[DNP] Winter's Create A Scene Challenge Thread

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[DNP] Winter's Create A Scene Challenge Thread

Postby winter solstice. » Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:13 pm

Winter's Create a Scene Challenge Thread

      Hello! I'm winter solstice., better known as winter or that textwall-writing person on Create a Clan, nice to meet you! On CaC, I own SeaClan, a clan located on the north coast of the UK~ This thread is dedicated to the writing of my Create a Scene Challenge responses. The challenge was created by the lovely ossa di cervo, and the main thread is located here! Note: please only join if part of Ca- <3
Last edited by winter solstice. on Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby winter solstice. » Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:13 pm

ossa di cervo wrote:
      the rules____________________________________________________________________
      ( ━ ✰ please only join this if you are part of one of the Create A- games linked above!
      ( ━ ✰ you must create a separate thread to answer prompts and link that here! this thread doesn't have to be on CS but make sure it is a site that can be linked on CS!
      ( ━ ✰ every prompt must have a 500 word count minimum! if they are less they don't count, sorry.
      ( ━ ✰ to receive the reward for your games you must use the groups you want to have the reward in at least 10 prompts!
      ( ━ ✰ the reward for finishing all 100 is both 10 herbs & 10 pieces of fresh-kill of your choice to every group that is used in ten or more prompts!
      ( ━ ✰ you don't have to complete the prompts in order - complete them however you please!
      ( ━ ✰ there are two kinds of prompts - set prompts & flexible prompts! you don't have to use the dialogue from flexible prompts in your writing! they're just there for inspiration!
      ( ━ ✰ absolutely no plagiarizing!
      ( ━ ✰ you are more then welcome to write about forbidden romances or a character from a different group but make sure you have permission first![/size]
Last edited by winter solstice. on Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Flexible prompts!

Postby winter solstice. » Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:14 pm

ossa di cervo wrote:
      These are the flexible prompts! Flexible prompts are simple quotes and are to be used to inspire a certain situation! You don't have to use the exact quote in your story they're simply there to inspire you to write something - go wild! There will also be fifty of these!
      ( ━ ✰ "Please, leave him."
      ( ━ ✰ "I hope the dawn never comes."
      ( ━ ✰ "They never crossed the stream."
      ( ━ ✰ "Run to the moors."
      ( ━ ✰ "I hate to see you smile like that."
      ( ━ ✰ "Why do you never slow down?"
      ( ━ ✰ "Who told you so?"
      ( ━ ✰ "Fight me now. Before it's too late."
      ( ━ ✰ "There is only one poison that is its own remedy, and that is hope."
      ( ━ ✰ "I swear, there were five kits."
      ( ━ ✰ "Why do you listen to them?"
      ( ━ ✰ "Just....let me know."
      ( ━ ✰ "This doesn't change anything you know."
      ( ━ ✰ "He still cares."
      ( ━ ✰ "I never betrayed who I am."
      ( ━ ✰ "You know you want to."
      ( ━ ✰ "Just relax!"
      ( ━ ✰ "Please....I know him."
      ( ━ ✰ "You're about twenty seconds too late."
      ( ━ ✰ "And then, it appeared!"
      ( ━ ✰ I wish I had chosen a different path.
      ( ━ ✰ "I'm so sorry. There's no hope."
      ( ━ ✰ "Is there another way/path?"
      ( ━ ✰ "But.. you promised.."
      ( ━ ✰ "We do what we must because we can."
      ( ━ ✰ "For the good of us all."
      ( ━ ✰ "Death to the innocent ___!"
      ( ━ ✰ "Stop iiiiit.."
      ( ━ ✰ "Wait for me!"
      ( ━ ✰ "Shut. Up!"
      ( ━ ✰ "Please. This is an art form."
      ( ━ ✰ "They'll never see if coming..."
      ( ━ ✰ "Don't tell me you haven't thought it."
      ( ━ ✰ "No. Just. No. Never!"
      ( ━ ✰ "What? Why?"
      ( ━ ✰ "That is completely illogical."
      ( ━ ✰ "Never insult them again...!"
      ( ━ ✰ "There's always an excuse, isn't there?"
      ( ━ ✰ "She said he said you said they said she said he needed to leave."
      ( ━ ✰ "Stop messing with the tree and bite it!"
      ( ━ ✰ "Excuse me, but you're not actually in charge?"
      ( ━ ✰ "That... seems extreme?"
      ( ━ ✰ "I don't understand why you feel the need to keep talking."
      ( ━ ✰ "They're dead okay!? Gone!"
      ( ━ ✰ "Oh yes, do explain."
      ( ━ ✰ "Oh, I'm sure he was flying - that's logical!"
      ( ━ ✰ "Ugg, you idiot."
      ( ━ ✰ "Please... I shouldn't..."
      ( ━ ✰ "I loved you... but now I'm not sure..."
      ( ━ ✰ "Why are you always in the middle of it?"
Last edited by winter solstice. on Sun Apr 29, 2018 11:55 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: [DNP] Winter's Create A Scene Challenge Thread

