[ quiet resistance (tryout, dnp!)

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[ quiet resistance (tryout, dnp!)

Postby avior. » Mon Apr 30, 2018 10:05 am


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[ quiet resistance (bio)

Postby avior. » Sat May 05, 2018 7:30 am

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [ aeliana clemencia dominica ] ▬▬▬▬▬▬
bio (you are here) - backstory - art - short story - moodboard and playlist


    aeliana, more commonly known as lia, is a young kalon in her early twenties. a commoner in the kingdom of gayle, she makes a living through theft. that's right, our small, gentle-looking redhead is a criminal. however, she justifies it by only stealing from nobles, from the rich. that's not to say she's a robin hood-like figure. sure, she cares about common citizens. in fact, she cares about most everyone. however, her "earned" wealth goes to two places- her own survival and funds for the rebel group she's part of.

    she's been part of the rebels for a long time, long enough to earn her a spot of loyalty. and that loyalty has been paid back. if you were to ask for her one best trait, that would be it- she's true as steel and would lay her life down for a friend. there's not a member of the team that lia wouldn't, quite literally, die for.

    aeliana, however, is also truthful, sometimes to a fault. not a quality one would normally associate with a thief, but if she was asked her occupation, she would give it up straightaway. she doesn't believe in lie or half-truths, which admittedly can get both her and the rebels in trouble on occasion. she really does have everyone's best interests at heart, and she's wary giving away information voluntarily. the only thing she'll ever lie about is her own condition, her own emotions. overall, lia really is a nice person. she's generally sweet, if not a little reserved, when you first meet her, and tends to be a bit of a social butterfly in that everyone who's acquainted with her wants to be around her. of course, this isn't something a thief wants, and more often than not lia finds herself politely turning kalons down when they try to talk to her in the middle of a job.

    lia's morals tend to shift dramatically depending on who she's with and what she'd going. around kalons who don't mean her any harm, especially children and friends, she is gentle to a fault, and wouldn't ever hurt them. however, she has a high sense of self-preservation, and the moment someone turns a sword on her or attempts to stop her, she can- and will- kill. despite this, she's sweet and caring to her own, to the point where many are shocked the first time they see her taking part in a fight. in fact, she hates even getting into an argument or disagreement. the thief is far more of a follower than a leader, and doesn't like to take initiative in group situations, but works well on her own. in fact, she tends to prefer jobs where it's just her, with an underlying belief that she can rely on herself more than anyone else. of course, this comes at a high price, that price being loneliness. even if she doesn't show it, aeliana longs for someone she can truly tell everything, but that would mean exposing vulnerabilities. yes, she has friends in her down time. but when she's working, well... thieves don't get to have love. she's able to handle herself exceedingly well physically- she's experienced in many forms of combat. however, despite needing the occasional friend to pick her up when she's down, aeliana must always present herself as people see her- capable, friendly, cheerful. always the optimist, and always the one to get the job done. it's who she has to be.
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[ quiet resistance (backstory)

Postby avior. » Sat May 19, 2018 9:05 am

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [ aeliana clemencia dominica ] ▬▬▬▬▬▬
bio - backstory (you are here) - art - short story - moodboard and playlist


    aeliana had a rough past, which is to be expected. sure, no one in gayle likes the monarch, the ruling family. but to take on a mantle of rebellion; to join a group dedicated to killing the royals; to rob any noble she'll find? no, that takes a special kind of hatred. a hatred she disguises well, but it's harboured in her. and for very logical reasons.

    she was raised like most other commoner youth. her father was a tailor for the peasant people, and her mother harvested and sold produce from their large garden. lia spent her days pulling weeds or acting as a model, trying on the simple dresses and tunics her father sewed. naturally, no one in her small family group was pleased when the crown princess ascended the throne and taxes and violence suddenly ran rampant, but they seemed far away from any conflict, situated on the outer reaches of the kingdom.

    unfortunately for lia, the conflict came out and met them itself. it started with her father, killed by the queen's soldiers after an act of non-cooperation. from there, things went downhill fast, a never-ending spiral the teenage aeliana couldn't escape.

    next, the majority of their fields were seized for crown use. suddenly, they could barely produce enough to eat themselves, much less sell for money. both sources of their income gone, mother and daughter were both forced into a life of crime. lia was quick to learn, and her mother was nimble and fast. it wasn't enough.

    a year later, her mother was captured in the act. the penalty was high- life in prison, unless a large fee was payed. lia clearly couldn't afford it, so she went on alone. self-preservation was key- she was all she had. as far as the guards knew, she hadn't been involved, so she was able to keep on. this time, though, bitterness and hatred caused her to target wealthier kalons, until finally she was managing quests straight into the interior of the queen's castle itself. she began to make a name for herself- she was silent, deadly, notorious. that was when others began to take notice, one of them being the leader of a hidden group of rebels. they tracked her down, to her horror, but they weren't interested in turning her in for a reward. the group was far more interested in her abilities.

    once tightly-knit family completely unraveled and living on her own, constantly in danger, aeliana grabbed at the chance. in fact, she was thrilled at the idea of having someone again- someone she could look out for, and vice-versa. suddenly, her family expanded, and she wasn't alone anymore. plus, she was working for a cause now, a cause she believed in wholeheartedly. she could be content with that.
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[ quiet resistance (art)

Postby avior. » Sat May 19, 2018 9:12 am

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [ aeliana clemencia dominica ] ▬▬▬▬▬▬
bio - backstory - art (you are here) - short story - moodboard and playlist


Last edited by avior. on Tue May 29, 2018 5:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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[ quiet resistance (short story)

