni," said N'reg with a gentle nudge. Seanni looked up and blushed. Over the past few months, the two had gotten closer, partially as they prepared for Rosanth's mating flight and partially because they were both dragonriders and there was no-one else who could understand the joy of being bonded to such beasts. "Let's put the eggs in here?" N'reg held out a small bag that he had filled with sand in order to protect the 'lizard eggs.

"Mhmm," replied Seanni, putting her egg into the bag. She put the other four in as well. Two were abnormally small, one was exceptionally large, and the rest were of normal size. Hopefully one would turn out to be a gold. Even though green fire-lizards were able to breed, their clutches rarely lived to maturity, and the chances of getting a "green-queen" (or a gold fire-lizard hatched from a green clutch) were extremely low. "Let's make sure they don't freeze between."

N'reg nodded. "Of course. In any case, the sand is very warm. I'm sure we can keep them alive until we reach the weyr."

"Let's hope."

Renolla felt a flutter in her heart. Fire-lizards were the poor man's dragon, but it didn't lessen their value. While there were fire-lizard breeders who specialized in creating only the best of lineages, Black Rock Weyr was still too small and too poor to afford an egg from one of the centers. And so they'd create their own with the five eggs they found. Most wild clutches had a high fail hatching rate, but they were guaranteed of at least one egg. Of course, that didn't mean that domesticated clutches wouldn't fail to hatch; many did, but at a slightly lessened rate.

One of the middling-sized eggs cracked. Rocked. Cracked. A brown muzzle poked out, and the rest of the brown hatchling's head followed. It began to creel, a loud and piercing sound that brought Renolla's hands to her ears. Ershar moved before anyone else could, grabbing a strip of raw meat and luring the hatchling to him. Another cry joined the fray and Renolla's eyes widened as she saw the gold struggling to get out of her egg. Grabbing a couple strips of meat, Renolla began luring the 'lizard with the food until she lay curled in the headwoman's palm. Abesses had Impressed a brown, the last of the three eggs to hatch.

"Congrats," said Seanni with a grin. "The first fire-lizards of Black Rock Weyr."

"Thank you Weyrwoman," said Renolla quietly.

"Train her well."

Seanni leaned back in her chair as she sat in her house, thinking. The past year had been rather profitable; she had found five fire-lizard eggs and three had hatched, Doppa of Mournstead had produced three healthy pups with two remaining in Black Rock, and two of the bovines had bred with the female giving birth to twins. Twins! Seanni shook her head, a smile threatening to appear. What luck! Eshni was learning well, and had been allowed to go out to gather with Waxinnan and Kivee watching her at all times. Seanni chuckled as she remembered giving the four-turn-old her first ride on Rosanth. What a glorious day it had been! It had been a lovely spring day, and though it had been no more than five or six sevendays ago, it seemed like it had been forever.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Seanni called. The door opened and Renolla stepped through, the harsh sunlight framing the headwoman's dark skin. "Coming to tell me everyone's assignments?"

Renolla nodded. "Yes, Weyrwoman. Kivee has been wanting to ride dragons and so I took the liberty of telling her that she could come with you today."

Seanni sighed. "You don't even need to ask," she said, rising and drawing out a chair. "Another pair of eyes is always good. C'mon, sit. Anything else?"

Renolla sat gratefully before continuing. "Tugall will join the fishers, and Baridna will join the farmers. I will join the hunters."

"All fine with me."


"Yes!" said Seanni, exasperated. "I trust your judgement. As Weyrwoman, all I do is paperwork. You're the one doing the real work. I wouldn't have you as my headwoman if I didn't trust you." She leaned forward and put her pale and cold hands on Renolla's dark and warm hands. "You know the weyrfolk. You know what they're good at, where everyone should go, and what they should learn. Never doubt my trust in you."

Renolla smiled. "Thank you, Seanni."

"Better," said Seanni teasingly. "First-name basis in private. No need for ranks and titles here. Now where's that fire-lizard of yours?"

"Etasi?" asked Renolla. Seanni nodded. "Out hunting with Fire and Zor." A warm smile shone on the headwoman's face. "She loves the sea. She'll probably be hanging near Jesni and the other fishers."

Seanni laughed. "Maybe she'll bring back some fish for us."


"Are you sure you can shoot the bow?" Abesses asked Renolla.

"Positive," she grunted as she strung the bow. Her gold fire-lizard, Etasi, fluttered around her and chirped suggestively. "Oh quiet, you."

Nitia laughed. "At least someone knows what's going on!" Abesses and Renolla looked at Nitia, which only made the woman laugh even harder. "When, when, when you guys get married," she said, wiping away tears, "remember that I called it first."

Abesses and Renolla looked each other in the eyes before blushing and looking away.

Black Rock Weyr consumes 1 carrot, 4 corn, 3 cucumber, and 1.5 small fish
Seanni visits the North to hire a woodcrafter
Seanni, N'reg, and Kivee (and Rosanth and Predath) explore
Abesses, Nitia, and Renolla hunt
Boldosh, Jesni, and Tugall fish
Baridna, Borrin, and Ershar gather
Borrin plants 1 corn seed using bovine 1
Ershar plants 1 corn seed using bovine 2
Shollun researches medicine


    Senior Weyrwoman
    Seanni | female | 34 turns | Rosanth
    ↪ ST - A6 / HS - LC / HC - 46 / EC - Red

    Retired Dragonriders

    Junior Goldriders

    Renolla | female | 29 turns
    ↪ ST - D11 / HS - AC / HC - 108 / EC - Gray

    Lower Cavern Staff
    Kivee | female | 27 turns
    ↪ ST - E11 / HS - LC / HC - 81 / EC - Green

    Eshni | female | 4 turns
    ↪ ST - B9 / HS - HC / HC - 118 / EC - Blue









    M. Abesses | male | 32 turns
    ↪ ST - B2 / HS - HW / HC - 72 / EC - L. Brown
    J. Nitia | female | 26 turns
    ↪ ST - A7 / HS - S / HC - 48 / EC - Brown

    M. Borrin | male | 33 turns
    ↪ ST - B2 / HS - LW / HC - 112 / EC - Brown
    M. Ershar | male | 31 turns
    ↪ ST - D3 / HS - AC / HC - 118 / EC - D. Green

    J. Boldosh | male | 27 turns
    ↪ ST - A6 / HS - HC / HC - 104 / EC - D. Blue
    J. Jesni | female | 31 turns
    ↪ ST - B9 / HS - HC / HC - 94 / EC - Blue

    J. Baridna | female | 27 turns
    ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 48 / EC - Hazel

    J. Waxinnan | male | 27 turns
    ↪ ST - B5 / HS - HW / HC - 107 / EC - D. Gray

    J. Shollun | male | 28 turns | 2 KP
    ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 116 / EC - Violet


    J. Tugall | male | 25 turns
    ↪ ST - D4 / HS - LW / HC - 94 / EC - D. Brown

Senior Weyrleader
N'reg | male | 29 turns | Predath
↪ ST - C4 / HS - LW / HC - 52 / EC - Violet

















    Mournstead | Katrione
    Redmire Hold | Phina D Wolf


    Northeast | open
    East | Mournstead | Katrione
    Southeast | Cyrrane | arya22
    South | open
    Southwest | open
    West | Redmire Hold | Phina D Wolf
    Northwest | Expanse | Peachycupcake525

    Blueberry | 0 | 1 serving
    Bovine | 0 | 3 servings
    Carrot | 0 | 2 servings
    Corn | 4 | 2 servings
    Cucumber | 0 | 2 servings
    Fish (small) | 0.5 | 1 serving
    Fish (large) | 2 | 3 servings
    Moonflower Fruit | 2 | 2 servings
    Redfruit | 0 | 1 serving
    Wherry | 3 | 3 servings
    Total | 27.5 servings

