♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Closing Down

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby doc . » Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:37 pm

A R I S T I D ExxxL A F L E U R
──────────── [ " That was unfortunate. " ] ──
He/Him _ Cecaelia _ Form _ _ 20 _ Bisexual _
Tags: Pheren


He could feel his heart swelling, something he had never felt before. It was so warm, perhaps she was the one? He was never this nice to anyone else to anyone in the world. Sad how she never was able to celebrate her birthday, he'd have to fix that somehow.
"Well zen.. I will 'ave to make your upcoming birthday ze best you'll ever 'ave."
He grinned and felt like giving her the entire world, anything she wanted just to see her smile.. that beautiful smile. The frenchman was gushing now as he stole another kiss from her cheek.
"If you want me over, we could go out? I know a wonderful place to take you for a birthday meal for dinner.."
Things were falling into place now, he lifted his chin a little and grinned almost mischievously as he planned out everything they'd do in his head. In the morning he'd surprise her with the gift, the afternoon, a bike ride through the park and ice cream. Then he'd have a picnic for lunch and hopefully, by dinner they'd get gussied up for the restaurant.
He couldn't wait for this special day, and yet he still had to paint her a picture.
"Don't you worry, ma petite colombe.. I will make sure you 'ave ze best day of your life."
He held her cheek with a thumb and index finger, watching her eyes with such love and passion he pecked the corner of her lips gently before pulling away with a smile.
This man, who's man is this.

K R I S T I A NxxxL U D W I G
──────────────── [ " I vill heal you! " ] ────
He/Him _ Winged Hybrid _ Form _ _ 25 _ Homosexual
Tags: Abel

He breathed in and out before nodding, happy to know that this man was glad to go out with him. It made him happy, and it made him feel like he meant something.
"Oh good.." he purred, pulling the other just a little closer
"I vas hoping you'd say yes."
He hummed and looked over to the horizon, losing himself just a little. A hand moved to rub his cheek as he nodded
"Kristian.. you fool.." he seethed. He actually meant something.. to someone.
Sniffling softly, the red faced German removed his glasses to clean them.
"Don't mind me.. sorry.. I get too emotional over zese zings.."

J A N ExxxD O E
─────────────────── [ " Oorah " ] ───────
He/Him _ Deer Hybrid _ Form _ _ 22 _ Bicurious
Tags: Allen

He sat there stiffly, and held the other close. It wasn't too uncomfortable and he felt his cheeks slowly heat up while sitting there.
He was speechless and his slow brain was having trouble trying to figure out what to say.
"U-uh.." he breathed before standing in a more comfortable position and slowly lowering his head onto the other's shoulder. He was careful of his antlers but now, they were just hugging.
He sat there for a bit, and closed his eyes.
Never had he felt this way before. It felt nice, and he wanted this moment to last.
"Sorry... maggot..." he grumbled and nuzzled his face deeper into the other's shoulder

T A V I S HxxxD E G R O O T
───────────────── [ " Hae at 'em, lads! " ] ─────
He/Him _ Dragon Hybrid _ Form _ _ 25 _ Bisexual
Tags: Rosa

He blinked and sat there watching her. There was literally nothing left to this story, besides the mechanical arm. It wasn't that spooky, he hummed and bit his lip while sitting back.
"Strange.." he said while shrugging and figuring he'd have to come up with another story. There weren't many he knew, but he did know one that was pretty good.
"Ah got one fer ya. It ain't scary, but its sorta gushy."
He too smoothed his.. kilt.. out before crossing his legs like a lady. Good thing he was wearing underwear on under it.
"Its aboot two kiddos.. youngun's in lorv. Ya wanna hear it?"

N I C O L A SxxxC R O W D E R
──────────────── [ " Why would you do that? " ] ────
He/Him _ Croc Hybrid _ Form_ 23 _ Pansexual
Tags: Scarlet

He watched the lady come into the water, and he lowered his arms in order to just run them through the water. It was nice to sit in the water again, especially so late at night. Perhaps at some point he'd get back to his dorm, head to bed and dream about all of this and relive all the events again.
This meant he had to make it could.
He grinned and chuckled softly when she spoke, moving to flick water at her.
"Yer in my territory, Sheila.. best ya not get me too wet."
He laughed and moved back a little, ready for anything she had coming to him.
"I'll git ya!"
The aussie was ready to play, and he snickered softly while biting his lip.
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby Fruitywhales » Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:03 pm