Postby winter solstice. » Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:20 pm

Table of Contents

Last edited by winter solstice. on Sun Apr 29, 2018 11:56 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Prompt 1: "Please, leave him."

Postby winter solstice. » Sun Apr 22, 2018 6:52 pm

Prompt #1: "Please, leave him."

Featuring: Sagepaw, Bellpaw, Hawkpaw | Setting: After the Battle Against Crows has ended
Three young cats and three older cats were sitting in a sandy hollow by the shore. The six cats watched as the blue-gray waves of the sea crashed into the shores in front of them with worried glances. The biggest of them all, a solid gray tom, concluded, frustration showing in his green eyes, "Well, looks like training is canceled for today." A black she-cat next to him meowed, "Good! I was hoping to let Bellpaw off today to play with the others." The long-haired brown Siberian tom next to them commented, "And looks like we can't exactly go fishing today, the wind's picking up and it looks like rain." Turning to the three young cats before him, the gray tom, whose name was Stormfang, meowed sternly, "Don't go into the sea today, even if you all know how to swim." Bellpaw, a pale gray-and-white she-cat, meowed dryly, "Should we go check how wild the waves are, Stormfang?" Nightwing, the black she-cat, warned her apprentice, "Bellpaw-" Stormfang huffed, turning away from the group, "No, Bellpaw. There's rain in the air, and that means no one goes to the sea, period." Calling over his shoulder, the deputy of SeaClan meowed, "I have dusk patrols to set out, if anyone needs me, call for me." With that, he padded away, heading toward the narrow Sea Path that led up to the camp.

Once Stormfang was out of earshot, the brown Siberian tom, Claypool, sighed, "Is it just me, or is everyone just on edge these days?" Nightwing mewed gently, "The battle against the crows has left its mark on all of us." Turning to Bellpaw and her two fellow apprentices, the black she-cat meowed, "Bellpaw, Sagepaw, Hawkpaw, we are needed at border patrol later, so behave, and don't leave the training hollow." Turning to Sagepaw, a black-and-white she-cat, she added, "As you are the oldest one here, I expect you to keep an eye on them." Sagepaw nodded, "Of course, Nightwing." Claypool stood up and meowed, "I'm not usually one for leaving apprentices behind on their own, but all paws are needed on deck." Seeing blank looks from the four cats he was with, the former rogue corrected himself, "Ah... means that we need all the cats we can get to recover from the battle." Nightwing gazed toward the cliffs that housed the cave that was their camp with worry, Nightwing meowed, "Especially with Leafstar not coming out of his chamber for days now." Sighing, the two mentors padded away, leaving the three apprentices behind.

Hawkpaw, the brown tabby tom, stood up and meowed, his French accent ringing out into the cold, salt-scented air, "Now what should we do?" Bellpaw and Sagepaw stood and faced each other, a dangerous glint in both she-cats' eyes, causing their brown-furred companion to ask, confused, "What is the meaning of this?" Sagepaw meowed, not taking her eyes off of Bellpaw, "Something very, very important to the both of us, Hawkpaw." Bellpaw added, "Now, I suggest you sit to the side and watch as we fight it out." The brown tabby apprentice asked, even more confused, "What?" Sagepaw explained as the two she-cats stood up and began circling each other, "Time to finally settle it all down now." Bellpaw added, "Whiterose explained it to us, that in SeaClan we have an unspoken rule of one cat, one mate, and that's why we are doing this." Hawkpaw exclaimed, not believing his ears, "Oh la vache! This is why you 'ave been at each other's throats lately?" The two she-cats ignored the tom as they continued to circle each other, giving each other the death glare.