    Bovine 1 | male | 6 turns | bred
    Bovine 2 | female | 4 turns | bred
    Bovine 3 | female | 2 turns
    Bovine 4 | male | 1 turn
    Bovine 5 | female | 1 turn

    Brawn | male | 1 turn | canine
    Chase | male | 9 turns | canine | bred
    Pellar | female | 3 turns | hawk
    Spirit | female | 1 turn | canine

    Rosanth | gold | 7 turns | Seanni
    Predath | bronze | 3 turns | N'reg

    Etasi | gold | 1 turn | Renolla
    Fire | bronze | 1 turn | Abesses
    Zor | brown | 1 turn | Ershar

    Animal Lineages
    Bovine 1 + Bovine 2 = Bovines 4-5
    Chase + Doppa (Mournstead) = Brawn, Spirit, canine 3 (Mournstead)



    Ershar + Jesni = Eshni
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Mar Sal [000]

Postby dea invidia. » Mon Jul 02, 2018 4:46 am


        An Overview
      Mar Sal is a community, village if you like, based around their prized animal, the Capall Uisce. Previous inhabitants had been taming the Capaill Uisce for years, passing down their stories, successes, failures and tricks so the next generation can continue to do so. The land is known for it's spectacular oceans, although they aren't ones for people to swim in, and it's amaing hills and plains. The village specialises in training Capaill Uisce, farming, armoury and weaponry. People are good at what they are trained to do, and many have picked up several crafts and abilities through the years. The community is always sticking together, they are each other's family no mater what, and the Capaill Uisce serve as something to bring them even closer together.

        The Temperament
      The people in Mar Sal vary a lot in temperament, yet they all have a sense of duty. From the meekest child to the most proud warrior, they all have an understanding of duty and what they are there to fulfil. People are respectful of each other, and nobody is looked down upon for having a certain rank or job. Due to the climate and weathers in and around Mar Sal it is more common to see fairer skinned people due to limited sun, but darker skinned people are seen within the village as well. Only humans are known in Mar Sal, hair colours and eye colours for humans are limited to realistic colours only, unless hair has been dyed. Hair styles have no limitations. In recent years however, some humans with powers have slowly started to appear in Mar Sal. These powers have ranged from control over the elements to the ability to read minds or shape-shift. These humans with powers do remain rather rare, and many are believed to have been sent from the gods. The humans with abilities are often distinguished by their unrealistic eye colours.

        The Geography
      Mar Sal is a large community with many geographical features and notable places. There are beaches running along from the north and to the west, the most notable beaches are Capricorn Cove, Breakwater Shore and The Laughing Point. There are large cliffs that seperate Capricorn Cove in the north from the other beaches. The cliffs are known as the Moaning Edge, and often have precious metals or gems hiding within their caves and stone. To the east of Mar Sal's boundary is the plain land, which is utilised by gatherers mainly as farmland for stock animals and growing produce. The south of the boundary is the hills, which have many prey animals and are one of the main sites for finding wild horses, oxen and foxes. Breakwater Shore and The Laughing Points are the two beaches known for their abundance of the Capaill Uisce and The Laughing Point holds the biggest Capall Uisce races throughout the year, and you'll often see people training their Capaill Uisce on Breakwater Shore. The time for catching new Capaill Uisce is during autumn and winter, when the sea and the air start getting colder.

        Domesticated Animals
      Domesticated animals are some of the key features for the people of Mar Sal, be it for travel, safety, or aid, animals are everywhere.

      Capaill Uisce (Water Horses) ↠ A beast from the waters, the Capaill Uisce is a horse born from the depths of the sea. They are wild creatures that resemble horses, yet have increased strength, stamina, speed, beauty and grace. The Capaill Uisce has a connection with the sea, and those who are tamed often fight to get back in. Capaill Uisce are omnivores, so they can survive perfectly well off of meats as they can off of grains and fruits, with a tendency to prefer meatier diets. Often owned by the more capable scouts. wealthier families and those well trained in handling a Capall. They mainly ensure a scout's safe and quick return, but are also one of the main contenders in the horse racing culture and have occasionally been trained for more domestic equine sports of both english and western disciplines. Iron has a soothing property over the capaill so many riders and handlers cary iron disks fashioned for these horses in order to control them. It is also said the a Capall Uisce caught in the rain wants to stay wet, thus having a stronger urge to go back in the sea and iron having less of an affect.

      Equines ↠ Known as the poor man's capaill uisce, equines are affordable for anyone and everyone. One of two scout mounts, equines are often used by scouts with less experience. They help ensure a scouts safe and quick return, but people who aren't scouts often have them as mounts for simple transport and for leisure competition such as dressage and show jumping. Equines of heavier breeds are also used to pull carts, carrying items such as meat, food produce, trade stock, people, etc.

      Felidae ↠ Felidae, unlike canids, have no one true owner. Felidae in Mar Sal come in many different forms, from housecats, to ocelots, to lions and an occassional sabertooth. They roam through the streets and aid in keeping the pest population down. Some of the smaller felidae do go to homes where people feed them and offer shelter, and many people do this as a form of appreciation. While not truely domesticated, they can be handled and many do like to receive attention, especially from children.

      Canids ↠ Canids are one of the most common animals in Mar Sal. People of all different ranks can have them and they are used as guards for the village and the people. While it is considered that canids have one owner, or family, they are mainly used for the benefit of the whole village. You can often see children playing with their own Canids and Canids that have been roaming the streets. Canids in Mar Sal range from the domesticated breeds most people know, to common types of wolves and even direwolves.

      Foxes ↠ Foxes are a hunters best friend and worse enemy. They can both help and destroy a hunt with their skills. They aid hunters in finding game animals, but they can also frighten animals away by making noises.

      Birds ↠ Birds are the more common companion for gatherers. They are often sent out in order to find seeds for farming, but gathers don't do it too often as they know there is a chance the bird will not return.

      Oxen ↠ Used by gatherers to help till the land in order to get the most out of crops. Oxen aren't really too common, but some gathers do like to have them around.

      Dragons ↠ Dragons are a rare new discovery to the village of Mar Sal. Only the very richest of the villagers are able to obtain them, and there are only a couple of places that are able to contain these large beasts.

        Religion and Traditions

      The community lives on food produced and found within the community's boundaries. There are many farms that keep the meat sources such as mutton and boar, but meats such as rabbit are usually found when hunting. The village has two ways of getting trout, there is a small fishery located at Capricorn Cove, but many choose to go out in a boat and fish for the Sea Trout.

      Meats ↠ Rabbit, Boar, Mutton, Sea Trout
      Fruits ↠ Blackberry, Apple, Honey Melon
      Vegetables ↠ Oats, Potato and Pumpkin

      Fur and Fibre ↠ Sheep, Rabbit, Bear, Badger, Deer and Cow

        The Economy
      The economy in Mar Sal is one of the community's most binding features. The trading system keeps them all together and creates bonds between people of different professions. In trade, everyone is equal, the high ranks trade with the low ranks, children trade with adults, there are no boundaries. While most try to make trades and sale offers as fair as possible, there will be some items that may be priced a little higher than others due to connection, rarity or importance. The currency withing the village of Mar Sal is known as píosaí.

      Fur Trade ↠ Fur is a valuable resource for the people of Mar Sal, due to the cold that occurs through all the seasons. They get a cold ocean breeze constantly, so fur coats and leather boots are always valuable items of clothing. Fur from wolves and bears are the most valuable, but also some of the rarest.