Pheren Creedon

Location;; Outside/Tags;; Aristide

She looked to him, her eyes as soft as the fresh buds of spring. She always had that look in her eyes when she was around him.
She giggled at his words, "Don't overwork yourself, please."
He pressed his lips against her cheek, her face turning crimson. She could feel her heart skipping several beats at once.
She just wanted to fall into his arms.
"Every day with you is already the best." She hummed with a smile.
She looked ahead, watching the last drops of the sun melting into the horizon, the clouded sky sending down the same soft snowflakes. They seemed to cease with the sun, the clouds making their way away from the academy.
Suddenly she felt the gentle touch of Aristide, his fingers gently holding her rosey cheeks.
Her eyes drowned at the sight of his soft expression.
He kissed her on the lips for the second time tonight...
Her eyes widened, her tip of her ears burning.
Her hands moved to cover her red stained cheeks.
She slowly looked up, smiling briefly, her wings flexing in a fidgety manner.
"You're so cute." She squeaked, giving in to her hearts desire.
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her soft lips pressing against his.
Holding him in her arms, she sunk into the embrace.
She didn't want to pull away, but withdrew reluctantly, streaks of pink left on her pale face.
She was breathless when her gaze met his as she withdrew.
She was caught in a riptide, her eyes sparkling at him.
Her heart stopped, so this was love?
So this was what she dreamed about, and scribbled into her small pink butterfly sketch book as a child?
It wasn't her drawings, it was reality.
She could still hardly believe this was happening, how she managed to get this far.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." She gave him a nervous grin, her fingers lightly tracing his shirt collar. She was pressed close against him, her wings shielding them from other curious eyes.

Murdock Helms

Location;; Coffee Shop/Tags;; Mina

"I'm sure."
He knew he could never learn how to forgive his unfortunate past. It was what scarred him internally, scars that could never heal to their original state.
Maybe sharing these memories could bring him peace, or mend his scars together.
Or worse, force him to relive the horrors again.
His eyes focused on her, his emerald eyes clear as day.
"I trust you. A bit too much though."
The corners of his mouth curled back into a smile at his honest reply.
He saw her next question coming from a mile away, yet still he wasn't prepared for it.
His hands balled together, resting under his chin.
"It was an astrology book. Something my brother gave to me." The green gem eyes he once had were rusted, dull at the mention of his brother.
He tried explaining, but several times his words would struggle out of his mouth as if they were fighting to pull free.
"I grew up on the streets, mainly in the alleys. They called us Night Crawlers, you know, we were all bat hybrids." He chuckled, clearing his throat.
"Police, those authorities heard we had some dangerous weapons or something along those lines. They swept through the alleys, and took up every bit of defense we had left against other Night Crawlers. Some were able to keep them hidden in books like that."
His eyes lifted.
"We were left for the wolves to feed on." He spoke wistfully, "But Night Crawlers, not a bad name huh?"
He forced himself to chuckle, he was hiding again.
Her words cut deep into a familiar wound.
He knew what she spoke of was fiction.
"Trust me I was terrified when I was out there." He said scornfully, "But showing it can get you killed."
It's what nearly took his life once.
He shuddered when she said he was brave.
She barely knew him.
He was afraid too, had she forgotten? He was afraid of being in this very academy, he couldn't even feel comfort in his own dorm. He wasn't brave enough to even leave it some days.
He opened his mouth as if to protest about what she believed was true about him, but quickly pressed his lips together. He couldn't suck himself down such a dark hole again, not around her.
She didn't deserve to see him like how she saw him on the rooftop.
He wouldn't let it happen again.
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby SabrinaB » Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:40 pm

Thomas X
Male, 22
Panther hybrid
Hidden tail, panther legs
Tags: Echo
Thomas looked at her claws when she showed them. His eyes widened a little. He really didnt see this coming...
Her claws looked really nice, but also very sharp.
"I will make a note not to make you angry," he said. "These would even make Wolverine jealous. They are really nice. Dont they hurt?"
The next moment they were gone. He was very impressed. So impressed that he didnt notice she held out some papers to him. It took him a few seconds to notice.
He shook his head, trying to pull himself together again. He didnt have any cool things to show her. He seemed to be nowmal.
He took her papers and looked through them, till he found the one he needed.
"That dorm isnt too far from here," he said. "Up the stairs and down the hall. Shall I take you there?"
He then noticed he didnt feel his tail around his waist. When he was impressed by her claws he had loosened his tail, letting it go down.
He quickly swung it under his shirt again. There were only hybrids here, but he was so used to being an outcast because of his mutations... He felt better hiding them.
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby Teardrops » Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:06 pm

