1X1 with arvanien

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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Tue Apr 17, 2018 6:32 pm


" Absolutely! He's definitely cuter than any puppy I've ever seen." Basil agreed, giving a bubbly laugh. She gave Juniper's head one final pat before standing up and straightening her sweater. " I'm ready if you are," She said cheerfully, following Kyran out of the room as he held the door open for her, " Thank you".

Quietly stepping into Celeste's room, Basil froze for a second, her heart feeling as if it had shattered into a million pieces at seeing Celeste and Arion like this. Part of her wanted to rush over to Arion to comfort him and tell him that Celeste would be okay and that she was strong. But, she couldn't find the words to say; Basil was to tongue tied to make coherent sentence at the moment, much less comfort someone who's sibling was dying. Swallowing back tears, she shuffled out, murmuring a quiet, " I'll be outside" to Kyran.

Basil quietly shut the door with a soft click. She walked out into the hall, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. She pressed her back to the wall and sat down on the cold tile floor. " I'm so, so sorry for everything that's happened. Neither of you deserve this" Basil whispered, letting her tears roll down her cheeks silently. Celeste seemed to be centimeters away from death, despite the healer's efforts. And Arion looked so weak and exsausted that he wasn't looking that much better than his sister. A part of her, perhaps selfishily, wanted to tell the nurse to stop the transfusion and find another blood donor. Though she wasn't a nurse, she questioned why a doctor would let him do a transfusion. Arion didn't look as if he could handle much more stress on his body and mind.

Basil covered her face as she inaudibly sobbed. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for all of this Small, thorned, rose buds sprouted up at her feet, creating a tiny barrier between her and the door. But there's nothing I can do. Basil's shoulders shook as she quietly cried. " I want to go home" She whispered, the tiredness obvious in her voice" Or is that too selfish?"


Juniper let Kyran pick him up and carry him out. He rested his head on the Quell boy's shoulder tiredly, though his tail didn't stop wagging. Everything will be okay as long as Celeste and I are together again He thought, his heart practically bursting with joy at the thought of finally holding Celeste's hand again and telling her how much he loved her. It was the only thought that was keeping him together at this point. Juniper didn't notice his weakness or injuries as long as he was thinking of his precious Celeste.

As Kyran opened the door to Celeste's room, Juniper couls already sense that something was wrong. Blinking in the darkness, he spotted Celeste, hooked up to machines and barely alive. His mind went blank for a moment, blinded by grief. The sorrow he was feeling was far worse than the pain or poison. Celeste.... no... please! I can't lose you! Juniper pushed himself out of Kyran's arms, hitting the floor painfully. Though, the only thing he registered was Celeste; he didn't feel anything or see Arion sitting on her other side. Juniper scrambled over to Celeste, transforming mid stride. He stood by her bedside and delicately put his hand on hers as if he were afraid of hurting her," Celeste....darling " Juniper murmured, his heart broken voice shaking. Unashamedly, hot tears ran down his cheeks as he very delicatly put his hand on hers, " Darling... y-you promised... you promised you'd ... w-wait for me....D-don't...leave me here... alone. I love you....I can't... I can't live without you" Juniper's shoulders shook as the room began to darken before his eyes. His knees buckled underneath him and he felt himself falling backwards. Unconscious, the injured Howler hit the floor with a solid, Thump! .
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:20 pm


Kyran stood quiet in pure shock for a couple moments, only able to nod mutely as Basil told him that she'd be outside. No! Please...no...I-I shipped them! Blood roared in his ears, making the somber slience of the room absolutely deafening. His thoughts were dull and sluggish; the fact that Juniper had jumped out of his arms didn't even register in his mind until Kyran saw the Howler standing transformed by Celeste's bedside. "Juniper," he tried to say, but his once-cheerful, high-pitched voice came out wispy and strangled. Why is it that the younger couples die more often? He thought, sickened to the stomach at the realization.

