Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby *~WolfSoul~* » Fri Dec 29, 2017 12:05 pm

Molten amber met rolling-ocean blue for a pause as Clarence seemed, for a moment, at a loss for words. Saber met his gaze evenly, openly, patiently – his beta seemed taken aback, eyes shining at the head hunter. Saber wasn’t very good at being able to read social situations, but he hoped and felt the sense that Clarence was pleasantly taken aback and that Saber had not gone too far.

Once the Forest beta spoke, Saber relaxed minutely, the dark wolf’s words assuring him that his silence had been a good one. The beta’s praise left a warmth tingling along Saber’s skin and blooming slow in his chest. The hunter felt a gentle pride and an endless swell of gladness that he was able to be helpful to Clarence. Warm eyes stayed trained on the dark wolf, noting briefly the soft shimmer of iridescent blue over the ruffling fur of the beta’s shoulder as his paw sifted idly over the dirt. Saber couldn’t help but notice then that, although his beta seemed grateful, there was an uneasiness there, a stinted feeling – Clarence was struggling with these words, with how to express these emotions. Saber was struck with this little notice in contrast to his own natural response. In reply to both the warmth he felt in his own chest at Clarence’s words, and to the subtle struggle he could see ongoing in his beta, Saber had the natural, easy urge to lean his weight to one side, to let the warm fur of his shoulder brush against the dark, feathered blues of Clarence’s. But he hesitated, worrying that the contact would be too much or too far, or that he might make Clarence – someone already struggling with expressing such emotions – more uncomfortable. Their instincts were not the same – Saber was raised with gentle and playful touch all around him, but his beta, it seemed, had not grown used to such things.

Natural instincts and habits still had Saber swaying slightly, though, as he gave a small but deeply warm smile. “Thank you,” he started sincerely, blinking warmly, “you have it anytime.” He turned his head back towards the middle of camp absently then as he shifted his weight to one side, leaning one shoulder towards Clarence – not touching or brushing, as the hunter reeled in his natural habit just in time, leaving only a hint of warmth passed between them, a mere suggestion of closeness instead of true touch. A mild little chuckle rumbled in his throat, the laziness of the poppy seeds from earlier only enriching the sound, “Though I don’t think I can promise to always be this useful.”

((mmm words are hard rn. i hope i can post for the party soon))
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby The Royal Mirage » Fri Dec 29, 2017 1:36 pm

In his excitement at the possibility of a project to show his usefulness, n'Obi stepped around the kill to Ruby's side, ignoring the fae's instinctual lean back at his nearness as he reached into his rucksack. "Those antlers could be carved into figurines if you like, though I think they'd make fine decorations just on their own - perhaps they could be carved into a shape that could hold other things for you?" he suggested, pulling out his otter totem figure as well as a small bowl, carved from a hunk of wood so that the rings from the tree it came from were easily visible. "It depends on whether you want something decorative, spiritual, or utilitarian - the teeth though, I think those would make for lovely additions to a necklace, or could be sharpened into earrings if you prefer?" N'Obi glanced over at the ruffled fae with a searching look to his golden eyes, scanning her features (distorted as they were from her swollen eye). "You have a very proud figure, I think studs would look good in your ears. And your fur is nice and straight, you could even braid beads into it if you were so inclined."

Lost in artistic inspiration as he was, n'Obi failed to notice the uncomfortable aura rolling off the warrioress in waves. She had just wanted to decorate her den a bit, not dress herself up as the shores wolf in the forest. Each suggestion to dress herself up had her stomach rolling itself tighter, the compliments to her appearance taken instead as a pointed declaration of her misplacement in this pack. "I don't know about all that," she muttered gruffly, letting still-damp bangs fall to cover her eyes, "but it'd be best to ask Saber about it. It's his kill too, I couldn't have taken it down without him." Reminded of Saber, Ruby's eyes lit up. "Right, Saber! He has a necklace already, he might be interested in that sort of thing," she prodded, feeling a light of triumph in her heart as n'Obi's ears pricked with interest, eyes scanning camp almost comically for this wolf he hadn't even met before. She smiled, relieved to have navigated the spotlight onto someone else. "I could introduce you, if you'd like?"

