[Kalon Readoptions] (READ UPDATE PG 14)

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Re: [Kalon Readoptions] (Posting Open!)

Postby redhorizon » Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:50 am

M a r k

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a queen and her desert blossom

Postby 76heart » Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:52 am

i am trying out for eir and saga. because eir is so positively gorgeous i was curious to see who her parents were, and after noticing that the other kal i wanted to enter for was her mother, the entries became sort of joint if that makes sense? i hope that is alright ahhh
since i also ended up napping when I wanted to work on this because i stayed up all night for the gifs the writing part is probably trash and saruna's bit definitely suffered so ahhh I'm so sorry. i would have done them both sooner but everything seemed to happen during may for me
i also recommend listening to this while reading, since the kingdom she's in is somewhat based of of meridian from horizon zero dawn

ahhh nooo didn't have time to code for saruna (saga) or anything darn

━━i        w    o    n   '   t━━━━━━━
━━━━i             d      o      n     '     t
━━━━━━━turn  me loose━━━
━━━━━and   you'll━━━━━━━
━━━━━━━━at   the━━━━━━━━
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.name: eira senua ahote, more commonly known simply as 'eir'
x;eira - a more female version of eir, originating from the norse goddess eir.
xx;means 'snow' in welsh, and 'the earth' in sanskrit after the goddess

x;eir - meaning 'mercy' in old north, was the name of a norse goddess of
xx;healing and medicine. an analysis of the name that fits her well, and
xx;another meaning that also fits quite well.

x;senua - a name of nordic lore, some say senua was a goddess of wisdom
xx;to the celts, or the name of a fearsome female warrior.

x;ahote - restless one.

xborn ready - zayde wolf
xx;this is the song used in the font collage, with those being the main lyrics
xx;that apply to her. she is constantly trying to prove herself strong to those
xx;who doubt her strength or ability to fight, and she's not one to back down
xx;lightly or at all, challenge or not.
xsoldier - fleurie
xx;this song is a good show of how she feels when having no choice but to
xx;participate in her more princess-ly duties, and overall just suits her well.
xx;even though she may seem restless, she is also quite diligent when it
xx;comes to her training.
xbeliever - imagine dragons
xx;she's so tired of people trying to do things for her, trying to decide who
xx;she is what she's meant to do, with her wishing these were words she
xx;could finally say.
xfaster car - anders lystell
xx;she often finds it hard to sit still, and just wants to move and explore
xx;and feel some thrill and adventure. she doesn't like to have to slow
xx;down for others, and just wants to do her own thing, to pursue what
xx;she loves; the art of combat, not court.