The dark skinned boy stumbled forwards, the hospital uniform he wore seeming to snare his legs in his attempt to reach the couple. He was barely able to catch Juniper as he fell backwards, staggering under his burden. Silent, grief-stricken tears of his own rolled down his face, hitting and absorbing into the hospital mask over his mouth. Kyran hooked his arms under Juniper's, unable to lift him in his human form. "Juniper...buddy," He gasped, his voice unable to make it past the lump in his throat. His heart had torn in half at the sight of his new friend holding Celeste's hand and begging her to wait for him, telling him he loved her and couldn't live without her - especially in Arion's presence. Kyran was deeply empathetic, and he was only beginning to grasp how intense and devoting Juniper's love for Celeste was.

Kyran slowly dragged Juniper out of the room, sobbing uncontrollably as his skinny frame shook with emotion and exertion. With much effort, he managed to get his friend back into their room and onto the bed. Gasping through his tears, the Quell boy began to administer more healing potion into Juniper's system, too distraught to find another Quell with purple hair. "You're gonna make it, puppy. And so will she," he murmured through sobs, watching Juniper as he finished the procedure. Even in his anguished state, Kyran wasn't foolish enough to accidentally administer too much potion.


Arion made no move at all as Juniper made his way over to Celeste, not even seeming to see him. The only thought that remained on his dimmed, fractured mind was to let his beloved sister have a good chance at life by giving his own blood. The blood transfusion was only a small part of it; the pain of seeing Celeste like this and the intense pressure of making it through a third night in a row without sleep had crushed him. He closed his eyes, draping himself on the nearest machine as he slumped over even more. His left arm, the one with the IV in it, was still stretched out in front of him towards Celeste. Procedure takes one to four hours...feels like a lifetime already, his mind protested weakly, buckling under the pressure threatening to crush it. He couldn't even see the healer moving back and forth between them and the readings on the machine, determination chiseled into her face. "Basil...need Basil," he mumbled faintly, though no one seemed to hear him. Arion forced himself to stay awake; the transfusion was still being carried out and he just couldn't pass out now.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Wed Apr 18, 2018 3:21 am


Basil glanced up as Kyran dragged Juniper’s unconscious body into the hallway. A stab of remorse made her heart ache even more as she saw Kyran crying. The Quell boy had been so cheerful when they had met before; seeing him this grief-stricken was almost too hard to register. Basil quickly got to her feet, swiping her eyes before she when over to help. Minding Juniper’s badly injured shoulder, she wrapped her arm around his waist to help Kyran carry him. Basil was shorter and more petite than Juniper was, but she was very strong despite her size. “ Kyran?” She said quietly, remembering that was what Arion had called the coffee skinned Quell. At first, she was going to ask what had happened and if Celeste and Juniper would be alright, but she thought better of it. There was no point in upsetting him any more than he already was. Basil’s already quiet voice softened a bit more from concern, “Are you okay?”. As soon as they had gotten Juniper onto the bed, she fumbled in her pocket for her handkerchief before she remembered that she had given it to Arion yesterday. That feels like so long ago… before any of this happened Basil thought wistfully, though she didn’t dwell on it for very long.

Determinedly, she put her hand on Kyran’s shoulder. “Arion can’t go through with the transfusion.” Basil said, the distress clear in her voice, “I-I’m afraid he’s going to wind up hurting himself. He’s already pushed himself too far and I know he just wants to help, but I can’t let him do this. Surely there must be another way…. or someone else to...” She trailed off, a sudden realization coming to her. “Is there any way I can take his place? I have O- blood; I’m a universal donor. A-and I’m in much better shape than Arion is.” Basil asked hopefully. If it would help both Arion and Celeste, then she was more than willing to give her blood. It may not have been a very attractive sacrifice, but she sincerely wanted to help if she could.


Juniper didn’t stir as Kyran caught him and carried him back to the other room. Instead of his usual little smile, his expression looked almost pained as he “slept”. Though thankfully, his breathing seemed to come a little easier than before and his lips weren’t blue any more. Most likely, Juniper had passed out from overexertion and simply the pure shock of seeing his Celeste in such a lifeless state. He hadn’t realized how weak he was until he had blacked out from just standing up too fast.

