Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Pineapple_Lilly » Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:20 pm

Dear D,
Times get rough, your family acts as if you don't exist. When they do, all they can do is yell at you. Your step-mom and your dad yell at you, your mom says you're a disgrace. To me, you're so much more. You are a hero. You go through these things and more, but you continue fighting like a soldier. You're my life, my light, the reason I'm alive. You make me smile everyday, just by being there. When times get rough, we're there for eachother. No matter what stupid thing I do, you're always by my side, and I promise to be by yours, no matter what the future holds for us. I love you, even though I don't always say it, I do love you. Thank you for being there through the tough times, and letting me be there for you.
~Love J

Dear R-L,
Years ago, which only felt like months, you betrayed me. You and A. You broke me that day, and I still remember. You called today, inviting me and my family over. I said no. I don't want to speak to you. How dare you do such a cruel thing to your own family member and expect forgiveness? You don't deserve to be forgiven.
~With hatred, J
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uu im weird
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby shirl » Wed Apr 25, 2018 1:39 pm

dear ks,

what did i do to all of a sudden make you start ignoring and being rude to me today? you don't initiate conversations with me, and when i do you barely reply. since i wasn't at school yesterday, our history teacher told me to join your group since i didn't have a partner. but when i ask you, you tell me no because you don't want me taking credit for all of the work you had done. what??? first of all, it was an actual order from the teacher for me to join your group, and second, what?? for this whole year i've known you, you have never been like this at all, and i didn't do anything to make you be this way. you're being the same you always have been with all of your other friends, but me. i'm not sure if you're just being moody or you actually dislike me for whatever reason now. well, if it's the latter, i'm thankfully getting someone toxic like you out of my life. thanks.


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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby lucifer morningstar » Wed Apr 25, 2018 1:46 pm

dear e,
if you could just not
and do your job
that you get paid for
without complaining like a child
and keep your negativity to yourself
that would be great

dear m,
you're just making excuses now. you've probably noticed I've
been distant and I have. because i'm not going to put up with
your crap anymore. friendship is a two-way street. i'm not going
to sit around waiting on you anymore or invite you all the time
when you never come. i'm done waiting. so make all the sad
comments you want. no one is to blame for this but you. don't
tell me i'm bring mean or unreasonable. i'm just done. I carried
our friendship for basically years. i'm tapping out. so you can step
up to the plate and be a big girl or you can stay lonely and sad.
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby mikoliko » Wed Apr 25, 2018 2:58 pm

dear t,

we hate you. we are scared of you. you are manipulative. you have changed our house. stop acting like you're the victim when the real victims are my family. you've taken four-and-a-half years of our childhood away, and you've destroyed our childhood home. we've lost trust in our parents and we have only just begun to get our lives in order. before that, we were scared to hang out with our friends because we thought our mother, who was in so much pain, wouldn't want us to have any fun since she wasn't having any fun. i held off most social outings for about three years.

apparently 'exisitng' is being 'spoiled' and 'ungrateful' and 'rude'. i have met some of your friends, and i have seen the way they look at us with angry glares-we have realised that you talk about us 'runing your relationship' when our father is not around. they're probably thinking along the lines of omg, t, i like feel so bad for you for having to deal with these dreadful children, how do you do it?

it's disgusting and i love how despite not caring about us you really make an effort to make everyone else care. we were never awful kids. being petty is just part of our defense system to remind you that we're never going to be your friends, or your kids, or anything special to you. you are a gold digger and everyone knows it. get off your high horse.

no matter how much you futilely try to relate to me and my sister, you will never be family to us and i will protect my little sister with all my heart from you. but she can take care of herself pretty well already. it's me that needs to be protected by her, to be honest.

now, go and clean the whiteboard we smudged up, because our home is apparently 'your home' now. you clean up after yourself, okay? and i must admit, it was funny to hear you practically scream at us like a child because your whiteboard was messy. made our day.

with utter loathing and contempt,

-me and my sister, your future step-daughters and the ones who stop you from getting the other half of our dad's belongings not already mentioned in the will.

p.s. i'm just grateful you can't have kids.

p.p.s. me and my sister accidentally found part of dad's new will a few weeks ago. you get less than a fifth, lovie. my sister and i get more than two fifths each, and we're going to look after each other along with our friends. we don't care about how much we would recieve, we just care about how much you miss out on and how our father has made a good decision, because we actually aren't gold diggers. you might get half or so of the stuff not in the will (i think dad may have left most of the house to us as well, so clear your stuff out), but all your gold-digging efforts have been almost for nothing. 15%! you did good, but not that good. nice try, t!!!!!

p.p.p.s. i know that if our father dies, you won't be sorry. you're planning to sue us for the 'meagre' amount you will receive. you can try but it's extremely unlikely you'll succeed. (;

(wow lengthy lol!)
Last edited by mikoliko on Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby rainy.days » Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:10 pm


I miss you so much, pains me that you won't be back this year. I don't know what I'm going to do, I just miss you so much but you live an entire ocean away. I mean, I guess D is coming back but I want you to come back, it won't be the same without your personality there to light up the surroundings.



I never did get to know your real name, it seems like every year we are one day off. I miss you so much, it's unbeliveable that it's been three years since I last saw you. Hey, I mean they do say third times the charm, maybe we'll get lucky this time around.



I miss you so much, everything about you, your hugs, personality, you name it I miss it. Only 96 more days, power through, we'll see eachother soon enough.