first dagger with eyesrefsecond dagger with eyesref
Eir has two daggers, both of which she had some hand in fashioning. The first, Zahr ('blossom' in Arabic), was a present from her biological father before he passed away, who saw her interest in that path and happened to be one of the few who encouraged it and didn't constantly tell her that's not what a lady should be doing. Before the hilt had just been smooth wood that had been made from a desert willow and stained to a darker brown, which she quickly wrapped in strips of leather she managed to sneak from the blacksmith. She burned a rose pattern onto it, which something her father often called her. Eira also added a tassel of strips of cloth from some of her father's clothes as well, and attempted to draw the rose onto them as well. The second dagger, Khanajr ('dagger' in Arabic) was a gift from one of the royal guards that served her family and saw some promise in her. He often helped her train in secret and taught her a good portion of what she knows now. Like with Zahr, she wrapped the hilt in the same leather and burned the rose symbol in, though this time she also attempted to scratch parts of it into the blade so it would forever remain. She hides both of them in a small crevice in her room that so far no one else knows of, a small hole where the wall meets the ceiling that she can reach with the ladder that leads to the second story of her chambers.
eira ● she/her ● 2,400+ words ● if the coding is messed up here's how it's meant to look
    Why did her mother always insist that she wear a dress? Why couldn't she just let her wear a tunic, or something else that didn't cause her to trip over her own paws or get all gussied up to look pretty for everyone else just because she was the princess. She hated these stupid frilly things so much, and all the head pieces and other pieces of jewelry were just as irritating, and possibly even more impractical than the stupid long dressed she was always stuck wearing when she couldn't get away. How was she supposed to fight of an invasion or be prepared to do so at any moment in a stupid dress? She wasn't just some tiny kit anymore, she was getting older and certainly old enough to pick out her own clothes, so why wasn't she able to get away from this, from her mother wanting her to appear presentable and tidy, like a perfect angel, when in reality she was a rather spunky and unruly individual that often end up with sand ruining most of her clothes and near constantly being stuck between the pads of her paws? It was frankly humiliating, and if she had arms to show her protest like humans supposedly did, they would most certainly be crossed in extreme discontent, with a very prominent scowl upon her features. She hated this.
    It hadn't been like this when her father, her real father had still be been around, and when it had just been the two of them after he had gone, before her mother met someone new and it turned into this. She wished she could go back in time to those days, when her family was more alive and adventurous, willing to take risks as long as it didn't hurt their people. Her father had been a good king, well loved by the people of Erast; noble and just. He had also been a good father, one of the best there ever was, at least in her eyes. He had been kind and nurtured her uncharacteristic interests rather than frowning down at them like so many others did, and he would always tell her the grandest stories of his battles and escapades before he met her mother and became king. He would describe in detail the armor his opponents and his allies wore, the scenery around them, even the swords. He would describe the desert dunes, the rare oasis where they all came to a temporary truce, what shapes the clouds decided to take for that day, what forecast and stories they told. She had loved him more than anything else in the world, but now he was gone, and her mother had replaced him with a tyrant who was determined to make sure she no longer cared for swords and battles, and instead enjoyed "what a princess should"; dancing, dresses, music, the arts. Yuck. He was awful, why had her mother chosen him? At first he had been kind to her- though in reality before becoming king he had never shown much interest towards Eira-, and it was clear he cared for her mother, but as soon as they married and he gained his crown, he changed. He was the complete opposite of her father, his punishments for crime became harsh and cruel, and so many ended up on the streets after he cracked down on taxes and did little to help those who were already struggling with getting enough coin for even a small piece of bread. Her father had done his best to personally help them, to get them back on track, but no, not their new king. When people came to ask for his aid, as she and her mother sat beside him, with her looking like a very unhappy and displeased dressed up doll, he was always so cruel. He rarely granted anything they asked for, or did anything to help, and most were too afraid to even try and ask for anything, lest they incur his wrath. She hated seeing her kingdom turn into this, her people suffer so, and she hated that she couldn't even do anything to try and fix it. The "King" would not let her leave the palace grounds, and sometimes he wouldn't even let her go into the gardens that were just in front of the main gates. She had tried to sneak out before to see what the damage was, but she had been caught immediately, and now, apart from the times she managed to get away, if she was alone, she was followed by a trail of stoic and often heartless guards. She often overheard the horrible things they whispered about with grins behind her back; they made her sick. Eir could tell that this was all hurting her mother as well. Before she had been energetic, willing to explore new ideas, a lot like Eira was now but with a far greater amount of discipline, but now it was like her spirit had faded. She had gone quiet, more secluded, and her time was often spent in the gardens or near the grave of her true love. It hurt to see that too, to see her stuck following that often man like that. At least he never hurt her mother, or wished her any harm. He doted her with gifts in fact, but if he actually cared to know her, he would know that was not what her mother liked. Still though, she hated him. He was the only thing she hated more than dresses, and that was saying something. She despised those stupid fancy pieces of cloth that were supposed to seem lovely.

    Eira grumbled as one of her mother's handmaidens tried to lower a dress onto her head, only for it to get stuck on her pointed ears. She struggled as the older kalon finally managed to properly fit the darned thing over her skull, nearly whacking the poor old woman in the face with one of her flailing paws. Sometimes she pitied the people tasked with getting her into a dress since there was no way in hell she'd ever do it of her own free will, but then she remembered that they had offered to do it, and very well knew the consequences of getting her into of those awful things. One of her paws was forced through the frilly sleeve, and she let out a whine. This was definitely one of the worst dresses she had ever been forced to wear, and oh gods, what was that color? She wrinkled her snout in disgust, only for that moment of distraction to land her with her other front leg through the sleeve. She had lost this battle, and now she was going to have to go into the throne room like that, where people could see her. They'd think she was some girly little piece of porcelain, not some little warrior. Gods, why did he have to make her do this? Why didn't her mother just tell him no?

