♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Closing Down

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby doc . » Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:09 am

A R I S T I D ExxxL A F L E U R
──────────── [ " That was unfortunate. " ] ──
He/Him _ Cecaelia _ Form _ _ 20 _ Bisexual _
Tags: Pheren


He could've written a book about her, the first million chapters all on describing her. Though it would've been hard, for there were no words explaining her as she was.
They knew each other as they were, they knew enough about family to where it didn't get extremely personal. They both knew an amount about their personality. They weren't complete strangers.
Yet love managed to keep them together, no matter what.
He purred and pulled from the quick peck to the lips to see she had been flustered, and he grinned while tilting his head a little to hear what she had to say about him being 'cute'.
He never really thought of himself as cute, and he chuckled while nodding and knowing it had been true. He smiled and gently put his arms around her waist as he pulled her in for another kiss. Surely this could go on forever? If only...
He felt warm, despite the temperature outside, he knew Pheren had his jacket but even then.. he was getting a little hot.
Things were so quiet, he pulled away and opened his eyes when she did and he swore he could hear her heartbeat.
Though his mind was racing along with his own heart, he decided to take it a little more slowly now. He shook his head and gently rubbed her arm while hugging her close
"No worries.. I enjoyed zat quite well."
The frenchman glanced to his watch and exhaled, their time together was coming to an end. But there was always tomorrow.
"Pheren, mon amour.. Our time runs out.. Its best I return you to your dorm soon."
His tone was upset, with a hint of sadness. It was clear he didn't want to give her up, he wanted to live in this moment forever. But he was the type of man who couldn't be stopped if he needed to get something done.
Her birthday was fast approaching, and paintings didn't paint themselves

K R I S T I A NxxxL U D W I G
──────────────── [ " I vill heal you! " ] ────
He/Him _ Winged Hybrid _ Form _ _ 25 _ Homosexual
Tags: Abel

He breathed in and out before nodding, happy to know that this man was glad to go out with him. It made him happy, and it made him feel like he meant something.
"Oh good.." he purred, pulling the other just a little closer
"I vas hoping you'd say yes."
He hummed and looked over to the horizon, losing himself just a little. A hand moved to rub his cheek as he nodded
"Kristian.. you fool.." he seethed. He actually meant something.. to someone.
Sniffling softly, the red faced German removed his glasses to clean them.
"Don't mind me.. sorry.. I get too emotional over zese zings.."

J A N ExxxD O E
─────────────────── [ " Oorah " ] ───────
He/Him _ Deer Hybrid _ Form _ _ 22 _ Bicurious
Tags: Allen

He mentally shamed himself, he knew this wasn't right.. that he'd be punished for such actions.
But he, like Allen, was in a place where he could be wherever he wanted to be. And right now, he wanted to be with Allen.
"No.. No its not that.." he chuckled, his voice raising just a little bit as he lifted his head off his shoulder.
"I'm sorry for uh.. hugging you, sir.. I mean.. jeez.."
He rubbed his forehead and knew he was getting flustered over the pettiest of things
"I keep calling you names.. I know its Allen.. sorry."
His cheeks went red as he took a step back and stuffed his hands into his pockets. If they were able to, his horns would've matched his cheeks
"I get this way a lot.."

T A V I S HxxxD E G R O O T
───────────────── [ " Hae at 'em, lads! " ] ─────
He/Him _ Dragon Hybrid _ Form _ _ 25 _ Bisexual
Tags: Rosa

He blinked and sat there watching her. There was literally nothing left to this story, besides the mechanical arm. It wasn't that spooky, he hummed and bit his lip while sitting back.
"Strange.." he said while shrugging and figuring he'd have to come up with another story. There weren't many he knew, but he did know one that was pretty good.
"Ah got one fer ya. It ain't scary, but its sorta gushy."
He too smoothed his.. kilt.. out before crossing his legs like a lady. Good thing he was wearing underwear on under it.
"Its aboot two kiddos.. youngun's in lorv. Ya wanna hear it?"