N'Obi couldn't have nodded faster, glad the fae seemed to finally be showing some interest. "Of course, we'll have to consult this Saber fellow. The moose wouldn't be able to rest peacefully if only one of you were making these decisions." At his confirmation, Ruby pointed out a hulking brute sitting with Clarence a ways into camp, his massive figure more reminiscent of a bear than any wolf n'Obi had seen. Yet sure enough, hung about his bulky neck was a simple leather necklace strung with a bear's tooth, the first decoration he'd seen on a wolf in this pack apart from Lilu's ear strap. "Come on then, let's talk to him," he prodded, nudging Ruby as he stood and beckoning her to follow his single-minded determination to meet this second party.

Ruby fidgeted in her spot a moment, sputtering the start of "wait, I didn't mean both of us..." before resigning herself to accompanying this boisterous new packmate, sparing Gemini and the white loner a goodbye glance as she left.

((Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I've started posting my finished character forms in the human rp thread if anyone's interested - I'll be working on the rest of them tonight, so hopefully I can get most, if not all, of them finished and up for you all))
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby Zeena » Sun Dec 31, 2017 8:14 am

(I'll be able to participate now that the holidays are coming to an end, and I'll make a male character sometime this week! ^^)

The greyish female lifted her head eagerly into the air and took a deep breath, flicking her bushy tail behind her to signal her discontent. The subtle scents in the air lingered for a moment before the wind swept them away almost as quickly as they appeared. Zeena breathed out a puff of air promptly through her nose before pausing to study the directions of the wind. Her paws were frozen in place in the dark, earthy soil underneath the cloudy sky as she held her body stiffly to feel every slight movement the wind made brushing through her fur. The trees around her moved elegantly in the breeze as she listened to the noises of the forest, trying to determine who or what was nearby. It had been some time since she last had a meal, apparent by the way her stomach taunted her with growls and grumbles, though perhaps the pack had caught something while she was spending some time on her own. Taking another breath in, she attempted to determine if there was any scent of a fresh kill nearby along with the pack's scent, but the wind had other plans and brought the scent of pine needles and wet soil instead.

It had been a while since she last spoke to anyone, or caught up with what they were doing. Zeena shook her head softly to herself knowing she shouldn't have stayed away for so long. Being a hunter of the pack, it was a responsibility she did not take lightly for there were mouths to feed and her help could have been needed all this time. Clearly she was caught up in the mindset of being a loner once again, always drifting in and out of areas like a ghostly figure. It has been apart of her life for a long time, so getting use to pack life once again would be a challenge. Though of course, a challenge she willingly accepted. Knowing it had been enough time apart, she knew her presence would most likely be appreciated. Zeena breathed out a sigh into the cool breeze, as if she finally was ready to let go of her lone wolf persona. Orienting herself by using the scent of the pack area that whisked and whirled around in the breeze, she twirled around in a quick hop and effortlessly changed gaits into a steady trot.

The cool air brushed faster past her fur as she moved her body rhythmically at a steady pace, pressing her paws lightly into the dirt. The muscles beneath her skin pressed firmly outwards, showing themselves on her legs every time she lifted them off the earthy ground. Her tail bounced gently behind her as she perked her ears and kept her eyes on alert, noticing the changes in the air as the scent of the pack grew stronger. Certain individuals peaked her interest as she continued toward the scent, though her mind would wander when a nearby noise drew her interest. The thrill of the hunt was always playing with her mind as she passed every chattering squirrel high in the tops of the trees, and every well dug out tunnel where the stench of rabbit loomed. It was hard to control her thoughts as she passed areas teeming with potential, but she remained focused as best she could on the area where the scent was strongest of her pack members.