{Mina Ramone} Tags;; {Murdock} Location;; {Coffee Shop}

She too smiled at his remark. He went from trusting no one, to trusting her too much.
”Too much huh?”
She chuckled and softly gave his side a nudge with her elbow. There was nothing wrong with that, it was better than not trusting her at all. Like he used to.

Her eyes watched him intently as he spoke of the past. She noticed the way his expression changed with every sentence, but he didn’t stop the conversation, so she didn’t ask if he was alright. She only listened. He always talked about his brother. But she hardly knew anything about their connection and if it was positive or not. But she pushed all of her questions down and let him have the spotlight in that moment. And what he said did indeed break her heart like she knew it would. But she wasn’t afraid of anything he said. Instead she felt empathy and sympathy at the same time. Imagining him out there, fending for his life, it made tears snag at the corners of her eyes but she held it all back. For his sake and hers.
”I don’t doubt for a second that you were scared. But you’re so much better at hiding it than me,”
She smiled timidly at herself. While she was on the streets she had done so many things she wasn’t proud of but it was survival. Yet despite everything she was capable of doing, she still felt so small in the darkness.
”I did so many terrible things...yet I dont feel strong at all. I feel more wicked than anything,”
She scoffed then as she brushed her hair off her shoulders. She felt so pathetic. She wasn’t proud of herself, even though she was out of that lonely pit she had called her life. She turned to him, batting away any tears that were trying to surface.
”Were you and your brother close? You always mention him. If you don’t want to get into that I understand.”
She placed her hand gently ontop of his with a warm smile. It would be hard and she understood if he didn’t want to bring that up to the light just yet. There were things that she hadn’t told him either.
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby cocogerber13 » Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:15 pm

Allen "Racer"//cheetah//location: Outside of the school//tags: Jane

Allen held Jane, his own face dusted red once he really realized what they were doing, though once more- he didn’t mind. He hadn’t gotten held much himself, ever really- and now that he had been sent to a place where he could be himself along others like him made him glad. Being there with Jane and the warmth that came with him almost made him choke from happiness, even if the two of them hadn’t met that long ago. The feline-resembling hybrid blinked away tears that he didn’t understand but peered back over to the face buried in his shoulder. Jane’s eyes were closed, but not from lack of wanting to see. Closing his own eyes briefly, a small smile came to Al’s face. “Thank you...” he whispered, his cheetah ears flicking back. His eyes did open again when he heard an apology, and blinking a few times, he mustered up the courage to ask why. “Why are you apologizing..? If anything... I’m the one who fell...”
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby Echo-song » Sat Apr 14, 2018 11:36 am

Echo - Female - Straight - Panther Shifter - Form: Human - Location: Academy - Tags: Thomas - Relationships Status: Single

"Occasionally. Other than that I don't really feel them." she said and raised an eyebrow when Thomas was slow to take the papers. "You good there?" Her gaze quickly darted to a hint of movement more towards the ground. A fluffy black mass twirled near Thomas' shoes and she narrowed her eyes. "What's that?" Echo asked and leaned down to get a closer view. But just as quickly as it had appeared, it vanished again. "You're a hybrid aren't you." the girl commented and gave him a small smile. "I can say that because I'd recognize the fur color and spots anywhere." She allowed her eyes to shift into slits and then formed canines out of her teeth, hinting at the fact that she was a panther shifter. "I mean. I guess you can take me. I don't know." Her social skills were terrible and she wasn't used to actually desiring someone's company.
“𝐼𝓉 𝓂𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒷𝑒 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓉𝓎 𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓈𝓂𝒾𝓁𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓃.”
“𝒩𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓁𝓎 𝒾𝓂𝓅𝑜𝓈𝓈𝒾𝒷𝓁𝑒.”
“𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝒹𝒶𝓎, 𝐼’𝓂 𝑔𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊.”

“𝒜𝓁𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉, 𝒹𝒶𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔.”