"Leave him!" Bellpaw hissed, pouncing on top of Sagepaw, "He and I are the same age, and we've talked to each other more!" Sagepaw growled, batting the smaller she-cat off of her quickly, "No, you leave him!" Bellpaw pounced on the black-and-white she-cat again as the gray-and-white apprentice spat, "I've lived longer in SeaClan than you have!" Sagepaw spat, hackles rising in hostility, "What has that got to do with this?" The she-cats began to wrestle on the ground so fiercely that Hawkpaw became scared. The brown tabby tom glanced back at the Sea Path, then at the fighting she-cats. The brown tabby then dashed away from the sandy hollow, forcing his paws to fly over the sandy terrain, toward the SeaClan camp. The young apprentice picked his way up the narrow Sea Path as fast as he dared to, and rushed inside. Once inside, Hawkpaw didn't hesitate once before rushing into Honeytuft's chamber.

Honeytuft was in the middle of teaching Dapplepaw about herbs when Hawkpaw came bursting in, calling urgently, "'elp, 'oneytuft!". The honey-colored tabby tom asked, surprised, "Hawkpaw?" The brown tabby tom meowed breathlessly, "Bellpaw and Sagepaw are in the Training Grounds, fighting!" Honeytuft stood up, followed by Dapplepaw, who meowed, "Are they using their claws?" Hawkpaw shook his head, "No, they aren't. But the wrestling is very rough, from what I 'ave seen." The honey-colored medicine cat nodded, meowing, "All right. Dapplepaw, see if there's any warriors in the warriors' chamber, and then follow me to the Grounds. I'll go down right now." The crippled calico she-cat nodded, "Will do, Honeytuft," and limped out of the chamber. Honeytuft nodded to Hawkpaw, "Let's go, we need to break up the fight as soon as we can, before they bring out their claws and it gets really serious." Nodding, the apprentice showed the medicine cat the way.

Back on the beach, the two apprentices continued to wrestle each other on the ground, the whites of their pelts becoming sandy brown with the amount of sand caught in their fur. Sagepaw growled, "Your mum ran away, scared! That's not something Hawkpaw would like!" Fighting back hot tears, Bellpaw screeched, "You! Take! That! Back! My mum only wanted the best for me, is all! She wasn't meant for Clan life!" She pounced with all her might, screeching, "You ran away from your old Clan because it was too confusing and not right for you! More like, you were too scared of what was happening there!" Sagepaw let out a furious screech, and soon the two she-cats were fighting, biting at each other's ears and scratching at each other's bellies in an attempt to push each other off of one another. Honeytuft arrived first and roared, "ENOUGH!" The two apprentices backed off of each other at the shout, panting as they turned to look at the medicine cat. Hawkpaw was there at his side, fear in his eyes. Bellpaw muttered, "Fox dung, now we're in trouble." Sagepaw shuffled her paws as she muttered, "I didn't think it'd be this serious." Honeytuft meowed sternly, "What's going on?" Hawkpaw piped up, "They said that they were going to fight to see who'd be my mate?" The honey-colored tom glanced at the she-cats and then at Hawkpaw, and meowed, incredulity on his face, "You three are apprentices! That stuff can wait til after being made warriors!" Turning to Bellpaw and Sagepaw, the tom ordered, "Come to my chamber, you two look like you were clawed by a badger or something during that fight of yours." Turning to Hawkpaw, Honeytuft meowed, "Follow me as well, I've sent Dapplepaw to find Ivynose, he'll track your mentors and we can figure out what happened." The brown tabby tom's whiskers drooped as he nodded, "All right, 'oneytuft." Grumbling slightly under his breath in French, Hawkpaw marched away toward camp, leaving the medicine cat with the two she-cats. Honeytuft meowed, his voice rising in volume, "I said, follow me." Bellpaw and Sagepaw meowed, refusing to meet each other's gaze, "Yes, Honeytuft," and trudged behind the tom toward camp.


      Word count: 1285
Last edited by winter solstice. on Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Prompt 2: "I hope the dawn never comes."

Postby winter solstice. » Sun Apr 22, 2018 8:04 pm

Prompt #2: "I hope the dawn never comes."

