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Re: Create A Bio! (2017 December Griffons! +More!)

Postby artistacat » Sat Apr 07, 2018 3:36 pm

Username: Artistacat
Which Griffon are you Creating a Bio for?: Prism
*Click* Hiya! I'm prism! *wait is this recording?* *I'm not sure* Hello? *okay I think it's recording now* Hiya! I'm prism and I found this recording device and am going to tell you a bit about myself on it! Okay so first of all my favourite colour is pale blue and I'm 1 year and 12 sunrises! I like making stories and telling stories so I'm gonna be telling you stories about me! So the day I was born was the longest day of the year and it was quite bright and sunny, well... that's what my mum says. My dad says that it was the longest day of the year was it wasn't unusally sunny or bright. Anyways... when I was about 10 sunrises old I finally realised I had wings and tried to fly but only succeeded in grazing my beak. *Prism! Time to Go!* I've got to go now. Don't worry I'll be back! *Click*

*Click* Okay! I'm back! I'm now about a year old and can fly a little bit now! For some reason all the other griffins my age are bigger than me, but I'll grow I know I will! There's one other griffin my age who is like me though.. Her name is Kira and she has the same birthday as me. She doesn't think that I'll grow but I know I will! *what?* Oh. I've got to go now *click*

*Click* apparently this is something called an autobiography. Oh and I met a dragon today! He's really awesome - his name's Taileai and he's red and orange. He's got amazing scales that shimmer in the sun! I also showed Kira my recording device! She's here now! *Kira! come and talk to the recording device! I don't want to! Please... NO!!* Nevermind, she doesn't want talk. Bye *Click*

*Click* Today i'll tell you about my mum and dad. So my mum is a pale pink and is called petal, she always looks on the bright side of things! My dad is called Dusk and is blue and yellow, he tries to always tell the truth! I love them both! They are amazing parents! *Click*

*Click* Apparently I have Peter Pan Syndrome... which means that I'll never grow up! Kira was right! But I guess there are advantages to it.. Anyways... Thanks for listening to my story... I hope you enjoyed it!!

Extra: Thanks!!!
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Re: Create A Bio! (2017 December Griffons! +More!)

Postby PICKLEBOB » Sun Apr 08, 2018 1:47 am

Griffin: Sakura
Bio: Sakura is a princess, and daughter of a famous Japanese king, though she doesn’t know herself. She had always been raised by her adoptive mom, ever since Sakura was found by her in the woods. Sakura’s adoptive mom had picked her up, and there was a letter in the bundle. The letter explained of Sakura’s identity, and how she herself must never know since it could bring her danger. The reason why Sakura was left in the Woods, was because someone named Ki and his followers, were focused on killing all the royal females in the kingdom, ever since Sakura’s mom had killed Ki’s son when she got attacked by him.

Her adoptive mom was a nurse, and being so, Sakura was inspired by her to always help others. As she was also a princess, she obtained the following aspects: Brilliance, beauty, kindness, and courage. She had a good sense of what was right and wrong, and was a great negotiator for the kids her mom treated. But Sakura lacked in her self esteem, and because of this her greatest talent is often wasted. Her singing voice was what was most attractive about her, but she only sang when she was with the children, or by herself. Often when she sang, it was like how fairytales explained the event, many animals, big and small would always follow her voice to see where she is. Weird things also happened when she sang. She found that she could often make things happen without doing it, simply by thinking, but Sakura doesn’t believe in magic and would quickly stop singing if she finds these things happening.

Sakura had never wandered beyond there village and into their woods before, because her adoptive mother had warned her if the dangers. (There actually wasn’t any danger, but in the woods, there is a magic well, that will always show your true identity.) One day, when Sakura was sixteen, she had wandered into the woods when one of the children griffins had dropped his toy, and it had rolled away. She soon got lost and when she found a path, it didn’t lead to the outside but to a well. When she peered down she discovered the water was full to the brim. Her reflection was a beautiful griffin (she didn’t think she was beautiful herself), with a pale pink body, her wings slowing leading into a solid hot pink. She had soft feathers around the base of her neck, and a pair of deep blue eyes. But there was more to her reflection. There was a tiara on her head, and there were two other griffins behind her. One with sharp yellow eyes, with a trial of red and orange down his back. This griffin was wearing a golden crown. The other was wearing a tiara like Sakura’s, with gentle eyes, and a purely white body.
Sakura didn’t understand any of it, and when she rubbed her eyes and looked again, the two other griffins had dissapeared.

