Create a Village - V.2

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby Arya22 » Sun Jul 01, 2018 8:57 am

Cyrrane- a place where the unnatural meet the normal. Most people living in this village are humans, but some are not. Wood elves, great but mysterious warriors dedicated to the sun or moon, live in the woods below the village and sometimes join them. Rarely, dwarves also come out from their mountains to live in the small village. Wizards are also known to roam the country, though they are rare and standoffish. Those special creatures living in the village makes it that Cyrrian people (the villagers of Cyrrane) usually have a great acceptance to other looks, races and ideas.

Cyrrane is located on a high plateau of the Blyhonn mountain. A slope leads down on the east to the valley below, where the thick Wyst forest is. The west is a cliff, and below that cliff lies a big lake, the Ahl. A river of the same name flows from the far north towards them and finishes its course in the lake. To the south is more forest. At the top of the plateau, where the village is, there are barely any trees. Instead, small bushes and areas of bare earth make up most the ground.

The Wyst is populated by many animals. Birds of all sizes, as well as mammals like boars, deers, foxes and squirrels live there. It is rare, but there are a few berry bushes and fruit trees down in the less thick areas of the forest as well. At the top, the few patches of earth are good to be planted with seeds. The lake Ahl is also filled with all sorts of fish.

(note to mod: I would like to only use realistic hair and skin colors for all my characters. Eyes are fine with anything!)
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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby Arya22 » Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:02 am

Number of People: 6
(3 Females 3 Males)

Next visit with Ancestors: Today

"Hmf!" after a second, the dull thud of an axe planting itself into hard wood echoed across the clearing. A stout dwarven woman contemplated her handiwork, head tilted the right. Across her shoulders and back cascaded the reason of her given last name: Bronzemane. After a second, the woman smiled a little and walked over to retrieve her axe. It was stuck deep into the weather-beaten trunk, and in the center of the knot she had been aiming for. After a second "Hmf!" she managed to tug it out. She had just turned away to look for some kind of dinner when a sudden rustle in the bushes behind her made her turn and look. Nothing. Yet, the dwarven woman knew from experience that whatever made those loud rustles was something big- very big.

Hilda- for it was her name- stayed stock still and listened intently, hoping for a clue on what animal she was facing. After a minute, her wait was rewarded by a loud grunt from the bushes. So it was a wild boar! Hilda was just considering whether she should throw her axe at it, and risk bring left weaponless in font of an angry boar, when a gentle hand on her shoulder made her heart stop. She opened her mouth to scream, but a second hand clamped itself on her mouth, muffling any sounds.

Eyes wide and heart thumping, Hilda had a lightning thought. The hand holding her was clearly male, and she knew very well how to fight those. Her thick, strong leg bent at the knee, flew back and hit her attacker straight between the legs, which had been a little spread to keep a steady footing. The effect was instant: with a muffled groan, the man stumbled back. Hilda quickly turned to look at him. Her attacker had red hair, a scraggy beard, and was wearing hunting clothes. He was bent double, hands both around his stomach as if to prevent a second hit. But Hilda had no wish to attack him again. She knew he was at her mercy, for now at least.

He looked up with a pained look and Hilda noticed his iris' were red. Hilda frowned. It looked strange... In a strangled whisper and with a grimace, he talked to her. "I only wanted to ask you if you wanted to hunt that boar with me." he had barely finished his sentence when his face froze up in terror. Hilda frowned. What was wrong? Then the man mouthed two words, his voice too weak to be heard. "Behind you."

Slowly, Hilda turned around, heart speeding up again. The boar had left the bushes. It was a huge animal. Coarse, dirty brown hair covered a broad back, and tiny, angry eyes glared at Hilda from behind small, sharp tusks. Hilda was very still. Ever so slowly, her right hand dropped towards her axe, her eyes never leaving the boars angry ones. There was a very slight noise behind Hilda, and she guessed the man had stepped closer to her. "At three." he whispered,very quietly. "I'll throw a stone at it. If it charges, you wait until it's closer, then smash your axe into its head." Hilda made an imperceptible nod. A second later, she felt the mans body tense, then release, and she saw his hand fly forward. A small stone sailed through the air, visible only a second before it hit the boar squarely between the eyes.

With an angry squeal, the boar shook its head, then came charging towards Hilda and the man. Hilda felt a paralyzing fear grip her limbs. The ground was thundering under the boars heavy weight, its sharp, deadly tusks were glistening in the light. The boar was coming closer, it was only a couple meters away now... Hilda had the sudden realization that if she didn't do something, it was going to tear her apart, here and now. Her hand was already by her belt: She slipped her axe out, just a second before the boar was there. She brought it down in a mighty heave, and it hit its target hard. A squeal of pain, then the boar stumbled, crashing into Hilda. She felt herself be flung backwards, and her axe slipped out of her hand.

She slid a couple meters on the rocky ground, then laid, dazed but unhurt, her eyes closed. Her breathing was still ragged from the scare she had had. All was silent for some seconds, then a slow clapping was heard. Hilda opened her eyes and saw the man standing over her. He stopped clapping and held out a hand to help her up.

Once she was standing, he looked over her and shook her hand. "You should join us! I've never seen a hunter like you." He said warmly, still shaking her hand. After a while, Hilda took it back and smiled. "I'd be happy to!" She said, then after a while. "But who is us exactly?" The man smiled. "A new village, Cyrrane." he explained. Hilda nodded. Sounded great; it was, in fact, exactly what she had been looking for. The man continued. "I do have few questions though." he hesitated. "no meaning to be rude, but are you a dwarf?" he wondered. Hilda didn't hesitate. "Yup!" she answered. "and proud to be. By the way, my name is Hilda. Hilda Bronzemane." the man smiled. "Nice to meet you. My name is Aaron Crawford. Now, lets get this boar to the village."