Featuring: Brightstream, Thistlepaw | Inspired by this stock photo, by zummerfish on deviantArt | Setting: The night Fogkit was murdered by Stormfang
The night sky tonight couldn't have been more brilliant. The moon shone brilliantly, casting its silver rays toward the ground; the sea below sparkled merrily, bathed in the moon's light. The stars seemed to touch the sea as they danced across the midnight-blue sky, with no cloud in sight. A pale shape, illuminated by the moonlight, slowly made its way down a precarious path. Its deliberate steps seemed so lonely against the dark backdrop of the dark stones that made up the cliff that it was traversing on. The shape paused once it was on the shores, allowing the moon to cast its unearthly radiance upon the creature. It was revealed to be that of Brightstream, the white-and-ginger deputy of SeaClan. The she-cat looked up at the beautiful scene that was painted across the night sky, only to sigh mournfully. Bowing her head, Brightstream began her lonely trek to where the sea met land once more.

Once she reached the shore, Brightstream allowed the sea water to lap gently at her paws as she cried out into the serene night air, "Do you hear me, Vinescratch? Fogkit?" She allowed her words to scatter to the winds as she stared into the depths of the ocean. The white-and-ginger she-cat continued, "Are you looking down at me right now? Over all the Clan?" The SeaClan deputy murmured brokenly, tears streaming down her face, "I miss you so much, both of you..." Closing her eyes, she whispered, "Why did you have to leave me and the rest of my kits behind? Why has StarClan taken you from me?" Knowing that she would not receive any replies, the white-and-ginger she-cat stood up. Turning back to head back to camp, the SeaClan deputy saw the face of a familiar gray tom.

Brightstream asked, "Thistlepaw? What are you doing out here? You'll catch a cough." Her son meowed, shaking his head, "No I won't, mum. Listen," he added, padding up beside the grieving she-cat, "I know that it's unfair, mum, that both dad and Fogkit were taken away from us so early. But maybe StarClan did it on purpose. To tell us that this world isn't all about nice things," he insisted. The fluffy gray apprentice went on, gently nudging his mother back toward the camp, "Come on, mum, there can be good things and bad things in life, but it just doesn't mean that they always have to be opposite each other." Brightstream burst out, fighting back tears that were threatening to overwhelm her, "But why them?" Thistlepaw shook his head, "I don't know why, but StarClan works in mysterious ways, as Honeytuft and Leafstar told us. Maybe they are gone for a reason, maybe they aren't. But it's for us, the living, to carry out our duties in memory of them." Brightstream murmured, "I can't go on, not without Vinescratch and Fogkit..." Thistlepaw growled, frustration showing in his eyes, "But you must, mother! You are SeaClan's deputy. There's a Clan that's looking up to you for hope and strength, and there's a leader who's looking up to you for help and guidance." Swallowing back his own tears, the gray tom concluded softly, his mew slightly off-key, "We need you. Hollypaw needs you, Dapplepaw needs you. I need you." The mother and son then embraced each other tightly as both broke into great sobs that carried up into the skies.

Some time passed, and Brightstream and Thistlepaw separated. Noticing the lightening of the skies as a sign of the coming morning, the SeaClan deputy murmured, "We'd better get back, you'll catch a cough." Thistlepaw chuckled weakly, "Haha, so will you, mum, let's get both of us back to camp." Looking back up to the sky, the two cats each sent silent prayers to StarClan, and then made the journey back to camp together, hope renewed for the coming day.


      Word count: 644
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Prompt 3: "They never crossed the stream."

Postby winter solstice. » Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:34 am

Prompt #3: "They never crossed the stream."

Featuring: Brightstream, Thornstar, Gorsetail | Setting: StarClan, after Brightstream's death | Notes: Thornstar is SeaClan's leader when it disbanded, 200+ moons before Leafstar came to power; Gorsetail is Leafstar's direct ancestor.
A white-and-ginger shape silently made her way through the sunlit forest, the river tinkling merrily to her right. The she-cat made her way hastily to the shore, where a black-and-gray tabby tom and a light ginger tabby tom where waiting for her. The white-and-ginger she-cat slowed down and dipped her head, finally stopping in front of the two cats, "Thornstar, Gorsetail. Forgive me, I was preoccupied." Thornstar, the black-and-gray tabby tom, shook his head and meowed, his light amber eyes warm with understanding, "No, I understand, Brightstream. You've been in StarClan for a moon and have yet to find news of family." Gorsetail meowed kindly, "Come, walk with us, and we can discuss the topic." The former SeaClan deputy nodded gratefully, and the three StarClan cats slowly made their way to the cliffside path that led up to the home they had lived when they were alive.