When night came, Sakura had found her way home. She told her adoptive mom of what she had seen, and soon her adoptive mom, realized it was time to tell her the truth. When Sakura heard, she was determined to find her parents and stop Ki and his follower. She set on an adventure back to her kingdom, and met a griffin called Yuuto. The two quickly become close friends. But Sakura did not know that Yuuto was actually a follower of Ki, set as a trap to bring Sakura to him. Yuuto however, had got to know Sakura, and she wasn’t like how Ki had described her. She wasn’t mean, or dangerous, and more kind than anyone he knew. Yuuto instead told Sakura of his hidden identity, and they had another mission: To bring the royals and Ki together to prevent any more killing.

During their time together, the two eventually fell in love, and made them even more set on bring everyone together. To help create peace and love to replace hatred and fear. But when Ki heard word if Yuuto’s betrayal, he sent assasinators to them. The assasinotors were able to hurt Yuuto severely, and he became very weak because of blood loss. It was clear that he couldn’t live much longer.

Sakura, driven by grief, started singing. The King and Queen were close by, as Sakura and Yuuto were near the castle. Ki also came, when he heard that Yuuto was near the kingdom. Sakura continued singing, and soon the sky was filled with birds, the area around with animals. But then something amazing happened. As Sakura’s singing continued, Yuuto’s body spiraled slowly into the air in a golden glow. His cut on his wing started to mend, and when the glow had finally settled down, Yuuto was healthy again. This act of love made the King and Queen and Ki, realized that all they had ever done was to bring people apart. They decided to not go into war anymore, and like that, Sakura and Yuuto remained together.

Everything was peaceful once more.....

Extra: sorry that I made it so long. It was fun :) thank you very very much and good luck to everyone else!
Don’t give up on your dreams.

Keep sleeping.
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Re: Create A Bio! (2017 December Griffons! +More!)

Postby CookieJarMarshmellow » Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:48 pm

Username: CookieJarMarshmellow
Which Griffon are you Creating a Bio for?: Prism
Bio: Prism was born in a magical land full of magical creatures. She had the same beautiful sky blue eyes and stunning rainbow wings accompanied by a soft sheet of white as the rest of her family, but she didn't have any powers. Her family thought of her as a disappointment and left her when she was 5. Alone and scared, Prism flew to an abandoned forest where she stayed for the rest of her miserable life, but little did she know that one day her hidden powers would be revealed, stronger and more powerful than all other creatures. She felt like a bit of her heart was missing and joy would never come. Every single night she would sob herself to sleep whispering to herself how useless she was, but aside from that Prism loved to hunt. She had a keen sense of sight, and as soon as she laid her eyes upon you there was no escape. She also loved to pretend things. She imagined she was normal like all the rest of the magical creatures and she was back home with her parents and her sister, but she knew that it would never happen. One day Prism decided to hunt. She saw a squirrel, and the squirrel climbed up a tree. Prism followed it, and it went up a small branch. Prism flew to the branch, but the branch was slowly collapsing under the weight of her and the squirrel. "Snap!" The branch fell and Prism was falling to the ground. Prism landed with a soft thud and looked around her. There was a cushion of pillows. Prism was very confused. She lived by herself, so how could that have happened? Suddenly it hit her. She had POWERS! She flew above the trees, and spotted four other griffons wandering around. Prism landed next to them and she quickly introduced herself. The four also introduced themselves to Prism and she learned that their names were: Vex, Cornell, Sakura and Whisp. Sakura asked her if she was lost, and Prism explained how her family abandoned her and she has lived in the forest ever since. Sakura offered to take care of Prism, and she was as happy as ever! She lived a happy life with Sakura, they hunted together, and Prism thought that her old self was back. The missing part of her heart was now filled with joy and love. She has found a... a.. HOME!

Extra: Thanks so much for the opportunity!!! :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Create A Bio! (2017 December Griffons! +More!)

Postby IvoryDove » Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:05 am

Okay guys four more days until this things closed up for judging! I don't have a date on when winners will be announced but most likely two or so weeks after I close this, mostly because I wanna double check all entries, really read through them, and make sure I missed nobody. I'll get a definite date soon.

Please get your entries edited/entered/done before the end date as I am not extending the time anymore!