After what felt like forever, Juniper’s eyes slowly fluttered open. Everything was far too bright, and his head pounded with a terrible headache. Sluggishly, he turned his head to look up at Kyran. Juniper’s purple eyes had lost their lively sparkle and were filled with sorrow; his expression was one of pure-heartbreak. “Celeste…” He murmured almost inaudibly. His thoughts were so fuzzy that he couldn’t seem to think about anything other than the memory of his beloved Celeste pale and lifeless. Hot tears ran down his cheeks, though he didn’t have the energy or want to brush them away. Juniper swallowed hard, squeezing his eyes shut as if he were in unbearable pain, “CELESTE!” He screamed mournfully, throwing his head back. Choking on his tears, Juniper’s entire frame shook with grief as he whispered, “C-celeste…. I need you... d-don’t leave me…”
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Wed Apr 18, 2018 5:24 am


Kyran glanced up as Basil helped him carry Juniper, his eyes red and puffy. "Y-yeah, I'm f-f-fine" he said shakily, still trying to stifle his sobs. "H-He just went-went down at the-the sight of h-h-her," he cried, more tears streaming down his face, making his hospital mask even more soaked. Kyran had only known Juniper for a little more than an hour, but there was something so invitingly sweet about the Howler that had completely won the Quell boy over. It wasn't hard to win Kyran's affection, but when Juniper had done it better than most people could.

"A-Arion?" He repeated, renewing his attention on Basil after zoning out for a second, "I'm s-sure he'll b-b-be okay, really. Ad-adults can give...give up to one-one p-pint of blood in a t-tr-transfusion," he stated professionally between gasps. It seemed like poor Kyran just couldn't stop crying. He was going to say more but gave up trying to talk at all. His slender shoulders shook as he mumbled something along the lines of "Sorry I'm such a crybaby."

Kyran watched Juniper mournfully, his chest aching at how the expression on his friend's face had changed so sadly. The Quell boy wiped at his face, managing to finally stop sobbing, though now he had caught the hiccups. As Juniper opened his eyes, the male nurse perked up hopefully. Had the potion worked? It couldn't fix the sorrow that filled the Howler's eyes, though. He chewed his lip anxiously, then jumped back four feet like a scared rabbit as Juniper let out his pained scream. But Kyran quickly recovered and rushed back to Juniper's side. He shook his head mutely, feeling like he was just going to cry again. Grabbing Juniper's hand, he felt utterly helpless. Administering the healing potion was all he could do; the male nurse knew he couldn't treat the non-physical suffering Juniper was going through. His devotion for Celeste had both impressed and grieved the Quell boy. "She's not gonna leave you, buddy. Just *hic* get some rest and she'll wake up soon." Kyran hiccuped again, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand. I'm the most useless nurse in this entire building, he thought dejectedly, his eyes stinging.


Over an hour had passed, but it was clear the transfusion would take longer than that. Arion prayed that it wouldn't be four hours, but he was ready to fight his way through it if it was going to last that long. Although the siblings weren't biologically related, their blood types happened to be the same. After watching the transfusion carefully for the first thirty minutes in case of anything adverse happening, the nurse sat down on Celeste's other side and placed her hands on her stomach, beginning to fill Celeste's body with a soft violet glow.

The trio sat in silence, the only noise was that of the sturdy machine doing the transfusion. Arion's head had dropped to his chest in exhaustion; the only thing keeping him upright was the pole the infusion pump was on as he leaned heavily on it. His mind was too cloudy to form coherent thoughts - he just knew that he had to stay until she woke up. The only thing he could feel was the tube in his arm pulsing slightly as it continued to pump blood from his body to his sister's.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Wed Apr 18, 2018 8:35 am