N I C O L A SxxxC R O W D E R
──────────────── [ " Why would you do that? " ] ────
He/Him _ Croc Hybrid _ Form_ 23 _ Pansexual
Tags: Scarlet

He laughed and tried to back up, to avoid her as much as possible. He was good with strategies, especially when it came to places like this. There was always one place-
Suddenly he was tackled while thinking of an escape, letting out a surprised noise as he splashed back and slipped
She was now in control of him, and he had no idea how she had managed to do so. How..?
It didn't matter, right now he was too busy laughing and writhing around as she tickled him
"AH! No!" he laughed, grinning and trying to kick his legs feebly
If he wasn't a crocodile hybrid, he would've been drowning by now
"Scarlet! Ach!"
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby Angered Kitty » Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:15 pm

She was delighted to be tickling such a grown man and to see so much joy from him as if he were a child. He seemed to be taken by suprise, he didn't seem to notice that she had the upper hand. Allowing him to breath and come up for air she continued to tickle him until she saw tears of laughter forming under his eyes. Looking down into his gaze, she saw two beautiful eyes almost of diamonds. Quickly letting go of him as her face turned a bright red and she walked a few feet away from him, trying her best to cover her face with her hands and putting her hair over her face as best she could. The way he said her name had seemed like this was some Cliche teen drama. She felt her face only getting hotter as she thought about it more. "Uhhmm.... hmm.....umm...." She mumbled to herself, trying to stop herself from embarassing herself once again.
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby Fruitywhales » Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:10 pm

Pheren Creedon

Location;; Outside/Tags;; Aristide

If she could keep time in a bottle, she'd capture this moment forever. The memory in the glass container would sit on her wooden desk, so she could remember this wonderful night right before she fell asleep. She smiled up at him, easing into the hug, his cologne comforting her.
Her heart beat for him, the pounding rattling her chest.
She wanted to stay with him forever, under the midnight stars...
Where they could paint stories with their words, and tell the tales of the stars that shone from above. But the brightest star that glowed through her darkness was Aristide himself. There was no need to watch the other ones in the sky, not when he was there with her. She didn't realize how much she loved him until she imagined him gone, out of her life forever. The thought almost made her cry.
She caught his disappointed stare, thinking for a moment she had done something wrong. Though that wasn't the case.
He had to leave.
She could feel her heart sink when he announced that it was time for him to go back to his dorm.
"Hey..." She lifted his head gently, "I understand, It's not like we're saying goodbye forever, silly."
She let go, getting up from the bench, her florescent wings folding behind her. Better times were yet to come between them, and there was always tomorrow.
Her hands patted at her dress, snowflakes flurrying off, her lovely eyes meeting Aristide once again.
"Tonight was really wonderful... Thank you for inviting me back at the pool."
She was terrible at handling emotions and was convinced he must have felt like it was a hassle to keep her around.
She wanted to apologize for it but kept her lips pressed together.

Murdock Helms

Location;; Coffee Shop/Tags;; Mina

His sobs were as quiet as a heart that ceased to beat. He was terrified to be seen like this, he had his tears beaten out of him when he was only ten.
He kept his head down, the light casting its shadow onto his eyes, yet his teardrops still glistened through the dark. It had never been okay to cry before, every person who lived among the streets knew that by heart. He didn't want her to touch him but did nothing to reject her touch. She lifted his head up, he wanted to push her away and wait until his face was no longer red and swollen, so she didn't have to see him like this.
Yet he noticed.
She didn't care.
She saw the beauty in him at his worst.
he looked at her, removing her hand gently from his face. Instead, he held it, linking his hand with hers.
"I'm not afraid of you." His voice shook like an unstable leaf in the wind. He let four or five shaky breaths before calming down, unsure of why his terrible brother had brought such a great impact on him. They were close, yet he still treated him like nobody. He couldn't explain their confusing relationship. A part of him was thankful he passed on.
Then she squeezed his hand, drawing his attention to the glass window. It was snowing, the glistening white flakes glowing in the light shining from the tall lampposts. He watched her reaction to it, a goofy grin brought on her delicate face, the burst of silliness making him grin.
She made him forget the side that loved his brother, his tears ceasing when he saw her smile. In fact, he forgot about everything in that brief moment, she was the only one he saw right then.
He opened his mouth, letting out a laugh. But instead, he choked, a pained expression suddenly painted on his face as he coughed abruptly. He curled his arm around over the source of the coughing. "Ugh." he cackled, swallowing in hopes of drowning the terrible feeling in his throat. It eased away slowly with each cough.
"I hate snow, you kidding?" Murdock couldn't help but chuckle through his coughs, making him sound almost like a dying animal. Snow was obnoxious, cold, and messy. He hated how it would stick to his shoes, freezing his feet inside. He hated numbness, and the bitter sting of ice on his face and hands.
"Let's leave, get up." He wheezed, smiling jokingly.
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby _WolfS_BanE_101_ » Mon Apr 16, 2018 5:39 pm