Gorsetail meowed, "Well, there's good news and bad news." Thornstar explained, seeing confusion in the white-and-ginger she-cat's eyes, "Vinescratch, was it? He is not here with us." Brightstream demanded, sounding distressed, "What do you mean, not here? He couldn't have gone to the Place of No Stars?" Gorsetail meowed gently, "There, there, Brightstream, you haven't let Thornstar finish yet." Glancing at the former SeaClan leader before turning back to Brightstream, the light ginger tabby tom finished, "Vinescratch is alive and well, Brightstream." The former SeaClan deputy's eyes widened in shock as she exclaimed, "Vinescratch is alive?" "Yes!" Thornstar meowed, "he doesn't know that you are dead, and he certainly does not know what has happened in SeaClan, but he is alive and well in SwiftClan." Gorsetail added kindly, "He would have done anything to come visit you; however, as Stormfang is still with the Clan, and as the Clan believes him to be dead." Brightstream murmured, "Thank StarClan..." She then asked, her head snapping up as she remembered, "Fogkit? What of him?" Thornstar and Gorsetail exchanged confused glances before asking, "...who?" Brightstream blinked, "Fogkit. My son. I have four kits: Hollykit, Dapplekit, Fogkit, and Thistlekit. He died..." She realized, "OH! Stormfang killed him too, did he not?" Thornstar blinked, "Brightstream... I think you are mistaken. There is no one named Fogkit..." Brightstream stared after the two toms, meowing in disbelief, "I... can't believe this! I think I know how many kits I had, and who they were!" Thornstar meowed, shaking his head, "But we don't know about this Fogkit, how are we supposed to-" Brightstream spat, not letting the former leader finish, "I'll find him and prove you wrong!" She rushed out, heading toward the Pine Grove, instead of down to the beach, knowing that her son had gone into the forest, perhaps following Stormfang's trail.

Running through the silent forest, Brightstream found solace in the fact that no one seemed to remember her son, Fogkit. Brightstream called out, hope in her eyes, "Fogkit? Are you here?" No replies came back to her, and the desolate she-cat picked up her pace again, searching deeper and deeper into the Pine Grove.

Brightstream came to a screeching halt as she realized something. Her memories of Fogkit were getting fainter and fainter by the day, she realized. Horrified, the she-cat asked out loud, "What is the meaning of this? Why am I forgetting about my son?" The former SeaClan deputy searched her mind for remaining memories of her precious son. It was getting harder and harder for her to picture him; not only that, the rate at which the memories were getting fainter had picked up. Hot tears streamed down her face as the white-and-ginger she-cat screamed into the forest canopy above, "You hear me? I will NOT forget my precious Fogkit! He's my sweet son, and I will never forget him! I defy you, fate!" She strove to cling to the last few memories of her sweet kit, but however much she tried, the less and less she could remember. The she-cat sobbed, "No, no, no! You mustn't forget him! Please, no!"

It was only a few moments later before Brightstream opened her eyes. Noticing that tears were streaming down her face, the former SeaClan she-cat asked aloud, confused, "Why am I crying?" She could not remember why she had been crying, or for how long. "There must have been a reason for me crying... why?" When another search in her mind turned up nothing, Brightstream shrugged. Blinking away the tears, and giving herself a thorough wash, the StarClan she-cat headed back toward the SeaClan camp, knowing that she would always watch over all of SeaClan, ever vigilant, prepared against the evil that was Stormfang.


      Word count: 770
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Prompt 12: "Just....let me know."

Postby winter solstice. » Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:22 pm

Prompt #12: "Just....let me know."

Featuring: Solbang-ul, Suni | Setting: The Tribe of the Flowing Mist, the night Suni joined the Tribe
Solbang-ul, a longhaired brown tabby tom, led Suni, a brown tabby she-cat, out of the camp once night had fallen, glancing over his shoulder several times. Once they were out of earshot of any cats, the Daejang Sanyang-ggun ("boss hunter"; leader of the hunters) meowed, casting a side glance at the she-cat standing next to him, "Suni." The brown tabby she-cat sighed, "What are the chances of meeting you here, Sol?" Sol did not answer for a while, looking up into the star-studded night sky; when he did, his meow was quiet, careful, "Do you think that the ancestors meant for us to be together again?" Suni meowed quietly, "I... don't know. I haven't even thought of the existence of cats beyond death." Solbang-ul gazed at his former mate softly, meowing, "At first, I did not either, but I've come to believe that they do exist, even after death. Baram-sulsa ("wind shaman"; the Tribe-Healer of the Tribe of the Flowing Mist) has yet to be wrong with what he has told us about the near future, as told to him by the Tribe of Everlasting Spring." Suni echoed the unfamiliar words, "Tribe of Everlasting Spring?" The daejang sanyang-ggun nodded, "Aye, that's what he calls our ancestors." "I see," Suni replied, after which both fell into another period of awkward silence.