    Reluctantly, she got to her feet, finding it hard to walk with all the layers surrounding her paws. She was currently being escorted to the throne room by one of the guards, one she knew quite well to be a horrible, terrible, despicable being, just like his awful king. A mischievous smile flashed across her features, maybe this could be a little fun after all. She started to slow her pace, purposely going as slow as she could manage. The guard noticed after a moment, turning around with an annoyed scowl and fixing her with a glare.
    "Oy, we have somewhere to be Princess, hurry up."
    "But I can't, I'll trip over my dress. You wouldn't want me hurt on your watch, would you?" Eira feigned innocence, batting her eyelashes and folding her ears back.
    She watched as the guard groaned, shaking his head as he seemed to mull over something within his mind before making a decision and looking back at her. Honestly, she was surprised he could decide at all, his mind seemed to be too filled with orders and stupid thoughts to do that.
    Much to her surprise though, instead of that choice being to put up with her and continue walking, he walked over to her, and swiftly picked her up by her scruff. Oh gods, this was much worse than the dress, much much worse than the dress! Abort, abort! She tried struggling, flailing about with her limbs to get a hit in on him somewhere, but unfortunately for her, with his large size in comparison to her, her actions had no affect, and he didn't even flinch when she finally did manage to hit his shoulder. Great, just wonderful. Now, on top of being seen as a lady, she'd also be seen as a child.

    She continued to struggle and protest his choice of picking her up the entire way to the throne room, though after the guard entered through the doors, she stilled. She didn't want her mother to see her like this, to see her causing such troubles.
    Her mother looked her way with a kind, yet weary smile, gently patting the space beside her with her paw. The guard roughly dropped her on the ground, and after taking a moment to regain some of her dignity, she marched over to her mother with her head held high. She hated the dress, and how weak it made her personally look where when her mother wore one she looked strong, but that didn't mean she couldn't at least try and appear strong and powerful.
    "Is there a reason the guard was carrying you like that, you didn't give him any trouble did you?" Came her mother's whisper, a slight teasing lilt to her tone.
    "Of course not, I'm a perfect little lady." Eir once again tried to act innocence as she spoke, but her grin ruined the facade, and when she glanced to her mother she noticed that her smile had become a little less weary, and that some light had returned to her eyes.

    The sound of heavy doors opening drew her attention away however, and she watched as the guard's captain unceremoniously dragged in two kits around her age. One looked rather ruffled and confused, his golden hair mostly hiding his eyes. What could he have possibly done to get himself caught by the guards? He looked like someone who would behave, someone who enjoyed having their nose in a book. The other kit with him, however, was a different story, and rather than looking dazed, she seemed very smug. The kit was holding The King's gaze as he glared at her, looking quite tired of this all already. Eir was certainly interested now. She sat forward in her seat, sitting a little straighter, taller, intrigued by the kit's bravery.
    "What is she doing back here again? I thought you had finally locked her up?" Her step-father asked The Captain, his head lazily turning and his tone flat, almost like this was all something that had been said before and he already knew how it went.
    "She- well, she escaped your majesty. P-picked the lock I believe." Eir's eyes widened, she had never heard The Captain stutter before, normally he was able to stand head to head with the man on the throne. This had to be very serious for sure, and she was definitely now fully interested in the scene unfolding before her.
    "Is that true thief? Did you pick the lock again?"
    "You really need better locks, it's getting real easy to get through them. It's almost like you want me to escape and steal from you again." The girl grinned as The King's face fell into a frown, his form stiffening, clearly very pleased to see her words have such an affect on the mighty tyrant. Eira glanced to her side and noticed that her mother was trying to hide a smile, and in that moment, Eira decided that she liked the girl.
    "I can throw you in a place without a door to escape through thief." He hissed, standing.
    "What would your people think? Throwing a poor helpless orphan into a pit doesn't seem like a good move, your highness." His nostrils flared at that comment, his anger increasing.
    "It would be wise to stop testing my patience, girl." He growled, walking until he stopped in front of her. The kit didn't even seem to care, still looking as smug as ever as she looked up at him, smirking, while her companion looked like he was going to faint. She hoped he'd be spared from her step-fathers feud with the girl.
    "This is the last time I'm letting you go. If you steal anything again, If you dare take a piece of bread or a single gold coin, I will have you thrown in that pit." He warned, his tone serious and low, like a lion's gravely growl.
    "Guards, take them away!" With that, they bowed their heads and obeyed, while her step-father then turned to her and her mother, waving them away with a wave of his paw. He wanted to be alone, and Eira grinned at the fact he had been beaten by a kit. Maybe that was why he was so adamant in her wearing dresses, so she didn't remind him of another rebellious kit he had a grudge with. It was time for her to get a chance to train though, so she cast the thought aside for later. He wasn't at all worth sacrificing her time for what she loved to even entertain a single thought about him. She quickly raced off to grab her daggers then, ripping the dress off as soon as she arrived in her chambers and climbed the ladder.