Basil chewed her lip nervously, her heart breaking to see poor Kyran so upset. She didn’t know the nurse personally, but he seemed like a very sweet and compassionate guy. It was obvious that he cared about Juniper even if they hadn’t known each other very long. Basil gave a slight nod, “Okay,” She said, though she wasn’t sure if Kyran really was alright. The poor nurse looked as if he were falling apart, though it wasn’t her place to judge- she wasn’t handling the stress well either. Basil’s eyes were red and puffy from crying and her hands wouldn’t stop shaking no matter how she tried to control it. She was worried about Arion and terrified that Celeste wasn’t going to make it, she was just as worried about Juniper and in a way, Kyran. She wished there was some way to comfort him or at least make him feel a bit better. “You’re not a crybaby, Kyran.” Basil insisted in her quiet voice, “ You…. You’ve just got a big heart.” She smiled a bit, suddenly wishing she could give him a hug. But, she was sure that the nurse didn’t want random hugs from someone he didn’t even know. Instead, she looked around the hospital room and grabbed a couple tissues. Keeping a couple for herself, Basil quietly offered Kyran some so that he didn’t have to wipe his nose with his hand, “ I think you’re a great nurse, honestly.”

Basil anxiously yanked on her bangs with her free hand, thinking over what he had said about Arion. Maybe he’s right…. Arion can handle himself, right? I mean, he knows what he’s doing, and the nurses are there monitoring everything. But… I know Arion would risk his own life to save Celeste’s Basil couldn’t help but worry about him, but there was really nothing she could do. “Yeah, I’m sure he’s doing okay” She agreed hollowly. Deep down, she was afraid that Arion wasn’t alright; when she had seen him, he had looked ready to pass out. Though Basil didn’t want to interfere, she couldn’t let him hurt himself- or worse.


Juniper sobbed mournfully, not seeming to notice that Kyran or Basil was in the room. He barely even glanced over at them as the two Quell spoke to one another. As Kyran took his hand, Juniper finally seemed to register the coffee skinned Quell’s presence. Kyran had been so kind to him after all this time. And his cheerful, optimistic attitude had cheered up Juniper before, but there wasn’t anything the nurse could do to fix the grief that was weighing on his chest. Juniper’s anguished sobs began to quiet a bit, “I-I can’t rest,” He protested weakly, his eyes filled with sorrow, “N-not until I know… Celeste’s gonna be okay.” Juniper attempted to sit up, but he couldn’t without feeling as if the room were spinning. “ Please … p-please just… take me to her…. “He pleaded, “I have to… I h-have to be with her” Juniper’s frame shuddered as he gave a broken sob. Being apart from Celeste when she was so ill was almost unbearable for him. He couldn’t let himself rest while she was comatose; what if she woke up and he wasn’t by her side? Juniper desperately wanted to be there for her, no matter what. It permanetly scar him- or even kill him- if Celeste died. This is all my fault Juniper sobbed miserably, I'm so sorry darling... I wish... i wish things were different.... I wish I could trade my life for yours. You don't derserve this.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Wed Apr 18, 2018 12:19 pm


Kyran exhaled shakily, swallowing audibly. But he seemed to cheer up a little at Basil's kind words, a hint of his smile coming back. "You're too nice, miss," he sniffled, throwing his arms around her. "N-no one ev-ever told me I was any g-good at nursing. Y-you're the best." He started crying on Basil's shoulder as if she was his mother, totally forgetting about the tissues she offered him. After a few moments of crying into Basil's sweater, he remembered himself and stood up, apologizing awkwardly as he plucked the tissues from her hand. "I-I'm sorry," he murmured, embarrassed. "I just...uh...sorry," He repeated, then looked away and blew his nose, visibly flustered.

Kyran turned his attention to Juniper, throwing away his tissue and brushing his curly orange and maroon hair out of his eyes. "I'll help you get to her," the nurse promised, still touched by what Basil had said to him. Kyran pushed the gurney over to the bedside and draped Juniper's good arm over his neck. "Okay, you ready? I'll just put you on the old girl." He patted the gurney as if it were a dog.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Wed Apr 18, 2018 2:45 pm