As she got nearer, her tail began to sway back and forth which surprised her of the sudden expression of joy she felt. Perhaps the thought of being nearby those she felt comfortable around was exciting to her after spending so much time on her own. Occasionally running into other loners and travelling with them for a short while did not feel the same as knowing she had a place to belong, and that thought caused her to ponder what feelings she truly had for this group of individuals. Feeling as though her thoughts were a scary place to be caught in, she shook her head vigorously as if to shake herself awake into reality. Zeena slowed as quickly as she began her trot through the forest, walking towards the strong scent so she could catch her breath and take in enough air to calm her racing heart.


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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby -goldleaf- » Fri Feb 09, 2018 10:12 am

Lilu stepped to a shelf, tall ears stirring little dust motes through the dappled lights, and reached tall for a woven bowl. Her light eyes cut back to the young dove as she regained her stance, bowl in paw.

"Oh no, I definitely have something that'll make you grow big and strong." Her eyes flashed with mirth, a gilded brow quirking slightly in incredulity. "I just doubt you'll like the flavor."

Lilu was happy for her knowledge of medicine now compared to when she entered the camp. The skills had somewhat been forced upon her for dire circumstances, but she couldn't think of anything else that she would gain so much enjoyment out of. In truth she couldn't wait to be able to have the privilege of meeting with the other packs during the festival, for she couldn't help but love the opportunity to learn more from other healers.

"Does this pack make you feel like you need to grow up to be big and strong?" Her steps lead her back over the young fae, setting her bowl of dried herb sprigs and small powder jars down beside her. Ever since coming across this pack, Lilu had wondered if there really were other versions of packs. For all experiences she had had were with bands of hunters and gruff warriors. Though, granted, these were mostly tribes of her mothers affiliations. But if what they said of the two other packs was true, she was curious to see how they handled themselves.
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby *~WolfSoul~* » Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:59 am

Skye’s narrow chest was pushed forward proudly in defiance of Lilu’s words of caution – “I can drink it!” she assured quickly, eyes bright. What was a little bitterness after all, exchanged for strength and muscle?

Lilu turned back around to approach Skye then, whose yellowing eyes focused curiously on the bowl of herbs and the little jars that clinked softly as they were set down, even as Lilu’s next words had the pup suddenly keeping her eyes trained down on the supplies in thought rather than curiosity. Flecked irises flitted over the herbs, the little wolf’s lips pursing a bit as she grew quiet. Truthfully, little Skye was hardly old enough to be able to grasp her own inner workings and motivations just yet, but somehow, she sort of felt that the pack wasn’t what made her so eager to become big and strong. Wolves like Saber and Clarence might be glittering models of what she wanted to be, but they didn’t make her feel pressured to be anything in particular.

The pup’s dark nose wrinkled softly in thought as she puzzled. “I dunno…” she mumbled, struggling with her words. One paw swept idly over the floor of the den. Maybe, if she’d just been stronger, she might have been able to force her mother’s attention. If she’d just been stronger she could have kept up with her father as he moved away, instead of falling behind on wobbly legs, only ever seeing his tail and the backs of his hind paws as he moved ahead.

Skye’s throat felt a little stiff, the pup swallowing down a bitter lump. She was too young to understand yet – got confused, the fear of being weak mingling with that strange, hateful distaste she had for femininity and the idea of growing up a certain way. “It doesn’t feel right.” She managed finally with a half shrug of one patchy shoulder, eyes finally lifting to search out Lilu’s gaze.
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby Nellas » Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:58 am

Flecks of silver mica shimmered through his dark, neatly arranged fur like tiny minnows through dusk shores as Blackbird made his way over to the array of tables, his complex winedark gaze skimming across the assorted delicacies and entrees. The scents of scores of various dishes intrigued the delta greatly, though he knew better than to show any resulting gladness on his long-featured face. Instead the delta sculpted his features carefully to show nothing more than a mild intrigue, the slight expression handsome on his face all the same. Stomach protesting faintly with nerves he had done his best to repress, he cast his gaze about instead for the drinks, and found they were being carried around the hall. As they were aware of his higher status, it only took a moment for Blackbird to catch the eye of one of the servers. “Champagne or wine?” the server murmured demurely upon reaching his side.
“Champagne, thank you,” Blackbird replied politely, lifting a fine little glass from the tray, careful not to let even a single dark nail clink against it. The server nodded respectfully, earrings winking with the movement, and continued on their carefully wending way through the hall. The champagne as he sipped it was sweet on his dark lips, and the warmth of the alcohol burned its way down to his empty stomach. The weight of his parent’s expectations felt like stones in the pit of his stomach, so the beta was cautious as he cast an appraising yet ever dignified glance about the hall, attempting to get a feel for the party thus far; who was there already, who they were talking to, and who might be important for Blackbird to talk to. In earlier times, the young wolf may have been daunted by the prospect of such an impressive party, but at this point he was so used to such finery and social obligation it was second nature and all too tempting to ride on automatic. All the same, the music playing sweetly in the background tugged irresistibly at his attention, and Blackbird found himself drifting ever closer to the players almost despite himself.