      Armoury and Weapon Trade ↠ Mar Sal produces large amounts of exquisite and durable armoury and protective gear, as well as weapons. Thick coats for harsh winter hunting or training, vests that protect from a boar's tusk, knives and arrows that strike quickly and smoothly. Their weaponry is advanced and their amour is based around their own weapon's capabilities.

      Jewellery Trade ↠ There are some amazing gems and stones hidden in the sand and on the cliffs in Mar Sal. Jewellery making is a craft known by few, yet so widely renowned. Depending on the time, the resources and the design of jewellery the prices and trades can vary greatly. Some jewellers are also much more trusted than others and thus their work is much more sought after.

      Capall Uisce Racing ↠ The village's mighty and dangerous capaill uisce are some of the key items in the Mar Sal economy. Due to the yearly races, the tough training, the marvellous skills and the risk associated with these horses, they fill the market. Trainers selling their captured horses when race season starts to trainers selling some wild dressage or jumping horses, people flock to the trade center when the horse season starts. Many trainers also offer their services to the more wealthy of residents, in order to train or capture a capall uisce. While there are other types of animal racing in the village, the capaill uisce are what the village is most known for.

      ( Sorry, I got a little excited about the re-opening )
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☾0.0☾ Adularia

Postby salvation. » Mon Jul 02, 2018 9:08 am


☾Brief Overview

Adularia is mostly known for their excellence in witchcraft.Their knowledge ranges from Spell Casting all the way to Potion Making. Adularian's like to think of their home as more of a coven rather than a village, and they act like that as well.

☾Nature of the People

Adularian's are quite calm and collected beings. They find that their magic is stronger with a peaceful mind. They take a lot of pride in their work and will not hesitate to show it off to anybody and everybody. Most have the helping spirit and will help others learn how to brew potions and cast spells, while others keep to themselves. Adularian's mainly stay away from battle and war, and no one seems to want to fight them, they rarely have an problems with the other people around them and if they do end up in a problem they will try to talk it out instead of resorting to violence.Majority of the Adaularian's are vegetarian due to their strong connection to their Familiars (Their animal sidekicks) but some do eat meat as well.


Adularia is located in an open meadow surrounded by a dense forest. A stream runs through the main part of the village providing a fresh water source for them. A few miles deep in the forest is a cave filled with Adularia crystals there is a hole in the ceiling where moonlight shines through and illuminates the crystals, they call this "Lunae Lumen". The forest houses various herbs they need for potion making as well as animals.


Lunae Lumen➳ When the full moon shines through the cave in the forest and lights up all the Adularia Crystals in the cave. High ranking members of the village gather there to share spells and other knowledge with one another.
Venditionis➳Every Wednesday all the shops have all their goods half priced, and its the only day the bakery sells Boysenberry Jam.
Eandem Spiritu➳The day when a child turns eighteen and is allowed to get a Familar


Familars➳ Everyone in Adularia has one that they received when they were eighteen. Familars can vary between water animals and land animals, they are also magic so they all have their own special ability.
Deer➳ There is a large population of them in Adularia, people hunt them for sport and food.
Wolves➳ There are two packs of grey wolves, they tend to stay away from the village but can be seen lurking around the forest.
Foxes➳ They are not shy when it comes to the village they like to sneak inside and eat the chickens
Fish➳ There are fish located in ponds littered throughout the forest as well as small ones in the stream.
Horses➳ Not many people own horses only merchants who need to travel to the Market
Birds➳ There are many birds in the village that people hunt, but they like to tame crows to send letters.


The village mostly eats what it produces. But there are no farms dedicated to herbs, most people grow them in smalls gardens in their homes or they find them in the forest.

Fruits➳ Boysenberry, Watermelon, Peaches
Vegetables➳ Carrots, Lettuce, Wheat
Livestock➳ Chickens, Cows, Pigs
Furs➳ Wolf Pelts, Rabbit Fur, Fox Pelts


Adularia thrives off of their economy, a lot of their goods are in high demand because of their magical qualities. They use gold coins as their currency but will often trade items of same value with one another.

Potion Trade➳ They mainly sell healing potions that can cure minor diseases such as a cold or a case of smallpox. You can also find them selling poisons or potions that claim to give you luck or youth.
Crystal Trade➳Adularia somehow managed to be around a lot of places where Crystals are. People will mine them and put them on necklaces or bracelets and sell them or just sell them alone. They say the Crystals have special qualities that can ward off evil or sickness.
Clothing Trade➳Adularians are also known for their elegant way of dressing, everyone manages to look rich in their long flowing clothes with rich colors. Many people design and create clothing to sell to travelers and other villagers.
Last edited by salvation. on Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby Phina D Wolf » Mon Jul 02, 2018 4:41 pm


Veranderers are a close knit group who, while they will welcome visitors for a long period of time, do not permit any to stay more than six months. Due to this, they can be seen is strict or unforgiving, but in reality they are simply trying to protect their community.

All Veranderers are shapeshifters, developing their first shift moments after birth, and gaining a new one every ten years after that. They also only have natural hair, skin and eye colors.

Veranderers are both farmers, hunters and shepherds, so their table is always full and varied.
Meats ↠ Rabbit, Boar, Mutton, Hare, Venison, Squirrel, Small Fish
Fruits ↠ Strawberries, Apples, Pomegranates, Cherries, Blueberries, Starfruit
Vegetables ↠ Corn, Carrots, Potatoes, Cucumber, Tomato, Celery, Peas

Due to their shifting abilities, Veranderers often have more skilled animals than they know what to do with, and will sell the off to other villages. Hunting is also fairly easy for them, so pelts are in abundance. They are also willing to have arranged marriages in exchange for goods, as long as the other individual is also a shapeshifter.

All kinds of animals wander in the territory surrounding Verander, so finding a skilled animal is not uncommon.



Fire Lizards

Verander is in a thickly wooded forest, where it is impractical to leave camp in human form the trees and vines grow so dense. A river cuts through their territory, causing a minor issue for any without a winged shift. There are no mountains or valleys in the territory, but the forest covers the backs of rolling hills.


Skilled Animal Trade ↠ Dogs, Cats, Birds, Fox, Horse, Oxen, rarely Dragons or Fire Lizards
Pelt Trade ↠ Rabbit, Hare, Deer, Squirrel, Wolf, Cow, Bear

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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby Wolfypoof » Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:39 pm


The Iron Rosette is a medieval-like village that live high up the mountains. The main attraction of the Iron Rosette is their castle which all other buildings are built surrounding it. They follow a strict hierarchy and are ruled by their ruthless queen. A queen always rules the village. Inhabitants are ordered to worship their queen and any who dare to oppose her, suffer great consequences. In fact, the village is named after how the queen rules with her iron fist. The symbol of the village is in an exquisite rosette design.

The Iron Rosette is quiet diverse with the species that live there. Humans and elfs of any kind are the most common species. Wizards/witches, fairies, nymphs and other such fantasy like creatures make their home here too. Due to such species, unusual hair and eye colour is common among them. The people here are taught to be as strong and tough as they can be at an early age. They do not take well to outsiders, especially those from other villages. They protect their village with their life and aren't afraid to take someone else's. They may appear aloof to others and only tell their deepest secrets and true feelings to ones they trust (such as family). The Iron Rosette is also religious and believe in multiple Gods for good health, success and other such things. They also believe in a God that causes illness and disaster. Any omens and visions of this God are taken very seriously.