Alone on his border patrol, Zaos grumbled silently about Myriam and her human doggy, Aaron. It was obvious to him that she disliked elves and preferred above all humans. Zaos sniffed disdainfully. If it wasn't for Laedrya, he would have showed those lowly humans what the Solis elves were capable of. But his gentle wife had held him back once more, and he had decided to follow her lead this time. But he had not given up on the subject yet. One day Myriam would pay for her rudeness.

"Oh thanks! I was starting to feel a little hungry." Zaos froze. Who had spoken? Silently, the tall elf started towards the voice. "Of course, here. You found them after all." the voice continued. It seemed to be talking alone. Zaos approached from behind a bush and looked.

A man was crouching on the ground near a small stack of nuts. A squirrel sat nibbling on one opposite him. It was a young man, probably in his early twenties. He wore well made animal skin clothes, had a backpack made of plant materials (most likely large leaves tied together) and his shoes- Zaos frowned. He had no shoes. The man's feet were large, dirty and brown from the earth, and were covered in black hairs. Zaos had no doubts that this was a hobbit.

But what he found so strange was to see one so far from a hobbit-hole. Those creatures were no wanderers or hunters. They usually dwelled in their holes under hills, living off the crops they planted. They were good farmers. With a slight shrug, Zaos decided to show himself and question the hobbit. They weren't known to be very dangerous. Clearing his throat, Zaos stepped out from behind the bush.


Pantaleon Brown, also known as Panto by his friends (which only included himself and his squirrel Zacharius), cracked the nut his said friend had brought him on a rock. When the shell was open, he grabbed the small, round flesh and popped it into his mouth. "Mm, delicious." he smiled at his friend, who was nibbling at another nut. "Thanks."

Just then, he heard a noise. It came from an animal he didn't recognise, and sounded like him when he had a cold. Panto turned his head slowly. The 'animal' stood on two legs, wore clothes, and was looking at Pantaleon in a way the latter could only describe as annoyed. The hobbit sprang up. "Are you like me?" he wondered out loud. "Of course not!" the creature sounded revolted. "You are a hobbit. I am an elf." he said scornfully. Panto's eyes widened. "And you speak, too! So, I'm a hobbit?" he mused. "Never knew that." then, because he felt ignorant, Panto added. "I mean, I knew there was the letter 'bit' at the end, I'd just forgotten the word." he continued chattering.

"What's the difference between hobbit and elf?" Pantaleon looked the elf-creature up and down. Well, it was cleaner for a fact, had lighter skin and darker hair. Also, it seemed taller. Meanwhile, the elf-creature's frown has turned into a nasty sneer. Panto was reminded of a wild cat he had met a while ago- no, this was worse. The elf-creature had cocked its head. "a hobbit is a lowly creature, short, hairy and weak, who was born in dirt and lives there. Elves are children of the sun and moon, great warriors or healers, and we are above all other races." he smiled, white, fang-like teeth gleaming.

Panto didn't like the elf-creature's sneer, nor its smile. It reminded him more than ever of that wild cat. He finally spoke up. "So... You keep talking about 'we'. That means there are more of you? Can I see them?" he was curious to see if they were all like that. The elf-creature's smile disappeared and the worrying frown was back. No man present liked this situation. "Fine." he muttered. "Follow me."

"Awesome!" the hobbit grinned. "Come on, Zacharius!" Zaos frowned. The... Animal was coming along? He guessed there was nothing he could do about it. "Let's go, we don't have all day." he growled. "I'm following!" the hobbit said in that insufferable happy voice, and Zaos started moving. As he walked, Zaos couldn't believe he had let himself be convinced of taking this hobbit to the village. Myriam was obviously prone to accepting all sorts of people into the village, and to live in the same place as that lowly creature seemed unbearable to Zaos.

They walked in silence, Zaos in front, and he could feel the Hobbits eyes on his back. He scoffed to himself. What a pitiful creature! Zaos looked ahead. He could already see a house, they hadn't been far from the village. "This is where we live." Zaos said. After a second though, he paled. He had said 'we', as if he considered himself to be part of this group... As if he was truly part of the villagers. Was he? "I'll bring you to Myriam Sheherezad, ou- the leader." there he was again, speaking as if... "Great!" the hobbit interrupted his train of thoughts. He was gazing around in wonder. "What a funny place!" he said dreamily. "the walls are really hard and I doubt the top part lets the water through..." Zaos was about to reply when he realized the hobbit wouldn't listen. He was talking to himself.

At last, Zaos saw Myriam. She was cleaning a house that hadn't been used yet, and he wondered how she had known he was coming with another person. "Myriam Sheherezad!" Zaos called once they were closer. With a smile, the young woman looked up. When she spotted the hobbit, her eyebrows raised. "Who is this, Zaos?" she wondered. Before the elf could answer, Pantaleon walked forward and bowed. "Pantaleon Brown, at your service." he said respectfully. Then he ruined the effect as he stepped back, asking. "is that what I was supposed to do?" he seemed puzzled. Myriam was dumbstruck. "You- umm, yes, that's very good." she stammered, confused. "Oh, great then." the hobbit smiled, seeming more at ease. Myriam stayed silent for a moment. "Do you want to stay in the village? To live here?" she asked hesitantly. She has no idea why she was behaving that way. The hobbit seemed to think for a second, then he nodded, beaming. "I'd love that! Thank you!"


Many hours later, Myriam sat alone at the edge of the cliff, on the northern part of the village. It was sunset: on her left, the sun, a glowing orange ball, was slowly descending in the horizon. In front of her, the void called, and below was the lake. Myriam sighed silently. The day had been... Tiring, to say the least. Early in the afternoon, Aaron had come back from hunting with two surprises: a boar, and a dwarven woman who wished to join Cyrrane. She wasn't sure why, but Myriam had instantly seen the bond between the two. They hadn't stopped talking and looking at each other all evening.