Suni meowed at last, deliberately stressing certain syllables to make her point, "Look, Sol, we were young, naive, fools, even, when we were together. We didn't know much as we declared each other mates." Sol nodded, a faraway look in his eyes, "I know, Suni. But I still say we should try to get back together again. Our ancestors brought us together for a reason," he pointed out gently, causing Suni to sigh. The brown tabby she-cat meowed, "I want to, Solbang-ul. I still love you with all my heart. But every time I look at you, I am reminded of our dead kits..." Sol flinched visibly as he let out a soft "oh." Suni continued, closing her eyes, "The day they were taken from us by hawks..." Sol murmured, pain clear in his face and voice, "I still remember that day too." Suni whispered, "If I'd known they'd be targeted like that..." "All three," the daejang sanyang-gun murmured, tears welling up in his eyes, "A hawk snatched up a kit, and then another swooped in and took another." He shook his head fiercely and meowed firmly, "It was my fault, Suni, I should have paid more attention." Suni shook her head, a haunted look in her eyes, "No, Sol, it was my fault. I'm the mother, not you. I should have looked after them more; instead I was focused on catching a hare while they played out in that open space!" The she-cat let out a wail of distress as she allowed the memories of that terrible day to come back to her full-force; Sol growled, "Suni, it wasn't your fault! They had weaned off of milk. They were old enough to play around, almost even ready to become a Tribe suryeonja (in-training/to-be)." His claws slid out as he clawed at the ground, clearly frustrated with himself, "We were just too young and hot-blooded to properly look after our kits. Our ancestors must have realized this and took them away as a lesson, a warning."

Suni sighed, "You are right, Solbang-ul. And that's why we should not get back together as mates." Solbang-ul looked at her for a long time, not saying anything. The tom finally spoke, his mew subdued, "Perhaps you are right. We were both foolish and hot-blooded, and we paid for it." Sighing, Suni nodded, "Then it's settled. We'll go back to camp, pretend nothing happened. You could say you tried to show me the territory, but decided it wasn't worth trekking around in the darkness, with predators about." Sol nodded, meowing, "Yeah, that sounds good." Turning to face his former mate again, the daejang sanyang-ggun added firmly, "Suni, just because we aren't mates doesn't mean that I don't love you at all." Suni nodded firmly, "Of course, Solbang-ul. I love you dearly, with all my heart. But it will never be the same again after that day." Sol nodded, concluding, "So what I want to say is... if there is anything you need to talk to another cat for, or if you need anyone to talk to in general... just, let me know, okay?" The brown tabby she-cat stared at her former mate for a few moments before nodding, "I will, Solbang-ul."

The two cats entwined their tails together for one last time before separating, and the two felines slowly picked their way back to camp, finally settled on one solution to what was bothering both.


      Word count: 792
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Prompt 39: "She said he said ... he needed to leave"

Postby winter solstice. » Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:35 pm

Prompt #39: "She said he said you said they said she said he needed to leave."

Featuring: Stormfang, Goosewing | Setting: After Stormfang is exiled; in the forest by the river
Leafstar meowed, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet here, beneath the Meeting Ledge, for a Clan meeting!" The sandy brown tabby tom watched as SeaClan cats came spilling into the chamber; when they had all finished settling down, the SeaClan leader meowed, "Today marks the third day after Stormfang's exile. Today will be the last day that we will patrol to make sure he is not scented nor seen in our territory." Shorefall, the deputy of SeaClan, meowed politely, "Leafstar, it seems that Ivynose picked up his scent trail last night near the river." Leafstar's eyes narrowed as outraged murmurs broke out from the crowd. The sandy brown tabby tom commanded, "Stormbreeze, take five warriors with you and track him down. If he is out of range, we will assume he is out of our territory by now," he added, "however." Stormbreeze, a solid gray tom, nodded, meowing, "Will do, Leafstar." "Why can't we go?" Hollypaw, Brightstream and Vinescratch's daughter, demanded, "we've learned tracking by now!" Before Thistlepaw could answer, Hollypaw's mentor, Whiterose, meowed gently, "No, Hollypaw, Stormfang is extremely dangerous. He's killed many cats before, why can't he kill again?" Hollypaw's whiskers drooped as she meowed, "I just hope mum and dad's okay up there." The white she-cat wrapped her tail around the ginger-and-white apprentice and mewed, "Come on, let's go and get you training." She nosed the she-cat toward the Sea Path as Shorefall followed with his apprentice Thistlepaw. Nodding, Leafstar meowed, "I will leave Stormbreeze to pick the cats for the patrol. Everyone else can return to your duties." With that, the SeaClan leader stepped down, leaving many eager warriors to crowd around the solid gray tom in charge. Stormbreeze meowed, "Uh, right, then." Looking around, he picked out cats at random, "Emberwhisker, Goosewing, Daisysong, Ivynose, Oakshadow." The five cats nodded grimly and, the patrol made their way to the river.