The hierarchy (not in order on the form thing though)
Head chief - Queen
War chief - Head Knights
Scout chief
Hunting chief
Warriors - Knights
Shaman (also serves as a clergy)

Mothers, elders, children and apprentices fit into the hierarchy with whatever their job is/was or where they are training. The ranks of children are mostly determined with what rank their parents are.
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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby spookypuff » Tue Jul 03, 2018 1:11 am


Hyinan is a village that consists of mermaids/mermen, shapeshifters and humans. The royal family is all consisted of Drakaina's (half-dragon, half-human), since in this village/kingdom, matriarchy is the form of goverment. The queen has a one-of-a-kind scepter, only used when needed. The queen also has special magic due to the amount spent with the scepter. The village's symbol is divided into 4 parts, one for water creatures, one for shapeshifters, one for humans, and in the middle circle, for the royals.

The Hyinan have lots of hair and eye colors. The most uncommon hair color is 40, and the eye color - h7.

Chief of War
Normal villagers

Children become testers after 9 years from their birth.

Their territory is near and taking part of the sea. Merpeople swim in the sea and can occasionally (once a month) transform into humans with scales to grab food from the surface. Shapeshifters live in the caves and have a normal form, which they transform to when tired or not shifted. The royals live in the middle of everything. Humans live in the other side. Each tribe has it's own chief of war, knights, apprentices and explorers, testers.
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bellmare - the village of the gentle

Postby ossa di cervo » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:39 am


      The village of Bellmare is small thing that welcomes any all to it's edge. They're a very friendly folk with little to no qualms against others. They themselves have a strict set of rules though they refuse to push that upon anyone unless, of course, they wish to join them. Women are highly respected in the village and every full moon they hold a festival to celebrate everything a woman is - the men give thanks for the children they bare, family gives thanks for the future generations and more often then not a married woman receives many words from other men of their admiration for them. It's a night of honesty and all secret feelings are expected to come to surface.
      The village is strictly full of shape-shifters. Not any old shape-shifter though, all the members of Bellmare are herbivores. The forms of the people consist of anything that doesn't prey upon others; deer, goats, small birds, lemurs, tapirs, etc. The people of Bellmare learn a maximum of four forms in their lives. Learning a new form is sudden and without warning. A person simply wakes knowing the form, however, the animal must have been on their mind frequently in order for them to gain that form. Human forms in Bellmare have only natural hair, skin and eye colors.
      Bellmare is settled right in the middle of a rather large meadow. To the north is a thick wood, the east is another wood though far thinner, the south holds a small lake and the west is a river.
    Foods Eaten
      They don't eat meat.
      Vegetables;; carrots, broccoli, asparagus, potato, spinach, pea
      Fruits;; blackberries, raspberries, huckleberries, peaches, pumpkin, watermelon
      Horses - used mostly for transport or herding together other animals
      Cows & Donkeys - used mostly for work - pulling carts, tilling fields, etc.
      Sheep - used only for their wool to create clothing or blankets
      Deer - kept only for the antlers they shed the people of Bellmare whittle the antlers or use them as knives, tools to dig, etc.
      Birds - kept to eat bugs off of growing crops.
      Cats - kept for companionship and mice hunting. The people of Bellmare don't acknowledge that they hunt mice often as they look down upon it.
      Cat sized Dragons - very small dragons kept for the same reason as cats.
      For the most part Bellmare is known for it's art trading. They trade paintings, whittled antlers made to art or knives, flower crowns, or other naturally made accessories.
      They are somewhat known for their sheep wool clothing.
      If the other two trades they have don't spark an interest they will resort to trading berries or their pumpkins.

    [[ could my leader be male with an elk shift?]]
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Ame's Replies

Postby amethyst14 » Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:44 am

    Season: Spring
    Weather: Flowers and everything seems to be in bloom and an abundance of prey and plants during this time of plenty makes living easy during this time. Patrols will run into people more often as people come out of their winter homes, they search for a more permanent residence and might join your village.

    Announcement: My replies will include Simon's villages as well until they get back from their trip towards the end of July.

    If you have any problem with rolls please PM me!

| Black Rock Weyr | Expanse | Empire of Xerxes’ Fidelitas | Mournstead | Mar Sal | Verander | Hyinan |

| Cyrrane | Baryo sa Dalampasigan | Solaris Canyon | Nuudotkhyat | Adularia | Iron Rosette | Bellmare |


Arya22 wrote:Cyrrane
(Myriam asking ancestors for a Healer
Aaron and Hilda hunting
Pantaleon scouting for large prey and/or nomads
Zaos patrolling North border
Laedrya gathering for fruits/veggies
Laedrya and Zaos trying for kids)

    The ancestors sent a healer.
    Aaron and Hilda caught a deer and a hare.
    Pantaleon found a cat while on patrol. (You can choose the looks)
    Zaos found copper while on patrol. (There will be a new function coming up so just add this to your item storage)
    Laedrya finds 2 carrots.
    Laedrya is pregnant with Zaos' child.
    The Healer's traits are: ST-D11 / HC-11 / HS-HC / EC-E6 / Y / Human
    Cyrrane has one more fasting day.

    (Please give all of your villagers an X in their traits, like above. This means that they are fertile and can have kids. The healer has a Y because they have rolled infertile.)

Peachycupcake525 wrote:Image(c)
[Erze tells Sephlisa about the tracks]
[Ibaris researches medicine]
[Illus and Afriel hunt]
[Erze patrols]
[Sephlisa scouts]
[Erze asks the Ancestors for a War Chief]

    Ibaris gains a knowledge point.
    Illus and Afriel caught a caribou and a salmon.
    Erze finds a dog. (You can choose the looks)
    Sephlisa finds a nomadic group, maybe she can convince a few to stay?
    The ancestors sent a War Chief.
    The War Chief's traits are: ST-C7 / HC-8 / HS-S / EC-A10 / X / Human
    Expanse has 3 more fasting days.

    (Please give all of your villagers an X in their traits, like above. This means that they are fertile and can have kids. The healer has a Y because they have rolled infertile.)

michael mellon wrote:

    Baryo sa Dalampasigan is a village that makes it's home on a large cliff above the beach. The people there love animals and almost no one except from the shaman is human. The Tsunami Tamer is always a Selkie. The village welcomes anyone who is not human, unless it is a child, then they will take it in to become a healer. Someone's last name is their rank, and their middle name is a talent. So if a Great White is good at spear making, an example of their name would be Sofia Spear Shark, and a warrior would be Sofia Spear Tiger.

    Head chief - Tsunami Tamer

    Tsunami Rider - Heir

    Shaman - Kelp Mender

    War chief - Great White Shark

    Warriors - Tiger Sharks

    Hunting chief - Angler

    Hunters - Tiger Barbs

    Gatherers - Dolphins

    Apprentices - Trainees

    Testers - Cleaner Fish


    Children - Roe

    Elders - Whale

    Baryo sa Dalampasigan has been founded!
    Your leader's traits are: ST-L3 | HC-18 | HS-S | EC-B8 | X | Selkie
    Baryo sa Dalampasigan has 5 more fasting days.

noctem. wrote:

( EMPIRE OFxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


━━━━━━( ❝ oh, so you want a battle?❞ )━━━━━━━

    Inhabitants of a large jungle island, the empire of xerxes’ fidelitas is a lavish nation of primarily shapeshifters. They are the descendants of the Valourae Sol, a old village that followed many of the same practices of the empire. The Empire specializes in it’s military, though is known for it’s unique and luxurious way of life. They also dearly adore animals all kinds.

      the territory.
    The main island that they hold their village at is the largest island of a small archipelago. There’s two other islands, though they are not as commonly used. The main island is called Virdis, while the two others are called Vanheim and Valora.
    The empire is based near a large waterfall, one that falls in a major river that goes through the village and into the fishery. The fishery on the river is where they’re house all the boats and fishing supplies, for they will also commonly go to the ocean to fish. Back at the village, there is an aviary, stable and kennel for animals not owned by a specific person. The dragons go to a cave on the mountains near the village, and farm creatures are housed in one of two farms in the village.
    The temple is where those of great status go to commune with the ancestors. It is a sacred place that’s is well respected.