Basil was caught off guard for a moment as Kyran threw his arms around her and began to cry on her shoulder. She smiled softly to herself, hugging him back gently. Kyran really was a sweet guy, " It's the truth though! You're excellent at nursing" Basil said sincerely. She thought that he was very knowledgeable and empathetic towards his patients, from what she had seen. Very gently, she rubbed Kyran's back in a comforting way as he cried into her sweater. Basil honestly didn't mind it, letting him take all the time he needed to. Truthfully, she was just glad that a few kind words and a hug had helped him feel a bit better. "Don't be sorry," She said, with a slightly teary smile, "It's alright, really". Basil swiped at her eyes with the other tissues, hoping her masara hadn't smudged and made her look like a sleep deprived racoon. But, she didn't dwell on it for long; as soon as Kyran mentioned taking Juniper back over to Celeste's room, she strode over to the bedside to help move the injured Howler onto the gurney.


Juniper visibly perked up a bit as Kyran said he would help. Though the cheerful sparkle hadn't returned to his eyes, it wasn't hard to tell that the promise of being with his beloved Celeste had lifted his spirits. "T-thank you, Kyran " He said, mustering up a small, watery smile. It was a ghost of his cheerful, crooked grin, but at least he wasn't sobbing uncontrollably anymore. "You... you're amazing, buddy. Kyran had been so kind to him; there wasn't enough he could say to thank the compassionate nurse. Juniper rubbed his eyes tiredly with one hand, taking a shaky breath. Exhaustion and grief was written all over his face, but he knew he's be alright if he was was with Celeste. Once he was sure that she was okay, then he would rest for a bit. "I'm ready" He nodded with more confidence than he actually felt.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Thu Apr 19, 2018 4:10 pm


Kyran gave Basil a tearful but joyous smile. "You're the first one to ever say anything like that to me, miss Basil. I-I can't believe you really think so," He stammered, both deeply touched and bashfully pleased. Basil hadn't even minded him crying on her shoulder; and they were basically complete strangers. Kyran was such an affectionate boy, he was already starting to look up to Basil as an older sister. Though his dark brown eyes were still rather red and puffy, a hint of his usual cheerful and open smile was coming back.

Kyran grinned even more as he saw Juniper perk up. It absolutely melted him to see how much Juniper adored Celeste. He didn't know anything about them, but it made him inexplicably happy. The Quell boy was a bit of a romantic in that way. "It's my pleasure," he beamed happily at Juniper before getting him onto the gurney with Basil's help.

He slowly pushed Juniper out of the room after making sure he was comfortable. Kyran hoped he wouldn't pass out again. He stayed silent as he opened the door to Celeste's room, praying that nothing disastrous would happen like last time.



The transfusion had finished; all that was left of it were the bandages on Celeste's and Arion's arms. Arion was no longer slumping motionless; he was sitting close to Celeste and holding her hand. He was pale, looked utterly drained and ridden with worry, yet there was a sort of energy around him. But it wasn't the lively and happy kind, it was more like the kind of energy that transfixes a corpse getting an electric shock. An entire empty coffee pot sat on the table nearby; explaining why Arion's bloodshot, hazel eyes were wide open and quite insane as he gazed at Celeste's face, over-caffeination written in every line of his figure. "Basil!" he gasped happily, almost wrenching the armrests off of the chair he was sitting in. Arion didn't even seem to notice Kyran or Juniper.

Celeste seemed to be leaning more towards life than death now; she wasn't as deathly pale as before. Her cheeks were slightly pink; Arion's donation of blood and the purple magic had pulled her back from the brink. The oxygen tubes attached to her nostrils had been removed now that she could breathe more easily. She stirred a little after the trio entered, but didn't wake up. The nurse was standing by, a relieved smile on her face instead of her usual strict-looking expression.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Fri Apr 20, 2018 4:30 am


It was sweet to see how her kind words had touched Kyran. Basil was glad to see him looking a bit more like his cheerful self. They may have been basically strangers, but she already liked him in a sort of brotherly way. Kyran was very sweet and easily one of the most compassionate nurses she had ever met- he was hard not to like. The smol precious bean must be protected Basil smiled back at him cheerfully, somehow feeling a bit better than she had before.