Myriam smiled as she remembered Hilda. What a strange yet incredible woman! Even being new, she already said out her mind, made loud jokes and guffawed. Then Myriam sighed again and her smile dissappeared. Pantaleon Brown was on her mind too. He was silly, like a child, and was quieter than Hilda. But he seemed very mysterious too... Something about the hobbit made Myriam feel strange, as if she had butterflies in her stomach. Myriam let out a half sigh, half laugh and closed her eyes. She was exhausted, tomorrow her head would be clearer and she would sort out her feelings.

~The next day~

When Myriam woke up, her head hurt and she felt like she had a cough. She stood slowly, trying not to jolt her head. "I'll have to find something to get better." she mumbled, getting dressed and going out of her house. It only occurred to her when she was outside that there was no-one in the village to actually do that- no-one there to heal them. That on her mind, Myriam made her way towards the center, where she would give out the orders for the day. "Everyone, please gather in the center to receive your orders for the day!"

Once everyone had arrived, Myriam began to give out orders. "Aaron and Hilda, I'd like you to go hunting together. See if you can catch some large prey. Zaos, please patrol the North border. Laedrya, please gather some fruits or vegetables, or even some seeds we could plant if you can. I will go ask our ancestors for a healer-" suddenly Myriam stopped. "Where's Pantaleon?" she asked, looking around. In truth, she couldn't remember seeing him. A drowsy voice made her turn. "Here!" Pantaleon was making his way towards them, his hair tousled.

Myriam frowned. "Pantaleon Brown, why are you late to the morning meeting?" she demanded. The hobbit seemed too drowsy to respond, and he simply yawned and scratched his neck. "Hmm?" he asked. Myriam sighed, annoyed. "Pantaleon, you are expected to be here on time every morning, to be with us while I give out patrols. I understand its your first day, so I will excuse you. But do not repeat it."

Pantaleon seemed to be brought back to reality by his leaders sharp voice, and he nodded sheepily. "Sorry, I suppose?" he said apologetically. Myriam sighed inwardly, again. "I bloody well hope so." she mumbled. "Now you will be our scout. I want you to scout around the village, further than Zaos, and see if you can find any large prey or people that would like to join our village. We won't make it past winter if there's this few of us."

"Does everyone understand their job?" Myriam asked, looking around. Five determined faces nodded, and Myriam allowed herself a small smile. "great. Then off you go! We will all meet here by the time the sun is two thirds of its way down, unless you find something important, then you may come back earlier." and after a last nod, the group split up and everyone went their respective way.

(Myriam asking ancestors for a Healer
Aaron and Hilda hunting
Pantaleon scouting for large prey and/or nomads
Zaos patrolling North border
Laedrya gathering for fruits/veggies
Laedrya and Zaos trying for kids)

      Head Chief:
      Myriam Sheherezad | 24 | Female | Human
      ↪ ST-D7 / HC-5 / HS-HW / EC-A6

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url] | Skill Number
      ↪ n/a/n

      War Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Zaos Faelen | 30 | Male | Elf
      ↪ ST-E3 / HC-1 / HS-LC / EC-A6
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Scout Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Pantaleon Brown (and Zacharius) | 25 | Male | Hobbit
      ↪ ST-C5 / HC-23 / HS-S / EC-H7
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Hunting Chief:
      Aaron Crawford | 33 | Male | Human
      ↪ ST-C3 / HC-53 / HS-S / EC-D7

      Hilda Bronzemane | 29 | Female | Dwarf
      ↪ ST-D6 / HC-5 / HS-HW / EC-A2
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Laedrya Faelen | 28 | Female | Elf
      ↪ ST-A11 / HC-24 / HS-LC / EC-D7
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      ↪ n/a/n
      Ally Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      Enemy Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      North | Forest and a river | Black Rock Weyr | Simonpet
      East | Forest | Village Name | Username
      South | Forest | Village Name | Username
      West | Lake | Village Name | Username

      Food Storage:
      (normally 6 servings every post but now in fasting period for 1 more post after this)
      Deer | x0 | servings
      Boar | x1 | 2 servings
      Hare | x2 | 2 servings
      Bovine | x0 | servings
      Carrots | x0 | servings
      Potatoes | x0 | servings
      Mushrooms | x0 | servings
      Apples | x2 | 4 servings
      Berries | x0 | servings
      Melons | x0 | servings
      Total: 8 servings | 1 year

      Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish
      Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish

      Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]
      Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]

      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      ↪ learned
      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      ↪ learned

      Name | Cause of Death
      Name | Cause of Death

      Hilda <-> Aaron
      Myriam <-> Pantaleon
      Name ->/<-> Name

      Zaos and Laedrya | Kids
      Name and Name | Kids
Bookworm | she/her | bi & demisexual
I am Arya22 and I'm a female who likes reading
Pm me to chat about anything at all!
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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby peachycupcake525 » Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:20 am



Male children will be given a name that is a mix between their mother's name and the name of the first person or skilled animal that the mother sees after birth. If the male child was found, his name will be a mix between his adopted mother's name and something in the area that he was found in. If he already has a name, he will keep it. Female children will be given a name that is a mix between the mother's name and the shaman's name. If the female child was found, she will be given a name that is a mix between the shaman's name and something in the area that she was found in. If she already has a name, she will keep it. The mother or adoptive mother will choose the child's middle name, and the child's last name will be the father's or adoptive mother's last name.

Found Children

When children are found, they are often seen as lesser and are sometimes treated badly. Their looks may differ from the usual, and their names are obviously different. They are given the same opportunities as other children, although they cannot become the shaman, but are often watched more closely, punished more harshly, and fed less. They are only allowed to have children if the shaman thinks that there needs to be more genetic diversity in the village. Only those that are found when they are less than eight years of age fall into this category. This does not apply if the child was found with at least one parent, but does apply if the child was found with adults but not its parents.


Only humans live in the village. They are distrustful of any other species.