“You’re certainly never one to miss out on any possible excitement,” Finch returned to the little couturier, his eyes twinkling with the teasing. To this, Katrina merely laughed in a series of bright notes falling into the air, her vibrant eyes shutting briefly with the expression and opening again still undiminished in energy. Privately, he found himself wishing he felt as at such effortless ease as his friend seemed to be. This was, undoubtedly, her element, and usually Finch was comfortable enough in such grand social settings as well; he enjoyed the company of other wolves and the chance to socialize and entertain. But tonight… tonight felt somehow different. To put it straightforwardly, Finch felt nervous- though not quite in a bad way. He knew Anna could tell, because as the three crafters continued their chatting, exchanging light but sincere pleasantries and familiar friendly banter, his sister kept stealing occasional small, furtive glances over to him. He didn’t quite choose to acknowledge her subtle display of concern, because admittedly he couldn’t quite place his shift in energy himself, either. All the crafter knew was that a tangible energy was coursing through his lean dark legs and it made him hard-put to stay in one place.

Anna’s heart was pounding, hard enough that she could feel her pulse thudding in her chest. She wasn’t one usually given to anxiety, but Finch had a different energy than usual, and it was perplexing her. He didn’t seem upset, so much – just different – and it was far easier to lend her thoughts to wondering at the cause of such a shift, than it was for her tempted gaze to linger on the tables of decadent food or groups of intimidatingly beautiful high-ranking wolves. The tables rich with aromatic harvests enticed Anna more than she cared to admit. She envisioned herself biting delicately into a piece of fragrant lamb, roasted mushrooms, and the brie cheese that looked so lovely on the table, and of which Anna and Finch’s family could afford only sporadically. And the desserts… The cheesecake alone had her mouth watering as the rich scent reached her nose from across the room. A flash of guilt disrupted her suddenly. Don’t be greedy, whispered someone else’s voice in her memory.

She was a pup again suddenly, being chastised by a tutor for showing too much excitement. You need to control yourself, Anna, her puphood tutor said sternly, the young dove wilting under his hard gaze. If other wolves see you acting out so foolishly, who knows what they’ll think of you and your family? They’ll think poorly, or worse. Anna’s liquid gaze dropped straight to the ground, her heart burning. It was exceedingly hard to fit into her mind the concept that one was never to show the depths of their emotion in public, as if emotions were something shameful to have. She was struggling to grasp in her mind that what felt intrinsically right to her was supposedly so uncultured and embarrassing. If how she felt and expressed herself naturally was bad and needed to be eradicated, did that make her bad, too?

“Anna?” Finch’s voice shook her out of her reverie. She blinked, the rest of the room coming into focus around her brother’s face. “Are you alright?” Katrina’s bright gaze was fixed on Anna as well, alert and very aware. Anna’s heart ached a little to meet the other fae’s knowing eyes, so guiltily she kept hers trained on Finch, trying not to let her thoughts show on her face.