      the temperament.
    the people of the empire live in a way that is filled with a sense of lavish grandeur, from the homes they live in to the horses they ride. It all seems to so foreign and exotic, yet also familiar to the people. They are said to be a bit prideful in this, arrogant even (although they know when to shut up, they might not always do so). Holding generally hold a elegant yet meancing look to them, they seem to reflect the ways of the empire. They are intelligent, and have showed it in their quick tongues and courageous acts. Cunning, a defining trait of the empire, and sly as well. Some might call them haughty at times, though they merely ignore the rude comments with a snide remark and a simple tilt of the head.

      the traditions.
    there aren't many traditions in the empire, though there is the typical ceremony when someone is promoted a rank or when something major happens (like death, or the birth of the head chief's progeny). One, though, is that in the last stroke of summer the kingdom celebrates the birth of the empire by lighting lanterns in the night sky. Before that though, they hold horse races, hunts and let the people take a break off their regular duties to enjoy a lovely feast as a entire kingdom. They host music, dance and often wear their most impressive clothing. They even go out to the fishery to catch the brightest fish, and then release them into the river in the village and see them dance around in the water.

      the economy.
    The Empire of Xerxes’ Fidelitas, as mentioned earlier, is a military nation that gets a large sum of it’s money from the economy surrounding it’s weapons technology. Past that, the animal and fur trade is common. Fishing, jewelry/beads and other forms of attire is common in the empire. Jewelry and fancy clothes is a sign of wealth and status among the empire.

      the other stuff.
    The Empire of Xerxes’ Fidelitas consists of mainly shapeshifters, the shifters have something called their “primal shift” which is the shift that most resembles that persons personality. Shifters get this shift as young as eight to as old as eighteen. It is believed the quicker you shift the more balance and peace there is inside of you. Besides shifters, the Empire has sirens, hybrid centaurs and hybrid selkies. The sirens have the ability of shifting into their human form, allowing them to work with the rest of the Empire. The empire is primarily shifters though.

    I will be using only natural eyes, hair colour and skin tones. Also could the appearance of my shapeshifter leader be hs—hw, ec—b3, hc—3, st—e3. thank you!
━━━━━━( ❝ well, we’ll give you war.❞ )━━━━━━━

    The Empire of Xerxes’ Fidelitas has been founded!
    Your leader's traits are: ST-E3 | HC-3 | HS-HW | EC-B3 | X | Shapeshifter
    The Empire of Xerxes’ Fidelitas has 5 more fasting days.

    (I don't know if you want me to pick the animal shift or if you wanted to pick it. If I am to do so then your leader's shift will be a grizzly.)

Katrione wrote:Image
[ Eldthora asks the ancestors for a hunter ]
[ Eldthora, Bjorn, Audun + Frey go to convince some of the nomads to join Mournstead ]
[ Calder went on a hunting patrol. He took Doppa and Loki with him ]
[ Alva went into labor ]

    The ancestors sent a hunter.
    Eldthora, Bjorn, Audun and Frey convinced 4 nomads to join. Two hunters, a scout chief and a warrior.
    The nomads also brought food to your village; 2 deer, 7 carrots and 3 apples.
    Calder caught a wild boar.
    Doppa and Loki were not much help with the hunt, however they both managed to bring back a total of 4 carnivore scraps.
    Alva gave birth to a single healthy child without any complications.
    The first hunter's traits are: ST-F1 / HC-23 / HS-LC / EC-G1 / X / Human
    The second hunter's traits are: ST-C11 / HC-4 / HS-LC / EC-A4 / X / Human
    The third hunter's traits are: ST-A7 / HC-10 / HS-HW / EC-G1 / X / Human
    The Scout Chief's traits are: ST-C2 / HC-9 / HS-LW / EC-H8 / X / Human
    The warrior's traits are: ST-C11 / HC-24 / HS-HW / EC-E8 / X / Human
    The child's traits are: ST-F9 / HC-22 / HS-LC / EC-B5 / X / Human

    (Don't forget to feed your villagers, even pets need to eat!)
    (I see a ? symbol by the skill next to your shaman. Since there are no herbs in the game there are skill points. Just post your shaman researching or experimenting and they will possibly gain a point. The more points they have the more people they can heal in one post.)
    (Carnivore scraps are something new, you can put them in the food storage or the item storage. They are worth ¼ servings per scrap. You can use them towards your food count or use them to feed your animals.)
    (Please give all of your villagers an X in their traits, like above. This means that they are fertile and can have kids. Any Y's in the future means that they are infertile and cannot have children.)

Dinolil1 wrote:

Solaris clambered over the dusty outcrop, staring wearily at the cloud-studded sky. The skeleton of a cart lay a few meters behind her, and for a moment Solaris felt a great despair; the stony ridge loomed so high and far-away, the little untrod path barren and infertile. With a soft thud, Solaris leaped down to the ground and picked her way through the tangle of wicked and wild thorns; her bag and clothes got snagged, and more often Solaris hissed in pain whenever a thorn snagged her mahogany-dark skin.

Clutching her bag, Solaris ducked into the thickest of the shadows as she heard voices; fire and din in the distance caused her hackles to raise, caused her fight or flight instincts to kick in and it took all she had not to flinch or cry out. Solaris whimpered and crept along the shadows with feather-light steps. The voices fell away and Solaris legged it down the empty stretch, clambering over boulder and bracken.

Smoke cloyed in the air overhead and pebbles rattled gently down a steady incline, as Solaris explored the huge and empty caverns; they snaked everywhere around the canyon, worm-like and wandering. Somewhere water gurgled in the dark and for once, Solaris began to find peace; maybe she could start over here, far away from crying, fire and murder, far away from binding rope and dragging chain.

Solaris' Canyon is a small village of many races* hidden within the veins and scars of the Earth. They make a living off stone, picking away at the vast crags and cliffs in search of precious metals and stones such as quartz and iron. At night, there are a few that are adept at making star-maps based off the blackest night, with the north star shining bright. They take refuge in huge caves and caverns, where in quite a few of them there are streams that bubble and murmur all the way down to an underground lake; in that lake they farm fish that they transported from other towns and villages, to eat as well as hunting and exchanging for vegetables. Magic and machine are treated as one, and it is not unusual to find a few contraptions powered solely by the use of magic.

Tarot cards and mystic readings are common there, and it is a godless village. People come and go as they please, with no ill-will to come to the stranger that passes through; herbs and mystery are common curiosities and learning is a blessed thing, even if there are some things that many wish they hadn't seen; be it their death, a monster or something of a great misery. This is Solaris' Canyon, home of the refugees, the exiles, the outcasts and the loners, home of machines, magic and monsters.

Their mantra is 'We make do.' and they really do.

*This includes fantasy races!


    Solaris' Canyon has been founded!
    Your leader's traits are: ST-C6 | HC-60 | HS-S | EC-D7 | X | Centaur
    Solaris' Canyon has 5 more fasting days.