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Re: Create A Bio! (2017 December Griffons! +More!)

Postby ƒαηвαѕєρєякαтηαяяу » Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:05 am

Heyo! My name's Charlee and I
have social anxiety when I have
to ask someone a question. So...
♛ Writing ♛ Reading
♛ Drawing ♛ Riordan
♛ Rowling ♛ Dashner ♛
Feel free to PM me! I may not
reply right away, but... patience.
Catch you around CS! :D
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Re: Create A Bio! (2017 December Griffons! +More!)

Postby Piefan » Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:31 am

c o r n e l l
male ✦ adult ✦ writer
created by the gods to remind
mortals of their origins, a gryphon-
shaped construct compiles a book of
their stories.
quiet ✦ awkward ✦ thoughtful ✦
creative ✦ loving ✦ curious
✦ dutiful ✦ reliant on others ✦
quick to learn ✦ focused ✦ likes
music ✦ often stares at the sky ✦
shrugs a lot ✦ loves drawing ✦ prone
to idolisation of others
physical quirks
strange brain structure; not
mentally ill but unusual in many
ways ✦ enhanced multitasking
abilities ✦ dulled claws/talons ✦
fur fluffs up when scared ✦
above-average senses of hearing
and touch ✦ neurologically
incapable of dreaming

The gods had little power over the Earth these days. Cornell didn't understand much of what Sakura had told him about why, her words seeming to blur together even as she said them. They hadn't thought to implant in him much metaphysical knowledge, Prism had told him. Vex's explanation had been simpler, though apparently lacking in nuance: "We can't mess with anything mortal-made."

(There was still curiosity ringing in him, of course, a constant stream of questions whispering within him. But he was a construct, not a person, really, and his purpose was to write, not to learn.)

Here in the forest, the gods' powers were more or less limitless. That was how they'd built the temple, how they kept him fed and safe. He could do that himself too, of course, but Wisp insisted he didn't mind, and Vex seemed to take a guilty glee in eliminating every threat that came near Cornell.

He knew the word for someone like him: spoiled. But he wasn't about to argue with the gods.

He spent his days writing, instead. That was what he was made to do, and that was what he would do. He scribbled stories of the gods in the paper they'd provided with the devotion of a gryphon with little else to care about.


The first thing he ever felt was talons against his feathers.

He wasn't sure how he knew what a talon was; the word simply appeared when he directed his thoughts toward the thing prodding him. The talon withdrew for a moment as he came up with the name, and he felt something: air moving past his shoulders as its owner turned.

Then came sound. Fuzzy, at first: a distant chime was all he could make out for long moments, and he embraced it, drinking in the sensation of hearing. It quickly faded, though, replaced with a vividly distinct voice.

"-not in front of him."

Silence. Something moved from behind him, scraping against the ground with a loud harsh noise. He couldn't classify the whump that came next, but a bird in flight came to mind.

And then he could see.

There was a gryphon hovering in front of him, tiny with wide flaky wings. "Hey!" she said. Her voice was bright, the same as the voice he'd heard earlier, though the disapproving undertone was gone.

"You're probably awfully confused by now," she continued, warm. "You're being really calm, which is good, but. Uh." Her eyes - iridescent, changing each time she moved her head - pulled into a frown. "Wait, can you move?"

Movement. He knew what that was, but not, it seemed, how to do it. He flailed against himself, scrambling to solve this enigma, to will his form to kick out a limb or open its beak, but found nothing.

"Stars. You can't, can you? Hang on. I can fix this, just give me a moment." She fluttered closer to him, placing one talon on his forehead. A moment later he spasmed, unable to stop himself from kicking her hard enough to send her flying as he tumbled to the hard white ground, sending white powdery cubes flying up around him.

The sheer thrill of movement was rivalled only by the panic of having hurt the tiny gryphon. He tried to speak as he lay tangled on the white floor, but he couldn't find the words, now he was the one trying to form them. He struggled to his feet instead, every movement feeling as glacially slow as if he were moving through molasses.

(What were molasses? Why were they the first thing to come to mind?)

"Okay," she said, and he turned to find her no worse for wear, already up and flying as if nothing had happened. "Usually Sakura does this stuff, Goddess of Knowledge and all, but she's busy right now, so that's why I'm here instead! I'm Prism, resident Goddess of Life, and - I'm not sure if you heard him, but Vex was here just a bit ago. God of Destruction, black all over with gold eyes. You're probably really confused right now, wondering who I am and all that, but!"