Sophie Lightninghouse

| Tags; Open | Female |
Cat Shifter (but with cat ears and tail) | 17|

Sophie lay under a tree in her cat form. She watched as the snowflakes flew around her and wondered what it would feel like being able to control it. As she stood up and stretched a snowflake fell in her nose causing her to shiver with a small but somehow delightful cold. Still in her cat form she decided to chase after some snowflakes.
Not very soon after she got tired from the chasing and returned to her tree. Climbing to one of the highest branches still covered by the leaves on her evergreen tree she shifted back into her Cat Hybrid form and put her clothes on. She then proceded to climb down stopping at one of the lowest branches to enjoy the view.
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby SabrinaB » Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:33 pm

Thomas X
Male, 22
Panther hybrid
Hidden tail, panther legs
Tags: Echo
For a moment Thomas was a little confused. Why woudn't he be a hybrid? Everyone in this academy was. He just wasn't used to show it.
He felt stupid that he lost control over his tail for a few seconds. Last time that happened someone grabbed it and his former friends made fun of him for a while. And gosh, did it hurt when they pulled his tail like that...
"Yeah, I am. I'm just not comfortable showing it yet."
He slowly let his tail lose grip of his waist, showing it.
Before he could say anything else he noticed her eyes and teeth changed. She was a feline mutant too! What kind? Lion? Tiger? Perhaps a panther too?
"Your eyes look lovely like this..." he said.
He looked at the papers agai, trying to snap out of the moment before they talked about mutations for hours.
"I'll show you your dorm, we can continue this talk later, once you've dropped off your stuff. Shall I help you carry something?"
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby Teardrops » Tue Apr 17, 2018 6:46 am

{Mina Ramone} Tags;; {Murdock} Location;; {Coffee Shop}

His tears made her heart break. She didn’t like to see anyone in pain. She wished she could rid him of it, but she knew she couldn’t. Seeing him cry almost made her shed a tear.
”Whatever you’re thinking about, it’s okay now.”
She whispered to him as she felt their fingers lock together. Her focus was completely on him. And she felt a weight lift off her chest then. He hadn’t feared her, not at all. She had gone her entire life believing that she was wicked, and that she would be better off living her life alone. But he came around and changed everything.

Her attention drew back to the snow outside. She had never been so excited for it before. And he had agreed that the snow was bitter, but yet he still said yes to going. He must have been doing it for her. Their hands were still clasped together as she rose from the booth. The giddyness she felt was uncontrollable. She just wanted to get outside. She pushed the glass door open softly and sighed, a cloud of mist forming from her mouth. She was cold but she didn’t care. She stepped out into the soft snow and felt snowflakes cling to her hair. It all felt so magical now compared to what it was like before, while she was living on the streets. Here, it was peaceful.
She tugged at his hand with a smile, nodding towards the path ahead that had been lightly sprinkled with the white flakes.
”good thing I didn’t wear heels,”
She laughed to herself and started walking. There was a soft crunch underneath her feet. She looked back to make sure he was following.
”It’s not so bad, right?”
She smiled as the snowflakes hit her pale cheeks. The lamposts illuminated her as she walked. They had been turned on while they were in the coffee shop. She felt more comfortable now in the dark then she had before. Plus, she had Murdock.
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby _WolfS_BanE_101_ » Tue Apr 17, 2018 9:00 am

Sophie Lightninghouse

| Tags; Open | Female | 27 |
Cat Shifter (but her ears and tail won’t go away)

She was watching the cafe when two people came out of the door. One of them seems to be dancing in the snow and the other tried to look like he was enjoying himself. At least that’s what Sophie thought. She shifted instantly and jumped off the tree. She padded up to the girl. She seemed nicer and Sophie was going to rub herself around her legs but decided not to. As she started exploring a campus she came around a few people but didn’t want to interact so she didn’t.
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby Yuroshi » Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:46 am