Expanse is in a tundra, and somewhat near to an ocean. Because of the cold temperatures, they have to wear very thick clothing all of the time.


They hunt salmon, seal, caribou, and walrus. They gather heath fruits, bunchberries, bilberries, kapuukaraat, negaasget, and gripberg berries.


They don't usually farm because it is a lot of work and doesn't yield much, but sometimes gatherers with time on their hands will plant a few seeds. Most of the time, though, any seeds that they find will be used for children's games.

(I would only like to use realistic hair and skin colors. Any eye colors are fine.)
Last edited by peachycupcake525 on Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby peachycupcake525 » Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:21 am

Number of People: 5
Next visit with Ancestors: Now/March 11

xxxThe Shaman slipped a bookmark into the old, ornate tome. She had found it hidden underneath one of the last few remaining boards in the Healing House, along with a few other books about medicine. There was also a book about history, although she had given that to her sister, Erze, to look over. Her discovery of the books had been recent, confining her to that building, so she had little knowledge of the state that the village was in.
xxxShe looked up at the sound of her name. She saw Illus standing in the doorway, looking concerned. He was clutching his bow, and his left arm was covered in blood. "Whose blood is that?" she asked, thinking back to what she had read on how to prevent infections.
xxxThe young Hunter looked down at himself, alarmed until he saw that she was talking about his arm. He wiped at it, managing to mostly get it off but leaving a few streaks of red on it. "It is just an animal's. I should clean up soon. I came because I am worried about Erze. She was crying and she wouldn't tell me why. She seems so...withdrawn. Like she's not really here. Just her body. You're her sister, Ibaris. Maybe you could talk to her? Make sure she's alright?"
xxx"She talked to me about it already."
xxx"What is it?"
xxx"She asked me not to say. If she wants you to know, she will tell you."
xxxWhen she finished speaking, Illus's expression changed to one of annoyance. "Both of you treat me like I'm just a naive little kid. I'm worried, here! I care! I just want an explanation. I want to know why she is acting this way. Why is it so hard for you to give me one?" Illus stormed out of the Healing House, muttering to himself. Ibaris only sighed and got back to reading.

xxxOnce she was some distance away from the camp, Sephlisa broke into a run. She was heading towards the place where Erze had found the tracks. She let her long hair fall from the ponytail she had it in. She loved the feeling of freedom. It reminded her of home, even in this landscape that was so alien to her. She remembered her childhood of running through the grass by the streams, feeling it tickle her bare feet. She had only left because of the people there. That was how she had come to be lost in the cold landscape she was in when the spirits appeared to her and told her to seek out this village called "Expanse." She was so glad that she could be a scout again.
xxxShe felt painful memories begin to arise, so she focused her attention on what was happening at that moment: running, the wind whipping at her, her hair flying back and streaming in the wind she created. Joy arose in her from the enjoyment of the activity. She was no longer fenced in by the Chief in her old village. She had almost forgotten what it felt like to be free.
[Erze tells Sephlisa about the tracks]
[Ibaris researches medicine]
[Illus and Afriel hunt]
[Erze patrols]
[Sephlisa scouts]
[Erze asks the Ancestors for a War Chief]

      Head Chief:
      Erze Alena Lysidas| 29 | Female |
      ↪ST-A11 | HC-1 | HS-LW | EC-B5 | Human

      Ibaris Aala Lysidas | 27 | Female | 2 |
      ↪ ST-E9 | HC-62 | HS-LC | EC-B5 | Human

      War Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Scout Chief:
      Sephlisa Liyis Jomaer | 35 | Female |
      ↪ ST-E10 | HC-9 | HS-LW | EC-C4 | Human

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Hunting Chief:
      Afriel Adoel Edik | 37 | Male |
      ↪ST-A6 | HC-53 | HS-S | EC-A2 | Human

      Illus Alaife Nesbial | 24 | Male |
      ↪ ST-C9 | HC-24 | HS-HW | EC-A6 | Human
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender |
      ↪ n/a/n
      Ally Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      Enemy Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      North | Village Name | Username | Description
      East | Village Name | Username | Description
      South | Village Name | Username | Description
      West | Village Name | Username | Description
      Northwest | Village Name | Username | Description
      Northeast | Village Name | Username | Description
      Southeast | Black Rock Weyr | Simonpet | Description
      Southwest | Village Name | Username | Description

      Food Storage:
      Salmon | 2 | 3 each
      Seal | 1 | servings
      Caribou | amount | servings
      Walrus | amount | servings
      Heath fruits | amount | servings
      Bunchberries | amount | servings
      Bilberries | amount | servings
      Kapuukaraat | amount | servings
      Negaasget | amount | servings
      Gripberg berries | amount | servings

      Item Name | in use/ not in use | When it will Perish
      Item Name | in use/ not in use | When it will Perish

      Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]
      Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]

      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      ↪ learned
      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      ↪ learned

      Name | Cause of Death
      Name | Cause of Death

      Name and Name | Kids
      Name and Name | Kids
Last edited by peachycupcake525 on Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Baryo sa Dalampasigan - 00

Postby sharklord » Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:02 am


    Baryo sa Dalampasigan is a village that makes it's home on a large cliff above the beach. The people there love animals and almost no one except from the shaman is human. The Tsunami Tamer is always a Selkie. The village welcomes anyone who is not human, unless it is a child, then they will take it in to become a healer. Someone's last name is their rank, and their middle name is a talent. So if a Great White is good at spear making, an example of their name would be Sofia Spear Shark, and a warrior would be Sofia Spear Tiger.

    Head chief - Tsunami Tamer

    Tsunami Rider - Heir

    Shaman - Kelp Mender

    War chief - Great White Shark

    Warriors - Tiger Sharks

    Hunting chief - Angler

    Hunters - Tiger Barbs

    Gatherers - Dolphins

    Apprentices - Trainees

    Testers - Cleaner Fish


    Children - Roe

    Elders - Whale
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empire of xerxes’ fidelitas.