    From up in the balcony, high above the secluded part of the training grounds where her daughter trained, Saruna watched with a small smile. Eira was so like her father, so like the man she loved. She was a tireless fighter, a warrior, and she just hoped that she'd make a good queen soon. Her new husband was not who she had thought he was, was not the man she thought she could care for again, and she could only hope that her sweet girl could fix that mess when she was older.

    She wished she could tell Eira that she watched her train, that she enjoyed seeing her skill grow as she learned from one of the guards and taught herself when he was not there, but she couldn't. If her daughter knew she approved, then she would not be as careful in hiding her secret, and the king could find out. She didn't want him to know, she didn't want to know what he'd do if he learned.
saruna ● she/her ● a just queen
buy the stars - marina and the diamonds
safe and sound - Taylor swift ft. the civil wars
saturn - sleeping at last
for the dancing and the dreaming
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Re: [Kalon Readoptions] (Posting Open!)

Postby elyx » Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:52 am

      elyx#5347 | she/they
      . my kalonsdA©
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Re: [Kalon Readoptions] (Posting Open!)

Postby -galaxie » Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:53 am

    username: -galaxie
    link to kalon you're trying out for: Corbin
    kalon's name: Atticus
    kalon's gender: Male

    Click for Form
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Re: [Kalon Readoptions] (Posting Open!)

Postby Yuroshi » Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:54 am






Serenus was born the only kit to loving parents, though even from the start, everyone knew he was a bit... odd, to say the least. Most kits love to run, play, dance, sing- do anything and everything, when they're fortunate enough to be able. Yet this little boy was something different... from the moment he first became aware of the world around him, he was quiet and observant. He made no attempts to move quickly in anything, and nothing was spared from his critical golden eyes. Or rather, one eye, as the other was always covered by his black hair, and Serenus, from the very beginning, never really changed this, except for in exceptional circumstances.... but we will get to those later.
Now, the fact that he was an observant kit who loved to take his time did not in any way suggest that he was unintelligent. Contrary to those false assumptions, Serenus, or Sere, as he liked to be called, was extremely intelligent. Perhaps even unfortunately so.
Sere watched, listened, observed, mused, and drew conclusions, but rarely did he speak. And if he did, it was always for the same reason. In his soft, low, melodic tone that brought thoughts of an angel's song, he would simply ask a question. And of course, who could resist answering the tiny kit with innocent golden eyes? His voice, while it never demanded truth, always seemed to garner an honest reaction- his angelic image wasn't hurt any by his halo either, even if it did seem to drip. No one, though, really thought he was an angel of any sort. After all, though a melodic voice and halo he might add, the rest of his appearance suggested something a far cry from any sort of angel. They simply fell prey to their own amusement- after all, it isn't everyday that someone extremely young comes up to you to ask for more information on philosophy, history, and the way the universe crafts itself. So the adults in his life humored him with honesty, and as Sere knew nearly none in his age range, a quest for knowledge was all he pursued.
Now, you might've noticed that Sere was stated as extremely intelligent to the point of being unfortunate. This isn't to say that he knew everything. Up to his teenage years, he did nothing but read, and debate, and observe, so it was only natural that he began to notice certain things. The reason why Sere is unfortunate, really, is simply because he was gifted with the ability of the analyzing of patterns to a record degree. This meant, that after so much time simply learning, observing, and analyzing, Sere began to find out that he knew what was going to happen before it could occur. Not in everything, of course- he isn't some sort of ridiculous Seer, all-knowing of the future. No, he was just a master of recognition of behaviors. Simply put, he could tell what someone was going to do, before they did it, because he knew what they had done before. While this wasn't bad at first, it began to become quite inconvenient for the curious boy....
In short? Serenus was bored. Extremely so.
Although extremely studious and observational, Sere was actually fun-loving, perhaps to a surprising degree. He was simply driven by curiosity. Yet, as his knowledge and pattern recognition became too great, he found he couldn't really pursue fun through the avenue of searching for universal knowledge anymore.... so he turned to other methods.
Barely a week after finding he could already predict everything in the area he grew up in, Sere left without a moment's hesitation, throwing himself out into the world with a smirk, raised eyebrow, and expectations he was determined to betray. After all, what better way could a boy use the knowledge of all likely behavior patters, than to go out and break every single one of them in more creative ways than ever before?
Now, Serenus still travels, betraying all of the recognized patterns in more outrageous ways. He finds himself bored with simple people, and searches for a true friend. He hopes that one day he will find someone who can give him a surprise more intense than anything he has ever felt before.
He searches for someone unpredictable.