"Okay," he said, mimicking the first thing Prism had said. It was easier this way, borrowing her words rather than coming up with his own. "Who- I am? Why?"

"Who are you?" It was a question, her way of making sense of his words. He nodded, uncertain. "You're you. I was thinking we could call you Cornell, or something like that, but really that's up to you. Why are you here? I was just gonna get into that! It's a long story, though. Hang on."


"Why are you even worried?" said Vex. "Do you know who I am?"

"We get it, Vex, but killing everything that gets in our way is never going to be the best solution." That was Wisp's voice now, deep and smooth in spite of the annoyance that roiled in it.

"Of course it's not always going to be the best! I never said it was! That's just not the point.

They'd been fighting since he'd returned to the temple, growing bored of staring at the dusk. He hated it when the gods argued; they were always hooked into his mind, meaning he was effectively always privy to their arguments. He didn't want to be. He hated seeing how spiteful they could be at their worst, wished he could always think of them with the warm, kind veneers they'd presented from the start. He loved them, of course - how could he not? - but it was hard

It wasn't like he could stop the gods, though. He focused on his piece of charcoal instead, etching symbols and images into paper. There wasn't any purpose to these doodles, no rhyme or reason to what he was drawing. He just wanted his hands to be moving.

"Cornell," said Sakura. Her voice was filled with the quiet confidence he'd come to expect from her, so often free of the doubts and insecurities that plagued the others.

He'd been blessed with enough multitasking ability to listen in on the argument and talk to Sakura at the same time. It surprised him, though, that she was talking to him; she was usually more an observer than anything else, sitting in the shadows until the time came to shine. Prism was generally the one to strike up conversations with him. "Sakura," he said in acknowledgement. "Where's Prism?"

"Playing around with her powers," she replied. "On a deeper level, trying to avoid listening to these two fight. That's not why I'm talking to you, though. How's the book going?"

The book. More or less the entire purpose for his existence: there'd be more, after this, but he didn't want to think about that. He'd been made to spread belief of the gods, and the compilation of their stories was only one small part of that, but it was the only thing he was interested in, the only thing he could do.

He was a poet, in one sense. A puppet, in another. That was just the way he liked it.

"Well," he said. He still hadn't gotten the hang of speaking, telepathically or aloud, but he didn't need to. The question was more a formality than anything else; Sakura knew just as well as he did how he was doing.

"I'd like to see it," she said.

He frowned, groping around the wooden desk for the scattered sheets of paper on which he'd written the stories. There weren't many of them just yet; he'd existed for less than a week, and half of that time had been spent making sure he knew how to write at all. Laying them side-by-side on the table, he went back to his drawing.

(He still devoted one tenuous part of his mind to listening to Wisp and Vex. He knew they'd want him to be aware of what was going on. What he didn't know was what they were even arguing about anymore.)

Sakura hummed as she read, and the low thrumming melody wound its way into his mind. His pencil strokes matched its rhythm - long winding lines that ended in sharp points, flowing into each other and intertwining. Like noodles, he thought, as if he had any idea what noodles were.

"What's that song?" he asked.

"It's centuries old," she said. "You don't know the language, and it's hard to translate. 'Red Beryl of Battle-Related Hopes', roughly."

"Oh," he said.

They lapsed into a brief silence before Sakura spoke again. "You work fast."

"I don't have much else to do."

"That, yes, but most people take years to hone skills like this. And you wrote it in meter."

So he had.

"It's going to be hard to translate in future, if you want to keep all the double meanings and puns," she said.

He looked over the sheets of paper, taking in the words he'd so carefully laboured over. He hadn't considered how other languages might render his efforts pointless, hadn't thought at all about what would happen after he finished writing this.

"It's fine," she added after a long silence. "Focus on the present, for now. Most people around here speak Avis, and you can just read it aloud to those who don't."

He shrugged - a gesture he'd found exceedingly useful when he wasn't sure what else to say - and continued drawing.


"Wisp!" called Prism. "Come on! We're all waiting for you."

"I'm coming, I'm coming," said Wisp. "Calm down."

He wasn't graceful, exactly, but there was something deliberate about the way he moved, even running. He fluttered up to sit next to Prism on the pure white ridge above the others, spreading his wide blue wings as he looked over the horizon.