“Oh, no worries, I’m fine. I was just lost in thought,” she said quickly into the pause, trying to shake her brother’s concern with a little quirk of a smile. This wasn’t the first time she had dealt with such a sense of dissonance as her personality clashed with what was proper, and it wouldn’t be the last; it was surely no use bringing it up if nothing would ever come of such conversation anyways.
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby *~WolfSoul~* » Wed Apr 04, 2018 3:15 am

(I can try to get Abaddon in here somewhere; I think I should wait for Clarence to get a word in before I reply to n'Obi/Ruby with Saber though, unless Nell wants to move along too without a reply?)
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby Nellas » Wed Apr 04, 2018 8:44 am

((I'm working on a Clarence reply right now but I don't mind either way if you post Saber first, I'll just add that on to the reply, so whichever you feel like<3 ))
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby The Royal Mirage » Sun Apr 08, 2018 5:15 pm

((Just two tonight, somehow I was actually feeling inspired for Mel for once - I've got 2 weeks of exams ahead of me, but after that I'm freeee!))

As muted sounds from the party mingled with the cool night breeze, a snowy figure danced through the pack town's empty cobbled streets. Melanie had purposefully arranged her lips into a grin, teeth flashing as she gently pressed her shoulder against the door of one house that appeared unoccupied, smile widening as it gave way. Of course she didn't care that a low life like herself wasn't invited to some posh party, not one bit. For now the nobles left their homes unattended, just right for the spurned thief. She looked around at the gaudy decor and mused to herself: "if I were a pompous snob that left my ostentatiously decorated home unguarded to go to some frivolous party, where would I hide my coins?" A quick look around the main floor wasn't a total waste of time, as she pocketed a couple bottles of admittedly very nice bourbon, along with a jar of honey pickled peaches that simply begged her to take them too. Once upstairs, Melanie located the master bedroom quickly, the large room adorned with expensive rugs and draperies that looked way too expensive to just be for decor. Oh well, they wouldn't miss a plush pelt or two. And then she hit the jackpot - not coins, but jewelry, and some flashy pieces from the looks of it. She located the pieces with the largest gemstones, carefully prying them from their sockets and placing them in her rucksack to be pawned off later. Now where were those coins?

A noise from below distracted the intruder from her search, heart pounding in her chest. Was she not alone? Lime eyes wide as she perked her ears, she could just barely distinguish the mumbling of a brute in the house. Perhaps the home owners had hired a guard after all, and he'd been sleeping on the job. Mel grimaced, looking about shrewdly for another means of escape - it seemed she was out of luck though. Only the window. Giving a silent sigh, she padded over as quietly as she could and pressed her paws to the clear glass pane. It didn't open with the light pressure she applied so, carefully, she threw more of her weight into the push. Her heart stopped as a terrifyingly loud squeak pierced the silence, swearing under her breath. "Is someone there?" she heard from below, followed by pawsteps. There was no time for stealth, pressing as hard as she could and hearing the window scream open. The pawsteps grew closer, a futile "stop right there!" sounding as she slipped out the opening, claws finding purchase in the stone walls as she climbed lithely down.

Echoing cries of "stop, come back! Wait!" sounded out behind her as she slipped through the streets, winding through back alleys until she was sure she wasn't being pursued. There was something special about almost getting caught that made these kinds of ventures all the more thrilling. With her heart still pounding, Mel gave a reckless, wild grin up at the moon, feeling a swelling of accomplishment in her chest.

Opal's eyes trailed over the room full of finely dressed wolves from over the rim of her glass, sipping gingerly as she attempted to feign poised comfort while her heart only seemed to pound incessantly in her chest. Her careful gaze combed over each individual, many of whom she knew quite well, yet none caught her gaze for more than a moment before wine-dark eyes moved on. 'Where,' she wondered, before catching her thoughts. Where, what? What was she wondering 'where' about? In this confusion her orbs answered her mind, catching finally a pelt that was a kaleidoscope of rich hues of brown, so deep and dark and smooth she could almost taste warm molasses on her tongue, feel the pressure of musk so achingly soft against her nose. If her heart had been pounding before, it was fluttering now, unable to control her expression as she took in Finch's figure. Of course she knew he was a handsome brute, but something about him tonight made her tongue feel thick in her mouth, her legs uncharacteristically weak. He wasn't dressed in a flashy manner, but the way his fur laid over his figure seemed to paint him as an entirely different creature. A flashing memory of their embrace burst, unwelcome, into her mind at that moment, recalling the hot shivering waves that had engulfed her then. Blooms of rosy pink spread across her face, encouraged by the alcohol in her system, her face feeling altogether too warm.