Postby avior. » Sat May 19, 2018 9:18 am

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [ aeliana clemencia dominica ] ▬▬▬▬▬▬
bio - backstory - art - short story (you are here) - moodboard and playlist


    there were many factors that contributed to a successful mission. that was what she liked to call them- missions. something challenging, something that needed to be done if she wanted to survive. except, maybe it wasn't about survival anymore. because at this point, aeliana wasn't in a bad place financially. no, her robberies had actually put her in a place of wealth, nearly. it changed things slightly; the fact that she wasn't stealing out of need anymore. did that make it a bad thing to do?

    the fact remained that this mission had been successful. so many of the factors weren't anything one could control, but this time around, they had all been on her side. the weather had been ideal, thick clouds obscuring the moon completely and casting gayle in darkness. the time, opportunity, and placement of the valuables had all been perfect. on all levels, luck had been entirely on her side.

    luck was such a fickle thing. she knew one day it would run out for her. but today, it seemed, was not that day.

    currently, aeliana was crouched behind an abandoned booth in the run-down market, a single lamplight from a house across the street casting dramatic shadows against the wall behind her. she was busily tucking a small pouch of something into her boot, something that clinked with every rustle of the cloth bag. before long, the job was done, and she lifted herself slightly to peer above the edge of the booth.

    it would take a well-trained eye to notice the young thief, a dark mask and hood covering her wild red curls and turning her into just another irregularity on the shadow-cast wall. she knew she wouldn't be found now. she was too far from the castle at this point, and no one had seen her leave. the hardest part was over, and now she just had to get home safely. it wasn't a large concern of hers. who could catch her? plenty had tried, and plenty had failed.

    that was when the unhurried, casual shuffle of boots on cobblestone caught her attention. a frown graced her features under her thin fabric mask. who would be out at such a time? a salesman, perhaps, who'd forgotten to bring home his wares. whoever it was, she would just have to wait them out.

    "aeliana, correct?" a smooth voice came out, startlingly clear and loud in the noiseless air. shocked, the young kalon jumped up, backing against the wall and forgetting to run for a moment. a figure was there, standing motionless in the puddle of yellow light thrown down by the lamp. the voice was male, she thought, and carried tones that seemed at once gentle and threatening. how did he know her name?

    "you'll have to forgive me for not knowing the entirety of your name," the other continued, stepping out of the light and towards her. she was unable to make out anything- no features, no distinguishable marks on his clothing. he was cleverly hiding himself in shadows, a move she herself had perfected. she had thought it would help hide her identity. somehow, this person knew. and that was dangerous. she swallowed hard, the soft noise nearly deafening to her ears.

    "so, if you would grace me with your company for a moment, I think we should speak about something," he continued. speak. it wasn't as though he was proposing a battle. and he was alone, on foot... not likely a guard. but still very possibly a threat. no, she wouldn't trust him. she took a moment, gathering all her courage, then took off suddenly, lurching to her feet and dashing around a corner. boots slipping once in an oily puddle of water, she took off down the otherwise quiet street, adrenaline already making her heart pound and blood rush in her ears. it seemed her luck had run out. brief snatches of questions rushed through her mind like whirling snowflakes- who was he? how did he know who she was? how had he found her? she couldn't stop and ponder them. the only thought that seemed to pulsate in her brain was to get far, far away. to lose him in her wake.

    if luck wasn't on her side tonight, the kingdom itself was. minutes passed, and she'd tangled herself into the winding maze of streets. finally, her stamina wavered and fell short, and she was forced to come to a stop, hands braced against her knees as she gulped in deep breaths in an effort to slow her racing heart. a second passed. two. three. no footsteps, no horse hooves against cobblestone, no shouting of guards. just aeliana and the silent street. she hadn't been followed. she was safe.

    then relief turned to sickening dread, a wave of it that threatened to overwhelm her suddenly. the weight was gone. hands darted suddenly to her waist, grasping at her belt, even though she knew. her stomach lurched. the cloth bag was gone. what had happened? had she dropped it while running? or-

    her fingers brushed against something that rustled to the touch. paper. heart thrumming loudly in her chest, she tugged it free, frustration moving her to nearly tear it from its place. despite the darkness, it would be impossible to miss the thick, black letters scrawled through the middle in looping handwriting.

    “find me,” she murmured aloud, an icy chill traveling down her spine. it could only be from the person she had been approached by. but how? above the words was a small, simplistic drawing of a crown with a sort of a cross stabbed through it. the common symbol for a dagger, she assumed. and the symbolism of the crown was easy enough to guess at. someone wanted to talk to her. someone with a grudge against the nobles. she looked don at the words again, then cast her gaze up and around the street surrounding her, unable to resist the curiosity that battled her anger.

    find me.

    maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea.
Last edited by avior. on Wed May 23, 2018 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[ quiet resistance (moodboard, playlist)

Postby avior. » Sat May 19, 2018 9:32 am

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [ aeliana clemencia dominica ] ▬▬▬▬▬▬
bio - backstory - art - short story - moodboard and playlist (you are here)





    "there is a place to hide,
    it's in our minds; it's in the dark,
    it's well known that we have a fragile heart"

    [surrender - angels & airwaves]

    "and please don’t be afraid of what your soul is really thinking
    your soul knows good and evil, your soul knows both sides
    it’s time you pick your battles,
    and I promise you this is mine"

    [isle of flightless birds / twenty one pilots]

    "when all your heroes get tired,
    I’ll be something better yet"

    [all my heroes / bleachers]

    "scream, burst at the seams,
    won’t let you quiet us now
    our thoughts will not be burned”

    [bulletproof / aviators]

    "all of these minutes passing, sick of feeling used
    if you wanna break these walls down,
    you're gonna get bruised"

    [castle / halsey]
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