Goosewing, a solid gray she-cat, nosed her way through some thick foliage, noting the thick scent of wild garlic nearby. Glancing behind her furtively for many moments, the she-cat pushed forward, her ears perked up in alert. The SeaClan warrior then called out tentatively, "Stormfang?" For a few moments, there wasn't any reply. After taking a deep breath, Goosewing tried again, this time a little louder, "Stormfang?" A solid gray tom appeared from behind a large bush and asked, eyes narrowed as he scanned the area behind the she-cat, "Did anyone follow you, Goosewing?" Goosewing shook her head, "Not that I know of, Stormfang." The she-cat smiled thinly as she mewed, "You look thinner, Stormfang." The gray tom chuckled bitterly, "It's not easy keeping myself unseen and not tracked by the likes of Ivynose and Mintnose." He touched Goosewing's nose gently with his tail before meowing, his mew surprisingly gentle, "How have you been?" The gray she-cat whispered, "I've been getting better." She murmured, "I know you were a bad cat, I could feel it in you. But I saw good in you, Stormfang." The solid gray tom snorted as his mate went on, "And that's why I decided to follow my heart. You had a terrible kithood, and you found comfort and strength when you joined SeaClan, only to see it being taken over by something you believe was wrong." Stormfang nodded, "Yes, and I needed to root it out before it took over the rest of my Clan." Goosewing sighed, "But you are doing it all wrong, love. You didn't have to kill-" Stormfang interrupted, his green eyes blazing with anger, "No, it was necessary! Brightstream was deputy. She was at the top of the clan, just under Leafstar, and she was supposed to have shown them what loyal clan cats would do. Instead,"he insisted, "she went and sneaked off to see a tom she met during a Gathering!" Goosewing flattened her ears at her mate's outburst and mewed, "Quiet, Stormfang, they'll hear you." The solid gray tom sighed, scanning his surroundings again, "But that's probably not why you are here, Goosewing." The gray she-cat meowed, moving closer to him, "No. Ivynose scented you near here last night, and Leafstar ordered Stormbreeze to take five cats with him to search here. I was picked for it, luckily, and came to warn you." Her mate nodded, "They'll give up the chase when they know that I've left their territory. I'm leaving soon," he clarified, running his tail against Goosewing's flank gently, "but I hope to see you whenever I can." Goosewing nodded and meowed softly, "You better come visit."

Both cats' ears perked up in alert as they picked up a voice, "I picked up Goosewing's scent, and I can scent faint traces of Stormfang's here." Goosewing hissed urgently, nosing Stormfang away, "Go, my love! Go and hope you stay well!" The solid gray tom promised, "I'll return for you, love! I promise!" and bounded away. Goosewing stared after the way her mate had gone and meowed softly, "I hope you do, love. I'm carrying your kits, and they need their father." Sighing softly, the she-cat turned around and bounded away in another direction, just as Stormbreeze's face poked out of the thick foliage, his face screwed up in disgust at the sharp scent of wild garlic.


      Word count: 878
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Prompt 17: "Just relax!"

Postby winter solstice. » Wed Apr 25, 2018 7:25 pm

Prompt #17: "Just relax!"