She didn't want to look away, but soon enough her reverie was broken, unaware of just how long she'd been staring with such a look on her face. Carefully rearranging her features, Opal finally glanced around Finch and noticed he was with his sister and Katrina. Should she go over and talk to them? She wanted to, they were her friends, yet somehow she couldn't get her paws to move towards them. Nervousness, something she'd never associated with her friends before, clutched unrestrained at her heart, so strange and unfamiliar. Was she afraid to see him, after what seemed like an eternity of searching without even realizing she was searching for him? Or maybe she was afraid of him seeing her, of gazing at her with those honey-sweet eyes and knowing something was different, something had changed. Even Opal wasn't sure just what had changed, how could she possibly explain it? Well, if he didn't know about it, then maybe, just maybe, she could act normal, like nothing was out of the ordinary. Taking deep, calming breaths, Opal attempted to calm herself. 'They're just my friends, it'll be nice to talk to them. I'll ask Katrina how her mother liked the brooch, and catch up with Anna...' Biting her lip and downing the rest of her champagne, Opal placed the empty glass on a table and, by sheer force of will, made her legs move towards the group.
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby The Royal Mirage » Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:08 pm

((Should I be studying? Yeah...))

"So wake me up when it's all over, when I'm wiser and I'm older. All this time I was finding myself, and I didn't know I was lost."