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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby Fruitywhales » Sun Apr 15, 2018 8:12 am

Murdock Helms

Location;; Coffee Shop/Tags;; Mina

Murdock smiled slightly at the nudge, he wasn't sure if trusting her was a good thing or not. His head was down while he spoke, his arms resting on the table.
She wasn't wrong, he had been trained to fake emotions as an act of trickery or self defense. He wasn't proud of what he used his skills for in the past.
"Survival takes a lot of gut." He sighed, "I'm not surprised we had to do terrible things to even... make it to the present."
He'd threatened lives, posed as a beggar, and committed other unspeakable things. He knew he didn't have the choice at the time, it was either them or himself. He always chose to save himself.
He looked up, noticing her soft appearance was deceiving for who she claimed she really was.
Not a soul could begin to guess what her past held.
He remained silent for a few moments, before finally answering.
"We were, actually."
He swallowed.
His chest tightened, and then just like that.
He wanted to cry.
The only thing that held him back was her, he couldn't let her see how much of a mess he really was.
Her hand softly brushed on his head, a gentle smile casted towards him.
She cared about him.
The first tears fell, more pummeling after them. The droplets falling onto the table, swirling into the wood.
He sat, hands shakily brought to his face to save himself from embarassment, followed by quiet sniffles. He wanted to melt away, he wanted to run away, rush out of those glass doors and retreat to his dorm.
But he was glued to his seat.
He couldn't get up.
The light that suspended above them showed her every crack of emotion in his face.
It revealed everything.
He always hated the light.
It was impossible to hide from.
Last edited by Fruitywhales on Sun Apr 15, 2018 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby Angered Kitty » Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:35 pm

She felt her ears flicked backwards as he had started to splash water at her, remembering that she had to stay in the shallow water, she spread her fingers out and gently ran them through the water. "Is that a challenge I'm hearing?.." She quickly stood up from the step of the pool where she had been sitting and began to make her way to Nicholas, her long red hair touching the water and her tail looked like a silk scarf in the pool water. Slowly walking towards him to see if she had any advantage, he bit his lip, which she did admit, was rather attractive. Shaking her head slightly, she tilted her head curiously in a persuasive manner smiling widely with her teeth, she saw her advantage and winked while playfully tackling him in the water, trying to knock him over in the water. Her body laid ontop of his, but her innocence was unmatched. She moved the silky, and wet hair from her face and saw that she had knocked him over and was now on top of him with the advantage. Pinning his hands playfully above his head against the wall of the pool interior she tickled his upper chest with her right hand and annouced outloud. "Give in and you might survive this tickle attack!"
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Re: ♅ _Academy for the Hybrid_ ♅ ~ Open - Accepting All!

Postby Teardrops » Mon Apr 16, 2018 6:55 am

{Mina Ramone} Tags;; {Murdock} Location;; {Coffee Shop}

Her fingers ran through his hair softly. She could feel the shift in his attitude and she knew that she needed to comfort him. And before she could grasp what was happening, he was crying. But he was trying to hide it from her. She just couldn’t understand why. She drew him in closer to her as she wrapped an arm around him, the other hand holding a finger to his chin so he would look at her.
”Murdock I’m sorry. It’s okay to cry, you don’t have to be afraid of me,”
She smiled to him and wiped away some of the tears that still hung on to his cheeks. When he cried his eyes became an intoxicating green. They were lovely, and she had never paid much mind to them before. He looked to her as if he was questioning her. She assumed it was because of what she had said about surviving.
”I know we had to do those things, but I hope it doesnt determine who I am now. I don’t want anyone to fear me. Especially you,”
She gazed into his eyes as if she could stare into his soul. She wanted him to feel her words so she could get an authentic response back. She took her finger away from his chin and sighed. Her chest felt squeezed. No matter how good she made herself out to be now, her bad memories always came back to haunt her and made her feel evil.
”We can leave here if you want, walk somewhere else or just go back,”
She smiled softly to him and curled her hair in her fingers. She looked over to the glass windows and gasped with a wide smile.
”It’s snowing!”
She gripped his hand and looked to him. He was upset, but she wanted to try and make him feel better as much as she could.
”Do you like the snow?”
She asked happily. She hadn’t been out in the snow in forever. While she was living on her own she did everything she could to avoid it. It was cold and unwelcoming. But now they were here, and they were safe, and maybe the snow could be better this time.
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