Cornell was still utterly bewildered as to what was going on around him, but he'd discovered one thing: he was a fast learner. Prism had explained all that she could while they'd waited. They were on the Astral Plane, the only entities capable of accessing it, but he'd leave soon, for reasons not entirely clear. She'd held on to an irritating amount of information, insisting on letting Wisp tell the story.

"He's way better at this than I am, trust me," said Prism now, gliding down to stand beside Cornell. "He has a really nice voice, and he's great at explaining things. He's the best storyteller I know."

"The only storyteller you know," said Wisp, putting a paw to his chest, "but I'll accept the compliment all the same."

Prism opened her mouth in protest, but Wisp raised a hand to stop her. "Ah-ah-ah!" he said, wagging a finger at her. "Please, stay silent until the end of the concert."

Prism burst into giggles as she stepped back, and apparently catching something in Cornell's face, Vex grinned. "He was worse way back when, if you can believe it," whispered Vex. "He copies this stuff from the mortals."

Cornell looked at him for a brief moment before, breaking eye contact, he looked back up at Wisp.

With some pomp he dove into the tale of the gods, beginning from the very moment Wisp, God of Creation, was born and winding to the creation of Sakura and Vex and at last Prism. He gestured as he spoke, his voice wavering high and low, loud and soft to fit the mood of the story. Sakura piped up a few times to correct some embellishment or falsehood, which Cornell quickly noted and absorbed, but for the most part he simply listened in captivated silence. Prism was doing the same, he noticed, for all she must have heard this before; Sakura and Vex seemed distant, meanwhile, unconcerned with the story.

The story continued past that, though, shifting gradually from an almost dreamlike sense of wonder to something darker, Wisp's voice tinged with melancholy as he spoke. Their creations moved on like chicks leaving the nest. They didn't need the gods anymore, could fend and care for themselves, and they forgot how helpful they'd been, forgot how they'd once been needed.

"But that," said Wisp, flying down to stand in front of Cornell, "is where you come in." He looked at Cornell, his gaze burning with hope so bright that it seemed to physically sting Cornell, knowing that this was why he was here, the culmination of millennia's hopes and dreams. To mess up was to crush all of those.

"Wisp," said Sakura.

He glanced at her, then, remembering himself, he relaxed, his gaze softening into playful melodrama, his voice losing its edge as he backed off.

"Now, now," he said. "No need to be alarmed by my display of passion."


"You're going today?" asked Sakura.


It wasn't right to say that Cornell didn't have a choice. He always had a choice, had never really been pushed into anything. It was fairer to say that he just wasn't interested in making a choice. He knew this was what they wanted, and walking to a village looking like someone you might accept a prophecy from couldn't possibly be that hard. He could do this, and so he would.

The book hadn't even been finished yet. He would have liked to stay and keep writing, but he had promises to keep, a duty to fulfil.

"That's great!" said Prism. "I was wondering when you'd start making friends. Your psychology's a lot different from most living things I've made, but I'm thinking loneliness is probably gonna grate on you anyways. I dunno, I haven't done a lot of gryphons. You were kinda based on us, mostly Wisp, and gosh I'm rambling aren't I?"

"Yep," answered Vex, but Cornell could hear the wry grin in his voice. It'd been hard to reconcile his cutting words with his kind devotion, once, but Cornell knew better now. "She's right, though. Sitting around with nobody but us for company can't be good for you."

The gods were all he'd ever need, but he nodded all the same as he stepped out of the temple. The sun had barely risen, the grass still wet under his feet as he moved, his feathers stiff with the cold.

"Wisp?" said Sakura. "You've been quiet."

"Yeah," said Wisp pensively. Cornell padded along the dusty path carved into the grass, cocking his head back to stare at the sky as he listened to the gods. "Just... thinking."

"Wisp, thinking?" joked Vex. "Outrageous."

Wisp laughed, and all at once the energy returned to him, every shred of passivity vanishing from him. "Why, I never!" he said. "I am a budding philosopher; I do nothing but think."

"Oh, really?" said Vex. "It doesn't seem like it."

"As if you would know anything about that," scoffed Wisp.

Prism made a noise, a small silvery peal of surprised laughter. "Oh, gosh," she said. "You guys are mean."