Player name: TRM
Pack: Shores
Name: Belladonna
Age: 3 years
Sex: Female
Scent: Opulence shouldn’t have a scent, should it? Well, Belladonna’s comes pretty close to it, a mixture of floral and fruity tones – lily of the valley and sweet alyssum with dark red cherry and ripe peach – intermingling with underlying piquant notes
Body Type: Long and tall – her legs, her torso, her neck, and her face are all long and slim, a conformation that could easily appear gangly and awkward on another individual. With proper posturing and attitude, Belladonna manages to give off an air of elegance and femininity, despite being taller even than several male members of her pack.
Pelt color: Doted on by her father as his ‘rising sun’, this loving nickname couldn’t describe any better the interplay of deep indigo, warm pink, and bright yellow hues over her coat
Markings: Belladonna is marked with lighter hues of yellow and peach on the inside of her ears, over and lining her eyes, and encompassing her lower legs, with a stellar dappling of light freckles over her body and forehead
Eye Color: Incredibly dark and distinguishable only in direct sunlight, a mysterious interplay of blues and reds that mirror an empty night sky
Other Details: (bangs, scars, earrings, necklaces, whatever) (why did I make her so fancy jfc) The long, wavy hair of her hackles is pulled back away from her face, falling over her neck and part of her back in twisting waves, with her tail flowing much in the same manner – the abnormal length of both features in contrast to the short, velvety fur over her body a feature inherited from her foreign mother. Both are woven with chains strung with blue pearls, like little stars in a dark sky. She prefers rose gold accessories, most notably a pair of rose gold bracers and bands for her hackles that lie closer to her cheeks, as well as floral earrings of rose gold and blue pearl.
Personality: While still young and inexperienced as an alphess, as well a having an overwhelming appreciation for finery, Belladonna is a pragmatic fae who looks at her pack in a methodical, calculating sort of way. Her thoughts and decisions often appear selfish, but are usually made with the interest of the pack in mind. Having been raised the sole daughter of the old alphas, Belladonna is skilled in navigating negotiations and debates, as well as polite conversation for furthering political goals, but her social skills in casual settings are extremely lacking. In this way, she often comes off as a spoiled brat, unaware of why she can’t have what she wants and unsure why others don’t seem to be understanding her intentions. Like most young folks finally operating from out under the influence of their parents, Donna has a yearning to break from traditions and rebel, though she never quite works up the nerve to actually do it. Despite being an adult, she has a lot of growing up to do.
Likes: The beautiful things her packmates create, the reflection light casts over waves, taboos, economics
Dislikes: Other wolves? To some extent, it’s more so that she dislikes the shallow relationships she has to maintain in order to uphold her proper image.
Main Talent: While she may not be able to fully relate with her packmates, Belladonna is skilled in running her pack in a way that the majority are satisfied with.
Weak Point(s) (at least 3): Belladonna is unskilled in areas most other wolves would consider practical – she can’t hunt, fight, or craft very well at all. Having been raised to rule, the idea that she might need to know how to do basic tasks simply wasn’t taken into account, with most of her training as a youngster consisting of negotiations and hobbies that conveyed her rank. She is spoiled and a bit of a ditz, and just can’t seem to connect to others on more than a superficial level.
Fear(s): Obscurity, to be useless and forgotten
Song: Wake me up - Avicii
History: Belladonna’s life since birth hasn’t been all that eventful, having been highly sheltered for the past 3 years before her parents retired and appointed her alphess. But the story of how she came to be born is one of her favourites, having been a preferred bed time story as a pup.
During the rule of alphess Adonia, tensions between the three packs were still only starting to cool down, with allegiances being shaky at best. It was probably the worst time for invasion… which is of course when they were invaded. A scouting band from a pack far beyond the southern camp got it into their minds that they would conquer the shores in the name of their homeland, as there were many impressive practices and products that would benefit their kin. Under all circumstances, it looked like the perfect target – a sitting duck with few warriors and reluctant allies. The leader of the nomads was a brute named Rahmat, and was aided in his invasion by his daughter Sigourney and a collection of their kin.
When tasked with choosing between surrender and death, Adonia devised a plan – she would make an offer to Rahmat. She said to him “if you take this pack by force, my wolves will die before they tell a soul the secrets of our craft. Our traditions will die with us. If that is what you desire then, by all means, this pack is yours. However, if you desire our knowledge to bring back to your home, I will offer it, for a price…” Adonia proposed that her most skilled crafters would teach Rahmut’s kin the arts so carefully cultivated in the shores, if he would give up his daughter to live there for the rest of her life as the mate of Adonia’s son, Cyrus. Only once their mateship was recognized would the shores’ knowledge be taught to Rahmut, as a safety net to ensure they weren’t simply conquered after teaching the invaders what they know.
It wasn’t easy for the pair at first, but eventually they learned to love one another. Despite the escape attempts by Sigourney and the resistance from Cyrus, the two strong-minded wolves began to admire one another. They soon became allies, fighting for their freedom to choose; then friends, supporting one another in this situation they had been forced into. The two eventually agreed to become mates; not only to tie together their two packs, but because they wanted to be together. Rahmut and the rest took the shores’ knowledge back to their homeland, and Sigourney stayed to eventually rule alongside Cyrus.
Desired Rank: ~
Current Rank: Alphess
Crush: None yet
Mate: None yet
Relatives and Pups: Cyrus (father), Sigourney (mother), Adonia (grandmother on father’s side, deceased), Rahmat (grandfather on mother’s side, deceased)
Pic: Image
RP Example: vv

Slipping in through the back door, the sunset fae dripping in finery surveyed the party that just now was picking up into full swing. Gossip, business, and a feeling of festivity rung about the hall, bringing a small smile to the lips of the dawn-hued fae. Dark eyes lined with thick black lashes eventually picked out the silver figure of her beta, holding back her surprise at his unusually formal attire. He was usually so bad, was this a sign Delano was starting to settle into his role here? The idea of the gruff brute eventually bowing to expectations, being tamed.. Belladonna tried to catch his eye, she knew she wasn't supposed to have been able to attend her late grandmothers' celebration. But her meeting with their foreign allies had ended early, and she had to admit she was glad to have come back if only to see such a bizarre sight. Her small smile widened, eyes dancing with girlish glee, before they finally met his viridian and aureate orbs. White fangs flashed a cheeky grin at his confused head tilt - he didn't seem upset she was there, she'd stay and party a while.
Deviantart, Flight Rising, Divided We Stand, WME Challenge
I'm not the babysitter...
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The Royal Mirage
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