Simonpet wrote:𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕖𝕪𝕣
Black Rock Weyr consumes 1 carrot, 4 corn, 3 cucumber, and 1.5 small fish
Seanni visits the North to hire a woodcrafter
Seanni, N'reg, and Kivee (and Rosanth and Predath) explore
Abesses, Nitia, and Renolla hunt
Boldosh, Jesni, and Tugall fish
Baridna, Borrin, and Ershar gather
Borrin plants 1 corn seed using bovine 1
Ershar plants 1 corn seed using bovine 2
Shollun researches medicine

    The north sent a woodcrafter.
    Seanni, N'reg and Kivee come across a group of wild foxes. Upon the sight of your patrol the group attacks to protect the young they had brought with it.
    Seanni gets minor injuries to her arms and legs before the others chase them off, leaving a young fox cub behind.
    Abesses, Nitia, and Renolla caught 2 wherry.
    Boldosh, Jesni, and Tugall caught 2 large fish and a small fish.
    Baridna, Borrin, and Ershar gathered 2 carrots, 4 cucumbers and 1 redfruit.
    Corn plant 1 has started to grow.
    Corn plant 2 has started to grow.
    Shollun gains a knowledge point.
    The woodcrafter's traits are: ST-B6 | HC-61 | HS-S | EC-H2 | Y | Human

    (Renolla and Shollun are infertile, everyone else can get and X. Also don't forget to convert you traits.)

dea invidia. wrote:

        An Overview
      Mar Sal is a community, village if you like, based around their prized animal, the Capall Uisce. Previous inhabitants had been taming the Capaill Uisce for years, passing down their stories, successes, failures and tricks so the next generation can continue to do so. The land is known for it's spectacular oceans, although they aren't ones for people to swim in, and it's amaing hills and plains. The village specialises in training Capaill Uisce, farming, armoury and weaponry. People are good at what they are trained to do, and many have picked up several crafts and abilities through the years. The community is always sticking together, they are each other's family no mater what, and the Capaill Uisce serve as something to bring them even closer together.

        The Temperament
      The people in Mar Sal vary a lot in temperament, yet they all have a sense of duty. From the meekest child to the most proud warrior, they all have an understanding of duty and what they are there to fulfil. People are respectful of each other, and nobody is looked down upon for having a certain rank or job. Due to the climate and weathers in and around Mar Sal it is more common to see fairer skinned people due to limited sun, but darker skinned people are seen within the village as well. Only humans are known in Mar Sal, hair colours and eye colours for humans are limited to realistic colours only, unless hair has been dyed. Hair styles have no limitations. In recent years however, some humans with powers have slowly started to appear in Mar Sal. These powers have ranged from control over the elements to the ability to read minds or shape-shift. These humans with powers do remain rather rare, and many are believed to have been sent from the gods. The humans with abilities are often distinguished by their unrealistic eye colours.

        The Geography
      Mar Sal is a large community with many geographical features and notable places. There are beaches running along from the north and to the west, the most notable beaches are Capricorn Cove, Breakwater Shore and The Laughing Point. There are large cliffs that seperate Capricorn Cove in the north from the other beaches. The cliffs are known as the Moaning Edge, and often have precious metals or gems hiding within their caves and stone. To the east of Mar Sal's boundary is the plain land, which is utilised by gatherers mainly as farmland for stock animals and growing produce. The south of the boundary is the hills, which have many prey animals and are one of the main sites for finding wild horses, oxen and foxes. Breakwater Shore and The Laughing Points are the two beaches known for their abundance of the Capaill Uisce and The Laughing Point holds the biggest Capall Uisce races throughout the year, and you'll often see people training their Capaill Uisce on Breakwater Shore. The time for catching new Capaill Uisce is during autumn and winter, when the sea and the air start getting colder.

        Domesticated Animals
      Domesticated animals are some of the key features for the people of Mar Sal, be it for travel, safety, or aid, animals are everywhere.

      Capaill Uisce (Water Horses) ↠ A beast from the waters, the Capaill Uisce is a horse born from the depths of the sea. They are wild creatures that resemble horses, yet have increased strength, stamina, speed, beauty and grace. The Capaill Uisce has a connection with the sea, and those who are tamed often fight to get back in. Capaill Uisce are omnivores, so they can survive perfectly well off of meats as they can off of grains and fruits, with a tendency to prefer meatier diets. Often owned by the more capable scouts. wealthier families and those well trained in handling a Capall. They mainly ensure a scout's safe and quick return, but are also one of the main contenders in the horse racing culture and have occasionally been trained for more domestic equine sports of both english and western disciplines. Iron has a soothing property over the capaill so many riders and handlers cary iron disks fashioned for these horses in order to control them. It is also said the a Capall Uisce caught in the rain wants to stay wet, thus having a stronger urge to go back in the sea and iron having less of an affect.

      Equines ↠ Known as the poor man's capaill uisce, equines are affordable for anyone and everyone. One of two scout mounts, equines are often used by scouts with less experience. They help ensure a scouts safe and quick return, but people who aren't scouts often have them as mounts for simple transport and for leisure competition such as dressage and show jumping. Equines of heavier breeds are also used to pull carts, carrying items such as meat, food produce, trade stock, people, etc.

      Felidae ↠ Felidae, unlike canids, have no one true owner. Felidae in Mar Sal come in many different forms, from housecats, to ocelots, to lions and an occassional sabertooth. They roam through the streets and aid in keeping the pest population down. Some of the smaller felidae do go to homes where people feed them and offer shelter, and many people do this as a form of appreciation. While not truely domesticated, they can be handled and many do like to receive attention, especially from children.

      Canids ↠ Canids are one of the most common animals in Mar Sal. People of all different ranks can have them and they are used as guards for the village and the people. While it is considered that canids have one owner, or family, they are mainly used for the benefit of the whole village. You can often see children playing with their own Canids and Canids that have been roaming the streets. Canids in Mar Sal range from the domesticated breeds most people know, to common types of wolves and even direwolves.

      Foxes ↠ Foxes are a hunters best friend and worse enemy. They can both help and destroy a hunt with their skills. They aid hunters in finding game animals, but they can also frighten animals away by making noises.

      Birds ↠ Birds are the more common companion for gatherers. They are often sent out in order to find seeds for farming, but gathers don't do it too often as they know there is a chance the bird will not return.

      Oxen ↠ Used by gatherers to help till the land in order to get the most out of crops. Oxen aren't really too common, but some gathers do like to have them around.

      Dragons ↠ Dragons are a rare new discovery to the village of Mar Sal. Only the very richest of the villagers are able to obtain them, and there are only a couple of places that are able to contain these large beasts.

        Religion and Traditions

      The community lives on food produced and found within the community's boundaries. There are many farms that keep the meat sources such as mutton and boar, but meats such as rabbit are usually found when hunting. The village has two ways of getting trout, there is a small fishery located at Capricorn Cove, but many choose to go out in a boat and fish for the Sea Trout.

      Meats ↠ Rabbit, Boar, Mutton, Sea Trout
      Fruits ↠ Blackberry, Apple, Honey Melon
      Vegetables ↠ Oats, Potato and Pumpkin

      Fur and Fibre ↠ Sheep, Rabbit, Bear, Badger, Deer and Cow

        The Economy
      The economy in Mar Sal is one of the community's most binding features. The trading system keeps them all together and creates bonds between people of different professions. In trade, everyone is equal, the high ranks trade with the low ranks, children trade with adults, there are no boundaries. While most try to make trades and sale offers as fair as possible, there will be some items that may be priced a little higher than others due to connection, rarity or importance. The currency withing the village of Mar Sal is known as píosaí.

      Fur Trade ↠ Fur is a valuable resource for the people of Mar Sal, due to the cold that occurs through all the seasons. They get a cold ocean breeze constantly, so fur coats and leather boots are always valuable items of clothing. Fur from wolves and bears are the most valuable, but also some of the rarest.

      Armoury and Weapon Trade ↠ Mar Sal produces large amounts of exquisite and durable armoury and protective gear, as well as weapons. Thick coats for harsh winter hunting or training, vests that protect from a boar's tusk, knives and arrows that strike quickly and smoothly. Their weaponry is advanced and their amour is based around their own weapon's capabilities.