Postby carpe noctem. » Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:51 am


( EMPIRE OFxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


━━━━━━( ❝ oh, so you want a battle?❞ )━━━━━━━

    Inhabitants of a large jungle island, the empire of xerxes’ fidelitas is a lavish nation of primarily shapeshifters. They are the descendants of the Valourae Sol, a old village that followed many of the same practices of the empire. The Empire specializes in it’s military, though is known for it’s unique and luxurious way of life. They also dearly adore animals all kinds.

      the territory.
    The main island that they hold their village at is the largest island of a small archipelago. There’s two other islands, though they are not as commonly used. The main island is called Virdis, while the two others are called Vanheim and Valora.
    The empire is based near a large waterfall, one that falls in a major river that goes through the village and into the fishery. The fishery on the river is where they’re house all the boats and fishing supplies, for they will also commonly go to the ocean to fish. Back at the village, there is an aviary, stable and kennel for animals not owned by a specific person. The dragons go to a cave on the mountains near the village, and farm creatures are housed in one of two farms in the village.
    The temple is where those of great status go to commune with the ancestors. It is a sacred place that’s is well respected.

      the temperament.
    the people of the empire live in a way that is filled with a sense of lavish grandeur, from the homes they live in to the horses they ride. It all seems to so foreign and exotic, yet also familiar to the people. They are said to be a bit prideful in this, arrogant even (although they know when to shut up, they might not always do so). Holding generally hold a elegant yet meancing look to them, they seem to reflect the ways of the empire. They are intelligent, and have showed it in their quick tongues and courageous acts. Cunning, a defining trait of the empire, and sly as well. Some might call them haughty at times, though they merely ignore the rude comments with a snide remark and a simple tilt of the head.

      the traditions.
    there aren't many traditions in the empire, though there is the typical ceremony when someone is promoted a rank or when something major happens (like death, or the birth of the head chief's progeny). One, though, is that in the last stroke of summer the kingdom celebrates the birth of the empire by lighting lanterns in the night sky. Before that though, they hold horse races, hunts and let the people take a break off their regular duties to enjoy a lovely feast as a entire kingdom. They host music, dance and often wear their most impressive clothing. They even go out to the fishery to catch the brightest fish, and then release them into the river in the village and see them dance around in the water.

      the economy.
    The Empire of Xerxes’ Fidelitas, as mentioned earlier, is a military nation that gets a large sum of it’s money from the economy surrounding it’s weapons technology. Past that, the animal and fur trade is common. Fishing, jewelry/beads and other forms of attire is common in the empire. Jewelry and fancy clothes is a sign of wealth and status among the empire.

      the other stuff.
    The Empire of Xerxes’ Fidelitas consists of mainly shapeshifters, the shifters have something called their “primal shift” which is the shift that most resembles that persons personality. Shifters get this shift as young as eight to as old as eighteen. It is believed the quicker you shift the more balance and peace there is inside of you. Besides shifters, the Empire has sirens, hybrid centaurs and hybrid selkies. The sirens have the ability of shifting into their human form, allowing them to work with the rest of the Empire. The empire is primarily shifters though.

    I will be using only natural eyes, hair colour and skin tones. Also could the appearance of my shapeshifter leader be hs—hw, ec—b3, hc—3, st—e3. thank you!
━━━━━━( ❝ well, we’ll give you war.❞ )━━━━━━━
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"mournstead" intro repost

Postby Katrione » Sun Jul 01, 2018 6:05 pm


the vikings
no matter how many times you tried to quell them, they rose up stronger than ever

many years ago, the vikings were near the end of their raiding campaigns. despite the vast amount of victories they had, they were slowly starting to lose and be pushed back. it seemed that their legacy would die. the last viking leader, mournstead, hid his wife away in a fishing boat, hoping to save the last thing of his family that he loved. little did he know, a young fire was tucked away in the belly of his wife, barely weeks old. as the ravens, a group wiping out vikings, came for mournstead, he smiled and spat one final message before meeting his end.

the gods have already written our stories in the stars. you will never win

the gods have finally sensed mournstead's young fire has been born

mournstead will rise once more


mournstead is a viking village set in the side of a mountain. the mountain leads up to a large tree that many vikings believe to be sacred to them. at the base of the mountain is a large, roaring waterfall and river. the fishing docks and the docks where they keep their ships is near the waterfall, but not close enough to be negatively affected. farming can be quiet hard for the vikings to do most of the time, since there isn't a lot of flat land in their village to farm on. if they do decide to try and farm, they will have to cross the river to the grazing pastures and block off half of the field for their crops while they livestock will occupy the other half.

like most vikings, the vikings of mournstead are loud and brash, usually getting into tussles whenever they're docked in other villages and towns. they speak their mind and aren't afraid to fight anyone over what they believe in. despite bad things that vikings do while on voyages, they are quite normal and calm when they are back in mournstead. it's an odd sight, but enemies, particularly the ravens, will see female vikings fighting while pregnant. this is a strategy that usually works well for the vikings of mournstead. their enemies are usually too scared to hurt a pregnant woman and it stuns them long enough for the women to finish them off for themselves or for one of the non-pregnant females or males sneak in and do it themselves.

mournstead is a strictly matriarchal society. the village will always be run by a female, but her advisers and the other chiefs may be male. elders are usually rare in this society since many perish during harsh winters or die in battles while out on raiding campaigns. the few elders they do manage to have at times are well cared for until they join the vikings beloved mournstead in the afterlife.


meat sources
xxxdeer, wild boar, fox, beaver, bear, trout, mackerel, salmon
vegetable sources
xxxleeks, onions, turnips, parsnips, carrots, potatoes, seaweed, cabbage
fruit sources
xxxapples, plums, gooseberries, blackberries, blueberries, cloudberries, sour cherries, crabapples
pelt sources
xxxbadger, bear, beaver, ermine, fox, sheep, reindeer, wolf

xxx silver trade
xxxfish trade
xxxfur trade
xxxweapons trade
xxxarranged marriages in exchange for livestock
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"mournstead" 05