The banter continued, and Cornell looked back. Already the temple was distant, the ornate patterns carved into its exterior just golden swirly blurs. He could feel their power fade as he moved, the air seeming eerily still compared to the barely-perceptible buzz that cloaked the temple. Yet their voices still rang crystal-clear in his mind, their presence suffused into him.

He wasn't alone.
Last edited by Piefan on Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:35 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Create A Bio! (2017 December Griffons! +More!)

Postby bugroot » Wed Apr 11, 2018 12:59 pm

Username: XioZen

Which Griffon are you Creating a Bio for?: Vex! :)

Bio: He'd returned his gaze towards the window, running his fingertips along where the raindrops would travel. If he could roam about on his own, to somewhere new and unfamiliar, he would... You're told as a child, you can do anything. Though as you get older, you realize that the truth wouldn't shine through until you believe you hit gold and realize its pyrite. I myself, love someone that can't break out of his bubble. You can tell when you gaze into his eyes, he's just sitting there, in his beautiful mind, imagining what else could be discovered. What else he could try to do to leap out of his luscious prison, his breathtaking mansion of what if's. Though, why would he ever return a gaze of mine for one of his? I'm his shadow, a reminder of how much brighter he is than I. So, until then, I'll continue to follow him, to watch and admire his beauty. But aha! Don't fret, If I, his loyal shadow hadn't claimed him as mine when he was born, he'd not look as bright as he does today! In a way, I highlight him even more, Because what is light without dark? What is a pinch of happiness without sorrow? Exactly! Nothing and meaningless. Of course I'm taken for granted all the time by other higher up shadows that had claimed Monarchs and dictators. But I matter, and I matter a lot. Though when I let my eyes slowly lid themselves into slumber, I dream that he too, is a shadow. So I can instead of watching him dance solemnly, I can join him and dance as shadows dance against a fire that crackles at night. We both can daze at the shimmering stars and I can for once, feel him. Not just feel him physically, but feel what he feels inside. Let what needs to burst out rupture and appear. His once dark and gloomy complexion, one day, will be painted opaque and glimmers of sparkles will dance along his smirk. But that day won't be soon, so I'll just have to patiently wait for him to leave his present body and become something more, Something... Something new.

Extra: WELL
I hope i'd added some humour ahah
Thanks for the opportunity! I always love doing these!!!!

Edit: I just finished a quick pixel of Vex! I know I could do better, but I just rushed ahah. ':)

http://www.ezimba.com/work/180412C/ezim ... 712600.gif

Last edited by bugroot on Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Bio! (2017 December Griffons! +More!)

Postby millennium. » Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:17 pm


Wisp is a griffon with a heart of gold through and through, his soul gilded with his love of the ocean and all it harbors. To say he is a child of the ocean would be no understatement.


name. Wisp
nicknames. Wispy, Wis
gender. Male
pronouns. he/his.
age. 24.
romantic/sexual orientation. Demiromantic Demisexual.
species. Griffon.
date of birth. August 25.
occupation. Marine Biologist.
living conditions. an adequately sized-apartment.
blood type. B.
spoken languages. english, spanish
myers briggs. ISTJ ( introversion / sensing / thinking / judging )
hogwarts house. Griffyndor.
vice. Wrath.
virtue. Diligence.
enneagram. Type Five, wing six.
basic fear. Being useless, helpless, or incapable.
basic desire. To be capable,competent, and strong.
ilvermony house. horned serpent.


eye color. a cotton candy whirl descent - light azure skies melt into bubblegum pink shores, a symphony of color that accents the color of his fur.

fur. a sandy beach cascade glowing at eventide in the summer season. The top of his fur starts as a choir of bright blues, then descends into gold-tinted sand-shores that appear to be blessed with bright-sunlight ; a beautiful simulacrum of a vibrant beach. His fur is lovingly fluffy, and a pleasure to feel.

other.His paw pads are a keen peachy color, and his claws are a blue that matches with the shades on his fur ; the tips of his aquamarine-sky blue wings are tinted with salmon-pink.


I am a child of the ocean
and the land is my second home.
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Re: Create A Bio! (2017 December Griffons! +More!)

Postby FluffyBirdie » Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:36 pm

ovo may we know the end time?
Eg. 11:59 PST time

because I rush entries

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Re: Create A Bio! (2017 December Griffons! +More!)

Postby IvoryDove » Thu Apr 12, 2018 4:36 am


Exact end time is 7:00 AM (CT)

or 12:00 PM (GMT)
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