      Jewellery Trade ↠ There are some amazing gems and stones hidden in the sand and on the cliffs in Mar Sal. Jewellery making is a craft known by few, yet so widely renowned. Depending on the time, the resources and the design of jewellery the prices and trades can vary greatly. Some jewellers are also much more trusted than others and thus their work is much more sought after.

      Capall Uisce Racing ↠ The village's mighty and dangerous capaill uisce are some of the key items in the Mar Sal economy. Due to the yearly races, the tough training, the marvellous skills and the risk associated with these horses, they fill the market. Trainers selling their captured horses when race season starts to trainers selling some wild dressage or jumping horses, people flock to the trade center when the horse season starts. Many trainers also offer their services to the more wealthy of residents, in order to train or capture a capall uisce. While there are other types of animal racing in the village, the capaill uisce are what the village is most known for.

      ( Sorry, I got a little excited about the re-opening )

    Mar Sal has been founded!
    Your leader's traits are: ST-A6 | HC-8 | HS-LC | EC-E7 | X | Human
    Mar Sal has 5 more fasting days.

Darkhearted123 wrote:

☾Brief Overview

Adularia is mostly known for their excellence in witchcraft.Their knowledge ranges from Spell Casting all the way to Potion Making. Adularian's like to think of their home as more of a coven rather than a village, and they act like that as well.

☾Nature of the People

Adularian's are quite calm and collected beings. They find that their magic is stronger with a peaceful mind. They take a lot of pride in their work and will not hesitate to show it off to anybody and everybody. Most have the helping spirit and will help others learn how to brew potions and cast spells, while others keep to themselves. Adularian's mainly stay away from battle and war, and no one seems to want to fight them, they rarely have an problems with the other people around them and if they do end up in a problem they will try to talk it out instead of resorting to violence.Majority of the Adaularian's are vegetarian due to their strong connection to their Familiars (Their animal sidekicks) but some do eat meat as well.


Adularia is located in an open meadow surrounded by a dense forest. A stream runs through the main part of the village providing a fresh water source for them. A few miles deep in the forest is a cave filled with Adularia crystals there is a hole in the ceiling where moonlight shines through and illuminates the crystals, they call this "Lunae Lumen". The forest houses various herbs they need for potion making as well as animals.


Lunae Lumen➳ When the full moon shines through the cave in the forest and lights up all the Adularia Crystals in the cave. High ranking members of the village gather there to share spells and other knowledge with one another.
Venditionis➳Every Wednesday all the shops have all their goods half priced, and its the only day the bakery sells Boysenberry Jam.
Eandem Spiritu➳The day when a child turns eighteen and is allowed to get a Familar


Familars➳ Everyone in Adularia has one that they received when they were eighteen. Familars can vary between water animals and land animals, they are also magic so they all have their own special ability.
Deer➳ There is a large population of them in Adularia, people hunt them for sport and food.
Wolves➳ There are two packs of grey wolves, they tend to stay away from the village but can be seen lurking around the forest.
Foxes➳ They are not shy when it comes to the village they like to sneak inside and eat the chickens
Fish➳ There are fish located in ponds littered throughout the forest as well as small ones in the stream.
Horses➳ Not many people own horses only merchants who need to travel to the Market
Birds➳ There are many birds in the village that people hunt, but they like to tame crows to send letters.


The village mostly eats what it produces. But there are no farms dedicated to herbs, most people grow them in smalls gardens in their homes or they find them in the forest.

Fruits➳ Boysenberry, Watermelon, Peaches
Vegetables➳ Carrots, Lettuce, Wheat
Livestock➳ Chickens, Cows, Pigs
Furs➳ Wolf Pelts, Rabbit Fur, Fox Pelts


Adularia thrives off of their economy, a lot of their goods are in high demand because of their magical qualities. They use gold coins as their currency but will often trade items of same value with one another.

Potion Trade➳ They mainly sell healing potions that can cure minor diseases such as a cold or a case of smallpox. You can also find them selling poisons or potions that claim to give you luck or youth.
Crystal Trade➳Adularia somehow managed to be around a lot of places where Crystals are. People will mine them and put them on necklaces or bracelets and sell them or just sell them alone. They say the Crystals have special qualities that can ward off evil or sickness.
Clothing Trade➳Adularians are also known for their elegant way of dressing, everyone manages to look rich in their long flowing clothes with rich colors. Many people design and create clothing to sell to travelers and other villagers.

    Adularia has been founded!
    Your leader's traits are: ST-D6 | HC-10 | HS-LW | EC-C5 | X | Human
    Adularia has 5 more fasting days.

    (Your villagers can have familiars, however their powers and stuff can only be for roleplay purposes.)
    (You didn't say if your villagers can have unnatural colors so I am going to assume they are natural only.)

Phina D Wolf wrote:

Veranderers are a close knit group who, while they will welcome visitors for a long period of time, do not permit any to stay more than six months. Due to this, they can be seen is strict or unforgiving, but in reality they are simply trying to protect their community.

All Veranderers are shapeshifters, developing their first shift moments after birth, and gaining a new one every ten years after that. They also only have natural hair, skin and eye colors.

Veranderers are both farmers, hunters and shepherds, so their table is always full and varied.
Meats ↠ Rabbit, Boar, Mutton, Hare, Venison, Squirrel, Small Fish
Fruits ↠ Strawberries, Apples, Pomegranates, Cherries, Blueberries, Starfruit
Vegetables ↠ Corn, Carrots, Potatoes, Cucumber, Tomato, Celery, Peas

Due to their shifting abilities, Veranderers often have more skilled animals than they know what to do with, and will sell the off to other villages. Hunting is also fairly easy for them, so pelts are in abundance. They are also willing to have arranged marriages in exchange for goods, as long as the other individual is also a shapeshifter.

All kinds of animals wander in the territory surrounding Verander, so finding a skilled animal is not uncommon.



Fire Lizards

Verander is in a thickly wooded forest, where it is impractical to leave camp in human form the trees and vines grow so dense. A river cuts through their territory, causing a minor issue for any without a winged shift. There are no mountains or valleys in the territory, but the forest covers the backs of rolling hills.


Skilled Animal Trade ↠ Dogs, Cats, Birds, Fox, Horse, Oxen, rarely Dragons or Fire Lizards
Pelt Trade ↠ Rabbit, Hare, Deer, Squirrel, Wolf, Cow, Bear

    Verander has been founded!
    Your leader's traits are: ST-F6 | HC-5 | HS-LC | EC-A5 | X | Shapeshifter
    Verander has 5 more fasting days.

    (I don't know if you want me to pick the animal shift or if you wanted to pick it. If I am to do so then your leader's shift will be a tiger.)

Makoto Naegi wrote:

The Iron Rosette is a medieval-like village that live high up the mountains. The main attraction of the Iron Rosette is their castle which all other buildings are built surrounding it. They follow a strict hierarchy and are ruled by their ruthless queen. A queen always rules the village. Inhabitants are ordered to worship their queen and any who dare to oppose her, suffer great consequences. In fact, the village is named after how the queen rules with her iron fist. The symbol of the village is in an exquisite rosette design.

The Iron Rosette is quiet diverse with the species that live there. Humans and elfs of any kind are the most common species. Wizards/witches, fairies, nymphs and other such fantasy like creatures make their home here too. Due to such species, unusual hair and eye colour is common among them. The people here are taught to be as strong and tough as they can be at an early age. They do not take well to outsiders, especially those from other villages. They protect their village with their life and aren't afraid to take someone else's. They may appear aloof to others and only tell their deepest secrets and true feelings to ones they trust (such as family). The Iron Rosette is also religious and believe in multiple Gods for good health, success and other such things. They also believe in a God that causes illness and disaster. Any omens and visions of this God are taken very seriously.