Postby Katrione » Sun Jul 01, 2018 6:06 pm

Number of People: 7 | Female: 3 | Male: 4
Next visit with Ancestors: 07-30-18

"I'll be fine dear, now shut up and leave." Alva ordered, pulling out one of the pillows Calder had shoved behind her and hurled it at his head. Calder ducked down out of the way before peering over the edge of a chair at his wife, a concerned look in his large eyes. "Don't look at me that way or I'll poke your eyes out." The fiery woman huffed, a delighted look appearing in her eyes when Doppa and Loki darted into the room. Doppa jumped up onto the bed and curled up between Alva's legs, resting her muzzle on Alva's swollen belly. Alva smiled fondly, petting the she-dog's head. Loki stayed on the floor, her tail wagging excitedly as she waited to be invited onto the bed as well. Obviously, Alva gave her what she wanted.

Calder sighed and rose to his feet, tugging his bag onto his back and picking up his bow. "Fine I'll get going. But I gotta take the dogs with me." The brown-haired man said. Alva pouted, reaching over to pull Doppa and Loki into a tight hug. "Alva, come on!" Calder said, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "The longer you keep the dogs in your bed, the longer I'll be gone."

Alva glared at him and let the she-dog's go so they could go to Calder. "Maybe that's what I want." Alva muttered snidely, putting on a pleasant smile when the shaman entered the house. Dahlia smiled at the pregnant woman before she got to work on checking her. Calder took this as an opening and escaped the house without Alva hurling more pillows at him or trying to kidnap the dogs again.

[ Eldthora asks the ancestors for a hunter ]
[ Eldthora, Bjorn, Audun + Frey go to convince some of the nomads to join Mournstead ]
[ Calder went on a hunting patrol. He took Doppa and Loki with him ]
[ Alva went into labor ]


╞ ᚻᛁᚷᚻ ᚦᚢᛖᛖᚾ ╡
High Queen

Eldthora | 23 | Female
st-b4 / hc-40 / hs-lc / ec-a4


╞ ᛋᚻᚪᛗᚪᚾ ╡

Dahlia | 23 | Female | Skill: ??
st-e8 / hc-2 / hs-s / ec-a4


╞ ᛋᚳᚩᚢᛏ ᚳᚻᛁᛖᚠ ╡
Scout Chief

Name | Age | Gender

Name | Age | Gender
    Name | Age | Gender
      Name | Age | Gender


        ╞ ᚻᚢᚾᛏᛁᚾᚷ ᚳᚻᛁᛖᚠ ╡
        Hunting Chief

        Calder | 27 | Male
        st-f9 / hc-6 / hs-lw / ec-e2

        Name | Age | Gender
          Name | Age | Gender
            Name | Age | Gender


              ╞ ᚹᚪᚱ ᚳᚻᛁᛖᚠ ╡
              War Chief

              Bjorn | 29 | Male
              st-b2 / hc-23 / hs-lw /ec-b7

              Frey | 25 | Male
              st-b7 / hc-3 / hs-hc / ec-b7
                Name | Age | Gender
                  Name | Age | Gender

                    ╞ ᚷᚪᛏᚻᛖᚱᛖᚱᛋ ╡

                    Audun | 32 | Male
                    st-a8 / hc-23 / hs-lw / ec-f7
                      Name | Age | Gender


                        Name | Age | Gender
                          Name | Age | Gender
                            Name | Age | Gender


                              Alva | 25 | Female
                              st-d3 / hc-22 / hs-lc / ec-b5
                                Name | Age | Gender
                                  Name | Age | Gender



                                    Name | Age | Gender
                                      Name | Age | Gender
                                        Name | Age | Gender


                                          Name | Age | Gender
                                            Name | Age | Gender
                                              Name | Age | Gender



                                                Name | Age | Gender
                                                  Name | Age | Gender
                                                    Name | Age | Gender


                                                      Ally Villages:
                                                      Black Rock Weyr | Simonpet
                                                      Village Name | Username


                                                      Enemy Villages:
                                                      Village Name | Username
                                                      Village Name | Username


                                                      North | Village Name | Username
                                                      East | Village Name | Username
                                                      South | Village Name | Username
                                                      West | Black Rock Weyr | Simonpet

                                                      Food Storage:
                                                      Deer | x2 | 3 servings
                                                      Wild Boar | x1 | 2 servings
                                                      Trout | x1 | 3 servings
                                                      Salmon | x1 | 3 servings
                                                      Potatoes | x0 | 3 servings
                                                      Carrots | x0 | 3 servings
                                                      Seaweed | x0 | 4 servings
                                                      Apples | x0 | 2 servings
                                                      Cloudberries | x0 | 1 servings
                                                      Sour Cherries | x0 | 1 servings
                                                      Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish
                                                      Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish

                                                      Doppa | Icelandic Sheepdog | 2 | Female | Looks
                                                      Loki | Icelandic/Shetland Sheepdog | 1| Female| Looks

                                                      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
                                                      ↪ learned
                                                      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
                                                      ↪ learned

                                                      Abela + Mournstead | Eldthora
                                                      Alva + Calder | Expecting [ Due now ]
                                                      Animal Lineage:
                                                      Doppa + Chase (Black Rock Weyr)
                                                      Name | Cause of Death
                                                      Name | Cause of Death
                                                      Name | Cause of Death

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                                                      Re: Create a Village - V.2

                                                      Postby Dinolil1 » Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:34 pm


                                                      Solaris clambered over the dusty outcrop, staring wearily at the cloud-studded sky. The skeleton of a cart lay a few meters behind her, and for a moment Solaris felt a great despair; the stony ridge loomed so high and far-away, the little untrod path barren and infertile. With a soft thud, Solaris leaped down to the ground and picked her way through the tangle of wicked and wild thorns; her bag and clothes got snagged, and more often Solaris hissed in pain whenever a thorn snagged her mahogany-dark skin.