Featuring: Leafstar, Whiterose | Setting: After Stormfang is exiled | Warning: Hurt, Comfort
"Leafstar," a white she-cat meowed, cautiously making her way into the dimly lit chamber, "I'm here." The sandy brown tabby did not reply, his back turned away from the entrance. His mate, Whiterose, meowed again, this time a little more forcefully, "Leafstar." The SeaClan leader turned around and croaked, "Go away." Whiterose gasped. Her mate's eyes were bloodshot, his face puffy, with tear stains all over his face. The white she-cat hurried to his side and demanded, worried, "What happened?" Leafstar forced his body to sit up as he rasped, his voice cracking like he hadn't used it in days, "Why are you here, Whiterose?" His mate meowed, "Leafstar..." The sandy brown tabby tom meowed quietly, "Just leave me alone." Whiterose shook her head and meowed, "No, Leafstar, you shouldn't punish yourself like this. You've suffered enough as it is." Leafstar let out a derisive snort and meowed, "That's not what the rest of the Clan thinks of me as. Have you heard them?" Whiterose stood to her full height and growled, frustration showing in her gray eyes, "Look here, Leafstar, snap out of it! Take it easy then, just relax for once, okay?" Leafstar stared at the white she-cat for several moments before turning away with a sigh. He meowed simply, "Why should I bother?" Whiterose stared at his mate in shock; it was then that she realized that the sandy brown tabby tom's shoulders were sagging visibly and his whiskers drooped. The white she-cat's heart went out for her mate and leader as she meowed, wrapping her tail around SeaClan's leader's body, "Do it for us, then Leafstar. If you can't do it for other cats, then at least stay and do your job for your Carrotpaw. For me." Leafstar looked at Whiterose for a few moments silently before he suddenly leaned into her. Taken by surprise, Whiterose only stood silently, dumbfounded, as Leafstar began to sob like a kitten who had lost his mother. Fighting back tears of her own, the white she-cat allowed the sandy brown tabby tom to lean against her, feeling his tears fall to the cold stone floor in rivulets. Whiterose murmured protectively, "There, there, Leafstar, let it all out. I promise, it will get better again."

Leafstar shivered slightly as he rasped, "I... must look silly like this, Whiterose." He managed a weak smile as he added, "Ridiculous, even." Whiterose stifled a smile as she teased, "Maybe a little, Leafstar." She snuggled tightly next to her mate and murmured firmly, "I'm staying with you tonight. Not even your most commanding voice will deter me from staying." Leafstar scowled good-naturedly before commenting heavily, "What a leader I am, allowing so many cats to die at my command." Whiterose growled, "No, Leafstar, they gave their lives so that we may continue to live and do as StarClan dictates us. They gave their lives so that we may win, so that their lives weren't given up in vain." Whiterose concluded firmly, surprising even herself, "I'm here to support you, no matter what." Before she could continue with a list of cats she knew that would stay at their side, a younger cat's voice startled them, "And you got me too, Leafstar.". A ginger-and-white face poked out from the darkness of the entrance as Carrotpaw, their apprentice-aged son, appeared. The young tom's green eyes looked solemn as he added, "Don't worry, father, I won't let anyone take over without a good fight." He smiled bravely as he went on, "Many of us support you still, you know. You were the one that StarClan chose to rebuild SeaClan, Leafstar. Not Stormfang, not Shorefall, not Ravenwish." He then paused before continuing urgently in a low voice, "Speaking of Ravenwish..." only to be interrupted by his father's stern meow, "Later, Carrotpaw." Glancing back at his mother, the ginger-and-white tom nodded sheepishly, "Right." Whiterose blinked in confusion, "Huh?" "You'll find out eventually," Leafstar admitted, "only Carrotpaw and I should know of this for now." Offering a slightly bigger, more genuine smile, the sandy brown tabby tom meowed, "Now, the moon has climbed to its peak tonight, let's get back to sleep." Whiterose, successfully distracted, meowed, "Right, Carrotpaw, off you go, back to the apprentices' chamber." Carrotpaw opened his mouth to protest before glancing back at his father. Clearing his throat, the apprentice nodded and meowed formally, "Of course, Leafstar, Whiterose. Good night!" and excused himself first. Turning to face Whiterose, the she-cat who had been by his side since almost the beginning of SeaClan, Leafstar murmured, entwining his tail with hers, "If all else fails, we will put our faith in StarClan." Nodding, Whiterose meowed, "Exactly." She eased herself into the space next to her mate as she ordered, "Now, be a good cat and lie back down, Leafstar. I'm ordering you to sleep as your mate." Leafstar scowled good-naturedly and whined, "But..." The white warrior warned playfully, "No buts!" Chuckling softly, Leafstar remarked, "You must have a talent for helping me cope with things." He gave his mate's cheek a fond lick before he too lay down to sleep.


      Word count: 850
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