The hierarchy (not in order on the form thing though)
Head chief - Queen
War chief - Head Knights
Scout chief
Hunting chief
Warriors - Knights
Shaman (also serves as a clergy)

Mothers, elders, children and apprentices fit into the hierarchy with whatever their job is/was or where they are training. The ranks of children are mostly determined with what rank their parents are.

    Iron Rosette has been founded!
    Your leader's traits are: ST-D4 | HC-24 | HS-S | EC-C10 | X | Elven
    Iron Rosette has 5 more fasting days.

boba tea. wrote:

Hyinan is a village that consists of mermaids/mermen, shapeshifters and humans. The royal family is all consisted of Drakaina's (half-dragon, half-human), since in this village/kingdom, matriarchy is the form of goverment. The queen has a one-of-a-kind scepter, only used when needed. The queen also has special magic due to the amount spent with the scepter. The village's symbol is divided into 4 parts, one for water creatures, one for shapeshifters, one for humans, and in the middle circle, for the royals.

The Hyinan have lots of hair and eye colors. The most uncommon hair color is 40, and the eye color - h7.

Chief of War
Normal villagers

Children become testers after 9 years from their birth.

Their territory is near and taking part of the sea. Merpeople swim in the sea and can occasionally (once a month) transform into humans with scales to grab food from the surface. Shapeshifters live in the caves and have a normal form, which they transform to when tired or not shifted. The royals live in the middle of everything. Humans live in the other side. Each tribe has it's own chief of war, knights, apprentices and explorers, testers.

    Hyinan has been founded!
    Your leader's traits are: ST-E2 | HC-40 | HS-S | EC-D3 | X | Drakaina
    Hyinan has 5 more fasting days.

ossa di cervo wrote:

      The village of Bellmare is small thing that welcomes any all to it's edge. They're a very friendly folk with little to no qualms against others. They themselves have a strict set of rules though they refuse to push that upon anyone unless, of course, they wish to join them. Women are highly respected in the village and every full moon they hold a festival to celebrate everything a woman is - the men give thanks for the children they bare, family gives thanks for the future generations and more often then not a married woman receives many words from other men of their admiration for them. It's a night of honesty and all secret feelings are expected to come to surface.
      The village is strictly full of shape-shifters. Not any old shape-shifter though, all the members of Bellmare are herbivores. The forms of the people consist of anything that doesn't prey upon others; deer, goats, small birds, lemurs, tapirs, etc. The people of Bellmare learn a maximum of four forms in their lives. Learning a new form is sudden and without warning. A person simply wakes knowing the form, however, the animal must have been on their mind frequently in order for them to gain that form. Human forms in Bellmare have only natural hair, skin and eye colors.
      Bellmare is settled right in the middle of a rather large meadow. To the north is a thick wood, the east is another wood though far thinner, the south holds a small lake and the west is a river.
    Foods Eaten
      They don't eat meat.
      Vegetables;; carrots, broccoli, asparagus, potato, spinach, pea
      Fruits;; blackberries, raspberries, huckleberries, peaches, pumpkin, watermelon
      Horses - used mostly for transport or herding together other animals
      Cows & Donkeys - used mostly for work - pulling carts, tilling fields, etc.
      Sheep - used only for their wool to create clothing or blankets
      Deer - kept only for the antlers they shed the people of Bellmare whittle the antlers or use them as knives, tools to dig, etc.
      Birds - kept to eat bugs off of growing crops.
      Cats - kept for companionship and mice hunting. The people of Bellmare don't acknowledge that they hunt mice often as they look down upon it.
      Cat sized Dragons - very small dragons kept for the same reason as cats.
      For the most part Bellmare is known for it's art trading. They trade paintings, whittled antlers made to art or knives, flower crowns, or other naturally made accessories.
      They are somewhat known for their sheep wool clothing.
      If the other two trades they have don't spark an interest they will resort to trading berries or their pumpkins.

    [[ could my leader be male with an elk shift?]]

    Bellmare has been founded!
    Your leader's traits are: ST-F8 | HC-1 | HS-AC | EC-G3 | X | Shapeshifter (Elk)
    Bellmare has 5 more fasting days.
Last edited by amethyst14 on Tue Jul 10, 2018 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby Phina D Wolf » Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:45 pm

Number of People: 1
Number of Animals: 0
Servings Needed: Here
Next Visit to Ancestors: Here

The sun was low when he felt it. The hum as he stepped into a small clearing, the vibration coursing through him. He felt his shifts become restless, and knew that this was the place that they had chosen, far enough from any city that they would never be judged again. Slipping easily into his fastest form, a lithe hare, he darted off, quickly mapping the area in his head. Extremely satisfied with what he saw, he changed again, and now a brown bear stood in the starlight, prowling the undergrowth for a meal.

[Troy hunts]
[Troy attempts to gather food]
[Troy searches for any new members]
[Troy searches for any helpful animals]
[Troy returns to civilization in an attempt to convince his sweetheart to join him]

    Head Chief
    Troy Verander | X | Male | 22 | Shifts: X X X

    Name | Gender | Age | Knowledge Points

    War Chief
    Name | Gender | Age

    Name | Gender | Age
    Name | Gender | Age

    Scout Chief
    Name | Gender | Age

    Name | Gender | Age

    Hunting Chief
    Name | Gender | Age

    Name | Gender | Age

    Name | Gender | Age

    Name | Gender | Age

    Name | Gender | Age

    Name | Gender | Age

    Name | Gender | Age

    Name | Gender | Age
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Boar | 0 | 3 servings
Mutton | 0 | 2 servings
Fish | 0 | 2 servings
Venison | 0 | 3 servings
Corn | 0 | 2 servings
Potato | 0 | 2 servings
Carrots | 0 | 2 servings
Pomegranate | 0 | 2 servings
Apples | 0 | 2 servings
Starfruit | 0 | 2 servings

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids

Hi, I'm Phina D Wolf! I'm here
mostly for the people and the
adopts and games I'm a part
of, but I know pet rarities
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☾0.1☾ Adularia

Postby salvation. » Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:33 pm

Number of People: 1
Number of Animals: 0
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Servings Needed: 5 Fasting Days Left
Next Visit to Ancestors: Whenever

Caryln stood at the balcony of her rather large house. She stared out at an empty village waiting to be filled with fellow witches. She imagined the large open space in the center of the village filled with stands and people advertising their goods as the sound of gold coins could be heard dropping onto tables as the person retrieved their goods. She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a low growl, she looked behind her to see her Familiar Shinx standing behind her. She rubbed the lioness's head before leaving the balcony. On her way out of her home she grabbed a leather bag just in case if she found anything useful on her time out. She beckoned for Shinx to follow her before heading out into the meadow.

{Carlyn goes out on a patrol}
{Carlyn looks for food}

    Carlyn Jinx | Female | 28
    Shinx | Looks
    ST-D6 | HC-10 | HS-LW | EC-C5 | X | Human

    Name | Gender | Age | Knowledge Points
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A

    Head Scout
    Name | Gender | Age
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A

    Head Hunter
    Name | Gender | Age
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A

    Junior Initiate
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Senior Initiate
    Name | Gender | Age
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    Familiar | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Chicken | amount | 1 serving
Cow | amount | 3 or 2 servings
Pig | amount |2 servings
Deer | amount | 3 servings
Carrots | amount | 2 servings
Lettuce | amount | 2 servings
Wheat| amount | 2 servings
Boysenberry | amount |1 servings
Watermelon | amount | 3 servings
Peaches | amount | 2 servings

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Shinx | Female | Unknown | Lion | Carlyn | Looks
Name | Gender | Age | Type | Owner | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
Last edited by salvation. on Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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