                                                      Clutching her bag, Solaris ducked into the thickest of the shadows as she heard voices; fire and din in the distance caused her hackles to raise, caused her fight or flight instincts to kick in and it took all she had not to flinch or cry out. Solaris whimpered and crept along the shadows with feather-light steps. The voices fell away and Solaris legged it down the empty stretch, clambering over boulder and bracken.

                                                      Smoke cloyed in the air overhead and pebbles rattled gently down a steady incline, as Solaris explored the huge and empty caverns; they snaked everywhere around the canyon, worm-like and wandering. Somewhere water gurgled in the dark and for once, Solaris began to find peace; maybe she could start over here, far away from crying, fire and murder, far away from binding rope and dragging chain.

                                                      Solaris' Canyon is a small village of many races* hidden within the veins and scars of the Earth. They make a living off stone, picking away at the vast crags and cliffs in search of precious metals and stones such as quartz and iron. At night, there are a few that are adept at making star-maps based off the blackest night, with the north star shining bright. They take refuge in huge caves and caverns, where in quite a few of them there are streams that bubble and murmur all the way down to an underground lake; in that lake they farm fish that they transported from other towns and villages, to eat as well as hunting and exchanging for vegetables. Magic and machine are treated as one, and it is not unusual to find a few contraptions powered solely by the use of magic.

                                                      Tarot cards and mystic readings are common there, and it is a godless village. People come and go as they please, with no ill-will to come to the stranger that passes through; herbs and mystery are common curiosities and learning is a blessed thing, even if there are some things that many wish they hadn't seen; be it their death, a monster or something of a great misery. This is Solaris' Canyon, home of the refugees, the exiles, the outcasts and the loners, home of machines, magic and monsters.

                                                      Their mantra is 'We make do.' and they really do.

                                                      *This includes fantasy races!


                                                      I believe that you are purrfect!

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                                                      Re: Create a Village - V.2

                                                      Postby Chamrosh » Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:57 pm

                                                      Chamrosh wrote:

                                                        - they have a vast territory, and as they can gather resources from such a wide area, they often work as traders between the other villages. Some years, if the weather favours them, they'll travel continental scales
                                                        - they have enough knowledge about canoes to be able cross water with their gear, though they prefer land travel
                                                        - they frequently head towards any villages in their territory, and will even stay practically next door if allowed
                                                        - good luck getting them lost
                                                        - they take obscure paths which are hard for everyone else to navigate, so good luck finding them, too - they spend a lot of time in remote mountain passes, and especially along these, there are many areas where they have sites they return to year upon year, (and eventually generation upon generation)
                                                        - tend to cherry pick technology from others they encounter, based on factors to do with nomadism. They favour tools that they can either reliably find other villages who would be willing to mend or replace them with, or that they can make themselves. This leads to them primarily having stone age style tools with the occasional far more high tech item

                                                        -monotheistic - their god is essentially shaytan. They are nomadic for fear of him; the exact reasoning differs from person to person, but they all agree with each other's arguments
                                                        - they do not worship this god. they can give the illusion of worshiping him, in their ritual attempts to stop themselves being found
                                                        - they think people have free will because even a god doesn't have the same imagination as humans intending to cause each other harm for their entire lives. (war is the mother of invention)
                                                        - they use poison oracles for omens, using captured animals that are too small for food.

                                                        - normally the chief is the previous chief's child. The heir is selected once the youngest is an apprentice, by a council made of all leadership roles, and a few elders. A chief can be removed similarly. The chief's direct relatives are preferred, but it's acceptable to pick a new family. There is no preference for any physical characteristics, but the chosen heir will have additional training once they're skilled in their chosen path, for a few years
                                                        - once the previous holder of a role dies or announces plans to retire, the replacement is chosen by council vote, with the chief having a larger sway than the other voters
                                                        - elected individuals are allowed to refuse
                                                        - if an elected individual is too young at the time that their predecessor dies, a regent is appointed in a similar manner
                                                        - once someone retires, whatever job they had, they will normally help with small associated tasks

                                                        - they do not farm
                                                        - there are a very small number of crops in any sense, and all these have single periods which need activity, such as fruit trees, potatoes and bamboo
                                                        - no part of an animal is wasted. Because of the number of hollow bones and horns they have at the end of this process, there are a lot of musicians, reflecting their love of portable art forms
                                                        - they eat vast quantities of meat in the cold, and are unafraid to scavenge if it looks like the meat isn't infected with anything
                                                        - they enjoy eggs and honey when they can find them
                                                        - they are mostly lactose and alcohol intolerant, but they like cheese when they can find it, and will trade a lot to have some
                                                        - they like hot drinks
                                                        - they are very skilled at making preserves
                                                        (Originally) the staple foods consist of (I'll make a note of anything I add later if that's allowed at any point):
                                                        Main meats: caribou/reindeer, wild boar, blue sheep, water fowl
                                                        Main veg: fungi, potato, beans (esp. edamame/soy),
                                                        Main fruits: nuts, chalta (elephant apple), persimmon
                                                        Main crops
                                                        what do you mean, make vaguely sensible choices? Of course, stealing apples off elephants is a good idea