D R A C O-- W H I T E-open
Draco slowly stepped through the gate that led into the academy- my new home, he reminded himself. He was wearing dark jeans and a blue sweater, and the cold didn't seem to bother him.
My, I'm almost the same color as all of this snow..
Draco didn't smile at the thought, nor did he give any real cue to the fact that he found it amusing, but had anyone been close to him at the time, they would've noticed that his posture seemed to relax, as though he no longer found this place threatening.
Without another moment's pause, the pale teen began to walk forward... though he had no idea where he was going at all. He continued forward a bit, and saw... some people? Hybrids, dummy.
He didn't approach them, as he didn't wish to leave a bad impression, and frankly had nowhere else to go, so Draco simply laid down on the ground, eyes half closed as the snow fell around him. A smile so small it was nearly undetectable pulled at the corner of his mouth as Draco's breathing evened out. Were it not for the flutter of his long eyelashes every few moments, it would've seemed as though the boy had simply gone to sleep.
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby LonelyForestFae » Tue Apr 17, 2018 1:54 pm

Elizabeth (Liz) Northwind | Female |
Hetero | 18 | Fox Shifter | Powers: Pyrokenesis, shifting | Dorm: 6 | Crush: None/Open | Status: Single as heck | Location: Hallways | Mentions: N/A| Tags: May, Hana to Open

She awkwardly tapped her fingers on the table before getting up, away from the table. She felt her ears fall flat to her head under her hoodie in mixed emotions. She didn't want to be rude, but she didn't want to sit in silence all day long.

"I should probably get going. See you around maybe?" She said to the sisters before awkwardly walking off with a short wave. She swirly left the shop with a red face and a sigh.

'This is why you don't interact with others, Liz. It always ends up with you acting like and idiot who can't fit into society, or losing a freind. Luckily, you have no freinds to lose.' She thought as she turned into the school and almost ran to her room. She swung open the dorm door and rushed to her room to find her pets staring at her with large eyes. They wanted to be fed, of course.

The next day, she got up with a dog lying directly on top of her. She pushed the fluffy beast off of her and got ready for the day. Just the normal hoodie and jeans. She stepped outnof the dorm with only the tiniest bit of confidence and looked around. No one. That's was always good.

Without thinking she walked outside and tried to find the nearest bench to just sit and think. She needed a moment to figure out why these stupid things bothered her. She noticed a guy walking near the entrance and just tried to avoid eye contact. She really wanted to just say hi, as she just wanted someone to talk to, but then again, shed had enough mess ups lately. So she just avoided it.
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby Yuroshi » Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:48 pm

D R A C O-- open (sort of Liz Northwind, if I wasn't meant to approach I'm sorry, ignore this)
Draco's eyes snapped open as he felt a shadow pass over him, and he immediately bolted upright. Far above him, a dark blur could be seen. Oblivious to the fact that others were there, Draco let loose a trilling noise, and a wide smile broke out on his face. He put his arms up into the air, and the shadow that was circling suddenly starting to grow in size at an alarming rate. It was diving straight towards him.
As the large bird of prey approached him at a full dive, Draco simply closed his eyes. The bird, now identifiable to anyone around as a strangely colored barn own, silently snapped its wings open at the last second, brushing against Draco's nose with its feathers, before it circled him once, trilling back.
Maybe this won't be so bad... after all, I have Home with me! What could go wrong?
Draco's rare smile continued as his beloved bird began to fly off... until he registered where it was going.
Draco lunged to his feet, resisting the urge to sprint after his unavoidably social bird, lest he scare the person his owl seemed intent on going to see. With a worried expression, Draco began to slowly move towards the girl on the bench, though he was quite far off. He knew that his pet wasn't supposed to be out, but surely it would be okay for now, right? It wasn't like he even had a dorm room yet!

Meanwhile, Home, the melanistic barn owl, had reached the girl on the bench, and silently landed beside her. He understood that she was distraught, as his master seemed this way sometime, and hoped to do something. He gently trilled at the girl, nodding his head and body up and down in the way that always made his master happy. Of course, this trill was rather quiet indeed, as a barn owl's normal hoot sounds more like a scream than a regular owl's call.

(OOC: I hope it's okay to involve Home here, Draco hasn't been to his dorm to put him there yet, so hopefully it's not too much of a problem)
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