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby scottermite » Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:26 pm

dear l,
i hated you. still do, just not as much.
A calls me names now. i hate him more.
he was half decent last year.
my, how the tables have turned.


to my class;
i hate 97% of you and that is your fault. you look at me funny. you leave me out. you let me cry at my desk every other day.

to my teacher, mr. p,
STOP! stop disregarding me, stop pretending im not there! stop getting in the way of what i like to do! your making it really, truly hard for me. if my anxiety or anything else gets worse, guess what?
you are apart of the blame.
among others, i will point at you.
you didn't talk to my mother, only mr. b did. why? tell me!
i want to know these things.

all of you are idiots and i hate all of you, in one way or another..

dear l,
do you even care about me anymore?
i mean, it was nice that we sat and talked for a bit.
im glad we have the occasional email.
but, other that, do you ever think about me..?

dear s,
*dallon weekes voice*
no, seriously, do you care about me now?
have you forgotten about me already?
im lonely.

dear m,
im glad we talked. i still dont know why you ditched me..
do you think about me?
i trusted you..

and mr.b,
come on.. just for another term, stay in the classroom! please.
please. you are the only one who accepts me for who i am.
a confused, post emo but still incredibly emo and touchy over mcr, obsessed with Hamilton but told not to be because it isn't my countries history, and so many other things.

now, on a lighter note,
dear a.ham,
you amaze me with you idiocy.
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby mikoliko » Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:25 pm

dear j,
you cute, boy. stunning, gorgeous boy. i know i haven't seen you in a long time but you were so amazing! i really liked you a lot as more than a friend. you were funny, smart, a bit shy like me and you tried your best at sports. you have the most beautiful figure and face, even when you insult yourself about your torso. i loved your mother and sister. you showed a lot of interest in me as friends-we talked about martial arts, you gave me a detailed and fun description about the mayweather vs mcgregor thing when i didn't know much about it, you taught me about rugby, we told each other about our annoying siblings, we told each other about post graduation plans, and you promised to make me chicken nuggets (you wanted to make me good ones from your fastfood restaurant chain because i hate them). i had to quit the club because i had to move away and i cried the night i learned i was moving because i would have to leave you. i was so sure you might have liked my quirky self, even just a bit, but guys never like me so i gave up because i'm pathetic lol (and you also have another girl, so i backed off).

i will never forget the way you made me feel my dude (this is the part where i hold up my left hand in the okay hand emoji sign. then you hold up both of yours in the same way and we walk outside together with everyone and say goodbye at the club entrance).

love ya j!

dear n,
sorry i didn't reciprocate your feelings... i really like you as a friend from our youth club but i am more than three years older than you and you are in your first year of aussie middle school. you are really immature and childishly annoying but at least you're still a kid unlike most other twelvies. i'm too old for you. please find someone your age! ugh i feel so bad though... sorry, n, but j betrayed you to me, and i actually have a major crush on him. good luck with your first year of middle school and your maths tutor, you can survive him!!! probably won't see you again because i'm moving but this helps me feel less guilty about the whole thing.

dear n and j,
i miss and care about you both, you were my best friends at the youth club. xoxo
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby carnivorous. » Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:46 pm

dear time,
lemme enjoy my break without you speeding ahead and then deciding to take forever when I want you to go faster
- a person who also really wishes that you could make me immortal mwahahahahahaha

dear dog,
you’re adorable and I love you
- person who feeds you and is your no.1 fangirl

dear fish,
how do I play with you? I dunno man but you angel fish are the cutest
- that person who loves just staring at you
(not in a creepy way)
(maybe in a creepy way)
"how fleeting
and fragile life is..."

hello there;
i'm carnivorous.
any pronouns are fine.
my interests vary greatly,
if you're interested, feel
free to ask, i don't bite.

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby aizome » Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:50 pm

dear k

i'm so sorry... i shouldn't have made a promise i wasn't able to keep
you probably hate me now, which is completly understandable, most people do.
i don't really have any excuse besides i'm a horrible piece of trash who struggles to maintain any type relationship, i'm not sure what it is i just get really anxious and overwhelmed when anyone gets too close. but it definitely was not your fault at all.
also i really hope you had a great time in japan... maybe one day we'll talk again & you'll be able to tell me about it ^^

- r
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby kyeza » Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:45 pm

    Dear S,

    I wish I could get my feelings straight (heh). I'm so sorry to see what you're going through, and feel awful for not being able to do anything about it. It's not that I can't physically do anything, it's more of just: I don't know if you want the help, I don't know how to help, I wish I could help, I can't do anything. I'm so sad to see you like this, and I wish I could know exactly who or what is causing it. If I could, I would stop it in an instant. I wish you would open up, though I shouldn't be saying anything about that myself. I hate to see you like this. Please tell me what I can do for you. On a brighter note, I hope I can get closer to you. We're so alike on the inside, that if we looked similar on the outside, people would think we're twins. You're the only person that really understands me and can talk about things I like without blanking out. I hope that I'll be enough to keep you here next year, and really wish I could be with you more. I look forward to the end of May, and am excited to take everyone somewhere awesome that they've never been to but really want to go to.

    -From the person that cares about you way deeper than everyone else and a lot more than you know, K

    P.S. You're so smart, beautiful, and you actually care. Don't let anything drag you down, though if you end up down there, I'll be here to pull you right back up.
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