Subconsciously, she held her breath as she followed behind Kyran, though she hesitated to go in Celeste’s darkened room. She felt as if she shouldn’t stay- after all Arion probably didn’t want her hanging around while his sister was so ill. Truthfully, Basil probably didn’t really belong here at all. She knew her presence wasn’t that important, but she had wanted to stay to support him. Although, the more she thought about it; Arion honestly didn’t need a babysitter or someone to hold his hand, right? Basil nervously chewed her lip, debating on whether to go in or stay out in the hall. As Arion called her name, compassion won out over logic. “ Arion?” Basil smiled, though worry tugged at her heart. The insane light in his eyes was a bit unnerving. She had never seen Arion like this before- though she told herself that it was just over-caffeination and worry that was making him act a bit strangely. Hesitantly, Basil stepped into the room and went over to him, though she made sure to stay out of the way of the nurse and medical machines. As her gaze wandered over to the bed, she was relieved to see that Celeste seemed to be doing a lot better than before. It seemed that Celeste was slowly healing even though she still hadn't woken up just yet.


Juniper was grateful for both Kyran and Basil's help as they helped him onto the gurney, though he stubbornly thought that he could walk over to Celeste’s room if he were careful. Still, he was anxious to be with Celeste as soon as possible. Every moment he was away from her made Juniper's heart ache badly. The injured Howler boy nervously fidgeted as he lay on the gurney; it was obvious that he was anxious to be with his beloved Celeste.

As soon as Kyran pushed open the door to Celeste's room, Juniper looked ready to rush over to her side, though he thought better of himself. He didn't want to pass out again from jumping up to fast. Pushing himself up with his good arm, Juniper broke into a soft, sorrowful smile as he saw Celeste clearly. Everything else in the room simply seemed to fade into the background, even Arion holding his sister's hand. All Juniper saw was Celeste's lovely face, delicately framed by her soft, pastel colored hair. It made his heart pound in his chest rapidly to see some of the life return to her face. There weren't even words to describe how relieved he was to see even just a hint of life from Celeste. It gave him hope that she would be able to wake up soon. Juniper desperately wanted to feel the soft warmth of her hand in his again and see the joyous sparkle in her beautiful blue eyes.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Fri Apr 20, 2018 9:31 am


He beamed at Basil, his weariness dissipating. "Basil, Basil, she's going to live," he shouted, rubbing Celeste's hand in pure elation. (She didn't even stir.) Compounded with the pure relief that Celeste was going to make it, the excitement from seeing his darling made Arion feel as if he had shed a hundred pounds of heavy armor. Putting his arm affectionately around Basil as she came to him, he gently pulled her into his lap and hugged her warmly. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked, suddenly overwhelmed with concern as he noticed how exhausted she looked. His big hazel eyes were still wide open in a crazy manner, but they didn't seem quite as listless as before as he looked at her worriedly. Basil had given up her time to be with him; she must have been worn out to the bone. Plus, she looked like she had been crying. Arion folded her to his chest, hoping to comfort her.



Kyran beamed at the good news. He was so happy for someone he didn't even know, he didn't even seem to be intimidated by Arion at the moment. "Okay puppy-I mean Juniper," Kyran squeaked, pushing the gurney as close to the bed as possible without being killed by Arion.

Celeste opened her eyes slowly, looking disoriented and dizzy. No sooner had she done so, Arion laughed with pure delight - it sounded a bit insane to be honest - and reached for her, keeping one arm around Basil. Celeste smiled at the sight of him, but looked too weak to even lift her hand. "Arion," she whispered faintly, her eyes sparkling as she looked at her brother. She obviously had many questions, but the most important was, "Wh-where's Juni-"

"You may kiss the bride." Kyran interrupted Celeste grandly and wrapped his arm around Juniper, helping him sit up. Arion tore his gaze away from Celeste for one second to give Kyran a murderous death glare, his bloodshot eyes glinting madly. "I'll kill you later," he snarled at Juniper, but was clearly in a better mood than before. "Please don't!" Kyran squealed, pushing Juniper closer to Celeste. He was quite obviously already their biggest shipper.
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