Image ..........
.. driven ..
.. kind ..
.. strong ..
.. caring ..
.. independent ..
Image ....... Image

.. intelligent .. ---------------------- .. impulsive ..
.. analytical .. ----------------------- .. misleading ..
.. curious .. -------------------------- .. easily bored ..

Serenus has come to understand others so much that he can understand what they feel, to an almost overwhelming degree. He was not extremely empathetic by birth, but rather, through study. So, when he finds himself struggling- he writes.

poetry removed for safety reasons
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Postby yeena » Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:56 am

    marking for him (sinbad) mayb

    -the mission was suicide
    -nonetheless he unlocked the kennels one by one before opening the main doors and letting the strays scatter out

    'what the hell are you doing sinbad'
    'i dont know but it feels nice'

    -nice kid, very firm in what he believes, no crap type of guy
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Re: [Kalon Readoptions] (Posting Open!)

Postby Tart » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:05 am

maybe for doggo boy
Sup I'm old and I'm back
it's me ya trash boi
pm if you want

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Re: [Kalon Readoptions] (Posting Open!)

Postby watts » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:08 am

    possibly entering for eir!

rpnt watts ; polyfrag DID system


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the madness got to you, too?

Postby Lillybear » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:15 am

the madness got to you, too?


    USERNAME. Lillybear
    NAME. Mickey
    GENDER. Male [he/him]

      Mickey is a Kalon most prefer to forget, as any interaction with him is
      certainly not a pleasant one. It's not even that he's particularly unkind,
      but his sheer presence and ghostly smile tend to make those around him
      incredibly uncomfortable. It's as if they can feel spiders crawling up their
      spines just at the sight of him.

      Perhaps what's most frightening is him taking practice in black magic. He
      has a collection of dolls--some missing different limbs, or their heads all
      together--waiting to be the next victim of his work.

      Who knows what he's planning?
      Or how long it will take before the madness will spread?

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Re: [Kalon Readoptions] (Posting Open!)

Postby NE0N-UMBR30N » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:17 am

link to kalon you're trying out for:The Queen
kalon's name:Estelle Dove Hemingway
kalon's gender:Female


link to kalon you're trying out for:The Princess
kalon's name: Eliza Mae Hemingway
kalon's gender:Female

Last edited by NE0N-UMBR30N on Wed May 23, 2018 5:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
icon base by jako-ry on DA and sig art by booplet on TH

N30N - it/he/they
previous username was sylvender

nerd - kalons - UMAs
mods, victorbirdeh and i may sometimes trade
unfairly with each other :0! please don't ban us!

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