                                                        - there is a strong appreciation for art. Everything is either a suitable size for carrying constantly or too big, and in acknowledgement of this, they tend to make a lot of art out of the natural environment. Some symbols are thought to make tracking them harder
                                                        - Gatherers are normally women, and Hunters are normally men. That said, it's not an enormous bias either way, and anyone would be welcome among any of the groups. Everyone is trained to fight (even small children), so although only a tiny minority are specialised in being warriors, the majority of the village will turn out in battles (children will never be infantry)
                                                        - Shamans are allowed to have children, but it's expected that they heavily prioritise medicine
                                                        - some individuals will take years off from the migration - there are numerous reasons for this, such as illness, injury, having just had a child, caring for a relative, being elderly and so on. This is considered to be okay as long as the majority of the group are still moving around, as they return to near enough the same routes regularly enough that they can remember the points to pick individuals up again. For this purpose, there are several highly secluded sites within the area they roam around in which have the ability to support very small numbers of people for a while, each with different structures within them. Each one only has around 3-4 buildings in, and all their blacksmithing abilities are linked to sites like these, hence making them rare
                                                        - the nomadic migrations, depending on which routes they are taking, normally last about a year or about 2 years. They'll often follow herd migrations for months at a time
                                                        - because of their nomadism, they cannot be materialistic. They struggle to cope with goods with no intrinsic value, and prefer direct goods trade. Normally, they'll only appreciate money for the artistic value. However, they are savvy enough about other village cultures to know that money can have a worth to others, and due to having nowhere to store any statistics, have to have very good memories for numbers. This means that their lack of ability to recognise the point of money does not make them easy scamming targets. They're actually pretty good hagglers and scammers themselves, as no one else knows how much value they actually assign to things. They will also trade in the service of helping people travel between places
                                                        - their kinship terminology is notably different to English, with recognition of cross cousins as a different type to parallel cousins and so on. I'm going to have to come up with these kinship terms, so they might not appear immediately, and I'll be using kinship algebra until then. Might end up basing the terms around the kinship algebra
                                                        - households tend to be flexible, and because individuals can adjust where they live up to daily, they will. Children will often live in a different relative's house at each camp, in order for them all to spend more time with others their own age
                                                        - houses are normally, apart from the rare more permanent buildings, very quickly disassemblable and rebuildable. Most adults are sufficiently skilled at erecting camp, that if they need to, a small group can erect one of their houses in about 10 minutes

                                                        - high mix of ethnic types, due to having an enormous range where they might meet new people, and a very egalitarian thinking between every individual means that the high mix is maintained throughout generations
                                                        - high racial mix, again due to their range
                                                        - everyone has long hair, except that when trainees become apprentices, they cut their hair short
                                                        - hair styles are generally very elaborate
                                                        - they don't like wearing bulky armour, as it's impractical yo travel around in. It's rare for them to wear any bulky armour that can't be made quickly or borrowed from nearby villages, which means they rarely go to war with more technologically advanced villages without allies with similar capabilities to their enemies
                                                        - hygiene is a big deal, and detours on routes to find good hot springs and bathing spots are very common and strongly appreciated. They don't like winter too much except in hot-spring rich regions as maintaining good hygiene becomes incredibly difficult
                                                        - because art either needs to be permanent enough that it can be left behind for a year and still be in tact, meant to be temporary, or entirely portable, there is a significant quantity of art within jewelry, hair-styles (including hair dyes), piercings, tattoos and scarification. Warriors will wear bodypaint while going into battle (at least when it's warm enough that they can have any skin exposed) showing their greatest feats. Most clothing has art work built into it in some capacity, and because most of their warm clothes are furs, the art work is primarily in embroidery
                                                        - burials (or "burials", if the deceased wishes) typically feature many grave goods, and jewelry is important among these. Individuals may have hundreds of beads buried with them when they die

                                                        - horses are enormously useful, and greatly valued, as a military tool as well as a transport tool. Their horses are generally treated as members of the family (if a family has one). A horse can earn just as much of a reputation in battle as a warrior can. Scouts will also use horses to work out if there is likely to be a military confrontation ahead of the main group as they travel, to help avoid any risks, but also to allow the group to prepare
                                                        - their natural technology level is comparable to late neolithic Southern Chinese populations. They are advanced stone tool users, with individuals being taught the basics of making stone tools from a very young age, and some individuals even making tools as a means to show off their artistic eyes in a practical-ish way. They are also highly skilled with the use of their stone tools. They use simple flint knives to cut bamboo when they find it as well - they generally use bamboo baskets for practical uses and clay pots for trade but both are proud arts
                                                        - wearing thick armour is generally not worthwhile if you're nomadic. They prefer using their wits to mean they don't need it if facing particularly well-armed opponents. Their trade links mean that they quite easily make allies. They will try to fight battles close enough to ally villages that they can ask their ally to supply them to fight off the incoming enemy, who they definitely didn't just lure in, or to use solely range weapons so they don't need to go near better blade technology, or to use clever tricks of the terrain to outsmart their opponents
                                                        - They trade for metal bladed weapons fairly regularly, as well as for talismans claimed to be associated with good luck, particularly in battle. The normal weapons they make, however, tend to be a lot more simple. When bamboo is available, they'll use it for making bladed weapons and arrow tips of brilliant sharpness, which are far lighter to use than stone tools. They'll use branches to make spears and javelins, and if there are enough stone flakes around, they'll attach a blade-shaped one to the tip of an unsharpened spear in combat to make a piercing weapon. If they have enough warning of a conflict, they'll often try to make their own natural armour, for instance using shells as scale mail components or using spare animal hide to make leather armour
                                                        - they'll often use animal horns to make trumpets which can be used as signals between their warriors

                                                        So I didn't want to have to remove the bullet point format, as I thought fitting this into actual proper paragraphs would be very long and tedious, but I might do that later. The village name is a mangling of various Asian languages' words for "Nomad", because I can be very imaginative. It's relatively pronounceable compared to the mangles I made for other words.

                                                      I am just reposting my starting post here, I'll post a new post in a bit as I wish to continue my village from v1 and gained two new villagers in my last post on the old thread. I just wanted to get it up now for my own sakes.
                                                      I'll get a post up as soon as sensibly possible, but probably shortly after my next CaC post
                                                      Last edited by Chamrosh on Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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